15[20:27] <@VoxPVoxD> "It begins... on a dark night. Where a dark man waits. With a dark... purpose." 15[20:28] <@VoxPVoxD> A single rocket goes up, more notable for the noise it gives than the burst of red light. Against the star hanging over Nexus tonight, mere firecrackers won't stand out. 15[20:28] <@VoxPVoxD> And with those words and that sign, the play begins. 15[20:33] <@VoxPVoxD> It's not quite dark yet; the sun is low and heavy in the sky, and the moon rises from the horizon, almost meeting it. Both are outshone by the light that marks the spot where the Emissary died some weeks ago. News of terrible armies from beyond the corners of the world, buffeting against various bulwarks of civilization... a new and spreading dreaming sickness... the turmoil that the city finds itself in without its protector... but here in this amphitheatre at the foot of Sentinel's Hill there's only a pristine and shining calm. [20:33] 14Ah, the classics. 15[20:34] <@VoxPVoxD> An army of Lookshy has taken up residence in the heart of Nexus, led by a dragonlord famous for driving the Realm back a generation ago and crushing a raksha army the night he arrived. [20:35] 14Mmmmmm. All by himself, too. 15[20:35] <@VoxPVoxD> And that dragonlord has requested entertainment. The play is at his behest, and people sit in his box at the top of the amphitheatre, where in ages past a throne might have gone. 15[20:36] <@VoxPVoxD> Most of them, like Nessun Dorma, are foreign. Most of them, like he, have been touched by a greater power and refract it into the world. 15[20:37] <@VoxPVoxD> But the man occupying the dragonlord's attention tonight is a pale young man in fine clothes, without the gleaming armor of the Lookshyan general or the many soldiers and guards in attendance tonight. 15[20:39] <@VoxPVoxD> He elbows Bastian and mutters, "Not bad for short notice. This place isn't so bad." [20:40] Bastian, slouching and closely examining nothing in particular, stiffens at the contact and draws himself up to full height. “Yes.” His voice is hesitant, his speech accented. “Very nice, I am sure.” 15[20:41] <@VoxPVoxD> The others - a mercenary, a blind man and friend of the Dawn Guard, a famous singer, and, to some minor public scandal, the man the Lookshyan army came into the city to hunt - are all sitting in a row behind Dorma, his adjutants, and his personal guest. What's on their minds as the play begins. 15[20:41] <@VoxPVoxD> *? [20:42] 14Work, sadly. Always work. [20:43] 12Keldar's train of thought here is going to depend on what he's heard, or perhaps what he's bothered to commit to memory, about the play in question. What's it called again...? [20:43] 14Something about this city's bees has been bothering Stranger-Visits-Heaven for quite some time now. 15[20:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma snorts. He's an enormous man, called Indomitable, the Rock of Kimauga-- a hero of Lookshy accumulates epithets like a cat's bed accumulates dander. "Relax." [20:45] 5 Gently tapping fingertips on a silk sleeve. Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet... 15[20:46] <@VoxPVoxD> The play's an old classic, "The Cave of Wonders". An adaptation of an old Immaculate morality tale about a cursed treasure trove that leads the intemperate to their doom. Here in Nexus, the play usually contains less condemnation of greed and more swashbuckling. [20:47] 14This city never did have its priorities in order. [20:47] Bastian gives him an annoyed look and opens his mouth as if to say something, but thinks the better of it. After a moment, he extends a hand. “Baron von Hrolfus.” 15[20:48] <@VoxPVoxD> On the other side of Bastian a little man peers over half-spectacles at the dragonlord. He's one of Nessun Dorma's adjutants, an aide-de-camp. Bastian doesn't think he's ever heard the man's name. [20:48] 13The singer, Xia Lan, lounges with practiced calm. It's unusual for her to be in the crowd rather than on the stage, but her days and nights have been full up, lately. It'll be good to spend a night taking in a play. Given the play's title, she's remembering fragments of lyrics that she used to know. "We are filled with riches and wonders, our love keeps the things it finds." That's all that's left. [20:49] 12Well, in that case Keldar's mind is pleasantly blank. He loves this one! The man's dressed casually in cloth and leather, mostly browns and blacks with some green accents, and chewing on a sausage in a bun while he surveys the stage from around Nessun's shoulder. He doesn't have to lean or anything - he made sure to claim a good seat. [20:49] 14Stranger will have busied himself with a tea tray -- and positioned himself so best to overhear as much as possible from the rich seats. [20:50] 5 Xu Sim pauses for a moment as a single mosquito lands on the back of his hand. He watches with detached curiosity as its proboscis pierces his flesh, before snatching it with the utmost care, crushing its wings and depositing it in a fold of his jacket sleeve. [20:51] 14He idly wonders if the doctors studies those later, or uses them as a garnish. 15[20:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma's hand, gauntleted in white jade, could easily crush Bastian's. It's a sign of extensive social practice that it doesn't. "I've heard of you. May I call you captain? A soldier's rank is a brighter badge than a landed title." That's an unusual amount of knowledge, given how provincial Bastian's homeland of Deguo looks to the richer parts of the River Province. He hasn't gotten the respect he's accustomed to back home. [20:53] 5 Of course, once it has been studied, this insect will no doubt be a fine treat for Twice-Refined Princess, the doctor's hideous lapdog. No sense risking his sorcerers blood falling into the wrong hands. [20:54] Bastian looks both surprised and gratified as they shake. “Certainly….general? They value money grubbers more than service in these parts. How do you know of me, if you do not mind me asking?” [20:54] 12The mercenary cuts an impressive figure even reclining with a snack; he's built like the original subjects that plays like these are supposedly written about, just scarred enough for it to look cool and only so poorly groomed as to affect an easygoing and casual air. It might not even be on purpose. If you've spent some time in the city, it's a good bet you've head of Keldar, the [20:54] 12Tiger of Nexus; if you're a warlord, adventurer, speculator in artifacts, or other personage that cares about the flow of jade and the tread of armies then the odds are better still. 15[20:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "'Dragonlord'. I can't recall what rank I match out in the Kingdoms..." [20:56] 14That seems unlikely. 15[20:56] <@VoxPVoxD> The little man on the other side of Bastian: "I believe, sir, that if you were born under the Deyhizi flag, you would answer to Major-General." 15[20:57] <@VoxPVoxD> He's not looking up as he says this; he's absorbed in, of all things, the playbill. [20:58] 14Stranger is actually in the wrong place acousticly to catch that comment; he assumes it came from the...secretary? 15[20:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Servants bring refreshments to the box. Anybody hungry? Anybody drinking? [20:58] 14Was it Dorma who had the secretary? Hmm. [20:58] 4Tea for Stranger-Visits-Heaven. Honey and milk on the side. [20:58] 14Tea for Stranger-Visits-Heaven. Honey and milk on the side. [20:59] Bastian appears more at ease now. He adjusts his fine silk coat and stretches out his legs, turning to look at the man. “Quite correct. You appear remarkably well informed on my little country - I haf not had the pleasure..?” [21:00] 12Keldar'll take more meat and more alcohol. [21:00] "Ah, water infused with rose petals if you please." 5 Xu Sim must seek to balance the humors when confronted with such an action-packed opera, and in the company of such military men. 15[21:01] <@VoxPVoxD> The little man dries his hands on a handkerchief - clammy - and offers one to Bastian. "Bubo Malcavet, my lord. I serve at the pleasure of the Dragonlord." [21:01] 14Stranger glances from the warlord to the doctor. Surely he moves in circles of extremes, these days. [21:04] "Far too much sugar, you know," 5 mutters the Doctor to the Stranger. [21:04] 13Something spiced to drink for Xia Lan. The taste is never the same as it was down south, but it's still something to chase after. [21:04] Bastian curtly waves away a servant approaching him, using the opportunity pretend he hadn’t seen the proferred handshake from a man with the demeanor of a commoner. “Ah. Very good. In what capacity?” [21:05] "Ah, but you catch more flies," 14the blind man replies. "I'll pass any of the juicier ones along." [21:07] "See that you do," 5 remarks Xu as he directs more of his attention to the play below. [21:08] 14These little social gatherings are useful -- a bit of a risk, putting them all together like this; one they will have to take care with as their profile increases in the city -- but they are a bit...structured. [21:08] 14Even the tea is hurried. [21:08] 14Especially the tea is hurried. 15[21:09] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo gracefully retracts his hand. "Oh, this and that. I keep the Dragonlord's schedule. I liaise with other officers and prepare his briefings. That's quite a sunset, no?" He's inclining his head at the horizon, where the sun seems on the verge of setting into the rising moon. "Rare indeed to see such a sky." 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> Without conversation to distract him, Nessun Dorma is eating meat and drinking wine, laughing when the scruffy thief hoodwinks the city militia. Left to his own devices he looks like you imagine Keldar might if he was Chosen. [21:12] 14One the many minor particularities of the Ambassador is that she harbors a dark disdain and mistrust for a man who ends a question asking 'no' when he really means 'yes.' Perhaps it comes from overhearing...whoever this man is...so many times in aggregate. [21:13] 14Not this precise one, of course. But the type is well-known. [21:14] “Yes. It’s too bad the entertainment is…” He grimaces. “For all this city’s wealth and fame, it is culturally rather. Primitive.” [21:14] 14But this lord? This one says what he thinks. [21:15] 14Perhaos a dangerous habit to get into in Nexus. 15[21:16] <@VoxPVoxD> Onstage one of the dance sequences has begun, people leaping and spinning past each other in a simulacrum of combat. Will the guards catch our hero before he escapes...?! [21:16] 14Or any city big enough to warrant his grace. [21:16] "The sky is fairly spectacular. I once had occasion to observe a sunset like this from a rather higher vantage point... Of course, its beauty is somewhat overshadowed by some of the newer celestial, ah, occurrences." [21:16] 12At Bastian's idle comment, Keldar blinks and leans forward in his seat. "Oh, yeah? And where're you from, buddy?" [21:19] 13Xia Lan watches the sequence intensely as the chatter continues. She's seen this play once before, and there's a professional interest in comparing these things. Maybe even references to incorporate... [21:20] Bastian doesn’t like that tone of voice. “That is your business, why?” [21:21] 14And prickly. [21:21] 12Keldar: "Well, I just gotta wonder who it is gets to call Nexus primitive. Sound like a dynast or something." [21:24] 4Stranger: "It is not so bad a thing to be primitive." [21:24] 14Stranger: "It is not so bad a thing to be primitive." [21:25] "Especially given weight with which you must defend culture, once you've claimed it." 14He sips the tea. Excellent. [21:25] “I do not consider the city as a whole primitive, but this…” He waves a hand in the direction of the stage. “The story is bland, the music is perfunctory - I doubt they could even compose a decent fugue. It is not to my taste.” 15[21:25] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo: "Not a patch on the great composers of Deguo." 15[21:26] <@VoxPVoxD> "Do you play, my lord?" [21:26] 13This sequence... No, this isn't right. Xia Lan frowns. "That's - bizarre? They shouldn't be moving like that." [21:27] 14Stranger blows on his cup. "If it is fugues and dirges you miss, stay awhile. I'm sure they're putting productions on the Death of the Emissary together as we speak." [21:27] 12Keldar: "Whaaat? This is a damn classic! Pitch perfect, memorable, jokes funnier each time-" [21:27] “Yes, I haf been instructed in the- i’m sorry? What is bizarre?" [21:28] "What?" 12Keldar turns his attention back to the stage. It look off? [21:28] 13Xia Lan: "That turn, there - it's supposed to carry you through the next movement but instead they just stop, hitch, start again the other way." [21:29] "Perhaps it is a new style?" 5 proposes Xu. [21:30] 14Very slightly, very innoucuously, Stranger-Visits-Heaven moves his cane under the low table in front of him. Just in case. [21:30] von Hrolfus shrugs. “Anyway - as I was saying. Music and choreography aside, the characters do not act in logical ways. They seem to do quite the wrong thing in the wrong situation, merely to advance the plot." [21:32] 13She shakes her head. "No, no, it's not a style, it's - people don't move like that. They can't." [21:32] 12Keldar: "All right, you clearly aren't paying attention. This is really simple. The main guy, right, he starts out a common thief, so obviously he sneaks into the-" [21:33] “-yes, but WHY would the lady of the house play along instead of calling for the guards, as anyone in their right mind would?” [21:36] "No, Xia Lan - you are quite right. These dancers are very clumsy! They are impaired..." 5 Xu trails off for a moment. [21:36] In fact, it rather resembles the late stages of the honey-maze disease, which I have been studying." [21:37] 12Keldar: "Probably she has the hots for him. You saw the daimyo. Plus, the..." 12He pauses. "...all the dancers?" [21:37] 5 And the progression of which Xu has only been able to halt in his own case, worringly enough. [21:37] 14Stranger does not curse aloud, because he has restraint and discipline. But he is no longer smiling. [21:39] 14And he is standing now. [21:39] "The male lead, and one of the backup dancers." [21:40] von Hrolfus is frowning now too. “I assumed they were just bad." [21:40] "Ah, you," 5 The Doctor's words fail him for once addressing Boba - 0 "Do you suppose we could arrange a backstage visit after the performance? It is most worrying. I do not want to cause a panic here in the amphitheatre, you understand." [21:40] pls dont use white color font [21:40] 13Xia Lan: "If they were doing it on purpose, it would be very impressive, actually." 15[21:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo's doodling on the back of his playbill. "Circumstances permitting, certainly." [21:43] 12Keldar: "Is it contagious?" [21:43] 14Everything is becoming contagious in this city. [21:50] "I cannot answer for certain. But." 5 Xu Sim takes a deep breath. [21:52] "The initial contraction of the disease takes place after consuming the tainted honey produced by the strange honeybees - many people, apparently, have begun to do so, including in the high artistic community of the city - primitive or not. It is not contagious between people at this stage. However, as the disease progresses, the subject loses the ability to distinguish between the waking... [21:52] ...and dreaming world." [21:53] "It is my belief that, if the disease were to progress to the ultimate stage, it could completely sever the dreaming mind from its physical body. If that were to come to pass, it would no doubt be supremely contagious." 5 Xu Sim nods to himself. 15[21:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Nessun Dorma: "That's preposterous." 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> "A disease driving the mind from the body. Honestly. Novak should've seen you for a fool." [21:54] 12Keldar: "How's it get more contagious after killing you? What part's even contagious, the body or the ghost?" [21:54] 5 Xu bristles mightily at this insult. [21:56] “Why would anyone partake of this honey knowing the side effects?" [21:56] "While I would not presume, Dragonlord, to hold court on matters of war or statecraft to you - as a sorcerer, physician, and philosopher I can assure you that it is not preposterous in the slightest." [21:58] "I believe these dancers before us are the most advanced cases I have seen. The honeybees and their honey-mazeare a product of sorcery - I suspect they may be mutants of the Wyld, and fear to consider that they could have been purposefully unleashed." 15[21:59] <@VoxPVoxD> "Purposefully? To what end?" 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Onstage, the next aria begins. The princess on a balcony, looking up at the sky. She's singing about the pain and indignity of her father betrothing her to a man she doesn't love. [22:00] "All I can offer is conjecture. But dreams, mutants, and sorcery - it is known that the Raksha make use of such tools. Perhaps it is only a coincidence that a magical disease afflcting the dreaming mind should affect this city, considering-" 5 Xu Sim gestures to the heavens and the great sickly star. 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Or, wait. She's supposed to be. Keldar's seen this play before, over and over. She's fucking up the song! [22:00] “Considering?" [22:01] 5 Xu Sim glances to his companions, then the Dragonlord, before answering the question. 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Do you recall how we came to that place? 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> and sang of their lightness and shapeful disgrace? 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> They tilted their vanes; they ennobled their spires; 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> they began at the rivers when they set the fires. [22:02] 5 Xu leaps to his feet. [22:03] 14Annoying. [22:03] "Dragonlord, this performance must end immediately and the people in attendance evacuated so I may examine the performers. Immediately." [22:03] 14Once again, we are constrained by station and luck. [22:03] “That bad eh?" [22:04] "Worse," 14said Stranger. "Almost certainly worse." [22:05] 12Keldar's also on his feet, and he's grabbed the straight sword that'd been leaning against his chair; now he holds it reversed, by the scabbard. "They're completely fucking it up! I'm seconding the doctor." [22:06] 14Stranger turns smoothly and perfunctorily taps his cane as he strides over to the group huddle. [22:07] 4von Hrolfus slowly gets to his feet. He stays at ease, but his hand hovers over his scabbard. [22:07] "Stranger, I apologize for the slight toyour sight before. But you must persuade the Dragonlord to allow me to examine the performers - the words they are singing are part of the visions carried by the disease." [22:08] “Perhaps I could be of assistance? As one military man to another.." [22:08] "One of you - of course he doesn't trust me, I would never expect him to. But surely one of you can appeal to him?" [22:09] 13The singer rises, paired hook swords clanking against one another as she stands. Irritating, yet soon to be a comfort. [22:09] 14Stranger nods as he moves past it, towards the Dorma. "Dragonlord, a moment of your time." 15[22:13] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma's in a visibly foul mood now. Still, whatever courtly training they give to the princes of Lookshy prevails over his temper. "Sit, please. If I stand there'll be a panic." [22:14] 5 Xu Sim grants the concession, and adopts the furthest edge of his seat. [22:15] "We have met before, I believe, on a very inauspicious night. I am Stranger-Visits-Heaven, and in some of my time, I act as a mediator and community fixture in Floodwater. I come to you on this not because I know this Xu Sim, and not because I particularly trust him or find him savory, with the dog. But when he speaks of the work he has done with this sickness, he speaks to something [22:15] the people of Floodwater find intimately, newly familiar." [22:21] 14Stranger: "Since we are both men who have seen our own measure I'll be perfectly frank. Treading an uncareful path in this moment will lead to discord, an increase is the public disorder, and a number of deaths besides. This is a moment for active and wise leadership -- and there are many ways to act in accordance with wisdom and with your station that do not require the sword. [22:21] Those moments where you do not act with your sword, indeed, define the times that you do." [22:21] "I would request you clear this area." 15[22:31] <@VoxPVoxD> Nessun Dorma scowls beneath his helmet. But he stands. "So be it. I don't trust that man, but to invite doubt is to dance with death. BUBO! I need-" He looks around. The aide is nowhere to be seen. "Oh, I sent Bubo away earlier. My mistake. I'd forgotten." He presses a hand to the gem set into his breastplate, and his voice echoes around the amphitheatre without him needing to break his calm or raise his voice. "Attention, attention. We need the audience to clear the theatre in an orderly fashion. My men at the exits will help people out. There's no cause for alarm but we must act promptly. Single file." [22:31] 14... [22:31] 14... [22:32] 14One supposes he must have sent him away. [22:32] 14A curious one, that secretary. No matter. [22:32] 4von Hrolfus: “That is that, then.” 4He performs a short bow. 1“I shall take your leave, dragonlord." [22:34] 5 Xu rises and acknowledges Stranger and Dorma - in that order - before clambering down towards the performers. 15[22:34] <@VoxPVoxD> There was already some attention being paid to the commotion in the box, and there's a spike of anxiety in the crowd but as the giant Dorma descends to help people leave, people are calm enough to not to panic or stampede. [22:35] 12Keldar shifts his stance a little, glancing around as the crowd begins to disperse and the stage is locked down. Strictly speaking, that's it for the night... but he should probably stick around just in case. Just in case he gets a better chance to quietly show Dorma up, that is. 15[22:35] <@VoxPVoxD> As the crowd filters out, one figure stands out, letting people walk past him without moving, just looking up at the box placidly. Nobody recognizes him. Nobody but Bastian. [22:35] 12So it is that Keldar makes his way down out of the VIP box - possibly by flipping over the siding and sliding down on a handy rope or some such - to follow Xu Sim to the stage. 15[22:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Dark of hair and eye. A thin scar tracing an old dueling wound. [22:36] 14Stranger moves to follow the Doctor, though he's in no rush -- his main work here has been done, and he can afford to watch and wait. [22:37] 4von Hrolfus turns to leave, but something makes take one last look down at the crowd making their way out below. The man not moving stands out immediately, and von Hrolfus freezes momentarily, shocked. What in the world could he be doing here? [22:38] 4He makes his way to the edge of the balcony and waves to catch his attention. “Karl!” 15[22:38] <@VoxPVoxD> He waves up at Bastian, a single short sweep of his hand. He's smiling. "Bastian!" [22:38] 13Xia Lan follows the rest down towards the stage. Cool, calm, collected. Not showing the nerves she's feeling, after the doctor's description of the dancers' disease. But ready for anything. [22:39] "Bravo, bravo, a fine performance. I am a doctor and I need to speak to each of you, if you please. As the Dragonlord indicated, there's no cause for alarm but it is quite important." 5 Xu is putting on the bedside manner he possesses. It's not stilted, exactly, but he's not quite a paragon of charm either - perhaps eccentric enough to be convincing. [22:41] 4There’s nothing more graceless than conversing by shouting over a long distance. Indicating for Karl to stay where he is, von Hrolfus hurriedly exists the box and makes his way down to greet his old comrade. “What in the world are you doing here?" 15[22:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim moves among the dancers, who mostly recoil from him... except one he recognizes, one of the backup dancers, a girl from Floodwater. "He's a real doctor," she insists. "He is!" she repeats when people look askance at her. 15[22:41] <@VoxPVoxD> It looks like Xu Sim has the cast's cooperation. What's his plan? [22:43] 5 First, to determine who among the cast is afflicted and who can be - at least temporarily - dismissed. Second, to determine whose cases are worst and how bad they truly are. Finally: heal them. 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> von Hauwitz puts a hand over his heart. The hand is bandaged. "This and that. I don't care for this city." He looks around, breathing through his mouth. "It's so filthy and ugly, don't you agree?" [22:44] 5 If necessary, quarantine them for further treatment. [22:45] 5 For assistance, and to make sure nobody bolts, he deputizes Xia Lan and Keldar as nurses. [22:45] 13While she has no actual medical training, Xia Lan can at least convince people to stick around. That's basically what a nurse is, right? 15[22:46] <@VoxPVoxD> What do Keldar and Xia Lan do when, as Xu Sim approaches, somebody tries to bolt? [22:46] 4von Hrolfus looks at him quizzically. That was an uncharacteristically evasive answer to a direct question. 1“I would watch carefully my words here. The natives take offense to the slightest criticism. By what do you mean, ‘this and that’?” [22:47] 12Keldar's all "Now hang on a minute, buddy," 12when Xu Sim asks him to start schlepping bandages around, but the mercenary's all business once he's done with the preliminary grumbling. He has some inkling of how serious this plague is, after all, and it's not like deadly diseases of supernatural provenance don't command the attention of every- hey! 15[22:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian's starting to feel a little off. Was there something wrong with his supper? He feels like he's got heartburn. [22:47] Keldar: "Hey!" 12He bolts right after the bolter. [22:48] 12If the guy doesn't stop immediately, he's getting grabbed by the arm at best and tackled at worst. [22:48] 13Whoops. Xia Lan will attempt to get in the fleeing patient's way if she can. "It'll be just a moment, okay? We've just got to figure this out." [22:49] 4von Hrolfus coughs and takes a deep breath, rubbing his chest slightly.  [22:49] "Please, stay calm. I am here to talk about the honey-maze. My colleagues here are - yikes!" [22:51] 12Dancers are very agile, but so are mercenary warriors. Keldar's run collects itself into a hyper-focused sprint, and within moments the fleeing performer's been seized by the wrist and shoulder. If he struggles even a bit he'll find himself forced to his knees. 15[22:51] <@VoxPVoxD> von Hauwitz: "Forgive my imprecision, friend. When I say 'this and that', I mean 'that'--" he gestures back at the stage "--and 'this'." He's got his sword in his hand now. Bastian didn't see him draw it. The middle of the theatre is empty now. "Traitor. Blackguard. Coward. How could you?" [22:52] 12Keldar: "What's the problem, friend? You still need to get looked at." 15[22:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Keldar can feel the man wriggling violently in his grip. He might associate it with someone having a seizure, if he's ever seen that. The runner is babbling. "No one's dancing. No one's dancing down there." [22:54] 4von Hrolfus quickly falls back, stumbling in shock - but steadying himself. “W-what..?" [22:54] 14Stranger has taken his time moving apart from their little medical rescue team that he could likely go intercede in whatever it is that's happening over there. [22:55] 14He'll watch how it plays out for a few seconds more, however, at least. [22:55] 12Keldar: "Uhh. Uh, allll right, easy-" 12The man's carried more so than dragged back to Xu Sim. "Hey. Hey! If this guy's about to die unless I let go or something you better tell me quick." [22:57] 12To Keldar's credit, he does appear to be restraining the man carefully enough to prevent accidental injury due to flailing and spasming. [22:58] "What is he babbling about?" 5 Xu calls over to Keldar. [22:59] 12Keldar: "Lack of dancing 'down there'. What's it mean?" 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Karl von Hauwitz: "You go fact-finding. You turn your back on Deguo and walk away. And when the nightmares come, you're safe. Our people suffer and fight for their lives and you watch theater?" He's levelling the sword at Bastian now. "You call yourself a man. You call yourself a SOLDIER!" 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian notices thin vines creeping out of the sleeve of Karl's sword hand, thorns embedded in the skin. It's getting difficult for him to breathe. 15[23:03] <@VoxPVoxD> The setting sun sinks slowly behind the rising moon. The theatre's stained rose red by Balor's star. [23:05] 4No training had prepared von Hrolfus for being set on by a friend outside a combat environment or within the formal setting of a pre-arranged duel. His hands held up in a defensive gesture, he watches Karl’s sword, mesmerized and frozen like a rodent watching a snake slither towards it. His words fly over von Hrolfus’ head, barely comprehended. “Karl, please-“ [23:06] 13Xia Lan: "Sounds just like babbling. Nonsense words." 13She's on the lookout for whichever dancers before were moving erratically, oblivious to the scene outside. [23:07] "I think his mind and body are experiencing divergent sensations - he dreams of a dance but doesn't see one here. Perhaps, Xia Lan, if you were to dance, it would reduce the strain on his senses until I can come up with something more permanent." [23:07] 14Dirty old man. [23:08] 12Keldar: "Doesn't make that much cosmological sense, either. It's the land of the dead that's 'down', right...?" 12He looks around the stage, then back into the stands. "Huh, might be a fight." [23:08] "In the meantime. I require the utmost honesty: Who among you has tasted the maze-honey or had the honey-dreams?" [23:08] 5 This is addressed to the other performers 15[23:12] <@VoxPVoxD> Karl: "ANSWER ME! ANSWER FOR YOUR ABANDONMENT!" He chokes. "I see Guowang Shan in flames. I see good men fighting, dying, defending the country to their last breath. But I don't see you." 15[23:13] <@VoxPVoxD> "I've had this dream every night since the siege began. Every night you make the same pleas. Every night the same excuses. Why would tonight be any different?" [23:13] "Can someone shut up that imbecile waving the sword around, please? I am trying to work here!" [23:14] 14Stranger has been sitting nearby, intently watching the show but not moving a finger to intercede yet. [23:15] 13Xia Lan raises a single eyebrow towards the doctor, but is immediately distracted by the shouting. Her hands dance across the hilts of her swords idly, if this escalates further. [23:15] "Ah," 14he'll finally say. "It seems you're bothering the Doctor, Karl." [23:15] 12Keldar's holding down this one struggling guy, but one supposes he could tie him up or something - eh, Stranger's got it. 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> It takes a bit to drag it out of them but Xu Sim eventually finds that each and every person in the cast has at least tried the dreamer's honey. A few use it regularly. The man Keldar's holding down was known to. [23:17] 4von Hrolfus is over his initial shock now, and Karl’s focus seems to have shifted from him to whatever nightmarish visions that seem to have driven to insanity. He slowly lowers one hand, reaching for his sword. Talking him down isn’t von Hrolfus’ style - this is no way for an officer of the Deyizhi Imperial Army to behave, whatever the circumstances. He decides to try his luck at snapping the man back to reality: [23:17] 1“Captain von Hauwitz! You will cease this nonsense and explain yourself!” [23:19] "I don't want any one of you to panic. I know what you are each experiencing and I want you to know that I am going to do what I can to cure all of us. I will need to examine each of you individually and come up with a method for treatment." 5 As far as the examination goes, Xu Sim shall test their eyes, examine their foreheads and faces, their reflexes, and their sense of reality. [23:20] 5 Nevermind the fact that, at least according to Immaculate dogma, Xu Sim himself is afflicted with a condition that intermittently affects his own perception of reality. 15[23:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian's friend spits. A stream of blue-white smoke comes out of his mouth and evaporates to nothing before it reaches the ground. "I don't owe you an explanation. The obligation runs the other way." Karl attacks. What does Bastian do? [23:28] 12Keldar: "He's going for it-!" [23:29] 4von Hrolfus has his bearings now and he’s been readying himself. Years of training and dueling with Schlägers come to the foree, and he has his sword out, ready to parry the strike. [23:29] 5 Xu is shaken when he examines the wriggling man the mercenary is holding down.  "Don't release him, Keldar!" [23:31] 12Keldar: "Eh? No worries, I got 'im, I got 'im." 12He tears his gaze away from the fight - is the guy trying to gnaw his own hand off or something? 15[23:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian's chest is burning like he's been holding his breath. But he defends his honor all the same. His sword crosses with Karl's as the sun hides fully behind the moon. The pressure builds and breaks, and a column of white and gold pierces Heaven from earth. 15[23:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Breathe in. [23:33] 14Softly, to himself: "'Have you ever been to the honey maze?'" [23:37] 5 Xu is on his hands and knees, examining the pinned man, quickly considering the steps he might be able to take.  "He is very near terminalaaah!?" 5 Before being momentarily overwhelmed the sudden display of Solar power from the stands. [23:38] 12Keldar: "Uh oh." [23:38] 13Gods above. [23:38] 14As above, so below. [23:40] von Hrolfus feels like he’s been lit on fire. The pain is intense and agonizing - but feels purifying at the same time. His body strains every sinew, every muscle in maintaining the block and through sheer effort and unyielding Will he holds his ground. Thick black plumes of smoke seem to rise from him and float towards the sky where they coalesce and begin to glow in the form of a splayed eagle, it’s wings spead and it’s [23:40] claws extended - the coat of arms of Imperial Deguo. [23:45] 14Hopefully the doctor has finished his business. [23:45] 14It's about to get hot. [23:47] "Xia Lan, we must bring this man's mental and spiritual state into alignment. I don't have any idea what the rest of these idiots are doing, who have decided to have a battle in the middle of my medical business, but some help would be appreciated!" 5 In the meantime, he fumbles in his robes for a set of acupuncture needles to help calm the man. 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian, aflame, finds himself holding fast against the strike, finds Karl's sword breaking agains this like a wave against the shore. It dissolves into smoke. Karl, his eyes briefly pleading before going glassy, dissolves not long after. The smoke billows and swells throughout the seats. From deep within the smoke come the sounds of marching feet and clashing steel. 15[23:48] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: Dream Theater