15[20:19] <@VoxPVoxD> Blue smoke chokes the amphitheatre, rolling down from the stands to the pit. It thickens into fog, and the draggings sound of hundreds of claws and nails on stone and steel echoes all the way up Sentinel's Hill. People who gathered on rooftops to watch the play now spectate haphazard medicine and the anointing of a hero. The great falcon rises white-gold from where Bastian stands his ground, blade drawn, against the swell of nightmare. [20:19] 14Well. This is all so...public. [20:20] 14Stranger-Visits-Heaven gives a weary, theatrical sigh and climbs from his sitting position to his feet. 15[20:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Very. The streets are heavy with Lookshyan soldiers evacuating civilians from the theatre. As the baron burns their instincts impel them back into the fray - Anathema! Plain as the literal day! - but the order from on down, thundering from the dragonlord to his lieutenants, is to get people to safety. 15[20:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The smoke solidifies quickly into creatures - opaque and sapphire-bright long-limbed simian things with dripping fangs. They hold bones and tattered banners in their hands. Banners Bastian recognizes. 15[20:27] <@VoxPVoxD> Where is everybody and what's on their minds? [20:29] 12Keldar's frowning to himself and rising out of a crouch, straight sword held reversed and by his scabbard in one hand while he clutches the fist of the other. He's scanning the stands, looking for - wait a minute. The mercenary looks back down and behind himself to the apprehended, once-bolting thespian that he's now standing over. [20:29] 14Stranger is standing a few feet off from Bastian, silhouetted by the burning light off his anima to those looking on from behind them. He is currently thinking strategy...and taxonomy. This likely isn't ending in anything but a fight, but it would be good to figure out what these things are, specifically. [20:29] 5 Xu Sim interposes himself between the monsters and his patients, sparing a glance for the worst of them to make sure his mind isn't about to violently discorporate from his body.  "Run backstage and wait!" [20:30] 12Keldar: "Doctor! Whadda we do with this guy?" [20:33] 5 Xu Sim:  "Keep the raksha away from him! I will try to stabilize him." [20:33] 12Keldar: "Not here for 'im, are they?" [20:33] 4Bastian is in a state of shock. His sword is still out and he appears frozen in place. 15[20:33] <@VoxPVoxD> These are hobgoblins - or rather they look like hobgoblins. Sadistic, nearly-feral shocktroops of the raksha. Judging from their squamous and thorny skin, these are probably the sort of thing you'd find crawling in from the east of the Pole of Wood. Except they're made of solid smoke. [20:34] 14Stranger: "I think it's quite clear who they're here for, Warlord." [20:34] 13Xia Lan is center stage, hands hovering over her swords as she looks out onto the hobgoblins and studying their movements. The one down there - Bastian, his name was? - is in danger; she'll have to move quickly, and soon. Once Xu Sim corrals the civilians, then they can go all out. [20:34] 14To Bastian: "Chin up, young man. You're on the stage of history, now." [20:35] 14An interesting variety of hobgoblin, at least. Perhaps demands some ruminating on later, with Xu Sim and Xia Lan. [20:36] 4von Hrolfus turns slowly, agonizingly towards whoever just spoke and puts a hand to his forehead, as if trying to feel out the newly appeared caste mark. 1“This is a major inconvenience." [20:36] 14Stranger: "All victories are." [20:38] 13Xia Lan barks out a laugh that she quickly stifles. "You don't know the half of it." [20:39] 14Stranger flicks his wrist and the cane in his hand separates, most of it flying off into the rows of seats -- revealing his hidden blade. [20:43] 5 Xu Sim enters Crane stance - the sleeves of his jacket flowing in the twilight air before settling, his forearms bare, fingers ready to grasp and strike. [20:46] 12Keldar tosses his blade up a few inches and then his other hand comes snaking out to seize the hilt and draw the blade out of the midair scabbard, which is caught, twirled, and stabbed deftly through a loop on the mercenary's belt. Then the man stalks forward to the front of the stage, narrowing his eyes at the horde of lesser raksha. [20:51] 14Whatever brand of hobgoblin they are, they're fast. Stranger darts forward but his blade can't find purchase on the little smoke-swine. [20:56] 12Keldar holds his sword out, sweeping it slowly as though finding his range. "I'll draw 'em off," 12he says, settling back into a crouch and then roaring a wordless battle cry as he leaps almost headlong into the fray. [20:58] 12He crashes like a meteor into the raksha, bisecting two and skewering a third simply on his landing, and then it's just a screaming, gnashing melee in which he's barely visible. Is he... winning...? [20:59] 14Thank the Sun for him, Stranger thinks as the simian things leap over his blade again. [21:06] 13The singer finally unsheathes her paired hook swords, offers a little dramatic pose on stage, and swan dives into the fray. On landing, she lashes out at the hobgoblins, striking each only once before it falls, and using her momentum to carry her to her next target. There are many, but she's a lot more dangerous than she looks. [21:10] 5 The doctor arches an eyebrow at the display of the hook swords and the aggressive attack into the crowd. A fellow Crane stylist...? [21:10] 14Not bad. Stranger has always been able to appreciate the aesthetics of Crane Style -- though it's a nightmare to fight against. [21:11] 14Especially when performed by actual cranes. [21:11] 13It's Snake style, actually - some of the vicious stabs are unmistakeable. [21:12] Instinct takes over. von Hrolfus glides into the fray carefully, keeping to the outer edges and lunging in for hits when he spots an opening. [21:24] 5 Xu Sim speaks softly and carries no weaponry.  "These are my patients, raksha-kin. You shall not harm them." [21:25] 14Stranger's old cane sword flashes as the hobgoblins engage him. Suddenly they are the ones on the defensive. [21:26] 12Keldar's cursing himself for bringing his steel sword to the occasion rather than his iron sword - yes, the steel matches better, and yes, the iron's heavier, but come on, what kind of moron - but thus far it doesn't seem to be counting against him that badly. He's still next to impossible to make out in the sea of solid smoke, but the area of flashing grey and roiling turbulence [21:26] 12that represents his position in the melee doesn't seem to be quieting down. [21:30] 5 Four of the hobgoblins run, screaming, towards Xu Sim and the rest of the cast. The doctor seizes one by a pressure point and hurls him into the other three with a crash. 15[21:32] <@VoxPVoxD> The roiling raksha hordes converge on the stage, their fangs and talons flashing in reflected light that, on examination, has no source in the arena. Bastian sees a ragged banner of Deguo trailing from the back claws of one of the creatures he cuts apart, collapsing into blue smoke as it dies. [21:38] 4Even in the middle of the melee, that’s enough to give him pause. He stands there an instant, but not for long - another goblin lunges at him, forcing his mind to pressing concerns. [21:41] 5 Xu Sim whirls back on the agonized dancer as his body twists, seizing in the thrall of supernatural agony. The sorcerer-doctor forms a mudra of protection and warding - and begins reciting, from some deep memory, a mantra to keep the Wyld at bay and spare the man the ravages of Faerie-sickness [21:41] "Come algebra, anatomy, astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, geometry, mathematics, meteorology, mineralology, oceanography, paleontology, physics, psychology, sociology, trigonometry, and zoology!" [21:42] 14Doctor, heal thy elf. [21:48] 13The scene on stage only inspires Xia Lan to fight harder, to end this quickly! She begins cutting through the horde with even more ferocity than before, slashing the throats of unprepared hobgoblins charging forward to replace their fallen brethren. They never see her coming, and drop like flies. [21:51] 14Stranger gives it another go, but despite great form, the simian raksha continue to melt away from his blows -- fleeing as much as anything else. [21:58] 4The sight of the Deguo flag being waved in the midst of a collection of abominations triggers fury that von Hrolfus didn't know he posessed. Channeling the power of the sun feels natural and effortless, as if he’d been doing it all his life - the world seems to turn red as he cuts through everything in his path. What seems like but a moment later, he’s standing there slashing away at nothing with a tide of corpses before him [21:58] - he puts his sword down, almost sheepishly. [21:59] 14Stranger: "Well! Excellent." 14He's retrieving the other part of his cane sword. 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> The hobgoblins Xia Lan and Bastian don't personally destroy break rank and flee, exploding into puffs of smoke as they reach the rim of the amphitheatre where Lookshyan soldiers are positioned to intercept any that try to break out. [22:01] 5 The Sorcerer is on his knees next to the writhing dancer. Shuffling through a pouch at his belt, he procures a series of acupuncture needles.  "This one's mind is on the verge of leaping from his body!" 5 It no doubt looks quite spectacular, if you know what to look for anyway. 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> To the untrained eye, the man simply looks as if he's in the throes of a violent seizure. [22:02] 12Keldar kicks one to the ground and stabs it in the back, then whirls and slices open a second then grabs a third - but that one's already starting to evaporate. "Yeah! Yeah, fuck off!" [22:02] 14That's unfortunately not likely to be metaphorical. Stranger heads up to the stage to see if there's anything he can do to help. [22:04] 13Xia Lan leaps back to the stage with another tumble and sheathes her swords as she lands. She stays a short distance away from the doctor and his patient - she has no medical training whatsoever; no reason to impede him, but she'll stay on hand if she can help with anything. [22:05] 4von Hrolfus sinks to his knees. Everything is too much. [22:06] 14Yes, well. It gets more complicated from here. [22:06] 14The new lad will keep, for now. [22:06] 5 The sorcerer-doctor: "I need more time if I'm to treat him. We need to solve this immediately, no more than a minute or two before he dies." [22:06] 12Nice thing about phantamsal enemies: nothing to clean off your sword. Keldar of the Ninth Orchard sheathes his blade while casting a steely look about - of course, his attention ends up falling on the man who's burning black and white and gold. [22:07] 13She'll dart out into the seats and get Bastian to his feet, attempting to move him towards the stage. "C'mon. Can't stay here forever." [22:08] 14Stranger-Visits-Heaven: "Then we shall solve this in under a minute or two." [22:08] 4von Hrolfus allows himself to be trundled along, unresisting. “They- they’ve done something to my country!” [22:09] 14Stranger, from the stage: "You may be buoyed by considering the possibility those things were, in whole or in part, lying to you." [22:10] 14...Though it is unlikely, given the Sun's endorsement of von Hrolfus, to entirely be without merit. [22:11] 5 Though serene when tossing hobgoblins around, Xu Sim's brow is sweaty and his lips are pursed white as he examines the man, his aura, his breath... 15[22:12] <@VoxPVoxD> As the hobgoblins dissipate and attention concentrates on the sick people onstage, cheers go up in the distance. The former spectators of the play who witnessed the Solars' prowess in battle are applauding their victory. Those evacuees who dared and were able to look back are doing the same. [22:13] 14Plaudits are good. Not being publicly identified as anathema would have been better. Stranger tries to keep himself facing away from the crowds as much as possible, at least until this caste mark dies down. [22:14] 13Xia Lan bows with a flourish towards the audience, the vicious actions during the battle forgotten. Thank you, everyone! [22:14] 12Keldar can't help but raise a fist in triumph, although he's sure to soon find out that most of the attention is on the people who are actually casting light. After that, he hops back on stage and approaches the patient, though he's careful not to get too close. "Just more and more demons, eh?" [22:14] 14Stranger: "I imagine that's what they're saying about us, out there." [22:15] "Not demons. Raksha tricks, mind-poison." [22:16] 4von Hrolfus, mumbling incoherently, seems to snap back into reality. 1“Demons! I need to find out- the thing that looked like my friend, it said something. I need to send a message and find out what’s happened immediately!” [22:17] 12Keldar: "Probably makin 'em pretty nervous. What's Dorma gonna do about this kid?" 12He jerks a thumb at the newly-ignited Eclipse Caste. [22:17] "Cold iron. Get me a piece of it. Now." 5 Xu Sim turns to regard the assembled people.  "Now!" [22:18] 14Stranger: "Probably try to have him arrested. Or killed." [22:18] 14Cold iron, hmm? He glances over at Keldar. [22:19] 12Keldar: "Yeah, right here." 12He reaches into a satchel on his belt and produces a smooth, roughly cylindrical chunk of black metal, then tosses it over. [22:19] 5 Xu Sim snatches it out of the air and presses it to the man's head, fumbling for a strip of cloth to hold it in place. 15[22:23] <@VoxPVoxD> 10The trinket burns the dancer's skin, causing his entire body to convulse. After a moment, though, he settles down, merely shivering. It seems the worst of his attack has passed. 15[22:23] <@VoxPVoxD> The trinket burns the dancer's skin, causing his entire body to convulse. After a moment, though, he settles down, merely shivering. It seems the worst of his attack has passed. [22:24] 5 Xu Sim keeps pressing it to the man's forehead, muttering strange, half-remembered prayers, but he sighs in relief as the symptoms seem to pass. [22:25] 12Keldar: "He okay? Could I get that back?" [22:26] 14Stranger: "Keldar. Please." [22:26] "You can buy another, I am sure, in about five minutes from someone in the street." [22:26] 12Keldar: "Listen, I've had that thing through thick and thin-" [22:26] "Especially once word of this begins to spread." [22:26] 12Keldar: "Yeah, and the price gets gouged to hell!" [22:27] "The difficult life of a mercenary." [22:27] 4von Hrolfus: 1“Excuse me. Are you all abominations as well?” [22:27] 12Keldar: "I'm just saying, either I see that again or I'm billing you- what?" [22:28] 14Stranger's mouth twists in a wry smile. "Well. We certainly don't call ourselves that." [22:28] 1“I mean no offense, espescially considering that I appear to be one now too. That’s what we call them- you- me, in Deguo." 15[22:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Ah, Deguo, that place we all know still exists and don't worry about. [22:28] 14Stranger: "The polite term is 'chosen.'" [22:29] 14The silver-haired, milky-eyed man sighs. "And yes. We are." [22:30] 12Keldar: "But the word you're looking for is Anathema. As you can see, the good doctor here's one of them - but thus far the Dragonlord's been willing to overlook it." [22:30] 4von Hrolfus waves a hand irritably.1 “Well, yes - whatever the politically correct term is. I feel like I’m in trouble - and I need to get word from my home.” 4He pauses, the words coming slowly.1 “I need help." [22:30] 12Keldar: "Gotta wonder how his patience is gonna deal with three of 'em, though." [22:30] 5 Xu Sim glances up at the rest as they converse.  "We need to move all these people to someplace more conducive to treatment." 5 to von Hrolfus:  "I can send an urgent message anywhere in this Direction if you help me - and us." [22:30] “Anything you need. I am at your service." [22:31] 13Xia Lan: "The Sun chooses us for a reason, though I still cannot fathom why." 13She shrugs. "Welcome, I guess." 15[22:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Around now the sound of the arguments happening up at street level are filtering down. [22:32] 5 Perhaps out of the corner of Von Hrolfus' eye, he might think he sees a six-winged cherub of glowing light flitting around curiously. 15[22:33] <@VoxPVoxD> "Of course he's- our sacred duty-" "Laws of the city- without adjudication-" 15[22:33] <@VoxPVoxD> People who look can see a standoff brewing between Lookshyan soldiers and what looks to be a contingent of the Dawn Guard. [22:35] 14Ah, fantastic. [22:35] 14Someone not currently glowing should go keep that peace. [22:35] 14Stranger tut-tuts himself for his unwise use of the Sun's power. [22:35] 4To Xu Sim: 1“Not to rush you, but the sooner the better." [22:36] 5 In an annoyed tone:  "Dictate your message and its recipient." [22:36] 12Keldar looks at the others, judges for himself that the stage situation is well in hand, and hikes up to the edges of the theater to get a better idea of what else is going on. [22:37] 13Hey, that's me! Xia Lan begins to head towards the gathering, to try and calm them. [22:40] 5 Xu Sim scoops up a handful of dust and holds it in his right hand; in his left hand, he weighs out an appropriate measure of xantham, riboflavin, arsenic, ginseng, and powder of crimson alum. 15[22:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Keldar and Xia Lan both climb the steps to the rim of the amphitheatre, walking up to an argument between a young-looking lieutenant in expensive articulated plate with a pair of short daiklaves prominent on his hips. He's in a staredown with an older man wearing the insignia of the Dawn Guard over his breastplate. [22:41] 1“To General Johannes von Pfuel, likely located at this time: war academy in Deguo.” 4He rattles off a description of the strange events of the day - the appearance of an abomination claiming the destruction of the fatherland, the goblin hordes - but he leaves out anything regarding his own exaltation. 1“…please treat this with the utmost urgency and priorty, even though I realize how this may sound - I have not lost [22:41] my mind. Regards, Captain von Hrolfus. If you can dispatch this match with the utmost haste…" 15[22:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Lookshyan: "The authority of the Wyld Hunt is sacrosanct. To even debate this is an offense." [22:43] 5 Xu Sim performs the requisite ritual, conjures the messenger-spirit, and sends it off. 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn Captain: "The Dawn Guard is the peace office of the city. These Anathema are going into city custody, on the order of the Dawn Sergeant." 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Lookshyan: "I'm to take them into our custody, on the order of Dragonlord Dorma." [22:44] 13As she walks up with an exaggerated sway, Xia Lan sizes up the two sides. Not sounding good from either end. [22:45] 12Damn, thinks Keldar, this is a pretty thorny problem. It's a good thing I'm not involved on either side. [22:47] 12Then again... "Hang on, though," 12he says. "Nexus ain't Lookshy." 15[22:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn Captain: "My ass you are! This is - stay out of this, Keldar - Nexus isn't Lookshy." [22:48] 12Keldar: "You tell 'em." 15[22:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Lookshyan: "I see soldiers of Lookshy keeping order in the streets. I see medics of Lookshy tending the wounded. And I claim the authority of the Immaculate Faith, in our sacred prerogative to hunt the Anathema." [22:50] 4von Hrolfus decides to hold his tongue for the moment. [22:51] 4von Hrolfus doesn't want to be anywhere near this discussion. [22:51] 14von Hrolfus doesn't want to be anywhere near this discussion. [22:51] 14No one who is lit up does. [22:52] 14It's inviting a fight in the streets. 15[22:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn Captain: "You can claim whatever you want, son. Until the Dragons come down to tell me otherwise, I follow the Dogmas and the Civilities." 15[22:57] <@VoxPVoxD> The Lookshyan lieutenant takes a step forward. "And until the Emissary comes down to tell me otherwise, I wipe my ass with the Dogmas and the Civilities." [22:58] 12Keldar's eyes flash. "Hey! How about you actually hunt some actual wyld and keep out of our business!" [22:58] 13Xia Lan: "Such poor taste, lieutenant." 13She makes a face. "Do we have to resort to vulgarities?" 13She sounds appropriately proper, as a local celebrity must. Never know who's listening. 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> The Dawn Captain stares the lieutenant down admirably... but he's not stupid. If it came to blows he and his would be hopelessly outmatched. 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> He knows this. The lieutenant knows it too. As the captain averts his eyes, the lieutenant smiles. 15[23:03] <@VoxPVoxD> The lieutenant raises a gauntleted hand and gives a signal visible from rim to rim of the amphitheatre. [23:04] 14Well. That went poorly. 15[23:04] <@VoxPVoxD> From both sides armored soldiers come down the steps towards Bastian and Xu Sim. Behind them are huge, hulking armored figures whose every movement comes with the low thrum and pneumatic hiss of Essence-powered armaments. [23:05] 4von Hrolfus eyes them with a curiously flat expression. His hands twitch at his sides. [23:06] 5 Xu Sim ignores the ham-handed barbarians, and continues trying to treat the sick man before him. [23:06] 14Stranger sighs. [23:07] 12Keldar: "Hey-hey-hey hang on. Dorma knows at least one of these guys already, don't he? And they're all Nexus - I mean, I bet they'd be less liable to go psycho on you-" 12This is a hard argument to make when you aren't backed up by aetherochemical supersoldiers. 15[23:07] <@VoxPVoxD> One of the soldiers: "Baron van Hrolfus. Come with us, please." [23:07] 14To Bastian: "At least they're using your title." [23:09] 4von Hrolfus: “Perhaps the matter of jurisdiction should be settled first?” [23:09] 14Stranger: "...and unless you think you can take them all, or you intend on fleeing, I suggest you go with them for now." 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Soldiers are coming onto the stage for the cast, too. A Lookshyan medic is accompanying them, wearing a coruscating panoply of charms and phials that jangle as she walks. "Doctor," she says. [23:10] "Who are you?" 5 He glances at the approaching medic with some skepticism. [23:10] 12Keldar just ends up standing aside, perhaps sharing the occasional awkward look with Xia Lan. 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> To Bastian: "Sir, if you'd just come with us there's no reason to make this difficult." [23:11] 13Xia Lan stares back. Nothing she could do. [23:12] 4von Hrolfus: 1“I- very well. Please lead on." 15[23:12] <@VoxPVoxD> The medic, to Xu Sim: "I'm a field chirugeon with the Third Dragon. We're going to get these people care. Please come with us." [23:13] 14Stranger: "I will accompany the young man." 15[23:14] <@VoxPVoxD> The medic: "Thank you." [23:14] 14Stranger: "He simply deserves an advocate." 15[23:16] <@VoxPVoxD> It was the soldier who said that, actually, but the end effect is basically the same: Bastian and Stranger are led out of the amphiatheatre while the medic continues to negotiate with Xu Sim. [23:16] 4von Hrolfus nods. [23:16] 13Well, this is a fine mess. [23:17] 14Since he is the epitome of decorum, Stranger won't roll his eyes at Keldar and Xia Lan as he and Bastian are led away. Well. That, and the blindness. [23:17] 5 Xu slowly rises, regarding the soldiers before him with the slightest curl in his lip.  "I will go into custody, but at least allow me to continue their treatment. I already stabilized this man from certain death. I'll do it under guard, if I must." [23:17] 14"Blindness." [23:19] "This ain't right," 12Keldar says, loud enough for the Solars being led away to hear. "And it's not gonna stand, one way or another." 15[23:20] <@VoxPVoxD> Medic: "Saves me the trouble of asking for a consultation. Is he safe to move? We have stretchers." [23:21] 5 Xu Sim glumly nods as he stands. [23:21] 14That's our Keldar. [23:21] 12Once everyone's been apprehended, Keldar turns to Xia Lan. "Way I see it, this was - well, they just had more immediate force on the ground, is all. But it's just one Hunt. I'm gonna see if Pellicia gives me the sanction to straighten out this mess - you with me?" [23:21] 14Stranger takes a deep, centering breath. This, he reminds himself, is an opportunity. [23:21] "Chin up," 14he says to Bastian for what feels like the tenth time tonight. "We've got them right where we want them." [23:22] 13Xia Lan: "I guess I am." 13She sounds dubious. "We'll need a longer-term solution, though." [23:23] 12Keldar: "Oh, there's some long-term solutions to Lookshy overstepping its bounds, even if the Emissary's... something." [23:23] 4von Hrolfus’ response is terse. 1“I am more concerned about what’s happened to my fatherland, at this moment.” 4He releases a deep, shuddering breath he didn’t know he was holding. 1“But thank you." [23:25] 12So it is that Keldar marches - rides, perhaps, if it's not too close - to wherever the Dawn Sergeant's offices are. This will, of course, not be the first audience he's demanded with her in the past. Perhaps not even in the recent past! But he's got a really good pretext now. [23:27] 13Xia Lan travels with him, either walking beside or riding astride Keldar. They're the only ones on the outside, huh? [23:29] 13Certain forces outside of the game have informed me that I mean "alongside" Keldar, "astride" his horse, because of the way language works. 15[23:30] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim travels the least, taken to an impromptu tent colony and colonized apothecary about halfway up the Hill. The cast are laid out and a combination of local physicians and Lookshyan medics examine them. The one who came to get Xu Sim turns to him. "What's your measure of this plague?" 15[23:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian and Stranger are taken to a wealthy merchant villa overlooking the widest and cleanest part of the Grand Canal. Some faint geomancy keeps the air light and fresh. It appears to be fully occupied and commandeered by Lookshyan soldiers. Bastian and Stranger are seated and offered tea while they wait. [23:33] 14Ah. Stranger will smell it, but not taste it. He idly wonders if it's drugged. 15[23:33] <@VoxPVoxD> It smells nice, at least. [23:33] 14Pity. [23:33] 4von Hrolfus delclines politely. No appetite at the moment. [23:34] 13Shouldn't of been exalting there. 15[23:38] <@VoxPVoxD> Keldar and Xia Lan walk to the top of Sentinel's Hill, where the Dawn Barracks is. Polearms cross in front of the gate to bar their entrance, but Keldar doesn't need to try very hard to get in. Past mustering and resting soldiers (The Dawn Barracks is the only publicly funded permanent housing in the city) Xia Lan and Keldar make their way to the stone guardhouse Pellicia keeps as her office. She doesn't stand to greet them, poring over letters and ledgers. "Was that you down at the bottom of the hill?" she asks without looking up. [23:39] 12Keldar: "Fraid so. Raksha swarm shows up right as some out of towner goes anathema, easily taken care of. That's not the problem." [23:39] "The plague has a physical, mental, and spiritual component. It is extraordinarily dangerous and likely to require highly specialized care. Its primary vector is the so-called maze honey, produced by strange bees patronizing certain strange flowers; this honey is consumed recreationally and for nutrition." [23:41] 12Keldar: "Those Lookshy bastards just stepped right over your guards and made an arrest! Thumbed their noses at our rights! They've got Xu Sim, Stranger, and what's his name - they can't just get away with it." [23:42] 13Xia Lan: "Bastian von Hrolfus - the new one. And yes. All taken without warning, spirited away to different places." [23:42] 12Keldar: "We've got our share of chosen and gods and the like and I know you've got a budget for mercenaries. I say you show up in force and demand a, what's it, a transfer." 15[23:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia slams the ledger shut. "Are you out of your mind?!" [23:42] "As individuals consume more, they descend deeper into the honey-maze. At first, it produces a relatively pleasant hallucinatory effect but over time, the dreaming mind and the waking body become more and more out of step. At the terminal stage, the mind breaks free of the body and, I hypothesize, forms a secondary vector for transmission that is fantastically dangerous in its own right." [23:44] 12Keldar: "Foreigners can't just stroll on in here and arrest people!" [23:45] "That Early symptoms include delirium, euphoria, and hallucinations. Later symptoms include spasms, seizures, and eventually a total loss of control. The progress of the disease can be slowed with cold iron charms but I would require access to a full apothecary storehouse to be certain of a cure." 15[23:45] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "The city's coming apart at the seams as it is! I don't have the stores to keep the Guard fed past the end of the month, we might as well not have a Council, and gods-know-what is barreling down at us and driving everyone mad in the meantime." 15[23:46] <@VoxPVoxD> "Are those Anathema worth more to the city's protection and defense than not antagonizing a Lookshyan army squatting on this very hill?" [23:47] 12Keldar: "It ain't about - they're ancient demons, they can take care of themselves. And it's not like Dorma hasn't been quietly okay with the doctor already. It's the principle of the thing." 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "Oh, shut up, Keldar, you wouldn't know a principle if you sat on it. This is ego." [23:49] 13Xia Lan: "It's unnecessary to antagonize them. We just have to find a quieter way to proceed. To convince them that it's in their best interests to do what we want them to anyway." [23:49] "Finally, I'm not a military man but I suspect there is a military aspect to this plague; that it is being specifically cultivated by the Raksha ahead of their armies to weaken the city. I would require more resources to investigate this myself." [23:50] 12Keldar: "Same thing!" 12He pauses, then, to listen to what he just said. [23:51] 12Keldar, gesticulating with some vigor: "It's - that's city states, right? That's the Kingdoms. You only get to have one with the other. If you don't stand up to these people pretty soon you don't even get to have your own guard." 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> The medic looks from left to right before whispering to Xu Sim, "We're prepared to support you. Getting you the backing to help us fully understand and contain the plague." [23:51] 4von Hrolfus glances sideways at Stranger as they wait.1 “So. What do you think happens now?" [23:51] 13Xia Lan ignores him. "I couldn't figure out what motivates them. If it's procedure, that's difficult, but manageable. If it's ideology, we are in for a long fight, and may have to resort to dirty tricks." [23:51] "But I couldn't get a read on them when we were back there. Irritating." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "Who is this? Aren't you that dancing girl?" [23:52] 14Stranger: "I think we get to meet whoever passes for an interrogator among this little band of Immaculates. Or whoever passes for a confessor." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> "Keldar, did you bring a date to--" [23:52] "And then, we talk." [23:52] "What they want is to push us around," 12says Keldar, with firm conviction. "Oh, yeah, th- what? No, no, this is Xia Lan. She was at the play. Helped fight the raksha off, actually." [23:53] 14He smiles gently down at the tea, running a finger around the rim of the cup. "And make no mistake. That will be just as serious a fight as the one we just had down in the theater." [23:53] 13She bows. "The Unfettered Xia Lan, at your service." [23:53] “This was an unasked for complication.” [23:54] 14Stranger: "It is very important, I think, that we keep our tempers. Not so as to prove to whomever they send that we're not the demons they think we are, or some such -- they're prepared for smiling deceivers. But because the composed facade reveals fewer secrets." [23:54] 14Stranger: "When was the last time you asked for a complication?" 15[23:54] <@VoxPVoxD> By now, both Stranger and Bastian have dimmed. Nobody's come for them yet -- there are guards posted on the outside of the door leading into the room, and people going to and fro outside, but they're being left there with the potted plants and cooling tea, for the moment. [23:55] 4von Hrolfus:1 “When I took command. When I challenged orthodoxy. When I took leave of absence so that I could experience, learn and return. Now there might be nothing to return to.” [23:56] 13There's a momentary flash of irritation at the 'date' suggestion, but it passes just as quickly as it came. "Wanting to push us around isn't motivation enough. If they wanted to push people around, there are hundreds in the streets. So, why turn their focus to us?" 13She looks to both Keldar and Pellicia. "Any insights on their motivations?" [23:56] 14The older man purses his lips. "Such is the danger of leaving the nest, for the young bird. When you return, you will return in power. That is the exchange that has been made for you." [23:56] 5 A whisper of a smile crosses Xu Sim's face.  "These people will need it." [23:57] 12Keldar: "It's Lookshy! They think 'cause they're sitting on a pile of lightning ballistae that they aimed at the Realm years ago that they own the place - and that now the Emissary's gone Nexus is free for the taking. Our damn sovereignty is at stake." 15[23:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "What good's our sovereignty if we exhaust ourselves driving the Lookshyans out and then the raksha come and we're depleted and friendless? We can't afford it." [23:59] 4von Hrolfus:1 “It poses…complications. Abominations - or whatever you call them here - upset the natural order of things. Balance is maintained by no one family having too much power…if I am what I am, the Kaiser might feel-“ 4He trails off. 15[23:59] <@VoxPVoxD> She points to Xia Lan. "If you're going to get your friends back, you're going to have to do it her way. I'm not going to antagonize Dorma." [23:59] 12Keldar: "Look, this is important, and I'm sure the Ninth is willing to roll up in force for practically wholesale - and we don't need to fight them. Probably. Just remind 'em it's our turf." [23:59] 14Stranger: "We do not upset the natural order of things." [00:00] 14Stranger: "We are the natural order of things." [00:02] 4von Hrolfus contemplates this, chewing on a cheek. 1“On the other hand, if I could convince the right people without being executed on the spot - if I can safely harness this power…this could be the force multiplier we’ve been looking for.” [00:02] 14Stranger: "Now that's thinking." [00:03] 4von Hrolfus smiles. It’s more of a grimace really. 1“Step one, getting out of here alive!” [00:04] 13Xia Lan: "That's something for the future, maybe. We have a shorter-term goal that's more important than trying to push them out, and we can avoid it escalating to all-out war. So let's do that, yes?" [00:04] "I will require certain other implements as well, I think. I have other ideas for treating this illness... A burnished mirror, cinnabar, ground clamshells, dried centipedes... Are you getting this? Shall I write it down?" [00:04] 14Stranger: "Mmmmmm. Well, let's see what we can do about that." [00:05] 12Keldar paces a bit. "I mean, I mean. You get the Lookshy to ease off - you make it clear they can't just grab people off the street, whoever those people are - that means you can count on Stranger and Xu Sim and such, right? Doesn't it work for you?" 15[00:05] <@VoxPVoxD> The medic's examining the man with the charm on his brow. "Make a list, give it to the quartermaster's page. In the meantime just take what you need from the apothecary." 15[00:08] <@VoxPVoxD> Someone's at the door to the room Bastian and Stranger were led into - a short, bald man with a bristly white moustache. "Baron van Hrolfus. Stranger. We're deeply grateful for your cooperation. I'm here on behalf of the Dragonlord." [00:09] 14...Him. [00:09] 14Stranger: "I believe we've met." [00:10] 4von Hrolfus inclines his head slightly. [00:10] "Two...three times now, I believe we've met." [00:10] 5 Xu Sim jots down a note in bold brush strokes - a large mirror, or a burnished brass plate. He collects more - wine vinegar, rice vinegar, peach pits, powdered silver, bacon fat. He begins work on a potion to treat the symptoms of the man most affected by the honey-maze. [00:11] 5 Its principle of operation is the salt principle, to oppose the sweetness of the honey, draw out the mists of sleep and dry them out. To desiccate the faerie-magic like an insect that has wandered into diatomaceous earth. [00:13] “Burpo, was it?” [00:13] 13Xia Lan: "We have friends in chains. Surely displays of sovereignty can wait until after that's no longer true." [00:13] 5 With the progress of the dream so interrupted, Xu Sim's second stage of intervention can begin. For this: the mirror, the patient himself, certain other artifacts, reagents, and unguents. As a physical and spiritual condition, it requires medical and sorcery to treat most effectively. [00:13] 14Stranger: "Bubo, I think." [00:17] 12Keldar: "Sovereignty keeps 'em OUT of chains! Pell- Sergeant, if you think we've literally not got the means to assert it then that's got to be our first concern. It's, what, not enough food and too many fairies?" [00:19] 14Stranger: "Please, sit." 14He stirs his tea idly. "On behalf of the Dragonlord. Not on behalf of the Wyld Hunt?" 15[00:19] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo nods. "Just so. I'd like to make a proposal to you, in hopes that you can convince your colleagues to let me make it to all of you collectively." [00:19] "Or is it half a cup of one, half a cup of the other?" 15[00:19] <@VoxPVoxD> "The Wyld Hunt serves on behalf of the Dragonlord. In all matters, he is our focal point." [00:20] 14Oho. No foreplay, then. [00:20] 14Stranger: "'Our?'" [00:20] 4von Hrolfus: 1“I am not a ‘colleague’ I think; I cannot speak on the behalf of anyone here." [00:21] 5 As Xu Sim works, the mark on his forehead reappears. Its gentle, dusky glow bathes the room in a strange purplish light as he adjusts phials and sprinkles flecks of metal into the flames of a burner. 15[00:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "And the ever-present risk of the Guild calling in its debts if the city gets too unstable." 15[00:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo: "Aspirational, perhaps. But while we brought you here under the auspice of the Wyld Hunt, it's my hope that you will leave as allies." [00:24] 14Stranger: "An interesting desire, coming from a confusing place. Beg pardon -- you do know what we are, yes?" [00:24] 4von Hrolfus frowns. 1“We are abominations. Even in the hundred kingdoms, we know what the Wyld Hunt does to such as us." [00:25] 14Good gods, man. 'Anathema.' 'Anathema!' You sound like a bumpkin. 15[00:26] <@VoxPVoxD> "I'll grant that it's an interesting desire, but you must grant that these are interesting times. The threat the raksha currently pose is existential. They are anathema not just to the Faith but to reality itself." [00:26] 4von Hrolfus shrugs. 1“As you like it." [00:26] 12Keldar works his jaw around. "Well. The raksha are getting dealt with, believe you me. The rest of it... guess we'll see. And you wanna actually put weight back behind the Dogmas, you know where to find me." [00:26] 12Keldar: "...hear anything about how that merchant's doing?" [00:27] 13Xia Lan: "...merchant?" [00:28] 1“Do you have information on what they’ve been upto?” 4von Hrolfus leans forward anxiously, placing his hands on table. 1“Has anything happened to Deguo?” 15[00:28] <@VoxPVoxD> "Brueghel's got him. Won't even let the Lookshyans in." 15[00:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia said that. [00:29] 13Xia Lan: "Does this relate to getting our friends freed, or did I miss something?" [00:29] 12Keldar: "Dude who, uh... killed the Emissary. Cabbage cart collision, and then the Emissary's laid out on the ground and merchant's glowing and screaming. You were outta town, I think." [00:30] 14Stranger raises a placating hand. Don't beg your opponent for information; you draw him a map to your weakness. "First things first. The man wishes a formal parlay, with the fullness of our host. He wishes to...build relationships. He has already, arguably committed heresy by even proferring this. By even meeting with us, without us in chains." [00:31] "That, I think, is worth our undivided attention." 15[00:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo looks pleased. "This city's lucky to have you." [00:40] 14Stranger smiles faintly. "Time will tell. I certainly hope so." 15[00:42] <@VoxPVoxD> The chaos at the amphitheatre laid bare the weakness and fragility of Nexus without her Emissary. At a moment of seeming surrender to the Wyld Hunt, new and peculiar opportunities arise. What remains to be seen is what the Sun's Chosen make of them. 15[00:42] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: Someone tries to assassinate Keldar