15[20:12] <@VoxPVoxD> So if Xia Lan wants to get a feel for CIO's crowd, she's still got an afternoon and early evening to run down this mysterious command performance invitation from "the Empress Inscrutable", which seems to lead to a glassblower on Sentinel Hill. Xu Sim's been roused from his briny torpor by the prospect of trafficking with strange demons. Bastian remains desperate for any word about his homeland. And Stranger, waiting on winged word, can devote his time and talent to anything he chooses until that report returns. [20:18] 5 Xu Sim marinates, contemplating the best wording to send to invite a demon-blooded scholar to parlay. [20:23] 13Xia Lan dresses down for the occasion. She's not fond of the Sentinel Hill area, but this whole scenario just seems like a trick - she takes her time in the area, window-shopping, sitting on benches, and otherwise wasting time while keeping an eye on the glassblower's, looking for anyone coming in or out. [20:26] von Hrolfus lies brooding. [20:27] "Stranger, how should we pose our request? A desire for audience? An invitation to visit? Maybe you can brag about one of those teas you're always drinking," 5 suggests the Doctor. [20:28] 14Stranger rubs his chin. "No, I think not. That seems like more of a mocking critcism of my personal habits than a promising way forward. I suggest a conversation." [20:29] "I suspect he will realize, quite quickly, that either he has the conversation with us, or he doesn't." [20:29] "But either way, he's still going to have to meet us. And if it's not a conversation, well." [20:30] 14Stranger smiles. "Then it's something we're far better suited for than he is." [20:30] "Though we'll want the Dawn present for that." [20:30] "And the other Eclipse." [20:31] 13She's dressed as an older gentleman, possibly a frontiersman, with long hair spilling out from under a hat and a handlebar moustache completing a weathered face. She's wearing a fine (if somewhat worn and dated) men's suit, with an oversized belt buckle and boots that have seen better days. It's not the first time she's been Dead Man's Hand, but it is his first time in Nexus. [20:31] "He'd be quite the fool to pick a fight with us. A request for a conversation could be rather intimidating." [20:32] 14Mildly: "Oh, we're just two old men in a kitchen, one of whom is brining." [20:32] "We're nothing special." [20:33] 14Stranger stands. "I am still going to make some tea, however. Should I assume that you're not thirsty?" [20:36] "Only if it's no great trouble to pour for two."5 The sorcerer examines a hand, pulling at the skin and rubbing the palms together. Quite a powerful dermatological effect, to be sure. [20:37] 14Stranger will put on a pot of Yucasan Yellow, which is mild, soothing, and has a slight hint of sweetness to it even without honey. [20:39] von Hrolfus bursts into the kitchen. "We must see the Guild. At once." [20:39] 14Since he's almost always got a pot of hot water, it's no-- [20:39] 14Ah. [20:39] "Hello, Bastian." [20:40] "On what business?" [20:40] 4"The only one that matters to me." [20:40] "Deguo, then." [20:40] 4 Impatiently. "What else? Could you stand by placidly while your home burns - worse?" [20:40] 14Stranger isn't about to tell him to hurry up and wait, because who would? [20:41] "Of course not. In fact, I didn't." [20:41] "But that's a story for another time." [20:41] "So. The Guild. What do you want from them?" [20:41] 4"Information. Who would be best to see?" [20:44] 14Stranger frowns in thought and sits down near the fire to stir the tea a minute. If Bastian fidgets or says something while he's thinking, the silver-haired Eclipse will raise a hand to stay him. [20:49] 14After a moment: "You will want the Dispatch, of course. But that's a...very broad group." [20:49] "In size and expertise." [20:49] 4"Could you elaborate?" [20:50] 14Stranger: "Well. The Dispatch is an abstract really. Sort of a journal of business. Issued every so often, with summaries of persons and organizations who can provide specific services." [20:51] "What I mean by a 'broad group' is that, well. If you can find everything in its pages -- and it likes to pretend you can -- that means finding what you wants gets a bit harder." [20:51] 4"How do we get a copy?" He pauses. "A silly question. In this city of merchants and graspers...who do we bribe?" [20:52] 5 Xu Sim dips his face below the level of the brine in his barrel. He blows a bubble - a single bubble that grows and grows, until it's perhaps six inches across, at which point it rises from the sludge, pops, and reveals a shining, unusually piscine, cherub with six wings. Its message, posted to Vladok, is a request for a conversation regarding events contemporary and historical and is... [20:52] ...signed in Xu Sim's own name. [20:52] 14Stranger: "I wouldn't suggest bribery. Even if you succeed, the bribe will be noted. And it's not likely to succeed, unless you're far richer than I." [20:52] 4"I am." [20:52] "Fair as it goes. But either way, you will be brought to the attention of the Guild." [20:53] 4"Is that such a problem? Aren't they busy dealing with the power vacuum with the Emissary's death?" [20:53] "Better to steal it, or otherwise hoodwink a courier that carries it into giving it up." [20:53] 4"A failed attempt at robbery would incur EVEN more unwanted attention." [20:53] 14Stranger shrugs expansively. "If it's not a problem for you, it's not a problem. Just make sure if doesn't become a problem for us." [20:54] "The Guild will be very, very interested in the persons who caused such a ruckus at the theater." [20:54] "It's their business to be." 15[20:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Dead Man's Hand sets up across the street where he can nurse a drink and hide amid smoke and games. He keeps his eye on the glassblower's address, looking for shady doings. He doesn't see much suspicious over that first hour or so, just a lot of children. [20:55] 4von Hrolfus slumps despondently against a wall. "You know this city better than I. I will follow your lead, if you are willing to help." 15[20:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Children in little hats, children running and playing and shouting. Children carefully balancing new bottles as they walk out of the shop's door. 15[20:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Children with mustaches stepping outside and lighting a little pipe... 15[20:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Wait a second. [20:56] 14Stranger shakes his head. "I can help you, but I should not go with you." [20:56] "I have..." [20:56] "Made decisions." [20:56] "Regarding the Guild." [20:56] "You will be better served without me around." [20:56] 4"Not on good terms eh?" [20:57] 14Stranger smiles. "No." [21:00] 13That's - huh. They grow up so fast these days. Only the weird kids? No passers-by taking an interest? [21:02] 14He stirs the tea. "You have two options to my mind, then. The first, and most direct, is that you find an underfactor -- a Guild lieutenant -- and bargain with him directly. He or she will either try to throw you out on your ass, or name some price." [21:02] "You are, of course, uniquely qualified in the field of not being thrown out on your ass." [21:03] "The price may not be currency, of course. It might be work. If you reveal your nature to the underfactor -- or if they already know what it is -- then it will almost certainly be work." [21:03] "And then you're stuck working for the Guild." [21:03] "The other, more underhanded option, is to find that underfactor -- and then instead of approaching them, stake them out. Wait until you see a courier approaching, intercept them, and...bargain as you will." [21:04] 4von Hrolfus suddenly snaps his fingers, straightens up and yells out a single name: "Klaus!" [21:04] 4"Mit gotts, I completely forgot about the man." 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Passersby either don't notice or care, as far as Dead Man's Hand can see. It's a little strange... [21:05] 14Stranger's eyebrows lift, and the tea is finished. [21:06] 4"My servant. I gave him the week off to enjoy the city. He's probably drunk in a tavern somewhere.." 15[21:06] <@VoxPVoxD> The fluid in Xu Sim's barrel starts bubbling. [21:06] 4"If I could send him on my behalf..." [21:06] 14Stranger: "In fairness, being drunk a week in a tavern is a very good way to learn about Nexus economics. I--" [21:06] 14Stranger turns his head. "Excuse me. We're about to have a visitor, I think. I hope this has been helpful." [21:07] 14He pours two cups of tea and heads back to the kitchen. [21:07] 5 Xu Sim shifts uneasily.  "We might need a third cup?" 15[21:07] <@VoxPVoxD> It's a strange sensation for Xu Sim, that of being in a pot over a flame, boiling vigorously, but with no heat to speak of. [21:07] 14Stranger: "Never give them anything for free, Xu Sim." [21:07] "Not even tea." [21:08] 13Never give them anything without checking the fine print. Xia Lan learned. [21:08] 14He retakes his seat on a stool next to the sorcerer's barrel. 15[21:09] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubbles start to fill the room, thick oily bubbles of fishy-smelling brine. They pop after a few seconds, and each one carries a snatch of whispering voice, too low to hear. They get bigger, and pop more loudly, until both Xu Sim and Stranger can make out a four word sequence repeating itself in stinking staccato. 15[21:09] <@VoxPVoxD> God's - Forgotten - Children - Where [21:09] 14God? Singular? [21:10] 14Hmm. [21:10] 5 Clever of Vladok to immediately deduce their nature. Or perhaps not. [21:10] 14He hands Xu Sim his cup of Yucasan. [21:11] 5 Xu Sim swirls it, takes its aroma, covers it for a moment from a fishy popping bubble, and takes a sip. 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> Yes. It's a peculiar affectation outside of places ruled by individual gods directly, like some of the Kingdoms, or Harborhead, if rumor is to be believed. [21:11] 5 The tea isn't bad at all. [21:13] "Is he asking us where to meet? Maybe we should suggest neutral ground." [21:13] 14Stranger files this away for later. [21:13] 14Stranger: "I'd wager he's just trying to make an impression." [21:13] "Give it a moment." 15[21:14] <@VoxPVoxD> The bubbles continue, one word now, repeated into near-meaninglessness. 15[21:14] <@VoxPVoxD> Where - Where - Where - Where [21:14] 14Stranger sighs. [21:14] "I suppose we'll have to leave the house." 15[21:15] <@VoxPVoxD> You could always invite him in. [21:15] "...I'm not moving this barrel." [21:15] 14Oh, please. [21:15] 14We may be arrogant, but we're not stupid. [21:15] 13Speak for yourself. [21:16] 5 Xu Sim grumbles mightily as he extracts himself from the barrel. [21:16] 14Well don't do that! He's still bubbling! [21:18] 4von Hrolfus is wearing a hood, casually sauntering past the lodgings, then looping back and hopping over a fence in the back alley. He can hear the sounds of snoring through a window on the lower floor, and lets himself in through there. [21:18] 5 No wait he doesnt! [21:18] 14Stranger pushes down on the sorcerer's shoulder. 15[21:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Dead Man's Hand actually does see something odd - people who speak to the mustachioed child outside with a pipe are looking well over his head as they speak to him, as if they're making eye contact with a much taller person. [21:20] 13Huh. Some trick. Usually when she disguises herself she has to just, put lifts in or crouch a bit, depending. That might make walking over in a disguise still fail at hiding her identity, then. [21:21] 13So, Dead Man's Hand walks right through the glassblower's door, if no one stops them. What's inside? [21:21] 14Which language is this thing speaking, anyway? 15[21:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Old Realm! The tongue of spirits. The tongue of gods and demons besides. [21:22] 14Well, boring is good. Does Xu Sim have that tongue? [21:22] 14Surely-- [21:23] 5 He does [21:23] 14Then Stranger will have him send back this in Old Realm: Floodwater - Gate - City - 17 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian finds Klaus ready and able for work, after a wash and a shave and a fresh set of clothes. Good as new, more or less. "My lord? How may I be of service?" 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Pop-pop-pop. 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> So - Be - It [21:24] 14Surely he'll ask for a time. 15[21:25] <@VoxPVoxD> He did not. [21:25] 14Ah. Good news for him them: he's on their schedule now. [21:25] 14Stranger stands and finishes his tea. To Xu Sim: "Can you fit in there with the lid on?" [21:26] "Without drowning." [21:28] 4 von Hrolfus looks him up and down with a beady eye. "Have you been keeping up with...recent events?" 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Klaus: "I heard tell of your valor against strange invaders! Defending yourself and crushing the abominations." [21:29] 4"What else have you heard?" 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> "I also heard you were -" He gulps. "- killed and replaced by a demon." [21:29] 14Stranger: "If not, we can drain some of this nonsense without impacting your project, yes?" [21:30] "I won't have Tepali's people drag you through the streets with your head sticking out, squawking about this and that. Too much attention." [21:30] "And too weird." [21:30] 4von Hrolfus laughs. "Oh yes? What do you think?" 15[21:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Dead Man's Hand finds himself in a very hot and cramped glassblower's. It reminds him ever so slightly of Vladok's shop. The child with a mustache stands on a tall stool behind the counter, grinning broadly as he enters, and says in a preposterously deep voice, "Good afternoon, customer!" 15[21:34] <@VoxPVoxD> Klaus: "I... I serve Bastian van Hrolfus, and Great Imperial Deguo. However you've changed, my duty has not." [21:34] 4"You know your duty. Good. I have a task for you..." [21:37] 13Dead Man's Hand takes a long, slow look around the shop. How's the merchandise look? "Afternoon," 13they respond in a drawl. 15[21:39] <@VoxPVoxD> It looks good. What's more, it looks like home. Almost all of these pieces have coloration and shape that mimics the light-play of the great glass spires of Chiaroscuro. [21:41] "Don't worry about my breathing. I'll just alter the lid of this barrel, it won't take more than a moment." 5 Using a kitchen spoon, a tea bag, a long blade of grass, the spine of a pickled fis, and the existing lid of the barrel, Xu Sim rapidly prepares a device that allows someone sitting inside the barrel to breath on the outside. [21:42] 14Stranger blinks, watches him work for a few moments, opens his mouth, shuts it again, shakes his head and says: "I will go find some strapping workmen to pull your chariot." [21:42] 13Hrmph. "You do custom pieces, or just what you've got here?" [21:44] 14He sighs once he's out the door, strolling with his cane over to the plaza where he knows the elder Tepali holds court this time of day. 15[21:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian relays the plan to Klaus. Does von Hrolfus have any parting words of advice or wisdom for his valet? [21:49] 4"Be careful." [21:51] "I sent that message for you, it will be some time before word returns, why don't you join us?" [21:52] 5 This is from inside the barrel. A cunning device, it does little to muffle sound in either direction. [21:52] 14It takes fifteen minutes and a pouch of Greengrass tea to secure the assistance of six able-bodied young men, most of whom remember Stranger from when he got his friend to build that bridge. They're not too skeptical of the assignment until-- [21:52] 14Stranger smiles and discreetly places his hand over the pipe. [21:53] 14Only until Xu Sim stops talking. [21:54] 14Back to work! They're not pleased about how it smells -- in fact two of them are downright nettled about it -- but they buy the explanation that it was delivered either by mistake or as a malicious prank (Stranger isn't sure!) and at any rate are eager to help get it out of town. They wrestle it out the door, onto a sledge, and pull it down to the riverbank -- then over to the [21:54] 14Floodwater Gate. City 17. [21:55] 14He has them wrestle it off and to some convenient place -- an overhang, or if there's an antechamber, in there -- before thanking them and dismissing them, and telling them that if they have troubles, ask Tepali, and she will ask him. [21:55] 14Or, considering the work they've just done, they're within their rights to flag him down in the street. [21:56] 14Once the workmen are gone: "You can come out now." [21:56] 5 Xu Sim laughs a short, sharp, laugh.  "I forgot to add an exit. Just give the lid a firm tug, if you please. I don't want to break it." [21:57] 14What sort of place is 'City 17' anyway? [21:57] 14Stranger looks about as he walks over to the barrel, takes the lid in both hands, and gives the requested tug. [21:59] 5 Xu Sim emerges from the barrel after his journey. He wipes the gunk out of his eyes, but his breathing and speaking at least are relatively unimpaired. A fish stares lifelessly, accusingly, from within his beard. [21:59] 14Is there any place around here to start a fire? They might need one. 15[21:59] <@VoxPVoxD> City Sluice 17 is far prettier than it has any right to be, for a sewer. The walls are polished white marble, and the air inside is inexplicably fresh - a feature both Stranger and Xu Sim associate with other parts of exposed First Age architecture elsewhere in the city. This is a bit of old Hollow, and if it offered any protection from the elements someone would surely have made a home of it. [22:01] 14Hrm. 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> The best place to start a fire would be on the western side of the gate, where the exposed stone of the sluice will block the wind. A dedicated spy or tracker would be able to locate them by the smoke, but other than that there's no risk or difficulty to speak of. [22:01] 14The demon did name it, so this is not entirely unexpected. [22:02] 14Stranger will set the pack he brought with him down and remove kindling, coals, and a kettle. [22:02] 14He'll set the kettle aside. [22:03] "Would we benefit from a fire?" 14he'll ask Xu Sim. Some of these creatures have banes. Some are just scared of flames. 15[22:03] <@VoxPVoxD> The glassblower: "Most of my work is custom work! These are pieces I made for myself over the years. I can do simpler work. And more complicated work, if that's what you're after? How can I help you, sir?" [22:04] "It doesn't make much difference to me. The brine is quite insulating. I doubt our interlocutor would care." [22:06] 14Stranger: "Good." 14He builds the fire. [22:07] 14While it builds up, the Eclipse gets water from the river in the kettle and then hangs it over the flames to boil it. [22:07] "Clearly we're early," 14he says once that's done. [22:07] 13Not the answer they were expecting. So this isn't just a front, huh. "Well. Might have the wrong address, then. Was told to look for a 'Vavariko Tatariko' - you know 'em?" 13They lean back from the counter a bit, glancing out the front window every now and again. The disguise wasn't just for the folks inside. [22:09] 14Waiting for the water to boil: "What do you want from this conversation?" 15[22:09] <@VoxPVoxD> The glassblower gives a joyful laugh. Dead Man's Hand sees him throw his stubby arms in the air and stand on one leg, face wide with mirth. "My reputation spreads far and wide. Vavariko Tatariko makes the finest glass in Nexus. That's a name you can trust!" [22:11] 13Dead Man's Hand: "Funny business, glassblower and seneschal. Not too often you see overlap like that." 15[22:12] <@VoxPVoxD> The glassblower: "I'm sorry?" [22:13] "I want to find out more about the conversation he had with Xia Lan about her name, what his goals are, what assistance he might be able to provide us. And a few other things besides." [22:14] 14Stranger nods, eyes closed. "I want him to know he can't fuck with us." [22:14] 13Xia Lan produces the letter she received and passes it across the counter. Still in Dead Man's Hand's voice: "Like I said." [22:15] "I want him to know precisely what he's forced Xia Lan to sign her name to, and what unforeseen consequences that might have for him." [22:15] 14He opens an eye and looks over at Xu Sim in his barrel. "I don't like demons." [22:16] "Especially when they think they're making deals." [22:16] "Who does? They don't much care for each other, or themselves," 5 Xu Sim shrugs.  "But unpleasant things can have their uses. I want him to tell me about his ancestor, to help me solve some mysteries I find myself entangled in." [22:17] 14Stranger smiles to himself. That will be an interesting ask. But he wouldn't put it past the sorcerer to get it. 15[22:18] <@VoxPVoxD> The glassblower looks at the letter with wide eyes. "Oh... oh dear." [22:19] 13A slow nod from Dead Man's Hand. Go on. 15[22:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Stranger and Xu Sim soon smell smoke, something sweet and woody. Then they see it billow red from the sluice gate, coming forth from the sewer. It swirls around them briefly before seeming to get sucked up into a cracked clay jar at their feet, where it billows and roils and shines with the light of an absent flame. [22:23] 14Stranger ignores it and sips his tea. It's Forest Blackleaf, this time. [22:23] 14Does Xu Sim want a cup? [22:23] 5 Xu Sim reaches out of the barrel with a grasping gesture, but his eyes are fixed on the magical display coming from the cracked clay jar. [22:24] 14Stranger pours him one and hands it off. There's a third cup, just in case this thing drinks. 15[22:25] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar flares rhythmically in time with the croaking voice that seems to rise from the mouth of the jar. "I am Vladok. You are Xu Sim?" [22:25] "The same." [22:25] 14Stranger remains silent. 15[22:26] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar wobbles a bit. The crack is then facing Stranger. "What is your name?" [22:26] 14There was a smile on his face before. It's gone now. A calm, perfect mask greets the demon instead. "I am Stranger-Visits-Heaven." 15[22:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The glassblower: "I... where did you get this?" [22:27] "Tea?" 15[22:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar: "No, thank you. Though it does smell lovely." [22:27] "Mmm." [22:28] "A discerning nose." [22:28] 13Dead Man's Hand: "Trusted friend. Thought I'd check the place out 'fore she came here." 13Not a complete lie, actually. Certainly very misleading. [22:29] 14He says that in a pleasant tone, but he is not surprised and he finds no endearment in it. Many unfortunate souls have offered this thing tea. 15[22:31] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "Please give your friend my apologies. My... my daughter made this." [22:32] 13They raise an eyebrow. [22:33] 14Stranger, sipping the tea.: "You know why there are two of us, of course. And you know what we are." [22:33] 5 Xu Sim drums his fingers on the side of the barrel.  "And whom do we now address, venerable alabaster?" 15[22:35] <@VoxPVoxD> "I am Wielder of Names. Today I bring the name Vladok. I had assumed curiosity, but now I see that this is about Unfettered Xia Lan." [22:39] 13Dead Man's Hand ponders for a moment. "Your daughter around?" 15[22:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "She's- I'm sorry, is my daughter in trouble?" [22:42] 14Golden light crackles and explodes around Stranger, his caste mark burning, then settles down to merely limn him in its glory. Behind him, a strange shadow somehow looms. "Yes," 14he says. "It is." [22:42] 13They peel their moustache away. In a much higher pitched voice: "Always nice to meet a fan." 13Dead Man's Hand quickly replaces the moustache. [22:43] 13Followed by a wink. Kids, right? 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko's arms windmill wildly as if he were knocked off his feet by the force of the revelation. "Uwaaah?!" [22:44] 14Stranger raises his cup, his profile and forehead burning. "You're sure you don't want tea?" [22:45] 13Dead Man's Hand continues to smile reassuringly. Now that they've established it's not a genuine demand letter, there's no need to continue to play hardball. 15[22:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok, in the jar: "Thank you anyway. I appreciate the courtesy but I wonder why I'm here. Did she ask you to intercede on her behalf?" [22:50] 14Stranger: "No." 15[22:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "You're-- Thal's balls! Oh, sorry, er, miss. Pardon my language." 15[22:52] <@VoxPVoxD> "I don't understand. How did you get that letter?" [22:52] "Sadly, I am not here--" 14he sips the tea, then puts it down. "--to offer you a deal." [22:53] 5 Xu Sim ponders. If the Wielder of Names isn't a demon-blooded human but a full demonic creature, it would raise considerable questions. 15[22:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Bastian waits for his faithful servant to return. And waits. And waits. It's getting dark out. 15[22:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Klaus should have been back by now... [22:55] 13Dead Man's Hand: "Showed up in the fanmail. Stood out a bit - not her first command performance, but the first one for someone she hadn't heard of." 13'Her,' 'she' - it's important to stay in character. "No disrespect, of course." [22:55] 4von Hrolfus taps his feet idly, a growing frown creasing his face. [22:56] "I am very interested in you because you showed some interest in... our associate. It's probably pretty dangerous to get involved with people like us. So what gives?" 15[22:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "Oh, ah, well. It's very strange, you see. My daughter - big fan of yours. Huge fan. I've taken her to see you four times. She and her friends cooked up this weird scheme to trick you into performing a concert just for them, by pretending to be royalty. Kid stuff, right? So I let her write the letter - they got wax everywhere - and then I threw it away. I didn't want to risk my little girl running afoul of... of... the sort of man you look like you'd be, you know? A lot of these singers are managed by -" stage whisper "- 14Guild types." 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> "I really have no idea how that letter got to you and I'm terribly sorry to have been a bother. My little girl isn't the empress of anything. Unless it's her nameday." 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok in a jar: "I would never. She came to me. Stumbled into a bad debt from a creature who escaped me without paying. He pawned his debt off onto her. She came, honorably, to resolve it, as we are, by the old code." [23:02] 14Mmmm. [23:04] 14Stranger: "How regretable. The old code is the old code. You had no choice." [23:04] 14His voice is neutral. [23:05] 13They nod, knowingly. "I stay away from them on purpose. You're right to do the same." 13They tap their index finger on the letter, still sitting on the counter there. "Still strange that it showed up in the mail, then." 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "I had many choices, as did she. She could have run, as the creature who tricked her did. She could have fought. It was she who invoked the old code. It was she who proposed the contest." 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko shrugs his tiny shoulders. [23:06] 13Dead Man's Hand: "You ever hear of a thing like that?" 13Shot in the dark, frankly. [23:06] 14Stranger: "Oh?" [23:06] "Who's the creature, the original debtor?" 15[23:07] <@VoxPVoxD> Suddenly there's a knock at the entrance door that startles Bastian out of his worry. "I have a message for Baron von Hrolfus?" [23:07] 4von Hrolfus leaps to his feet, startled. Stand beside the door: “Who is it?" 15[23:08] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "He wields the name Bamaz, which was the subject of his debt to me." [23:08] 14Stranger: "Do you think we are here to contest the legitimacy of the contest?" 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "I don't know what you are here to do. I was asked here to discuss events temporary and historical." [23:10] 14Stranger: "And that's precisely what you are doing." 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> "And I have come, because it would be folly to deny an invitation from the likes of you. Folly too to speculate about your motives." 15[23:11] <@VoxPVoxD> "So, tell me. What is it you want?" 15[23:12] <@VoxPVoxD> "Concierge, sir." The hotel Bastian is staying at has a robust staff. The concierge is a kindly man, tall but stooping. 15[23:12] <@VoxPVoxD> "It's about your man... Kla-os?" [23:12] 4von Hrolfus freezes. This doesn’t sound good. “What of him? Who sent you?”\ [23:12] "Oh, he has all the academic questions," 14Stranger says, gesturing at Xu Sim. "I suspect you'll quite enjoy them." [23:13] "I just wanted to see what you looked like." 15[23:13] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "Someone must've taken it from the trash and mailed it. I have no idea why." [23:14] 5 The Doctor listens to their dialogue with some interest, before interjecting:  "Tell me, are you acquainted with the so-called Cupreous Physician?" [23:15] 13Dead Man's Hand: "Worth a shot." 13Doesn't seem true, with the way the letter was delivered, but all right. They grab whatever paper nearby is free and sign it as Xia Lan, along with a date a few days from now. "Give that to the doorman at CIO's," 13followed by the date they'll be scoping the place out with Stranger. "It'll be a sound check, and the usual crowd won't be there yet. Kid-safe, if not kid-friendly." 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> The concierge: "A courier from the healer's temple. Kla-os asked that word be sent to you before his surgery. I have a note here, sir, if you'd like to read it." 15[23:16] <@VoxPVoxD> Quieter: "Or I could read it to you through the door." [23:16] “SURGERY?" [23:16] 4“Slip the note under." 15[23:17] <@VoxPVoxD> The note slides under the door. [23:18] 4von Hrolfus carefully picks it up and begins to read. What’s it say? 15[23:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "CIO's? The bar where demons and monsters drink?" [23:19] 13Dead Man's Hand, defensively: "It's a long story. Well, it's a short story that involves some decisions I'd rather not repeat." 15[23:20] <@VoxPVoxD> My Lord Baron, Underfactor Lang did not appreciate your request. He has kept the proffer for himself and left me with nothing. His men attacked me and I escaped. I am wounded but receiving care. The Singing Stone Temple. Gods With Us, Klaus. [23:21] 4Well.  [23:21] 4Someone just made an enemy. 15[23:22] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar wobbles. "I know the name." [23:23] "You also know Sondok Who Stands in Doors, do you not? Should I speak of such in the past tense?" 15[23:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "What are these names to you?" [23:27] 14Stranger pours another cup, but doesn't take his eyes off the demon. [23:28] "One is an entity that helped cause me a lot of trouble. The other, I believe, would have reason to despise the first - and, if I am not mistaken - perhaps bears some relation to you, does it not?" [23:32] 13Still defensive: "I went in on a deal that I didn't fully understand at the time. Tricked, you might say, and I certainly do. End result is, after a series of negotiations, I'll be having a contest there in a few weeks." 13They frown. "I'm not thrilled about that, either. But I was hoping to at least send someone away happy." 15[23:34] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko's eyes well with tears. 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> "That. Is so. Sweet." 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> "She's gonna be so excited!" [23:35] 14Stranger is watching the demon's face when he hears Xu Sim's words. Trouble -- but relation -- caution in his face, but a desire to know...on a hunch he turns to Xu Sum and says, in Forest-tongue: "Emancipated demons. Ask." [23:39] 14If the demon gives him a dirty or suspicious look, Stranger will just smile and toast him with the tea before returning to tending the fire. 15[23:40] <@VoxPVoxD> The demon has no face with which to give anyone looks. It's just some smoke and light in a jar. [23:40] 14Sometimes you can just tell. [23:40] 13Dead Man's Hand: "I've got a friend for security, too. He'll keep 'em safe." 13They reiterate the time Vavariko should show up with his daughter and her friends - well before 'prime time.' "And if you have any problems, tell them to take it up with m- with Xia Lan." [23:45] 5 Xu Sim's jaw hangs open for a moment as the fish slides slowly out of his beard.  "You really do make a trade of names, huh?" 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "There are few things I could sell in Nexus that aren't already on offer." 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "Is there anything else I should know? What should I tell her?" [23:49] "But names, the kind of names you sell, that's quite a select market." 5 He absentmindedly begins gesturing with a fish, sending drips of salty spray here and there as he gestures, with increasing agitation: [23:50] "Consider something like a demon. On its own, a demon outside Hell is quite a strange thing. By rights, it should just fade away, be destroyed. It's in a place it can't exist anymore, because it's the fetich soul of something that doesn't belong in Creation anymore- 15[23:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "It is adequate to my purposes." [23:51] "Sure, it might get by under the protection of a sorcerer or a blood-cult or something. But on its own? Never. Unless, you know, it had some way of stitching something together from a bunch of cast-off metaphysical waste- 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> "Don't muse at me." [23:53] 14Stranger notes the irritation. [23:54] "How many customers do you have? Are they regulars?" 15[23:54] <@VoxPVoxD> "My clients expect confidentiality." 15[23:55] <@VoxPVoxD> "And even if they didn't, my business is no business of yours, little flame." [23:56] 14...? Little flame. [23:56] 14Interesting monicker. [23:56] 13Isn't it just. [23:58] "Alright, have it your way. Can you tell me about Giramande? And a curio that belongs to it, a trinket - a beetle brooch?" 15[23:59] <@VoxPVoxD> "Giramande is a toy, mistaken for living kin as if by a child." [00:01] 13Dead Man's Hand: "Let her know -- Xia Lan only agreed after finding out who was REALLY behind the request. That status isn't everything. And --" 13They pause, briefly. "And that lying bald-faced doesn't work." 13They grin sheepishly. "Even when you knowingly break the rules, you need to know what rules and why. Don't mention that part, though." 15[00:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Vavariko: "You got it." [00:05] "What are you going to do when the Raksha come to Nexus? Surely they would tear you to shreds? They trade in names and memories as well, if I am not mistaken." [00:05] 14They're already here, surely, is what Stranger thinks -- but his face remains impassive. 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> "Let them come." [00:07] 14...He can respect that. [00:07] "You know, a deal-" 5 he glances at Stranger -  "May not be possible. But some limited cooperation may well be... mutually beneficial." [00:09] 13They tip their cap towards Vavariko. "See you then. Good meeting you." 13Dead Man's Hand then ambles their way back to the hideout, taking the necessary precautions to avoid revealing it to the public. It's just about time to begin preparing for the show. [00:09] "Oh, don't constrain yourself on my account." 14Stranger sips his tea. "Vladok and I will have words on the subject deals regardless of what you call any agreement made here." [00:09] *subject of 15[00:10] <@VoxPVoxD> "You speak of alliance against the dreameaters." 15[00:10] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar seems to say this to Xu Sim. [00:10] 14This should be interesting. [00:11] "Yes." 15[00:12] <@VoxPVoxD> "They are no threat to me, and little threat to mine. Few among them could even imagine the realms invisible, let alone touch it." 15[00:12] <@VoxPVoxD> "But they are a threat." [00:15] 14He's not wrong. But he's also speaking generally. [00:15] 14And speaking generally can be dangerous, when it comes to the raksha. [00:19] "We are very different... but we might be alike enough in some ways that we could cooperate. Perhaps... some kind of an exchange of information or tools?" 15[00:20] <@VoxPVoxD> "Make me an offer." [00:24] 14Stranger: "Oh, I think not." [00:25] "You've already gotten one of us to offer you a deal. And you've profitted well from it, or will do so soon." [00:26] "We are more than just names, Vladok. We are far, far more. We know more, we see more, we do more. You have taken advantage of one of our younger members, and we do not contest the responsibilities she now owes." [00:26] "But this time, you're going to be the one stepping up to the table first." [00:27] "Unless you'd like to relitigate the drinking and the singing." [00:28] 14He sets his teacup down. "Because I'm all ears." 15[00:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "You have pull with the Council, yes?" [00:28] 5 Xu Sim takes a big swig. [00:28] 14Stranger: "We do." 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> "What remains of it, anyway. Many of my clientele live and work in Nexus, and would happily rise in its defense. But a name that holds value in Heaven's eyes has little bearing on what our names are worth here, to the merchants and ministers of this city. Most of my clients live at the margins, with no legal standing. Forced into work fit for no creature." 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> "If you can secure a commitment from the city to honor their rights, we will serve alongside you." 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> "That is my offer." [00:35] 14This creature is an enemy of Creation, and Stranger should oppose it -- but having gotten to know it, sensed how it approaches its brethern, and understood what it is fighting for, he is willing to ally himself with one enemy which might remain constructive and bound by strictures against...well, the untamed whole of a Wyld horde. [00:35] 14And besides, it's interesting. [00:36] "I hear your offer, and acknowledge it. I seal nothing and bind nothing. But should I satisfy its terms, I will return to you to certify a bond." [00:37] 14He pauses. "I will discuss your rights with the Council." 15[00:39] <@VoxPVoxD> "Then our business until then is, as I see it, done." [00:39] 14Stranger chuckles. "Not quite." [00:53] 14Stranger: "I want to be very clear about the particular kind of man I am." [00:53] 14The air around Stranger sucks in and then explodes with golden light. [00:53] 14The shadow looming behind him is now halfway across the sewer ceiling, almost looming over the jar. [00:55] "I have no quarrel with you, Vladok, Wielder of Names. I have no enmity towards you at all. And you tell me that this business with Xia Lan is her fault -- her deal -- and I respect that, so far as it goes." [00:55] "But it only goes so far." [00:55] "And it does not reach me." [00:57] "She will meet the challenge you manevered her into, and she will fail or she will fly. But I am not bound. I need not respect your victory. I need not respect your defeat. When you go a-tempting in this world, you do so with the risk of meeting me." [00:57] 14Stranger smiles, pouring out the teacup. "So I leave you with this." [00:58] "You can afford to lose this contest with Xia Lan; she is unvengeful. Frankly, she enjoys the whole performance of it. You're doing her a favor." [00:59] "I only ask that you ask yourself this: can you afford to win?" 15[01:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "We shall find out together." [01:01] 14Stranger: "Oh, yes." [01:01] 5 Xu Sim takes another sip of the tea. Yikes. 15[01:01] <@VoxPVoxD> The jar rattles and glows, burning brighter and brighter as the smoke rages inside it, never rising more than a few inches from the top. Then it's all gone with a pop, leaving only the jar, whose crack has fused shut in the heat. [01:02] 14Stranger sighs and leans back against the sewer wall. [01:02] 14To Xu Sim: "I'm not going outside until the anima dies down." [01:02] "Sensible. I think I was mistaken when I said it was a child of Sondok. That's not accurate. Vladok is whatever is left of Sondok." [01:03] 14He looks over. "That's...unfortunate." [01:03] "For both of them." [01:04] "An emancipated demon, in Creation, should not be possible. It's a contradiction in terms. But I think Sondok is one, and has others, that are stitching together something to keep themselves going. With the names." [01:05] 14Stranger: "That raises some questions." [01:05] "Physical, metaphysical, and moral." [01:05] "Agreed." [01:06] "If they are not brought here by sorcerers to do their bidding -- if they possess free will -- are they still enemies of Creation? The undead possess no such will. Arguably, neither do the raksha -- they are slaves to patterns of their nature." [01:07] 14Stranger pauses. "I almost feel bad for threatening him. Almost." [01:08] "I don't know how we could determine it. But there has to be a solution. It seemed to respond powerfully to elements of its former nature, after all." [01:09] 14The silver-haired man sighs. "He cares too much." [01:09] "Not about us, of course." [01:09] "About the other demons." [01:10] "You think it a weakness?" [01:11] 14Stranger stands and walks over to the jar. He picks up the lid to the barrel sitting next to it and tosses it over to Xu Sim. "I'll take this back first. You get yourself ready for your public once more." [01:11] "I shall fetch your palanquin." 15[01:12] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: That bloody, blackened name