15[20:09] <@VoxPVoxD> People out in the streets cover their faces with rags against the smoke. Word is the fire's been contained - though it took most of the quarter with it. But it's not out yet, and it lingers heavy in the air. There are signs and vigils up and down the roads surrounding the burnt quarter's cordon, signs begging for word on missing loved ones wheat-pasted to the walls. 15[20:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Meanwhile, some of the few people absolutely certain to have survived the blaze are licking their wounds in a clinic under gleaming foreign guard. They share oatmeal and bad news. [20:12] 4von Hrolfus rests slumped over a chair, chin balanced on hand. [20:14] 14Stranger has his eyes closed, sitting sideways across his bed and leaning back against the wall. To Bastian: "There has been news of Deguo." [20:16] 13Xia Lan looks over to Stranger from her seat on the windowsill, before glancing to Bastian. This could go badly. [20:16] 5 Xu Sim has a pair of scrolls in front of him, and a third balanced in his lap. He paws through the three of them carefully in turn, contemplating the words visible on one before turning to the next. [20:16] "It's not good. I won't pretend that it's good, or ask you to choose what you want to hear first. The bad news has caveats. There is no good news." [20:18] "There is an army on the march. An army that is coming here, guided by that burning red star in the sky, summoned by the death of Balor. It is an army of the fair folk, ruled by them, but it is an army of men living and dead as well." [20:18] "That army has marched through Deguo. Deguo has fallen." [20:19] "Guowang Shan has fallen." [20:19] 4von Hrolfus straightens slowly from his slump and looks Stranger straight in the eye. “Oh.” [20:19] "The Tower of Tuwangste still stands." [20:19] "The army left it. The army had business elsewhere." [20:20] "That is your caveat: whosoever has been spared in Deguo, has been spared inside that tower." [20:21] 14He opens his eyes. "I'm sure you felt most of this, before you knew it. Your vision in the amphitheater -- that was not random, nor was it fantasy." [20:21] "The only consolation I can offer you is this: the army that has wronged you is headed here." [20:22] "You may have your vengeance or your death in a matter of weeks." [20:25] 4von Hrofus finds, to his surprise, that he’d been stealing himself for the worst for a while. When it came, he felt absolutely nothing. “Oh. That’s good.” [20:26] 14Stranger closes his eyes again. "No. It's not." [20:26] "But it might be just." [20:26] 4He rises to his feet. “When do we start?" [20:26] "Now." [20:27] "First, we need to gain our freedom. Without maiming anybody. We'll need these soldiers later." [20:27] "Then we must swiftly, by all means available to us, make this city ready for war." [20:27] "That army? The one that destroyed Deguo? It is not alone." [20:27] "They're coming from all Directions." [20:28] 13Xia Lan: "Dark times." [20:28] "We have slipped and tripped upon Fate. Now we must right ourselves, and Creation with us." [20:28] 14He sighs. "Or just die." [20:28] 4von Hrolfus’ breathing is even. He’s as calm as a still lake. “Either is fine with me." [20:29] "Dibs," 5 notes the chirurgeon, without explanation. [20:29] "Then examine yourself further, Bastian von Hrolfus," 14Stranger snaps. "Your death serves no one. Avenges no one. You must commit yourself to victory." [20:30] "Even if we lose, even if there was no chance we might win to start with -- we must all commit ourselves to victory." [20:31] 4von Hrolfus bows his head. “As you say.” 15[20:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn stakes out the grounds. She can be pretty unobtrusive, considering how many other people are doing the same. The parade grounds are full of young men and women milling about, with no clear guidance or visible organization. The big furrow and cracks in the earth the white jade-armored giant trailed as he left still linger; much of the idle conversation is about them. [20:35] 7Anyone look like they're worth keeping an eye on? Troublemakers, people who might be opposed to her taking down a target. [20:38] 5 Although the doctor is occupied with the scrolls, his right hand fidgets, tapping a small stylus fashioned from a cat (or perhaps a weasel's) rib, using it to roll around a small ball of wax, looping an end of it around a loose bit of thread. [20:39] 4He looks up, an odd look in his eyes. “Let us show no mercy.” [20:42] 13Xia Lan: "...you're right." 13There's hesitation, but ultimately - Stranger's right. We have to work together. [20:42] 14Stranger sits up straight. "Mercy is no vice. It is also no virtue. Let us do what needs to be done -- no more, no less. Let us be guided by our faith in the Sun, in ourselves, and in the goodness of those who would stand for Creation. Let us believe." [20:43] 14Mildly: "I believe that we will win." [20:44] 5 A wax ball flies across the room with a thwack, punctuating Stranger's statement. Xu Sim's idle hand has constructed a tiny onager, perfect for terrorizing a schoolteacher, perhaps. Xu, for his part, looks at his hand in some disbelief. [20:47] 14Stranger: "So let's get to winning." [20:48] 13Xia Lan: "We should start by getting out of here." [20:48] 14He looks about the room. "As hospitable as the accomodations have been, I agree." [20:49] "No violence, however. We will need these people manning the barricades for us shortly." [20:49] "I doubt we'll need it." [20:49] 4“It would not do to alienate needed allies." 15[20:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn sizes up the crowd. There's a lot of people who look like trouble here -- it's a mercenary job, after all, and inexperienced and out-of-work mercenaries most of all. They're anxious, too, and anxiety breeds hostility. There don't even seem to be enough guards here to contain the riot all these armed people could start if it turns out no job materializes. [20:50] 5 Xu Sim re-arranges himself as is practicable, having discarded his burnt robes for the simple beige smock of one of the clinic's patients. It's not a very intimidating look. [20:51] 14To Xu Sim: "Then you underestimate the importance of a victory's quality. These armies must be turned back by the blood and sweat of the highest of Creation to the lowest. It cannot simply be five golden heroes descending from on high to save the day." [20:51] 7Great. Hopefully a job does materialize, because Dawn really doesn't have time to quell a riot and pull her target out of it. [20:51] "If it is, then the only lesson learned will be to wait for golden heroes." [20:52] "And frankly, I doubt you wish to be on call so much." [20:52] "I know I don't." [20:52] 13Xia Lan: "As tempting as that sounds, no." [20:52] 14To Xia Lan: "I'd suggest you take the lead on this. I am still hurt, and you're the burgeoning idol." [20:54] 13Xia Lan: "Benefit concerts, maybe..." 13She taps her chin thoughtfully. "I'll figure something out." 15[20:55] <@VoxPVoxD> The aspiring mercenaries who aren't starting to get rowdy are mostly huddled up in circles talking or drinking (the warrior's breakfast: rice wine with a raw egg cracked in). Dawn has to look twice to believe her own eyes, but in among those huddles is one group where everyone is dead. Gray, mottled skin, cataracted eyes, the odd bug crawling out of their half-open mouths, passing bread and tea around with a pale woman in big, gauzy white robes. [20:56] 7Um. What? How does that work? Dawn's too good at this to stare openly, but her attention is certainly focused on them. 15[21:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Yeah, it's weird. But she sees it. No one else seems to be paying any attention to it either. [21:01] 7Dawn knew Nexus was weird, but damn. 15[21:03] <@VoxPVoxD> At the clinic, there's a heavy pounding on the front door. The doctor opens it and audibly yelps. There's a strange metallic whine, and then someone calls up, "Come out prepared to hand over your weapons." [21:03] 14Stranger rolls his blind eyes. [21:03] "Here we are." [21:04] 14He'll hobble on out first. Perhaps the white-haired man handing over his cane will shame them a bit. [21:05] 5 Xu Sim is second - no weapons or tools, just a white-bearded guy in an eggshell smock. [21:05] 14What's he 'see' when he heads down to the main level? Hopefully they haven't hurt the doctor or the nurse. [21:06] 13Xia Lan: "No, please, these are all I have left of--" 13her voice breaks. She's out third, her pair of hooked swords roped harmlessly together, looking like she's been asked to kill a dear friend. [21:07] 14Ha. [21:07] 5 If it is the famed Gunzosha, he examines it with the curiosity of a cat. [21:07] 4von Hrolfus silently follows. 15[21:09] <@VoxPVoxD> There's no sign of either of them. Those who descend the stairs will see a figure in gleaming silver plate inlaid with designs that seem to ripple in the light. Their voice reverberates, rendered indistinct and inhuman by their massive helmet. Behind them, visible through the windows rather than the doors, are six of the hulking Gunzosha elites. [21:09] 14Not off to a fantastic start. [21:09] 14Before handing over the cane: "What did you do with the doctor and the nurse." 15[21:13] <@VoxPVoxD> The armored figure points. The doctor is ducking just behind the door into the apothecary, while the nurse is also using a huge cask of some herbaceous liquid as further cover. [21:14] 14Sigh. [21:15] 14Stranger: "My apologies. We are here to surrender. Do you require their further?" [21:15] *their presence [21:15] 14He indicates the two cowering clinicians. [21:20] 14This woman is off-putting. Difficult to say if it's the armor or something more, but he can't quite get a read on her. [21:21] 13Xia Lan stifles a grimace, still all tears and apologies. You can't play on heartstrings if you can't even get a read...! [21:22] "Specifically, I would like to return to house arrest at the treatment facility. I am on the verge of a breakthrough in the treatment of the honey-maze. I am willing to serve as a hostage, to ensure the good faith and conduct of my... companions... here." [21:22] 14Perhaps she'll respect the direct approach. 15[21:23] <@VoxPVoxD> The armored figure: "Civilian authorities will see to them." [21:24] 14Stranger beams. "Excellent." 14He proffers his cane. [21:24] 14Before she can take it, he'll snatch it away. "Which ones?" [21:25] 13Xia Lan: "You won't -- these are important to me..." 13What do they intend to do with the confiscated weapons, in other words? 15[21:26] <@VoxPVoxD> The armored figure turns their head to Xu Sim. "No." [21:29] "No, I assure you, I think some additional tests are all that I need to determine how to cure the condition," 5 protests the alchemist. [21:29] 14Mild irritation. You can't just tell them what you want up front, Xu Sim. You have to make them think it's their idea! 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Stranger doesn't get a direct response. Instead they turn on their heel and say: "Turn in your weapons. You have ten minutes." 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Then they walk out. [21:30] 14Stranger: "They're learning." [21:30] 4“An impasse?” [21:30] "We can't cajole them into doing what we wish if they won't talk to us." [21:31] 13Xia Lan: "But... my swords..." [21:31] 14To the doctor and nurse: "Go upstairs. Stay there until morning." [21:31] 13Are they still listening? It's important to stay in character if there's even a chance. [21:31] 14To Xia Lan: "Your best play might be to try sneaking out across the rooftops." 15[21:31] <@VoxPVoxD> The door's still open, so they easily could be. Beyond the gunzosha a crowd is forming. Whatever happens out front this morning, there's going to be an audience. [21:32] 14Oho. [21:32] "Unless you like playing to an audience." 15[21:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn stalks around, staying on the peripheries. But the prickle of apprehension lets her know she's been made, and it materializes until she wheels around, weapon drawn, staring down the barrel at a demonic blue mask and two fine crossed swords. [21:33] 13Xia Lan: "They're all I have left of her!" 13she cries, dropping to her knees at the doorstep, ignoring Stranger. How dare you imply that she's playing it up for the crowd. [21:35] 4“The clock’s ticking." [21:37] 7One moment, Dawn's leaning casually against a building, the next, the long barrel of her firewand spins off of her back and into her ready hands. "Howdy. You'll want to put those down before somebody gets hurt." [21:43] 14Stranger: "Let me think." [21:44] 5 Xu Sim eyes the barrel the nurse was hiding behind. [21:44] 14Oh no. 15[21:46] <@VoxPVoxD> The masked figure collapses into a defensive posture, carefully and reluctantly lowering their swords a split-second later. [21:48] 7Dawn smirks. "Smart. Now, I'm guessing you wanted a word?" 7She doesn't lower her gun, not yet. 15[21:55] <@VoxPVoxD> The masked figure's voice is youthful but hoarse. "In private." [21:57] 7Dawn: "A peaceful word, then? Other words we can have right out here in the street." 15[21:58] <@VoxPVoxD> The masked boy gestures. Lead on. [21:59] 7Dawn appears to contemplate it a moment, then puts the rifle away as fast as it came out, beckoning her 'attacker' to follow. [22:01] 14After staring at the barrel, then the alchemist, then the idol, then the barrel again: "...Xu Sim." [22:01] "What can you do with medicinal herbs?" [22:01] 14He briefly sketches out a plan. [22:02] "What  can't  I do with medicinal herbs?" 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> The masked boy sheathes his swords and follows. Where does Dawn lead him? [22:03] 7I'm sure Dawn can easily found a place where they won't be overheard by anyone who doesn't run up on her. [22:15] 5 After hearing the plan:  "Well, it's an idea, I guess. Let's see here..." 5 The alchemist begins scooping up reagents by the handful and monopolizes the entire clinic's tiny pharmacy and all the tools it has present. [22:16] 14Stranger consults with the rest of the group as well. Then he heads upstairs to talk to the doctor. [22:23] 7Once she finds a suitable spot, Dawn stops and crosses her arms. "Well, let's have it, then." 15[22:26] <@VoxPVoxD> The boy unmasks and Dawn sees her mark in the flesh. Scruffy hair, giant scar, even the scowl matches. "I'm not going back with you." 15[22:26] <@VoxPVoxD> "I know who you are. I know who sent you. I'm not going back." [22:27] 7Dawn: "Straight to the point. Good. Why don't you want to go back?" 15[22:29] <@VoxPVoxD> "I'm not fighting my family's wars anymore." [22:33] "Strange position for a man your age. Most of 'em can't wait to bring glory to the House, craft their own legend, and so forth." [22:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, who took an overnight watch, has now awoken from his catnap and finished a coffee. "Alll right, I'm hearing they want us to surrender our weapons and march off to prison or something?" 15[22:36] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka looks away. "It's more common than you think. Nobody wants to admit it." [22:38] <@Ferrinus> "Where I come from," 12Keldar says, "Which is here, when someone demands your sword, you give it to them." 12There's no question what he means. [22:38] 14Stranger: "No." [22:38] "We need them. Specifically, those armored suits." [22:39] 7Dawn leans against a wall. "Well, shit, kid. I don't want to drag you back kicking and screaming, but I bet someone does. They told me to give you a talking to, but if it comes right down to it, if I come back empty-handed, it's my ass." [22:39] "Put the fear of the Sun into that Lookshyan, but no killing unless they make it necessary." [22:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "You're not getting me into one of those, and from what I hear you're not getting anyone else in either unless they spend half their life gettin' injections. Be nice if they were on our side, but, hell, be nice if the Emissary were still alive." [22:40] 14Stranger: "We don't get to choose whether or not the Emissary lives. We do get to choose what happens here." 15[22:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "They'd just send someone else anyway." [22:40] "And we're not taking down six of the damn things." [22:41] "Not in our condition." [22:41] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Five of us, seven of them. Even if you could use another day, we've got it." 15[22:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "What happens if you have to kill the person you're hunting?" [22:42] 7Dawn: "So if you know you're going back, what'd you want to talk about? You have to know mine are the gentlest hands you could end up in." [22:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I mean, you can try whatever you're trying, and I can certainly... explain the stakes they're playing for, if they don't seem to understand them. But the only way those bastards are getting my sword is point first." [22:42] 14Stranger: "The street is full of people." [22:42] 14Stranger: "Fine." [22:43] "I just ask that it's not your first point." [22:43] 7Dawn: "Depends on the person I'm hunting. I've hunted some sons of bitches I was glad to put in the ground. Some that made me, and while I didn't like it, they made their choice. If they didn't make me and I didn't want to... I try not to put myself in that position." 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "Tell them you had to kill me." [22:45] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I've been in here a day already, but I can wait a little longer. What've you got Xu Sim doing over there...?" [22:45] 13Xia Lan: "Sun's work." [22:46] 7Dawn: "Kid, it didn't take me a day to find you. And I'm better than most, but someone's bound to notice you ain't dead. Especially if you want to go around setting people on fire." 7Dawn smirks. [22:46] 4von Hrolfus: “This could end badly." [22:47] "Potency guaranteed," 5 notes the sorcerer.  "Xia Lan, you should probably open up with a bit of a disclaimer before your performance... I wouldn't want anyone to get sick." [22:47] 14Stranger: "Getting everyone within sight of this building high as hell." [22:47] "Colloquially speaking." [22:49] "I'm aiming for a mild euphoria. Without using any honey." [22:49] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Should I be finding a cloth to breathe through, then?" [22:50] 13Xia Lan: "It'll be fiiiiine." [22:52] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar finds a cloth to breathe through. And hey, it can look pretty cool to have the bottom half of your face covered up. [22:53] 13Wow. She JUST said. [22:56] 14To Keldar: "Yes." [22:56] 4von Hrolfus plans to just hold his breath for a bit. [22:59] 14Smart man. 15[23:03] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "By then I'll be somewhere else." [23:04] 5 Xu Sim examines the materials at hand. Larger ideas for the future are tucked aside. A brazier is a simple enough tool to burn sage or similar reagents in a controlled way. Constructed at a larger scale, a device could create a much more substantial quantity of fumes. The building's chimney, a cauldron, some firewood, and a handful of devices for controlling the smoke and heat should suffice... [23:07] 7Dawn looks thoughtful. "I'm not much of a liar, kid. And it's still my ass if I come back saying I killed you. Besides, you really think they're going to believe me? Aren't you a Dragon and all?" 15[23:08] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "They sent you to catch me. They wouldn't have sent someone who couldn't beat be. Waste of money." [23:08] 5 Then, Xu Sim sets himself to the task of using some very simple household chemicals - plus some pinches of this and that - to make some simple performance-enhancing pyrotechnics - the sort of things that are expended by the ton at any Immaculate religious festival on the Blessed Isle. 15[23:08] <@VoxPVoxD> *beat me [23:09] 5 Something to make some brightly colored smoke - the flashy sort of stuff that (he imagines) people expect to see at one of the performances of the Unfettered Xia Lan. [23:10] 7Dawn: "So if you don't want to fight in your family's wars, what're you doing sneaking around in a demon mask with swords drawn, in a mercenary training ground?" [23:12] 4von Hrolfus sniffs the air carefully, trying to ascertain if it’s started yet. 15[23:13] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "I still want to fight." 15[23:13] <@VoxPVoxD> "Nexus needs help." [23:14] 7Dawn: "For what, that it's worth all this?" [23:14] "I can control this fire very simply by holding on to this rope," 5 he demonstrates.  "And, of course, safety first - if I let go, the fire will extinguish itself for want of air." 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "What do you care? You're just going to leave when you're done anyway." [23:16] 5 Xu Sim holds up a handful of small, wrapped, paper balls to Xia Lan.  "You can use these in your performance! Each will produce a bright smoke and a sharp, loud noise." [23:16] 13Xia Lan: "I can. But. What happens if I do?" [23:17] "Just throw them at the ground. Never at anyone's face, do you understand?" [23:18] 14Stranger: "I suggest we lay off the noisemakers until the crowd is good and drunk off the fumes." [23:18] "...but what happens if I do." [23:18] 7Dawn: "If you're asking me to put my life and my job at risk, I'd like to know what for." [23:18] "They have some big weapons out there. We don't want them jumpy." [23:18] "What happens if you produce bright smoke?" [23:19] 14Stranger: "Hopefully they just get confused." [23:19] "We want them off-balance and uncertain. We don't want them opening fire on the crowd." [23:19] "It's a delicate touch." [23:19] "And we don't have all that much control over it." [23:19] "But it's the only play we have left." 15[23:20] <@VoxPVoxD> There's always chaos, hostility, and murder. [23:20] 13Some people have experience in that. [23:21] 5 As the ancient poet said, welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games. [23:22] 14Stranger grimaces. "Let's throw a damn party, then." 15[23:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "This city is doomed. Everyone's getting sick, there's no law anymore. Raksha are coming. Lookshy is already here." 15[23:22] <@VoxPVoxD> "Everybody's fighting because they want something. There's not enough people fighting to help." [23:25] 7Dawn pulls her hat off, rubbing the back of her head. "Well, hell, kid. If I can't go back, you're not leaving, and there's no law... this job stinks, anyway." [23:26] 13Xia Lan: "I mean, sure. I'm up for it. But, again: what happens when we do that." [23:27] 14To Xia Lan: "Then we see what kind of people the Lookshyans are." [23:27] "Either they let it happen, and we talk some sense into them." [23:27] "Or it's the bloodbath this was always going to be." [23:27] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Seems like you can just cut out the party part, then." [23:27] "Keldar of Nexus will not surrender his weapon, and I will not ask him to on the part of some trumped-up fucking regionals." [23:28] 14To Keldar: "They need to be made to feel they're not in control of the situation. Psychologically." [23:28] 4von Hrolfus tenses in anticipation. [23:28] "In a pinch, the smoke can cover your glorious charge, and my glorious escape," 5 he points out. [23:28] "But they need to be deprived of that control in a way that doesn't trigger their training." [23:29] "We want to avoid blood in the streets." [23:29] "In the confusion, we approach the one in the armor, and we make our demands clear." [23:29] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Dunno. You want people sharp enough to know to run if fighting breaks out, right?" [23:30] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "We're big on street theater here, but that's only a hobby you can have if you've got good reflexes." [23:30] "If I see anyone that intoxicated, I'm cutting it off for everyone." [23:30] "Given the machinery they've brought, running isn't believable. Those things are street-sweepers." [23:30] "Our only chance is a fight not breaking out to begin with." [23:31] "Magnificent," 5 mutters Xu Sim at the mention of the terrible power of the Gunzosha. [23:31] 7Dawn: "Not too often you see someone willing to give up comfort for principles." 7She extends a hand. "Can't ask any less of myself." [23:31] "We must shame them into not using them." [23:31] 4“And if it does despite our best efforts?" [23:31] "Then we fight. And deal with the consequences." [23:31] "And they will not be good." [23:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Still seems like slightly worse odds for the audience. And, hell, it might just makes the Lookshyans contemptuous." [23:32] "I do not wish to explain to Pellicia why we went to war with the Lookshyans, regardless of bystander casualties." [23:33] 13Xia Lan: "We need an olive branch. [23:33] " [23:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Now imagine explaining to her why you did that but also got a bunch of passers-by wandering dumbly into traffic." [23:33] 14Stranger: "Keldar, the question is not whether we're to do this. We have prepared the whole thing. We have feverishly manufactured this gambit. The question is whether you're in or out." [23:34] "If you're out, sneak up onto the roof and hide yourself to strike unexpected should we fail." [23:34] "If you're in, get in." [23:34] <@Ferrinus> 12The mercenary shrugs. "Just seems weird. But if it doesn't get in the way of the Lookshyans hearing what we're saying I guess it's all the same." [23:35] 5 Xu Sim pulls heavily on the rope. There's a roar of fire and a rush of air moving in to the chamber. [23:35] 14Stranger: "Weird is all we fucking have these days. Everyone stay sharp. Our time is near up." [23:44] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's tied a clean cloth across his mouth and nose and done a few idle stretches. His sword's sheathed at his side and he's waiting by the door. [23:45] 4von Hrolfus lets out a deep breath. “I think perhaps I should just let the fumes from this vile concoction get to me.” [23:45] 14Stranger grins. "Live a little." 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka looks at Dawn skeptically for what feels like an awkwardly long time before he takes her hand and shakes it. [23:51] 7Dawn: "Got a plan to go with your ideals? Because 'this town sucks, and I want to fix it' is a pretty big item to start with." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "We were supposed to be joining the Guard. But the Sergeant, Pellicia, never showed, and neither did the mercenary captain, Khelendros." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> "Nobody showed." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Dawn can hear that back at the top of the Hill, the crowd's getting more and more boisterous. [00:14] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar comes sauntering out of the clinic, dressed in leathers and clearly armed, even as the entire local neighborhood becomes increasingly giddy. He looks up the street, then down the street, then around at the arrayed Lookshyans. [00:14] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I might've misheard - you're here on Dorma's behalf, right? He wanted to see us?" [00:16] 14Stranger lingers in his wake. Just in case. [00:16] 14...The song's pretty good. 15[00:16] <@VoxPVoxD> The Lookshyan doesn't turn around. They're facing the increasingly jubilant crowd, leaving their back exposed to Keldar. "Turn in your weapons. Two minutes." [00:18] 4von Hrolfus walks out to catch the last of the exchange. “I don’t see what difference that would make. We are living weapons.” [00:18] 14A fair point. [00:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses to take this in. "We got a saying: an armed society's a polite society." 12He waves vaguely. "Look at all this. Completely peaceful. Not a care in the world." [00:20] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I'm happy to explain things to your boss. I'm sure he and us can see eye to eye. But that means neither of us'll be kneeling, and that we get escorted, not arrested." [00:22] <@Ferrinus> 12He turns back to look the masked enforcer right in - well, right in the mask. His expression doesn't change, and his voice doesn't change, but there's suddenly menace rippling around him, a shapeless psychic pressure that leaves even the chemically-bolstered Gunzosha remembering that they're human. "So this is ending peacefully. Right?" 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> The armored giants recoil, shiver, groan, and stand fast. 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Their finally turns around, armor rippling and rearranging as if their back side and front side had been flipped all along. 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> "It's ending," they say before they attack. 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: High Judge Zuniga