15[20:04] <@VoxPVoxD> Well, this is a fine mess Keldar's gotten everyone into. [20:06] 14He wasn't alone. 15[20:07] <@VoxPVoxD> By refusing to submit to the lawful authority of Lookshy, and starting a dangerous battle in the streets while intoxicated, he's directly responsible for the deaths of half a dozen people, endangering dozens more, and devastating diplomatic options to no higher apparent reward than the scavenged arms of his innocent victims. 15[20:07] <@VoxPVoxD> What a jackass. [20:08] 13To be fair, I think the battle started while we were sober, and we became intoxicated during our horrific battle lust. [20:08] <@Ferrinus> 12Uh, the higher reward is readily apparent: the upheld principles of the free city of Nexus. [20:08] 14We'll see what we can do about the diplomatic options. 15[20:09] <@VoxPVoxD> Cowering among his accomplices in their damp and seedy bunker, the heretical and terrifying Anathema are left to ponder their next move. [20:10] 14Narrator, I came here to have a good time and right now frankly I feel like I'm being attacked. [20:10] 13Normally it's us who do the attacking. Because of our heretical and criminal impulses, I mean. [20:11] 4von Hrolfus rubs his eyes blearily. "This has been an exhausting day." [20:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's looking much better after he's peeled off the compresses and bits of gauze Xu Sim peppered him with the night before. "But a profitable one. Only question is how we deal with Dorma." [20:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "At the very least we should let him bury his... Judge? Anyone got any ideas on what to say?" [20:12] 14Is this the next morning? [20:12] 14Because Stranger isn't emerging from his bedroom until the next morning. [20:13] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's saying that the following morning, certainly. He needed his rest. 15[20:14] <@VoxPVoxD> It's dawn of the following day when we catch up to our heroes. 15[20:14] <@VoxPVoxD> Greetings, 'heroes'. [20:15] 14Stranger is uncharacteristically slouchy when he emerges from his room, wanders over to the long hearth, and puts on a kettle. [20:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's up and about around the same time. He's scouring the place for eggs and some kind of meat. [20:16] 14Stranger: "Morning." [20:16] 5Xu Sim has been up since before dawn, exercising in the tearing sluice of one of the "fresher" sewerfalls. It's not enough to build strength, but it has been doing wonders for his endurance, pain tolerance, and reducing his skin sensitivity. [20:17] 14To Keldar, and anyone else in the common room: "Tea?" [20:17] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "If there's no coffee. Seriously not sure what to tell Dorma, though." [20:17] 5Never again will he be easy prey to an assassin, or anyone else. He will withstand whatever comes his way. [20:18] 14Something strong then. Stranger puts two bags of Forest Blackleaf in to steep. He could use the wake-up as well. [20:18] 14Stranger: "I will handle Dorma." [20:18] "With Xia Lan and Bastian, perhaps. Or perhaps not." [20:18] 4To Keldar: "Yes. Please." [20:18] 5He returns to the common area after his morning exercise, taking a moment to rinse himself down with a concoction of his own devising. It completely neutralizes whatever stench might affect someone after doing situps under 500 gallons a minute of torrenting runoff. [20:18] *to Stranger, oops [20:19] 13Xia Lan is eating some sort of pastry. Looks tasty, actually. "I'll take tea. As for Dorma... yeah. Maybe we should see what the word on the street is, first. If they're even angrier now than they were yesterday or something." [20:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What's your plan? I'm assuming you won't want me there." [20:19] 14To Bastian, once the kettle is puttering along: "How are you?" [20:19] 14The question is serious. [20:19] 4"Tired." [20:19] 14Stranger stares at him a moment, then nods. "Understandable." [20:20] 14To Xia Lan: "We should. I will step out after tea and breakfast, unless someone else wishes to." [20:20] 4"But I wish to be doing something. Lethargy is bad for the soul." [20:21] 5Xu Sim mashes a handful of ingredients together in his pestle: orange rind, goat lard, thyme, salt, vinegar, who knows what else. "Can someone make me breakfast? Does anyone want some of this exfoliating soap? Should be good." [20:21] 14Stranger nods at Bastian's words. Good head on that one's shoulders. [20:21] 14Ah. [20:21] 14Stranger: "Good morning, Xu Sim." [20:22] "I am brewing tea. Forest Blackleaf, to put a pep in your step in the morning. There are greens, eggs, and meats in the commissary." [20:23] "Thank you, Stranger. Have you thought on my proposal? I will confess: I was greatly ashamed to have been such an easy target for that assassin. I believe summoning a demon to act as a bodyguard is an acceptable solution, especially if I hope to finish curing the honey-maze." 5 Xu Sim takes a cup of the tea and swirls it around in the back of his throat to see if his mucous is still [20:23] 5honey. [20:24] 14Stranger's eyebrows rise. "You haven't already--? Ah. Ah! Yes. Yes, I have thought some more on it." [20:24] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Frankly I can't believe you haven't got a demon retinue already. I've heard of sorcerers with, like, aesthetic objections - but I thought to myself, Xu Sim?" [20:25] "What are your thoughts on slavery, Xu Sim? Related: what are your superstitions about getting what you deserve?" [20:25] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar'll grab the soap if no one else is snapping it up. He's more practical than vain, but is quite vain. [20:26] 13Xia Lan: "Also, what's in the soap?" 13She's got products already, but hey, Xu Sim's smart. Although he also did pickle himself. Mmm. [20:26] 14Stranger will accept the soap without comment. Very nice. [20:26] 4The tea is a temporary relief. He closes his eyes, and wafts his hand over his mug, taking a deep breath to savour the smell. [20:27] "Slavery? Why, it's unfortunate, of course. Poor wretches. And people rarely get what they deserve - but they rarely deserve what they do get. Where are you going with these questions?" [20:27] 14Forest Blackleaf is strong and bitter. It's not coffee, but it's very bracing. A morning tea. [20:27] 14Stranger: "Binding a demon to your will is slavery. It makes you a slaver." [20:28] "And in the service of Creation's defense, I find that perfectly acceptable." [20:29] "But necessity does not change the character of a thing. And when you meddle across the distance between us and these outsiders, you meddle for keeps." [20:29] "Xia Lan, the soap is orange and thyme, a pinch of salt and vinegar with some almond shells for coarseness, a bit of this and that, about what you might expect. It should be a bracing, exfoliating product." [20:30] 14He sips his tea. "I find hypocrisy unattractive, but I do not despise it, if the thing itself the hypocrite does is a worthy thing. Summon your demon, if you wish and if you can. Use it to keep our peace, if that is your will. But be very aware of what that makes you." [20:31] 5 Xu Sim wanders over to the commissary and begins loading a plate with greens, a raw egg, and a choice piece of the cured meat. [20:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, a practicing sorcerer. C'mon." [20:32] 13Xia Lan: "...I'll try some of the soap," 13she says awkwardly. Weird simultaneous conversations to have. [20:32] "A blood ape is a thing far more fraught than a dog, and not because it can kill you if you slip." [20:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "It's 'cause they go after cats. Complete bastards. Chain 'em tight." [20:33] 4“We have several folk stories of these things going wrong. Men making pacts with Demons for riches, power, glory and regretting their bargains.” [20:33] 14He pauses after another sip. "...But if you do bring one here you will treat it responsibly. That is my only stipulation. I will not have creatures abused in this house -- not even creatures of darkness." [20:34] "It would demean us." [20:34] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, to Bastian: "Oh, if you bargain with demons you're a psycho or an idiot. Any sorcerer worth their incense just slaps 'em with magical bindings." [20:34] "To summon such a being is to invoke ancient treaties, bargains as old as the world. Surely it is not akin to taking off a man by force, or even invoking debtor's peonage." [20:35] 14Stranger: "Wrong." [20:35] 4“I would not know. Such things were outlawed in Deguo, and violators summarily executed." [20:35] "If you bargain with demons you're a 'psycho,' an idiot, or a diplomat." [20:35] "Before we're through here, we will need the diplomats." [20:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "How many real sorcerers did Deguo boast, anyway?" [20:36] 5Xu Sim bristles at the implication of Stranger's reasoning, but does not argue further. [20:37] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar barks a laugh in response to Stranger. "A diplomat! If we're treating Hell like it's a neighboring country we're probably really screwed." [20:37] 14Stranger: "Hell is a neighboring country." [20:37] 14Stranger: "We are 'really screwed.'" [20:37] "You recall what marches on us." [20:37] 7Dawn strolls in, dressed pretty much the same as she was the previous day. "From riots in the streets to demon-summoning? You certainly lead interesting lives. In the curse sort of way." [20:38] 14Stranger: "Ah! Morning to the newcomer. There is Forest Blackleaf in the kettle." [20:38] 4“They were all dead before my time." [20:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Hey, I'm no superstitious layman. Raksha aren't demons." [20:39] 13Xia Lan: "We were doing pretty well for a while, I thought. I mean. Considering." 13She sips at her tea. "Then things took a turn." [20:39] 14Stranger: "Correct. But they're neighbors nonetheless." [20:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Worse neighbors than demons, too. Only some demons want to scoop your brains out of your skull." [20:40] "If Hell is a neighboring country surely it's not slavery to call their banners, when they are pledged in fealty." [20:40] 7Dawn: "Never met a demon. But some people would call us demons." 15[20:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Do you hear that? Stranger and Keldar do: the gentle, distant chiming of bells. Silver bells, if Keldar's ear is right. [20:41] 14Stranger: "I have some ideas on how to get the free demons of this city to back our arms. It involves a drinking contest, of course." 14His eyes dart to Xia Lan. "But showing up to that function with an enslaved demon, Xu Sim, may not help our--" [20:41] <@Ferrinus> 12How distant? Somewhere in the hideout, out on the street...? [20:41] "What is that." [20:41] 13Xia Lan: "What is what?" [20:41] "Bells." 15[20:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Distant enough that it's coming from aboveground and outside. Loud enough that there's got to be a fair few of them. [20:42] 5 Xu Sim chokes on a mouthful of greens. [20:42] "Outside." [20:43] 14Stranger snatches up his walking stick as he strides towards the door. [20:43] 7Dawn: "Probably not good." 7She's right on his heels. [20:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar hmms to himself, then stands up from his breakfast - which has, to his credit, been scraped completely and noisily clean from the pan. "Gimme a couple minutes, then, and we can see what's what." [20:43] "I thought we had time," 5mutters the doctor as he shovels another forkful of food into his mouth before draining the whole cup of steaming hot tea and following along. [20:43] 13Xia Lan's out as soon as she grabs her weapons from her room. [20:43] <@Ferrinus> 12The warrior stretches and then strides briskly to his own quarters, leaving someone else to clean his plate up. 15[20:44] <@VoxPVoxD> What a dick. [20:44] 14He'll find it on his bed later. [20:44] 14Crumb bums will not be tolerated. [20:45] 4von Hrolfus carefully sets his cuppa aside and stands at the ready. [20:48] <@Ferrinus> 12After two or three minutes, the heavy footfalls of someone armored from head to toe sound from the corridor outside. There's very little actual clanking, though, and that's because Keldar's clad in moonsilver. The armor covers him completely; a sinister, mouthless faceplate framed by great horns. In one of his hands is Raven's Crime, the red-and-gold halberd that nearly burned his [20:48] <@Ferrinus> 12flesh from his bones a day prior. [20:48] 14Oh for the love of... [20:48] 13Is this the time for that? [20:49] <@Ferrinus> 12There's a faint hiss and a hard-to-transliterate liquid sound as the mask splits vertically and opens, revealing Keldar's face. "Check it out. If whatever's out there's hostile it ain't lasting two seconds." [20:49] 14Stranger donks him across the breastplate with his walking stick. "You're ridiculous." [20:49] "Fearsome." [20:49] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Ridiculously well-equipped." [20:49] 7Dawn: "Good thing we weren't trying to keep a low profile or anything." [20:49] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "You've got to try these things, it's insane. Unbelievably light, considering." [20:49] 14To Dawn: "Oh, they all know who we are. They're hiding us, after all." [20:49] 13Xia Lan: "...are you sure you want to go around like that before we've talked to Dorma?" [20:49] "And if there are spies watching, we're already blown." [20:50] 7Dawn: "Presumably we're going out on the street, though." [20:50] 4“Presumably he won’t be talkin to Dorma." 15[20:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Aboveground, the air's cleaner than it's been in days thanks to a cold, purifying rain. The streets of Floodwater are flooded, as you'd expect, and no one's really out on the streets this early in the morning, aside from the songbirds of early spring and the V-shaped flock of swans gliding smoothly down the river-road, wearing bells and mistletoe around their necks. [20:50] "No. He won't. Not dressed like that." [20:50] 14... [20:50] 14Bells. 15[20:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Silver bells! [20:50] 7Dawn straightens her hat on her head. "Is that... normal?" [20:50] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I'm not wearing it to meet him, I'm not crazy." 12The mask closes back up. "But we want to be ready for whatever's outside, yeah?" 15[20:50] <@VoxPVoxD> What a world of merriment their melody foretells. [20:52] <@Ferrinus> 12Unless someone's got a really strong objection or argument, or we're waiting on any other Solar's preparations, Keldar will head up and outdoors with the rest of the Circle. [20:53] 14Stranger closes his eyes. His shoulders slump in relief and he laughs, chin tilted upward to the sky. "Keep the armor on, Apple boy. She'll appreciate it." [20:54] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Apple boy? Listen, gramps," [20:57] 14The white-haired man walks out into the sodden street, twirling his stick at the approaching line of swans -- they follow the line of the road in perfect flying formation up until they're a short distance from the milky-eyed man, and then their leader, the largest, most beautifully plumed of their number, bells ringing, spreads her wings. The other swans descend on her in a honking, [20:57] 14feathery twirl, spinning around and around-- [20:57] 7Dawn: "I heard Nexus was weird, but I wasn't ready for this." [20:58] 14--and then they all break away up into the sky, bells ringing, mistletoe glistening in the early light of the sun. They leave behind a woman, pale and conventionally beautiful, with a long neck and piercing cobalt eyes, smiling in a white-and-black patterned dress. [20:59] "You," 14she says, "have made friends." [20:59] <@Ferrinus> 12The armor-clad Keldar takes up position beside and a little behind Stranger, arms crossed, as this all goes down. [20:59] "Let's not go too far," 5 mutters Xu Sim. [20:59] 14Stranger-Visits-Heaven smiles. "I've made inroads." 14He takes another step forward. "You know, bells in this town -- they can be dangerous things." [21:01] 4Something about her puts von Hrolfus on edge. He shifts slightly onto one foot, almost a combat stance. [21:02] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar knows exactly what puts him on edge. But Stranger says this one's civilized. [21:02] 13Xia Lan gawps at the new arrival. "Uhhh...?" 13she says, intelligently. [21:02] 14The woman remains vaguely bird-like; light-boned and long-armed, with eyes whose irises are too large. "They were just for you," 14she says, and then grabs Stranger by his collar and pulls him in for a hard kiss. [21:02] 14When she releases him, she turns to the others. "So. Shall we go inside?" [21:03] 14Stranger rights himself, coughs, and clears his throat. "Yes. Well. May I introduce the Ambassador of Night and Day." [21:03] 7Dawn grunts. "If you knew who it was, coulda just said so, saved us all the trouble of getting wet." [21:03] 14Stranger: "I didn't." [21:04] 14Ambassador: "The bells are different every time, my dear. They catch the wind at odder angles." [21:04] 13Xia Lan, automatically: "Unfettered Xia Lan." 13Then, realizing that she's still staring, she quickly moves to stand aside to let her pass. [21:04] "...some entrance." [21:05] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Keldar." 12Vaguely disappointed that he isn't laughing with his hands on his hips while swords and arrowheads bounce off his panoply even now, the Dawn Caste shrugs one shoulder into a turn to head back inside. [21:05] "Xu Sim, at your service." 5More skinchangers?! [21:05] 4“von Hrolfus.” The title is meaningless now. [21:05] "Charmed," 14says the Ambassador to the young woman, without disdain, pausing for a moment to regard her before sweeping past. As she goes: "It was, wasn't it?" [21:06] 7Dawn: "Dawn." 7She doesn't offer a hand. [21:06] 4To Xu Sim: "Greetings to you, alchemist. You've made quite the racket." [21:06] 14To Xu Sim: "Greetings to you, alchemist. You've made quite the racket." [21:07] "I prefer to think of alchemy as one of the quieter fields of study, to be honest. So you honor me, thank you." [21:08] 14She half-cackles upon approaching the uparmored bravo of the bunch. "You're wearing one of our favorite designs, Keldar. How thoughtful of you. We hadn't had you pegged as the culturally sensitive type..." 14Her smile turns nasty. "...else you'd have used every part of the body you pulled out of that armor. Every part." [21:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses to consider this. "I am, ain't I? The rest is a peace offering." [21:09] 14To Dawn: "We welcome the Dawn. But you're a newcomer -- me and mine don't know much of you. That's to your credit." [21:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar taps the chest of the armor. "You say the design's yours? How'd Lookshy get it, then?" [21:11] 14When she turns to von Hrolfus, however, the grin falls from the Ambassador's face, replaced with seriousness. "I am sorry for your loss. I am sorry that we had to be the ones that made known your loss." [21:12] 4The woman continues to set his teeth on edge for reasons he can’t understand, but artistocrtic courtesies fade hard. “I thank you for your condolences, my lady. If I may ask - who is this we that you refer to?” [21:12] 7Dawn mostly crosses her arms and looks surly. Flowery language isn't really her thing. [21:12] 14Over her shoulder to Keldar, cryptically: "Oh no, dear, I wasn't talking fashion. A design is a plan. And a plan always comes together." [21:14] <@Ferrinus> 12Behind the Ambassador, Keldar wills his faceplate open again so that he can look around and find someone else to share a 'can you believe this shit' look with. [21:14] 14He finds Stranger, who grins and shrugs. [21:15] 14The Ambassador, to von Hrolfus: "We are the Silver Pact." [21:15] 7Dawn will definitely accept a look of that type. [21:15] "The what?" [21:15] 14Stranger: "Now, if you would darling -- I trust you've put on some tea?" [21:15] 4“The name - I apologize, but it means nothing to me." [21:15] 14*To Stranger: "Now, if you would darling -- I trust you've put on some tea?" [21:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Either way, once everyone's back indoors again, Keldar spends an awkward few minutes trying to figure out if there's even a chair in the place that'll support his armored weight. He probably ends up taking Mutatis Mutandis back off. [21:15] 13Xia Lan also shares a glance and a shrug with Keldar. This is - a lot. [21:17] 14Upon reaching the common room, the Ambassador immediately retires to Stranger's chambers to bathe and change. She's had a long flight, you see. Once the door to his room shuts and locks, the white-haired man turns back to the rest of the group. [21:17] "So." [21:17] "I take it you have questions." [21:17] "I'm renaming you, Fox Visits Henhouse" [21:17] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar snickers. [21:17] 14Stranger grins. "You're too kind." [21:18] 7Dawn smirks. "She's not gonna... lord over you, is she? She seems the type." [21:18] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What's this Silver Pact stuff?" [21:19] 14If anything, the grin gets wider. "Oh, it comes and it goes. Ebbs and flows, like the tide. Sometimes it's midnight. Sometimes it's noon." [21:19] 13Xia Lan: "Also, the swans thing. And the bells. What's the deal?" [21:19] 14To Keldar's question: "Right. You're all aware, of course, that we are the Chosen of the Sun." [21:20] "But we are not the only Chosen in Creation. We are not the only Chosen whose patrons hang high in the sky." [21:20] "The Moon, Luna -- she has Chosen as well." [21:21] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, the Lunar Anathema. Run into one before. Or at least, saw some other poor bastards run into one." [21:22] 13Xia Lan: "..." [21:22] "That boy, the night before last?" [21:22] 7Dawn: "So how are you... acquainted, then?" [21:22] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "No way he was Anathema. ...unless he was a really great actor, I guess." [21:22] 14Stranger: "We, the Chosen of the Sun -- we seem to have been...absent from this world a very long time. We are returning, perhaps, now. Maybe for a reason; maybe even for a good one. But our like has not been seen in a very long time." [21:23] "The Chosen of the Moon, however, are an enduring thing." [21:23] "A political, structural thing." [21:23] "They have, for want of a better word, a union. A nation." [21:23] "The Silver Pact." [21:24] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar frowns. "Where?" [21:25] 14His grin corrects itself into an only slightly self-satisfied smile. "She is a speaker for the Pact." [21:25] 14To Keldar: "Everywhere on the edges. Out in the dark places of Creation, in the wilds before the Wyld. And sometimes in the Wyld too, though that is a very delicate thing. They have been fighting...a long war. But not a war against Creation itself." [21:26] "A war against its rulers. And, to hear them tell it, its betrayers." [21:26] 14He pauses indulgently. "But perhaps I shouldn't tell their story for them." [21:27] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "They for us or against us?" [21:27] 13Xia Lan: "Okay. Question two: how long have you known her?" [21:27] 4“What do you know of what occurred in Deguo?" [21:29] 14To Xia Lan: "Slight bit longer than two years." [21:30] 14To von Hrolfus: "Qaile -- the crow boy -- was her scout. He was delivering her word. That was her report on Deguo; I doubt she has one newer yet. She was occupied elsewhere." [21:30] 14To Keldar: "Is the Sun for or against the Moon?" [21:30] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "It's more important. Doesn't need to have an opinion." [21:31] 14Stranger: "Yes, that was why she found you so funny." [21:31] 7Dawn: "Do they all speak in riddles?" [21:31] 13Xia Lan: "Must've been a while since you've seen her with that welcome." [21:31] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "But you know what I mean. Actually, it doesn't much matter, since the question I really mean to have answered is this: can and will she help Nexus here and now?" [21:31] 14To Dawn: "What good diplomat doesn't?" [21:32] 14To Keldar, with more seriousness this time: "Right now she is our strongest and only ally." [21:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Can she fight alongside us? Rustle up some other silver anathema to do likewise? Bring in a beastman horde?" [21:33] 14He doesn't quite waggle his eyebrows in Xia Lan's direction, but he doesn't quite not, either. [21:33] 13She blows a stray hair out of her eyes, but says nothing to respond to that. [21:36] 14The door to Stranger's room is thrown open, and the Ambassador walks out, freshly bathed and coiffed in calf-high black boots, tight white slacks, a white tunic and a black half-cape about her shoulders. Her hair is now in a blonde bob. "She will fight alongside you, and she will represent your need to Pact itself," 14says the Ambassador as she walks out, then delicately folds [21:36] 14herself up across the arm of the lounging chair where Stranger is sitting. [21:36] "You do understand, however, the complexities in asking the Silver Pact to defend a city." [21:36] 14She looks around the room. "...You do understand that, yes?" [21:37] 4“Beg pardon. I do not." [21:37] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, yeah. Don't you lot want to end civilization?" [21:37] 14The Ambassador weaves her head back and forth in a visual equivocation. "That's a very...simple and direct way of putting it." [21:38] 13Not hearing a no. [21:38] "But not entirely a wrong one." [21:39] "It might be more accurate to say we're not against civilization per se," 14says the Ambassador. "We're merely against this one." [21:39] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Right. So... what'll it take? How much more do you hate raksha than us?" [21:39] 14She stares at Keldar. "How much more do I hate raksha than--" [21:40] 14The Ambassador points at Stranger. "You realize I'm fucking him, yes?" [21:40] 13Xia Lan: "Some people are into that kind of thing." [21:40] 14Stranger's smile falters and turns into him working his jaw as he flushes. [21:41] "Henhouse Visits Fox," 5the sorcerer reconsiders. [21:41] 14The Ambassador is deadly serious, still. She looks at von Hrolfus. "And you spoke with Qaile, hmm? The boy who I sent dangerously into your lands, to spy the fate of your people?" [21:41] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar spins his hand impatiently. "Plural you." [21:41] "That boy is quite useful. I do not send him of flights of fancy." [21:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I'm guessing you're sticking around either way. But an entire Circle of you's even better." [21:42] 14She turns back to--is this idiot still wearing the armor? [21:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's taken it off. You can't really relax in it. [21:42] 7Dawn's leaning against something, just eyeing the Ambassador warily. [21:43] 14Perhaps he can't. "I'd hazard to say I've done far, far more for you than you have done for me, oh Keldar of the orchard." [21:43] "Whereas soldiers are concerned, I am working. Whereas intelligence is concerned, I am providing." [21:43] "Whereas my peers are concerned, I cannot speak for them. The Pact will make its decision. I am merely an influencer." [21:44] 4“I have not spoken to anyone. All my information has come second hand." [21:44] "Yes. From me and mine." [21:44] "At risk." [21:44] 4“Everyone I know is dead or scattered." [21:44] 14She glares at Stranger. "You could have made them a half-egg more thankful." [21:45] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Lady, I am just trying to get myself up to speed, here. You're representing some kind of conspiracy of anathema. Obviously most of them would either not care or be amused to hear we've all had our souls eaten. So what'd get your people on our side? How can we secure more than scouting from you and your personal aides?" [21:45] 14Stranger: "No, love. I don't think so." [21:49] 14She shakes her head and turns back to Keldar: "That is the question I am here to answer." [21:50] 14To von Hrolfus: "Then you are more kin to us than you know." [21:52] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, by all means. As we all know, wars are won by having more ancient demon lords on your side than the other guy's." [21:52] 13Xia Lan: "I'm really not sure that's true." [21:52] "To endure the battle, we must cure the plague affecting the city. If I can get access to my patients again, I think I could throw something together and end it. But the sick are under Looskyan guard. To win the battle, I think I could craft raksha-slaying weapons for the armies to use, but to do that I would need many other supplies as well. And of course, if your Silver Pact of [21:52] skinchangers wants to send soldiers to aid us, we are hardly in a position to refuse." [21:53] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Believe it. If there were twelve of us we'd stomp the raksha flat. Twenty and they wouldn't even show their faces." [21:53] 7Dawn: "Been having a rough day?" [21:53] 14The Ambassador's eyes slide over to Dawn. "Yes. Always." [21:54] "I think they would show their faces regardless. They are, I think, compelled to come to the song-spoken place." [21:54] 14Stranger: "Xu Sim." [21:55] 5He grunts. [21:55] 7Dawn: "Tell me about your fight and I'll tell you about mine." [21:55] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Alright, technically, yes, but you know what I mean." [21:55] 14Stranger: "Find another word." [21:56] 14He's referring to 'skinchangers.' [21:56] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Huh, they don't like that?" [21:58] "Ah, please excuse my manners. Your Silver Pact of illustrious Moon-Chosen warriors, and so forth." [21:58] "'Beastmen' is fine," 14the Ambassador says with some slight amusement. "Not all of us identify with skin." [21:59] 14The Ambassador blinks at Dawn's request, then resettles herself on the arm of the chair almost like a bird rippling its feathers. "If you wish." [22:01] "I flew from the slaughter at Vaneha straight-away to here, and as the bird flies this took me across the seething columns of a terrible, colorful, trumpeting disease. The marches on march. And I was not safe in the sky, because nothing in Creation is safe when the things from behind the Wyld are on the move." [22:01] "Outriders. More outriders than I had expected." [22:02] 7Dawn, arms crossed. "And yet you're not decided on whether to help?" [22:02] "They do their work through deceit and the shortchange of valor, and--" [22:02] 14For the first time her face curls into anger. "Oh go fuck yourself, you ungrateful bitch." [22:03] "My people died for news about your Deguo." [22:03] "My people died so that I could be here now." [22:03] "If I wasn't going to help you I certainly wouldn't be sitting here being called a traitor three times a minute." [22:04] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar bridles. "And tell us what we already know? Where do you get off-" 15[22:04] <@VoxPVoxD> BONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG [22:04] 14Stranger's no longer smiling. "Everyone needs to calm down right now." 15[22:04] <@VoxPVoxD> BONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG [22:04] 13Xia Lan: "I'm very ca-" [22:04] 7Dawn: "If that's how you feel, you could just say it, rather than smugly--" [22:04] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's head whips around towards the source of the noise. "What in..." [22:05] 4“..?” 15[22:05] <@VoxPVoxD> That sounds like a massive gong being rung somewhere far but not that far away. [22:05] 14Stranger puts his hand on the small of the Ambassador's back to urge her to stand, and stands with her. [22:05] 4To Keldar: “is this some sort of alert in your city?" [22:07] 14Stranger: "The Dawn Guard are mustering." [22:08] "The docks." [22:08] 7Dawn's firewand goes from her back to her shoulder quicker than an eyeblink. "Sounds like we should go check it out." [22:08] 13Xia Lan: "We should - yeah." [22:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah. And you don't hear those every day... and the Apples are, as of this moment, part of the Guard." 12He stands from his seat, although he'd already half-stood to rise to Dawn's defense. "Well, back in another minute." [22:09] 14He glances over at Keldar. "Not the armor. Just the weapon." [22:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses. "Not like it's a big mystery where the weapon comes from." [22:09] 14Stranger: "It's not about the mystery. It's about whether he sees red when he sees you." [22:10] 4“Best not to provoke." [22:10] 7Dawn: "Best not to get killed by whatever the gong's for, too." [22:10] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "The pike's not gonna be any better. I should either leave both or take both, and frankly my company's more important than Dorma's mood." [22:11] 14Stranger: "...How quickly can you dress in it?" [22:11] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Couple minutes." [22:12] 14Stranger: "Then I ask you do not wear it, but bring it with you in a satchel or a duffel. You can always put it on. Once you're seen it in, it will be difficult to take it off." [22:13] “We can also trade it back as a sign of good faith, perhaps." [22:13] 14Stranger doesn't even bother rolling his eyes at that. [22:13] 14They'll have to peel Keldar out of that suit. [22:16] 14Stranger: "But do as you will." [22:16] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I can part with it. But I'm not showing up for the Apples in my second-best." 12Unless people have further objections, Keldar hustles off, and soon returns with a much bulkier silhouette. [22:17] 14The Ambassador's eyebrows rise quite high as Keldar leaves the room, and she looks over at Stranger. He replies: "He was going to do as he willed anyway. It seems to be our thing." [22:18] 13Xia Lan: "...really hope we spot Dorma before he spots us." [22:19] <@Ferrinus> 12In other circumstances, Keldar would be mounting an emas bird or something else strong enough to hasten his travel across the city even despite the load of the armor. As of now, though, it's probably best to keep his fellow Solars close by, so he'll just head for the docks by the fastest means available that doesn't end up smearing the Circle across the city. [22:19] 14As they're walking out and the Ambassador passes Dawn, she leans in and says: "The paint was from a school. The school had children. The children are all dead. That was my fight." [22:19] 14Then the Lunar's out the door. [22:20] 5Xu Sim pets the Twice-Refined Princess (rousing her from a twitchy nap) and follows the others, gesturing for her to come along. 15[22:21] <@VoxPVoxD> Is everyone wade-walking straight to the docks? [22:21] <@Ferrinus> 12Is it a terribly long trip? If so Keldar probably SHOULD arrange (or have arranged) some riding birds. [22:21] 7Dawn says back, at the same volume: "Then maybe you need our help, too." [22:22] 14Stranger, coming up behind both of them, a touch of sadness in his voice: "She knows." [22:22] "It's the rest of them that need to learn." 15[22:23] <@VoxPVoxD> It's not that long as a straight shot. What's Keldar's plan for if he runs into Lookshyans on the way? [22:24] 14When the Ambassador makes the street she jumps up in the air and arcs down, plunging into the knee-deep water at a full dive -- a shape moves beneath the surface, and then a swan emerges and soars up into the air, a silver bell ringing around its neck. [22:24] 14It circles once, then heads for the docks as the bird flies. [22:24] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar will stop, identify himself, tell them he plans to negotiate with Dorma as soon as whatever's going on is sorted out, and then proceed, pretty much. [22:24] 14Stranger, mildly: "Well, I'm glad you were all so polite." [22:25] 4“I did not mean to give offense." [22:25] 7Dawn: "Manners are for people who don't act uppity." [22:25] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "So 'Ambassador' is just like a poetic name of hers, right? Not her job?" [22:25] "Oh no, Bastian, you and Xia Lan can take that seriously." [22:25] 13Xia Lan: "Thank you." 13She would mock a curtsy if they weren't in a hurry. [22:26] 5Xu Sim grunts again. [22:27] 14To Keldar: "At this time yesterday she was a long and hard night's flight east of here, trying to negotiate a peace between the Snakefeather Fang tribes and the outriders of the Empire of the Eternal Sun." [22:29] "Now, I am not certain, specifically, what the Empire of the Eternal Sun is. But after agree to terms, it butchered the Snakefeather Fang tribes. And she watched it." [22:29] "And she was unable to stop it." 15[22:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Soldiers converge on Keldar in fear and fury multiple times on the way, but nobody makes a serious effort to halt him. Wearing the armor of their boss, whom Keldar brutally murdered yesterday, has that effect. [22:30] 14Wading through the water: "Now. You may mock her now, if you wish, for being bad at her job. I think that would be cruel, personally, and I would take offense if you did." [22:30] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's "Screw off!" 12sounds like the roar of a demon king. No Lookshyan toady has the guts to object for more than a moment. [22:31] "Not only because I'm her lover, but because I think instead she was too good at her work. Ambassadors negotiate. They do not enforce." [22:31] <@Ferrinus> 12Between these dismissals, Keldar carries on talking to Stranger. "Well, I didn't wanna- all right, I kind of did. But you know what, it wasn't your Ambassador that melted a half-dozen Gunzosha that had me surrounded and she needs to think about who she's mouthing off at." [22:32] 14Just as mildly: "As do you." [22:32] "Insult my woman again in front of me and I'll take it personally, Keldar of Nexus." [22:32] 7Dawn looks aside at Keldar. "I'll be fine, thanks. I feel for her, but it wouldn't hurt her to drop the smug know-it-all act for a few seconds." [22:33] 14To Dawn: "What if it would?" [22:33] 13Xia Lan: "I mean, seriously, they made out literally first thing. If you want to talk shit about a friend's girlfriend, do it behind their back. Like a real friend." [22:33] "When a bird flies alone into a dragon's den, their plumage had best be on point." [22:33] "Is that something you can simply turn off?" 15[22:34] <@VoxPVoxD> The Circle merges with the crowds and soldiers converging on the docks. Keldar spots a platoon of men and women in Dawn Guard uniforms marching under the banner of the Ninth Orchard company. [22:34] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar raises his hands placatingly, which looks very funny when it's the huge, horned silver armor making the gesture. "Hey, woah, I didn't mean to- that's fair, that's fair." [22:34] 7Dawn sighs. "I'd say we could have this discussion later, but I don't think it'd change anything. Just forget it, okay? I'll play nice." [22:35] 14Stranger: "Don't do it for my sake." [22:35] "Do it for your own." [22:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Now, 'scuse me." 12He speeds his stride while, at the same time, shrugging his helmet open. As he gets within earshot of the Orchard warriors, Keldar makes the company's traditional fist-across-chest salute and shouts a greeting: "Oi!" [22:35] "We need all the help we can get." [22:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Don't freak out! I got my hands on this just yesterday. What's the situation?" [22:36] 14Here we go. 15[22:38] <@VoxPVoxD> The guy leading the Apple Militia is an old drinking buddy of Keldar's nicknamed 'Master Miller'. He's not a martial artist or anything, his face just always looks pale and ashy like he's been lightly dusted with flour. He says, "Invaders." [22:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "This early? What kind?" 15[22:39] <@VoxPVoxD> Miller: "Soldiers, from what I hear. Actual soldiers, from the Kingdoms." [22:39] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "The fuck they think they're doing? Which kingdom?" [22:40] 4“The kingdoms?" [22:40] 14Taking advantage. 15[22:40] <@VoxPVoxD> After cresting the next hill they can see the docks, now, gleaming gunzosha and the cream of the Dawn Guard as well as the discernible figures of both Dorma and Pellicia greeting neat rows of soldiers still emptying from vast river barges, surrounded and supported by swarms of air elementals. 15[22:40] <@VoxPVoxD> The barges fly colors: https://i.imgur.com/u4Zu2lX.png [22:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar keeps his helmet open and his halberd in hand, as much as each other instance of "his" in this sentence deserves to be bracketed by scare quotes. His eyes narrow slightly as he peers, then narrow further. [22:45] 7Dawn stands behind Keldar, firewand laid over her shoulder. She doesn't recognize the heraldry, but it's probably not good if an unexpected army has arrived. [22:45] 4von Hrolfus almost spits. “Highanders.” [22:45] 13Xia Lan lets out a low whistle at the sight. Not hard to guess what they're doing here... but it's still unpleasant. 15[22:45] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma and Pellicia are in tense conference with a man in gleaming white and gold armor and a huge billowy violet cloak with a beard coming out of it. [22:47] <@Ferrinus> 12Bracing himself for some unfortunate reactions, Keldar heads to the front, marching with the farthest-forward contingent of the combined Dawn Guard/Ninth Orchard force. [22:48] 14As they waddle then walk up, a graceful swan dives from the sky, alights on Stranger's shoulder -- an awkward fit, causing a grimace -- and leans her beak down into his ear. Then she flies off -- but doesn't go far. [22:52] 14Stranger manages to make his way forward to Keldar. "You're looking at six companies of infantry, well-armed and professional; a company of archers supporting to the rear; and a large mixed company of air and land calvary -- emas birds and air elementals." [22:52] "As far as she can tell, no other dirty tricks...but she's not military." [22:53] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Chosen? Sorcerers?" [22:54] 14Stranger: "I wasn't going to let her get close enough to tell. She's already done enough trying to get you to appreciate her." [22:55] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, what she tells you squares with what I'm looking at, so she's at least military enough. What we need to do is get 'em to at least stop unloading while we stare slack-jawed." 12The Dawn Caste keeps walking - he wants to get within earshot of Pellicia. [22:55] 4von Hrolfus lowers his hand from above his eyes, nodding. “Her report seems accurate." [22:56] 14Stranger was headed that way already. "Don't turn this into a fight." [22:56] 7Dawn's getting close too... but her eyes are tracing every line of the two commanders. 15[22:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Nobody stops him, but the scene behind Pellicia and Dorma is not pulling them away from the sight in front of them if he's just walking up. What does he say to get their attention? [22:56] 4“I think one advantage of this army at our doorstep is that Dorma might let us live another day.” [22:57] 5Earshot of Pellicia is armsreach of Dorma. Xu Sim isn't going to do anything that could be perceived as escalation, or that gets him any closer to the Dragonlord than absolutely necessary. He sits atop a sack of potatoes to watch what happens next. [22:57] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, to Stranger: "Not against Dorma, certainly." Then, after a few more steps, he raises his voice. "Dawn Sergeant! The Apples stand ready. What's going on?" [22:57] <@Ferrinus> 12Then, after a few more steps, he raises his voice, I mean. [22:58] 14Stranger will head for Dorma. "A word, Dragonlord, before an action." [22:58] "And a consideration for the necessity of a unified front at this precise moment." [23:00] 14The secretary isn't around, is he? [23:00] 13Xia Lan trails behind, sticking close to Stranger and Keldar. An extra pretty face, and hopefully someone to de-escalate whatever's about to happen with Keldar. [23:00] 14Stranger could use her with him. [23:00] 7Dawn leans in and whispers to Keldar, "They're both more than they look. A sorcerer and not a swordsman. Be careful." [23:01] 14Pellicia already likes them. 15[23:04] <@VoxPVoxD> No sign of Bubo. 15[23:04] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia turns rapidly at Keldar's voice. 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma, meanwhile, turns very, very slowly. His head almost seems to rotate independently of his body, though that's likely a visual trick of his armor. [23:06] 14Stranger doesn't look at him. "Don't look at me. You know who I am. Look forward. Project strength. Face this host. If you wish me dead, you can have me dead away from the eyes of this fool and his army." [23:06] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "The Highlanders seem to be unloading an entire army. We aren't stopping them?" 15[23:06] <@VoxPVoxD> The sorcerer withdraws further into his cloak; the armored man stands impassively, hand resting on sword hilt. [23:07] "You are missing a squadron of strong arms here. It's one I would prefer that you still had, and one that I worked to ensure you still had, but with that squadron you sent an officer, and with that officer you sent not a single lick of goddamn sense." [23:14] <@Ferrinus> 12Behind Keldar, Apples are pushing crates around, hammering stakes down into the ground, and otherwise preparing for the worst, at his whispered suggestions. For now he stands up front, speaking with Pellicia and sort of avoiding Dorma's gaze for the moment. [23:15] 7Dawn stands unobtrusively behind Keldar, though she acknowledges Pellicia if the Dawn Sergeant looks in her direction. [23:17] 13Xia Lan has her diplomatic face on, standing behind Stranger but mostly just listening, gauging reactions, and keeping her hands relaxed but close enough to her swords just in case. [23:18] "If you ask for the weapon of Keldar of Nexus, you don't do it in a crowded street. You don't do it where your failure kills dozens. You don't do it at all. Your officer lost her life to her own contempt -- not just for him, but for the city of Nexus. And yeah, it pisses you off that he's standing there in that armor, with that weapon -- and yeah, it should. Because none of this had to [23:18] happen." [23:18] "But, even though it did." [23:18] "He's standing beside you -- facing them." [23:18] "Right now, Dragonlord, I humbly suggest you make up your mind as to whether that counts for something." [23:19] "We're on the clock." 15[23:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma just looks at Stranger with a dull, glassy expression, leaning down as if taking advice from a trusted counselor. 15[23:23] <@VoxPVoxD> He whispers something in Stranger's ear before turning back around. [23:24] 14Stranger's face doesn't move. "Absolutely, Dragonlord." [23:24] 13What'd he - not in public. 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia finds it difficult to look directly at Keldar for some reason. "The Prince of Highland comes bringing aid. Are you representing the Apples?" [23:26] 14Stranger will subtly motion for Xia Lan to follow, then sidle up to Keldar and Pellicia. [23:26] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar takes a brief glance around. Unless he sees Khelendros or someone on the scene: "For the moment. We're at your command." [23:27] 4von Hrolfus. “Aid? They’re not here to attack?" [23:27] 14Stranger chuckles. There's not much humor in it. [23:27] 13She takes her place impassively. 'Aid' is a new wrinkle, but that could be almost anything. 15[23:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Khelendros is not present. Keldar's understanding is he scooped some top-secret job for the Apples from the other mercenary companies that Keldar hasn't been briefed on yet, owing to going into hiding after committing murder. [23:28] "They'll try the first, and if that doesn't work, they'll move on to the second." 15[23:29] <@VoxPVoxD> The armored man's voice is slightly reedier than you'd expect given his build. "As I was saying, I'm prepared to pay to billet my soldiers in Firewander for the duration. Can we agree tentatively on that so we can negotiate further indoors?" [23:30] 14Firewander. 15[23:30] <@VoxPVoxD> "We're all getting antsy standing here." [23:30] 14He knows. [23:30] 14Stranger isn't sure what he knows -- he's not even sure who the man is -- but whatever it is: [23:30] 14He knows it. [23:31] <@Ferrinus> 12Well, as everyone knows, the rents in Firewander can't be beat. Of course, Keldar isn't empowered to actually negotiate on the city's behalf... although, is Pellicia, really? [23:31] 14Mildly, towards Pellicia but really to no one in particular: "Parlay sounds excellent." 15[23:31] <@VoxPVoxD> Up close it's easy to see the royal seal of Highland embossed in his breastplate. Between this and his appearance it's easy to deduce that this is the Prince-Regent himself, the Beast of Highland. [23:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar leans over a little and whispers to the Dawn Sergeant. "Can we trust them? Why aren't they beset themselves?" [23:34] 14Oh good lord. Stranger looks around; is anyone making arrangements for this parlay? 15[23:37] <@VoxPVoxD> Yes! It looks like there's some humble functionaries scurrying around, and the barges are now disgorging goods and supplies and wagonloads of silver. [23:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Well, now. 15[23:38] <@VoxPVoxD> A war's not breaking out here, so everyone's gearing up to march back up the Hill to Council Tower. [23:38] 14That is the rule of this city: pay to play. [23:39] 14Stranger will take pains to get Keldar briefly separated from the other functionaries to tell him: "I turned Dorma aside. I didn't blunt him. Mind yourself in his presence." [23:39] 13Well, secret talks in the Council Tower is better than open fighting in the streets. I mean, marginally. It would be better if the Beast of Highland wasn't here at all, of course, but... [23:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Well, Keldar doesn't like a second foreign army running around the city, but one supposes it's not much worse than there being one, especially since the two don't like each other any. He'll stand by Pellicia until such time as he's got orders, at which point he'll (I'm guessing) direct the Apples in decamping and escorting Highland's forces from the docks to Firewander. [23:41] <@Ferrinus> 12The mercenary does find a moment to speak with Stranger, though. "Got you. That can't have been easy... let me know when's a good time to either talk to Dorma or fuck off, as you judge it." [23:42] 13Xia Lan drifts close enough to speak to Keldar and Stranger: "When you do, do it without the armor and halberd. Just a tip." [23:42] 14Stranger: "It was as easy as pointing at this Highland farce and noting that you were facing the same way he was. It was as hard as that, too. Stay away for now and let me work; I'll let you know." [23:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "He can have 'em if he's not going to point them at me." [23:43] 4“Surely Highland was on the same path to here as Deguo. Why were they spared?" [23:43] 14Before Keldar goes: "Oh. And the sorcerer's cultivating a Stormwind Rider. That's why all the billowing." 15[23:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia, Dorma, the Circle, the Beast, and the billowy man all march with their clashing retinues up Sentinel's Hill. By this point it's mid-afternoon, and the sky is so dark with clouds that were it not for the red star turning the clouds pink it'd be difficult to navigate. [23:44] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, to Bastian: "It stinks. 'specially if they're going to bunk in Firewander - points to their maybe being immunized against the Wyld somehow, or maybe having made a deal with it." [23:44] 14Ominous. Stranger never sees the graceful swan following them up, but occasionally thinks he hears the ringing of the bell. 15[23:45] <@VoxPVoxD> He does, actually, once everyone's climbed the hill and ready to ascend Council Tower itself. 15[23:45] <@VoxPVoxD> But it's not a silver bell. 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Instead, the air shakes again, with the rolling monotone of a vast and heavy bell, struck three times at steady rhythm, all cold iron. 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> The dead are marching up the thoroughfare. [23:48] 7Dawn's firewand is in hand, now. "I swear, if another bell rings today, I'm going to blast it." [23:49] 14As they all approach the tower, Stranger pauses and steps aside a moment -- and out from the bushes a small, lithe silver cat with black accents in her fur darts forward, then climbs up his arm as he leans over, coming to rest and perch on his shoulder. The silver-haired man then rejoins the retinue as if nothing has changed. 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> The assembled militias fire arrows or form defensive barricades, but their arrows find no purchase, and they scatter in terror as the corpses, with part or all the flesh rotted from their bodies, drag massive golden palanquins up the hill. 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> For its part, the advancing dead horde leaves no damage in its wake save whatever trauma lingers in the minds of those who barred its way. [23:49] 14Stranger grimaces, then turns his head to whisper in the cat's ear. [23:50] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar mutters some swear or other as he barges forward, stolen halberd in hand and helmet closing over his face. He yells at the Apples behind him to hold as he positions himself to defend the actual retinue of leaders and negotiators, and also to simply get a better look. [23:50] "Tolls," 14Stranger says to Dawn. "The bells toll." [23:51] 7Dawn: "Not when I'm through with 'em." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Six palanquins are laden with tribute and treasure, silver and jade. Three of them - the three at the front - are covered against the rain. 15[23:53] <@VoxPVoxD> The army stops more or less directly in front of Keldar, bringing him face to face with the foremost of the covered palanquins. Keldar can hear a steady clack-clack-clack emerge from its perfumed depths. [23:54] 13Moving even closer to the rest of the group, Xia Lan shivers in disgust and fear. Undead hordes walking the streets. Bearing gifts! There is something deeply wrong with this city. [23:54] 14Stranger: "Well then." [23:55] "I know which side I'm on." [23:55] 4“This is madness." [23:55] "Seriously. What the hell's wrong with this city?" [23:56] 14Stranger: "It's in the middle." [23:56] <@Ferrinus> 12Well... here we are, Keldar thinks. "I'm Keldar, of the Ninth Orchard and serving the Dawn Guard. Announce yourself!" [23:56] "It's in the middle of the whole wide world." [23:57] 7Dawn, sighting along her firewand: "Not exactly certain of my geography, but I'm not sure that's true." [23:57] "And when you're in the middle, everyone else looks at you and sees the closest place to Heaven." [23:57] "It's not about maps, Dawn." [23:57] 14Stranger points up. [23:57] "It's about the Star." [23:59] "Every day gets a little stranger." [23:59] 13Xia Lan: "I really wish it wouldn't." [23:59] 14The silver-haired man grins and the white-and-black cat mrowls. "That's why we're here." [23:59] 7Dawn: "If this is a little, then gods help us if it ever gets a lot stranger." [00:00] "These guys are from Thorns, by the way. What a forsaken place..." [00:00] 13Xia Lan: "Wonderful! Exactly what we needed. Everything is just roses right now." [00:01] <@Ferrinus> 12Thorns?! Keldar's helmet swivels just a bit, as if to begin looking over his shoulder to confirm what Xu Sim's said, but he keeps the mainstay of his attention on the lead palanquin. [00:02] 7Dawn: "So do we blast them, then?" 15[00:02] <@VoxPVoxD> The voice that emerges from the center palanquin is thick and phlegmy, and Keldar is buffeted by a wave of rank air. "THE FACE OF THE MASK BRINGS TRIBUTE AND PARLAY! WE JOIN THE RIVERS TO DRIVE BACK THE INVADERS!" [00:03] 4von Hrolfus: “They are paying to defend us? How odd." 15[00:03] <@VoxPVoxD> A sword plunges out from the center of the palanquin, as wide and tall as Keldar with a blade of dull gray steel honed from edge to edge. It digs into the cobbles, and Keldar is brought face to face with the abacus embedded in its hilt, large and complex with each bead carved in the shape of a skull. [00:03] 14Stranger: "No." [00:03] "We do the only thing we can do." [00:03] "We talk it out." [00:04] "And if that doesn't work, well." 14Stranger scritches the cat. "Then they're all in the same room." [00:04] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "...yeah?" 12He looks over at Pellicia, though the furious visage of Mutatis Mutandis masks how nonplussed he is at the moment. 15[00:05] <@VoxPVoxD> A white hand reaches out for the hilt, and a groan echoes down the Hill as an immensely fat man levers himself out using the blade. His skin and hair are white and nearly translucent, and the smell of rot clings to him like an ugly rumor. [00:05] 5Oh, now this is interesting. [00:06] <@Ferrinus> 12Gross. [00:06] 14Gaudy. 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> He looks up and down the assembled armies as two other figures disembark from the palanquins behind him. 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> "But first! The Governor of Thorns humbly invites himself to dinner." 15[00:07] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: The Fivefold Council [00:46] strange that she's the ambassador of both night and day [00:46] unless she's the ambassador of the night TO the day [00:47] and the day to the night [00:47] you think they'd listen to one of you clowns? [00:48] what authority do the chosen of the moon have to speak on behalf of anything that happens in the day [00:49] these hands, that you can catch