15[20:20] <@VoxPVoxD> It's a festival! It's a parade! 15[20:20] <@VoxPVoxD> Three armies muster on Sentinel Hill. Four banners fly in beneath the red-starred sky. [20:21] 14Two and two too many for comfort. [20:21] 14The players gather. 15[20:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Tension thickens the air around Council Tower, where Dawn Sergeant Pellicia stands before the doorway as if prepared to beat back every interloper herself. Before her stand a prince and his sorcerer, a Lookshyan hero, the Governor of Thorns, and the heroes of Nexus. Behind the Dragonlord and the Governor expand armies of gleaming metal and dead devotion. At the bottom of the hill the banners of Highland bob along the road to Firewander in a human tide. The Dawn Guard itself, even bolstered by famed mercenary companies like the Green Apples and the Nighthammer League, is the smallest force present. 15[20:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Among them, though, a power in their own right - the circle of Solar Anathema who has saved and imperiled this city time and again since the Emissary fell. [20:32] 14Right where we want them. [20:32] 14And ourselves. [20:34] 12Keldar's armed and armored, but his helmet's open and so an expression of stern displeasure is clearly visible on his face. For now, he's heading the Nexus military contingent and standing by for orders from Pellicia or, in a pinch, some other council member. [20:34] 4von Hrolfus is staring in shock at the legion of undead. How can such abominations be suffered to exist? [20:35] 14Very carefully. [20:36] 7Dawn is hanging back from the important delegates, trying to make sure she can see everyone who might be trying to pull something, which at this point could be literally anyone. [20:37] 14Ideally, to Stranger's mind, the ranking here in preference is the Lookshyans, the Highlanders, and then the Thorns -- but then, ideally, they'd somehow be able to swing all of them without handing away the city. [20:37] 14And, ideally, there still being a city left to not hand away. [20:38] 13Xia Lan's sticking close to Stranger. It might be safer to be close to Keldar - best armed among them - but Stranger's less likely to piss everyone off. So. Diplomacy. [20:39] 14The white and black cat perching around Stranger's shoulders blinks at Xia Lan and lazily licks the air, then settles down to stare out at the dignitaries. 15[20:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Diplomacy! The Governor, a fat, translucently pale man with curly hair and a sword as big and tall as he is, has just invited himself to dinner. "Come! The road to Nexus crooked with treason. Surely our tribute is commerce enough for a meal?" [20:42] 14The 'Governor.' Either an inexact title, or a concerning one. Who, then, is governing Thorns? 15[20:43] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia is the only visible Councilor, and her face is set with indignation. "If you are who you say you are then you should know full well the prohibition against foreign armies in Nexus. [20:43] 14Poor Pellicia. Letting the Lookshyans in, and letting them stay, only emboldened this lot. [20:44] 12Keldar nods sternly. "Third Dogma. First thing to do here is to get these forces set up somewhere outside the walls or formally take possession of them as part of our Guard." 15[20:45] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor's belly wobbles with mirth. "Ha! Right you are, my radiant Dawn Sergeant. So I had intended to billet my army outside the city and ride in alone. But when I arrived I noticed the flag of Lookshy on this hill, and rowbarges bearing the seal of Highland excreting men from the river." He looks stage left, looks stage right. "So I assumed the rule had been changed." [20:45] 5Xu Sim regards the Governor with the curiosity of a monkey confronted with a handful of rice in a gourd. [20:46] 14To the Governor: "You know what they say about assumptions, my dear Governor." 14He smiles. "Everyone has at least one." [20:47] "What shall we ask of the cooks?" [20:49] "They haven't yet," 12Keldar says. He's looking between the Governor and the Beast and Dorma as he speaks. "We've been in a little... disarray, of late. But that's coming to a close." 15[20:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Mori Nogare, the Beast of Highland, watches these exchanges quietly. Occasionally the violet-robed sorcerer beside him floats up to whisper something in the regent's ear. [20:52] 14That one's probably the one to watch. [20:52] 14But one at a time. 15[20:56] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor: "Filth! Filth, swill, and vile concoctions. Bring me river-sick fish boiled with vinegar, bring me spoiled meat masked in pepper. Bring me the putrid mushroom wine of the Undercity. I wish to dine on the food of your poor and misbegotten, because it is they who will live and die by our bargain." [20:57] 13That's... a little ominous. More than a little, actually. [20:58] 4Bit theatrical, this fellow. 15[20:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Nessun Dorma: "What rancid shit is this?" 15[20:58] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor: "We will see, my grieving friend! Nexus may surprise us." [20:58] 14Stranger, placidly: "The food of our poor and misgotten is a fantastic stew, with a wholesome brown broth, potatoes and carrots. You, my dear Governor, want the trash thrown out by the rich after their parties and left to rot on the edges of their estates." [20:59] "And that can be arranged!" 15[20:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Nessun Dorma's face is invisible within his helmet. "I didn't mean the food." [21:01] *misbegotten [21:03] 12Keldar: "While you're waiting for delivery, Governor, you can turn your skeletons right around and park 'em beyond the gates. Lookshy and Highland've already made arrangements with the Council, but you haven't yet." 15[21:03] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor squints at Keldar. "Which member of the Council are you?" [21:04] 14Stranger: "The one who just told you what you have to do to get a seat at the table." [21:04] "Unless, dear Governor, you want Lookshy and Highland to make this a three-party meal." [21:05] 12Keldar: "Ain't on the council. This is for security." 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor looks from Keldar to Dorma. "Has Lookshy taken Nexus so thoroughly that one of your lackeys speaks with the force of the Council?" 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "You--" [21:11] 12Keldar: "Interesting question. You moving the zombies or not?" [21:15] 4von Hrolfus can’t help it, and barks out a laugh at Keldar being accused of working for Lookshy. 15[21:17] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia's about to speak when the chimes inside the tower resound; longtime residents of Nexus will associate this with the announcement of new Civilities. 15[21:17] <@VoxPVoxD> Sure enough, behind Pellicia the door creaks open, and a stooped old man with a long face and a small hat pokes out from between crossed blades and black-sleeved arms. "CIVILITY FOUR FOUR SIX ONE THREE, BENEATH THE WREN. ATTEND! ATTEND!" [21:17] 14They will never stop undercutting her, will they. [21:18] 14Not all of Nexus's problems are standing outside this tower. [21:18] 12Keldar half-turns, listening. [21:18] 14Stranger's mouth presses into a thin line. "Evening already, I see." [21:20] 14He idly wonders what the numbering schema is. Surely they're not so disorganized that this is merely the next Civility after 44612. [21:20] 13Xia Lan's about to say something, either to Keldar or the Governor, but quickly restores her placid smile as she turns to listen. [21:20] 14That would make searching for any individual Civility a nightmare! 15[21:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The crier: "RESOLVED that to facilitate trade and open partnership, the Third Dogma is waived for any visiting powers who sign a compact of defense for the city of Nexus and pay a billeting surcharge to be negotiated with the Evening House." [21:28] 14A door charge. [21:28] 14Stranger actually chuckles. [21:29] 4“At this moment? This city’s greed will never cease to amaze." [21:29] 14Stranger glances to Pellicia. This is her moment. [21:29] 14Lay down the law: sign on the dotted line, or decamp for negotiations. [21:31] 14Then he looks to Keldar. There's a legal issue here, but this is not the time to present a broken public face over legal precedent. Hopefully Keldar realizes that...? [21:32] 12Keldar rolls his eyes up towards the sky for a moment, thinking to himself, and then works his jaw around while watching the council tower until his mouth settles back into a frown. "Bad phrasing," 12he mutters to himself, before turning to Pellicia and raising his voice. "Sergeant, the Governor here's signed nothing as yet. Orders?" [21:33] 14Seize the moment, Dawn Sergeant. 15[21:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia folds her arms, sizing up the crowd as the door shuts behind her. "It's true, Governor. You haven't sworn to defend the city." 15[21:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "We will see them out--" 15[21:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "--and neither have you, Dragonlord." [21:35] 12Yeah! Tell 'em! [21:36] 14Attagirl. 15[21:36] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "Don't be ridiculous. Our standing arrangement with the city--" [21:36] 13Xia Lan smiles imperceptably wider. [21:36] 14Stranger, laconically: "We are willing to commit to an oral arrangement with a formal signing session right now." 15[21:37] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "--is negated by the new Civility. And the same goes for our Prince Regent here. Gentlemen, welcome to Nexus. Cash or check?" [21:37] 14Because technically, as far as Stranger is aware, the Green Apples are not in compliance either. [21:37] 14Which means Keldar should go first. [21:37] 14Or his commander or whoever. [21:38] 12Ah, but the Green Apples are a mercenary company, one that's been hired on as a subsidiary of the Dawn Guard. In fact, that's Keldar's own idea for how such a Civility should be worded - an explicit allowance for the incorporation of 'consultants' and such into the civic defense force. 15[21:38] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "Preposterous! There are half a dozen mercenary companies in the city who--" [21:38] 5Xu Sim hopes that he won't be asked to pay anything. He hasn't been paying - anyone - anything - for the time he's been here. 15[21:39] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "--are all absorbed into the Dawn Guard until further notice. We're allowed to have our own army. Isn't that right, Keldar?" [21:39] 14Yes, well, as Keldar has noted...that's not how it was worded. [21:39] 7Dawn stands quietly, arms crossed, taking everything in. She scowled briefly when the proclamation was made, but it seems to be having its intended effect. [21:39] 14Aha. [21:39] 4von Hrolfus already paid an entry fee with a bonus for a guide and lodgings. [21:39] 12Keldar: ”’zactly right. Companies like mine are businesses, not armies, and we’re incorporated into the official Guard as subsidiaries as the Council sees fit.” 15[21:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "So all of you can park your soldiers outside city limits until an agreement is settled." 15[21:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "It would take an entire day just to--" [21:40] 13What a shame. 15[21:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "The sheer absurdity of--" [21:41] 14Stranger: "I'm sorry, I thought this was a negotiation." 15[21:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Regent: "Highland will happily comply, Sergeant." [21:41] 14Watch him. [21:41] 5Reasonable fellow, must be getting good advice from that sorcerer. [21:42] 7Dawn smirks at the Regent. "Such respect for a man of your station." 15[21:43] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent smiles at Dawn. "We are servant-soldiers, are we not?" [21:44] 13Xia Lan watches him with interest. The others... they might be more immediately dangerous, but he knows how to play the game. [21:46] 5Xu Sim finally speaks: 0"It is prudent to garrison your men outside the city. After all, Nexus is in the throes of a supernatural plague - one that has yet to be cured, only contained." [21:46] "A wyld-tainted plague, I should say, to be precise." [21:47] 14Stranger clears his throat. Pellicia's proved his worth. "The first thing you should know -- the very first thing, and especially you, Governor..." 14Stranger's focused on the big man now. "...is that when you're here without an agreement, you're vulnerable. That's what the city's built on, so that's how they run it. And let's say you decided that this Civility was not to your [21:47] liking, and you decided to stay. It would be perfectly legal, perfectly prudent, and arguably perfectly satisfactory to the covenant laid forth in this Civility that routing you and yours -- and perhaps just yours -- back to Thorns would satisfy the understood oral terms of a mutual defense agreement." [21:47] *14her [21:47] (originally keldar was there) 15[21:53] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor looks from Stranger up to the top of the tower, smacking his lips as if he's got dry mouth. "SCION!" [21:54] 14Stranger pivots to Dorma: "And the same thing applies to you, really, except that you're smarter than he is because -- with all due respect to the Governance of Thorns -- you didn't walk into this city and directly ask to eat shit. You've made your effort. You've paid your price. You have been a good man, and to the extent that you could have been, you've been a model citizen. And [21:54] that's required sacrifice on your part; it's required a staid hand. It's required good faith. That's what we're asking for from you now, because we know you've got the honor to pay the bill. It will not be forgotten. This is Nexus after all, Dragonlord -- everything is an exchange." 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> One of the other two palanquins ripples and an ethereal woman with long blonde hair and a long, wicked hook sword dangling from her waist appears at the Governor's side like a phantom. "See them out, will you?" 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> "Scion" says nothing, holds a hand up and bids the dead tide back as if by will alone. [21:55] 12Keldar watches with vague suspicion, but doesn't interfere. [21:58] 12Although, it'd be prudent to supervise. Once the dead legions are in motion, Keldar sends the appropriate instructions to ensure they're escorted to the gates, that their exit from the city proper is marked, etcetera. 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Dorma: "...so be it." Without looking at Keldar, he says, "I will delegate this task to my third in command." [22:01] 14Stranger whispers in the cat's ear; she mrowls at him, and he makes an apologetic face. The cat arches itself petulantly, slaps him aside the face with her tail, and then leaps off into the brush. [22:01] 13Xia Lan covers her laugh with a polite cough. [22:01] 14Murmured to Keldar: "The Ambassador will confirm from the skies, then return to us." 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> The tide into Firewander continues apace, but looking ahead you can see the army bend at a right angle to congregate outside the southern gate until a deal is brokered. [22:02] 14He delivers a similar note without a name to Pellicia. [22:03] 14Soon, unremarked upon, a beautiful swan soars towards the gates and begins circling. [22:03] 12The Lookshy and Highland forces are merely watched rather than escorted and guarded, but Keldar sees to their being counted and accounted for as they move temporarily(?) beyond the gates. [22:04] 14To Xia Lan, apart from the others: "Upstairs -- I assume we'll be going up stairs -- you should take a more active role." [22:05] "One, I think you can do it; two, I think they need a break from my bullshit." 15[22:05] <@VoxPVoxD> The population on Sentinel's Hill thins. Soon there's the visibly cheered Dawn Guard, Dorma alone, Regent Nogare and his dark confidant, and the Governor of Thorns with two attaches: one called "Scion", the other, a lanky man with an elaborate leather jacket and three-cornered hat, wears a longarm across his back whose barrel was smelted into a gaping, screaming mouth. [22:06] 13Xia Lan starts to nod to Stranger, then stops. "I'll endeavor to put a pretty new face on our collective bullshit." [22:09] 14The white-haired man grins. 15[22:10] <@VoxPVoxD> The doors open again, and emerging from the tower to stand shoulder to shoulder with Pellicia are six other people, four men and two women, wearing formal dress. [22:10] 14And away we go. [22:11] 5Back in the halls of power. Xu Sim is back, baby! Wait, being in the halls of power kind of sucked the first time around. [22:12] 14Hrmph. [22:12] 14And then there were seven. [22:15] 4von Hrolfus curls and uncurls his fingers. He should be in his element here, but he has zero context or standing. 15[22:19] <@VoxPVoxD> The meal the Governor jokingly(?) demanded hasn't materialized; the city, Councilor Hayle himself apologizes, is under emergency food rationing, and they were stuck with the food already apportioned to Sentinel's Hill. 15[22:19] <@VoxPVoxD> It's hard to tell whether the Governor is affronted by the disrespect or genuinely disappointed in the lack of garbage to eat. [22:19] 14The Governor was trying to make a point. And he made it. Arguably to his detriment. [22:19] 13Sometimes, when you shoot from the hip, you hit yourself in the foot. [22:20] 5On reflection, Xu Sim is actually rather fond of the Governor. He reminds him of someone... hard to put a finger on it exactly, really. [22:21] 12When it comes to actually setting up the negotiation proceedings, Keldar has little to do but handle further security. Hopefully the food'll be good. 15[22:21] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent and Dorma wear their armor to the table. And since it's Nexus, everyone is armed. There's a compliment of Dawn Guard keeping watch in and around the banquet hall, but all the Councilors besides Pellicia seem to be availing themselves of personal bodyguards hired directly from the Guild. [22:22] 7A lot of Guild muscle? Dawn keeps an eye on them. [22:22] 14Stranger will drift around. The cat returns, and then she's sent out again after scratching him three or four times on the arm. He smiles through it. [22:23] 13Xia Lan again politely avoids snickering at him. Her swords are to her side, ready for a fight, though she carries herself as though she's not expecting one. [22:24] 12Keldar wears "his" armor to the table too, of course. He'll probably end up sitting between the Councilors and his fellow Solars, presumably by the Dawn Sergeant. Fortunately the chairs are sturdy enough to handle superheavy artifact armor. 15[22:24] <@VoxPVoxD> As the soup is ladled up the Governor is attempting to corner Keldar in a long, blustery conversation about military minutiae. "And so we must consider, Mister Keldar, the organizational doctrine..." [22:25] 14This seems like Bastian's time to shine. [22:26] 4von Hrolfus interrupts. “If I could ask you a few questions, good sir?" 15[22:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor also introduced his attaches: the woman is Scion of the Sevenfold; the behatted man is called simply 'Hunter'. 15[22:27] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor sizes Bastian up. "Mmmm?" [22:28] 5Xu Sim manipulates his utensils with care, shaping and re-forming mandalas of sorcerous power between bites. [22:28] 4“I was curious about your army. Soldiers that don’t need to eat or sleep must be a massive ease when it comes to logistics." [22:29] 12Keldar doesn't actually mind talking to the Governor, or at least doesn't appear to. He's gamely discussing the pros and cons of slack versus rigid command chains, but pauses to hear what Bastian's got to say. [22:29] 7Dawn eats stiffly, obviously not accustomed to this formal setting, staring across the table at the Governor's pet gunman. 15[22:32] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "In many ways you are correct, mister...?" [22:33] 12Of course, Keldar's not going to not comment as though he's an expert, what do you take him for? "What I hear is it's not as free a lunch as it sounds. You end up needing alchemists and surgeons and thaumaturgists to keep the troops from rotting, nail bones back together, that sort of thing." [22:33] "Have we not been properly introduced to the City's guests?" 5mumbles Xu Sim. 15[22:36] <@VoxPVoxD> You haven't, actually. No one's made a formal introduction. [22:37] 5The doctor glances in one direction, to Xia Lan, then again - in the other direction - to Stranger. [22:40] 14Once the cat's out of the gala, Stranger will attempt to get Pellicia alone, preferably in a hallway slightly removed from conversation. [22:40] 14He gestures to Xu Sim to mingle. Get weird. [22:41] 14Attract attention. [22:41] 14It'll keep it off the others. 15[22:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia will talk to Stranger outside the banquet hall. Where does he speak to her and what does he say? [22:43] "Sorry. Our reputation-"5 he gestures, vaguely,"-usually precedes us. I'm Xu Sim, he's Bastian von Hrolfus, of Deguo, she's the famous Xia Lan, you're certainly already acquainted with the fearsome Keldar, Stranger-Visits-Heaven is over there, Dawn here seems friendly enough..." 15[22:43] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor, to Bastian: "Deguo?" He grimaces. [22:44] 14In a corner, somewhere removed but well-lit so they appear to just be having light conversation and not a conference. Stranger: "Apologies for stepping on your toes out there, Dawn Sergeant. I'll be brief. The Governor has disdain perhaps bordering on digust for vulnerability and weakness. Don't trust that nonsense about the poor. I can't read Dorma yet. He's a sly one. But he does [22:44] seem to respond to me, especially when I talk about honor." [22:44] 4von Hrolfus, curtly: “Yes." [22:47] "Pretty tragic affair. Not uncommon, alas. But tragic. I think I can cure the honey-maze, by the way,"5 this is directed, in part, to Dorma and the Lookshyans but mostly to the Council-members. 15[22:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan is best positioned to overhear the conversation Regent Dogare is having with other Councilors, chiefly Brueghel, Ephiselle, and Thalevar, about commercial and legal allowances he can secure for his troops once they're allowed back into the city. It sounds like he wants as much permission as possible for his men to roam the city. There's some pushback, mainly on the Regent's desire to make sure all permissions extend to on- and off-duty troops. [22:48] "Oh. And the Governor sees Nexus in..." 14He pauses. How to phrase this. "...gluttonary terms." [22:48] "Too much to eat at once." 15[22:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia's expression of distaste worsens as Stranger talks. "Charming." [22:49] "I'm not sure if that's specific to the city. It might just be how he sees any large group of people. But it is how he sees here." [22:49] "Good thing, too. It would probably be a detestable mess if it was still spreading when the Raksha hordes show up." 5 He takes a bite of some sort of root vegetable. Hey, this isn't bad! [22:50] 14He grimaces. "My agent confirms that they're honoring their word. They've pulled outside the city." [22:50] 14Stranger glances over at Pellicia. "So I've sent my agent to check on the Astrologer." [22:50] 13Xia Lan will sidle over to the Regent's conversation, and see if she can't find a place to insert herself in it. She's got some complimentary things to say about him, and maybe that'll be enough to distract from the matter at hand. Usually, she is. [22:50] 12Keldar, to Xu Sim: "What'll the cure take?" 15[22:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Councilor Hayle, with responsibility for health, asks Xu Sim directly: "What will it cost?" [22:53] "What will it take? Oh, just one more push and a few more experiments-" 5Xu Sim pauses at Hayle's question. "You mean, my services? Or, do you mean, how much will the supplies necessary to cure the whole afflicted population cost to give them?" 15[22:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle: "Itemize it for me." [22:53] 7Dawn: "Surely, stopping a plague is worth nearly any cost." [22:55] "Well, to be honest, as far as I go, I'm willing to take a pretty big discount in return for a full exoneration regarding some false, nasty, defamatory rumors about my practice. Pret-ty big discount." 15[22:56] <@VoxPVoxD> The Governor, to Bastian: "So you've heard the news then. Terrible. Disgraceful." 15[22:56] <@VoxPVoxD> "To suffer such humiliating defeat..." [22:57] 4“We’ve had those before. There will be survivors, and we will rise again.” 15[22:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle: "What'll you need to see it done?" 15[22:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "So shall all the war dead! Ahaha!" [23:00] 4“Dead or alive. Whatever it takes.” [23:00] "Mostly, access to the afflicted to finalize the process. Supplies, probably not much more than what the honorable Lookshyans were providing in the camp. The typical stuff, maybe some extra brine-water. We might need to issue a Citation to do something about all the bees in the city, the bees are a vector. Tamp down on the honey-trade until this all blows over. Let's see, what else..." [23:00] 12Keldar, to the Governor: "Yeah, but what's that cost you?" 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "I visited her this morning. She had a guest for tea. She's recovering well, though it's no surprise she didn't test her strength on this. She's got a keen nose for avoiding danger, does Kratz, and a keener one for avoiding work." [23:02] "I mean, so much depends on how far the plague has spread. And if it keeps spreading, when the raksha arrive, I know what it will cost the city." [23:02] 13After the third time around of the Regent and the Councilors proposing and counterproposing the same things, only slightly rephrased, Xia Lan finally interrupts, catching the eye of the Regent. "If I may be so bold - perhaps a break is called for? You're walking in circles, and I'm getting dizzy." 13She gestures to the table. "Have a bite. Sit and talk. You've made quite an impression," 13she says, winking. [23:04] 14Stranger: "Fair enough. My agent's still going to keep an eye out. It's not safe for her to be separated like this during negotiations, no matter how polite these three factions are being." [23:04] 14He pauses. "If you want my advice, and you don't have to -- the Dragonlord's your safest bet right now. The Highlander's not. You can tell what the Thorny man is. He's easy." [23:04] "The Highlander..." [23:05] "We'll keep digging." 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent tenses up just a bit as he's interrupted, and turns to look at Xia Lan. A moment's stare precedes a brief glance up and down, and then he says, "You're too kind. I'd be delighted." [23:06] 14Mmm. Men. [23:07] 5Xu Sim, continuing:"I suppose if you really want to get serious about curing the plague and defeating the Raksha hordes, I have some serious ideas about it. For that, I would need a fully-staffed and supplied alchemical laboratory, considerable amounts of sulpher, charcoal, brine - as I mentioned - cinnabar, which I find invaluable..." [23:08] 7Dawn is pretty much staring daggers at the Governor now. She's not familiar with the particulars of Bastian's situation, but she knows gloating when she sees it. [23:09] "...White vinegar, dried centipedes - the larger the better, naturally, though not in particularly large quantities - powdered clamshells, crimson alum, a great quantity of lime - an enormous quantity of lime, more lime than you know what to do with..." [23:09] 4von Hrolfus keeps his calm. This monster is an ally for now, and revenge waits. [23:11] "Of course, a number of glass phials. And something else, besides: globes of glass, as near to spherical as blowers can make them, perhaps-" 5 he reaches his hands out in contemplation for a moment "perhaps just smaller than a grapefruit." [23:11] "With corks, of course, for their mouths. Yes, glass globes." [23:12] 13She leads him back to the table, then sits next to him, chair facing. "I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself - the Unfettered Xia Lan." 13The temptation to say 'perhaps you've heard of me' was drummed out in her bandit days. 'Undoubtedly the worst-' anyway. "You handled yourself well, at the Civility announcement. I'm impressed." [23:13] "Oh, and another thing: cold iron. I don't need solid blocks of the stuff, merely dust should suffice. Wastage from the work of the forges, I don't care. Small pieces - the smaller, the better." [23:13] "But many of them, wagon loads of it." 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> Regent Nogare: "Oh, your reputation precedes you. I am surprised to see you here - hard to be 'Unfettered' at a diplomatic meeting. Who do you represent?" [23:17] "And it might be prudent, I would suggest, for the glassblowers of Nexus to produce a few more glass globes of much larger size - large enough for a mangonel to throw, for example." 15[23:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia: "We should get back in there." [23:18] "A few barrels of brine fish, let me see, it's been so long since someone has not taken my skills for granted -" 15[23:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle: "This sounds less and less medical." [23:19] 14Stranger: "Let's." [23:19] 14As they walk: "You don't need to consult me. You've got this. But I'm here if you ask." [23:19] 14Then he steps aside and lets her re-enter first, then follows nine seconds later. [23:21] "Well, the nature of the plague stems from the Raksha armies and their commanders, ultimately. A true cure would entail their defeat, or destruction." [23:26] 13She gestures to the loose collection of Solars, scattered around the room as they are. What is Xu Sim - no, no, don't ask. "Call it the Centered Circle. Xu Sim, Keldar, Bastian, Stranger-Visits-Heaven, and Dawn. And myself, of course." 13Do they count Dawn among their number, yet? Hm. Probably was a less public time to ask that question. Too late now, though. [23:27] 14It would be good for them to start. [23:27] 14If only to force Dawn's hand. [23:27] 14But Stranger is likely being called elsewhere in the room. 15[23:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Regent: "Fascinating. Chosen all?" 15[23:30] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle: "How quickly can you get it done?" [23:31] "It's difficult to say. I don't have the information to judge. How far has the plague spread?" [23:32] 14Stranger meanders over to Xia Lan in time to hear that last. "Oh yes. And our plus one." 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle: "We've had reports from all over the city, though it's concentrated most in Cinnabar." 15[23:36] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent looks up. "Hello. That was a deft turn of phrase you had earlier, with the others." [23:37] 13Xia Lan covers her surprise smoothly. "Yes, you - cooled off a situation that could've gotten quite hot. Hello again, Stranger." [23:37] 5Xu Sim does some mental math. "In one day, I can cure one. In two days, ten. In a fortnight, ten thousand." [23:38] 12Keldar's still sitting at the table and chatting with the Governor and the rest of the Thorns contingent. At some point, he decides to just give vent to his curiosity. "So, sorry, who are you people, really? Why'd you get sent here?" [23:39] 14Stranger takes an opposing diagonal seat to Xia Lan, boxing the Regent in, facing both of them. He smiles warmly. "Hello to you too, Unfettered." 14To the Regent: "Which one, if I might ask?" 15[23:41] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "Recall if you will, Mister Keldar, your study of the great strategists. Lines of supply are the backbone of an army. Nexus is the center of the Province - if Nexus falls, we all fall. The invaders will be invulnerable." 15[23:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Regent: "With the Dragonlord. He seemed far more likely to lose control than his counterpart." [23:42] 14Stranger: "Oh?" [23:42] "Perhaps." [23:43] 12Keldar: "Does Thorns really see the raksha armies as a threat? You've got some pretty nice toys out there, as I understand it." [23:43] "What I'd like to stress with the Dragonlord, however, is that we have a...familiarity with him. We understand him, to an extent." [23:43] "Such are the wages of his work around town." 15[23:45] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "Yes, and if Nexus herself were to invade we would be well prepared. But a second Crusade? Grown fat off the richest land in Creation, without the Empress? What would even remain to rule?" [23:46] 13Mmm. Another example of knowing how to play the game. "'Familiarity' is an interesting choice of words. A correct one, but interesting." [23:48] 12Keldar: "You hear the horde passed by Sijan? I hear they picked up some zombies of their own - what's that about?" 15[23:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "The ishvara tempts the little Chosen, Mister Keldar. She binds them as thralls, but with a longer leash and more of their old strength. She must have snared a deathspeaker." [23:54] 14Stranger grimaces, then smiles. "You do know what we are, though." [23:55] 4“A deathspeaker?" 15[23:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "A practictioner of necromancy." [23:56] 14He is. I mean come on, right? That guy can't be alive. [23:57] 12Keldar: "Didn't think the Sijanese went in for the practical kind of black magic. Whole point is you stay in the ground in style, isn't it?" 15[23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Nobody seems to know. Both Keldar and Xu Sim came up blank. 15[23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent: "We saw your signs, or many of them, rising from Nexus in the last few days. Visible from the rivers." [23:58] 14Stranger, still looking away: "As intended." 15[23:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Governor: "More than Sijanese in those woods. Dark things." [00:00] 13Xia Lan: "Is that what we're calling it now?" [00:00] 13She says it mildly, without reproach. The damage is done now, and they're still... mostly fine. [00:01] 12Keldar: "Pretty fucked up. How do they stack up to you?" [00:01] 14Stranger's going to try to wave over either Keldar or Bastian. Whoever can sneak out of the conversation easiest. [00:01] 14Casually, to the Regent: "I'm going to give you some words for free. You ready?" 15[00:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Regent: "Please." [00:02] 14Without looking back at the big man from Thorns: "He's not dead. He's embalmed. It's a fake extension of life." [00:03] "They've jumped the gap. They've got something to offer the living." [00:03] "No matter how fucked up it is." 15[00:07] <@VoxPVoxD> The Regent says nothing. The meal's all but concluded, which means conversation will soon turn to dealmaking. 15[00:08] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: Two Masks