15[20:09] <@VoxPVoxD> It's showtime! 15[20:13] <@VoxPVoxD> The night is red and rainy, with Nexus's street-lanterns sickly imitations of the pink-stained stormclouds hanging over the rivers. The date is proscribed, the hour is soon upon the Unfettered Xia Lan. Music is how she's made her name, and music is how she'll keep it - assuming she can hold her liquor. 15[20:14] <@VoxPVoxD> How does she prepare? Who accompanies her? [20:17] 13She's spent most of the day drinking water - no tea, no juices, nothing but spring water - and eating the plainest meals she can find. She's not a doctor or anything, this just feels right, which means that it is right, because perception is how you win drinking contests. I think. With her is, at the least, Stranger - but she won't begrudge anyone else coming along. [20:19] 13She's got ideas for a setlist floating around, but it's hard to know what'll actually play until she gets there - and the contest begins in earnest. 15[20:21] <@VoxPVoxD> And Stranger? How does he prepare? [20:22] 14Stranger scouts out the tea selection at this venue one more time, and sents out an innocent inquiry: would Cathak Tsuka like to join him for dinner and a show? Apparently one of his favorite local performers will be onstage. 15[20:26] <@VoxPVoxD> The CIO (pronounced Cee-Oh) has a small and very odd tea selection. Black Lapsang tastes like the remnants of a campfire. Red Vein Sunrise has a coppery mineral bite. Something called "Ooolong's Wish", which Stranger has never tried. He gets the impression each of these was added at the request of specific clients rather than intended for the public at large. The menu of alcohols and other intoxicants is far longer. [20:27] 14Can he make some gentle suggestions for the night? They are providing the show, after all. 15[20:28] <@VoxPVoxD> If Stranger puts in a word with Tohu, the cat or cats who seem to own the establishment, they can probably accomodate him. [20:29] 14Excellent. Why, as luck would have it he brought a bag of Yucasan Yellow with him to taste. 15[20:30] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka has agreed to be there. For security, of course. In case this "Vladok" is a sore loser after Xia Lan's inevitable victory. [20:30] 14Ahhhh, youth. [20:31] 14Stranger will also accept some Ooolong's Wish (Three O's? Interesting.) in exchange. He'll be cautious with it. [20:31] 13That kind of support is welcomed! Xia Lan is at least reasonably sure Vladok won't try anything, but... you can never be too sure. [20:32] 14Stranger will also keep an eye on Xu Sim, if he's coming around. 15[20:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim is certainly free to come, and there's much that might be of interest to a sage such as he. [20:34] 13Xia Lan, on the way with Stranger: "So, Tsuka will be meeting us there?" [20:34] 5 Xu Sim has indeed decided to tag along. [20:36] 14Stranger, to Xu Sim, on the way over: "So. What can you do to help her cheat?" [20:37] "I already prepared her a concoction to stave off the effects of the alcohol; she refused to take it. I have a handful of noisemakers and colorful smokers I put together right before our battle with the Gunzosha, too. She can use those, if she wants." 5 Xu Sim seems, to some degree, at a loss.  "She has quite the sense of integrity, I suppose." [20:38] 14Stranger waves an annoyed hand. "She's a good person, Xu Sim. You don't tell her." [20:39] "Previously, we had the luxury of allowing her to lose. Perhaps. We do not have that luxury anymore." [20:41] 13This is all assuming she has the chance of losing. Preposterous. Absurd. [20:42] "Be prepared to act if it becomes HELLO, Xia Lan!" 14Stranger raises his hand and waves as she comes into view, hoping to cut off any incriminating reply from Xu Sim. [20:43] 13She waves back. "Stranger! ...Xu Sim! Hello!" 13She covers up her surprised expression quickly, to her credit. "I wasn't aware we'd have more than one guest!" [20:44] "Oh! Ha! Ha! Xia Lan, I thought I would come and observe your marvelous music, of which I have heard so much," 5 stammers the sorceror. [20:46] 13Xia Lan: "Oh, have you not heard me before? Well, this probably isn't the best introduction..." 13She frowns. "Performance-affecting substances being what they are." [20:46] 14Stranger: "I'm certain it will be fine. You know, we'll have a guest." [20:47] 13Xia Lan: "Tsuka, right?" [20:47] "Indeed." 14Deadpanning: "Providing security, of course." [20:47] "Performance-affecting?" 5 Xu Sim scoffs.  "Performance-affecting?! As if such a thing as a little alcohol could move what is in your heart, could alter the harmonies of your soul. Ha!" [20:47] 13Xia Lan: "Of course." 13She doesn't seem to notice any sarcasm. "I don't think Vladok will try anything, but it's nice to have backup." 15[20:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Footsteps approach! Soon Tsuka is there, holding an umbrella. "I scouted ahead," he reports. "There's a big crowd. Strange people and demons." 15[20:48] <@VoxPVoxD> He holds the umbrella out for Xia Lan. "For the rain." [20:49] 14Stranger: "Then we scheduled the right venue." 14He keeps an indulgent smirk from his face, and merely pretends not to notice. [20:49] 13Xia Lan: "Oh! Thank you!" 13She steps under the umbrella, though she was tempted to be mean and just take it from him for herself. [20:50] 14Who knows; he might be into mean. 15[20:51] <@VoxPVoxD> As they draw closer to the heart of Nexus, the road gets easier. Between the wildfire-quick news of the Emissary's vengeful return and the day-bright red star hanging over Sentinel's Hill, this is the safest Nexus has been after dark in months. 15[20:51] <@VoxPVoxD> When they're a block away from The CIO they can hear music. 15[20:51] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPAg7ODubB4 [20:51] 14A mixed bag, that. [20:52] 13Xia Lan's eyes flash as she mentally reconsiders her song selections. [20:52] 13This is what they prefer...? [20:53] 14Stranger is given to understand that one doesn't build a personal 'brand' by merely singing what the crowd wants to hear. Though on a contest night the considerations might be different. [20:54] 5 Strange people, and demons! This trip was definitely not a waste. 15[20:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Are Xia Lan and her entourage going through the front door or the side door for performers and staff? [20:54] 13Mixing what the audience wants with your own heart is the true sign of a master. Well, one of the signs. There's... a lot of paths to mastery. [20:55] 13Xia Lan will make for the back and vouch for anyone who wants to enter that way. 15[20:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Anyone prefer the front door? [20:56] 5 Xu Sim will follow Stranger's lead on this one. [20:57] 14Stranger will opt for the front, but bid Tsuka to remain with his, ah, charge. [20:57] 14He's here for security as well, and it's time to take this crowd's measure. 15[20:57] <@VoxPVoxD> If it helps, the front door is guarded by two huge, tusked simian monsters, wearing red vests and matching fezes. The staff entrance has only one. [20:58] 14We are expected, yes? At least because of the tea. [20:58] 14If not, that's fine too. Waiting in line will bring its own revelations. 15[20:58] <@VoxPVoxD> You get waved through on the nod when you meet the bouncer's eye, whichever door you take. [21:00] 13Oh! One of those places. The fezes are a nice touch, at least. [21:00] 14Hopefully their leashes are strong. [21:00] 5 Blood Apes? [21:00] 14And held by the proprietor. [21:00] 14Indeed. 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Stranger and Xu Sim walk into the venue, and find themselves assailed by warmth and smoke. The smell of opium and hashish accompanies the sharp notes of alcohol and the chatter beneath the music. A lot of eyes settle on them as they enter: a trio of sisters(?), violet-eyed beauties with shaved heads and many earrings; a squat, bulldog-faced creature with seemingly inert emerald flames for hair; hundreds of wasps settle on their nest, which is itself balanced on a hookah, watching them; and of course the sleek cat with a bell around its neck working the bar. [21:06] 14Ah. [21:06] 14Bees. [21:07] 14To Xu Sim, while still staring at the hive: "Glad you came?" 15[21:08] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan and Tsuka find a differently noisy back of house. Growls, cheeps, snickers, and mrowls accompany the clash of glass and cookware from what sounds and smells like a kitchen; there's a disconsolate-looking labrador-sized four-legged mammal of some description with a push-broom tied to its trunk, and the sleek cat with a bell around its neck waiting there to greet her. "Come in, come in! Dry off. It's so nice to see you again, my dear." [21:10] 13Xia Lan: "Good to see you again, too, Tohu! How's the evening so far?" 13She motions to her accompanying umbrella-holder. "This is Tsuka - I don't remember if you met last time I was here...?" 15[21:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka folds the umbrella and then bows respectfully to Tohu, who laughs an indulgent, matronly laugh. "Oh, where do you find these boys?" [21:11] "This is fascinating," 5notes the daemonologist. [21:12] 13Xia Lan: "Oh, he's a friend of Stranger's. Came out to see the show last time, now I think - you're working security, right?" 13She looks to Tsuka for his answer. 15[21:14] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka almost drops the umbrella, but recovers admirably(?). "Yes. Security. Here to make sure nothing untoward happens and the contest is fair." [21:14] 13Oh, he's a fun one. 15[21:17] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu hisses. "I would eat Vladok alive if he tried to cheat or swindle you. The old game is sacred." [21:18] 13Xia Lan raises an eyebrow. "'The old game'?" 13Oh boy. 15[21:21] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim searches for signs of his hellish foe and finds virtually none. What he sees are a lot of demons or demonic creatures all relaxing. The wasps on the nest appear to be perfect miniatures of agata, the brilliant wasps large and powerful enough to be used as mounts in Hell's wars and by bold sorcerers. The sisters strongly resemble neomah, the weavers of flesh, though the way they flush and blink seems a little too human to be a put-on. None of these demons seem to be acting out the whim or will of a master, which suggests they are either free from binding or were specifically summoned to hang out in a bar. 15[21:23] <@VoxPVoxD> The one thing that stands out is the fire-haired bulldog. One of his legs - it's false. Xu Sim sees it tap a copper-and-leather prosthetic to the beat. It puts him in mind of that awful demon Piotr trucked with. 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> The bulldog is of the neokorboroi, the bloodhounds of Malfeas. [21:25] 5 Unbound demons, in Creation, just... chilling out? Why not, without the lashes of their Yozi masters or the ministrations of a summoner to follow, laxity is understandable. 15[21:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "In the Old City it was how we settled everything. Duel, trial, debate... a good song and a stiff drink are a devil's playthings. To contravene it would be unthinkable. Literally unthinkable. But I'll admit Vladok has a habit of thinking the unthinkable." 15[21:27] <@VoxPVoxD> "Do you need anything, my dear? If not I've got to go and select the bottles." [21:27] 13Xia Lan: "Um. This is maybe a bit late, but... what are the rules, exactly?" 15[21:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "...he didn't tell you the rules?" [21:28] "You didn't ask him the rules?" 5 mutters Xu Sim. [21:28] 13Xia Lan: "I didn't ask at the time, which I'm starting to think was a mistake." [21:28] 13Shoosh, you're out in front, I'm in the back. 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> That said, if Xu Sim has a mind to read the lips of the cat at the bar, he can see Tohu's half of the conversation. [21:33] 5 Never exactly the most adept social operator, Xu Sim nonetheless bellies up to the bar and looks at the cat and its bell hesitantly. 15[21:34] <@VoxPVoxD> The cat at the bar: "Yes?" 15[21:34] <@VoxPVoxD> The cat to Xia Lan: "Yes..." [21:36] 5 Xu Sim: "Ah. I'd like a drink, but I seem to have left my coinpurse behind... Suppose we trade: a recipe for a drink you've never heard of, in return for a bit of rice wine?" [21:36] 13Xia Lan: "Well... what do I need to know?" 15[21:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu licks her paw and then looks back up at Xia Lan. "Very well." She explains the rules. 15[21:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu licks her paw and then looks back up at Xu Sim: "Surprise me." [21:41] 14Stranger wanders, mingles, and observes. [21:41] 13Xia Lan: "...wow." [21:43] "Well. That's... it could be worse?" [21:44] "Actually, yes, it could involve less singing. Mix in the drinking, and..." 15[21:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "You'll see the bottles when Vladok gets here and the contest begins. Anything else I can help you with?" [21:44] 13Xia Lan: "Any song requests?" 13She grins cheekily. 15[21:45] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "Oh, I like to dance." [21:45] "Goes for you, too, Tsuka." [21:48] 5 Xu Sim:  "Combine five parts water, three parts ethanol, one part gelatin, and two parts juice of crushed blueberries. Store it cold for an hour in a shot glass and serve." [21:49] 14He murmurs, laughs, sips his tea, and gives the dog a damn wide berth. That one could be trouble. 15[21:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu at the bar: "...this is going to cause riots, you know that, don't you?" [21:53] 5 Xu Sim ignores the provocative question. "You could flavor them with other fruits too - you could serve a whole rainbow, if you wanted." [21:54]  [21:54] 14He'll wander over to Xu Sim at the bar. 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu at the bar: "That's an excellent idea." 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu, wandering away from Xia Lan down to the basement: "That's an excellent idea..." [21:55] 14To Tohu at the bar: "Good evening. How's the tea?" 15[21:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu at the bar: "Evening. You'll have to be the judge of that, I'm afraid. None of my other tea-drinkers are in the house tonight." [21:55] "So, how do you serve the alcohol if you're so small?" 5 asks the sorceror, conjuror, summoner, and polymath. [21:56] 13Xia Lan: "Tsuka? Did you have any requests?" [21:56] 4Stranger: "Fair. Xu Sim, a moment?" 15[21:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "I'M SURE WHatever you pick will be fine." [21:56] 14Stranger: "Fair. Xu Sim, a moment?" [21:57] 14Preferably before Tohu has to answer a question that rude. [21:58] "Of course," 5 he says, running his tongue over his teeth. [21:58] 14Once they're as alone as they can get: "The dog is here to kill Vladok." [21:59] 13Xia Lan: "Oh! Well, fair enough." 13Fun indeed. [22:00] "I'm glad you don't like him either... you see his false leg? I think he's tied up with that awful fellow who framed me for poisoning a royal patient." 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> If Xu Sim sneaks a glance back after he leaves with Stranger, he'll see a bottle rattle its way off the shelf behind Tohu and fall, almost to the floor, where something invisible seems to halt it and then buoy it unevenly upward. It looks ungraceful, but not a drop of his rice wine is spilled. [22:00] 14Stranger sniffs. "Said nothing about how much I like him. But if he's with the concern that's after you then he's unlikely to be helpful to us." [22:01] "Which means we should foil him, unless Xia Lan loses." [22:01] "If she loses, well. Death clears all debts." 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> That's not the fiscal policy of Thorns. [22:02] 14They've still not got leverage here. [22:02] 5 Xu Sim: "Oh, I disagree. I think he could be of first rate help, if we can just get Keldar to chop off his other three legs and start asking some questions." 5 He doubles back for a moment to take the bottle of wine, with a gracious bow. [22:02] 14Stranger would say something piercing, but it's actually good that Xu Sim's mind isn't focusing on enslaving Vladok at the moment, but his would-be assassin instead. That's progress. [22:03] "Other than that the crowd is predisposed to Vladok but has an open mind towards our girl. I might do some mingling to try and pump her up." [22:04] 14It's well-known that Xia Lan is a Chosen of the Sun now, right? That's part of the, ah, gimmick? 15[22:04] <@VoxPVoxD> It's public knowledge. Whether any given person knows is a matter of how connected to or interested in current affairs they are. [22:05] 14That will be helpful. 15[22:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Some people, shamefully, still can't name five of her albums. [22:05] 13How dare they. 15[22:05] <@VoxPVoxD> The door behind Xia Lan blows open, and a black wind howls. 15[22:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Specifically, it howls, "What an EYESORE," as it spins into the tight whorls of Vladok's body and then shoves the door shut behind it. "How does anyone go outside with that grotesque hanging over the city?" [22:06] "I'm not much of a spy, I have to confess, but I'll see if she needs anything and in the meantime I'll -" [22:07] 13Xia Lan: "Quite easily, I thought." 13She smooths out her outfit - mostly unnecessary - before turning to face the new arrival. "Hello, Vladok." 15[22:08] <@VoxPVoxD> "You heal fast, little flame," Vladok says, taking off his coat to reveal his body, which is a gnarled mass of hair from which his head and knobbly limbs emerge. "Where is Tohu?" [22:09] 5 Xu Sim cradles the bottle and starts pushing through the crowd towards the back of the establishment. [22:09] 13She jerks a thumb in the direction of where she saw Tohu head. "Anything else before we meet on stage?" 15[22:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok sniffs. "I wish you luck." [22:11] 13She smiles. "Good luck to you, too." [22:14] 14Stranger slips back out into the crowd and starts to work his magic. Literally. 15[22:20] <@VoxPVoxD> The house band finishes their current song ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okd8brEiidA ) before four cats come from the back to announce in unison: "Places, everyone. Five minutes." 15[22:20] <@VoxPVoxD> The crowd both settles down and perks up. 15[22:22] <@VoxPVoxD> In the back, Tohu rises from the basement sitting on a lumpy, clattering sack, buoyed by a gust of soundless wind. "What devilry have you cooked up?" Vladok calls. 15[22:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu replies only, "You'll see. I broke out the good stuff." [22:23] 14He's charming enough before, but when the empty circle on Stranger's head begins to burn, he really reels them in. They knew what he was academically, of course, but when he lights up his forward and begins to set forth about fashion, music, proper tea and drinking, they all can't help but listen. His instincts are perfect, of course; he's finely tuned to the Nexus zeitgeist, and [22:24] 14the discourse in the room. [22:24] 14All he offers the burning dog, however, is a nod of recognition and respect. [22:24] 14And as the crowd settles in, he slips away to the back. [22:27] Xu Sim breaks through to the backstage area. "Xia Lan, do you need anything before we start?" [22:27] 13Xia Lan: "How's the crowd?" [22:27] 14Stranger will find Cathak Tsuka first. "How is she? Notice anything off?" [22:27] "...Besides the demon." [22:29] "The crowd? It's fascinating, actually - they all seem to be mutated versions of ordinary first-circle demons. For example, the erymanthoi bouncers, the less-inhuman neomah, the absurdly-tiny demon wasps..." [22:30] 13Xia Lan: "Hmm. Then - water, if you have some. Otherwise, I'm fine. Thank you for checking." [22:30] 14He will make sure to speak with Xia Lan before she heads out, however. [22:30] "Water?" He glances down at the rice wine. [22:37] "Oh, some water?" 5 Xu Sim asks. "I can get you some water. Hang on to my bottle of wine for me for a second!" [22:38] 13She takes it between her index finger and thumb, like if it touches more of her hand she'll be infected with something. [22:39] 14Smooth. [22:39] 14...Has Tsuka answered? How starstruck is this boy? 15[22:40] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka answers, because HE'S not distracted writing a drinking song. "She's playing it cool. I think she's confident." [22:41] 5 Xu Sim makes his way back to the bar and asks for a glass of water.  "Hey, while you're at it, can you bring me the ingredients for that drink I just told you about? For a proof of concept." [22:41] "Mmm." 14He leans in a slight bit closer. Where's Vladok? Could he be eavesdropping? [22:42] 14Before that, though: "Be right back." [22:42] 14He walks over to Xia Lan. "How are you feeling? How's Tsuka been?" [22:43] 13Xia Lan: "He's nervous as all get out. Think he's got a thing. I've been fine, though - got the rules explained to me and everything." [22:44] "I'm sure he does. Hopefully it will just make him more attentive." 14Stranger will categorically and succinctly list off what he learned about the crowd, as well as the nature of the conversations he had with them. Hopefully she'll be able to incorporate it into the theory of the act. [22:44] 14At the end: "And watch the burning dog. He's got bad intentions." [22:45] 13She nods through the descriptions of the crowd's preferences, but - "Towards whom?" [22:48] "Your foe. We plan to let the dog have him if he cheats, or things go poorly. But keep it in mind." [22:49] 13Xia Lan: "Don't. Well. If he cheats, maybe. But otherwise - don't." [22:49] 14Stranger: "You'd ask us to defend him?" [22:49] "We're certainly not going to help the dog." 15[22:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan only has a minute more. The band is warming up - Tohu assured her that they would follow her lead on the backing music, and not to worry about them making a mistake. [22:52] 5 On his way back from the bar, Xu Sim makes a detour down one of the corridors - ducking past the fez-wearing erymanthoi and slipping behind a Tohu. He chugs the water and replaces the contents of the glass with the clear anti-drunkenness potion he had offered to give Xia Lan some time ago. Fair play, against demons? It seems a little absurd. 15[22:52] <@VoxPVoxD> A lot about this seems a little absurd. [22:53] 13Xia Lan: "Yes! What in the world could the dog - okay, don't answer that." [22:53] 5 Rounding the corner to Xia Lan's dressing room: "Here we have water for the star of tonight's show!" [22:53] 14To Xia Lan: "He's here as an assassin on behalf of another Chosen. But...as you wish." [22:53] 13She takes the offered drink and hands him back his rice wine. [22:53] "Excuse me." [22:54] "And knock 'em dead." [22:54] 13Xia Lan: "And, he's our best chance of finding out which one. I will." [22:54] "Figuratively...but not too figuratively." [22:54] "They're into it." [22:54] 14Stranger withdraws to Tsuka. [22:54] "Here is the deal, then. There's a burning dog out there. Have you seen him?" 15[22:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka nods. [22:55] 13Hmm. Maybe next time some higher heels. [22:55] 5 Xu Sim takes the rice wine in hand and hurries after Stranger. [22:56] 14Stranger nods as Xu Sim joins them: "The dog's here to kill the opposition. It's Xia Lan's wish that we stop this, regardless of outcome. I'm inclined to honor it, because I respect her wishes more than I fear what might go wrong if we don't. However, if he should make one single move in anger towards her -- we take at least his arms." [22:56] "And then we let Xu Sim go to work on him." 15[22:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka just nods again. 15[22:57] <@VoxPVoxD> He seems a lot more collected when she's not in the room. [22:57] "I think he's in cahoots with the sorts that framed me. That also means he's in cahoots with Vladok's replacement, in you-know-where." 15[22:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu rounds up Vladok and Xia Lan: "You two ready?" [22:58] 13Hmm. Good water. Wonder if they purify it somehow-- "Yes!" [22:58] 14Stranger nods and straightens. "I'm going to blend into the crowd and stay close to our dog friend. You stay backstage, out of sight but ready to back Xia Lan's play. Xu Sim, you're a free agent. Do as you please but stay in the room." [22:58] 14That second sentence is directed to Tsuka. Good lad. 15[22:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "Yes." 15[22:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu in the back: "Do you both agree to respect the impartiality of my coin toss?" [22:59] 13Xia Lan: "I do." 13She glances to Vladok. 15[22:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "Show me the coin." 15[22:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu looks miffed, but produces an ordinary silver dinar. 15[22:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "Fine." [22:59] 13Oh, right, demons. Probably shouldn't have agreed so quickly. But - a show of good faith. 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Out front, six Tohu gather on stage to begin a song. Every demon in the room joins in, singing in stages: first the sisters, then the wasps in a vibrating chorus, until the whole venue comes together at the end. [23:00] 14How...communal. 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> This has the simple melody and rough lyrics of an old ballad tune improvised on the spot. 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Born and bound and beaten down 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> By the kings with broken backs 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Spared the saber and the crown 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> By spun thread and molten wax [23:01] 14Stranger has secured a kettle of Yucasan Yellow, a hot stone, a cup and a table with a view. 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> So we cast off all our shackles 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> To seek a name that's true 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> We cast off all our finery 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> To seek a bolder hue 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> If they come our souls to claim, we'll ply our wicked arts 15[23:01] <@VoxPVoxD> When they come to take our flesh, we'll eat their living hearts [23:02] 14Fair enough. 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> So DRINK for the power 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> DRINK for the flame 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> And earn your bloody, blackened name [23:02] 14Stranger won't sing, but he will toast. 15[23:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Everyone drinks and cheers. Xia Lan and Vladok come out on stage. [23:03] 5 Xu Sim takes a seat with a good view of the stage, the dog, and - why not - the neomah -- and toasts the demons, and then the singers. [23:03] 14Old scoundrel. [23:03] 13She steps out, head held high. Any particularly enthusiastic cheerers get a wave, but otherwise she's focused entirely on the contest. 15[23:04] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok comes out, exhaling red smoke that insinuates itself around him, dressing him in robes of silk and lead. He bows to Xia Lan. [23:05] 13Xia Lan, for her part, is wearing a shimmering silken dress she hasn't worn on stage before. It's been a while. She bows to Vladok, in turn. 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "As the visitor, the Unfettered Xia Lan gets to call the toss. Heads or tails?" [23:05] 13Xia Lan: "Tails." 15[23:06] <@VoxPVoxD> Heads. The crowd oohs. [23:06] 14Unimportant. 15[23:06] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "I will choose the first bottle." [23:06] 13It was a dumb saying, anyway. 15[23:08] <@VoxPVoxD> A gust of wind blows the sack open, revealing a little stand with six bottles arrayed on it in a cobbled rainbow. There's a squat, round red one, a tall thin golden one, a square green one, a perfectly spherical blue one, a sinuous violet, and a milky white snowflake. 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok chooses the red bottle. 15[23:10] <@VoxPVoxD> ROUND ONE: 4PEARL OF LUTRA [23:15] 5 Xu Sim struggles to read the labels on the bottles from his seat. Pretty impressive stuff! [23:16] 14Stranger doesn't know the effects of the bottles, but he's not really paying attention to the contest anymore. The crowd is his aim. [23:17] 13Xia Lan slugs back her drink with the atmosphere of a seasoned professional. Then, she moves up on stage, cues up whatever accompaniment there is - even "nothing" - taps her foot to get into time... "And you don't seem to understand..." 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-PkAQcuZOw 15[23:18] <@VoxPVoxD> The band joins in once she starts singing. They know the song perfectly. 15[23:19] <@VoxPVoxD> When Xia Lan finishes, no one applauds, which may be unnerving. But the audience is taking this totally seriously. 15[23:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok steps up, takes a deep pull, and coughs. The band starts up with what can only be described as a cranky horn before he starts singing. 15[23:24] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xCVzV4uW00 [23:26] 13Xia Lan has more talent - but... there's something incredibly compelling about Vladok's singing. This might actually be more difficult than she thought. 15[23:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan's turn to pick a bottle. [23:27] 13Blue. [23:27] 13She hovers over the selection theatrically before drawing the blue one. 15[23:27] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok scowls. 15[23:28] <@VoxPVoxD> ROUND TWO: 12LETHE [23:30] 5 Xu Sim pounds the glass of wine and leans forward in his seat to stare, intently, at Vladok - sparing a glance at the bulldog. [23:31] 14Stranger has laid his walking cane casually across the table. So it's quickly at hand if he needs it. 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok takes a drink and almost drops the bottle. He reels, and the smoke rises to envelop him, stretching over his limbs, his body, his face, growing denser and denser until it's the same color and consistency of his flesh. Someone else is standing before them now, wrought in smoke and memory. She's much taller, broad at the shoulders, fingers dissolving into wicked talons as her hair dissolves into shadow even against the house light. 15[23:37] <@VoxPVoxD> Then the piano picks up. Then her voice follows. [23:37] 14He lifts an eyebrow at this. 15[23:37] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF8ZoYN2U2o [23:40] 5 That's some range, compared with the last number. Some range. [23:42] 14...Stranger is beginning to come around to Xia Lan's point of view. [23:42] 14There's something interesting here. [23:49] 13Xia Lan takes her swig and feels vaguely overcome. This wasn't on her radar at first - but it just. Feels right. The voice that comes out of her is deeper than her own. "I have seeeeeeeeen, what man can do~" 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90A-spXBJXU 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> When Xia Lan finishes, the crowd ends the round. 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Sing for the treachery! 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Drink for the shame! 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> And earn that bloody, blackened name! 15[23:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok's new body dissolves, leaving him his dazed and red-eyed self. [23:53] 5 Xu Sim refreshes his glass. 15[23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok is distracted, rubbing his limbs and hugging himself. He has to be roused by a polite cough from Tohu. Vladok blinks, looks around, and then finally crosses the stage to grab the golden bottle. 15[23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> ROUND THREE: 8MONKEY KING'S PRIVATE STOCK 15[20:08] <@VoxPVoxD> [23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok is distracted, rubbing his limbs and hugging himself. He has to be roused by a polite cough from Tohu. Vladok blinks, looks around, and then finally crosses the stage to grab the golden bottle. 15[20:08] <@VoxPVoxD> [23:57] <@VoxPVoxD> ROUND THREE: 8MONKEY KING'S PRIVATE STOCK [20:21] 14Stranger pours a new cup of tea and keeps an eye on the room. [20:28] 13Feeling the effects of the previous rounds, the Unfettered Xia Lan sways over to take her drink. Something about her shifts - her posture hunches a bit, stance wider. She looks over to Vladok, taps her chin thoughtfully, and then launches into song. "When darkness falls...!" 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY6MuvRY6g0 15[20:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok is silent while she sings, though she does catch him tapping his foot. When she finishes, the crowd looks to him. He takes a pull of golden wine, shakes his head like a dog trying to dry itself off, and sets it down. Smoke creeps up from his heels and out from his ears and cocoons around him, condensing to reshape his body. 15[20:35] <@VoxPVoxD> This time, Xia Lan sees herself as the mournful strings swell. 15[20:35] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNRe59FkyTc 15[20:36] <@VoxPVoxD> It's her voice that she hears, or a hazy echo of it. "Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem..." [20:38] 13This-- how DARE he. Is she really so transparent? Has everyone already figured this out? [20:39] 14In fairness, a song about misfit solidarity was a bit on the nose yourself. [20:39] 13Look. [20:40] 13That was me, and this is him. How dare he. Xia Lan gradually becomes aware she's balled her hands into fists, exhales, and releases them, before moving over to the selection of bottles and picking the mysterious white one. Could be anything! Who knows. 15[20:52] <@VoxPVoxD> It's over. Xia Lan must have blacked out. She feels small and hot and disoriented, like she's outside herself looking at herself. Then she realizes that she is. 15[20:52] <@VoxPVoxD> She sees herself look down at herself in fury and surprise. [20:53] 14Stranger blinks about thirtreen times in a row at what apparently has happened. 15[20:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Tohu: "Kimbery's bile, is that--" 15[20:53] <@VoxPVoxD> ROUND FOUR: 0,1THE PERVERSELY PERFECT MIRROR [20:53] 13She examines her limbs experimentally - arms, fingers. She does a spin, just to check her new balance. This is... probably as bad for Vladok as it is for her. [20:56] 5 Xu Sim sips the wine, chuckling to himself at the situation. Rule number one of alchemy! Rule number one! [20:58] 13Then she stands, hands at hips, tapping her foot impatiently. The effect in Vladok's body is comical. 15[20:59] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok gives her an ugly scowl, which looks similarly bizarre on Xia Lan's face. 15[21:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Finally Vladok turns to the band and says, in Xia Lan's voice: "Give me something seedy." 15[21:03] <@VoxPVoxD> The band putters around for a bit improvising before it finds its groove. [21:03] 14Stranger sips the tea. If he makes her strip, there's going to be an interesting fight. [21:03] 14You never can tell with demons. 15[21:04] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok: "I don't know about you boys, but if you're like me..." 15[21:04] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-JJKI6lMlE 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> The whole bar gets into it. Xia Lan's an incredible talent! They know what to say, even though Xia Lan's brain is assembling the music as he goes. 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> "Brother, what's my name?" 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Our Lady of the Underground! [21:08] 13Xia Lan catches herself about to join the response before pouting off to the side. This is - it's really good! But also... she was trying to get away from this kind of image. [21:10] 13When Vladok in her image is finished, she steps up stiffly. "Something southern, please," 13comes a gruff voice. Then, she begins: "When I was but a young lass, I was wild and full of fire!" 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PajPwxuG9oI [21:12] 14... [21:12] 14Well that's a rebuke. [21:14] "Forgiven by the love of Sun, a love that will remain~ I learned that much and more the night the Savior called my name..." [21:15] 13She bows, and hopes that the next song will be back in her own body. [21:16] 14For the entirety of the song, Stranger keeps a closer eye even on the neokorborus. It would be disastrous were he to strike while a body-swap was on. 15[21:16] <@VoxPVoxD> When she bows, she almost stumbles back and falls flat on her ass, because as she bends her back to stand again she's leaning back in her own body, watching Vladok slowly draw himself up when he realizes he's been stopping. 15[21:17] <@VoxPVoxD> The dog's made no move. Perhaps he feels the same way. Or perhaps he already has a moment in mind. Or perhaps he's enthralled by the music. Or perhaps he's just very, very stupid. [21:17] 14Aren't we all. [21:17] 13Not the most graceful return to form, but a welcome one nonetheless. 15[21:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok stretches and yawns, joints audibly popping. He drags his hands down his face as if he feels something ebbing away and he looks furious. 15[21:19] <@VoxPVoxD> Eyes darting about, finally he reaches with his long and knobbly arm for the green bottle. 15[21:19] <@VoxPVoxD> FINAL ROUND: 3THE MESS INSIDE 15[21:22] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok takes a pull and doubles over, giving the kind of groan you give when you're roused from an awful hangover by a piercing noise or bright light. [21:23] 5 Xu Sim blinks a few times as he looks at Vladok, before shifting his gaze to focus on the emerald-burning dog. What could it be up to, if it was here to kill? Maybe it's waiting for a chance with no witnesses? 15[21:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Smoke trickles from his eyes and mouth, filling out behind him. The creature he became a couple of rounds ago, taloned and shadowy, now stands behind him and looks down at him with open contempt. 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> He clutches his sides, and barely manages to croak, "Hit it." 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> The energetic and slightly sinister music seems to revive him a bit. 15[21:25] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmneIEkQUeY 15[21:25] <@VoxPVoxD> "I can't make my mood match the weather..." 15[21:27] <@VoxPVoxD> Eventually the woman behind him joins in: "Oh, don't you come round here, spreading sentiments of cheer..." [21:33] 13Xia Lan's respect for Vladok's singing has only gone up through the evening. Maybe it's the drinks, but he's been keeping her on her toes all evening. As she takes a swig of the green bottle, though: she was Chosen for this. [21:34] 13She spares a glance to the band. "You already know this one." 13Piano begins to play behind her, followed by some guitars... good. "I feel like I'm losing hope..." 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egn_VNVKzI4 [21:34] 14Whew. [21:34] "Tell me, Sun, are you punishing me? Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?" 15[21:36] <@VoxPVoxD> The whole crowd joins in on the chorus, including Tsuka. [21:37] 14Stranger even hums. 15[21:38] <@VoxPVoxD> There is no doubt about the victor. the Unfettered Xia Lan has won the game! the Unfettered Xia Lan has won her name! 15[21:39] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok offers her a bow. [21:39] 14And Stranger sets down the teacup, hand falling on the table next to his walking cane. [21:40] 5 Xu Sim claps and bangs on the table in enthusiasm. What a performance! "Bravo!" [21:42] 13Xia Lan bows in return. A challenging yet graceful opponent, even in defeat. [21:44] 14Stranger stands up with his cane, and walks across the floor...stopping between the dog and Vladok. Old blind man. [21:44] 14Then he smiles at the neokorborus and his caste mark lights up. [21:51] "You'll have to pull this goddamn Sun down anyway you can." 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka rushes up to the stage, swords drawn, to interpose himself between her and the dog. As Xu Sim runs up, he sees the dog pull a peculiar metal object from inside his coat. 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Someone in the crowd sees it too. "EVERYONE ATTACK!" [22:02] 14No respect. [22:02] 5 Xu Sim ducks halfway under a table before deftly somersaulting towards the neokorborus, emerging right behind him, the demon-dog unawares of his presence. "You must answer to Xu Sim, dog!" 5 he exclaims before leveraging a knife-handed chop to the creature's shoulder. [22:04] 13Xia Lan: "Oh!" 13The feeling of the alcohol hits her. When she was in the middle of the contest, it was there, but - low level, and performing on stage dulled it. Now, though. She takes a step back behind Tsuka. [22:04] 14Good kid. 15[22:13] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim catches the dog completely off-guard, wielding a bizarre piece of segmented metal. Both ends have blades on them, but the size and shape of it make it a terrible weapon. Xu Sim, master of all the sciences, can intuitively see its function. Yes... that end pierces the base of the neck, and the other will lock in place to wrench the brain free. Ingenious, really. [22:15] 14Good...weird old man. [22:16] 5 Oooh! Interesting! [22:27] 14Stranger rounds on the crowd. "FALL BACK! HE IS HERE TO DIE! HE WISHES YOUR PRINCE HARM, BUT HE CANNOT EFFECT IT! WE CAN SAVE VLADOK, AND WE CAN LEARN THIS ASSASSIN'S EMPLOYER, AND WE CAN DO THIS BECAUSE THE BEST OF US HAS BEEN VLADOK!" [22:29] 14He turns back to the dog. "And I am not the best of us but I can make pain." [22:33] 14He smacks the dog across the back with the walking cane for effect. 15[22:34] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok looks blearily at Stranger, then the dog, then Xu Sim. Then he flumps onto the bench the bottles are on and grabs the Pearl of Lutra. [22:35] 14...Stranger feels a kinship with that. [22:57] 13Xia Lan, for her part, watches the crowd back off from the dog, and tries to reason with him. "You can trust us - me, Stranger, the weird guy, Tsuka. We're--" 13she hiccups, sort of ruining the calming effect, but continues on heedless of the interruption. "We're not going to hurt you. We just want to figure this out. You can, you can trust us." 13She's vaguely aware of leaning towards the dog, trying to project forth an aura [22:57] of calm. 15[22:58] <@VoxPVoxD> The dog whines. [22:58] 14Stranger: "You hope; you pray; you shun the light of day. But there's no one down there listening tonight." [23:06] 14When Xu Sim's hands clench to come across the dog's neck, Stranger waves him off; then leans down: "You don't need to die tonight. You're only here because you were promised. You don't deserve this, Vladok doesn't deserve this, and no one deserves to die. The murdering crowd has been sent away. Stand up, take my hand, and whisper your name to Vladok -- we won't demand it unless you [23:06] give it." 14He smiles. "You have an out, my friend. Take it." [23:07] 13Xia Lan slumps onto the bench next to Vladok and makes grabby hands towards the bottle he's got. Long night. 15[23:07] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok hands it over. "Let me ask you something." [23:08] 13She takes a pull. "Mmm?" 15[23:08] <@VoxPVoxD> "Do you really feel unfettered?" [23:10] 13Xia Lan: "No. But it's -" 13Another sip. "A different kind of chain." 15[23:11] <@VoxPVoxD> "Do you think you will cast that one off too?" [23:14] 13Xia Lan: "Don't want to. Silly name picked by a silly girl." 13She passes the bottle back. "Listen to the wind bloooooooooow~" 15[23:17] <@VoxPVoxD> Vladok drinks to that. 15[23:17] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: Brute Justice