[20:25] The lights come up in Nexus the night of the grand contest, and when the audience arrives, the great ship hanging above city is quiet. When they board through the old artifact-elevator, then up through the cargo ramp of the Heavensward, from the aft-deck to the mid-deck, the doors are tightly shut and locked. Even the stairs up to the main deck are blocked now by a door which had not [20:25] been there before. Cold and quiet; the ship is not usually like this. Usually there are the sounds of quarelling...of the helmswoman shouting irritably from the wheel...of joy and exasperation and other signs of life. Things are strange tonight. [20:27] When the guests arrive, the locked doors will drive them to the aft lounge on the middeck, where a demon protectress tends bar and a tiny imp fields drink orders. The view from the back balcony is magnificent over the two rivers the city claims, stretching out in the distance. Perhaps the other crewmembers of the ship proper are already here; perhaps they are not, yet. But the mistress [20:27] of ceremonies is sitting at the keyharp on the aft lounge's stage, providing the opening act. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXSMwm9oxZY [20:28] She has traded in her armor for a more formal outfit. Perhaps more feminine, if that's a critique you're willing to make of Ir, Twice Traitor's fashion sensibilities in her presence. This is her on the right, purple replaced with deep blue. https://i.imgur.com/kXc6xmR.jpg [20:29] And on a small bench near the brief stairs up to the stage, six clear bottles, the liquors within them black, golden, red, silver, pink, and brown. [20:30] Who is already here, besides Ir, Sondak, and Usagi? [20:34] 6Ying's there! Practically twitching with excitement, too, chatting excitedly with Usagi and Sondok by the bar. 15[20:37] <@VoxPVoxD> There's an older couple, wearing and clinking glasses. The short man has a round, serious face and a neat moustache, and he shares conspiratorial whispers with his tall, thin companion, whose laugh tinkles like the charms on her wrists. [20:38] Arakesh -- who some know better as Marek Marrow-Hollow -- is there as well, seated by the door in an open-chested blouse and tight pants, both Ir's companion for the evening and the de-facto bouncer. Though to be honest, if this turns into a fight, that's just a lost cause. So he's drinking an ale too. [20:41] Earlier in the evening, she'll have given up her own room to the visiting player [20:41] for tonight's festivities. [20:43] It has the benefit of being right off the aft lounge, and also being rather spartan -- Ir can't help it if she's a little bit biased in favor of the home team, and her quarters seemed the least likely to give their idol visitor insight into the crew of the Heavensward. [20:45] Usagi is by presently to the mismatched couple's tables to take their drink orders, trundling with determination and then hopping up on the table, quill and scratchpad in hand. [20:46] 13Aw, you've got nothing to be afraid of. The Unfettered Xia Lan intends to play perfectly nice! ...though the liquors sort of make that a bit difficult, sometimes. 15[20:47] <@VoxPVoxD> The couple orders two glasses of whiskey and a pitcher of beer. [20:48] "Okay!" Usagi clenches her fist in determination, hops down off the table and trundles back to the bar. When she returns, she's accompanied by Sondak, carrying the pitcher. [20:49] 7Excessively Righteous Blossom is present, since whatever party this is - she wasn't really paying attention when Ir explained it - is taking place inside her home. Begrudgingly going without her stiff armor that will never now serve in the Empress' legions, she's wearing a severe-looking outfit that resembles a military uniform, all in black with a high collar and silver trim. [20:50] No one ever listens. Isn't it always the way? Still, as Ir plays slow and moody lounge music, the guests begin to filter in. [20:51] 14The first is the 'blind' Stranger-Visits-Heaven and his accompaniment, the Ambassador of Night and Day. He bows slightly to the stage when he enters, whispers a few words to the Ambassador on his arm -- she whispers a few back -- and goes to sit with the already-arrived couple. [20:52] 14As he sits down: "Bubo. Astrologer. I didn't think you'd get here before us. ...You've already ordered beer." 15[20:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "Bubo was insistent." 15[20:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo, long-suffering: "Punctuality is important." 15[20:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz, equally long-suffering: "Of course, dear." [20:54] "Mmmmmm," 14says Stranger. "In some cases, yes. In other cases, it is unfashionable. And there appears to be a great deal of fashion on display here." [20:54] 14The Ambassador rolls her eyes. 15[20:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "We were spared making an entrance. I will say that." [20:56] 14The Ambassador, leaning over: "What do you know of our keyharp player?" [20:57] 6After a quick goodbye to Sondok, Ying flounces her way over to Blossom's table, eyeing the strangers (heh). "They seem purretty fancy..." 15[20:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka walks in, then, wearing his only nice outfit, once again freshly laundered. He scans the room and makes a beeline for Stranger's table. [20:58] 14For his part, Stranger waves. [20:59] Ir looks up from the keyharp, then over at Sondok and inclines her head at the table where the serious young man is headed. [20:59] Sondok nods and walks over to where Bubo, Kratz, Stranger, the Ambassador, and now Tsuka are trying to figure out how to make one table work, and offers to put two together for them. [21:00] 7Blossom: "I guess Ir's party is somewhere to go to be seen." 15[21:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo's eyebrows all but slide up off his forehead. Kratz: "Thank you, that would be lovely." [21:01] Arakesh sniffs the air, frowns, and steps outside...and when he returns he's a bit het up. He's accompanied by a tall, slim, pale woman, a squat purple woman, and a goofball with fisherman's tanlines and a beard he should trim. He looks positively aggreived at having to let them in, and looks imploringly over at Ir...who waves them on through. [21:01] 6Ying: "Kinda. There's so many of them..." [21:02] That second table is looking very prescient, if that's where the newcomers choose to sit. [21:03] Usagi bounces over to Blossom and Ying's table and jumps up on an empty seat, puffing herself up. "Waitress Usagi here! What are your drinks!" [21:03] 6Ying, immediately: "Milk, please!" 15[21:03] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian nudges Pearl. "This is the sweetest venue I've ever seen." 15[21:03] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "It's alright." [21:03] Usagi: "Excell--Milk?!" [21:04] 6Her ears flatten slightly. "...are we out?" [21:04] She raises a stubby finger. "I will have to check with the kitchen!" [21:04] She bounces off, then five steps later turns and scurries back, jumping back up on the chair. To Blossom: "And what can I get you?!" [21:05] 7Blossom: "Whatever kind of that Northern 'vodka' that Ir has infused most recently." [21:06] Usagi: "Excellent!!" Then she's off again. 15[21:06] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober and Mr. Tellurian will sit down at the big double-table with the people they know, but Pearl will sit at the bar, near Blossom and Ying. "Hello! Friends of Xia Lan's?" [21:06] 7Blossom's a little distracted, because she's just seen Sunlit-Dreaming Ying - who, it must be reiterated, has normal human ears - flatten them in alarm. 08[21:07] 7Blossom: "No, we're part of the Squared Circle. We run the establishment. Who is Xia Lan?" 7She doesn't ask 'and who are you?' because Eikichi has been a good influence. [21:08] 6She does! There is also a second set, higher up. A tail twitches. "Furiends of Eikitty, actually - and yeah, who is that?" 15[21:09] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "She's the one who's going to win." [21:10] 6Ying: "Nah. Eikitty's purretty much the best. But wow, she brought a lot of furiends..." [21:10] Sondok's alone at the bar, but doesn't seem to be bothered by it. When Usagi returns yelling about milk, she finds it properly and pours a glass for Ying. "If she wants a saucer, we've got one of those as well," she says to Usagi as she pours out a straight shot of infused blackberry wodka in one glass, then puts ice and squeezed grape juice in a second glass for Blossom, should she [21:10] desire to cut it. 15[21:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober: "Sooo any sight of our heroes yet?" [21:10] "Okay!!" says Usagi, promptly forgetting about this and delivering the drinks as-is. [21:11] 6Ying accepts the milk gratefully. Mmmmm. 15[21:14] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "Not since I came in." He looks in Stranger and Ambassador's direction. "I still can't believe she agreed to this. Challenging a complete stranger, especially one dressed like that, to a duel?" He shakes his head. "She's going mad with power." [21:15] 14Stranger: "It's a risk, but it's one we're here to warrant. And she's got more support in the crowd, I suspect." [21:15] 14The Ambassador: "The audience, yes. But this...mistress of ceremonies." [21:15] 14She leans over again. "She's fucking the Lunar by the door." 15[21:16] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober: "Ayyyup." [21:16] 14Stranger closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Last I checked that was not a crime." [21:17] 14She waves a hand. "I don't mean THAT. I mean collusion! He's the bouncer! She's put her own people in charge in all positions." [21:17] 14Stranger: "It IS her ship." 15[21:17] <@VoxPVoxD> Tellurian: "There ARE a lot of us." [21:17] 6To Pearl: "So... how d'you know Xia Lan? And, um, what's your name?" 15[21:18] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "We met at the last one of these. Which she won." 15[21:18] <@VoxPVoxD> "My name is Pearl of Great Worth." [21:19] 6Ying: "Oh? Who'd she beat... Purrl?" 6She extends a paw. "Sunlit-Dreaming Ying! Hiya!" 15[21:19] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Do you see the older gentleman at the big table? Not the dumpy one. She beat him." [21:20] 6She looks over to the larger table, scans it -- and waves at Stranger enthusiastically. [21:20] 14Stranger smiles and waves back. Ying immediately gets a glare from the attractive, severe woman in black and white seated next to him. [21:21] 6Ying only beams at her in response. To Pearl: "Who's the angry one?" 15[21:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz, into her second drink, says to the Ambassador: "She plays well. Seems very serious." 15[21:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Oh, who remembers?" [21:23] 6Ying: "I would! Do you think they'd mind if I went ofur there to say hi?" [21:24] The next guest to arrive seems to have been on the ship before by the way she moves through it. Arakesh isn't fond of her, either, but only grumbles something about "short-stuff" before waving her on through. Yarara Yara stomps with purpose into the lounge and makes a beeline for Blossom and Ying's table, gladly hopping into the final empty seat. 15[21:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "I'm sure of it." 08[21:24] "I can't believe Eikichi invited me back here for this! I--" She stops and squints at the other woman seated at the table for a half-second, and then: "Ack!" [21:25] 6Ying doesn't bother to clarify whether she's sure they would or wouldn't mind before hopping up to head over and say hi. As she's heading over: "Hey Yara! Be right back, okay?" [21:26] "...Okay?!" [21:26] Yara swivels to Pearl: "You!!" 15[21:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo, still nursing his first: "She's very patient. Waiting for a chance to impress people." 15[21:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl's smile is slightly frozen in place. "Hello, Yara." [21:27] 6She finds an empty seat at the table and takes it briefly. "Hiya! I'm Sunlit-Dreaming Ying!" 6Two cat ears flick on top of her head. "Purrl told me who Stranger was, but I dunno any of the rest of you!" [21:27] 14The Ambassador nods. "Hiding her true plans. No wonder she was able to seduce a Lunar so--!!" 15[21:27] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl turns to Blossom: "You know Yara?" [21:27] Yara narrows her eyes. "Hello, Pearl." [21:28] 14The Ambassador stares at Ying for a moment. "You're not...actually a cat." 15[21:28] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka looks uneasily at the Ambassador, as if waiting for her to take the lead on animal people etiquette. [21:28] 7Blossom, eyebrows raised. "Of course. She's a friend and guest." [21:28] 6She smiles. "Nope! Won fafur from a goddess by making the purritiest dress!" [21:28] "Is there going to be a problem, here?" 7A fight already? 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "No! Of course not. Yara just resents me because she thinks I don't respect her." [21:29] Yara: "I...uh...no. And I think that because she doesn't!!" 15[21:29] <@VoxPVoxD> "But she's wrong. I do respect her. It's her department that's worthless." [21:29] "And I work for that department! And I do my best!" 15[21:30] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl, sadly: "I know." [21:30] Yara: "I'M going to the BAR." [21:30] "I'll be right BACK." [21:30] She stomps off the way she stomped in. 15[21:31] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl gives Blossom a look as if to say, you see? 08[21:32] 7Blossom tilts her head at Pearl. "Do you know Eikichi?" [21:32] Sondok's already meeting Yara as she approaches the corner of the bar. "Good evening, Yarara Yara. Can I get something for you?" 15[21:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "My name's Tsuka. It's nice to meet you, Ying." 15[21:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "Likewise." 15[21:34] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo looks at Ying with slightly crossed eyes, as if he's trying to reconcile one of those strange drawings into a single three-dimensional image. 15[21:34] <@VoxPVoxD> After Kratz nudges him: "Oh. Pleasure." [21:34] "Yes," the tiny Sidereal says, taking a folded, blank piece of paper from inside her robes, running her hand across it, waiting until the suddenly-present ink dried and folding it again. "Could I get a double wodka blackberry, and ask you to put this piece of paper in an empty bottle and throw it over the side of the ship?" [21:35] 6Ying: "Hi Tsuka! And, Likewise and Pleasure...?" 15[21:35] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian: "I go by Mr. Tellurian. This place is great! How long's the tour? Where do you run?" [21:35] Sondok stops and stares at Yara for a moment, and there's a moment where her eyes might have flashed purple. But Sondok nods and takes the note, then pours the drink. [21:36] Then Yara strides back over to Pearl and Blossom's table with purpose. 15[21:36] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Only by reputation. I've done some research." [21:36] 7Blossom sips her vodka. [21:36] Yara: "I'll BET." She plops herself back down with authority. [21:37] 6Ying: "Oh! We've been all around, came furom up north and have been working around Nexus fur a bit. Ir works all around, though!" [21:38] 14The Ambassador doesn't know quite what to make of Ying, but Stranger is extremely pleasant. "From the north? She wouldn't happen to be from Pneuma, would she?" 15[21:38] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian sinks a little lower in his seat. [21:40] 6She nods excitedly. "Yeah! But we, urm..." 6She eyes them suspiciously. "Well, we furst made our names in Crystal." [21:41] With all the guests arrived, Arakesh wanders over to the bar. Sondok is mysteriously absent, for some reason, but returns shortly. There's one less empty wine bottle behind the counter. 15[21:41] <@VoxPVoxD> "Wow, that's wild. You gotta bust your ass to make a name that far out in the sticks. I'm Sober." She isn't. [21:42] 14Stranger blinks. "Well then. There's north and then there's north. I'm sorry, my date accused you of not being a cat--" [21:42] 14The Ambassador: "She isn't." [21:42] 6Sober's close enough that Ying actually reaches out a paw for a shake. Ying doesn't comment on the contradiction. [21:42] 14Stranger: "--but never introduced herself." 15[21:42] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober shakes Ying's hand with enthusiasm. [21:42] 7All this backbiting reminds Blossom of home, which she left for a reason. "So you're both Chosen of the Maidens, then?" [21:43] 14She puts on a wide grin. It's not actually fake, but it is aggressive. "I am the Ambassador of Night and Day. I've had a number of problems with cats in the past. It's nothing personal." [21:43] Yara: "Yeah...different Maidens, though." [21:44] 14The Ambassador: "You not really being one is actually a good thing." [21:46] 6Ying: "Hi, Ambassador!" 6She continues beaming, either ignoring or not even seeing the aggression. "I'd talk with Nyaroshi about your purroblems but I don't think she'd listen to me. Mostly she just ate fish and sunbathed." 6Ooh, that sounds good actually. 15[21:46] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl nods. "How do you two know Eikichi?" [21:47] 6Ying: "So how'd ny'all meet Xia Lan? And who is she? Purrl just said she was better than Eikitty, which is rude and also not helpful." [21:47] 14The Ambassador's grin doesn't even freeze. "She eats fish? Well. Common ground is important." [21:47] Ir continues to play away onstage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM7Jkwqzdts 15[21:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "Stranger told me a friend of his needed a bodyguard." 15[21:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian: "She bought me dinner before my last show." 15[21:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober: "My boss was a bitch to her." [21:49] 14Stranger: "I met her when..." 14He frowns. Something's fuzzy here. "...I met her when she was getting established in Nexus." 15[21:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "I met her in earnest when she came to her first Council meeting. A very lively mind. Much more than her predecessor." 15[21:50] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo: "Officially, I haven't." [21:50] 14Stranger chuckles. "Eventually, we'll have to remedy that. But not yet." [21:50] 6Ying nods at each statement in turn, then frowns at Bubo's. "...huh?" 15[21:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo: "Long story. Lot of sneaking around and disguises involved." [21:51] 6Her face lights up. "Oh, those are the best! You'll have to tell me after the show!" 15[21:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo: "Oh, I'm afraid not. My apologies." 15[21:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "Bubo!" 08[21:52] 7Blossom: "I'm part of his Circle." 7Wait, she did her research, but she doesn't recognize Blossom? Did she not read Eikichi's book? [21:53] 6She deflates slightly, but covers it well. "Aw, I get it. Can't go giving away all your secrets." [21:53] Yara sips her drink, perhaps too casually. "I've got work with them." 15[21:53] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo, who's now finished his second drink: "I could tell you, but then they'd have to kill me!" 15[21:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz doesn't think this is funny. [21:54] 14Stranger: "Haha!" 14Neither does he. [21:54] 14NOW the Ambassador's smile seems forced. She does actually have a fondness for the little Heaven-serving idiot, against her will. 15[21:55] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "Xia Lan's really good at disguises too. I bet she could give you pointers." [21:55] Ir keeps playing. She hasn't said a word since anyone entered the lounge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXiVENVrkCA [21:55] 6Ying's grin shows some fang. "Or vice-fursa." 15[21:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian: "Any idea how long the warmup is? I guess being unfamiliar territory they're taking their time." [21:58] 14Stranger purses his lips. "I assume it's on them, and she's just showing off." [21:58] "I assume there's a reason she's mistress of ceremonies here." [21:58] 6Ying: "Should be purretty soon, I think. Anyway, sorry to bother ny'all - but I'm glad to know your names! Bye Stranger, Ambassador! Tsuka, Mr. Tellurian, Sober! And Likewise and Pleasure!" 6She waves to the table as she scampers back to the other table and immediately begins lapping away at her milk. [21:59] 6When she's taken a few sips: "So! Hi Blossom, Yara, Purrl! What'd I miss?" [21:59] 14The Ambassador sips her drink as Ying goes. "I suppose I'd describe her style as cat-as-cat-can." 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz: "That's good. I like that." 15[22:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "I was asking how you all knew Eikichi." [22:01] Yara: "And WE were telling the truth." 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Why would you lie?" 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian elbows Bubo. "Does the vibe of that table seem off to you?" [22:01] Yara: "A question you ask every day!!" 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo, sighing: "No, that looks about right." [22:02] 6Ying: "The Circle picked me up in between Crystal and Nexus! We've been insepurrable efur since!" [22:02] Ir carries on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T92R7xjce34 15[22:02] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Oh! You... have a very impressive dedication to wordplay." [22:03] 6Ying: "Huh?" 6She still doesn't get it. [22:06] When Ir finishes her last song, she stands and slightly bows to the audience, ignoring any applause or requests for more music, walking off the stage and motioning Arakesh over. He nods, walks over from the bar to confirm Ir's request, then slips out into the hallway. Ir returns to the aft lounge's little stage. She'll stand there, staring out calmly into the audience, until there's [22:06] silence in the room. 15[22:06] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl, to Yara: "I saw the stunt Siaka pulled in the dispatches. I hope you talked her ear off." Oh! She hushes. [22:07] Meanwhile, Xia Lan hears a rapping upon the door of the room she's borrowed, and an irritable man gruffly say: "Your stage when you're ready." 08[22:07] Half a moment later, there's a similar rapping on Eikichi's door. "Challenger is about to take the stage." 15[22:07] <@VoxPVoxD> 10The door opens a crack. "Thanks." [22:07] 13Xia Lan: "Thank you, I'll be out shortly," 13she calls to a presumably empty hallway, puts the finishing touches on her outfit, and strides towards the location of the duel. [22:08] Yara: "I--!!" But she falls silent too. She looks frazzled, but silently smiles to herself. Good timing. [22:11] Ir, once the room is quiet: "Good evening, and thank you all for coming out tonight. There are some old faces in here, some new faces, some unfamiliar faces -- and Sun, two out of three ain't bad." She pauses less for laughter than to set a moment between that sentence and the one that's to follow. "We're here tonight to observe an old rite of tradition, from way back in the day when [22:11] the musical arts were deadly, deadly serious. It's a rite that the Songbird School recognizes but does not permit, so in a way, I'm going against my own bosses here administering it." [22:11] "But special times call for special circumstances. Is there anyone in attendance who requires an explanation of the Game of Bottles?" [22:12] She looks around the room, meeting any set of eyes that don't look away. [22:12] 6Ying looks at her, confused. [22:15] 7Blossom raises a hand. [22:16] Ir meets Ying's gaze and sees Blossom's hand. "I will explain the rules, then. There are six bottles on the stage." [22:19] "These bottles contain special liquors. I have had a hand in procuring some; I have brewed others myself. This is a game of drink-and-play. Each of these liquors will have a strange and special effect on those who drink them. When the contenders enter, there will be a coinflip to determine who chooses the bottle for the first round. The contender who loses the flip will drink from the [22:19] first chosen bottle, then play a song for you, our valued audience. Then the contender who chose will do the same. In the second round, priority will switch." [22:21] "The Game of Bottles is a five-round game, with six liquors. Once started, it cannot end before five rounds have been completed. It will be judged, by agreement of the contenders and the judge herself, by Sondok, Who Stands in Doorways." Ir extends an arm towards where Sondok stands at the bar. [22:21] Sondok bows her head in acknowledgment. [22:22] 6Ying nods slowly, nervously. This is all a lot to take in... [22:22] Ir: "For my part, I have sworn an oath to impartiality, and have agreed to serve as the backing band for both contenders tonight. I certify that I will play to the best of my ability, and that I have done nothing to alter or undermine the liquors as they have been presented. Any who take umbrage with my neutrality may speak with Stranger-Visits-Heaven, as he holds my marker on this [22:22] matter." [22:23] 6Ying looks over to Stranger, questioningly. 08[22:23] 14The Ambassador raises her eyebrows and looks over at Stranger. He laughs nervously. "It was a simple oath-taking, and Xia Lan and Eikichi were both there to see it." [22:26] Ir sits down at the keyharp again. "That is the nature of our contest. With the rules explained, I would like to introduce the visiting contender..." [22:27] Playing a chord. "Reborn again in the desert sands." Another chord. "Selling out all the clubs in Nexus." [22:27] 'Backstage,' Arakesh will have already hustled her into position. [22:28] 13She's been here before. Twice, actually, even if the location was different. [22:28] A third chord. "She is...the Unfettered Xia Lan." A fourth chord as the soft lights everywhere in the aft lounge except the ones over the door cut out, and the fifth chord leads into Ir playing the agreed upon theme. [22:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r0UFm-DM7A [22:35] 14Stranger blinks. It wasn't quite the song he was expecting -- nor was this the rendition of it he'd have guessed from this Pneuman bard. [22:37] 13She strides out confidently, wearing an extremely expensive-looking red and gold long coat, frilled neckerchief, and yet more red for both shirt and pants. She's even done her hair up differently for this contest - she looks almost as a general striding onto an unfamiliar battlefield. https://i.imgur.com/n72CS8r.jpg [22:37] 13As she takes her position on the stage, she nods approvingly to Ir for her theme, and then begins sweeping her arms wide, swirling a cape around as befits the villain in a stageplay, eyes focused keenly on the table of unfamiliar faces (and Pearl). Then she turns to the double-table of those she DOES recognize, and bows deeply with a twirl of her hands and a slight curtsy, blowing a kiss to Tsuka with a wink. [22:37] 13Confident to one, cocky to another. Her presence on stage is remarkable. 15[22:37] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka's shoulders are up by his ears. [22:38] 6Ying immediately dislikes her. [22:38] There are two great armchairs on the stage far off to the side, near the steps up and well out of the performing area -- this is where the contenders are expected to sit. Xia Lan has her choice of seat. One's more angular, the other more round, but both seem to offer the same amount of cushioning and comfort. 15[22:38] <@VoxPVoxD> Bubo and Kratz applaud; Tellurian whistles; Sober hoots. Pearl just raises her glass of water. [22:38] 14Stranger and the Ambassador both applaud as well. [22:39] 13She takes the angular one without comment or complaint, props a leg up on her knee, and awaits the other entrant. [22:39] If anyone is watching close, a slight, very slight smile creeps onto the edges of Ir's face, as she begins softly playing some rhythmic minor chords. [22:40] "Greetings to the visiting contender," she says. "Now..." 08[22:42] The chords start quiet. "I introduce our main event: the troubadour of trouble, and the ferocity of fashion..." The chords intensify. "He is the favorite author, artist, and hero of Nexus..." Louder. "The angel and the devil..." Ir's anima explodes, and an entire backing band appears on stage wreathed in gold and silver as all the lights cut out again. "EIKICHI SHO!" [22:42] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyBxzPeJ1MU [22:43] 14Stranger narrows his eyes. [22:43] 14At least this one isn't judging the contest. [22:44] Usagi jumps up and down on the bartop, spilling a drink she was supposed to be delivering. Arakesh rolls his eyes. [22:44] Sondok simply stands with her arms crossed, no reaction at all. [22:44] 6Ying's turn to hoot and holler. She... huh. Clapping with pawpads is weird, so she stops to just cheer some more. "Yeah!!!" 15[22:46] <@VoxPVoxD> 10He bursts through the curtain in blues and golds, spreading his arms wide in benediction. He bows like this, and halts mid-rise until it looks like he's leaning forward to share a secret with the audience, at which point he winks to his sea of haters before he turns to make eye contact with Blossom, hand over heart. https://78.media.tumblr.com/1dc9235c2bcadc350e0b2937f6eea4ae/tumblr_inline_n7pqwcZRQL1sdabxj.jpg 15[22:46] <@VoxPVoxD> 10https://78.media.tumblr.com/1dc9235c2bcadc350e0b2937f6eea4ae/tumblr_inline_n7pqwcZRQL1sdabxj.jpg [22:48] Ir hits the last chord hard and slams the keyharp's cover shut, then stalks to the front of the stage. The lights come up once more on the stage; Usagi runs around refilling drinks. Sondok is no longer tending the bar; Arakesh has grumpily taken over there. The demon is sitting at a table of her own, front row, staring. 08[22:49] 13Xia Lan is as calm as a still lake during Eikichi's entrance, but pointedly does not look at him. 08[22:49] Ir: "Xia Lan! Eikichi Sho! This is an arena where only the beauty of sound will prevail! This begins the Game of Bottles!" 15[22:49] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi, meanwhile, will sidle up to her. "So tell me the truth." 15[22:49] <@VoxPVoxD> "Which of those two old couples is your parents?" [22:51] Ir: "Would the judge please approach!" [22:51] 13She glares at him, brief and unhappy, before smoothing her expression out. "It's actually the the balding one with the long hair and the one over at the other table, if you must know." 08[22:52] 7Blossom, for her part, cheers at the top of her voice for Eikichi. Probably, when the book is written, Eikichi will say that she 'cheered lustily', and Blossom will agree that she was vigorous and hearty. [22:52] Sondok stands up from behind her table and leaps effortlessly onto the stage. She holds a large, old coin in her hand. [22:53] To both contenders: "Step forward!" [22:53] 6Ying just glares at Xia Lan some more. What's she saying to him... [22:53] 13Xia Lan does so emphatically. 15[22:54] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi, who does everything emphatically, simply steps forward. [22:56] Sondok, almost bored: "Right of advantage goes to the visitor, by rule. Xia Lan: face or seal?" This is an archiac way of asking 'heads or tails.' [22:56] 13Xia Lan: "Face." [22:57] Sondok shoots the coin into the air and snatches it on the way down, then slams it into her palm. [22:57] "Face." [22:57] Ir: "The visitor chooses whether to drink or sing." 15[22:57] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi rolls his shoulders. [22:57] Sondok hops back down to her table and settles in. [22:57] 5 Xu Sim, an uncharacteristically large bottle of rice wine in his hand, suddenly arrives at the table his companions are sitting at. How long was he waiting back there? None can say for sure. He wiggles a seat into position and takes a position. [22:58] 14Stranger waves him over, and intercedes when Arakesh gets a bit TOO suspicious. 08[23:00] 13She stifles a grin. "Eikichi, grab that gold bottle, would you?" 13Then it's back to the angular armchair. "Let's start off with something fun." 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi: "...as you wish." [23:01] Ir slips back over to the keyharp. 15[23:05] <@VoxPVoxD> 10He'll walk up, pop the cork on the bottle, and takes a pull. Then he coughs, which makes the burning worse. [23:07] First cut is the deepest. 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi looks sullenly out at the city skyline beyond the lounge. He's quiet for a long moment before saying, "This is a Nexus song." 15[23:15] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwrHwZyFN7M 08[23:17] 7Weren't the bottles supposed to do something? Eikichi doesn't look any different. [23:17] Ir stays on the six-string, with one of her anima ghosts on drums. 15[23:20] <@VoxPVoxD> Eikichi looks wistful as he settles into the chair. [23:20] 4Leave tonight or we will die this way. [23:23] 14The young man's song makes Stranger feel a bit more than melancholy. Of course, that wasn't precise the choice he was given. [23:23] 13Xia Lan's up next. Chug the rest of the bottle, check. Feel vaguely uncomfortable about the new emotion the alcohol causes in you, check. And then... She leans over and hums a tune for Ir to match, then belts out: "We're runnin' with the shadows of the night!" 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHeZZ00ku7k 08[23:24] 13Something about the multiple singing voices seems to be taking a lot out of her - she tries to hide it but despite the fact that it's a great performance, it clearly doesn't hold a candle to what Eikichi just pulled. [23:25] That's all for 8,1TRAIL SHRINE WHISKEY 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> 10For his part, Eikichi seems to enjoy it a lot. It gives him a lot of the energy the last song took out of him. 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> 10You can let me down easy, but not tonight. [23:25] 5 Xu Sim wipes away a tear, and takes a swig of his own, to be sociable as much as anything. By the end of Xia Lan's song, he's thumping a hand on the table. [23:25] 6To Pearl, quietly: "You said she was better," 6accusingly. [23:26] For her part, Ir joins in enthusiastically -- that's part of the problem, actually, as it's unclear when Ir should be handling the harmonies. 15[23:26] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "It's early, yet." 15[23:26] <@VoxPVoxD> 10After Xia Lan's had her fill of the moment Eikichi will pull himself out of the chair and grab the silver bottle. He looks at Ir. "This one of yours?" [23:27] Ir grins. "Yes and no. It's got history." 15[23:27] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi: "History is awful. I hate it." 15[23:27] <@VoxPVoxD> 10He turns back to Xia Lan, bottle in hand. "This one." [23:27] Ir: "I know." [23:27] 14,15ROUND TWO: RUSHING ROULETTE [23:28] 13She makes a face, but says nothing as she stands up to take it from him. 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi sits back down, hands folded behind his head. 15[23:35] <@VoxPVoxD> 10This oughta be good. 08[23:35] 13Then she swigs, and as she goes to set down the bottle she suddenly realizes that she isn't actually holding any such bottle. In fact, she's sitting down, hands behind her... in Eikichi's voice: "Oh, Sun. Not again." [23:36] 7Wait, what? [23:36] Ir blinks, then represses laughter. [23:36] 14Oh no. Well. 08[23:36] 14Let's hope Eikichi Sho doesn't make her out to be a stripper. [23:37] 13That literally already happened once. A second time can't be so bad. 15[23:37] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Meanwhile, Xia Lan looks down at her bottle and says, "Motherfucker." [23:37] 13She springs to his feet - wow, that's weird pronouns - and looks over to... herself. "Hey! Language." 15[23:38] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi looks back at himself. "You dress like this but you don't swear?" [23:38] Ir looks over at 'Xia Lan,' trying not to crack up: "Yeah...visitor." 15[23:38] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Whatever. Xia Lan's body flounces over to Eikichi's seat and pouts. [23:39] 7Blossom: "I don't get this one." 08[23:39] That's an interesting argument from Eikichi, given how similarly they're dressed. But Ir keeps that to herself. [23:39] 13Xia Lan: "It's an image thing! Look," 13She shakes his head. "Just. Let's get this over with." 13To Ir: "Ready?" [23:39] Yara, chipper: "Oh, they switched bodies." 15[23:39] <@VoxPVoxD> 10The nice thing about sitting back here is that ordinarily Eikichi needs to go to a lot more work to look at his own ass. [23:39] 6Has he tried becoming a cat? 08[23:40] 13Xia Lan as Eikichi: "Well they come and pull me from my house," 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ6O7Jk4MXs [23:41] Ir actually takes over on drums herself on this one, with an anima ghost slipping onto the keyharp. [23:41] 7Upon hearing that, Excessively Righteous Blossom leans back on her stool with a look of revulsion and horror. [23:41] "That's a very confusing trick," 5Xu Sim muses, "Are they switching ghosts? Is it just a good illusion?" [23:41] 13Xia Lan: "~I will burn hotter than the sun~" [23:41] 14Stranger: "Oh, they're switching bodies." [23:42] "The magic in the Game of Bottles is pretty strong. And this Ir was calling on much stronger demonic brewers with that silver liquor than maybe she anticipated." 08[23:42] 6Ying taps her claws together. Did she does this on purpose...? It was Eikichi's pick, and Ir's bottles, but...! 15[23:46] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober: "Haha gross." 15[23:46] <@VoxPVoxD> "Imagine feeling a nose full of someone else's snot." [23:46] 14Stranger, mildly: "I don't have to, so I won't." 15[23:49] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Xia Lan feels a hand on Eikichi's shoulder. "I love that song." 10Xia Lan sees herself wink at herself. 08[23:50] 13That's... extremely disconcerting, but kind of hot. "Just... play the song so I can get back in my body, please." 13She obligingly locates Eikichi's body on the chair it belongs to. 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> 10She steps up. "This song is also about Excessively Righteous Blossom." 10Eikichi signals to Ir to get the band rolling. "Lead with the drums." 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> 10When the band's settled in: "This bloody road remains a mystery..." 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms1YH2B4_lk [23:52] Ir grins, and leads with the drums. [23:54] 13Damn, that's good. She'll file that one away to play... later. 15[23:55] <@VoxPVoxD> "And with the power of conviction~ there is no sacrifice~" [23:57] 6To Pearl, again: "Still not seeing it." 15[23:58] <@VoxPVoxD> 10When the round ends, Eikichi snaps back to his own body. It's surprisingly disorienting being slightly taller and not needing to lean back as much. 15[23:58] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl, darkly: "Oh where does he get the nerve--" 08[23:58] 13As Eikichi finishes up, he finds himself suddenly back in an armchair, and Xia Lan manages not to stumble as she returns to herself. To Ir: "The Red." 08[23:58] 13Then she gestures to Eikichi, on her way to her own chair. [23:59] 4,1ROUND THREE: WHINE 15[23:59] <@VoxPVoxD> "I just sat down," 10protests Eikichi. But rules is rules. [23:59] 7Blossom, mollified through being sung about, pesters Pearl: "What's this next bottle?" [00:01] Yara smugly answers instead. "Whine." 15[00:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Whine. The centaurs of the Great Southeastern Savannah brew it. Fills you with dissatisfaction." [00:01] Yara: "That's an ADEQUATE description." 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi drinks, and almost spits it back up. "AUGH" 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> "WHO WOULD DRINK THIS" [00:06] 7Blossom: "These drinks don't sound very good." 08[00:07] 6Ying makes a face. "This is purrobably her fault somehow. Eikichi would make sure they were sweet." 15[00:07] <@VoxPVoxD> 10In his mind, Eikichi's back on the Blessed Isle, disgust and disappointment swelling up in him. [00:08] Ir just sits at the keyharp, waiting for instruction. [00:08] 13Xia Lan, for her part, sits demurely, checking her nails. [00:08] 13(Immaculate, by the way.) [00:08] 13((Not that one.)) 15[00:08] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi: "Play something with spiders crawling up its spine." [00:09] Ir twiddles the minor keys in 8/6 time, with triplet rests. 15[00:09] <@VoxPVoxD> "Memories consume..." 15[00:09] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZmZ-Uh_zMQ 15[00:10] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka: "I like this one." [00:11] 13Of course he does. [00:11] 13Not that she heard that. [00:11] 14Stranger: "You like the simplicity of its answers." [00:11] "...Maybe I do too." [00:12] 6Ying whispers to Blossom: "how is he doing that with his voice" 15[00:13] <@VoxPVoxD> 10After he's done yelling he slumps back in his chair, letting his hair fall in front of his face. It's like he's back home. [00:14] 13Xia Lan listens with a pinched expression on her face before taking her swig. She immediately sours, but then -- huh. Huh. At the head of the stage: "So I learned this one from a friend." 13Another lean over to Ir to get her the basic tune, then she cuts in when it feels right. "I've been long, a long way from here..." 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChYK2aE0znk [00:15] Ir catches on uncannily quick. [00:15] Maybe this one resonates with her for some reason. 15[00:15] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl, to Ying: "None of this squares with what my department has on him." [00:15] 13She's way into this one, actually. "If it makes you happyyyyyyyyy, it can't be that baaaaaa~d! If it makes you happyyyyyyyy, then why the hell are you so sad?" [00:16] It can't be that bad... [00:16] 4Why the hell are you so sad? 15[00:16] <@VoxPVoxD> Sober goes nuts at the conclusion of this one, getting up on the table to hoot and holler. "KICK HIS ASS KICK HIS ASS" [00:17] Arakesh just leans on the bar. It's hard to place his expression. He's no longer scowling. 08[00:18] 13As Xia Lan finishes, she grins to Sober and offers her a quick thumbs up, before returning to her armchair. Eikichi's turn to pick the drink. [00:19] 5 Xu Sim claps vigorously. "This... whips," 5he says, struggling for the word. 15[00:19] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi picks up the brown one and frowns. Then he picks up the black one and scowls. Finally it's the pink he extends to Xia Lan. [00:19] 13Too damn right. [00:19] 14Stranger: "You're godsdamn right it does." [00:19] 13,14ROUND FOUR: HOMECOMING ROSÉ [00:20] 13She takes it gingerly, drains half of it, and waits for the effects... [00:21] Ir sits at the keyharp without moving. This one's gonna be tough. [00:24] 13This... huh. Wow, this is a weird one. After some whispered instructions to Ir, she turns her focus squarely to... Blossom? 08[00:25] 7Blossom, her glass empty, pounds the bar with fury. "Eikichi! Destroy her!" [00:25] "Primadonna girl, yeah, all I ever wanted was the world..." 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8httDjxJqI [00:25] Ir is nothing if not brilliant in her backing. [00:26] 13This is actually Xia Lan's best performance yet, too, which some distant part of her is upset by, but she can deal with that later. "And I'm sad! To the core, core, core! Every day, is a chore, chore, chore..." [00:28] Ir's been getting into it more and more on both sides. [00:28] 5 Xu Sim takes a healthy swig of the wine, offering Stranger, Ambassador, and Tsuka the same. [00:28] 13She keeps singing, til the end, and then she sort of... turns beet red and hurries back to her seat. "Sorry," she mouths to Tsuka. [00:28] 14Stranger takes it. 15[00:29] <@VoxPVoxD> Tsuka will drink. He glowers down at his glass. 15[00:29] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi staggers up and drinks. He grimaces and glowers, and then looks at the big table. [00:30] 14Stranger winks back before downing his wine. 15[00:30] <@VoxPVoxD> 10He'll hop down and get close to them, leaning in letting his eyes glide across them. 15[00:30] <@VoxPVoxD> 10His gaze settles on Tsuka, who stares stonily back. "Too easy." 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Then his gaze arrives at Stanger. "Too fussy." 15[00:31] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Stranger* [00:31] 14Stranger: "Ahaha. You are." 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Then he looks at Xu Sim and his eyes light up. "Oh yes. Ohhhhhhh yes." [00:32] 13Ying practically hisses. "What's he doing..." [00:32] 14That's when Stranger starts outright cackling. 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> "Ir!" [00:32] 6Ying practically hisses. "What's he doing..." 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> "Make the keyharp bounce." [00:32] Ir: "Yep." [00:32] She grins. "I can do that." 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> "It's~ not~" 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtklZ171mNI [00:32] She snaps her finger, and Iscariot slithers inside the instrument... 08[00:33] The moonsilver wraps around the harpstrings, and gives Eikichi just the effect he's looking for. [00:33] 13Xia Lan shrinks in her seat. [00:34] 5 Xu Sim shifts as stoically as one can in such a situation. 15[00:35] <@VoxPVoxD> "I've got to hand it to you~ you played by all the same rules~ it takes the truth to fool me~ and now you've made me angry~" 08[00:36] Ir spends as much of the song staring at Xu Sim as Eikichi does. It's not as good as Xia Lan's entry, but it gets a point across. [00:36] 13Xia Lan, without getting up from her chair: "Black." [00:36] 15,1ROUND FIVE: CASKET OIL 15[00:36] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi's much more energized after this one than he was after the last. But when Xia Lan says that it all melts away. 15[00:37] <@VoxPVoxD> "Oh." [00:37] Ir justs grimaces and looks at the floor. [00:37] 14Stranger leans back and stares at the ceiling. [00:37] 13Xia Lan doesn't exactly looked thrilled at it herself. But she needs to do this. [00:39] 13...also there's a light on her forehead that wasn't there before the previous round. This is clearly taking more effort than either previous contest. 15[00:42] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi drinks, gags, and drops the bottle. But nothing spills as the black bottle spins and settles back on its bottom like a half-spun coin. Grief has a way of finding its own level. 15[00:42] <@VoxPVoxD> "Can I, um. I'll be right back." [00:43] Ir: "...Drinks for everyone." [00:43] 13Xia Lan nods, understanding. 15[00:43] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi returns after a minute with his own humble wooden six-string. 15[00:43] <@VoxPVoxD> 10And then he just sits in the chair. [00:43] Ir nods in understand. Should she get off the stage? [00:44] *understanding 15[00:44] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi nods. 15[00:44] <@VoxPVoxD> 10He spends a minute tuning the six-string in silence. [00:44] She heads over to where Arakesh is standing and melts into his arms. 15[00:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Mr. Tellurian: "What's he doing?" 15[00:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl: "Oh, dear." [00:45] 14Stranger: "Never bet on black." [00:45] 6Ying rocks back and forth, unsure of what to say. 15[00:45] <@VoxPVoxD> "There's the part you've braced yourself against, and then... there's the other part..." 15[00:45] <@VoxPVoxD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at53K__LcYc [00:45] 5 Xu Sim is just sort of keeping his mouth shut at this point. [00:46] 14There's the other part. 15[00:47] <@VoxPVoxD> "Let the audience track me from the footlights to the wings. Let me set aside an hour or two in memory of sweet things." [00:48] 14Lay down on the street, my eyes toward the Sun; your star next to my face. [00:49] 14Balor is dead, isn't he? [00:51] 13After a few moments of respectful silence, Xia Lan stands, takes the bottle, examines it... and drains it. [00:52] 13She breathes heavily, then beckons Ir back up to the stage. "Drums," 13she rasps. [00:52] Ir's got drums. 15[00:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Pearl discreetly dries her eyes. [00:52] She's got all these ghosts on drums, if Xia Lan wants them. [00:53] 13She starts off without them. "I am stretched on your grave, and I'll lie here forever / If your hands were in mine, I'd be sure they would not sever..." 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95I7t1znYFk [00:54] 13Eyes closed, lost in the song: "Do you remember the night? Oh, the night that we were lost..." 15[00:54] <@VoxPVoxD> 10Eikichi buries his face in his hands. [00:55] Ir is weeping by the time the first verse is done, but the percussion is immaculate. [00:55] 13When she finishes, she - crumples, more or less. Stumbles back to her chair and just. Heaves. [00:55] 6Ying doesn't even have a catty comment for this one. [00:55] 5Xu Sim is face down on the table. [00:56] A moment passes, then another, then another. Then Sondok, Who Stands in Doorways, walks up to the stage. She does not leap, this time. 15[00:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Kratz's face is in Bubo's shoulder. Tellurian and Sober are holding hands under the table. [00:56] 14Stranger and the Ambassador look...distant. Almost like the song made them angry, but they're keeping it down. 15[00:57] <@VoxPVoxD> 10After some silence, Xia Lan feels a hand on her shoulder. [00:58] Sondok strides to the center of the stage. "The pact is sealed; the deal is fulfilled. The Game of Bottles is over. Victory, such as it is, goes to the Unfettered Xia Lan." [00:58] And then the party really got going. [01:00] NEXT TIME: Denouement