15[20:22] <@VoxPVoxD> The days press on, and the work continues. Keldar's got Highlanders to interrogate and summonses to answer; Stranger has two investigations to conduct and politics to machinate; Xia Lan has a bunch of fun times with pals to organize; Xu Sim has weapons of terrifying power to devise and witches to consort with. 15[20:22] <@VoxPVoxD> How do they begin? [20:22] 14With a pot of tea, of course. [20:22] 14And then some politicking. [20:27] 5 Xu Sim begins his day with vigorous stretching and calisthenics, meditating on Selin's latest lesson. Sometimes sweetness works. [20:27] 13Xia Lan spends her mornings with tea and books, never truly focusing on any conversations unless directly called out by name. The stack is quite large - and it's slow going, judging by her pace. [20:30] 5 On his way to the Tomb of Cold Iron, Xu Sim notices Xia Lan's piles of reading material. This can't but pique the sorcerer's interest. "What's all this, then?" 5he asks, going so far as to shuffle the papers and examine their titles himself. [20:31] 14The morning of the Council vote, Stranger spends his time gladhanding. Yes, no one -- not even the Councilors in his own coalition -- affirmatively want Keldar, the Tiger of Nexus, to be the new Dawn Sergeant. They're going along with it because they'll have a literal revolt by the city guard and associated mercenary forces on their hands if they don't; they've been painted into a [20:31] 14corner by an insane fool who has, for the moment, removed himself from the playing surface. [20:32] 13Beyond her firm committment to seeing the Dawn Sergeant in repose, and a scheduled dinner with Tsuka, her schedule is mostly focused around studying. To Xu Sim, Xia Lan does not answer, but the books all seem to be various law texts and histories of Nexus; none of the titles even stand out. Just Volume III this, Unabridged that, one of them just has a plain cover with no information as to its contents. [20:33] 5Law? How repulsive and wasteful. Shameful to waste a young mind on such an exercise. [20:33] 13...that's probably for the best. [20:40] 14Stranger does his absolute best to represent himself as someone with influence over both the Emissary's seat and the Dawn Sergeant's seat, stressing that as Dawn Sergeant, Keldar will not be permitted to have undue influence over the Emissary chair's vote -- not as a vague platitude, of course, but as an insinuation that this increases Stranger's personal influence over how that [20:40] 14chair votes. The trade-off is that Keldar gets to vote his, ah, conscience on any matter he pleases...but can only act in his official capacity as the Dawn Sergeant, not as the Emissary. In private to Keldar, of course, he's strenuous that nothing has changed. [20:40] 14The Councilors almost certainly expect those assurances to Keldar are happening, so it all comes down to how much they trust in Stranger and the power of his words, really. 15[20:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan knows Pellicia is laying in state at the Temple of Gentle Winds before her funeral ceremony in three days. And she also knows where her original scheduled first date is supposed to be... but she doesn't know what's in all of these books. Not yet, at least. [20:45] 14Stranger will also be making time in his schedule for every official event involving Pellicia's procession and burial, along with as many private meetings with Pellicia's people as it takes to assure them that this is being taken care of. [20:46] 13Then unless called to anything urgently - such as what Stranger's doing, that sounds important, and soon - the first item on her agenda is to... visit the body. Oh boy. [20:48] 14Frankly, Stranger can handle a forced early morning vote along extremely political and partisan lines -- he is technically empowered to vote in the Emissary's seat in the absence of Xia Lan -- and allowing him to play villain here would keep her clean for normal business. [20:48] 13I love the good cop, bad cop routine! Especially when I get to be the good one! 15[20:48] <@VoxPVoxD> Pellicia is survived by her husband, a captain in the Dawn Guard, and two children in their early teens. Captain Luot has been politely rejecting Stranger's overtures for a meeting. [20:48] 14At this point, perversely, Stranger is probably managing who gets to vote AGAINST Keldar. [20:49] 5But, as Selin said, sometimes sweetness is best. Xu Sim spends a moment with his medicinals, adding a bit of this and a bit of that to some thrice-thrashed oolong leaves, a dash of cocoa leaves and lime. Then he will check to see if a response to his letter, which he posted by courier last night, has arrived. [20:57] 5 He leaves the finished product - a small, sour-smelling green wad - sitting in a shallow cup atop the books, with a note that simply reads "SHOULD HELP WITH THE BORING ONES" 15[20:57] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan finds a substantial line leading up into the temple, with people dressed in shawls and uniforms and Guildsmen finery. Does she wait or sneak around or reveal herself and cut in line? 15[21:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim finds a letter waiting for him, sealed with a symbol like a stylized sun or flower, dominated at its center by a massive, unblinking eye. [21:01] 5Ah. Excellent, as opposed to unnerving. Xu Sim spends a moment examining the seal before cracking it in half to read the contents of the note. [21:03] 13It hardly seems respectful to pull rank. And she's not exactly here to be seen mourning - that's... tacky. She'll walk with the common people until someone forces the issue. [21:04] 14Master Gen, of course, gets to vote against Keldar. That's the cost of doing business and keeping him on the Council. Kratz, on the other hand, is an almost certain vote in favor; the Circle has been good to her, and her position is not specifically constrained by political interests the way that others are. The Emissary seat will go for Keldar, obviously, and Stranger is certain [21:04] 14that both Ephiselle and Thalever are on board because there's no other option for them here thanks to the Prince Regent of Highland -- and frankly, they're retaining more power under this scheme than they would have if they'd wilted in front of Mori Nogare in that fateful summit. 15[21:05] <@VoxPVoxD> Xu Sim's been invited to tea! Around five, at an address right on the crosstown streetcar line to the Grand Canal. The letter's written in a flowing hand and signed with the numeral 7. [21:05] 13As she waits, how is the mood of the crowd? Respectful, hopefully? And what's the Temple like? [21:06] 14That makes it four votes -- a majority of the sitting Councilors, and a victory. However, neither the Midnight Queen nor the August Councilor of the Eclipse -- who Stranger really should have more pull with, to be honest -- want to be seen as the deciding vote for this coalition. That means either Hayle or Udelph has to vote 'yes,' and if both want to vote 'yes' with a clear conscience [21:06] 14that's perfectly fine; Stranger would love to tell either of the two politicians on the other side of this that they can flip to no. Otherwise, however, it's a choice of who gets to build their political resume with a 'no' vote and who has to fall in line. [21:09] 5Delightful. Xu Sim folds the invitation into his white robes - again as spotless as ever (though no doubt containing myriad 'interesting things') -- a Crane stylist who is also a master alchemist is rarely to be seen with stained clothing. He sets off for the clinic he has taken to maintaining, for at least an hour every morning, to serve the people of Nexus and their most vexing [21:09] 5ailments. [21:10] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's busy, busy, busy in the wake of the Beast's violation of the Nexus oath. He's been directing the combined Apple/Guard forces through a comprehensive sweep of Firewander, neighboring districts, and the undercity for signs of Highlander holdouts or the location of Nogare himself. He's also been in and out of the Nine Storms Fiend's holding cell, demanding everything the [21:10] <@Ferrinus> 12mysterious sorcerer knows of Highland's master. Otherwise, the Dawn Guard has been leaderless - Keldar basically asked whoever Pellicia's second was and told that man or woman to hold things down for the moment. 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> The crowd's more tense than Xia Lan might have guessed. Pellicia was extremely popular, and the circumstances of her murder have agitated antiforeigner sentiment already rife in the Guard, and their dark mood has rippled out into being rougher with the people, which heightens the prospect of unrest and also contributes to the malaise of the crowd. Pellicia's death makes what's happening real to these people in a way the Emissary's death or return or even the plague did not. It's never going to be like it was again, is it? [21:11] 14The other person Stranger has to talk to here, of course, is Keldar himself. 15[21:11] <@VoxPVoxD> The Temple of Gentle Airs is a large and spacious manse of imported white marble, cool and fresh even against the unseasonable heat and humidity of the day. [21:13] 14Ideally, he'd like to have Keldar at the Council meeting where the appointment is made. [21:14] 14Bad pol, good cop. [21:14] 14He'd wait outside during the 'debate,' of course. [21:15] 13...it's going to take more work than she thought. She'll talk to Keldar... and Tsuka. See what they can both do? And then, also, maybe talk to them herself. And then calm the masses, or try to. Gosh she's gonna be busy. [21:17] 13...also, egotistical question. How's the feeling about Xia Lan's role in all of this? 15[21:22] <@VoxPVoxD> People speak highly of Xia Lan, who tried to protect Pellicia before Nogare cast her aside to kill the Dawn Sergeant, according to the gossip she overhears. [21:23] 14Politics takes work. Over morning tea, Stranger makes sure that Master Gen knows that the Emissary's chair accepts his vote against -- but is careful not to be condescending, in a way that suggests that he could only vote as such because the chair allowed it. He solidifies Ephiselle and Thalever's commitments, as tepid as they are, meeting with them both at once to build their [21:23] 14confidence and making sure not to ask for more than a begrudging vote in favor, due to emergency circumstances. He has a pleasant chat with Kratz when she drifts in; it's already clear how she's voting. [21:24] 14Then he meets with the Doctor, Udelph, and the Midday Husband, Hayle. The aim here is pure politics: do either of them need, as a matter of constituent give-and-take, to vote against Keldar? [21:25] 13That's going to need correcting. Like, immediately, if not sooner. She will set the record straight with anyone who brings up the story nearby; without revealing herself, if she can, but honestly? The truth about the Dawn Sergeant's sacrifice deserves to be told. [21:25] 14It appears Udelph does not; the commonfolk love the Tiger of Nexus for his words, deeds, and ah, profile, and he wants to vote in FAVOR as a matter of politics. Excellent. What of the Midday Husband, though? 15[21:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Hayle, mainly, doesn't want to fight. He doesn't trust Keldar as far as he could throw him but he's not willing to risk the exposure or expend the political capital to fight the appointment now, of all times, when there's half a dozen public health crises descending on the city at once. [21:35] 14Then if Hayle will vote yes, Stranger can go back to Thalever and offer him the opportunity to vote no. [21:37] 14He will also make sure that Hayle knows that he has a constant line to the Commandant of the Seventh Caduceus, and that he is willing to use it if Hayle or Udelph need it. 15[21:43] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan's probably not going to be able to do much to set the record straight unless she outs herself in public to speak authoritatively on the subject. [21:46] 13Then to the first person to contradict her correction: "She died a hero, saving me. Nogare was trying to kill me, and nearly succeeded before she stepped in. She got everyone else to safety, and..." 15[21:49] <@VoxPVoxD> People gather around when they realize who's speaking and what she's speaking about. Does Xia Lan go on? [21:51] 14Thalever can't be seen to oppose Keldar, either. Stranger commiserates as honestly as he can without talking shit about Keldar. He's not lying; it's a problem he's had too. When Thalever passes, he'll go to Ephiselle with the offer. [21:52] 13She gets the full story out, ending with a plea to pray, bow, or whatever they need to show respect to a true hero, doing as best as she can to... minimize her own celebrity. No autographs - seekers are given a dirty look and shamed into leaving - and reminders that this is for the Dawn Sergeant, not a meet and greet. It's a tricky line to walk. [21:52] 14The Midnight Queen wants permission to abstain, which Stranger is more than happy to grant. [22:01] 14She really doesn't like Keldar, which is understandable. It's her dedication to the Council that concerns Stranger more. [22:01] 14But this is not the moment for that. 15[22:01] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan soothes the angry and comforts the bereaved. Her words, her voice, her presence bring peace to the square and honor to Pellicia's memory. [22:03] 14The last stop he makes before meeting Keldar for tea outside the palazzo is to Master Gen, who is hopefully on the premises. [22:03] 13...it still feels tacky to make this at least somewhat about her, in speaking to the crowds as herself, but... they have to know. It's right that they know. And they should know as soon as possible, without letting any lies spread about the Dawn Sergeant. [22:05] 14He will inform Gen of the shape of the vote, and that he is the sole objecting voice. He makes it clear -- without overselling the case -- that this is information, not an attempt to push the vote unanimous. Stranger doesn't even ask for a commitment on where he stands before taking his leave, but the impression is that Gen has his reasons for his vote and will not be changing it. [22:06] 14Is there a nice little place nearby to meet with Keldar before the Council is in session? [22:06] 14It doesn't need to be a teahouse to have good tea, but it helps. 15[22:10] <@VoxPVoxD> There's a lot of places like that in this neighborhood. [22:11] 14Stranger chooses the one that will give him the most private outdoor corner. It's not actually important if anyone overhears; he just wants to know if they do. [22:11] 14He'll order the best house tea and pay for every table he has the staff empty from his Emissary's per diem, which is ludicrous. [22:13] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar shows up a little late, in full armor. He leans a huge gold-and-silver daiklave against one of the poles holding up the awning and casually takes a seat. He frowns to himself slightly as the chair wobbles. Gotta look into sturdy furniture if he's gonna keep doing the Dorma thing. 15[22:13] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan makes her way up along the procession, people seeming to respect her desire to be treated as just another citizen. Pellicia's in a glass case, wearing her red-and-gold ceremonial armor, looking at rest and also, frankly, substantially younger than she did before she died. They do good work here. 15[22:13] <@VoxPVoxD> All but one of the Dawn Guardsmen around the display salute Xia Lan as she approaches. The last, an older man wearing a captain's uniform, is kneeling before Pellicia's body and has his back to the door. [22:14] 14Ha. This is good, though. He looks the part. [22:14] 14The first thing Stranger does is inform him that he is going to be the next Dawn Sergeant. [22:14] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What?!" [22:14] 14Stranger: "We don't have much of a choice." [22:15] "This is partially your fault, of course. You're so heroic, and such an exemplar of Nexus. The Council would have a revolt on their hands among the rank-and-file if we went anywhere else with this." [22:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar leans forward, forgetting his tea. "Ridiculous. What about..." 12He looks over to the side, drumming his fingers on the table. Then he takes a sip and spends a few more moments staring off, occasionally moving his mouth silently. "Aw, fuck." [22:15] "Especially given the manner of Pellicia's death." [22:16] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "This is temporary, right?" [22:16] "They loved her, and they're mourning her, and they want a leader that can't be killed by some no-account shithead princeling from Highland just because he touched a sunbeam the right way." [22:16] 14Stranger chuckles. "Oh yes." [22:17] "You sound about as enthusiastic as everyone else over this. Nevertheless, I've orchestrated a five to one vote for your confirmation, with the Midnight Queen abstaining and the Minister of Ways voting against." [22:17] "I assured them you wouldn't take that personally." [22:18] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's eyes narrow almost reflexively. "What's their problem?" [22:19] 13She nods respectfully to those who saluted, and makes her way to Pellicia's body, near the kneeling captain. She bows, trying to think of any words that could possibly sum up - her gratitude, how deeply she mourns the loss, the revenge she'll take on Nogare, how assured she is that the people of Nexus will be in good hands - and comes up blank. What do you say to the woman who has nothing, from the woman who took everything? [22:19] 14Stranger: "Ephiselle thinks you're a boor, which you are, and Master Gen thinks you're unutterably dangerous, which you are. I could have bullied Ephiselle into voting for you but I didn't, and we're lucky Master Gen is still on the Council at all. We may not like them, but at this moment we need their expertise." [22:21] 14He sips his tea. "And frankly, if we lose too many more Council members before filling the vacancies we have, we lose the claim to rule." [22:22] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Dangerous? Does he - fine, fine. No, I can do it. Liased with Pellicia enough that I mostly know what the job looks like already." [22:22] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "When's it official?" [22:23] 14Stranger finishes his tea and stands. "Thirty minutes from now. We walk over to the palazzo, we walk inside, you wait outside, I call the meeting and the vote, I demolish anyone who tries to procedurally ambush us, and then we call you into the room for your official swearing-in." [22:24] 13Does Xia Lan know the kneeling captain? She's got a sneaking suspicion of who it is, but... 15[22:25] <@VoxPVoxD> She's never seen him before. He's got thinning air and heavily lined eyes and a tight, thin expression on his face. Xia Lan suspects he was quite handsome, in his day. [22:26] 13How packed is the room? Too crowded to kneel next to him? [22:26] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar blinks. "No reason to wait, I guess. Guard knows what it's doing for most of the rest of the day, so I'm ready when you are." 15[22:27] <@VoxPVoxD> She can kneel. She wouldn't be the first, and won't be the last. [22:28] 14Stranger drops some scrip on the table for the custom. "Then let's get this over with." [22:28] 13She will, next to him, in respectful silence. There's still a hundred thousand words churning through her mind, trying to put a phrase to an impossibly huge sacrifice. Nothing is forthcoming. 15[22:31] <@VoxPVoxD> How long does she stay? [22:33] 13At least thirty minutes, maybe more if she's got the time, maybe less if the crowds start murmuring more about her than Pellicia. [22:34] 14The meeting is brisk and entirely according to plan. Stranger, taking Xia Lan's place in the Emissary chair, introduces a motion for a new Dawn Sergeant and cites a few Civilites about expedition of business under emergency for good measure. He closes discussion after three minutes with a motion seconded by Thalever, and then calls for a formal vote. The vote is five in favor of the [22:34] 14appointment of Keldar, Tiger of Nexus, as Dawn Sergeant -- the Emissary, the Doctor, the Midday Husband, the August Councilor, and the Astrologer -- against one, the Minister of Ways, with the Midnight Queen abstaining. [22:35] 14Stranger doesn't visibly celebrate or otherwise show any reaction besides a firm nod, then asks the sergeant-at-arms to show Keldar in. [22:35] 14The swearing-in ceremony is simple and to the point. The Tiger of Nexus now has a chair at the table. Thalever gavels them out, and the session is adjourned. 15[22:38] <@VoxPVoxD> After about twenty, the guard captain will stand up, pause for a minute, and start to walk away. [22:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar finds himself standing outside the palazzo in what might be record time for Council business this momentous. He's fiddling with the front of his armor, spending a few moments looking for a place to hook a badge before Royal Road's moonsilver ligature obliges. Then he takes a long breath and walks off, heading for the past Dawn Sergeant's memorial. [22:38] 14Stranger will go with him. [22:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Within an hour, Keldar's standing with feet square and arms crossed, Terminus crossed behind Entreaty on his back, as he stares stonily at the glass-sheathed body. He doesn't speak unless spoken to. [22:42] 13Xia Lan follows shortly after. Here isn't the place to talk - too public, and Sun only knows how many eyes on them. Instead, she'll try and tap him on the shoulders when they're relatively secluded... depending on where he goes, I guess. [22:44] 14Stranger is the only person who walks up next to him, after pressing the crowd to the extent that he's expected to. He'll meeting with Pellicia's husband and family in a more private setting. 15[22:44] <@VoxPVoxD> Xia Lan can follow him out past the public viewing gallery and upstairs. This part of the temple is almost too cold, and full of what look like offices and classrooms. There's an open space at the eastern end of the corridor with big windows that let the sun in, and tables and books - a waiting area. Two children are sunk deep in squashy chairs side by side, asleep: one a thin freckly girl of about 14, and the other a slightly younger boy with a round face and a mess of dark curls. [22:45] 14After a moment, he says: "Don't let her slip wholly from your heart." [22:46] 13Oh dear. This is... maybe too intimate? And, maybe an emotional ambush. Maybe she should make a more formal request to see them. [22:47] "She died a hero. Sometimes, heroes die. Sometimes, heroes don't win. We're not heroes," 14Stranger says. "We almost always win, but it's not about that. It's a thing that's harder to grasp, I think." [22:48] "Pellicia was one of the best people I ever met. From here, I'm going to go talk to her husband and try to act like I understand how her passing has affected him. I'm not sure I do." [22:49] <@Ferrinus> "Wasn't fair," 12Keldar responds. "Which ain't a surprise, really. But it happened exactly where they're supposed to work to keep things fair." [22:51] "It wasn't fair. 'Life's not fair,' say the streetcorner saints. We rage against that, because we can. Pellicia? Pellicia knew that fairness could never supersede justice." 14He settles his shoulders. "There's an intoxication that comes with the power that we have. Pellicia didn't have that power. She was murdered by someone that did. Ephiselle might disdain you and Gen might fear [22:51] you, and both are idiots for it, but we should remember the danger that comes with being the strongest men in the room." [22:51] "Not a sermon. Just a thought." 15[22:52] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot turns around before rousing his children. "There's a lot of people out there today." [22:53] 13Xia Lan: "...there are." 13She freezes, having been just about to turn around, and hopes that doesn't show. "She was a hero." [22:53] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Or the second strongest, in Nogare's case." [22:55] 14Stranger pauses. "Do you think that's what's most important right now?" 15[22:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "How well did you know her?" [22:59] 13Xia Lan: "Not as well as I wish I had." 13She'd spoken with her on a few occasions, been in her presence for a few more, heard some stories about her... 15[23:00] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "If she were here, she'd tell you that you're the one with the hard job. You have to keep going without her." [23:02] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Most? Probably not. But I wouldn't be wearin' this badge if it wasn't important." [23:02] 14He shakes his head. "Now it is a sermon. You should think about the ways strength is different from justice, and contemplate the implications of the obverse. I think you're a good man, Keldar, Tiger of Nexus. But being strong didn't make you good. And when we kill Mori Nogare, he'll be the strongest man in the room. He'll still die." [23:03] "And the reason he will die is because we will be the just." [23:04] 14Now he steps away. "I am going to go to the family. I will see you back in Floodwater, Dawn Sergeant." [23:05] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, that worked out real well for her." 12He's looking at the body. "Nah, we'll win cause he won't be the strongest - or, failing that, 'cause there's more of us." [23:05] 14Stranger laughs as he leaves. "'Because there's more of us.' What precisely did you think justice was, if not that?" [23:07] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Something like... people holding to agreements fairly made. There's justice in Nexus cause someone was strong enough to make it." [23:07] 14Stranger: "Your second sentence contradicted your first. Strong people don't make fair agreements. They force them." [23:08] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, and we're lucky the Emissary decided to fall behind our Dogmas 'stead of the Immaculate faith or some such." [23:10] 13Xia Lan: "She seemed a wonderful woman." 13That's hollow, not good enough, but it's all she's got. "Is... there anything I can do for you?" [23:10] 14Stranger, with more steel in his voice: "The who?" [23:11] "Xia Lan is the Emissary. Xu Sim is the Emissary. I am the Emissary." [23:11] "You are the Dawn Sergeant." [23:11] "That asshole no longer has legal purchase." 15[23:12] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "Thank you. Everyone's being real nice already. I'm sure you're very busy." [23:13] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "And it wouldn't be just if we just crowned ourselves princes, even though the numbers'd be on our side." [23:15] 14Stranger: "Have we done that? Do you want to do that? I remember you threatening to kill everyone in the room if we did that, while my woman was in the room." [23:17] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I'm just saying, justice isn't strength or strength of numbers. You have to do it on purpose." [23:19] 14Stranger: "If justice is doing things on purpose, than anything you do is, by definition, justice." [23:19] 13Xia Lan: "...I'm really not. I just, don't know if I should be here. I think I should have sent a message first. Given you time to prepare. But I'm here now, anyway." 13Firmer than before: "Is there anything I can do?" [23:19] "And you're not wrong: that's a definition we had." [23:19] "If I recall, they killed us all over it." [23:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "That's not what I said. Are you going anywhere with any of this?" [23:20] 14Stranger: "Yes. Somewhere else." [23:20] 14He leaves. 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "I don't know." 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> He's quiet for a moment. "I don't know." 15[23:25] <@VoxPVoxD> "Do you want to sit a while? My oldest is a big fan." [23:27] 13Xia Lan: "Sure! Sure." 13This is something she can do! It's an action, even if it's just sitting for a while. [23:27] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar gives the fallen Pellicia a few more minutes of repose before turning and heading out himself. He's left the Nine Storms Fiend alone for long enough to let the man contemplate his options and, possibly, compare notes with Xu Sim. Time to decide what to do with him. 15[23:27] <@VoxPVoxD> Plenty of squashy chairs and books. [23:27] 13...any legal books? Multitasking. [23:27] 14Stranger will wander for a bit. He'll look for Pellicia's husband and other family, but also just take in the mood here. 15[23:28] <@VoxPVoxD> There's a copy of all thirty-six volumes of the Incunabulum filling a shelf here, but otherwise it's mainly fiction and light reading. [23:29] 13...best to start somewhere, then. [23:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Here's the thing. The Fiend hasn't actually... done anything wrong. Advising Nogare to resist arrest was, itself, inadvisable, but ain't no law against talking dumb. So what does the Fiend want? Where does he want to go? Is he, in fact, for hire? 15[23:33] <@VoxPVoxD> Stranger, in his wandering, finds the mood is somber but peaceful. There's a sense that things were tense not long ago, before he or Keldar arrived, but Xia Lan put everyone at ease. [23:33] 14Good. 15[23:34] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend sits in his cell, stringy hair covering his face, peering out at Keldar. "Hire me for what?" [23:34] 14Eventually he meanders back to the viewing area, and instead of going to the body, goes upstairs. [23:35] 14An administrative area. A sectioned-off sequester, with big windows on one side and... [23:36] 14Ah. The children. [23:36] 14Stranger will smile and pass the children by. [23:37] 13Xia Lan is quietly reading a volume of the Incunabulum, waiting for the children to wake up. [23:37] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Magic. You know a few spells, don't you? And know enough to learn more? Those are rare skills." 12He pauses. "You've never actually... you basically went from your village to the Highland army to here, yeah?" [23:37] 14He'll walk over to Xia Lan, whose nose is in a book. "Hello." [23:38] 13She starts, flinches up, then relaxes when she realizes who interrupted her. "Stranger. Hello." [23:38] 14He looks over at the sleeping children. "They're hers?" [23:39] 13She nods. 15[23:39] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "I spent a few years in the woods as a boy." 15[23:39] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot's standing at the window, looking out. [23:40] 14Stranger sighs, grimaces, then walks over to the window, next to Luot but not too close. Looking out over the same expanse, as it were. [23:40] 13Please be better at this than she was. [23:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Heh. Well. Welcome to the free city of Nexus, buddy! Respect the Dogmas and you can basically do what you like from here on out." 12He looks to the door, then back. "Helps to have silver to do it with, though, and we can pay for the right kind of expertise." 15[23:44] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "I want to find Mori." 15[23:44] <@VoxPVoxD> "He must be terrified." [23:45] "She was a great woman," 14Stranger says by way of greeting. "Greater than me." [23:45] "And they tell me I'm the Emissary of Nexus now." 14He grimaces. 15[23:45] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "That's not an easy job." [23:47] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's briefly silent. "I see. Well, I'm not sure I can help you there. You said you didn't even think he was still in Creation, yeah?" 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Mori: "It didn't feel like it." 15[23:47] <@VoxPVoxD> *The Fiend: [23:47] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Got any ideas on how to figure it out or follow him?" [23:48] "I'm told otherwise," 14Stranger says, his voice disdainful. "Apparently you can just do whatever you want, and even after you're gone, some people will still insist on calling you Emissary. Out of reflex, or trauma." [23:49] 13Xia Lan has lost interest in the (unbelievably dry, dense, contradictory and frustrating) text to monitor Stranger's conversation. [23:50] 14Stranger pauses. "Other people have morals." [23:50] "Pellicia did." [23:51] "I didn't know her for very long. I'm sure she thought me a...beggar's functionary. I didn't dress much better than this. I didn't attempt to convince her otherwise." [23:51] "To me, she was the most important person on the Council." 15[23:51] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot just listens. 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "We could go back to Firewander and survey. Maybe Xu Sim knows more about the Keystone than Mori told me." [23:52] "Brueghel could marshall the Guild, yes; Hayle and Thalever could speak for the people, such as they deigned to. Kratz was a dreamer, and her dream was good. But it was still a dream." 15[23:52] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "Maybe it isn't too late..." [23:53] 14The grimace softens. "Only Pellicia knew the balance between the strength of her office and the duty it implied." [23:53] "The next Dawn Sergeant won't. And that's a shame. I still believe he's a good man." [23:54] "In his defense, he too saw Pellicia for who she was and what she did." [23:54] 13Keldar. He's talking about Keldar. Xia Lan wasn't even privy to the conversations to know who he's talking about. [23:55] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's not quite keeping the faintly horrified bemusement off his face here, but it doesn't seem like the Fiend's noticing. "Uh huh. Well, yeah, I can get a hold of the guy if you're dead set. But, like I said - you'll need money now you're on your own, and we in the Guard can use - and know to appreciate - a good sorcerer." [23:56] 14He doesn't quite gesture behind him. "So does the young lady sitting somewhere back there. I think she's more like Pellicia than she prefers to let on. I think putting her on the Council, and not myself, was one of the smartest things I've ever done. ...I think that Pellicia knew what she was doing, when she chose to stand against the Regent Prince of Highland, in her defense." [00:05] "I don't claim to know her as well as you; not only don't I want to, but I can't. But I think I knew her well enough to know that you deserved her for longer." [00:05] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's in the process of unlocking the door to the cell that the Fiend's being kept in. "...you know what the Dogmas are, yeah?" [00:05] 14He pauses. "This entire city deserved her for longer. She wasn't just a good woman. She was a good Councilor." 15[00:06] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "You should speak at the funeral." [00:07] 14Stranger: "'Should?'" 15[00:08] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "I appreciate the sentiment but I think a eulogy like this should be made to more people." [00:08] 14Stranger looks at Luot, then looks out the window: "You think I'm an asshole. You're not wrong." [00:08] 13Xia Lan relaxes and returns to her reading - Stranger has this -- oh dear, maybe he doesn't. [00:09] "I planned the state funeral. Of course I'm speaking at it." 15[00:11] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "That's good. I'm looking forward to it." [00:12] 14Stranger blinks and stares at him, then laughs and shakes his head. [00:12] 13...is that what Luot wants? [00:15] 14Stranger: "...You know I wasn't lying, when I said the things I said about Pellicia." 15[00:15] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "I do." [00:18] 13She settles back, then; the text, while still remaining horrifically dry, is important. She gives it a second go, while Stranger talks with Luot, unless yelling breaks out. 15[00:19] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "You just- you just do whatever you want here?" [00:19] 14Stranger looks out the window again. "You should also know that the Office of the Judiciary needs a Chief Bailiff now, and the pay and benefits are very competitive. In case you decide you want to move on from the Guard." 14He glances over and smiles. "If you can suss out when I'm being a shithead, I'll trust you with anyone." 14Stranger looks back out the window. "Not a bribe, [00:19] not an inducement, not nothing. Keldar, Tiger of Nexus, is your new Dawn Sergeant; as the Emissary, I do expect you to serve him as his position entails." [00:20] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "So long as it doesn't break the Dogmas, yeah." 12There's a click and then a creak as the cell door slides open. "You read Riverspeak?" 15[00:21] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "I appreciate the offer. But I like the work I'm doing now, and I think the new Dawn Sergeant will do a fine job." [00:21] 14Stranger: "Then that's that." 15[00:22] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "More or less." [00:22] 14He steps back from the window. "You're a good man, Luot. Certainly better than either of us." [00:22] "Don't let it go to your head." [00:22] 14Stranger will withdraw. 15[00:23] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "I'm glad you came by. Pellicia thought very highly of you." [00:23] 14He pauses. "She did. And when she needed me, I wasn't there." [00:23] "I've been thinking about that a lot." [00:23] 13Xia Lan shrinks. [00:23] "I'm going to keep thinking about it for a long time." 15[00:24] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot: "Surviving is the hard part, is what Pellicia liked to say." [00:25] 14Stranger: "With all due respect, I think she was wrong on that. Not dying isn't worth shit." [00:25] "It's living that's hard." 15[00:25] <@VoxPVoxD> Luot just nods at the window, hands behind his back. [00:25] 14Stranger withdraws. [00:27] 14In the other room, he'll motion to Xia Lan to meet him out in the hallway before they talk. [00:28] 13Xia Lan, to Luot quietly: "I'll be right back." 13She finds a bookmark - Volume II is even drier than Volume I - and follows him out. [00:28] 14Don't want to wake the kids. [00:29] 14Stranger, out in the hallway: "I shouldn't have been surprised, but that man is a mountain." [00:29] 13Xia Lan: "No sh- yeah." [00:29] 14He chuckles. "How are you?" [00:31] "I'm fine. It's, you know." 13She gestures vaguely towards the room. "Plus the people below. They thought I'd gotten hurt trying to save her. Just, insulting." [00:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Great. Dogmas are gonna be carved on the stele right outside this office, and you'll want to mind signs showing local Civilities, too. Don't violate any of 'em." 12He turns to write something down, then clap a notebook closed and slide it into a cabinet. "Well, stay out of trouble, buddy." 15[00:32] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "...that's it?" [00:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah. Like I said, you haven't actually done anything wrong. Can't keep you in here, don't particularly want to." 15[00:33] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "What about the others?" [00:33] 14Stranger: "It's not insulting. It's tragic. It means they thought the world of her, and assumed anyone would jump in the way of that weapon. And it made sense to them that you had that virtue in you, because you do." [00:34] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Haven't been talking to them personally - that's next on my list. But my guess is most of 'em are in your boat." [00:34] "Nogare hates women, and he especially hates strong women, and he utterly hates women with real power. It's just a quirk of happenstance that you weren't leaping to protect her." [00:35] 14He inclines his chin back the way they came. "I don't think he likes me very much, though." [00:35] "Perhaps that makes him smart." [00:36] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Guess you can meet up with 'em over the next day or so as they get processed." [00:36] 13Xia Lan: "It's just - they assume she needed defending? And..." 13Ah, an escape. "You're pressuring him. He's - still not sure how to deal with all this." 15[00:36] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "You've got to keep them away from me." 15[00:36] <@VoxPVoxD> "They're going to blame me for this. They're going to come for me." [00:37] "What do you do when your wife sacrifices herself to save another? It was probably even right to do it. So where does that leave you? Surviving?" [00:37] 14Stranger: "You're right, and you're entirely fair. It's incredibly offensive for me to come to him here, now, at the wake, and ask about the future." [00:37] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "You can't just blast 'em with lightning or scare 'em off with demons?" [00:37] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses. "Not that you should, speaking as the Dawn Sergeant, but I'm just curious." [00:37] "And I wouldn't have done it, except: we no longer have time to grieve." [00:38] "None of us." [00:38] 13Xia Lan: "If this is about to turn into a lesson, I'm not in the mood. This is hitting close to home." [00:38] 14Stranger's eyes narrow. [00:38] "...Fair enough." [00:38] "I'm sorry." 15[00:38] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "I shouldn't have to! If Nexus is a city for free men, that has to mean freedom from being hunted by angry mobs." [00:38] "...I've got some business to take care of. Excuse me." [00:39] 14He turns back after two steps. "It is good to see you up again, however. Maybe more than you know. Maybe as much as you know." [00:39] 13Tired: "Don't be. I'll be fine after today." 13She waves him off. "Just... let me talk to him, about the funeral?" [00:39] "Of course." [00:39] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, good news. Wanton violence is against the Dogmas. Anyone tries to run you through in the street, the Guard'll stop 'em." 15[00:40] <@VoxPVoxD> The Fiend: "Will they stop them or will they show up in time to mop up my blood?" [00:40] "...I'll be around. Tomorrow, if you need me. Just give me today to get myself back in order." [00:41] 14Stranger nods as he walks away. [00:42] 13She walks back into the room with Luot and the kids, slumping back into the chair with the books to pretend to read. 15[00:42] <@VoxPVoxD> The daughter is still asleep in the chair, but the boy woke up at some point. Xia Lan missed it because he's just staring at the floor, silently. He's not even breathing any harder. [00:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "...I mean, that depends on a variety of factors. Might want to avoid dark alleys... get a haircut and a new outfit... but no, if there's serious concern I can arrange for a small guard detail. We'll keep an eye on the Highland troops regardless, just to make sure they behave themselves." [00:45] 13Shit. Did Luon tell her the kids names? Where is he? [00:45] 13Luot* 15[00:45] <@VoxPVoxD> He walked over to check on them as Xia Lan was walking Stranger out, and has since returned to the window. [00:46] 13What about the names thing [00:46] 13Oh no please don't make her interact with unidentified children 15[00:47] <@VoxPVoxD> Did she ask? 15[00:48] <@VoxPVoxD> If she did, she knows their names are Tulla and Aveline. [00:49] 14Stranger spends the rest of the day wandering the streets of the city, alone. He tells himself this is an inspection; that this is his new job; that this is the work. He wonders if perhaps he's become too attached to all of that. Pellicia is dead. Xia Lan was beaten within an inch of her life, and brought back by everyone's skills except his. And the criminal was dispatched without [00:49] 14his apparent ranting and raving mattering even the slightest bit. [00:49] 13She would have! Just before diving into the legal texts. Tulla is the boy? [00:49] 14Stranger-Visits-Heaven wonders if, perhaps, he shouldn't be lecturing people anymore. 15[00:49] <@VoxPVoxD> Tulla is the boy. [00:49] <@Ferrinus> 12If Keldar has his way - and he does by default, now - the soldiers of the Highland diaspora receive the same kind of talking-to as the Fiend does. They're freemen of Nexus now and the city has no cause to try or imprison them - but they should really consider enlisting, because what else are they going to do? And, indeed, stealthier elements of the Guard are assigned to keep an eye [00:49] <@Ferrinus> 12on the more clever or cantankerous soldiers just to make sure they don't end up massing and rioting or something. [00:50] <@Ferrinus> 12The Nine Storms Fiend, who likely would've been spied on anyway, can have a guardsman or two follow him about, at least for the next few days. [00:50] 13Xia Lan: "Hello, Tulla," 13she offers. Nothing forceful, just... there, if he wants. [00:52] 14And when the sun is gone, and he's sitting alone on some terrace drinking his own tea from his own kettle and his own cup, he realizes how much he misses the woman he sent away, because it was good tactics. 15[00:54] <@VoxPVoxD> Tulla drags his sagging face up ilm by ilm to level his eyes with Xia Lan's. "14Hi," 15[00:54] <@VoxPVoxD> , he whispers. [00:55] 13Xia Lan: "How are you?" 13Warmly. In the way of asking someone whose mother just died. 15[00:56] <@VoxPVoxD> Tulla doesn't say anything else. He just looks back down at the floor. 15[00:59] <@VoxPVoxD> NEXT TIME: The daughter; the slaughter