15[20:11] One fringe benefit of Mori Nogare and 95% of the Highlanders in Nexus vanishing to Sun-knows-where is that it's quiet in Firewander again. Vladok's shop is even technically open, though Xia Lan sees no customers coming or going as she arrives one (morning? afternoon?) with questions. 15[20:14] She finds him with his feet up behind his counter, smoking. The air is thick with it. [20:15] 13Late morning seems the ideal visiting hours - enough to get some good tea in, clear the mind of the previous day's struggles, and also still early enough that the day can be salvaged if it all goes wrong. Xia Lan clears her throat before announcing herself: "Hello, Vladok." 15[20:17] Vladok waves her in. "Emissary." [20:19] 13She pauses briefly before stepping around a pile towards Vladok's desk. "It's going to take me a while to get used to that title. Do you have some time?" 13"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" just comes off as rude, frankly. 15[20:23] "Take a seat." There aren't any chairs, but there are several large, sturdy piles of books around stool height. [20:23] 13She picks the one that looks like it has the largest books and sits primly. "I wanted to ask you about the swords," 13she says. 15[20:26] Vladok: "Did I sell you swords? I don't remember doing that." [20:29] 13Xia Lan: "Technically, I believe you gave them to Stranger. Package deal." 13She holds one of the swords up for him to see, if that rings any bells. 15[20:36] Vladok: "Oh. Those." 15[20:37] "Those were Great Crane's swords. I don't know much about them that you haven't already figured out yourself. Have you tried asking him?" [20:42] 13Xia Lan: "...not yet. Figured I'd stop here first." 13She sheathes the sword. "Were they important to him?" 15[20:43] Vladok: "They better have been, all the trouble they brought me. Starmetal's bad luck." [20:44] 14Stranger spends the morning ruminating in the common room. He is thinking on the proper organization of a city that has never had a need to think about the consequences of its actions, but now does. [20:45] 14How do you harness a city to force it to look before it leaps? Stranger sips his tea, and thinks. [20:46] 14There will need to be a large organization, but smooth and nimble. Able to react. That means strong, top-down control. That means that Councilors, who will not be inclined to trust it to begin with -- even the ones who help start it up -- need to be kept from direct interference as much as possible. [20:47] 14But before it can be nimble, it must be large. The conscriptions are more or less done; there is talent looking to be found in the city outside of the soldier class, and the Councilors will be eager to offer some of it up to get influence on the new organization. Of course, some of the men and women they offer will be mopes. There's nothing to be done about that. 15[20:47] Meanwhile, it's an unseasonably warm day in Parko Llana - the weather's been swinging wildly back and forth lately. The park is occupied, as it has been for some time, by the training and drilling of Nexus's new citizen militias. The newly appointed Dawn Sergeant is hard at working doing... what, exactly? [20:47] 14...Except to purge them politely but firmly, once the structure is achieved. [20:48] 13Xia Lan: "I actually came here for another reason, even if the swords thing is a bust." 13She shifts her weight, crossing one leg over the other. "Have you heard about my concert plans?" [20:50] 14Smooth and nimble -- a single director. But how to make the Council accept this? First, to give the agency no formal power -- an advisory body, only. Second, to divise a system by which Councilors believe they can leverage their power and make their voices heard, without kicking every decision up to a Council session. [20:50] 14Stranger sips his tea for a time, thinking, then smiles. He remembers the game of "And Ones." 15[20:52] "Have I?" Vladok produces a sheaf of papers, which Xia Lan sees are the flyers for her concert. "One of these in my post every morning, and another in the evening. I wondered if it was a prank." [20:53] 13Xia Lan: "..." 13Does it say who printed them? Might need to have a talk with someone. "This is the first I've heard of these." 15[20:53] It doesn't. There aren't really any regulations governing mail advertising. [20:54] 13Well, hopefully none of the Council's money went into this... "In any case. I was considering - duets? For a part of the concert. And I wondered if you'd be interested." [20:55] <@Ferrinus> 12In Parko Llana, in a wide pit dug into the earth and propped apart by slats of wood, six armed and armored warriors surround a seventh. The seventh's position is a study in contrasts: on one hand, he hasn't even got a shirt or shoes to his name, let alone the swords, spears, and lamellar of those surrounding him. On the other hand, he's Keldar. 15[20:57] Vladok snorts. "You and me?" [20:57] <@Ferrinus> 12From above, a gong rings, and the Tiger of Nexus has pounced. You couldn't even see him move - he's just no longer in the center of the pit, but at the end of a trail of mud and dust that leaves him standing over a fallen recruit with that recruit's sword in his hand. Then the man and woman on either side of him join the fray, and he's embattled, striking and parrying with his weapon [20:57] <@Ferrinus> 12glancing off their armor about as often as their weapons glance off his skin. [20:58] <@Ferrinus> 12Two more reach melee range and Keldar's on the back foot, giving more and more ground until he's up against one of the walls. His sword's a blur, a whirling wall through which not one of the two swords or two spears can make headay. [21:01] <@Ferrinus> 12A shout and a thrust gives Keldar some distance, at which point he runs up and kicks off the wall behind him, comes down like a ton of bricks on the fifth of his assailants who wasn't able to get into the melee, whirls with sudden desperation as he realizes that two more spearpoints are descending on his exposed back. One's simply chopped off the haft, and the other is stopped inches [21:01] <@Ferrinus> 12from Keldar's as Keldar seizes he weapon about an ilm from the point, knuckles white and hand blazing with golden-red fire. Everyone freezes, their breaths held, as the Dawn Sergeant looks down at himself. [21:02] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Fuck! Fine. That won't work next time." 12The spearwoman: "You said that last time." 12Keldar: "I mean it this time. Break! Next set!" 15[21:02] Vladok: "I'm not really in your league. What happened to what's his name, the fat man with the big hair?" [21:04] 13Xia Lan: "Hey, I heard you at the bottle game. Don't sell yourself short. And... hey, Tellurian would be cool, too! Him and Sober. You know her?" [21:04] <@Ferrinus> 12A little later, Keldar's sitting on a wide bench, going to town on a chicken leg. Stabbed into the earth next to him is Terminus, and 'sitting' on his other side is the Royal Road, held together by moonsilver ligaments but slumping over like a drunk for being empty of any occupant. The Sergeant's still glowing, and he seems annoyed about it. 15[21:04] Vladok: "It doesn't sound familiar." [21:06] 13Xia Lan: "Name seemed kind of ironic. Short, great singer, lot of emotion. Works with Pearl, plus I guess Tellurian now, wherever they're at. I like her." [21:07] 14Stranger, who has spent much of the morning about town asking...certain questions about certain people, sighs and sits down next to him, far enough from his artifacts for politeness. "So how was your morning?" 15[21:08] Vladok: "So why me?" [21:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar swallows some chicken. "So-so. Worked my way up to six and figured something out when there were five left, but I got so excited I lost at four. Rookie mistake." [21:09] 14Stranger: "Number of foes at once?" [21:10] 14He glances at the meat. "I assume it's not number of chickens." [21:11] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah. Special sparring rules, see? I win if I can lay 'em all out; they win if they can light me up. Real problem is I'm training 'em too good; week ago I could do eight pretty comfortably." [21:11] 14Stranger: "That's one of those good problems." [21:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Heh. Just you wait 'til we're done. Lookshy'll have nothing on our guys." [21:13] 14Stranger: "Excellent, but I'm not worried about Lookshy right now. For obvious reasons." 14He pauses to stare at the armor a moment. "There's a Council meeting later today. I should tell you what's on the docket." [21:14] "The Governor has a proposal to solve our food problem. I want to listen to it, give it a fair shake, and then tell him the Office of Civilities has to file a report on it before the Council can do anything." [21:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Lookshy's the most hardened military this side of Meru, man. Perfectly reasonable standard for comparison. But what's his proposal?" [21:15] 13Xia Lan: "Why not you? Anyway, solidarity. I want the people to see who's out there, working with us - all of us, not just my Circle. Everyone is fighting for Nexus!" [21:17] 14Stranger: "No idea. That's why I've asked our estimable sorcerer, Xu Sim, to look into it. He should be here shortly." [21:18] 14He glances over at the armor again. "Do you...clean that?" [21:18] 5 Xu Sim is indeed along shortly, halfway through an apple with the Twice-Refined Princess trotting along at his side. [21:19] 14Stranger: "Ah." [21:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Oh, yeah. Not gonna corrode or anything but you don't want grit or something rattling around in there. Moonsilver makes it easier than it looks." 12He tosses the remainder of a chicken leg over his shoulder, where some dogs begin fighting over it immediately. "What's this Office you're talking about? I don't remember one." 15[21:20] Vladok: "A duet?" 15[21:20] "I don't think an audience would believe us standing up on a stage singing moony love songs." [21:21] 13Xia Lan: "Yep! Maybe a big group finale, too, I haven't decided yet." [21:21] "That part's true. I wonder..." 13Has she heard Tsuka sing? [21:21] 14Stranger: "It's new. Nexus is in a place where they can't rely on an all-powerful Emissary to fix any legislative mistakes they make anymore. I'm putting together a new office -- with the help of all the Councilors, yourself included, of course -- to form a policy shop. A proposition comes before the Council, and the Office of Civilities looks at it, checks the Civilities on record, [21:21] weighs it against the Dogmas, and submits a full report to the Councilors." [21:22] "Run by a Director selected by the Council, with full authority over his or her shop except for a graduated veto system." [21:23] 5Xu Sim: "Gentlemen." 5Fishing out a small brass ball on a chain - studded with crystalline "teeth" - Xu Sim presents it to Keldar. "Take a look at this, Keldar. Watch your hands, though," 5he suggests. "And Stranger? What did you want?" [21:23] 14Stranger: "Just for you to be happy." [21:23] "And tell me what you've learned about the Governor's proposal today." [21:24] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar reaches for it, pauses, and gets up to dunk his hands in a nearby bucket before picking up the thing Xu Sim's got. "What am I lookin' at here?" [21:26] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, to Stranger: "Doesn't the Council already do that?" [21:27] 14Stranger: "No." 15[21:27] "I can think of one song, but the male part is much bigger than the female part and I don't want to lead you around. Maybe we could switch," says Vladok dryly. [21:27] 5Xu Sim: "If you hold it and concentrate just so, you can set the temperature of the Tomb. Just watch out, because it will heat up to match whatever the Tomb is. We'll need to build a cradle or something for it so it doesn't start a fire." [21:27] 14Stranger: "An issue comes up, everyone evaluates it from memory, and then they put it to a vote. After the fact, everyone tries to reconcile it. Very easy when you have Balor as your enforcer." [21:28] "Not so much now." [21:28] "Especially with so many new Councilors. All of us included." [21:28] 13Xia Lan: "What've you got in mind?" 13Always up for learning new songs. [21:29] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "We talkin' an exact match? Because as I recall, people've tried taking daiklaves to the Tomb exterior and found themselves holdin' really expensive sword hilts." [21:30] 5Xu Sim: "I haven't had much time to experiment with it, to be honest. An excess of caution is wisest." [21:30] "But it shouldn't get quite as hot or cold, no. It's too small, too far away." [21:30] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, to Stranger: "What's the ease of enforcing a Civility got to do with the paper-pushing of deciding on and writing down a civility? Not like the old Emissary usually dirtied his hands with anything below a Dogma, anyway." [21:31] 14Stranger: "Stupid Civilities are hard to enforce." 15[21:31] Vladok hums out a guitar line and knocks on the counter with his knuckles. [21:31] "The important thing wasn't the old Emissary coming down and laying down the law. It was the threat." [21:32] "It meant fewer challenges to clearly ridiculous Civilities. Almost no challenges, in fact." [21:32] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, that's why you don't write 'em. I mean, I guess a bunch of extra clerks to do research is nice? Did we not already have those?" [21:32] 5Xu Sim sniffs at Stranger as he takes another bite of the apple. "As for your remark, I don't know what you are talking about." [21:32] 14Stranger: "We did not." [21:33] 14To Xu Sim: "Of course. Did you learn anything about the Governor's presentation?" [21:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Gotta've been personal toadies. No way Brueghel himself went down to the stacks every time he had a question. ...or needed to, really, since new Civilities beat old ones." [21:34] 14To Keldar: "The framework didn't exist. The closest Nexus had were the Assayers, until the Minister of Ways. That's more than a little bit compromised, and they aren't researchers." [21:34] *under the Minister [21:35] 14Stranger: "Anyway, you don't have to listen to them if you think you know best. They're purely an advisory body. But they could be useful for swinging other votes." [21:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Oh, yeah? We got some friends who need desk jobs or something?" [21:36] 14Stranger: "Other way about. I hope to make friends with desk jobs." [21:37] 5Answering: "Yeah. The Governor, well, thinks the city is likely to come under siege. Some of my sources," 5He takes another bite, "Think he's trying to win the last war he was involved in. Anyway, it's pretty impressive - a myocultural miracle. Mushrooms in the undercity, that can meet the city's food and medical needs. They're even brewing some sort of mushroom wine, apparently." [21:37] 14Stranger: "...The Undercity." [21:37] "The Undercity." [21:37] "FUCK!" [21:37] "What?" 5 another bite. [21:37] 14He blinks and looks around self-consciously. [21:37] "I'd forgotten all about the Undercity." [21:38] "I've been busy enough with all of this up here." [21:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Iiiiunno. Don't really see what's wrong with us Councilors ordering research as we need it, using the guys and offices we've already got." [21:38] 5Xu Sim: "The Governor's really taken to it with some enthusiasm. I think he's really throwing himself in to it. Personally, I think we should be positive about it." [21:39] 14To Keldar: "Who are your guys? What are your offices?" [21:39] 14Stranger: "And how long do you plan to be Dawn Sergeant?" [21:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I got detectives, beat patrollers, crime records, you name it. Gimme a little more time and I'll remember most of their names." [21:40] 13Xia Lan takes it in, fingers steepled and utterly silent as Vladok plays. As he draws to the close, she nods. "...and that was the other reason I came to you. That's perfect." 13Mind's already racing for where to put it in the program - early, maybe after one or two solos - she'll think about that later. As she stands: "I'd be happy to join you for that. On either part, frankly, but I can take lead... this won't cause any [21:40] problems for you, will it?" 13She never did get fully clear on his 'situation,' after all. [21:40] 14Stranger: "Those people have other jobs. You described them by those jobs." 15[21:41] Vladok: "I won't have to get dressed on stage, will I?" [21:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Sure, but it means if I need to know what'll happen if you're no longer allowed to walk your dog northward on west canal avenue I know who to ask." [21:43] "They're doing what to the dogs on west canal avenue?" 5 asks Xu Sim. [21:43] 14Stranger: "It's not their job to know that. It's your job to know that." [21:43] 14Stranger: "Look. The Emissary's seat is going to vote for this proposal. I need to know if you're for or against. If you're against because of increased funding, my plan is revenue neutral." [21:44] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What's the half that makes money?" [21:44] 13Xia Lan: "...so long as you keep presentable. There'll probably be kids." 13She pauses. "Where did you learn that song, anyway?" 15[21:44] Vladok: "Same place I won those swords." [21:48] 14Stranger: "While not working for the Council, the Office would provide non-binding, non-quotable consultations to Nexus citizens on the application of Civilities to specific situations. This would not be a Judicial opinion; it would not be a legal document. It would merely be an advisement. And it would cost money." [21:50] 13She thanks him again, both for his suggestion to find Old Selin as well as his appearance at her concert, and makes her way out of the shop and Firewander entirely, ambling vaguely towards the hideout. Hideaway. Safehouse. Safehouse? Safehouse. That sounds the least threatening. [21:51] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar thumbs his chin, raising one eyebrow and then the other. "Now that ain't a bad scheme. And if people get professional advice on the Civilities they're less likely to break 'em. If you can make this revenue positive I'm in." [21:51] 14Revenue POSITIVE? You-- [21:51] 14YOU-- [21:51] 14...Stranger thinks for a moment. [21:57] 14Stranger: "The first thing you should understand is that making this office revenue-positive rather than revenue-neutral means giving the Director of the office discretionary powers. The Director would not be a Council member. You might not want to do that." 15[21:58] Xia Lan finds no one there but Mhaka, who greets her. "Oh hello, Master Xia Lan." [21:58] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What, he immediately stops working as soon as he's paid everyone's salary for the day? As long as the Director's effectively an employee of the Council it shouldn't matter." [21:59] 14Stranger: "It means that I've done the diligence and with consultations, we're revenue-neutral. If we start getting into fee collection or enforcement, we start intruding on other Councilors' remits." [21:59] 13Xia Lan, cheerfully: "Hello, Mhaka!" 13Does Mhaka accept/enjoy pets? She will pet Mhaka, if so. "Where'd everyone get off to?" 15[22:01] Mhaka: "Cross-referencing itineraries, I believe the others are all meeting at the park in advance of the Council meeting this afternoon. You have two messages: one from Tsuka--" Mhaka's voice changes into a slightly tinny recording of Tsuka saying, "'Uh, tell her I asked about her being around for mercenary training and everyone's fine with it. Okay bye. ...bye.'" [22:02] 13Oh my god that's adorable. [22:03] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, if this thing's jointly owned by and reports to all us Councilors - which is the point, right - that might be fine." [22:03] 14Stranger: "That it does." [22:04] "And the Council has veto powers over it. Though not direct ones -- if any single Councilor could veto the Office's work, it'd never do anything, not even consult. No one would trust it." [22:04] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "So, let 'em act as a full-on consultancy firm that we're the effective board members of, and we get a bunch of professional clerks and advisors, the rest of the city has somewhere to go if they need to figure out exactly how a Civility applies to something costly, and we get a profit." [22:05] 14Sure. Stranger just nods. [22:05] 14That's 95% accurate anyway. 15[22:05] "And the other from someone from the Office of the Judiciary, on behalf of a Mr. Whitefeather--" This is a voice Xia Lan doesn't recognize. "'So I can just-- remarkable. Ahem, if it pleases Madam Emissary the Office of the Judiciary seeks her input on a matter relating to her personal livelihood, pursuant to Civility 9 Eclipse 14-c, Regarding the Impersonation and Public Misapprehension of the Office of the Emissary and its so-Sworn officer. Thank you, goodbye!'" [22:05] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Alright, I'm for. Or, at least, I'm not against. I'll want a look at the actual paperwork." [22:06] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar turns to Xu Sim. "This mushroom thing... you get a look at the actual mushrooms? They don't spread into your brain or anything?" [22:08] 5Xu Sim: "No, I haven't seen them. I doubt they would betray us in this matter, though. I actually think they are making a good faith effort to stick to the terms we worked out before." [22:12] 13It takes her a moment, but soon an ugly look crosses her face. "Okay. All right! If anyone else asks, I'm handling important business --" 13she strides past towards her room, looking to change into something less casual, more professional. [22:12] 14To Xu Sim: "How much of the Undercity do they control?" [22:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, if they are, it sounds fine to me, but that's the sort of thing I want to double check. Assuming this isn't some sort of necromantic time bomb, we'd have to figure out where they'll be grown and who owns 'em." [22:13] 13She'll have to page Tsuka and let him know it'll have to be another day - someone seems to have been impersonating her! And she's not certain how long this will take to resolve. [22:13] 13...she does want to train with him, though. [22:14] 13Shirtless Tsuka, sweaty, with that look upon his face. Mmm. [22:16] 14Just imagine if he hadn't been cast out of the Realm. Let's get down to business~ To defeat~ The Sun~ [22:18] "How much? How should I know?" 5he asks. "The project is set up to go all over the Undercity, I think." [22:19] 14Stranger purses his lips. "So they control everything below us." [22:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "I'm not asking you, just thinking aloud. You just gotta make sure they're not traps of some kind." [22:19] "That's quite some leverage." [22:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Hang on. Is this an idea the Governor's putting forward or have they already started?" [22:19] "I think they're renting some space from private owners, as a proof-of-concept." [22:19] 14To Keldar: "Wouldn't YOU have already started?" [22:20] 13Xia Lan takes the opportunity on paging Tsuka to speak to Stranger. Beep beep. Or whatever the mental ringtone he has for messages from Xia Lan is. [22:20] "So, if they already controlled it, they wouldn't be asking us for permission. They'd be asking for forgiveness, which isn't what they're doing." [22:20] 14Stranger feels the buzz at the base of his spine and raises a hand. "Xia Lan. Excuse me." [22:21] 14To Xia Lan: "I'm here." [22:21] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well what I can tell you is there's been no word from below about any trouble from the Thorns contingent. That comes from, you know... occasional patrols, that kinda thing." [22:21] 14Might want to intensify those. [22:22] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Conceivably if they've crawled underwater or something they could be up to some shit no one's noticed, but you figure that'd screw a zombie up too." [22:22] 13Xia Lan: "Hi Stranger! I'm not going to make the meeting later." 13She shucks off her casual clothing and begins putting on her suit. "Someone has been pretending to be me, as the Emissary." 13There's more venom in her voice than Stranger has perhaps ever heard from her. [22:22] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "But yeah, sure, I can step up surveillance down there." [22:23] "...so I'm going to go handle that! The Judiciary calls, you understand." [22:23] 14Stranger blinks. To Xia Lan: "Well, that makes us much more unlikeable, but given what we have to do, that's fine. Has the Judiciary been made aware? Are they how you heard?" [22:23] "Ah." [22:23] "Be nice to Nobu Whitefeather. He works hard. Let me know if you need help." [22:23] 13She smiles. "Mhaka took a message. Did you know they could do that? It's adorable. Tsuka left one, too -- speaking of which, can you connect me? I need to let him know I can't join him for training today." [22:24] 14Stranger: "Of course. ...If you had to ask me, someone impersonating an Emissary is someone who knows their business. I'd say take him with you." [22:25] 14Stranger: "But I'll put you through now and back out." [22:25] 14He does so. [22:26] 14To Xu Sim and Keldar: "Xia Lan won't be joining us for the meeting. It'll just be me and you," 14with this last to Xu Sim. 15[22:26] Tsuka, panting: "Huh?" [22:27] "Ah. Well, alright," 5Xu Sim acquiesces. Probably makes sense to keep a bull like Keldar out of a china shop like the Thorns-Nexus relations. [22:27] 14Stranger to Tsuka: "Connecting you to Xia Lan now." [22:27] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Should be fine. How much time we got?" 15[22:27] Xia Lan can hear Tsuka go "Uwaa-- oof. Uh... hi." [22:28] 14To Keldar, not over the line: "Xia Lan's looking into someone impersonating her as the Emissary. Would you be averse to releasing Cathak Tsuka from his duties today to back her play on this, if that's what they want?" [22:28] 13Xia Lan: "Heyyyyyy~! Got your message from Mhaka - can't make it today, but I was wondering if you could join me? Someone's been impersonating me and I'm off to speak to the judiciary about it." 13She starts off cheerful, but her voice is cold iron by the end. 15[22:28] Tsuka: "Oh. Is this about the Unfeathered Xia Lan?" [22:28] 13Xia Lan: "...the what." [22:29]  [22:29] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Is it a god doing it or something?" [22:29] 14To Keldar: "No idea. Tsuka seems to have knowledge of the situation." 15[22:30] Tsuka: "The Unfeathered Xia Lan. You didn't know about her? She's been busking your setlists in the H- in the blue light district for weeks." [22:31] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "'cause if it ain't a monster or Chosen or something, Tsuka's got a job to do here. Kid knows his way around a regiment." [22:31] 14Stranger: "It's undermining Council authority and I want it dealt with in one day and not two or three." [22:32] 13She doesn't even bother to pretend to scold him for his slipup. "I've never heard of her. Who is she? And why?" [22:32] 13...Of all the places. [22:32] 14Stranger: "You want to compromise and he finishes today's drills and then joins her?" 15[22:32] Tsuka: "Just some beastwoman. I don't know. Sounds Eastern." [22:33] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "She can have some guards if she wants, but it's not like Xia Lan's not Anathema, man." [22:33] 13Xia Lan: "Well! I suppose I should talk to the judiciary about this and see if it's the same person, and then... I don't know. I'll figure it out later!" [22:34] 14Stranger: "You're going to fight me on this?" [22:34] 13How did no one tell her about this?? [22:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Uh, yeah? He ain't in your mercenary company and training here's more important than scaring some idiot straight. If you think this needs his personal attention it can wait 'til the end of the day." [22:35] 14Stranger: "Did I not just--" [22:36] 14He slams the Codex shut. "I'd appreciate it if when I requested the detachment of the mercenary that I gave your company that you'd listen to the words coming out of my mouth and when I say 'do you want to compromise' you actually listen to the words after 'do you want to compromise' instead of repeating them back to me like they weren't my fucking idea." [22:38] 5Xu Sim's done with the apple; he tosses the core to the waiting Princess, who snaps it out of midair. He looks back to Keldar to see what the Tiger of Nexus will do. [22:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Listen, pal, I'm pretty sure it wasn't your preincarnation who came up with the concept of the workday." 12He stands and stretches. "It's a free city. I don't care what any of my men or women do after hours. I'm just telling you I need my people now." [22:39] 14Stranger: "Uh huh." [22:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Anyway, do we need to get moving for that meeting or what? If either of you wanna go a few rounds-" 12He jerks a thumb at the nearby gladiatorial pit. [22:40] 13Xia Lan chatters some more with Tsuka, ending with a request for him to meet her at the Judiciary when he's finished with training -- if he's not too tired, that is, obviously training is super strenuous and who knows how involved this is gonna get... [22:40] 14He opens the Codex. To Xia Lan and Tsuka: "Tsuka, you are free to assist once your assigned duties today are complete. The Dawn Sergeant wants you there bright and early tomorrow morning." [22:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Dunno why you're telling the guy stuff he already knows." [22:41] 14Stranger: "Shut the fuck up." [22:41] 13Xia Lan: "Tell Keldar to shut up. Find a reason-- oh you did. Thanks!" [22:41] 14Stranger: "I'm going to the Council room to press flesh and try to make this go somewhere other than sideways." [22:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What'd you just say?" [22:42] 13She's got the rest of her business outfit on and is preparing to head out the door. "Good luck! Bye Tsuka, Stranger! Hopefully see you later, sweetheart~" 13She tucks the page away and heads out the door, unless Mhaka delays her further. [22:42] 14Stranger pauses and turns. "Did I stutter?" [22:42] 5Xu Sim: "Knock it off you two! Come on, we got work to do, Stranger." [22:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "You know, time was, the Emissary could've gotten away with talking to the Dawn Sergeant like that, although of course he never would've needed to because he had class." [22:44] 14Stranger: "Times change." 15[22:44] Xia Lan makes her way to the Office of the Judiciary, which shares administrative office space with the other departments in the cellars of the Palazzo Vecchio. She only gets stopped for an autograph three times. Good luck... or the sign of a depreciating personal brand?? She doesn't have to wait long before Nobu Whitefeather, a tiny man with a high, piercing voice, invites her into his office. "Good afternoon, Madam Emissary! Can we get you anything? Water? Tea? Beer?" [22:47] 13Xia Lan looks down upon him. Shorter than she expected. "Water is fine, thanks." 13It better not be depreciating brand, she worked hard at this. Is this the fault of whoever's making the signs? Augh, so many questions! [22:48] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah. Yeah, they do. Now if the Emissary walks here into the middle of my training ground, tries to micromanage one of my best men like he's his goddamn dad, and then tells me off, he wisely acknowledges he's overstepped and won't do anything like this agin." [22:50] 14Stranger: "Do you even listen to yourself? I asked you if he could go help his girlfriend on a mission of importance to this seat. I then offered to compromise for when he was off duty. And you mocked me for it coming and going." [22:51] 14Stranger: "So fuck you. And if you want to kill me for it, fuck you too." [22:51] 14He reminds himself, too late, that he was trying to walk away. [22:52] 5Now it's Xu Sim's turn to pause. He doesn't say anything, though. [22:52] 5Xu Sim simply crosses his arms and looks at the other two men. [22:53] 14Now he'll try that again. "Remember your word." [22:53] 14If the Dawn Sergeant wants to continue the conversation, he'll speak to or stab him in the back. 15[22:55] Someone brings Xia Lan a glass of water. "So, this is a bit of an odd duck," beguns Nobu. "The Civility on the books is there to prevent people from masquerading as the Emissary for profit. We're a little lost on how to process it in this case, since it relates to your career outside your work on behalf of the Council. But the Civility itself is clear: someone is pretending to be the Emissary of Nexus - that is to say, you, ma'am - for profit." 15[22:56] "There's a robust precedent for how this Civility has been enforced in the past... but that was under old management. I think we'll all agree there's certain scope to resolve problems like this without resorting to the mop." [22:56] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar tilts his head. "What are you doing." 12If Stranger's turning away, Keldar reaches out to grab him by the shoulder. "Seriously." [22:58] 13Xia Lan: "I assume the precedent isn't exactly... charitable." 15[23:05] Nobu: "Oh, no. Charity is a very recent addition to the Emissary's vocabulary." [23:07] 13Xia Lan: "...fascinating. So, is this the, ah, what was it... Unfeathered Xia Lan? Or are there more than one of them out there?" 15[23:12] Nobu: "There are others, both we're talking bit players, people singing your songs without attribution. This is the only person we've found who's developed a substantial, dedicated following built entirely out of your... material." [23:14] 13Xia Lan: "...The songs are fine. The persona... she plays in the Blue Light District?" 15[23:18] Keldar, Stranger, and Xu Sim arrive at the Vecchio, now almost fully restored, for their meeting. The other Councilors are still staging with tea and sandwiches in the upper atrium, making small talk with the Governor of Nexus and the Scion of the Sevenfold. When they walk in, the Governor seems to have just finished a joke that has everyone but Ephiselle and Hayle laughing. 15[23:18] Nobu: "Mainly, yes. It's not uncommon for buskers to set up outside the brothels. People are flush going in and guilty coming out. Good business, I understand." [23:19] 14Stranger doesn't laugh, but will sweep into the conversation, smiling. "Governor! Councilors." [23:19] 13Xia Lan: "Does she have a consistent spot? I'd like to speak to her. See if we can't work this one out." 13Somehow, she keeps the menace out of her voice. 15[23:19] The Governor, to Stranger, Xu Sim, and Keldar: "Emissary! Emissary. Sergeant." 15[23:20] "It's been too long." [23:21] 5Xu Sim: "Governor," 5he offers a short bow. "Scion of the Sevenfold," A smile and a bow, this time. The others get basically a grunt and a wave of acknowledgement. [23:21] <@Ferrinus> 12It's been at least half an hour, so Keldar's in full regalia and not glowing even a little bit. It even looks like he's had a wash! "Governor," 12he says, giving the huge man a nod. [23:21] 5Xu Sim: "Governor," 5he offers a short bow. "Scion of the Sevenfold," 5A smile and a bow, this time. The others get basically a grunt and a wave of acknowledgement. [23:22] 14Stranger: "Mmmmm." 15[23:22] Seven: "It's a pleasure to see you all." 15[23:23] Nobu: "Uh, yes. I have it here. You'll be handling this personally, then?" [23:24] 13Xia Lan: "That's the idea. If a Tsuka shows up looking for me, send him that way, will you? Thanks~" 13She strides out of the office and heads back up towards the main floor on her way to the provided location. Full foyer - she gets an eyeful of a few people she hasn't managed to see the sounds of yet - but leaves without a word, unless held up. 15[23:27] The Governor looks down over the railing of the atrium to see Xia Lan walking out. "Excuse me! Madam Emissary! Why don't you pop on upstairs, if you can't make the meeting I still have a gift for you as well as the other Councilors!" [23:30] 13Xia Lan: "Urgent business, unfortunately - I'll have to come back for it!" 13She shrugs apologetically at the other Emissaries and also the Dawn Sergeant. [23:31] 13...wow this is a lot of music just pulsing through her head right now, too. It'd give a lesser mind a headache. [23:33] 14Stranger tries to read the room. 15[23:39] For the most part, Stranger finds the other Councilors deeply conflicted between the apparent benign usefulness of the Governor's proposals and their personal revulsion towards the man, and their bone-deep conviction that he must be up to something. More than one of them - particularly Hayle - is alarmed that apparently literally everyone forgot to care about the Undercity, including him. There's a sense in the room of wanting to find an excuse to reject the proposal but lacking for any sensible rebuttal. Stranger may recall this particular experience from when he oversaw Keldar's ascent to the Council. 15[23:40] There's a slight air of mutual frustration; everyone is looking to someone else to come up with an out and nobody has. Surely Stranger can-- 15[23:41] The Governor: "More the pity, madam. Farewell! Fare very well!" [23:41] 13... [23:41] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, for his part, reprises the same practical concerns he voiced to Stranger back in the Parko: he wants a trusted party, such as Xu Sim, to actually examine the crops in question and offer some kind of oversight on their cultivation. You know, for public health reasons. [23:48] 14Stranger: "As the current chair of the Emissary of Nexus, I would like to call the Council to session." 14He glances at the Governor. "Closed session, for the moment. But rest assured, Governor, you will have your presentation." 15[23:48] Stranger's sense of the Thorns contingent itself matches this. The Governor sees a room full of people looking for an excuse to shoot themselves in the foot rather than look foolish. He's suspicious of Xu Sim, and in particular seems to be interposing himself between the sorcerer and his own necromancer with surprising subtlety given his size and also entire personality. The Scion resents being here, and resents being used as the personally tolerable face of Thorns. 15[23:49] The Governor: "We will wait, then, with only our vision for the future and this tantalizing buffet to keep us company." [23:49] "What's the holdup, then?" 5 asks Xu Sim once the Council enters closed session. [23:49] 14Stranger smiles. "Oh, no. Xu Sim, if you would, please make sure the Council's guests are looked after properly." 14He directs the smile up at the Governor. "He is a Councilor too." 15[23:50] The Governor's smile has a few more teeth to it. "But of course, Mister Stranger!" [23:51] 14Stranger shows a few more teeth as well, but doesn't correct the title. [23:51] 5Xu Sim shoots Stranger an 'are you fucking serious' look before turning and heading towards the Thorns delegation. "Ah yes, a good afternoon to both of you," [23:51] 14He looks back over the rest of the Councilors. "Are we ready to join session?" [23:52] 13She pulls up short near the door, and turns. "Aaaaactually I'll be staying for this one. I can handle Unfeathered whatever later." 15[23:52] The Governor: "Oh, you work with the Unfeathered Xia Lan? That's delightful." [23:53] 13Xia Lan: "How did everyone but me know about this??" 15[23:53] She's been very busy. [23:53] 13Still a valid question [23:53] 13. 15[23:54] The Councilors are ready. [23:55] 14Then we're looking at an eight-person Council, with an empty Evening Master seat. Fine. All that needs to be done here is avoid ties. [23:55] "Well, Governor," 5begins Xu Sim rather awkwardly - "How are the City's accommodations treating you?" [23:56] 14Once they're gavelled into session, Stranger, who is sitting in the Emissary's seat, will seek the floor. [23:56] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's sitting up straight with gauntleted fingers interlaced, but who knows how long that'll last. 15[23:57] The floor is granted. Udelph, as most senior Councilor, presides. 15[23:58] The Governor: "Our furnishings are positively dank, Mr. Sim." [23:58] 13Xia Lan sits just off to Stranger's right, fingers steepled as she peers across the gathered councilors, suit suddenly even more apropos. 15[23:59] The Governor: "I understand you've effected a personal investigation of our project. Tell me, what do you think?" [23:59] 14Stranger: "May it please the Council. The most important issue on our all our minds right now is the Governor's offer. I am here to say that the Emissary's chair and the Dawn Sergeant have done some research into the matter ahead of time. Mushrooms, grown in the Undercity. Private plots purchased as proof of concept, for now. A concerning interest in the Undercity otherwise, I'm [23:59] sure we might all agree. I propose both short-term and a long-term redress. [00:01] "First, the seat of the Emissary will send representatives into the Undercity to examine the exact nature of the mushroom claims. Other Councilors may wish to propose security measures to address the possibility that the Thorns delegation has gone farther than they've represented thus far; the Emissary's seat would support those Councilors." 14He doesn't look over at Keldar. "Second, [00:01] we need to vet the Governor's claims. Logistically." [00:02] "I hold that absent the overwhelming power of the previous Emissary, we need a bureaucratic organ to do so." 15[00:03] Hayle: "What do you propose?" [00:03] 14Stranger smiles. "I'm glad you asked." [00:03] 5Xu Sim: "I think it's quite sensible, actually. Whether or not it comes to a siege - and I dearly hope it does not - the mushrooms and so forth are likely to be a boon for the city and its people." 15[00:04] The Governor: "Then I mark you as well-schooled. Or at least well-taught." [00:05] "Thank you. May I ask how you came to know so much about fungi?" 5he asks. 15[00:19] The Governor: "Everyone needs a hobby, Mr. Sim. I once entertained the notion of retiring to my own farm. Alas..." 15[00:19] "A soldier's work is never done. There's always someone else who needs killing." [00:20] <@Ferrinus> 12Too true. [00:20] 13Is it??? [00:21] <@Ferrinus> 12That's why I'm: the boss, best. [00:21] 13Consider me unconvinced. [00:22] 5 About five different proverbs float through Xu Sim's brain, but they are all variations on old saws like "no rest for the wicked," "sleep is for the dead," and so forth - he elects to keep his mouth shut. 15[00:23] The Governor: "I could ask you the same question, in fact. What's your interest? To my knowledge you've been indifferent to the affairs of state your office entitles you to meddle with. What's different today?" [00:24] 14Stranger's got a lot of work to do. The first Councilors who need to be convinced are Gen and Ephiselle, even though they've got some disagreements. Then he has to reassure Keldar, followed by Thalevar, followed by letting Udelph, Hayle, and Kratz know what the organizational benefits of this office will be. But he's done his research, he's done his profit/loss margin reports, and [00:24] 14he is an incredibly convincing man, even if you don't really like him at all. [00:25] 5Xu Sim is no poker face. "I was asked to attend," 5He glances around the room, his eyes desperately trying to avoid Scion of the Sevenfold. It's not entirely successful. "By Stranger-Visits-Heaven. To offer my technical opinion of the proposal." 15[00:26] Gen's very skeptical, but the man respects numbers, and numbers Stranger has. Once Gen's satisfied, Stranger finds Ephiselle's objections wither on the vine, and turn by turn the vote is a unanimous 8-0 as Udelph gavels it into the Incunabulum. [00:26] 13They still really need that ninth member. 8-0 just doesn't have the same feeling. 15[00:27] The Governor: "Then why are you out here?" 15[00:27] Seven, for her part, is totally silent. [00:27] "I'm entertaining you," 5Xu Sim answers the question, by way of observation. 15[00:27] The Governor: "HA!" 15[00:27] "So you are." [00:27] 13In any case, she's here for whatever the Governor has in mind, not Stranger's sensible solutions. The man could sell water to a fish; it's when someone else is trying to sell land to a fish that she needs to step in. [00:28] 14After the gavelling; before he cedes the floor: "I put it to the Minister of Ways, the Midnight Queen, and the August Councilor to suggest our first Director." 15[00:28] "And I suppose entertaining yourself in turn. We are not without our amusements, wouldn't you say, Mr. Sim?" [00:32] "Amusements?" 5Xu Sim has taken the questioning in good humor so far, but he frowns at the suggestion. Maybe that is all he's doing? Acting the fool when there's work to be done? [00:33] "I don't know. I think there's so much to learn, to discover, to rediscover," 5suggests the doctor. [00:34] "Your project is emblematic of that. What an improvement on, whatever they were doing in the Undercity before, I'm sure." [00:35] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar raises about the same objections he did around an hour ago to Stranger's proposal, but mostly for the benefit of everyone else in the room. Once it's clear to him that the committee'll be a literal as well as figurative credit to the city, he votes in the affirmative. Of course, he's got no idea who to actually put on the thing. [00:35] 13That's fine. 15[00:35] The three Councilors confer briefly. Master Gen: "We actually think we can put a name forward now. He was our candidate to replace Brueghel but we believe he would be even more suited to anchor this new Office and help it grow into its full potential." [00:36] 14Excellent. Out loud: "The Emissary's seat would welcome the nomination." 15[00:37] Master Gen: "Apple Baillie." 15[00:37] Udelph chokes on his tea. [00:40] 14Stranger furrows his brow and says: "Allow me to consult with my seat." 14To the chair: "Five minutes of personal discussion?" 15[00:40] Kratz: "You've-- Apple Baillie?" [00:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Who?" [00:44] 14Stranger will pass a note to Keldar: cantankerous academic asshole [00:44] 13Xia Lan: "That... the very same...?" [00:44] 14The reason he's perfect here is clear: so we don't have to seat him as the next Evening Master. [00:44] 14They even said that out loud when proposing him. [00:45] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar peers at the note. Well, two out of three ain't bad. [00:47] 14To Xia Lan: "It's either put him here or make him Evening Master." [00:47] "I can fuck with him constantly here." [00:47] 14He frowns. "Mess with him. Constantly." [00:48] "Sorry. Point is, this is a tactical move." [00:48] 13Xia Lan: "Are you prepared for a whirlwind of tedium? It's - sort of his thing." [00:48] 14Stranger grins. "That's what I do during business hours." 15[00:48] The Governor: "After such studied neglect, anyone's effort would surpass the current state of affairs. The people have been overlooked for so long that they would jump at the first overture made in their direction. Lean takes make for desperate men, as they say." [00:49] 14He will pass notes along to Kratz, Udelph, and Hayle: it's this or evening master. I can control this. [00:51] 14The only person he wants actually voting with the Emissary, though, is Keldar. If they have Keldar, the other three are free to dissent. [00:55] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar's got no problem with the nomination presented. If Stranger and Xia Lan like the idea he'll give it his backing. [00:56] 14Then that's 5-3 and Kratz, Udelph, and Hayle can vote their consciences. 15[00:56] Udelph and Hayle vote against. Kratz votes in favor. 15[00:56] 6-2. Udelph gavels. 15[00:57] NEXT TIME: Mushroom kingdoms