15[20:03] Well... Octavian is satisfied. That was easy! [20:05] 14Now to dance with the dead. No big deal. 15[20:08] When Stranger, Keldar, and Xu Sim return to the huddle, they find that Seven and the Governor standing a ways apart from the Mask, locked in secret conversation. [20:09] 14Hard to begrudge them that. [20:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar retakes his skeletal seat and has some more tea. However, he also listens carefully. [20:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Hmm. Kinda weird, though it's not clear what it means for right now. [20:14] 14The tea set is as Stranger left it, hopefully. Surely mucking with it would violate the rules of hospitality. "Mask of Winters and retinue, I greet you again. Further negotiation has...moved the terms of my proffered deal about. It is such that we require clarifications, before the possibility of allowing you into Nexus is put on the table. Notification of goals, and ways and means [20:14] of getting there." [20:14] "Straight-forwardly, we'd like to know your demands." [20:17] 5Xu Sim furrows his brow at the sight of the deathknights having a sidebar away from the Mask. Something they would keep secret from him? Something he finds tiresome? In how many ways has he now compromised the negotiations? Does it matter? 15[20:18] The Mask tents his fingers, elbows resting on the arms of his skull throne. "As I said before, I need access to the city's dragon-line infrastructure, the war-manses and the dams. With them at my disposal we can contain and destroy the invaders with little further death." [20:20] 14Stranger: "Mmmm." 14He pours himself a fresh cup of tea. "Unfortunately we have something of a trust gap, I'm afraid. I suspect there are some who see a bit of irony in you proposing to reduce further death." [20:20] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What do you think you could do with them?" 15[20:24] The Mask: "The old architecture has a great deal of energy bound up in it that can be put to better purpose." [20:29] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar glances over to his fellows, then back. "Well, we're doing some of that already. As you can imagine, we're hesitant to dig too much deeper too fast - no telling what it might mean long-term, and we do mean to survive this war." [20:31] 14Innocently: "If I may ask, how is it that you know how to bring Nexus fully online?" [20:31] "I don't believe he does," 5answers Xu Sim. [20:32] "Or, he does not intend to bring Nexus 'online'. It's not your style, O mighty Mask of Winters," 5he continues. 15[20:32] By now Seven and the Governor have returned to the conversation. Seven looks on Xu Sim's reply with increasing alarm. 15[20:32] The Mask: "...oh?" [20:33]  [20:33] 14Please leave the condescension to the professionals. [20:34] 5Xu Sim glances at Seven and back at the Mask. "You will set it free, not turn it on. A transformation rather than an awakening, I would suggest." 15[20:35] The Mask is dismissive. "Semantics." [20:35] "I've always seen great value in semantics." [20:38] "But I reiterate my question." [20:39] 5Xu Sim casts a sidelong glance at Stranger and another back to Seven. "You'd play such a song with all that old energy as to shatter the instrument," 5he suggests. "There'd be not a single Raksha standing. I'm not sure how many of the rest of us would be standing, either." 15[20:42] The Mask: "You speak on matters beyond your expertise. The war-manses' power will be under my complete control." [20:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Well, that's the problem, ain't it? Prefer if they were under our complete control - and Xu Sim can handle that for us." [20:47] 5Xu Sim: "I have a different question. Why are you asking us for permission?" [20:47] "Not that I'm complaining, mind." [20:48] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar glances over at Xu Sim, frowning slightly, before returning his attention to the deathlord. 15[20:50] The Mask: "I admit that I'm a novice at statecraft, but is this not it? Asking permission for things you'd rather just take?" [20:52] 5Xu Sim takes a sip of the tea. [20:54] "An interesting way of looking at it. Now, I defer to my colleague in all matters of the occult," 14Stranger says pointedly, without quite glancing over at him. "But my previous question remains, I believe." 15[20:57] The Mask's serene face inclines gently in Stranger's direction. "I am very well-versed in the corpses of wonders that litter these lands." [21:00] 14Stranger: "And who taught you, verse and refrain?" [21:01] <@Ferrinus> 12Huh, that's an interesting question. Keldar's tended to assume that these freaks just crawl out of the netherworld fully-formed. 15[21:02] A stuttery gasping shriek echoes from the Mask then; the sound of someone's vocal cords stretching for a laugh while still inhaling. [21:04] 5Xu Sim nearly fumbles his steambreather as he starts in alarm. 15[21:04] "I'm sorry, I shouldn't. How terribly rude of me." 15[21:05] "But it was you." [21:05] 14Stranger sips his tea again. "Yes, I had suspected as much." [21:06] 14He puts the cup down and sighs. "And now I suspect we will have to break for a few hours so that I am not struck down by all my allies. Might I call on you again, here, in eight hours' time?" [21:07] 5Xu Sim takes a long pull on the steambreather and stares off into the middle distance. 15[21:07] The Mask: "Out here?" [21:09] 14Stranger, regretfully: "You're still not getting into that city without a binding oath, Mask. The realities of statecraft." [21:10] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar nods. "It's how we did it with your representatives, and with all the other foreign military heads. Keeps things fair." [21:11] 14His voice is calm, but his caste mark flares. [21:11] "You know I'm a man of my word." 15[21:13] The Mask stands, a cascade of pops and cracks running up and down his body as he folds his hands over his stomach like it was his back, and he turns to face Stranger with the sneering rictus of the mask on the former back of his head. "Tomorrow, then. It appears we have much to discuss." [21:13] 14Stranger smiles, and this time he shows his teeth. "Indeed." [21:15] 14He appears to regather his whole tea set with just a swirl or two of his sleeve. 15[21:15] When the group separates, does Xu Sim go with the solars or does he join up with Seven? [21:15] 14Once they're safely back behind the walls: "So. I suspect you all have some...questions." [21:16] 13How far back behind the walls? [21:16] 14Depends how far they can get without either Keldar or Ballare ordering a battalion of pikemen to encircle Stranger. [21:16] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "F'you're wondering, Seven and her old man sounded like they were arguing over who'd be leaving the city. Governer wanted her to go, she wanted to stay." 15[21:17] Luckily, as they enter the city they do so into a neighborhood that's now controlled directly by Lookshyan troops, so it's with a measure of calm that Ballare says, "You two know each other?" [21:18] 5Xu Sim will go to Seven if he can. [21:19] 5He is conciliatory and afraid, if and when he does. 15[21:19] Seven will take Xu Sim into an embrace and hiss into his ear, "Have you gone insane?" [21:19] 14Stranger: "It would be more accurate to say Mask knew me. And that it is not reciprocal. You know why the Hunts take us alive, of course, Dragonlord. The Mask knew the me of many, many incarna ago. I suspect perhaps he even knew the me of the First Age. That in itself is not particularly remarkable. What is remarkable is that we shared the same name, he knew me on sight...and, [21:19] if I'm not mistaken, as an. Ah. A colleague." [21:20] "Trust me when I say this disturbs me as much, or more, [21:20] than it disturbs you." [21:20] 14He claps his hands. "But. It means something else, too." [21:20] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses to parse this. "...you don't happen to remember him having a secret weakness or anything, do you?" [21:21] "...Not that. It means that the Mask of Winters is not the only one here who knows how to turn on Nexus, in all its glory. And it means that his power, specifically, is not required to do it." [21:21] "I don't know what to do," 5he whispers back. "He's going to blow out the artifacts and plunge the city into a shadowland, if the Lookshyans don't burn the city to the ground first," [21:21] "We have eight hours for me to figure out how to ransack my previous incarnation's memory, and beat him to the punch." [21:22] 14Stranger buzzes Xia Lan. Bed rest has come to an end, if it was even observed. [21:23] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, I mean, I meant what I said. I'm sure Xu Sim could do the same thing. Maybe not as quick - especially since my tomb's the only one we know how to get into - but the Mask's not our only hope of weaponizing all the Tombs." [21:23] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "More importantly, we don't need to weaponize all the tombs. It'd be nice, sure, but it's not like we haven't got several armies. We can win this war as-is." [21:24] 14Stranger: "The Mask of Winters will sack the city in eight hours unless the tombs are handed over to him. I just stopped him from giving the order right now." [21:24] 13She lays a copy of Love In Strange Times to her side as she picks up the call.  [21:24] "We need a deterrent." [21:24] 14To Xia Lan: [21:25] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Circle of Solars, couple circles of Terrestrials, the Final Word, the combined Nexus and Lookshy armies. Bulk of the Mask's forces are across the Threshold. Win or lose, he ends up letting the faeries eat the whole neighborhood." [21:26] <...there's a place in the underground you'll want to see. Selin found something with your name on it down there. Literally.> [21:26] 14Stranger: "You're not listening to me, or you're delusional. Stop theorycrafting like you can get inside the head of a Deathlord and predict his rational actions. He means to sack the city in eight hours and if he has any particular care for the consequences, they outweight what he dreams he'll gain." [21:30] [21:30] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "What, do you have that in writing? Nogari could also have been dreaming of sacking the city and it wouldn't have been a reason to let him personally inspect all our bank vaults or whatever." [21:30] 14Stranger, to Xia Lan: [21:31] <@Ferrinus> 12Nogare* [21:32] 13She started moving when he called, nurses given a smile and a nod as she passes.  [21:32] 14Stranger: "You're not listening to me. If WE can replicate what the MASK was going to do to the tombs, and bring them all under our command, we will have enough firepower to win the war AND ensure the Mask can't take the city. We don't have to let him in at all." [21:33] 5Xu Sim, to Seven: "...We have eight hours to stop what's about to happen. This is all my fault. I'm sorry it's turned out like this. Can you help me find another way?" [21:33] "I am generally willing to hand all military matters over to you, but forgive me if I don't have confidence when you shrug and say 'eh, we can take him,' about a Deathlord." [21:34] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Yeah, but the thing is that it took us a day's expedition to claim ownership of one of the six and it was the one I was literally interred in. Then it took days more for Xu Sim to figure out how to work the thing. If the only reason you can find not to roll over for this guy is us maybe turning on a miniature Sword of Creation right here in the middle of Nexus, we might as [21:34] <@Ferrinus> well start drafting the surrender now." [21:36] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "If you had a flash just now of the secret password to wake every other Tomb as a loyal warstrider or something, I'm right behind you, but seriously - how sorcerous you feelin' right now? How many Xu Sims do you think you're worth, on this?" [21:36] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar pauses, then frowns to himself. "Xus Sim." [21:37] 14Stranger just blinks at him and says. "Then tend to your armies and plan your battle with the Deathlord. I go to examine the sigilstone in the Gates of Auspicious Passage with literally my name on it." [21:38] 14There doesn't seem to be much point continuing this conversation, and time is short. [21:39] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "The what?" [21:39] 13Xia Lan's jogging up within moments, pulling back her hood. "Did you tell him about the Gates?" [21:39] 14Walking away: "Xia Lan and Old Selin found them." [21:39] "Hi Keldar, hi Stranger, where's Xu - aaaaand we're walking." [21:40] 14To Xia Lan: "I believe Xu Sim is trying to smooth things over with his intended." 15[21:40] Seven: "What happened to not apologizing?" [21:40] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Huh. Well, like I said, you conjure up an anti-Mask, we're all in your debt. I'll be moving all the people I can to nearby the northern front in the meantime." [21:40] 13She winces, following in Stranger's wake. "Went that poorly, huh?" [21:41] "I said you never had to, I don't remember saying I never had to," 5he points out. [21:41] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar, hollering: "Holler if you need me down there!" [21:41] 14Stranger: "Not as poorly as it went with our Dawn Sergeant. Though I suppose in his place I wouldn't trust me much either." [21:41] 13Xia Lan: "Will do!" [21:42] 13Back to Stranger, and hood back up for travelling. "I suppose not. Listen, as we make our way there, there's something else. I wanted to tell you in person - Octavian is in Nexus." 15[21:42] Seven: "There's another problem. The Governor's already trying to prevent a fight, but his solution is to--" 15[21:43] The Governor: "Mister Xu Sim! Delighted to see that you are still here, instead of leaving." [21:43] 14Stranger chuckles. "Actually, Octavian is quite specifically not in Nexus. We've reached an agreement." [21:43] "You missed quite the sit-down." [21:43] 13Xia Lan: "...he was there?" [21:44] "Governor, how niiice of you to join us," 5he replies. [21:44] 14Stranger: "Yes. Flying his own flag, as it were. We guaranteed him first salvage rights to what he kills with some exceptions, and he was more or less satisfied." [21:44] <@Ferrinus> 12Anyway, Keldar wasn't kidding. Now that Elegba's expressed interest in parley and the Mask's expressed interest in turning the entirety of Nexus into his personal arcane laboratory, the Dawn Sergeant is going to pull his guardsman back from the southern front - replacing them with a combination of allied mercenaries and Lookshyan watchmen - and move them up through the city such that [21:44] <@Ferrinus> 12they're on the inside of the walls and prepared to stand against an undead invasion from up top. He tries not to be too obvious about it, but it's not really tenable to hide the motion of that many people and it'll be important for him to coordinate with Ballare, or at least whichever of Ballare's subordinates is willing to talk to him, vis-a-vis the range and area-of-effect of the [21:44] <@Ferrinus> 12Final Word's ballistae and how ground infantry should be positioned to take best advantage. [21:45] "Um. Something else I should tell you, then." 13She shifts imperceptably. "He - Vladok came to me last night and gave me a way to help the war effort." [21:45] 14Stranger raises an eyebrow, but on second thought, he really shouldn't be surprised. "Oh?" [21:46] 13Xia Lan: "He assured me Octavian would only fight against Cethleann, and I knew we needed the help... I apologize for not telling you sooner." 15[21:46] The Governor: " 15[21:47] Yes! Yes indeed it is nice that I am here, with you, and the Scion of the Sevenfold!" [21:47] 14Stranger, as soldiers move past both of them heading north: "No, I think causing as much banging of the pots and pans as possible for the raksha is a very good thing, considering that I think we're redeploying for war with the undead." 15[21:48] There's a lengthy pause before the Governor adds, "Fear not! I believe I have negotiated a solution to the present crisis." [21:48] "You know I don't want a battle against Thorns. And time is very, very precious." 5he adds. [21:48] "What is it?"5 he asks. [21:50] 13Xia Lan: "Wow. Well, all right. I still want to apologize for not keeping you in the loop, but... all's well that starts well?" 15[21:50] The Governor: "Immediate withdrawal of his ancillary command. Our leader can ably run the field himself, while his faithful adjutants return to the city by the road he cut to oversee it in his absence!" [21:52] "I don't understand. That doesn't avert the battle..." 15[21:53] The Governor: "It will allow for clear negotiations, unfettered by conflicts of interest!" [21:53] 14Stranger shakes his head. "I'm just looking forward to some arcane secrets. Talking to Ballare and Keldar is like romancing a wall." [21:54] 5Xu Sim bristles. [21:54] 13Xia Lan: "Oh, I read that one earlier. The twist was rubbish, though." [21:54] 14Stranger: "How's Tsuka?" [21:55] 13Xia Lan: "Inordinately worried, but I haven't seen him since this morning and I don't want to distract him. Hopefully I can talk to him tonight." [21:55] 5He thinks for another moment. "That might be a last resort," 5the suggestion galls him, "but I think my comrades may have found another lead." [21:57] "Seven, will you join me? On a diplomatic mission to head off this crisis before the last?" 15[21:57] The Governor: "Totally out of the question, I'm afraid. We have many arrangements to make." 15[21:58] Seven: "I think I can step away briefly, and leave the arrangements in your capable hands, Governor." 15[21:58] The Governor: "I think not!" [22:05] 14Stranger: "We'll make sure of it." [22:06] 14As they walk, he'll ping Old Selin with the Codex to meet them at the Gates. 15[22:06] Keldar's got some fires to put out, figuratively speaking: tensions are flaring up between occupying Lookshyans and the redeployed Dawn Guard, and other, different tensions are flaring up at the eastern gate between Tsuka's command and the sorcerers from the east who are responsible for so many of their comrades dying or killing each other. [22:07] 5Xu Sim: "Governor. I know there's so little time. And maybe it's not my place to ask you for this." 5And maybe it's not the Governor's place to answer such questions- "But we can make something happen, here... Can't you just give us this one chance?" [22:07] <@Ferrinus> 12Are those sorcerers, like, the empty-eyed thralls of Xu Sim's oppressive will, or do they appear to be free agents who've simply made the 100% rational source to serve, rather than fight, the anathema? 15[22:08] They seem to have wills of their own, but are nonetheless devoted to Xu Sim by some means. 15[22:09] The Governor looks down his nose at Xu Sim, tapping a huge yellowed claw against his lower lip thoughtfully. [22:09] <@Ferrinus> 12Any word as to when their terms end? 15[22:09] "If the spirit moves you, Mister Xu Sim, then go! Go! And on your head be the consequences!" 15[22:11] Seven needs no further permission and all but drags Xu Sim away. [22:11] 5Grinning wildly, Xu Sim seizes Seven's hand and leaps off like a deer in the direction of the gate where the others have begun congregating, at least according to the Codex. "Come on! Stranger, Keldar, we're on our way!" 15[22:12] Selin joins up with the group just as Seven and Xu Sim do. "Sirs, madams," says Selin. "I take it we're in for a long night." 15[22:12] No one has a good answer for Keldar on that. [22:12] 13Xia Lan: "Been a busy day of negotiations, from what I hear." [22:12] <@Ferrinus> 12Are they even human? ...mortal...? 15[22:14] It's difficult to say. The large bulk of their forces are sorcerous constructs and elementals; some of them, such as the woman-at-arms Mirim the Sly, appear to be ordinary albeit extremely foreign mortals with some kind of sorcerous blessings. Others, such as Dreamer Mentat, defy easy categorization, and may be alien creatures or particularly strange sorcerers or something else entirely. [22:15] 14Stranger: "Deathlord's walking in the front door if we don't figure out how to turn on the lights down here." [22:15] "The only bit of good news we've received, and it's very qualified, is that I might have some insight into that." [22:15] "I just didn't know it until now." [22:16] "Disciples of the Thran, Scion of the Sevenfold. A proper introduction. Sifu," 5he bows briefly in Selin's direction. "What's this about gates?" [22:18] 14Stranger: "'Stay with me, go places.'" [22:19] <@Ferrinus> 12Hmm. Well, Keldar thinks he knows the right line here. Once the bulk of the Dawn Guard has crossed the river and is underway to take up positions near the north, Keldar heads off on an inspection of the front. The fronts, really - he's got to make sure that what's left on the south is ready for any kind of surprise attack Elegba launches, that the main easter gates are solidly held, [22:19] <@Ferrinus> 12and of course that our boys and girls facing the Yellow River are well-equipped with salt, torches, and similar undead-hunting equipment. 15[22:19] Selin: "We found a route down to the old Gates of Auspicious Passage at the heart of Hollow. The heart of a transportation network that stretched from pole to pole." 15[22:20] The door is here, before the five of them, with its warnings and names. There it is: Stranger-Visits-Heaven. [22:20] 14Stranger: "If nothing else, we can evacuate the city if it falls through them. If we can get them working." [22:20] "And maybe more." [22:20] 13Xia Lan's eyes flash in recognition. Something to put in a set, after the war. Ha. "After the war." [22:20] 14He'll touch his name on the stone. [22:20] 14...He's not sure what he expected to happen. [22:21] 5Xu Sim peers at the gates this way and that. [22:21] <@Ferrinus> 12South first: what's everyone mad about w/r/t Lookshy? Besides, of course, that they're not only frothing fanatics, but also treacherous cowards who would have happily left Keldar and his legion to die at the hands of the juggernaut? 15[22:21] It's pretty much just that. [22:21] 13Does everyone present read Old Realm? Xia Lan can translate, if necessary. [22:25] <@Ferrinus> 12Well, Keldar tells the assorted mercenaries and remaining Guardsmen on the southern front, you're absolutely right in all particulars. But it's not the foot soldiers or even engineers you should be mad at - it's the new command, who frankly doesn't hold a candle to Dorma, that poor bastard, and is using the weird but basically respectable troops under her command to screw us over. [22:25] <@Ferrinus> 12"...but now she needs us, 'cause she knows that if we weren't there the Mask would stomp her flat. She wouldn't dare pull that kind of bullshit now, with what's going on with Thorns - and there'll be a reckoning as to the games she was playing beforehand. Bet on it!" [22:26] 14How big is this Gate, anyway? How many people across? Is this a highway or a doorway? 15[22:29] The doorway down is quite wide, a thoroughfare's worth. Stranger surmises that this place is meant to see heavy pedestrian traffic but not, like, freight. The door opens with a damp groan and the musty smell of long-forgotten death wafts through the corridor. As they descend, sconces light up with white fire - about half of them ones and the walls, the rest of them too broken or cracked 15[22:29] or flickering to give off any light. But it suffices to guide them downward. [22:30] 14Poor maintenance is to be expected. Nothing to do about it now. [22:30] 13Xia Lan makes a face, and slides something over her mouth and nose to breathe through. Awful. [22:31] 5Xu Sim keeps an eye out for inscriptions, graffiti, murals, or other hints at where the passage might lead, who last travelled it, or similar. 15[22:34] They reach a large, dark cavern, very badly lit - almost all of the fixtures are out. But enough of them remain to reveal seven arches of stone roughly encircling the center of the chamber, each feeding out a radial stone walkway out into its own sealed or darkened corridor. [22:35] <@Ferrinus> 12When people seem satisfied - and, hell, even if they aren't, Keldar's got places to be - the Dawn Sergeant moves on to arc past the northern front, saying basically the same thing to those who ask, before turning up for a not-that-surprising inspection in the east. Tsuka still holding down the fort? [22:36] 14Stranger: "We need to figure out if one of these DOESN'T lead out of the city. Or if there's anything else special about this room." [22:37] 13Are the arches labeled? [22:37] 14How hard is it to get some light in here for inscription reading? 15[22:38] The arches are labeled, and it's possible to read them by the dim light available: 15[22:38] BATHYPELAGO 15[22:38] INVERSE 15[22:38] ISLE OF THRAN 15[22:38] LUTHE 15[22:38] MERU 15[22:38] QARN 15[22:38] ZARLATH [22:39] 14Nothing's ever simple. 15[22:41] Tsuka's keeping the peace, though it's taking its toll on him - Keldar gets the impression that Tsuka's not a gifted diplomat. Where for some it might lead to them saying the wrong thing or pissing somebody off, for Tsuka he seems to carry it well but privately fall apart with stress. [22:43] <@Ferrinus> 12Any actual incidents as yet? Brawls, "miscast" spells? [22:46] 13Save him!! 15[22:49] There's been a few tussles, but of the "hold me back hold me back-" variety. No one's been hurt yet. [22:50] <@Ferrinus> 12Ah, the classic. And there's been no actual action, right? As of Xu Sim's coup, actual warfare has basically taken place across each river? Or is Tsuka having to manage all this while also repelling goblin waves? [22:51] 14As the others examine the arches, Stranger creates his own light, as his body is limned in a golden-burning outline. [22:51] 14He's looking for something else in the room. [22:53] 5Xu Sim mumbles to Stranger: "If you're going to remember anything from when they put your name on the door back there, now's a good time to start." [22:54] 14Stranger: "There's one way for me to remember for sure, I think. But we're not going to do that unless it's a last resort." [22:54] 14Stranger: "Now give me a moment." [22:55] 13Xia Lan: "This is - Sun almighty. If we can get any of these working..." 13She shakes her head. "Most of these aren't suitable for escape, I don't think. But --" 13She quiets herself and finds Xu Sim to whisper ideas between. [22:56] 13Xia Lan, quietly: "Qarn or Zarlath has to be the best exit, if it comes to that. The rest are - less than ideal." [22:57] "Luthe, maybe..." 5Xu Sim isn't enthusiastic on the idea of running. [22:58] 13Neither is Xia Lan, but it's important to have an exit strategy. "Don't think we could get people out through that, plus who knows how underwater it is." [23:03] "I think we've got to try one of these, I think. Anyone think the Scarlet Empress has been hiding in the Imperial Mountain this whole time? Want to bet our lives on the prospect?" 5Xu Sim is spitballing a little. [23:04] 14After some time examining the arches, Stranger motions everyone back to the center of the room. "I know how to open them." [23:04] 13Xia Lan: "We've got a bit more urgent problem at hand, we can check that later." 13She starts. "What?" [23:04] "And I remember what is behind...some of them. For instance, I don't think we're getting anywhere with Luthe, unless we want the place filled with seawater." [23:05] "Or to drown when we walk through. Still not quite sure how that would work." [23:05] 13Xia Lan: "I'm not exactly eager to find out. Do you mean locations, or objects? Anything that'll help the war effort?" [23:06] "The only thing left in Luthe to my recollection is some extremely violent whales. I doubt they're amenable to the process." [23:07] "The other two are Qarn...and the Isle of Thran." [23:08] "Well, we've got Dreamer Mentat and the others who have said they're Disciples of Thran." [23:09] "Qarn is home to a species of...my mind says 'potato people.' Squat, cherubic, easily underestimated and quite canny. Talented in the magical arts. A great civilization in the sands. They might be our best bet, but we'll surely have to make even more promises." [23:09] "And the Isle of Thran..." [23:09] 14He turns to Xu Sim. "I think of it and I see your face." 15[23:09] The comparative calm has probably made Tsuka's situation worse, because there's nothing else for them to focus on instead of their enmity for each other. [23:10] 5Xu Sim looks blankly back at Stranger for a moment, before breaking into a sheepish, confused smile. [23:11] 13Xia Lan: "I -- would we be able to get back from the Isle of Thran?" [23:11] "I think I had one of those faint memories from one of my preincarnations about the Thran," 5he adds. [23:11] "A project undertaken by a man with your face, at least. A dire sorcerous work. Perhaps a working, too, but I mean in the mundane sense -- a true project. Unparalleled might and sorcery on an island phasing in and out of Creation. I don't know the Mask's true aim, but this is certainly on the list." [23:11] "My main concern with Thran is whether or not it's in the office, so to speak." [23:12] "We can't risk Luthe." [23:12] "I can only open one portal without bringing the chamber down on our heads, at least for now." [23:12] "So we have a choice to make." [23:13] "One ray extending to five. A door to other worlds. A high tower. Power unfathomable..." 5Xu Sim murmurs to himself. [23:13] <@Ferrinus> 12Well, first Keldar has a private talk with the kid, leading in with some generic hope you're remembering your training ha ha stuff before actually talking shop. The first point Keldar emphasizes is the relative importance of the Green Apples and allied mercs Tsuka's leading as opposed to the Dreaming Sea raksha - they're the expendable ones, right? They're the surrendering deserters [23:13] <@Ferrinus> 12who barely even deserve to be in our grand coalition. So in terms of troop arrangement, watch shifts, whatever else, Keldar hopes that it's obvious to the mortals that it's the elementals and wizards and other nonsense that are set up to serve as ballista fodder. [23:14] "The Disciples of Thran obey me. Maybe it's not because of what I did to Ardua...?" 5Xu Sim furrows his brow. [23:15] <@Ferrinus> 12For preventing fights and otherwise heading off resentment, Keldar offers to pay the Apples serving on the eastern front a visit - although, of course, he was always more respected than popular with them and it may be more important for Tsuka to earn more cred. To that end, Keldar could just suggest a good stance to take and just sort of - sit off to the side nodding approvingly as [23:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Tsuka makes some announcements or otherwise sets the tone? [23:15] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar: "Up to you - how you wanna handle this?" [23:15] 14Stranger: "I'd far prefer to empower you than to rely on some popotos to honor an ancient defense accord I'm not even sure exists." 14He doesn't even seem aware he used a weird word there. "But you need to be certain you can handle it." [23:16] 13Xia Lan: "Yes, but can he get there and back again? It's not Calibration." [23:22] 14Stranger sighs with some irritation. "Then the desert children it is." [23:25] "Well, presumably, Bleak Ardua got the Disciples off of Thran this time of year." [23:25] "Maybe its reputation for not existing is," 5he shrugs, "overstated?" [23:26] 14He pauses. "But can we really ask them to join our war with, what? Seven hours to go?" [23:26] "Putting aside whether it's fair, is it POSSIBLE?" [23:26] 13Xia Lan: "...maybe?" [23:28] "Thran," 5repeats Xu Sim. [23:28] "If Xu Sim's vote is for Thran, so is mine." [23:29] 13Xia Lan: "I don't -" 13She's frowning. "I just worry about the safety. What if we can't come back in time?" [23:30] 14Stranger: "What if we step through the portal and walk off a cliff because the city of Qarn is just gone? We're being forced into a whole bunch of managed risks. We can at least hope the Isle recognizes its master." [23:31] 13Xia Lan: "I hate this. I hate that you're right." [23:31] 14He gets that a lot. He doesn't say that out loud because he also gets the unsettling feeling that it's not a joke. [23:33] "Any other thoughts?" 5Xu Sim asks in person.  [23:37] 14Stranger hops in: *> [23:38] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar holds a finger up to Tsuka. "Thran? Seriously? If you think it'll take fewer than eight hours I'll be right down." 12Then he stands, leans out the door of the tent or whatever in which they're chatting, and sends a runner with instructions to send the Dreamer Mentat down to the undercity per Xu Sim's instructions. [23:38] 14Stranger exhales. "Glad that's settled. Everyone, stand back. I'm going to open it up." [23:39] 13Xia Lan: "Wait! I need to say something first." [23:39] "Go for it." 15[23:39] Keldar, Mentat and his ghostly echoes arrive in the terminal. [23:39] 13To Tsuka:  [23:39] 5Xu Sim finds Seven's hand in the darkness and squeezes tight. 15[23:40] Seven squeezes back. 15[23:40] Tsuka: 15[23:40] [23:41] 14Stranger takes his own time to buzz the Ambassador. [23:41] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar shows up quite quickly, shield and sword both on his back. "We have a good idea of what's going to be through here?" [23:41] 13Xia Lan:  [23:41] 14The Ambassador, attending to matters on the eastern front. [23:41] 14Stranger: [23:42] 14The Ambassador: [23:42] 14The Ambassador arrives around the same time as Keldar and friends. [23:42] <@Ferrinus> 12Keldar did privately confer with a couple people - Tsuka and Khelendros - that he's going to be out of the city for what might amount to half a day. They should hold down the fort and turn to any codex page holder in hopes of making contact if the worst happens. [23:42] 13Xia Lan:  [23:43] 14Stranger: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Ambassador of Night and Day will be joining us as well." [23:44] 14Ambassador: "Charmed." [23:44] 14Stranger, in her ear: "This is revenge for not putting you on the front lines, isn't it." [23:44] 14Ambassador, in his ear: "Darling, I've been watching kin die in medicine hutches for days. This is a vacation." [23:49] 13Xia Lan waves while waiting anxiously for a response from Tsuka. She needed to tell him, of course, but adding to his stress... she'll have to make it up to him when she gets back. After, um, stressing him out more with the Octavian thing. Ugh. 15[23:49] Tsuka: [23:50] 13Xia Lan:  15[23:52] Tsuka: [23:53] 13Xia Lan:  15[23:57] Tsuka is silent for a long time. 15[23:58] Finally he says, [00:00] 13Xia Lan:  [00:01] 13Xia Lan:  13She's not completely serious, but... she is serious. [00:02] 13Unless Tsuka has more to add, she'll say her goodbyes and finally nod to Stranger, blushing slightly. [00:02] 14Once he gets the nod from Xia Lan, Stranger walks up to the portal to the Isle of Thran, sizes it up, then returns to ten paces in front of it. He takes a deep breath; centers himself; and slams the wicked tip of his parasol into the stonework. His eyes flash and he thunders in the old language: "AGANTUKA-UPAGATA-DEVALOKA!" 14Stranger-Visits-Heaven. [00:02] 14Heaven remembers the name. [00:02] <@Ferrinus> 12Tsuka is, frankly, in vastly more danger, and Keldar's kind of gambling with the lives and livelihoods of everyone by going on a little adventure here. The thing is, it might be even more of a gamble not to go. [00:03] 14As light engulfs the room, Stranger touches the Codex one last time. He pings Tsuka. 14Then he cuts the line. 15[00:08] The gate splits open with a shred of light. The darkness gives way to a brilliantly sunlit jungle, humid and hot. [00:08] 14Under his breath: "And away we go." 15[00:09] NEXT TIME: Urza Planeswalker