15[21:10] A fountain burbles merrily in the courtyard, the scent of incense lilies on the air as afternoon ripens into evening. The summons was vague; Dryas was two days into a four day hunt when a messenger reached her informing her that her aunt had need of her. But Cerise can let details like this escape her. She likes to say she's a master of delegation. What view does Dryas take as she's 15[21:10] made to wait in this admittedly lovely garden, having already interrupted her leisure and traveled home? 15[21:11] Somewhere - not close, but not that far away - she can hear the drums and laughter of an outdoor party. [21:14] 07Dryas was never one for silent contemplation, even on the hunt. She leans against the masonry, working out a tune on a small set of pipes - a peasant's instrument, in this case, but rather cleverly filigreed and carved. It's a pleasant enough tune, placid but not insipid, longing but not quite maudlin. She keeps her own tune quiet and tries to match the rythmn of the party music. 15[21:19] Just down the way, ivy-covered double-doors open, letting out the sound of laughter as whatever entertainment Cerise was up to breaks up. Dryas sees an aquamarine-haired woman she doesn't recognize, in a naval uniform... and her cousin Caxi, freshly married to some randomly Chosen patrician boy, practically dripping off her arm, expression dull and dreamy. 15[21:20] Past that she hears but does not see her dear aunt, calling, "Dryas, love, have you floated away?" [21:26] 07Dryas eyes the couple and plays an ascending scale on her pipe, growing in volume, to close out her improvised piece. "Over here, auntie!" 07She casts her cousin a dazzling smile and bows just enough to be deferential to the naval officer - always best to keep a sailor on shore leave happy and talking. [21:29] "Dear cousin,"07Dryas acknowledges Caxi as they approach. Pupils dilated, she's high. "Marvelous to see you, as always." 15[21:30] The officer offers Dryas a long look and a warm smile; Caxi seems to notice her cousin only belatedly and waves. "Hey! You look great." 15[21:33] Caxi subtly nudges her companion, who is startled out of some minor reverie to say. "A pleasure to meet you. Commodore Peleps Ratel." [21:43] "Feeling great, love," 07she replies to Caxi, langorously - after the Commodore introduces herself, she smiles warmly and bows. "Delighted, Commodore. I hope you are enjoying your time ashore." 15[21:46] "It never lasts as long as I hope," Ratel agrees. "But I have another day here at least. Perhaps we'll meet again." [21:47] "Perhaps," 07replies Dryas. With a final smile, she glides past them towards the doors to the hall, the voice of her aunt, and the receding sounds of revelry. 15[21:51] Cynis Cerise throws her arms open for her favorite niece, her diminuitive frame dripping with jewels and silks. There is the smell of sweet breads and teas, as well as very fine incense. "Come! Come! Let me get a look at you." How does Dryas the Younger look? 15[21:54] In the back, house slaves quietly clean up the remains of what looks to have been a long and largely liquid working lunch. [21:57] 07One-quarter Haltan (and it shows in her complexion), Dryas has the build of an expert dancer; her hair is brown as bark, very long, and blooms with white and green orchids (fewer at present than if she'd been at court). Her face is just freckled enough to be adorable. She's dressed in fine riding silks, dark charcoal with very subtle crimson threads woven throughout geometrically. She's left the rest of her panoply at the [21:57] stables. 15[22:01] "The very picture of health. I'm almost disgusted. Exercising for fun, too-- remarkable that we share blood." Her tone is teasing; Dryas knows her aunt would never be so cavalier with a genuine judgment. "Amazing how brazen she is, eh? Both of them, really." [22:06] 07At the sight of her auntie, she beams just-so. "I suppose someone has to earn the reputation that sailors enjoy in every corner of Creation," 07she observes. 15[22:10] "She didn't learn that from her mother, I'll tell you that much. No, gambling, that's Peleps Bruna's vice. Speaking of which! I have a gift for you." [22:12] "A gift?" 07Dryas claps her hands. "Oh, but you needn't have," 07she protests impotently. 15[22:13] Cerise waits until the slaves have taken the last of the cups and bottles away before she reaches into her sleeve and comes up with... a medallion. Gold - no, orichalcum! The engraving depicts a number of women in various positions of attention, all of their faces turned directly outward, as if you have their attention. It swings from her hand by a simple, sturdily golden chain. [22:18] 07Dryas kneels down to look at it, her eyes wide. Demon-gold! Orichalcum!! "It's gorgeous, and... magical?" 15[22:22] "Oh yes. Very old. From before the Shogunate, I understand. With this around your neck, you can listen to someone's heart's song. See something of their nature, their desires, their character. You hear it as music. It's been very valuable to me in my dealings, since I was about your age, and I think it'll serve you as well." She lets the amulet drop into Dryas's hands. [22:25] 7 Dryas catches it and, with a bit of trepidation on her face -- pre-Shogunate? - tries it on. 15[22:29] Dryas puts on the medallion, and concentrates on her aunt... 15[22:29] Cynis Cerise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-JJKI6lMlE - Our Lady of Ways, Our Lady of Means... [22:33] 07Dryas' brow furrows a bit as she looks at her aunt in a new light - "Well, well, well... That's quite a trick... Thank you. It's incredible." 15[22:33] Cerise: "I'm glad you like it. It'll come in handy on the job I've got for you." [22:34] 07Dryas: "Yes, please, I'm curious." 07Must be important to interrupt my very important leisure now that I'm back from the Threshold. 15[22:37] Cerise: "That naval officer, the indiscreet one, is headhunting for a very strange and serious expedition. Tell me, what do you know about the navy?" [22:40] 07Dryas blinks a few times. "House Peleps, of course, runs it these days more-or-less. Last time I spent any serious time in Pangu City, it seemed V'Neef may try to contest it? The Navy keeps pirates and worse away, and makes sure that trade and tribute can flow as the Realm requires." 15[22:45] Cerise: "V'Neef's taken command of the Merchant Fleet, which causes mama Peleps and her Admiralty Board no small headache - I understand Eagle's Launch is our Commodore's next stop. Now don't let this get out - people on the mainland don't fully understand the scale of the problem." [22:46] 07Dryas nods. "Discretion is ever our watchword." 15[22:47] "I understand that the Commodore's sister - Vice-Admiral she is, of the Water Fleet, name of Furia - has... rebelled. She was shepherding a round of tribute ships back from the West and she just... left them, out on the sea. It's a stroke of luck there was a sorcerer aboard, a messenger eagle wouldn't have outraced the pirates." 15[22:48] "She's taken her flagship and some large number of vessels and she's taking her own private navy up and down the Western islands, looking for - wait for it - the Empress." [22:49] 07Is there a bottle leftover from lunch? Dryas looks to the table. 15[22:49] There's a bottle of Western rum, as serendipity would have it, nestled among the flower pots. The slaves must have missed it. Dryas could probably get them in trouble if she wanted. [22:52] 07Discretion, the watchword. Dryas floats over to it. "Pardon my indiscretion," 07she requests as she pops the cork. "I have a few questions?" 07She takes a rather piratical swig from the bottle. "First question: you don't mind, do you?" 15[22:54] Cerise's eyes are twinkling. "By all means." [22:55] "Excellent." 07A thoughtful swig. "Do we know why she thinks the Empress is out there, in the middle of the endless seas of the West?" 15[22:58] "Opinion is divided. The captains of the tribute-ships - Guildsmen, after a fashion, I know one or two - seemed unanimous of the opinion that she'd simply gone mad. Taken by some spirit of the high seas, lost to cabin fever, what have you. They are, to a one, imbeciles, so their word counts for little." [22:59] 07That tracks with Dryas' experience with Guildsmen, to be sure. [23:00] 07Dryas: "And the other opinion?" 15[23:00] "The Commodore takes the Admiralty Board's official line, that there is blasphemous influence at work. A true demon, or Anathema. Corrupting her thoughts. Bending her will." [23:02] 07Dryas is about to move on but doubles back- "And you...?" 15[23:04] "The Matriarchs... the Matriarchs keep their own counsel. But in asking me to make these arrangements they seemed inclined to take it more seriously. Caution, maybe... a split this size in the Water Fleet would cripple Peleps, if it were exploited. They know it. We know it. The situation is febrile. As for me, I'm stocking up on spices and rum. They'll be the first things to fall 15[23:04] off the market if the worst happens." 15[23:04] "I think her motivations matter very little in the bigger picture." [23:08] 07Dryas purses her lips and swallows. Maybe an upbraiding can be averted. "So, I'll be heading West to look for this Admiral, her fleet, whatever Anathema or spirits have gotten under her wig, and to top it off, her Eminent Scarlet Majesty, herself?" 15[23:10] Cerise: "Yes. It was left to me to choose someone capable and I chose you. You understand what that means?" It means, of course, that however Dryas comports herself will reflect back on her aunt. It's a lot of pressure, if you're of the mind to feel it. [23:13] 07Dryas taps the bottle a few times, sets it down. "Of course," 07she says quietly. "And when I find them, what am I to do?" 15[23:14] Cerise, simply: "You're to advance the cause of House Cynis." [23:17] 07Dryas nods. "Consider it done." [23:18] 07Adding - "I won't let you down." 15[23:20] Cerise: "Good. You're leaving tomorrow, with Ratel. I wanted to tell you before I told her, so take this letter and bring it to her." It's rolled up and sealed with wax under the Cynis signet. [23:24] 07Dryas takes the letter and a deep breath. "Is there anything else?" 15[23:26] Cerise beckons Dryas to bend down, and when she does, her aunt kisses her on the cheek. "Don't do anything your mother would do." [23:28] 07Dryas laughs and hugs her tight. "Alright. Alright." 15[23:29] "Good. Now shoo, shoo. Bring the Empress back in one piece, you hear?" [23:30] 07Dryas, on her way out: "The hunt is afoot!" [23:33] 07Dryas heads out into the gardens, searching for her cousin and the Commodore before they get any farther in the canoodling. 15[23:38] Dryas heads off in the direction she saw them go in. The party is slowly moving indoors as the sun sets and the weather begins to turn (she felt a drop of rain on her head as she crossed the courtyard) and she has to weave through both reveling relatives and the tireless bustle of the serving-slaves ferrying bottles into (and empty bottles away from) the partiers. It's early in the 15[23:38] evening, yet, so nothing too crazy is going on. 15[23:38] How does Dryas attempt to track down her quarry? [23:42] 07Discretion, discretion, discretion. Not usually her hunting style; she prefers to unleash the dogs and chase whatever runs. But maybe a lure of sorts... The pipes, perfect for playing on a lonesome road, aren't quite the perfect instrument for a rather more formal setting like this... [23:59] 07Nonetheless, she begins to play a particularly... raucous tune. She learned this one from one of the Thri-Kahn's courtesans; it's syncopated and sinuous and makes you want to dance. At least, she hopes it makes this crowd want to gather around and dance; thereby bringing Raten to her. [00:08] 07This tune slaps. 15[00:08] She's got to play for a bit, but soon enough the first of the revelers are up and dancing, and the knot of dancers grows and grows until the entire courtyard is alive with movement. Luckily it's just as another musician picks up - the steel drummer from outside, it sounds like - that Dryas spots her prey. Caxi clings onto Ratel, who is gamely playing along with a young man's attempts 15[00:08] to teach her dance steps. He's a beautiful, if soft-featured boy maybe a bit younger than Dryas, with long golden hair that almost shines in the dark. [00:12] 07Curious. Dryas makes her way through the crowd towards the trio. Could the boy resemble the description of Caxi's new husband? 15[00:13] You know, that must be it. What was his name... 15[00:14] Aku! That was it. The boy is newly minted Cynis Aku, formerly of some mercantile patrician household or other. 15[00:18] He's the first to notice Ratel. His already gamely enthusastic expression lights up when he sees Dryas. There's something almost eager about him. 15[00:18] Cynis Aku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUHK_g41FCY - You will squeeze the life out of me... 15[00:19] Ratel looks similarly, if less dramatically pleased to see Dryas. She's giving off a slightly awkward vibe. She's probably not used to parties, especially not Pangu parties. 15[00:19] Peleps Ratel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFnA-8H-5lo - Everything I love is on the table, everything I love is out to sea... 15[00:20] Caxi's face, meanwhile, is almost impenetrably languid. Almost. Is that... irritation? 15[00:20] Cynis Caxi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah0Ys50CqO8 - Watch me make ‘em bow. 15[00:24] Dryas almost can't hear Aku over the music washing into her mind in wave after wave. "...that was you, right? Humbled the Tri-Khan?" 15[20:08] 7Nonetheless, she begins to play a particularly... raucous tune. She learned this one from one of the Thri-Kahn's courtesans; it's syncopated and sinuous and makes you want to dance. At least, she hopes it makes this crowd want to gather around and dance; thereby bringing Ratel to her. 15[20:08] 07This tune slaps. 15[20:08] She's got to play for a bit, but soon enough the first of the revelers are up and dancing, and the knot of dancers grows and grows until the entire courtyard is alive with movement. Luckily it's just as another musician picks up - the steel drummer from outside, it sounds like - that Dryas spots her prey. Caxi clings onto Ratel, who is gamely playing along with a young man's attempts 15[20:08] to teach her dance steps. He's a beautiful, if soft-featured boy maybe a bit younger than Dryas, with long golden hair that almost shines in the dark. 15[20:08] 07Curious. Dryas makes her way through the crowd towards the trio. Could the boy resemble the description of Caxi's new husband? 15[20:08] You know, that must be it. What was his name... 15[20:08] Aku! That was it. The boy is newly minted Cynis Aku, formerly of some mercantile patrician household or other. 15[20:08] He's the first to notice Ratel. His already gamely enthusastic expression lights up when he sees Dryas. There's something almost eager about him. 15[20:08] Ratel looks similarly, if less dramatically pleased to see Dryas. She's giving off a slightly awkward vibe. She's probably not used to parties, especially not Pangu parties. 15[20:08] Caxi's face, meanwhile, is almost impenetrably languid. Almost. Is that... irritation? 15[20:08] Dryas almost can't hear Aku over the music washing into her mind in wave after wave. "...that was you, right? Humbled the Tri-Khan?" [20:15] 07Dryas laughs as Dynasts do - clear and a little breathy, like a ringing bell. "Ah, ha ha ha. Yes, darling. Do you care to know how I did?" 15[20:16] Aku's eyes light up. "Oh, could you?" 15[20:16] Ratel: "I'd like to hear this too actually. Why don't we go find somewhere quiet?" 15[20:16] Caxi murmurs her assent. 15[20:18] They're able to find a curtained-off table lit by red lantern-light, after clearing out a couple who... really needed to find a proper room anyway. 15[20:18] No sooner have they settled down than a serving-slave pops up with wine. [20:20] 07Dryas takes a deep draught. V'neef? 15[20:21] It is indeed V'Neef wine. V'Neef is a house held in some derision in the pillars of the Dynasty like House Cynis, but their vineyards are unmatched on the Isle. 15[20:21] Game, as they say, recognizes game. [20:24] 07She smiles. "Hm! Exquisite. Anyways, as I was saying:" 07she prepares to launch into a dramatic retelling of her own exploits. Certainly not the most shameless thing going on at the villa today. [20:32] 07Some time later... "And, so, there you have it. Coffee and firedust." 15[20:32] Dryas holds court, and captures all their attention. Aku hangs off her every word, Ratel's clearly enamored, and even Caxi is impressed. 15[20:33] Peleps Ratel: "Remarkable initiative and ingenuity. You're a credit to your house." 15[20:33] Caxi: "We're all terribly jealous." 15[20:33] Aku: "So cool..." [20:38] 07Dryas poorly feigns a little humility. "I merely did my duty, no doubt any of you would have done the same, of course..." 15[20:40] Ratel: "You remind me of a young woman Caxi and I met not long ago. We had the privilege of sharing a drink with the winner of the Five Day Fight. A remarkable woman. Focused, intense, ebullient..." 15[20:40] Caxi: "Flexible..." [20:41] 07Dryas reaches for her glass. "Oh? Do go on," 15[20:45] Ratel: "Piu is her name. A favored scion of V'Neef. Not a daughter, obviously. You know how zealously little V'Neef hoards Lost Eggs. But she found a real diamond in the rough with this one. Surpassing competence, surpassing beauty, and indefatigable good cheer." 15[20:45] Caxi: "But not so indefatigable you'd think she's stupid." 15[20:45] Aku listens, oblivious to the implied mockery. [20:46] 07Eyes twinkling, Dryas sips again. 15[20:46] That sealed missive from Cerise is burning a hole in Dryas's pocket. Does she have a plan for broaching the subject? [20:47] 07Dryas is working on it. "So you're travelling together?" 15[20:48] Ratel: "I have... certain obligations. Caxi is able and enjoyable company." 15[20:48] Caxi purrs in agreement. 15[20:48] Aku: "They're gone so much. I understand it's Tepet lands that await them next." [20:49] 07Dryas: "Oh, Tepet, truly? By land or sea?" 15[20:53] Ratel: "Lord's Crossing is deep inland. We'll be on horseback. Something you're no stranger to, I gather." 15[20:56] Ratel: "After that I'm to see Cathak Cainan about recruiting a favorite student of mine. One of the most able young men I ever taught. Young Cathak Tsuka." [20:57] 07Dryas smiles again. "I picked up a few tricks from my time with the Delzahn... and I know the road to Lord's Crossing well." [20:59] 07Dryas claps her hands again, calling for more wine. "Say, I've got just the idea. Why don't I accompany you there? I'm travelling in that direction anyway. Besides," 07she casts a smouldering look - and a wink - at Aku. "We must give the newlyweds some time to themselves, musn't we?" 15[21:05] Aku's expression gets dreamy and distant before, startled by some internal turn he turns to Caxi: "We have spent so little time together, darling..." 15[21:05] "Service to the Dynasty comes first, you know that," says Caxi coolly. "I've already made preparations to join the Commodore." [21:13] 07Dryas is wide-eyed and accommodating - "Oh, cousin, it's nothing at all. I'm more than happy to take whatever burden it is off your hands. As family we must look out for each other!" 15[21:16] "Girls, girls, there's no need to fight," says Ratel, clearly enjoying this. "But the decision of who joins me is out of even my hands. If you're keen to join me on a long and frankly arduous task, you should speak to your elders." [21:20] 07Dryas, just a hair below melodrama: "Oh, the cruel fates, must still separate this beautiful couple." 07She holds out her glass for a slave-attendant to refill, and quaffs deeply. "What joy we squeeze from this world must come only when we can catch it, I suppose." 15[21:22] Aku: "Oh, you can find joy in all sorts of places, if you're open to the experience, I find." [21:34] 07Dryas: "I find it to be in the pursuit." 15[21:35] Ratel: "Ah. A true competitor." 15[21:35] "I've got an idea. Why don't you both join me?" [21:42] 07Dryas glances to her cousin. 15[21:43] Caxi's expression is glazed and disinterested. "Sounds divine." [21:46] 07Dryas considers. "It seems... unbalanced. Perhaps Aku would care to join us, for part of the ride at least?" 15[21:47] Aku: "Oh, could I?" 15[21:48] Caxi is impassive. Ratel considers. She's not *drunk*, but she's working her way up to it. "I think that would be most agreeable." 15[21:49] Aku squeals with delight. 15[21:52] Caxi, mildly: "What fun." [21:58] 07Dryas: "Then it's settled. Well, I'm going to take a walk and let the lovebirds-" 07she looks straight at Caxi's disinterested eyes- "have a moment together. Commodore, would you care to get a breath of fresh air?" 15[22:04] Ratel: "That sounds delightful. Would you two excuse us?" 15[22:04] Caxi: ".........gladly, Commodore. Come, lover, let's leave these two to their dreary business." 15[22:04] Aku: "Quite." 15[22:05] Aku adds, "It was so nice to meet you both!" [22:06] 07Dryas, saccharine, "Take care, darlings!" 15[22:10] Whatever their actual feelings for each other, Caxi and Aku make a gorgeous couple. You almost don't want to leave, but the night is clear and cool and the air is thick with the scent of lilies. Ratel and Dryas have to range quite far to escape the radius of the expanding party, passing people who are digging into refreshments far more intense than wine. [22:11] 07Dryas now leads the Commodore out into the quite pleasant gardens. warm braziers here and there to provide warmth for revelers. Once they are basically clear, she speaks: "Commodore, I have a letter for you from my aunt Cerise," 15[22:11] Ratel: "Oh? To be delivered privately? Is that why you wanted me alone?" 15[22:11] She seems slightly crestfallen. [22:15] 07She presents the letter. "If I wanted you alone, the letter would have sufficed as an excuse, I think. As I said, dear Commodore - it's in the pursuit." 15[22:16] Ratel takes the letter. "Mmm. A true huntress." She breaks the seal and reads. 15[22:16] "...ah." 15[22:16] "So I gather you've been briefed." [22:19] 07Dryas folds her arms behind her back. "Indeed. Arduous is no overstatement. But it's quite the hunt." 15[22:25] Ratel: "I think... you might be just the sort of talent I'm looking for. Tell me, candidly: do you think you can work alongside Caxi? I make no judgments, but I know that the competition between housemates can be fierce." 15[22:25] "Furia is my sister." [22:29] 07Dryas nods. "I won't allow it to interfere with our mission," 07she answers. 15[22:30] "What do you make of Aku?" [22:35] 07Dryas considers. "Handsome, enthusiastic, not too smart, deferential. Pretty good, for a man," 07she reasons. 15[22:35] Ratel: "I agree. He's a harmless sort." 15[22:37] "Well. If you're to join me, then you'll be under my command. So I have a task for you." 15[22:37] "Inform Caxi that you'll be joining us on the expedition." [22:38] 07Dryas gives a thin smile. "Of course." 15[22:38] Ratel puts a hand on Dryas's shoulder. "You're a very capable young woman." [22:39] 07Dryas glances at it. "Enjoy the party, Commodore." 15[22:39] The hand lingers for a long moment. Then, almost abruptly: "If you'll excuse me, I have arrangements, that need... arranging." [22:39] 07Dryas turns on her heel and stalks back towards Caxi and Akul. Perhaps they've gone to bed. 15[22:40] She returns to find Caxi drinking water, alone. [22:43] 07Dryas approaches matter-of-factly. "Aku called it a night?" 15[22:44] Caxi: "Oh, I doubt that boy will be able to hold his attention for the entire night. I gather the Commodore couldn't pull you?" [22:48] 07Dryas: "I wasn't feeling it." 07Too easy. "I wanted to let you know that I really will be joining the two of you, though. On the trip West. Cerise briefed me earlier, that's why she called me here." 15[22:50] Caxi's eyebrows go up. "Interesting." 15[22:50] "What's your read?" [22:52] 07Dryas: "It's kind of like the hunt of a lifetime, only we don't quite know what the quarry is, just the bait. What do you think?" 15[22:53] Caxi: "I think... well." 15[22:58] "Don't you think it's a little strange that something so serious, and so direly affecting the Navy, Peleps isn't handling this in-house? Reaching far and wide... V'Neef, who they hate, from Cynis, who they don't respect. Soon from Tepet, who no one respects. And the less said about those Cathak goons the better." 15[22:58] "It's almost like they don't trust themselves with the job." [23:05] 07Dryas: "That's astute. Maybe we're meant to flush Furia out." 15[23:06] Caxi: "Mmm. Maybe so. But we should watch ourselves. So many Houses working together... we won't really be able to trust anyone but each other." [23:08] 07Dryas: "You're right. We really will have to stick together."