15[20:02] We begin in Bittern: the pride of House Peleps and the beating heart of the deep-sea Water Fleet. A city of shipwrights, the docks are alive with workers well before dawn, jeering good-naturedly at the gulls above as they go about extending the arm of the Scarlet Dynasty. 15[20:04] You have come, in ones and twos, over the past several days, gathered from all corners of the Isle for a mission of utmost secrecy and direst importance. Some, such as Piu, have been here nearly a week. Some, such as Zhangyu, Daizo, and the Commodore herself, only arrived late the night before. 15[20:04] How does each of them rise to face the coming day? [20:05] 4First, by carefully slipping out from underneath the boy. She'll dress, kiss him on the cheek (still asleep) and head back to her own quarters for morning exercises and stretches, winking at the startled cleaning hand in the hallway when she steps out. [20:05] 4First thing she does is put on the water for morning tea, of course. [20:09] 4After that, a bath, dressing in a smart but form-fitting robe, doing up her hair, some light makeup, and it's time to head out. [20:09] 6Eyes open, check surroundings, check for injuries, run through the day while exercising and meditating. It's starting today in earnest, and Tepet Zhangyu will be as prepared as he can. [20:10] 07Cynis Dryas splashes water on her face from the basin in the Grand Occidental Hotel while examining herself in the enormous mirror. A handmaiden, standing behind her, plucks a dandelion from her tresses and carefully drips a few drops of water on an orchid bud. [20:13] 07Standing behind her, ledger in hand, is Pale Moke, her majordomo. A rail-thin fellow with a shock of white hair, he is dressed in the fashion of a patrician. "No new correspondence this morning," 07he mutters. Dryas grunts an assent before shrugging another shoulder into her kimono. [20:13] 10Despite the long trek to Bittern, Daizo found himself unable to sleep. He spent a long night meditating on the balcony outside his own, embarrassingly lavish, suite. When the sun rose, he decided to make the best day possible out of it.  [20:16] 4She dresses in yellow and red, with an undercurrent of brown -- in the sashes, in the trim. She's never liked yellow and brown as the house colors for V'neef, but one supposes all the good combinations were taken. [20:16] 4And, well, she is aspected in fire. 15[20:16] The day begins in earnest with a working breakfast in a private dining room of the Grand Occidental. Commodore Ratel is there to greet the first of them to arrive, laying out paper cards one by one at each of the place settings, pursing her lips, and adjusting them slightly so that each one is exactly parallel with all the others. The Commodore herself looks tired, but relaxed. Daizo 15[20:16] and Zhangyu aren't sure she slept at all after arriving in town the night before. 15[20:17] "Governor Adira will be joining us shortly," she says. "Get yourself something to eat. We've got a lot to do before we set sail." [20:18] 4Piu will smile warmly -- almost, but not quite suggestively -- as she enters, and get something filling, with protein. 15[20:18] Indeed, the food is laid out buffet-style on a long table off to the side. Bread, fruit, tea, Chiaroscuro chocolate, and... seafood? [20:18] 07The domestic carefully primps another one of the white orchids growing out of Dryas' hair and begins weaving it up and around the large golden pin which will soon hold it in place. "We'll have to check with the Factor, then. I'm sure the letter would have arrived in time for him to assemble the crew I specified." 15[20:19] "He'll be accompanying the Governor," says Ratel. "I was looking at the manifest. Almost 50 people. You're fully prepared to finance the outlay?" [20:19] 4Seafood...for breakfast? Hmm. She'll have to get used to that eventually, given how the fisher-adjuncts replenish food stocks along the coasts, but perhaps not so soon, unless it would be a faux pas to skip them. [20:20] 4But it seems it's the only protein here. [20:20] 4Sigh. [20:21] 4Piu has spent much time in the south recently...they know how to do a breakfast down there. 15[20:21] Oh, for the sizzling breakfast meats of Harborhead... [20:21] 4Augh! [20:22] 4They put them on these little flat muffins, with egg... [20:23] 6Zhangyu nods at the instructions and begins loading his plate. No chocolate, but he takes the rest without complaint or so much as a raise of his eyebrow. Seafood's good. Even for breakfast. [20:23] 10Daizo enters every room like he's apologizing for being there, occasionally even having to duck under doorways. But he goes at the breakfast spread with some more enthusiasm, picking out a couple promising rolls and something that isn't immediately identifiable but smells smoked and pungent. Sweets later. [20:23] 07Dryas sucks a nearly-imperceptible amount of air through her teeth as one of the orchids loses a petal. Inevitable. "I could have asked Aunt Cerise or Maman to make the arrangements, but I made sure to draw this against my personal account. I don't want to have to quibble with any of my other relatives over the bounty we'll no doubt have harvested." [20:23] 4...Oh my. [20:23] 4And who are these two? [20:23] 4The high-house princess is very cute too. 15[20:24] Piu is perhaps uniquely positioned to wonder by what criteria Ratel's team was chosen. [20:24] 4She's been uniquely positioned a lot, recently. [20:25] 4But her smiles are pleasant, not seductive, as she sits down at the table. [20:25] 4With a large amount of fish, some fruit, some bread, and some tea. [20:27] 10Daizo looks at the tea on offer and just picks up an entire iron pot of sencha and a cup, bringing them over to the table. "I'm bad with introductions. Tepet Daizo at your service." 15[20:27] One of the last to arrive is a dreamy-eyed girl in something blue and so gauzy you wonder if it was a nightgown. Cynis Caxi takes tea, and nothing else, and settles down next to cousin Dryas. Where Dryas's hair is woven with flowers, Caxi's dark hair is tinted white, as if she woke up outside on a chill morning and the dew in her hair went to frost. [20:27] 4Mmmm. Hi Caxi. 15[20:27] Her smile widens ever so slightly at the sight of Piu. [20:28] 4To business. She bows to the others deeper than perhaps her station requires -- she is, after all, from the runt house. "I am V'neef Piu. It is a pleasure to meet you." 15[20:28] As they settle down, they can't help but notice that one place at the table remains empty. [20:29] 6Zhangyu: "Tepet Zhangyu." 6No Cathak Tsuka. Interesting. He files that information away, alongside the idea that he wants a chance to spar with V'neef Piu. [20:29] 07Dryas nods tamely to her cousin. "Cousin Caxi, good morning." 07In between any conversation, she nibbles indiscriminately on the food but takes plenty of tea. 15[20:30] "Dear Cousin," comes Caxi's near-drawl in reply. 15[20:30] To the rest: "Caxi, of House Cynis. What a lovely little company we are." [20:31] 07Dryas: "Dryas, of House Cynis. Lovely may be an understatement." [20:32] 4Piu visibly starts at the name 'Tepet Zhangyu,' and her eyes go wide. She stares for a moment at him, then quickly looks away, sort of clenching her hands in her lap, barely surpressing a grin. Tepet Zhengyu! [20:32] 4She didn't know he looked like that~ [20:33] *4Zhangyu [20:34] 10The smoked stuff is some kind of peppered mackerel. "If nothing else, we will certainly look the part of a party on sabbatical." 10Daizo indicates the room with a wave. [20:35] 4...Is that a burn? It might be a burn. She dressed nice... 15[20:35] Eyes still fixed on a large ledge, Commodore Ratel says, "So, there are a number of logistical matters we need to settle. You'll want to be packed by noon. Crew from the Defiance will take care of loading your things into your cabins. Talk to..." She flips a page. "...Samperson, our chief petty officer. This is not, legally speaking, a naval operation -- we are nominally an expedition 15[20:35] under the Merchant Fleet." 15[20:36] *large ledger [20:36] 4Piu: "Understood, Commodore." [20:37] 4In between, polite mouthfuls of raw fish, accompanied by the crustiest bread she could pick out. 15[20:37] Ratel finally looks up, and her eyes fix on the empty place. "Where's Tsuka?" 15[20:37] She looks around the table. "Do any of you know where Cathak Tsuka is bunked?" [20:38] 4Piu: "I haven't come across him." [20:38] 07Dryas: "I don't believe he came overland," [20:38] 10Daizo: "Haven't seen anyone fitting his description. And the Tsuka I thought I heard about turned out to be a Sesus Tsuka." [20:39] 6Ah, Cathak. Cowards. "I haven't seen him, either." 15[20:40] Ratel: "Ugh. I'll have to send someone for him. Let me go find a porter. These are the kind of delays we can't aff--" The Commodore is interrupted by a great clap of wood on wood as someone kicks the door open. 15[20:40] Two young men walk in, arms and backs laden with traveling gear and luggage. 15[20:40] Ratel, quickly: "This is a private meeting." [20:41] 4Piu turns in her chair. She looks relaxed, but she's turn it so her body is half-facing the door. The chair won't stop her from standing and moving. [20:41] *4turned 15[20:41] "You Ratel?" asks one, face obscured by the rucksack in his arms before he sets it down, revealing a slender young man with short orange hair and a seemingly-permanent smirk. [20:41] 07Dryas doesn't bother to look and takes another sip of tea. [20:41] 10Daizo starts and nearly leaps to his feet.  15[20:42] "Yeah, we have a letter for the Commodore," says the other, in the same voice. Putting down his own baggage to reveal... the same boy, with the same face, and the same hair. [20:42] 4...Twins. [20:42] 6... [20:43] 4Well this should be...interesting. [20:43] 4As the letter is presented, she visibly relaxes, smiling at the new arrivals. [20:43] 10These kids know how to put on a show, but trying to bluff the Commodore seems like a bad idea. [20:44] 07Dryas' fingers go to the pendant around her neck. 15[20:45] Ratel: "Commodore Ratel. I gave explicit instructions for any correspondence to be left with the front desk. 15[20:45] The first boy: "Yeah, but we showed them the House Cathak seal on our letter and they seemed pretty unwilling to break it." 15[20:45] The second boy: "On account of it's technically high treason." [20:45] 6He's watching them both carefully. Unable to follow orders, and Cathaks to boot. Zhangyu scowls. 15[20:46] Ratel: "And you are?" 15[20:47] Dryas focuses though Cerise's gift, and listens. Music rises from their spirits to her mind's ear. Ordinarily this kind of simultaneous reading proves most distracting, but in this instance... Dryas only hears one song. 15[20:47] Cathak Ito Pan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6GyTBVAF4w - This whole court is unimportant, you fuckers are walking corpses. 15[20:47] Cathak Ito Jun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6GyTBVAF4w - And we the type to greet the preacher with a grin and a gun. [20:48] 4Piu watches the Cynis daughter touch the bauble around her neck while still hopefully appearing to stare at one of these beautiful boys. Now that's an interesting piece. 15[20:48] Ratel takes the note, breaks the seal, and reads. Her mood seemingly darkens by the word. 15[20:50] Finally: "I received assurances from Cainan directly--" [20:50] 7Dryas leans back in her seat, puts her hand back to the teacup and takes another sip. 15[20:51] The first boy: "Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. Orders are orders, ma'am. Is it ma'am?" 15[20:51] Ratel: "It's Commodore." 15[20:51] "Which one of you is..." 15[20:51] The first boy: "He's Ito Jun." 15[20:51] The second boy: "He's Ito Pan." [20:51] 4Noted. 15[20:51] In unison: "Of House Cathak." 15[20:52] Ito Jun: "Oh shit! Food!" 15[20:52] Ito Pan: "Dibs on the shellfish." 15[20:52] Ito Jun: "Fuck your dibs." 15[20:52] They leave their bags in the doorway and elbow each other to the table. 15[20:53] Ratel presses her lips together very firmly. [20:53] 10Daizo: "Where are the Cathaks sending their children these days that they turn out like… that." [20:54] 4Piu: "I'd love to know." 15[20:54] Ito Jun, his mouth already full: "House of Bells, boy! Top of our class." 15[20:54] Ito Pan, who has a whole roll in his mouth: "Top half of our class." [20:55] 6Zhangyu is going to need to go hit things later. [20:56] 10Daizo's frrown darkens. 10I am NOT going to let these children bait me into flipping the table at them. [20:56] 7Dryas chuckles under her breath. "This year? Congratulations," [20:57] 6Zhangyu, neutrally: "Is that what they're calling it now." 15[20:58] Bringing plates laden with food over to the table, Ito Jun sits down, while Ito Pan complains, "There was only one chair!" and sits on the table instead. [20:58] 4This is interesting, at least! 15[21:00] Ratel: "This is..." She reads the note again. Sighs heavily. "We only had the one cabin, so you two will have to share it." [21:00] 6No. [21:01] 10Daizo: "Wait. These are our replacement for Cathak Tsuka?" [21:01] 4Piu: "There are two of them." 15[21:03] "Cathak Tsuka is 'unavailable, due to a high-priority task recieved directly from our blessed Regent'. Are you fucking--" Ratel stops, and visibly centers herself. "Fine." She practically slaps the note on top of the open ledger. "Fine." [21:04] 10Daizo: "Even if there's ten of them… just look at them! I've met better-behaved peasants—" [21:05] 4Piu: "I'd be fine with ten of them." 15[21:05] Ito Pan: "Still in the room, guys." [21:06] 7Dryas sizes the men up with rather more attention than she showed her own breakfast. [21:07] 4Piu: "Oh, I noticed." [21:08] 10Daizo: "I'm fully aware. You've planted your rear down on a dish of smoked mackerel." [21:09] 6At least... some of the others seem to dislike them just as much. [21:12] 10Daizo: "But that's neither here nor there. The two of you know what's going on here, right? This isn't, despite appearances, a party." 15[21:12] Ratel: "...how much were you told, exactly?" 15[21:12] Ito Jun, mouth full: "Important job for the Navy." 15[21:13] Ito Pan, chewing audibly: "Best and brightest." 15[21:13] They nod in unison. [21:13] 10Sssssssip. [21:13] "Do you know what the job is?" [21:13] 7Dryas smiles a bright, beaming, radiant smile. With her teeth visible. "Gentlemen! Two for the price of one. Moke, some cigars for the party, please?" 7a beat later: "No-one minds, of course?" 7She presents the Ito buffoons a pair of the stubby, stinking things and lights one herself. 15[21:14] Ito Pan and Ito Jun take them gladly and light them with tiny flames that appear at the snap of a finger and last just as long. 15[21:16] Ratel, pointedly to Daizo: "Why don't we brief them on the ship." [21:17] 7Dryas: "Oh, marvelous, yes, thank you gentlemen," 7she says as she leans forward for them to light hers. She bats her eyes a bit -- but not too much -- and beams again. "Excellent idea, Commodore, if we're to be off before noon," [21:18] 10Daizo: "Mm. Yes, Commodore." 10The noise and the commotion have probably put too much attention on what was supposed to be a quiet breakfast meeting. 15[21:19] Ratel: "To that end, we should be expecting..." The door opens again. This time admitting adults. An older woman in a caped naval dress uniform, jade epaulets twinkling in the lantern-light, leads an older, heavyset man bedecked in finery and flanked by a pair of jade-armored guards. 15[21:20] Ratel: "Excellent timing, Governor. Team, this is Governor Peleps Adira, and Wenli Samsa, our... commercial coordinator." [21:20] 10Instead of talking, there's some candied ginger and lemon peel among the fruits that haven't been ransacked. A good palate cleanser, both metaphorically and literally. [21:21] 4Piu shovels down some more breakfast in a quite unladylike fashion during the entrance. So many interruptions. 15[21:22] Adira waves a hand. "No need to introduce yourselves, I'm briefed." She gives Ito Pan the table-sitter a sideways look but makes no comment. "I see all but one of the attaches are here." [21:22] 6Zhangyu is simmering quietly as he eats his meal. The new arrivals are welcome, certainly much more welcome than the previous visitors. Teammates. Ugh. [21:22] 10He does offer the governor a clasped-hand salute as they enter.  15[21:24] Wenli: "Yes, quite. Now, almost all the paperwork is squared away, but there are one or two administrative matters that require your personal attention... this is quite an expensive expedition, all the more so for its apparent secrecy." [21:24] 7Dryas reaches across the table to silently offer Piu a cigar. Moke has a whole box of the things. 15[21:24] Ratel: "Wait, all but one?" 15[21:24] Adira: "I'm sure I left a note in your brief, you're to be joined by--" [21:25] 4...? 15[21:25] "Excuse me." No one heard the man show up at the door. Older-looking, shaved bald like a monk, but wearing beautiful stainless white robes. "Is this the meeting?" [21:26] 4A monk. 15[21:26] The guards turn around in a flash, hands on their swords. [21:27] 6Hrm. 15[21:27] The bald man smiles, and raises his hands in a placating gesture. "I bear a missive for Commodore Peleps Ratel." He produces it from within the folds of the robe and Ratel walks up to take it. [21:27] 4A many-lettered breakfast. [21:30] 4With many interesting seals... 15[21:30] That seal... you can just make it out. White wax pressed with a hard gemstone carefully etched with a backwards prayer to the Dragons -- the mark of House Mnemon. 15[21:30] Ratel reads the note in stunned silence. 15[21:31] The monk, helpfully: "Mother was distraught her counsel was not sought on so urgent a matter. I've been volunteered to assist despite the obvious oversight." 15[21:31] He looks around the room, still smiling. "I am at all of your service. Mnemon Salim." [21:32] 4Mmmm. [21:33] 4She'll scarf down a bit more fish. The room's not looking at her, anymore. [21:33] 7Dryas fingers the pendant again. Mnemon wasn't informed? Maybe Caxi had a point... 15[21:34] Dryas focuses, and hears a song of such aching solemnity that she almost can't parse the lyrics, written in liturgical Dragontongue, which is quite like Old Realm. 15[21:34] Mnemon Salim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3v9unphfi0 - Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui: et spiritu principali confirma me. // O give me the comfort of thy help again: and stablish me with thy free Spirit. [21:34] 10If 10the10 Mnemon is taking personal interest in this matter, maybe even the Commodore's out of her depth. 15[21:36] The Governor's song speaks to something half-mournful, half-exultant. 15[21:36] Peleps Adira: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo1IvV6qAWY - Now her namesake daughter remains, to show what she has been -- what every schoolboy remembers, and will not come again. 15[21:37] The Guild Factor, meanwhile, radiates a sort of restless urgency. 15[21:37] Wenli Samsa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY - I always feel like somebody’s watching me… 15[21:38] Ratel: "...we are of course happy to have you, Brother Salim. The expedition was organized in haste, it was certainly not my attention to exclude Mnemon herself. 15[21:38] Salim: "Mother will be most gratified to hear that when I make my first report." 15[21:41] Ratel: "But I'm afraid the ship is overbooked. It may be necessary to bunk you on a subsidiary vessel." 15[21:41] Salim: "Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I can sleep on the deck in fair weather, and in the hold in foul. I require very little." 15[21:42] Ratel: "...excellent. Happy to have you aboard." [21:42] 6Zhangyu's eyes narrow, but he says nothing. [21:45] 4Instead of looking at the Mnemon man, Piu glances at Caxis. What's she doing? 15[21:45] Caxi's making eyes at the Cathak goons. 15[21:46] They're making eyes back. 15[21:46] This is gonna be an interesting trip. 15[21:46] *** 15[21:46] The rest of the meeting involves a lot of paperwork, and then it's time for onloading. Mik Samperson, the Chief Petty Officer, is a handsome, square-jawed man with short dark hair and piercing eyes. He directs lower-ranked sailors in the process of loading everyone's things into their cabins. Except for Piu, who he greets with a big, boisterous hug. [21:47] 4Piu squeals, but returns it. [21:47] "Improper!" [21:47] "But hullo, Mik." [21:47] 4She gives him one of the least-chaste kisses on the cheek you can imagine. 15[21:48] Mik gives her a lingering look of comparable chastity. "Morning, Piu. Exciting stuff, no? Let me help you with your bags myself. Come on, I'll show you to your cabin." [21:48] 4Almost purring: "Lead away." 4To the rest: "I'll see you all soon." 15[21:50] Ito Pan and Ito Jun, meanwhile, are sizing up Daizo and Zhangyu. "Tepet boys, huh?" says Ito Pan. 15[21:51] Caxi, to Dryas as men load their things aboard: "Interesting crew." Dryas focuses on the man leading Piu aboard... and gets nothing but whistling. [21:52] 6Zhangyu: "Cathak boys," 6he responds. [21:52] 7Dryas is relatively gracious to the ratings but lets them get about their business regarding her luggage. She will have words with Wenli. 15[21:53] Ito Jun: "It's Zhangyu, right. I remember you from secondary school. Big scary fucker. Clearly still big. Are you still scary?" [21:55] 10Daizo's mundane luggage is a mere three or four trunks, easy work for the sailors. There's two cases, however, that he won't let anyone else handle. He's about to hoist the first of these before Ito Pan interrupts. "Yes. Do you have a problem with it?" addressing Ito Pan. 15[21:55] Ito Pan: "I just worry, you know. Can you guys afford to send half your remaining Blooded on a cruise around the West?" [21:57] 7Dryas: "Coordinator, I wanted to make sure you recieved my correspondence and that the additions to the support vessel's roster and cargo would not prove unduly burdensome at this late hour." 15[21:58] Wenli is busy with paperwork, but has time for Caxi. He starts a bit when she comes up to him. Jittery dude. "Yes, yes, of course. Your crew and cargo are on the manifest. I admit I've never heard of recreational whaling, but I suppose the exalted minds of the Dynasty operate on a level I can't fathom." [21:59] 10Daizo: "Our House trusts us to do our duty and return. Your house, it seems, jumped at a chance to get rid of two troublemakers." 15[22:00] Piu gets a brief tour of the ship as her stuff is loaded aboard. That's the galley, that's the mess, that way's the holds, here's the officer's cabins, here's her room, and here's her bunk. It's cozy, which has a certain appeal. Some time passes between the two of them. [22:01] 4Mmmmmmm. [22:01] 6Tepet Zhangyu shifts suddenly and looks like absolute terror with a brief change in stance. And there's an utterly murderous look on his face as he looms at Ito Jun. He could snap his Ito Jun in two, and wants him to know it. "Do you want to find out how 'scary' I can be?" 15[22:02] Ito Pan: "The fuck do you mean by that?" 15[22:02] Ito Jun's eyes flare in fear... and then wider in anger. "You wanna go?" 15[22:02] Ito Pan, to Daizo: "Let's dance, big man." 15[22:02] Ito Jun: "A little fuck me, fuck you?" 15[22:03] Ito Pan: "Let's hit the floor." 15[22:03] Ito Jun: "Talk shit, get hit." [22:04] 6Oh, yes. "You're even more irritating when you speak in pairs." [22:04] 10Daizo cracks his knuckles. "You're a replacement, kid. They couldn't get Cathak Tsuka, so they're making up quality with quantity." 10Adopting the opening form of the Earth Dragon Stance feels like letting go of a great weight. "Are you sure you want to dance?" 15[22:04] Mik, to Piu: "You know just the trip to Abalone is going to take a few weeks. Weeks with nothing to do..." [22:05] 4Her hand wanders. "Oh, we'll find something. Chief Petty Officer, mmm?" 15[22:06] Mik: "The alternative was a commission, and I just don't know if I want to make the Merchant Fleet my career, you know?" His fingertips press up against hers. "I think I'm destined for better things." [22:06] 4Her nose is in his neck. "I've always believed that." 15[22:07] The door to Piu's cabin starts to open. 15[22:07] Mik's on his feet almost instantly. [22:09] 4Piu has already rolled off of him. 15[22:10] Mnemon Salim pokes his head through the door and immediately withdraws it. "Oh! No! Terribly sorry. Terribly sorry." 15[22:10] From outside the door: "I was looking for Officer Samperson. Sir, are you disposed to aid me?" [22:12] 10He's fast! [22:13] 4Mnemon men. She rolls her eyes and nods towards the door for Mik. [22:13] 4She'd wanted longer... [22:14] 4Well. [22:14] 4She'd wanted more time. 15[22:14] There's a scrap of paper on her end table as Samperson -- quickly dressed -- follows Salim out. [22:15] 4Piu unfolds it, reads it, reads it again, lights a candle, and burns it. [22:15] 4Then: "Uwaaa!" 4Big yawn. She starts to unpack. [22:21] 7Dryas nods at the Coordinator. "Thank you for your obedience. I shall pray for your understanding." 7With a smile, she sets out to see to the last handful of items to take care of - Moke in tow, walking alongside the jitney - before the ship departs. 15[22:23] The twins are fast, shockingly so -- but they don't have anything like the sheer meat of Tepet's scions. Their fists all but bounce off the bigger mens' chests. 15[22:32] Dryas is able to secure good deals on items she's certain will be of great value in Abalone - the place is a cultural backwater, and simple, easy-to-carry books, scrolls, and art will fetch a far higher price than it rates on the Isle. [22:34] 6Zhangyu laughs in their faces, but unfortunately Ito Jun is still fast enough to dodge his blows. Pest. Mantis style is more for grappling than striking, and he can't quite get a hand on him. [22:35] 7Satisfied with her selections, Dryas makes her way back to the ship with a variety of scrolls, books, and sundry cultural items that will go a ways to filling her pockets anew on this latest travel. [22:37] 10Daizo lets Ito Pan bloody his knuckles on the Stone Dragon's Skin before he delivers a single kick with force enough to send the little pest flying in a neat arc out over the bay. 10Plunk! [22:38] 4Please do not drown him. 15[22:38] A crowd has formed around the brawl. Porters have stopped porting, shipwrights have stopped wrighting, passersby have stopped passing. There are gasps and claps when Daizo connects, sending Ito Pan flying into the water, which sizzles and steams on contact. [22:39] 7Dryas, on the quay, makes her way through the crowd by virtue of her finery, if nothing else. 15[22:39] Then a bolt of lighting arcs over Daizo's head, singing his hair. It grounds itself in a stack of barrels on the far side of the quay, which explode, spraying fish everywhere. 15[22:39] Piu hears the explosion from inside the ship. [22:39] 10Eeeh?! [22:40] 4She's moving immediately, clothes dropped. 15[22:40] Ratel is on the deck, one knee up on the railing, holding a massive flame piece with five rotating barrels, one wrought in each color of jade. "I'm aiming lower next time." [22:41] 4Her posture changes when she emerges on deck and sees that it's Ratel, clasping her hands behind her back and pepping up. [22:41] 7Dryas sidesteps a steaming fish head, and pulls Pale Moke out of the way of a flying bit of chum. 15[22:41] "You are sons of the Dragons. Act like it. The next person who starts a fight on my ship is swimming home, I don't care who your mother is." 15[22:41] To Daizo: "Fish him out." [22:42] 4Piu's in a light robe over a shift now. "Nice cannon," 4she says once the law has been laid down. [22:42] 6Zhangyu stiffens, then forces himself calm. "Understood." 6He can't disappoint like that. Especially if he isn't even going to get a hit in-- [22:43] 10Daizo raises his open hands, then bows and takes a running juimp into the bay himself. While not the strongest swimmer, he's able to haul Ito Pan back to the pier with a minimum of hassle.  15[22:43] By way of response, Ratel blows smoke from the barrel. 15[22:43] Ito Jun just looks at his feet, thoroughly chastised. [22:43] 4Her smile widens. [22:45] 7Dryas makes her way up the gangplank, pausing at the top to hand her new pieces of luggage to an overawed rating. 15[22:45] Ratel turns to Piu. "It's going to be another couple of hours before we set sail at this rate. You might want to take some time in the city, enjoy your last solid ground for a while." [22:46] 4She quirks an eyebrow. "And not aboard ship?" 15[22:49] Ratel: "I have... so much to do. It might get dark before we can leave at this rate." [22:50] 7Dryas is sweeping onto the deck and frowns as she overhears Ratel. "That won't do. What is there to do?" [22:50] "Pity." 4Piu turns, with her hips. "I remain at the Commodore's service--" [22:50] "Dryas!" [22:51] 10Then Daizo bows before the Cathak twins. "Cathak Ito Pan. Cathak Ito Jun. I beg your forgiveness for my harsh words and deeds." 10He hoists the enormous case holding Grand-auntie's parting gift and hauls it to his cabin, returning to collect Corino's gift shortly afterwards. [22:52] 7Dryas: "The longer we stay in port, the farther our quarry can run and the more likely something is to go wrong." 15[22:53] Ratel: "Food and fresh water, mainly, and there's some flareup with the Guild office I need to take care of..." 15[22:53] "You're preaching to the converted. But I'm just one woman." [22:53] 4Piu will bow to Dryas and head below. [22:53] 7Dryas grabs Piu's arm as she passes. "Where do you think you're going?" [22:55] 4She twists in Dryas's grip, turning with a smile. "I have a date." [22:55] 7Dryas gestures to Zhangyu. "May I suggest him? And the Guild factotum." [22:55] "You may!" [22:55] "When you let go of my arm." [22:56] 7Dryas releases her. [22:56] 4Piu: "The Guild guy...Walli?" 15[22:57] The Cathak twins just clamber aboardship with mumbled apologies. Do Daizo and Zhangyu go aboard, or spend some time in town? [22:57] 6Zhangyu doesn't apologize to the Cathaks, but he does nod stiffly at them in something approaching - acceptance, possibly even respect. They responded like warriors and, well. That's something more than they did before. [22:58] 7Dryas cranes her neck around. "Where's that other Tepet man? Daizo? Daizo!!"" 15[22:58] Caxi is sunning herself on the deck. Not even the explosion roused her. [22:59] 4Mmmmm. [23:00] 10Daizo hears Dryas' call but decides to let it go for the moment. When they've decided he's no fun then he can go off into town and pick up a couple sundries. [23:06] 7Dryas takes a step forward. "Darlings, the Commodore has indicated that we run the risk of falling behind schedule. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't believe we should allow that to happen! Now, we need a team to speak to our dear, dear friends at the Guild, and we need to secure our food and water!" [23:08] 4Piu: "I know the Chief Petty Officer. I'm sure we can secure provisions." [23:10] 7Dryas: "Take a few with you. Princes like us should have the best, and we shouldn't have to wait on some Guildermen busybodies for it!" [23:11] 4Piu: "I'll ask Officer Samperson for his top men." [23:12] 6Zhangyu: "...that sounds good. And - we should begin operating as a team." 6He's nodding slowly, like this also isn't getting him out of having to board the ship in shame. Distractions can be good. [23:16] 10Daizo emerges from the ship again, having changed and rinsed the saltwater out of his hair. "Lady Dryas… I find it's been a trying day. Right now I think the best thing I can do is rest." [23:16] 4So big...but no stamina. [23:18] 7Dryas clambers up the quarterdeck and yanks the pin out of her hair, tousling it loose and belting out in a voice as clear as a silver bell: [23:19] 7Dryas: "Farewell and adieu to you, Pangu ladies! Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Thon! For we've recieved orders, to sail to Old Wu Jian, but we hope in a short time to see you again!" 15[23:21] This is a classic. She's soon joined by a chorus of ratings and dockworkers. [23:21] 7This is a very well-known sea shanty and ballad, and though Dryas' accent is unmistakably posh in all other times, in this song, at this moment, on the Bittern docks; it's just right. [23:22] 4Piu smiles while fingering the silver chain around her neck. They said Cynis was all dilettantes...well, Piu enjoys this one. [23:23] 10Dryas's song lifts Daizo's heart a little. He'll retire to his cabin for a little bit and catch a nap, then help the rest of the dockworkers and crew with their preparations. Good enough, for now.  [23:24] 4It's time to get to work. [23:24] 6...impressive. [23:25] 4She'll find Chief Petty Officer Samperson, and rather than fratnerizing, they'll head out with a team, with the appropriate number of talents and packs among them. 15[23:26] Everyone is inspired, and work proceeds apace. Even Caxi is up on her feet helping to direct the ratings. 15[23:34] Piu and Mik make it to the Guild's clearinghouse deep in the city. Mik says, "I think I've got this under control. I'll see you back at the ship?" 15[23:34] The team Piu assembled enters the clearinghouse, leaving her alone on the street. [23:35] 4She nods. [23:35] 14She snaps her fingers. [23:35] 14A sleek black robe, and a face like a skull. And a mission. [23:35] 14How far from target? 15[23:36] Points of ingress at the front and back doors, or via a window on an upper floor from an adjacent roof accessible by alley. No more than a hundred yalms. The offices attached to the clearing-house aren't that big. Not a lot of Guild presence on the Isle outside Pangu. [23:36] 14Window sounds good. What's the approach there? 15[23:37] There's a low-hanging eave Piu should be able to leverage herself onto. Might be tricky... [23:38] 14Won't be a problem. She's been inspired. 15[23:39] She hits the roof clean. From here it's a straight shot to the window across one narrow gap. Piu watches. No movement inside, no patrols to speak of. [23:39] 14She pauses, moves, pauses. Soft and clean. [23:40] 14Then the leap -- and in, bouncing off an inside rail into a roll. [23:42] 6Well. Zhangyu's mess is his own to clean up. Time to have words with whoever seems to be upset about their lost catch, and make them more afraid than they are upset. 15[23:43] The room is lavishly appointed, and smells of wine and incense. There's the sound of men talking outside - the guards from this morning. Sounds like they're just shooting the shit. Maybe six yalms down the hall outside the closed door to the right. [23:44] 14She'll find the best point in the room to watch everything. Especially what's going on below. 15[23:46] Below she can see people moving to and fro like the parts of a mechanism, including the Chief Petty Officer's contingent securing barrels of fresh water and preserved meats and grains. [23:46] 14Time to move. 15[23:46] There are more guards below, but they quite literally are not on her level. [23:46] 14Genuinely good for them. [23:48] 7Dryas makes her way back to the Guild hall, to see what this paperwork snarl that had begun to threaten the Commodore was all about. She doesn't bother with a rickshaw this time. 15[23:49] The guards are reasonably alert, but they're playing Gateway. A careful crawl along the gentle overhang that supports the hall-lanterns should be safe... [23:49] 14Shadow on silk shadow. 15[23:50] Dryas meets a harried-looking official upon announcing herself. "What? What is it? I've just spoken to Samperson about provisions." 15[23:51] It's not Wenli Samsa; Dryas judges someone more junior. 15[23:51] Zhangyu is able to put the fear of the Dragons into these ornery fishermen, who plead ignorance and apologize profusely, bowing three times while stepping meekly backwards, for presenting an obstacle to these Princes of the Earth. [23:54] 6He barely even has to say anything. Just radiate menace, look angry, and maybe crack his knuckles right before telling them exactly what they're apologizing for. Minor victories, ultimately, but something to feel good about. And his error is now corrected. Well. One of them. [23:59] 7Dryas frowns at the official. "I've been informed that there was a problem with the records. Is it the manifests? Something else? For the support vessel." 15[00:01] The official checks the paperwork. "Yes - there's a mismatch between declared cargo on these two forms -- and some of the writing is unclear here..." Peeing at the paperwork, Dryas thinks it was filled out in a rush. [00:04] 7Dryas notes the disparity for later. "Allow me to correct this." 15[00:05] Piu can peek through a narrow window open above the awning, seeing Samsa bent over ledgers, moving talents from one column to another. Enough wealth to shift nations on those papers. A single lantern hangs from the ceiling, lighting the room. 15[00:06] Dryas has the papers thrust directly into her hands while the official turns to deal with another, angrier client. [00:07] 14Mmmm. [00:09] 14She moves in, quiet against the wall. And quieter...and quieter... 15[00:10] The room is papered with maps, surrounded by low shelves and large leather chairs. The lamp throws long shadows on the thick, fluffy carpet that muffles Piu's footsteps. 15[00:10] With grace and care Dryas corrects all the discrepancies on the manifest. [00:10] 14Is it hooded? Can she get behind it without casting a shadow? [00:10] 14Until it's too late. 15[00:11] If she hugs the wall and gets very low. [00:11] 14So it goes. [00:12] 7It's not much for Dryas to get this taken care of and the rush job corrected. She leaves another note for an acquaintance of hers - in the Guild, but not a bad guy - to send a note to her in Abalone - under an assumed name - about the Petty Officer. [00:12] 14It takes some time, sneaking along that wall, those scrolls. And the skull face doesn't glint in the light. 15[00:13] Well! That was easy. On the way out she sees Samperson and his men toting provisions out to the docks. 15[00:13] She being Dryas. Piu is busy. [00:15] 7She falls in alongside them. "Ah, Samperson, is it?" 7she asks. "You're leaving with us?" 15[00:15] Mik Samperson smiles gamely at Dryas. "That's right." [00:19] 7She smiles. "Cynis Dryas," 7she re-introduces, as one does in such situations. 15[00:23] Mik Samperson: "Mik Samperson. I heard you carving up that bureaucrat in there. Nice work." [00:28] 14When she steps into the light, he's looking at...papers. Her hands come up, and there's a wire between them, and it's suddenly around his neck -- [00:29] 14As he chokes: "Beannachdan bho dheireadh an t-saoghail." 15[00:29] The man barely has time to gurgle. [00:30] 14She twists. "Cha b ’e do choire-sa a bh’ ann; cha robh e agamsa." [00:31] 14The wire splints and sharpens, and blood runs down the man's front. "Cuir a ’choire air neamh. Cuir a ’choire ort fhèin. Cuir a ’choire air taigh Iselsi." [00:32] 14Two hours and fourteen minutes before the new day, Wenli Samsa dies. [00:32] 7Dryas: "They just need a strong hand to sort them out sometimes. We're used to it in Pangu." 15[00:33] Mik nods. "So, this mission... exciting stuff, eh?" [00:34] 14She makes sure the blood runs out. Then she moves. [00:35] 7Dryas: "Oh, yes. Paperwork, and Guildsmen. Thrilling stuff." 15[00:35] Mik: "But the actual job. Realm elites, on a pirate ship, flying under merchant colors..." [00:36] 7She coughs. "And recreational whaling." [00:38] 14The last thing Wenli sees as he dies, and she moves away: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/LBMAAOSwKJldNFxr/s-l640.jpg [00:38] 14Shrouded in silvery-black. [00:41] 14She's gone then, out the way she came, blood slicked off the Chain, out into the night, back towards the boat. To where V'neef Piu is supposed to be. 15[00:41] Mik: "Mmm. Quite a cast of characters on this job. Or ladies of surpassing quality, as the case may be. [00:41] 14Actually...no. 15[00:41] She hears that whistling again... but then she hears more. [00:41] 14Iselsi Piu snaps her fingers, and... 15[00:41] Iselsi Caedus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ofVsxTPoc - You may never understand how the stranger is inspired, but he isn’t always evil and he is not always wrong. [00:42] 4V'neef Piu steps out into the light. [00:43] "Hey!" 4says Piu to both Dryas and Samperson. 15[00:44] Mik's face lights up. "Hey! All set?" [00:44] 7Dryas adjusts a strand of her hair and smiles. "But yes. I'm looking forward to-- ! Oh, V'Neef Piu!" [00:44] 4Piu bows -- again, slightly more than she has to. "Cynis Dryas." 4To Samperson: "All set!" [00:45] 4She looks between them. "Is everything alright?" [00:46] 7Dryas: "I just had to go show those Guild brush-pushers how we get shit done in Pangu City. No time for this Threshold league shit." [00:47] 4Piu nods firmly in support. [00:48] 7Dryas: "And you're finished with your own diversion?" [00:48] 14She looks coyly at Mik. "Not quite yet." [00:48] 4She looks coyly at Mik. "Not quite yet." 15[00:52] Mik: "Mmm. I think we should be about ready to go." [00:53] 4Chipper: "Yep!" [00:54] 7Dryas nods. "Good. There's no point laying around here anymore." 15[00:57] And so the Defiance sets sail, with favorable winds and in good spirits. A couple of unwelcome surprises, a few high tempers, but all in all a successful launch. Ratel and Caxi retire to the commanding officer's quarters quite early - it was a long day. [00:58] 14Later that night, in the Chief Petty Officer's quarters, 4he has a visitor! [00:58] 4And when the door closes, 14the mask is off. 15[00:59] The man in the cabin is stripped to the waist, washing work grime from his hands in a basin. He doesn't turn around. "How'd it go?" [01:00] 14She makes a motion across her throat. "Ssshhhkkk." [01:00] "Message delivered." 15[01:01] Iselsi Caedus's voice is bled of Mik Samperson's warmth, but his tone conveys clear approval. "You're scarily good at this." [01:01] 14Instead of getting in bed, this time she leans against the near wall. Not too close to the door. [01:02] "Is mise a chaidh a thoirt dhomh a bhith." 15[01:03] Caedus finally turns around. "Mar sin tha sinn uile." [01:03] 14She evaluates his chest. "I suppose so." 15[01:04] "The Commodore hit on me earlier." [01:04] 14A sly smile. "Yes, that's why they don't let her around the students anymore. But if you try her out, you'll find she's quite skilled." 15[01:05] Caedus smiles back. "Mmm. I may yet. It's a long voyage, after all..." 15[01:06] "There'll be a lot of work out West. A lot of names on the list, and not a lot of our brothers and sisters that far out to do the work." [01:07] 14She steps off the wall. "I like the team. The Tepets and the Cynis, at least. And, well, the twins are...interesting. If they're on the list, I'd ask they be last." [01:07] 4Iselsi Piu: "But that is of course your judgment." [01:07] 14Iselsi Piu: "But that is of course your judgment." 15[01:08] Caedus: "Even if they were on the list, I'd bet on them getting themselves killed before we got around to it." 15[01:08] "Chest-puffing Cathak shitkickers." [01:08] 14She grins. "Hot, right?" 15[01:08] "And there's two of them." [01:09] "That there are." 15[01:09] "The Mnemon man is a complication." 15[01:09] "Asking a lot of very pointed questions about our crew loadout, the length of the voyage." [01:09] 14Her face hardens. "I'd kill him for free. If I was sure I could." [01:09] "You think he just came in here by accident?" [01:09] "I don't." 15[01:10] Caedus: "I'd bet anything you're right. His sleeves rode up while he was helping me move barrels. I saw the tattoos on his arms. You ever hear of the Order of the Black Lotus?" [01:15] 14She chuckles without mirth. "The inverse of the White Veil." [01:15] "Wondered when I'd meet one." [01:15] "I hate monks." 15[01:15] Samperson: "Especially Mnemon monks." 15[01:16] *Caedus: "Especially Mnemon monks." [01:16] 14She sighs. "We'll have to deal with him. Especially if this voyage somehow isn't complete bullshit." 15[01:18] Caedus: "I don't expect we'll find the Empress, but I doubt it's complete bullshit. Something drove an Admiral of the Fleet to abandon her post." 15[01:18] "And something's making them follow her." [01:19] 14Piu: "Ratel showed her mettle when she's not trying to fuck the whole ship earlier today. Her older sister is likely even more formidable." 15[01:19] Caedus: "Nice cannon, right?" [01:19] 14She smiles slyly again. "I've seen better." [01:19] 14Takes another couple steps closer. "You have to be up early." [01:20] "And my cover requires I spend the night." 15[01:21] 10A smile creeps across Caedus's face. "We are as we were made to be." [01:23] 14Iselsi Piu grins and pushes him down onto his bed. "Then let's make this plausibly deniable, eun rionnagach." 15[01:23] Few would doubt them. 15[01:23] NEXT TIME: The demon on deck