15[20:29] The hour draws late. It gets dark early in Abalone, as the sun sinks behind Hamoji over an hour before it falls beneath the true horizon, leaving the twilit sky at the mercy of the mountain's Wyld-tainted colors. Lamp and lantern are scarce as Zhangyu makes his way down to the docks; at night longshoremen drink and work by Hamoji alone. 15[20:33] How does Zhangyu go about looking for his quarry, a man named Chases-Waterfalls, and the medallion he holds marking him as an invitee to the underground fighting tournament Hinokuni? [20:34] 6It's still mildly concerning that the volcano glows, whether or not it happens to be dangerous to Zhangyu right now. Does he have a description of Chases-Waterfalls, or just a name? He's likely headed to a tavern either way, one near the docks, to rub elbows with the rabble. 15[20:37] He knows he's looking for a well-built man, shaved bald... but a lot of guys on the docks fit that description. 15[20:38] Zhangyu gets a few looks as he explores. This port isn't so big a city that a newcomer to the docks like him will just slip beneath notice. [20:39] 6Probably shouldn't just throw the doors open, point at a guy, and yell "YOU!" at him, then. The attention is... hm. He's not keeping a low profile, but it'd be weird if he was. [20:40] 6He casually ignores any stares and makes his way to the tavern with the worst name he can spot. Bartender might know someone who knows someone, or maybe Chases-Waterfalls will have poor taste as well as poor luck. 15[20:43] Zhangyu pushes through the crowd around the door of "Naughty Dog" to find a long, narrow tea-house full of smoke and the smells of rum and rice wine. Sawdust crunches beneath his feet like snow as he bellies up to the bar, at least a dozen eyes on him. The barkeep fixes her one good eye on the newcomer and says, "What's your poison, stranger?" [20:48] 6He almost says "water." "Rum." 6He glares at anyone who looks bald and buff. Bartender gets an awkward nod and a pained grimace as the least-reassuring way of saying 'if I start shit, it's not going to be in here' ever. 15[20:51] Zhangyu gets his drink in a roughly hammered copper mug whose dents and rumples are obscured by a pattern of etching made to make it look like the outside of a pineapple. The barkeep wipes out another mug just like it with a mostly-clean cloth. "You look like you can handle yourself, but most nights trouble comes whether you're looking for it or not." [20:56] 6Zhangyu: "That's what I'm counting on." 6He takes a sip. Ugh, not as good as the stuff on the ship. "That, and that they'll regret it in the end." 15[20:57] "You looking for any kind of trouble in particular?" [21:00] 6Zhangyu: "Something I wanted wandered away without my permission. Just looking for the guy who has it." 6Sip. Okay, the second sip is better than the first one, but not much. "You're good with names, right?" 15[21:05] Earlier that day, Daizo set out with the same mandate as the others, to find whatever leads he could as subtly as he could about the fate of Furia and her fleet. The port city opens up before the young Tepet scion; little in it would be denied him. What does he want to do? 15[21:05] The barkeep: "I am, unless I need not to be. Can I ask who's asking?" [21:11] "Zhangyu. Just sailed in today." 6Let's see how she takes that before we use Tepet. 15[21:12] "That's not a local name... you a hunter?" [21:16] 10Being off the ship feels a good deal like paradise. But there's work to be done, both on Ratel's orders and to sate his own curiosity. So to begin with, Daizo's going to go looking for a temple. Large, but not too large. As orthodox as possible. Not the first destination a tourist might be sent to to pray for good fortune, but the ones where the locals turn to. [21:18] 6Zhangyu: "Looking for a Chases-Waterfalls," 6which isn't quite an answer, but it's also not NOT an answer. 15[21:20] Daizo's got several advantages in this search. One is that, by his own religious training, he's got a keen enough eye for the movements of local penitents. The Immaculate Philosophy is the supreme holy word in every corner of Creation lit by the Dynasty, and the prayer-ribbons and sacramental trinkets are, with some local variation, recognizable as the ones he knows from home. The 15[21:20] other is that he's just really fucking tall. Much easier to see the currents in the crowds on the streets when you're head and shoulders above them all. 15[21:23] Daizo follows the crowds to a large stone pagoda a ways off the main thoroughfare, in an area filled with the smoke of good food cooking and the sight and sound of children playing. A few of them, no older than eight or nine, scatter as the Tepet giant approaches, leaving the way into the temple clear. Several mostly older people are praying in silence and a short-haired woman stands 15[21:23] in the priestess's position behind a smooth stone altar, wearing the pure white robes Daizo's learned all too well mark a member of House Mnemon. 15[21:25] The barkeep scoffs. "Follow the smell of hashish. He's always around the way." 15[21:25] "Give him one for me, will you?" [21:30] 10Yeah, this feels right. Before he approaches the priestess he'll kneel and offer his thanks for a swift voyage and a prayer for strength in the tasks ahead.  [21:30] 6Larger sip. "I'll make sure to." 6He stands, leaving his half finished drink on the bar, with enough coin to pay for it thrice over. Let's find this den of iniquity and... hash things out. 15[21:36] Zhangyu makes his way out of the teahouse and into the street. There's a lot of different kinds of smoke on the air, from roasting meat to burning wood to the sickly-sweet scent of opium... but he's able to pick out hashish as he wanders around. While exploring he makes eye contact with a slightly heavy-set man wearing an open silk shirt, a short dark beard fixed squarely on his chin 15[21:36] and nowhere else. The man gives him a smile and a broad nod and looks pointedly past Zhangyu to the swinging doors of another, even seedier teahouse, this one with no visible name. 15[21:36] The hash smoke is coming from in there. [21:36] 10Daizo discreetly slips an obol into the offertory box and comes up towards the altar, taking care not to disturb the locals in his passing. "A moment of your time, Sister, if you would be so kind." 15[21:38] The Mnemon sister looks Daizo square in the chest and craaaanes her neck upward to meet his eyes. She's short, with eyes like flint and a face that's just reaching the first frosty slopes of middle age. She inclines her head past a beaded curtain to a private part of the pagoda lined with cushions for meditation. [21:40] 6Stern, quick nod. Thank you, mysterious stranger. Zhangyu heads inside in search of his target. 15[21:41] The Mnemon sister's voice is quiet, like paper on paper. "How may I be of service, brother...?" 15[21:43] Zhangyu sees his mark almost immediately, huddled at the back of the teahouse, big men on either side, all wreathed in a cloud of thick smoke. The man in the center is huge - bigger than Zhangyu, though likely smaller than Daizo, big and broad and square with a shaved-bare skull like a clay warrior's statue. [21:44] 10He'll keep his own voice low. His inside voice still comes out sounding a little like distant thunder. "Daizo. Tepet Daizo. For the moment, merely a lay graduate of the eminent Cloister." [21:45] 6Is there an empty seat? Making his way directly over and inserting himself has its appeals. If not, he'll simply have to create an empty seat. 15[21:45] Every seat at that table is occupied. 15[21:49] The Mnemon sister nods. "Faith is thin on the edge of the world. I'm always gratified to meet another student of the Philosophy. I am Mnemon Dusk. How can I help you, Tepet Daizo?" [21:50] 6He stomps up and glares at the people surrounding Chases-Waterfalls. I Can And Will Kill You, his glare says. He takes the first chair abandoned and turns his gaze to Chases-Waterfalls. "We are going to talk outside." 6It's not a question. 15[21:51] The man who must be Chases-Waterfalls gives Zhangyu a long, cool look and then takes a drag off the hookah. His voice tight with unexhaled smoke he offers a pipe to Zhangyu. "Nectar of the gods, man." [21:53] 6Zhangyu repeats: "We are going to talk outside." [21:54] 10May as well just face up with the painful truth. This is why he went to a temple, after all. "This is a little embarrassing, but… I have never been away from the Blessed Isle before. I'm going to be in the area of Abalone and the greater Wavecrest archipelago with the Imperial Service for some weeks, possibly months." [21:54] 6He makes no move towards the pipe. 15[21:55] Chases-Waterfalls looks at Zhangyu again, shrugs, and puts the pipe down. When he stands, the rest of his friends do too, and as they head outside, they're joined by about half the men and women in the teahouse. A crowd forms quickly on the street. [21:55] 10Daizo: "I'm in need of information, and if possible a reliable guide. If at all possible, I would like to apply for access to the Order's libraries in this region." 15[21:59] Dusk's thin silver eyebrow arcs upward. "Which branch of the Service is that?" [21:59] 6Zhangyu follows them outside, cracks his knuckles, and rolls his neck. "You have an invitation. It's mine." [21:59] 4There's a familiar face in the crowd outside. She was kind of drawing a crowd herself before the action moved outside. V'neef Piu's robe is...not quite too short for public. But it leaves a lot of room for free flexibility. [22:00] 6Zhangyu obviously isn't concerned about making a scene, but he might be about this getting back to the ship without an explanation. He'll talk to Piu later. 15[22:01] Chases-Waterfalls: "Are you serious? Fuckin' A." He rolls his shoulders back. "This is supposed to be my night off." [22:02] 6Tepet Zhangyu merely gets into his stance. [22:04] 4She's got two boys she's playing with right now, neither very seriously, and neither is the height, breadth, or depth -- especially not depth -- of the men facing off. [22:06] 10Daizo: "The Navy. But only formally the Navy, which is what makes it a delicate matter. And why I haven't come prepared with my own writ and interpreter." 15[22:07] Dusk: "Who's your commanding officer?" [22:10] 10Daizo: "Peleps Ratel, on the Defiance. Just pulled into port today." 10This is the tricky part. To lie by omission. He's got a sinking feeling he may have to straight-out lie to a priestess today.  15[22:11] Dusk: "I don't know her. Customarily such applications are made through the officer in charge... she's sent you to do it yourself?" [22:14] 10Daizo nods, looking a little abashed. "There are... political entanglements. She doesn't want to make waves." 15[22:14] Dusk: "Ha. That's rather witty." [22:15] 10Daizo blinks. "Oh! Oh, haha. No pun intended." 15[22:16] Dusk: "Well... I can tell this is an unusual venture, and we of course live to serve our cousins in the Service as surely as the lay faithful of Creation. You require a guide, you say?" [22:20] 6Zhangyu springs forward and immediately wraps his arm around Chases-Waterfalls' throat while slipping behind his back. As he thrashes, Zhangyu makes sure to also grab one of his arms - kata-ha-jime, it was called, absurdly coming to mind mid-struggle. Grandmaster Mushi was very particular on the names of holds. And so: sleeper choke into kata-ha-jime, still standing. No real harm done... yet. [22:21] 10Daizo: "Indeed. Someone familiar with Western customs and culture, possibly in the less civilized areas. Seatongue and a couple of the local languages. And most importantly, discreet and trustworthy. Not the kind of person you'd find hanging around in a dockside bar." 15[22:21] The crowd's agog at Zhangyu's swiftness and strength. Chases-Waterfalls is all but helpless in the smaller man's grip, red-faced, straining with his considerable might. [22:21] 4Mmmmmmm. [22:21] 14Interesting. 15[22:23] Dusk clucks her tongue. "Do you work better with a man or a woman?" [22:27] 10Daizo: "Woman. Better to have another perspective." [22:29] 4Piu hops up on the shoulders of one of the boys, draping her legs around his neck. He won't mind. "Mantis Style! Fuck yeah!" [22:30] 6Zhangyu twists slightly, and the arm holding the throat becomes even more secure while he lets the other arm free briefly. The reason why becomes clear: just elbow the guy in the stomach repeatedly, then re-apply the full choke. [22:31] "Wooooooooo-eeeeeeeeee!" 15[22:34] Dusk: "Hmm... I believe I have a local novice who can be of service to you. Will your mission be dangerous?" [22:34] 08Some guy in the crowd shouts "Don't kill 'im, that piece of trash owes me money!" [22:34] rte]ws 15[22:35] Chases-Waterfalls is clearly overmatched, but the man is very big and very strong and not without skill of his own. He almost shakes Zhangyu off his broad back... almost. [22:41] 10Daizo: "I will not place her in harm's way, and on my honor as a son of the Dynasty I will personally assume responsibility for her well-being." 10This isn't quite what Dusk asked. 15[22:42] "So it is dangerous." 15[22:42] "Good. She bores easily and she needs some sense knocked into her." 15[22:42] "Come with me." [22:43] 6He's choked the man enough. Keep the grip on the limb. Hurl him out with the arm that was formerly around the neck, spin him around, shove his head between the legs, lean forward to grip him securely, pull back, and drop. Go-Si's famous piledriver, banned in almost all legitimate competitions for the risk of death to its victims, but still taught among Mantis stylists for reasons that vary among the masters. "Just in case" or "to [22:43] teach control" or "You will know." [22:43] 6Zhangyu lands with a thud. Chases-Waterfalls is breathing, but not moving. Win accomplished. 15[22:44] The crowd goes fucking nuts. [22:44] 14Well, shit. [22:44] 10Daizo stands and offers a formal bow of gratitude. "Certainly, Sister." 10And thank you for not asking too many questions. [22:44] 4Piu: "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" [22:45] 08That guy from the crowd is already going through Chases-Waterfalls' stuff. But he'll take a biiiiiiiiiig step back if Zhangyu gets anywhere near him. 15[22:47] Dusk leads Daizo out of the temple to one of the nearby cookfires. Children scatter at the sight of the priestess, save the ones still eating. A girl who can't be older than nineteen is ladling stew into wooden bowls for the hungry, her frizzy dark hair pulled back in a rough ponytail. She has an islander's complexion and the cared-for clothes of someone who mends her own. She looks 15[22:47] up as Daizo's shadow falls over her, eyes widening briefly in fear before she stands at attention. [22:48] 6Zhangyu has first dibs. As he stands: "Had my ticket." 6He rifles through Chases-Waterfalls pockets until he finds what he needs. [22:49] 10Daizo: "Be at peace. I'm here to offer you a job, on Sister Dusk's recommendation." [22:49] 6Once he does, he's got to talk to Piu. Clear things up, about why he's fighting people in the streets. 15[22:50] Zhangyu finds a large, heavy red stone medallion, engraved with the characters HI-NO-KU-NI against a backdrop of stylized flames. 15[22:50] This must be it. [22:50] 4Piu has dispatched the boys with some whispers, caresses, promises she fully intends to keep, and discreet notes with addresses. [22:50] 4Then she'll stride up to Tepet Zhangyu with a hand on her hip. 15[22:50] It takes a moment to register but the fear that flickered across the girl's face... it wasn't at the sight of Daizo. [22:51] 6Zhangyu rubs the back of his head. "I can explain." [22:51] 6He's already pocketed the medallion. "Perhaps somewhere else?" [22:52] "Sure." 4When they're away: "Chases-Waterfalls, huh. Big guy, doesn't move great when you get on his back. Impressed you could lift him." 15[22:53] The girl stands and smooths her skirts. "Blessed to meet you, sir." 15[22:53] Dusk, gently: "Give him your name, dear." 15[22:54] The girl: "Oh! Of course!" She bows. "Seiri. Seiri Gansa." [22:54] "You didn't kill him, though. Hinokuni doesn't require that." 4She grins. "Ya big softie!" [22:54] 6Zhangyu, dismissively: "Poorly-trained clown. Couldn't even block a simple hold. But, uh, that's not - he had an invitation." [22:54] "Well, DUH!" [22:55] 6Zhangyu: "Right. Five-day fight victor, of course you know." [22:55] "I don't make a habit out of getting into fights in the street, is all." [22:56] 4Piu waves dismissively. "No, silly, I follow all this stuff obsessively. I think he won it off of...Last Best Drop, in a barfight that turned into a street rules, no disqualifications match due to the presence of a Hinokuni official that LBD accidentally hit with a flying mug." [22:57] 10Daizo: "Heaven smiles on our meeting today, Seiri. I'm Tepet Daizo, and I'm going to be traveling in the West for a few weeks. Possibly months. Sister Dusk recommended you as an able linguist. I may also need to call on you as a scribe, or maybe even a bookkeeper, should my stay become long enough." [22:58] "Didn't even knock LDB out to take it. Some rumors were it was a work, to get LDB mad and then cheat him out of a ticket with a screwjob." [22:58] 4She teasingly punches Zhangyu in the arm. It's playful, but it's clear that there'd be steel behind it if she wanted. "Not like you." [23:00] 6Zhangyu: "...I'd heard of Hinokuni but none of its participants. If that's the quality of competitor, I don't think I'll have any trouble." [23:00] 6Briefly breaking out in a smile: "How much did you see? And did it look as good as it felt?" [23:00] 4Piu laughs. "Oh no, Chases-Waterfalls was kind of a joke. You'll have better tests of your strength." [23:01] 4Almost squealing: "It was....awesome!!!!" [23:01] "A Go-Si piledriver...on such a differently-sized opponent...with such form!!!!" 15[23:02] Seiri's face gets strangely tight but her voice stays upbeat. "Oh, Sister Dusk has schooled me well, master Daizo! I can read and write and do figures and I'm a *very* quick study." [23:02] "AND you managed not to kill him, which is incredible, given the high rate of death!" [23:02] 6Zhangyu, blandly: "Grandmaster Mushi made sure we practiced all forms." 15[23:02] From behind Zhangyu comes a booming laugh. [23:02] 6He turns. [23:02] 4Piu spins. 15[23:03] It's that guy again. Open shirt, short beard. Big smile. He pounds his chest in respect. "An excellent display. Strength and style. I look forward to seeing you test your might against a real competitor." [23:05] 4Now she does squeal. "It's the Sublime Master Thief!" [23:06] 6Zhangyu: "Getting him out of the way? Or just interest?" 6After all, he did point Zhangyu directly to Chases-Waterfalls. 15[23:09] The beared man - who is indeed the Sublime Master Thief - beams and bows at Piu. "The one and only." To Zhangyu, he's only slightly more serious. "I mean, you saw him. Big man. No skill. No sense of humor. Very dull. You? Strong, scary, pretty. New. I like you." [23:10] 6Flatterer. 15[23:10] "You speak of Mushi? The Imperial Grandmaster?" [23:10] 4Stage whisper to Zhangyu. "If he tries to sell you his scroll, buy it! Or else!" [23:11] 6Zhangyu: "He trained me. Zhangyu," 6he offers. Unfair if only one side knows the other's name. 15[23:11] SMT: "Then you must know Son-of-Sabers!" [23:12] 4Piu turns to Zhangyu with WIDE eyes. [23:14] 10Daizo's eyes flicker towards Dusk before he continues on. "Excellent. You'll be paid, of course. We can discuss the exact amount later, if you'd like." 10Away from Dusk's prying eyes10, he doesn't say out loud. [23:15] 6Gruffly: "I know of him." [23:15] 6He pointedly does not elaborate. [23:15] 6After all, Grandmaster Mushi did not spend much time speaking of him beyond a general warning. [23:16] 4Is it weird to be really into a guy who would straight up murder you in the ring? Piu doesn't think too much about it! [23:16] 6No kinkshaming here. 15[23:17] Seiri still seems tense, but her voice is still all smiles. She's pretty good at this compartmentalizing thing! "By Sister Dusk's leave I am honored to serve the Realm that has given me so much." [23:20] 10Daizo: "Now, this is the part where I'd like you to think very carefully about my offer. You'll be traveling with me on an Imperial Navy vessel, and as such, some measure of danger is unavoidable. We may be called on to fight pirates or the like. I'll do the best I can to make sure that you don't come to harm, but if it comes to it, you may need to fight." [23:22] 10Daizo: "I can offer you some basic training in the Dragon Styles, if you wish. Still interested?" 15[23:22] Seiri: "I..." 15[23:23] A nervous glance at Dusk, who nods gently. 15[23:23] Seiri: "I would be honored to serve. I can spearfish and I have some training with the bokken, but I will gladly learn anything you have to teach me!" 15[23:24] SMT: "Would you two like a drink? I'll buy." [23:24] 4Piu: "Yesss!" 4She turns to Zhangyu. "Can we??" [23:25] 6Zhangyu, amused: "I suppose. I'm tired of rum." [23:26] 6A few things click into place about the Son-of-Sabers. Of course a Ragara would have been able to bribe Grandmaster Mushi, and of course they wouldn't have appreciated it. Kolu... hm. [23:28] 10Daizo: "Wonderful. Then say your farewells and gather your things, and meet me at the Swallow's Compass hostelry tomorrow morning." 15[23:29] Dusk: "I'll see that your chores are taken care of. This is a great opportunity, Seiri." [23:30] 6Oaf. Fool. Moron. Idiot. Ragara Kolu will become an example someday. 15[23:31] Sublime Master Thief leads the two of them off the docks. Now, well after dark, the light painting the streets and rooftops of Abalone city is violet. The ground rumbles gently beneath their feet like the chest of a great sleeping cat. The building they enter, a low stone structure, has no stragglers and a heavy door. He knocks once, and a slat in the door opens through which he reveals 15[23:31] his own Hinokuni badge. There's the sound of a heavy lock being undone and the door swings open. [23:31] 4So cool!!!! 15[23:33] Seiri claps her hands together, bows thrice more, and scurries away. [23:33] 6Zhangyu is keeping this. He considered tossing it back onto Chases-Waterfalls' body once he got to investigate, but nope. [23:33] 10Daizo already feels a little bit of kinship. That all-too-eager-to-please voice, well. He remembers feeling like that. "Thank you, Sister. Now, as to the matter of the libraries?" 15[23:34] Dusk: "Wonderful. Yes, the libraries. Our collections here in Abalone can't match what you have on the Isle, but we're not totally ignorant. What subjects do you need to research?" 15[23:37] The bar within is clean, bright, and well-appointed. The walls are heavy with history, paintings and carvings of great bouts, names any student of the martial arts will know. Weapons, both ceremonial and well-traveled, hang from the walls. Only a handful of men and women are drinking at this hour, but every one of them is incredibly fit. [23:37] 4Mmmmmmmmm~ [23:37] 14In the presence of history. [23:38] 4Piu will do her best to not fangirl out. 15[23:38] Tending bar is an older man with dark, curly hair and a thick groomed beard. The three of them get a curt upward nod. "New meat?" [23:38] 4She will get something fruity and light on alcohol. [23:41] 6Zhangyu resists the temptation to get the same, but gin and juice is preferable to straight rum. "Chases-Waterfalls was a clown." [23:41] 4Piu: "That's not fair!" [23:42] "Clowns are very highly trained." 15[23:42] Gin and Juche is the name of the drink, after the prefecture on the Blessed Isle. Popular in the North and the West. 15[23:42] SMT gets a big mug of sharp-smelling fizzy beer. "And funny." [23:42] 10This is the point where Daizo swallows his pride and starts bullshitting Dusk. But he's grown increasingly cold on the woman after seeing how the children go out of their way to avoid her. "Ratel's enemies are spreading rumors that she's dabbling in forbidden arts. Black thaumaturgy, necromancy, improper propitiation of spirits. I need to conclusively disprove her involvement in any such heretical activity. Part of the reason [23:42] she's recruited a lay scholar to her mission." [23:42] 6Ahahahahaha! 15[23:44] Dusk: "Oh my." 15[23:44] "That's terribly serious. Are you sure we shouldn't call in a proper exorcist? Someone from my own house, perhaps... I could give you names." [23:46] 6Zhangyu: "He was funny. Played at big and mean, lost in - what, 15 seconds?" [23:46] 4Piu: "Thirteen." [23:46] 14Actually, seventeen, but we're playing to a crowd here. 15[23:46] SMT: "Devil, this is Zhangyu, who studied under the Grandmaster Mushi. Took Waterfalls's badge like it was nothing." [23:47] 14And you can quibble based on when he locked in the Go-Si piledriver, and when it hit. 15[23:47] What the- Devil? Piu wonders... no. Could that be the Thousand Devil Master, retired champion of the Hinokuni now famous as its organizer, chief promoter, and the narrator of its fanscrolls? [23:47] 4!!!!!!!!!!! 15[23:48] Devil wipes a glass mug clean. "Good riddance." [23:48] 10Daizo: "As I said, she wants to avoid making waves for the moment. And the accusations have no merit whatsoever. I'm approaching this as a topic which can be easily destroyed with facts and logic." 10He thinks. "If the lid pops off of this, though? She might be grateful for that list." 15[23:48] He offers Zhangyu a hand. [23:49] 6What does Devil look like? Zhangyu shakes the offered hand regardless, but what are we working with here? [23:49] 4She manages to control herself, but still gives Thousand Devil Master wide-eyed looks whenever she thinks he's not looking. 15[23:52] Dusk: "What is the composition of your crew? Which houses, in which numbers?" [23:52] 6Ah yes. Him. That guy. Shit, his name probably came up in training, but there's absolutely nothing there. "Waste of an invite," 6he agrees. 15[23:55] Devil pours himself a shot of something clear and acrid-smelling and downs it before saying, "There's a lot of people you could say that about. Hopefully not you. From the Isle, then? Here to stay or traveling around?" [23:55] 10Daizo: "Do you know Mnemon Salim, Sister? He's traveled with us since Bittern." 15[23:56] Dusk: "No, I don't know anyone by that name. I've been overseas for quite a long time, I'm not in touch with most of my younger brothers and sisters." [23:58] 6Zhangyu: "Travelling for work. Looking for a scrap to let off some steam," 6he adds. Piu can work the crowds, Zhangyu in the locker room, he might even successfully keep their true purpose hidden. [23:59] 4That's in her skillset. [23:59] 4Piu's spending most of her time sneaking glances at the memorabilia about the room, and at some of the other guests, though not too openly. Wouldn't want to work herself into a shoot. 15[00:00] Devil nods. "Far as it goes, the only work you do that concerns me happens in the ring. But that cuts both ways, understand? We don't ask your business, you don't make your business our business. It's a simple rule that's kept the Hinokuni alive for over a century." [00:01] 6Zhangyu: "Wouldn't have it any other way." [00:05] 10Daizo: "Ah, no, the fellow with us is about your age. Yea high, dressed similarly as yourself. I assumed he was in direct service to the House… well, you know where to look now if you want to see the man for himself. Aside from him and myself, there's another Tepet, two Cathaks, two Cynis, a V'neef." 15[00:07] Dusk: "Mm. Interesting. Well, assuming a sufficient donation can be made to the temple here - we run the island's only orphanage, as well as education and religious service - we can easily see about getting you access to our libraries." [00:14] 10Daizo smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Of course. I'll arrange a monthly gift with the Abalone branch bank in the morning. I may need Seiri's help with a ledger sooner rather than later." [00:15] 4Piu slips out quickly, as much as she doesn't want to, leaving Zhangyu to his well-deserved comradeship, reward, and drinking. [00:15] 14Other business tonight. 15[00:17] Daizo's told he'll be able to access the library once the payment clears, which apparently doesn't happen until quite late in the evening. He's just about ready to go when Piu returns to the hostel. [00:18] 14Daizo...she hasn't spent, well, just about any time with the great monk. [00:19] 14He looks preoccupied with something. She'll head upstairs to change into something more modest, then head right back down, to the consternation of the sailors she almost flashed on the way up. [00:26] 4Where's Daizo sitting? Or standing? Probably sitting, given the ceiling is made for normal people. [00:29] 10Daizo's using a small sofa as a chair; he's both tall *and* broad. Looks like he's having some brown rice tea and sweets. "Evening, Miss Piu. I heard some rumors about Cousin Zhangyu making a big splash tonight. You don't happen to know what that's about, do you?" [00:31] 4Chipperly: "It's just Piu. And don't tell the captain, but he beat the everliving fuck out of a guy and DIDN'T kill him. In thirteen seconds!" [00:31] "He had tournament reasons." [00:32] "Whatcha doin?" [00:32] "Tournament reasons? Interesting. I'm starting to feel a little rusty myself." [00:33] 4She grins. "You should join the Hinokuni then!" [00:34] 10Daizo indicates the letter he's just unsealed. "I stopped by Yanagimori Temple today. I wanted to get access to the Order's libraries here so I can research Sadako's condition." [00:34] 4Piu: "Oooh." [00:35] "I'm now a big name donor." 10He rolls his eyes. "Is there a rule somewhere that all Mnemon monks have to be so much of a pain in the ass?" [00:35] 14Libraries aren't the target, and aren't of interest...but the people inside them might be. [00:35] 4Pleasantly: "As far as I know!" [00:36] "...But I'd be interested in learning about her condition." [00:36] 14... [00:36] "Might I come with you?" [00:36] 10Daizo: "Hah. Sister Dusk up at the temple's at least as much of a cold fish as Brother Salim." [00:37] 10Daizo: "Oh! Oh, sure. Research always goes faster with two." [00:38] 4Guilelessly: "Nice! That'd be great!" [00:38] 14Mnemon Dusk. [00:38] "When do you wanna leave?" [00:38] 14Let's go let's go [00:40] 10Daizo drains the remainder of his tea and pops a couple of sweets in his sleeve for later. "All finished." 15[00:42] The walk is short from the hostel. They find that the library is a small building set back a ways from the main temple complex. The guard is minimal, but present, at this late hour. Sister Dusk is there to greet them both with a keyring. She regards Daizo warmly and Piu neutrally. "Good evening, Daizo. We're so grateful for your generosity and are happy to assist in your endeavor 15[00:42] however we can. This is one of your companions?" [00:43] 4Piu is in a long robe and will give a graceful bow as required by courtesy. "I am." [00:44] "Indeed. I have the pleasure of introducinv V'neef Piu." 10Daizo wasn't expecting Dusk to be actually on site. He must have piqued her curiosity something fierce.  [00:44] 4A banal smile. [00:45] 14I know what you look like now. 15[00:45] Dusk gives her a once-over and smiles politely. "Well, I've got prayers at dawn so I won't be able to assist. I trust you know your way around a library, though." She gives Daizo the keyring. "Lock up when you're done." [00:45] 14So noted. [00:46] 4Will pleasantly gadfly inside behind Daizo, and not give Sister Dusk a second look. [00:46] *4Piu will pleasantly gadfly inside behind Daizo, and not give Sister Dusk a second look. [00:47] 10Daizo: "Of course. May your dreams be blessed." 10He'll head in. 15[00:48] The library is piled high with books and scrolls along narrow shelves. It's very cramped. Having Piu around will be more help than Daizo might've guessed. [00:49] "So that's Sister Dusk, huh?" 4Piu says as they head in. [00:51] 10Once the door is safely shut: "Yeah. I can't say I'm a fan. Obviously not every monk is going to live up to the ideals… but her?" 10Daizo sighs. "She's just a cold, cold fish." [00:52] "You've only known her for like. Half a day?" 4Piu clasps her hands behind her back, wandering around, looking. "What'd she do?" 15[00:54] This being an Immaculate library, there's a wealth of information on creatures of darkness. All the classic lore is here, the means of entering the Underworld by a shadowland at night... more esoteric lore is in the offing, if he knows how to plumb the stacks correctly. [00:55] 10Daizo: "Did you ever have a bad teacher? The kind that made you absolutely dread going to class?" [00:55] 14Yes. [00:55] 4Piu: "Oh, ALL the time. Some of that was on me, though." [00:55] "...Though dread was kinda special." [01:00] 10Daizo: "Right. All the kids looked at her like that. Even the grown woman I've hired on as an interpreter was terrified of her." [01:01] "That's just enough to put my teeth on edge right there. If you don't like children you probably shouldn't be managing an orphanage. Right?" [01:01] 4A bit more seriously, so he knows it's not leering: "How grown?" [01:03] 10Daizo: "Nineteen. Old enough for a mortal to be finished with schooling." [01:05] Piu doesn't really grimace very much, but this is close. "That's young. I'll try to keep the captain away from her." 4A slight grin now. "I have my ways." [01:05] 4Piu doesn't really grimace very much, but this is close. "That's young. I'll try to keep the captain away from her." 4A slight grin now. "I have my ways." [01:06] 10Daizo's unrolling a bunch of dusty scrolls, looking for other instances of the symbols he saw plastered on the walls of the ship. "Hah. I told her I'd defend her." 15[01:09] Daizo and Piu hit the books. There's a wealth of information on the undead -- understandable, with that strange death cult gripping the islands to the north -- and the region's history with it is quite extensive. Daizo's able to pinpoint the vessel they took Sadako from: the ancient Leaden Queen, which is not a Shogunate ship as it superficially appears but some hideous construct 15[01:09] from the seas of the Underworld, first seen in Creation back in the era of the Contagion. 15[01:09] The lore calls it unsinkable - a ship that will rise from any grave. It's marked by an ancient curse - no one who claims it is long for this world, but each shall have their heart's desire. [01:09] 4Reading over his shoulder, when she can: "That's...not good." [01:10] 10Daizo: "I assume Dusk raised her and then more or less pressed her into service here as a novice. If this works out I'll make sure I've set her up with a nice little nest egg." [01:12] 10A low bass rumble of displeasure. "No, not good at all. Even though we saw it sink, it may yet return." [01:13] "That'll be valuable intel for the Navy, at least. And as for Master Mushan, that part of the legend checks out too." 15[01:14] On Sadako, the readings are more obscure. Daizo is piecing together disconnected bits of information and synthesizing them in a way that almost amounts to original research. He wonders if anyone on Abalone knows what he's learning. One of the ironclad truisms of magic is that death is certain. You can raise a corpse, you can bind a ghost to block its path to Lethe, but the dead do not 15[01:14] come back to life. Naturally, this doesn't stop people from trying. 15[01:14] The mad, the desperate, the enterprising... many have tried, for countless reasons in countless ways, to undo death. They never succeed. But sometimes people rise anew. [01:15] 10Daizo: "That trick with the smoke. Air. Breath." [01:15] 4Piu: "Huh?" [01:17] 10Daizo: "Don't you remember? When Dryas gave her that huge blunt and she smoked the whole thing at one go." 15[01:17] These creatures are Anathema in the truest sense, unfit for life or existence of any kind in their cursed bodies, corpses animated beyond death, beyond even undeath... all of them subsist and inhabit the physicality of death. Some of these monsters bend their bones like whips and chains. Some draw hateful razors from their own shed blood. Some steal the very breath and flesh of the 15[01:17] newly or imminently-deceased. Often mad, but never mindless, each of them craves contact and purpose from one they call only Dark Mother. 15[01:17] On her, even the Immaculates are silent. 15[01:18] They're often found among the dead, hunting ghosts or avenging the murdered. [01:18] 4Piu shrugged. "I just thought she was cool." [01:18] 14Hrmmmmm. [01:18] 10Daizo: "Here, look at this passage. Aspect of Breath…" [01:19] 10He's got a good nine scrolls open now. 15[01:19] Savants are divided on whether this reanimation constitutes the spark of even the Solar and Lunar Anathema's exaltation. If this Dark Mother is a divine patron so endowed, then they would be Exalted. But this cannot be confirmed or explored. The closest thing to a term of art Daizo and Piu find in their studies is the liminally Chosen. [01:20] 4Piu: "That's kinda cool." [01:20] "I mean, also insane." [01:20] "But cool." [01:21] 10Daizo: "We've… got a big problem on our hands." [01:22] 14Maybe. Maybe not. [01:22] 4Piu: "It can't be THAT bad." [01:22] "I mean...she just...hangs out!" [01:23] "That's what she does now, yes." [01:25] 10Daizo: "What if she can't find her Mother, though? How long is she willing to wait?" [01:25] 4Piu: "And it's what we do, and what the twins do, and that dumb monk does. We've all got shit to settle." [01:25] "Sounds like a good question to ask!" [01:27] 10Daizo: "Hurmmmmmm. You've all basically adopted her by now." [01:28] 4Piu: "And should we not have? Would it be better to alienate her?" 15[01:30] The prescription for the liminals is death - true death, final death, utter annihilation. But this has been only rarely accomplished. Tales exist of such creatures rising from wounds that would slay mortals or even Chosen, from impalement to beheading to even being burned alive. [01:30] 14Piu, her voice becoming more serious: "Really, the question comes down to how you should treat children." [01:31] 10That stops Daizo cold.  [01:33] 10Daizo: "But— it says— can we really say that she's a child? A life beyond the natural order? A life beyond death?" 15[01:34] Beyond that, the lives of the liminals simply... continue. Some have lived for centuries, growing stronger and stranger as time passes. Do they ever naturally expire? Do they ever achieve their true purpose, whatever it may be? Do they find final comfort at the bosom of their Dark Mother? Nobody knows. [01:34] "This question merits further investigation." [01:35] 14Piu, who has been facing away this whole time, studying a shelf: "It does. Eventually her nature will show true. I have faith in our ability to change our futures. And her ability to change hers." [01:36] 4She turns and shrugs regretfully. "Or, bad things will happen. They have before." [01:36] "But more research sounds good. This has been fun!" [01:37] 10Daizo: "Mm. You have depth but you like to pretend you're shallow, Piu." [01:37] "It's a respectable survival strategy." [01:37] 4Piu, smiling: "It's how you survive." [01:38] 4She nods. [01:38] "Jinx." [01:38] 4Piu makes a warding sign, with a bit too much exaggeration. [01:38] 10Daizo: "All right. Now, here's the hard part." [01:38] "We need to make it look like we were investigating a completely different subject." [01:39] 4Self-seriously: "Tell me which books to put back in the wrong place." [01:40] 10Daizo: "Here, here, and… here. And see if you can get a little dust back on this one." [01:47] "And… A recent copy of the Mnemon ledger. Nice." [01:48] 4Piu perks up. "Mmmm? And where's Salim in there?" [01:48] "I bet he's a...fourth son." [01:48] "Maybe third." [01:48] 10A few minutes later: "Nowhere." [01:48] 14As expected. [01:48] "Not even struck from the books." [01:48] 4Piu: "What would that mean?" [01:49] 10Daizo: "He might be a Mnemon using a fake name. Or, he could be literally anyone with the guts to pretend to be a Mnemon." [01:50] "Doesn't this whole thing stink like a setup?" [01:51] 4Piu: "Of course it does, my dear Daizo." [01:51] "We're searching for a woman who has gone after the Scarlet Empress." [01:52] "Nothing about this seems right." [01:53] 10Daizo: "Yeah. Suppose so." [01:54] 4Piu: "But we should watch him closely." [01:55] "Like...what if he's here to kill somebody?" 15[01:55] Who would he be here to kill? [01:55] 4It could be anyone! [01:55] 10Daizo nods. "Yeah. He's definitely the most suspicious person within 10 miles of here." [01:56] 14She has decided she likes Daizo. [01:56] *malms [01:57] 10Daizo stretches and pops his back. "I don't think I'm going to be able to get to sleep now. The wheels in my head are turning. I think I'm going to go on a tea run. You want to look for some maps, travelogues, whatever? I did just hire the guide and all, but it never hurts to have another perspective." [01:58] 14She grins. "Absolutely." [01:58] 14Usually she's up all night doing other stuff. This...these are different muscles to stretch. [01:59] 10He tosses the keyring to Piu. "I'll knock three times, then pause, then two." 10He looks sheepish. "Old code from delving into the forbidden stacks." [01:59] 14Tradecraft. Even if novice tradecraft. Oh my. [01:59] 4She catches the ring. "Got it!" [02:02] "All right. Any requests?" [02:03] 4Piu: "Lapsang Souchong if you can get it! Forest Blackleaf is probably what you'll find, though." 15[02:15] The texts here are rich with knowledge about the Western seas, and over a long and tea-fueled night Piu and Daizo pick them clean. [02:15] 14She begins the work while Daizo is out, without knowledge but with discipline, and is an able assistant when he returns. [02:16] 10Lantern light, piles and piles of books, and a Fire Aspect research assistant to keep the tea piping hot. This is great. Not too hard on the eyes, either. [02:16] 4Hee.