15[20:02] Daylight comes to Abalone, but the sun is nowhere to be seen. Overnight cloud cover stole over the island, and a steady drizzle falls. This is early in the rainy season; storms and even monsoons will menace these islands in the coming weeks and months. 15[20:06] Few of the hearth took their first night of shore leave lying down. Piu and Daizo were working through the night on their research, learning much about Sadako and these islands and a curious fact about their monk companion. In the hours before dawn Daizo turns his attention to the bird that he recalls so vividly from that day (a rainy day like today) in Lord's Crossing, but can find 15[20:06] only references to the mythical and immortal garda birds... which that most certainly was not. He knows a fair bit about those now, at least. [20:07] 4Not really how V'neef Piu is supposed to be spending her nights...but ah well. 15[20:08] Zhangyu was never kicked out of the bar his Hinokuni badge entitles him to enter, though not long after he arrived the big man behind the counter was replaced by an old woman with the face and twitching tail of a cat. When did he finally head back to the hostel? 15[20:09] Dryas, of course, had perhaps the most harrowing first day, baited with a mystery and broadsided with a bizarre and dangerous offer from the intense Guild factor with the hard-to-pronounce name. What's on her mind as she rises that morning? [20:09] 6He stuck around just long enough to make an impression. Still not a big drinker. Still, he's got an in to an underground fighting ring, which he is definitely into for the information and not the fighting. [20:10] 6One hundred percent. [20:11] 10Hm. One mystery solved, and another revealed. Daizo puts the last of the books away. "Breakfast?" 10He looks a little bleary-eyed but shows no other signs of tiredness.  15[20:13] Daizo'll know that the hostel serves a hot breakfast for free. 15[20:13] So will everyone else, obviously. [20:13] 4Piu: "I could go for it. Then a nap." [20:13] 07Dryas rises from a restless slumber and slouches over to the window to gaze out at the rain-soaked island people making their way down the streets. Her fingers beat a tattoo into the sill as she considers her next course of action. She contemplates her aunt's words. 07Don't do anything I would! [20:15] 07Don't do anything your mother would... [20:15] 10Daizo: "It's a plan. How much do you want to tell the others? About Sadako, I mean. And Salim." [20:16] 4She shrugs. "I dunno if Zhangyu like...cares. Dryas probably deserves to know?" [20:18] 6It took him a while to get to sleep, lingering excitement and adrenaline from the fight - such as it was - keeping him from rest. But Zhangyu rises at his usual time and continues his standard morning routine, unless interrupted. In which case he will be very cross. [20:18] 10Daizo nods. "The Commodore should know about Salim, at least. I'm sure she alerady suspects." [20:18] 07Her stomach rumbles. Twenty minutes later, she makes her way downstairs to the hotel breakfast. [20:19] 14Keeping this quiet probably isn't going to work with someone as scrupulous as Daizo, anyway. [20:20] 4Piu: "Maybe leave the twins out though. They talk too much." 15[20:20] Breakfast is indeed hot - everything here has been passed over a fire in some form or another. There's a thick porridge of something sweet and vaguely starchy, salty fish and fried pork, charred and stewed fruit of various kinds, strong tea and coffee. Ratel eats ravenously at the head of the table, looking strange out of her uniform and in simpler clothes, while Caxi beside her eats 15[20:20] scorched pineapple one segment at a time with a skewer. The other sailors sit up and down trestle tables bumping shoulders with the other locals. [20:23] 10Daizo's still thinking as hee makes his way back to the hostel. It's a good thing people tend to just naturally get out of his way, or he might already have tripped on a couple. [20:23] 4Probably woulda just crushed them. [20:24] 4Piu eats light, since she'll be working out later. [20:24] 07Dryas basically takes one of everything and piles it atop her plate, mixing them all into a sort of enormous porridge-paste, which she eats delicately with a knife and fork. Caxi gets an instant of eye contact, Ratel a tiny nod of acknowledgment, as she makes her way to an empty section of the mess. 15[20:26] Not much shop talk in the mess, obviously, but Ratel looks up when Piu and Daizo come in from outside. They get a raised eyebrow. [20:27] 6Zhangyu takes in the porridge, the pork, and the tea, wearing a garishly pink shirt he did not previously own. He, too, looks up towards Piu and Daizo, impassive. [20:27] 4Piu gives her a slight grin in return. Ratel's probably been around enough to interpret that as 'later, in private,' and not necessarily about what they usually do later, in private. 15[20:27] Whatever her interpretive powers, Ratel seems satisied by this answer. [20:29] 10Daizo raises a hand in greeting and gives the Commodore a mod. He collects a little of everything himself, sets it down on the table, and goes back for seconds before even starting on the firsts. 15[20:29] Not long after Daizo and Piu settle in to eat, the front door swings open again, and then shuts, and then opens, and then shuts halfway, smacking into the back of a girl trying to drag an awkwardly-shaped and heavy-looking bag through the doorway. She looks bedraggled from the rain. [20:30] 4? 15[20:30] The girl scans the busy dining hall and practically hops up and down waving at Daizo. 15[20:30] "Master Daizo! Master Daizo!" 15[20:31] About half the room turns to look at her; the rest at Daizo. [20:31] 6Zhangyu was about to ask Daizo about Piu, but this is - "Cousin," 6he growls. [20:31] 4Did Daizo mention this girl? He did talk about Dusk. [20:31] 10Daizo directs one of the hostel servants to collect the girl's bag, then waves her on over to the table. [20:32] 07Dryas glances at one, then the other. Doesn't seem a lot of luggage. She takes a sip of the coffee.  15[20:32] The rain-soaked young woman looks alarmed at the prospect of giving up her bag, but doesn't put up a fight. She comes over to Daizo's part of the table and bows deeply with such force that a few drops of water scatter on Daizo and those near him. [20:33] 6Piu doesn't seem that put off, so...? What's even happening. [20:33] 10Daizo blinks. It takes him a minute to work out what Zhangyu is accusing him of. "Oh. Oh my, no, Cousin." [20:33] 4She grins over at Daizo. "This must be your interpreter." [20:35] 10Daizo: "Indeed! This is Miss Seiri Gansa. How better to explore the Archipelago than with the help of a native?" [20:35] 07Dryas looks back to the woman, her hand going to her throat to adjust the amulet around her neck. [20:36] 6He relaxes. "My mistake. Sorry." 6Not that sorry, though. Disharmony on the ship would be a problem. 15[20:36] Seiri looks around at the others, a complex series of emotions playing on her face that settles into a kind of faint horror. "Oh, yes! Sister Dusk sent me to help. I'll do whatever's required, sir." [20:36] 4Archly: "Whatever's required of the position, certainly." 15[20:37] Dryas's mind's ear is at odds with the girl's outward nervous energy. 15[20:37] Seiri Gansa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hC2w1cfCfM - When my words head for the cracks, will you have my back? [20:38] 10Daizo: "I'm looking forward to a fruitful professional partnership." [20:39] 07And there's Piu again. Dryas fixes her a look, in the hopes that she can see through her this time. [20:39] "Come on, help yourself to some breakfast." 15[20:39] Even sitting, Daizo's almost taller than the Commodore who walks up behind him, contemplating the new arrival. "Daizo? You secured an interpreter?" [20:39] 6Zhangyu is back to looking between Daizo and Piu. He continues to eat breakfast. [20:40] Iselsi Piu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkIZqLDDHBA -- Why do we live like this? Is it because it's true that ignorance is bliss? [20:43] 10Daizo nods. "Seiri, this is our captain." 10If he gives Ratel the full name and title it might stop the girl's heart cold. "Sister Dusk told me you were fluent in Seatongue, but how are your skills in the other local languages?" [20:45] Tepet Zhangyu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRqaAFUZtWQ -- I have devoted everything to fighting, because I want to feel alive. || I have to be a lonely warrior tonight. [20:46] 07Dryas scans a few of the others, perhaps to refresh her recollection. She listens for their tunes and is silent in the reverie as the others banter and discuss the details of the mission. [20:47] Tepet Daizo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm9OnGx_mPs — Days are changing with the weather | Like a riptide come rip us away 15[20:48] Seiri: "Oh, I know all sorts of languages. People come to Abalone from all over. I know mainline Seatongue, like what sailors will speak at port. There's dialects, from the fishing ships that come up and down the archipelago and the inlanders who don't like foreigners much at all. And then there's the Realm tongues, Low and High, and even a bit of Riverspeak from a girl all the way 15[20:48] from Nexus!" 15[20:48] "Wonderful, where people come from!" 15[20:49] Ratel: "...Daizo, could I have a word?" 15[20:51] Caxi murmurs to Piu, "The crew is going to eat her alive." [20:51] 6Zhangyu pauses with his food halfway to his mouth: "It is." 6He continues to eat. [20:52] 10Daizo was beaming with pride like he'd just promoted a queen. Then he clears his throat "Of course. If you'll excuse me…" [20:52] 4Piu, pleasantly: "I'm sure she'll adapt. And if she doesn't, Daizo might have to kick more guys into the water, which is also fun." 15[20:53] Caxi giggles. 15[20:54] Ratel takes Daizo out of the mess, to stairwell behind the kitchen. "Now, when you told me you wanted to secure the services of a retainer, I had pictured you hiring someone more... seasoned." [20:55] 6Speaking of tossing people into the water, are the Cathak twins present? 15[20:55] Nope. 15[20:55] No sign of Salim, either. [20:55] 6Suspicious. [20:58] 6After polishing off a final piece of pork, and sipping at his tea: "Have the Cathaks decided that starvation was preferable?" 6He would not object. 15[20:58] Caxi: "I'm sure they'll be down eventually." [20:58] 6Salim is Salim. Strong feelings are reserved for the Cathaks. 15[20:59] Caxi: "So where did you get to all day, Zhangyu?" [20:59] 10Daizo: "So had I, to be perfectly honest. But look at it this way, Commodore—this is the only way we can be certain we don't have someone who's working against us." 10This is an on-the-spot rationalization. 15[20:59] Ratel: "And you got her where?" [21:00] 6Zhangyu: "I met up with some old friends and made some new ones. Similar interests." 15[21:00] Caxi: "Enticingly vague!" [21:00] 4Piu grins at Zhangyu but remains silent. [21:01] 6Zhangyu goes for seconds instead of acknowledging the response. Yeah. Got 'em. [21:01] 10Daizo: "Yanagimore temple. I believe she's a foundling who was raised there." [21:01] 6His shirt says BAD GUY on the back. [21:01] *mori [21:02] 4Incredible shirt, really. 15[21:02] Seiri's still standing there awkwardly, looking at the others. [21:02] 6Duh. 15[21:02] Ratel: "You hired an orphan?" 15[21:02] "Tell me you hired her." [21:03] 4Piu: "Seiri! Over here." [21:03] 10Daizo: "I chose it more or less by drawing lots and seeing where the locals visited. I asked the priestess in charge for a person with a certain set of skills, but I expected to be sent to a trader's office or something." [21:04] "Of course! What do you take me for, a Guildsman?" [21:04] 4Much better than saying 'a Cynis' there. [21:05] 10Daizo: "I'll be paying her out of my own stipend. Ten yen a day plus expenses." 15[21:05] Seiri's eyes widen but she hurries to a seat by Piu. "Uh... hi. I'm Seiri. Wait, you know that, you called me here by name. I, uh, what's your name?" [21:05] 07Dryas eventually takes to swirling her food into a lumpy whorl like a child, for a moment, before pushing the plate away and lighting another one of her little white slugs. No Sadako? What is she, sleeping in? [21:06] 4Smiling: "I'm V'neef Piu. I'm a friend of Tepet Daizo." 15[21:06] Seiri: "V'Neef! Are you a merchant marine?" [21:07] 10Daizo understands this is a decent chunk of change, especially for someone who was sweeping out a courtyard yesterday. But while money can't buy loyalty, it can certainly go a long way until you can strike up a proper rapport. [21:07] 4She laughs. "No, I'm adopted. A daughter of the House. Basically they send me places to hit things." 15[21:07] Seiri: "But you look so graceful! Like a dancer." [21:07] 4She giggles. "I do that too." 15[21:07] Caxi hides her face behind her mouth. [21:08] 4Trying NOT to utterly corrupt this child within the first week on the ship. ...We're taking on a lot of kids or near-kids. [21:09] 6Zhangyu sits back down with a plate loaded with pork and another cup of tea, tearing into the pork with a vengeance. This Seiri... hm. [21:09] 10Like the rest of us aren't near-kids. [21:09] 14Sometimes you grow up quick. [21:09] 6Quick or the dead. 15[21:11] Ratel: "Listen to me. That girl isn't some bored patrician who won the lottery. She's an orphan. You just changed her entire life, her entire world. And you did it by bringing her on an incredibly important and likely dangerous mission. You have a responsibility that surpasses that of an employer. Do you understand?" [21:14] 10Daizo: "I told her there were risks and gave her the chance to turn down the offer. She still took it. She's got guts. And anyone who tries to hurt her will have to go through me." 15[21:15] Ratel: "Good." 15[21:15] Daizo and Ratel look up abruptly at the sound of people stumbling down the stairs. Two sheepish-looking girls in last night's clothes pass them and leave the hostel, shawls pulled over their heads against the rain. A minute or two later come the Cathaks. [21:16] 4... 15[21:17] They go about their breakfast with quiet vigor. [21:17] 6Zhangyu might have bent his fork. [21:17] 10Daizo: "Dragons preserve us." 15[21:17] Ratel: "..." [21:17] 4Dragons preserve me. 15[21:17] "Well. Let's go finish breakfast." [21:19] 10Daizo: "Yes. Piu and I discovered with some surprising intelligence last night, as well. We'll tell you once we're aboard again." [21:19] -with [21:19] 07Dryas rolls her eyes at how scandalized, just scandalized, anyone who has been on a boat with V'neef Piu and Mik Samperson for the last week could possibly be by the Cathak men. [21:20] 6Okay, so Daizo is still working the mission rather than... gallivanting. Good work, cousin. [21:20] 4Cynis Dryas significantly misapprehends V'neef Piu's reaction to learning the Cathak twins ah, double date that comprehensively, if she thinks it's being scandalized. [21:21] 6Also, "scandalized" is not the word I would choose. [21:21] 10Look. At least Piu and the boatswain have the decency to be coy. Most of the time. [21:21] 07She slams back the rest of her coffee and approaches Piu and Caxi. "Did Sadako outsleep these two?" [21:22] 4Really, he's more of a coxswa--Piu glances over at Caxi. Sadako is her, well, territory. 15[21:24] Caxi: "Sadako woke hungry late last night. She's probably owed another hour or two of sleep, but she can get it on the ship. I'll go fetch her. 15[21:24] " 15[21:24] After breakfast, Ratel calls senior staff to her study on the Defiance. This includes Salim, who arrives just as the meal is wrapping up. [21:25] 14Interesting. [21:25] 10Curses.10 Well, there'll be an opportunity to speak later. [21:27] 6Well, all right. 15[21:27] Ratel: "So, who wants to go first." [21:29] 4Piu: "Nothing to report~" 4She grins. "At least, nothing that Daizo can't report better." 15[21:29] Ratel looks to Daizo. [21:31] "Or Zhangyu!" [21:32] 14Having been present helping the two big lads on their own investigations should take any real attention off of what she was up to beforehand. [21:32] 6Zhangyu stiffens, but also, well. She did see it. 15[21:32] Ratel: "Zhangyu? Do you have something for us besides a pretty shirt?" [21:34] 10Daizo: "Very well. In addition to securing the services of our guide, I've also gained access to the temple archives. Piu was kind enough to assist me with researching and we've ideintified several locations of interest. I've written a summary for you—" 10He hands a sheaf of papers to Ratel. "I apologize in advance for the quality of my handwriting; I haven't had a chance to make a fair copy just yet." [21:34] 6Zhangyu: "I have a way in to Hinokuni, which required... a tussle at the docks." 6He winces. "No deaths, no publicity beyond "fight at the docks" and whatever they say about me that I wasn't around to hear. I'm expecting that some underground voices will make their way to me, given that." 15[21:35] Calmly: "Okay. Started a bar fight, joined an underground bloodsport. Daizo?" 15[21:35] Ratel blinks at the already-extended summary. "Ah. Thank you." 15[21:36] "Dryas?" [21:37] 10Daizo: "Furthermore, we were able to make a positive identification of the vessel we encountered. Known as the Leaden Queen, it is a true ghost ship. And has apparently returned on several occasions even after—well, that's in the report as well." [21:38] 6The fight was not at a bar, but correcting her seems out of place. [21:38] 07Dryas clasps her hands behind her back. "Made contact with Factor Nn Tloc. I don't think he knows why we're here yet. But seven hundred ships need provisions," [21:38] 10Note to self: find out if Seiri knows High Realm shorthand and if not, teach it to her. 15[21:42] Salim: "I was able to consult with sister Dusk, and discovered that a Wyld Hunt, under Ragara colors, sailed through two weeks ago. They headed north, and were vague on their purpose." 15[21:43] Ratel looks at the twins. [21:44] 10So they met after all? Interesting. 15[21:45] Ito Pan: "Right, so, we didn't do a lot of investigating exactly..." [21:45] 4Oh, I bet that's not true. 15[21:45] Ito Jun produces a piece of paper that unfolds five or six times into a map of the West the size of Ratel's desk, covered in ink lines. "But we did some math." [21:46] 6I'm sure. 15[21:48] "So the Wu-Jian tradewind comes in from the Southeast this time of year... and if you factor in the currents at the point where the Guild ships were abandoned..." He traces a large-ish circle over the Coral and Skullstone Archipelagos, and a chunk of the Northwestern sea. "...we think this is the effective range of the fleet, assuming it's stayed together. They're somewhere in here." [21:48] 10Daizo leans forward with interest.  [21:49] 6... 15[21:49] Ratel leans down to study the map. "Huh. You did do math." 15[21:50] Ito Pan: "It's a lot of ground to cover -- not ground, but you know what I mean -- but any other leads we find that point away from this circle, we can probably disregard." [21:51] 6They probably know more than Zhangyu, which is infuriating, but... 15[21:52] Daizo's... pretty sure this all checks out. How about that! Those calculations are quite sophisticated and even a bit inventive. [21:52] 07Dryas leans in to look at the map with wonder. [21:53] 4Whoa. [21:53] 10Daizo: "This is... actually quite excellent work." 15[21:53] Ito Jun: "Don't sound so surprised." [21:54] 6Zhangyu grunts. 15[21:54] Ito Pan: "What, did you think we were stupid?" 15[21:54] The two of them high five, knocking a bottle of ink off Ratel's desk, causing it to shatter against the floor. [21:54] 4Piu: "Heehee." [21:55] 6Zhangyu remains silent while gesturing to the spilled ink. 15[21:55] Ito Pan: "Ah shit." 15[21:55] Ito Jun: "Sorry." 15[21:55] Ratel, who might be pinching the bridge of her nose clean off: "It's fine. I'll take care of it. Good work." [21:55] 10Daizo: "You're not stupid at all, it seems. You just lack some discipline." 15[21:57] Ito Pan: "Thanks, man. I'm sure your homework is really good too." [21:57] 6Not allowed to fight them not allowed to fight them [22:00] 10Daizo: "Orichalcum stars for everyone today." 15[22:00] Ratel: "Good. This is a lot of useful information. I need some time with this. Take the day, if you have things to follow up on, and we'll meet again after dinner." [22:00] 4Chipperly: "Aye aye!" [22:00] 14It's time to plan. [22:01] 6It's time to fight. [22:03] 07Dryas nods. Then she'll check in on Sadako. [22:03] 10Mental exercise is all well and good, but there's no substitute for getting the blood flowing. 15[22:04] Sadako is in Caxi's room, curled up on a mound of cushions. She looks pale and lethargic. [22:04] 4Piu will grab a quick nap in Caedus's room, which may or may not be bookended with a short briefing and a...warm-up bout. Then she'll get her actual exercises in (a bit late in the day, but you can't skip) and eat a proper meal alone. [22:06] 07Dryas squints at her "Sadako? Are you alright? You missed breakfast." [22:06] "I'll catch up with you in town, Cousin. I want to see what this Hinokuni thing is all about." [22:07] 6Zhangyu: "It's fun. And - scum and villainy habitate. Good place to pick up rumors." 6And also a tag team bout would be great... [22:07] 10What 10does10 Zhangyu's shirt say on the back, by the way? [22:07] 6BAD GUY 15[22:07] Sadako groans and rolls over. "I'm tired." [22:07] 10Nice. [22:08] 6Duh. 15[22:08] Where is Piu preparing? [22:08] 4Exercises are best done back on ship, or really just in any open lot or courtyard. She can charm or pay her way into that. [22:09] 14Preparations are best done at a safehouse. Does Lao have one on let? [22:09] 07Dryas' nose wrinkles. "Tired of what?" 15[22:10] Lao's got property all over the city, including a nondescript building near the docks that Caedus told her they have the run of as a safehouse and staging area. [22:10] 14Caedus has hopefully already delivered her working clothes. 15[22:10] Of course. 15[22:12] Sadako: "What? Don't you ever get tired?" 15[22:12] Does Dryas have Caxi's door open? [22:13] 14What does she know about Sister Dusk? What does she need to find out? Caedus is hopefully the one doing the prep work on this -- she's not really trained for it. [22:14] 07Does the Cynis operate behind closed doors...? [22:14] 6Does Zhangyu know anything about the schedule of Hinokuni? He wants to ingratiate himself into the scene, but showing up at 10 in the morning to an underground fight ring might be taken the wrong way. 15[22:14] Dryas is more blunt than many of her cousins! [22:14] 6Or, the right way, but not the way he wants it to be taken. [22:15] 07It's true, 15[22:15] If Zhangyu went early in the day he would find people training and working out. Bouts don't start until after dark. [22:15] 6Time to spare, then. Who needs accompaniment? 15[22:18] The dossier Caedus has prepared for Piu runs as follows: Mnemon Dusk has been on the island for some twenty years, running the temple and the orphanage for the last fifteen. She has deep ties in the local community, including a long and stable relationship with the Guild, through whom she deals in slaves via the orphanage. She lives a solitary life, in a home within bounds of taste 15[22:18] and social convention for an Immaculate of her standing. No companions to speak of, no special vices... Dusk must be the most pious and fastidious human trafficker in the Realm. 15[22:18] Piu knows when she takes her dinner, and when she prays, alone, before bed. [22:19] 14So we do this with the Chain, not the Veil. Killing her at prayer seems correct, if a tad on the nose. She might be less prepared at dinner...does she prepare her own food? 15[22:19] She has food brought to her from the temple comissary. 15[22:20] Sadako doesn't seem hungover... she's cold, though, and looks clammy. Could she be getting sick? [22:20] 14Does Caedus have any information on how difficult it might be to poison that food? 15[22:23] Poisoning Dusk's food alone ought to be possible, with some finesse... but Piu's probably still have to kill her by hand. Dusk's quite mature in the blood. It could serve to incapacitate her, however. [22:23] 07Dryas takes a step closer and reaches towards her, gritting her teeth. "You don't look well. Ah, dragon's testicles. are you coming down with something?" 07Is this... ironic? 15[22:24] While Zhangyu waits for Daizo's meeting with Ratel to finish, he feels eyes upon him. [22:24]  [22:24] 14Poison is never the only answer, sadly. But it can commonly tip the scales. [22:24] 14That'll be the play. The safehouse has a workspace? 15[22:25] Naturally. In the cellar, near an indoor swimming grotto that Piu understands allows for entrances and exits directly from the beach by swimming between skillfully disguised rocks. [22:25] 14Useful. What materials does she have access to? Any ready-made poisons? 15[22:26] Sadako rolls over to look at Dryas, and Dryas sees the pale, rotting, mottled skin of a drowned girl falling off her face in awful chunks, milky white eyes and expression of incalculable age and hate over a mouth that opens, opens, opens-- 15[22:26] Sadako coughs, and the spell is broken. She sits up. "Maybe it's the food?" [22:28] 07Dryas hits her head on a bulkhead backing up, one hand scrabbling for the door, the other for the flamepiece she keeps at the small of her back - before pausing. [22:30] "I couldn't say," 07she replies quietly. "You know, my mother is probably the greatest doctor alive. But I never took to medicine. Maybe some fresh air would help?" 15[22:31] Sadako: "You're not busy?" 15[22:32] Daizo has Ratel's attention in private. "Something private?" [22:33] "You can come with me," 07she says, still a little too shaken to fully consider the possible implications. 15[22:34] Sadako climbs out of bed, still dressed from the morning. "Okay." [22:34] 14The poison of the sweetcane arrow frog. That will do nicely, if it's on offer. Very local; certainly the sort of thing in a Guild store. After all, she doesn't need it to kill. It looking like a botched poisoning is fine, so long as she is not caught. [22:36] 10Daizo: "Yes. Only Piu and I are privy to this information—one last thing we turned up in our investigation. The library I gained access to is a Mnemon house library, and as such, it had relatively recent copies of the House ledger. We took a look at it, and… there is no Mnemon Salim." 15[22:37] Ratel blinks. 15[22:37] "You're saying he's an impostor?" 15[22:38] Up on deck, Dryas and Sadako find Seiri talking to Salim. [22:38] 10Daizo: "Sister Dusk didn't recognize the name either, although they look to be about the same age. Either he's a Mnemon traveling under a false name, or he's an outright impostor." [22:39] "We'll get you some things in town as well. With Caxi and I, ah, sponsoring you, you'll need some of your own things. And it's a chance to learn a thing or two, and we can check in with Moke..." 07Dryas, still a little paler than usual, gives Salim a respectful nod and a tiny tilt of her head to Seiri. 15[22:39] Ratel: "He had a missive from Mnemon herself. Signed and sealed." 15[22:40] Seiri gapes openly at Sadako before shaking herself out of some reverie. 15[22:40] Salim's eyes narrow. [22:40] 10Daizo: "And that was the name in the missive? Salim, that is?" [22:41] "If this is confidential Im won't press you further. But in my opinion, there is something very fishy going on with this man." [22:42] "Brother Salim. Did we miss you at breakfast this morning? Or, perhaps, did you miss us?" 07she asks, in that Cynis way. 15[22:47] Ratel takes it out of a drawer and rereads it. "...commend to your care our brother Salim, who is steadfast and capable and shall not fail you or his House." 15[22:48] Salim: "I woke too early to partake, and when I returned after my morning calisthenics the meal was already concluded." 15[22:49] Seiri, to Sadako: "What's your name? I'm Seiri." 15[22:49] Sadako: "Sadako." 15[22:49] Seiri: "That's a real pretty name, Sadako." 15[22:50] Salim takes Seiri by the shoulders and physically moves her away from Sadako. "Be wary, girl, of what you do not understand." [22:51] 07Dryas, smoothly: "Something you and Sadako have in common, this morning!" [22:51] 10Daizo heaves a low rumbling sigh. "Far be it from me to question the Mnemon's judgment. Forgive me for my suspicion." 15[22:52] Ratel taps the note against her desk. "It could be a forgery," she says. 15[22:52] Sadako casts a baleful eye up at the monk. "You first." [22:54] "I don't think a trip to the market should be too difficult to understand, for either a monk or a Thresholder. 07But please, have a Blessed day for me," Dryas interjects, gesturing to Sadako that it's time to get to work. [22:54] "I don't think a trip to the market should be too difficult to understand, for either a monk or a Thresholder. But please, have a Blessed day for me," 07Dryas interjects, gesturing to Sadako that it's time to get to work. [22:55] 10Daizo looks up again. "I suppose that if one is pretending to be a Mnemon of high standing, then it is no more or less dangerous to also forge a letter of introduction." 15[22:55] Ratel: "Have you any skill with detecting forgeries?" 15[22:56] Piu prepares and rests. Soon night steals over the island. [22:56] 14Time to get dressed. 15[22:57] Dryas takes Sadako to the market. People pay the Dynast appropriate respect, her reputation already building by her and Moke's handiwork. But people seem to ignore her ward. [22:58] 10Daizo thinks, wheels whirring to life in his mind once more. "Perhaps not this specific kind of forgery, but I have received training in recognizing false documents purporting to be lost Immaculate Texts." [22:59] 14In the skull mask, hood and robe, with the Chain on her wrist and the rooftops of Abalone out in front of her, Iselsi Piu wears her true face. [23:00] 10Daizo: "And there is an entire library of Mnemon documents to compare it to.…" 15[23:02] Ratel: "Be discreet. If anyone sees you carrying around a letter with Mnemon's seal, much less a potential forgery, the risks are great. 15[23:02] " 15[23:03] "Maybe wait until dark?" [23:05] 10Daizo: "Of course. And I'd like your permission to take Seiri with me. I couldn't have gotten this much done without Piu to assist me, but I believe she has other plans tonight." 15[23:06] Dryas finds their reactions strange, since the girl is practically clinging to her and follows a bare half-step behind. But she's practiced at following sightlines and some careful attention reveals to her that it's not anonymity or respect that averts their gazes. They simply can't see her. [23:06] 10Daizo: "I will not, of course, tell her the true purpose of our foray." [23:06] 4Piu did mention something about some boys on the docks she'd connected with, outside of Zhangyu's fight... 15[23:07] Ratel: "I'm sure she's doing something productive. She's playful, but not a dawdler." 15[23:08] "By all means, take your translator." [23:08] 07Dryas pauses in the midst of the market - she had been collecting herself to launch into a well-practiced lecture - before stooping into an alcove with Sadako. "These people, they don't see you? Are you doing something on purpose?" 15[23:10] Sadako: "Obviously. There's too many people here." [23:11] "Too many people here for what?" [23:12] 10Daizo: "Right. I'll return by dawn." 10He turns to leave, then turns back. "Thank you, Commodore. I won't let you down."10 He's not just talking about the letter. 15[23:20] Piu has a clear path from rooftop to rooftop to the site of the temple, but some of those jumps are pretty big and offer little cover from the street. 15[23:22] Sadako: "For anything. It's too crowded. Don't you feel it? All the heat and the movement and the sound of everyone breathing..." [23:22] 14Good. Been awhile since she's had a test this exhilirating. 15[23:23] Daizo surfaces to find Seiri awkwardly standing around while Mnemon Salim meditates quietly. [23:26] 07Dryas stares for a moment as she rifles through a few strings of cowrie shells. "Exactly. But: Think big, think positive. Never show any sign of weakness. And always go for the throat. Buy low, sell high. Fear? That's the other guy's problem. Here, it's kill or be killed. Make no friends and take no prisoners. You ready?" 15[23:27] Tonight, Hamoji's caldera flares golden, and whatever's blowing off the top in great flickering clouds is light enough to cling to the air and drift out to sea where it falls like gentle snow. On the rooftops, with an unfettered view, it's quite a beautiful sight. But from the roofop of the temple's kitchens and dining-house, Piu likely has more than the scenery on her mind. What's 15[23:27] the approach? [23:29] 14The basic idea is to access the food at the last possible moment before consumption. Arrow frog venom will do best in a liquid, so Piu's looking for a pot of tea preferably set aside for the Sister's dinner, but maintaining heat. She doesn't want to put the poison in while the tea is at boil; while hot liquid won't damage the poison, boiling it could. [23:29] 14Poison the tea at the last possible moment, then get into the residence and the dining space before the food and conceal herself. 15[23:31] Piu perches on a low rooftop, looking through a high window at the movements in the kitchen down below. 15[23:32] She notices two things: one is that while almost all of the food is being sent directly into the dining halls, there is an as-yet empty ceramic tray set aside with fine cutlery and a teapot. The other thing she notices is that almost all the cooks are young. Younger than Seiri. [23:33] 14...Righteous kills are rare. [23:33] 14And in this life, they are a blessing. [23:34] 14If Piu is relatively certain the pot will have the tea transferred to it, rather than boiled in it, itself -- and she should be able to tell by watching the guileless workflow of the children -- that will be her target. 15[23:34] The tailor is alarmed to see Sadako, as if she appeared out of nowhere from behind Dryas. But she consents to be fitted. Is it she or Dryas who chooses the outfit? 15[23:34] It seems like Piu's supposition is correct. [23:35] 14The good news about arrow frog poison is that it will be debilitating, not necessarily lethal. If the worst happens, a taste tester won't be immediately felled, just incapacitated. [23:35] 14But that is a risk one takes. [23:36] 07Dryas will allow her to choose this thing, but reminds her of its purpose - something more socially presentable. [23:38] 14The Chain is useful here, as is the large and ill-fitting flue and the exposed timbers of the kitchen roof. Guards don't even look up -- children impressed into culinary duties are even more focused on chattering, their work, or cowering in fear from those who would punish chattering instead of fully pursuing their work. The venom slides drop by drop down the Chain, into the teapot, [23:38] 14and then Piu withdraws to prepare for the kill. [23:41] 10Daizo glances at Salim, then heads over to his, let's be honest here, new ward. "Are you settling in all right?" 10He hunkers down to be a little bit less of a looming terror. "If there's anything you need from the ship's stores, you can ask Mr. Samperson and tell him I sent you." 15[23:41] After a short while Sadako presents in something blue and gray, with dark tights and knee-high boots. https://i.imgur.com/0tYirA4.png 15[23:42] Seiri looks up. "I'm fine, thank you. Just a bit..." She bounces on her heels. "Need any help?" 15[23:43] And now the wait. Where does Piu set up? [23:45] 07Dryas approves, and will see to it that she's able to secure other sundries that she might need, enough to fill a trunk at least. And also... "Do you fight? Would you carry a weapon?" [23:45] 14As close as possible. How isolated and sequestered are the sister's quarters? Is there a good vantage point in the dining space itself? She will have to pursue the kill as soon as the poison hits, even if there is a child in the room. The kill will take less time than the child getting help. Ideally, however, Sister Dusk doesn't deign to sup until the slaves have left. [23:46] 10Daizp: "The captain's asked me to head back into town to look up something in the temple library in more detail. So you'll be coming with me. Nothing hard, just fetching books and scrolls, and taking a few notes for me." 15[23:47] Seiri: "Oh!! I love the temple library. I've only been in twice." 15[23:48] Piu watches a child of about Sadako's age carefully load soup, bread, and tea on the tray and carry it carefully out of the dining hall, across the courtyard to the small pagoda reserved for the master of the temple. [23:48] 14Ahhhhhh. [23:48] 14She'll want to be in position before the child arrives... [23:49] 10Daizo grins. "Just two? Before we leave Abalone I'll make sure you get put on the list of people allowed in. And they can't say no, because I'm a sponsor now." 15[23:49] Seiri: "!!" 15[23:49] Sadako flexes her fingers. "...no weapons." 15[23:51] It's quite late in the afternoon by the time Seiri and Daizo make it to the library. 15[23:51] Dryas is beckoned at the door. It's that girl from yesterday, with the missing fingers. Nn Tloc's runner. "Lady Dryas?" [23:52] 07Dryas: "Alright then. Have I forgotten something? What else would you like, while--" [23:52] 10Daizo: "Oh! That reminds me." 10He hands over a string of cash, yencoins glittering in the late afternoon light. "This is your first week's pay. And a little extra as a welcoming gift." [23:52] "--Yes?" 15[23:52] Seiri: "!!!!" 15[23:53] "Oh, I can't accept this. I haven't even done anything yet." 15[23:53] The runner: "Lady Dryas, the Factor requests an audience at your earliest convenience. When can I tell him to expect you?" [23:54] 10Daizo: "All right then, let's see if we can find what we're looking for. And then you'll have done something." [23:59] "I shall not keep the Factor waiting. I shall join you momentarily." 07She turns back around, busying herself with a bolt of silk until the slave departs. [23:59] 10It's… a lot of money. Pocket change for a Dynast, even a relatively poor Dynast like the Tepets are these days. Ratel's words come back to him: "…a patrician who won the lottery…" 10Maybe that's why he's suddenly feeling so generous. [00:00] 14...And it seems she'll be able to do that rather easily. Iselsi Piu doesn't get easily offended, morally, on missions, but in her professional capacity...children? Really? 15[00:00] At least Samsa was suitably paranoid. [00:00] 14She keeps her eyes open for a hidden hook or crook to explain why this Sister feels safe surrounding herself with the child slaves she abuses. 15[00:06] Piu watches the child vanish into the pagoda, and sees him re-emerge in Dusk's private office, which Piu can see through an open window. The rain's beginning to fall again, and the night is cool. Dusk says a quiet prayer and begins to eat. [00:07] 14It's time. [00:09] 10The second evening of research proceeds apace. There are a few of the things in Ratel's report he wants to double-check, after seeing the Cathak twins' map. But he's really looking for other documents signed and sealed by Mnemon herself.  15[00:15] Daizo compares notes extensively with other writings, particularly theological tracts by Mnemon herself. The writing is definitely hers. Daizo's certain of that. But there's something about the text... the ink seems to swim under his vision the more he stares at it - this must be sleep deprivation getting to him. [00:20] 10It has been a solid day and a half at least.  15[00:21] Daizo takes a break to clear his head. Takes another crack at the bird -- finds something. A small mention in an old deuterocanonical text of the Thousand-Year Shrike. One head heralds the birth of nations; the other grieves the death of gods. 15[00:24] Interesting. Maybe useful. Back to the note, as the shadows grow long from the windows and distant thunder rumbles. 15[00:27] It's only after eating that Dusk takes her tea. [00:28] 14Non-ideal for absorption. Very ideal for positioning. [00:28] 10Daizo: "It's getting ugly out there. Maybe we should get back to the hostel…" 10Now he's running a thumb over the paper and the ink, turning it over and over.  15[00:29] The wind through the windows blows out the candles in the library. For a moment everything is pitch dark. And Daizo sees. 15[00:30] The words in the dark don't *glow*, exactly, but they're plain as day in the brief pitch darkness. Old Realm pictograph in an elegant hand, save the characters at the bottom, which are so merciless and square that they look to have been rendered by stamp rather than brush. [00:32] 10In a low voice. "Dragons preserve us." 15[00:32] 11,5The maiden became a mother, and to one child she said, "I have many things to show you." 15[00:32] 11,5And to another, she said, "Rest within my home and eat. No need to fly." 15[00:32] 11,5And to a third, she said, "How beautiful you are." 15[00:32] 11,5And as each heard her words and came to the center of her web... 15[00:32] 11,5she ate them. 15[00:32] 11,5EXECUTE ORDER: 66 15[00:33] Dusk barely has time to put the cup down before she stiffens. 15[00:34] One hand clutches her throat. The other reaches for the hammer for the gong on her desk. [00:34] 14Cuileagan bàis. [00:35] 10Daizo: "Seiri?" 15[00:36] Seiri's busy trying to re-light candles now that the wind's died down. "Yes?" [00:40] 10Daizo: "You did good work tonight." 10He looks a little pale. "This is the third time I'll ask you, and then never again. Are you sure, truly and absolutely sure, you want to leave your old life behind and come with us?" 15[00:41] Seiri doesn't hesitate. "There's nothing left for me here." 15[00:42] "What's wrong?" [00:43] 14From the shadows of the pagoda rafters, the gleaming skull killer falls on Sister Dusk from behind, the shining garrote wrapping around her throat. [00:44] 10Daizo: "That monk you met on the ship, that Salim? I think he might be dangerous. Really dangerous." 15[00:45] Seiri blinks. "He's no monk." 15[00:45] "Why, I was up on decks doing my afternoon prayers and he came up and asked me what I was doing." [00:49] 14No greeting, no taunt. Piu pulls up, dragging Sister Dusk to her feet, then kicks the chair away to drive her down to the floor with a knee in the small of her back. [00:51] 10Daizo: "He what?" 10And then a little stab of guilt. Caught up in all the commotion, he forgot to offer his own afternoon prayers. 15[00:52] Dusk bucks against her assassin like a fish pulled on deck. Something bright and glittering slips into her hand and she stabs at Piu blindly. No purchase. [00:54] 15Blocked with an elbow easily. She yanks again. This fish has about run out its line. [00:54] 14Blocked with an elbow easily. She yanks again. This fish has about run out its line. 15[00:54] Seiri: "I thought maybe I was praying weird, but I did it like Sister Dusk taught me." 15[00:56] Did Daizo lock the library door behind him? [00:58] 10With Piu they locked themselves in. But with Seiri—half the crew already thinks he's bought himself a concubine. His conscience didn't feel right locking them in together.  15[00:59] Then the door creaks open, and a fresh lantern shines on Daizo and Seiri's work. 15[00:59] Mnemon Salim enters, and the storm follows him. 15[00:59] "Good evening." 15[00:59] "May I assist?" [01:03] 10Daizo conceals, perhaps a moment too late, the forged document in his sleeve. "No, Br—. We were just finishing up, about to put things back on the shelves. There's no need to trouble yourself." 15[01:04] Salim hangs up the lantern. "I'll help you, then." [01:04] 14Another stab back. Blocked with an elbow. Another stab back. This time Piu's elbow hits the back of her hand and knocks the shitty little blade free, sending it across the room. And then, still strangling... [01:04] 14Iselsi Piu stands up. [01:06] "Na cuir a ’choire air a’ chloinn, uilebheist. Cuir a ’choire air taigh Iselsi. " [01:06] 14She drives a foot down on the back of Sister Dusk's knee and pulls up at the same time, and hear three separate cracks. [01:07] 14Piu lets the body fall, pours the rest of the poisoned tea over her body, and leaves the way she came. 15[01:08] Words may fall. The body remains. 15[01:08] It's storming outside now. The rooftops are slick with rain. 15[01:11] Piu looks down in the courtyard and sees Mnemon Salim carrying a lantern toward the temple library. She can't see much in the doorway, but Daizo's big boot is unmistakable. 15[01:12] Salim's eyes linger on the desk and Daizo's sleeves for an agonizingly long moment, but then he says, "Discover anything interesting in our house facilities?" [01:13] 14...She examines herself. Chain back around her neck, she drops the mask and the over-robe in a hideyhole for Caedus to recover later...she can give herself an alibi. [01:13] 10Daizo nods. "Many hands make quick work." 10He's going to work quick, so 10fucking10 quick— [01:13] 14No blood. That's the advantage of the Chain. [01:16] 14It's a hop, skip, a jump, another hop, and a LONG jump down. Mask and robe go in the work bag, shoved in a hasty carve-out for either her or Caedus to recover later. The rain is hopefully heavy enough that she'll be soaked by the time she hits the library. Does she have a convincing path to have taken here that explains both why Salim didn't see her on the way in and which doesn't [01:16] 14imply she just came from what will soon be a crime scene? 15[01:17] She could go around the library from behind, creep under the windows, and then come in from the east, where the orchard is. [01:17] 14Sounds good. [01:17] 14So it will be that she enters right as Daizo talks about many hands making quick work, 4and chipperly agrees, "Yeah!" [01:19] 10You would think it was two minutes before closing time, the speed at which the huge man is reshelving books. "Seiri, tell him what we found out about…" [01:19] 4She keeps healthy distance from Salim, but not so healthy he can't see precisely how well the rain has defined her curves. 14And not so healthy she can't get between him and anyone else in the room if he moves. 15[01:20] Seiri: "...the Maw of Toto-Rak! Do you know it's supposed to be the corpse of an old dragon that fell into the sea as it died? The Immaculates used it as a prison before they took Pneuma and the Nail." [01:21] 10Daizo: "Evening, Piu—" 10There, there, there, and there. "—glad you could make it after all." [01:22] 4She shivers a little performative. "I'd feel better warming up if not for, you know. All the paper." [01:22] 4She shivers a little performatively. "I'd feel better warming up if not for, you know. All the paper." 15[01:23] Mnemon Salim looks at Piu with a hungry focus she's used to from men, but not from him. "Busy evening to take you out so far in the rain. Did you like the orchard?" [01:24] 4A wide-eyed blink. "You could tell?" 4Without waiting for an answer: "Maybe if it wasn't raining or dark..." [01:25] 10Daizo: "Don't worry, we'll be out of here in no time." 10To Seiri: "That's the place. They have those weird walking plants with the long tendrils—morbol, wasn't it? But everyone calls them cats for some reason." 15[01:25] Seiri: "That's right, Master Daizo." 15[01:25] Salim: "It seems Daizo and young Seiri were following up on leads you discovered last night." [01:26] 4Smug smile. "Well. I didn't think I did so much." 15[01:26] Salim: "You may underestimate your talents. I do not." [01:27] 4A self-effacing chuckle. 14Don't you? [01:28] 10Daizo: "Well, technically they're members of the ochu family, but—" 10He can keep this spinning for a little while still. But the tables are pretty well in order, and although Salim's giving him the stinkeye, the ruse appears to have worked.  15[01:29] Salim: "Well. This all seems to be in order. Let me walk you all back to the hostel." 15[01:29] NEXT TIME: Night of the Hunter