15[19:22] Zhangyu has some hours to kill before he can begin his evening's work, and he spends at least some of it on the ship. What's he doing that afternoon, say an hour and a half after lunch, when he feels eyes upon him? [19:27] 6Does the ship have any sparring dummies he can beat up? Aside from the Cathak twins - he'd rather his training partners not talk back right now. Even if it doesn't, Zhangyu would find a room to practice in, at the very least to stretch and work out. It's calming, doing squats and replaying the public fight in his mind. [19:29] 6When he feels eyes on him: "Speak." [19:29] 6He doesn't stop doing squats. 15[19:31] A girl's voice pipes up: "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, sir. The rest of the ship's just so quiet I came to see what the creaking was. I shouldn't interrupt--" It's the girl from breakfast. Daizo's new retainer. Does Zhangyu remember her name? [19:36] 6S... something. See... say... Seiri! "Seiri." 6He turns to her, still wearing his pink shirt from breakfast. "I was just finishing." 6A lie, he still had at least ten more minutes, but he can cut it short this once. How's she look, having been called out? 15[19:37] Nervous. But as far as Zhangyu's seen, she always looks nervous. Maybe her face is just like that? "Oh. Are you sure? Because I can leave." [19:42] 6Most people tend to look nervous around Zhangyu. It's a talent. "No. I'd been meaning to speak to you, outside of breakfast. My cousin hired you?" 15[19:43] Seiri: "Yes, sir. Just yesterday." [19:47] 6Zhangyu: "What are your intentions towards him?" 6He very carefully keeps all menace out of his voice. 15[19:48] Seiri blinks. 15[19:48] "I'm sorry?" [19:51] 6Zhangyu: "I thought I was fairly clear." 6Hardly going to be able to translate or take dictation if she can't listen to a simple question. The arrangement must be temporary. "But perhaps I misread the situation. Tell me about yourself." 15[19:56] Seiri still seems wrongfooted, but she recovers well enough. "I... there's not much to tell. I work at the temple, for Sister Dusk. She took me in when I was just a little girl, after my parents died. She runs the orphanage, you see, in town. Part of the temple." [19:59] 6Zhangyu: "That's where you picked up languages, I assume?" 6Orphans. Hrn. 15[20:02] Seiri: "Oh, yes, sir. Sister Dusk's real smart, and she schooled me in all sorts of things. And Abalone's a port, so people from all over come by speaking their languages. And I love to read, and there's only so many books and scrolls at the temple in Seatongue." [20:06] 6Zhangyu: "Hrn. Has my cousin said for how long you'll be with us?" 6No parents, heavy reader, constantly nervous... [20:07] "Oh, how interesting," 4says Piu, stepping out of the shadows with a bounce. She can be very sneaky when she wants. Smiling: "Good evening, Tepet Zhangyu. Stretching?" 15[20:07] Seiri shakes her head. "He said you--" She starts a bit when Piu appears. "Oh!" [20:08] 6Zhangyu: "Just finished." 6Dang, she's good. "Staying limber for tonight." [20:10] 4Her smile widens. "Fight night?" 15[20:10] Seiri: "Fight??" [20:10] 6His grin is feral. "That's the plan." 15[20:11] "What- why??" [20:12] 6To Seiri: "Hinokuni," 6as if that explains everything. 15[20:12] Seiri's eyes widen. "But that's illegal!" [20:12] 4To Seiri: "Zhangyu is a practitioner of the deadly art of Mantis Style, something the big, sweaty hulks down in the bloodsport cages are gonna find out in the Hinokuni." [20:12] "I know!" 4She clasps her hands together. "Isn't it great!" 15[20:13] Seiri: "Gosh!" 15[20:13] To Zhangyu: "What do you fight for?" [20:15] 6Zhangyu raises an eyebrow. "That's some question." 15[20:16] Seiri looks between Zhangyu and Piu, a little overwhelmed. [20:18] "I fight for, hm." 6'Recognition' is a bit too honest. "The challenge, mostly. But tonight, it's to see who'll talk, and I get to fight as a fun bonus." 15[20:21] Seiri: "Talk about what?" [20:23] 6Zhangyu: "I've got some ideas, but frankly, anything they talk about is probably going to be interesting." 6To Zhangyu, if not the ship at large. 15[20:24] Seiri nods slowly. To Piu: "Are you going to fight?" [20:32] 6Zhangyu: "They do have two-on-two fights, though I was planning to ask Daizo... hm." [20:33] 4Piu perks up. "Well...if I'm asked...but I'm more of a fan than a participant!" 15[20:34] Seiri: "Does Master Daizo fight?" [20:36] 6Zhangyu nods. "All of us do, though some of us more than others. Was self-defense covered in your reading?" 15[20:39] Seiri: "I can spearfish, and I've practiced some with a bokken... but not really." 15[20:40] "Master Daizo said he could teach me the Earth Dragon style, if I liked!" [20:42] 6Zhangyu: "If you'd like to learn Mantis style, I could train you, though I'm not sure it would be the right fit for you." 6Or that she would enjoy the training. "Something simpler might be better. Being able to defend yourself is important, though." 15[20:43] "Is there going to be a lot of fighting on this mission?" [20:43] 6Zhangyu: "It never hurts to be prepared," 6he says instead of answering. 15[20:44] Seiri nods. "That's what Sister Dusk likes to say, too." [20:45] 14Mmmmmm. [20:46] 6Zhangyu: "Wise woman." 15[20:47] "Master Daizo hasn't told me what the mission is yet. Do you know?" [20:51] 6It takes him a moment to respond. "We're to clear the name of Commodore Ratel." 6He doesn't elaborate. "You mean to say you signed up with my cousin without knowing what you were getting into?" [20:52] 4Piu: "I mean, the politics are a bit above even our heads." 15[20:53] Seiri: "Sister Dusk brought Master Daizo to see me and said he was looking for a translator for his travels. Why wouldn't I say yes?" [21:04] 6Zhangyu: "That's fair." 6Especially with the way she talks about Sister Dusk. Talks around, really. "What were you doing before that? Out of curiosity." 6It occurs to him this is the first time in a while he's been nice to a stranger. Near-stranger. She's crew now, I guess. Only sensible. 15[21:05] Seiri: "I worked at the temple. Cleaning, making food, helping take care of the children." [21:10] 6Zhangyu: "And you still found time to learn multiple languages?" 15[21:12] Seiri: "Oh, it's not so much. I've been there my whole life, almost." 15[21:13] "I don't do much else. Except... oh! Do you like tea?" [21:15] 6Zhangyu: "I do. Never learned much about it, but I do drink it and enjoy it." 15[21:16] Seiri looks from Zhangyu to Piu excitedly. "Would you like some tea? Oh, I've been practicing my Imperial tea service!" [21:17] 6He blinks. Well, some tea after the workout would be nice... and their stocks should be quite full and easily replaced while they're in port. He gives a stiff nod. [21:17] 4She giggles. "Sure!" 15[21:18] Seiri dashes off to get something. The two Dynasts are alone for the moment. [21:20] 4Piu watches her go with an arched eyebrow. "This campaign isn't the first one I'd bring an orphan on. Especially, like, what if we DO find something out there?" [21:22] 6Zhangyu: "She's better here than back there. This wouldn't be my first choice either, but I can see why Daizo picked her." [21:23] 6Quietly: "I don't think I like that Sister Dusk. Something about the way Seiri talked about her." [21:27] 4Piu: "We've met. I...wasn't impressed." [21:27] "Or maybe I was? But not like. In a good way." [21:31] 6Zhangyu grunts in probable-agreement. "Going to have to talk to the Commodore at some point about the mission." 6And what she's allowed to know, or not allowed. "And get Seiri some training. Just in case." [21:32] 4Piu: "She can train alongside Sadako. At this rate we'll have a full novitiate." [21:33] 6Zhangyu: "Ah. Hm. That could be - has she met Sadako?" [21:34] "I believe so, after breakfast." [21:34] 6Zhangyu: "And she didn't flee the ship screaming? Daizo definitely made the right choice." 15[21:36] Seiri emerges from belowdecks with a plain but heavy-looking wooden box balanced delicately in both arms. 15[21:36] "Sit down, sit down!" [21:38] 4Piu plops down. [21:38] 6Zhangyu sits cross-legged, arms folded. 15[21:41] Seiri opens the box and pulls out a nice, if worn, tea set, complete with an embroidered cloth mat to set it up on and a stack of five cups. Fresh water goes in a kettle under which she slides an engraved iron box that's warm to the touch. While the water boils, she takes out one of several small, delicately carved clay jars. The smell when she opens the jar is intense and earthy. 15[21:42] "I love tea so much. They grow it all over the world, with all these different ways of preparing it and serving it and drinking it. A good cup of tea can take you anywhere from the lands of the Icewalkers to the Imperial Palace. It's like a book you can drink!" 15[21:44] After transferring the water to a fine teapot and preparing the mix to steep: "This is Hamoji Oolong. They grow it on the mountain here, from five sacred bushes. Every season it's different." 15[21:45] Her movements are smooth and confident. Her voice is steady. This is practiced, comfortable. "I wanted to share with you a cup of my home." [21:45] 6Zhangyu: "It changes with the mountain?" 6That weird magical, colorful mountain. 15[21:46] Seiri: "Mmmhmm." [21:47] 6He bows slightly. That is - this is not the kind of respect Tepet Zhangyu typically garners. Mostly it's based around fear, but this doesn't feel like that. To share a piece of one's home... [21:52] 6Zhangyu: "I had never thought of tea that way," 6he says, finally. 15[21:53] Seiri pours out the tea. "Does Master Daizo like tea?" [21:59] 6Zhangyu: "I've never asked. I would hope so." 6He takes a sip of the tea. What's the flavor like? [21:59] 6Correction: "He prefers green tea." 15[22:01] Seiri looks up at Zhangyu, and then back down at the tea as she finishes serving. "I should have guessed. Sister Dusk it the same way. Master Daizo carries himself like a monk too." 15[22:01] *is the same way [22:06] "Hm." 6Comparing Daizo to Sister Dusk doesn't sit right, but he can't really comment. "And you?" 15[22:07] "And me?" 15[22:07] "Is this about my intentions?" [22:07] 6He gestures to the tea. "Preferred tea." 15[22:07] "Oh." 15[22:08] Quickly: "Well, I like all kinds." [22:10] 6He laughs at the 'intentions.' If there was a test, she passed it a while ago. "Still, there must be favorites. Or maybe not! If they're all stories." 15[22:15] Seiri: "I don't know..." She seems like she's never actually considered this before. 15[22:19] "I like... strong teas. Ones you're liable to want to sip slowly by themselves without any food. This batch of Hamoji Oolong is very nice." It has a heavy, earthy flavor with a sweet grassy overtone - it brings to mind a fresh spring's flower pushing through dark soil. [22:20] 4Piu's been quiet, mostly sipping her tea and observing, but she makes complimentary noises everytime Seiri talks about her work. [22:22] 6That's fairly close to Zhangyu's choice, too. "It is. If - this changes with the mountain, do you know what it looked like at the time?" 6Importing Homoji Oolong when the mountain changes to specific colors is, well. Probably outside of his pay grade right now. But maybe someday. 15[22:27] "This was... two seasons ago. When all the merchant ships and traders were hiding behind the navy because of the Red Fraction." She thinks. "At night the volcano shone golden. Sometimes it rained feathers. Downy baby bird feathers." [22:31] 6He blinks. "The... Red Fraction?" 15[22:36] Seiri's eyes go wide. "You don't know the Red Fraction? It's the most feared pirate ship in, gosh, the whole Direction! It moves with the seasons, and that was the last time it was down by these islands. The captain's a demon - gold Anathema, they say." [22:40] 6Zhangyu: "They... hm. No one saw fit to tell me about it." 6He tries not to sound put out. "It moves with the seasons... would they be in the region around now?" 15[22:41] Seiri: "Gosh, I don't know... I only know when it's around because all the sailors get scared. It happened the first time about four years ago, and twice since." [22:43] 6Ah. "We'd be due, then. Previous three years and they haven't been seen yet." 15[22:43] Seiri: "Are you all hunting pirates??" [22:45] 6Carefully: "In a manner of speaking." 15[22:45] "Gosh." [22:46] 6Zhangyu: "Hence the suggestion of personal defence." 15[22:50] Seiri: "I'm sure you and Master Daizo and Miss Piu and... who else is on this mission?" [22:51] "Miss Dryas. The fast boys." [22:51] 4Piu tightens her mouth. "And that monk from Mnemon." 15[22:51] Seiri: "! A Mnemon monk?" 15[22:51] "He must know Sister Dusk." [22:53] 6Zhangyu: "Commodore Peleps Ratel and Cynis Caxi, as well. And... Sadako." [22:53] 6He doesn't bother naming the Cathaks. 'The fast boys' will suffice. 15[22:55] Seiri: "The lady with the long blue hair? She's a commodore?" [22:55] 4Piu's smile doesn't widen much this time. "Oh, I don't know. He comes from the Isle, I think." 15[22:57] "Sister Dusk comes from the Isle too. She's been here a long time, though. Long as I've been here, at least." [22:58] 6Zhangyu: "Ratel? She is. Taught me everything I know about sailing, too." 15[23:00] Seiri: "So this mission must be really important, then. What's she like? The commodore." [23:04] 6He hesitates. "Competent. Confident. A brilliant captain who can take command of any situation." 6A pause, then: "She was kind to me when few others were." 15[23:04] Seiri: "I can see why you want to clear her name. She sounds like a real good person." [23:06] 6He nods, and sips his tea. [23:08] "...have you spoken with anyone but, well. Us and cousin Daizo?" [23:08] "You were at breakfast, but that's... different." 15[23:10] Seiri: "I said hello to Miss Dryas and Sadako. And the commodore helped me move aboardship. She's been real nice, but I think she feels bad for me." [23:12] 6Zhangyu: "Brings back memories." [23:15] 6They continue making small talk and drinking tea while Zhangyu lets his mind drift to the evening ahead. And some small part of him sets out a lesson plan for Seiri.