15[20:01] The evening's rain grows heavier as Dryas pays for Sadako's new finery, and the Guildsman's runner grows ever-more insistent. "My lady, if you could accompany me to the Factor's home..." 15[20:03] Elsewhere, Daizo, Piu, and Daizo's new translator share a walk home in the rain with Mnemon Salim, who joined them on their way out of the library. The vibe's a little tense for some reason. 15[20:05] Elsewhere still, Zhangyu flashes his Hinokuni badge through another latched door in another nondescript stone building, this one a warehouse on the peripheries of the dock. Here, already, he is recognized. Someone nudges his friend and points discreetly at the warrior as he strides past, searching for... what exactly? [20:05] 4Weird! [20:06] 07Dryas wheels on the servitor, preparing to castigate her for her nagging impertience and disrespectful assumptions regarding the relative importance of Guildsmen and members of the Scarlet Dynasty -- but, remembering Sadako's presence, instead simply clears her throat. "Very well." 07She glances behind to see if Sadako will join them, hoping she can pierce whatever glamour the girl uses to conceal herself. 15[20:07] Salim walks half a pace behind the others. "I had a chance to read your report, Daizo... exemplary work. And thorough!" [20:07] 10Yeah. Some reason. Daizo's notes and stationery are secure in a waterproof packet, and it gives him a good excuse to hang onto it closely. In the other hand, he's got an umbrella, held high to keep everyone else dry. 15[20:08] Sadako looks up when Dryas looks back, and falls in line behind her... carer? [20:08] 4Piu casually keeps herself between Seiri and the monk. [20:08] 07Dryas winks back at her and glides towards the door, and the rainstorm. [20:10] 10Stay cool, Daizo. "My sifu used to joke that my studies were too much of a distraction from my training. The lecturers, on the other hand, felt the opposite way." 15[20:11] Salim: "Ha! Yes. But you honor both sides." [20:11] 07Dryas: "Servant: Since you apparently have some favor of the Factor, to be sent to greet me not once but twice, what is your name?" 15[20:14] The runner's voice is hard to make out with the shawl she's pulled over her head against the rain. "Merala, my lady." 15[20:15] She has the manner of a beaten dog about her. [20:15] 6The first order of business is to scan the area for any familiar faces, though it's uncertain he even knows more than one face in the Hinokuni crowd. Whether or not he can find Sublime Master Thief - or anyone else he recognizes, for that matter - Zhangyu will look for... the organizer? Ringleader? Whoever he has to go to to find out precisely what he'll be grappling with in the way of rules and fights. 15[20:15] Heh! 15[20:15] Grappling with. [20:20] 10Daizo shifts uncomfortably. "It is a fine line to walk, sometimes." 10He peers out into the night. "Can't see anything through this rain." 15[20:20] Zhangyu sees a bunch of very fit men and women he doesn't recognize, of all shapes and sizes. One of them is even a mutant, a beastman with scaly skin and the head of a snake. The one person he does know is the man tending bar from the night before, the older man with dark curly hair and an immaculately (in the secular sense) groomed moustache. 15[20:21] "Yes..." says Salim. "We should get off the streets. Tonight is a night for dark deals." [20:21] "Merala. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you. Does the Factor always send you when he wishes to speak to Dynasts?" 07she asks, pulling her seal-leather coat around herself. 15[20:21] Piu's close enough to Seiri that she can feel the girl shiver. 15[20:23] Merala: "I've only started recently, Lady." [20:24] 10Daizo: "Seiri, do you know any suortcuts?" 10This is risky. But if anyone knows the safest paths through the city at night, it's the native. [20:24] 4Piu resists the urge to say or do anything confrontational. Not while she's this spent. Is Salim trying to lead them anywhere in particular? Anywhere but the most straightforward possible path to the hostel? [20:27] 6Well, if he doesn't recognize any of them, he's likely the only Mantis stylist here tonight. At some point after leaving the bar that night, Piu had babbled about Thousand Devil Master, who apparently was a big deal, and now he tends bar. Guy seemed knowledgable enough last time, so Zhangyu will make his way over. "Evening," 6he says, sidling up to the bar. 15[20:28] Seiri: "...this way, up ahead. Cut through that garden." 15[20:29] Merry firelight pulses through the front windows of the Guild factor's great stone house, making it look like a wakened beast in the dark. Merala bows and takes her shoes off on entering, as before. [20:30] 07Dryas, having not spoken another word in the approach to the villa, removes her dripping boots. 15[20:32] The bar in here is bigger than the bar at the place Sublime Master Thief took him last night. Two dozen seats, and tables behind it. "Mr. Go-Si Piledriver. Glad you could make it. This place'll be packed in a couple of hours." [20:32] 10Daizo's got the umbrella, so he'll tack towards the garden. "Sooner we can get in front of a fire the happier I'll be." [20:34] 4Piu, firmly, to Seiri: "We're going to get inside, get some dry clothes, and get some soup." 15[20:35] Dryas can feel Sadako tense as she crosses the threshold. There's a very gentle groan of unease. 15[20:35] Seiri: "That'll be nice." [20:35] 4Getting a kid involved in this...not great! 15[20:35] The three of them can see the hostel in the distance once they've cut through the garden. 15[20:35] ... 15[20:35] The three of them? 15[20:35] Where'd Salim go? [20:36] 14Fuck. [20:36] 14To Daizo: "Monk's gone. We need to get to the hostel now." [20:36] 14To both of them: "Let's pick up the pace." 15[20:36] Seiri doesn't need to be told twice. [20:37] 07Dryas' eyes narrow for an instant. Could this place be... a true manse? [20:37] 14Surely this isn't an ambush. He'd stay for that, yes? Unless he truly disrespects them and wants to keep his hands clean... [20:38] 10Daizo steps it up, double-time. [20:41] "Your master's home is truly magnificent,"07 Dryas observes quietly. [20:42] 6Zhangyu: "Not exactly empty now. Quite a crowd around here." 6And it's sort of difficult to tell who's the most dangerous one around. "Any names I should know for my first night here?" 15[20:43] Dryas and Sadako are led into the heart of the house and invited immediately. Nn Tloc's there with his wide white smile. "Come in! Terrible weather. Let me get you some mulled wine." 15[20:45] The hostel is warm and bright and loud. People are singing, an old merchant fleet shanty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiwJpFsicUg [20:46] 4Whew. [20:46] 4Once they're inside Piu's back to her bubbly self, and will fuss over getting Seiri clothes, a bath, and food to the extent Seiri is interested in fussing. [20:46] 14She's still suspicious about where that damned monk is. 15[20:48] Thousand Devil Master: "Do you have any qualms about mixed fights? I know some from your Isle do." [20:49] 6Zhangyu: "If they can fight, they can fight." [20:50] 10Daizo looks visibly relieved, then a little abashed at Piu's fussing—he was so wrapped up in concern about what "Salim" was up to that he barely paid any attention to his charge. And after Ratel lectured him like that? 15[20:50] As Piu shows Seiri the baths, Caxi emerges from them in a cloud of steam wearing a short silk robe. Even the frost in her hair has melted. "Oh, you poor dears," she drawls. [20:50] 07How many glasses does Nn Tloc prepare? 15[20:50] Two. [20:50] 4Brightly, to Seiri: "Go on ahead, dear." 15[20:50] Dryas will observe that Sadako aslo never took her shoes off. [20:51] 07Interesting. Dryas wiggles her toes. 15[20:51] Seiri, again, needs telling only once. [20:52] 10Daizo: "I'm going to report to Ratel. When you're all warmed up… let's all meet in Piu's room?" [20:52] 4In Piu's room? How forward. With a slight grin: "Sure!" [20:53] "Mmmmm." 4With the girl and Daizo gone, Piu will sweep up to Caxi, taking her by the hips--and whisper in her ear: "The monk isn't on the Mnemon house rolls." [20:53] "And he vanished into the night on our way back from the library." 15[20:53] Devil: "In that case, your first challenge will probably be Gilana Crimson Tide. Short hair, downstairs. Besides that... our top fighters right now are Son-of-Sabers and Bruiser Khang. Bruiser's probably downstairs too but Saber comes in later in the evening." [20:53] "Think he's up to something?" [20:56] 10Daizo stops off in his room to change into something less sodden. That damnable letter should still be in his sleeve… [20:56] "That sounds excellent, yes," 07Dryas replies. 15[20:57] Nn Tloc invites Dryas to sit. "So I hear you're taking to the city well. A friend of yours made a substantial contribution to the upkeep of the local temple." 15[20:57] The letter's still there. [21:00] 10Thank Heaven for small favors. Now, to find the Commodore.  15[21:00] Caxi's breath is strangely cool against Piu's own ear. "Strange... why follow you and then disappear?" [21:00] 4Piu sighs. "I dunno. Maybe he's got something else to do tonight..." [21:00] 07Dryas nods. "The first of many contributions to civilization, I'm sure." [21:02] "I mean if he's not in the Mnemon rolls...that's big news, right? Maybe that's why he showed up at the library..." 15[21:02] Caxi: "Didn't he say he met with a Mnemon sister just yesterday?" [21:03] 4Piu's eyes go wide. "Did he?" 15[21:03] Nn Tloc's smile widens and he claps his hands. "Speaking of which: have you had a chance to consider my offer?" [21:05] "I have some questions,"07 Dryas admits, warily. 15[21:05] "Fire at will! Little archery joke. I hear you're an exceptional huntress." [21:06] 6It takes Zhangyu a moment to place Bruiser Khang's name, but he remembers Piu talking about him. And then - wait, downstairs? Did he miss a staircase somewhere around here? 15[21:06] Some people have a way of looking at you that makes you feel like the only person in the room. Having Nn Tloc's full attention feels like being the last survivor of some calamity. 15[21:11] There's a heavy red curtain over what Zhangyu can see from this angle is a wide, hidden staircase downward. [21:13] "Who are your clients?"07 Dryas asks. "Not specifically, of course. But in general." [21:14] 6He nods over to it. "I'll be heading down, then. I want to get the lay of the land." [21:15] 6Unless Thousand Devil Master stops him, he slides away from the bar to do just that. 15[21:16] Nn Tloc: "I have a broker that I work through. Name of Moray. His contacts run in two directions - back to the Isle, to Houses Ragara and Sesus, and up to Skullstone, in the court of the Silver Prince." 15[21:18] Caxi: "If he thought you had him made, what could have pulled him away?" [21:20] 4Piu steps back a little and shrugs. "Dunno. Nothing good. He's sneaky..." [21:20] 4She grins. "Anyway. I am gonna get out of these clothes, and into something dry. Maybe I'll seeya later." [21:22] "Why me? There's no shortage of pirates and smugglers out here," 07she notes. 15[21:27] Nn Tloc: "Because you're not a pirate. You're a daughter of the Realm. You travel these seas with impunity. And because someone of your breeding and expertise can be trusted to appreciate an opportunity of this magnitude. You know how many pirates I farm work out to who can't sustain a thought? Who can't follow a simple instruction? What the FUCK IS IT!" he bellows suddenly at the 15[21:27] door, which opens meekly. 15[21:27] The runner's voice. Merela. "Pili has news, sir." 15[21:28] The door slams shut with vigor, seemingly of its own accord. "I am in a MEETING." echoes Nn Tloc's voice, though not from his own lips or throat. 15[21:28] Then he's looking back at Dryas, smiling patiently. 15[21:31] Daizo finds Ratel at the head of one of the long tables, face flushed with drink, picking idly at a wooden six-string carved with running waves. She's playing to the singing everyone else is doing. [21:31] 07Dryas demurs. "And one last question - who are you, really?" 15[21:32] Caxi heads to her own room and leaves Piu alone. 15[21:32] Nn Tloc: "That is a really philosophical question! You'll have to forgive me, I don't have your schooling. Could you be more specific?" [21:33] 4Piu will poke her head in and make sure Seiri is okay and no one's bothering her, then join her in the baths for a chaste, efficient washup. Best to get any and all traces of the library and surrounding environs off of her. 15[21:36] Downstairs is an amphitheatre-like chamber, with tiered benches surrounding a stone ring marked with chest-high (for Zhangyu) barriers and ropes all around. The ring and the seating are in the shape of a perfect pentagon. 15[21:36] There are corridors between the benches that run into darkened rooms, where noise and heat emanate. One is marked for men, the other for women. [21:36] 07Dryas takes a sip amid contemplation. "Who is your family?" [21:37] 10It seems a shame to ruin the Commodore's evening. But this is important. He'll wait for a break in Ratel's music, but if one doesn't come soon he might have to make an interruption. In the meantime… he'll have a drink. Just one. 15[21:39] Nn Tloc: "I was sponsored by An Tloc, who bought me out of galley slavery. He was a father to me. I couldn't tell you who my parents were. How I came up, that sort of thing didn't matter." [21:40] 6Hm. That's going to make it difficult to catch a glimpse of Gilana Crimson Tide before any fights. Still, may as well head into the men's section, introduce himself, and see Bruiser Khang plus whoever else is around. 15[21:41] Seiri's soaking, but clearly having trouble relaxing. "How does a man just vanish like that?" she blurts out to Piu after the two of them have been in there alone a while. 15[21:43] After this song finishes, Ratel stands up, running her fingers up the bare arm and shoulder of a young woman Daizo doesn't recognize, who was seated beside her, and steps out of the room briefly. Now's probably his chance. [21:43] 10Hey, he knows this song. Daizo joins in for the chorus, and a couple of healthy stomps as percussion. He can almost feel the fear flowing out of him. [21:43] 10Daizo: "Commodore. A moment?" [21:45] 4Piu, calmly but still chipper: "Training and talent. It was really heavy rain, and we didn't think he'd slip away." 15[21:46] Ratel looks up at Daizo and places a hand on his broad chest. "Good to see you out of the rain." [21:49] 10Thump. "Ahaha. Good to be out of the rain." 10Deep breath. "I have news about our monk's papers. If this is a bad time, we can discuss it in the morning...?" [21:49] "And you offer... jade?" 07she asks. 15[21:49] Zhangyu doesn't even need to enter the locker room fully to be treated to a stentorian voice speaking Seatongue in a heavy Southern accent. There's laughter - four or five men, Zhangyu makes, and his suspicions are confirmed when he enters and sees an enormous bronze-skinned man, shaved bald and broader than two Zhangyus, holding court with a lithe and fair-skinned Northerner, a pair 15[21:49] of islanders who might be twin brothers, a short man with green tattoos and a deep-set scowl, and Sublime Master Thief. 15[21:50] Ratel: "No, it's fine. If it's important it's important. Where is Salim anyhow?" 15[21:51] Seiri: "I knew he wasn't a monk. He had me thinking I'd been praying wrong my whole life, not knowing what I was doing." [21:52] 4Piu laughs. "Oh, Seiri. He can be a thief, a sneak, a liar and a killer...and also still be a monk." 15[21:52] Nn Tloc: "For starters. Pure jade, sure, no problem, but if this becomes profitable I'll be able to press my contacts for worked jade, for you to resell or add to your own panoply." [21:52] "Sadly, that's just how the world works." 15[21:52] Seiri: "How do you so sound so happy when you're saying such sad things?" [21:52] 10Daizo: "Don't know. He showed up out of nowhere while we were at the library. I think I just barely managed to hide what I was doing. Stuck to us like glue until we got close to the hostelry, and slipped away." [21:53] "He had us all rattled. If Piu hadn't shown up when she did…" [21:53] 4She looks over at the girl. "Because you are absolutely correct that it is not, at all, your fault. And it's better to know how to navigate the rain then get frozen out in it." 15[21:53] Ratel will lead Daizo further away from the revel. She sobers, or at least seems to sober, with each step. "Tell me what you learned." 15[21:54] Seiri: "I know that's wise because it sounds terribly lonely. Everything Sister Dusk says is like that." [21:55] "And I know all this isn't some trap set by a bored monk somewhere because...?" 15[21:56] Nn Tloc: "My reputation is beyond reproach. If you can't trust that, well, how can you do business with anyone in today's world?" [21:57] 10Daizo picks a path through the cheery sailors. More than one has a ribald comment as they pass by. When they're reasonably alone: "It's like you surmised. The letter is a forgery. But it's not a normal forgery." [21:58] 4Piu: "You're not wrong. But, it can get better. Take you for, instance. After this campaign, Daizo writes you a glowing recommendation and you can find yourself employed in any of the academic houses of the House's allies, or if the spirit takes you, off on another journey. A much larger world opens up for you outside that...library." 15[21:58] Seiri: "Somewhere where I won't know anyone..." 15[21:58] "What's it like on the Isle?" [21:59] 10Daizo: "I spent a few hours staring at handwriting samples until my eyes crossed. Eventually, I looked so hard at the paper I think I… looked through it. I think… it's magical. It looks like what the holder wanted you to believe it was. But I saw what it really says." [21:59] 4Piu: "I haven't spent too much time there myself, but when I've been it's been magnificent. Parties for days. Grand, sweeping, bustling cities. And some great temples too, I'm told. If you're into that sort of thing." 15[22:00] Ratel's eyes narrow. "What does it really say." 15[22:00] Seiri sinks into the water until it touches her chin. "I never thought I'd see it in this life." [22:00] "Hm. Then we have an accord," 07she says, plots and schemes starting to form in her mind. 15[22:01] Seiri: "I thought, if I worked hard... maybe in the next. Or the one after." [22:01] 10Daizo recites the poem written on the card. "…And as each heard her words and came to the center of her web... she ate them." [22:01] "Then it says, 'execute order 66'." [22:01] "Do you have any idea what that could be?" [22:02] 4Piu will not take this moment to tell Seiri about the tenuous political situation gripping the Isle. Let the girl find out about in time. [22:02] 6Zhangyu just watches them for a bit, though he's not exactly making an attempt to hide himself. Close-knit roster, apparently, and good to know that they either don't hold grudges or are aware of the consequences for acting on them behind-the-scenes. 15[22:04] Nn Tloc: "Good. Excellent. I knew I spotted a winner when I met you." 15[22:04] Louder: "Come in." 15[22:05] The door creaks open again, and a round-faced older man with thin hair says, with a meekness that makes Merala sound boisterous, says, "Master... Mnemon Dusk is dead." [22:05] 10Daizo hands the letter back to Ratel. "Maybe you can get Caxi to take a look at it, find out something more than I can." [22:05] 07Mnemon Dusk... didn't Daizo say something about her? 15[22:06] Ratel: "Find Samperson. Have him pull people from the party, put them at the doors and windows. Inside. Keep the rooms lit and the doors open. Order is to yell if anything seems suspicious. Do you have all that?" 15[22:07] "Then get Piu and Caxi." 15[22:08] Nn Tloc's frozen in place for a moment. [22:08] 10There's no brooking that tone. "Yes, Commodore. It will be done." 10Daizo offers a salute and heads off to find Mr. Samperson. 15[22:09] Eventually Sublime Master Thief notices Zhangyu. "Boys!" he says in Low Realm. "This is the one I told you about. Zhangyu. Studied under Mushi." 15[22:11] Everyone turns to look at him. The twin brothers and the scowling man go wide-eyed, impressed. 15[22:11] The giant's face is stony. [22:12] "Sounds like a tragedy has befallen the Temple,"07 she states. [22:12] 6He nods. "That's me. Took the medallion off Chases-Waterfalls last night." 6To Sublime Master Thief: "Only good things, I hope." [22:17] 10Daizo spends the next few minutes in a flurry of activity. It sounds like his plans for joining up with Zhangyu in the Hinokuni will have to be shelved. Pity. But it seems like he might have a real fight on his hands soon enough. [22:17] 6Not so great to have an enemy from day 1, especially not one so high up in the pecking order. Whatever. It'll just give him more motivation in their eventual fight. 15[22:17] "Praise her," says Nn Tloc abruptly. "Put the word out. All quarters. You praise her like she's your dead mother. Mnemon Dusk was a devoted servant of the people and the good, who worked tirelessly to elevate the spirits of our island and care for the most vulnerable on it. We are poorer for having lost her and we commend her spirit onward even as we take up her burdens. Put it out 15[22:17] there on my personal guarantee that the orphange will continue to run. Got that? WRITE THAT DOWN!" [22:17] 4Piu will finish up her bath and head to her quarters to change. [22:17] 4She'll probably run into Daizo or Caedus on the stair. 15[22:18] Daizo relays Ratel's orders to Samperson, and then bumps into Piu on the stairs. [22:18] "Daizo! I was just heading to change and--" [22:19] 10Daizo: "Change of plans. Get Caxi and we're to meet up with Ratel as soon as possible." [22:19] 14Her eyes narrow. "Dress for a fight, then." [22:19] 14As she rushes past him: "Seiri should be leaving the baths. See to her." [22:20] "Right." [22:20] 4She scolds herself for slightly breaking character. It's been a very long day, and she is very on edge. [22:21] 4Piu slips into her loose fighting garb, freshly laundered by some thoughtful soul, and wraps her arms and legs. As usual, the Chain goes into one of the arm wraps. Then she'll fetch Caxi. [22:22] 10Daizo's headed back down to wait for Seiri. She said something about Salim's odd behavior as well—maybe he should bring her in on the meeting? 15[22:22] Does Piu knock? [22:23] 4Yes, but she'll quickly open the door if she doesn't get a fairly immediate "don't come in!" 15[22:23] Nn Tloc turns swiftly to Dryas and presses his hands together. "I'm sorry but something urgent's come up, as you can hear. We'll be in touch tomorrow about details?" [22:24] "I look forward to hearing from you," 07she replies, finishing the mulled wine and rising from her seat. 15[22:25] Dryas almost bumps into Sadako as she stands. The girl was hovering close, but she cast no shadow on Dryas. [22:25] 6Zhangyu: "I know Sublime Master Thief, and I can guess at Bruiser Khang, but my friend wasn't sure who else would be around." 6Let's get some names to these faces. [22:26] 07Dryas steps gingerly to avoid bumping into her... ward? [22:27] 10No, she's been through enough today. There's a limit to how much you can put someone through in a single day unprepared. Especially someone already in out of their depth. 15[22:27] The two of them are ushered out into the rain-soaked night. 15[22:29] As soon as they're clear, Sadako hisses, "The walls were breathing. Could you feel it?" 15[22:29] The scowling man gives Zhangyu an upward half-nod. "Kuga Rahn." 15[22:30] The skittish twin: "Mirido." 15[22:31] The spacey twin: "...Doremi." 15[22:31] The lithe man, who regards Zhangyu with total disinterest. "Ted." [22:31] 6Any of these he doesn't recognize, he'll be asking Piu about later. [22:32] "I thought that was you?" 07Dryas replies. "I don't think he noticed you? That's good. Let's hurry back. And Sadako-" 07she turns as they walk, "That meeting was our secret, alright?" 15[22:32] Then Piu will be treated to the smell of something sickly-sweet and a rapidly dispersing cloud of violet smoke as she enters. Caxi's half-dressed. "What happened?" she asks, more alert than she looks. 15[22:33] Sadako: "Even from Caxi?" [22:33] 4Piu: "Ratel wants to see us. Samperson's running around getting the guards up...sounds serious." 15[22:34] Caxi: "The monk?" [22:34] 07Dryas: "Just for now. Until I have some control over things." 15[22:35] Sadako looks uncertain... but nods in assent. [22:37] 4Piu: "Think so." 15[22:37] Caxi: "I'm on my way." [22:37] "The walls of the house were breathing, huh? Do you think that's why he wants everyone barefoot? What the hell..." 07Dryas wonders at the stranger things of the world. [22:37] "Daizo went to report our findings to Ratel and...he was the one who told me we were summoned." [22:37] 4Piu nods and shuts the door. Where's Caedus? 15[22:39] Caedus is upstairs now, getting sailors in position at the windows. 15[22:40] Bruiser Khang, in even more thickly accented Low Realm: "I heard you really gave it to Chases-Waterfalls." [22:41] 4Better not to bother him, then. She'll hurry along to Ratel. [22:43] 6Zhangyu nods to each of the men in turn and tries not to look as angry as usual. To Bruiser Khang: "He was unprepared," 6he confirms. "A lesson to be learned from." 6Though Chases-Waterfalls didn't seem like much of a student. 15[22:50] Ratel's downstairs, oiling her flame piece. "Zhangyu and Dryas are outside. Do you know where?" [22:51] 4Piu: "Dryas is attending to business. Guild I think? Zhangyu is down at the docks, at the Hirokuni." 15[22:51] While Dryas and Sadako make their way down rain-slicked streets. The volcano's violet light flickers, casting strange shadows around them. 15[22:54] Dryas goes five or six paces before she realizes Sadako is no longer beside her. She turns, and sees her struggling and kicking in the air. A man has her by the throat, using something impossibly dark to throttle the girl like a garrote. The man's an islander, dressed all in black, his black hair shaved so close it catches the caldera-light like it's an extension of his scalp. Her 15[22:54] blood stains his face red. 15[22:54] Sadako kicks for a moment and is still. He lets her drop. 15[22:59] Daizo runs into Seiri anyway, drying her hair. "Master Daizo?" 15[23:01] Ratel: "And Dryas has the haunted girl with her." [23:01] 4Piu: "Yes." 15[23:02] Ratel: "Shit." 15[23:02] "Okay. Take Samperson and find them." [23:02] 4Piu nods. "On it. Caxi will be by shortly." 15[23:02] "Get the back here. Drag them if you have to." 15[23:02] Ratel: "Good." [23:02] "Yes, Commodore. SAMPERSON!" [23:03] "WE GOTTA GO! COMMODORE'S ORDERS!" 15[23:03] Mik's jogging down the stairs, wearing a black leather buff jacket. "You good to go?" [23:03] 4Piu: "Yeah!" 15[23:03] Caedus: "Lead on." [23:04] 14When they're out in the rain: "Mnemon monk's not a monk, and he's not Mnemon, and he's making his move." 15[23:04] Seiri: "Is there trouble, Master Daizo?" 15[23:04] Caedus: "Do we need Lao?" [23:05] 14Piu: "Honestly? I don't know." [23:06] "Tha am piuthar marbh. Marbhadh glan. We can talk about it later." [23:06] "But I'm not at full strength, and I left my armor in a dead drop." [23:06] 10Daizo: "I told the Commodore about the note I was looking at and the way that Salim was acting. She's taking some extra precautions tonight. I don't think he'll be traveling with us on the Defiance after this." 15[23:06] Caedus: "No time for Lao, then. We can't split up if you're spent and undergeared." [23:09] "Inconvenient timing," 14she growls. Do they know precisely where Dryas was headed? One or both of them were keeping tabs. [23:09] 07Dryas shrieks wordlessly in fury and sudden terror. WIth a twitch of her wrist, a flamewand appears in her hand - she levels it at Sadako's attacker and opens fire. It doesn't quite connect - he's too fast! 15[23:10] And the gout of smoke and the rain, the man's gone. 15[23:11] Or wait. No. He's still there, backing away, but he shimmers violet, a curious mark on his brow, and the medal at Dryas's throat burns hot. 15[23:11] 66 Night Marks the Hunter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R3uuxFTlx0 - I won’t rest ‘til it’s all done and said, and I get what I give... 15[23:13] Bruiser Khang regards Zhangyu skeptically. "What do you hope to accomplish here? What do you bring to the people who come to watch us fight?" [23:15] 10Daizo: "Do… are you all right, Seiri? This has been a very exhausting day." 10Daizo's now on his second mostly sleepless day. He's still keeping it together, though. "I need to meet with Ratel soon, but I can spare a few minutes. Do you need to talk?" 15[23:16] Dryas went shopping with Sadako. The markets will have closed by now, though, to the night and the rain. [23:17] daizo's going to read intentions back at seiri here: does she want answers, or does she just want to get some sleep? [23:18] 07Dryas squints as he shimmers here and there, before zeroing in on him. "Cringeling dastard!" 07she thunders with incredible verve, snatching a plug of firedust from the small of her back and jamming it into the breech of the firewand - " 15[23:19] Seiri: "How can I help?" 15[23:22] They're not in the markets, or between the markets... but Piu and Caedus can easily hear Dryas's cries of rage in the night. [23:23] 14She picks up speed. [23:23] 6He shrugs. "I get some good fights and a chance to listen and learn. The crowds get a demonstration in Mantis style and and someone new to hate. Fair trade to me." [23:25] 07Dryas ducks down an alley, roots clawing through dirt and cobbles as she goes. But he's gone, whoever he was. Dryas slams the butt of the firewand on the wall and kicks over a pile of wooden tools stacked against a wall, cursing fearsomely all the while. 15[23:25] Khang: "Hh. This Grandmaster Mushi trains cold men indeed." [23:25] 10Daizo: "Will you tell the Commodore the story you started to tell me? How you could tell he wasn't a real monk. Any details could be helpful in figuring out what he's up to. Then you can get to bed." 10Daizo thinks. "But if you're still up later, let's offer the night vigil prayer together." 15[23:26] Seiri nods. "Alright. Be careful, Master Daizo." [23:27] "You too. And I meant it earlier… you did good work today." 15[23:27] Seiri smiles sheepishly and hurries downstairs. 15[23:28] Piu and Caedus find Dryas in the street only a few minutes later. 15[23:28] Sadako continues to lie in the rain. [23:29] 14Piu: "DRYAS!" [23:29] "Caedus, watch our rear." [23:29] 6Zhangyu: "It's a cold world. But I'm aware of who and what I am. Makes more sense to play it up than pretend to be something I'm not." [23:30] 14She'll kneel down to check the girl, keeping her eyes up. 15[23:30] Caedus makes a wordless noise of akcnowledgment and falls back. 15[23:31] Does Piu touch Sadako? [23:32] 07Dryas swivels, aiming the firewand for an instant before raising it again. "The white-livered, accursed and evil spawn - it could have been Anathema - he snuck up on us and by the time I realized, poor Sadoko was gone. Death..." [23:32] 14She'll check for a pulse with taped fingers. [23:32] 14With this much blood she doesn't expect to find anything. 15[23:33] The girl's skin is far, far colder than the recency of her death and even the rainy night would suggest. It almost hurts to touch her, even through the tape. [23:33] 14Well, we knew she wasn't normal. But dead is dead. 15[23:33] Then she sits up. [23:34] 14Dryas: "Who was--" [23:34] 14Instead of falling over in surprise, Piu swivels into a combat crouch, bringing her hands up. 15[23:34] Her back arches and Piu can hear it crack like it's being broken on a rack. Her mouth stretches open like she's screaming, but there's just the awful gasping whistle of someone trying to inhale against their vocal cords. [23:35] 07Dryas nearly drops the firewand, mouth agape at the sight.  15[23:35] She flares that flickery white, the white of the Leaden Queen, and for a moment she looks impossibly mottled and bloated and disfigured -- a girl weeks drowned -- 15[23:35] ...and then Sadako's on her back, gasping, coughing, alive. [23:36] 14Sìol. [23:38] "S-Sadako?" 07After a moment's revulsive hesitation, Dryas approaches her again, to help the recently-dead girl back to her feet, if she can stand. [23:38] 14Piu: "...How are you feeling?" 15[23:38] Seiri and Daizo head to Ratel, who's just put the panicking hostel-keeper under guard in the kitchen. "I sent Piu and Samperson out to collect the others," she says. 15[23:39] Sadako sits up, the right way this time. She's bedraggled and shivering and wet. Her new clothes might be ruined. "I couldn't breathe," she says. 15[23:40] Khang scowls... but not at Zhangyu. He's looking past him now. Behind him. [23:40] "I'm so sorry. There was nothing I could do - nothing... nothing..." 07Dryas trails off. [23:40] 14Piu: "Someone tried to kill you." 14Did kill you. "Can you breathe now? Can you walk? We need to get you somewhere safe...r." [23:41] 6Zhangyu turns. 15[23:41] Sadako clears her throat. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." She'll reach out for Piu or Dryas to help her up. [23:42] 14Piu will defer to Dryas here, though she's more than willing to join Dryas in pulling the girl up. [23:42] 10Daizo: "Good idea. I haven't seen Dryas all day."10 He clears his throat. "Seiri has an eyewitness account of 'Salim' acting suspiciously. It may shed a little light on his identity of motives." 15[23:43] Zhangyu sees a fair-skinned man. A little taller than Zhangyu, a little more slender, with short hair and a strong, dimpled jaw. [23:43] 07Dryas will accept the help. She gives Piu an odd look, though. 15[23:43] He speaks with an accent like Zhangyu's own. "And you are?" 15[23:44] Sadako's steady on her feet. Aside from the state of her clothes there's no real sign anything happened. "Who was that?" [23:44] "Don't know. We'll find out." 14When she's up, Piu will step away. "You two stay together. Samperson and I will be on your flanks. We're getting you back to the hostel. We're not gonna have anymore surprises tonight." 15[23:45] Sadako nods. [23:45] "Zhangyu. Took Chasing-Waterfalls' medallion last night." 6Must be Son-of-Sabres. [23:45] 14When she's far enough away in the rain that she's hard to see, she'll uncoil the Chain. A fucking garrote did that to the girl's neck. [23:45] 14She's keen to return the favor. 15[23:45] Son-of-Sabers: "Useless prick, he was." 15[23:46] "What's your style?" 15[23:46] Dryas has a similarly hard time seeing Samperson, but she knows he and Piu are out there. 15[23:47] Sadako huddles close to Dryas on the way back. [23:47] 07Dryas: "I hadn't seen him before. Close-cropped hair, dark. But he bore a strange mark on his forehead - the first time he tried to get away from me, I saw it. A little like one of the Anathema, but different. I'd know him again anywhere." 07She doesn't put the wand away and instead holds it as if she might need to use it again at a moment's notice. [23:48] 6Zhangyu: "Mantis. Trained by Grandmaster Mushi," 6he adds. Ragara Kolu, that's who he was. Hm. [23:49] "I need a drink. More than a drink." 07Her eyes scan windows and rooflines. Last time a garrote but next time, a crossbow? A boulder? Poison in the drink? 15[23:49] Son-of-Sabers: "What a waste. Doing Mantis for these crowds is like playing sanxian to a dog." 15[23:54] Seiri: "I was doing my afternoon prayers and Brother Salim - I guess he's not really Brother - asked me what I was doing curled up like that, and seemed confused when I told him it was afternoon prayers. He covered for it, and I didn't pry too hard, but something was up." 15[23:55] Ratel scowls. 15[23:55] The trip back to the hostel is uneventful. Dryas finds it under heavy guard, but the four of them are admitted. 15[23:56] Ratel looks up sharply when the enter. "Anyone hurt?" [23:56] 6That startles a laugh out of him. "They have no respect for the arts? Shame," 6he shakes his head sarcastically. "I like you, Son-of-Sabers." [23:56] 4Piu: "Sadako was nicked, but she's okay." [23:57] "Whew. Glad we found you guys..." 15[23:57] Mik: "No sign yet of Zhangyu." 15[23:58] Ratel: "What about Salim?" [23:59] 10Daizo: "Cousin Zhangyu's tough. I worry more for anyone who meets him on the street." [23:59] 07Dryas: "Assassin with a garrote snuck up on us in the rain. Looked like a native to me. Wine. Caxi is here? Wine. Everyone else but Zhangyu and Salim? WINE!!" [00:00] 14Not Salim...well. Not obviously Salim. Assassins do know how to disguise themselves. [00:00] 14But it doesn't sound like whatever he was using was a mask. If it was him. 15[00:00] Ratel: "A native? What about--" 15[00:01] "Commodore! Brother Salim is outside!" [00:01] 14Convenient. [00:01] 07Dryas: "What about Moke? Moke!" [00:02] 10Daizo: "He certainly took quite a stroll. Who does he think he's fooling?" 15[00:02] Ratel: "...let him in." [00:02] 14Piu will have passed word to Caedus: Watch Salim's face when he sees Sadako up and walking for the first time. [00:02] 14In case he sees something she doesn't. 15[00:02] The door opens and in walks Mnemon Salim, quite bedraggled from the rain. 15[00:03] He steps forward, head bowed, almost bumping his chest into the barrels of Ratel's extended flame piece. 15[00:03] Then he looks up, alarmed. 15[00:03] Ratel: "Come with me." [00:03] 14Piu will have made sure to keep Sadako...visible. [00:03] 14As he enters. [00:04] 14Hopefully without having to put herself or Caedus next to her, but if that's what it takes to keep her, that's what it takes. [00:04] 07Dryas leans towards Piu and Daizo: "What's up with the Commodore and Salim?" 15[00:06] Salim looks around with concern at all the others, including Seiri and Sadako. Whatever emotions pass over his face are imperceptible. [00:07] 14Asshole! 15[00:07] Son-of-Sabers: "You weren't born to the Dynasty, were you, Zhangyu? You were elevated to it." [00:07] 4To Dryas: "Let's get dry." [00:07] 4And not in front of Salim. [00:08] 4Samperson can take Sadako back upstairs. When it's just the three Dynasts: "So, the Mnemon monk?" [00:10] "I was," 6Zhangyu says. "Why?" 15[00:10] Dryas clutches her pendant and listens... 15[00:10] Mnemon Salim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3v9unphfi0 - Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui: et spiritu principali confirma me. // O give me the comfort of thy help again: and stablish me with thy free Spirit. [00:11] Daizo's sent Seiri up with Samperson and Sadako. "He's neither of those things." 15[00:12] Son-of-Sabers: "That means we've got two things in common." 15[00:12] "We were both trained by Mushi." 15[00:12] "And we're both traitors to our blood." 15[00:12] Then he turns and walks out. [00:12] 10With clear distaste: "Not a Mnemon, not a monk." [00:12] 6He glares at Son-of-Sabers as he retreats. Well. Mood ruined. [00:14] 07Dryas has managed to find a clay jug of wine, which she drinks directly from the source in an uncharacteristically sloppy way. [00:14] "I know why I'm acting weird. Why are you two acting weird?" 07She asks Daizo and Piu. [00:14] 4Piu: "Huh?" [00:15] 07Dryas: "What's going on with Salim? Did I miss something?" [00:16] 10Daizo looks to Piu, then Dryas. "All right. I'll take it from the top." [00:17] 10Daizo recaps what he's discovered so far. The lack of the Salim name on the Mnemon rolls, Ratel's suspicion of a forgery, Daizo's own detection of same (although not the exact *nature* of it—that can wait), and then the incredibly tense walk home, followed by Salim's disappearance. [00:18] 10And of course Seiri's story about the so-called monk who doesn't recognize a prayer when he sees it. 15[00:18] Speaking of which, Seiri's still down with Ratel. [00:19] 07On the subject of disappearing people: "The assassin tried a weird trick with me, I think. He faded out for a second, I thought he was gone, but the trick failed, he had to run." [00:23] 10Daizo: "Interesting. Some kind of illusion, perhaps?" [00:24] 4Piu: "Ooh! What'd it look like?" [00:24] "Like a smokey fwoosh, or did he just disappear, or...?" [00:25] 07Dryas: "It was a shimmer in the air, for a moment... And a mark, a violet mark upon his forehead, like the Anathema have sometimes. But this wasn't the mark of a Sun or Moon Anathema." [00:26] 4Piu furrows her brow: "Huh..." [00:26] 10Daizo: "Oh? COuld you draw it?" [00:27] 07Could she? [00:27] 10He digs around and comes up with a charcoal stick and a paper scrap.  15[00:27] Dryas sketches it out: https://i.imgur.com/MZnNy94.png [00:32] 10Daizo: "This is… the mark of Saturn, the Maiden of Endings. One of the celestial gods in the highest ranks of Heaven." [00:32] "Sometimes known as the Gardener, or the Reckoner." [00:32] 4Piu gasps softly. [00:33] 07Dryas moans as she sucks down the rest of the jug of wine.  [00:34] 4Piu: "Can we even...hurt people like that?" [00:34] 07Glug.... glug.... glug... she gasps, dropping it unceremoniously and whinging, "You mean I've been cursed by Saturn, herself?!" [00:35] 4Piu: "...Did they attack you?" [00:36] 10Daizo: "Something like that. But the celestial gods aren't supposed to intervene in the affairs of Creation." [00:37] 07Dryas: "No... he, I guess he, just looked at me and I felt, I knew, that Death may come from any quarter at any time. And I am not safe... Is that a curse, Daizo??" [00:37] 10Daizo: "He could be an especially rare type of Anathema. Like… Sadako is." [00:38] 4Piu: "If he just attacked Sadako, then ran away from you..." [00:38] 10Daizo: "I don't know. Perhaps we can get you to the temple tomorrow and have Sister Dusk perform an exorcism?" 15[00:40] At that, the three of them hear Ratel calling up for them. [00:40] 07Dryas: "I guess that's a start! By the cloacas of the Elemental Dragons, what rotten luck. But... then again... maybe if it's a new type of Anathema - and Sadako isn't Anathema, I thought we agreed - maybe we could hunt--" [00:40] 4Piu's already moving, light on her feet. [00:41] 10Daizo's next, thundering down the stairs like a herd of yeddim. [00:41] "No, wait, we can't! SIster Dusk died, too," 07Dryas notes. "I overheard the news when I was meeting with the Factor." [00:42] 10Then he nearly trips and falls on his face. [00:42] 14Piu's relieved they don't have time to talk about that right now. [00:43] "Sister Dusk is—?" 10No. Put that on the ever-growing pile of things to worry about later.  15[00:43] The three of them find Ratel in the storeroom, where Salim is seated on a barrel, half-dried, head in his hands. Ratel kicks the door shit behind the three of them as they enter, never taking her flame piece off of him. 15[00:44] Ratel: "Our friend Salim's given up an interesting story." 15[00:44] "Tell them." [00:45] 4Piu doesn't precisely take a combat stance...14But she moves around to his side to make it hard to engage her and Ratel's piece at the same time. 15[00:45] Salim wrings his hands and looks up at them. "I am... not who I claimed to be. I am not a member of House Mnemon. I am not of the Blood." 15[00:45] "I am an assassin of the Black Lotus." 15[00:45] "I was sent here to kill someone. And I have." 15[00:46] "Even now, Mnemon Dusk lies dead." 15[00:46] NEXT TIME: The first bout