15[20:05] Word of the Immaculate sister's murder filters in with the first non-combatants to enter the Hinokuni hall. It comes downstairs to the lockers mere minutes later, as the order's come from Thousand Devil Master to pack up and roll out for the night. The underground fighting league is, well, underground, and illegal, and the judgment has come down that now is not the time to be a large 15[20:05] illegal gathering of trained fighters in this city. 15[20:06] Zhangyu's turned out into the rain not long after that, as the hall shuts and locks behind him. 15[20:08] What's on his mind as he returns to the hostel? 15[20:09] At that same hostel, the senior staff of Danaa'd's Defiance contemplate the traitor and assassin in their midst. The one sent to kill Mnemon Dusk. 15[20:09] No, the other one. [20:10] 14This is awkward. [20:10] 14And suspicious. [20:10] 6Well, shit. Probably best to be getting back to the crew - it's late, Hinokuni was a bust for the first night, and someone's apparently out there killing people. He's still vaguely upset with Ragara Kolu - Son-of-Sabers. There isn't even a Sabers! But otherwise he's keeping an eye out and glaring at anyone in his way on his way back to the hostel. 15[20:12] Mnemon Salim sits on a stool between hanging and curing fractions of a pig, with all his sides and exits covered by Blooded warriors of esteem and repute. In front of him is the Commodore Peleps Ratel, who throws a swinging shadow as the hanging brazier lighting the storeroom rocks in time with the tremors off Hamoji. [20:13] 07Tremors off Hamoji? 15[20:13] The volcano is temperamental. Locals assure you that the occasional tremor is nothing to worry about. [20:15] 14Is the floor open for questions, or is Ratel running this herself? 15[20:16] Ratel's leading the interrogation, but the floor is open. [20:16] 4Piu: "Soo...how'd ya do it?" [20:17] 10Little tremors aren't anything to worry about. Just the dragons playing deep, deep underground. [20:18] 6Zhangyu's still grumbling as he returns, though unless someone sent out a runner he probably doesn't know what he's walking into... 15[20:19] The man calling himself Mnemon Salim looks down at and wrings his hands. "I had... hoped to poison her. But she was too strong. I had to strangle her with a wire." [20:19] 4When Zhangyu enters: "Oh, hey Tepet Zhangyu! Mnemon Salim killed Sister Dusk and is telling us about it, for some reason." 15[20:19] Salim looks up sharply as Zhangyu enters, having been ushered back by the suspiciously large and alert guaed detail. [20:20] 6Zhangyu: "I. What?" [20:21] 4Piu: "Wow. And after all that time fighting with your hands...I'd never have suspected!" [20:21] 10Daizo heaves a silent sigh. Piu's smarter than this, so why is she… Ah, of course. To put Salim off guard. "The priestess I met with yesterday, Cousin." [20:22] "Strangled with a wire...?" 07Dryas asks. [20:22] "Where were you two hours ago?" [20:22] 4The Chain, of course, is back around Piu's neck, a normal, slightly gaudy necklace. 15[20:23] Salim: "Two hours ago was an hour before I returned. I was on the way here. On the way back from the temple." 15[20:23] Aside from a sudden, sharp look, he has no response to Piu. [20:24] 6Zhangyu does a quick headcount. Is everyone accounted for? Is he the last one to return? 15[20:26] Ratel: "Why are you admitting this to me?" [20:29] 10In a whispered conversation, Daizo gets Zhangyu up to speed on the events that transpired in his absence, although he doesn't say anything about the second assailant who killed Sadako. Or that she was killed at all—just attacked. [20:31] 6Golly. Suddenly feuding with Son-of-Sabers just seems petty. ...still gonna do it, but not today. 15[20:32] Salim: "When I agreed to accept this assignment, certain provisions were made for my safe return to the Isle. I learned that those provisions were not made." [20:37] 10Daizo: "That doesn't make any sense. There must be a dozen ways you could get back to the Blessed Isle safely, without throwing yourself on the Empress' justice." 15[20:37] "I take this risk to ask protection from my employer," Salim says. [20:38] 6Zhangyu raises an eyebrow. [20:39] "Who is that?" 07asks a frustrated Dryas. [20:40] 10Daizo hrrmphs. "You succeeded in your mission, but you're seeking protection from your employer? This doesn't add up." 15[20:40] Salim: "Mnemon." 15[20:45] Ratel: "What." [20:46] 4Piu, eyes wide: "Wow...you think so? Maybe you guys should have like, a guild or something." 15[20:48] Salim: "I am confident I was not intended to leave the island alive. But I am equally confident she cannot touch me so long as I remain a part of your crew. Your mission is watched by too many eyes." 15[20:50] Ratel paces around. "You're telling me Mnemon hired you to sneak onto my crew, using falsified documents she wrote herself, so that you could assassinate another, legitimate member of House Mnemon in secret, at which point she would disavow you and leave you to be killed by... who, exactly?" 15[20:51] Salim: "You, I expect. You collectively. Upon learning of my deception." [20:51] 4Piu pipes up: "I say we keep him." [20:53] "Who else are you working with?" 07Dryas pipes in. [20:54] 6I mean, that is just smart tactics. Leave the operative behind to die and nobody knows you even ordered an assassination! He really should've seen that one coming. "So instead you seek refuge with the people who would have killed you?" 15[20:55] Salim: "Since I joined your expedition I have worked alone." [20:55] 10Daizo: "And prior to that? This 'Black Lotus' you mentioned?" [20:58] 14Better to have Daizo ask that question. [21:01] 10Whoever this Black Lotus group is, Daizo thinks they must be doing a lousy job of it if they're giving their assassins cover stories so flimsy a child can see through them. Or an almost-child, anyway. 15[21:03] Salim: "The Order of the Black Lotus is a league of assassins that has existed for centuries. We are embedded among the elite of many cultures across Creation, including every corner of your Realm. We are trained to kill without weapons." 15[21:03] Ratel: "A wire is a weapon." [21:03] 14Piu resists glancing around. Is anyone going to ask the obvious-- [21:03] 14There we are. [21:03] 6He's glad she got there first. 15[21:04] Salim: "No it isn't." 15[21:04] Ratel: "Yes it is! A wire is obviously a weapon." [21:04] 14There's actually a lot of literature on this. 15[21:04] Salim shakes his head. "Not by the laws of the Black Lotus." [21:04] 14Philosophically speaking. [21:05] 6Zhangyu: "Why does that matter?" [21:05] 4Piu: "What if, like, I broke a teacup and tried to cut ya with the sharp edge?" 15[21:06] Salim: "If you brought the teacup into the room with the intention of breaking it and using it to cut someone, it would be a weapon." [21:07] 4Piu: "Huh. So you just...found the wire lying around?" [21:07] 6Zhangyu: "And a wire... that you brought into the room, with the intention of strangling someone with it..." 15[21:07] "A long-harbored killing intent is what elevates a weapon above anything sharp." 15[21:07] Salim: "A loose string on her guqin." [21:08] 4Piu shrugs. "I guess that's fair. Weird! But fair." [21:08] 10Mela's breath. This is what happens when they don't teach philosophy in the schools. [21:10] 10Daizo: "The metaphysical nature of teacups and wires aside, was it Mnemon's directive for you to pose as a monk? The Black Lotus's? Or was that your own idea?" [21:11] 6That's dumb. He's dumb. If it's not your body, it's a weapon. Also sometimes bodies are weapons but only if you throw someone really hard. [21:12] 14Well, that's Black Lotus philosophy alright. Goes all the way back to the curious case of master assassin Candle Jack. 15[21:14] Salim: "It was not my idea, I assure you. I am not a religious man. It was a compromise between my masters and Mnemon. My masters insisted that I have the protection of the Mnemon name, but Mnemon was adamant I have no insinuations to the Mnemon *blood*." [21:15] 4Piu: "So should we just call you Salim now?" 15[21:15] Salim: "If you would, please." [21:16] 6If that is his real name. [21:17] 07Dryas: "And why did Mnemon want Dusk to be killed? Was that ever disclosed to you? Did you have other targets of opportunity?" 15[21:19] Salim: "I can't speculate as to Mnemon's motives, but I can tell you what I observed: she has turned the temple orphanage into an orchard for fresh bodies to sell the Guild's body-brokers." [21:20] 14How noble and brave of you to kill her then, honored Salim. [21:20] 4Aloud: "Whoa..." 15[21:21] Ratel: "So why kill her? Why not just reassign her? That's typically how this sort of thing is covered up." 15[21:21] Salim shakes his head. "As I said, I cannot speculate." [21:22] 6Zhangyu: "You can, but refuse to." [21:22] 07Dryas is moving on - "If you don't bother with Immaculate dogma, and had no other targets of opportunity, why did you try to kill Sadako?" 15[21:22] Salim: "What?!" [21:23] 07Dryas, coldly: "With a garotte, even." [21:24] 6Zhangyu: "Sadako was attacked?" 6Daizo, you left out some details. [21:24] 6Wait, shit, he said that. Nevermind. [21:25] 07Dryas does not answer, but remains focused on Salim. [21:25] 4Piu: "I wasn't there to see it...but you did disappear while we were walking back to the hostel, Salim..." [21:26] 10Daizo: "Yes, why did you leave us as we took that shortcut through the garden? It gave us quite the shock." [21:26] 6What are the odds there are two secretive killers running around with garrotes? 15[21:27] Salim: "I won't pretend to love the child, but killing her brings more curses than it clears. And it brings them on *me*. Imagine the awful hungry ghost such a wretched thing would produce... motivated only by hatred of me. I think not." [21:28] 4Piu, casually: "It also doesn't work. Which makes you less of a threat to her, I guess." [21:29] 10Oh, damn. Now it's out. 15[21:29] Salim blanches. "What?" [21:29] 6Zhangyu: "Doesn't work?" [21:30] 4Piu: "Oops!" [21:30] 14But she's paying close attention to Salim's face. [21:36] 6Zhangyu: "What do you mean doesn't work?" [21:36] 4He's a true believer, isn't he. So if he's not actually a monk, but he is actually a killer...why does he think like a monk? [21:36] 14He's a true believer, isn't he. So if he's not actually a monk, but he is actually a killer...why does he think like a monk? 15[21:39] Ratel: "Sadako's not the issue here." 15[21:39] To Salim: "If Mnemon expected you to die, what use are you to me?" [21:40] 14Playing with House money. [21:40] 6No seriously what does "killing her doesn't work" mean you can't just say that and not explain--! 15[21:41] Salim: "I was expected to die. But no specific allowance was made for my death. If I can continue to make reports as if the mission was completed and I am still embedded secretly within your mission... that would be a consolation prize Mnemon would accept. And that connection can be of use to you." [21:41] 10Daizo whispers "The attempt failed. I'll tell you the whole story when we're done here." 15[21:42] Ratel: "You're proposing to become a double agent on our behalf." 15[21:42] Salim: "In a sense. I can pass you whatever information I receive from Mnemon, and I can shape my reports to her in any manner you require." 15[21:45] Ratel: "The simplest and safest thing for me to do is to turn you in to Mnemon myself." 15[21:45] "An assassin who killed one of her children and now cooks up some bizarre story about having been ordered to by Mnemon herself? I expect you'd find transport back to the Isle then." [21:46] 14But... 15[21:46] Ratel: "So how about this." 15[21:47] "You aren't just feeding Mnemon lies on my behalf. You work for me now." [21:47] 14There it is. [21:48] 10Daizo's nodding along with Ratel. And then... [21:48] 14Blocking the attempt on Ratel's life is easily the best decision Piu's made in months. Perhaps years. What the hell was To thinking? 15[21:50] Salim: "...if that is what is required." [21:51] 4Piu excitedly claps her hands together. [21:51] 07Dryas lights another one of her stubby little cigars and leans back.  [21:51] 14This will require some massaging for Caxi, but Ratel executing Salim wasn't going to get her the outcome she wanted. [21:51] 6They'll still have to keep a very close eye on him. On account of the whole being a secret-society assassin thing. [21:51] 4Agreed! [21:52] "Commodore, is this wise? If he turns traitor, what is to stop him from turning again?" 10Daizo's worried here and not just for Sadako or Seiri or Ratel.  [21:53] "Does that mean you take responsibility for the death of Mnemon Dusk?" 07Dryas asks. [21:53] 4Piu: "I dunno if that's the best way to think about it, Daizo. Like, the reason he's here is he's got an aversion to being killed." [21:53] "If he turns on us, we're gonna kill him." [21:53] 14To Salim: "That's understood, right." [21:54] 6Zhangyu cracks his knuckles. 15[21:56] Ratel: "We were all implicated as soon as he came and confessed to us. We could turn him in immediately, but that benefits no one, including justice." 15[21:56] Salim, to Piu: "My life is in your hands." [21:58] 4Piu grins. "Then we're understood! Stay the fuck away from Sadako, don't kill anyone in their sleep, and we'll have no problems!" [21:59] 10Daizo: "Very well. I withdraw my objection." 10He looks the exact opposite of thrilled. And tired. [22:00] 6I mean. There will be some problems. [22:01] 6Like, "just don't kill any of us" leaves a lot of room for bad things! Zhangyu could create problems without breaking that rule right now! And in our sleep? Anyway, it's close enough to right that he won't speak out against it. But he is glowering at Salim. [22:02] 14At this point Piu needs to get out of this room and make a report. 15[22:02] Ratel: "And you'll be sleeping under lock and key for the forseeable future. With a guard at the door." [22:02] 10If and when the situation changes, Daizo will be the first to suggest stranding the man on a desert island or locking him in a cell. And he will also be the first to say "I told you so." But until that time, the commanding officer's word is law. 15[22:03] Ratel looks at the others. "You're all dismissed. Get some rest." [22:03] 4Piu salutes, sloppily. "Yes ma'am." [22:03] 14Time to find Caedus. [22:05] 6Even if the situation doesn't change, stranding him on a desert island would be more than just. Zhangyu nods to Ratel, then pulls Daizo aside as they leave -- explain the whole Sadako situation, cousin!! [22:05] 14She'll corner him in a storeroom and deliver the essentials: Salim has decided to take the hit for her kill for no discernable reason except to shed his previous cover and join the crew under a different one. It's still a cover. He's not a monk, but he still hates Anathema. If he was behind the attempt on Sadako's "life," he was unaware of its outcome. He does appear to at least [22:05] 14legitimately know Black Lotus philosophy. [22:06] 07Dryas falls in between Daizo and Zhangyu. She'll try to make eye contact with Piu, unless she's truly determined to leave. [22:06] 14Also, someone needs to recover Silk Shadow from that dead drop before they put to sea. [22:06] 10Daizo salutes and withdraws without another word. Then he'll lead Zhangyu upstairs to the parlor Piu's been using as a war room. [22:06] 14She'll let him go with a mostly-chaste kiss. [22:07] 4And circle back to that parlor. [22:07] 10Daizo: "We're alone?" [22:07] 4Piu checks the door. "Yup." [22:08] "All right. Sorry, Cousin, there were some things I didn't want to say in front of Salim. Or the Commodore, for that matter." [22:11] 4Piu: "We probably gotta restrict his entire access to the part of the ship where we sleep. Put him in the hold." [22:11] 07Soft footsteps approaching. [22:11] 6Zhangyu: "And this involves - killing her 'doesn't work.'" 6He taps his foot. [22:11] "Don't be mean, of course. Let him have a real room." [22:11] "Absolutely. Look, this might take a few minutes." 10He'll run through a summary of the research on the ghost ship and the nature of the liminal Chosen. "I wasn't there for this next part. Dryas?" [22:11] 4Piu will open the door when the footsteps arrive. [22:11] 6Zhangyu: "Cruelty is the point for now. Crimes don't go unpunished." [22:12] 10Daizo: "Ah, there you are." [22:13] 07Dryas glides through the door, having found another bottle of wine somewhere.  [22:13] 6Some people like to party, I guess. [22:14] 4Piu, brightly, as she closes the door and bolts it. "I'll have a glass!" [22:15] 07Dryas obliges to anyone who wishes to partake, puffing away on the remnants of the cigar. She pours herself a generous glass. "Dryas and I were attacked by a man with a garrote, when we were on our way back from the Guild Factor. Looked like one of the island natives. He squeezed the life out of her and ran when I confronted him." [22:16] 10Daizo retrieves a set of glassware, which looks absurdly delicate in his hands. "Same. Just a little. Being in the same room as that man feels like walking on a bed of needles." [22:17] 07Sadako and I [22:17] 4Piu, sipping: "I thought you would have said so if it looked like Salim!" [22:18] "I don't actually think it was Salim, is the crazy part," 07she says. [22:18] 4Piu: "The timing's still really convenient." [22:19] "But if he kills Sister Dusk, like. Does he have enough left to kill Sadako...?" [22:19] "That's a lot of work for one night!" [22:20] "He sent me a message, too. To intimidate me. Why would Salim bother? It doesn't make sense." 07And the one other thing, but no need to get into that just yet. [22:20] 6Zhangyu: "This is still all - huh." 6Also he's going to have to chat with Sadako about self defense. Not being able to die is no excuse. [22:21] 6Zhangyu: "Did this attacker seem to know she would just, get back up again, apparently?" [22:21] "Afterwards, when he tried to run, his forehead lit up like one of the Anathema. But not a Sun or Moon Anathema, either. We figured it out, it was the symbol of Saturn. Oh, and Sadako got up afterwards and didn't remember a thing, as if nothing happened. But her clothes, that I had just bought her, were all ruined." 07Dryas shrugs to Zhangyu's question. [22:22] 4Piu, clarifying: "Ruined by blood. Because she was dead!" [22:22] "So that's weird." 15[22:22] Also by the storm, which continues to rage outside. [22:24] 6Not remembering dying is probably for the best. "How many people know? Other than us. And, I guess, maybe her killer." [22:24] "Sometimes when I see her out the corner of my eye, she looks dead. Even before this. It's upsetting. But anyway, there's someone out there, a hunter." [22:25] 4Piu: "Yeah. I mean, she's Anathema. Some kind of Anathema." [22:25] 4She looks around the room. "Does anyone find it weird that even though Salim isn't a monk, he still hates Sadako and the Anathema so much? Like." [22:25] "In an educated way?" [22:26] 07Dryas: "What's that supposed to mean? The Anathema are terrible." [22:26] 6Zhangyu: "He's..." 6How to put this. "I get the feeling that we're missing something and I don't like it. I don't know. It's just a hunch." [22:27] 4Piu: "You don't like them, but you bought Sadako clothes. He doesn't like them in a whole other way." [22:28] 4Piu: "Like. Fully principled objections." [22:28] 10Daizo: Ye-e-e-s. He was saying all of that stuff about how curses would fall on him and hungry ghosts would rise. But it sounded authoritative. Perhaps this Black Lotus group is also a cult." [22:28] 4And Piu would NEVER accuse a Cynis of having principles. [22:29] 6Zhangyu: "We should do some digging. Though I'm, er, occupied..." 6Maybe he can overhear something at Hinokuni? Ugh, you can't just go to the secret underground fighting ring to solve all your problems... 15[22:29] Can't you? [22:30] "Sadako isn't Anathema. There's been no determination. She could be ghost-blooded or something. She's no wretched of the sun or moon-slaked murderer." [22:30] 4You can! [22:30] 4To Dryas: "Oh for sure." [22:30] 10Daizo: "There are things about the Anathema that they don't teach you in the Cloister, or in any school for that matter. You have to take vows and be officially initiated into the Palace Sublime to receive what my teachers called 'the deeper truths'." [22:30] 6I mean, Zhangyu will certainly try. [22:31] "But I'm beginning to suspect it's far from as cut-and-dried as I've believed until now." [22:32] "So, I'm reserving judgment." [22:32] 4Piu: "Anyway." [22:33] 4She wheels on Zhangyu and leans forward. "Tell me about the fights!!" [22:34] "Fights?" [22:35] 6Grumbling: "I didn't get to see any. Shut down early because the authorities were out looking for the killer of Sister Dusk, so all I got was condescended to by Bruiser Khang and Son-of-Sabers." [22:35] 4To Zhangyu, quite seriously: "You will need to have all of us as your nakama if you're going to ascend to the top of the world. To the Championship." [22:35] "Pffft." [22:36] "They will be fighting again soon. As soon as it's clear there's no hunt on!" [22:36] 10Daizo: "Are they strong, do you think? Or are they all talk?" [22:37] "It's natural that they closed the Harakuni down, Nn Tloc was furious at the news of the murder,"07 Dryas innocently lets slip. [22:38] "Hinokuni." [22:39] "Bruiser Khang wasn't condescending! Or maybe he was, if you were REALLY rude. He is a friend to all children, and buff as Hell! He's always smiling!" [22:39] "Whatever. Zhangyu needs a manager, and it should naturally be me," 07Dryas explains. [22:39] 10Daizo waves a finger. "It is an unsanctioned tournament, but let's give it its due." [22:39] "Son-of-Sabers..." [22:40] "Well, Son-of-Sabers will kill you if you step in the ring with him, Zhangyu. If you lose." [22:40] "He kills Dynasts." [22:40] "REALLY hot though. Like, my EMPRESS." [22:40] 6Zhangyu: "Son-of-Sabers was Ragara Kolu, and a prized student of Grandmaster Mushi. He's probably the biggest concern..." 6Listing off: "Bruiser Khang has something against me, Kuga Rahn, Mirido, Doremi, and 'Ted' are all small fries. Apparently I'll be going up against Gilana Crimson Tide first." [22:40] 6He nods. Also, being able to kill him is also hot. [22:40] 4Pointing at Dryas: "She is the perfect manager!!!" [22:41] "The perfect combination of gauche and powerful...fantastic!!" [22:43] "Kuga Rahn...the 'Short King'...a brute in the ring and in the bed! Despite being of small stature!!! He will dislike you, but he would dislike Daizo more!" [22:43] 10Daizo looks thoughtful. "Hmmm... All right, Dryas, introduce Cousin Zhangyu to us like he was the fiercest fighter in the world." [22:45] "Mirido and Doremi are the tag veterans. They're...nice! And cool! And they usually get beat by up and comers. They're called Gateway Twins!! Beware Doremi, for if either of them go solo, he will be the dangerous one!" [22:45] 6Zhangyu nods, thoughtfully. But also... "I could also take a partner..." [22:45] 07Dryas pauses, contemplatively. [22:45] "Gilana Crimson Tide..." [22:46] 4Piu's face is clouded. "She's fighting for her freedom. An alligator woman from the Dreaming Sea. She's a sorcerous experiment. Enslaved." [22:46] "You will not be the hero of this fight." [22:46] 6He did say he sort of expected to play a villain. [22:47] 10Daizo: "Is that so? It's been a long time since I've had a proper fight. Not just sparring or practice..." [22:47] 4Finally: "I do not know who Ted is." [22:47] 4To Daizo: "You should partner with Zhangyu!" [22:49] 4To Dryas: "You should find out who owns Gilana." [22:49] 6Zhangyu: "Up to you, cousin. We could be great..." [22:49] 10Daizo seems like he's considering something. "Yes, there's just one problem—one of these days I plan to make a serious run at the Budokai. Participating in the unsanctioned matches is bad for your career there…" [22:50] "Unless…" [22:50] "AHA!" 10The shout shakes the room and probably wakes up a good few sailors. [22:51] 10Daizo: "My old sifu used to tell a story about how he would test himself in these matches. You enter as a masked combatant." [22:52] 4Piu: "YESS!!!!!" [22:52] "You need a name!!" [22:52] "Unless they're the lowest of the low scum, any self-respecting martial artist respects the code of the mask." [22:53] "...Mil Montañas." [22:53] "One Thousand Mountains." [22:53] 10Daizo grins. "I'm open to suggestions. Back in the day he fought as the Thunder Ogre…" [22:53] "Hmmm." [22:53] "Hmmmmmmmmm...." [22:54] "I like it." [22:55] 6Zhangyu nods. A tag team it is. And a mask... well, Zhangyu doesn't want one, but he might get some gear for a theme... [22:55] 07Dryas clears her throat after a moment. "Ladies and gentlemen: Are you ready to see just why the ten thousand dragons who do, I assure you, rule this world, do so from the heart of civilization and refinement itself, the Realm of the Scarlet Dynasty? Are you ready to see your pathetic heroes humbled by THE most talented warrior the sport of Hinokuni has ever seen? Are you ready to cry and scream, to tear your hair and gnash [22:55] your teeth, redden your eyes and stomp your feet? Because here is Tepet Zhangyu to defile your memories and his partner, Mil Montañas, One Thousand Mountains, to fall upon you!" [22:57] 10Daizo: "Perfect." [23:00] 6Zhangyu rolls his neck. "It is." 6He grins at Daizo. "We've got this." 15[23:02] The four of them sleep late, as you'd expect, given the night they had. And the day is mostly uneventful, aside from Dryas needing to step out to finalize arrangements with a deeply furious Nn Tloc, who was orchestrating some kind of complicated commercial espionage over a rival to take over financing of the orphanage. She actually meets the rival on the way in, a broad, handsome man 15[23:02] with a Northern complexion called Ialtagan. [23:02] 4Let's do this!! 15[23:06] The man who has infuriated the Guild factor flashes Dryas a charmingly vacant smile as he passes her. 15[23:06] Iselsi Lao: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBftDgIhIVs - ‘Cause in the dark, even the blind can feel a speck of light. 15[23:06] The rest of them have until nightfall to prepare for Hinokuni, which Zhangyu heard by word of mouth will reopen as normal that evening. Do the four of them enter together? [23:07] 10Daizo breaks the news to Seiri in the morning. It's, well, it's kind of rough. Before preparing for Hinokuni, he'll go to the shrine and light a candle so Dusk can find her way safely to Lethe. Then he has some unusual orders for a tailor. [23:07] 4Piu's down. And dressed almost scandalously. [23:11] 10Around twilight Daizo will meet up with at least Zhangyu, possibly the others before heading down to the docks. [23:11] 6Zhangyu might get there slightly before the rest, just to let them know he's got guests, and a tag team partner. Uh, is there etiquette about that for secret fighting tournaments? Seems like they would want a heads up at least. 15[23:12] Some advance notice would be appreciated but heck, it's not like Zhangyu had someone to announce him. [23:12] 6He did sort of announce himself, yeah. Still! No medallions changed hands this time. [23:13] 4Does Zhangyu want to do an entrance or something? Piu's fine with being the short skirt next to the long pants. Before he rips them off, of course. 15[23:14] Heads turn as they enter, with a handful of people drinking at the bar, tended by Thousand Devil Master. There's a reptilian-looking woman drinking alone at the end of the bar, there's Sublime Master Thief, and there's the one Zhangyu knows is Ted, with a long thin flute of something bubbly. [23:16] 6An entrance would be good, though maybe all four of them is a bit much... To roll up with a Squad is very cool though... 15[23:17] The slightly pudgy man waves them all over. "Friends of Zhangyu's? Drinks are on me!" 15[23:17] Sublime Master Thief: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQNv2sY7Ge0 - If you can’t beat ‘em, make ‘em bleed like pigs. [23:17] 4Piu will nod to Dryas regarding Gilana Crimson Tide. Then she'll go off to start flirting. [23:17] 4This is a place for party people, after all. 15[23:18] The large, scaly woman at the end of the bar eyes Zhangyu levelly. 15[23:18] Gilana Crimson Tide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rj8HVW3PQ - I finally found what I was looking for: a place where I can be without remorse. 15[23:19] Ted waves airily. 15[23:19] Ted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L85cillM6ME - How could it shine down on everyone, and never shine on me? [23:21] 6Zhangyu just glares at who must be Gilana Crimson Tide in response. Glaring's great. You don't even have to say anything and people know how you feel anyway! 15[23:22] Thousand Devil Master claps his big meaty hands. "ZHANGYU! Introduce your friends!" [23:22] 07Dryas will partake of the most luxurious refreshments available. If it's all swill on hand she will abstain. She is wearing a pair of shoes - no moonsilver, however - nearly as tall as the ones Cynis Cerise goes around in. She'll settle in to read the crowd and get a sense of who Gilana Crimson Tide is working for. [23:24] 6Zhangyu: "Piu, Dryas, and the masked one is Mil Montañas." 6What's his mask look like, by the by? Getting one of those on short notice is tricky, but... [23:25] 6He's just pointing at the girls, for the record - they seem to have immediately found themselves at home in the crowd. [23:26] 4Piu struts out onto the dance floor...and her song comes on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x6leDGV7gs [23:27] 4Her hips are moving before the smile spreads across her lips. 15[23:28] All eyes are on her. [23:28] 4Most of it is dancing; some of it is fighting. She tries not to hurt the poor boys. And the occasional girl. [23:30] 4There's kissing. If they impress her, it's on the lips. If they don't, it's on the neck, and it leaves a mark. By the end, there's a coordinated choreography. [23:31] 6Golly. [23:32] 10Daizo stayed up a little bit consulting with the others for ideas. The design they came up with suggests the countenance of a tyrant lizard carved from granite, with accents in red and silver. But no one's looking at him when Piu's out there doing her thing.  15[23:33] Thousand Devil Master turns to "Mil Montañas"... after the song ends. "...big man! Love to see it. Will you be fighting on Zhangyu's medallion?" [23:34] 07Dryas is a fish in water in this kind of atmosphere. She weaves her way through the crowd, following the flow of the party to find the mutant's manager. She has a knack for finding managers, asking for managers, speaking to managers... 15[23:35] A combination of asking around, her existing knowledge, and a little common sense put the picture together for Dryas. Gilana Crimson Tide earns a lot of money in these bouts. Enough that she's likely the most lucrative slave on the island. Who would hold her indenture if not the richest slave-trader on the island? She's one of Nn Tloc's. It stands to reason that if he brokers in Anathema 15[23:35] he brokers in other... unusual personages. [23:36] 10Daizo: "Yeah. Any rules I need to worry about?" [23:36] "Weapons, barred holds, striking below the belt, you know the deal." [23:37] 6Only if you get caught, Zhangyu doesn't say. 15[23:37] Thousand Devil Master sniffs and spits. "You can't carry any weapons into the ring. That's the one rule. We used to have more but the referees kept getting killed trying to adjudicate them. Easier all around this way." 15[23:38] Piu's pulled the attention away from the people at the bar, even the ones who come just to chase specific fighters. It's like she's the only one in the room. [23:39] 10Daizo: "Got it." [23:39] 6Zhangyu: "Shouldn't be a problem." 6Looking at Thousand Devil Master again: "Is the tag thing going to change my first fight? You did say I'd be taking on Gilana Crimson Tide, but that was before Mil..." 15[23:40] Thousand Devil Master: "I'm going to break you two in on singles matches. No tags today." 15[23:40] To Mil: "Unless that's a problem for you." [23:41] 10Daizo: "Fine by me. It's the guy going up against me you'll need to worry about." [23:42] 6Yesss. [23:43] 4Piu is in her element, grinning, sliding, sweating. This is the moment. [23:44] 4And when the moment's over, she'll sashay over to the bar. 15[23:48] The door opens and two people enter. Thousand Devil Master acknowledges them with a nod. "Tell her so yourself," he says to Mil. 15[23:49] The woman in the front is short-ish and fair, her hair and clothing both dyed half-black and half-white, split straight down the middle. [23:49] 6Zhangyu turns to look. 15[23:49] The man in the back is tall, lean, and scowling. Son-of-Sabers. [23:49] 4Piu will push her way forward to see the reveal. [23:49] 6That prick. [23:49] 4Isn't he~ [23:50] 6Look. Yes. But also, augh!! [23:53] 6Who's she? And why's she with him? There are a lot of questions happening here. 15[23:53] "Sia," calls the bartender. "Meet Mil Montañas, your next opponent." [23:53] 10Daizo looks the short woman up and down, mostly down. He can't really say anything about the odd fashion choice, considering.  [23:53] 6This only asks more questions. [23:54] 4Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm. [23:54] 6Piu. She's by the bar, yes? Maybe she knows. "Sia" could endanger Daizo... 15[23:54] Sia walks up to him, arms folded, and looks him up and down, mostly up. Her final assessment is a curt "I'm not impressed." [23:54] 4Piu's near the rail, now. Someone interesting showed up. [23:55] 10Daizo: "Guess we'll see if that changes in a few minutes." [23:56] 4Grinning at Sia the Querulous: "Oh, this is gonna be hot." [23:57] 6Not... NOT concerning... [23:59] 10Daizo: "Talk's cheap. We can speak with our fists. See you soon, Sia." 10He's not really here to make friends.  [23:59] 6Zhangyu, quietly to Piu: "Should I worry?" 15[23:59] Thousand Devil Master cackles. "This is going to be a fun night." 15[23:59] Thousand Devil Master: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOZ6xQ4PlOM - WOO HAH 15[00:00] Sia says back to her friend(?): "I've got to go get ready." 15[00:00] Sia the Querulous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPQb__Hu3D4 - If you think I’ll sit around as the world goes by, you’re thinking like a fool, ‘cause it’s a case of do or die. 15[00:01] Her friend offers only an affectionless "Cheers." 15[00:01] Son-of-Sabers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKrRyZUpoEw - The money, it feels good, and your life you like it well, but surely your time will come -- as in Heaven, as in Hell. 15[00:04] NEXT TIME: The last known survivor [00:05] stalks his prey in the night