15[20:10] The crowd is loud and heavy outside the locker room where Zhangyu and Daizo are psyching themselves up for combat. What's their process, and what parting words has their manager left them with? [20:15] 07Dryas leans in to the two of them just outside the locker room. "Tonight, we sow something unstoppable." [20:17] 4Piu leans against the wall nearby, checking out the comings and goings. Mostly the goings. [20:19] 10First: limbering up. He works through a complicated set of exercises from memory. It's been a while since he's done the full set. Then, the basic forms and strikes of Earth Dragon. Dust and grit in the locker room dance as tiny shockwaves emanate from Daizo's fists, his elbows, his nees, and feet.  [20:22] "So," 07Dryas sidles up to Piu. "Tell me about Petty Officer Samperson." [20:23] 4Piu: "Hm? Oh. Ohh." [20:23] "He puts in the work. Hee." [20:23] 6Zhangyu stretches, flexes, and considers his opponent. He's facing Gilana Crimson Tide, who he saw in passing only briefly - apparently an alligator-woman fighting for her freedom. Wrestling a beastwoman is... well, rough luck for her. He's got his towel and his trunks, alongside some short footwear - no one wants to wrestle barefoot in one of these. [20:24] 6Did she look difficult to keep a hold onto? Not the time to go for a Go-Si piledriver, probably... 15[20:24] Has Zhangyu ever wrestled an alligator before? [20:25] 6No, though he's heard rumors about the... sport? 15[20:25] Well! Life is full of new experiences. [20:25] 10Daizo's changed into a shirt and trunks along with the mask. There aren't any ring boots that quite fit, so he's just wearing his regular ones. They're heavy, but there's no steel caps or gimmicks in them, so it's not a violation of the rules against weapons. "Haa-AH!" 10A final stomp shakes the room. His competitive spirit's starting to bubble up from its long sleep, and for a little bit, all of his frets and worries are as [20:25] 10 light as feathers.  [20:29] "He's a strong, commanding man. Quiet, but a take-charge type. And I know how to follow orders." 4Piu puts a hand on Dryas's shoulder. "And so does he." 15[20:29] A big bronze-skinned man strides out of the men's locker room, offering Zhangyu and Mil sober nods on the way. The crowd goes nuts when he comes into view; they get on their feet, clapping, cheering, chanting "BRUIS-ER, BRUIS-ER, BRUIS-ER... KHAAAAAANG!!!" [20:29] 4She leans in, smiling. "So whose house were you and Sadako coming out of last night, huh?" [20:31] 6Zhangyu nods in return. No words are exchanged. [20:32] 10"Mil" goes so far as to give Bruiser Khang a thumbs-up. [20:32] 07Dryas reads her shipmate's expression with a wry smile. "Well, I had taken Sadako shopping when I went to meet the Factor, but I don't know if he realized-" 07she glances at the 'bruiser' and sneers for a moment - "that I was accompanied by someone else." 15[20:35] At the center of the big stone ring, Bruiser Khang holds his arms high and wide and the crowd goes silent. He smiles, wide and white and flawless. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we have a treat for you tonight. Some of you will have heard that Chases-Waterfalls--" (scattered boos) "--lost his invitation to the Land of Fire. Chases-Waterfalls... he was strong. He was tough." 15[20:36] Bruiser raises one meaty finger. 15[20:36] "But he did not have the heart of a champion." [20:36] 4Piu leans back a bit. "Gosh. Well. I bet he realized before the night was out. Word like that'll travel fast, huh?" [20:36] 6He wasn't that tough. [20:38] "Who can say," 07Dryas responds, philosophically, before stretching her arms, "la le li lo lu. la le li lo lu. laleliilolu!" 15[20:39] Bruiser nods sadly through the murmurs of assent. "Such strength. Suuuuch potential. WASTED! In his place stand two men, fighting under the same medal. Will they rise where he fell? Will they make their names in the ring of fire?!" As if on cue, the rim of the squared circle pulses high and hot with violet flames, throwing weird light on the spectators. [20:39] 10Daizo leans in and whispers to Zhangyu, "This is great. just like the novels." 10Zhangyu may come to the terrible realization here that while Daizo may have enjoyed the cream of martial arts training and distinguished himself in a real battle, his experience is oddly curtailed in some ways. 15[20:40] "We'll find out soon enough. Because if it's your first night in Hinokuni..." There's that grin again. "...you have to fight." 15[20:40] Bruiser Khang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVkc6UF1mzI - He’s gotta be sure, and it’s gotta be soon, and he’s gotta be larger than life. [20:41] 6That's fine. This is the best way to teach him. Zhangyu responds with a roll of his neck that sends his towel shaking. "Maybe. You'll see soon enough." [20:42] 4Bruiser Khang is so cool. It sucks that he's decided Zhangyu is the heel he wants here, but, well. What can you do. [20:43] 10Daizo nods. "On your cue, Cousin. I think we'll make a real splash." [20:44] 4Shouting along with many others in response to Bruiser Khang's challenge: "WOOO! GO ACE!!!" 15[20:45] The flames die down slowly, in time with the crowds' screaming. "The challengers face two of our most seasoned warriors. In THIS corner, from there and back again... SIA THE QUERULOUS!" 15[20:45] "And in THIS corner, hailing from the Dreaming Sea... GILANA CRIMSON TIDE!" 15[20:46] The ranking wrestlers come out to wild cheers, limber and serious. 15[20:46] Bruiser points an accusing finger in the direction of the lockers. "Who will speak for the challengers?" [20:48] 07Cynis Dryas jumps twice in place, before standing to attention ramrod-straight. She approaches the ring with the utter grace taught in the Spiral Academy, with the false humility the daughters of the Realm have ever used to make humble the barbarian Threshold. She approaches the ring without a word. [20:49] 6Zhangyu: "Shit, that's us. Come on, Mil." 6And after that he's making his way down to the ring behind Cynis Dryas, towel still over the top of his head, ZHANGYU written clearly on it. [20:50] 10Mil walks alongside Zhangyu, inevitable as a glacier. Wait for it, wait for it... [20:57] "Minnows of the West!" 07She proclaims to the crowd, raising one arm in false greeting. "Thank you for welcoming us into your fair city." 07She smiles a cold, dazzling smile. "Tonight, Earth shall triumph over Water!" 07She raises her other arm "-and lake-lizards and ornamental carp alike shall learn why ten thousand Dragons coil about the world! Prepare, Abalone, to learn the lessons of Mil Montanas and Tepet Zhangyu! [20:57] Prepare to be humbled before their might!" [20:58] 6Zhangyu whips the towel off his head as his name is announced as he glares around at the gathered crowd. [20:59] * "Zhangyu! Of the great Mushi Dojo!! And Mil Montanas, of the wild lowlands of Harborhead!" [20:59] 6He's crushingly handsome. And will crush you, handsomely. 15[21:02] The crowd gasps at Zhangyu's beauty. They'd heard he was strong, but this... it just seems to make them angrier, though. Lot of boos and jeers. People don't really like the Dynasty in here. [21:03] 4Piu knows the rules here, and knows that the ring-out tradition in the Hinokuni makes it incredibly unforgiving to Falcon stylists and more traditional southern "luucha" cavorters, and the lack of an edge or rope break makes it even more punishing for grapplers. So there won't be a lot of flippy-dipping about, and there will probably be a lot of broken legs. [21:03] 6What a shame. [21:03] 07Dryas slinks behind her warriors now. She whispers in the ear of Zhangyu. [21:03] 10Mil faces the crowd, teeth bared, and rips off his shirt, tossing it into the stands. Everyone can get a good look at the sca, stretching diagonally from his shoulder all the wau until it disappears under the waist of his trunks, from the wound that nearly bisected him; blood of the Dragons or no, it will never heal completely, and stands out against his skin. [21:06] "Together, you and I, shall crush their bodies and their spirits. We are irresistible. Do not forget this." [21:06] 6He nods, grimly. [21:07] 10To the crowd, a thumbs-down. 15[21:07] BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [21:08] 4Daizo -- Mil -- is really taking to this! [21:08] 07She practically slithers behind Daizo. "Water shall not unmake stone. Let their lamentations wash over you and -we-shall stand the stronger for it." 15[21:18] The four combatants stand at the four corners of the ring. Bruiser points at each of them in turn. "Fight hard. Fight clean. Fight with a smile. Fight like a champion!" 15[21:19] He leaps from the ring in a huge graceful arc, something you'd expect out of someone with Piu's build rather than a big man like that. [21:19] 4Ace...!!! 15[21:19] From somewhere, a gong sounds. [21:19] 6Zhangyu's smile looks menacing as he licks his lips. [21:27] 4Too bad about all the referees. But you can't get the blooded just to call holds and strikes. [21:28] 10Mil's got his eyes on the prize.  15[21:32] Sia comes out of the gates with an aggressive, acrobatic strike that sees her one white boot and one black boot coming together in midair for Mil's head. That's some mobility! [21:45] 4Piu spends most of these early matches strutting about the outside apron of the ring, just where fans are allowed, concerning herself as much with them as with the matches. She doesn't want interference...and she wants to see if anyone here is interesting. [21:45] 07Dryas, at the foot of the arena, slaps the stone floor in excitement at the action. Excellent! [21:46] 10Just like those annoying little Cathak kids. Mil takes the force of the kick and lets it roll over him, taking a quarter-step back and catching Sia on the fall with a knee, sending her spinning to the floor.  15[21:49] Mil's briefly confused - for a moment, he can't quite figure out where Sia is. It's like he's got double vision. But the image clarifies, or at least he guesses right, and Sia hits the ground. 15[21:56] Gilana launches herself at Zhangyu with a roar of fury, black eyes flashing with killing intent! She leaps the last few fulms before landing in a smooth kata and letting her clawed hands rake at Zhangyu's chest. The air is humid with malice. 15[21:56] Blood sprays. The crowd goes wild. Gilana licks her lips. [21:56] 4Whoa. [21:57] 4Piu watches the crowd though. A couple more of those and it won't matter if someone tries to interfere, but... [21:58] 6That fucking hurt. That hurt. A lot. [21:59] 10They don't mess around in Hinokuni, it seems. 15[22:00] Piu sees that the crowd is delighted with the fight so far - their hate burns clean and pure, with no sign of intent to interfere... except... there's that pale pretty boy who was drinking with the wrestlers, sitting among the fans, face expressionless. Piu catches him murmuring under his breath. [22:01] 07Dryas is hit by a few stray drops of Zhangyu's blood. "Destroy her, Zhangyu! Boots for me and a belt for you!" [22:05] 10Zhangyu's down but not out. But since they're playing the bad guys here, if it looks like Cousin's in serious danger, then he's going to have to interfere. [22:10] 6Zhangyu spits the blood he finds almost choking him back in Gilana's face before slapping it off of her. Don't you fucking dare do that again. 15[22:11] Gilana overextended to make that terrifying attack, and she's almost knocked onto her ass by Zhangyu's counter. This fight's not over yet! [22:31] 6And she won't. While she's still distracted by the blood and the slap, he whips around to Gilana's back and begins to choke her. He's angry enough and knows enough tricks that she isn't getting out of this one. [22:32] 4Piu shouts into the ring: "GO ZHANGYU!!!" [22:32] "DON'T KILL 'ER, KILLER!!!" [22:32] 07Dryas pumps her fist in the air and shouts triumphantly. [22:32] 14Seriously, though, if he does that's going to complicate things. 15[22:32] The crowd roars in disapproval! [22:33] 6If she falls, he can add a grapevine to make sure, but the voice he hears dimly through the crowd cautions against that. Just a bit longer and it's all his. 15[22:34] You could learn to love this kind of atmosphere. [22:35] 07It's low-class bloodsport, but one must make do in the Threshold, after all. [22:36] 4Oh fuck you, this is fun. [22:37] "KICK HER HERE, MIL!!!" [22:40] 6There might be a little blood on the front row after Zhangyu slapped it off Gilana's face. [22:41] 4Well, doesn't look like that's going to happen. Piu heads over to the boy. [22:41] 10Mil goes for a spinning elbow… and Sia's not there. What? [22:42] 4What did she catch him murmuring? 15[22:43] Mil actually feels himself make contact... but there's a peculiar crawling sensation up his spine, and when he blinks she's well to the side of the blow. 15[22:43] The people outside the ring see a clean miss. [22:44] 07Dryas bats her eyelashes at Zhangyu's hold on Gilana with a cold, smug look on her face - before turning her attention back to Mil. "Tear her to shreds!" 07she cries. [22:44] 10Mil: "Hmph. Nice trick." [22:47] 07Dryas: "Yeddim shit! That's! yeddim! shit!" 15[22:47] The boy - Ted was his name - gives Piu a wan smile as she approaches. [22:50] 4Piu: "Hey." [22:50] 10Mil bellows a wordless agreement over the roar of the crowd. He considers trying out a certain technique. [22:51] "They're kinda killing themselves in there, huh?" [22:51] "You love to see it." [22:51] 4She slips onto the seat beside him. 15[22:53] Ted blinks slowly at her. "Mmm. Such passion..." [22:56] 10Mil's anima flares as Sia moves in once more.  [22:57] 4Piu: "It's what gets me by. Bartender! Something cold in the bottle and warm in the throat." 15[22:57] Sia's fist bounces harmlessly off Mil's chest. [22:57] "For both of us." 15[22:58] Ted: "Oh, thank you." Drinks are served - chilled northern wodka from the cellar. The glasses are coated in frost. [22:58] 4Excellent. "So where are you from, Ted?" [22:59] 4She's well aware he didn't give his name directly. 15[23:03] Oh, here and there. Born in the Threshold, schooled on the Isle." Ted knocks his drink back. "What's interested you in little old me? One little drop of rain?" [23:13] 07Dryas plants her feet on the floor and shouts: "Sia!"07 When the fighter looks up, wags her finger in sincere, posh, disapproval. [23:14] 10This is turning into a situation the former Thunder Ogre used to call "immovable force, unstoppable object". There are ways to break the stalemate, but— oh, hello, Dryas. [23:16] 4She grins and shoots the liquor. "Oh, but you're not old. And rain becomes steam." 15[23:17] Sia tries to brush it off, but something about Dryas is just so FUCKING annoying-- 15[23:17] Ted smiles... less wanly. "Clever and beautiful. A fearsome mix of talents." [23:17] "It's upsetting because I am better than you, darling." [23:18] "Bartender? Another round. Or two." 4She puts down the money for it, but her hand goes from the table to Ted's shoulder. Then his neck. Just stroking it... "Does this embarass you?" [23:18] 4Quieter: "I won't go farther than you wish." [23:19] 4And a grin. [23:19] 10Mil: "Ah-ah. Keep your hands off the Manager." [23:20] 4Goes without saying the air has gotten hot. 15[23:23] Ted arches his neck to drag the caress out as long as possible. "I bet you could find the line and cross it... but saints alive I'd love to see you try." [23:25] 10Mil centers himself and shouts a kiai. This is the time to go all-out. The solid stone beneath rumbles, and pebbles and dust rise. 15[23:26] Sia just cannot budge the giant. [23:26] 4She slips out from her seat into his lap, straddling him, back to the bar. "That's the thing about saints," 4she says, thumbing his lip. "They aren't alive." 4Has the bartender delivered the new shots? 15[23:27] Yes, they're both in Piu's arm's reach. [23:28] "But we are." 4She takes the first one, shoots it, doesn't swallow, and gently thumbs open his jaw to feed the liquor to him with a deep kis. [23:28] *4kiss [23:28] 4She'll shoot the second one herself. 15[23:28] Ted is extremely not embarrassed. [23:29] 4Yeah, she feels that. 15[23:32] As the two of them get hotter and heavier, there'll be a discreet throat-clear from the bartender. They're distracting people from the match, now. [23:33] "How long are you in town, sailor?" 4Piu asks, moving her hand down from his neck to the upper ribcage under his right arm, just massaging, going from flat hand to fingers and back over the bones. 15[23:34] Ted's voice is barely above a whisper, hands strong around her waist. "Until something catches my attention. Is that you?" [23:35] 4In his ear: "I feel like it is." [23:35] 6Zhangyu's had Gilana choked and pinned for the full and proper amount of time by now. He releases it immediately and retires to his corner to watch his cousin - seems to be going fairly well thus far. 15[23:35] Ted: "I've got a place." [23:36] 4She grins. "When the fight's over..." [23:36] "Until then, though, I'll stay right...here." [23:37] 4She turns. "And the bartender might get us another?" 15[23:37] His expression shows admittedly mild disapproval, but customers are customers. No rules, after all, in the Land of Fire. Two more shots. [23:39] 4Piu reaches back into the very small of her back and puts a generous tip on the bar surface without looking, before putting the rest of the money back where it came from. 15[23:39] No more disapproval. [23:40] 10Mil and Sia are really making a show of it. She can't get a firm grip on him and trying just gives him an opportunity to slam her down to the mat. The crowd's boos are better than any polite applause.  15[23:41] The crowd's boos rise and fall with Mil's momentum. Now that his advantage seems insurmountable, they're almost deafening. 15[23:41] Sia raises a hand. She offers surrender! 15[23:41] ...does Mil accept it? [23:42] 10Daizo would. Mil Montañas… doesn't. [23:43] 4Oh my. [23:46] 10The Thousand Mountains' pin is as heavy as ten talents of jade.  [23:46] 4Good boy. [23:46] 4Piu makes sure she can see the pin over Ted's shoulder, even as she leans in. [23:47] 07Dryas turns to the crowd with a serene smile. Are they not entertained? 15[23:47] The crowd does not like this. Some masked asshole taking out one of their favorites? Just the sight of it is distressing. Sia's so tiny and Mil is so huge... he'd look like a bully even if he wasn't playing it up. [23:47] 6Zhangyu just cackles. 15[23:48] Someone wings a tin cup at the manager's head! [23:49] 07Dryas sees it coming and bows gracefully, but she glances up at the bottom of the bow to see who threw it. 15[23:50] Dryas scans the crowd for the assailant with the practiced eye of a hunter... there. Four rows from the back. Older guy, iron-gray beard, wine gut. Good arm for someone his age. [23:51] 4She puts her lips on his neck, his lips, then his ear: "I'm going to tidy up with my people. Meet me outside in fifteen?" 15[23:51] Ted purrs in assent. [23:52] 07She points at her eyes, and up at the man. Too much cheap wine can be bad for you. 15[23:53] The man shrinks in his seat. [23:54] 6Zhangyu finally pulls himself to his feet with the ropes, and - god those wounds from earlier hurt. He should probably get those checked out. He claps Mil on the back as soon as he's up - hey, they won! 15[23:54] The crowd is far too unruly for the planned second match of the night, so Bruiser comes out to hold up the arms of Zhangyu and Mil. "These men have proven themselves able warriors! They may not have you applause, but they've earned your respect!" 15[23:55] Bruiser Khang's presence alchemizes the boos to cheers. [23:55] 4She'll kiss him twice and spend those 15 minutes wisely. [23:56] 10Yeah. He'll give Zhangyu a fistbump and use the other to pound his chest, raising an arm in victory afterwards. [23:56] 6He'll take it. If it stops a riot, good enough - they've made their names and the crowd will know them for next time. Couldn't be happier. 15[23:56] The two of them join the others after the match, working through crowds of new fans and gawpers and groupies. [23:56] 6Well, except for all the blood, all of which is his. [23:58] 07Dryas has an unlit cigar in one hand and dabs Zhangyu's blood off her face with a silk handkerchief with her other. The tin cup will make a souvenier. [23:59] 4Piu meets up with them, shortly, and will give hugs. [23:59] 4She doesn't care about the blood. [23:59] 4Simply stated: "I knew you both could do it." [00:00] 6Zhangyu: "Too close for comfort. Nasty first strike." [00:00] 07Dryas: "Marvelous work, boys. They were simply marvelous, weren't they?" [00:00] 4Piu: "Ohh, yes." [00:01] "Both of you did fantastic. And it was great that no one died!" [00:01] 10Daizo: "And that other one. Hard to hit. Used some techniques I've never even heard of before." [00:02] "The world of martial arts is as wide as the heavens and deep as the seas." [00:03] "You look like you had a good time yourself." [00:04] 4Piu: "I've got a phrase I want to run by you, Daizo..." [00:04] 07Dryas: "Yes, what was that Sia woman about? Terribly unusual stuff. Not sure if it was quite sporting. And that crocodile-woman, is she a true barbarian or what? Incredible." [00:05] 4She'll repeat the Old Realm snippet that Ted said. [00:06] 10Daizo: "Mm, go ahead." [00:07] 6Zhangyu: "Gilana took me off guard. Most people don't launch directly like that. But she was a Water Dragon stylist and a damn good one." [00:07] "Her master is Nn Tloc, the Guild Factor," 07Dryas points out. [00:08] 4Piu: "So, like. He's not going to be happy, then." 15[00:09] Piu repeats three words: 'high priests', 'lawyers', and 'princes'. Daizo immediately registers this as a fragment of ancient verse called The Mask of Anathema. The entire relevant stanza runs, And many more destructions played / In this ghastly masquerade / All disguised, even to the eyes / Like bishops, lawyers, peers, or spies. [00:10] 10Daizo: "I've studied Water Dragon. I was planning to make it the style I approach when I've reached a plateau in my training." 10Really, he already has. Maybe Gilana Crimson-Tide has something worth learning... His train of thought derails as Piu speaks. [00:11] 10He'll translate and recite it back to the rest of them. "And there's a boy sitting in the private boxes reciting Old Realm poetry?" [00:11] 4Piu: "He was at the bar." [00:12] "And I'm going home with him quite shortly, so you can tell Ratel where I'll be. [00:12] " [00:13] 10Daizo coughs. "I see. Uh. Be careful?" 10From the purity of the fighting ring back to the halls of intrigue. [00:13] "It was just last night that two of us were attacked, are you sure?"07 Dryas points out. [00:13] 4To Daizo: "I have my regimen." [00:14] 4To Dryas: "If they want to kill beautiful boys, I will be alert." [00:14] 10Daizo nods. True enough. It's easy to forget that Airhead Piu can turn into Disembowels-a-Demon Piu just like that. [00:15] 4She smirks to Dryas: "Unless you want to watch...?" [00:16] 6She's probably safe. But. Dryas isn't wrong to worry. [00:18] "I will be alright, Piu," 07she retorts, even if she doesn't quite believe it. [00:18] 4Hee hee hee. [00:19] 10Daizo: "Let's go get you sewn up, Cousin. Don't want to ruin anyone else's handkerchiefs tonight, am I right?" [00:21] 4She gives a lazy salute. "I'll see all my heroes back at the hostel." [00:30] 4She meets Ted outside well before 15 minutes... [00:31] 4And lets him take her back to wherever and however he lives. [00:31] 4He is, after no small fashion, magnetic. [00:31] 4Where does he bring her? How has he decorated it? 15[00:38] Ted's place in the well-heeled district hugging the base of the mountain is richly appointed in silver and red, with silk hangings and places to sit or lie down all over. It reminds Piu a bit of a Cynis den, but there's no drugs, no Realm iconography, and no slaves. Piu gets the sense that he doesn't spend a lot of time here, and also that it's not actually *his* place. She's been 15[00:38] taken home by people who are staying with a friend. This has that kind of vibe. But there's no sign of a friend. [00:38] 4One less body to worry about, as long as the place is clean. [00:38] 14But she's not trying to be that person tonight. [00:39] 14Unless she has to. 15[00:39] The only strange accoutrement that sticks out to Piu in the brief time she has to look around is a swinging incense-holder shrouded behind silver curtains, made of polished black-and-white striped stone. [00:40] 4Oh, let's make note of that. And then find the bar. This place is rich enough to have a kitchen that doubles as a bar, right? 15[00:40] In fact, it has a bar and no discernible kitchen. 15[00:40] Ted must not eat food at home. [00:41] 4Well. At least they've maximized the places to fuck. [00:41] 4She'll sit on the bar itself, rather than on a chair or stool. 15[00:49] Ted pours two drinks of something clear and sweet-smelling. "Very impressive friends you have there," he says. "How did you all fall in together?" [00:50] 4Piu: "Thanks. And, by orders. But I like them more than well enough. How'd you come to be at the foot of the mountain that's a fountain?" 15[00:51] "By orders," Ted echoes. "Politics is so..." he makes a dismissive gesture with his glass. "I don't have the temperament for it. Still, needs must." [00:52] 4She chuckles. "Do you already know which House I'm in, or do you just not care?" 15[00:56] Ted: "A House is just a name. I like to look past the superficial and see something deeper." He drains his glass. "And I counted thirty-four names, faces, histories, souls..." 15[00:56] "A house in itself." [00:57] 4Her eyes narrow, but after an almost-imperceptible second, her grin widens. 15[00:57] "But it's not *your* house, is it?" [00:57] 14It's a good thing the House teaches discipline. [00:58] 4The grin stays wide. "No, it's not. I'll never really belong to House V'neef, will I? I was adopted." 15[01:00] "And yet the burdens fall on adopted family even more harshly. The expectation to serve, to lift up your cousins, to prove yourself again and again... demands a fortitude I wish I had." 15[01:00] "Do you ever wonder what you would do if you were free?" [01:00] 4Piu: "No." [01:00] 4Piu: "I know." 15[01:00] Ted: "Tell me." [01:06] 4Piu: "There's a place called Camon de Vec Baalshamos. That's barely even a dialect, and to the extent that it is, it's Low Realm mixed with Firetongue. It's to the south, the very edge of the Threshold, not beyond, and there's one way in -- a defensible valley, wide, plenty and modest lands, and then a bay for fishing. Heavy corals beyond. Freshwater meeting saltwater. Hard for [01:06] raiders to push in. Easy to kill pirates. That's where I was born. [01:06] "I knew a boy there. Sometimes I wonder if I still do." [01:07] "Probably not." 15[01:08] Ted looks touched. "A lovely dream." [01:09] 4Piu: "How do you know how many people I've killed?" [01:09] 4It doesn't even sound that judgmental. 15[01:11] Ted looks chagrined, and holds up his right hand, palm in. A sign burns green-gold on the back of his hand: https://i.imgur.com/rZNbG8D.png 15[01:12] "I usually wear gloves. When I don't... it doesn't respect anyone's privacy." 15[01:12] "I hope you can forgive our intrusion." [01:13] 4She sighs. "Is a kill team about to hit this room?" [01:14] 4She'll finish the drink either way. 15[01:15] Ted: "Not unless the two of us form one right now. But that's not what we came here to do." [01:17] 4Piu: "Nope. ...Give me a tour of the place, would you?" [01:17] "Start with the bedroom." 15[01:24] The bedroom is very comfortable - large bed, silk sheets. Not quite as lush as the kinds of beds you find in a Dynast's home, but for the Threshold it's very fine indeed. Piu notices that there's a weird black leather bag slung over a chair in the corner, which she recognizes belatedly as an empty quiver for arrows. The chest under the bed, one corner poking out beneath the sheets, is 15[01:24] bound with locks of white jade. [01:26] 4Mmmm. [01:28] 4She'll put a hand to his chest, and if he doesn't resist, push him to the bed. And if he lets her push him to the bed, she'll strattle him. And if he lets her strattle him, the robe will come off. And if the robe comes off...well. She welcomes an active participant. And eventually something in the environment will slam the bedroom door shut. [01:42] 4She stays with him for going on four hours, and if he's still awake when she leaves, she kisses him on the lips before she goes. Then she shuts the door to the bedroom, washes the glass she used, and heads back to the hostel. Instead of going upstairs first, Piu bathes, relaxes, takes at advantage of the late hour, and almost goes to sleep in the soothing water. When she slips into [01:42] 4her room, Caedus will smell a slight perfume on her. 15[01:43] She gets back late enough that Caedus is actually just waking up when she slips in. Distressingly early riser, is that man. "I heard Daizo and Zhangyu killed it in the ring tonight." [01:44] "No," 14she says. "Thankfully." [01:44] "We don't need deaths this early." [01:44] "But yes, they were amazing." 15[01:45] Caedus: "I worry about the high profile... it might draw unwanted attention on us." [01:45] "...Perhaps so." [01:46] 14She leans against the wall. "Spent tonight with a man named Ted. He knew how many people I'd killed by looking at me." 15[01:46] Caedus: "Literally or figuratively?" [01:46] "It's 35 with the blood ape." [01:46] "He quoted 34." 15[01:46] Caedus scowls. 15[01:47] "We've got to tell Lao." [01:47] "There was a sign on his hand. I don't know how well I can draw it from memory." 15[01:47] "His hand? Not his brow?" [01:47] 14She nods. "The back of it." [01:48] "...I told him the truth about my upbringing. Before I left Camon de Vec Baalshamos. We're clean on that." [01:48] "And I think he remains interested." 15[01:49] Caedus, after a pause: "Well that's... that's fine. It's your story." 15[01:49] "You think you can work him?" [01:49] 14Piu: "I have already. His name is Ted." 15[01:49] Caedus: "Weird name." 15[01:50] "Where's he from?" [01:50] 14Piu: "Yeah." [01:52] "He said he was born on the Threshold and schooled on the Isle. I wasn't checking that. His place was well-appointed, but he didn't keep slaves. I'd believe Dynast under a very fake name. Probably Northerner if you pressed me." 15[01:53] Caedus: "I don't like this." [01:54] 14Piu: "You're not wrong not to. He could be controllable, or he could be a complete player." [01:54] "Make a full report to Lao." [01:58] 14She looks at him a little longer, then, uncertain, will head to the dresser and start slipping into bedclothes. 15[01:58] Caedus nods. "Between this and Salim and the vendetta the Immortal is pushing we've got killers crawling out of the walls." [01:59] 14Piu: "Is that what's bothering you?" 15[02:04] Caedus turns to look at her silently for a long moment, before he says, "I made a report to Lao after picking up your gear. He's very pleased with your work. He suggested you're not far from a promotion." [02:06] 14She grimaces. That's not an answer. "I serve at the pleasure of the House." 15[02:07] "So do I. But he..." Caedus trails off. "Do you think I've shown poor judgment?" 15[02:07] "A lack of objectivity?" [02:08] 14She sighs. "No less than I have." [02:09] "...Objectively, it's safer to be back here." [02:09] "And I think we've both done our jobs very well." [02:09] "Such as they are." 15[02:10] Caedus: "Lao suggested that our cover is becoming a liability. To me, specifically." [02:10] 14Piu: "Did he suggest an alternate arrangement that keeps you in play?" 15[02:11] Caedus: "Of course not. That's too easy. He just wanted to send me off second-guessing myself and you and every other fucking thing--" [02:11] "In terms of liability, I have the pull to officially make you my man." [02:11] 14She levels a stare at him. 15[02:12] "That's the liability." 15[02:12] "As he sees it." 15[02:12] "He thinks we're too close." [02:12] "Which is why he wants me promoted." 15[02:12] "Yeah." [02:12] "Would you objected if I paid Lao another visit." [02:12] *object [02:13] "Just to talk." [02:13] "He is, of course, offering to sponsor me." 15[02:13] "What would you tell him?" [02:17] 14She finishes pulling on the kimino. "The truth, mainly. We're the House's best team. We have the results to prove it." [02:18] 14A pause. "A bharrachd air an sin tha e comhfhurtail agus breithneachail agus bidh e a ’greimeachadh. " 15[02:20] Caedus looks out the window. To the east, to the sea, where the sky begins to lighten bit by bit. "I got angry, when you told me you'd told this Ted about the place where you were born." 15[02:21] "What if he's right?" [02:22] 14She sighs. "Right about what?" [02:22] "Lao, or Ted?" [02:23] "Because just knowing how many bodies I have doesn't mean he knows me. Fucking me doesn't mean he knows me." [02:23] "And for Lao, condescending to me in his study doesn't mean he knows me." 15[02:24] "Lao just has this way of - like nothing I do is ever good enough. And then he gets me thinking it too. I'm being stupid. I know I'm being stupid. But it's in my head now. He's the only one who can get in my head like that." [02:24] 14Quietly: "Do you want to know what I think that means?" 15[02:25] Caedus turns to face her and nod. 15[02:25] nods.* [02:26] "Tha mi a ’smaoineachadh gu bheil e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil e na dhuine nas fheàrr na To is. Ach tha mi a ’smaoineachadh gu bheil e cuideachd a’ ciallachadh gur e an aon sheòrsa duine a th ’ann. [02:26] "" 15[02:27] "...yeah." [02:28] "And I don't think you're wrong to care. But. Professionally speaking. We get results." 15[02:28] Caedus sighs. "I won't object to you talking to him. He'll want to see you himself anyway soon enough. Another Mnemon name on the list." 15[02:28] "Not local. I looked." [02:29] 14She stiffens. "Two in a row." [02:29] "Never had two in a row from the same House before." 15[02:30] Caedus shows her the paper, drawing curtains over the windows to block out the light. Beneath the struck-through 11,5Mnemon Dusk is a fresh 11,5Mnemon Hedrin. [02:32] "Bàs do na reultan. " [02:32] 14She straightens up. "Yeah, I'll be meeting with Lao." [02:32] "...Sorry." 15[02:32] "For what?" [02:33] "For causing you trouble." 14A mirthless chuckle. "For leaving Camon de Vec Baalshamos." 15[02:36] Caedus: "That's what binds Iselsi together. None of us wants to be here. And yet here we all are." [02:36] 14As she's been talking, Piu has been drawing something on paper with ink and a brush. [02:37] "No," 14Piu says. [02:37] "No, I think, on the whole..." [02:37] "I would rather be here." [02:37] "Even, and all, considered." [02:37] 14She shows him the paper. "This was Ted's marking. On his hand." [02:38] 14Piu sets it on the table. "Pass it to Lao." [02:38] 14It's important not everything come from her. 15[02:39] Caedus studies it, folds it up, and stashes it. "No idea what that is." [02:39] "Hopefully our resources do." [02:40] 14She'll take this opportunity to sink onto the bed, assuming Caedus is there, and onto his lap. [02:40] 14Piu: "We can start worrying when we fuck up." 15[02:41] "You're right." [02:41] 14And the next use of the kimono is to smother the light. 15[02:41] NEXT TIME: The fuck-up