15[20:09] And so it was that Piu convinced the Commodore that the most important questioning they've conducted so far would go better without her or her most trusted advisor in the room. [20:09] 14Teehee. 15[20:10] Rather than send them all away, Peleps Ratel bids Caxi from the Commodore's office, and then follows suit. 15[20:10] Peleps Catela, formerly of the Northwestern Armada, sits straight-backed and defiant in the center of the room, surrounded by people thinking... what, exactly? [20:11] 14Frankly, Piu's pretty sure she's on the side of the dragons here. Which might not be the best thing for the politics she's supposed to be serving, but Ratel and Caxi are messy. [20:14] 07Dryas clears her throat and takes a moment to examine her fingernails. [20:14] 14The other options involved the public execution of a naval officer at sea in front of the crew, so, if the mission overall is to succeed, perhaps de-escalation is in order. [20:17] 6This is a mess. A confusing mess, and one that Zhangyu can't simply attack until it starts making sense. He switches between watching Peleps Catela and watching the rest of the room, glaring at anyone who seems to take offense. Or possibly just glaring at them in general. It's hard to tell. [20:17] 14To the subject at hand. Catela is the object here, but the real conversation is going to be about something else entirely: The Guild. [20:17] 14And that means it will be about Dryas. [20:23] 07Dryas takes a deep breath. By now she has exhausted the tea, the wine, and the stubby little Southern thing she's been smoking. She drums her fingers on the table for a moment. This is a crucial conversation to have, but it's one she would have preferred to have alone. But Piu's picked up on something... that introduces complications. [20:24] 07Perhaps... perhaps it's time to bring some others in. Just a little bit. [20:28] 10Daizo knows where he stands in an absolute sense. But relative to the current situation? He still hasn't quite gotten his bearings. Catela's voice will help chart a course.  [20:29] 14It would be good for us all to know who our enemies are. ...Relative to the mission, of course. 15[20:30] The leftenant's face is pulled tighter than her ponytail as she looks from from prospective interrogator to another. Is anyone armed? [20:31] 07The last thing Dryas would imagine is trying to start a fight while she sits within arm's reach of V'Neef Piu or Tepet Zhangyu. Or Tepet Daizo, for that matter. [20:31] 6No, but that's not exactly reassuring. [20:31] 14Catela probably knows by now that Piu doesn't have to be. [20:31] 10Daizo probably wouldn't fit in the cabin armored up, and the Fist of Titans is sealed in its case. He's taking some care not to show menace in his posture or body language.  15[20:33] Catela: "...so what now?" [20:33] "You know a guy named Nn Tloc?" 07Dryas asks, nonchalantly. [20:34] 14Piu: "Are there any revisions to your story you'd like to make now that--" [20:34] "Or that." 15[20:35] Catela: "I'm terrible with foreign names. Who is that?" [20:38] 10Daizo: "A Guildsman of Abalone. What's he got to do with this, Dryas?" [20:39] "You've got a relationship with the Guild, he's a major Factor out here. Perhaps you have had the dubious pleasure of his acquaintance," 07Dryas explains. "But perhaps not." 15[20:40] Catela: "What are you accusing me of, exactly?" [20:41] 14Piu: "That means he has power beyond the city." [20:41] 14That's more to Daizo, building on Dryas." [20:41] -14" [20:42] 14Piu: "I suppose there's two things we could be doing." [20:43] "I'm not an officer, this isn't a court-martial, and I'm not here to accuse you of anything. I get the feeling you might have a relationship with the Guild - how could someone in your position not? But if you don't know Nn Tloc, who do you know?" 07Her curiosity is genuine. [20:44] "The first is accusing you of being in league with a Guild Factor, as Dryas has identified this man, or one of his minions. The second is asking if you have intelligence about an operation that could impede the mission to find Peleps Furia, because he and his keep turning up like a bad coin." [20:44] "Frankly I find the second more compelling, and useful." [20:44] 10Daizo: "Mm." 10To Catela: "For my part, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'd like to give you a fair hearing. And… perhaps find out a little more about this hunt Ratel's leading us on." 15[20:50] Catela: "I don't have a personal or working relationship with the Guild or anyone in it." [20:52] "And that ring, then? Were you... waylaid?" 07Dryas asks, skeptical. 15[20:53] Catela: "I don't remember. Perhaps I took it off after being enslaved." [20:55] "And Carmine Road took pains to put it in a locker before your orgy?!" 07Dryas' tone betrays irritation - her voice begins to rise. "Catela, I know you to be a woman of your word and an officer who puts your duty first. Don't lead us around like this." [20:57] 14Piu will hang back here and let Dryas do her Guild questioning. The Cynis princess doesn't take interest in much, not like this -- she'll be telling Piu as much as Catela is here. [20:59] 6Zhangyu arches an eyebrow, but says nothing. He's still caught on the 'festival'-that-wasn't. Let Dryas interrogate her about the Guild. [21:00] 10Never lie to a Cynis10, the aphorism goes, 10because even if they didn't invent lying they'll tell you they did. 15[21:05] Catela glares at Dryas, and says nothing. [21:05] 07Dryas sighs in exasperation. [21:09] 14Piu: "I -- we -- got your mother out of this room for a reason. The reason has three parts, and they're all related; the first was because of the, ah, obvious history and the personality clash that would come in trying to get any conversation started. The second was to get her to take Caxi with her. The third, and most important, part was because we're hired guns from across the [21:09] Realm who aren't here doing personal shit and letting personal shit do us. We're on assignment. We can quite easily be your most effective advocates...because it gets us what we need to get the job done, not to get one over on Ratel, or Caxi, or Samperson, or anyone else in this fleet. We get the commodore and her consort back in here, that changes. But if you give us some rope to work [21:09] with, it won't be a noose -- it'll be a lifeline. Because that's the bargain that makes sense for us." [21:10] 14At this point, at least with the hearth, the ditz cover is fully blown. Regretable, but it was only going to last so long when the work called. [21:13] 07Dryas' mouth hangs open for a moment, before breaking into a barely-suppressed grin. 07I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Thank you Auntie, the Nine Muses truly do attend! [21:14] 6Hrm. [21:15] 14Piu crosses her arms and waits, face calm, keeping eye contact. [21:15] 10When Piu goes hard, she goes 10hard10. V'neef might not be known for their intelligence gathering but that could change pretty quick if they've got more where that came from. 15[21:17] Catela: "You sound more like a Guildsman than a Dynast." 15[21:18] It's not exactly disapproving. [21:18] 14Piu: "Maybe so. But I've asked for reciprocation. Not ownership." [21:19] 14She paces. "I take it that your problem is that you do not want to go home but you cannot, under any circumstances, stay here?" 15[21:24] Catela: "...in the Navy, your career is determined by two things. The first is your mother's career, or whoever your patron is. The second is the whim of your superiors." Her gaze falls from Piu's face down to the floor. "Coming out of secondary school with a mother deemed too corrupt for the Admiralty Board - an exceptional qualification - the best position I was able to secure was 15[21:24] a junior posting in the Northwestern Fleet, under my aunt." [21:25] 14Piu nods, her face staying neutral. 15[21:29] She continues. "Bad prospects. But prospects. I wasn't going to have to take my stipend and go become a mercenary, the way your instructors always tease you about. And your parents. I had a future in the fleet. I was assured. Directly assured." [21:29] 10You can almost feel the ice begin to break in the room. That particular fact about Ratel, though? That will bear further investigation. [21:29] 14It won't. [21:29] 14Just a couple minutes talking to Piu. 15[21:31] She sighs. "We learned what had become of the Admiral very gradually. It began as a course correction, a series of course corrections. Straying near some uncharted islands, staying out another day longer than scheduled between berths, then three days." [21:33] "This was in furtherance of her... theory?" 07Dryas pipes back in. 15[21:34] "The crew began to sense something was wrong. Senior officers knew something, they must have known - but junior officers, whose job is to work with the enlisted soldiers - were kept completely in the dark. By the time my direct commanders acknowledged anything was wrong, it had been two weeks since we had seen another ship flying the scarlet banner." 15[21:34] *enlisted sailors [21:34] 14Piu: "Were you seeing any other ships? Normal merchants with escorts, even." [21:35] 14Piu: "Just to get a sense of how far from the trade lanes you were straying." [21:36] 10Daizo: "That long? When the pattern was already evident? I understand shipboard discipline is—must be—tight, but…" 15[21:37] Catela: "For a time. Several weeks ago the order was given to abandon the trading vessels we were escorting through pirate-infested waters. Every vessel, from warships to tenders, just leaving vessels full of spices and precious stones to sit naked in the sea, bait for the sharks." 15[21:37] To Daizo: "It happened so gradually - and morale was good, otherwise. Everyone was eating, no one was in danger. Even the weather was fair." [21:40] 14Piu wonders the degree to which the Guild was keeping tabs on this doomed fleet. Perhaps in some way other than ships, if they don't remember any...but then, the Guild has been known to have good clippers. [21:42] 6Zhangyu: "What was the reaction, when it was finally acknowledged?" 15[21:43] "And when things started to get worse - when the sailors stopped getting shore leave, for instance - no one blamed the fleet commanders. Everyone complained about the Board. It's always like that, as far as I can tell - the fleet commanders and the Board both give orders, but at least the fleet commanders feed us. And the Admiral has never been aloof from her command. We always thought 15[21:43] - we always saw - that when the enlisted suffered, Furia suffered too." [21:44] 14That's naivete there, but Piu doesn't let it show. There's no point to rubbing it in. 15[21:46] "She began to appear to us in the sky, like the Empress still did when we were young. Hearing her voice from edge to edge of the fleet. There was a new mandate. The throne restored. Peace in our time. An age of justice, where heroes would rise and traitors would bleed." [21:47] 10Daizo: "What?!" [21:47] 6Zhangyu's eyebrows shoot up. 15[21:48] "It felt... so good. Her words. Physically comforting. They warmed us like wine. The sacrifce, the secrecy... it was *for* something." [21:48] 14Well then. 15[21:48] "The sailors ceased their mutterings. But the mood among the senior officers grew darker." 15[21:49] "They grew secretive in turn. Secretive from me - as a junior officer and a blood relation of the Admiral I was not trusted." [21:49] 07Dryas listens intently. [21:50] 14Piu's thinking ahead. She's got no points of reference for spirits in the sky, but this sounds like something that can get Catela off the hook in a material way, and fulfill the deal Piu promised. [21:50] 14Well, intimated. [21:51] 14...No, promised is probably right. [21:58] 10Daizo rubs his temples. "Do you recall the last time Furia appeared to the Fleet in person? Not as a visitation in the sky." 15[21:59] Quietly: "Vividly." 15[22:00] "The senior officers had decided quite quickly that Furia needed to be relieved of her command. I don't know what happened, exactly - from my perspective it was sudden and violent and I was not trusted - but the rear admirals flanked her flagship in the dark of night. My vessel included. They went aboard with marines at their back." [22:01] 14Spinning this as mutiny that Catela was excluded from would work. [22:01] 14Has the benefit of apparently being true. 15[22:03] "A storm came. The worst I'd ever been in. Many ships were lost." [22:04] 14Piu: "Wait. During the attempted relief of command?" 15[22:04] Catela nods. [22:04] 14Piu looks at Daizo. [22:06] 10Daizo: "It's either very convenient, or artificially induced. I couldn't even begin to speculate, however." [22:07] "Mostly for being spoiled for choice." [22:09] 6Zhangyu, privately, does not believe in coincidences. Not with something like this, anyway. [22:09] 14She nods. "We just have to crossreference with those that can project to the sky, then. Unless Furia's got two patrons. Or, worst case scenario, she's doing it all herself." [22:09] 14To Catela: "After the storm?" 15[22:11] "The next day the Admiral went from deck to deck of the mutinous vessels, the survivors, with the rear admirals at her side. She reassured us that our mission was sound, and that we had the mandate of Heaven, and that no harm would befall us. We were anointed by fate." [22:11] 14Piu: "And the mutineers?" [22:11] 10Daizo is going to have to winnow out a lot of chaff, for certain. [22:11] "I think I know, but Ratel will ask." 15[22:11] "Not a sound. Not a word of objection. Not a gesture of defiance." [22:12] 14Piu blinks. "She spared them?" 15[22:12] "Every one." [22:12] 6Zhangyu: "Did they do... anything, beyond appear at her side?" 15[22:14] "They repeated her words. Some with renewed zeal, others with abjection. My own commander, Admiral Duran, seemed to break his heart anew every time he spoke about the haste he acted in. He's seen more battles than I ever will, and I have never seen him so cowed. So small and sad." 15[22:15] "The look in her eyes... I'd never seen its like. Such joyful zeal. Such indefatigable madness." [22:16] 14Not good. [22:16] 07Excellent. [22:16] 6Awful. [22:17] 10Daizo: "She broke them all in a single night." 10A heavy sigh. [22:17] "But you were not entirely convinced?" 07Dryas asks. She wants to be convinced. Not a wild raiton chase...? 15[22:19] To Dryas: "I don't know. I don't know what's true or what's false. When Furia speaks, you can't help but believe. But when she's gone... I felt sick with dread." 15[22:19] "I had a contact. Not with the Guild, but who had contacts within the Guild. I was able to convince one of the fleet's sorcerers to convey him a message. Seemingly benign. Taking him up on an old offer. I was supposed to meet him at the trading post. But he had come and gone, or never come at all. I don't remember now. Here my memory still fails me. Next I remember the storm, and the 15[22:19] fire, and the flowers in my hair." [22:24] 14Piu: "What was the contact's name? For our edification. I think we can agree this doesn't leave the room?" 14She glances to Dryas here. 15[22:25] Catela: "Moray." [22:26] 10Daizo: "Of course." 10He says it a little absentmindedly, clearly his focus has gone to other matters.  [22:29] "Isn't he a pirate? Of some renown, I think," 07Dryas points out. "Not that I'm judging." 07She is suddenly focused again, though. 15[22:30] Catela: "Like I said. A man with Guild contacts." [22:30] 14Piu: "Did he have a ship? If you could recall that name as well, it would help with the dockmaster hunting." [22:31] 07Dryas smiles a dazzling smile. 15[22:31] Catela: "I understand he captains the Keystone." [22:32] 14Piu nods. "You've held up your end of the bargain. To me, at least. And I thank you for it. Any closing questions?" 14That last is to the rest of the hearth. [22:33] "If not, it's time to uphold ours." [22:33] "I'm quite satisfied," 07Dryas purrs. [22:34] 14Daizo? Zhangyu? [22:34] 10Daizo: "You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to." [22:36] 6That name's come up before. Hrm. "Earlier, you said that there was a religious festival that delayed you, with flowers and dancing." 6He doesn't reiterate that there is no evidence of this. "Is that all you remember about it?" [22:37] "If Ratel does find Furia, what would you like to see happen?" 15[22:39] To Zhangyu: "That's all." 15[22:39] To Daizo: "I don't know." [22:39] 6He nods. [22:39] 10Daizo: "Thank you." [22:40] 14Piu: "Then wait here. We're going up to the deck. I'll post Samperson outside the door. He's trusted." 15[22:41] Catela laughs bitterly. "Take your time. I have nowhere else to be." [22:41] 07I bet he is trusted, dear Piu. [22:42] 14Piu: "You will." 14She looks to the hearth. Outside? [22:43] 07Dryas slinks up from the table towards the exit. [22:44] 14She seems pleased with herself. [22:44] 6Zhangyu's heading out before the exchange is even over. 15[22:45] Outside, they'll find Ratel waiting with her arms folded behind her back. Caxi is not visible. [22:47] 14Piu nods. "Commodore. We have a report." [22:47] 14Caedus about? 15[22:47] Yep. 15[22:47] Ratel looks up only belatedly, apparently deep in thought. "Good! Good." [22:48] 14To 'Samperson:' "Chief Petty Officer, please watch the door. None in or out without the Commodore's permission." 14To Ratel: "With your blessing, of course, ma'am." 15[22:49] Ratel: "Yeah, fine." 15[22:49] Samperson: "Yes, ma'am." [22:50] 14Piu: "We should discuss this away from the door, ma'am. In case she's listening." 15[22:50] Ratel walks several more paces away. "Well?" 15[22:54] Dryas can tell that Ratel is deeply worried. It seems to either be nondirectional or omnidirectional - either a pervasive unease or concrete, specific anxieties about her daughter, her sister, her crew, and the mission. [22:56] 14Piu begins the summary of all the stuff they learned that they agreed with Catela was fit for Ratel's consumption, meaning everything but the Guild stuff -- Piu wants to get back onshore to find the dockmaster's logbook, and if the Keystone isn't in it, she wants to forge it in there -- but in the best possible light for Catela. [22:56] 14Everyone's free, and in fact encouraged, to jump in. [22:57] 10Daizo will take over when the matter changes to Furia's visitations in the sky, the all-too-convenient storm which brewed up the night of the mutiny, and then the state of the rear admirals the next day. [22:58] 14*rewinding tape noise* -- Piu wants to get aboard the Keystone before it becomes completely obvious to the fleet what its worth is -- [22:59] 6Zhangyu mostly comments on the state of the rear admirals - intimidation doesn't produce results like that, and he would know, so it's got to be something far beyond the mundane - as well as Catela's general demeanor surrounding Peleps Furia. [23:06] 10Daizo 10will10 speculate a bit for the Commodore—Furia may have lucked into a First Age manse with hitherto-unknown artifice; she may be in league with a renegade god of surpassing might, a powerful sorcerer or raksha lord, or possibly even one of the Anathema—but these last seem unlikely if the goal is indeed to locate the Empress, who would obviously have no truck with such beings. [23:08] 10Furthermore, he speculates that Catela may have survived Carmine Road's influence because of these competing magics—it just couldn't get its claws deeply in her. What Catela needs more than anything is time to overcome the aftereffects of these warring influences. 15[23:14] Ratel listens to all of this stonily. [23:27] 14Piu: "We should talk about Catela now, ma'am. She's been honest and forthright, and she's been -- pardon speaking out of turn -- utterly betrayed by her command structure in this fleet. It's not feasible to remain. It's not feasible to send her home. But there are other options, right? Other positions in the fleet, that aren't naval positions." [23:28] 07Dryas perks up at this idea. Hey, that might make sense... A lot of sense...! 15[23:28] Ratel: "If she goes home she'll end up in naval prison at best. The Nail at worst." [23:28] 14Piu glances over at the others. Who wants to pick up this baton? [23:29] 6Zhangyu, who had been thinking about this but not seeing a solution: "Unacceptable. And putting her in easy reach of the Guild is -- hrm." 6He turns. "Dryas. Your ship." [23:30] "She would be safe there, yes?" [23:30] 6While also being outside the command structure, he doesn't add. [23:30] 07Dryas likes the idea: "She's earnest, hardworking," 07doesn't ask too many questions, knows the right people, "And has the right experience for it." 15[23:31] Ratel: "She would be close, then. Still with us, but not on the mission as such?" [23:32] 14Piu nods. [23:32] 10Daizo nods slowly. "She didn't strike me as the sort of person who would be happy sitting idle. But a position where she can assist while finding her feet again… oh, that's brilliant, Cousin."10  15[23:33] Ratel: "Make the offer." [23:33] 14Piu: "Yes ma'am." [23:34] 14Dryas can take the lead on this one. Her ship. [23:35] 6Zhangyu: "Aye." 6He can go with Dryas so that it isn't just her making the offer. [23:35] 14Piu will go too; she's the one that set up this deal. [23:36] 07Dryas nods, almost shrugging her way into a naval-style salute - before turning back to speak with Catel. She mouths a thank-you to the other members of the Hearth. [23:38] 10Daizo goes too. If one of them's missing, it might seem like some funny business is going on. [23:39] 4Piu grins at Dryas once her back is turned to Ratel. 15[23:40] They find Catela deeply absorbed in some private struggle. Going from a brooding Commodore to a brooding Leftenant, the resemblance is unmistakable. [23:40] 14Piu flashes a very slight smile at Caedus as they enter. 15[23:43] Catela looks up. "Well? What's to happen?" 15[23:43] "Is the Commodore angry?" [23:43] 07Dryas pushes the door open and leads the others in. "Leftenant. I am pleased to inform you that It is the Commodore's decision that, should you choose to accept this mission, that you are to take up a command position aboard the Leaf in Flight, our' support vessel, befitting your experience, skill, and discretion." 15[23:44] Catela blinks. 15[23:44] "A promotion?" [23:45] 14Piu: "You'll still be traveling with the fleet. But you won't be of it." [23:45] 10Daizo: "The ship in question, you see, belongs to Dryas herself." [23:46] 6Zhangyu: "To answer your other question: no. She was not." [23:46] 07Dryas smiles broadly. "The Commodore was impressed with our report. It's a command position, but on a non-combat vessel. It is responsible for hauling a detachment of my household guard, processing any whales or other great beasts we encounter, and transporting special cargo as required." 07she notes. [23:47] 14Piu shrugs a bit. "Well. She was frustrated. But that's how Peleps Ratel is most of the time, I gather." [23:47] "Impatiently searching the horizon." 15[23:48] Catela: "Well... I accept. Thank you." [23:49] 14A nod, and a smile. [23:50] 6Zhangyu nods, but does not smile. People usually find his smiles unnerving. Still, he was expecting more of a push to get further away... this is for the best, though. [23:50] 07Dryas nods pleasantly. "My congratulations, Master Catela." [23:51] 14Piu hits the door twice with the side of her fist, a signal to Caedus that he can open up. "You're free to report." 15[23:54] The sun sinks behind the Pole of Water as the Defiance sets course to return to Abalone. Caedus steps back to let Piu in. "I don't think Caxi's spoken to the Commodore since you kicked them out of the interrogation. She brushed Ratel off and she's been with Sadako ever since." [23:55] 4She'll silence him with a kiss, assuming this is his quarters, after kicking the door closed behind her. [23:55] 4When they break: "Caxi's a bit down the priority list right now, poor girl." 15[23:55] "What's the word?" [23:57] 07Dryas prepares a quill and ink, to memorialize her beliefs about what happened on the island. "Moray - Keystone - idol - trap." [23:57] 07Much more than that, she dare not record where others could find. [23:57] 14Piu: "The word is Keystone." [23:58] "Guild ship, apparently. Involved." 15[23:58] Caedus: "Involved how?" [00:00] 10Daizo's at the ship's miniscule altar, observing the sundown prayer with Seiri and any of the pious crew. Once again he adds his own wish for the victims of Carmine Road to pass on. Later… he's going to ask Ratel for access to the Heart.  [00:01] 6Zhangyu returns to his quarters to meditate. The conversation was... a lot. Silence but for the waves is welcome. [00:04] 14Piu: "Moray's ship. That's the name we got from Catela. He was supposed to be her contact, but he skipped port." [00:04] "Left the ship behind." [00:04] "He's Guild, of course." [00:05] -"Left the ship behind." 15[00:05] "Hnh. Where was he to take her?" [00:11] 14Piu: "We don't know yet. But I can go to work on Dryas." 15[00:12] Caedus: "What'd you make of Catela's story?" [00:13] 14Piu: "I think she deserved a better mother." [00:13] "...Or at least one less prone to fucking around in public." [00:13]  [00:13] 14RETCON [00:14] 14Piu: "Tha mi a ’smaoineachadh gu robh i airidh air màthair nas fheàrr." *> [00:15] 14Piu: "No co-dhiù aon nas lugha buailteach a bhith a ’fàiligeadh gu poblach." 15[00:17] "Is dòcha gu robh feum aice air nèibhidh nach robh cho coirbte." [00:18] Piu: "Càite am faigheadh i e?" [00:18] 14Piu: "Càite am faigheadh i e?" 15[00:18] Caedus laughs. [00:19] 14She jumps him, and pulls him onto the bed. Though she doesn't go for the clothes yet. [00:19] Piu sighs. "I broke cover tonight. Ditz cover, not. You know." [00:19] 12Piu sighs. "I broke cover tonight. Ditz cover, not. You know." [00:19] 14Piu sighs. "I broke cover tonight. Ditz cover, not. You know." 15[00:21] Caedus looks up at her. "It was inevitable. It's fine, we talked about this. Revealing you were only pretending to be stupid makes you blend in *more*." [00:22] 14She theatrically flops down next to him. "They're going to start respecting House V'neef more. The horror." 15[00:23] Caedus: "If the Navy really does eat itself... the Merchant Fleet is in a good position. Could mean big things when the war comes. They'll let us burrow into the heart of everything." [00:24] 14Piu: "It's a good deal. I hope we do right by it when we win." [00:24] 14Yawning: "Tha iad leotha fhèin neo-chiontach." 15[00:25] Caedus leans over until he's practically on top of her. "They'll be protected." [00:25] 4Piu: "Mmmmmm." [00:26] 4Piu: "You know I tied a monster in a literal knot today." [00:26] 4Piu: "Lemme see what I can do to you..." 15[00:26] NEXT TIME: Hamoji's Hunger