15[20:09] Hamoji burns golden, and the hearth is left to pursue its own devices. Later they will climb the volcano together and witness the sacrifice to its god. For now, Dryas has business. What's her plan, and how does she bring the others along? [20:10] 14Presumably Piu will be tagging along. What's yet to be seen is whether it's business or pleasure! [20:11] 14Presumably Piu will be tagging along. What's yet to be seen is whether it's business or 4pleasure! [20:11] "I have two errands which will require your assistance," 07Dryas informs Piu and Zhangyu. [20:13] 07Dryas: "The first is: That trade outpost in the Siaka Archipelago - I still don't even know what the name of that isladn was - it's too valuable to leave uninhabited. And there's only two ships that know it's deserted. One, I think, is Moray Darktide's Keystone, and the other is us." [20:14] 4Piu: "...D'ya, like, have people to claim it?" [20:16] 07Dryas: "Not yet. We'll need to press-gang, recruit, or strongarm a crew to man the depot. And find someone... reliable... to run the place while we're away." [20:16] 4Wheedling: "Does Ratel know you're freelancing?" [20:17] 6Zhangyu: "Hrn." 6Finding help is easy. Finding reliable help is trickier. [20:18] "This operation is under the auspices of the merchant fleet, isn't it? We undertake this in the name of Imperial commerce and free trade!" 07Dryas replies. [20:19] 14So that's a no. [20:19] 4Piu: "Teehee." [20:20] "What's the second?" [20:23] 07Dryas: "I pay a visit to the Guild factor, Nn Tloc, in his haunted mansion, and let him know the score. As a matter of courtesy, I also introduce him to two-thirds of the most excellent wrestlers and grapplefuckers in the Direction - the third being the esteemed but pre-engaged Tepet Daizo, of course - and who I so happen to manage. As a man of sport, himself, I believe he would have sought you out on his own regardless..." [20:23] 4Piu: "Ooh. I like that." [20:24] 07Dryas: "Besides, eminences such as yourself should not be unknown to the local Guild factor. We must get out, wave the banners, remind the people of the Threshold about the Scarlet Dynasty every once in a while." [20:25] 4Piu: "What to wear..." [20:27] "Zhangyu the taciturn, are you in?" 07Dryas asks, playfully. [20:27] 4This is actually a somewhat serious question. Is there likely to be a fight? Either a real one or a demonstration. [20:29] 6Zhangyu: "I am. You say 'man of sport' - active viewer of some of the region's more organized events?" 6Hinokuni, of course. [20:30] "He's sponsored a number of your opponents," 07she replies. [20:30] 6He grins. "Shame." [20:32] 4Piu: "Mmmmm. Dressing to fight it is!" [20:32] 4Generally this just means more wraps under her slinky outfits. [20:33] "Yes," 07she replies with a narrow smile of her own. 15[20:34] Is everyone ready to go? [20:34] 14Once she's wrapped the Chain into her handwraps...yes. [20:35] 6Zhangyu's got nothing to prepare, being ready to throw down at all times. Comes in handy. [20:36] 07Dryas is always ready for this sort of work. That is to say, the sort of work where she tells other people what to do. 15[20:37] The three Blooded scions cut an impressive figure as they move through the streets of Abalone, drawing an eye even from the revels with their wealth, stature, and beauty. At one point a handful of children breaks from their fireside dance to giggle and caper in the hearth's wake, pulled back by scolding parents before they venture too far afield. [20:40] 4Piu will frolic with them a little bit. She's frankly quite modestly dressed, for V'neef Piu. [20:42] 6Zhangyu ignores them, because he's been informed that his angry glare can be more than most children can handle without crying. 15[20:43] The crowds thin as the surrounding buildings grow in age and stature - the Immaculate temple at Yanagimori has its gates shuttered, whether against the heaten festival outside or because of the death of its caretaker, it's not clear. Dryas is able to lead the others to Nn Tloc's house, standing out against the golden mountain it's embedded in like a lingering burn on the retina. Even 15[20:43] in the doubled daylight of this late morning, it looks dark and cool. Two guards - armed with sabers and flame pieces - stand in front of the door. [20:44] 4Piu giggles as they pass the closed temple, but it's because of a cute boy in the crowd. [20:44] 4Honest! [20:45] 07Cynis Dryas addresses the guards with the cool tenor of someone used to bossing around the servants of others. "Cynis Dryas and her companions, V'Neef Piu and Tepet Zhangyu, to see the Factor." [20:46] 4She stands up properly for this bit at least, arms clasped behind her back. 15[20:47] The guard on the right bows low and ducks inside. "Please prepare to take your shoes off," says the other after a slightly awkward silence. [20:48] 4Ahhh. [20:48] "Oh, that's the other thing," 07Dryas notes to the rest of the Hearth. "It's the one thing he insists on. It seems harmless to humor him about it." [20:48] 4He's a feet guy. [20:48] 4Piu just chuckles as she slips off her flats. [20:49] 6One of these. Zhangyu will humor him, but he's watching. [20:50] 07Dryas slides her feet out of the soft riding boots she usually wears for Errands and takes a step forward. 15[20:54] A few moments later a man emerges, pale of eye and hair and skin, with delicate, almost childlike features. Bright blue eyes with no emotion sit over a wide, white, impossibly even smile. "Wonderful. Wonderful to see you all. Come in! Do you want a drink? It's early but it's a festival day. I am partial to the rum you get out here." [20:54] 4Piu's one with her normal winning, facile smile: "Sure!" [20:57] 6Zhangyu minimizes the scowl. "Rum sounds good." 15[21:00] "Great." He leads them into an expensively appointed office with many comfortable chairs and a merrily crackling fire whose chimney must run straight up into the mountain. There's no natural light back here, only the light of braziers and candles that never seem to fully lift the chill of the room. At the bar with his back turned, he calls, "I see you've brought some of your exceptional 15[21:00] friends, Lady Dryas. Care to introduce me?" [21:00] 4Piu looks excitedly over at Dryas. [21:08] 07Dryas provides the introductions with formal theatricality: "My shipmates... Tepet Zhangyu: a student of Grandmaster Mushi, and a prodigy at that. He's quiet but quite terrifying, I believe he nearly ripped a Blood Ape in half a week or two ago. And V'Neef Piu: Don't let her charm catch you off-guard, she's the winner of the most recent Five-Day Fight, and a particularly perspicacious practitioner of... well, whatever she sets [21:08] her mind to, as far as I can tell." [21:10] 4Piu: "Hee!" [21:11] 4She bows deeply. "Well met, with the honors and blessings of House V'neef!" 15[21:13] "Heavy hitters!" he says brightly as he sets polished glasses full of rum down in front of everyone. "Heavy, heavy hitters. My name is Nn Tloc, and I'm a deeply invested local businessman." [21:15] 14Deeply leveraged. 15[21:17] His smile widens, somehow. "So how can we help each other?" [21:19] 6This man is not to be trusted. Zhangyu will still sip the rum. [21:20] 4How's the rum? 15[21:20] It's very good rum, as good as any you'd get on the Isle. Which makes sense, since this is where the fancy stuff you get on the Isle is imported from. [21:20] 07Dryas throws back a tot. "We've got a piece of information for you, and an offer." [21:22] "I don't suppose you've received word from the Guild's outpost in the Siaka archipelago lately?" 07she asks. 15[21:23] Nn Tloc: "I can't help but notice that that's a question, not a piece of information or an offer. I'm guessing you're about to tell me?" [21:25] 14She takes much smaller sips than the movement of the glass might indicate. [21:25] 14The rum is on point, however. [21:26] "It's deserted. Its inhabitants, perished. I believe only one other ship in the world has any reason to expect otherwise, at the moment," 07she explains. 15[21:28] "Is that right." [21:29] 07Dryas: "I'm afraid so. I offer my condolences to the Guild." 15[21:30] "I'll pass those along. What happened?" [21:34] "We don't know," 07Dryas lies between sips of rum. "I believe the Keystone - and perhaps its captain - disturbed something best left to its own devices." 15[21:35] "Why do you believe this?" [21:37] 4Piu snickers. [21:37] 07Dryas: "Moray, isn't that his name? His was the last ship to anchor there, according to the portmaster's log." [21:37] 14Calculation. 15[21:39] Nn Tloc: "So there's a dead trading post in the Siaka's Teeth and one of my ships, you're saying, is responsible. Which side of this are you offering to take care of for me?" [21:39] 4Piu blinks. "Your fault?" [21:40] 14He didn't do it, but he wants to accept credit for it to make it look like it's reasonable to assume it's his fault. [21:40] 14That would be Piu's play, anyhow. [21:44] 07Dryas: "I think we're up to the task of getting the trading post back in commission. We have other business than hunting pirates, but perhaps, supposing we did cross paths with Captain Moray..." 15[21:51] Nn Tloc motions for Dryas to continue, a bit impatiently. [21:53] Dryas looks to her companions. Committing to slay Moray Darktide could be a bit much. [21:54] 07Dryas looks to her companions. Committing to slay Moray Darktide could be a bit much. [21:54] 6For Moray Darktide, it would be. [21:55] "Perhaps he'd return in irons. Or perhaps he would meet a watery grave," 07she completes her thought. [21:57] 6Zhangyu: "We'd be speaking with him about the outpost regardless. What happens after that..." 6He sips the rum. [21:57] "Maybe he's innocent!" 4Piu chirps. [21:58] 6Zhangyu: "Maybe." 15[21:58] Nn Tloc: "I don't think you guys are that heavy. This is a step beyond even the big game hunting you and I already discussed." [22:00] 07Dryas nods graciously. "Excellent. That's why I had mentioned restaffing the outpost." 15[22:00] Nn Tloc: "Restaffing it with who?" [22:00] "Let us worry about that," 07Dryas suggests smoothly. 15[22:01] Nn Tloc: "Success breeds trust. You want me to let you worry about things, you show me you can do the jobs you agree to. Where are we on the other thing?" [22:07] "It's, ah, moving forward," 07she replies noncommittally. 15[22:16] Nn Tloc: "Yeah, well, once it's *moved* we can talk. What else you got for me?" [22:16] 07Dryas: "I understand you sponsor some fighters in the Hinokuni." [22:17] 4Piu snickers, here. 15[22:17] Nn Tloc: "I understand you do, too! Boy, he healed up quick, didn't he?" [22:18] 6Flatly: "Usually do." 15[22:18] Nn Tloc's eyes flash. "Only usually?" [22:20] 07Dryas will let the fighters speak for themselves here - she crosses her arms behind her back. [22:21] 6Zhangyu: "My time with Grandmaster Mushi was not all roses." 6He does not elaborate. [22:23] 4Idly: "So you sponsor fighters that win too, right?" 15[22:25] Nn Tloc: "I'll sponsor anyone who makes me money. Are you looking for new employment?" [22:25] 4She blinks. "Oh. No. Haha~" [22:25] "I don't really have any interest in making you money." 15[22:26] To Dryas: "I won't tell her if you won't!" He laughs at his own joke. [22:27] 4Cheerfully: "I've fought to seal deals before. That's nothing new. But if a number's gonna go up, well!" [22:27] "I don't really privilege yours." [22:27] 07Dryas titters through clenched teeth at Tloc's remark. 15[22:30] Nn Tloc: "Is there anything else I can do for you?" [22:31] 07Dryas: "I thought maybe we could arrange an exhibition - not some scratch match thrown together at open fight night." 15[22:32] Nn Tloc leans forward. "Outside the organization, you're saying?" [22:35] "I have no loyalty to them," 07she replies. 15[22:35] Nn Tloc: "What's our hook?" [22:36] 4Glancing over at Zhangyu: "I mean. We're both pretty accomplished, and both pretty hot." [22:36] "Send some rapacious dumbasses at us." [22:36] 6Zhangyu: "It's true." 15[22:40] Nn Tloc: "Less ways to split the take, but if we're selling the match on your backs you need to be more famous. One bloody win and one slutty dance won't pull crowds away from the Hinokuni." [22:41] 14She cackles at that. "Ah, sorry. Yes, the Hinokuni, noted hater of sluts." [22:42] "You want a demonstration, huh?" 15[22:42] "I want a rep to trade on." [22:44] 4Piu: "It physically pains you to answer a question with yes. So I didn't make that one!" [22:44] "Set it up." 15[22:51] Nn Tloc: "Look, I'm not the one you need to convince. Show me you've got a following that will put asses in the seats - I don't care how - and we can talk. But people aren't showing up just cause I say you're a badass." [22:53] 4Piu: "I get the feeling you are, though. But fine. Time to go punch someone in the mouth!" [22:53] 07Dryas: "Alright. You'll hear from us soon." 07She throws back the rest of the rum. "As always, we thank you for your hospitality." 15[22:54] "Don't work too hard," says Nn Tloc, before motioning for a runner to see the three of you out. 15[22:57] It's almost dazzlingly bright and hot outside. [22:58] 4Piu: "I don't like him!" [22:58] 4She's back in her flats. [22:58] 6When they're out of earshot: "Well, that... went." [22:58] 07Dryas is pulling on her boots. "We have a lot to discuss," 07she observes. [22:59] 4Piu: "Eh, not really." 4To Zhangyu: "We need some fights. Like, now." [22:59] "We gotta get to the bar. Dryas, you too!" [23:00] "You're managerin'." [23:00] "Well, alright," 07she replies just a little unsteadily. [23:01] 4As they walk: "So he's just evil, right?" [23:01] 6Stretching some people at a bar might not be what he meant by 'make a name,' but... "I'm game." [23:02] 4She means meeting with that fight guy, dummy. Who bartended. [23:03] 6Oh, right. That guy. [23:03] 4Archly: "Thousand Devil Master will have something for us to do." [23:04] 6Look, he lost a lot of blood. He's bound to forget things. [23:05] "He might not like a wildcat match,"07 Dryas points out. [23:07] "He likes what promoters like, which is money, respect, and hot boys and girls to put on posters." [23:07] "And of all of those, the posters are easiest to make!" [23:10] "Making... posters...?" 07Dryas asks, somewhat skeptically. "And what's Thousand Devil Master going to do to help us make posters?" [23:10] 4Piu: "Ugh. No. He has people to make the posters. He just has to book us." [23:11] "Nn Tloc wants asses in seats. He wants us to have bigger rep. What he wants us to do is squash some clowns that he's NOT backing, to generate buzz." [23:11] "And when we do, he can sidle on in with his weird feet-guy smile and ask the money-men and Thousand Devil Master to set up a high-purse fight." [23:12] 4Cheerily: "Which he'll probably bet against us on, and indirectly ask us to throw! Because he's a Guild Factor." [23:12] "And so we don't do that, and just, beat the guys he sends at us within an inch of their lives." [23:12] "And so we don't do that, and just, beat the guys he sends at us within an inch of their lives." [23:14] 4To Zhangyu: "Really, the question is: can the two of us, and maybe Daizo, hurt as many people as quickly and as stylishly as possible?" [23:14] "I think so." [23:15] 6Zhangyu: "Quickly, yes. The stylish part... might take some doing." 6He's thinking about Son-of-Sabers. [23:15] 07Dryas seems to be having second thoughts. "Is that really the best way to do this? To get famous in a hurry, I mean? It's the middle of a festival," 07she points out. [23:16] 4Piu, to Zhangyu: "I could fight Son-of-Sabers if you want! Build heat and keep the final match clean from this bullshit." [23:17] 4To Dryas: "Middle of a festival is good for business! They won't take the outcomes seriously but lots of people will see them. It's good for throwaway matches and squashes!" [23:17] 6Zhangyu: "I'm not worried about fighting him. It's the stylish -- he referred to mantis style for this audience as 'playing sanxian for a dog.' It's stuck with me." [23:18] "Still. He's an ass." [23:18] 4To Dryas: "It's a lot of freeeeeee real estate!" [23:18] 4To Zhangyu: "Yeah, that's his thing. I think I could survive him though." [23:21] 07Dryas: "Zhangyu, do you need a less... technical method?" [23:23] 6He scowls. "I'll figure something out. Nonstandard holds, more dangerous throws." [23:24] "I just plan to hurt people!" [23:28] 6Zhangyu: "Put that on your gear." [23:29] 4Piu: "Yeah!!" 15[23:29] There's some pick-up fights happening in the streets, wrestling matches featuring people who mostly aspire to win their own Hinokuni medallions. If they want to arrange something flashier, they'll have to talk to Thousand Devil Master, who is currently trekking up Hamoji for the ritual. [23:29] 4Piu, at least, has to win a pickup fight or two first to get him to talk to her. Zhangyu can probably skip that. [23:36] 4The first guy she finds in the street says some stuff she won't repeat later and only then offers to fight her. He's got pomade in his hair. She's quite literally steaming by the time she dislocates his kneecap. [23:36] 4Which is under a minute from the match start. [23:36] 4Next! [23:38] 07Dryas works with Zhangyu and Piu, and a couple of chimes and cymbals snatched from wide-eyed pilgrims to turn the rapid fights into a percussive performance - "Cause all I wanna do is -" 07clang clang clang clang! "and a-" 07skrrrt BONG "and take your money," [23:40] 6Zhangyu's watching Piu fight when some man with long hair and a blonde streak through it notices who he is and demands a fight over the medallion. Zhangyu makes it quick - throws him to the ground, wraps his legs around one of the opponent's and uses his head and arms around the other to make them give up within a minute. 15[23:42] Cheers rise; bodies fall. The purses are small; the peasantry of Abalone don't have much to bet. But their renown grows all the same. [23:44] 07Dryas throws a handful of cockrie shells into the crowd and returns the chimes and cymbals as the would-be-challengers groan and twist on the ground. [23:48] 07Cowrie shells 15[23:48] As the sun draws high and the hearth prepares to trek up the mountain, Dryas spots one of Nn Tloc's runners in the crowd, seeing Piu and Zhangyu clean up. Let's see him call them insufficiently famous now. 15[23:49] NEXT TIME: The God of the Mountain