15[20:01] The wind picks up, swirling the ashes of the dead god around in a thin fog, white ash stained crimson by the horrible light pouring from the heart of the mountain. The four of them are up there together. The four of them are there alone. [20:04] 14Piu: "So." [20:04] 4Is this a moment? Are we having a moment? 15[20:07] Some kind of debriefing (or reckoning) awaits them below; the Governor has ordered them to get their commander and bring them to dinner. But they linger here, perhaps to agree their position or perhaps to plan their next move. Only they can say. 15[20:08] Daizo feels the wind in his wings, the natural flow of air over them pushing them open, spreading them out. Does he resist the pressure? Does he know he can? [20:10] 07Dryas dusts the ash and cinders of a dead god from her hands. "Have any of you... have any of you sworn the sacred oaths before?" [20:11] 4Ahhh shit. Yeah, this is a moment. [20:11] 14Piu: "I haven't." [20:11] 10Daizo stumbled and fell a mere hour ago. Not now, though. He'll take the challenges of his affliction as they come. If the wind tries to push him over, he'll fight back. [20:12] "Not I." [20:12] 6Zhangyu: "No." [20:12] 6He glances to Daizo, then resettles his gaze onto Dryas. [20:13] 07Dryas scans the faces of her comrades. "Would any here object to swearing them now?" [20:14] 10Daizo: "Are we not united, and bound together in purpose? Is our resolve firm?" [20:14] 14She's been properly briefed and vetted on how to do this without exposing the House to scrutiny, or even passing knowledge. The House couldn't survive otherwise. Still, she's a bit nervous. [20:14] 14This is going to be a balancing act. [20:16] 14Bi nad làimh a thionndaidheas an iuchair. [20:16] "We are." [20:16] "It is." [20:16] 4... "I mean, I think it is." [20:19] "...And Tepet Zhangyu?" 07Dryas asks over the din of the caldera. [20:19] 6Zhangyu: "Yes." [20:20] 10Daizo: "To bring the murderer of Hamoji to justice. To locate Peleps Furia and unravel her mystery. And…" 10Here he pauses, "If it is not too grandiose, to make our frayed Realm whole." [20:21] 14... [20:21] 4Piu: "Well. I think only the middle one there is really, uh, in our remit right now." [20:22] 10Daizo looks sheepish. "I laid it on too thick, didn't I." [20:23] "The heart was in the right place! I just think maybe check in with the governor before swearing revenge on behalf of the volcano god." [20:23] *maybe we should [20:23] 07Dryas brandishes the silver arrow that slew Hamoji. "We have a new remit. Circumstances compel us. But we cannot abandon our old remit. Nor can we allow the light of civilization and the font of all honor and beauty to dim." [20:24] 14Fine, fine. [20:24] 07Dryas: "I apologize for provoking Hamoji and his priests. Perhaps only I can atone for that. But this 'Ted' has stained all of our honor, especially if he is Anathema as you suggest he might be." [20:25] 14Piu's honor is probably fine. She'll let you know when she sees it next. [20:25] 14But she'll nod anyway. [20:26] 07This isn't Faxia-on-the-Caul, this is hunting, there are rules. [20:27] 10Daizo: "We can deliver him as a pretty bundle to the governor's doorstep, perhaps." 10Or the Feathered One's. [20:28] "As the only one here who has actually, uh, been in contact with the target, I have to ask: who here has...hunted one of the greater Anathema before?" [20:28] "Because I haven't." [20:29] "Not yet,"07 Dryas responds enthusiastically.  [20:30] 6Zhangyu's frowning. "No." 6He'd expected to, but - well. Here he is instead. [20:30] 14Piu: "Well, at least this won't lack for excitement, then." [20:30] 10Daizo: "I held off one of the Lunar Anathema long enough for the party I was traveling with to kill him. He nearly tore me in half." [20:31] "It's a good story. But not right now." [20:34] 4Maybe we should just swear to try our best! [20:34] 14As uninspiring an oath as that might be. [20:36] "So we swear to avenge Hamoji? And find Furia? And what of the Realm, shall this be a patriotic oath? Perhaps something more abstract so we can eventually retire, ha ha!" 07Dryas suggests. [20:37] "...If we're doing this, shouldn't be our oaths be to each other, not to our, I dunno. Quest log?" [20:37] 6Zhangyu: "We need to investigate Hamoji's murderer and find Peleps Furia. Justice may have to wait, but we've been drawn into this already. All of us." [20:38] "Shouldn't we swear loyalty, support, care, solidarity, and fidelity through to the poles of fire, wind, water, wood, and earth?" [20:38] "Or something." [20:39] 4She just kinda chose some words. [20:39] "I mean we can still do all those things. Of course." [20:40] "But we're not swearing this oath because we all just liked that Hamoji guy so much, you know what I mean?" [20:42] "Yes, absolutely. We must swear to each other, and I like the terms you've identified -- but to accomplish what? We swear to each other to fulfill our great Deeds, our heroic acts! Otherwise it feels more like we're getting married or something." [20:43] 4Piu: "Really? I think it feels a lot less cynical than dynasty marriage." [20:44] "I mean, we can sort of leave the great deeds thing blank. Or just swear to the mission and restoring the realm. Okay, I'm gonna be honest -- I really don't think the volcano dude needs to be part of this. And not just because I fucked the shooter." [20:45] "How's this: to find Furia and solve her mystery, to avenge injustice, to seek knowledge, wealth, and glory, to boldly go where no civilized woman or man has gone before." [20:45] 4Piu: "Yeah! [20:45] " [20:46] 10Daizo: "You really do have a way with words, Dryas." [20:47] "It's still a little clunky," 07she says, adjusting her hair. [20:47] "And I quite liked Piu's bit about solidarity and fidelity." [20:49] 6Zhangyu nods. This is acceptable. [20:50] 4Piu: "So do we like...bring it in for a hug? Or..." [20:53] 10Daizo clears his throat. "All right. I think I know how to put this." [20:57] 10The rumbling of the caldera continues in the background as Daizo begins to speak. "We four, who were brought together by chance, now stand together. By the Five Poles and the names of the Holy Dragons, we swear loyalty, support, care, solidarity, and friendship. We call upon the powers of heaven and earth to hear our pact: the four of us, together, shall find Peleps Furia and solve her mystery. We shall avenge injustice. We [20:57] shall seek knowledge, wealth, and glory. And we swear to boldly go where no civilized woman or man has gone before. Speak your name and be joined to it." [20:57] "I, Tepet Daizo, so swear this night." [20:57] "I, V'neef Piu, so swear this night." [20:58] "I, Tepet Zhangyu, so swear this night." [20:58] "I, Cynis Dryas, so swear this night!" 07Dryas exclaims triumphantly. [21:00] 10Daizo's anima flares to brilliance again— "SO IT SHALL BE!" [21:00] 14And now things change. Permanently. 15[21:01] Four souls flare as one. 15[21:01] Nowhere to go now but down. [21:02] 14Mmmm. Back to the hostel then? 15[21:04] The red light and ashen fog that choked the mountain persists as the kinship descends Hamoji. The city of Abalone itself is afflicted; people cover their faces with cloth, a practice Dryas well knows from her rides through Southern sandstorms. There are... a lot of soldiers in the streets. [21:05] 14Hhhh. 15[21:05] More than once on the way back to the hostel, they will see someone fall to their hands and knees in spontaneous prayer, begging for the gods to save them. [21:05] 6Hrm. [21:06] 14Ted had better have...a very good explanation. [21:08] 10Daizo's torn up the remains of his shirt and made a makeshift mask out of it. Canvas and poles from the rest stops that had lined the mountain path disguise his new wings as cargo on his back. Keeping them bound up like that is more uncomfortable than he thought it'd be. 15[21:08] The hostel's windows are sealed against the ash, and the door is hard to force open with all the rags stuffed into the crack at the floor. Inside, the comissary is buzzing with chatter as people - many of them Defiance sailors - trade anecdotes and rumors with the locals. A lot happened in a couple of hours, it sounds like. [21:09] 4Piu will duck out real quick to change into something more appropriate -- 14and find Iselsi Caedus. [21:09] 10Does Seiri appear to have made it back? 15[21:11] Daizo doesn't see her. 15[21:15] Who Daizo does see is the Cathak twins, who beeline for him when he enters. "Hey big man, let us take those packages for ya." "Yeah, the CO wants to see you guys." 15[21:17] Caedus is upstairs, standing outside the room she knows 'Mnemon' Salim is kept in. [21:18] 4Piu: "In private, Chief Petty Officer?" [21:18] 10Daizo dpes his best to brush the annoying brats off. "Thank you, but I have something here Ratel needs to see." 10Technically not a lie! [21:19] 07Dryas enters her room and sheds what she had on, performing minimal and rapid ablutions to clear the dust and grime from her hands and face. She puts on her riding leathers and wraps herself up as if she was going out in a Southern sandstorm. Her hair is choked with ash, so she wraps it up with a long saffron scarf. When she emerges from her quarters a few minutes later, she looks like someone's cut the outfit of a Delzahn [21:19] 07 steppe-noble from Realm fabric to Western fashion - a sort of blue, turquoise, and green desert princess. 15[21:19] A moment later they're in Caedus's room. "Go ahead." [21:20] 14Piu: "Hamoji's dead, as you might have heard. One shot, silver arrow, Anathema, clean, public kill. Dryas is probably going to take some of the fall for it -- she certainly feels responsible enough for it -- but at worst she was a helpful spontaneous distraction on a perfectly-planned hit. Sadly, it's that Anathema from the fight club I was trying to develop." [21:20] "So that's gone sideways." 15[21:21] Caedus: "How do you know?" 15[21:21] Ito Pan: "Oooh, is it a secret?" 15[21:22] Daizo spots Caxi approaching the three of them. 15[21:22] Ito Jun: "Did you bring that down from the mountain? Is it true you were up there?" [21:23] "Identified him by the crest on the back of his hand. Maybe more importantly: you need to get in touch with Lao and have him partition all House business involving Dryas, Zhangyu, and Daizo away from me, and have any operations regarding that business treat me as hostile. We're a Hearth now. A bit earlier than we expected and not under great circumstances, but the oath went fine and [21:23] we planned for this." 15[21:23] Caedus: "Shouldn't be a problem." [21:23] "Yes, and yes. I saw the whole thing. I can answer all of your questions later, but right now—" 10Argh! Wasn't Caxi supposed to be going ahead to the Governor's mansion?  [21:25] 14She sighs. "Good, good." 14And gets undressed quickly and efficiently, changing into dinner clothes. "Ratel wants to see us, and then it's dinner with the governor. Hopefully Hamoji isn't completely fucked in a way that keeps us in port." 15[21:25] She was. Seems she didn't listen. "Oh, Ito boys, leave him be. The Commodore gave me a task and I need some strong arms to help me." 15[21:26] Caedus: "I'm going to look into that." [21:26] 10Out of two frying pans, into one very large fire.  [21:27] 6Zhangyu's going to want to get himself into some clean clothes - most anything will do, but he does at least make sure it's dark enough to handle a little ash. Could be fought in, if necessary, but all of his clothing could be. Force of habit. After that, it's a matter of waiting until the rest of the Hearth is ready. 15[21:27] Caxi doesn't need much more effort to coax the twins away, and leave Daizo on a path to the Commodore, who is trying to talk down a seemingly panicked hostel-keeper. [21:27] "Okay." 14Dressed now, she kisses him quickly on the lips. "I'm going to go try and manage this dinner while not completely blowing the party girl cover to the whole city administration. Assuming we get past the Commodore's temper." 15[21:29] Caedus lets her go. There's a pair of merchant sailors standing a respectful distance from Caedus's door, and they practically rush past Piu as she makes her way to her quarters. [21:30] 14Ah, group rooms. [21:30] 07Dryas makes her way past the others in the hallway, observing the chaos. What is the morale and disposition of the people involved? [21:31] 10Phew. Is Caxi… taking pity on him? Daizo shoulders his way through the hustle and bustle towards Ratel. 15[21:33] Eventually the hostel-keeper is convinced that he's not going to be asked to billet anyone for free, and there is no need panic, no one's supplies are in any danger. Ratel almost bumps into Daizo when she turns around - he already had to stoop slightly to get through doors, and the package on his back isn't making it any more graceful. "Oh, there you are. Where are the others?" [21:33] 4Piu should be arriving momentarily. [21:34] 6Zhangyu's not far behind. [21:35] 10Unlike the others, he hasn't taken any time to clean up yet, so he looks fresh off the frontlines. "Getting changed. Governor Ragara Kou has requested the honor of our presence this evening at dinner." 15[21:35] Dryas's read of the room is that among the chaos, morale is largely high among the sailors, who seem excited and fascinated and frankly a bit entertained by the dramatic novelty of it all. The people at the periphery, cooks and cleaners and the handful of local residents, are significantly more apprehensive. [21:35] 07Noted. Dryas will make her way down. She pauses at Caxi and the twins - "Caxi, is Sadako safe?" 15[21:35] Caxi nods. "She's with Daizo's girl." 15[21:36] Caxi shakes her head. "Daizo's translator, I mean." 15[21:36] "How is he?" [21:36] 10Daizo: "She has conveyed her especial wish that you join her as well." [21:36] 07Dryas: "He's coping. And my retainer, Pale Moke? Can someone make sure he's all right as well?" 15[21:37] Ratel's mouth works behind pursed lips. Deliberately: "How... did you cross paths with Governor Kou?" 15[21:38] Caxi: "Oh is that his name? The little man who always follows you around? I think he's off with Ratel's daughter and the rest of your little crew." [21:39] "Good. Stay safe, yourself, cousin. And you two, lads!"07 Dryas scampers the remaining distance to the Commodore's office, crowding in behind Piu and Zhangyu. [21:40] 10Daizo closes his eyes. "We were present for the incident atop Hamoji and its immediate aftermath." 15[21:40] Ratel: "Upstairs in two minutes." 15[21:42] Two minutes later the five of them are in Ratel's room, with its large messy bed and its desk bearing a spilled-open sack of sea charts, the lingering scent of dried flowers and an open bottle of wine. 15[21:42] "What happened?" [21:42] 4Piu clasps her hands behind her back and looks over at Dryas. [21:43] 4It's her story! Until Ted shows up. [21:44] "The pilgrimage was lovely. We were watched the entire way, of course. We arrived at the top, and I lost my head. The human sacrifice, it was..." 07Dryas sighs. "I spoke out of turn, objected, proposed a different better deal. It offended the Feathered One, the rest of the priests, the onlookers, and Hamoji himself appeared. But then-" [21:45] 07WIth a flourish, Dryas stabs the silver arrow into the wood of the desk like a dagger. "Things got out of control." [21:46] 4Piu: "Gods can get one-shot. Who knew!" [21:47] 6Out of control is... one way of putting it. 15[21:48] Ratel stares at the arrow. "Moonsilver?" [21:48] "Yyyyyeah." [21:48] 4Piu: "Fired by a guy named...Ted." [21:49] "I mean. If that is his real name." 15[21:49] "What kind of name is 'Ted'?" [21:49] "The kind of name you give to a girl at a bar you're not planning on sending a courier to later?" 15[21:50] Ratel opens her mouth to say something, but then doesn't. Instead she takes the arrow and tests its strength and flexibility. "You saw him take the shot?" [21:51] 10Daizo: "Probably moonsilver. We would need to have it inspected by an expert to be certain." 10Daizo's starting to adopt that detached tone again. [21:52] "He's got an identifying mark on the back of his hand. He can hide a lot, but not like, sources of power or anima or whatever. Who's got a charcoal?" [21:53] 6Does Daizo still have the bundle attached to him? [21:53] 10Yeah, for the moment. 15[21:53] Ratel's got drawing materials. [21:55] "Alllright..." 14She pauses and then goes back and properly shades it a bit more. "There." https://i.imgur.com/rZNbG8D.png [21:55] "It was emblazoned on the arrowhead during the shot." 15[21:56] "So you saw this mark on your 'Ted''s hand, and on this arrowhead." 15[21:56] "But you didn't see him take the shot." [21:56] 4Piu: "Not 'my' Ted! Just Ted! But no, he treboucheted that bitch." [21:57] "Er. It was a very impressive long range shot." 15[21:57] Ratel: "Because a problem that occurs to me is that the person everyone's going to want to blame is also a master archer." [21:57] "If there's anyone who knows more, it's going to be this Ted character. We already know where he's staying." 07Dryas interjects. [21:58] 14Piu's expression darkens. "...That's an excellent point, ma'am," 14to Ratel. 15[22:00] "Whatever, keep going. So you saw the god die. What happened then?" [22:00] "Feathered One lost his mind. Consequences." [22:00] 07Dryas looks askance at Daizo, chewing the inside of her cheek. [22:00] 10Daizo: "The Feathered One and the ali-ki know that Dryas was atop the mountain and had no bow in her hands… but they would have no reason to speak in her defense." [22:01] 14To Daizo: "I think the concern more will be the innuendo of collusion. A master archer as the distraction, and then a master archer makes the shot...?" [22:01] 10Daizo: "The Feathered One flew into a rage and attacked Dryas. I interposed myself to defend, and…" [22:01] 6Zhangyu: "He raged and would not see reason, repeatedly attacking until he was taken unconscious." [22:01] "Zhangyu, give me a hand here undoing this." [22:02] 6Wordlessly, he does. [22:03] 10It feels unpleasantly good to get the wings out from under the canvas and spread them. "He struck me, and I was cursed." 15[22:04] Ratel's eyes go wide. 15[22:04] "Fuck." [22:05] 4Honestly, Piu fucks with the wings. [22:05] 14Can't say that out loud of course. [22:05] 10Daizo finds himself cry-laughing all of a sudden. 15[22:06] Ratel: "Has he been unstable the whole time? Wyld mutation sometimes brings madness." [22:06] 4Piu: "Eh, big guy just needs to let it out." [22:07] 07Dryas reaches her hand around to give him a pat on the back. Gingerly, avoiding touching the wings if she can. 15[22:07] Ratel: "...did the Governor see those? When did you receive her summons?" [22:08] 6Zhangyu: "Right after the Feathered One was finally unconscious. Her soldiers assisted." [22:08] 4Piu: "When she came up the mountain to try and calm T F O down, and uh, didn't." [22:09] 10Daizo gradually gets himself back under control. Dryas's reassurance helps. "My… my apologies, Commodore." 15[22:11] Ratel: "This morning we had an off-the-books operation with a low profile and no official oversight." [22:12] 14? 15[22:12] "Now we have a suspect in a deicide, a giant mutant, and a date with the Governor." [22:12] 14Ah. [22:12] 4Piu: "The food should be good!" [22:13] 10That sets Daizo off again. No laughing this time. Just quiet weeping. 15[22:13] Wearily: "Go get dressed. You have ten minutes." 15[22:13] "Someone find him a cape or something." [22:13] 6Zhangyu... pats at his arm awkwardly. He's not very good at this. [22:13] 14We're gonna have to do something about those wings, long-term. [22:15] 14Unless he decides he wants to keep them. Wings can be useful! [22:15] 10Let's just get through the day. [22:16] 10Anyway, Daizo will yield to anyone else's fashion sense here.  [22:18] 6Zhangyu went through a cape phase when he was younger - it might not go with Daizo's other clothing, but he's got a dark blue one that he keeps for special occasions. [22:19] 10That'll do. Between that and a particularly voluminous formal robe, it works out. somehow. [22:19] 4Dork blue! [22:19] 4ahahahaha 15[22:21] The kinship has a lot of eyes on them as they leave the hostel all dressed up, meeting the Commodore in her starchy dress uniform and Caxi in a hazy, shimmering gown at the front door. [22:21] 6That was part of why he stopped wearing it, yes. It was pretty satisfying to wear it again! Not so much for the other party, but. [22:21] 4Mmmm. Looking good. 15[22:21] "The wind is still high and ashen," warns the sorceress. "So stay close to me." 15[22:23] Outside, though it's well after dark, the wind whips torrents of ash through the city as Hamoji's red fury remains bright enough to see by, even through the haze. 15[22:25] Caxi holds a bubble of clean, clear, quite cold air that just manages to encircle the six of them as long as they walk shoulder to shoulder. [22:27] 4No muss no fuss, at least. [22:27] 4Unless the rioting's started. 15[22:27] The Governor's estate is quite lovely when you can see it. Being ripped and scattered by the winds is a garden of delicate tropical flowers, and the top of the old coral tower at the heart of the grounds isn't even visible up in the swirling clouds of ash. It feels like there's more ash blowing through the city than ever could have come from the god's corpse alone. 15[22:27] No riots to speak of. Judging from the ratio of soldiers to civilians on the streets tonight, you'd guess the Governor has a curfew out. [22:28] 14So far her compentency has been demonstrated solely in the form of security and command. Hopefully now we get to see the diplomacy. [22:29] 14Because more security and command probably ends with at least one of them in hock. 15[22:30] The group is admitted quickly, and the doors swing shut behind them before too much of the storm follows them in. 15[22:31] It's almost stiflingly quiet in here. Everyone in the foyer around the huge pink stone staircase is a guard or a servant, and none of them make a peep. [22:31] 4Yikes! [22:32] 6Well. You can't say we didn't earn it. [22:32] 10There's another new feeling to get accustomed to during the trip: the ever-so-slight spiritual tug exerted by Dryas, Piu, and Zhangyu. The others might not experience it this way, but to him it's a comfort. [22:34] 14It's not unpleasant. But there's an ingrained anxiety to get over, letting people get this close. [22:34] 14Give it a day or two. 15[22:35] Silently and without preamble they're ushered upstairs, to a receiving room full of high-backed chairs and a well-stocked bar. The sound of cutlery and porcelain is audible behind double doors at the rear of the room. [22:35] 4Open bar? 15[22:36] That is the custom, which Piu may or may not know. [22:37] 4It's difficult for everyone else to tell, but she's gonna get a gratuitous pour on a fruity drink either way. 15[22:38] Inside is the Governor, her back to them, facing an open fire roaring opposite the bar. Out of her armor she looks almost as small as Dryas's aunt Cerise, muscles visibly shifting under her robe as she turns stiffly to face them. There's some persistent hitch in her movement - infirmity, perhaps, or an old wound. 15[22:39] A scribe is set up in the corner, and dutifully dips pen in ink. Minuting the meeting, one suspects. [22:41] 4Ah fuck. Can't get too twisted. 15[22:42] Dryas can find no hint of physical danger. However this is going to go, it's probably not planned to end with anyone being clapped in irons. [22:42] 10Daizo offers a formal obeisance, after gauging the amount of space he has to work with. Don't knock anything over… [22:43] 4Are there snacks? 15[22:44] There are bowls of some tropical nut or other on the bar. [22:45] 4Tropical nut? But enough said about -- okay she'll just get something to cut the alcohol in her stomach. [22:47] 6This is why Zhangyu doesn't drink very often. 15[22:47] Governor Ragara Kou draws in a long, slow breath. "Commodore Peleps Ratel," she begins. "Until recently of the House of Bells, now docked in Abalone in a Merchant Fleet ship under V'Neef colors." 15[22:48] Ratel: "Your Excellency." [22:48] 10Daizo hasn't eaten since breakfast, unless you count a shaved ice. Every now and then he casts a glance at the nuts. 15[22:49] Kou: "What are you doing on my island?" 15[22:51] Ratel: "I'm afraid that's classified." 15[22:51] Kou: "Bullshit it's classified. By whom?" [22:52] 4Bartender! Another. 15[22:52] Ratel: "I can't answer that." [22:54] 07Dryas titters and glances at Piu. [22:55] 6Zhangyu remains impassive. ...though maybe he'll get some water. [22:55] 4This is top shelf shit! This is the main cabinet! 15[22:55] Kou shakes her head. "You know I pulled your file. Didn't take long, I have friends on the Admiralty Board. You should look into it." 15[22:55] "Be honest. Are you fucking all of them?" [22:56] 6What. [22:58] 4Piu spins. "Just me!" [22:58] 10Daizo: "Governor! There is nothing li—" 10Piu cuts him off at the knees. [22:58] "Keep your legs closed, and your enemies' closeder," 07Dryas posits softly. Not that she'd necessarily heed her own advice. [22:59] 4She's still sober; this is just an attempt to undercut Kou's attempt at leverage through chipper, direct honesty. 15[23:00] Ratel juts her chin out. "If you contacted the Board then you asked them what we're doing here. And they didn't tell you." [23:01] 10…Not that Ratel hasn't tried to put any moves on Daizo. There's just always been business. [23:01] 6Zhangyu just scowls. He hadn't had much of an opinion on the governor before; now, well. 15[23:05] Caxi looks askance at Dryas. [23:06] 4In fairness, Dryas, we have the lead we have on Ted because Piu, uh, took chances! And got messy! [23:06] 4Instead of taking that advice. 15[23:08] Kou's mouth gets very tight. "Then I suppose I have no choice but to speculate." [23:09] 07Dryas looks back to Caxi- [23:09] 10Daizo: "Perhaps I am not aware of all aspects of my comrades' private lives, but the Danaa'd's Defiance is not some kind of a floating bordello." [23:12] 4Ehhhhhhh. [23:14] 4Piu: "We've got the sailor outfits for it, but, true." 15[23:14] Kou ignores Daizo completely. "How's this for a theory: A sorcery-addicted Admiral goes rogue, taking her entire command with her, crippling the Navy chain of command, leaving the second-strongest fleet in the world under the command of no one but a handful of Peleps elites. Step two, she takes a foothold, sending a strike team people will want to overlook - say a failed officer and 15[23:14] her harem of wasted talents - to destabilize the largest economy in the Western Realm, leaving our entire nation exposed and vulnerable." 15[23:16] "Step three, she sweeps in with her stolen fleet, declaring a Peleps empire in the West, and tears Creation apart in civil war." [23:16] 14Staring at her drink: "Permission to speak freely." 15[23:16] Ratel: "Granted." [23:17] 10No way. That's absurd.  [23:17] 6Obscene. [23:17] 07NOW it's time to get a drink. [23:18] 07Dryas gets up, selects a dainty crystal glass and pulls a big bottle of good rum out of its rack to carry back to the table. First shot. [23:21] "I think the Governor's theory makes the triplicate mistake of overestimating a crew of dynasts she's just liberally but, perhaps, correctly insulted, overestimating the wider political ramifications of a dead volcano god, and overestimating her own importance in the weave of history. A Peleps empire in the West? A civil war that ~tears Creation apart~? Where was this sense of highest [23:21] drama, one wonders, when an Anathema was plotting the murder of Hamoji?" [23:23] 07Dryas spins the moonsilver arrow across fingers in the air a few times. She is already contemplating what great beast or villain it might slay next. [23:28] 10When Piu goes hard, Piu goes 10hard. [23:30] 07While one hand spins the arrow, as a disinterested pupil might twirl a brush or charcoal, she pours and downs shots two, three, four. [23:31] 6Zhangyu will ensure there is some water for her nearby. He isn't subtle about it, either. [23:31] 10Completely without thinking, Daizo reaches over and grabs one of the nut dishes and crams an entire handful into his mouth. He realizes what's going on midway through chewing.  15[23:32] Kou takes a step forward, and the whole building shakes. Her hand strays to her hip. "You mouthy little-- absolute nerve--" [23:32] "The Commodore's ship is in port under House V'neef's flag. As you said." 15[23:33] In the rear of the room, some of the kinship note, the scribe puts her pen down, tapping it twice against the inkwell before she does. [23:33] "I do believe you've accused my House of treason." 15[23:34] "YOU'RE THRICE-DAMNED RIGHT I AM-- PANIC IN THE STREETS-- WATER FOULED--" 15[23:34] The scribe shuffles her papers, perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary. [23:34] 14She looks over at Ratel in disgust. 15[23:35] Ratel: "If you have a charge, then level it. If you don't, I might suggest thinking about how we can help you." [23:36] 14This is the Commodore's opening. Piu is going to pour herself another -- lighter -- drink. 15[23:39] Ratel: "You've got an order problem, and you've got soldiers for that. You've got a supply problem - there'll be ships for that. But right now you've got a scheming godslayer stalking your city, and we have his name, his face, and a team capable of bringing him down." 15[23:39] "So I think you should take a minute and ask yourself: who are you really angry at?" [23:40] 14...It's probably still Piu. That was, on reflection, maybe a bit much. But V'neef Piu defends House V'neef. That's not an act. 15[23:41] Kou holds up a finger and reaches for a tall glass of something clear. The way she downs it all, you really hope that was water. When she's done, she looks somehow madder. [23:42] 10Daizo swallows— nearly chokes— and fetches a bottle of effervescent water. He looks to have been about to say something before Kou called for silence. 15[23:43] Kou, her words clipped. "We Are Aware Of The Anathema." [23:43] 14Piu crosses her arms. [23:43] 6Zhangyu can pass some along. He's now got a serene look on his face, looking absolutely nothing like the scowl that was present minutes before. One might say he was trying not to laugh. [23:43] 14The proper response is 'no shit,' but she's pushed far enough. Let Kou burn it off and earn it back. [23:44] 14If she gets enough time to talk here, maybe she'll walk out forgetting that she basically threw down the gauntlet for a mortal duel on the front end. [23:47] 07Dryas pauses for a moment at the implication of that. She enjoys the confused sensation. 15[23:50] Kou: "The political situation in Abalone is delicate. The public would not tolerate an open Wyld Hunt. Even less so now. Mnemon Hedrin has assured us that people would be dispatched who could deal with him discreetly, and my own attache from the Eye has him under constant surveillance. We'd know if he was the killer." [23:50] 14!! [23:50] 14Oh my. [23:50] 14Nevermind. Piu's all in on this stud hunt. 15[23:53] The scribe gets up and comes to stand behind the Governor, looking from one member of the Defiance to the next. "I think they'll do." [23:54] 14Piu finishes her drink. That should have been a tip-off. No bartender. In the stories, the plant's usually a bartender. 15[23:57] NEXT TIME: The All-Seeing Eye