15[20:09] It's just midday when the hearth emerges into Abalone's ash-hazed air from a meeting with Nn Tloc, with new information, new plans, and a powerful new relic. Questions to answer: 15[20:09] - What does the hearth tell Ratel at their debriefing later? 15[20:09] - What does Piu tell Caedus at her debriefing after that? [20:11] 14Caedus gets the unvarnished truth, of course. Especially the part where they're probably headed for a reckoning with Nn Tloc. 15[20:11] - How does Daizo deal with Seiri's wide-eyed alarm at her boss's new condition? [20:15] 14As for Ratel, that's mostly Dryas's business -- literally. However it remains a priority for Piu that the Commodore stay protected. Sometimes that means not knowing things. [20:16] 10Ah. That's a tough one. But he's managed to keep a lid on his own worry for now, so…  "Okay. Deep breath. I know this looks strange and scary, but I'm still me. Let's have a cup of tea and I'll tell you about what happened after you led those people down the mountain." [20:20] 14Caedus will get his brief sometime either before or after a quick nap -- 4Piu14's nightlife duties are leading to some sleep schedule juggling. 15[20:21] Seiri listens attentively, hands tight around her teacup. [20:24] 14This means Caedus gets to be the first to hear about her nascent plan to take Ted's body and use it to kill Hedrin. [20:25] 07Dryas makes her way back through town, carrying the ledger herself back to the Commodore. Is she still aboard the Defiance or is she ashore? Regardless, by the time she arrives at the threshold to meet with the Commodore, her story is prepared. 15[20:25] Ratel takes the meeting in her room in the hostel. 15[20:26] Like Seiri, Caedus looks alarmed. "Have you ever used this before?" [20:26] 07Dryas raps three times, sharply, at the door. "Commodore, it's me." 15[20:27] "Enter." Ratel is reading something in indecipherable Old Realm. [20:30] 14Piu: "Absolutely not. I'll probably want to test it first but...we've a limited amount." [20:30] 14She shrugs. "But I told my Hearthmates I wouldn't try to get him to kill Hedrin directly." [20:31] 07With a bow, Dryas sets the ledger down with the thump on Ratel's desk. There's something imperceptibly different in her bearing - she's not fiddling with a hip flask, wine bottle, or cigar. She's standing ramrod-straight. "Commodore. I spoke with Nn Tloc, and made sure to bring the others with me as surety against any trickery..." 15[20:33] Caedus: "Do they know about all of the plan?" [20:34] 10Daizo relates the events almost as if he's telling a story. Putting a little distance on it seems to help.  "And everyone saw the silver arrow flash as it struck Hamoji in the chest… in his fury, the Feathered One struck at Dryas… and I stepped in to protect her, and received his curse instead. The Governor and her men came up the mountain… and I begged for her to show the Feathered One mercy… " [20:36] 14Piu: "They know I want Hedrin dead. Obviously, they don't know why. The reasons I gave -- that having an Eye hanging around watching our every move and reporting to a governor that thinks we're traitors and usurpers -- has the advantage of being true." 15[20:38] Seiri: "Did she listen??" 15[20:38] At a certain point Daizo can tell Seiri's fear for Daizo has transmuted into fascination with the story. [20:40] 10Daizo nods. "Yes. The Feathered One still lives—Piu leapt down the mountainside and brought Caxi in the nick of time. Then the Governor's men carried him off to a place where he can recover. When he awakes, I mean to speak with him, if he'll see me." [20:40] 07After a moment she seems to gain her bearing and relays her findings with the infectious martial self-assurance that even the finest officers of the Navy or Legions can inspire. "His explanaiton was banal, but fundamentally sound. The island does indeed not process molasses, or rum - as we saw, ourselves. Instead, it's part of a Guild scheme to swap perishable and nonperishable goods. If you examine the ledger here, for [20:40] example..." 07Dryas babbles on in a clipped, efficient way about managing spoilage among bananas and so forth. 15[20:40] Ratel takes notes on Dryas's report, but she nods along agreeable as it's related. When Dryas is done, the Commodore seems satisfied. "Good. That's good to know." 15[20:41] Caedus: "How long will the effect last?" 15[20:42] Zhangyu's left to his own devices while the others mollify their superiors, co-conspirators, and retainers. How does he spend the afternoon? [20:46] 14She sighs. "No idea. Usually legends have it ending at dawn after using it to go fuck your best friend's lover or something." [20:46] 14Slumping down on the bed. "This is a pretty shitty plan, not going to lie." [20:47] 10Daizo: "Because we're not his enemy. The wicked Anathema who fired that silver arrow is. Dryas figured it out—no normal man, or evne one of the Blooded could have made that shot…" 10What Seiri doesn't know about Ted won't hurt her; no sense going into too much detail here. [20:49] 6Hrm. The Feathered One is presumably still unconscious, so that takes away that option... Probably not a good idea to get in a fight again so soon... What's Cynis Caxi up to? She did heal him after that first Hinokuni - maybe he can help her with something. 15[20:51] Zhangyu finds Caxi after Sadako almost collides with him striding out of Caxi's room. The sorceress is within, stacking up books and lighting a huge bundle of incense. The air smells damp and vaguely spoiled. [20:52] "Very poor luck that the second target also happened to introduce herself to the rest of the hearth at the same time I identified her." [20:52] "If that's all, Commodore, I'll be on my way to catch this murdering Anathema." 07She rises and turns before hesitating. "Oh, there was one other thing." 07She presents one of Nn Tloc's fine bottles of rum. "For you, Commodore." 15[20:53] Caedus: "We've got to prepare for that to happen more in the future, now that you're Sworn together. The question right now is what's the best plan available? Is it this?" [20:53] 6He coughs a half-hearted apology to Sadako as he enters. "Caxi. Is this a bad time?" [20:54] "It does seem rather too cute by half. I'll continue to work on Dryas; if I can convince her, the other two will come around. Daizo doesn't seem to care and Zhangyu seems to actively approve." 15[20:55] Caxi: "No, come in, please. Sorry about the air. Usually the windows are open." She's wearing a veil that covers half of her face. "Is everything alright?" 15[20:58] "You're very kind," says Ratel, somewhat flatly. "But don't blame yourself for running afoul of petty tyrants and stepping on a backward, homicidal religious ritual. Being effective is about knowing when to cut corners." [20:59] 4That's our Ratel! [21:00] "Commodore," 07replies Dryas as she ducks out. [21:01] 6Zhangyu: "Took the day off from training." 6Well, the afternoon off. He's not lazy. "Is there anything I can assist you with? The others are all out, still." 15[21:03] Caxi gives Zhangyu a long look before stuffing a heavy stack of books into a trunk. "Would you keep an eye on Daizo for me? He's avoiding me and I'm concerned about his mutation. Let me know if he starts exhibiting sudden changes in behavior or mood, or if he seems to be in pain." [21:05] 6Zhangyu nods. "He's seemed... mostly fine. Aside from the initial shock. But I will keep an eye on him if it changes." 15[21:06] Seiri: "Anathema in Abalone? Do you think they killed Sister Dusk?" 15[21:07] Caedus nods. "I'll let you get some rest." 15[21:09] Dryas runs into Pale Moke, seeming totally at ease with the low-grade panic permeating the air like volcanic ash, conveying a missive from Nn Tloc. Is Lady Dryas prepared to take a negotiated delivery in three nights' time? [21:10] 07Yes. Are any other details available? [21:10] 14She murmurs a thanks and is out like a light. [21:14] 10Daizo grimaces. "According to the Commodore, someone has already claimed responsibility for the crime. But they might well be taking the fall for someone else." 10Which is simultaneously the truth and a lie at the same time. Ugh. [21:17] 10Daizo: "I'll bring up the topic with Ratel the next time I speak with her, and see if she has anything new to share." 10Meaning: How can I tell an even better half-truth? 15[21:18] Once they've walk-and-talked into a more private area, Dryas hears more. She'll be taking delivery on Tloc's private dock right here in the city of a Lunar Anathema. The Anathema, already magically subdued, is bound north for Brightwork, where an agent for the buyer awaits. Questions? 15[21:19] Seiri: "Are they going to face justice?" [21:19] 6Zhangyu: "Do you know..." 6Hrm. How to put this. "Would the Feathered One who did this to him be able to undo it?" 15[21:21] Caxi: "I've been studying that, and: I don't know. Sometimes baleful transformations can be withdrawn. Sometimes killing the enchanter reverses them. Sometimes they're permanent." [21:23] 10Daizo momentarily visualizes popping Salim's head off like a grape. "I dearly hope so." [21:25] 6Zhangyu makes a displeased grunt. "There's no way to tell which?" [21:26] 10Daizo: "But enough of this grim talk! Where did you wind up last night, anyway? We were all worried sick." 15[21:27] Caxi: "If I had Daizo's cooperation, then maybe..." 15[21:28] Seiri: "There were soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they took everyone to shelter. I hid in the hostel with Sadako. She's very nice." [21:29] "Excellent. Moke, take the rest of the day off." 07She'll have to speak with Catela soon. 15[21:31] Pale Moke gratefully slides out to do... whatever Pale Moke does with his free time. [21:32] 07Not asking so many questions about such things is just one of the things that makes Dryas such a benevolent overlord. [21:34] 10Daizo: "Right under our noses the whole time! Sadako's pretty good at hiding." [21:36] 14Piu's up later that afternoon, and after a quick flatbread lunch pokes around to find the others. It's about time they got going on the Hinokuni business. [21:41] 10The small talk continues a bit longer. "At any rate, I don't believe I have any duties for you for the rest of the day. Oh, but there was one thing I wanted to ask." 15[21:43] Seiri: "What is it?" [21:45] 10Daizo: "Who do the locals think is the wisest person in Abalone? If someone gets very sick and may die without help, or if they want to have their future read, or… if they wanted to put a curse on someone. Who do they go to see? It's okay if the Order or the Governor wouldn't approve of them." [21:45] "I think I have some questions I'd like to ask a person like that, if they exist." 15[21:46] Seiri: "Oh, you mean like the Witch of the Far Side." 15[21:47] "Even Sister Dusk would consult with her sometimes when a child took ill." [21:48] "Really? That's interesting… Where does she live? The far side of the mountain, I take it." 15[21:50] Seiri: "That's right. I don't know where, exactly - people used to live there way back when, stories say the city used to go all the way around the mountain. But it's just racers and choppy water now." 15[21:50] "The cliffs are so steep..." [21:54] 07When Dryas makes her way back to the ship - following the strange, subtle sensation of her hearth-brother Daizo - she keeps an eye out for Sadako. She needs to check in on both.  [21:55] 10Daizo: "Got it. Let's see if we can get directions to see the Witch later, perhaps. I know Dryas wanted to meet with me about something… and I think she's here." 15[21:57] Dryas finds Sadako outside, gawped at on the street, first for seeming unbothered by the soiled air, and second for poking at the corpse of a lemur lying in the street. Every third or fourth time she jabs it, the wheel-crushed corpse of the tiny mammal twitches and jumps. [21:59] 07Dryas is a bit nonplussed. "Sadako, darling. What are you doing?" 15[22:00] Sadako: "It's stuck!" [22:01] "Stuck in what?" 15[22:03] Sadako: "It's stuck in the ground. The air's holding it down." She looks up and sees Dryas's face. "What? What did I do?" [22:04] 14Piu watches silently and intently from the doorway, not entirely hiding what she's up to though she'll smile and bounce aside if anyone needs to get past. [22:08] 10Shortly after, Daizo joins Piu at the doorway, surveying the scene. "Does… does someone need to explain to her that it's not going to get any better?" [22:09] "The barbarians are staring, love. Did Caxi teach you to do that?" 07Dryas thinks for a moment, and the expression on her face softens considerably. "Would you like a bigger one? Perhaps I can take you hunting sometime soon?" [22:09] 14Piu: "Perhaps so. Dryas is handling the...social aspect." [22:09] "I remain kinda concerned." 15[22:10] Sadako groans. "Fine." She tosses the stick on the ground. [22:13] "No, I'm quite serious," 07she reiterates. "I'm sure there's much bigger ones than that out here. And in any case, I know I haven't had much time for you lately. I wanted to see if you had a few moments now to spend some time with Tepet Daizo and I, since I needed to speak with him." 15[22:14] "Sure, okay." She doesn't sound angry, exactly. "We'll go find a bigger one sometime." [22:14] 10In a much lower voice: "Especially if it stops twitching when she stops poking it. The circumstances of her revival may have left her with an innate talent for necromancy." [22:14] "And that, as they say, is bad news." [22:15] 14Piu: "I'd say it'd be best not to let Hedrin get wind of it...but, playing in the street? I'm guessing she already has." [22:16] 10Daizo: "Hedrin's not the one I'm the most worried about." [22:16] "What if our acquaintance with the vulgar name gets wind of this?" [22:18] 14Piu grins. "Well, at least we know he probably can't kill her." 15[22:21] Sadako doesn't take any more prompting to get back inside, though she will spare one last look at the roadkill once she's past the threshold of the door. [22:21] 10Daizo: "I suppose so." [22:23] 07Dryas: "Daizo, Piu! I wanted to speak to you both about a practical concern and a moral one. Which shall it be, first?" [22:24] 14Piu: "My preference is always practical. Shall we get a table?" [22:25] 10Daizo: "Let's. We can discuss business first, and then deeper matters." [22:26] 07Dryas nods. Once seated: "That wrestler they were about to throw into the volcano - Sadako, by the way, have you heard about this brouhaha? But the wrestler. What was his name, again? We should find him." [22:27] "Chases-Waterfalls." [22:28] 10Daizo: "That sounds right. Are you thinking he'll be grateful to us?" [22:29] 14Piu: "I'm sure we can find a use for him even if he's not." 15[22:30] Sadako grunts in affirmation. "Seiri told me all about it." [22:32] 07Dryas: "He might still be in danger - along with the other, uh, offerees." 15[22:33] Sadako: "Dead god's still hungry?" [22:33] "I doubt Hamoji's cultists will be pleased letting them walk free, that's true." [22:34] 10Daizo: "Perhaps they think a sacrifice will bring him back." [22:35] "Oh, I was just thinking they'd be spiteful." [22:37] "We should have a persuasive case, then. And maybe he'll be able to put us in touch with more people around here, people who might know about this sorcerer." [22:40] "Sensible!" [22:40] 10Daizo: "I've got a lead on another practitioner as well. Seiri told me about the Witch of the Far Side, who was apparently held in high esteem even by Dusk. We still need to gather some information, but if anyone would be aware of a trespasser in their domain…" [22:41] "And even if she isn't, I should like to speak with her." [22:41] "Oh, great! Far Side of what, the bay? The island? [22:42] "Far side of the mountain. Abandoned these days." [22:44] "That sounds like an exciting expedition!" 07Dryas exclaims. "Do you have to go through the jungle? How does one get there?" [22:46] "That's the part I need to look into. Seiri wasn't exactly sure where the Witch lives, but it sounded as though mountain paths would be involved." [22:48] "We could ride out tomorrow. Can you ride?" [22:49] 4Piu blinks. "I, uh...don't ride. Usually." [22:49] 4Firmly: "Horses are creepy." [22:50] 07Dryas, imitating Piu: "What happened to 'Horsey!?'" [22:51] 10Daizo: "I can avoid falling out of a saddle." [22:51] "Or, I could. My balance is off." [22:51] 4*tape rewind sound* [22:52] "Sadako? Perhaps there will be something worth catching up there..." 15[22:53] Sadako: "Do you think the god left a ghost?" [22:54] 14Piu quirks an eyebrow at that. [22:55] 10Daizo: "That's a question that's often been asked…" [22:56] "While mortal souls return again and again through the cycle of reincarnation, spirits are immortal—unless killed. If truly destroyed they vanish like a soap bubble." 15[22:58] Sadako's eyes go wide. [22:58] "The very greatest of spiritual beings are said to be able to survive, but are always profoundly changed by the expeerience." 15[23:00] Sadako nods slowly. To Dryas: "I can ride a horse." [23:05] 10Daizo's deep in thought. "In time, some other god could claim Hamoji as its home, and Heaven is said to appoint new gods to fill vacant positions. But that wouldn't be the same thing at all." [23:05] "Tomorrow at dawn, then?" 07Dryas asks. "I'll let Zhangyu know." [23:06] "O-oh. Sorry, I do get to babbling on, don't I." [23:07] "Yes, very good." [23:10] 07Dryas: "As for the moral question: I've had some things on my mind lately and I wanted to know your opinion, what it is that differentiates us from the barbarians?" [23:11] 10Daizo: "You sure don't mess around, do you, Dryas?" [23:12] "Whatever do you mean?" 07she asks, sweetly. A little too sweetly? [23:15] "Oh, it's a hot topic in the teahouses of late. With more and more unrest at home, all sorts of radical views are cropping up. To hear some say it, nothing at all separates us from the merchants of Nexus or the Haslanti oligarchs in the icelands." [23:16] "But to me, the issue comes down to one thing: Legitimacy." [23:17] "Legitimacy?" [23:19] "In ancient times, Creation was given unto the Princes of the Earth to rule. And while many records have been effaced by the passage of time or corrupted by the wiles of the Anathema, history and the will of Heaven are on our side." [23:21] "You can trace the lines of descent through the virtuous Blooded who overthrew the Anathema and formed the Shogunate all the way through to the Empress herself, who claimed the Imperial Manse—which absolutely could not have come to pass against Heaven's will." [23:22] "Certainly not," 07Dryas agrees. [23:25] "Of course, there are lost eggs all over the world. Lookshy has their own claims to that noble heritage. But the Realm still holds the grace of Heaven; none can challenge it. " [23:27] "But without a proper ruler to sit the throne, we surely will. If we can find the Empress and convince her to return, or find final proof that she has left this world, we can reverse this decline." [23:30] (We surely will lose that grace.) [23:31] 10Daizo pours a new cup of tea. "So, what's your take on it? I admit, mine is rather an orthodox view." [23:41] "I've never been a pious person," [23:44] 10Daizo: "Fair. It's better to be honest than to affect false piety." [23:49] "And I was taught the same as all that at the Spiral Academy and so on. And the Realm is the pinnacle of the world, its beauty, honor... it's dignity can't be surpassed. I still believe that. But since coming out here, I'm having doubts..." [23:51] "Death may come from any quarter at any time, there is no safety from it. Are all these accomplishments so much grave-gloss?" [23:53] "Hamoji, in all his heathen power and fury, was laid low in an instant. Does the same fate await us, and we just don't know it?" [23:55] 10Daizo: "It's like I said to Sadako. The gift which is given to man is that our souls endure. What we do in this life touches not only the lives of those around us, but also determines the circumstances of our next, and their next, and so on." [23:57] "Death isn't to be feared ina nd of itself. But dying badly? Dying meaninglessly?" [23:58] "Can the same be said for a nation?" [00:00] "That… is something I will need to think more about."