15[21:08] The Governor's edict is promulgated at dawn, criers disseminated with enough breadth and depth to rouse or beckon all of Abalone: the city is re-opening for business. The port is re-opening for business. Be not afraid; everything is under control. 15[21:09] The sun rises on a cloudless sky the ugly purple of an aging bruise. White flashes like noiseless thunder strobe from the peak of the dead god's volcano, causing people in the streets to shield their eyes periodically. [21:09] 4It's kind of pretty! 15[21:09] But nobody seems to be dying, and these ships are all backed up... so the curfew is lifted, and Abalone returns to work. [21:09] 4In a fucked-up sort of way. [21:10] 6That is the way of things. All fucked up. [21:11] 07Back to normal! Back to business! Rise and grind, Abalone. 15[21:12] There are no formal Hinokuni bouts scheduled, but medallion-carriers are encouraged to show up to meet and greet the most dedicated fans. Daizo has retreated into his studies of Carmine Road - there will be no outing of Mil Montanas today. Certainly not until he's firmed his position on the, uh, wings. [21:12] 4Piu will do her morning routine on the Defender's deck so long as the air quality isn't too bad; if the twins are around she'll spend time with them. It's been awhile since she maintained that relationship. Then it's to breakfast, and after breakfast (unless they're there eating with her) it's time to find out what her hearth is up to. [21:12] 4Her hearth. [21:12] 14Still getting used to that. 15[21:13] The Cathak twins have been scarce of late, but Piu has no trouble making time with them. They do still leave somewhat abruptly and are evasive if asked about what they're doing. [21:13] 4She won't make them solemnly swear they're up to no good if it's that obvious. [21:13] 6It's good that they have been scarce. If they could simply disappear, that would be wonderful. [21:14] 4Don't be mean. [21:14] 4...Well, it is sort of Zhangyu's brand. [21:14] 6Also, it's the Cathak oaves. Oafs? How do you pluralize - whatever. [21:15] 07A morning ride about the outskirts of town on Diamond Weapon it is. Dryas will avoid anywhere that the devoted of the volcano god are known to hang out in large numbers. 15[21:15] Zhangyu could justifiably have a friendly spar with any fighter he's met so far, or one of the several he hasn't. Piu could join in, or watch from the stands. If the place is open, Ted will assuredly be there... Dryas, of course, is resourceful and canny, and knows that business can happen anywhere. [21:16] 4Piu splits the difference between dressing for combat and dressing for...different exercises. A scandalously short robe, but taped up feet and legs. [21:17] 6How does the Hinokuni feel about an open challenge, where Zhangyu demonstrates just how good the fighters are? By, uh, just destroying random unnamed challengers. [21:17] 4She's told Zhangyu ahead of time that if he wants to do a pairs bout, she's in to substitute for Daizo. Er, Mil. [21:19] 6Zhangyu is also fine with tag bouts, but honestly he really just wants to get some aggresssion out. So. Does Piu have a name and a mask? 15[21:20] Dryas still feels eyes upon her, though the reaction seems to be at least as much awed curiosity as actual antipathy. And there's that dog again...! It doesn't follow her, exactly, that dirty, shaggy thing, but the slightly stir-crazy group of children that run with it up and down the road trace a good chunk of Dryas's path. [21:20] 4Aw, she has to wrestle masked? That's going to make mingling harder... 15[21:20] Heh. [21:21] 6She doesn't have to, no. Actually it would be awesome if she didn't. [21:21] 6...masks are neat though. [21:21] 4She'll fight as V'neef Piu, then. No one should be shocked; she's already walked Zhangyu out to the ring a couple times already. 15[21:24] What time of day or night does the triad head out? [21:26] 4Piu would prefer a daytime bout, to keep her dinner and post-dinner plans open. But it's up to the main man, and possibly also Dryas if she's got schemes that care about the clock. [21:27] 6If they have schedules, Zhangyu will attempt to listen. But if they have daytime bouts, he is one hundred percent on board. 15[21:29] Dryas regards the mongrel with a hunter's eye. She knows from dogs - big hunting hounds, the spry and fierce dogs cattle herders and shepherds of the South keep as companions, even the shitty little dogs her many illustrious cousins seem to favor as pets/toys. This dog, while it's playing ecstatically, absolutely does not behave like a dog, or at least not a dog that hasn't been 15[21:29] meticulously, masterfully trained. What gives it away is that the dog seems to be totally impervious to children's efforts to distract it, whether with simple moving objects or noises or even food. 15[21:31] It also - and this is very difficult to spot, given the stampede of tiny feet all around it - isn't leaving tracks, even though there's a thin layer of ash covering the entire ground like fresh snowfall. 15[21:33] No bouts are scheduled, so it's a come-as-you-are situation. Piu and Zhangyu get the sense that there are fighters hanging around at pretty much all hours - Hinokuni is almost as much a social club for its fighters as it is a competitive or business enterprise. One of the advantages and drawbacks of being run by a retired fighter who mostly just wants to hang around and bullshit. [21:34] 6Is Son-of-Sabers there? [21:35] 6Not to fight. But is he there. He's so-- 15[21:35] Absolutely. As far as anyone's able to tell the man practically lives there. [21:36] 07Dryas focuses on the dog for another moment. Is it too silly to - hm. Whatever's there or isn't, doesn't register. Maybe next time... She spurs herself onward, accelerating slightly. Will the dog follow? [21:36] 4--dedicated to killing us! Probably best not to fight him until we're really prepared! [21:37] 6Look. I don't tell you how to feel about romantic partners. [21:39] 14I don't have any of those. [21:40] 4But fair point, I am sleeping with Ted. [21:40] 6Anyways! Who's up for a spar? 15[21:40] The dog follows... to a point. When Diamond Weapon speeds up, the crowd of children follow, and so too does the dog. The children give up well before the dog, however. But the dog does hang back at a certain point... 15[21:41] It's just an enclave with a number of rich people's houses, as far as Dryas can tell. [21:41] 6NOT Son-of-Sabers. That's complicated. But anyone else for a tag match is fine. [21:44] 07Interesting. She'll flag down a passerby and ask the name of the quarter she's found herself in. 15[21:47] That's Manalapan, she'll be told. [21:49] 07With a flash of a dazzling smile to the answerer of her question, she wheels Diamond Weapon back towards the port. She'll take a different route back, and take it at high speed. Best not to tarry. 15[21:51] So it's some time in the afternoon, presumably, when they make their way into the Hinokuni. It's very active - moreso than any of the times you've been in the evening, except for a scheduled bout. Pretty much every fighter they've met is here, as well as several they haven't, including a woman who looks like she could be Daizo's twin sister, and a middle-aged woman shorter than Seiri 15[21:51] with huge, round spectacles. 15[21:52] Thousand Devil Master is tending bar, as always. Ted and Son-of-Sabers are playing Gateway again - a couple of drinks deep, you'd judge, looking at the table. [21:52] 4Daizo's twin sister? Wings too? 15[21:52] No wings, sadly. [21:52] 4Aw. [21:53] 4Piu will get some light flirting in with Ted, but she's not going to slither onto his lap or anything if she's scheduled to be fighting. [21:53] 4So, uh, let her know, Zhangyu! 15[21:56] Something that might startle the triad is that among the people they recognize are two of their own compatriots - Cynis Caxi is here, also a couple of drinks deep, and sitting close beside her on opposite sides are Mnemon Salim and Seiri, who are both nursing what looks to be tea served in beer steins. 15[21:56] *three of [21:58] 6Hey, though. Twin sister? Does House Tepet have another member? 15[22:00] Well, Daizo isn't Tepet by birth. He's an adopted patrician. But, no, I just meant she's similarly very tall and broad and has a smooth, dark complexion. [22:01] 6Hmm, no, I heard twin sister and Zhangyu will sidle up beside her regardless of how true that is. [22:01] 07Dryas will order a concoction of rums and fruit juices, served in a steaming and grimacing ceramic mug. She'll shoot her cousin and Seiri a friendly aloof glance. [22:01] 4Piu will bounce over to say hi to them too -- somewhat less bouncily and warmly to Salim. 15[22:01] She looks him up and down, sniffs with approval or disapproval, and offers a fist to bump. "Nice work with Gilana." 15[22:03] Seiri is delighted to see Piu. Caxi's eyes narrow with mirth. Salim nods respectfully. "Are you fighting?" asks Seiri. "I heard you're very strong." [22:03] 6Zhangyu: "Wasn't easy." 6He bumps the fist in return. "She's a nightmare." 15[22:03] Eyes forward, drinking slowly, she responds, "Yep." [22:04] 4Piu grins. "That's the plan!" [22:04] "Got a new trick or two to try out...we'll see if I get the chance!" [22:04] "Or if I get my ass kicked!" 15[22:05] Seiri: "Everyone here is so scary!" [22:05] 6Zhangyu: "You ever...?" 6He's got a glass of water or some sort of soft drink to sip at. 15[22:05] Caxi: "You're too kind." [22:05] 4Piu: "I'm not scary!" [22:05] 07Dryas checks out some of the new faces at a respectful distance, sizing them up with the aid of her amulet. [22:05] 6Yes you are. 15[22:06] Salim takes a long sip of his tea. [22:06] 14No, I'm scary. 4I'm not! 15[22:09] Caxi: "How will you have them bill you?" 15[22:09] "Is that the word? Bill?" 15[22:09] "I don't know all the terms." 15[22:10] The woman nods. "I broke her in. We fought to a draw. Only I was in bed for two weeks, and she fought again the next night." 15[22:11] "I'm El." 15[22:11] Backbreaking El: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB6HY8r983c - And the message coming from my eyes says, “Leave it alone.” [22:11] 4Piu shrugs. "Sadly I've already been introduced as Zhangy's valet. So I have to go with: V'neef Piu, Winner of the Five-Day Fight!" 15[22:11] Caxi, dryly: "Oh is that all." [22:12] "I kinda wanted to come up with a character! But I also hate fighting masked. So it's a land of contrasts." 15[22:12] The woman with the glasses catches Dryas's eye and the light at the same time, rendering her glasses briefly opaque. 15[22:12] Naruhodo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wccRif2DaGs - You’ve got your passion, you’ve got your pride, but don’t you know that only fools are satisfied? 15[22:14] The thin woman Dryas finds easy to read is leaning up against the corner with folded arms, scowling. 15[22:14] Irene Two Fists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr8AtQiFtTY - So many times, it happens too fast: you trade your passion for glory. [22:14] 6Zhangyu: "Zhangyu." 6Another sip. "She's always been like that, huh." 15[22:15] The twins seem to be rehearsing either a magic spell or a very complicated handshake. 15[22:15] Doremi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE - She was struck down. It was her doom. 15[22:15] Mirido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkJTd_wKl0k - She was struck down. It was her doom. 15[22:16] Seiri: "What would your character be??" 15[22:18] El: "Far as I know. Some people are born mean." She finishes her drink. "Some people get the meanness beat into them. Hard to say which it is with her. She doesn't talk much. What are you drinking?" [22:25] 6Zhangyu: "...water. Never liked fighting drunk." 6Sheepish half-grin. "Call it a personal quirk." 15[22:25] El nods. "I respect that. I oppose it, totally, but I respect it." [22:26] 4Piu spots Zhangyu half-grinning from across the venue and makes a face. That's terrifying. [22:28] 07Dryas makes her way over to the bespectacled woman, following up on the shared glance. "Spectacles are an interesting accessory for a fight club," 07she observes. [22:29] 6Zhangyu: "Not the first, won't be the last." 6Sip. Pointedly ignoring Piu. 15[22:29] "I don't like fighting blind," the woman replies. "You're the new manager, yes? Tell me, are you truly of the Dynasty, or do you merely act the stereotype?" [22:32] 4To Seiri: "A ruthless killer! Obviously I wouldn't kill anyone. Unless those were the rules. But I'd descend from the ceiling in face paint, grinning, in...let's see...Southern outrider gear, tight pants, boots, a blouse, a scarf, a duster! All black! Interrupting matches at will! Lots of kicks, which is already my style, but more emphasis on thrusting the heel than torquing the [22:32] hips on shin strikes!" 15[22:34] Seiri: "Gosh!!!" [22:34] 4She pauses. "Okay I guess that counts as scary." [22:35] "I'm too poor an actress for my affect to be anything but genuine," 07Dryas responds with false humility. Twice-false, actually. She probably could fake it. [22:36] "Cynis Dryas. You have my at a disadvantage...?" 15[22:36] El: "I like you. You don't talk much." 15[22:37] The woman responds, in High Realm: "I see." [22:37] 6Zhangyu: "It's a talent." 6Sip. "You fight? Don't think I've seen you yet." 15[22:37] After a pause. "That is the name I fight under. Naruhodo." 15[22:38] El nods. "Working on a title challenge." [22:39] 07Dryas: "Ahhh. Does it signify something special for you?" [22:39] 6A raised eyebrow. "Shoot. I need to pay more attention to the competition." 15[22:40] El, somewhat defensively. "Of course shoot. This isn't Chiaroscuro." 15[22:41] Naruhodo shakes her head. "The language, here it has a certain connotation. I aim to cultivate that impression. In the ring, I am a savant from the Realm." 15[22:43] Seiri turns to her tablemates: "What about you? What character would you make?" 15[22:43] Caxi: "Oh, I don't know..." 15[22:43] Salim, flatly: "I can't act." [22:44] 6Zhangyu: "No, I meant -- okay, whatever. Hey, you're free, right? Up for a spar?" [22:44] "I've got a friend here, too, if you can wrangle a partner." [22:44] 4Piu grins at Salim. 14Lying little shit. [22:49] "Your High Realm isn't too bad. How does the character go over with the audience here?" 07Dryas asks. 15[22:50] Naruhodo: "Oh, they hate me. Viciously so." 15[22:52] "It's a pity." [22:53] "You are interested in the Realm?" 07Dryas asks, superfluously. 15[22:54] Caxi: "Well, firstly, everyone would have to love me. What kind of fighter do the people like the most?" [22:58] 4Piu: "Are we talking love-love or hate-love? Both are viable. Crucially though you can't be seen as like, begging for the audience's affection. You need to be bold and self-assured! Take chances and stand by your principles! Even if those principles are like, betrayal and villainy." [22:58] "ESPECIALLY if they are." 15[22:59] Caxi: "Oh love-love, absolutely. So the people who watch these stories like heroes?" 15[22:59] Salim: "They like moral clarity." [23:00] 14When he's right... 4Piu: "Yeah, in the like, storytelling sense. Yeah, Salim!" [23:00] "You also have to acknowledge the crowd exists. Even if you're like, making vulgar hand gestures at them! They like to be noticed!" [23:01] "For you, I'd probably go, like...aloof sorcerer-queen who still deigns to acknowledge her public. You know, magnanimously." 15[23:02] Caxi: "Ah, yes. The royal wave." [23:02] "But the best and quickest way to be loved, of course, is to win." 15[23:02] At this, Caxi grins wickedly. 15[23:02] "Perhaps I should try this out." [23:02] 4Piu grins. 14This could be a disaster...or not. 15[23:04] Caxi: "How does it work? Who do I need to talk to?" 15[23:06] Naruhodo: "Oh, very much so! I was educated in the Realm. It's a wonderful place. The culture, the people... it really is without parallel." [23:06] 4Piu points at the bartender. "That guy! Thousand Devil Master." 15[23:06] Caxi leans a bit to get a good look at him. "Mmm." 15[23:06] "Excuse me." [23:07] 07Dryas, continuing quickly: "As it so happens, when I arrived here, I made sure to bring as many books, scrolls, and other great cultural works as I could fit on my ship. Are there others like you here? I would be happy to let you have your choice of my remaining supplies - and give you and your friends a good price on more in the future." 15[23:09] Naruhodo: "Oh! That would be wonderful. There are a few of us." 15[23:10] Caxi leans across the bar, more than she really needs to, engaging the proprietor in whispered conversation. 15[23:10] El: "Absolutely." 15[23:10] At this point Thousand Devil Master, slightly flushed, beckons Zhangyu over. [23:11] 4Tee hee. [23:11] 6Zhangyu: "Got a fri- hang on." 6He will politely oblige. "What's up." [23:12] 07Dryas: "I'd be delighted to." 07She gives a brief rundown on where to find the burgeoning market space that Moke takes care of. "Are you fighting today?" 15[23:12] Thousand Devil Master: "My friend! Do you know this lovely young lady? She tells me she wants to fight, under your medallion." 15[23:13] "I assured him that would be no problem," says Caxi, in a you-owe-me kind of way. 15[23:13] Naruhodo: "I might. We'll see if something interesting crops up." [23:13] 6This is not the partner he anticipated, but he does in fact owe her. "That is true." 15[23:14] Caxi sweeps up Zhangyu in a surprisingly tight hug. "Thank you!!" [23:15] 6Zhangyu awkwardly returns the hug and adds a few pats on the back. [23:16] 14Wait, did Caxi just take my place in...? That little SLUT! 15[23:16] Thousand Devil Master: "Perfect. How are we billing you?" [23:16] 6If it's any consolation, it is not what you are thinking. [23:16] 14Whatever. 4Whatever! [23:17] 14Oh it's definitely what I'm thinking, as it regards Thousand Devil Master. 15[23:17] Caxi, dreamily: "Brigid, of the North." [23:17] 6Evenly: "As usual, for me." [23:17] "I'll keep an eye on you," 07Dryas replies pleasantly, moving on to mingle elsewhere. [23:18] "Mil is... indisposed." 15[23:18] Thousand Devil Master: "I'm sorry to hear that. He seems like a good worker." [23:18] "The best," 6he agrees. 15[23:21] Piu's sightline lets her catch Thousand Devil Master and the Gateway game at once, and when Caxi gives him her ring name, Piu sees Ted look up sharply. [23:21] 14Hmm. [23:21] 14And we're looking for a... [23:21] 14Right. [23:22] 14Piu now has a theory as to whom Ted's sorcerous accomplice might be. [23:22] 07Dryas makes her way back towards the others once she sees Thousand Devil Master speaking with Zhangyu.  15[23:23] The moment passes, and he goes back to the game. But he concedes the following turn, leaving Son-of-Sabers to brood alone, as he meets Dryas arriving at the bar at practically the same moment. [23:23] 6Alone...? 15[23:24] Son-of-Sabers gets up and follows after a brief moment alone with the board. [23:24] 14Oh for fuck's sake, just go hit on him. Or hit him. [23:24] 14Perhaps those are functionally the same. 15[23:24] "Our newest champion," says Ted as he sidles up to the group. "And his many lovely friends." [23:24] 6They are. For the record. [23:25] 4Piu, coquettishly: "Hi Ted." [23:27] 6Hey, so, Son-of-Sabers is here now. How much time did El want before the spar? Because... 15[23:28] El seems to be drinking quietly, just like she was before Zhangyu walked up to her. 15[23:29] Ted grins back, but aside from a lingering look his attention is on Zhangyu. "You're bringing in another fighter, I heard?" [23:30] 07Dryas hangs back a bit, signals for rum, and watches the men interact. This should be interesting. [23:30] 14Fine with her. 4Lets her stare some more. Dragons he's hot. [23:31] 6Fantastic. Also, go to hell, Ted. "She forced her way in," 6as he glances to Cynis Caxi. To Son-of-Sabers: "Buy you a drink?" 6Oh god he's so out of practice. 15[23:31] Son-of-Sabers sidles up to the bar, having essentially the same idea as Dryas -- though he takes a moment to fix her with an ugly scowl she can feel even if her back is turned. To Zhangyu: "It's your money, mate." 15[23:31] He says that the same way someone might say, "It's your funeral." [23:32] 6Zhangyu orders "One of his usual" 6because he is EXTREMELY out of practice. [23:33] 4He's going about this all wrong!! 14Relationships work the same way as fight feuds. Especially among fighters. [23:33] 4Not my problem though!!! 15[23:34] Caxi seems delighted, whether by the prospect of fighting or by Zhangyu's terrible flirting. But she speaks to Ted: "Two more fighters. Piu is fighting too, isn't that right, darling?" [23:34] 4Piu is sultrier and less chipper here: "That's right." 15[23:35] Ted: "Oh my." [23:35] 6Zhangyu: "First I'm hearing of it." 6A glance to Piu. "Good luck." 15[23:35] Thousand Devil Master: "Billed as?" [23:36] 4More chipper again to Zhangyu: "Thanks!!" [23:36] 4To Thousand Devil Master: "V'neef Piu, Winner of the Five-Day Fight!" 15[23:37] Piu's spent more time looking at Ted's face than the others, so the subtle but unalloyed contempt that crosses his face when he looks at all of Piu's comrades, but not Piu herself, is hard to ignore. [23:37] 14Well, that's not...particularly a surprise. [23:38] 14...But why not her? Certainly not just because they're fucking. This seems more deep-seated than that... [23:38] 14Hrm. Filed away for later. 15[23:40] Thousand Devil Master: "No shit." 15[23:40] "Are you really her?" [23:42] 4Piu, grinning: "You'll pay to find out." 15[23:42] Thousand Devil Master: "I literally will. What do you want? That kind of billing gets you a solo bout at the least." 15[23:42] "Pick anyone in here. You want to face the champion?" [23:43] 6Zhangyu is NOT pouting. He isn't. [23:43] 4Piu: "No killing, no weapons, one on one. I only want the champion if it won't look like I'm jumping the line due to credentials." [23:48] 6Zhangyu purchases a second drink for Son-of-Sabers. 15[23:49] Dryas studies Ted from a distance, like a magistrate rather than a hunter. Tall, thin, expensively dressed. His clothes are stylish in an old-fashioned way, like he just strode handsomely out of a historical romance ero-scroll. The gloves on his hands are well-treated leather... but Dryas can't identify what animal the skin came from, which means it isn't any of the usual ones. He has 15[23:49] no visible weapons, and his clothes are tight enough that Dryas doubts very much he could be concealing anything. His only adornment seems to be a simple silver necklace, or perhaps a pendant, poking up from his shirt collar. 15[23:50] Dryas realizes with a start that the chain is very familiar to her - it's identical in make and shape to the one around her own neck that bears Nine Muses Attend. [23:57] 07Dreadful! Her hand rises involuntarily towards her own amulet, and she turns away from Ted - to come face to face with Son of Sabers, who is just receiving a drink order from Zhangyu apparently. 15[00:00] "What are you staring at?" comes Son-of-Sabers's querulous response. [00:01] 6Zhangyu is not looking at him. He would be blushing even more than he already is. [00:02] 07Dryas' eyes flit past him to look at Zhangyu for a heartbeat. [00:05] 4Time to start thinking about fight options! Aesthetically she wants someone bigger than her and technically she wants someone who doesn't grapple -- she can grapple, obviously, but the character of V'neef Piu is mainly a striker. Since she's not going to touch Zhangy's new boyfriend or go 2v1 and face one of the twins without the other (bad business), that leaves her with Backbreaker [00:05] 4El and Naruhodo, along with...narrator, please remind Piu of the rest of the fighters hanging around? [00:08] 07Her big green eyes settle back on Son of Sabers. Dryas moves a few beads around on her mental abacus. "It depends. Do you much enjoy calisthenics? How about running?" 15[00:09] Well, there's Sublime Master Thief holding court with Kuga Rahn and the twins. Down the way Sia the Querulous and Gilana Crimson Tide - Zhangyu and Daizo's first opponents - are arguing about something in whispers. Irene Two Fists is still sulking there in the corner. And of course there's Bruiser Khang, the company ace, who is currently walking out of the kitchen, shirtless in an 15[00:09] apron with a stiff white hat, holding a large basket of steaming shrimp. He beams at Piu if she makes eye contact before setting it down at Seiri and Salim's table. [00:13] 6Zhangyu should probably be speaking to the Sublime Master Thief if he wants to advance,,, however, have you seen Son-of-Sabers? Sorry, I keep pointing that out, but golly. 15[00:19] Ted sidles up to Piu. "So introduce me to your friend." [00:20] 4So it's Backbreaker, Gilana, or the Bruiser himself. This might be condescending but, being aware of who Gilana's uh, 'sponsor' is, she doesn't want to humiliate her right after Zhangyu did. If she chooses Bruiser, she's seeking the title. Does she have any feel for how the crowd would react to Tepet Zhangyu's ring girl suddenly claiming she won the Five-Day Fight and demanding a [00:20] 4match with the champ? 15[00:20] How would she have reacted if she was reading about it back home? [00:22] 4Well that's the thing. The topline reaction is it's a squash -- there's no reason to hate her for it. But if it's a squash it shouldn't be a title match. The secondary reaction would be to look up who this person is, and then find out she's not a character; there is actually a V'neef Piu who won the so on and so forth. That would make it worthy of a title shot! But then she'd wonder [00:22] 4if this was actually, like, V'neef P'iu, with an important mark added to make her legally distinct, and then it was all a work. [00:22] 4Obviously, all questions would be settled in the ring -- but!! [00:23] 4IF that person won, she would be expected to stick around and defend the title. [00:23] 4Piu probably doesn't want to do that. [00:23] 4...So maybe it's a non-title match against the Bruiser. [00:24] 4If she loses, she loses. No sweat. She doesn't think she'll lose, though, and Khang seems tough enough to take her full force. 15[00:24] That would probably be simpler. Piu's sense is that she could make a title fight work, but like she's already surmised it'd be a much bigger commitment than she probably wants to make. [00:26] 4At the very least, it buys her credibility to contend for the title basically whenever she wants. [00:26] 4If she wins, that is. [00:28] 6She's going to. Zhangyu has seen to the competition, and Piu is better. 15[00:29] Son-of-Sabers: "The hell is that supposed to mean?" [00:32] 6Is that directed towards Zhangyu? Because he is perfectly eager to just sip at his water if it's to someone else. [00:33] 6Mmmm, delicious water. [00:35] 4Piu did all that thought in an instant. Now, to thots: "This is Caxi. Ringname Brigid. She's maybe got other names. Full of surprises." 15[00:36] Caxi regards Ted languidly. "Who is this?" [00:37] 4Grinning deliciously. "This is Ted." [00:37] 07Dryas, casually to Son of Sabers: "You seem like a real heartbreaker type. But if you bring that energy into any of my people, you'll find out what it means to run." 07She glances over his shoulder at Zhangyu again. That big, dumb, beautiful man actually has something he cares about, and it's an antisocial lout like this asshole?! 15[00:38] Ted delicately removes a glove. "My lady. May I?" he reaches for her hand. Caxi offers it graciously for a kiss. 15[00:38] Ted takes her hand and instantly recoils as if stung. 15[00:38] "Ah! Forgive me. A slight prickle in the air." 15[00:39] Caxi's eyes narrow slightly. "How odd. I didn't feel a thing." 15[00:39] Ted takes her hand and kisses it gently, without hesitation. "Then let it trouble you not." [00:40] 14... [00:40] 07Dryas overhears what's happening behind her and screams, internally. [00:41] 14Piu cares a lot less about the social cringe than she does about the physical one. 15[00:44] Caxi seems to let it slip by. "Your name can't possibly be Ted." 15[00:45] Son-of-Sabers laughs. "Did you just-- did you just threaten me?" [00:46] 14Piu turns. "She did." 15[00:46] Ted looks slightly rueful. "Many of us fight under assumed names, my dear Brigid. In the ring, your past is what you say it is." 15[00:46] Caxi: "And yet you know my name, but won't tell me yours?" 15[00:46] Ted's smile is strange. "I just might." [00:49] 07Dryas nods along with Piu: "You should be flattered," 07she replies, adds an unsettling wink, and finishes another rum. 15[00:52] Son-of-Sabers: "Do you fancy a go then as well? Shall you, too, write your own name on your ox's yoke? Like your fellow princesses? Or are you a talker, not a fighter?" [00:54] 14Is Zhangyu still in hearing range or has he gone to the washroom? 15[00:55] That's a question for Zhangyu's player, who has sadly died. 15[00:55] Son-of-Sabers would say it either way. [01:01] 07Dryas gives him a skeptical look. "You aren't worth my time. My advice to you is: keep it that way." [01:26] 07Another moment longer, and she gets up in frustration. This is a rock that she can't move anytime soon. 15[01:28] Son-of-Sabers smirks. "Maybe some other time, princess." [01:30] 4Piu giggles at that, 14but her eyes are hard. 15[01:30] Ted, mildly: "You do bring it out in people, don't you?" 15[01:31] Son-of-Sabers is good-natured: "Piss off." 15[01:32] Thousand Devil Master emerges from the kitchen. "So what do you think, Lady Piu? Who'll it be?" [01:32] 4She turns. Brightly: "Bruiser Khang. Exhibition match." 15[01:34] "BRUISER!" bellows Master. Bruiser comes back out of the kitchen. He'd have to duck under the door even if not for the tall hat. "What'll it be?!" [01:34] 4This means the result doesn't count not just for the title, but for placement. Meaning the other fighters should be fine with it, if really condescending. [01:35] 4The hat's good. So's everything beneath it. [01:35] 4This is why she doesn't do deathmatches!! 15[01:35] Thousand Devil Master lights incense at a shrine to some god Daizo might recognize, but surely none of you. He grins behind the smoke. "Battle." 15[01:36] "BATTLE!" Bruiser bellows in response. Everyone is staring now. "And who is the challenger?" 15[01:38] Piu can almost feel the cue like a physical weight. [01:40] 4She steps up onto the bar lightly, legs long enough that she almost doesn't have to hop. "My name is V'neef Piu! This arena has seen me before, cheering on Tepet Zhangyu and Mil Montañas in their early victories. But I am so much more than what I seem! I am the champion of the most recent Five-Day Fight! I am the greatest brawler produced by House V'neef, and the South of the Realm, [01:40] and by the entire Pole of Fire!" 4Nice rhyme! "I challenge you to a standard match, with standard conditions, under exhibition rules!" 4She grins meanly. "I'll let you keep your belt, Ace!" [01:41] 4Time to fight the coolest guy in the entire Hinokuni!!!! And fangirl out the entire time!!!!!! 15[01:48] Bruiser folds his arms, and his smile burns bright and clean. "V'Neef Piu!! A true hero of the Dynasty! Your exploits are known far and wide among our sweet scientists, and you bring honor to the Hinokuni with your presence!" 15[01:49] Then the volume drops, and his expression takes on a terrible coldness. There's something inhuman in the man's gaze, something ancient and implacable. 15[01:49] "But know this:" 15[01:52] "On the field of honor, every man and woman carries the seeds of heroism. For it is not the purity of one's blood and marks a hero..." He throws his arms wide, and his voice rolls like thunder. His spirit ignites, pulsing red and gold, as his brow burns with the mark of the rising sun. 15[01:52] "IT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE HEART THAT PUMPS IT!" 15[01:52] "FACE ME IN BATTLE, HERO OF CALIBRATION! BUT BRING EVERY FIBER OF YOUR WIT AND WILL TO BEAR!" 15[01:53] "For your crowns... and your gods... will not save you." 15[01:53] NEXT TIME: Battle