15[20:07] "But know this:" 15[20:07] "On the field of honor, every man and woman carries the seeds of heroism. For it is not the purity of one's blood that marks a hero..." He throws his arms wide, and his voice rolls like thunder. His spirit ignites, pulsing red and gold, as his brow burns with the mark of the rising sun. 15[20:07] "BUT THE STRENGTH OF THE HEART THAT PUMPS IT!" 15[20:07] "FACE ME IN BATTLE, HERO OF CALIBRATION! BUT BRING EVERY FIBER OF YOUR WIT AND WILL TO BEAR!" 15[20:07] "For your crowns... and your gods... will not save you." [20:09] 4Piu grins into the light of the Sun, 14and under the surface she's very glad she made sure this wasn't to the death. 15[20:10] The dawn-light washes over a room holding its collective breath. It spills up and out, shining through the cracks in the doors and windows. Daizo, trudging up the road to Hinokuni, now that seemingly everyone has gone there (how did he react when Caxi announced she was taking Seiri and Salim for a day out?) has the immediate impression that a terrible fire has been lit within. [20:11] 10After a thorough examination of Carmine Road's vessel, Daizo wandered out of the corner of a dockside storehouse he'd claimed as a workspace and found a note tacked to the door: "Gone to Hinokuni. Meet us there when cram school's over. —C" [20:14] 10Asking around, the identity of "C" was uncovered in short order, and the guests she'd taken with her… "Why didn't anyone TELL me?!" 10Then he remembers: he'd gone around making everyone promise not to disturb him. [20:15] 10So it is written: Getting what you ask for is not the same as getting what you need. [20:17] 10And when that fiery light makes itself shown, Daizo breaks into a sprint. [20:20] 10As has happened several times recently, he feels an urge to spread his—the wings— and leap. 10 This isn't me. 15[20:23] It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust, but the searing presence of the revealed Anathema Bruiser Khang throws its light on everyone. He sees Piu standing defiant, with the rest of the hearth, as well as Caxi, Ted, and Son-of-Sabers around her. Sweeping the room he also sees Seiri and Salim backed into a corner booth. Seiri's paralyzed with terror; Salim's eyes could scarcely be 15[20:23] narrower. [20:30] 14Fascinating and terrible creatures, the Khangs of the world. If she was betting, her money would be on him. But she's got a shot. [20:34] 10Time freezes as Daizo takes in the whole scene, attempting to analyze it rationally. In a heartbeat, it's imprinted in his mind. But there's one element that doesn't fit. That can't fit. That defies all reason and logic. He doesn't even feel his own anima flare in return. The Solar Anathema is… in total control of this situation. 10Is this what drives men to steal the power of the Sun? [20:35] 6It suddenly strikes Zhangyu that if he and Bruiser Khang were to go all out, Zhangyu would lose. It's - not something he's put much thought into before, but now... damn. [20:35] 10How did we ever win against them? [20:36] 07The normally-cool and collected Dryas is on her back heels, her eyes wide at the sight of what must be a Solar Anathema. Piu's gonna fight one of those?! Where are the exits?? [20:37] 10Nervelessly, he walks over to Seiri's booth and pulls up a seat.  15[20:41] What's Daizo doing about the wing situation? [20:44] 4Piu, not-quite-roaring into the light show, but defiantly unbowed: "As always, House V'Neef will save itself!!" [20:47] 07Dryas, who has wiggled herself behind Zhangyu, cheers her Hearth-Sister from a distance she judges to be safe. 15[20:48] When Khang grins, his huge white teeth seem to burn white-hot with his anima's fire. "Good... good! I'll see you in the ring!!" Then he puts his stiff white hat back on and ducks into the kitchen. [20:48] 10Daizo's located a 10very10 discreet tailor over the course of the day and requested a couple of concealing cloaks in addition to a few sets of specially made garments. The latter, he's been assured, can make it appear as if he's just acquired a taste for particularly avant-garde fashion. The cloaks were ready the same day, and although it's awkward to go around looking like a sneakthief, in silhouette he just looks [20:48] 10 very… wide. 15[20:55] Seiri practically cowers behind Daizo. "We've got to tell the Commodore! We've got to tell the Governor!" [20:56] 14Ratel won't care; Kou almost certainly already knows. But she's Daizo's responsibility. 15[20:58] The kitchen still burns red with Khang's anima for several minutes, but the oxygen seems to flow back into the hall all the same. 15[20:58] The room is abuzz. Everyone is talking about today's surprise headline bout, and the mysterious and beautiful V'Neef Piu. [20:59] 10Daizo works through the implications in his head. They aren't pretty. "The Governor must already know. That man, Chases-Waterfalls… how many other prisoners like him came from the ranks of the Hinokuni?" [20:59] "They would have tried to trade information, make a deal…" [20:59] 4Is...the Sublime Master Thief in the room? [21:00] "If the Governor hasn't acted to shut down the Hinokuni for…" 10Daizo lowers his voice even further, "harboring Anathema, it's because she doesn't think she can win." 15[21:01] He's digging into a huge mound of barbecued sweet pork with a couple of other fighters - Kuga Rahn and the twins Doremi and Mirido. 15[21:01] Seiri, equally hushed: "What's the point of having a Governor then??" [21:01] 6Zhangyu does not breathe a sigh of relief, but it's a near thing. Are Zhangyu's opponents for the evening here? 15[21:02] Salim snorts into his tea. [21:02] 07Dryas, resolutely: "This isn't the place for this discussion." [21:02] 10A side-eye to Salim. "I'm starting to think there may noi be one for much longer." [21:03] "It could be months before a proper Wyld Hunt arrives. If it ever does." 15[21:04] Seiri takes several deep breaths, practically hyperventilating the steam from her tea, but she doesn't speak again. [21:04] 4Piu will evaluate him not-quite-surreptitiously -- was the Master Thief keeping an eye on the goings-on, or studiously ignoring them? [21:05] 4...Also wait. Did Khang cook him that meal?? 15[21:05] One assumes. 15[21:05] He's been watching. If Piu makes eye contact she gets a big thumbs up from the man, cheeks bulging with pork. [21:05] 4sugoi 15[21:09] Zhangyu sees El is still standing around, drinking. She blinks a bit when Bruiser leaves the room, like she'd just been staring at a bright light too long, which she had. 15[21:09] It's not yet clear who'll be fighting alongside her, against Caxi. [21:10] 4She'll march over to the Sublime Master Thief's table, point at his pork dish and loudly exclaim: "Sublime Master Thief! Tell me the quality of this kitchen's pork!" [21:10] 4Unless there are objections, smash cut to her sitting next to him, scarfing down an identical dish. [21:10] 10Daizo: "But, Seiri, look at it this way. We should count our blessings that the only thing Bruiser Khang seems to be interested in right now is fighting." [21:11] "If he were trying to take over the island… I think we'd know it." [21:12] 07Dryas takes an instant to collect herself and addresses Seiri directly. "My dear: Khang is, no doubt, strong. But I'm sure a learned woman like yourself needs no explanation that the Realm, and the Princes of Earth, use many artifices and subtle methods to uphold their enlightened rule. What is appropriate here may not be so there. And so it is, doubtlessly, in this instance. Carry yourself with the confidence that you are [21:12] accompanied and protected by many powerful people." [21:13] 10Daizo's grateful look says it all. 15[21:13] Seiri's mouth sets in a hard line. "You're right, of course." [21:14] 07Dryas, pivoting: "How is that dish he prepared, though? I'm rather fascinated. Daizo, you take a bite first." [21:15] 07If it inspires some sort of mutation, then, you know - in for a penny, in for a pound. [21:15] 10Daizo: "Field medics have a term for this kind of thing: 'triage'. You have to prioritize who you can save on the basis of the resources you—eeh?" 15[21:15] Sublime Master Thief doesn't answer with words, but with excited gestures and pointing. [21:17] 10Daizo's traitor stomach takes that moment to rumble.  15[21:18] Salim, mildly: "Anathema are famously excellent cooks." [21:18] 6Well, it's good to know that Zhangyu wasn't the only one affected by the display. He turns back to the rest of the group. "Can't say I've had the pleasure." [21:19] 10Daizo: "I will place myself in the path of danger… for Dryas' sake…" 15[21:19] Ted raises his glass. "A toast to your bravery." [21:19] 10Smash cut to another plate of pork.  15[21:20] Caxi: "I wonder how hard it would be to get a sample of his blood... obviously hair's right out..." [21:21] 10It's… It's fantastic. [21:21] 4Piu, in between bites, mostly polite enough not to speak with her mouth full: "Would you teach me a trick to beat Bruiser Khang, Sublime Master Thief?" 4Gotta play it straight; he's going to want to get his jokes in. [21:21] 4Nothing a professional hates more than an amateur who wants to Riff. 15[21:22] It is! Sweet and succulent and crispy and tender... [21:22] "Pray that Piu get's a clean hit and you might get so much as a tooth," 07Dryas suggests to her cousin. [21:22] 10Bruiser Khang: only interested in fighting and cooking.  15[21:24] Sublime Master Thief pushes his plate back and groans with the exertion. He's deep into meat sweats. "Get your ring girl to break a chair over his back when he's not looking. Throw some ball bearings on the ring. Oh, oh, no, here's what you do -- make a big show of selling him one of your match report scrolls, but when you go to unroll it it's full of fresh pepper and you blow it all 15[21:24] into his face!" [21:26] 4She nods very seriously. "Sadly, this is my first fight! I have no match report scrolls! I can conceal no great amount of grapeshot on my person! I AM the ring girl!" [21:27] 10Between bites himself: "I was told the power of the Sun was too great to be transmitted through the blood. Which is why there are," 10munch, "there are so few like Khang." 15[21:28] SMT lets out a long, low whistle. "Well, shit. Those are my best moves. What's your style?" [21:29] 4She shrugs. "I hit people really hard in the face, sometimes while laughing. Occasionally I do an armbar or a kneelock! Getting the feeling my usual bullshit won't work on the big guy though." 15[21:29] Seiri: "Where does their power come from if not from the blood?" 15[21:31] SMT: "Bruiser's face is still punchable. Like, physically punchable, I mean, not punchable the way my face is punchable. Past that... the thing to remember is that he's very easily distracted. Unless he thinks he's in real danger, he's more focused on keeping the crowd pumped up than he is beating you down. If you'd asked me 20 minutes ago, I'd have suggested letting him underestimate 15[21:31] you, but I don't think that's going to work now." [21:32] 4Piu, very seriously: "Hmmm...working the crowd...I think I have the ass for that." 4She vacuums up the rest of her pork. "Sublime Master Thief! Thank you for the meal!" [21:33] 4She will then stick him with the tab. Past history says he should appreciate the rascally nature of this act, and reciprocate next time! 15[21:33] He does indeed seem to find this very charming. [21:33] 6Nice. 15[21:35] Downstairs, a gong is struck. Fighters to the locker rooms, audience to the stands. Soon, the day's fights will begin. [21:36] 10Daizo: "It's thought to be a form of improper worship. Very improper, violating the boundaries between Heaven and Earth." 10He thinks. "A sorcerer may call on the residents of the Demon Realm because of ancient oaths sworn to the Princes of the Earth; the prospective Anathema performs a soulbinding ritual with Heavenly gods." [21:37] 6Zhangyu's as ready as he'll ever be. 15[21:37] Seiri: "Don't the gods mind?" [21:40] 10Daizo: "That's a good question. But the ways of the mightiest gods are said to be as alien to mankind as a raksha lord's—their spiritual development is simply too great to bridge the gap. It may be that the gods themselves don't fully understand what they're unleashing." [21:40] "Proper worship, thusly, is always conducted through intermediaries." [21:42] "The Sun embodies the principle of perfection; the Moon embodies the principle of formlessness. Each will drive a man mad." 15[21:46] In the locker room, almost everyone gives Zhangyu the space to prepare for his upcoming match. "So, who's your partner?" asks Ted, who is wrapping his forearms in bandages. [21:47] 07Dryas: "Brilliant stuff, Daizo." [21:47] 10It's a shame Daizo got distracted, because he probably could have authored a convincing-looking "match report" for the Five-Day Fight. [21:47] "I had hoped it wouldn't become this relevant. Ahaha." 15[21:48] Seiri: "So it's just a matter of time before that man goes insane..." 15[21:48] Salim: "He may already have." [21:48] 6Zhangyu: "Brigid, of the North." 6He doesn't elaborate. 15[21:49] Ted: "Have you ever heard of Brigid of the North? The real one, I mean." [21:51] 10Daizo: "At least now that we know he exists, we can keep an eye on him. Many Anathema ren't identified until it's far too late." [21:52] 6Zhangyu: "Doesn't ring a bell, no." 6He's stretching now, leg up on one of the benches as he bends in frankly an uncomfortable looking position. Mantis style sort of demands that kind of thing. 15[21:53] Ted: "I thought not. It's not a story the Immaculates would tell you. It's an Anathema legend." [21:54] 6He makes a grunt that might be interpreted as either "go on" or "go away." That is a strange choice of name for Caxi, though - he'll ask about it later, unless 'Ted' is just lying. 15[21:57] "Long ago, in the Time Before, Brigid was a Solar witch who plumbed the very depths of Creation, and devised the greatest and most terrible of the demons' magic. To make the desert bloom, to scour the earth with a cursed rain, to bind the very princes of Hell... she was revered as the Mother of Sorcery. 15[21:58] "You think your Brigid's any good in a fight?" [22:00] 6Zhangyu: "She's going to have to be, won't she?" 15[22:00] Ted: "That rather depends on what her goals are." 15[22:01] "Strange girl." [22:03] 6Zhangyu: "Maybe so." 15[22:04] The gong rings again. Ted stands up and stretches. "See you out there!" [22:04] "But she's not the only strange one around here." 15[22:04] "...I suppose not." [22:05] 6He grunts in acknowledgement at the 'see you out there.' 15[22:06] By now, everyone who isn't fighting has filed into the stands. Is Piu with her hearthmates or with the other fighters? [22:08] 4How many matches between Zhangyu/Caxi and the main? Are they up next? [22:08] 4If so, she'll stay for the entrances and the first couple moments, then move to the back. 15[22:08] There are a couple more. Piu has about two hours, judging by the length of the card, before her fight. [22:10] 4Then she'll be front row for this. Or maybe ring girl unless valets are banned. [22:11] 10Daizo's watching the ring intently. It feels strange being a spectator. But if his morning katas have taught him anything these past few days, it's that the rest of his body ahsn't adjusted to the new reality yet. [22:12] 10It felt like this after he was wounded, too. The difference, though… [22:12] 07Dryas watches the crowd, looking for wheelers and dealers. And spies, who has Nn Tloc sent to watch her? How about yellow dogs? [22:14] 10Clear your head, Daizo. You're going to expunge this taint if it kills you. [22:15] 07In fact, that reminds her - "Daizo, I saw the most peculiar thing this morning," 07she informs him softly, leaning in close. "A dog, who left no tracks. The same dog followed us the morning Hamoji died." 15[22:17] There's usually at least a few animals in the stands at Hinokuni - people on Abalone love their dogs. In fact, there at the back, sitting among a handful of teenaged boys waving betting slips at the ring and shouting... there's that dog again! [22:17] 10Daizo: "No tracks? That's especially concerning. Even a sorcerer's familiar or the like should leave pawprints." [22:17] 07As she speaks, her eyes scan the crowd. While the others had socialized or spent an hour preparing for the bout, Dryas had taken a moment to paw her way through the house a bit. She's also palmed a chunk of that delicious pork, wrapped in a napkin. 15[22:17] Mangy, scruffy but not shaggy, a sort of dirty yellow. The very picture of a street dog. [22:19] "As a matter of fact, he's right there, in that pack of street brats. He's watching us. Would a Lunar anathema leave tracks?" [22:20] 4Dogs!! [22:22] 10Daizo follows Dryas' gaze, and marks the location of the dog. Hmm… [22:24] "It's one possibility. Either that or our mystery sorcerer has money to burn." 15[22:25] The gong rings again. Thousand Devil Master comes out to pump the crowd up for the opening fight - Zhangyu, of the Mushi dojo, who has proved himself in blood and honor, and his partner, the mysterious and alluring Brigid of the North, face crowd favorite Backbreaker El and her partner, the man they call Ted. [22:25] 10Daizo: "Perhaps we should attempt to approach it after the match. Have Piu yell 'puppy!' or something, and try to pet it." [22:26] "Of course, that's dangerous in itself. But we can't just let it follow us around forever. A moontouched *will* strike sooner or later. It's only a matter of when." [22:27] "It follows the children around but doesn't seem to give a shit about what they do. That gives us another approach." 07Dryas watches the teenagers for a moment before coming to a plan. [22:27] 10Daizo: "I think I see where this is going, but let's hear it." [22:28] 4Piu: "I do love puppies!!" [22:28] 14Piu: "But if it's going to start a fight, we should lead it outside first." [22:29] "You and Zhangyu will be too beat up afterwards to confront it then. I'm going to see if I can get the kids to keep tabs on it for me. I think they would be cheap..." [22:29] 14Not a great way to talk about kids in a Guild city! 15[22:30] If Dryas is looking for some cheap kids, there's always Mnemon Dusk-- 15[22:32] Caxi comes out wearing a gauzy violet... nightgown? She looks more like a ring girl than a fighter. El is wearing her sleeveless white gi. Ted is stripped to the waist, with wrapped arms. [22:32] 14There is not, in fact, Mnemon Dusk. We put paid to Mnemon Dusk. [22:32] 6Zhangyu is in his standard trunks with the towel over his heada that he whips off when his name is announced to the crowd. He's added some handwraps this time. [22:33] 4Caxi!! That's a look!! [22:33] 4And Ted? Also still hot. Too bad about the politics. [22:35] 10Daizo: "Hmm, I see." 10He snorts. "You probably have better quality hash than anyone on this island, you could always try and sell them some." 15[22:35] Caxi blows a kiss to the crowd, and then another one for Piu. Caxi, sotto voce to Zhangyu: "Are these to the death? How does this work exactly?" [22:36] 4Piu blows one back. [22:36] 4Not to Ted though. Sorry, Ted! [22:37] 6Zhangyu briefly sums up the methods of victory and loss - from memory, it's knockout, pinfall, ring out or, yes, death. [22:38] 6Though Zhangyu killed neither of the Hinokuni opponents he's had, so, you know. [22:38] 10Daizo was probably one of the only people to legitimately hire a retainer from Dusk. Messed up. 15[22:38] Daizo's a good boy. 15[22:39] Caxi: "Alright, no killing." 15[22:40] The gong sounds again. Battle is joined! 15[22:44] Caxi freezes up. Ted and El advance so suddenly they seem to go before the bell! The crowd jeers this unsportsmanlike conduct. [22:45] 4No!! [22:46] 10Cousin Zhangyu's going to be fine, he's got this. Caxi, though? Well, watching her get knocked down a peg would be satisfying in its own way. [22:46] 6Zhangyu's busy getting into his form when-- [22:47] 4Have to be honest: watching her two hookups fight each other for-serious is far more stressful than she thought it'd be. And she thought it'd be stressful. 15[23:03] Ted comes in for a testing jab - he seems to be straight-up boxing - and Caxi seizes up in apparent fear of the blow. Ted looks like a huge asshole, and he can't even land the blow. He seems more off-balance than she does! 15[23:03] ...could it be...? Could this be the forbidden Black Claw style?! [23:03] 14It is. [23:03] 14And damn, she can feel it working. ...Or can she? She already liked Caxi and didn't want to see her punched in the face anyway...? [23:03] 14AUGH! Black Claw. [23:04] "What's going on?" 07Dryas asks, distracted from her dog-related inquiries as the match begins. [23:04] 10A sharp intake of breath. "That witch!" [23:05] 14Mildly, to Daizo: "It's a useful discipline. And now we know it's coming." [23:08] 10Daizo's composed himself again—it seems like the interjection was his own way of coping with the assault. "A particularly fiendish martial art, Dryas, one that strikes the heart as surely as the body." [23:08] "Steel yourself." [23:10] 14Archly: "The Black Claw." 15[23:11] A chill wind whips around Caxi, and her gown billows as her eyes glow white. Bringing her hands close together, the whirlwind spins into a nearly-solid sphere in her hands. She lurches forward, exhaling and extending her arms in one motion, and a solid column of frigid air hits Ted directly in the chest, knocking him backwards and to the ground. All the way backwards -- Ted lands 15[23:11] cleanly outside the ring. [23:12] 4...Is there a ring out rule on right now? Did she just eliminate him? 15[23:12] The gong rings. Brigid of the North has defeated Ted! [23:12] 6Well, holy shit. [23:12] 4Hahahah. But Piu is going to duck out and find Thousand Devil Master. [23:12] 4And request ring out be waved for her match with Bruiser Khang. [23:12] *4waived 15[23:13] Thousand Devil Master says, "Work it out with Bruiser." [23:13] 4Is he still in the kitchen? 15[23:13] Likely so. [23:13] 4She'll poke her head in. [23:13] "…or not," 10Daizo says mildly. 15[23:14] She finds Bruiser doing dishes. "Ehh??" [23:14] "Bruiser Khang!!" 4she declares. "I wish to waive the ring out condition for victory!!" 15[23:15] Bruiser turns to face her, flexing his wrinkly fingers. "I accept! It will be a battle to submission!" [23:16] 4Piu: "So sworn!!" 4She ducks back out...then back in. "And your pork...it is fantastic!!!" 4Then she's gone again. [23:17] 10How's Ted taking his loss? Gracefully? 15[23:17] Piu returns to see Caxi stepping gracefully offstage, beset by adoring crowds. Of course she'll sign autographs. 15[23:17] Ted looks rueful, but not angry. [23:18] 4Back to Thousand Devil Master: "Please send a runner to confirm that Khang has agreed to waive ring out!!" [23:18] 4Piu will run up and hug Caxi. 15[23:18] Thousand Devil Master nods. 15[23:18] Caxi hugs back! She's cold to the touch - her anima is running high. [23:18] 10Daizo: "He's going to want a rematch, I think. Perhaps not tonight, but soon." [23:20] 4Piu: "That was badass. AND he'll think twice before hitting you again! Unless he's secretly supremely powerful." 15[23:20] Caxi, dryly: "What are the odds?" [23:21] "Good job, Caxi!" 07Dryas exclaims. [23:21] 4Piu, brightly: "Never tell a fighter the odds!" [23:25] 10Huh. Is that the glint of a smile on Ted's face? Was Caxi's Black Claw able to graze him? Interesting. [23:26] 4'Never tell a fighter the odds' is, more properly, an exhortation against match-fixing in the Realm proper, but. [23:28] 10Meanwhile, the action in the ring is heating up. "Ohhhh! He's going for the Crusher right out the gate! He wants to end this one fast too!" [23:29] 6Zhangyu hopes for a quick followup so he can just, get out of there and go speak to Caxi and the rest, so he shoots in towards the legs and... can't quite get a grip! [23:33] 10El more like Eel. [23:34] "I've never seen Zhangyu express interest in something other than fighting, until earlier tonight..."07 Dryas observes. [23:35] 10Daizo: "He's shown a few hidden facets now and then. What happened while I was closed up in the workshop, anyway?" [23:38] 4Piu: "Dumb bullshit, mainly!" [23:40] 07Dryas: "Mostly that, a bit of the rest... Say, Piu, which way should I wager on your match? Or perhaps I shouldn't at all?" [23:41] 4Piu, casually: "Smart money is he beats the living shit out of me, but it goes past ten minutes and I place well enough to sell a rematch when I've trained some more. So bet on match length!" [23:43] 10Daizo makes a face like he's just bitten into a lemon. "…I hate to say it, but that's good advice." 15[23:43] El is able to stiffarm Zhangyu so he can't get close enough to seal the deal... and then her double-fisted blow is covered in solid stone and Zhangyu goes flying like Ted did. His ears ring. [23:44] 4Ring outs are so cheap!! Sorry Caxi but it's true!!!!! 15[23:45] The crowd doesn't go wild for El's victory like it did for Caxi's... perhaps they agree. [23:45] 07Dryas winces as Zhangyu eats a ring-out. She then puts a pocket change-level wager on the headliner match length, for V'Neef Piu to go the distance and checks, inconspicuously, over her shoulder to see if that dog is still there. [23:46] 6Shit. The shoot-in was a risk, but Zhangyu didn't think it'd backfire on him this quickly. He just stares up at whatever the lights equivalent is for a moment before collecting his towel and stomping off backstage. 15[23:46] She makes eye contact with the dog, in fact. It was looking in their direction. [23:47] 07Shit. [23:48] 10Daizo: "Oh… bad luck, Cousin…" 10Then he notices the dog as well.  15[23:49] The dog chuffs lightly. It's inaudible over the crowd. 15[23:49] Makita-te-Etua: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjxNZH0qIe0 - Now the sun's gone to hell and the moon's riding high. Let me bid you farewell -- every man has to die. [23:53] 4Piu pays the dog no mind. [23:53] 14Which is not the same as being oblivious to it. 15[23:56] NEXT TIME: The Main Event