15[20:07] While their dire work with the Fleet is delayed, the Four Fangs continue to make brisk work of Abalone. Right now, spread over a day and a night these Four Fangs face four questions: 15[20:07] How does Daizo prepare for the imminent exorcism, and how does Piu install their third wheel? [20:08] 4Well, she's certainly not bringing Caxi in until she's let Daizo know about what precisely she's told the sorceress, and what she hasn't. 15[20:08] Where does Zhangyu begin in casting out for sifus to join his dojo? Does he seek to interrupt the opulent retirement of Lord Meteor, or drag Jungle Empress from her ascetic spite? 15[20:10] And what does Dryas make of the fierce fish-like woman who seems to be the dropping off the Leaf's dubious cargo? She who answered a question of name and rank with a single word: "Lintha". 15[20:11] How does she break the news? [20:11] 4Casually and with a smile, the way you're always supposed to beg forgiveness after carefully declining to ask permission. [20:14] "So-o-o Daizo, I miiiiight have let Caxi know about our little tomb situation." 4They can either be at Pud's or in transit; presumably they have run of the place again, or at least the storeroom. [20:14] 6Probably best that Zhangyu seeks out Lord Meteor first -- as I recall, Zhangyu does not yet have grounds for trainees, and Lord Meteor could assist both in that aspect as well as finding a similarly-minded sifu for them. [20:17] 10Daizo's placed the flower that Clara bequeathed unto him in a small crystal vase. He spends most of the following night into the late hours attempting to calm his heart and empty his mind, using the delicate bloom as a meditative focus, but for the moment, he can only find a peaceful balance once he's put it away and returned to the Immaculate Litany. He does, however, have an untroubled sleep for the first time since the [20:17] 10 slaying of Hamoji. The next day, refreshed and invigorated, he sets about gathering his tools. [20:18] 07Dryas does not bow to the pirate; but she doesn't sneer, either. "Cynis Dryas. I am here to collect the delivery." 15[20:18] Then Zhangyu has to go to one of the greener outer districts of the city, to find the Orchid Pavilion, a house of ill repute in some financial peril. Word is, Lord Meteor's moved in. [20:18] 6Does he know where Lord Meteor lives, these days? He's heard stories - mostly from Grandmaster Mushi - about how he handles surprises. [20:18] 6Interesting. [20:21] 10Translucent paper and silver-infused ink. Incense and torches and a conch horn to blow. And he brings his club.  15[20:22] "Lintha" stares her down with yellow eyes. It seems like she's trying to provoke a reaction, and maybe she is, but she didn't need to beckon or call for the delivery. The masked, scarred slave carries a package covered in the same black cloth their mask is made from. It's big for a package but a person would have to be bizarrely small or horrifically cramped to fit inside. 15[20:22] When it comes into view, her gaze shimmers briefly with nictation. 15[20:22] Kowai Lintha Meretine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdOkQ6THDVw - No right, no wrong, you're selling a song... [20:25] 10Daiso chews on Piu's news for a minute or two in silence. Then: "What is she looking to get? A share of anything we bring out?" [20:25] 10Z. [20:27] 4Piu: "She's looking to get off the ship." [20:27] "Cynis Caxi is bored as fuck." [20:28] 10Daizo: "Pfffffhahahahahaha!" [20:28] 4Piu: "It's tough times for a lazy hedonist babe, being locked down in port." [20:29] "Anyway, I sort of made the call to let her in on the idea of the Garden, but I haven't told her about the Heaven lady sorcerer or your training with her." [20:29] "Well, if we're the ones doing her a favor," 10Daizo says, grinning. "Then by all means, let's bring her in on our expedition." [20:30] "That I would prefer to be a strict secret for now. Thank you for your discretion." [20:31] "No prob! Let me know when you're ready to let her know we're ready for her to come on over." [20:32] 6Then after dressing and briefly informing people where he's going and why, with instructions to rescue and/or avenge him should he not return, Zhangyu sets off. [20:33] 6I am evading all of the "no, that is not why I am going" conversations. [20:35] "I've got everything I need. Go on and get her, I've got to unpack all of this stuff anyway. And do a little calligraphy." [20:36] 4Piu will do so forthrightly, then. She's in comfortable but mostly skin-covering clothes for this one; you don't want to leave naked skin out there for the undead to touch. Gross! 15[20:42] The Orchid Pavilion is a fine country house, in a quaint, patrician style. Zhangyu is admitted with no objection. Inside it's warm and perfumed, a sort of lounge area with several young men and women lounging about. Many eyes are on him as soon as he crosses the threshold -- what kind of energy is he projecting here? 15[20:44] Piu meets Daizo with Caxi in tow. Caxi is dressed rather oddly, in a low-cut clubbing dress and a shawl that covers her head like a hood. Where do they meet? [20:45] 4Up to Daizo! Piu's choice is probably up the block from Pud's, and Piu will have walked over with Caxi. Seedy neighborhood and if anyone tries to pull something it's a lot better to punch them about it than, ah, summon the blapes. [20:48] 10Daizo's setting up on the porch of a condemned house. Ample space and no one's asking any questions. [20:49] 10It looks like he's divided most of his materials into three bundles, and he's carefully writing the Nine Efficacious Prayers on strips of paper.  [20:49] 4Piu: "Heya!" 15[20:50] "Hello, Daizo. You seem in good spirits." 15[20:50] She looks the condemned building up and down. "Is this it?" [20:51] 4Piu: "Nnno." [20:51] 4Where is Pud's, in relation to here? [20:51] 6Zhangyu has the air of 'I would like to speak to your manager' about him, but not, like, 'someone's messed up and I want their job for it,' just... 'I am of a higher class and have a Deal to make.' [20:51] 4Probably a question for Daizo. [20:52] 6To most people, this reads as fairly relaxed. To staff... well, he wouldn't know, he's never been. [20:52] 10Daizo puts the finishing flourish on a strip and sets it aside. Pud's is through a twisty streat and around a corner.  [20:52] "It's over thataway." [20:53] "Good morning, Caxi. It's always invigorating to have a project." 15[20:54] They seem to know precisely the vibe, because the only person who approaches him is the oldest and most-dressed person in the room, a woman who looks to be in her late thirties as a mortal would reckon years, dressed in a very formal violet gown. "You look like a man on a mission. How can I be of service?" [20:55] 07Dryas quiets down the sense of shame in the back of her mind for treating with a pirate, mutant, and criminal, puts a little steel in her spine, and her green eyes meets the Lintha's withering gaze evenly. [20:55] 10He looks the sorceress up and down. "Not afraid of mussing your dress, either. Good! There's three sub-basements to this place, but we've only gone down one." 15[20:56] The pirate's nostrils and gills flare in unison, but she inclines her head and gestures for the package to be carried toward her. [20:56] 6Zhangyu: "Is the Lord Meteor in?" 6No point in beating around the bush. "I am Tepet Zhangyu, if he asks." 15[20:57] The madam, presumably: "He has requested not to be disturbed." 15[20:58] The pirate lifts up the cloth, which appears to simply be draped rather than fastened over the package, and then gestures again for it to be borne to Dryas. [20:58] 6Zhangyu: "Does anyone ever ask to be disturbed?" 15[20:58] The madam, a little sadly: "Not lately." 15[20:59] "I will send a messenger, if you insist -- what business do you have with him?" 15[21:00] Caxi: "That's remarkably extensive. What's your theory?" [21:00] 4Chipper: "Lots of people died!" 15[21:01] Caxi: "Lots of people die everywhere, lovely. For a crypt that big you have to be special." [21:01] 6Zhangyu: "I aim to set up a school, of sorts. The Lord Meteor would be extremely helpful, in this." 15[21:03] The madam points to one of the youths lounging near the stairs and gestures up them. A minute passes - some shouting is audible, but not precisely verbal - and the youth returns looking abashed. They say: "He doesn't want to be disturbed, sir." [21:04] 6Zhangyu: "How undisturbed are we talking?" 6Is he with someone, did he know Zhangyu's name, etc. 15[21:05] The youth looks briefly to the madam, who looks coolly back and makes a 'go on' gesture. "I... think he's hungover." [21:06] 6Zhangyu: "...is this a common occurence?" 6He's still going to go upstairs to see the man, but bringing in a sifu like this... hrn. [21:11] 07Dryas strides over to the covered... thing. Kneeling, she lifts a corner of the fabric to see what is underneath. 15[21:13] The youth shrugs at Zhangyu, while the madam says... "It's rare for him to miss the target this wide." [21:13] 10Daizo: "Some local grandee's tomb, a few hundred years old from before Abalone was brought into the fold. At least we don't have to worry about Anathema relics. Probably." [21:15] 10Daizo: "Typical heathen symbology. But they were pretty good at stoneworking." 15[21:15] Dryas lifts the fabric to see the bars of a heavy, metallic birdcage. Inside an indigo-colored bird with vivid orange eyes meets Dryas's inspecting eyes, tiny chest heaving rapidly. [21:15] 6Zhangyu: "I'll see to him, then. And deal with the fallout. Your names?" [21:17] 10Daizo looks a bit sheepish. "I had another appointment to keep yesterday, so I wasn't able to make a close study or take rubbings or anything. I had the proprietor nail the door shut, laid down a ward just in case, and left. So we'll have to start—" 10Daizo produces a crowbar from the sack, "with this." 15[21:18] Caxi: "Delightful." 15[21:18] Dryas and the bird share eye contact for what feels like minutes. 15[21:18] Snowrose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nOEOUzVlGI - Tell me, are you bold enough to reach for love? 15[21:20] The madam: "I'm Incense Lily. This is Boda." [21:20] 4Piu: "Nice!" [21:20] 10Daizo shrugs. "When in doubt, secure, contain, and protect." 15[21:20] Boda wriggles their way out of the nonpaying, over-their-head awkwardness as fast as they can. [21:21] 6Zhangyu: "I'll tell him you attempted to stop me." 6He then walks past, towards where he heard the shouting from earlier. [21:22] 07Dryas gasps in surprise and drops the fabric. A moment later, she rises to her feet to pick up the cage. 15[21:22] The room doesn't *smell* boozy, and aside from the mountain of pillows and covers and man sprawling over the party-sized bed, it's pretty well-kept too. Zhangyu can make of that what he will. 15[21:22] Said mountain is immobile, however. 15[21:23] Caxi: "A heavy mandate. Lead on!" [21:24] 6Zhangyu: "Lord Meteor." 6It's his Soldier Voice, which he's told he has. 15[21:25] It's quite heavy, and awkwardly shaped, but Dryas can take possession of it without too much trouble. "You know where you're going?" the Lintha asks, haltingly. "These men keep secrets." [21:26] 10Daizo: "Grab a bundle and let's head in." 10He collects his freshly-made prayer strips, picks up the three bundles, and hucks one each at Piu and Caxi. He really is in a good mood today. [21:27] 07Does Dryas know where she's going? 15[21:28] That's quite an existential question. She knows the Leaf and its cargo are bound for Brightwork, and what to look for when they arrive, but no more than that. [21:30] "Brightwork," 07Dryas replies. 15[21:31] Caxi catches the parcel, but the force of it pushes her to her back foot. She gives Piu a significant look. Does Daizo lead them through the front of Pud's or straight around to the back? [21:32] "And where are you going?" 07she asks the Lintha, back. [21:33] 10We'll go around the back. Technically, Daizo being seen here is still Questionable, until such time as the Garden is open for legitimate business.  15[21:33] The Lintha: "Two more stops." 15[21:34] The covers shift and a groan rumbles beneath them. "Whaaaaaat?" [21:35] 07Dryas: "More...?" 07she tilts her head towards the cage. 15[21:36] The Lintha: "Always more." [21:37] 6Zhangyu: "Lord Meteor." 6And that's his commander-voice. 15[21:38] The three ghost hunters find the tomb as Daizo left it, its wards unbroken. [21:38] 6Not many chances to break that one out, but people hate it when he uses it. Mostly because they know they've made A Mistake. 15[21:40] The mountain stays silent for one sullen moment before the whole thing shifts and a man as much bigger than Daizo as Daizo is than Zhangyu. He looks like a mess, but not a *wreck*. "Tepet Zhangyu," he responds, mimicking his visitor's cadence. [21:40] 10Hachi machi. [21:41] 4Excellent! [21:41] 6Zhangyu: "I'm starting a school. Do you intend to have the rest of the conversation here, or will you at least step outside of this room?" [21:44] 10Daizo: "I wasn't really expecting anything to come slithering out, but you never know." 10He brandishes the crowbar. "I'll have this open in a trice." 10The nails come out squealing, already lending an air of the dramatic to the proceedings. 15[21:44] Lord Meteor looks like he's climbing back into bed for a moment, but it turns out his shirt was just hard to distinguish from a bedsheet. "Not a charm school, I'm guessing." [21:45] 07Dryas takes another look at her interlocutor. "Really. What's your name?" [21:46] 6Zhangyu: "Never." 6He seems deadly serious. "A dojo, really, and you're the first person I've come to about it." 15[21:47] The storeroom door blows off its hinges and a torrent of icy air howls out. The trapdoor and, judging from the depth of the sound, the stone door below, are both open. Obviously neither Piu nor Daizo were so reckless as to leave them that way. [21:49] 4Piu: "Ah, shit." [21:49] "…good thing I sealed it after all." 10Daizo lights an oil lantern.  15[21:49] The Lintha pirate responds, "Lintha... Meretine." 15[21:52] The light in the lantern gutters like a candle in front of a just-opened window, but after the initial burst of air the flame holds steady. 15[21:54] Lord Meteor: "I'm honored. But you don't want me. You want Tiger. I know the Falcon ways, but what I can teach is no use to anyone smaller than I am." [21:55] 10Daizo: "Whew. We probably won't be able to rely on torches or candles staying lit if this keeps up." [21:55] 4Piu: "We're gonna have to like, seal this behind us, aren't we. So nothing can slip past us and out?" [21:55] 6Zhangyu: "Not for me. I intend to teach Mantis, but the trainees need both someone to keep them humble as well as someone to test themselves against who doesn't fight in the same style." 15[21:56] Lord Meteor: "What style of Mantis?" [21:58] 10Daizo: "Good idea. Here, I think I can shield us from the wind for long enough… Hold the lamp, Piu, I'll need both hands here." [21:58] 6Zhangyu: "I was trained by Grandmaster Mushi." 6He shifts. "I don't intend to train quite like he did." 6More students survive that way. 15[21:59] Caxi steps lightly out of Daizo's way so he can re-establish the salt ward. She turns over some of the wine bottles. "Surprislingly good stock for such a hole." [21:59] 4Piu does as bid. [22:02] 10Daizo reaches behind him and undoes one, two, three straps under his cape. The wings spread to shield the hallway from wind as Daizo crouches to spread the salt. [22:02] 4Nice!!!! 15[22:02] Caxi sighs contentedly. 15[22:03] Lord Meteor: "I know that name. There's another here who claims him as a master. Do you know him?" [22:04] 10He says a brief prayer and the salt flashes pink-white. "Unless someone physically disturbs the salt, they're locked in here with us now. Ironic. These things actually came in useful for something." [22:05] 6Zhangyu: "Son-of-Sabers?" 6He definitely doesn't sound eager. "Yes. We've met a few times." [22:06] 4Piu can hand the lamp back here if he wants it. 15[22:08] Lord Meteor laughs throatily. "Okay. I'm in." [22:08] 10Daizo's anima flares as the ward is fully established. "Hang onto it, if something jumps me then the two of you will still have light." [22:09] 6Zhangyu: "I still need to set up a grounds, but the students shouldn't be a problem." 6He pauses. "And I intend to bring in the Jungle Empress. Which is probably harder than the rest." [22:10] 4Piu rolls her eyes. If something jumps Daizo, she's going to be punching it! But she keeps a hold on the lamp. 15[22:11] Caxi: "You want me to take it? You're better with your hands than I am." [22:12] "Plus, it frees up my hands for—" 10There's not much room to work in, but there's enough for him to unsling the white jade pillar from his back and move it to a readied position. [22:12] 4Heehee. "Sure, babe. Thanks!" 15[22:14] Caxi holds it delicately in both hands. "I feel very well-protected." 15[22:15] Lord Meteor: "Don't go alone for that one. And don't bring me." 15[22:16] "So... what's the story?" 15[22:16] (also Lord Meteor) [22:17] 10Daizo: "Let's be off! Unquiet shades of this tomb, today you face the Princes of the Earth!" [22:17] 4Piu: "Yeah!" [22:18] 4Presumably it's Daizo up front, Piu in the rear, and Caxi between for both safety and lamp coverage. [22:18] 07Dryas contemplates the nature of the Lintha. "These men keep secrets? Do you want to trade secrets, then?" [22:18] 6Zhangyu: "With the dojo? A -- comment, that Son-of-Sabers made. Lack of appreciation. But also..." 6He pauses. "There are people who need it. I have it. So why should I not teach them?" 15[22:18] Meretine: "What trade?" [22:19] "Also, what is it about the Jungle Empress? I assume I'd be interrupting her, but here I am with you." [22:20] 07Dryas speaks a little slower and louder. "Secrets. I tell you, you tell me. Trade. Fun." 15[22:21] Meretine does the same. "Trade what secrets?" 15[22:22] Lord Meteor: "That's *your* story. What's *the* story? Sifus are teachers, not instructors. What wisdom do you have to impart?" 15[22:27] Daizo can feel the rush of the dead coursing all around him, like being caught outside in a storm. The air is frigid, and hair and clothes flutter in the wind. 15[22:27] Caxi: "Gods, we're practically swimming in it." [22:29] 10Daizo: "No fooling. Setting foot in there yesterday must have stirred them up more than I'd expected." [22:29] 6Zhangyu: "The first thing any decent dojo teaches is how to fall. I taught myself how to get up again." 6He pauses, only for a moment. "I want them to be able to do that for themselves." 6If Lord Meteor doesn't press, he won't elaborate. 15[22:30] He doesn't. He asks another question: "Tepet is a Dynast name. You are rich? A dojo is not cheap to run." [22:35] 07Dryas smiles sweetly: "I know what happens to them after they get dropped off." [22:36] 6Zhangyu: "I have a hearth." 6Or he could write the family, but he really doesn't want to do that. 15[22:38] Meretine: "...what do you want to know?" [22:42] 07Dryas: "How many pieces are out there, moving them around?" 15[22:46] Lord Meteor: "Good enough for me. Guess I'll--" he stands up to his full height, a fulm and a half over Zhangyu, and groans. "--need to get back into shape." 15[22:47] Meretine: "Deal." 15[22:47] Meretine spits in her hand and extends it to Dryas. [22:47] 07Dryas will do the same, making a mental note not to touch or eat anything until she's had it seen to. [22:48] 6Jeepers. Zhangyu doesn't let it show. Still: "What was that about the Jungle Empress?" [22:49] 4So the game plan here is for Daizo to make the ghosties appear, and then we knock 'em down together. Woooo. Nothing can go wrong. 15[22:51] Meretine: "There are less now. Once, more, weaker. Now, fewer ships. Fewer cages. I know one more." She says a word in a language that she very clearly doesn't know. [22:51] 07Dryas relates her hellish witch house vision: "They arrive in a great bleak pit, full of dead and dying slaves. Some have wires hammered into their backs. Some break themselves trying to change away, or escape. But the rest find freedom, and death. White teeth in the blackness. Freedom in chains." 15[22:52] Meretine: "Foul." [22:53] 10Well, there's a lot that can go wrong. But it's not like we're traipsing about in a shadowland just yet.  15[22:54] Lord Meteor: "She'll be disrespected if you go alone, and she'll be extra disrespected if you bring me. I can bring her around but. Bad first impression." [22:56] 6Zhangyu: "Who... does she respect?" 15[22:57] Lord Meteor: "The blunt and heartless." [22:58] 07Dryas: "Good doing business with you, Lintha Meretine. Maybe soon we can trade again." 15[22:59] "Maybe not," she says sourly. But Lintha Meretine again inclines her head respectfully before turning on her heel and barking orders in Seatongue. 15[23:01] The triad is able to move easily from the first level down to the second. The two are roughly similar, with alcoves for the mummified and sarcophaguses arranged radially in the center. On the top level, there are four sarcophagi, and one is broken. On the second level, there are eight sarcophagi, and two are broken. [23:01] 07Dryas smirks for a moment before hefting the uncomfortably heavy cage and heading back up the quay to the 07Drifting Leaf07. 15[23:01] Pud said there was a third level... but it's not obvious how to get there. [23:02] 6Grandmaster Mushi is both unavailable and not invited. There's a potential, though. "Does she have any grudges against specific houses? I'll take a hearthmember with me." 6Oooooor Son-of-Sabers. [23:02] 4There's probably a puzzle. Or something. [23:02] 4Wait, how the heck would Pud know there's a third level if it's not obvious? 15[23:03] Catela greets her boss on deck. She has the expression of one mostly successfully disguising alarm. "My lady?" [23:03] 4Suspicious... [23:03] 10Daizo: "Five, and then ten. Even twenty more couldn't account for this much spiritual pressure, could it?" 10Does Piu speculate that out loud? [23:04] "Give me a kerchief," 07Dryas requests, holding her hand out once she's out of sight of the Lintha. 15[23:05] Catela searches herself and comes up with a navy cloth embroidered with the Peleps seal. [23:05] 4Yeah, let's say she did. 15[23:07] Lord Meteor: "I've never heard her get political." [23:07] "Thank you," 07Dryas says as she uncorks a flask and pours something over her hand - the red drops splat to the deck and betray themselves as wine. She then wipes with the handkerchief, scrubbing away until the blue is purple through and through. "We have our package. Come with me, and we will examine it below." [23:08] 10Daizo: "What an odious fellow. I wonder if this damage is his doing…" 10Daizo takes a closer look at the sarcophagi. 15[23:09] Catela follows. The crew parts to make way for them both, but Dryas can feel all their eyes on her and on the covered cage. Does Dryas wait until they're alone before revealing it? [23:12] 07She does, gently pulling back the fabric to make sure it won't somehow deactivate the cage and leave a confused Lunar Anathema - or something stranger - in the middle of her boat. [23:12] 6Zhangyu: "Piu or Daizo, then. Probably Piu. She's feisty." 6Another pause. "Might ask her as a guest instructor, too." 15[23:19] "It's lovely," says Catela, neutrally. 15[23:21] Lord Meteor: "When do you need me?" [23:22] 07Dryas: "Don't open the cage. Keep her fed and watered. Nn Tloc will pay a fortune for her safe delivery to Brightmarket. But it's not a delivery we're going to make. Do you know the Omeror? I believe it's a yacht." 15[23:25] Catela: "Understood. Omeror is..." 15[23:26] "...one of yours, I think. Not yours, my Lady, but a Cynis ship." 15[23:28] Daizo explores the tomb meticulously, Caxi keeping close behind so that Daizo isn't outside the lantern's light. He struggles to parse the specifics of the pictograms no matter how hard he studies them, but he's extremely well-educated, and knows that there are certain patterns and concepts rendered similarly among virtually all cultures. Using these as his lodestones, he is able to 15[23:28] synthesize - there are two tombs here. [23:28] 6Zhangyu: "I'll... let you know. Once I secure a space. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks." [23:28] 4Wow! So that means...what. 15[23:29] One, among the alcoves, is for a priestly caste, humble to the point of near anonymity (only a scant couple of markings differ between each filled alcove) where the mummies are arranged and - get this - preserved with volcanic salt. These dead are unquiet, and their ghosts are bound here, but they form a very strong, if degraded binding circle. This binding circle is the primary 15[23:29] structure of the second tomb. [23:30] 07Dryas, contemplative: "I believe I remember her in Pangu. Well, keep an eye out for her. In the meantime," 07Dryas turns to examine the bird. "You, little bird, take care. We will find some other place to take you than the foul fate Nn Tloc has in mind." 07She pauses, unsure if the bird will - or even can - actually address her or not. 15[23:31] The second tomb, of radially arranged sarcophagi, is of a hereditary line of royals or divines. An uncorrupted Old Realm character for "earth-mover" is visible on each one. But the sarcophagi are built not to honor them, but to hold them in. 15[23:32] As to his other concern, with the howling wind destroying both the silence and the stillness of the tomb, it's difficult to deduce... but there are scrapes on the floor far fresher than anyone building this tomb in ages past, or appraising it weeks or months ago, could have made. Someone else comes down here. [23:32] 4Oooh! 15[23:33] The bird trills in response, a perfect scale, low to high, with the urgency of an alarum. 15[23:34] Lord Meteor: "Alright. So I've got some time to get back into shape. I'm paid up here through the month, but I get the best workouts of my life here." [23:34] 10Daizo sighs. "It's an all-too-common heresy among barbarian cultures. They know nothing of the cycle of souls, so their dead remain among them, bound to them, in chains." [23:36] 4Piu: "So is this guy being honored or punished?" 15[23:36] Caxi: "Quite clever, given what they did know, though. The salted mummies, a ward that will last as long as the spirit does." [23:36] 6Zhangyu: "You do. Do you have a preferred method of hailing you? Incense Lily and Boda were insistent that I not come here before I ignored them." 15[23:38] Caxi touches one of the broken sarcophagi. "There's an inscription like this in certain demonic temples. The kind the Anathema used to build when they ruled the world. Ones associated with the true demon Ligier. It's a warning of a certain form. But it's not an indigenous grammar at all. Whoever built this studied magic at ruins older still." 15[23:38] "Or drew their power from such." [23:39] 10To Piu: "It depends on whose perspective you look at it from. From ours, obviously this is a crime that must be set aright. But at the time? These people may well have gone willingly to their fates." 15[23:39] Caxi: "It would be an honor, wouldn't it, to spend eternity holding back oblivion?" 15[23:39] "What holy man wouldn't?" [23:39] 10Daizo: "..." 15[23:41] Lord Meteor: "Well, now that I know who you are, I know to care you've arrived." 15[23:45] Dryas judges the call to be an aggressive one, as if she and Catela were other birds coming to push eggs out of its nest. But it strikes a tremulous note evocative of panic or physical weakness. [23:45] 4Piu sort of stares blankly at the reponse. Her question is more practical, and she'll explicate: "...soooo, are we gonna have to fight this dead guy?" [23:45] *4response [23:47] 10Daizo: "Ahem. I wouldn't rule it out, but this could imply that whatever's on the third level is danger, but of a different kind than the restless dead." [23:47] 6Zhangyu: "I'm sorry about the way you woke -- I can teach your cooks the sauce I learned while sailing? It's excellent for eggs." [23:47] 07Dryas pauses. "Commander, do you have a map?" 15[23:47] Caxi: "Depending on what we find below, it might be possible to purge the place without rending a single spirit by hand. But it would take a great deal longer. You would be trading danger for cost." 15[23:48] "The import levy's on Imperial salt alone must be bleeding you dry." 15[23:48] *levies [23:48] 4Piu cocks her head. "Welll. I do love danger. But I can't even hit these guys without help so, not really up to me!" [23:49] 10Daizo: "I've already exhausted my budget for the month. I'm going to have to ask Dryas for a loan at this rate." 15[23:49] Lord Meteor: "I've never met an egg I didn't like." 15[23:49] Caxi: "Just make her pay for it herself. This is going to be her place too, right? You're not her hireling, you're her partner." [23:50] 6Zhangyu: "I'll be back." 6Time to teach the cooks how to prepare a sauce for Eggs Mantis. 15[23:50] It's a fiddly technique, but not a complicated one. The secret ingredient to the egg sauce for Eggs Mantis is eggs. [23:51] 10Daizo: "Hah. That's true. And if the Assassors ever make it around to Abalone again, it's deductible." [23:51] *Assessors 15[23:51] Catela produces a heavy bound atlas - a copy of the one she's seen on Ratel's desk. "What are we looking for?" [23:52] 10Daizo: "So it would seem we have two paths ahead of us." [23:52] "One is to hunt for the entrance to the third floor ourselves." [23:53] "The other is to go back up and have Piu punch Pud until he gives up everything he knows." [23:53] 4Piu, sing-song: "I don't torture people~" [23:53] 14This is almost without exception absolutely correct. 15[23:53] Caxi: "I haven't met - is his name really 'Pud'? - but we didn't suit up for danger just to go upstairs and ask for the manager." [23:54] 6What? Oh, no, the egg part is easy. It's the - they put a gods-damned fruit in their sauce! He has to make this work! This takes him approximately the rest of the day. [23:54] 07Dryas flips it open until she arrives at the page for Abalone. She holds it close to the cage and points at the island. "This is an exceptionally well-trained bird. I am going to give her a geography lesson," she explains. "We are here." 07She flips ahead - to Skullstone - "You were going to end up here, via-" 07back to Brightmarket - "Here. But where did you come from?" 07Dryas flips through the pages of the West, [23:54] 07 holding them up towards the cage. [23:55] 10Daizo: "Well, just beat him up a little, I'm not saying we start cutting the bamboo for the fingernails… but Caxi's right. And that was a damn strong ward I laid down. If I broke it again I'm not sure I could do it as well again the second time." 15[23:58] The bird watches page by page flip by. Suddenly it flaps its wings, chirping rapidly. Dryas looks down and sees... the Caul. [23:59] 4Piu stretches out a little. "Alright then! Let's find this door!" [23:59] "Let's retrace our steps and see if there's any other indications that someone's passed by recently. Besides ourselves." [00:02] 10Daizo: "Maybe our tomb robber was dumb enough to stub out a joint on the wall. You never know." [00:03] 10To Caxi, while searching: "Still… Ligier, the green sun, whose radiance is poison. I saw it in a vision, you know. The Demon Realm." 15[00:04] Piu is able to find the reverse of the evidence Daizo describes. That is, no evidence of the place being soiled, but of the place being cleaned. The places where dust ought to resist the wind... it hasn't. Someone comes down here and keeps the place as tidy as they can. 15[00:05] For a moment, it seems like Caxi's violet eyes outshine the lamps. "Oh my. Was this your mountaintop excursion? With the wisewoman?" [00:07] 4Piu: "Hmmm! Maid service? Down here?" 15[00:07] Caxi: "Eeeeh?" [00:07] "Someone's been cleaning..." [00:07] 4She'll point out the locations. [00:07] 10Daizo: "It was necessary for her to trust us, I think— Oho!" 15[00:10] Caxi: "Someone maintaining the temple, but allowing the wards to degrade... what do you make of that, Daizo?" [00:12] 10Daizo: "Someone who understands they need to do something, but not the what or the why." [00:13] "Someone who'd deciphered enough of the pictograms to get exactly the wrong idea about what's going on in here, perhaps?" 15[00:13] Caxi: "Or perhaps lacks the how. It's not like there's more of these monks lining up to bind themselves." [00:15] 10Daizo: "Shitfire." [00:15] "We just handed ourselves to some ancestor cultist on a silver platter, didn't we?" 15[00:16] Caxi snorts. "If that's his plan, I'll mummify him." [00:17] 4Piu: "Well, it's probably not Pud. He's, uh. Well. He's Pud. Now that phony 'appraisal' guy the Guild sent around who said this tomb was worthless..." [00:18] 10Daizo: "Heh. Let me be there for the part where you pull out his brain through his nose." [00:18] 10Mummies! [00:20] "Well, aside from the Caul, is there someplace you'd rather be? Someone you're worried about?" 07Dryas asks. A bit of a dangerous question. [00:21] 4This time, no sing-songing about avoiding torture. 15[00:21] The bird spreads its wings, revealing red remidges. 15[00:22] *remiges 15[00:24] That's all the bird does, though. It is quite a regal pose. And strikingly red. [00:25] "Well. Like I said, we have to maintain the charade. Because you aren't the only one in this situation. So, soon. In the meantime, keep your strength up. But you have my word, if not my word as a Dynast then my word as a sportswoman-" 07she'll show off her own, individual Fang at this. [00:25] 07Dryas: "Not a moment longer than necessary." 15[00:25] The bird folds its wings, and trills again. More subdued this time. 15[00:26] Catela: "I'll see it's taken care of." 15[00:26] "...what's my heading?" 15[00:33] One thing Daizo and Piu are able to do by putting their heads together is figure out how to get downstairs. The dais that the eight sarcophagi flower from is not just clean, down to the nooks and crannies, but *polished*. This entices them to examine it again, and this time they're able to find the mechanism that pops off the space between them like a lid, revealing a porthole of solid 15[00:33] jade, etched with an abstract, but inhumanly monstrous face. [00:33] "Stay out of trouble. A calamitous storm is sure to hit Brightmarket soon, and that will slow down any expectation of the delivery. Make sure you're seen traveling in that direction once I'm off, then, make your way back to the abandoned Guild port we met. If that is compromised, then leave a signal for us and wait in--" 07Randan? 15[00:38] Catela nods. 15[00:39] The betrayal is finalized. Virtuous though it may be, there is no denying the risk. What consequences await Dryas, the Leaf, and this caged bird? 15[00:39] NEXT TIME: Elephant's Foot