15[20:12] Here beneath the ground of Abalone, in a tomb-within-a-tomb, blows a bitter wind the equal of any in the distant North. Gardeners are out, hoping to clear the space for their seedlings, and the wind rakes their exposed flesh like bony hands. 15[20:13] Daizo, Piu, and Caxi have explored the place and come to some conclusions: first, the improperly-treated mummies in the walls are a form of ward, where generations of a priestly caste sacrificed their afterlives to hold older, bitterer spirits at bay. And beneath *them* there is another thing, something bearing the mark of Ligier, one of the True Demons, a gloried and storied king of 15[20:13] Hell. 15[20:14] That door has yet to open. 15[20:14] What's the Hearth (and their friend/rival/cousin/lover) intending to do? [20:16] 4Hit it til it dies again, probs. [20:16] 4Piu's got the Chain out and Silken Shadow on beneath her robes. [20:17] 10It's absolutely a classic, but that all depends on the nature of what "it" is. 15[20:20] Caxi's hair is too short to be blown around by the wind. When Daizo and Piu move the lid of the porthole down into the third level, she kneels beside them immediately, tracing it with her fingers. "Oh my..." [20:23] 10Daizo frowns, peers down the passage to the third level. Has there been a noticeable change in the amount or kind of spiritual pressure being exerted? 15[20:24] Well, it's not open yet. The entrance down has two layers - a stone lid that disguises it among the rest of the sepulchural dais it's on, and below that the demon-carved door itself, which is solid jade. 15[20:24] Only the first has been removed. [20:25] 4Someone really wants whatever's down there to say that way. [20:25] *4stay [20:25] 10Well then. Any other notable markings on the door? Languages, living or dead? 15[20:27] Sure! Daizo can read the Old Realm pictograms etched into the jade seal. 15[20:27] This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it! 15[20:27] Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture. 15[20:27] This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here. 15[20:27] What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger. 15[20:27] The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us. 15[20:27] The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours. 15[20:27] The danger is to the body, and it can kill. 15[20:27] The form of the danger is an emanation of energy. 15[20:27] The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited. [20:27] 10Well. Uh. 15[20:28] Daizo can also tell that the stonework isn't quite flush with the seal... [20:30] 10Daizo: "Great. In brief, it says that whatever's in here is deadly, and not to disturb the seal, but it's already been disturbed by our cultist or Guildsman or whoever the hell." [20:30] 07Dryas peers about in the darkness, running her finger up and down the string of Earned Nemesis. In the dank, cool air of the tomb, its bulk could be a liability but the stopping power is unmatched. [20:30] 4Piu: "Nothing to do but carry on and hope we're the better of whatever's down there." [20:31] "Wonder if what's left of the 'assessor' guy is down there too...or if he's still lurking about." 15[20:33] Yes... the stone *isn't* flush. Different substances, too -- the work beneath the stone dais is not the same local volcanic rock the rest of the tomb is worked in. Daizo theorizes that this double-layered tomb was itself built on top of whatever's down there, which is older still. [20:35] 10Daizo: "I've half a mind to just cave in the whole damn thing and look for a less cursed piece of real estate." [20:36] "But that also runs the risk of cracking the lower vault wide open." [20:38] 6Zhangyu: "It doesn't say what's actually in here? Just that it's deadly?" [20:39] 10Daizo: "Deadly and a form of energy. Here, I'll translate the whole thing. Make of it what you will." [20:40] 6After a moment: "That sounds pretty bad." [20:40] 10He does so in a sonorous tone. "Thoughts? Caxi, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm at a bit of a loss here. Have you encountered anything similar before?" [20:40] "We could find some expendable dupes to open it for us," 07Dryas suggests, frowning harder as the words come out of her mouth. [20:41] "Uh. I forgot to mention. If we leave now we're probably letting a tonze of ghosts out with us." [20:42] 4Piu: "Suboptimal!" [20:43] "Unpleasant," 07she asserts. "What I am not quite sure of, is if the assessor was here because whatever is down here is valuable, or if they wanted leverage over Pud for some reason. You said he seemed about two steps from simple-minded?" 15[20:44] Caxi looks up only belatedly, murmuring the invocation to herself as her fingers trace it. "We need either to deal with this right now or we need to make our first priority finding out who else knows what's down here. This is an immense find. There are ruins like this all over the West, it's said. I didn't think I'd ever see one." 15[20:44] "It could be a vault or a tomb. Without opening it there's no way to be sure." [20:45] "How confident are you in that ward to stop a ghost flood?" 07Dryas asks Daizo. [20:46] 10Daizo can think of perhaps two people to ask, but one he'd rather not reveal to Caxi and the other is a day's travel away. [20:46] "Absolutely certain. I put all I had into it." 15[20:47] "It's very potent," Caxi agrees. [20:48] "But if we pass through it ourselves and the salt is disturbed? It'll weaken or lose its efficacy altogether." 15[20:49] Caxi, to Dryas: "I've never met this... Pud. But that was the impression I got." [20:50] 4Piu, to Dryas: "Yeah, he's quite dumb." [20:50] "They were trying to get the property, I'm pretty sure. But someone's been poking around down here too..." [20:51] 07Dryas: "Can we protect ourselves from whatever other kind of hazard it might unleash? If there is another branch of fiery Hamoji sitting under this very spot, will we simply die instantly, along with most of the city?" 15[20:52] Caxi: "The language - 'an emanation of energy' - suggests something numinous, a form of corrupted Essence. That's not how you would describe a sealed magma vein." [20:53] 10Daizo straightens up, nearly barking his head on the low ceiling of the antechamber. "It's simply not hot enough here for this to be atop a lava tube." [20:56] "Let's open it up and look inside. Proceed cautiously. And if anyone feels sick or strange, we turn back." 15[20:56] Caxi nods approvingly. [20:57] "As long as whatever is down there doesn't melt my face off or turn me into a-" 07she bites her tongue before she says something that might hurt Daizo's feelings - "skeleton," [20:57] 4She's too pretty to be a skeleton yet!! [20:58] "If it's that powerful then we're all, hehe, boned, heheh, no matter what we do." [21:01] 10Daizo rummages around in his supply pack and comes up with a nib pen, some ink, and a sheet of paper. "I'm going to copy the message into High Realm and leave it outside the porthole, on the off chance we don't return." [21:01] "Nice!" 4Piu will stand wherever Daizo needs her. [21:03] 6Well, at least we'll be prepared. [21:04] 10It's not his best hand, but it's readable. He also digs for a piece of chalk and writes "THE FOUR FANGS" and today's date in large characters. When they come out, he can always wipe the wall clean. [21:06] 10And then Daizo will lay hands on the vault door. "Everyone step back. If something happens to me, run." [21:07] 4Not how it works! Piu doesn't have to say. [21:12] "Haaah!" 10And it begins to move. [21:15] 10The wings spread wide as he lifts, and his anima flares again. The dust of years shakes free. 15[21:15] For a moment, it feels like the air pressure is holding Daizo back as much as the weight of the lid. But he's stronger than both. With a heavy scrape, he's able to wrest the lid free and set it aside, revealing a ladder fused to the side of a well that goes down a few fulms before widening into a chamber etched all over with symbols, which everyone can read because something out of 15[21:15] sight is casting a harsh, languid emerald light. [21:21] 10The same message again? 15[21:21] No, these are names. 15[21:21] Or titles. Phrases, in any event. [21:21] 4What language? 15[21:21] Old Realm, same as the lid. [21:22] 4Ha haaa~ Can't read that. [21:22] 07Dryas shields her eyes against the unholy sight, half-remembering an Immaculate fable. 15[21:23] The five of them descend, single file, and find themselves at the extremity of a spherical chamber, in contrast the roughly pentagonal levels of the tomb above. The light throws their shadows on the walls, squat and distorted. Down here, the wind has no purchase, and the spirits do not follow. That alone makes it warmer, but there is a subtle heat radiating from the light source. [21:23] 10All right, what are they? Daizo won't read any out loud until he's sure they aren't tne names of demons. 15[21:26] White metal cylinders, maybe a dozen of them, marked with symbols of warning and snatches of the phrases encircling the lid. They seem at first to be floating on a cloud of pure green light, but as their vision adjusts they realize that something has oozed *out* of those cylinders, squeezed from burst and bloated seams, to sit fat and high on the gently sloped floor, like a dollop of 15[21:26] cream on top of a cake. [21:27] 4That's...not good. [21:27] 10Daizo: "Ugh. Give it a wide berth. Maybe there's instructions down here about how to clean it up." [21:28] 10So much for a routine exorcism. [21:29] 4Piu: "I'm gonna stay over here against the wall. Not gonna be the one who touches something weird and dooms us all." [21:31] 6Zhangyu: "That, uh, seems wise." 15[21:31] Some of the names are easy for Daizo to read - "Sworn to the Sword", "The Voice on the Height", "Black Wind Howling". Some are more abstract, artistic moldings of single characters bent into a novel shape that you won't find in any dictionary. The symbol for Lover written in the blank space of the symbol for Glory; the accents of the five elemental power words dressing the word for 15[21:31] 'skull' or 'cage'; the word for Heaven scratched through with the diacritics of Stranger and Conqueror. 15[21:32] Caxi's rubbing her hands over the walls. "What do you make of this?" she asks Daizo. [21:35] 10Daizo: "They read like epithets to me. The names or sigils of those who built this place?" 15[21:35] Caxi: "But on the inside?" [21:35] "Inside? Hold on…" 15[21:36] Caxi turns to look at him. [21:37] 10Daizo's going to run his hands over one of the inscriptions as well. Paint? Incised into the wall?  15[21:37] These are scored into the wall. 15[21:38] Daizo's studied calligraphy and stonework both enough to judge that whoever wrote them had a steady had but very rough tools. [21:38] "Perhaps they were doing what I was doing. Leaving their mark to show they'd been here, but gouged into the walls instead of chalk marks." 15[21:39] Caxi: "Maybe... but where are they, then?" [21:40] "Who knows…" 10Is there anything, anywhere that looks like a date? [21:41] "You heard there are other burial sites like this out West, Caxi?" 07Dryas asks. She's keeping Zhangyu firmly between herself and the cylinders but is up on her tiptoes and peering over his shoulder. [21:42] 6He's crouching a bit to make it easier. [21:43] 10It's not likely there's a conveniently numbered RY XXX date here. But there are certainly other calendars… 15[21:45] Yes and no; there are no specific mentions of the date, but there are certain flourishes in the language, the shapes of certain characters, that let Daizo guess at least the *era* in which it was written. These particular characters are written in - or at least someone who learned Old Realm by way of - a pre-Shogunate style. [21:48] 4Lame! Where's the skeletons! What's the goo, maybe that's cool. 15[21:50] Piu could go up get a closer look if she likes. Maybe even touch it. [21:50] 07Dryas: "Like the one we found on the island, the Carmine Road? That filthy pirate was after it, too." [21:50] 4Nope! Not gonna be the one who starts the spooky apocalypse!! 15[21:51] Caxi: "Which filthy pirate?" [21:51] 10Daizo: "An archaic character style… a couple thousand years old at least… it could even predate the Cleansing… When we return, I think it might be useful to speak to the ali-ki. Perhaps they know something about this." [21:52] 07Dryas: "Moray Starving in a Prison of White Coral." 15[21:53] Caxi: "Quite a name." [21:54] 10Daizo: "Wait, someone else knew about it?" [21:55] 07Dryas: "He surely dug it up and set it loose on the islanders. His ship was the last on the portmaster's log." [21:55] "Mmmrph. I see." [21:58] 10Which one of these things is the least cracked and covered with goop? That's the one Daizo's going to take a closer look at, stepping carefully. 15[22:00] Dryas holds her medallion and stares, eyes dragging along the walls and over the cylinders and even peering directly into the green light. She can feel it vibrating against her chest. 15[22:00] The Gigerium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ci2j5J5kI - ♫♪♬♪♩ [22:02] 07Dryas: "We must not linger here a moment longer than necessary." 15[22:02] Caxi: "What? Why?" [22:02] 4Piu: "So what are we looking at here. Is this some place we can actually move into." [22:03] "You're all acting like this is, under no circumstances, a place we can actually move into." [22:03] 10Daizo: "Dryas just gets these premonitions sometimes..." 15[22:04] Caxi: "I wouldn't move in *here*, but the floors above would be trivial to clean out as long as this place was undisturbed." [22:05] 07Dryas releases the medallion. "These cylinders are incredibly dangerous. If the Guild knows they are here, they can't be allowed to get them." [22:05] 07Dryas: "Don't touch them. Remember what the Red Miles did." 15[22:05] "You see this glowing substance? This is jade that's melted and cooled back down. It burst from these... shells or whatever. But it must have done so centuries ago, like Daizo says. And it's not all the way cool yet..." [22:05] 4Piu looks around. "Well. I guess it'd be hard to do anything with this floor anyway." 15[22:05] To Dryas: "What do you think's inside?" [22:07] 07Dryas: "Death? Something worse?" [22:08] 6Zhangyu: "Given that there's nothing we can do here, except, perhaps, die - perhaps we should have this conversation back above?" [22:08] 07Dryas, explaining a bit: "Given who wants them, and what they are building and doing." [22:08] 10Daizo: "Imagine the heat when these things burst… perhaps even Hamoji would have been jealous." [22:10] 10Is there ven the slightest sign that something down here is binding the ghosts on the upper floors? 15[22:11] No. In fact, since the seal has broken it seems like the ghosts are far less active above. 15[22:14] Caxi: "It should be safe to seal back up, at any rate." [22:14] 10They probably knew better than anything what was down here. Ha. [22:15] 07Dryas: "Piu, your mark? Is it doing anything?" [22:15] 14Is it? 15[22:18] No. But then, nothing's dying. [22:19] 10Daizo: "We seal it up, see if the ghosts stay calm topside, get the hell out of here, find a bathhouse, and I, at least, am going to burn these clothes. My skin's starting to crawl." [22:20] "Then we go back and cremate these mummies." 15[22:20] Caxi: "......that's wise." [22:21] "Hehe, thanks." [22:21] 4Piu: "Kay!" [22:21] 07Dryas is on her way to the ladder. "The Guild knows those cylinders are here. I'd take any wager that Nn Tloc is doing something with them, that they're part of the trade to Skullstone. Maybe we can bring the Red Miles here later and figure it out." 15[22:22] Caxi: "Is that why your dead friend killed Hamoji?" [22:23] 10Daizo: "Not my friend." 10He's heading up. [22:24] 4Piu: "Was mine! But we dunno. Part of a mission." [22:27] 6So, we're leaving, right? Like, right now. 15[22:27] Seems to be the consensus. [22:28] 10Posthaste. 15[22:29] Caxi gives Daizo a long look before climbing the ladder, allowing him to bring up the rear and seal it behind him. 15[22:30] Once the seal is on, the cold wind rushes in close behind, cutting like knives. [22:55] 10Daizo's ready to face the spectral horde head on. His kiai echoes up and down the corridor, reverberating and seeming to pick up power as it travels. When it grows loud en ough, he slams the jade club into the floor of the corridor, and the shout stops abruptly.With screams of their own, one, two, ten, twenty… the unquiet dead are revealed to all. [22:57] "The Princes of the Earth have come to free you from your torment!" [22:59] 6As soon as they appear, Zhangyu darts between them with rapid quick strikes, moving as if a whirlwind of blows. He never drops his stance, even as more and more of the ghosts fall. [22:59] 07Dryas pulls back on Earned Nemesis. It feels a little cold to the touch. The weapon that slew Hamoji sends an arrow perfectly through a staring, spectral eyesocket, minimally interfering with the ectoplasm. 15[22:59] The skeins of Daizo's essence snare them like roots, revealing dozens of tattooed, braided ghosts, men and women - their garb and style not too dissimilar from the modern ali-ki. They are, to a one, emaciated and dehydrated, as if the salt had dried out their very souls. [23:05] 4As soon as the ghosts become visible -- tangible? punchable -- Piu flashes across the chamber, one great motion of smaller, linked punches and kicks, almost like a great dance. [23:06] 4They're cold. The texture is weird. Kinda...doughy? [23:06] 4Anyway, fuck these guys. [23:06] "Go now. You cannot touch us. Your service is over. May you be rewarded in the next life and all to come. Faram." 15[23:07] When Piu nimbly kicks the last ghost apart, the tomb goes quiet and still. [23:07] 4She's glowing, her anima bone-white, wisps of thin white...cold?...steam coming off of her. 15[23:07] Caxi: "What is that on your hand?" [23:09] 4Piu: "That...is something I got from Ted." [23:11] 10A chill runs down Daizo's spine. The bearer of the Soul Eater… What has become of these dead? Will they, in fact, be freed? Or have they gone on to yet worse bondage… 15[23:11] "Remarkable..." she breathes. [23:11] 4Well, it's not like it ATE the ghosts. [23:11] 14Right? 15[23:12] Right. [23:12] 4Piu: "From what I've been told I'm stuck with it! Until someone murders me." 15[23:12] It doesn't seem to be reacting to anything other than her essence coursing through it. But she hasn't killed anyone since she took it on, so she doesn't know what it's *supposed* to feel like. [23:13] 10Daizo: "The Nail of Life and Death." [23:13] 4Definitive answer: Ghosts aren't people!" [23:13] -4" [23:13] 10Daizo: "Ah. I did a bit of research. I had meant to tell you about it in a more congenial setting." 15[23:13] At the very least, they're not alive. [23:15] 10Blabbermouth Daizo, just handing Caxi more free information. Okay, look, it's NOT like he's starting to grow a little fond of her or anything. 15[23:15] Caxi's eyes widen in naked shock, and the temperature of the room drops several degrees. For a moment people wonder if more ghosts are coming... but the frost that normally clings to Caxi's hair spreads, where begins to melt instantly on her hot, flushed skin. 15[23:15] "....ah. Well how about that." [23:16] 14Mmmm. Not surprising this one's got her hot under the collar. 15[23:17] "The rest of these bodies... we should be able to give them a proper burning." [23:17] 10It's perhaps a little satisfying to see her at such a loss. Then it's back to business. [23:17] 4Piu: "Time to get to work! And maybe do some masonry over that seal." 15[23:19] What does the Hearth do after leaving the pacified tomb? There's still Pud tending bar upstairs, there's apothecaries to contact for bulk ritual oil to do a mass funerary rite... [23:19] "We'll have to think of something to place over the upper hatch. Something that no one will dare move." [23:19] 4Piu's inclination is to get busy busy busy. Begin finding contractors, get those bodies out of there, get plans drawn up for the expansions, so on. [23:19] 4Gotta move quick before the Guild responds. [23:20] "It won't be enough," 07Dryas disagrees. "We'll have to move them eventually. Hide them where nobody can interfere with them." [23:20] 4Maybe Doc Hrolfus can help making connections there? Or just, literally, Dryas. [23:20] "No place safer than literally beneath the Garden." [23:20] 10Daizo: "Move the cylinders? Are you feeling all right?" 15[23:21] Caxi: "You should see some of the things buried under the gardens in Pangu City." [23:22] 07Dryas: "Maybe. I guess if anything, better to put our fortress on top of it." [23:22] 6Zhangyu: "Yeah, if we ignored those warnings to go down there, best thing for it is to just. Be the thing preventing anyone else from trying." [23:23] 10Daizo: "Hmm… If there are other sites like this, no doubt the Guild has leads on them already. This one was just the closest to a major port they knew about, perhaps." [23:23] "And if someone else lays an unshakable claim to the site, they'll seek out another." 15[23:24] What do they tell Pud? Anything? [23:24] 4Probably that we're gonna be moving some stuff in and out and not to worry about it. [23:25] 4We should probably also tell him that next time the Guild comes around asking for their monthly taste, that we'll deal with it. [23:25] 4We need to renegotiate that contract. [23:25] 10The haunting's been taken care of.  15[23:26] At this, Pud is deeply grateful. 15[23:27] He'll offer bottles of his remarkably high-quality and well-kept wine as a gift. [23:27] 4Yeah!! [23:28] 10That's funny. Did we pass by anything that looked like a wine cellar?  [23:28] 4He was keeping them in the "normal" cellar! 15[23:29] Yeah! Caxi remarked on the wine's quality on the way down. You have to go through the regular cellar to get down below. [23:29] 10Guess so. 15[23:29] For now, at least. That's one of the things Dryas is working on. 15[23:32] What is the Garden's vision for the establishment? How much work needs to be done? 15[23:34] While Dryas sets those wheels in motion, the hearth is in contact with their associates. Van Hrolfus is happy to trade favors; while the contractors are laborers organized by the Guild, the designers and architects are mostly civil servants, out of the Governor's office, and well acquianted with off-the-books side work. [23:34] 4Piu's dream is that we have the dojo or whatever on the first level, all done up to spec for Zhangyu, and then for the second level we have an actual garden of some kind...we probably can't have a REAL one, since cutting in holes for daylight for the plants is a nightmare, but it could be a rock garden of some kind, that also has sleeping quarters/meeting rooms/etc off the main [23:34] 4garden. Do we have the room for that? [23:34] 4Obviously we have some kind of secret secondary entrance cut in so you can get to the real Garden without having to bother the dojo. 15[23:35] You do! It's quite extensive work, though - probably a whole season at the conventional rate. 15[23:35] But they aren't working at the conventional rate, because Cynis Dryas is an organizational genius. 15[23:35] Two weeks. [23:35] 4Nice! 15[23:37] And in what's even better news, the other associates have already started bringing in money. [23:38] 4Yay! [23:38] 10Daizo's request for the Garden is a two or three-chamber suite A miniature library and study, a cramped sleeping space with an altar, and a spacious "workroom". What, exactly, he intends to work on is not entirely certain. All of it at a slight remove from anyone else's quarters, and all as fireproof as possible. [23:38] 4Piu's actual work during all of this is probably going around to their four associates and checking in, making sure they're not getting bothered by anyone, and so on. 15[23:39] Blackbird and Querulous Snipe present Dryas with a fait accompli - a revenue stream drawn by pulling off-the-books money that used to pass between the Guild and the Temple and funneling it into upgrades to the orphanage. The orphanage is still getting its upgrades, but the temple is being well overcharged for them and its caretakers can't tell. [23:40] 10He's also got some unreasonable-sounding wishes for automatically locking doors, but if we're already building secret passages it's not so much of a stretch. [23:40] 07A great source of money. And the kids are getting what they need, too! 15[23:40] Then it's Piu that hears this report from a very pleased-sounding Blackbird. "We got someone who knows the Temple's accounts like the back of her hand. She was only too happy to help." [23:41] 4Piu: "Oh?" 15[23:42] Blackbird: "She's a good kid. I practically raised her. Heart of a saint. You can trust her." [23:43] 10Oh no. [23:43] 4Piu smiles broadly. "Great! What's her name?" 15[23:43] Blackbird: "Seiri Gansa." [23:43] 4Grin widens. "She absolutely can be trusted." 15[23:43] Meanwhile, Dryas has an invitation! The merchant prince Ialtagan invites her and her associates to 'a working dinner'. [23:44] "I hooked her up with her girlfriend. Long story!" 15[23:45] Blackbird: "Yeah she mentioned that! I told her, that's two big favors she's done you." [23:46] 07An invitation Dryas is more than happy to accept. A working dinner, how novel! [23:47] 4To Blackbird: "Anyway, right now we're mostly trying to play nice with the Guild -- expanding business is good but we don't want to start picking territorial fights. Has Chases-Waterfalls been in contact? Rough dude but he seems reliable." 15[23:47] Blackbird: "Sure has. Snipe knows him better than I do." [23:48] 10Aside from elaborate architectural plans and a ceremonially crude but orthodox funeral rite, Daizo spends the next few days in research and contemplation of Clara's flower.  [23:48] "Excellent, excellent. In two weeks' time or so, we should actually have an operating base, and then we can start talking about expansion. That's the plan anyway." [23:53] 07Dryas makes her way across town to the taxidermist to check on the status of the great trophy recovered by the Fangs. 15[23:55] Dryas also has an appointment with the taxidermist! So at whatever hour pleases her she's heading there to take a look. She pushes through the belled front door that separates outside from in, and feels herself gasp at the sudden change in temperature. It's gotten hotter, and darker. The walls are stone and not wood. The doors are fine and polished rather than free-swinging. 15[23:55] By reflex she immediately checks her rear, and does not see the street she walked in from. She sees Nn Tloc's receiving room. 15[23:56] She turns around again and he's six ilms away, digging into her skull with his cold blue eyes. 15[23:56] "Glad you could make it! Drink?" 15[23:56] NEXT TIME: Six Flags