15[20:20] Breakfast blurs by as Hamoji tosses and turns beneath a Wyld-darkened sky. Inside, work that began not long after Abalone's new colonial government sat down continues uninterrupted by the new god's arrival as Kou's personal effects are taken down and carefully boxed up, with Governor V'Mada's going up in their place. Conversation breezes through the essentials, and even the famously 15[20:20] contentious Ragara Kou is left silent and humble before the ceaseless march of progress and reform. [20:20] 4Lame! [20:21] 4Now there's a whole new load of stuck-up morons to develop leverage over. 15[20:23] Outside, from the perspective of say a few dozen red-winged blackbirds, the world seems in far more tumult. The sharp-headed shadow of a new, birdlike god pierces the harsh white light pouring from the caldera, and the people of Abalone scatter and scream as if the very end of days were upon them. Perhaps, as the air thunders with Seatongue proclamations, they are. [20:24] 4Certainly a flair for the dramatic. Do they just have gods, like, waiting around and ready to move in if someone biff pow splats the local landlord? [20:25] 10Not… usually…? 15[20:25] Who can say by what mysterious and sacred methods the Heavens turn? [20:25] 10It's certainly shocked Daizo out of his euphoria. The question, then: where to land? [20:25] 6No, hold on a moment. What's this about splatting landlords? [20:26] 6Sounds fun. 15[20:28] The freshly-former Governor's attendants, composed more or less entirely of people who don't like her, are freed from their obligations as Kou is ushered into more secretive negotiations with the city's new Sesus Governor, as well as its Cathak Constable and the more mysterious remit of the young Peleps Immaculate. 15[20:29] The Defiance's Chosen are able to mingle with one another and with the new Abbot, one Mnemon Naga, or go out into the night-dark midday at the first excuse, as the merchant marine V'Neef Volema eagerly does. [20:29] 10Greeting the new tutelary deity of Hamoji alone seems like a legendarily unwise move. But. 15[20:29] In the sky above Hamoji, no one can tell Daizo what to do, or what a good idea is. He is bound by his will and his judgment alone. 15[20:30] When was the last time that was true? [20:30] 4Piu will at least pop by V'Neef Volema's to properly greet her in the custom of the House, yadda yadda yadda. [20:30] 4Whether that's at her ship or at a bar is really up to her. [20:30] 10Hell yeah. Let's go greet the new neighbor, then. [20:32] 10Daizo-the-flock wings his/their way over towards the caldera. The experience of navigating the thermals is wholly unprecedented. 15[20:32] Piu finds Volema cordial but focused - they exchange greetings while Volema is passing ledgers and documents on the way to the dock. If Piu is persistent, in her own charming way, then Volema eventually takes the hint and offers Piu a drink in her ready room aboard the merchant fleet's flagship, Pasiap Smiles. [20:34] 4Piu isn't particularly interested in putting her out and she's not about to try to sleep with her either; mainly she's being polite and also enjoying the chance to see someone from back when things were a bit simpler in her life. [20:35] 4She will lightly dig for any information about how long the Smiles and her mistress intend to be in region, but if there's pushback she'll drop it. 15[20:36] Daizo descends through the torrent of hot and rising air, landing wherever he pleases. The caldera stops blotting out the sky, letting daylight seep back into the view behind the island as its settles into a sunset-red glow. But unlike the vast and unmistakable firebird Hamoji, it's quite hard to get a bead on the god itself within the volcano, even from above. [20:38] 6Zhangyu has other introductions planned, if he can help it -- Jungle Empress is out around here somewhere. No need to talk to V'neef Volema or any others (aside from, perhaps, potential trainees, but they can wait.) 15[20:38] Volema doesn't kick Piu out - she seems similarly happy to see a familiar face - but she is all business, chit-chat working its way through the cracks and crevices of her constant activity. Sounds like the Smiles is her for a couple of days, traveling in the undertow of the Sesus Legion transport to bring vital goods and the new policies and standards of the Merchant Fleet to its 15[20:38] long-stationed Western sailors. 15[20:39] *Smiles is here [20:40] 4Seems reasonable. Piu extends an invitation for the two of them to have dinner at one of the fancier places once all the dooming outside calms down but before the Smiles leaves dock, but more or less assumes she'll get a note in a day or so regretably cancelling. [20:41] 6Actually, shoot. Has he seen Seiri lately? He's got to talk to her about self-defence. [20:41] 10As he comes in for the landing, the flock coalesces. Daizo glides the last few fulms to a spar of hot stone with his own wings, now feeling far more like a part of himself. He lands, stumbles a half-step, and catches himself. Wow. 15[20:43] She's probably on the ship, so he can head out that way with Piu. They can be together, even, unless Piu wants to do something else once she and Volema part ways. The meeting with the new government seems to have lit a fire under Ratel to get back to work, so she's off redoubling her efforts to prepare the damaged and understaffed Defiance to be shipshape again. [20:43] 4Nope, going with Zhangyu's good! 15[20:45] The two of them find Seiri and Sadako in Caxi's cabin. Seiri's holding a hairbrush and about half of Sadako's long, straight hair looks sleek and shiny. 15[20:46] Daizo touches the ground whole, and the ground bucks beneath him. The caldera reverberates with a bassy, resonant voice speaking Old Realm. <Who dares tread upon my holiest of holies?> [20:47] 4Piu will look rather smug and delighted for reasons Zhangyu might or might not cotton on to. [20:48] 6Sadako probably needs training too-- no, that can wait. As they arrive, Zhangyu will clear his throat awkwardly, glance over to Piu, then look over to Seiri: "Seiri. Do you have a moment to speak?" 6She's not going anywhere, obviously, but some people don't like talking while brushing hair. 15[20:50] Sadako looks up at Zhangyu suspiciously, but Seiri hands her the hairbrush. "Of course, Master Zhangyu. Lady Piu. Where's Master Daizo?" [20:50] 10Daizo: [20:51] 6Zhangyu looks to Piu. "Uh. Where is my cousin? I haven't seen him today." 15[20:51] <What tribute bring ye, Daizo Earth-and-Sky?> [20:52] 4Piu: "Dunno! Said he had to stretch his legs. At least I think it was his legs." [20:52] 6Zhangyu: "Fair enough. Anyway. I, uh... Seiri, are you trained in any martial arts?" 15[20:54] A brief expression of realization crosses Seiri's face and she lets the topic of Daizo slide with a small, sly smile. That slyness evaporates with a startled blink when Zhangyu asks his question. "Oh! Well... no, sir. I trained a bit with the boken and the single-stick. Master Daizo mentioned that he might take the time to train me, but we've all been so busy." [20:55] 10If this is one of the few gods who have overtly allied themselves with the Order, then the usual bluster and bravado is unlike to have much effect.  [20:56] 10Let's see if he does, indeed, have any truck with the Order. 15[20:58] The caldera is silent for a moment, and then rumbles. <Yes... good. You have passed the test. You have marked yourself out as a pious respecter of the Hierarchy. Satisfactory. You enter the divine presence of Tsunome Dori!> [20:59] 6Zhangyu barely restrains himself from scoffing. "I've been preparing a dojo, to teach Mantis style -- you need to learn to defend yourself. Once you're finished with Sadako, do you have time for a first lesson?" 15[21:00] Seiri's eyes widen. "Right now?" She looks at Sadako, who it suddenly transpires is there, having followed them. Strange, it seemed like Seiri had walked out of Caxi's cabin alone. "I'm coming too," she says curtly. [21:01] 4Piu claps her hands happily. [21:02] 6Zhangyu blinks a few times. Then: "If you're free." [21:06] 6He wasn't going to push Sadako into learning Mantis style, but she ought to learn how to defend herself, too. 15[21:07] Seiri: "Should we follow you now or should we meet you?" [21:08] 4Up to Zhangyu! Do we actually have dojo facilities to show off yet? 15[21:09] Work is more or less complete on, in, and beneath Pud's - there's some cleanup and some finishing touches yet to be done but the structure, the fixtures - everything's there. [21:10] 6Zhangyu: "You can help me break the dojo in, if you follow. And, ah, tell me if I'm doing a poor job as a teacher." [21:10] 4Yesss. [21:12] 10Daizo:  [21:12] 6On the walk over, Zhangyu will whisper to Piu: "Do you mind working with Sadako while I train Seiri? We can trade off, but... both of them need to learn." [21:14] 4Stage-whisper back: "Nope!" 15[21:16] On the walk over, Piu feels eyes on her, and it takes a few furtive sidelong glances and eventually a check of her rear via a passing reflective surface to notice that Seiri is staring at her whenever her back is turned. The streets of Abalone are full of people staring at the disembarking legionnaires and pointing up at the mountain. Kind of a big day all around! [21:16] 10Don't call him a puffin. Don't call him a puffin.  15[21:17] The caldera: <...on whose behalf have you come, Flying Daizo?> 15[21:17] Is this the first time Seiri or Sadako have been to see the dojo or the hideout? [21:18] 6Zhangyu definitely hasn't taken either of them there. [21:19] 4Weird. 15[21:22] Seiri: "I've walked by this place so many times... I didn't know anyone went in." What is the entrance like? Do they go in through the cellar or through the statue garden? [21:23] 4Cellar will take them straight to the dojo. Statue garden leads to the lair beneath it. [21:24] 4Piu will casually catch Seiri staring next time she does it, but leave it unremarked upon. [21:24] 10Daizo: 10Flap flap. 15[21:24] Seiri's expression tightens just a touch. She doesn't do it again. 15[21:26] <It is the duty of gods to serve Creation, wherever they be needed. The call came and I answered.> This close to the caldera, with the benefit of not being mutated or under direct attack, Daizo can see that a path winds down from the lip of the caldera deeper in, doubling back over itself as it hugs the inside of the volcano's rim. [21:28] 4Piu will have left instructions that the cellar should still be a cellar, for Pud to functionally use -- just widen the pathway to the back some. In fact they might have to widen it some more, given how big some of the people Zhangyu is recruiting are. 15[21:29] The two hardened killers and their young friends work their way through the expanded cellar, to the cunning and beautiful secret entrance, the kind you find in those quasi-illegal teahouses on the Blessed Isle, ostensibly hidden from Immaculates and censors where people can mingle freely and speak easy. What does the dojo look like? [21:30] 4That was built to Zhangyu's specifications. Take it away! [21:32] 10Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. It stands to reason that this would lead to the physical entrance of Hamoji's former sanctum. There might be something to see there, or there might not. Daizo will start down the path, as long as the heat remains bearable. [21:34] 6It's extremely basic. There's a lot of training dummies, and a lot of screens that are perfect for throwing someone through, but mostly it's a wide-open space with padded mats... also an alarming number of fake arms and legs, to practice properly breaking ligaments. You know. Mantis style stuff. [21:35] 4Ideally we'd have some sort of baths down here too, or at least a laundry. Gotta be a way to air this place out so it doesn't start to smell. [21:36] 6The trainees are going to run that part. One of the more important parts of Grandmaster Mushi's training. [21:37] 10It's not all Mantis. There are striking dummies as well, and wooden versions of the more commonly used weapons of the Dragon Styles. Although it's mostly Zhangyu's show so these are shoved off into a corner. 15[21:37] "Woooow," breathes Seiri. How apparent is the dojo's former function as a tomb? [21:38] 6Zhangyu definitely didn't attempt to hide it but he also didn't exactly advertise it. 15[21:41] Daizo descends, and the caldera grows hotter... but not unbearably so. The surface of the bottom of the caldera is solid and dark - surely a good sign if your fear is an eruption. But gods it's hot down here. There's a nest of ash at the very bottom, and it's only as Daizo draws level with it that he can see light spilling from a fissure. The sound of gentle groaning emerges. [21:42] 6Let's call it... 'obvious to anyone with eyes.' 15[21:42] Seiri points. "Look, Sadako. Those are funerary marks. This used to be a tomb." 15[21:42] Sadako: "Used to be. It's clean now." 15[21:42] Seiri: "Master Daizo must have purified it." [21:43] 4Piu: "He had help!" [21:43] 6Zhangyu: "He did. On both counts." [21:43] 10Please don't do any tricks involving sinking through the floor, Sadako. [21:43] 6Zhangyu: "Although please don't go farther down. It's - that's bad." 15[21:44] Seiri: "How many students are you taking on?" [21:44] 6Zhangyu: "30? Maybe less for the first class." 15[21:45] Seiri: "A real sifu!" [21:45] "I'm at least as good as Grandmaster Mushi. I think." 15[21:46] Seiri: "What was he like?" 15[21:46] "Was he a good teacher?" [21:46] 6He grimaces. [21:46] "He taught me everything I know," 6he goes with. 15[21:47] Daizo approaches the fissure, and has to duck to get inside... and gets a faceful of steam. [21:47] 10Groaning. That's rarely a good sign. Daizo wipes the sweat from his brow reflexively, but there's a little ash stuck there as well so he just winds up with a black smear on his forehead. Let's get a little closer.  [21:47] 10Ooof. 15[21:48] It's not pressurized steam, it's more like... "Whoa whoa whoa!" The voice is cracked and hoarse, and speaks with the inflection that a reader of Realm literature will identify as "the Nexus accent", the way that Eastern Threshold bandits and savages are made to speak in magistrate novels and the like. "I'm working here!" [21:50] 6Zhangyu, eventually: "He... I won't use his training methods. But he was able to demonstrate everything about Mantis style. Painfully." [21:50] 10Daizo gets a lungful of the stuff and finds himself coughing hoarsely himself. "Oh, ah. My apologies. Are you working with Tsunome Dori?" 15[21:51] It takes a moment to filter out the movement, but eventually Daizo focuses on a small, round bird, wearing a crown of stiff dry golden grain, positively dripping with sweat and shrouded in a towel that doesn't seem to be wicking away moisture faster than it's leaking out. 15[21:51] "Uh... yeah!" [21:52] "...actually, something I should ask. Are you familiar with Lord Meteor or Jungle Empress? Because they're going to be the passing grade." [21:52] "I haven't actually talked to Jungle Empress. But I've got a good feeling." 15[21:52] Seiri shakes her head. "Those are very impressive names, though." [21:53] 6He makes hand symbols for "wide" and "very tall." "Lord Meteor is a mountain of a man." [21:53] 10Don't laugh. Seriously. Just don't.10  "Or am I in fact in the presence of the Honored One himself?" [21:54] "...and Jungle Empress is about his size. Shorter, I guess." 15[21:54] Tsunome Dori: "...tell me you didn't come all the way down here to give me shit." 15[21:57] Seiri: "I would have thought that it'd be illegal to call yourself Empress, even as a performance." 15[21:57] Sadako: "Nothing's illegal if you can beat up whoever tells you to quit it." [21:57] 4Piu: "Well, I doubt she goes to the Blessed Isle and does it. Also that!" 15[21:57] Seiri laughs a little uneasily. 15[21:57] "Yeah..." [21:57] 10When Daizo writes down the events of the day in his journal he will make special note of the trememdous effort it took to remain composed at this moment. "Of course not! It's like I said, I was just curious. And the last time I was here I was too busy being cursed and set on fire to take a good look around." [21:58] 6Zhangyu: "She's capable. Are the two of you ready? We have some training gear if you need it." [21:58] "Seiri, with me; Sadako, with Piu." [21:59] 4Piu quickly wraps up her hands. She's not actually a Mantis stylist, but she's flexible enough to practice on. 15[22:00] Tsunome Dori: "Well... you speak in the prescribed forms, and you pay the proper obeisance - which, I gotta point out again, is none - so, welcome, Tepet Daizo, to my sanctum. I don't suppose you got any ice tucked under those bad boys?" The diminuitive divinity points at Daizo's wings with one of his own. [22:00] 6Frankly, he wants both of them to be able to defend themselves against Whatever. They can learn how to attack with Mantis style later. 15[22:00] "Not that that would qualify as tribute!" the little bird adds hastily. "Just, you know, as a going concern." [22:02] 10Daizo: "Regrettably, the Feathered One didn't see fit to gift me with any means of making ice. Still, I have to admit, you had me going there. If not for my personal history with this place I wouldn't have dreamed of entering the caldera." 15[22:03] "Who would?" croaks the god. "What kind of idiot comes down here voluntarily? Hotter than Yaogin's ass and not half as inviting. The sort of thing you'd think to mention, right? To someone you're reassigning? Guess fuckin' not." 15[22:05] Seiri draws closer to Sadako by reflex when Zhangyu hands out assignments. Sadako is surprised, but doesn't complain. But a moment later they pair off with the skilled fighters. 15[22:05] "Pardon my Dragontongue," Tsunome Dori adds. [22:06] 10This really is night and day from the formal Old Realm they were swapping just a couple minutes ago. Still, Daizo can't help but like the puffin god.  [22:06] "It's fine, it's fine." [22:08] 10Daizo: "It's always such a bother to move into a new place, so I won't take up too much more of your time." 15[22:08] Tsunome Dori: "You Immaculate?" How much does Daizo look the part at this point, wings aside? Is he shaved bald? Is he white-robed? [22:09] 6Zhangyu's ready and in the proper stance -- is Seiri ready? Are the other two? 15[22:09] Seiri's ready, insofar as she is following all of Zhangyu's instructions. Sadako is just sort of standing apart, eyeing Piu warily. 15[22:10] But she, too, is in position. [22:11] 4Piu's here to follow whatever lead she's given. [22:11] 4Her conception was more Sadako doing moves on her than the other way around. Kind of clear the lovebirds would rather be sparring with each other though. Hee hee. [22:14] 6Son-of-Sabers isn't here though? [22:15] 10Shaving your head before formally taking the razor is gauche at best, and a sign of arrogance at worst. Daizo kept his short, but since coming to Abalone he's grown it out some. He doesn't dress like an acolyte either—his everyday clothes are plain but good quality—not the top grades of silk or cotton, but definitely a cut above even a patrician's wear.  [22:17] 10Daizo: "I studied at the Cloister, concentration on spiritology and martial arts. I might have taken the razor eventually, but… I don't think that's for me, now." [22:18] :But I do respect the principles of the Hierarchy. I guess you could say I'm a freelance occultist now." 15[22:19] The trainees advance! Seiri doesn't quite know what to do with her limbs, but she's pretty quick. Sadako lunges for Piu, going half a step too far... but it doesn't matter because her arms bend backwards to grab at the secret assassin after she's overreached. The technique is sloppy... but it's a handy trick. 15[22:20] Tsunome Dori: "Does it seem weird to you that 'taking the razor' is for anybody? Not an inviting name. Not clear if you're taking it to your head or your throat. But it's nice work if you can get it. Far as people on my side of the fence are concerned." 15[22:20] "Bottom of a volcano. Jesus Christ. You'd never see him in a place like this." [22:21] 6Zhangyu leaps up and grabs Seiri's arm -- if he was trying, he could break it and it wouldn't be a challenge. With her arm grappled: "You overextended. Keep your limbs closer to your body." [22:21] 6He releases the arm and rolls back, standing up. "Again." [22:21] 4Ooh, nice. Piu's a considerate dance partner and takes the hit. [22:23] 10Daizo snorts then snort-laughs and then he's just chuckling. "If you keep dripping like that, it might turn into a river and then he'd move in—" 15[22:25] The puffin-god's laugh is like a hoarse little quack. "Nice. Nice. Ah, shit. Well, I gotta get ready. Won't be long before old Hamoji's priests start poking around." [22:25] "Joke! Joke, sorry—" 10Pffffhahahaha. "For your hospitality, I'll see if I can find any way to cool a place like this off. Not tribute, just a fair exchange." 15[22:26] Tsunome Dori: "I'd owe ya one. In a totally above-board, secular way, of course." 15[22:26] "I'm a legitimate divinity." [22:27] 6Sounds fake. 15[22:28] The sparring continues. Someone enters the dojo - it's Pud! He's got a big clay jug of water and a ladle. "I heard people come in and I thought maybe you'd need refreshment." [22:29] 10That brings Daizo back down to earth again. "The ali-ki…  have a feeling they're not going to take this well. I haven't really spoken to the indigenous priesthood since the incident, but they might owe me something for the curse. And for saving their high priest." [22:29] "Kou was going to just throw him into the lava." [22:29] 4Oh hell yeah. 15[22:30] Tsunome Dori: "Well, shit. You should probably head out, then. Don't wanna cross the streams here - they're gonna be pissed at me, and they're gonna be pissed at you, let's not make em pissed at us, yeah?" [22:30] 6Zhangyu: "...thank you." 6He's still wary of a surprise attack from Seiri -- it's what he would have done, after all. [22:32] 10Daizo: "It's been a pleasure. I'm sure we'll meet again soon enough." 10Daizo inclines his head in respect. "I need some flight practice anyway." 15[22:33] Seiri and Sadako both go to get some water-- and suddenly a blast of chill air blows through the room and Sadako is disfigured and drowned, dripping brackish water onto the floor, pale mottled hands plunging toward Pud, or to the man-shaped mound of grave dirt where Pud just stood, his suspicious face reduced to the gentle impressions, eyes like thumbprint-dents in the crumbling, 15[22:33] earthen head. [22:33] 10Though for today he'll make his way down the mountain path the old-fashioned way.  [22:33] 6Uh hey what the fuck? [22:33] 4!!! [22:35] 10Daizo: "And… your secret's safe with me." 15[22:36] Seiri drops her cup on the floor and loops her arms around Sadako's waist, pulling with all her might to separate the two of them. The air tightens and chills further-- and when they separate, they're themselves again, and only Seiri is startled, frigid, shaking and soaked. Pud and Sadako look as if nothing happened, and the only water on the floor is what fell from Seiri's hands. [22:37] 4Piu, cautiously: "Anything anybody wants to explain?" [22:37] "You two alright?" 15[22:37] Pud: "No harm meant. I've just got one of those faces. Let me clean that up for you." 15[22:38] He smacks his lips, shrugs dully, and mops up the water. [22:38] 6Zhangyu will help Seiri up if she wants said help. And, um, he is cautiously available for a hug? He won't press, though. 15[22:38] Sadako: "........................................................sorry." 15[22:38] Tsunome Dori: "Appreciate it. Take it easy." 15[22:38] Well! That was weird. Where does Daizo go now? [22:39] "No problem? Or, like. No problem for me." 15[22:39] Sadako: "Sorry. Sorry. I got startled." 15[22:40] "Everything's fine." [22:40] 6Is it though? 15[22:40] Sadako puts a hand on Seiri's shoulder, but recoils as if burned when Seiri shudders involuntarily. [22:41] 6is it though [22:42] 4Piu: "Hmm. Well! Let's take five, then maybe Zhangyu can demonstrate some forms on me." [22:42] 6Zhangyu: "...probably wise." 15[22:44] Pud cleans up and lets himself out without further comment. [22:45] 6Good riddance. Weirdo. [22:46] 4Not really his fault! And he was being nice!! [22:46] 6Being nice is weird. 15[22:46] The scent of hard water and dark, volcanic earth lingers in the chilly air. Piu was right, facilities to air the place out are a priority. [22:47] 4Surely they're in the works and haven't been installed yet. Or else she's gonna have to talk to Hrolfus again. 15[22:48] There's space *for* baths and laundry, but the place is still short the sundry goods required, like coals for heating water etc. 15[22:49] That stuff in those broken jars under the lair is pretty warm - you guys could always use that. [22:49] 4Yeah no. [22:49] 6Extremely no. [22:51] 6...baths and laundry, though? Zhangyu can make his trainees handle their own things? 15[22:51] Zhangyu can do whatever he likes to his students. [22:52] 6Okay when you say it like that it sounds creepy. [22:52] 10Daizo finds himself feeling a little camaraderie for the puffin god—it probably sounded like a great posting right up until it wasn't. As for next—Daizo's stomach rumbles. Let's go back to the Garden and– and– Lunch first, ands later. 15[22:55] Daizo weaves through the streets of Abalone. The locals keep their distance, but a squad of legionnaires stop the winged Daizo at spearpoint. "Ho there! Mutant! What business have you?" [22:59] 10Oh. Right.  15[23:01] Seiri and Sadako are ready to get back to work, if Zhangyu and Piu are of a mind to keep going. [23:02] 6Zhangyu is. "You ready to defend?" [23:03] 4Piu: "Yep!" 4If that's to her. [23:03] 6He was speaking to Seiri, actually. 15[23:03] Seiri nods. She's clearly subdued from where she was before, but at least she's dried off! [23:04] 6Regardless: "Watch the hands, okay?" 15[23:04] Seiri nods again. [23:06] 6He darts forward and launches an assault that - look, some people could block it. [23:06] 6After a moment, once he realizes precisely how badly he has done damage: "Uh. Are you okay?" [23:06] 10For the first time in, like, weeks, Daizo hasn't bothered to hide his wings. "How da— There seems to be a misunderstanding. Despite my current appearance, I am a fully acknowledged scion of House Tepet, and I will ask you this once not to impede my way." 15[23:08] Seiri is clearly in a tremendous amount of pain, but she doesn't cry out. Zhangyu can't see from his angle, but Piu sees her eyes get wide and hard and tear-studded, and her grimace looks like a cold and mirthless smile. 15[23:08] Not an unfamiliar face to Piu. [23:08] 14Mmmm. 15[23:08] Wonder what To is up to right now... [23:10] 6This is exactly what he wants for a dojo!!! [23:10] 6Wait no he can't say that 15[23:10] "Mmm? Hmm? Why aren't we moving-- ah!" The disorientingly soft voice cuts through the tension like a wire through cheese. The legionnaires part and the big, rotund man in snow-white robes spreads his hands in a placating gesture. "Gracious! Is that... Tepet Daizo?" 15[23:15] After Seiri regains the use of her limbs: "I'm fine. You don't have to be gentle. This isn't a tea service." [23:15] 10Daizo turns— "I hadn't expected to run into you here, Professor. It's been a while, hasn't it? Did you come in with the delegation?" 15[23:17] Naga smiles that coy bodhisattva smile of his. "Not Professor anymore, I'm afraid. The calling has brought me here to take on the role of Abbot at the temple. What about you?" [23:17] 14More seriously than she's spoken so far this session: "The teacher has a duty not to break his student, just as the artisan has a duty not to break his tools." [23:17] 6Zhangyu: "It isn't. But you do need to... you know. Learn." 15[23:18] Sharply: "I don't break." 15[23:18] Then, self-chastised: "...thank you for asking, though. I'm fine, really." [23:19] 14One of the lessons the unnamed higher teachings of a non-existant martial art imparts is: everyone breaks. [23:20] 14Nevertheless, a good attitude. [23:22] 10Well, if they're putting Naga in to replace Dusk, there should be relatively little for the local temple to worry about. "House business, you know how it is. The negotiations to get me safely married off were likely to take years, you know how it is." [23:22] 6Zhangyu hurls himself at Seiri. He armbarred her the first time, and - oh, she seems to have left her arm open again. Mantis is a versatile martial art, and... golly but she leaves her limbs open. [23:23] 6Why are you letting me do this. Stop that 15[23:23] Mnemon Naga: "In fact I don't. One of the privileges the Order reserves from the Dynasty. But I take your meaning, of course. You seem well! The West suits you, plainly. So do the wings." 15[23:24] This time even Sadako flinches. 15[23:24] Seiri doesn't make a sound. [23:25] 14Piu doesn't. She watches the girl's face. [23:25] 6Zhangyu: "Keep your limbs closer to your body. Christmas." 15[23:26] Piu and Seiri make eye contact... something strange in her expression. It's the same way she was looking at Piu when Piu's back was turned. [23:26] 10Daizo: "Hahaha, yes, well. It's not as though I went looking for them. But let's not talk in the street here—there's a lovely tea shop around the corner." 15[23:27] Naga: "Delightful! Lead on." [23:27] 6Zhangyu: "I'm not going to tell you what to use as a defense. But. Mantis doesn't seem your speed." [23:28] "...you definitely need something that doesn't involve weapons, though." [23:29] "Try... literally anything else?" 15[23:30] Seiri: "No, I want to do this. But I'm just a mortal. I'm not going to pick it up in an afternoon." 15[23:30] "How long did it take you to learn?" [23:30] 14Piu, to Zhangyu: "She's right." [23:31] 6Zhangyu: "Then I'll teach you." [23:31] 6It took him about a year. [23:32] 10This is one of the tea shops that actually focuses on tea, and the selection is solid. There's a mango-scented green that's to die for. "…and that's how I got these. I was crushed." [23:32] 6That's the tea, cis. [23:33] 6(is immediately bashed with bats) [23:33] 12(Here are those bats you ordered.) 15[23:33] Naga: "I can imagine. That sounds like a truly dreadful ordeal. But! Your use of the past tense is telling. You seem to have come out stronger. Pasiap would be proud to have endured as you have." [23:35] 6Zhangyu: "Seiri. Hit me." [23:38] 6She cannot. "Keep your limbs close, how many times..." 15[23:38] Seiri tries again. She's giving it her all, but the combination of inexperience, limited natural athleticism, and her repeated injuries are clearly wearing at her. [23:39] 6He once again releases the armbar and rolls away. "Okay. I need to show off against Piu." [23:39] "Uh. Assuming I can get a hit in. Which is not a guarantee." [23:39] 10Daizo: "What it was… I came to a realization. I'm still planning to find a way to rid myself of these, but if I go around trying to pretend they aren't a part of me then I'm just adding to my burden needlessly. Perilosuly close to one of the Antithetical views." [23:40] *perilously 15[23:40] Naga continues: "Quite a transformation. I remember you as a diligent but very reserved student. Walking with Daana'd, in a sense. Figuratively, of course." [23:42] 14Piu stands. "They're not going to learn your style if I kick your ass while you're trying to show off basic forms. Perhaps we should go half-speed so they can see how the grab flows into the hold." 15[23:42] Seiri sits down beside Sadako wordlessly. [23:43] 6Zhangyu: "...I can go half speed if you can?" [23:43] 10Daizo: "And you'd be right—figuratively. Then I got caught up in that foolish display of bravado and nearly died for it. Then I came here, and practically did the same thing again." [23:43] 14Piu: "Yes. First, demonstrate getting wrist and body control with both of us standing..." [23:44] 14It helps to be a fangirl. 15[23:45] Naga: "But only practically. In essence, the realer-than-real, the change was significant. The Learned Masters call this the principle of spiritual discernment." [23:48] 10Daizo: "Mm. I've encountered that phrase from time to time in my reading, but it's one of those concepts that's difficult to grasp with words alone." 15[23:49] Naga sips his tea delicately. "Just so." [23:51] 6All right. Let's go. [23:54] 6...An incredible series of blows!! Like half of these are liable to stop entire limbs... [23:54] 6Hey why do none of them hit [23:54] 10Daizo: "I suppose that's the crux of it. There's only so much you can do with just second-hand knowledge, second-hand wisdom. Sooner or later you need to wade into it. Well… by that measure, I'd like to think of myself as being past treading water and getting ready to swim." [23:55] 14Zhangyu please stop attacking me and slowly demonstrate how to perform Mantis style for the girls. Thank you. [23:56] 6Oh he is. He's just- stop DODGING - you are too fast -- augh!! [23:57] 10Daizo: "But how about you, Prof—Abbot Naga? Did you volunteer for this posting, or did the word come down from the Palace Sublime?" 15[23:59] Naga: "A bit of both. I felt I had more to give to the world outside the Cloister, so I let the people who make those decisions know I was interested in a change. I had imagined a return to itinerant work, but... nowdays there's less and less call for wandering monks. The Threshold grows ever-more treacherous." [00:00] 14Piu, at least, keeps this a structured lesson. She at least is getting something out of this, even if Zhangyu's idea of slowing down is...difficult. The man does love to fight. [00:00] 6Stop -- dodging -- you -- ass -- [00:01] "Grab wrist here, twist arm, lock the joint--" 14Piu demonstrates this as Zhangyu tries to lock it in on her for real, then spins lightly out of it. [00:02] 6It's so easy! Why do Seiri and Sadako have such trouble? [00:03] 14They've been doing it for three hours, Zhangyu. [00:03] 6Carefully: "Make sure you lock in hard, otherwise you'll have to... it'll be a problem." [00:03] 6Look, nobody said it would be okay. [00:06] 10Daizo: "Even here, it seemed like Governor Kou was barely keeping things under control. I don't think she deserves the Nail for it, but… she was clearly not up to the task." [00:07] 14That's what made her so useful! Damn these interlopers. [00:07] "I wasn't able to be there for the formal procession—what kind of people are they?" [00:08] 6It'll be a problem. 15[00:08] Naga: "Truthfully I think a vacation will do her more good than prison would. She has no joy for the work - and when things are going wrong, if you don't have joy to fall back on, anger and paranoia fill the void." [00:08] 10Daizo actually cares about good government. What a nerd! 15[00:09] "They're very capable. Very, very capable. Young enough to be passionate, but experienced enough to know what's at stake. I think the Governor and the Constable will see Abalone to brighter and better days, once the heretics and criminals are brought into line." 15[00:10] "I was surprised to see a place with your name at the table. Are you working with the Governor?" [00:11] 6Thinking face. 15[00:11] Seiri and Sadako watch the demonstration raptly. It's much more effective than beating the shit out of them. 15[00:11] Well. More effective at teaching, anyway. 15[00:11] In retrospect, maybe the way Mushi opened his lessons wasn't pedagogically motivated. [00:11] 6Are they learning? That's the key thing. [00:12] 6Also, Mushi sort of sucked. In retrospect. [00:12] 14When Piu and Zhangyu finally break after an hour or so of intense, ah, study, Piu will call a water break. Now, she tells the two girls, it's their turn. Perhaps they'd be more comfortable facing each other than either of the two elite martial artists. [00:12] 10Daizo: "With Kou? She requested, well, demanded the services of myself and my Hearthmates after the Hamoji incident. Typical Ragara thinking—whoever's on scene when something happens must be responsible for it." 15[00:12] The goodness and badness of men is not for the narrator to judge. Men will blame themselves, or the gods. [00:12] 14Piu and Zhangyu, of course, will correct their forms. Piu's pretty sure she's picking Mantis up too, as a stylist now rather than just as a fan and historian. [00:12] 6Yes! Let's see what they've got. [00:13] 10Well. It was partially Dryas' fault. But if Dryas hadn't been there, Ted would have flushed out Hamoji another way. 15[00:15] Seiri and Sadako square up - Sadako looks very dubious, but Seiri looks focused. Seiri's technique is a bit stronger, and she clearly wants it more, but Sadako's got reach and flexibility. [00:16] 6Show me what you've got. [00:16] 14There's a school of thought that lovers martially training together makes them stronger both as a unit and apart, but Piu's no longer in her giggly social butterfly mien. Something in Seiri's eyes has her taking this quite seriously now. 15[00:16] Naga nods. "Do you know much about the people Kou worked with? We have reason to believe she was receiving aid from a seditious element." 15[00:22] Eventually, Sadako's got Seiri in a pretty-much-correct joint lock, and the two of them are twisted together, face to face... until Seiri kisses Sadako with a sudden intensity. Sadako is stunned, slackened-- and the hold is reversed. [00:23] 6...Huh. Okay. [00:24] 14Piu frowns slightly but refrains from scolding. There are benefits to training with your lover...but that move doesn't really work on the battlefield. [00:24] 14...Well, fine. It does for some people. [00:24] 14But those people are, generally speaking, incredibly terrifying and should be avoided. [00:25] 6Are they -- come on, it's important, please, [00:25] 14Dryly, to Zhangyu: "They're dating." [00:26] 6Zhangyu: "Is that what we're calling it now?" 15[00:26] Sadako: "That's cheating!" 15[00:26] Seiri: "Cheating is if I kiss someone else." [00:26] 10Daizo: "Only Hedrin, and then only briefly. We were far from Kou's favorites." [00:26] 6You absolute horndogs. [00:26] 6Stop it. [00:27] 10Daizo… probably shouldn't have mentioned Hedrin at all. Er. [00:29] 14Piu: "Well done, ladies. Though that move won't avail you much on the battlefield. Generally the only ones who go in for a kiss are Black Claw stylists and, well. It's better not to fight them, or if you must, kill them in one shot." [00:29] 6Zhangyu: "I tried to learn Black Claw. It's, ah, complicated." 15[00:29] Seiri: "Oh, I think I already lost. I just wanted to get the last word in." [00:30] "I think you won. Sort of." [00:30] 14Still in her lecturing voice: "Black Claw is nothing like it is in the romance novels, by the way. Degrading, yes, but with none of the sensual thrill that the scribners like to add. Not for the victim, anyhow." 15[00:30] Seiri: "I don't think anybody won, Master Zhangyu. But I definitely lost." [00:31] 6Zhangyu: "That's fair." [00:31] "You run into a Black Claw stylist, you get them away from the crowd immediately, and you assess whether you can kill them. If you can, you kill them. If not, you flee." 15[00:31] Sadako: "Have you ever fought one?" [00:31] 14Piu: "Yes." [00:32] 6Zhangyu: "Absolutely." [00:32] 14Piu: "The fight was short." [00:32] "It was not fun." 15[00:32] Seiri: "Well. At least the right people won." [00:33] 6Zhangyu: "Did we?" [00:34] 14Piu nods. "As a fighter, I'm agnostic on mercy. As a person, I generally lean towards it. You should not go into a fight looking to kill unless that's your explicit aim and mandate. But leaving a Black Claw stylist alive is just messy for everyone." 15[00:35] Seiri: "..." [00:35] *a Black Claw stylist who is targeting you alive [00:35] 6Rude. 15[00:35] "Thank you very much, Master Zhangyu, Lady Piu. I'm very tired, and, I ache all over. We should clean up for dinner." [00:35] 14Piu: "Indeed. Excellent work today." 15[00:36] Naga gives Daizo an uncharacteristically long and piercing look... but remarks on nothing further, wishing Daizo well and leaving money and a generous tip for the tea. [00:36] 10Daizo: "Oh, one last thing, if you'll indulge my curiosity. Who arranged for the guardian deity to be sent to Abalone? I would have expected they'd arrive earlier or later, not day-and-date with the new secular government. That's rather rare." [00:36] 6Zhangyu will assist. "I'll help -- you've done plenty." 15[00:38] Naga: "Those decisions are made far above my station. I suspect the Mouth herself is involved, as well as highly placed luminaries with an eye for the political situation. Matriarchs, high-ranking members of the Deliberative. My writ was signed and sealed by Mother herself." 15[00:39] After dinner, the Blooded are free to pursue their own interests and desires. When's the next time Piu is by herself on the ship? [00:39] 14When they're gone: "And now to see how long it takes for that conversation to get back to Caxi." [00:40] 10Goodbyes and farewells after that, leaving Daizo with the piece of news that The Mnemon is taking a personal interest in the affairs of Abalone. [00:40] 14She'll be alone that evening, likely as Caedus finishes up his duties. 15[00:41] She gets a knock on her door, then. A gentle knock, not the kind that you want people in the next rooms to overhear. [00:41] 14She wraps the Chain around one fist and quietly moves to the door, opening it only enough to see through and bracing it with a foot against a charge. 15[00:42] It's Seiri. [00:43] "Come in. Close the door." 14Piu steps back into the room, and circles out wide, putting the small writing table between the two of them. 15[00:46] Seiri closes the door, and looks down at the table separating them and then back up at Piu. "Thank you for seeing me," she says. "You've shown me a lot of kindness, far beyond what your station or mine demands. To me and Sadako. And I am very grateful. And it's probably terribly foolish of me, but I can't help but impose on that kindness again." 15[00:46] This sounds rehearsed. [00:47] 14Piu takes a deep breath, and exhales. It's not a sigh; it's a contemplative centering. "Go on." 15[00:48] Seiri: "Did Daizo know?" [00:48] 14Piu: "Not until a few days ago." [00:49] 14Piu: "And if not for Dryas's...exceptional curiosity, he still would not." 15[00:49] Seiri: "...you told Blackbird, because you knew she'd understand." [00:50] 14Piu: "Yes." 15[00:50] "Did Daizo?" [00:50] 14Piu: "I think he understands. Which is distinct from approval." 15[00:53] Seiri: "I knew... I knew what she was doing. I knew too well. She had favorites. Blackbird, until she got older. Then me. I know... she deserved it." 15[00:53] "But why now? Why after so many years? What changed?" [00:54] 14Piu: "A stone crashes into the water in the center of a lake; the ripples, however small, run up along the shore. Things are changing. Times are changing. Certain things are no longer being overlooked. She was cruel, but she was also sloppy." [00:55] "Here, the stone is the Empress." 15[00:55] Seiri: "Is the Realm ending?" [00:56] 14Piu purses her lips. "Honestly?" 14And she is being honest. "I do not know." [00:56] "But the ripples are redounding. And they're coming back as waves." 15[00:56] NEXT TIME: He wanted the real thing