15[20:04] It's the evening of the third day after the storm when the call comes down. Land! A dozen lanterns reach forward into the darkness, doing little more than deepening the vast silhouettes of structures visible only by outline, as the waxing moon rises behind them and the hazy sky obscures all stars. 15[20:09] The Commodore calls together her senior staff on deck. "We're equipped for a nighttime landing... but it's still risky. What do you think?" She turns the matter over to her crew, looking particularly at Zhangyu, who will be leading the main away team. [20:10] 14Piu: "How are our stores?" 15[20:11] "Four days food, three days fresh water," replies Ratel. "That's the latest from Samperson." [20:12] 07Dryas: "Do we know anything, at all, about this place?" 15[20:13] You know what Daizo researched - that it was once the gateway port to the far West in the time before the Realm, and that no natural course has taken a ship to the sea since the trade routes re-opened centuries ago. [20:15] 4Piu: "Given we don't have tides or winds on our side, how much effort does it take to get up and running once we stop for the night out of range of the port? Would we need to break out the oars?" [20:15] 14Piu: "Given we don't have tides or winds on our side, how much effort does it take to get up and running once we stop for the night out of range of the port? Would we need to break out the oars?" [20:16] 10Daizo looks to Caxi, then the rest of the staff. "What if I told you I have a method to scout ahead and survey the island before we attempt to make a landing?" [20:16] 6Zhangyu: "We-- you what now?" 15[20:16] "Oars or artificial wind," says Ratel. "We'll need to be careful as well, because we can't see below the surface. Ruins like this often have just-submerged debris that can damage or scuttle ships." 15[20:17] She looks at Daizo. "I'd tell you to stop being coy." 15[20:17] Caxi meets Daizo's eyes, watching intently, but she doesn't say a word. [20:20] 14Piu to Daizo: "What do you need us to do?" [20:20] 10Daizo: "Very well, then. I can fly. Not with these wings, but with sorcery. Right now, it's the only real trick I have in my book." [20:21] "I wasn't just buyring myself in books back in Abalone." [20:21] 6Zhangyu: "I'd want us to be ready to row a small team ashore behind you, just in case." [20:21] 07Dryas: "He was putting tricks in the books as well as burying yourself?" [20:21] *himself? [20:22] 10Daizo's bad with mixing metaphors sometimes.  [20:22] "A poet I'm not." 15[20:22] Ratel: "Make it so, Daizo. Pick your team, Zhangyu. Samperson, get kindling and pitch from the hold. If it's clear, we'll disembark and light watch-fires." [20:23] 14Piu has already had a conversation about Sadako being on this team with Zhangyu, presumably. 15[20:23] The narrator is willing to stipulate that. 15[20:23] Unless Zhangyu objects. [20:25] 6As in, Sadako would be willing to go on this away mission? Or Piu is on it for certain? [20:26] 6I mean, she is. Piu and Dryas both are, and Sadako would be an excellent 4th member of a rescue team. Or exploration team, if Daizo finds things worth investigating. [20:26] 10Daizo: "All right. I'll need a few minutes to prepare. I can't take much more than my wargear, but I should be able to light a fire." 15[20:27] Ratel glances at Caxi. "Sorcery? This your doing?" 15[20:27] Caxi just shakes her head. "All him." [20:27] 14Piu will send for Sadako, then, assuming she isn't like, actively looming at minimum acceptable distance in anticipation. [20:27] 14If that's the case she'll just wave her over. 15[20:28] She's looming a little further away than that, namely at the bottom of the ladder leading up on deck. 15[20:28] Arguably the best, or worst, of both worlds. [20:28] 14Piu will just lean over and say, "Sadako! You're up. Briefing time." 15[20:29] Sadako's up the ladder in a flash. She's wearing her exercise outfit. [20:29] 6...Does she have armor? Does she need any? These are concerns Zhangyu should have thought about before. [20:30] 14We should treat her decision-making here as a test in and of itself. 15[20:30] Mantis style is not compatible with armor. [20:30] 6Shit, I was hoping you wouldn't notice. [20:30] 14Piu for her part is in her usual combat clothes, with The Chain wrapped around her right hand and the rune covered in tape on her left. [20:32] 10Daizo heads belowdecks to get his armor on. He hadn't quite intended things to happen this way, but the situation seemed to call for it. [20:33] 6Zhangyu has no shirt and some fairly loose pants. He's fine. [20:34] 14True. [20:34] 10Is Seiri anywhere to be found? Hopefully Sadako going with the landing party hasn't rattled her too much. 15[20:35] Seiri's not up on deck. [20:37] 10Sure, but Daizo's going back to his cabin to get kitted out. Still, if he doesn't pass her, he doesn't pass her. 15[20:38] She's tidying up her and Sadako's cabin when he ducks down for his armor. 15[20:39] Ratel mutters to Piu, "Should we send Lady Garnet?" [20:39] 14Piu: "I think so. She's likely to have the most first-hand knowledge of the location. But her situation is otherwise...delicate. I'll check with her." [20:40] 14The question specifically is if they've found a good way around the jar issue. Piu isn't going to make Sadako do it, that's a mean bait-and-switch. [20:40] 14...She wonders if Seiri wants to come. [20:41] 6Zhangyu is of the opinion that, on a rescue team - no. On an exploration team? She should be ready. [20:41] 6So. You know. Probably get up on deck. 15[20:43] Garnet's cabin is across from Seiri and Sadako's, so Piu and/or Daizo can see them simultaneously, or near to, if they wish. [20:43] 10Daizo pokes his head into the girls' cabin. "We'll be landing soon. I'm going to go ahead of the ship and try to find a safe place for us to put in." [20:44] 14Piu will knock on Garnet's door then step in when she's presumably admitted. "We're about to go ashore at Old Mionzi. Would you like to join the party?" 15[20:44] Seiri looks up. "Anything I can do to help?" 15[20:44] Garnet's just reapplying her shawl after washing her face, it looks like. "...yes. Yes, I think I would." 15[20:45] "Is it practical?" [20:45] 14Piu: "Certainly, I think so. How would you like to deal with the issue of the jar? I have an idea." [20:45] "I think Seiri fancies your weapon style more than her current studies, and Sadako is already coming ashore with us." [20:45] 10Daizo can pick up on Piu's intention pretty quickly. "It sounds like Piu may have a task for you. No fighting, but you'll be guarding something quite important." 15[20:47] The shoreline of Old Mionzi is high and angular - anyone who looks carefully will judge it to be a wholly artificial pier of worked stone, not dissimilar to what they landed at at the Maw. It's much more intact, though, so both large vessels and rowboats can dock readily, no need to get fussy. 15[20:48] Garnet: "Is she prepared for danger?" 15[20:48] Seiri's eyes widen. "On the landing party? Oh, gosh. I'd love to!! I don't want to slow everyone down, though." [20:49] 14Piu: "I have learned not to underestimate Seiri's capacity, or her modesty. She'll be fine." [20:49] 07Dryas appears on the deck - in the saddle, no less. Diamond Weapon stands with utmost discipline. Dryas calls for a deckhand's knife - she slashes her hand open and smears her own blood across the horse's neck. Something subtle in the noble beast changes in that moment. [20:51] 10Daizo: "Oh no, it's fine. This is something Lady Garnet needs, and the two of you will be able to set y our own pace." 15[20:52] Seiri nods. "Right away, Master Daizo." 15[20:52] Garnet: "Very well." [20:53] 10Daizo: "Great! Check in with Piu while I get changed." [20:53] "She's with Lady Garnet now." 15[20:54] There's a knock on the door behind Piu and Garnet a moment later. [20:54] 14Piu: "Enter." 15[20:55] Seiri enters, dressed in heavy travel clothes. "Master Daizo said I could be of assistance, Lady Piu? Lady Garnet?" [20:55] 07In a vibrant green bloom of Wood Essence, Diamond Weapon stamps one of his hooves on the deck. Its hide tightens as Dryas' own anima merges with the stallion's - its dark eyes shimmer in the torchlight and, after a blink, are suddenly pale and green. Dryas' dark red blood fades into the dappled fur on its neck. After a moment, the creature shimmers faintly with green fire as its hide toughens. 15[20:56] Caxi oohs appropriately. [20:56] 07Diamond Weapon07! Prince among horses! Faster than the west wind! [20:57] 14Piu: "Yes! First, you'll need a weapon, so if you don't have one to your liking, go by the quartermaster when you're done here and tell him I've released one of your choosing to you. Second: this is a jar." 15[20:57] Seiri looks at the jar. "It says 'Hear'." [20:58] "Yes." 14She gently lifts it. "It's a very important jar. It needs to stay within 25 yalms of Lady Garnet at absolute most. She, however, cannot carry it. I'm not going to tell you why and while I am going to respect your right to wonder, I'd like you to reserve actually asking questions about it for your master Daizo, after we're safely back ashore." [20:58] 6Zhangyu raises an eyebrow at Diamond Weapon, but does not comment. [20:59] *aboard [21:01] 10Daizo's back on deck a few minutes later, armored up and wings already feeling a little constricted. Well, he'll stretch them again soon enough. The Fist of Titans and a Navy-issue knapsack are securely fastened to his back. Unfortunately, he still comes in second-best in gallantry to the Literally Glowing Horse and his rider. 15[21:02] Seiri nods solemnly. She'll look to Garnet for approval before she takes the jar. "Oop!" It's a bit heavier than it looks, as jade always is to the unattuned, but Seiri doesn't actually struggle with its weight once she's got a grip on it. [21:03] 14Piu: "I can have Chief Petty Officer Samperson come by and work out how to secure it to your body, if you'd like. He's good with ropes." [21:03] 10At least it won't break if she drops it. Probably. [21:04] 10Jesus Christ, Piu. [21:04] 6... 15[21:04] Seiri looks down at her feet, blushing. "No, no, that's fine, I've got it. Thank you- thank you very much for the offer, though." [21:04] 14It's a useful talent for a sailor to have. 15[21:05] Garnet: "In addition to staying close to me, be aware of cover. The dangers of a place such as Mionzi may take the form of arrows, or things like them. Something solid to duck behind will be as good as jade in keeping you safe." [21:05] 14But she nods. "Alright. Generally speaking, the idea is for us all to stick together, but if we do split the group, you'll be going with Lady Garnet and Sadako won't necessarily be going with you two. Once we're on the boat going ashore, it's military discipline." [21:06] "And Tepet Zhangyu is in charge." 15[21:06] Seiri and Garnet, in unison: "Understood." 15[21:06] They share a slightly sheepish glance. [21:07] 14Piu glides past it. "Daizo should be headed to scout imminently. The Commodore will want us on deck in the next fifteen minutes." 15[21:07] Garnet: "I'm ready when Seiri is." 15[21:07] Seiri: "I'm ready now." [21:08] 14Piu: "Then let's go." [21:12] 07As the Defiance shifts in the waves, Dryas sways in the saddle as the jade-green power of wood essence fades from Diamond Weapon's own brow, although coruscating embers of power flow through the stallion's mount for some time longer. She gives Seiri and her jar a look - the tiniest hint of skepticism? - as the others arrive on deck. [21:13] 07Dryas has the enormous Earned Nemesis strapped across her back, and a much smaller recurve bow on her lap. Her silver-gilt, curved hunting horn she carries also, and her grey-dappled cloak shows subtle geometric patterns in the torchlight. [21:14] 14Piu sort of blinks at her hearth-sister's whole...deal...once she gets back abovedecks. But it looks good on her. [21:15] 10Daizo: "All right. Here goes." 10He closes his eyes and pictures the crystal flower in his mind's eye, every facet a riddle, a secret., a mystery to contemplate and unravel. Ephemeral petals swirl around him as he begins to draw in Essence. 15[21:19] Everyone on deck looks on as Daizo works his magic. [21:21] 10The first time, there was no incantation necessary—he simply 10was10. But further attempts required contemplation, until an Old Realm verse sprang into his mind, unbidden.  [21:22] 10Where there was Daizo, there is now a cloud of wheeling redwing blackbirds, soaring skyward. [21:22] 14Whew. [21:23] 6Damn. 15[21:23] Seiri: "!!!!" 15[21:23] Ratel: "Well I'll be." [21:23] 14Piu: "Boat team! Square away." [21:23] 10The flock circles the ship thrice and heads towards land.  [21:24] 14Piu, to Dryas: "So you and Diamond Weapon...how're we getting you ashore?" 15[21:24] Caxi doesn't say a word, taking in the sight with hungry eyes and craning to see it from every possible angle. [21:24] 07Dryas stares in wonder at the birds as Daizo passes by. "What? Ashore?" [21:25] 14Piu just kind of blinks at her. [21:26] "You didn't noticed the trick we've been practicing at the stable back in Abalone?" 07Dryas never intended it to be noticed, of course... [21:26] 14Piu sighs. "Can the horse fly?" [21:29] "We don't need to," 07Dryas replies with supreme confidence. [21:30] 14Piu shakes her head, but she smiles. She can appreciate the pagaentry. Everyone else she makes sure is getting appropriately ready as they make their approach. [21:31] "Seiri! Are you sure you don't want that jar up here?" 07She casts an appraising eye at 'Garnet'. Such a task, for a mortal??? [21:32] 6Zhangyu: "I am sure." [21:32] 07Dryas, without looking to the Tepet: "So be it." [21:32] 14Thank you, Zhangyu. 15[21:33] Seiri makes a :I face. [21:33] 6To Seiri: "Ask Daizo about it later. If Piu didn't already tell you to do that." 15[21:35] Daizo takes to the sky in his dozens, soaring over the battlements of the portside gate. The fence, solid steel and 50 fulms high, has fallen out of its track such that it can be neither opened or closed, and instead buckled against itself forming a rough, angular archway about half as high as the gate itself. Mionzi from above is a marvel of alabaster, and the flawless feng shui of 15[21:35] its design is readily apparent to the eye of a trained occultist. 15[21:36] Perhaps that's why, despite the obvious structural decay - a crumbling tower here, a cracked street there - no debris litters the empty streets. The essence lamps that typify ancient, wondrous places like this are almost all extinguished; Daizo estimates that maybe one in five, arranged haphazardly, continue to throw their light on the streets below. 15[21:38] Daizo wings over wide boulevards, lined with trees that in centuries past must have provided shade and color both to people on their business. But now they're bare stone spires, petrified in place and long, long dead. 15[21:40] He swings low to get a better look - and his senses alight with the perception of motion. Wedged into the rectangular eave of one of the inner harbor's squat tower blocks is a sphere, half white, half blue. The blue half snaps to life as Daizo gets close, and tracks his movement until it's out of sight entirely. [21:41] 10Crap! It's probably too much to hipe that it's mistaken him for merely a flock of normal birds.  [21:42] 10*hope. 15[21:43] The general layout isn't that different from port cities back home - you've got your piers, your warehouses just off the port, structures deeper in that might be workplaces, offices, temples, the like - and at the center of the island, at the convergence of all its petrified boulevards, is a central manse, a peculiar two-toned palace wrought in walls of angular, bismuth-like blue jade 15[21:43] and topped with fat, puffy minarets of white. [21:43] 10Still, it's better to know that these things are active now, instead of being surprised by one as a group walking down the street. 15[21:44] Daizo can meet the landing party on the dock at his leisure. [21:44] 6Without any signals of alarm, Zhangyu's got everyone prepared... except for the horse. The horse is Dryas's problem. [21:47] 14The Chain's now out and around her right fist, and she's making sure to keep close to Seiri, Garnet, and to a lesser extent Sadako. The latter probably doesn't want to feel babysat, especially in moments when she doesn't need to be babysat. Though she'll probably be hanging out with Seiri regardless. 15[21:47] "I wonder how long ago the last people set foot here," Seiri wonders. [21:47] 10Daizo banks, descending towards the pier. Each element of the flock lands on the back of another, and then there's a silent puff of black fethers. Daizo is whole once again. [21:48] 14Piu: "Dragons, that's weird. How is it out there?" [21:50] 10Daizo: "Difficult to tell how long it's been. Whatever our ancestors built here, they built solid." [21:50] 6Zhangyu: "Also, how is it being birds? Less relevantly." [21:51] 10Daizo: "Good news: Nothing seems to be alive and walking the streets. Bad news: There's something down there that wasn't ever alive. Zhangyu:maybe you can help me find some appropriate words later." [21:51] 14To Zhangyu: "To my mind, probably smartest to see if we can secure a safe zone -- I dunno, some kind of guard fort in the city maybe? -- then look for supplies?" [21:51] 14To Daizo: "Whoa, what?" [21:52] 6Zhangyu: "You're going to need to elaborate." [21:52] 10Daizo: "Some kind of orb or something. It spotted m and it was looking at me until I broke line of sight with it." [21:53] 10Daizo: "Watch out for anything round and white, or round and blue. Or round and white and blue." 15[21:53] Garnet: "Yea big? Partly blue jade that always seemed to be facing you?" [21:53] 6Zhangyu: "Safe haven it --" [21:54] 14Glad we brought her. [21:54] 10Daizo: "Mm. Exactly. Do you know it, Lady Garnet?" [21:57] "If the eye offends us, we should pluck it out," 07Dryas suggests. 15[21:57] Garnet: "A kind of sentry. Small and simple. Hard to avoid, but easy to fool -- they only see movement. One small part of the larger... what would have once been a larger security apparatus. I doubt it's all still working, but any of it could be." 15[21:59] Sadako: "So there is something to fight." 15[21:59] Garnet: "There may be." 15[22:00] Sadako looks expectantly at Zhangyu. [22:02] 10Daizo: "That seems like a safe assumption. Are there likely to be any outlying buildings where we can deactivate the remaining security elements, or would it all be controlled from the manse in the city center?" 15[22:03] Garnet: "There may be. But they may be damaged or inaccessible." [22:03] 6Zhangyu: "We'll find something." 6Once they land, they'll establish a forward base, but... yeah. Gotta know about that surveilance. [22:04] 6Surveillance has two ls. Whoops. [22:04] 10Daizo: "All right. What's the plan, Cousin?" [22:08] 6Zhangyu: "Find a defensible position when we land. We'll retreat to there if anything goes wrong - guard building or something similar. If we need a scout - Piu or Dryas, depending; Piu for stealth and Dryas for speed. Ideally we disable what security there is before we head in too far. Rest of us stick together. Someone'll be with Lady Garnet and Seiri at all times, we'll switch off as needed." 15[22:09] Sadako: "I can scout. Send me." [22:09] 14Piu: "Two are better than one. We can cover more ground." [22:11] 07Dryas: "...And if either of you end up over your head, just call for the cavalry?" [22:12] 6Zhangyu nods. "Right. Stealth team is Piu and Sadako, then." 6Good initiative, Sadako. [22:12] 14Piu: "Sounds good to me." 15[22:12] Sadako nods. [22:14] 6Zhangyu: "Daizo, where was that eye you saw? Might be able to find something connected to it from there." [22:16] 10Daizo: "I'll draw up a rough map of the area." [22:18] 07Dryas: "If it can only see movement, why not just throw a... blanket or something over it?" [22:19] 6Zhangyu: "Would figure it'd be difficult to get into position to do so without being spotted. But. An option." 15[22:19] Garnet: "If you can approach from its blind side..." [22:20] 10Daizo: "That's… not a bad idea. You'd want two people… Someone pitch rocks or coins or something through its field of view or something while someone else gets behind it." [22:20] 10Subtract one "or something" there, because Daizo's player is terrible at editing. 15[22:20] Sadako: "I'll do the rock thing. It won't see me." [22:21] 14Piu: "And I'm familiar with tarps." [22:21] 6Zhangyu: "Stealth squad's got it, then." 15[22:22] Seiri: "We should be looking for supplies, too, right? Places like this were designed to last forever. Maybe there's some sort of stable rations somewhere, or a spring." [22:23] 10Daizo: "Absolutely. I've heard tell of people eating century-old Realm rations with no ill effects. Although the taste is generally lacking." [22:24] 6Zhangyu: "Supplies are the ultimate goal, here. Just got to make sure it's safe for the crew to come and retrieve them." [22:24] 14Once Piu's located and rolled up the appropriate tarp, she and Sadako will presumably be melting into the shadows to give the landing team some breathing room. [22:25] 07Dryas considers launching into an anecdote about a young man who the Elder Dryas once courted, who was obsessed with sampling those ancient rations, and the odd Legionary tray he would always eat them on. 15[22:26] Sadako and Piu make their way to the spot Daizo marked out for them. How's Piu going to signal she's in position? [22:26] 10Takes all kinds to make Creation. [22:27] 14Where's Luna at tonight? Can she backlight herself above and behind the eye? 15[22:27] She can, if Sadako stands facing east. Luna rises, waxing gibbous in the eastern sky. [22:28] 14That's what they'll arrange, then, since it's silent. [22:28] 14Piu for her part won't start until the rocks begin flying. 15[22:29] Once this is squared away, Sadako exhales mist, like the breath of a winter's morning, and seems to melt into it. Only her shadow is visible on the ground. [22:29] 14Nice trick. Piu has to do it the old-fashioned way. 15[22:33] Seiri: "You knew what Daizo was looking at just from description. Have you studied ancient ruins, Lady Garnet?" 15[22:34] Garnet: "A bit. We grew up around places like this. When I got older, exploring them became my job. Studying them was a part of it." 15[22:34] Seiri: "Lucky we've got you, then." 15[22:34] Garnet: "Hh." [22:34] 14Piu takes a deep breath, then sprints at the nearest wall, running up it, jumping to another, making it to the roof, and then slipping silently through the shadows -- keeping whatever features of the terrain she can between where that eye is supposed to be and where she is. 15[22:35] Piu is able to swing around the lip of the roof just in time to see a tiny, silver thing, buzzing and spinning through the air, skate by just beneath her. It's on a northerly heading, straight up the boulevard towards the manse. 15[22:36] But once it's past, it's past. Should be safe to signal now. [22:37] 6Good covering, Lady Garnet. [22:39] 14Well, if they're made, they're made. She'll stand and raise an arm, which is the signal. [22:41] 10Daizo: "Nowadays, there's no square malm of the Isle that isn't mapped in the most minute detail. New ruins are only discovered under the most exceptional circumstances, such as a cave-in or similar. And they're very quickly seized by the Surveyor Corps and cordoned off. Or they were, I should say. These days the Surveyor Corps is defanged and it's House militias that seize any newly discovered sites.' 15[22:41] A rock arcs through the street from nowhere, clattering and skipping across the cracked stone paving. 15[22:41] Piu can hear the minutest whine beneath the edge of the roof here. [22:42] 14Should be enough to judge distance, presuming that's the eye. 15[22:43] That's got to be it. Another rock skips up the street. Piu can steal glances if she times them, but the bulk of her movement has got to be from behind cover to make this work. That makes it trickier. [22:46] 14She can split her attention and, presumably, Sadako is helping her out by not being too erratic. It takes four stones for her to work out the movement. On the fifth, she does a test run that stops before the eye would see her. [22:46] 14On the sixth, she blinds it in one go. 15[22:46] Skillfully done! 15[22:47] Anything stopping everyone from reconvening there? [22:47] 14Not for Piu, hopefully. [22:47] 10No problems here! [22:48] 6Zhangyu will signal to move as soon as he gets the all-clear. 15[22:49] Then the away team finds themselves in front of what turns out to be a barracks. Common areas for dining, prayer, and working out within. A floor of bunks above that, officers' quarters above that with nameplates on the doors, and storage and kitchens in the basement. [22:50] 6Any notable names on the nameplates? We're probably here for the kitchens and storage, but no harm in looking. [22:51] 14When they're all together: "We're not clear yet. There's other stuff moving on the island." 15[22:51] The names all *sound* notable, as Shogunate names with their deed epithets all wrought in that austere Old Realm script tend to be, but Zhangyu doesn't recognize any of them. [22:51] "Buzzing little...silver things. Metal birds, maybe." [22:52] 6Zhangyu: "Hrm. They working in a pattern?" [22:52] "Only seen one so far but I'd assume so." [22:52] "Don't know the timing on their patrols." [22:52] "How big?" 07Dryas asks, running her fingers along the fletching of the arrows in her embroidered quiver. 15[22:53] Garnet: "Free-flying? Unattached to anything? Hmm." [22:54] 14Piu: "It was headed for the manse." 15[22:54] Garnet: "Sentries like the one posted on the wall are powerful, but they're also simple. One magical object. One connector. One joint. Things like that can keep working without maintenance for hundreds, thousands of years." 15[22:55] "But a free-moving automaton, especially a small and delicate one, a fast-moving one that still flies straight..." 15[22:55] "That sounds cared-for." [22:56] 6Zhangyu: "So somebody's here? Or has been here enough to maintain them?" [22:56] 10Daizo: "So we're not alone here after all. At least it's not likely to be another Graffias." [22:57] "The barracks isn't defaced. Maybe it won't be Lunar Anathema," 07Dryas posits. [22:58] 14Piu: "There's only one place to be if you're living here." [23:00] 10Daizo: "It's not a bad barracks. Not by any means. But if you could live here or in the manse? I'd take the manse every time." [23:01] 14Piu: "That, and if I had to guess, that's where all the control systems are." 15[23:01] In his exploration of the barracks, the hearth observes that it's awfully tidy. Not even dust, in the common areas and in two of the officers' quarters. The other officers' quarters haven't been disturbed in... a long time, by the looks of them. The others are more recently visited, days or perhaps weeks ago. Second, they find supplies! Tightly-sealed gray bags containing things the 15[23:01] size, shape, and weight of bricks. Beneath them, kept cool in the floor are crystal jugs of water. [23:02] 10Oho. Any dates or other readable lettering on the packages? 15[23:03] What's more, those sensitive to the lives of plants and the twisting of essence can examine the decorative potted plants within. Petrified, like the barren trees on the boulevards, with white stone 'woody' trunks... but here the leaves still grow. [23:03] 14Assuming we're mostly convinced it's safe, it's time to get a boat and cadre of sailors here to start removing the supplies, perhaps overseen by Ito Jun. 15[23:04] After plucking a leaf off one of these living stone plants to be sure, Dryas leans out the window, and catches a song on the air, echoing, she's sure, from within the manse. 15[23:04] Mionzi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SgWum9kHYk - And you know I don't mean to hurt you / But you know that it means so much / And you don't even feel a thing... [23:04] 10We should probably open a package to see what's inside before we start handing it out. [23:04] 6It's not leaving this place until we know what it is. 15[23:05] A quick knife slash across a package -- nice hiss -- reveals a uniform, pale yellow block of... something. [23:07] 10Daizo shrugs and cuts off a slice, if it can be cut. "I volunteer to make the experiment." 15[23:08] Garnet hands him a flask from her belt. "You'll need that." 15[23:09] It slices cleanly, albeit with some resistance, like a dense cheese. But it's dry and dense and slightly spongy to the touch. [23:10] "How curious..." 07Dryas murmurs as the leaf she's plucked drifts away on the breeze. [23:11] 10Daizo: "Mm. I see. Yes, tasting this dry seems inadvisable." 10There's a tin cup in his kit bag; he'll let it hydrate a little before taste-testing. 15[23:12] It breaks apart cleanly in water, swelling up into something like porridge. [23:14] 07Dryas: "Get that on a tray... nice..." [23:15] 14Piu: "Sooo...can I send for our procurement boys?" [23:15] 10Daizo: "Aha. This is one of those Lookshyan things. What did they call it? Calorie Mate?" [23:15] 6Zhangyu: "Food problem's solved. Still need fresh water, but yeah, they can load this aboard." [23:16] "Pretty good." [23:16] 14Piu: "There's some water jugs down there too, though we should test 'em." [23:17] 10Daizo: "But what's a Lookshyan ration doing in the middle of the Western Sea?" [23:17] "Maybe we'll find some Lookshyans up there." 07She glances at Garnet. [23:17] 6Zhangyu: "Wasn't always Lookshyan." [23:18] "These are just old, not... you know." [23:18] 07Dryas: "Question remains. What do we do about whoever's squatting on our island?" [23:18] 10Daizo: "Aah. I get it now." 15[23:18] Seiri: "Lookshy is a Shogunate revanchist junta. Everything they have they stole from their ancestors. Implosion bows, the gunzosha... why not these rations?" [23:19] 14Piu: "We probably go up and have a talk...but from a position of strength. [23:19] " 15[23:19] Garnet: "Survivors will be in the manse." 15[23:19] "Unless they already know we're here." [23:20] 10Whoa. Mnemon Dusk was hardcore on the Lookshyan Question, wasn't she. "You're likely onto something, Seiri." [23:24] 14Piu: "Ideally we'd work something out with the people here to use this place as a staging ground. It sucks having to work so hard to get in and out of port, sure -- mostly in -- but that makes it safe and we can assure whoever's running stuff here we're not looking to bring a civilian population back." [23:25] "Feel like if they wanted that, they'd have it." [23:26] 6Zhangyu: "Ideally. But also, are we planning to come back here?" [23:27] 07Dryas: "Why not bring a civilian population back?" [23:27] "Might just leave a note that says 'thanks for the water and food, bye forever.'" [23:27] 10Daizo: "Given that this barracks seems to be cleaned, stocked, and monitored, it seems as though someone's visiting Mionzi on a semi-regular basis." [23:28] "This place used to be the gateway to the West - that's what you said, isn't it? Surely those who reopen it would accrue wealth and power. Whatever comes next -" 07she looks to Garnet for some reason - "those are good things to have." [23:29] 07Dryas: "If nothing else, if we control it, nobody else - Lintha, Moon-cursed, the undead, whoever else - can do so." [23:30] 14Piu: "We've got a lot of places we want to check in this part of the archipelago. We don't want to be coming and going from Abalone and we haven't had time to set up anything less, ah, official." [23:30] 14Too many people around to mention the secret port the Garden is developing for Dryas. [23:31] "Delegation, delegation," 07Dryas counters. [23:32] 10Daizo: "Well, we've accomplished our first objective. The long shot paid off and the crew won't starve. So now we need a plan for approaching the central manse." [23:32] 14Piu: "I mean I'm not against it. Just a question of who we're going to have to kill. Because clearly someone doesn't want to be bothered up there." 15[23:33] Garnet: "We didn't come here to exterminate. But we also didn't come here to negotiate with a sword to our throats." [23:34] 10Daizo: "I would like to hope they'll be willing to listen to reason. But yes, from a position of strength if possible." [23:35] 07Dryas: "Let's make a social call, then!" [23:35] 14Piu: "After we get these rations and water moved." [23:35] 14If necessary, she'll be the one to run back to the ship to get that started. [23:35] 6Zhangyu: "That first. Then we figure out whether we need to make further contact." 15[23:39] The rations are very efficiently packed, so it only takes a few trips to fill the Defiance's holds with food and water for several more days - more if they can supplement it with fish and rain. 15[23:39] Then, what's their approach? Do they march straight for the manse up a main road? [23:39] "Leaning towards the note, still, honestly. But I'm willing to hear arguments." [23:40] 14Piu: "I'd say strong approach by you all and the Commodore, maybe Caxi too, and Sadako and I waiting in the wings." [23:42] 10Daizo: "Risking our food stores to come here, refilling them and immediately leaving again is the same as never having come here at all, but with a lot of wasted effort on everyone's part." [23:42] 10Daizo: "So I must present my formal objection to the 'bye forever' note." [23:43] 14Piu: "Have to agreed. Dryas got her horse all pretty and everything." [23:43] 14Horsey... [23:43] 6Zhangyu, grudgingly: "It is a very good horse." [23:45] 07Dryas: "More time for backup means more time for whoever's in there to prepare. We should strike now, while they're still asleep." [23:46] 14Piu: "Is taking the island in our remit?" [23:47] 07Dryas: "Who can say it is not?" [23:47] 14Piu: "The Commodore could." [23:47] 6Zhangyu: "We need the commodore for this. I think Piu's plan is sound - assuming Lady Garnet, Seiri, and Sadako are fine with their roles?" 15[23:48] Seiri: "Yes sir, Master Zhangyu." [23:48] 6He does not plan on calling for Caxi. 15[23:49] Ratel comes when called... and Caxi comes with her. [23:49] 6That's fine. Okay. 15[23:50] The Commodore's buff jacket is swooshy and wide-collared. The oversized flame piece is slung in the small of her back. Caxi seems to be in a nightgown. [23:50] 10Daizo: "I object to simply marching up the main road. Since we're starting from a blind spot here, we should attempt to proceed via the route thar provides us with the best cover, if the central manse possesses any ranged weapons." [23:51] 10Gosh. [23:51] 14Sounds like them. [23:51] 14Piu's available to scout routes. [23:52] 6Zhangyu: "Sneaking up to 'em versus letting 'em know we're here. Haven't seen any opposing presence yet, not sure if we want to." 15[23:52] It's easy enough to draw a path through the side streets rather than one of the main roads, which gives people plenty of alleys and structures to duck into for cover. 15[23:52] But, even with the Commodore here, Zhangyu has been given the command. It's his call. [23:53] "But we're not stupid, and they should know we're not stupid. Give me a minute." [23:53] 10Daizo: "Right. Let me expand on this map a little." [23:59] 6Zhangyu: "Okay. Sidestreets, stick to cover, get as close as we can before they know for certain. We can't march up the main way without knowing how they'll handle us." [00:03] 07Dryas: "The rest of you go ahead. I will go through the front door. How long will it take you?" [00:05] 14Piu: "I'll make sure to at least keep you in sight in case it all goes real bad, Dryas." 15[00:08] The large and variably-skilled team marches out towards the manse... overhead, another silver spinning thing buzzes directly over Garnet and Seiri; Seiri ducks behind cover reflexively, but Garnet's hand reaches for her sword first instead. In that moment, the automaton's cold white light hits her cowled face... and turns red. [00:08] 6Oh, fuck. 15[00:08] The street-lanterns still visibly working here and there all turn red a moment later. [00:09] 07Dryas spurs Diamond Weapon forward. [00:09] 14Piu begins rushing with her. [00:10] 6Zhangyu's not far behind. [00:10] 10Shit. Better make a break for it. Daizo tries to feel out the surroundings, maybe he can tell what's coming before it arrives— 15[00:12] The siren that rises up cuts through the tinny but growing sound of metal feet on cobbled stone... walls fall oven on cunningly-hidden hinges and reveal great war-machines that gleam in the crimson light bathing half the city. Some of them buckle and fall apart under the strain of stirring to life; some don't stir at all. But more than a few issue forth into the streets, hovering chrome 15[00:12] teardrops with long, spindly limbs ending in wicked claws, and a quadrupedal walking frame above which hovers a large sphere of solid blue jade that crackles with electricity. 15[00:13] Even in the chaos, Daizo can feel the bigger thing coming - a metal construct the size of Dryas on her house, wrought all in white jade, tread tearing scars into the pavement as it churns through the side streets, a heavy jade lance locked in place at the perfect level to slay footman and cavalry alike. [00:13] 14Well. [00:14] 6I said we should leave a note. 15[00:15] And above, a sound like the silver thing that still tracks Garnet, but louder and chunkier... a huge silvery contraption buzzes higher overhead, hanging in place, a ballista loaded with at least a dozen huge javelins turning smoothly to track any motion on the streets below. [00:15] 10Daizo: "'Ware! A jade lancer's coming up behind them!" [00:16] "Seiri! Take cover! Only move if Lady Garnet says to!" 15[00:18] Garnet: "That armor... living soldiers! Wait! We mean no harm!" In Old Realm: [00:21] 10Daizo: "Gunzosha?" He'll shout 15[00:21] "BALORIANS SUPPLICATE!" [00:21] 14What? [00:21] 6What? 15[00:22] The voice is a man's, and it sounds kind of tinny and there's a strange whine when it's projected from the flying thing above. [00:22] 10Daizo: "Balorians? No!" [00:23] 14Well, Piu isn't giving away her position to shout back. She is figuring out if she's better positioned to try to jump on the whirlybird or get inside the manse. 15[00:27] NEXT TIME: Live, die, and know 15[00:30] Guan Tzu, "Who Brings Towers Down": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fju9o8BVJ8 - I had a good home, but I left. I had a good home but I LEFT-- RIGHT-- LEFT-- 15[00:30] Zhao Zhaoqi, "Who Holds Back Sunrise": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDjEDmgytOA - All the good in the world, you can put inside a thimble, and still have room for you and me.