15[20:04] Danaa'd's Defiance rides a swift northerly current towards the Coral Archipelago. The ship outraces teeming schools of fish that glitter like silver beneath the blue-green water, so clear that you can see the vast and beautiful reefs that dazzle the eye and scupper the careless. Above, gulls call and boast, signalling to the ear what the spyglass shows: land! In the distance, visible 15[20:04] past huddled fishing trawlers chained up like sleeping dogs, is Brightwork, one of the region's economic and political centers. 15[20:05] Sailors on deck give a cheer when the call is given. It's been quite a trying couple of weeks. 15[20:05] How's the mood among senior staff? [20:06] 4Things are probably getting a bit tense. Piu's good spirits depend on precisely how far Daizo's slip of the tongue spreads; she'd really prefer Ratel not know about Dusk. [20:07] 07Dryas has been feverishly scribbling away orders for a variety of contingencies, ready-to-go at a moment's notice. But she's abovedeck when land is sighted, she knows that Catela and the 07Leaf07 should be nearby, even if they are lurking out of sight for the moment. [20:08] 6Being around people again will be... a challenge. Or it'll be fine and he's just going to deal with it. [20:10] 10Daizo's not great, but he's been worse. And at least he has Carmine Road's vessel and testing the limits of Current's abilities to keep him occupied. [20:12] 6We have certainly made landfall in worse circumstances. [20:12] 10At least there are people here to be awkward around. 15[20:13] Piu may or may not be relieved to know that if Ratel knows, she's made no sign, and moreover Caxi hasn't been near her much. If she's not with Daizo, she's with Garnet. If she's not with either, she's sleeping something off. So she managed to go a full day without betraying or blackmailing anyone. [20:14] 4Huh. [20:14] 4Maybe Daizo's rubbing off on her. There's probably a dirty joke there but she's busy scanning the Brightwork port line; it'll be time to actually get to work soon. [20:15] 10No comment.  [20:19] 10As for the Garnet Problem… yeah, leave that to the experts for the moment. Unless Caxi's direct approach fails.  15[20:19] The docks, visible from a distance as Piu peers ahead and to everyone as the Defiance draws in, are quite empty - not of ships, but of people. The city itself - with its fine old (if exotic) wood-and-plaster architecture and its market stalls, its peasants and shrines - is full of people. But everyone actually at the docks is, as best as they can tell, a guard, or a mercenary, rather 15[20:19] than a sailor or a longshoreman. 15[20:19] In the distance, inland, the alabaster walls of Brightwork's Inner City, where the lords of Azure live and rule, are high and featureless. 15[20:20] "Bad vibes," murmurs the Commodre. [20:20] 4Piu makes sure she's dressed befitting her rank and has the Chain in the bandages wrapped around her hands. No time for party dresses right now! [20:22] "If the city's only been sending off tribute and hasn't received supplies, they'll be quite happy to see us," 07Dryas offers. [20:22] 6Zhangyu is as armed as he can be. Which is, ah, not very. On account of the unarmed martial art thing. [20:23] 6Also, no armor. Second bad thing. 15[20:23] An unassuming man in a stiff blue uniform and boxy hat waits at the gangplank when the hearth descends, a coterie of armed soldiers behind him. He calls out a word in Seatongue. Zhangyu knows it's [20:23] 10Daizo's take on it is a little grimmer. "That's one potential interpretation. The other is that they mean to board the ship and take, instead of receiving." [20:24] 14Well. They don't seem happy. [20:24] 6He translates immediately. [20:24] 14Not speaking Realm is a bad sign. [20:24] 14Especially if it's by choice. [20:24] 6In Seatongue: "Do you great all visitors like this?" [20:25] 07Incredibly disrespectful. These barbarians need to learn manners. Dryas, however, simply munches on one of the thin cakes they got from Mionzi. [20:25] greet* [20:27] 10Daizo's armed, but not atmored. But for the moment, his hands are open. Aaaand… once this trouble with the harbormaster's over, he's absolutely going to have to fetch Seiri before going ashore.  [20:28] 6Oh, jeepers, Seiri and Sadako. ...Sadako can handle herself. [20:28] 14Piu's planning the effort required to vault over this little bureaucratic man and into his retinue of guards. She even knows which one she'll land on. 15[20:33] Dryas sizes the official up. Immediately she can tell he's not much in a fight - that's a real saber on his hip, but he doesn't stand like a man who expects to use it, so whether or not he's trained he'd be easy to defeat. He seems to have clocked you all as, if not Dynasts, certainly citizens of the Realm. And yet he seems, if not comfortable (Dryas observes he's put on a bit of weight 15[20:33] since he got fitted for that uniform, likely a few years ago) at least not terrified. 15[20:34] Fitful Stork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnmi35AjOow - 'Cause no one's gonna fold, bend, or mutilate me. 15[20:36] The man looks up at Zhangyu. "You were not on the itinerary." [20:36] 6Zhangyu: "I get that a lot." 15[20:38] The man sucks in a deep breath. "I... believe you. But the fact remains!" [20:39] 10You can almost feel the 06ゴゴゴゴ10 emanating from Zhangyu all of a sudden.  [20:40] 6Zhangyu: "Take me to them." [20:45] 14Piu will spread out wide and make eye contact with the soldiers. She's smiling, and it's a very pretty smile, but it's not a seductive one. If they've any sense between them they'll know she's making sure they know she's figuring out who goes first if this turns into a fight. [20:47] 07Dryas, having evaluated the fellow, leans towards him with a wide, friendly smile. "Who's translating?" 07she mutters. 15[20:49] The Commodore descends the gangplank just in time to see the customs officer quail beneath Zhangyu's fearsome gaze. "This... this is clearly a diplomatic mission. A matter for the overseer! A matter, perhaps, for the Watch!" 15[20:50] Ratel gives Zhangyu a nudge with her elbow. "Nice work," she whispers. [20:51] 6He nods, just slightly. 15[20:52] Looks like he wants to lead you all away. Anyone have any other intentions? [20:53] 14As long as they're not trying to confiscate weapons or quietly surround them with a company of troops on all sides, Piu has no objections. [20:53] 10Daizo: "Just a minute. You there,"10 addressing a random deckhand, "go below and tell Miss Seiri that we're going ashore and her services are required." 15[20:54] "Aye aye." [20:54] "And, ah, that the presence of Lady Garnet is not needed at this time." 15[20:56] A couple of minutes later Seiri surfaces, dressed unassumingly and alone. She looks out at the breadth of Brightwork with wide eyes before her gaze reaches the point where Daizo's head breaks the skyline. She hurries to his side. [20:56] 07Dryas sidles up alongside the customs officer while they prepare to make their way to do whatever he's babbling about. "Cynis Dryas," 07she states by way of introduction. Then she offers him the bottle of Nn Tloc's rum (not the outwardly magical stuff, carried about for just such an occasion. She smiles again. [20:59] 6Where is Sadako? He has, somehow, become her caretaker. [21:00] 10Daizo: "All right. Just translating today, but we'll let Zhangyu take the lead if you're both present. If you pick up on anything that sounds odd, let me know." 15[21:00] The guards have their eyes on Piu, Zhangyu, and Daizo, so Dryas's insinuation seems to go unnoticed. The official's eyes widen a bit when she names herself. He speaks - it turns out he does have some Realm. "Did Lady Lena send for you?" 15[21:01] Sadako didn't come up with Seiri. She's probably still belowdecks, alongside Garnet, Caxi, Samperson, the twins, and all the mortal crew. 15[21:04] Seiri nods dutifully. [21:05] 6Zhangyu: "Mostly I made them take me here." 6Or else. [21:07] 10A quick thumbs-up and Daizo's ready to disembark.  [21:08] "I'm here on my own business, though I may call on her if I am here long enough." 07Actually, that would be wise if Falen is on safari out here. "But I would be interested to know about one or two ships, if they've been here recently..." 15[21:10] The hearth is led up the docks, past two mostly-distinct crowds, each held at bay by more and better-armed soldiers. One of them looks like a breadline - people (children, homemakers, the elderly) getting small cloth-wrapped bundles from a big crate. Further up, and more forcefully kettled between a couple of market lanes, is a big crowd of adults, who are shouting and chanting in 15[21:10] Seatongue. 15[21:11] The customs officer: "My name is Fitful Stork. I believe I can help you, madam. I thank you for considering me." 15[21:11] He takes the rum. [21:14] 10Daizo: "What're they shouting?" 10Although given the context, he can take a guess. [21:15] 6Zhangyu can translate if he hasn't already been hauled off. [21:15] 07Dryas: "You are quite welcome. And, if that is the angriest you want to see my dear friend Tepet Zhangyu there, I would ask that you are discrete about my questions in the future." 15[21:16] Zhangyu has trouble picking out much because of the mix of dialects and people shouting over each other, but the word for 'more' repeats often and vehemently enough that he gets the jist. [21:16] 14Piu's eyes are on the crowd, but her attention shifts subtly to the roofs. Once night falls, that's how she'll be travelling. 15[21:16] Seiri backs Zhangyu up. "I don't think they've been paid." [21:17] 6That is... a real problem. 15[21:21] Zhangyu and Daizo both size up the docks. Looks like there *hasn't* been much fighting... yet. Maybe a couple of scraps, but the street violence has been pretty minimal. This is a straight-up work stoppage. It's easy to tell why, on a further glance - the guards are not just better-equipped (and likely better-fed), they're also malms ahead in organization and strategic thinking. Looking 15[21:21] at the striking dockworkers, it's not at all clear who their leaders even *are*. 15[21:22] Fitful Stork nods gravely. "I understand. Mommy's the word." 15[21:22] ...okay maybe his Realm's not perfect. [21:22] 6That is not what the phrase is. [21:24] 10Daizo: "Hrm. How many dockworkers' wages, do you think, does it take to equal the wages for one of those fancy mercenaries?" [21:27] "I'm surprised they're paid at all," 07Dryas interjects - "I know my House has a contract with the government here." [21:28] 14Was Piu given any orders regarding House business by Caedus before disembarking? 15[21:33] Caedus's orders were to try and mark their fellow housemate, Iselsi Tephen, who should be embedded... somewhere... in the local bureaucracy. There needs to be an exchange of (some) information - they're weeks out of contact with Lao, and Tephen feels the vibrations of different parts of the web anyhow. Find him, meet him discreetly, and either trade information or arrange a meeting 15[21:33] that might include Caedus. Besides that, help keep everyone's morale up and maybe knock some names off the V'neef List. [21:34] 14Sounds good. One assumes she wasn't provided with a physical description of Tephen, as that would make this all too easy. That's fine; she's more than distinctive enough for both of them. 15[21:34] He likes to mix it up, anyway. 15[21:36] The Customs Office is a big, stately building at the north end of the harbor. The armed retinue guides the hearth and the Commodore past frustrated people - merchants and fishers, judging from their dress. They want to know why these people are cutting in line, and get stern looks, threats, and in one case, an open-handed strike from a guard. [21:37] 6Wrecked, idiot. [21:38] 6Try being scarier. [21:38] 07Lot of built-up energy in a place like this. 15[21:39] Crossing the threshold of the building is like day into night - not only is it pleasantly cool and airy inside the big stone building, but the sound of the crowds outside are instantly dulled - and surpassed by the shouting match happening in the lobby. [21:40] 10What, are the wings and the moderately-sized pillar strapped to Daizo's back not enough of a tell? [21:40] 10Oh, it's just like we're back in Abalone after all. 15[21:42] Two women are arguing. One of them, dressed in a finer and better-fitting blue uniform than Fitful Stork's, pleads: "There are shortages on the island and elsewhere we control - I can do nothing about that! My lady, I am sorry, but--" 15[21:43] The other, taller and dressed luxuriously in silk and gems: "Oh you will be. Believe me. I have goods that need to go now. Perishable fucking goods! Do you know what that means? Can you read a manifest?" 15[21:44] Fitful Stork clears his throat. And again. On the third time, his superior actually notices him and then the others. Then her adversary looks up as well. Both look wary; both seek to mask their wariness with good cheer. [21:45] 4It's her V'Neef side that gives Piu a pretty good idea who's responsible for fucking all this up (it's the whiner wearing silks). [21:46] "By the Dragons, please pardon our interruption," 07Dryas exclaims. 15[21:46] Fitful Stork: "Overseer, Lady Lena - this is the senior staff of Danaa'd's Defiance, who wishes to disembark, and is not on the itinerary." 15[21:48] The overseer clasps her hands together. "Another Realm ship! What a blessing! You must be the diplomatic envoy! Here for the wedding. Come, come! Let me sign you all in. Names?" 15[21:48] Overseer Tern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbs3aAxha70 - Don't tell me not to fly, I've simply got to -- if someone takes a spill, it's me and not you! 15[21:49] Lena composes herself totally, sizing up the newcomers as they go about their official business. 15[21:49] Cynis Lena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZbmKrrefWY - That look in your eyes, I know you want some. [21:54] "Yes, a 'destination' wedding, it's so terribly delightful," 07Dryas says, stalling for time. "Cynis Dryas. Ah, the younger." 15[21:55] The overseer's "Oh!" is strangely high-pitched. "Kin to Lady Lena. How fortuitous!" She looks expectantly at the others. 15[21:56] Ratel: "Commodore Peleps Ratel. The Defiance is my vessel." On the subject of weddings, she is silent. [21:56] "V'Neef Piu." 4She crosses her arms. [21:57] "Tepet Daizo." 10He rummages for a moment. "If you'd like a seal stamp, that's fine." 15[21:59] The overseer takes the names down. "Oh! V'neef Piu! From the latest Calibration tournament!" [22:02] "That's me!" 15[22:04] Overseer: "Celebrity guest! How exciting!" A few more scratches in the ledger, a few questions about vital statistics to Ratel, and she looks up. "So! How can I be of service?" 15[22:04] "Anything else?" [22:05] 10Daizo almost blows the whole "diplomatic envoy" thing by asking straight out who's getting married, but catches himself in time. [22:05] 4Is Dryas gonna take lead here? If not, Piu's going to cheerily divulge what's in the hold. [22:08] 07Dryas: "Well, in addition to the wedding gifts - because of course, we would indeed be remiss without those - we've brought cargo. I'd be happy to work through the details." 15[22:12] Overseer: "Oh! How lovely. Let me just call for- Bodease!!" 15[22:12] Lena rolls her eyes behind the overseer. [22:13] 14'Bodease?' Well if this floozy doesn't like them... 15[22:14] A servant walks in, a middle-aged man wearing a tiny vest, a tiny fez, and billowy pants. His exposed barrel chest is blanketed in fine gray hair. "Overseer?" he speaks Seatongue in a gravelly voice, but he doesn't look like an islander. He squints suspiciously at the others. 15[22:15] Overseer Tern: "Get these fine ladies squared away. I need to dress for the rehearsal. I trust I'll see you all there? It's in about three hours." [22:15] 14Now here's an interesting fellow. 15[22:15] Bodease nods. "Ma'am." 15[22:16] Tern: "You're in excellent hands. Bodease is the best slave I've ever had. A personal gift from the Cynis matriarchs after we renewed their contract. Make me proud, eh?" 15[22:16] Bodease: "Ma'am." 15[22:17] Lena turns to follow the overseer out, likely intent to continue the argument. [22:18] 10A pang at 'slave'. Good thing we didn't bring Garnet along. Yeah. That's what it is. 15[22:21] Once they're gone, Bodease clasps his hands and bows, speaking High Realm to say: "Happy to be of service. I'm at your disposal." He clears his throat a little forcefully, like there's something annoying stuck to the back of his throat. "No request too menial, no question too foolish. I am the very picture of discretion." 15[22:21] Iselsi Tephen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83o1eAS7eiY - I only smile in the dark. [22:24] 07Dryas, to no-one in particular: "Did she say the wedding was in three hours?" 15[22:24] Bodease: "The rehearsal, ma'am. For the ceremony and the reception. Those are in four days." [22:27] 10Daizo: "Lovely. And we're expected at the rehearsal as well? To… give it a review?" 15[22:29] Bodease: "To make sure you're aware of the protocol. It's a diplomatic occasion of some consequence. With the heir apparent marrying a foreign dignitary and all. But you knew all that, so I'm just talking to myself, I suppose. Apologies." [22:30] 6Some of us didn't know that. Or, I suppose pretended not to know. [22:30] 14Piu is well aware how House Iselsi generally inserts agents, what their positions are, how they behave, and so on -- and a stoic, indispensible whipping boy who is trusted in matters of business and is the real power in the organization...well, there's a reason Caedus is Chief Petty Officer Samperson, rather than someone with a commission. [22:31] 14So there's something promising here, in this Bodease. [22:34] 10Daizo: "Mm. I see. I'll leave the discussion of any finer points of etiquette to my hearth-sisters." [22:34] 07Dryas: "Well, as an initial matter, we will require lodging for ourselves and the usual dispensation for the crew and the other officers." [22:35] 10Maybe it's a good time to play the himbo here. [22:35] 07Dryas: "There is also the matter of the ship's cargo. We are laden with food, which I am given to understand is a high priority at the moment. It might considerably lighten the, ah, mood in town as well." 15[22:36] Bodease: "Food for the commoners?" [22:36] 14Piu: "Yes." [22:36] 14Piu: "Given the mood on the walk in, I'm assuming this is going to be a political issue." [22:37] "Some of it always seems to be," 07Dryas titters, pantomiming scraping scraps off a table. [22:37] "So let's do what we can before we have to drag the Overseer or that Cynis dignitary back into the room." 15[22:37] Bodease: "Easiest thing to do'll be to have your people offload it to the Watch, who are distributing food. Circumstances being what they are, everyone outside the Inner City's on rations." [22:38] "Of course, of course," 07Dryas says soberly. "As far as the ceremony goes: are we to be participating in any official capacity? You have an officiant, witnesses, and so on?" [22:39] 14Piu: "You have a good sense of the Watch...Bodease, was it? I don't want to get you in trouble, but I would be interested in your opinion, as a practical matter, of how efficient it would be to let the Watch handle the food." 15[22:40] Bodease: "My understanding is that the role of the visiting dignitaries from the Isle was to serve as observers - consecrating the marriage in the presence of a respected third party. Your names will be on the rolls, but you don't have to participate in the ceremony, as the thinking is, you've come so far and you're so strong, your presence is grace enough." 15[22:40] "Was that not your brief?" [22:41] 14Piu: "...How current is your knowledge of ah, current events, in the Realm?" [22:41] "Specifically, what's going on down in Abalone." [22:41] 6Zhangyu: "No, hang on, let him speak." 15[22:42] Bodease turns to Piu. "In my opinion... the Watch is very efficient. Northern Cross is smart as a whip and politically savvy too. So if you want to make sure the food isn't stolen or waylaid, you won't do better in Brightwork. Of course, the Watch being who they are, they have a tight hand with the bread when there's disciplining to do. You saw that mess outside, I bet. Those 15[22:42] dockworkers aren't getting fed." [22:42] 14He asked a question; it's only polite to answer him with another. [22:42] "Our brief? Oh, you know the situation these days," 07Dryas babbles, gesturing grandly. "Things are often subject to change." 15[22:43] Bodease nods. "Yes, ma'am. I try to keep current, as best I can, but Abalone's near as far from Brightwork as the Isle itself. So what I get comes late, often, if at all. I believe I heard that there's a new Governor?" [22:44] "Yes. House Mnemon's sailed in with a fleet to take a pretty direct hand. So we've been juggling our brief around a bit to compensate." [22:44] 10Daizo: "This stuff is preserved field rations. No one's going to want to eat it by choice for more than a few days, but it will keep body and soul together." 10The charm wore off of the ration packs pretty quickly. When it's prepared for the crew there's this awful banana aroma and for some reason Daizo started thinking of it as 'Jadeborn shit'. He has not, as yet, shared this moniker with anyone else.  15[22:46] Bodease: "Well, as I said, for efficiency you won't do better than the Watch." [22:47] 07Dryas, curious: "I am surprised that there is such an... unmet need. Is the Guild not present here?" 15[22:48] Bodease: "Out here, the Guild was as dependent on the Imperial Navy keeping pirates scarce as any other civilian merchant. There's privateers up and down the Direction but they make 'em different up this way, if you ask me." 15[22:48] "Nasty people." [22:50] "How dreadful," 07Dryas marvels. [22:51] 14Piu, casually, examining the manifest they brought: "I've noticed that. You get wastrals in every Direction no matter where you go, but out here their hate is pure. Pure enough to sail on, anyway." [22:51] "Here's our manifest, for your records." [22:52] *rewind noise* 15[22:52] Bodease takes it. "Thanks much. Pardon me, ma'am, but I don't think I caught your name." [22:52] 14Piu, casually, examining the manifest they brought: "I've noticed that. You get wastrals in every Direction no matter where you go, but out here their hate is pure." 15[22:52] Bodease takes it. "Pure enough to sail on, anyway. Thanks much. Pardon me, ma'am, but I don't think I caught your name." [22:53] 4She looks up, startled. "Oh! V'Neef Piu." 15[22:53] "Ah! I see it here. Thank you kindly. I'll see to lodgings for you and your crew. You're in luck - for security's sake everyone's going to be staying in the Inner City." 15[22:54] "So your crew's getting suites." [22:54] 10Daizo: "What makes them different around here? Because it's so close to Skullstone?" [22:54] 6Nice. And, uh, thanks. [22:54] "Well, they'll enjoy that. You and your people should coordinate with Chief Petty Officer Samperson; he more or less runs the sailors and impressed men." 15[22:55] Bodease: "Skullstone, Danguro - every few seasons we'll even get raiders all the way from Mela's Fangs." 15[22:56] "Brightwork is vulnerable. Was, I suppose. Once the wedding goes through, Skullstone'll be on our side." [22:57] 10Daizo: "…I see." 10ONE THOUSAND WARNING GONGS BEING RUNG RIGHT NOW HERE FOLKS [22:57] 4Piu blinks at that but says nothing. [22:57] 14So it's that kind of wedding. [22:58] 07Dryas is ten thousand miles away. "Ah, yes. Quite." 15[22:58] Bodease: "Anything else?" [22:59] 4Piu: "I think that'll be all for now! Where can we find you if we need to speak with you further?" [22:59] 6Ah. Hmm. 15[22:59] Bodease: "I work here, morning to night." [23:00] 14Then she'll find him when he leaves. Or he'll find her. Whichever it is, they're not going to work it out here. [23:03] 07Dryas: "In that case, I had just a bit of business in the customs office before we return to the ship and then, our accommodations." 15[23:03] Ratel: "That will be all, thank you. We'll be in touch. Coordinate with Samperson. Loan him a spare of that outfit, maybe. I'll see you're reimbursed." [23:03] "I'll go let Samperson know the good news about accomodations." 14If the hearth is splitting here, she wants to confer with Caedus as soon as possible. [23:04] 4She titters at Ratel's completely-serious sartorial order. 15[23:04] "Ma'am-ma'am-ma'am-sir-sir," says Bodease, rapid-fire, before clicking his heels, bowing, and departing. [23:05] 4To Ratel: "A wedding! Well, we don't have to explain our mission, but we're kinda lacking in presents..." [23:05] 6...Zhangyu has not thought of that. At all. 15[23:05] Ratel: "Now I wish I'd let you pick up more jade. Still, we can figure something out, I bet." [23:06] 4There's always outright theft! Piu doesn't say that out loud, though. Boss needs deniability. [23:06] "Skullstone?!" 07Dryas whispers urgently. [23:06] 6Oh, he can menace his way into things. [23:06] 4Piu: "While we do all this stuff, we should also keep eyes and ears out for news about Furia and the Empress...and someone should talk to Garnet. I dunno how she'll take all the starving and slavery around here." [23:07] 6Might be Zhangyu's deal. 15[23:07] "You're all very resourceful," says Ratel, neutrally. "And rich in social graces. I trust there won't be trouble." The 'that I'm not briefed on' is heavily implied. [23:08] 4Piu: "...Yeah, what is all the Skullstone stuff about? I thought maybe I just didn't pay attention to something, but a Realm House is marrying in a Skullstone noble??" 15[23:09] Ratel: "Brightwork isn't a Realm satrapy. It belongs to the lords of Azure. So we've been wujianed into a consolidation of power by current - and potential future - enemies of the Realm." 15[23:09] "Something else to keep in mind: if they were expecting an envoy... one might still be coming." 15[23:09] "You have to imagine they'd have gotten here by now, but." [23:09] 4Piu nods. [23:10] "Could be." 07Falen...? 15[23:11] Ratel: "I'll see to the crew with Samperson. The rest of you are dismissed. Work as you see fit. Maybe try to relax a little if you can." [23:11] 10Daizo: "There's four days until the ceremony proper. Plenty of time for any number of things to go terribly wrong." [23:11] 4Piu: "Yes ma'am!" [23:11] 6Zhangyu: "Of course." 15[23:11] As the hearth emerges into the tense night, the sun is setting. The breeze off the ocean is cool, but the tempers are not. [23:17] 10Daizo sighs. "Seiri, let's find a temple. I could do with a little solace right now. And the monks are certain to have their fingers on the pulse of the people." 15[23:17] Seiri nods. [23:19] 14Piu's already heading to find Caedus. He probably won't be able to get away from his duties tonight and she'll have to make proper first contact with Tephen alone, but he should know the score. 15[23:22] She finds Samperson and Ratel marking off sailors. Caxi is there, cradling the jar beneath her cloak, alongside Garnet and Sadako. [23:23] 4Light on her feet, she'll fall into line, not disturbing the two officers at work. To Caxi: "Did the Commodore tell you about the wedding?" 15[23:25] Caxi: "She didn't. I did overhear her telling the Chief Petty Officer, however, so I'm briefed." 15[23:28] Daizo and Seiri are able to find a suitable temple where they can pray and make appropriate offerings. Today the prayer calendar (prominently displayed as you enter) lets you know that today is the veneration day of Jov the Diviner, whose famous parable about being lost in one desert because you think you're in another is a temple school classic. 15[23:29] Fitful Stork is able to tell Dryas anything she needs to know. What does she need to know? If she's making a big donation of food to the Watch the Captain will want to know about it. 15[23:30] And probably to meet her. [23:30] 4Piu: "Sadako! Zhangyu is looking for you. He wouldn't say so, because you know how he is. But he is. Because again, you know how he is." 15[23:31] Sadako looks at Caxi, who nods. Sadako walks off without further instruction. 15[23:31] Is Zhangyu at the temple or does he meet Sadako somewhere in between? [23:31] 6He was, in fact, looking for her. But again wouldn't say so because, again, you know how he is. 15[23:32] Regrettably, we do. Sadako asks, "What?" [23:32] 6...he is a complicated man. 15[23:34] In a lull in the logistics, Samperson sidles up to Piu. "Do we have you to thank for the accomodations, Lady Piu?" [23:35] 07There is the matter of the food. In light of the upcoming festivities she will refrain from hawking the Mionzi trinkets for now. But there is also the question of the ships, 07Keystone07 and 07Falling Leaf07. Have either been seen? [23:35] 4Piu: "We have the Overseer's top consigliere and slave, Bodease, to thank!" [23:35] 14Almost silently, out of the corner of her mouth: "He's Tephen." 15[23:36] Samperson: "Well, you must give him my regards. Unfortunately I can't get away. The Commodore needs a lot of help." [23:36] 10There's peace and contentment in the ritual, still. For a brief few moments, it feels as though all the wheels of the world are spinning in their prescribed fashion. The sea can be another kind of desert, to the unlucky—and in uncharted waters, you need to find a guiding star.  [23:36] 4Piu nods. "Will do! Back later!" [23:37] 4She'll head to the ship to get Silk Shadow and her mask, dress properly, wait for proper dark, 14then head out. 15[23:37] Sadako repeats, because Zhangyu seems to have zoned out a bit: "What!!" [23:38] 6Apparently he zoned out more than he thought. It's been - a week. 15[23:39] Daizo prays, and listens to the penitent silence. He hears only his own breathing, and the breathing of Seiri beside him. And... more breathing, labored and pained. Jagged. He can almost feel it in his own chest, remembering all too well the state of his recovery after that fateful battle with the Anathema, even now, when it seems lifetimes ago. Someone in this temple is in very great 15[23:39] pain. [23:40] "Come along with me." 6Please just, follow along this time? 15[23:41] Fitful Stork reports that the Leaf is in port right now. The Keystone hasn't been seen in some time, but thanks to the recent treaty with Skullstone, it can come and go as it pleases. 15[23:41] Sadako blows some hair out of her own face and follows. [23:43] 07She'll get the Leaf's location and then is out in a flash. Someone better have Diamond Weapon ashore, because running around in the street like a peasant is not what she came to the West to do. [23:45] 6Thanks. Weird quasi-daughter. 15[23:46] Where is Zhangyu taking her? What does he say? 15[23:46] Dryas's steed is disembarked for her use as required. [23:46] 10You can't just ignore a sound like that. Daizo places a palm on the floor. and hears the voice of the temple.  [23:47] 6Zhangyu: "C'mon. We're -- it's fine. And normal." [23:47] 07Dryas will ride to the 07Leaf07, then. 15[23:48] Sadako: "What's fine? What's normal?" [23:49] 14A lithe shadow crawls up the Defiance'smast, leaps down to the roofs of the city, then moves at silent, lethal speed through the night, invisible -- it hopes -- to the crowds below, the soldiers below and possibly above, and anyone paying special attention now that a ship full of the Blooded has arrived outside of schedule... 15[23:49] The temple's a lot less empty than it looks from in here. Monks and nuns are cloistered out of the main chamber, studying or resting or chatting. He goes deeper... there. A figure on a bed, surrounded by nursemaids, mopping the figure's brow, feeding them broth, changing bandages on their severed limbs. There's maybe half a man in that bed by volume. [23:49] 6Zhangyu: "Ahhh. That is a tricky question I am not equipped to answer." 15[23:50] Sadako: "Is this one of those sifu things? Where it doesn't make any sense but that's the point? What's it called..." She strains to remember that conversation with Piu. "A koan?" [23:51] 6Zhangyu: "No. It's - this is a different, also bad thing." 15[23:51] Sadako: "What is it?" [23:52] "I'm taking you away but for a good reason? There's no good way of putting that." 15[23:52] Piu darts above the rooftops, easily evading the rowdy mob, the guards set to contain them, and the elite guards on the customs-house itself. Tephen's office is in a sort of tower facing the sea. It's easy to mark because you can see his huge burly torso from far below. How does she enter? 15[23:52] Sadako: "Away?? What?" 15[23:53] "Can you please just explain in a regular war?" 15[23:53] *way? [23:55] 14She will land in the corner of the room, within his sight line, but with sufficient skill to (likely) remain in shadow. Then she'll step out of it. [23:57] 10How was anyone here wounded so grievously? What terrible fate befell them? To Seiri, he whispers, "There's a wounded man in here. They're in a bad way. I'd like to take a look—maybe Caxi can do something for them."10 He'll wend his way through the halls to the sickbed. Does anyone along the way stop him? 15[23:58] Tephen: "So this is what the perverts in the Realm call fashion these days, huh?" Then he chuckles rheumily. The man always sounds hoarse. "Started wondering if I was going to hear from you two. I take it Caedus couldn't get away?" [23:59] 14She removes the mask. "Just thought you should see the full ensemble. Yes, it's difficult bedding every male-adjacent female on the Defiance AND running her crew. But he is a professional." 15[23:59] The 'office' is, as Piu looks around, actually a storage room, full of empty ledgers, spare cutlery, etc. Tephen keeps a little desk and a little lantern, and there's a little drawing tacked to the wall: https://i.imgur.com/i1C18Wa.png [23:59] 14...Huh. 15[00:00] Tephen: "That's the nice thing about Lao's students. They put in the work." 15[00:00] Some novices move to bar Daizo from going downstairs... until they see his wings. That's too rich for their blood. 15[00:02] Dryas finds the Leaf easily enough, at the far southern end of the docks. Its crew's probably bunked nearby, unless Catela was foolish enough to claim Imperial privilege and get them all Inner City beds. [00:02] 10Daizo will give them a nod as he passes. No harm intended, friends.  [00:03] 07Probably wise to check. The ship looks no worse for wear, then? Dryas will board and seek out Catela - and its unusual cargo. 15[00:03] So Daizo walks in to a long, narrow room, to see a badly bloodied man grimacing into a cloth wedged between his teeth. One of the nurses is dripping cool water into the cloth so he can drink without biting his own tongue off. When Daizo steps into view, many of the nurses gasp, and the dismembered man's eyes snap into focus... widening in recognition. 15[00:06] Dryas runs into a couple of tense sailors on watch who are just about to draw sabers when they recognize their paymaster. "...what's your name?" one of them asks. 15[00:07] He's almost unrecognizable between the blood, the bandages, the bodies in the way... but Daizo knows this man. Knew this man. They came up together in the Cloister. They were collegial enough, especially compared to the way he was around others, but you wouldn't call them friends. Peleps Deled is not a friendly guy. 15[00:07] What's left of him probably isn't either. [00:07] 07Dryas: "Cynis Dryas. Where's the ship's master?" 15[00:08] "In the hold, my Lady." [00:08] 10Wh— how— "What happened, Deled? Who did this to you?" 15[00:09] Tephen: "So what's the news?" 15[00:09] Deled practically screams against the cloth, and against their better judgment one of the nurses pulls it free, allowing him to cough, sputter, and whisper a single word: 15[00:09] "Furia." [00:11] 10Daizo's sprinting back up the stairs, out into the darkening night, headed for the Defiance with that name ringing in his ears.  [00:16] "Good challenge. Keep that up." 07Dryas makes her way belowdecks. [00:16] 14Piu: "There's a Peleps admiral rampaging for the archipelago looking for the Empress, which is why V'Neef Piu is out here. Obviously, House Mnemon is interested enough in that to use the business with Hamoji as a pretext to take direct control of Abalone and increase their naval presence. To and Lao seem...divided, but they're in wait-and-see mode I think on how it all plays out. [00:16] So we're out here running around from port to port chasing a madwoman who's chasing a ghost. Good news is, that means you've got two extra sets of mostly-idle hands in town, though who knows for how long. Bad news is, trouble seems to follow us around." [00:17] "And before we go further, I'm hearthsworn with everyone in that room earlier except the Peleps commodore. So if you're working against any of them, keep a wall between it and me." 15[00:18] Tephen: "Trouble out our ass here already. No brief from Ras on Skullstone. No word on where the Navy's been. Unless you just gave it to me." [00:18] "Lao has his hands full with that psycho with the blonde hair." 15[00:19] Tephen: "Fucking Guild, I swear. One of these days I'd like to just pinch that turd right off." 15[00:19] "So you're in Brightwork by happenstance?" [00:21] 14Carefully keeping her voice neutral, knowing what red meat she's dangling: "After hitting up the Maw of Toto-Rak and Old Mionzi, it was either here or sail for Danguro and kill the first pirate captain we saw to establish dominance. We thought this would be the less fraught port. Maybe give the crew a break." 15[00:21] Dryas descends into the hold to find Catela, her back against a crate of supplies, sitting and listening to the caged bird sing. The cover's about half off the cage, and from this angle Dryas can't see inside - but the reverse is also true. 15[00:23] Tephen: "Hey, listen, I know from dogshit posts and dogshit orders. You'll never hear me badmouth a working girl. Point is, if you're surplus to requirements, maybe we can get something going." [00:24] 07Dryas moves briskly into the room and clears her throat. 15[00:25] The singing stops and Catela looks up as if a spell has been broken. She stands at attention immediately, saluting. "My lady!" [00:29] 07Dryas stares at the fabric hanging over the cage: "Your trip was uneventful, I hope?" 15[00:30] Catela: "Nothing we couldn't handle. Yours?" [00:31] 14Piu: "Like I said, Caedus and I aren't booked, except as far as this wedding shit goes. If something needs doing, we're happy to help." 15[00:32] Tephen: "I need Lena gone. She's the bad kind of liability, and she's feeding Anathema to Skullstone." [00:32] 07Dryas: "No deaths. Some plunder. A few interesting sights and people. Now, the crew needs to blow off steam. The locals think we're here on a diplomatic mission for the wedding. Who's getting married?" 15[00:32] Catela: "The crown princess and a cousin of the Silver Prince of Skullstone." [00:33] 14Piu: "I suspected that might be at the top of the list. I'll clear it with Caedus but I suspect we're in business." [00:33] 07Dryas: "Bloody hell." 15[00:33] "Have you seen him yet?" Catela shudders. 15[00:33] Tephen: "Good, because big things are going to start happening very soon." 15[00:34] "And I don't mean here-big. I mean everywhere big." [00:34] 07Dryas: "No. Have you?" [00:34] "If we can fabricate a reason for House V'Neef to want her dead -- and we might not even have to do that -- my hearth won't be a security risk. We've got an ask forgiveness not permission thing going on, and they think my jobs come from V'Neef's spymaster. Which is true, in its way." 15[00:35] Catela: "His face... his skin... I can't get it out of my head. Lately it feels like down here is the only place I can find anything beautiful." 15[00:37] Tephen: "That's a good line. Well, on top of funnelling monsters into a whole den of them, she's also fucking up the deal her house has with the locals. And we need that deal to stay stable. House Cynis needs this revenue stream. In fact, any money you can put in their pocket is good for us if you can do it in... call it three months." [00:39] 14Piu: "Cynis Dryas is a credit to her family, in the genuine and pejorative ways you could take that. I have absolutely no doubt that her hand would be steadier on the tiller." 15[00:40] Tephen: "If you can wrangle that, do so. Good for everybody. Well. Good for us. And good for your hearth-sister. Everyone else can burn and it won't be me pissing out their ashes." [00:40] 07Dryas looks at the Anathema with a sort of cold pity. "Soon." 15[00:41] Catela: "Soon is right. Moray should be here any day now. He's on the guest list." [00:43] "Then we have precious little time to formulate our plan." 07Dryas throws back the curtain to look upon the Lunar directly. 15[00:44] The bird's still there, tilting its head and looking up at Dryas with dark eyes. [00:44] 14Piu puts on the mask again to cover a wry grin. "We'll be in touch. Caedus next time, probably." 15[00:45] Tephen: "Yeah, hey, speaking of." [00:45] 14She's already gone. 15[00:45] So it goes. [00:48] 07Dryas just stares at it for a few heartbeats. She opens her mouth as if to say something, reconsiders, and simply repeats: "Soon." 15[00:49] NEXT TIME: The Wedding Singer