15[20:20] The party is filling up with guests and dignitaries - Daizo's just made a dramatic entrance, burning like a god's eye with a beautiful woman on his arm. Piu's a bit stranded between the slowly-arriving members of the Defiance and her hearth, and her current spot beside the crown princess and bride to be. Dryas and Lena have absconded to the powder room, which is another angle if 15[20:20] Piu's inclined to be pushy or to stick her own nose in. Zhangyu just surprise splashed by a personal hero, which seems to have knocked whatever he came out here to do right out of his head. Now Hayabusa and Sadako are both looking at him curiously. [20:22] 4Only if there's something worth sticking her nose into...those were some good drugs in Lena's room. [20:23] 10Daizo has no idea what he intends to get out of this party (aside from the possibility of actually having a good time), but when he figures out whatever it is, he's ready.  15[20:24] The room is set up for a large banquet, with a big table for guests of honor and the wedding party and a spray of smaller tables for less notable attendees. The meal is already set up, with dozens of small dishes laid up between big dishes of rice prepared many different ways - steamed, fried, soupy, decked with seafood and egg... 15[20:24] There's a dance floor as well, mostly unoccupied as the musician continues to warm up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfmkgQRmmeE 15[20:27] Caxi murmurs, "Why is there a dancefloor if he's going to play like that?" [20:27] 4Remind Piu, how cute's the wedding singer? [20:29] 10Daizo: "Maybe it's some kind of Azurean traditional welcoming song." 15[20:29] He's not, particularly. Kind of a beefy guy, big arms, broad chest, bit of a gut - hair is waist-length and really thick. The kind of guy who gets girls because he's in a band, mainly. [20:29] hayabusa [20:30] 4Pity. But probably a sensible hire if you want to have him actually singing rather than getting fucked by half the bridal party. Ah, memories. [20:31] 4...Is the bride-to-be still out here in the main room? It's time to make some introductions. 15[20:34] Princess Lapis is right there at the empty spot left by Dryas and Lena, who, as narrated, have gone off to powder their noses. Lena stands up from the mirror really fast, sniffling. "Ahhhhhhh shit. Now we can go to WORK!" [20:34] 6Well, he had been planning on training Sadako, which he did via surprise attack. Then he got surprise attacked himself, ruining his own point. But! This is an opportunity. Once he's picked himself up off the ground and explained the situation: "Do you take students? I've been looking to mix Mantis with a few other things." 6Falcon style is one, and "street brawling" - well. Not exactly an official style, but it never hurts to [20:34] be good at it. 15[20:34] Back at the table, Lapis is leaning forward intently, seeming very engaged in the conversation her courtiers are having that she isn't participating in at all. 15[20:35] Hayabusa laughs, sort of strangled snort-snicker. "Lesson one: remember to look up." [20:36] 4Piu won't even have to sneak up on her to suddenly be at her elbow, smiling and beautiful and bubbly 14and as overwhelming as she knows this character usually is. [20:36] 07Dryas inhales deeply, running the mirror's length with her own carved jade straw (a gift from a schoolmate back at the Spiral Academy). "Whoo!" [20:37] 10Bride-to-be, check. What kind of representatives of the groom's party are here, or have they not shown up yet? And what's this about walking dead serving the drinks? 15[20:37] Lena: "So what the fuck are you doing here anyway, babe?" [20:37] 6Zhangyu: "...I've been told that before." 6Being the defender against infiltration training always sucked. 15[20:39] There's no indication that Daizo can see of the groom's party, unless they're indistinguishable from the bridal party. But the only men he sees are himself and the few living servants moving in among the skeletons in vests and fezes carrying golden trays full of snacks and full wineglasses. 15[20:40] Hayabusa: "Who are you? Who is this?" 15[20:40] Sadako, not speaking Seatongue, looks helplessly on. [20:41] 4Piu: "Your highness...I'm V'Neef Piu, hearthsister of Cynis Dryas, Tepet Daizo, and Tepet Zhangyu -- one of the Four Fangs. Please permit me to congratulate you on your engagement, and upcoming nuptials." [20:41] 6Zhangyu can translate for her benefit. "I am Tepet Zhangyu. This is Sadako, my student." 15[20:42] Princess Lapis blinks once, twice, before finding words. "Daughters of the Scarlet Throne," she says, in good but strongly accented High Realm. "You honor me. Thank you." 15[20:43] Hayabusa: "Tepet? You are far from home." [20:43] 4She chuckles. "Well, the Tepets are boys, but we don't hold it against them." 4Practiced pause. "...Is now a bad time?" [20:44] 07Dryas: "The South was marvelous. The court of the Thri-Khan was splendid, the desert is magnificent - so beautiful. But you know, it's all so terribly dry. So I thought to myself, Dryas, it's time for a change of pace. The next Threshold outing must be out West. And I'm not one for naval discipline, so, the Navy was right out." [20:45] 10Well, you can't complain about being the odd one out when you've painted an enormous target on yourself and set it on fire. To Caxi: "Shall we convey our well-wishes to the blushring bride too?" [20:46] 6Zhangyu: "I haven't been home in a while." 6He's been 'home' more recently than he would guess, but it's still been a while. 15[20:47] Lapis can't quite keep eye contact. "...bad time for what?" 15[20:48] Caxi: "Oh, yes. I want to make her jealous." [20:50] 4...Ah. So that's how it is. "A wedding...rehearsal." 4The pause is carefully but not gauchely timed. [20:51] 10Daizo: "Are you sure you wouldn't rather trade? I'll get to be a prince, and you can get the great and terrible necromancer—" 15[20:51] Lena: "So you're on a V'neef ship? And I thought *I* was slumming it." 15[20:52] Caxi giggles, before leaning in to whisper, "I think we can do better." 15[20:53] Lapis: "Oh? I wouldn't know. This is my first." [20:53] 10Daizo: "Looking forward to it." 15[20:53] Hayabusa: "Why here?" [20:53] 4Is there a seat open next to her? [20:54] 07Dryas: "For now, for now. I might be in the market for another very soon, if you know anyone looking to sell a ship." [20:54] 10So they'll turn up by Piu's side shortly. [20:54] 4Meanwhile: "Well, you generally don't want to be to too many of them, sitting in that chair." 15[20:59] Lapis: "I suppose not. Are you married?" 15[20:59] There is a seat next to her, the one previously occupied by Cynis Lena. [21:00] 6Zhangyu: "In a back-alley square? Sparring practice. On Brightwork? My ship has business here." 6Simple answers, because the complicated ones get real complicated. [21:00] 07Dryas, continuing: "And how about you? Business is well, I trust? Aside from this dreadful piracy nonsense, of course...?" [21:00] 4Piu: "To my job. Which is a lame cop-out, actually saying it out loud." 15[21:01] Hayabusa: "What kind of student can you be if you're about to leave?" 15[21:02] Lena: "*My* business is good. It's everyone else's that's going to shit." 15[21:02] "It's like the whole fuckin Navy's on holiday. I can't even get a letter home reliably without handing it off to the court magician here." 15[21:02] "Nevermind goods and services." 15[21:03] Caxi will let Daizo introduce himself, contrary to Imperial custom. [21:03] 07Dryas looks her over - then asks: "Has anyone from the Navy visited to explain this state of affairs?" [21:04] 4Frankly, we're so progressive when it comes to men's rights. 15[21:04] It's true, and more people should praise you for it. [21:08] 10Any crowds part for Daizo as he passes. Not just for the usual reasons, but also because of the shimmering heat haze and glimmering cinders rising up from him. He offers a moderate-formal bow to Lapis. "I see you've already met my hearth-sister, princess. Tepet Daizo, of the Four Fangs. A blessing to you on this eventful day." 15[21:09] "Do you like your job?" Lapis asks as Daizo walks up. She saw him coming as soon as he walked in, so she's mostly fully adjusted to his presence by the time he bows. After inclining her own head gracefully: "You're very kind, thank you." 15[21:10] Lena: "No. Anything down Abalone way?" [21:11] 14Piu: "No. But I like the consequences of doing my job well." [21:11] 4Her voice getting a bit icy might be lost in the arrival of the hottest new couple in the archipelago. [21:12] 6Zhangyu: "I'm a quick study, but it's true, not that quick... Do you travel around, or remain here? Because I've a dojo in Abalone, specializing in Mantis but we teach other styles. Lord Meteor and Jungle Empress are there now." 15[21:13] Hayabusa: "Abalone? The Realm colony?" [21:14] 6Zhangyu: "The same." [21:14] 07Ah, so she is not totally uninformed of where I've been. "Only if you count our very own Commodore. Which I, given the circumstances, would not. Tell me, have you been to Abalone yourself?" [21:14] 10Daizo: "Piu is very reliable. We've been fortunate to have her as a companion on our voyages." 15[21:15] Lena: "Sure. Best cigars in Creation. Hand-rolled by islander virgins with fat tits and four kids. That volcano that makes the sky change colors like a dancing-star." 15[21:15] "Why? Is it all fucked up too?" [21:16] 4Piu: "Daizo's a flatterer! But an extremely good one." 15[21:17] Caxi: "Lady Piu is exceedingly modest. There is no surer hand in a crisis. Cynis Caxi, your highness." [21:18] 07Dryas: "Funny you should mention that! The volcano was extremely fucked up, briefly. I was even, for a time, framed for the death of its God. But I suppose Heaven has its ways, and a new God was appointed in time. Such is the way of things in the Threshold, I suppose." 15[21:19] Hayabusa: "You are rich, yeah? You have connections? Rich enough to hire people?" [21:21] 07Dryas, suddenly remembering something: "Oh! And, I learned the most peculiar thing the other day. Is it true that Falen is on safari out here? I heard she had made port in Wu Jian?" 15[21:21] Lapis's eyebrows go up. "And you've come all this way..." Daizo can tell Lapis comes from great wealth and is very well cared-for, in the manner of a precious vase or some other display piece. She's in perfect health (but low on sleep), great shape (but her nails are short, suggesting she chews and then files them) and very finely dressed (in clothes that suggest she weighed a bit more 15[21:21] when she was fitted for them). 15[21:23] Lena: "Okay hold up. Did you say framed?" 15[21:23] It's been long enough that she tops up with another line before adding, "Cause that sounds like a story." [21:24] 6Zhangyu: "Sure." 6He can afford that much, right? Transport to Abalone and pay for Hayabusa to train students? 15[21:24] Hayabusa: "Good. I will give you the name of a theatre company. Hire them to start putting on shows in Abalone. Then I can teach you." [21:26] 10Daizo will pull a nearby seat over, in what is probably a breach of banquet protocol, and flag down a servant for a wineglass. The upholstery doesn't catch fire.  "if truth be told, Highness, our visit here is a bit of a diversion for us." 15[21:27] Lapis: "Oh? A pleasant one, I hope." [21:27] 6Zhangyu: "What's the name?" 15[21:27] Hayabusa: "Tigers in the Sky." 15[21:27] Hastily: "I didn't name it." [21:27] 4By our mothers, Dryas, how fucking long does it take to do a couple lines? Important info here!! [21:29] 07Dryas: "Oh, it was a bit of poor timing on my part. Decided to visit the mountain-god - and, on a sacrificial day no less -- a rather barbaric custom, if I should be so bold as to say so. So, myself and a few others from the ship set off to ascend Hamoji. After ascending the better part of the morning, we find ourselves at the summit." [21:31] 10Daizo makes a see-saw hand gesture. "We met with a frosty welcome at the docks, I'm afraid. But Brightwork is certainly a marvelous city. I hope to take in a few of the sights before the ceremony proper." [21:32] 4Piu: "There apparently is something of a famine on, so of course we did something about that." 15[21:32] Lapis: "What?" 15[21:32] "Where?" [21:33] 4Piu's eyebrows shoot up. "We walked in through a grain riots on the dock. Just outside the walls." [21:33] *riot [21:33] "Thankfully we had a hold full of excess food." [21:33] 6Zhangyu nods. "I'll keep that name in mind." 6Has Zhangyu heard of them before? [21:34] 07Dryas: "The ceremony begins, but, at its height, an arrow pierces the heart of Hamoji. My companions and I - for we all swore ourselves the Four Fangs not long afterwards - found the moonsilver arrow that slew him. Of course, for my own skill in archery I was immediately suspected. The Ali-Ki, their high priest, assaulted poor Daizo and, somehow, beat a pair of wings into his back. But in any case, we soon demonstrated our [21:34] own innocence in the matter, for all the good it did as the Governor was replaced anyway." [21:35] 10Daizo, nodding: "Quite a lot of foreign mercenaries appear to have been brought in to keep order." 15[21:35] Lena: "Oh is that why he's like that? I thought maybe you got picked him up on the way out. They sell mutants like that in Wu Jian. Very stylish bodyguards." [21:36] 10Wow. [21:36] 4God, it's gonna be so fun to 14deal with 4her. 15[21:37] Lapis: "No, that can't-- but how? The rain's still falling. The fields are still growing. I see them from my window." [21:37] "Oh, no, he's Tepet, actually." 07That makes it sound worse. "Of upstanding character." 07Is this a hole? "In any case, if you remember cousin Caxi, I believe he is her escort for tonight's party." 07With visible effort, Dryas stops digging. 15[21:38] Lena: "Oh shit. Caxi? I heard they shacked her up with a loser but I didn't know it was a Tepet. A post-war Tepet. Holy shit. I guess that's what happens when you get expelled from two secondary schools, though, am I right?" [21:39] 4Haha! I'm gonna kill this bitch! 15[21:40] Hayabusa: "Well. I will see you then, then." [21:40] 4To Lapis: "Well, I'd hate to speak ill of our hosts, Your Highness. So I won't." 4As they're the only ones to blame. [21:41] 10Daizo: "Mm. It is not as if the crops aren't growing, Princess. It is rather that there are likely not enough of them to go around." 10Woof. 15[21:42] Caxi: "Is her highness familiar with the notion of balance of trade?" [21:42] 07Dryas: "Oh, I've given quite the wrong impression. No, they aren't married, her husband is back at home. Ahh... Aku. Cynis Aku. Come on, you know how it is. Anyway, she was smiling back there with him when they came in, which I didn't think was actually possible for her." 15[21:42] Lapis: "Imports and exports, yes." 15[21:43] Caxi: "The food you grow here is exported, and the food that the people here eat is imported in turn. The exports continue, but the imports have slowed to a trickle because of piracy." 15[21:45] Does Zhangyu have anything else for Hayabusa before he turns to leave, or does he go with Sadako to get ready for the party? [21:45] 6Zhangyu: "Goodbye, Hayabusa." 6A productive conversation! And, well, spar's probably over what with that interruption. [21:46] 4Piu: "A good administrator finds creative solutions to such an obvious problem!" [21:46] 10Princess Lapis is caught in quite the bad spot here, isn't she? All the anxieties of high station, but frozen entirely out of the exercise of actual power. 15[21:47] Lapis: "Can't we just... hold onto the food we grow?" [21:48] 10At least at home, they have middling bureaucratic positions. 15[21:48] Sadako: "You made a friend." [21:49] 4Piu: "You could. Problem is, your administrator...well." [21:49] "Think she's still in the powder room. Zooming to Heaven." [21:49] 6Zhangyu: "I hope so. He's said to be an excellent Falcon stylist, and, well. Sure seemed like it." 15[21:50] Sadako: "Serves you right. Do we have to go to the party?" [21:50] 6Do they? 15[21:50] Lena: "Probably not good for him, then. You know she's got a body count." 15[21:51] That's up to Zhangyu, really. Technically they accepted the invitation! But it's not like anyone can punish him for it. [21:52] "She does?" 07Dryas asks. This is some dishing. [21:53] 6Zhangyu: "Do you want to?" 6It's an honest question, really. 15[21:53] Lena: "They put you on a boat with her and they didn't warn you? What on earth are you all doing out here?" [21:54] 14You'll pay to find out. 15[21:54] Sadako: "No? Obviously?? But Seiri's going to be there, unless they decide Garnet can't go out and play." [21:55] "Getting rich?" 07Dryas answers. It's not exactly wrong. [21:55] 10Daizo: "It's all a matter of who owns the land and its produce, and what their priorities are, Princess. In an ideal society, all people would have what they needed, appropriate to their station. But no society is ideal." [21:56] 10What *did* happen to Seiri and Garnet? We kind of… left them at the door. [21:59] 6He figured, but good to ask. "Then we probably should, I don't think they were left on the ship or anything." 15[22:00] Lady Garnet and Seiri presumably got assigned rooms like the rest of the non-senior staff. [22:01] 4Piu: "Some do manage not to have food riots." [22:01] "Just saying!" 15[22:02] "You and me both, cuz." One more fat line for the road, and then: "We stay in here any longer they're going to think we're fucking. Come on." [22:03] "See you in there. Keep it up." 07Once more unto the breach, dear friends - and back to the party. [22:03] 10Daizo: "This certainly took a turn. I hope we aren't weighing you down too much, Princess." [22:04] 4Piu is lounging beautifully in Lena's chair when the two Cynis cousins step out, and isn't inclined to move. Maybe spread her legs a bit more though. 15[22:04] Princess Lapis is spared from having to reply by the return of Lena and Dryas. "Cousin Dryas's kin are here! Beautiful, beautiful-- is that Caxi? Damn, girl. Nice pull." [22:06] 07Dryas, in a gauzy high-necked number, makes her way back towards the Princess and the majority of the Hearth. [22:06] 10This time Daizo will adhere to protocol and let Caxi introduce him. Lena seems like she might be a stickler for that sort of thing. 15[22:08] Caxi's smile is frozen solid. "Oh, indeed. Cousin Lena, allow me to introduce Tepet Daizo, lately of the Cloister and currently one of the Four Fangs." 15[22:09] To Daizo: "Daizo, darling, this is Cynis Lena, daughter of Cynis Falen." 15[22:09] Lena: "Oh, he knows me." 15[22:10] Lena looks down at her occupied seat. "Damn. You come with the furniture or you cost extra?" [22:11] 4Piu grins. "You'll pay to find out." 15[22:11] Lena: "How much?" [22:12] 07Dryas, to Daizo: "So, you've already cornered the Princess?" [22:13] "Let's see." 4She stands with a flourish and runs a finger down Lena's cheek...culminating in wiping off some left over powder from her nose. Tasting it with her tongue: "Well then." [22:14] "Only the best for House Cynis." 15[22:14] Lena: "That's right." [22:14] 10Daizo: "Oh, how awful of you, Sister. We were just introducing ourselves, and then being dreadful bores." 15[22:16] Someone wolf-whistles at the table from near the ballroom entrance. Those who look up see the Commodore, hair pulled tight above her dress uniform, accompanied by a woman with familiar red eyes whose features are obscured by veil and scarf. Behind her, in a dress that's probably very nice by peasant standards, Seiri Gansa is toting a very heavy silk bag. [22:16] "Impossible," 07Dryas replies, taking a sip of wine. "Who else at this party has defeated a two-headed cat as large as a river dragon, or a scorpion the size of a fat man's palanquin?" 07She wipes her mouth with a napkin, making sure to get under her nose as well. [22:18] 10Daizo wonders if the bag was Garnet or Seiri's idea. Good thinking on their part. [22:19] "Ha! Beasts, really, Hardly worth mentioning." 15[22:20] Lena perches on the corner of the chair exposed by Piu's spread legs. "Cat's where the Fangs are from, I'm guessing?" [22:21] 4Piu places a hand on her thigh. "Indeed." [22:23] 10Daizo: "Of course, when Dryas says it had two heads, they weren't two cat heads. It's more that it had somehow grafted a human face to its throat." [22:24] "Terrible to look at. Worse to listen to." 15[22:25] Ratel comes up to the table. "I see we're enjoying ourselves. Where's Zhangyu?" [22:26] 4Stroking the mark: "You know him. Fashionable. Late. One of those two." [22:29] 6Zhangyu, after changing into something more appropriate for a party that looks less like something someone would start a fight in, enters shortly after the Commodore, then makes a beeline for the familiar faces. Sadako's with him, if she wishes - if Seiri's here, she might wish to be. Shoot. He hit 'unfashionably late.' 15[22:32] Ratel, dryly: "Lady Lena. I see V'neef Piu has made quite an impression." [22:32] 10Daizo: "Watch. It'll turn out he was jumped by a rival martial artist and challenged to a duel." [22:33] 6Thought he made better time getting here. Nothing to be done now. As he arrives: "Commodore. Fangs, Caxi. And that is... startlingly close to accurate, cousin." [22:35] 07Dryas: "Did you win?" 15[22:35] Sadako: "He got beat so hard he asked the guy to train him." [22:36] 6Zhangyu: "That is not true in the slightest." [22:36] "Well. The training part is. But I was looking for a Falcon stylist anyway." 15[22:37] Caxi: "Princess Lapis, Cousin Lena, allow me to introduce Tepet Zhangyu, the greatest master of Mantis in the direction, and Commodore Ratel, the commander of our ship." [22:38] 10Daizo: "Falcon? All the way out here? That's unexpected." [22:38] 6Zhangyu bows slightly. "I was surprised, too. As Sadako can attest." 15[22:38] Lapis: "Peleps Ratel? From the Traitor's Strait?" 15[22:39] Ratel raises her eyebrows slightly. "I was there, your highness. You seem a bit young to have been there yourself." [22:40] 4That Ratel, even hitting on the bride. 15[22:41] Lapis: "Oh!! I read all about it. Fighting the Azure Fleet to a draw in her own waters - we studied it extensively. The strategy of it, the politics, the tactics-- oh, you're who the Realm sent! They're all here with you. Of course!" [22:42] 10Interesting.10 What's with this princess who has no idea about how food gets from farm to her table, but does know about Realm naval engagements? [22:46] 07Dryas's eyes pull across Piu and Lena - she blinks - and then her head sweeps about to look at the Princess, Ratel, and Garnet. She rests a hand on the back of Lena's - now Piu's chair. [22:47] 4Frankly the most Ratel think possible is just two hours giving it to the bride-to-be in her marriage bed because she's a fucking history nerd. You have to respect it. Piu's attention is elsewhere. [22:47] *4thing [22:49] 10Daizo: "Haha, we should have told you earlier, then, and set your mind at ease." 15[22:52] Ratel gives one of the courtiers a death stare until she gets up and moves across the table without needing to be told, and then sits beside the princess. "This is such a beautiful part of the world. I'm glad to be back on a happier occasion." 15[22:53] Caxi's expression is neutral, but Daizo can feel her shuddering with repressed mirth. 15[22:55] Garnet, Sadako, and Seiri seem to have settled at another, smaller table, as guests continue to filter in - including sailors from the Defiance, now. [22:55] 07Dryas pats Piu's shoulder as she takes another swig of wine. [22:55] 4Well then. [22:58] 10Daizo whispers "This is about to turn into a firewand wedding, ain't it?"10 lapsing into accented Low Realm for the second half of the sentence. 15[23:01] The musician finishes his most recent song and steps offstage, making for the buffet table where he balances a plate full of egg rolls in one hand and an unopened bottle of wine in the crook of the other. Then he starts walking carefully backstage. [23:03] 10Bold. Very bold. [23:09] "We'll have to talk later," 07Dryas tells Daizo, quietly. "What style was he, Zhangyu?" [23:10] 6Zhangyu: "Falcon. Very acrobatic, visually impressive style that's also fantastic for... getting the drop on people." [23:10] 4Piu's hands roam Lena's body, and they're permitted to because she's now a prepurchased bedwarmer. The Cynis adminstrator isn't an idiot and doesn't trust anyone she fucks, obviously, so Piu still has to be careful...but she was trained for this. And that's how Cynis Lena's stash of premium pure coke becomes a hotshot, without leaving her person. [23:10] 6He knows it isn't funny, but that is quite literally what happened to him, so he's earned that one. [23:11] 4Now it's time to endure, and wait. [23:12] "Wow! Do they have a Hinokuni here?" 07she asks. [23:14] 10Daizo: "Falcon and Mantis combined, well. I can't think of any current practitioners who have successfully combined those. You'd be leaving your stamp on the martial arts world for all time, cos." [23:14] 4Piu rolls her eyes. They did. [23:14] 4Still, not the time to nerd out. [23:15] 6Zhangyu: "Not anymore. He's the reason it doesn't exist -- too good at it." [23:16] "People stopped challenging, audiences stopped coming. No more Hinokuni." [23:17] 10Daizo: "Suffering fron success." [23:17] 10*from. Daizo's had a couple glasses. [23:18] 07Dryas claps her hands. "You should beat him, and establish a new federation! We can do that in three days, right?" [23:19] 6Zhangyu: "...no, but if we hire his theater company back in Abalone, he's agreed to work as a sifu." [23:21] "Oh! Well, that's nearly as good. Does he want to move, then?" 07Dryas asks. [23:23] 6Zhangyu: "He agreed to it, provided we hire them. Have you heard of Tigers in the Sky? He insists he didn't name it, also." [23:24] 10Daizo: "Tigers in the Sky… to be taken metaphorically, one hopes." [23:28] 07Dryas' interest is slightly piqued. "Is that the troupe who had the play about Chiaroscuro? 'Khan' or something? That was actually a hit right before I went into the south, myself." [23:29] "Good find, Zhangyu!" 07she beams. 15[23:29] Lena stretches. "I gotta get a taste. Anyone else up?" 15[23:29] Caxi perks up. [23:29] "...I could follow you in a minute." [23:29] "If you wanted..." 15[23:30] Lena: "You better." [23:30] "Mmmm. Yes ma'am." [23:30] 10Daizo: "I think I've heard the title. A couple of the theater kids in Lord's Crossing were all about it." 15[23:30] Ratel: "Your highness, why don't we join her?" 15[23:30] Lapis: "Oh, I don't think that's-- on a state occasion--" [23:30] 14Oh for fuck's sake, you druggies. [23:31] 10Daizo looks bemused. Is this that kind of party already? 15[23:31] Ratel: "Your last occasion as a free woman. The party before my wedding was *very* different than this." 15[23:31] Lapis: "Oh? How?" 15[23:31] Ratel: "I'll tell you later. Come on!" 15[23:32] Caxi perks down. On second thought, she's good. [23:32] 4Piu coughs. "I don't think...that'd be...appropriate..." [23:32] 4She gives Ratel the look. The 'I'm gonna fuck her in the bathroom' look. Possibly concerning that this is an understood look. [23:33] 4It's half apology, because it means Ratel won't be fucking her in the bathroom. [23:33] 14Hope to the ancestors there's more than one powder room. Even a thin wall would help." [23:33] -" 15[23:33] Ratel: "...on second thought, why don't I get us some more wine." 15[23:33] Lapis: "Oh, alright!" 15[23:35] Caxi: "Why do you think he's so eager to get out?" 15[23:35] She's asking this to Zhangyu. [23:38] 14Once Lena stands up and goes, to Dryas: "Ball's in play. I'm making a call." 14She slips Dryas the copy of the letter from Cynis Falen that she found in Lena's chambers. [23:38] "We've been marked." [23:40] 6To Caxi: "Think he wants to seek fame and fortune in the Realm, ultimately. This is... a little remote for that kind of thing." 15[23:41] Caxi: "I suppose it is. Some consider that remoteness a blessing. Away from prying eyes, it's easier to be who you really are." [23:43] 07Dryas looks the letter over discretely. She frowns. "Falen already knows what our mission is," 07she grumbles. [23:43] 10Daizo: "The eternal question: is it better to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big one?" [23:44] 10Daizo: "But even a big pond has big fish. So that would be best of all. Heh." 15[23:44] Caxi: "What if you don't want to be a fish at all?" 15[23:44] "What if you want to be a bird?" [23:45] 14Piu: "Not the only reason it has to happen. I've been bought, after all." 14And...clock start. 4Standing: "Excuse me." [23:48] 10That prompts a laugh from Daizo. "You're right. I'm still thinking in altogether too conventional terms, aren't I?" 15[23:49] Caxi's smile falters a bit. "There's a certain value in being grounded. Even a bird has to be able to stand and walk." [23:55] 10Daizo looks like he's considering a couple of ways to respond to this… but decides to take it to heart instead of making it a debating point.  [23:56] 07Dryas clutches at Piu's hand just enough to avoid drawing any more attention to them: "I have a plan. We take care of her, upend the wedding, and deal with the deathknights all at once. Slow boil, set them all against each other. Our trust in each other is what will see us through, let's get all the leverage we can from it." [23:56] 14Piu leans in. "I poisoned her coke. We're committed." 15[23:57] As Daizo's eyes drift around the room he sees the stage, and the musician about halfway through his, uh, meal -- and Seiri with her back to the room, trying to engage him in conversation. The man's expression is curious. [23:58] 10How curious are we talking, here? 15[23:59] He's looking up past her periodically at the table now occupied by Sadako, Garnet, and a couple of sailors. [23:59] 07Dryas: "Spill it, this is too high profile and will attract attention. We keep it easy, we roll them all up slow until they're at each other's throats." [00:00] 10Man likes his egg rolls, though, that's fine. Not judging him for that. 15[00:00] Lena: "You coming or not?" [00:01] 4Piu straightens. "Yeah babe." [00:01] 10Does he seem to be paying more attention to Garnet, or to Sadako? Each has its own implications. [00:01] 4She follows, demurely. [00:01] 14Clock starts now. 15[00:03] He's looking at Garnet. Daizo knows this face, he's seen it in the mirror a lot lately; the expression of a man contemplating something that could get him in trouble. [00:04] 10Ouch. You have to put it like that, narrator? [00:04] 6It's somewhere in the contract. [00:04] 07Dryas sits at the table and throws back another glass of wine. 15[00:05] Lena's already got it laid out in neat little rows like she's warding off tiny ghosts. "What's your name again?" [00:06] 4Piu: "Piu. I'm an outcaste." [00:07] "Wow! What's that?" [00:07] 4She's looking at the drugs. [00:07] 4Wide-eyes. [00:08] 10Daizo pats Caxi on the arm and whispers, "Going to go check on Seiri and Garnet. I don't like the way that musician's eyeing Garnet." 15[00:08] Lena: "Oh fuck off. You come in here dressed like that, talking Realm like that, you expect me to believe you've never had a rail before?" 15[00:08] "You think I'm stupid?" 15[00:08] Her tone is more playful than the narration makes it sound. [00:08] 4She blows her hair up adorably and rolls her eye. "No, like, where from?" [00:09] *4eyes 15[00:10] Caxi nods and leans over to Dryas trying to catch her eye with a gesture that seems to say, What is up with Piu? 15[00:10] Seiri is up by the stage and Garnet is back at the table with Sadako left holding the bag. Which way does Daizo go? [00:11] 07Dryas drinks more wine and shakes her head at Caxi. She wobbles her head back and forth noncommitantly, while grabbing a rice ball from the table in front of her and popping that in her mouth next. A lot of rice in this spread. 15[00:12] Lena: "From the ground!" Letting that stand as sufficient explanation she bends down and snorts. [00:12] 14And here we go. [00:13] 14On the first cough, Piu steps behind her, syringe at the ready. [00:14] 10To Garnet's table. Seiri will at least have the sense and the reflexes to get away if Daizo's guessed wrong. Garnet has certain limitations.  15[00:15] Daizo finds the atmosphere frosty. Even the sailors are subdued. Sadako wears an expression behind her hanging hair fearsome enough to strike a man dead. [00:19] 10Daizo's only a little buzzed so he's still got the composure to meet that glare. "Is this a bad time?" 15[00:19] Garnet: "Master Daizo! No! Please. We're happy to see you. You look magnificent." [00:20] 07Dryas opens her mouth partway - quite unladylike - and pantomimes choking on the riceball for an instant at Caxi. Then she gives a rather glum swirl of her glass and offers a toast to her cousin. 15[00:21] Caxi's eyebrows go up, and Dryas gets a 'well, good for her!' face in response alongside a raised glass of her own. [00:22] 07We'll drink to that, then! [00:23] 10Daizo: "You're very kind, Lady Garnet. You should have seen the first thirteen times I tried this out in my cabin, haha. Gentlemen, if you would?" 10He makes a shooing motion at the sailors. Go take a smoke break, boys. 15[00:25] The sailors are too happy to depart. [00:30] 10Daizo: "That crappy musician over there's been staring at you two for a while now. Do either of you know what his deal is?" [00:31] "Because I will be happy, in fact delighted, to chuck him out a window if he's bothering you or Seiri." [00:32] 07Dryas is eager to find something happier to think about. She looks at Daizo, and then back at Caxi. She expressively moves her eyebrows. Hey, how am I even able to talk to you like this? Do you do this with everyone all the time? 15[00:32] Garnet: "Seiri seemed struck by inspiration and decided to speak to the musician while he was offstage." 15[00:32] Sadako: "She's talking about us." 15[00:35] Caxi looks like the cat that got the cream. Not just *anyone*. Dryas is part of an elect few. A keeper of secrets. [00:35] 10Daizo: "Inspiration? Does she want him to play a special song or something?" [00:36] 14The struggle is brief and the move is quick. She takes out Lena's legs at the same moment she dazes her by smashing her head against the beautiful countertop. The syringe is in her mouth. 15[00:37] Garnet: "Perhaps? I didn't ask her to explain." 15[00:37] "She seemed happy to stretch her legs." 15[00:37] Sadako: "Yeah, whose fault is that?" [00:39] 10Daizo: "I'm the one that's paying her here, and right now I'm paying her to carry a jar when it needs to be carried. Now shush, I want to try and listen in on them." [00:41] 07There seem to be a few secrets on this voyage. But I'm glad you're happy. Hey, look, I have to mingle a little, stay out of trouble? 15[00:41] Go with Heaven, cousin. Caxi winks. 15[00:42] Daizo peers over, and can't quite make out their words... but sees the musician give a furtive look about before ushering Seiri behind the curtain. 15[00:43] Just then, an ear-piercing scream cuts through the ballroom, all the more startling for sounding half-strangled. Lena is all but seizing up in Piu's arms, red-eyed, foam trickling from the corner of mouth -- but it's such a simple thing to scream. 15[00:43] Got a set of lungs on her, too. [00:43] 10Daizo: "Right. Putting a stop to this now—" 15[00:44] The Commodore's hands fly above the table and push her to a standing position. Caxi just puts her feet up on Daizo's chair and pours another glass of wine. [00:45] 10Daizo all but leaps up. [00:47] 07Dryas finishes her glass in a single draught and drops the empty crystal to the floor. 15[00:50] NEXT TIME: Girl, Interrupted