15[20:06] Daizo and Garnet make uneasy eye contact across the table, the jar between them blocking much but not all of their view of one another, insisting that they HEAR. "How does this work? Are we meditating? Do we hold hands?" asks the jar's prisoner. [20:09] 10Hand-holding! Scandalous.  [20:11] 10Daizo: "I'm not entirely certain myself. But approaching it as a guided meditation may not be the worst idea. Breathe deeply. Find yoru center." 15[20:14] Elsewhere, Piu and Zhangyu are hard at work, at first laying the ground for a riot and then nimbly wriggling out of one. Their dockside informant running smack into a Watch patrol somehow really through a knife in the works. But Piu got them all out of trouble with relatively little bloodshed. So now what? [20:15] 4Well! If she had more time, she'd try to figure out who the obvious informant is in Tomi's inner circle. That's clearly not a coincidence. But we don't have that time! [20:15] 4How long until the wedding, again? Two days? Three? 15[20:16] Two days and two nights, yes. 15[20:16] Garnet nods and places one hand on the jar, and lays the other across the table for Daizo to take. "This has never come naturally to me," she mutters before closing her eyes and starting to breathe deeply. [20:17] 14She's pretty much up to spec on her responsibilities. Might be time to bring all of the Iselsi assets in Brightwork in for a meeting on what the plan is, because right now it sounds like the plan is a free-for-all at the wedding. [20:19] 10Daizo takes Garnet's hand, and adopts a calm and sonorous tone as he begins to infuse Essence into the jar. "Visualize... the moments as you became aware in the Maw. With each inhale and exhale, the Now melts away, and the shape of the past returns to you." 15[20:23] What is the plan, as Piu sees it? Or is she expecting Tephen and Caedus — who both outrank her — to present something? [20:27] 14Well she is definitely expecting them to present something. That is, formally speaking, the handler's job. But what she's envisioning is something along the lines of: convincing the Abbot to fuck off (she doesn't have the intel to map this out yet), getting the wedding going with Moray and the Knight in the same room, releasing Peleps Deled and whatever group of squareheads he's [20:27] 14been able to whip into a posse on the proceedings, and kicking off a grand melee at the altar. This gives Ratel and their delegation "cover" to side with the Realm hero -- this will be important to the Realm stakeholders they have to talk to later, not to Skullstone; fuck their feelings -- and Caska to swing into action. She also has news of the two Lunars -- they're a Sword of [20:27] 14Creation-level option, but they are an option. [20:27] 14And of course contemporaneous with it all kicking off at the wedding, the docks riot to sap reinforcements. [20:28] 14Assuming Tomi and company can be trusted on that. 15[20:30] The circuit is complete, and Daizo's living soul suffuses it with power. He becomes, as he did once before, intimately and intensely aware of Garnet's emotional state. Her fear, her uncertainty, her loneliness, her grief, all cut through with an anger so heavy and sharp it weighs Daizo down like a daiklave he hasn't attuned to. 15[20:36] Piu can easily get alone time with Caedus or Tephen, but getting them together is quite difficult since they both have very full, non-overlapping itineraries, which Piu can sneak into but not really cross, as such. The peril of having to have a real job. [20:38] 14For fuck's sake. Well, Tephen's more important logistically; Caedus is a sweetheart and is likely more amenable to being briefed after the fact. [20:38] 10Unlike that first time, Daizo's prepared, or convinced himself he's prepared, to bear it, at least for a short time. And in exchange, Garnet bears witness to Daizo's frustrations, his doubts and worries, his own quiet anger, and an overwhelming need to 10know,10 and in knowing, gain mastery. 15[20:41] The two Earth Aspects focus and breathe but no grand unveiling comes. Daizo is buffeted by alternating waves of impatience, recrimination, an urge to focus... he can hear Garnet muttering in the back of his mind: "This suffocating devilry... what are we waiting for? Hear what? Learn what?" Daizo doesn't think it's directed to him, but when you're effectively alone in a room with someone 15[20:41] talking to themselves... you kind of wonder. 15[20:43] Piu already has ample time to work things out with Tephen, in advance of meeting Caska, which despite happening in a vignette last week technically takes place several hours from now. So we revisit that meeting taken aside in a private space in Tern's Customs Office. "What are your secondary objectives?" is the first thing Tephen asks when Piu comes looking for structure. [20:46] 14Piu: "Depends on what you think my primary objectives are. I see them as The Knight of Ghosts and Shadows and Moray Starving...you know, Moray, that shithead, dead and gone. Notably, not the Abbot. I'm hoping to split the Abbot off. Everything else is gravy, because it flows from that." [20:47] "So I do not see Mox Lapis's safety as a primary objective; I do not see the crippling of the local Guild as a primary objective; I do not see letting two Lunars -- yes, I think we've found another one -- free into the islands to cause trouble as a primary objective...but I do kinda want to see them happen." 15[20:49] Tephen: "What about the pretense of Dynastic objectivity? Pretending your hand was forced, or you were moved to action, is going to require some fussing. Particularly for anyone who needs weapons and armor night-of." 15[20:49] "If that's not a priority, we can stage it 14heh more simply." [20:50] 14Piu: "Peleps Deled will do all the hand-forcing required. Myself and Zhangyu at least will be at full speed in fancy clothes. Daizo and Dryas might have to make some compromises, but if we win this, there isn't going to be anyone left to complain that this goremaul or that legendary bow was a bit too quick to hand." [20:51] "Frankly the presence of skeletons at the wedding might be excuse enough for arriving armed." [20:51] 10No one said this was going to be easy. "The sounds in the room, the beating of your heart, the scent of the tea—these are all parts of the circles that go around the center. But in that center, there is no coming or going… a place of quiet and stillness. And if your thoughts and agitations have caught you, sigh your way into the center…" [20:52] 07Dryas makes her way down the docks with a pair of porters from the Omeron, lugging one of the ship's tapestries dragged up from storage somewhere. Wrapped in the middle of the cloth is a cage and inside the cage is a mouse, and inside the mouse is a monster. She will deposit the cloth, cage, mouse, monster with the Leaf under strict instructions to segregate its contents from the bird in the hold. 15[20:53] Dryas has taken possession of her cousin Lena's effects, among them responsibility for Brightwork's tribute obligations and the infrastructure Lena controls in pursuit of that. She's also got Lena's extracurriculars, such as the aforementioned mouse in a cage. The Leaf, which is already something of a menagerie, easily admits another. [20:58] 07Dryas will send runners from her mercenaries to bring the others back for yet another meeting, and makes her way to meet with the Guild Factor, Waxwing. 15[20:59] Tephen shakes his head. "It's not that simple. Your Immaculate hitter is not going to be sneaking up to the front door; hostilities are going to start well before anyone breaches the ceremony chamber. You need to hit them close to simultaneous to the frontal assault, which needs to happen a little bit after the riot to bleed the Watch away. So I think we need to plan for two dramatic 15[20:59] entrances, not one dramatic entrance and one delayed reaction." [20:59] 14Piu: "That's fair." [21:00] 14Piu: "Once Deled is out of pocket, he's going until he wins or he's dead. So he's kind of what we have to time everything around anyway." [21:01] 10After a few more minutes of this, Daizo lets the attunement to the jar lapse. "All right. Deep breath, the regular kind. Let's think about how to proceed from here." 15[21:01] Tephen: "Luckily that's easy to arrange: you've got an ingress from behind the stage where the magician sets up. So make sure he's not in a position to talk or make noise and you can just come out right there, in full kit, in the heart of the greasel nest." [21:01] 14She realizes they still haven't formulated a way to...get Deled onside? Get Deled manipulated? Into waiting until the wedding. It would be nice if she had any real idea how rational he was, rather than just going off of stories. 15[21:01] *where the musician sets up [21:02] 14Piu: "Hopefully he's not too put out. I have no interest in complicating things by killing the wedding singer. Besides, he might be more than he seems. Had a strange book on him." 15[21:03] Garnet's anger was rising to the point of physical discomfort for Daizo before he broke the attunement. As soon as the spell breaks, she pulls her hand just free enough to clench it into a fist. "If I just knew what I don't know— gods, that sounds ridiculous." 15[21:05] Tephen: "Okay. I can work with that. I'll have something more structured for you tomorrow. I'll make sure our assets are in place. But you and Caedus are responsible for your assets. Your hearth, your crew, your hitter, your Anathema. Getting them on board is your job." [21:05] 14Piu: "The less you know about the Lunars the better. But you're familiar with my work. It gets done." 15[21:06] Tephen nods. "Can't argue, won't argue. Let's get after it." [21:08] 10Daizo rubs his eyes and stands, popping a couple of joints and flexing his wings. "Everything about this situation is ridiculous. We're in uncharted territory here. Hey, you need to hit someone? I can take it." [21:09] 14Piu nods and will slip away. Time to touch base with the new Cynis boss. 15[21:09] Dryas might feel like a bit of a mouse in a cage herself as she bounces back and forth along the length of the docks from Lena's little fleet to the Leaf and now back to the Guild offices — and who's this coming up to meet her? How sneakily does Piu cross Dryas's path? 15[21:09] Garnet: "That is not what I need right now." 15[21:10] "Where do we go from here?" [21:10] 14She doesn't always have to be sneaking up on people, especially not hearth-sisters. She'll just hop off a nearby roof to fall into stride next to her. [21:13] 07Dryas double-takes at her Hearth-Sister's arrival "Surely it's easier to stay on the street the entire time?" [21:14] "'Easier' isn't always the point," 4she says breezily. [21:15] "I've, ah, spoken with Bodease. You know, the enslaved administrator. Did you know there's a way to enter the wedding from backstage, where the musician's setting up?" [21:15] "Well, now you do." [21:16] "You see, I was wondering how you and Daizo would manage to get your kit into the wedding proper. Especially his, since it's the size and weight of a boulder. We'll stash it backstage." [21:18] 07Dryas: "Interesting. I'm sure we can find a use for that. Did you know there's a second... animal around? Lena's secretary - you'll like her - thought it was a pet." [21:18] 10Daizo: "We can probably skip past some of the more common techniques for sparking memories, like hypnosis, tarot, speech-runes…" 10Daizo takes a moment to think. "So the next step after that is achieving an altered state of mind by other means." [21:18] 4Piu: "I did! The silver key, right?" [21:19] "A bit on the nose. The little mousey nose." [21:19] 07Dryas nods. "The same. She moved it onto one of her ships, now one of my ships for the foreseeable future." [21:20] "I'm gonna guess we can get some buy-in with them with, well, the Lena situation." 4She gets a bit careful around that subject. But it's true! "If she was keeping them in a cage." [21:20] 10Daizo: "You're not opposed on principle to any kinds of drug or medicine, are you?" 15[21:21] Garnet: "Not remotely." [21:22] "Them? You mean the ones in the cages??" 07Dryas asks, a bit incredulously. "Buy-in?" [21:22] 4Piu: "You don't actually think we can take the Knight AND Moray with just Deled, Ratel, the crew, and our own gumption, do you?" [21:23] "That's assuming we're able to split off the Abbot!" [21:24] 10Daizo: "So. We could raid Dryas or Caxi's stashes and see if they have anything that opens the third eye. Or we could just try and drink each other udner the table and see what happens, if all we need is to let go a little." [21:24] 07Dryas: "More chaos doesn't necessarily help us or make things any easier in the aftermath." [21:24] 4Piu: "We're in a position where potentially two of the Silver Anathema owe us~" [21:25] 07Dryas: "Calling in a favor from a skinchanger is a good way to end up dead." [21:25] "Babe, we need to reach the aftermath before that's our concern." [21:25] "I feel like we've done it once already and were fine." 15[21:26] Garnet: "You'd know better than I would. I'll try anything." [21:26] 07Dryas: "We'll see what the boys have to say." 07Relying on the Tepets as tiebreakers may not be the best course of action either, but Dryas needs to play for time. [21:27] 4Piu: "You only have a short window until you become their captor, in their minds." [21:27] "Freeing them and telling them to fuck off, even, is better than keeping them." [21:28] "And if you were actually thinking of keeping them, you'd have handed the bird over to Moray already, and we wouldn't be in this mess with him." [21:28] 07Dryas: "I would rather do that with this city firm under my feet than run the risk of leaving it in their hands. Or discovering they'd rather take their chances with Moray and the Knight." [21:30] 4Piu sighs. "You're arguing against what you know is right and also common sense. We know what Silver Anathema hate; that trash dog even told us in so many words. They're not going to side with those who've caged them. We don't want to become those people." [21:31] "If you want, I'll take the mouse out to sea or whatever and do it myself." [21:32] 10Daizo: "All right. I'll go see what I can turn up on short notice." 10He turns before heading out. "Anything in particular you prefer to drink, if I can't find something more suited?" 15[21:34] "Baiju or bog wine." [21:35] "Got it." [21:35] 07Dryas grumbles. "Speak to it yourself, if you dare. It's on board the Leaf. But for the love of the Dragons, don't release it until we're ready." [21:40] 14Piu: "Two days and two nights is more than enough time for you to become just another jailor. And me along with. And I won't do that. I can see the reasoning with the bird and Moray. I can't see it here. I won't set them free on the ship or anywhere the damage from their confusion might hurt our interests. Can I have the key?" [21:45] 07Dryas: "After what happened last night, you want me to trust you with this?" [21:45] 14Piu: "Because of what happened last night, I am literally the only person you can trust with this." [21:47] 14Piu: "You think they're gonna be happy to hear about House Cynis? You think they're going to like being kept in a cage for fun? I have the in. I have the story. I killed Cynis Lena." [21:47] "And I'm sorry. I am. I shouldn't have done it." [21:47] "It was a betrayal of the trust you had in me." [21:48] "But shit like this was what it was for." [21:48] "So you don't have to go around holding a tiger's ears." 15[21:48] Daizo has no trouble finding Caxi's things, since they're sharing a suite. One supposes it violates some norm of propriety to just go through her stuff without asking, but where does it stand against all the norms of propriety they've already violated, and all the ones to come? Caxi keeps almost all her drugs in her medical bag, neatly labeled and filed away. From this Daizo has his 15[21:48] run of hallucinogens, from powdered Icewalker mushrooms, to tinctures of eastern toad venom to bespoke nightshade blends to little crystal vials with black cork stoppers, each one burned with a different Old Realm pictogram — TRUTH, LOVE, SHAME, HATE, BEAUTY. [21:48] "And if the mouse guts me, well, we're even. But I don't think that's what's going to happen." [21:49] 14It's good they've found a conveniently empty alley for this. 15[21:52] What strikes Daizo as he pores over his options is not what he sees, but what he doesn't. First, only almost all of her drugs are in this bag; she keeps her cocaine, he knows, in a little jar that probably started life as the sugar container in a very fine tea set. That's nowhere to be seen. The other thing he fails to observe is any maiden tea. Perhaps she also keeps that elsewhere... 15[21:52] but come to think of it he's never seen her take it, either. [21:54] 10… [21:54] 07Dryas glowers a moment. Then she presses the silver key into Piu's hands. "You're asking me to renounce my own family for this creature. For whom would you make an equivalent sacrifice?" [21:55] 14Piu: "You. And one day, I will." [21:56] 14She takes the key. "I can't say you won't regret this. I can say you will benefit from it." 15[21:57] Family is so important. [21:57] 14She'll slip away into the night, possibly also with whatever marker she needs to let the crew of the Leaf know it's okay to take the cage. [21:58] 10Well. It doesn't matter. Daizo takes his own dose twice monthly, as any good Blooded son of the Dynasty would. So that's that. File it away. [21:58] 07Dryas just frowns as Piu slips off. 15[21:59] The crew of the Leaf knows Piu, she was on the ship just this morning. A simple appeal to hearth business gets her in a room with... does she only want the one cage? Or does she intend to free them both? [21:59] 10The black-stoppered bottles call out to be used. Obviously, TRUTH is the most immediately appealing. But this is still their first contact experiment with Garnet and her prison jar. Perhaps it's too early for truth. [21:59] 14Just the one cage, as agreed with Dryas. But she touches the other: "Soon. Very soon. You will fly free again." [22:00] "Just be prepared for a fight." [22:00] 14Then she'll take the mouse. [22:00] 10Instead, Daizo selects BEAUTY. Is there a dosage specified? 15[22:01] The bird flutters its wings but makes no other reply. The mouse is silent, watching Piu with bright little eyes and twitching whiskers. Where does she take it? [22:01] 14How far does she have to go out of town before she hits a decent beach? Does this place even have those? 15[22:02] Dryas has only a couple of minutes to be alone with her thoughts before she arrives at the Guild's central office, a sort of plaster parody of the Inner City's architecture. The guards don't recognize her on sight the way Lena did. How does she announce herself? [22:03] 14She's in her workout outfit now, which is revealing but not obscene. 15[22:04] Daizo pops the cork and sees that a needle's been punched into the bottom of it. This is a slightly antiquated methodology that you sometimes find among older or more folksy physicians, an ersatz dropper. Whatever the dose is, it's measured in drops. Probably makes the most sense to start with one and see how it goes from there. 15[22:05] Piu doesn't have to go far to find beaches... but they're not *decent* beaches. Specifically, these are coarse and rocky beachfronts, not the kind with smooth, pretty sand you can sunbathe on or bury your toes in. The kind you can find at Eagle's Launch. The kind she remembers at Camon de Vec Baalshamos. [22:06] 14Well she's got an excuse to roam a little. [22:07] 07If she hadn't been under such time pressure, Dryas would have sent a runner - perhaps Tataru Taru - to announce her arrival. Or even a soldier or sailor. But she has had no such time. "Please inform Factor Waxwing that Cynis Dryas is here to speak with her regarding several urgent matters of business, tribute, and piracy. I don't have an appointment, I am afraid." [22:07] 14But if that's what's on offer, she'll take it. Or, probably, a meadow a bit back from the shore. [22:07] 14Surely one of THOSE is around. [22:08] 10Makes sense. Daizo will pocket the whole vial and sneak it back into the medical bag later. Easy.  15[22:09] Privacy is easy enough, a walk down the rocky beach lets you duck behind a bluff high enough that someone'd have to be right on top of it to see past you. The ground is soft there, but the grass is pounded flat and brown from foot traffic. [22:09] 14That'll do. [22:10] 14She puts the cage down and pulls out the silver key. "Before we get started: I killed Cynis Leda." [22:10] 14Then she unlocks the cage and stands back. [22:10] *Lena [22:10] 10On the way back he'll flag down a servant and ask for a couple bottles of baiju or the closest equivalent to be sent up to Garnet's suite—all on Lady Dryas' authority, of course. Even if they may not need it now, it might help Garnet unwind later. [22:12] 10One bottle light, one bottle strong.  15[22:12] Daizo returns to find Garnet pacing around, stripped to a sleeveless white undershirt against the heat and stress. Her upper arms and shoulders are snaked with what he's pretty sure must be whipping-scars. She's still got the veil on, cuts an odd contrast. "What'd you find?" 15[22:15] The guards exchange a glance and then part to admit Dryas. "Upstairs." Dryas ascends and readily sees the Factor's office. A woman shouts in Seatongue at the guard who opens the door to announce Dryas's presence; a second woman responds more gently. Then Dryas enters to see two women bent over papers spread on a table. At least one, from a distance, looks like a street map of the outer 15[22:15] city. [22:15] 10Daizo: "A little bit of Caxi's private reserve. Mushrooms or the like are unpredictable—I think we'd both rather avoid gaining a deep appreciation of the mathematical perfection of the twelve-tone sanxiang tuning." 15[22:16] The mouse takes a few tentative steps towards the unlocked cage door, pushing it open with its nose, giving Piu a long look before setting tiny paws on the fresh, free ground for the first time in dragons know how long... and then immediately darts away from Piu as fast as it can go, running for the shore. [22:17] 14Piu crosses her arms. [22:17] 14Eventually, she'll settle down to...moon-bathe? Surely there's somewhere to sit around here. [22:18] 14She'll give them an hour to decide if they want to do something about it, then she'll take the cage and head back. [22:18] 07Dryas: "I must apologize for arriving without announcement, and my condolences as to the circumstances necessitating me being here rather than my kin." 15[22:20] The younger woman is in a Watch uniform, an officer's — this must be the Captain herself. She's got a Northern Thresholder's complexion and a high, dark ponytail. Her expression is flat and wary. 15[22:21] The other woman is scarcely older, maybe 30 or 35. Her pale hair is done up flawlessly and her clothes are ruthlessly neat, an odd contrast against the sloppy, lived-in character of the office, with documents stacked and bulging every which way. [22:23] "One drop each and go from there."10 Daizo finds his gaze drawn again and again to the tale of scars laid out on Garnet's skin. What happened? What happened to change a former slave into a world-spanning tyrant?  15[22:25] After a bit of explanation — does she just drop it on her tongue or — Garnet and Daizo are both dosed and both holding hands and touching the jar once more. The flood of thoughts comes back (is this doing anything? am I being poisoned? is *he* being poisoned?) but they seem to quaver slightly, like a smooth sauce that's about to break into its oils and vinegars. But they close 15[22:25] their eyes, and the world lurches beneath them... [22:26] 10World-spanning tyrant? That's not Daizo's thought. [22:27] 10………………It's not, right? The axis mundi shifts. 15[22:31] Dryas makes eye contact with the Watch captain, sizing her up immediately — Realm training, but not *Dynastic* training, face and voice and flourishes to her uniform mark her as a Pneuman, or as someone who wishes to pass for Pneuman. She's not armed, but she carries herself like she's not *un*armed. Given her armor Dryas doubts she's a martial artist; there's probably a jade weapon 15[22:31] stowed among the elements waiting for her command. 15[22:31] Northern Cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoSoZyiHZ6o - Bear the facts / Assume the dye / End the vows / No need to lie / Enjoy 15[22:34] The Factor is unarmed and she knows it. This doesn't manifest as fear but as an intensely tight lid kept on her emotions, which are roiling negatively just beneath the surface. The gracious smile she offers Dryas does little to mask the hostility in her expression. She carries herself like she had to work her way here, and like every new stimulus is a threat to her equilibrium. 15[22:34] Waxwing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZHjRQjbHrE - Both of us wanna be the winner, but there can only be one. [22:40] 07Dryas: "Neither of you look like sentimental women, so I shall spare you the sentiment. Three weeks behind and you are on the brink of a food riot, regardless of what the occasional newly arrived picaroon or smuggler happens to have brought along to fill common bellies. And a royal wedding, just to make things interesting. Does that about sum it up?" 15[22:41] Waxwing and Northern Cross share a glance. Waxwing says, "I'm very grateful that you're up to speed so quickly. We're fortunate that you were there to take control so soon after Lena's tragic accident." 15[22:41] The Watch captain just grunts. 15[22:42] Piu's pretty confident in the impression she made... but once the mouse is gone, it's gone. [22:42] 14Time to head back, then. [22:43] 14Any reason to keep the lock and key? Surely they're a magic pair? 15[22:44] The lock and key may be magic, though probably no more than it'd take to fortify an otherwise mundane lock. The cage is the real masterpiece, wrought of the same metal that the bird's cage is, that must stifle or contain the power of the Anathema within in some way. [22:44] 14Then she'll take the whole thing back. [22:44] 14At the very least, Dryas won't want her to waste it. [22:45] 14Maybe there's something slightly less evil they can repurpose it for. [22:48] 14She'll head back to...the Leaf. [22:49] 14If the mouse is going to make a move, her bet is that it'll be to try to free the bird. [22:49] 14At the very least she wants to be on hand to try to prevent a slaughter. 15[22:50] Neither Daizo nor Garnet's body moves much, but their inner ears send both their proprioceptions pitching forward, the way someone might have a sudden, intense sensation of falling after they settle into bed. Their eyes are closed, but open. Their minds separate, but linked. They experience common sensation — heat, pressure, and pain. They're in a room heated by fire and many bodies, 15[22:50] people standing around as they're stretched on a table. [22:51] 14Other than that, she doesn't have anywhere to be except to join Dryas. Which, well, Dryas can handle the Guild. [22:51] 14Actually that's not true. [22:51] 14There's that thing with Tephen's apprentice... 15[22:53] Daizo has some recollection of the way his injuries hurt after the Anathema fell upon him, but this is sharper and fiercer than his mind allows him to believe it felt at the time. What's more, he suffers doubly, because in addition to the burning wounds struggling to close, his entire abdomen is wrenching against itself in the most intense, consuming body cramps he's ever felt. 15[22:53] "Breathe. Breathe. You're doing a good job." It doesn't feel like it! [22:54] 07Dryas: "Yes, it's been my top priority this morning. I already met with Tataru Taru, who I'd like to take into my personal service, by the way. So I am apprised of the details." [22:54] 14But she's got time. [22:56] 10He would scream, but there's a rag stuffed in his mouth— No. Shut it down. The mountain is unfeeling, unbreathing, inviolable— 10fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck 15[22:57] Waxwing: "Well then. It sounds like you've brought a plan with you. Do go on." [22:58] 07Dryas continues, lighting a cigar if no-one stops her. "I would propose a convoy out to resolve the supply problem. I've already prepared the details and spoken with a few of the ships' captains. Of course, the main problem isn't outgoing but incoming. I think we can resolve that as well. I have a three-pronged approach." [23:00] 07Dryas: "First, an insurance system underwritten by, well, myself. The profits of which shall be immediately invested in privateers to address the piracy issue - our second prong. And finally, a restructuring of the tribute payments into durable goods and out of foodstuffs." [23:01] "Temporarily, of course." 15[23:02] Daizo's entire body contracts, the sense of pressure is overwhelming, building to a crescendo that whites out all the senses, blocking vision, hearing... he's not even aware he's yelling until the worst of it passes and he realizes he's not yelling alone. Opening sweat-covered eyes, his vision resolves enough to lock onto the slick, screaming newborn that the chirurgeon — a stooped, 15[23:02] papery old man — holds up to demonstrate her health and soundness, before wrapping her in a blanket. 15[23:03] The pain gives way to release, contentment, the first embers of pride. He reaches out for the child but a couple of people hold him down, the chirurgeon shushes him, and carries the infant away. 15[23:03] Daizo drifts back into unconsciousness. 15[23:05] Waxwing: "That's a *very* robust plan. But where do you intend to draw the privateers from? The very crews that seek to raid us? Why do we need to invest in privateers at all?" 15[23:05] Northern Cross: "Where is the damned Navy?" [23:09] 10……………………no one can say women don't have the right to rule.  [23:09] 07Dryas: "How many walking corpses are in this building? Do you expect Her Majesty's Scarlet Navy to protect such a place?" [23:10] 07Dryas: "I apologize, that was impolitic of me." 15[23:10] Northern Cross rolls her eyes. 15[23:11] Waxwing: "In the absence of support from the Realm, where do you expect the Dominion to turn? The Principality may be unsavory, but it still stands opposed to barbarism. Right now, the Realm seems to stand opposed only to itself." [23:16] 07Dryas: "I have a Commodore of the Navy right over in the Inner Palace, right now, if you want to discuss the military situation. I am sure she could make time to discuss such matters with you in great detail, if you so desired. What is clear is that, for the moment at least, fate will favor those who help themselves. I offer a pathway which will avert anarchy and hold barbarism at bay." 15[23:17] Daizo's shaken gently awake. Before his eyes open he's deeply aware of the scent of ashes. "It's almost dawn, mo ghràidh. We have to move if we're to reach the Palace by sunup." His eyes do open. There, in the dim light of morning, Caxi looks down at him with an expression of devotion, her face streaked with ash. "Come. I tested my leg. I can walk." 15[23:18] Northern Cross: "We're familiar with this particular Commodore." 15[23:18] Waxwing shushes her, which makes her scowl. 15[23:19] Waxwing: "What can you offer us? Where are these privateers coming from? How many do they number?" 15[23:20] Where on the Leaf is Piu hanging out until the time comes to see Dryas or Caska? [23:22] 10Daizo's on his feet and dressing shortly after. Reaching the Palace is important, but why? It doesn't matter. It's what needs to be done. "Lean on me, if you need it. You know I'll be there to bear you up." [23:23] 14Well, she's mostly concerned with the mouse not slaughtering the crew if they decide to come aboard. So on deck, or publicly with Catela or her watch leftenant. [23:26] Dryas: "In addition to one vessel in my own service - the Drifting Leaf, which can serve as a convoy-escort, I am confident there is at least one other whose services I could acquire. Despite being a member of the Lintha family herself, I have on good authority she will soon be in search of new employ. And others will come, of course, for coin and glory." [23:26] 07Dryas: "In addition to one vessel in my own service - the Drifting Leaf, which can serve as a convoy-escort, I am confident there is at least one other whose services I could acquire. Despite being a member of the Lintha family herself, I have on good authority she will soon be in search of new employ. And others will come, of course, for coin and glory." 15[23:30] Lean on him Caxi does, and the two of them make their way out of what turns out to be the ruins of a clay house a few hundred yalms away from what he realizes almost immediately is the Imperial Way, the broad, geomantically stable road that runs from the heart of the Blessed Isle directly up to... has Daizo ever been to the Imperial City before? 15[23:31] Northern Cross: "What on earth happened to make Lintha pirates a safer bet than the Imperial Navy? Did a civil war start and nobody told us?" 15[23:32] Waxwing: "I assure you that there is no need for such loaded terminology--" [23:36] 10Daizo has—he spent a couple months there after graduation, while he was still getting his strength back. So he has a tourist's knowledge of most of the major districts, and not a whole lot more.  [23:39] 07Dryas: "The comings and goings of the Navy, and indeed all Realm affairs, are the Realm's own concerns. A temporary setback like this wave of piracy is regrettable, but also solvable." [23:41] 10But it sounds like we're not in Kansas anymore. Where the hell is Kansas? Somewhere out in Incas Prefecture, wasn't it? 15[23:42] Piu's up on deck with Catela then when a couple of Watchmen approach the Leaf with one of Dryas's mercenaries dragging between them. Bruised, bloodied, clothes torn... looks like he got into a nasty fight. "What is the meaning of this?" asks the captain. "Picking fights with peasants. Disturbing the peace. Drunk and disorderly. Visiting dignitaries don't get the lash, but he's not 15[23:42] welcome among civilized people anymore. Keep him here or put him to sea. Your choice. Ma'am." [23:42] 4Mmmm. Those farmboys... 15[23:45] Waxwing: "Renegotiating the tribute settlement requires involving the Palace. I do not think our soon-to-be Crown Prince will be amenable." [23:45] 14Meanwhile. These farmboys. [23:46] 14Piu gives the bloodied mercenary a once over. [23:46] 14And then his sneering draggers. [23:46] 07Dryas: "Ah yes, the Knight of Ghosts and Shadows. Interesting man. Do you think he takes an interest in things such as tributary schedules?" 15[23:47] Piu's impression of this guy is that he got into a barfight. Or a lot of barfights. He's beat real bad. One time Piu saw a Cathak boy fresh out of secondary school walk into a crowded club, shout "who the FUCK is the toughest guy in here?" and take a swing at everyone who looked up. He looked a bit like this. [23:48] 14Piu: "What'd he say?" 15[23:48] The Watchmen are both paying much more attention to Piu than to Catela. Maybe it's the outfit... but no. Come to think of it, she's pretty sure she remembers both these guys from Northern Cross's contingent at the almost-riot this morning. [23:49] 14She stares back. "Surely he at least said something first." 15[23:52] Daizo and Caxi limp up the Imperial Way, marching due east towards the shattered skyline of ruined manses, burned-out husks, skeletons hanging from withered, mounted bonsais. Behind the wreckage, the sky promises a dazzling sunrise awaits. Despite the grunt of pain that accompanies her every other step, Caxi is all business. "If we get inside, we can find a Fallible Messenger or perhaps 15[23:52] even draw on the geomancy itself. From there we can make contact with the General Staff, or whatever remains of it." 15[23:52] She looks up at him, then, as they get close. "Are you afraid?" 15[23:53] The guard: "After spitting in my face—" 15[23:54] The other guard: "After being disciplined—" 15[23:54] The first guard: "All he told us was his name, his ship's name, and his commander's name." [23:54] 14Piu: "Peasants all." 15[23:54] The second guard: "Peleps Catela." [23:54] "Drop him." 15[23:54] They do. [23:55] 10Daizo: "I don't think we have the luxury of being afraid.." 10A beat. "I'm fucking terrified." [23:56] "Captain," 14this is to Catela, "inform the men they are to inform all the rules and regulations of the port to the letter, in groups no smaller than four. And for the sake of safety, should they be set upon by a lone peasant -- even one sneakily, uncouthly disguised as a member of the guard, as such creatures are known to do -- they should treat that peasant with the judgment the [23:56] Watch has shown is due to them. They should be discriminating, but perspicacious. They should hew to the standard that has been set." [23:57] 14To the guards: "Get the fuck off this ship, and tell Northern Cross hello." 15[23:57] Caxi drags her fingertips slowly up Daizo's arm before stopping to caress his neck. "You are. You're so, so scared. Do you even know what you're going?" 15[23:57] "You've always been here. The only child." [23:57] *adhere to 15[00:01] Caxi's hands grow cold. Her fingers lengthen into something long and sharp and mottled brown, tree branches after the frost melts. Brackish water drips from each wicked fingertip grazing the blood vessels in his neck. "You know where this road ends." Her hand drags lower, resting gently on Daizo's frantic heart. When she finally meets her lover's eyes, her own are swirling orbs of red 15[00:01] and black smoke. "Leave your insides by the door." 15[00:02] The claws pass through Daizo's armor like it's paper, and his flesh easier than that. "Push the fingers through the surface into the wet." He can feel her fingers curl around his heart and his whole body's struck through with ice. She pulls him down to her level, her breath hot against his icy ear. "You've always been the new you. You want this to be true." [00:02] 10Daizo: "Get—get htat filthy hand off of me!" [00:04] 10He tries to pull away, but the chill spreads, his limbs won't answer—his eyes glaze over with frost— 15[00:04] Caxi's voice multiplies. He hears it from all sides, he hears it gathered around him like the faceless onlookers on the operating table. "We stand around you while you dream. You can almost hear our words but you forget. This happens more and more now. You gave us the permission in your regulations." 15[00:07] Waxwing: "I think he's quite actively curious about the governance of Brightwork, especially as relates to trade." [00:09] 14Piu will walk them back down the ramp -- them retreating, stepping backward -- until they're off the ship and grumbling their way down the docks. They're not foolish enough to get aggressive with her, though. She has no interest in starting fights with the Watch but she has every interest in finishing them, because finishing them means they don't start. When she gets back to the [00:09] 14ship: [00:10] "Find out what happened from him. I'm guessing he got alone in a bar, maybe lured outside by a worker, and then his dumb ass ended up in Made an Example School, but perhaps it's more interesting." [00:10] "And also make sure he's not seriously hurt. Bed rest for the next day." [00:11] 07Dryas: "Trade is such an interesting subject. I happened to have the opportunity to discuss it rather extensively with your colleague in Abalone, Nn Tloc." [00:12] 10Daizo recoils from the voices. "Who are you? Answer me!"10 Don't answer me. 15[00:13] The mercenary gives the story as best he can: it's basically what Piu guessed; sounds like the Watch has been told to put some pressure on anyone fraternizing with the riotous element, even (perhaps especially) if they have some foreign backing. If there's no other questions, he'll shuffle off in the direction of the crew quarters. [00:14] 14To Catela: "I said four, but make it six. That's how many they need if they're going to sortie out. I can arrange to have food and liquor sent here for simulated shore-leave." 15[00:14] Northern Cross looks impassive. So does Waxwing, but more deliberately so. 15[00:14] Catela: "I can't wait to turn my back on this shithole." [00:15] 14Piu: "Two nights, two days." 15[00:15] Catela, dryly: "What? No honeymoon?" [00:15] 14Piu grins. "No wedding." [00:15] 14She slaps her on the shoulder. "Keep it to yourself but be ready to sail." 15[00:16] Caxis: "The word that describes this is 1,1 ." [00:19] 10Daizo hears it as an absence of sound. No, a negation of sound. The place where words go to die. Even his throat is freezing now, his larynx shot through with crackling crystals."no… such… thing…" 15[00:20] Daizo can feel the weight of the redaction. It burns in his mind's eye, a searing brand of pure white that obliterates all the senses. His inner ear riots again, and he pitches forward, tumbling toward that whiteness, into it— he sees the columns that flank the austere front doors of the Imperial Manse on either side of that blankness. Drawing towards it, he feels a presence 15[00:20] within,he can feel the weight of vision upon him. He sees nothing but imagines himself, older, harder, bitterer — bled of all hope but not of focus or hate — looking down on him like he imagines it must have felt for the songbird in the cage. 15[00:22] Daizo is cradled then, by a strong pair of hands that lift his face from either side and bring it nose-to-nose like a mother might to their young child, or as might pass between lovers. He meets, plain as day, the gaze of Peleps Furia, almost as he did in the basin at Toto-Rak, but this time instead of relief and triumph, her face is contorted with frustration, betrayal, teary-eyed 15[00:22] rage. [00:23] 10Judge not lest ye be judged thyself, me of the future— 15[00:23] "Why?!" she screams into Daizo's face, before pressing her forehead to his and half-whispering, half-sobbing. "Why did you go? What did we do wrong?" 15[00:24] Then he's alone, buried in blankness on all sides. It's not even white, it's no-color, but it's not black either, because it hurts his eyes to not-see. 15[00:25] Somewhere, nearby but not near enough to place, are dry, scraping sounds. The push of a broom against a dusty floor, and the parchment-dry voice of a very old man. "You know then that it is not the reason that makes us happy or unhappy." [00:26] 07Dryas: "Regardless. We are in town until the wedding. Do you intend to wait until then to make a decision regarding my proposal?" 15[00:27] The voice seems to come from beneath him. Daizo looks down, and sees the peak of the Imperial Mountain, dead center. He sees the Isle spreading in every direction, the Inner Sea beyond that... all of Creation is laid out before him like a gameboard, so small and simple that it only occupies the center of his vision against the crushing, pulsing blankness coming in from all sides. 15[00:28] Catela smiles a bit ruefully as she looks from Piu out to sea. Above, the moon waxes. Below wood splinters as the hull of the ship blows apart from the inside, a hole above the waterline but big enough for a man to walk through. 15[00:29] But a man doesn't walk through. Two birds come out instead. [00:29] 10I don't understand. Where does happiness or unhappiness come into it? 15[00:30] Waxwing, carefully: "Should I?" 15[00:30] Northern Cross turns to look at the Factor with open contempt. 15[00:41] The crew of the Leaf is stunned by the rupture of the hull, but Catela isn't. She draws her flame piece and attempts to shoot at the birds, and she bids the archers among the ship's watch to let loose as well. 15[00:42] But none of them can land a shot on the birds, who continue to rise out and up and away. [00:42] 14Great. 15[00:44] Daizo goes to the void not understanding. It all goes white and— his face is cold and wet. Someone is saying his name again and again, very firmly. Caxi's voice again. Another nightmare? [00:45] 14Is the rupture below the water line? Please tell me they didn't fuck us that badly. [00:45] 10Guh. Agh. "I'm awake. Awake. Am I awake?" 15[00:45] Above the waterline. She's not taking on any water. Thank the dragons for that. [00:46] 14To Catela: "Get the boys to patching it. I'm going to confirm what we already know." [00:46] 14The bird's gone? [00:46] 07Dryas: "You may find it prudent. I am sure the next few days will bring some disruptions. But they will prove to be temporary. Soon, everything will be back to normal." [00:46] 10Daizo: "Don't touch me. Don't touch me." 10His eyes flutter open. Where now? 15[00:47] Caxi: "Sssh ssh ssh. You're awake. It's fine. Everything's fine." It's well after dark now. Daizo's lying on the table. The jar's at his hip. 15[00:47] Garnet is curled up in the corner, as far away from anyone as she can get. [00:48] 10Daizo: "How long?" 10It was a little after one when they started. 15[00:49] It's not clear how Daizo ended up on the table as opposed to the floor. Caxi's hands fly off of him as soon as he asks not to be touched. "It's half nine." 15[00:50] The bird's gone. The cage force open and left on its side in the hold. 15[00:51] Northern Cross: "Is that so?" [00:51] 14Well. She can't say she didn't suspect this might happen. And that's why she stayed with the crew. [00:51] 14You can replace a bulkhead. 15[00:51] "What kind of disruption are you anticipating, exactly?" [00:51] 14People are more difficult. [00:52] 14They're now committed. There will be no parlay with Moray. [00:52] 4Good! 15[00:52] When Piu makes her way back abovedecks to confirm, she finds a small crowd gathered around a new arrival, or rather an old one: the mercenary from before, but in much better condition, with just a solid, ugly bump on his head... and no clothes. [00:53] 07Dryas: "Why, all the attendant, natural problems presented by a pirate blockade, a food shortage, and a royal wedding." [00:53] 4They probably don't understand why Piu almost falls down laughing. [00:54] 4She's not really in the mood to explain it. The previous orders still stand. 15[00:54] No one else's reaction is as intense... but the sheepish naked dude is a comedy staple for a reason. There's a fair few snickers among the crew. [00:55] 10Daizo: "Only eight hours… feels like it lasted a thousand years." 10Daizo coughs, the sensation of ice in his throat lingering half-remembered. He stands, a little wobbly.  15[00:56] "Easy, easy," warns Caxi. "What happened? What did you give her?" 15[00:56] The vial must be somewhere on Daizo's person still. 15[00:58] Northern Cross: "Well. Guess I better go make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible." [00:58] 10He pats himself down, looking for the small dose of BEAUTY.  15[00:58] In parting, to Waxwing: "You two have business to discuss. Don't stand near any windows." 15[00:58] Waxwing clenches her jaw. 15[00:58] After a bit more back-and-forth, Dryas is left to the night, and her thoughts. Where does she go first? [00:59] 07She'll make her way back to the Leaf to see what happened with Piu's attempt to bring the Lunars 'on board.' 15[00:59] Daizo finds it in his pocket. Does he offer it to Caxi or hide it? [01:00] 4When she arrives, there's work afoot. "Babe! I've got good news and bad news." [01:00] 07Dryas: "Why is there a hole in my boat?" [01:01] "It's a ship, and that's the bad news. But also the good news? The bird's gone. The mouse came back and broke her out...after pretending to be a member of the crew...and not killing that member of the crew, since he's over there...and all they did was just, bust out the window." [01:02] "Didn't even hit the ribs, so it's just a patch job." [01:02] 4She glances over. "It means we're committed, of course." [01:02] "But no one dead, no promises extracted, a couple hours of carpentry..." [01:03] 10[Lie.] "Extract of one of the local Abalone mushrooms and datura. The two most active components in the Witch of the Far Side's brew. Some of the other herbals in there must have moderated it, because that was far, far too strong." 15[01:03] The mercenary, who has been supplied with a blanket, at least, shudders. "Scariest god damn thing I ever saw." [01:04] 4To him: "Yeah?" [01:04] 07Dryas is quiet, collecting her thoughts. Her ears are turning red. 15[01:04] The mercenary: "I hate mice. Always have. But I've never seen one like that. Big as a man. Bigger. Cold black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. No light or feeling to them at all." [01:05] 4Piu: "A man?" 15[01:05] Mercenary: "I don't know. I didn't check his pants. But I'd believe it, yeah. Sure hit like a man." 15[01:07] Catela takes out a charcoal pencil and a little notebook. "Describe him for me." 15[01:08] Piu knows that the Silver Anathema steal the skins of their prey by eating their hearts and supping on the blood within... but that is not the only way. Legends abound of faces fairly one and freely given, in games of chance, in contests of strength, offered in fear and supplication, shared between lovers... [01:09] 4Piu: "Mmmmm. So, he was nice." 15[01:09] After the mercenary finishes talking, Catela shows him the sketch and he flinches. "I think I got it," she says, flipping the notebook around to show Piu and Dryas: https://i.imgur.com/66UagkP.jpg [01:09] 07Dryas just stares at the masts of the Keystone. "Well, Piu was right about one thing." [01:09] "You play dice with anyone tonight? Another game of chance? Maybe sleep with anyone?" [01:11] 4Glancing at the notebook and suppressing a giggle ineffectually: "Yeah, that'll be him." 15[01:11] The mercenary: "I was just coming out of the teahouse when this big fuckoff mouse runs up to me. I squeal — I ain't proud of it, but I've always hated mice, like I said — and it swells up to the size of a man and just starts wailing on me. 15[01:11] " [01:11] 4Piu: "Dragons, he's fucking dumb. Incredible." [01:11] "Did he make you beg him to stop?" [01:12] 10Daizo's definitely going to stick to plan A of trying to stash the vial back into Caxi's bag at the first opportunity. "I let my enthusiasm get the better of me. Is Garnet all right?" 10She isn't. Daizo isn't either, not really. 15[01:12] Caxi frowns slightly. "Well I think your constitutions will recover, though I do wish you'd consulted me. I think some bedrest, a hot meal, fluids. You'll be well enough." 15[01:12] Sotto voce: "Was it worth it?" 15[01:13] The mercenary: "He made me say, 'I quit'. He was very specific. Wouldn't stop until I said those words." 15[01:13] "Spoke Realm, though. If that's anything." [01:14] 4Piu: "Okay, so the mouse you encountered was a Silver Anathema, and usually, they just eat you. Like if they want to look like you, they just eat you. They eat your heart." [01:14] "So that was one of the nicer ones." 15[01:14] The merc blanches. [01:15] "So get some rest. We're on an oppositional footing with the watch now, but we're not docking your pay or anything. You're good." [01:15] 10Daizo: "…I'm not sure." 15[01:15] The mercenary looks at Catela and Dryas. Do they gainsay Piu here? 15[01:16] Catela doesn't if Dryas doesn't, but if Dryas seems like she wants to Catela will back her up. 15[01:17] Caxi places a soothing hand gently on Daizo's chest. Right over his heart. "Go lie down. I'll bring you something to eat. Go on. Go wait for your nursemaid. I've just got to see to Garnet." [01:18] 07Dryas waves it off. 15[01:18] The merc shuffles off in the direction of the crew quarters. [01:19] 07He's a shuffler, this one 15[01:19] Catela: "Well... what do we say to Moray?" [01:19] 4The mouse got the gait right! [01:20] 14To Catela: "That he'll get what he wants after the wedding." 15[01:20] Catela looks from hearth-sister to hearth-sister. "I understand. I'll see to the work. Excuse me, my Ladies." [01:21] 10Daizo freezes in place, all his hairs standing on end. "I said don't— Shit. Shit. I need a bath and some fresh air. And then I'm going to go into the city. Don't wait up." 10Daizo all but trips over himself in his haste to get out of Garnet's chambers.  [01:21] 07Dryas: "Have a good evening. And watch that they don't come back and skulk around for some reason." [01:21] 4When they're alone: "A broken porthole is the best outcome here. And you weren't gonna give him the bird." 15[01:22] Daizo's gone. Where does he really go? [01:23] 07Dryas: "We could have stolen it back, sabotaged the cage, waited a few days to do the same thing. And you didn't make it promise... anything?" [01:25] 10Out of Garnet's suite. Back to theirs. Stash the fucking bottle if the bag's there. Change of clothes— 15[01:26] The bag's not there. Daizo realizes with anguish that Caxi must have fetched it immediately when she saw the state Daizo and Garnet were in. [01:26] 14Piu: "What was I going to 'make' him promise? What were we altogether going to 'make' him promise? What leverage did we have? You do the same thing after selling them and how do you think they'll react coming out of the cage?" 15[01:26] And if she's got the bag... she may already know what's missing. [01:26] "You wanted them to go away. They're away. They're no longer factors at the wedding." [01:27] "They even left that dumb boy alive." [01:29] 10Well, shit. He promised no apologies. Didn't say anything about facile lies. Maybe, maybe, maybe— Mela's 10breath10, Daizo, get a hold of yourself.  [01:30] 07Dryas: "For someone who brings so much death, you have a capricious sense of mercy." [01:33] 14Piu: "It's not capricious. It's just structural. You weren't going to sell that person, because that's what the bird was, a person, to the Moray Starving in a Prison of White Coral, and you know it, and I know it, and if I had to take an uneducated guess by now he knows it, and if we did sell that person to him he would be sure we were watching when he reached into that [01:33] magical cage and snapped their neck." 15[01:33] Daizo hears the distinctive click of Caxi's short-heeled boots, and sees a shadow blocking the light beneath the door as someone stands just outside. What kind of noises is he making? [01:34] "We're going to rumble at that wedding, Hearth-sister, and we're going to win." [01:37] 10Daizo's just begun to collect some stationery and writing gear, with the goal of finding a reading room and writing everything down while it's fresh. He's actually murmuring it all to himself to keep it fresh. Except for the words that are missing that he doesn't actually realize are missing.  [01:37] 10Not missing. Redacted. 15[01:39] The door creaks open. Caxi walks in briskly. "Garnet's abed. She seemed quite shaken as well. Both of you, very touch-sensitive. Not typically associated with the daturas... I suppose it'd be difficult to reproduce that precise mixture." [01:40] 10He turns, well and truly caught. 15[01:41] She looks at Daizo for a long moment and then puts her bag down where Daizo'd hoped to find it originally. "I'll leave you be," she says, before doing just that. "I won't wait up, but if you'd like... don't be afraid to wake me." 15[01:41] NEXT TIME: Show and Ratel