15[20:40] Dryas emerges on deck from her tete-a-tete with Peleps Deled to find her crew and her mercenaries standing shoulder to shoulder on deck, still and silent. Only the churn of wind and water and the raucous arguments of the gulls above fill her ears. She has to physically weave between them to see what they're staring at, which is Captain Catela engaged in conversation with a figure at 15[20:40] the bottom of the gangplank. Their backs are to the crew, and the visitor has their arm around Catela, pulling her close like an old friend. [20:41] "Give way, give way," 07Dryas demands of the crew. [20:41] 14How long does it take whatever emergency runners Catela surely sent out to reach Piu? 15[20:42] The first one gets held up at the Inner City gate, being that unlike the Defiance's sailors, they aren't on the wedding guest list. Perhaps Piu and/or Daizo have eyes on the gate. [20:43] 14Seems prudent of them. 15[20:44] Yeah but if they want it to be true anyway, they can. [20:45] 14It'll take awhile due to the delays, but Piu will attempt to make up for it at speed across the city rooftops. [20:46] 10It's a fine morning and Daizo's up and about—word about the commotion at the gates travels faster than the actual message does. And if there's a commotion at the gates, it's probably the Fangs' business. RIP the uneaten half of breakfast. 15[20:48] As Catela and the visitor turn to look up at Dryas, she notes the darkness of their eyes. Catela's are ringed with it, though she looked fine just a scant hour ago, as if the conversation had cost her as deeply as a week of sleepless nights. The other man's eyes are simply earth's-blood-black from lid to lid, wedged in that smooth face with the aristocratic nose and cheeks. The docks 15[20:48] are mostly empty, as you'd expect from the work stoppage, but the Watch patrols that come by don't stop and investigate the obvious commotion, like you'd expect them to given the circumstances. 15[20:48] But for good or ill, this man — and it can only be one man — seems to have come alone. 15[20:49] "My dear lady," calls the Moray in a sonorous voice, low and languid. [20:53] 10Before he set out, Daizo stashed his gear using a standing stone in one of the palace courtyards. Any wall, obelisk, or pillar of sufficient grandeur should be more than sufficient to retrieve it. So when he shows up at the Inner City gate, his only weapons are these guns, baby.  [20:55] "Ah. I see you've come to call." 07Dryas draws and fires her flame piece into the air with a crack. [20:56] "Release my captain or it won't be the last shot I fire today." 07She adds. [20:57] 14Piu isn't in armor, but she has The Chain. 15[20:59] Dryas's two hearthmates hear the crack and double their pace, having to push through lines of Watch-people that are forming up just past where the docks begin to give way into tea and warehouses. It's not obvious if it's to keep any fight from spilling into the streets or keep the streets from spilling over into the docks. Piu gets some scattered cheers and whoops as she lands in full 15[20:59] view. 15[21:00] The Moray takes his arm off Catela, whose shoulders instantly draw in like a shell-less turtle's might as she marches with purpose (and without looking back) straight up the gangplank. 15[21:01] The man from Skullstone doesn't follow, and his only movement is to raise his arms even higher, in what you might read as a gesture of mollifying submission. "A fine piece. Strong report. Southern?" [21:04] 10Shit. Daizo briefly attempts to pass through the cordon peacefully, but after the first stubborn ass he has to shove aside, the rest just sort of part naturally before him. 15[21:04] Catela murmurs "Sent a runner to the Palace" as she passes Dryas. It's only a moment later that her hearthmates come into view. [21:05] 14She's going to be annoying. Slipping out of the crowd, she smiles 4and waves at Dryas. "Heya!" 4And as soon as she's just barely in Moray's blindspot on his left, she plants herself there, so he has to turn his head away from Dryas to see her. 15[21:06] "Ma'am," responds the Moray amiably, without turning his head. [21:08] 4She toys with the idea of addressing him directly, but decides against it. To Dryas: "He done anything yet?" [21:08] 10Daizo himself, once he's shaken off the crowd, appears as calm as still waters, even though each of his fpptsteps sends a tremor through the docks. 15[21:10] The Moray's smile grows a fraction of an ilm wider with each of Daizo's thunderous footfalls. [21:12] 07Dryas slides it back into its holster as her Hearthmates arrive, nodding at Catela's request and gesturing at a trio of her mercs to run to the palace with the news. "Aye, a Lap piece. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, Great Eel of the West?" 15[21:14] The Moray lowers his arms as Dryas does hers. "I had expected to wait until the wedding to meet you, but once word reached me of your predicament I thought it might be imprudent to wait. Or perhaps unduly stressful. So why don't we work this out right now? I'd like to extend an invitation to lunch. Just you and me, and whatever associates you need to feel prepared." [21:15] 10Daizo's left word at the gates that messengers from the Leaf are to be treated as extensions of Lady Dryas' own person. So they probably won't have difficulty making it to the palace. [21:23] 07Dryas nearly winces, but meets his dark eyes with a level stare. "My hearth and I would be honored to join you." 15[21:25] Moray: "Delightful. Is that just the three of you? Chip a tooth?" [21:28] 10Daizo: "Cousin Zhangyu had quite the pressing engagement of his own. You'll have an opportunity to meet him soon enough, I assure you." [21:28] "It will have to suffice," 07she agrees. 15[21:29] "Shall we make way back to the Palace? Or is there somewhere you'd feel more comfortable?" [21:30] 4Again, in the interest of politeness, Piu remains silent. Maybe sways a little bit at the very edge of his peripheral vision. [21:35] 07Dryas considers the question. "Of course, the Palace would make the most sense. We are happy to accommodate. Aren't we." 15[21:39] "Delightful!" repeats the Moray. He turns and an involuntary shudder passes through the mortal ranks of the Watch, admitting the various pirates back toward the Inner City with no resistance. [21:39] 10Well, it's not what Daizo would have picked, but it's Dryas' show. For a little while yet, anyway. "Naturally." 15[21:40] The sight of the well-kept, ruffled man marching in doublet and high socks down the widest road in Brightwork draws eyes on all of them, some just by the sight of all these beautiful and terrible-looking foreigners, others by those who remember that yesterday this same man came up this same road showering them with gifts. 15[21:40] Today he only grins. [21:41] 4Piu will beg off for just enough time to change into proper, slinky 'diplomacy' clothes. Nothing too sexy. Nothing too...restrictive. 15[21:45] The palace staff snaps to attention when they return, and at Moray's direction a little banquet is quickly assembled, with waiters (mortals bring the food, skeletons roll out the wine and rum) bringing a series of courses like you'd get at a proper Dynast's table. Some kind of small, delicate seafood thing that pops with spice and brine comes out first. [21:46] 4Piu looks stunning when she returns...with the Chain as a particularly threatening-looking bangle around her wrist. 15[21:47] After the first course is set out and everyone's settled in, Moray begins. "First I want to say how deeply sorry I am to hear what happened to Lena. I can't claim a tie of blood, but I knew her as a loyal, capable woman and I was quite looking forward to her company." [21:48] 10Daizo's fine for a semi-formal meal, in a minimally-adorned but clearly well-made scholar's robe (modified for wings) in a deep, shimmering ocean teal. By the time the wedding starts, he'll probably have spun another outfit from the pure elements themselves.  15[21:48] "Death is undignified at the best of times, but to die so far from home, so far from those who could truly honor her passing? A tragedy. She was very lucky to have had you all here." [21:48] 4Haha, what an asshole. [21:51] 10Not even the second course and we're already this full of shit. "Though our paths crossed only briefly, it was plain to see that she was a true scion of her House." 15[21:52] "Very much so, Lord Daizo," agrees the Moray. [21:52] 10This, of course, is the standard euphemism for "I barely even knew her." [21:56] "Your concern is touching," 07Dryas will concede. "Your concern for our affairs reflects the generosity you've shown the people here." 15[21:59] "I suppose it does," concedes the Moray in turn with a gentle smile. "Ours is a high-risk business, and the seas are choppier than normal. You don't need me to tell you how dark the sky has gotten. Cyclone weather." 15[21:59] "I gathered there was a problem in port with the shipment?" [22:02] 07Dryas bats her eyes. "Shipment?" 15[22:04] The Moray tilts his head a couple of degrees. "Mmm. Let me back up. My understanding through a mututal contact of ours was that you or a vessel under your command was entrusted with a shipment of perishable goods that, on the way to its final destination, would pass from your hands to mine. I had a similar agreement with dear Lena." 15[22:04] "Do you have a different understanding?" [22:09] 07Dryas considers this. "Oh, our dear friend Nn Tloc, Guild-Factor of Abalone? Yes, that does bring something to mind. Interesting fellow, Nn Tloc. Certainly had a bit to say about you. But why do you believe there was a problem with the shipment?" 15[22:10] The Moray: "The damage to your ship. I've had similar experiences with similar cargo." [22:14] 07Dryas: "Tepet Daizo here can have a bit of a temper. I've seen him smash through a bulkhead with ease, if I am not mistaken. Are you sure that the damage you speak of might not have some other explanation?" [22:15] 10Oh now you're going to go and throw me under the keel like that? [22:16] 4You have to admit, 'well maybe it was something else!' is not the most believable denial. [22:17] 07You didn't see a hole in the ship because it isn't there 15[22:18] "Nothing is ever truly certain, but I believe Lord Daizo was in the palace at the time. Neither witnesses nor your estimable Captain were able to tell me what exactly had caused the damage... but this is very tricky cargo we're working with, and there are few in Creation with so keen a hunter's eye as you. I'm sure, had you been there, you would have seen precisely what was going on." 15[22:18] "But if I've guessed wrong, if there's no issue with the cargo, then I'd like to take delivery immediately." [22:26] 07Dryas: "You've guessed right. When we were away from the Leaf, we have reason to believe a skinchanger broke aboard and caused the shipment to self-abscond. So I regret to inform you that immediate delivery is not presently possible." 15[22:28] The Moray's about to open his mouth but the second course comes in — pheasant and lobster, neither native to brightwork, glistening with drawn butter. He looks thoughtfully into his wine glass as the empty dishes are cleared away, and into Dryas's eyes as they're replaced with full ones. [22:30] 10Daizo: "I regret that I only heard about this after the fact, having been indisposed at the time. Such an unconscionable assault on the Leaf…" [22:31] 4Piu: "Presumably they're still on the island...and still monsters who hate civilization. We can't raise a Hunt, of course, since they'd hardly let us keep one of them afterwards...but they're not beyond reach." 15[22:34] Once the servants have cleared out and they have the room again: "Well, I won't sugarcoat it: this is a bit disappointing." [22:36] 07Dryas, through force of will, does not visibly sweat under Moray's withering gaze. "I cannot disagree. I know this was important to Lena. It was important to me. And I know it was important to you." 15[22:36] "But I recognize that you are in a very difficult position, politically as well as personally. I can only ask you to go so far in pursuit of the lost merchandise." 15[22:37] "So I propose to settle this now, to our mutual accord and satisfaction." 15[22:37] "Did you study law, my dear Lady Dryas?" [22:37] 4Piu runs her thumb along her nails. 14A better tic than putting one's hand on the weapon directly. [22:38] "The law of the Scarlet Empress, the Silver Prince, or the Azure Lords?" 07Dryas replies. 15[22:38] "You forgot the laws of nature. In all cases I favor a constructive ambiguity." [22:39] "Ambiguity permits flexibility. Often desirable." 07Dryas concurs. 15[22:40] "Now, you could make a case that you have failed to meet your obligations to me, and owe me remuneration for lost time, goods, reputational damage." 15[22:40] He leans forward here, lacing his fingers together. "But I propose we take a different view." [22:41] "Go ahead," 07Dryas suggests. 15[22:42] "Because I think you and I are not bound by contract or agreement at all. Rather each of us has contracted independently with a third party. The same third party. You could make a case that you have defaulted in your obligations to him." 15[22:42] "And you can make a stronger case that he has defaulted in his obligations to me." 15[22:43] "I have a further thought, but do you think we can agree on that much?" [22:43] 14Where's he going with this... [22:47] 07Dryas: "I can only concur. Nn Tloc did not take the proper precautions. I, of course, could never go so far as to suggest he could have done so deliberately..." 15[22:50] Moray: "Yes. And I think we both deserve a class of partner with a better understanding of risk." 15[22:50] "And how to avoid it." 15[22:51] "My proposal is this: we set aside the particulars of this shipment and consolidate our positions to seek restitution from the Guild directly." [22:51] 10It's poor etiquette, but Daizo's resting his elbows on the table now, fingers woven together. How interesting.  15[22:51] "Nn Tloc has powerful friends... but maybe one or two fewer than he used to." [22:52] "Cut out the middle man?" 07Dryas inquires. 15[22:53] Big, big smile. "Precisely the phrase I had in mind." 15[22:53] "I have contacts where he has contacts, but I do not have a developed position on Abalone proper. I understand that you do." 15[22:54] "So I propose that you present him with a hard place while I ready the rock." [22:55] 07Dryas casts her eyes to Piu at her left and Daizo on her right. How are they taking this pitch? [22:57] 14Piu will give Dryas an almost imperceptible nod, while still keeping one eye on Moray. If we can get him out of port before the wedding, we should be willing to say (not necessarily swear, but say ) basically anything. [22:59] 07Dryas: "Nn Tloc has many friends. We would have to move quickly, indeed..." 15[22:59] The Moray: "I would be disappointing my colleagues terribly, but given the circumstances I think they would understand if I left immediately." 15[22:59] "And allowed you and yours to enjoy the wedding." [23:02] 14Iselsi Piu: "That would be very gracious of you, Great Eel." [23:03] 10Daizo: "I must say, I know rather little about Lady Dryas' business affairs, but from what I do understand, were I in that situation, I would not pass up such an opportunity." [23:06] 07Dryas takes a deep breath before exhaling measuredly. "I think we are on the same page." 15[23:06] "How very gratifying. Would you do me the honor of a handshake on the deal?" [23:09] 07Dryas rises and extends her hand, just as she did to Nn Tloc all those weeks ago in Abalone. 15[23:13] Moray takes her hand and her blood runs cold. For a moment the skin of her hand and forearm grows pale and taut, the veins beneath it prominent and dark. The darkness races up her arm toward her heart but seems to fade before reaching her shoulder. She has a tremendous sense of vertigo, of being suspended over an abyss, and of all that separating her from the fathomless and alien depths 15[23:13] below is the grip of the Moray's whip hand. [23:21] 07Dryas clutches it tight for a moment - then lets go. 15[23:22] Moray immediately takes up his wine glass. "Now I'd like to propose a toast — to new friends, new undertakings, and fair contracts." [23:24] 4Piu raises her glass and meets his eyes. "Yes. To new friends. New undertakings." 14She lights her anima, and the back of the hand holding the stem of the wine glass glows with the True Rune of Life and Death as her eyes and skin burn a sickly white. "Fair contracts." [23:25] 10Aw shit. 15[23:25] The Moray's smile grows rueful, his eyes hungry. [23:26] 10Daizo: "I'll drink to that." 15[23:29] "Well!" says the Moray when the toast is done, "I am very glad I caught you before the wedding. Rare to see a meeting like this end with anyone happy. But right now... we all are." [23:29] 07Dryas smiles tightly, having downed the entire glass of wine at a throw. 15[23:31] "I'm afraid I have to make arrangements for my departure. Could I impose on you just a bit further, to convey my apologies to the happy couple for being unable to attend? To the bridegroom especially." [23:32] 07Dryas: "A heady responsibility. But we shall help you save face." [23:32] 14Piu: "But of course." [23:32] 10Daizo: "Is there a specific message you'd like us to pass along?" 15[23:32] "Just that I hope he appreciates my gift." 15[23:33] "I trust you to convey the intended sentiment." [23:33] 14It is our specialty. [23:34] 07Dryas: "It won't be misplaced." 15[23:36] The Moray sweeps out, leaving the hearth to converse and, if they want it, enjoy dessert — a simple spread of honey, candied fruit, little cakes, etc. [23:37] 07Once he and any servants or skeletons have departed, Dryas dry heaves into a champagne bucket. 15[23:38] Whew! [23:38] "Damnation! Shit! Fuck!!" [23:40] 07She reaches again for a wine bottle. "What a cursed place. What a cursed sensation." [23:42] 14Piu: "That went...substantially better than I'd hoped." [23:42] 10Daizo: "What he did at the end there—it's a known trick of the Anathema." [23:42] "If you act against him directly before this contract runs its course, there could be dire consequences." [23:42] 14Piu: "It applies both ways, right?" 15[23:43] Daizo knows that it does; the oath is totally symmetrical. Whether this is the same as being fair is a question of ideology. [23:45] 10Daizo: "It goes both ways, yes. But there's no end of tales about those who thought they could get one over on the Deceivers…" [23:46] 07Dryas is distraught at this. "Just when I thought I had an ounce of clarity! But now I'm cursed to act as his stooge? To take Nn Tloc's part in this twisted dance?" [23:46] 14Piu: "It gets us what we want now. Once he heard there were two free Silver Anathema on the island he couldn't leave fast enough." [23:47] "And I think showing him the rune will give him pause. Pause enough to go looking for what happened to Ted, at least." [23:47] 10Daizo: "If there's a way to break it, I'll find it. And just because you can't strike against him doesn't mean the rest of us can't." 15[23:48] That's true— the other hearthmates aren't exactly parties to Dryas's oath, only to the one they swore as a kinship. 15[23:49] Perhaps this is some of that 'constructive ambiguity' he was talking about. [23:49] "You know the adage about how you keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Well, you've got each other in some kind of grapplefuck match right now—" [23:49] 4She sighs. "Yeah. Wish he were Ted." [23:50] 07Dryas: "Grapplefucking a necro-Anathema! At least Piu got -"07 she regains her composure. [23:51] 10Daizo clears his throat. "My point is that we'll figure out a way to smuggle a folding chair into the ring." [23:51] 07Dryas takes another deep breath and another deep swig. "I can't complain. Not really. This is what I thought I wanted, the plan I thought made sense. I just, I thought Piu talked me out of it. And Deled had such clarity about what we have to do about such evil..." [23:53] 14Piu: "The handshake deal expires with Nn Tloc." [23:53] 10Daizo: "…don't say that. He's not a person you should want to emulate. Not now for certain, if he ever was." [23:54] 14Piu: "And I don't think there's anything about taking that shithead down that compels us to personally become slavers like him." [23:54] "Before, during, or after." [23:54] "...But we should probably have the rest of this conversation where there are fewer ears." [23:54] "Or...skull holes...where ears...used to be." [23:57] 10Daizo: "Deled's got clarity becaues his only answer to every problem is 'kill the problem'. It means he's useful to us right now, but there's a lot of things out there we don't need a perfect killing machine to solve." 15[23:58] What, you want to stock up on imperfect killing machines? [23:58] 14Piu: "A perfect killing machine knows when to stop." 14Pause. "Obviously I don't include myself in that number. But Deled is a liability." [23:59] 10Okay, Daizo's exaggerating. Deled's reconditioned at best. 15[00:01] With that squared away, there's nothing left to do but get ready for the wedding. 15[00:03] NEXT TIME: Spotlight [00:04] 10Daizo dumps a goblet of water over a napkin and uses it to make a cool compress for his forehead. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Piu. You're doing it out of duty first and not just because you love ending lives. If the Mouth of Peace herself came here and told Deled to stand down, though?" 10Pause. "Well, they'd have to find the next Mouth of Peace, I can tell you that."