15[20:19] Savants and historians will debate in the years to come: was it because of inequality? Losing sovereignty to the alienating influence of a foreign power? A personal grudge that spun out of control? Or the sort of shadowy and swift-moving interests that seem to thumb the scales again and again, for their own benefit and to their own ends? 15[20:19] Right now, it only matters so much. Fire burns the same no matter what burns in the hearts that spark it. 15[20:20] The Four Fangs make their way through a city in chaos, streets choked with smoke and bodies. The fighting is distant, and the clash of arms and yelling almost blend into the crackle of the fire. [20:22] 14How the historians note it will depend on how much shit we eat before the next Calibration because of it. [20:23] 14The docks wanted their revolution, and well, they have their revolution. Sadako even helped them out with a decapitation strike against Watch leadership. [20:23] 14Our work here is done. [20:24] 6We're incredibly cool. [20:24] 14Piu is probably the first back to the ship, prioritizing getting the Commodore's new fling bunked in. 15[20:24] The fires began at the dockside, and here the flame is most dangerous, from Guild warehouses and slave pens to market stalls and teahouses and, of course almost all the ships at port. Here, too, the bodies are thickest, dockworkers and Watch-women on the streets, dangling into the water, crumpled in the flames. If the hearth breaks a sweat making their way to where the Defiance is 15[20:24] docked, Ratel up on deck firing warning shots across the face of anyone armed who gets close enough, it's not from the opposition. 15[20:26] "We good?" calls the Commodore as her best people clamber on deck. [20:26] 10It is what they wanted. The question will be who will fill the vacuum that the Four Fangs leave in their wake, and how will she capitalize on the opportunity that's just been handed to her? That's where the real history gets made—when the low become high, and the high low. Or as the historians call it, the principle of gekokujo. [20:26] 6Zhangyu hasn't left anyone behind on purpose... [20:27] 14If Deled isn't either already in sight or clamboring on board as she speaks, Piu will note: "Peleps Deled has survived the nuptials and will be joining." [20:27] 6Oh, wait, he did leave someone behind on purpose. 15[20:28] Ratel: "Oh yes. I sent him to the infirmary with the other wounded." 15[20:28] "It seemed like the thing to do." [20:29] 10As the man who brought the Knight's corpse out of the palace, Daizo has accumulated what amounts to a small honor guard, and no one obstructs his path to the docks. He'll arrive mere moments before Ratel makes this potentially fatal prnouncement. [20:31] 14Piu shakes her head. "That man is a fucking powderkeg. Especially given our other guests." 14Speaking of. "Additionally, Lapis Mox is settling in. In your bunk." [20:33] *"Additionally, reporting with Lapis Mox. Requesting permission to. Ah. Come aboard." [20:34] 6Zhangyu: "...glad she's doing better." 15[20:34] Ratel uses her forearm to steady a shot that fires an icicle the size of a javelin through an armored archer setting up on a dockside rooftop. Then she pulls the keyring from her belt and presses it gingerly into Lapis's hand. "Go settle in, princess." 15[20:35] Lapis laughs weakly. "Princess of what?" When Ratel's only reply is a tight frown she heads belowdecks. [20:35] 14Piu: "Well, can't say we didn't deserve that one." [20:36] 10An uncanny feeling sweeps over Daizo for a moment, as he's trying to get his guard to disperse. There's polished silver surfaces set into his armguards; he'll breathe on one and wipe it clean, angling the mirror this way and that, to try and catch sight of whatever's keeping tabs on them from up above. 15[20:38] Daizo takes out his mirror and peers into the reflected sky. It takes him three passes to see the movement in the mirror, because the spirit seems to be flying straight down from the sky, a two-headed, fire-fangled bird, shimmering white and gold. The left head's beak is parted in a song or a scream; the right's tucked backward on its long neck, somehow nestled against its sleeping 15[20:38] breast in mid-flight. 15[20:40] Ratel: "The Leaf and the rest of your vessels are out at sea, away from the fire. They'll be expecting a message about next steps." [20:41] 10The Thousand-Year Shrike, yet again. At this rate, he may just have to build a nest for it in the Defiance's top mast, like some kind of flaming albatross. [20:41] 14Probably best for Dryas to make the formal commitment to Ratel for the group there, but Piu's expectation is we're beating to oars until we hit current and then running full sail for wherever Peleps Deled is pointing us. [20:43] 07Diamond Weapon, and Dryas, make their way through the chaos at a full gallop. The horse, supernaturally at ease amid blood and flame, kicks its way through barricades. Dryas ignores any opposition that cannot match her speed - and it seems none can. [20:44] 10If nothing else, it's a good omen for Brightwork.  [20:46] 6Or at least not bad for Brightwork. [20:46] 07Dryas spurs the steed up Brightwork's last gangplank, saluting the crew, her remaining mercenaries, and the Commodore. Although the horse is streaked with soot and ash, Dryas herself is as pristine as if she had just stepped out of the bath. Her hair isn't even blown out from the heat. 15[20:47] Raising anchor, the Defiance pulls away, leaving Brightwork behind beneath a sky so red it calls to mind distant Hamoji. [20:47] 07Dryas: "Has my retainer come aboard? Young woman, about yea tall?" 15[20:48] The Commodore nods. "Bumped her head pretty hard. We converted the hold into an infirmary for all our injured." 15[20:48] "Damn fine work, everyone. Perfect execution, no losses." [20:49] 07Dryas, surveying the damage. "Hmph." 07She blows a kiss to the burning city. [20:49] 4Piu: "The Huntress of the Fangs, Cynis Dryas, taking out the Anathema lech-lich-lord with a single arrow...gonna make some stories out of this one!" [20:50] 6Zhangyu: "It was extremely cool." 15[20:51] Ratel: "I'm sorry I missed it." [20:51] 10Daizo: "Hrmmm. I wonder." [20:52] 07Dryas: "We did it as a team. Let all learn what happens to tongues that disrespect me." [20:52] 4Piu: "Right, so are you just gonna...carry that around now?" 08[20:54] 10Daizo, momentarily recalling Mockingbird's blasé reaction to it all, makes a face when Dryas holds up the grim trophy: "Gross. You're going to have to pickle that." [20:54] 07Dryas: "The tongue of a blasphemous deathknight? Surely it carries some sort of power. If not, I'll nail it to the mast as a warning to anyone else." 15[20:54] Ratel: "You could dry it too." 15[20:55] "Anyway." Ratel shakes her head. "We need a new heading. Which means we need to speak to Deled. Which of you has been handling him?" [20:55] 6Oh, hey, extremely not it. Nice. [20:56] 07Dryas: "I have. He wishes to return to the Blessed Isle, to inform... the government... of the situation and return with some form of reinforcement. Given our provocation of Onyx and our... providential... seizure of the Omeror, I believe it might be prudent." 15[20:57] Ratel looks visibly relieved. "You can spare a vessel immediately?" [20:58] 10Daizo: "I think I have some natron in my alchemical supplies… and he wants to leave? Thank Heaven." [20:59] 07Dryas: "It comes at a cost; it would reduce the force we send back to Abalone and leave us without another capable warrior - and the gunzosha suit - for any other confrontations we have between here and Furia." [20:59] 14Piu: "We should wish him the Dragons' speed on his important quest in the other direction." [20:59] 07Dryas: "I further assume that any pirates who waylay him would do so to their severe and immediate disadvantage." [21:00] 10Daizo: "Doesn't matter. If he gets one whiff of Sadako then we've got a bloodbath on our hands." [21:00] "Deled's distinguished himself in battle, even in the brief time we've known him. The problem is he also narrows our recourse almost solely to battle." 15[21:01] Ratel: "Yeah. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like the back of somebody's head." [21:01] 07Dryas: "Almost. His support could be a valuable bulwark, and I believe I have earned his respect. Perhaps not enough to overlook anything - yet, but his respect nonetheless." [21:02] 6Zhangyu: "We're... keeping her, right? Sorry about Deled but I like her more than him." [21:02] 14Piu: "Yes." [21:02] 10Daizo: "And I know Caxi didn't want to have a single thing to do with him." 10It's probably a safe assumption that Daizo managed to warn her that there's a lunatic in the infirmary before they had a potentially explosive confrontation, right? 15[21:03] Daizo hasn't seen Caxi, who was of course part of the Defiance's dockside team. She's probably tending the wounded now. 15[21:03] Oh. Ohhhh dear. 15[21:03] Well, it's probably fine. [21:03] 10Well, shit. 15[21:03] Ratel: "The Realm absolutely needs to be told that Skullstone is expanding and might take this rebellion as a pretext to mobilize. We need someone to send that message, and the cost of keeping Deled on hand is enormous, as valuable an asset as he can be." [21:04] 07Dryas: "Then we are all of us in total agreement as to what we must do." 07She strides off for the hatch to get belowdecks, down to the infirmiary. 15[21:04] Ratel follows. [21:06] 10Daizo's off after them at a brisk, brisk pace. He's still armed and armored.  [21:07] 6Zhangyu doesn't move. He doesn't need to be, really. [21:08] 14Piu's not particularly invested in spending more time in Deled's presence -- the man makes her nervous -- so when she sees Caedus hanging around outside the infirmary she'll take the opportunity to excuse herself and signal for the Chief Petty Officer to follow her to...the brig hasn't been pressed into use for anything, has it? 15[21:08] Not since the last insane murderer Piu couldn't relax around was on board. [21:09] 6Look, you let one insane murderer onboard and no one lets you forget it. [21:10] 14Then that's where they'll go. There's probably enough time for a quick makeout session -- if not an actual quick fuck -- if he's in the mood before getting down to business. 15[21:13] The converted hold is packed with crates wrapped in linen, with people laid out on them. Mostly sailors, although a couple of civilians as well: Tataru's dozing with a damp towel on her brow; Seiri's abdomen is wrapped in bandages that'll need changing soon judging from the blood seeping through on the right side. She's also out. 15[21:13] Alert and sitting up on a cot is Peleps Deled, and stitching up the gash in his bare right arm is Cynis Caxi. Only Deled looks up at the newcomers. [21:13] 10Oh shit. [21:15] 10Any sign of Xia Lan? 15[21:15] Not down here. 15[21:16] Caedus is happy to take five... or fifteen. Afterward he leans back against the wall and sighs. "So that was the good news. What's the bad news?" 15[21:17] Deled: "Commodore. Lady Dryas. The ship is moving, I can feel it. We have accomplished something." [21:17] 10Daizo will at least pull off his gauntlets and get to checking out the wounded, starting with Seiri.  [21:18] 14Piu: "Ratel has insisted on bringing the displaced princess with the heaving bosom aboard as some sort of live-in bed girl/war prize and unfortunately the young lady was quite taken with the plan. So we're not quit of Brightwork politics on this ship quite yet." [21:18] 6Zhangyu looks for Sadako. Even if she isn't there. [21:19] "Also you saw Deled stalking these halls, but Dryas says she's getting rid of his post-haste. He wants to sail back to the Blessed Isle to demand an armada and a crusade." [21:19] *him [21:19] 07Dryas nods as she sees Deled - and her cousin. "We have indeed, Peleps Deled. A ringing blow against the machinations of dread Onyx. I again convey my gratitude on behalf of my Hearth and, I believe, the Commodore, for your assistance in the battle. I have spoken to the Commodore and we will go ahead with your request and send you back to the Blessed Isle aboard the Omeror." 15[21:20] Sadako's in her cabin. Zhangyu only has to follow the sound of someone throwing heavy stuff around to reach her. [21:20] 6That's... not the worst thing that could be happening. [21:20] 6Knock knock. 15[21:24] Caedus: "Well, at least he'll be the Isle's problem then. Once he shows up ranting about rogue Furia and war with Skullstone, I'm sure someone will take him out." 15[21:24] The door opens and Sadako glares up at Zhangyu through her hanging hair. 15[21:25] Deled: "Good. Time is of the essence. Between Furia's madness and Skullstone's depravity the entire Realm is at risk. And with it, justice and morality itself." [21:26] 6Zhangyu: "Wanted to check in with you. You, ah, seemed upset." [21:26] 4He's a sharp one, that Tepet Zhangyu. 15[21:27] Daizo sees a lot of the injuries you would expect given the circumstances. Battle wounds, burns, etc. Seiri took a deep arrow wound, it looks like. Tataru got a slingstone to the brow. And he's able to lighten Caxi's load with the injured sailors she hasn't gotten to yet as Deled immediately monopolized her attention. [21:27] 6Look, he only gets so many chances to show off. [21:28] 07Dryas: "I completely agree. I have had a vision of what they are doing on Onyx, and that threat is real." [21:31] 10Unsurprising, in the circumstances. "Damn. If you made it all the way to the Defiance with an arrow sticking out of you…" 10he says to the unconscious Seiri, "then there's no mortal in the legions who wouldn't call you sister." [21:31] 10Checking out Tataru's injury is a whole other kettle of fish, just because of the incredible size disparity between the two. It must be like what a veterenarian feels like dealing with a small yappy dog. 15[21:32] Sadako: "Seiri got hurt bad. They won't let me see her." 15[21:33] Caedus: "No problems with the job itself, though? No loose ends? Tephen and his apprentice hold up their end?" [21:34] 6Zhangyu: "I can check. I -- don't know why they aren't letting you see her." [21:34] 07Zhangyu! Pay attention! [21:35] 6No. 15[21:35] Sadako: "Fuck if I know. No one tells me anything except what to do." 15[21:36] "Were you hurt?" [21:36] 10Salves and bandages, unguents and tinctures of opium and plucking out shards and splinters with tweezers; these are the combat medic's stock-in-trade, and here Daizo's more than capable. [21:36] 14Piu: "Caska is two for two in perfect execution. This time of something other than an execution. She's gonna stay here to get some seasoning in whatever civil war or fallen throne succession war springs up here, with Tephen positioning them behind the winners. It'll be good experience, and we don't have the authority to reassign them anyway." [21:36] 07Dryas: "What gave you that wound, anyway?" 07she asks Deled. [21:37] 6Zhangyu: "Not even a little. We beat the shit out of the quote-unquote 'enemies.'" 15[21:39] Deled: "I was unfamiliar with the armor, and I cut myself quite badly getting into it." [21:39] 10Daizo looks over. "So you were custing through the guard positions and chasing after the Abbot losing blood the entire time…" [21:40] 10Pity the chase didn't get dragged out some more.  15[21:41] Caedus: "Good for them. Sounds like the only real loose end is the princess. But there's a silver lining there, too. She won't need quite so much babysitting now. Frees you up for other things." [21:41] 07Dryas: "Ah." 07Silence is jade. 15[21:41] Deled: "As long as you spill more than you lose, you win the day." 15[21:42] Now he peers at Caxi. "You're very quiet." [21:43] 14Piu sighs. "That's true. I just worry that Ratel will tire of her quickly, either from getting what she wants from the girl and losing interest or resolving this immature little spat about who caxi's bedding, and we'll be stuck either with a mopey princess with nowhere to stow or a demand to throw her to the wolves roaming whatever dock we land on next. She's at least a semi-important [21:43] board piece here." [21:43] "I suppose if worst comes to worst we can stash her on the Leaf." 15[21:43] Caxi looks up and smiles blandly. "I'm just doing my job, sir. Servant of the servants. It's how I was trained." 15[21:45] Caedus: "Sounds like the new job is babysitting her, then. But that should be easier. Important as a princess in exile can be politically, she's still just a starstruck mortal girl." [21:45] 14Piu: "For her sake, she'll hopefully smarten and toughen up." 15[21:45] Sadako: "Was it gross? Did you break any bones?" [21:46] "...You haven't seen any mice or birds hanging around the ship that seem a bit too intelligent, do you?" 15[21:46] Caedus blinks. "I didn't know that was a going concern." [21:46] 07Dryas suppresses any bemused look that may percolate deep within. It is a serious situation, after all - possibly, deadly serious. "Trained by the very best," 07she boasts. 15[21:46] "You think the silver Anathema stuck around?" [21:47] 14Piu: "It occurs to me that if they want a ride off that island that doesn't involve swimming, we suddenly became the last game leaving town, and they're already familiar with our ships." [21:48] "I've no other reason to think they're aboard...but that's a fairly convincing one all by itself." [21:48] "That said, even if we did run into a too-clever rodent or too-sly songbird, I would advise not starting shit." 15[21:48] Caedus: "That does make sense. I'll keep my eyes peeled. You have people you trust on the other ships?" [21:49] 6Zhangyu, to Sadako: "Regrettably no. Though it felt like we could have." [21:49] "I have people Dryas trusts, and that'll have to be close enough. Catela at the least has seen them up close." [21:50] "Dryas is sending her newest acquisition to run back to the Blessed Isle with Deled, so if they've booked passage onboard there, best of luck to them." 15[21:50] Caedus: "Heh." 15[21:51] Sadako: "Weaaak." [21:51] 10Daizo: "Indeed. By the way, Huntmaster… while we can't spare any of the personnel aboard the Defiance, will there be anything you need transfered to the Omeror?" 15[21:52] Deled: "I require nothing but grain and clean water." [21:52] 6Zhangyu: "Next time." 15[21:52] Ratel: "Cynis trains the finest doctors in the world. But we have something else we need to discuss." 15[21:52] Deled: "Ah. Yes." [21:52] 10Daizo: "Oh, I was speaking more in terms of weapons." 15[21:53] Deled: "I think I've got the hang of that armor now." [21:53] 07Dryas: "Commodore?" 15[21:53] Ratel: "Furia." [21:53] 10Daizo: "Excellent." 15[21:54] Deled repeats the story he told to Daizo and Dryas and the others the day before. Ratel's expression darkens by the sentence. 15[21:54] Ratel: "It doesn't make any sense. How did she lose all those ships? Why rebuild at sea?" 15[21:55] Sadako: "Do you know who the girl in the mask was?" 15[21:56] Caedus: "With Deled gone and a solid lead on Furia... Ratel's got to follow it, right?" [21:58] 07Dryas shakes her head. "I don't know. Could it have something to do with the storm?" [21:59] 14Piu: "If I had to guess, you should probably clean up and get to the officer's deck because you're about to get the order to prepare the men to beat to oars until we're on the current then fly full sail towards wherever Deled is pointing her right now." 15[21:59] Ratel: "I don't see how. Unless she crossed Fakharu's court. You'd need to gather up all the storm mothers in the Direction to break a fleet like that." 15[22:00] "And if she crossed a true dragon like him, we'd know exactly where she was. Fakharu's a crook but he's not reckless." [22:01] 10Daizo: "Quite. One doesn't rise to such a position in the elemental courts by being stupid." [22:02] 6On the contrary. But-- still very scary. [22:02] 07Dryas: "Could it be another force at work? Mionzi was overtaken with Earth essence. Maybe she has found a font of Air...?" 15[22:03] Ratel: "Daizo? You're our expert. Anything you can think of?" [22:05] 10Daizo: "Mmm. Theoretically, if Furia were in possession of a link to even a single element of the Realm Defense Grid, she might be able to create all manner of destructive phenomena. In this situation, hmm…" 15[22:15] Caedus groans. "You're probably right. Anything you need from me besides an eye for little beasts?" [22:16] 10Daizo: "What's not adding up here is that the installation at Mionzi has been building up a surfeit of Essence for centuries now. If she has access to a similar reservoir of power, but Air-aspected, you would imagine she'd understand it was a card that could only be played once." [22:16] "And yet she showed no hesitation at all." [22:17] 14She grins. "Not until lights out." [22:17] 14Quick kiss and she'll be headed back to her appointed rounds, whatever they are. Probably best to head to the hold-infirmary. [22:18] 10Daizo: "What seems more likely, and I can't believe I'm proposing this as the 'more likely' option, is that she's forged some kind of a pact with a spirit of nearly unfathomable personal power." 15[22:18] Deled: "She has lost her way, and her soul. Spiritually she is already dead." 15[22:18] Ratel's eyes flash. 15[22:20] Piu enters. [22:20] 10Daizo: "This, of course, raises its own questions. What did Furia have to offer that could possibly catch the eye of a god or a demon prince of that magnitude?" 15[22:20] "All done!" says Caxi abruptly. And she is: Deled's scaly arm is all stitched up. "You were a very hardy patient, sir. Didn't flinch once!" 15[22:21] Deled: "I swam the breadth of this ocean trailing blood behind me. You're a fine hand with the needle, but I don't think you could hurt me if you tried." 15[22:21] Caxi's eyes widen. "Well gosh, I sure hope not." [22:21] 10Daizo: "…what's the quid pro quo?" 10From Caxi's reaction, it appears they will have quite a bit to discuss. [22:22] 10Daizo's gaze flicks to Caxi's needle, briefly.  [22:22] 14Well, this all seems to be going better than imagined. 15[22:28] Ratel: "Well, I think our next steps are clear. Dryas, send word to the Omeror to accept its new passenger and new heading. I assume the rest of your ships will be hugging the archipelago down Abalone way?" 15[22:28] "We'll need to beat oars to the current and ride it as close to the Gyre as we can. It's the best lead we've had yet." [22:29] 14That's my girl. [22:29] 14Piu: "Samperson's on it." 15[22:29] Ratel: "Good looking out." [22:30] 07Dryas: "I can't imagine they would be of much help in a storm like the one Master Deled described. But Abalone will need to be informed of what transpired here. The alternative would be Wu Jian, I suppose." [22:31] "The Omeror will surely have to quickly stop over in Abalone for supply to make it back to the Blessed Isle without further stopover; they can deliver the message." 15[22:32] Ratel: "Sending word of what happened to Wu Jian would mean a meeting with Falen is unavoidable. She would hunt us herself to hear what happened from our own lips. Are you prepared for that?" [22:32] 07Dryas, quietly: "No." [22:32] 07Dryas, a little louder. "But concealing it would be worse." [22:32] 14Calmly: "I'd rather avoid it." 14Not really an answer though, is it. 15[22:33] Ratel: "Well... they're your ships. Whatever you decide, the Defiance is — I am — backing you to the hilt." [22:39] 07Dryas: "The Omeror could return via Wu Jian. Master Deled, during your assuredly brief and otherwise taciturn stay on Wu Jian for resupply, would you do me the favor of making a delivery to my family?" 15[22:39] Deled: "Yes. I can do that. What is it?" [22:41] 07Dryas: "A letter from myself and the mortal remains of my kin, Cynis Lena. If Cynis Falen is there, as the Commodore alluded, she may question you. But this is an internal affair, your involvement begins and ends at being the bearer of sad news." 15[22:42] Deled: "I will ensure neither comes to any harm." [22:42] 07Dryas: "If you are uncomfortable with involvement in a Cynis family matter, of course, we can route you through Abalone instead." 15[22:45] Deled: "When I return to civilization I will have to have this conversation many times. Furia cost us a lot of good people, nevermind what she did to her own fleet. As a favor it is not onerous." 15[22:45] "I will trust the letter to convey your sentiment." [22:45] 07Dryas nods. 15[22:47] Deled: "I will go ready the armor for transport." [22:48] 14Piu will give him a respectful berth. [22:48] 14To Dryas: "How's Seiri?" 15[22:48] After he's gone, Ratel says, "Buying him off with the gunzosha was a nice touch." [22:48] er [22:48] 14To Daizo: "How's Seiri?" [22:48] 10Daizo: "May it serve you well. Fair winds at your back." [22:49] 14To Ratel: "You should have seen him in it. Holy terror." [22:49] "And that was with it apparently mangling one of his arms instead of responding to commands? Is that what he said?" 15[22:50] Caxi: "He ripped his arm open jamming it in. I have no idea how he didn't pass out." 15[22:50] "I suppose the same way he swam to Brightwork on stumps." [22:50] 14Deadpan: "Truly the Realm would be different if the Empress had a thousand men like him." [22:50] 14Piu: "We should get moving." [22:51] "Seiri's going to be all right, I think. A deep wound but missed anything vital." [22:51] "Sadako's probably going to try and strangle Garnet. Or me. Or both of us." [22:52] 07Dryas: "Not until we are - all - underway." 15[22:53] Caxi: "I told her if she left her room for any reason until I sent word, something terrible would happen to her friend." [22:53] "Damn." [22:53] "Maybe I can be the bearer of some good news, then." 15[22:54] Caxi: "I wish you luck." [22:54] 14Piu: "Zhangyu is calming her right now. And I think the person who did that to Seiri got hers." 15[22:54] Ratel grimaces. Caxi grins. 15[22:54] Caxi: "Oh yes." [22:55] "The Watch-captain's death was fundamentally part of our agreement with the worker's uprising. She saved me the trouble of having to swing by after the wedding and take care of it myself." [22:56] 07Dryas: "What happened while we were in the palace? How did Seiri and Tataru - by the way, this is Tataru - get hurt?" [22:56] 10Daizo: "Oh, he is? Good." 10To Piu: "Garnet capped this Watch captain? Or Seiri got 'em herself?" [22:57] "Sadako." [22:57] "Against orders, I assume. But there's a reason 'the heart wants what it wants' isn't exactly a positive sentiment in the poets' writings on love and war." [22:57] "Aah. I see." 15[22:58] Ratel: "Their captain, the Pneuman, decided to leave the rioters and the assassins to their fate and marshalled all the force she could against us. We took heavy injuries. But we repelled the assault without any losses." 15[22:59] "I'd rather she hadn't done it, but the wages of fucking around are finding out." [22:59] 14Piu grimaces. "Well. I guess I left an impression." [23:00] 07Dryas: "With Northern Cross? You met her?" [23:00] 10Daizo: "Oh, we're all awful role models." 15[23:01] Caxi: "But very capable sifus." [23:02] 14Piu: "Zhangyu and I went to the dock to coordinate with the locals and it was astonishing how quickly someone in that rabble sold us out. We're talking before the water for our tea boiled. She tried to make an example out of us with a public arrest and I may have publicly humiliated her." 15[23:04] Ratel: "Well. It all came out in the wash." [23:06] 10Daizo: "A few weeks, or months, while everyone in Brightwork takes out all their pent-up grudges on each other and gets on with their lives again. That's the broad view of it." [23:07] 14Piu: "The most powerful remaining functionary in that city is our man Bodease, newly freed from slavery by our wayward princess. It'll be interesting to see what he makes of it, I suppose." 15[23:07] Caxi: "I am happy we've established a precedent of not being around for civil wars." [23:08] 14Piu: "Babe, we're getting dangerously close to having built the whole archipelago out of civil wars." [23:08] 6Have you tried being around for those? They're awful. [23:08] 07Dryas starts a bit at the manumission of an important slave. "Are we shipping Lapis to Abalone, or what?" [23:08] 10Daizo: "Have you ever heard of the legend of the Thousand-Year Shrike? I saw it flying high above the city just before we boarded. 'One head sings the birth of nations, one mourns the death of gods.'" [23:08] "…last time I saw it was on Hamoji, that day." [23:08] "The what?" 07Dryas asks. 15[23:09] Caxi shakes her head. [23:09] 14Piu: "Well I guess it's decent of us to appease both heads." 15[23:09] "A spirit of omen following us. An omen of its own." [23:11] 10Daizo: "Indeed. I can't shake this feeling that someone, somewhere, is watching us with great interest." 15[23:11] Caxi: "I didn't want to mention this in front of our most sanctified friend..." [23:11] 14Piu: "We ran into at least one more of the Heavenly Host at the wedding, didn't we?" 15[23:11] "Do you still have the papers from the Maw? The lockbox?" [23:12] 07Dryas nods. 08[23:12] 14Mockingbird ran off before we had a chance to thank him, right? [23:12] 10Daizo: "The ledgers? In Dryas' cabin." [23:12] "You think that's who that shitty guitar player was?" 15[23:12] Yeah you didn't see him again after the fight. [23:13] 14Piu: "I don't think he was shitty at all. I think he played precisely what he wanted to, precisely how he needed to." [23:13] 6Maybe find a better secret identity next time. [23:15] 10Daizo shrugs. "He had good taste in songbooks, at least. I thought he might've been a musical god slumming it, something like that." 15[23:15] Caxi: "Do you remember what Deled said? About Furia drawing her sword before the storm hit?" [23:15] 07Dryas pauses in thought. [23:15] 07Dryas: "You mean the one who gave Garnet a present?" [23:16] 14Piu: "I didn't specifically, but I got a vibe." [23:17] 07Dryas: "Hold that thought. Caxi? The sword? Yeah?" 15[23:17] Caxi: "I was thinking of the notes from the vault. A warning: never draw it." [23:17] 10Daizo: "Oh. Ohhhh..." 15[23:17] "At the time, we assumed it meant an artistic rendering of the creature in the vault." 15[23:18] "But..." [23:18] "There's a chance the blade itself is Akavadra?" [23:19] "A sword that could unleash a storm like that? Is that what Furia took from that vault?" 07Dryas asks. 15[23:20] Caxi: "I am only speculating. But the way he described it, it sounded as if there was a connection between the sword being drawn and the storm hitting." [23:20] 10Daizo: "It bears investigating. There's no end of famous daiklaves said to call down lightning, but this seems like it's on an entirely different level." [23:20] "What is Akavadra?" 07Dryas asks. 15[23:21] Caxi: "I don't know that name." 15[23:21] She looks at Daizo. [23:21] 6A death curse. Or is that avada kedavra? [23:22] 10Daizo: "It was the name that was writ upon the vault, and the Jadeborn spoke of it as well. Perhaps it's the sword. Perhaps the sword is a key to something else… still so many things we don't know." 15[23:22] Ratel: "Well, hopefully the Gyre offers us answers." [23:24] 10Daizo sighs. "What I wouldn't give for a good two weeks in a city with a decent library." [23:25] "As it is, we'll have to go in blind." 15[23:25] Ratel: "I don't like it either. But we can't let this opportunity go to waste." [23:26] "Right. The advantage of speed outweighs the other considerations… this is the hottest the trail has been yet." [23:29] 07Dryas: "It is very curious that one of the Heavenly Host would have given a gift to Garnet. That is certainly a message. Despite our care, it seems word of some kind may have gotten out about her identity and nature." 15[23:29] Ratel: "Should we expect more assassins? Like that rat Salim?" [23:31] 14Piu: "We're getting better at identifying them, and we're getting more careful with who we let onto our ship -- and more discerning about who we let be detailed to it. So the answer isn't no, but they should be less of a problem." [23:31] 07Dryas: "And the nature of the gift... songs from that Golden Anathema on the other side of the world? What is the message?" 15[23:32] Ratel: "What kind of music is it?" [23:33] 07Dryas: "I haven't had time to hear it. And the same name? What kind of coincidence is that? Is Heaven just playing games with us??" [23:33] 10Daizo: "Scavenger Lands ballads, a few meant to be played with resonating jade instruments… very unconventional from the perspective of composition." 15[23:34] Ratel: "I don't like feeling like we're the only people in Creation who don't know what's going on." [23:35] 14Piu: "The music is scandalous, but it's not mindwarping magic. It's Anathema music. Mundane but perfectly crafted." [23:35] "Great to fuck to, or lose your entire afternoon in depression to. Or both. All depends on the vibe." 15[23:36] Caxi: "They've been reading it and singing from it ever since they got it. If it's supernaturally corruptive, the deed is done." 15[23:37] Ratel: "And Heaven's agent didn't seem to undermine or oppose what you were doing otherwise?" [23:37] 10Daizo: "…they're good tunes. Stick in your head." He hums the first couple bars of 'The Cruel Angel's Thesis'. [23:37] 14Piu: "Heaven's agent actively helped us." [23:38] "You all felt it. The task getting a little easier while he played, even though your effort remained the same." 15[23:38] Caxi: "Getting lucky is the only reason any boy picks up a six-string in the first place." [23:39] 10Daizo snickers.  [23:40] 07Dryas: "Salim would never countenance spreading anything positive about the Anathema." 15[23:40] Ratel: "Alright. You're all dismissed. See to Deled's safe departure and then get some rest. We need to be as ready as we possibly can for any kind of trouble." [23:40] 14Piu: "I'm not sure if it's just that I never noticed them before and this is like having a veil lifted or something, but this archipelago seems absolutely filthy with these types." [23:41] 07Dryas has to write a letter. 15[23:41] "But I want to make something clear, and I'll say it again when I see the others. No one lays a hand on the Admiral unless I give the order." [23:41] "Yes ma'am." 15[23:41] "We take her alive if at all possible." [23:42] 14Piu's take is this is impossible optimism...but also to let Ratel have it, until it becomes clear it's no longer possible. [23:43] 6'If at all possible' is... hm. Well, we can try. [23:43] 07Dryas drops by the deck where Deled has prepared the gunzosha. "Here is the letter. We had to cremate the body... on an island of necromancers, I am sure you understand. I have one question before you leave." [23:43] "Yes ma'am." 10Just from the perspective of an intelligence asset, Furia is invaluable—if it's possible to bring her in. 15[23:44] Deled nods solemnly. [23:44] 14Anyway Piu will head up to play deck lieutenant and help Caedus with the business of getting these ships to the current. All the better to get him alone for eight hours uninterrupted overnight. [23:44] 07Dryas: "It may seem impious. But: if you could ask, or tell, the Scarlet Empress herself any one thing, what would it be?" [23:46] 10There's still plenty of work to be done in the infirmary, and Daizo's still fresh. Let's get the wounded walking out of here better than when they got out of bed yesterday. 15[23:51] Deled furrows his heavy brow and looks out over the water, where the Omeror draws closer. Finally he says, "I would tell her that there is no other soul in Creation who could hold the Realm she built together. And that if she would not see it and all the world fall to ruin... that she must return." 15[23:51] "That's trite. But cleverness is not among my gifts." [23:51] 14Well, what were you expecting, babe? [23:52] 07Dryas hands him the letter and Lena's urn. "Swift travels." 15[23:52] "Ma'am." 15[23:55] NEXT TIME: The Gray Mouser