15[20:14] The faded sweat of the locker room is cut through by the scent of blood in the air. Kiriglace looks from Rinca to Piu, and it's to her that the harpist speaks, despite there being no blood on her hands tonight. "'He's with me.'" [20:15] 14Piu: "I know what I said." [20:15] 14This is calm, rather than aggressive. [20:15] 14Aggressive doesn't seem like it'll work. 15[20:15] Kiriglace: "Is this what you meant?" [20:16] 14Piu: "Depends on if Tav had it coming, and if it costs you money in the end." [20:16] 14To Rinca: "You might have to take his slot in the fight. And not make any money off of it." 15[20:18] Elsewhere, another meeting is taking place. But there's no tension here; it's a happy meeting of the family matriarch and one of its most promising scions. Cynis Falen holds Dryas at arm's length, thin hands gripping her shoulders tight, looking her up and down carefully. How's she looking? How's she feeling? 15[20:18] What do the Tepets make of those jaded up guys eyeing them from behind Falen? 15[20:21] Rinca gives Piu a level look and grunts. [20:22] 14Levelly, to Kiriglace: "He doesn't have pockets anyway." [20:23] 07Dryas learned long ago that the best remedy for bad news in the family is to have some good news to follow it up with. She won't try to pretend that she has been doing something other than going on a mission of great familial importance, but she does keep her composure icy cool in public. [20:25] 10Falen wouldn't be bringing her heavies if she were just here to blow off some steam with a little gambling, is Daizo's take on it. But also Falen would've had no way of knowing Dryas would turn up here, right? So there's got to be some other objective.  15[20:29] Kiriglace permits herself a very small sigh and sits on the bench opposite the others, holding her skirt close to her legs so it doesn't spread out around her. "My primary concern is stability and security. The night's take is a loss, I won't deny it, but I have paid far more to ensure that, for all its strangeness and risk, my House is an orderly one." 15[20:29] "And a threat to that order is something I cannot tolerate, no matter its power or importance." 15[20:29] "I don't like people who cause problems on purpose." [20:31] 07Dryas also glances at the others before returning her gaze - demure and deferential - to Falen. "Please, accompany me to my suite. You must be weary after your voyage." 15[20:31] Rinca: "So what do you want?" [20:33] 14Piu: "You have a Golden Anathema and a guy who has been banned from prizefighting in two Directions working your pit. I'm sure we can come to an understanding." 15[20:36] The two men behind Falen look wildly different. One is short and scrawny, with a pinched, suspicious face and a delicate, loungey robe wrapped around him, studded with plates of jade. A breeze tousles his hair quite apart from the way the sea air is dancing over them all tonight. The other is tall, well-built, and very handsome. Cerise's other protege — Trasi is his name — has a 15[20:36] thin but placid smile that either never reaches his eyes or never leaves it. 15[20:39] Daizo judges readily that the short man is a magician, likely Falen's personal attendant. But he doesn't look particularly physically tough, and Daizo can't sense any hidden spirits behind him, so he's fairly confident that, if it came to blows, he would not be a real threat. The other guy, the one Dryas seems to recognize, meets Daizo's eyes without blinking or flinching before turning 15[20:39] back to the conversation. 15[20:44] Kiriglace: "I quite agree — provided an understanding is what you want." 15[20:44] Here she speaks directly to Rinca. "Is it?" 15[20:45] After a pause that indicates some reluctance or difficulty, Rinca responds, "Yeah." [20:46] 10So a thaumaturge of some variety, and then probably an actual killer. Well, one bears watching more closely than the other, but it's best not to count either out—even if that scrawny guy's not a fighter, he could still have some ugly tricks up his sleeve. [20:47] 14It is taking only some of Piu's rather formidable resolve not to side with Kiriglace here. Monumentally stupid to attack Tav like that. And, professionally speaking, as an assassin, incredibly hot. 15[20:48] Kiriglace: "Then clean yourself up and be ready for a bout in six hours." 15[20:48] The surly magician scowls back in Zhangyu's face. 15[20:48] Cynis Faolu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8rWWETfEs0 - Woke up afraid of my own shadow — like, genuinely afraid. [20:49] 14Piu nods and will half-bow as the Saucer's manager presumably leaves them in peace. 15[20:49] Cerise's protege actually chimes in: "I'll see to the ship's disposition, your Royal Highness. Make sure everything's squared away." 15[20:50] "Let you and Cousin Dryas catch up." 15[20:50] Cynis Trasi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbF1g3k2mtw - But don't you try to fight it: an idea whose time has come. 15[20:51] Falen: "Good! Excellent. *I* could use a drink. Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" 15[20:52] Rinca: "Yeah, alright. No problem." [20:53] 07Dryas: "Of course! This is my Hearth-Brother Tepet Daizo. And this is my other hearth-brother, Tepet Zhangyu." 15[20:53] "I'll leave you to it, then." To Piu: "May I have a word?" [20:53] 14Piu: "...Certainly." [20:53] 14She'll step outside. [20:56] 10Daizo: "The formidable Lady Falen. It's an honor to meet you." 15[21:00] Once they're out of the locker room, Kiriglace's presence seems to make the work cleaning up the damage from Rinca's assault go faster. Stepping over a piece of statuary that fell and shattered into blunt, easily-swept-up cubes of glass, she takes Piu somewhere without easy sightlines from the wider arena area. "There is one more piece of compensation I am asking, on behalf of the man 15[21:00] you've staked in my House." 15[21:00] Falen: "Ah, yes. Of course. Tepets Daizo and Zhangyu. A pleasure." To Dryas: "This is only three." 15[21:00] "I was promised four. With a capital F." [21:01] 14Piu: "Name it, and we'll see how committed I am to continuing to pretend I can actually control one of the Lunar Exalted." 15[21:01] Kiriglace: "Tell me what happened to Danaa'd's Defiance." [21:03] 07Dryas: "Yes, well, ha ha, that is our V'Neef Piu for you! She must be halfway across the palace right now. I am sure she cannot wait to meet you." [21:03] 14Piu: "Destroyed by a demon from the sky, summoned in a storm, riding the thunder and driving the lightning. Barely under the control of a fanatic." 15[21:05] Kiriglace: "Who?" [21:06] 10Daizo: "She's probably out there looking for a good fight, or a good f— ahem." [21:07] 14Piu: "You really need me to answer that? Who's squatting on an empire of flotsam just over the horizon from you?" 15[21:09] Kiriglace presses her lips together, silent and motionless for several of Piu's breaths before saying, "Very well. Thank you for your honesty. Enjoy your afternoon. I understand you have a bout soon yourself." [21:10] 14Piu nods. "I suppose it would be boorish to ask the mistress of the house to wish me luck." 15[21:11] That gets a half-ilm smile from the proprietress. "Good luck." 15[21:12] Falen: "Good to know. Well, lead on!" 15[21:12] Falen seems to be operating on the assumption that Daizo, Zhangyu, and the magician are joining them. Does Dryas correct anyone? [21:12] 4Piu smiles, winks, and will slip back into the locker room. 15[21:13] Rinca's washing his hands and taping them up. "She give you extra shit?" he asks without looking up. [21:13] 07Dryas makes no effort to correct them. The retinue will probably find out whatever she tells Falen anyway. [21:14] 4Piu: "She wanted to know who fucked up our ship, so I told her." 15[21:14] Rinca: "I thought she knew everything already." [21:15] "Ladies like that like to give the impression, but they only know most everything, and they find it out by asking people questions like that when they've got the leverage. But I think we're mostly in the clear unless you try to finish the job on Tav." [21:15] 10Daizo could care less about Cynis family business dealings, but like hell he's letting Dryas go completely alone to the lion's den. [21:16] 4Piu: "Sadly I've got nothing to tell you about Trinity, number 3, whatever. The champ. She's new to me." 15[21:17] Dryas leads their little group through the antechamber and up into the expensive suites, where Dryas's own White Mountain Matriarch sanctum awaits, clean and bright and luxurious and occupied. 15[21:17] Sadako and Seiri are there, with a huge array of tiny portions of food between them on a cloth laid out in front of the fountain like a bizarre indoor picnic. The bandage on Seiri's head is gone, and she's got a new haircut, too - Daizo intuits that this place must accelerate people's healing somehow. [21:17] "But as long as you don't kill her and -- this is a distant second concern, I'm gonna guess -- don't get yourself messed up in the process, try not to sweat the outcome too much." 15[21:18] The girls look up as the entourage sweeps in. Sadako looks annoyed; Seiri mortified. 15[21:18] Brightly, tightly, Falen says, "Well hello there!" 15[21:19] Rinca: "You think the fights here are legit? Could be a work. Tav is Solar, no way he's a real underdog." [21:21] 07Dryas smiles tightly at them and crinkles her eyes just so as she turns back to Falen. "Sadako - my ward, and Seiri Gansa, one of Daizo's staff. Say 'hello' to Her Royal Highness, Cynis Falen, girls!" [21:21] 4Piu: "You think Tav is here to take a worked fall? Because that wasn't his shit in Sand and Foam." 15[21:21] Rinca: "...no, I don't." [21:22] 10Let's hope Sadako isn't feeling too ornery after a few hours settling in. (Fat chance.) [21:22] "So be careful around that Trinity chick. There's a reason I didn't challenge her straight-up, and it wasn't just respect. Already got my ass kicked by a Solar-level champion once in this archipelago for my trouble." 15[21:23] "Ward?" Falen glances in her magician's direction, who after staring at the two of them looks heavily back. "Delightful. Come here, young lady. Let me get a look at you." 15[21:23] Sadako: "What?" She looks quizzically at Dryas. Is this a joke? 15[21:24] Rinca: "Yeah?" [21:24] 07Dryas' smile only gets wider and narrower at Sadako's incredulity. Her eyes squeeze all-but-shut. [21:25] 4She grimaces, incredibly sexily: "Bruiser Khang, ring out in like forty seconds." [21:27] 10Daizo notices who 10isn't10 here and whispers to Seiri: "Did Caxi say anything before she bailed?" [21:27] 07Dryas, explaining: "Sadako was the last survivor of a shipwreck. We found her adrift coming out of Bittern, halfway to Abalone." 15[21:29] Seiri, looking anxiously from Sadako to Falen, glances in Daizo's direction only briefly and offers the barest shake of her head. Sadako reads the distress on Dryas's face and walks up to Falen. She, miraculously, bows. [21:30] 10Phew. Crisis averted? 15[21:30] Falen: "Very good! She seems like a special girl." She takes Sadako's face in both her hands and tilts her face up until their eyes meet. "Am I right? Are you a special girl?" 15[21:30] She tilts Sadako's head from side to side. [21:30] 10Oh shit. 15[21:31] Sadako: "Uh. I don't know, ma'am. Your Highness. Royal Highness." 15[21:31] Falen: "Open your mouth." 15[21:31] Sadako's brow knits in confusion. 15[21:31] "Mouth," repeats Falen, pinching in at both cheeks like she's about to pull the hook from a fish. [21:32] 07Dryas titters politely, as if this was simply something one does. "She's remarkably talented," 07she interjects, hoping perhaps to divert her matriarch's attention. 15[21:32] Sadako relents after another moment and Falen peers in, looking silently into Sadako's open mouth. 15[21:33] She doesn't say anything immediately and for a few seconds neither does anyone else. Finally Falen says, brightly, "She's got all her teeth. Nice find." 15[21:34] Seiri lifts her chin up for just a second... but then looks down at the floor. [21:35] 10Daizo: "I believe you may be laboring under a misunderstanding, Lady Falen. Miss Sadako is not being trained as… merchandise." 15[21:36] Rinca: "Bruiser's still kicking? That's a relief. Hopefully he sticks around a while." 15[21:36] "Every time one of those guys dies you're rolling the dice on whether they come back twice as bad." [21:36] 4Piu: "Our commodore thinks so, too." [21:36] "Dick still works at least." 15[21:36] Rinca: "Don't you guys get in trouble for shit like this?" 15[21:37] "Bad trouble?" [21:37] 14Piu: "Only if they catch us. And that's hard all the way out here, and with what's going on back at the big mountain-on-an-isle. That world's ending, babe." 15[21:37] Falen looks back up at Daizo. Her head turns a long way before her shoulders start to follow, and most of her body is still bent over Sadako. "Which one were you again?" [21:39] 07Dryas clears her throat and hurries to the bar, throwing open the cabinet. "Drinks?" 07she asks, with a winning smile. She doesn't even try to meet the gaze of Seiri or Sadako. 15[21:41] The magician, who is either oblivious or indifferent to the scene transpiring: "I could go for some wine. Are you fronting the cost of this yourself?" [21:42] 07Dryas: "It's my own-" 07pop! "tab!" [21:43] 10Mildly: "Daizo, Lady Falen. The freak with the wings. I'm surprised you forgot so quickly." 15[21:45] Rinca: "That's what I like to hear." [21:46] 4Piu: "We're trying to build something new out here. Well. At least something sideways to new." 15[21:46] He's all cleaned up now, and facing Piu. Rinca's close, but he could be closer. "Something big?" [21:46] "As you might be able to tell, it doesn't involve people like Cynis Leda." [21:46] 07Dryas pours one, two, three - that's the Fangs, four, five, six - that's Falen and her entourage- and the first bottle of wine is done. 15[21:47] Falen: "Well! Let's have a drink, then. Get to know each other." [21:47] 4She slides the gap closed. "That's the hope." [21:47] "But not too big. Ruling Creation...mark's game." 15[21:47] She lets go of Sadako. "You can go." [21:47] "Heaven starts minding." 15[21:48] Seiri practically snatches Sadako by the arm and drags her out of the room, watching her feet carefully as if her main fear is tripping over them. [21:48] 4She grins. "And from what I know of them, I'd do those fuckers just like the Cynis slaver." 15[21:49] Rinca slides his hands around her waist. "Not too small, either, right? Big enough to share." [21:49] 10Daizo spreads his wings wide before folding them in. "Thank you, Sister. Pardon me for souring the atmosphere, however briefly." [21:50] 4Arms drape around his wide shoulders. "I don't see why not." [21:50] 4Piu's bout is when? 15[21:50] Two hours from Rinca's; about three and a half hours from now. 15[21:51] Falen takes her glass and a seat, picking up some delicate little fruit thing from the abandoned picnic. "So! Umara and Cerise send their love. How goes the hunt?" [21:52] 4Then they've got two hours to make this locker room as filthy as possible before she actually does need to wash up and start preparing. [21:52] 4Let's get to work. [21:55] 07Dryas: "The hunt? Not that I would dream of stepping on Commodore Ratel's toes, or stealing even an ounce of her glory fairly earned--" 15[21:56] Falen chuckles appreciatively at Dryas's droll little joke. "Perish the thought." [22:03] 07Dryas: "As for the hunt, we caught sight of our quarry. Even made contact - she's at the heart of the Gyre. Then we capsized and had to row back here, or drown." 15[22:03] Piu's gotta leave the back way in order to take the circuitous route out to the fighter's entrance to the pit. A small cluster of attendants congregate in this rear staging area. Shenmi is getting a shoulder rub before the fight begins; Piu gets an upward nod from him. "Hey. Terms are submission or knockout." 15[22:04] Falen: "Capsized? How?" [22:04] 4Piu nods back. "Sounds reasonable. No hard feelings, unless there's reason for hard feelings." [22:05] 4Instead of her scandalous dress before, she's in a much more reasonable gi and tape wrap. [22:05] 07Dryas: "Some kind of enormous... Daizo?" 15[22:07] Shenmi nods. "It's just a job. That's all it should ever be." [22:07] 10Daizo: "'Capsized' is probably an understatement here. Furia has the service of a storm-aspected spirit powerful enough to split a warship in half with a single blow." [22:07] 4Guys who believe that don't get banned in two Directions from combat sports. But Piu smiles and heads to her corner. [22:09] "It's like nothing I'd ever seen before. God, demon, elemental—I couldn't speculate." 15[22:09] Outside the crowd roars. Virumanda's voice booms out Piu's introduction. "FIVE DAYS! FIVE MALMS! FIVE THOUSAND WOMEN! But only one champion. Hailing from Eagle's Launch on the Blessed Isle, it's Calibration's Hero... V'neef Piuuuuuu!!!" [22:10] 14She steps out, raises a fist, paces about, then heads to where she wants to stand when the fight begins and settles into her stance. [22:10] 14Tepet Zhangyu has been a hell of a teacher, especially if this guy is still flipping around. 15[22:11] "And in this corner, the Flying Renegade, who brings houses down behind him! You know him, you love him: King... Shenmiiiii!!!" 15[22:11] Shenmi eschews the steps to do a tight somersault into the ring. When he lands, he's in form too. [22:12] 10Daizo takes another sip of the wine. "I've barely slept these past few days, and our ship's chief sorcerer only regained consciousness a few hours ago." 15[22:12] Falen's magician: "Your chief sorcerer?" [22:14] 07Dryas swirls her glass and casts an appraising eye towards the magician. "Why, Caxi, of course." [22:14] 10Daizo: "I've only recently been initiated. I'll introduce you, once she's recovered from the experience." [22:17] 14Piu cracks her neck, but remains still. Inviting. Come on in. 15[22:19] Falen and her magician exchange a look. 15[22:20] Falen: "Interesting. So you've found Furia, then. Is there anything left of her? Of the fleet?" [22:27] 10Daizo: "Furia appeared to be in good health physically, but thoroughly mad. An unpleasant combination of zeal and suspicion." 15[22:28] Falen: "And the fleet?" [22:29] "Fit only for salvage. She's essentially scrapped it to build her own miniature Danguro." [22:29] "Would you agree with that sentiment, Sister?" [22:32] 07Dryas waxes philosophical: "Plenty of well trained men remain, even if the boats are in a state. But they are doing... their own work." 15[22:32] Falen: "What sort of work is that?" [22:38] 14It happens very quickly. The King of the Ring is flying towards Piu, and suddenly she's beside him, yanking him out of the air, driving him to the ground, going halfway with him, then twisting, turning, standing up and rolling him over...with The Chain wrapped around his left leg in a half-crab. And she can do whatever she wants with it. [22:38] 14Piu: "Yield, or I break your leg." [22:38] "All I can promise is it'll be clean." [22:39] 07Dryas: "Following Furia on her deranged mission. She is obsessed - convinced - it sounds almost absurd to discuss, and I must warn you, Peleps Deled tried to slay her on the spot for expressing this, but--" [22:42] 10Daizo: "She believes that a number of the Great Houses, as well as the Guild and various other players, are puppets acting on orders from inhuman spymasters." [22:42] 14Piu leans in, increasing the pressure. "They didn't get this choice in the Five Day Fight." [22:42] 07Dryas: "Yes! She is utterly convinced that Heaven itself is set against her. The gods, or their agents. It was all terribly confusing. But she has set her mind on finding her own course. And I can't imagine anyone still alive out there would have second thoughts." 15[22:43] Falen, coldly: "Yes I spoke with Deled, in Wu Jian." [22:43] 10Daizo: "How did she put it? Machine-men with machine-hearts and machine-minds." [22:44] "'Finding her own course', in this instance, means a declaration of war. If not now, then soon." 15[22:45] Falen: "So now I understand, I think, the state of your mission. But there's a gap in my knowledge still. Between the message I received from Lena in Brightwork, and the message I received from Deled in Wu Jian." 15[22:45] Very quietly: "Fill it in for me." 15[22:48] Shenmi's throat gurgles - the first gesture of a laugh? He lets Piu take him to the ground. Let's Virumanda call a full ten count. The bell rings. The crowd goes wild. V'neef Piu takes down King Shenmi in ten seconds. [22:48] 14Piu breaks the hold without breaking, or even scoring, anything on the man's leg. It's more consideration than he's given his beaten opponents. 15[22:49] People are buying drinks by the pitcher as Piu's ghost-white anima fills the arena with blistering heat. [22:49] 14Stalking around the ring: "THIS IS THE TECHNIQUE OF THE MASTER TEPET ZHANGYU! THIS IS THE TECHNIQUE OF THE MAN WHO FELLS BLESSED MOUNTAINS! IF YOU SEEK HIS MONUMENT, SEEK HIS GARDEN!" [22:50] 07Dryas sighs and sets her glass aside. The moment of truth. 15[22:53] The crowd goes apeshit. "PIU! PIU! PIU! PIU!" [22:54] 07She can't betray her family. She can't betray her House. She can't even betray that slimy, filthy Eel. "So you know of the ceremony that was planned, the ceremony that took place, but I will tell you about the rehearsal dinner." 15[22:54] Falen: "You have my undivided attention." [22:54] 14She snaps The Chain out like a whip, then back around her hand, and then she's off down the tunnel. 15[22:56] Ragara Galad works his way into the locker room the front way not long after Piu comes back in. "Hot damn!" [22:56] 14Piu, still burning white-hot: "That's the mercantile concept. Don't get too close." 15[22:58] Galad: "I couldn't have asked for a better result. Ten seconds. Damn fine work. Damn fine." [22:58] 14Piu: "Do you have your promotional material?" 15[22:59] He does; it's all rolled up in vellum, so he sets it outside of Piu's anima's reach. "I'll let you cool off. I just want to let you know that I am very pleased. I'm kicking something extra into your purse. Come and see me when you're ready to talk about next steps. Feel free to review the material." [23:00] 07Dryas: "It was a grand party. And Lena was in rare form, admired by the ladies of the court. After a few cocktails, barely into the second or third course of the feast, she stepped out. Not long afterwards, we all heard a scream echo in the courtyard." 07her footsteps clattering upon the stone. "That is where I found her. Her last moments were..."07 bloody and terrified "short. She was already gone when I came upon her. [23:00] One of the skulking, miserable Skullstoners soon joined us, and his companion, the groom, shortly afterwards." [23:00] 14Piu nods and goes to hit the baths. Usually that cools the anima off. 15[23:03] Piu has trouble getting privacy, but it's not unattainable if she's firm. 15[23:04] Falen: "Uh huh." [23:05] 4Privacy's nice, but not necessary. If they're willing to sit in close proximity to actual painful boiling water just to see her naked, well. It builds the legend. 15[23:06] There's a pretty clean divide between people who can stand the heat and the people who want to, so after a bit Piu does have some time to herself. What's next for her? [23:07] 4Resting, then watching Rinca's bout to scout Trinity, who she might have to face next, and who she's actually worried about. Should probably figure out what the rest of the Fangs are up to too...but they can't have gotten into too much trouble. [23:07] 10Falen's not exactly buying this version of the story, huh. 15[23:10] A while after Piu's moved from defusing into just relaxing, her reverie is interrupted. "Lady Piu?" It's Seiri's voice. 15[23:12] Falen sits in silence for a moment before she responds: "How?" [23:12] 14She opens a lazy eye. "Seiri?" [23:12] 14She straightens. "What's happened?" [23:13] 14Seiri isn't wandering into bathhouses without cause. 15[23:16] Seiri's got a new haircut — looks like Sadako finally got her to get it cut short like she'd been meaning to — and red, raw eyes. "Excuse me. I don't know if anyone's told you yet. Lady Dryas is entertaining a guest. Her Royal Highness Falen." [23:16] 14Piu: "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh." [23:16] "I like the hair. Why are you crying?" [23:16] 10Daizo also entrusted Seiri with the vital—or is it fatal?—information that Falen is the mother of the late Lady Lena.  [23:17] "Is it because Falen's an evil bitch?" [23:19] 07Dryas: "The necromancers feared to say, and kept their own counsel. I believe they were unable to summon - much less bind - her ghost, thank the Dragons. So it was not entirely clear to me, in the time I had with her. She was not stabbed or burned, nor struck save by the Earth. Such a fall should have been perilous but perhaps not fatal." 15[23:20] "I'm not—" Then she breathes in sharply through her nose. "Master Daizo asked me to tell you that Her Royal Highness is Lady Lena's mother." 15[23:21] Falen: "Do you have a theory?" [23:21] 14Piu: "..." [23:21] "Please thank Daizo for me, when you see him next." 15[23:21] "Yes, ma'am." [23:21] "And tell the Fangs, in confidence, that I'm not leaving the premises of the Saucer while Falen is here." [23:22] 10So I guess Piu's not going to drop by for wine after all. 15[23:22] "Yes, ma'am." She doesn't leave immediately. She just sort of stands there. [23:22] "If she wants to find me, she has to accept the terms and conditions." [23:23] 07Dryas: "I...I chastised the Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows for his failure to ensure the safety of the guests of his own wedding." [23:23] 14Piu: "And Seiri? Find Samperson. Tell him I want him to relocate both of you onto Saucer grounds as well. Because you're a shitty liar and she's clearly done something." [23:24] "If you were already on Saucer grounds...then I'll have a conversation with the Fangs later." 15[23:25] "We are, yeah." [23:25] 14So that's how it's going, huh. 15[23:25] After a moment: "May I ask you a question, Lady Piu?" [23:25] 14Piu: "If you don't mind a disappointing answer. Morally, ethically, or otherwise." 15[23:27] She glances back at the doorway, which is empty and barred behind them. "If you had to... kill her... how would you do it?" 15[23:27] How is Dryas dressed? Is her midriff bare? [23:27] 14Piu blinks. "You want to know the prestige?" [23:27] "Well." [23:29] 07She was wearing the borrowed finery of Kiriglace and Virimande, the midriff-baring skirts of the West are a hot commodity. [23:29] "Right now I'm considering getting her so mad she tries to beat me to death in the casino lobby, and the harpist takes care of the rest. But in calm skies and open seas, I'd get her alone far from port, wait until she went out for wine on the aft deck gallery, drop on her, drive her into the water, and kill her with the help of the ocean she dreams of ruling." 15[23:29] Falen: "Dryas, may I have a word?" 15[23:29] Her eyes flick in the direction of Dryas's private bedroom. [23:30] 07Dryas rises without a word. [23:30] 14Piu: "We don't the get the circumstances we want, though. I'd have made Lena's cleaner, if she were less of a world historical useless bitch." 15[23:31] Seiri: "Blackbird said... with Sister Dusk... you made it hurt. You made it messy." 15[23:31] Once Daizo and the magician are left alone. "So... a fresh initiate, eh? How'd you crack it?" [23:31] 10Daizo was preparing to spin a tale about the field cremation and how Caxi inspected Lena's body, but clearly the time for stringing Falen along has long since passed. [23:32] 07It was not Daizo's failure. It is not Daizo's responsibility. [23:32] 14Piu: "I did. I could afford to with Sister Dawn. An elder Blooded who rules over her House is a different proposition. But being strangled and drowned at the same time isn't exactly clean." [23:32] "Lena was just stupid and foolish." [23:35] 10Talking shop almost comes as a relief. "I sought out a master, who gave me a riddle to contemplate. Have you ever solved a puzzle box? It felt much like that—when the final wedge slid into place, it was as though my perception filled all of Creation for a heartbeat." 15[23:37] Once Dryas and Falen are in the room, Falen shuts the heavy stone door... and pulls a heavy stone baton from it like she's plucking a flower. "I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your brother." [23:38] 10Daizo grins sheepishly. "It was… exhilirating. Although it left me with a certain lack of formal knowledge. So I've been studying the principles of the Emerald Circle, learning as I go." [23:39] 07Dryas, genuinely: "Thank you." [23:39] "Are you a Heptagram graduate, or…?" [23:41] 07With nothing to draw Harrow from, Dryas makes do with a long, thin, piece of statuary from the wall. A bit of the Mnemonic architecture. 15[23:41] Seiri's voice is hard and cold and hateful. "She forced Sadako's mouth open. Counted her teeth like a horse. In front of Lady Dryas. In front of Master Daizo. In front of her sifu." Her voice breaks while she speaks but she gets it all out. [23:42] 14Icily: "And they did nothing." 15[23:43] "They just watched. And so did I." [23:44] 14Piu rises, pulling a towel around herself. "I won't just watch. And I've got a powerful hand backing my play." [23:46] 10In retrospect, a mere verbal objection was probably not Daizo's proudest moment. [23:48] 14Piu: "Please let them all know -- and I mean all of them, the evil bitch included -- that I expect them for dinner at Dryas's sumptuous banquet room in eight hours' time. Use my name. Make Falen quiver over where I am." 15[23:50] Seiri: "Yes, ma'am." 15[23:50] The magician: "I am, yes! Graduated with distinction. Cynis Faolu." 15[23:51] "So I have to ask, forgive me if this is rude: have you ever actually seen Caxi do magic?" [23:51] "...And tell Sadako if she wants to maybe get a piece back, be in the back room." 15[23:51] Seiri: "I will." 15[23:51] Then Piu's alone again. [23:52] 14Eight hours until a showdown. She'll rest for a bit, then check out Rinca's match. Hopefully he won't be incapacitated by Trinity. [23:52] 14He'll want to be there to meet his captor's mom. [23:56] 10Daizo looks at Faolu quizzically. "On a number of occasions. She's run herself ragged more than once pulling our ship, crew, and treasures out of the fire. Why?" 15[23:57] Faolu: "Interesting. What'd it look like? Can you tell where she draws her power from?" [00:02] 10Daizo: "…it's difficult to describe. I may not have the proper vocabulary for it yet. When she's preparing, it almost seems as if she's doing it by rote, but the results are never less than spectacular." 15[00:02] Faolu: "Ah. Like she's a natural, then." [00:04] 10Daizo: "Esactly!" 15[00:09] Falen bats Dryas's little parasol aside and presses the rod against her neck. Her windpipe is open, but the sensation of being crushed is spiritual and suffocating. The matriarch's eyes are manic. "How did my daughter die?" 15[00:10] Faolu: "Fascinating. That is very fascinating." 15[00:10] "So how are you finding it? It's fun, right?" 15[00:11] "You done any summoning yet? Elementals and so on?" [00:12] 10Daizo: "Yeah—oh, damn, Current's probably still guarding our raft, I haven't given him any new orders." [00:13] 07Dryas takes the hit, but can't resist answering - she whispers through clenched teeth: "V'neef Piu murdered her." [00:13] "Although he's not much of a talker. Is that normal?" 15[00:14] Now Falen's smile is wide and real. Her tongue glides over her teeth. "There, there. Don't you feel better now?" 15[00:14] "Don't you feel clean?" [00:15] 07Dryas doesn't answer. 15[00:15] Faolu nods along. [00:15] 07Then: "You can hit me again to find out." 15[00:16] Falen presses the road against Dryas's chin, turning it aside a bit. 15[00:16] Then she lifts the rod, and Dryas can breathe again. [00:17] 07Dryas rolls over, gasping. 15[00:17] While wiping it clean before banishing it: "You're much prettier than your mother. I'm proud of you. A credit to our house." 15[00:17] "Cynis blood can filter a monkey's clear." [00:19] 07Dryas does not reply. 15[00:20] Falen banishes the rod, belladonna leaves poking out from her sleeves and collar like dark-studded green ruffling. [00:20] 10Daizo natters on to Faolu a bit and then he broaches a question: "What's your position on demons?" 15[00:21] Faolu: "Oh, you know... no shade on the helldivers, but... it's not very wholesome, is it?" 15[00:22] Falen says, "Take all the time you need," before stepping out into the main chamber. "Faolu. I need you to send some messages. Three." 15[00:22] Faolu: "Three?" 15[00:22] Falen: "Belar, Cainan, and V'neef." 15[00:23] Faolu's expression makes clear he doesn't quite get it. "It will be as you command." 15[00:23] On his hupping way out he almost bumps into Seiri, who is looking a lot better than she did when she left Piu's presence. [00:23] 10Big names. Just what transpired in that room? [00:24] 07Dryas is up a moment later, looming in the threshold without a word. She sits on the floor next to the bar. 15[00:25] Falen looks at Seiri: "We don't need anything right now. You can go." [00:26] 10Daizo: "Let her speak. If she came back here after being dismissed like that before, it must be important." [00:27] "And she works for me, not you." 15[00:28] Seiri kneels down and touches her palms and forehead to the floor. "Your Royal Highness, Master Daizo, Master Zhangyu: Lady Piu asked me to inform you that she looks forward to dinner with you all in eight hours' time, here in this banquet room." 15[00:28] Falen: "I bet she does." 15[00:29] "Unfortunately, I'm afraid we have to go." 15[00:29] "Urgent business." 15[00:29] To the Tepets: "Till we meet again." [00:30] 10Daizo: "Uh-huh." [00:30] 07Dryas paws through the cabinet looking for something and groaning in frustration. "Wait... a parting glass... where is it..." 15[00:30] Seiri shrinks even closer to the floor somehow as Falen stalks out, coming ilms away from driving her heel into the back of Seiri's hand. [00:31] "Falen! One last drink, to see you off?" 07Dryas croaks. 15[00:32] Falen stops and turns. "I think we've both had enough for one night." 15[00:32] Then she walks out. 15[00:32] Once the other Cynises are gone, Seiri looks up, hesitantly, at Dryas. 15[00:32] Something about her seems different... [00:33] 07Dryas uncorks the rum and doesn't bother with a glass or a breath. [00:33] 10Daizo: "Gods around. Is there no end to that woman's arrogance?" [00:33] 14There will be. 15[00:34] Seiri: "I can think of one." 15[00:34] Seiri Gansa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfzMSDqTGWc - And where he went, the voice followed, sometimes hardly loud enough to hear: "Shall I not spare the wise with the wicked? Hold back my wrath from this town?" [00:35] 07Moments later, Dryas hurls the half-full bottle into the suite's hearth with a wordless shout. [00:35] 10Daizo: "…you're not wrong, Seiri. You're not wrong." 15[00:35] NEXT TIME: Clash of the Titan [00:35] 07Dryas: "I gave up Piu. I didn't want to. Messages to V'Neef, Cainan, and Belar. We are fucked."