15[20:14] Suris and Takoye were hoping to get their apparent saviors out into the depths of Jiewei immediately... but the Commodore insisted that they needed the night to prepare a team, and a daybreak expedition was safer anyway. 15[20:16] So with some reluctance the Dynasts overseeing this labor camp/critical infrastructure/cursed ruin/treasure bonanza give the Fangs and their retinue space to plan and prepare. Takoye starts to invite them to dinner, a plan Suris swiftly shoots down, and the two of them leave the other Blooded to their Blooded business, somehow both managing to perch on Takoye's Pivot together as it 15[20:16] toodles off to their private sanctum-tent. [20:16] 14Thanks, boss. Sure this was Piu's idea, but she underestimated how annoying they'd be. [20:17] 14Where have they taken the device used to call To? Back to said tent? 15[20:18] Afraid so. [20:19] 14Piu was prepared for many eventualities and hardships on this journey. She'd however like to avoid, if possible, dropping in on those two during sex. [20:20] 14Possibly hypocritical? Sure. She's never claimed to be perfect. 15[20:21] If Zhangyu wants to put his head together with Piu on a scheme or caper, he knows where to find her. If he wants to mentor some teens, he can find them in the mess, which is the biggest open space in the Prolix & Terse, particularly now when no one's eating. 15[20:22] There are obviously a lot of ways to avoid such a thing. She can wait to see when the lights go out, she can get close enough to judge by sound, she can try to lure them out somehow... these are all flawed in different ways. What's she thinking? [20:22] 6He is presently available to be a distraction for Piu, if she'd like. Once his morning workouts are complete he's heading to the cafeteria though. [20:23] 14This is kind of a House Iselsi thing. [20:23] 14Not that Piu's going to tell Zhangyu that in specific terms. [20:23] 6The mess hall it is, then. 15[20:26] Zhangyu finds Sadako slurping through a giant bowl of noodles, watching a figure in full articulated plate shudder and stagger through various elementary katas of Earth Dragon Style. Occasionally he can hear Seiri's grunts echo from within, like she fell down a well or something. [20:33] 6Is Sadako... studying? It is important to know other martial arts, after all. 15[20:34] Sadako looks insanely bored. 15[20:35] In fact, she looks past Seiri as Zhangyu enters. "Is something up? Do we have to fight something?" [20:35] 14How big was the thing? Sneaking in, removing it, sneaking back out again, having the conversation she needs to have, then sneaking it back inside sounds like the way to go if possible. [20:38] 6Zhangyu: "Not yet. Just wanted to look in, I suppose. And, ah." 6He glances to what seems to be Seiri in heavy armor. "How long has she been at this?" 15[20:39] Seiri turns around with a series of clonks. "Master Zhangyu!" she echoes, shoulders rising and falling. 15[20:39] Sadako: "Three days." 15[20:39] It was roughly as big as Garnet's jar. 15[20:43] The thing was, that is. The "Mnemon Shower". [20:46] 14Annoying. [20:46] 14That means no matter how she goes in, she has to go out the front, or fashion a rig. 15[20:46] Not un-stealable by any means, but... yeah, annoying. [20:46] 6Well, that's... what his training schedule was? Which he is growing to discover is actually bad. "Seiri. Would you mind a spar? I only know Earth Dragon from the opposing side, but maybe I can help a little." [20:46] 14This is why she wanted someone to take her up on Caedus's rope services to fashion a rig before now. 15[20:46] Seiri: "You think I'm ready?" [20:46] 14Now there's no time for testing. 15[20:47] The good news is, it's easier for Piu to carry than it is for Seiri to carry (wimp; nerd) or for Garnet to carry (magic curse?). The bad news is, it's "tuck under one arm" small and not "hide in your pocket" small. [20:48] 14Right. Time to analyze approaches, then. How is she getting in there...? [20:49] 6Zhangyu: "I think you're exhausting yourself, so no. But. I do want to see where you are at, and Sadako surprised the hells out of me once, so I could be very wrong." 15[20:51] There's the main entrance to the tent, but it's also wedged under some scaffolding and pinned against a basalt rockface, so there's probably some way to wriggle in and out from above/behind. [20:51] 14That's incompatible with removing an annoying jar. [20:52] 14How's the guard up front? 15[20:52] Seiri takes a few deep breaths — chestplate rising and falling — before she punches the palm of one gauntlet with the fist of another and bows. Then she tips over and lands on one knee and both hands. 15[20:53] The guard is very alert when anyone is passing by or it sounds like voices are nearing the front of the tent. She relaxes and grows indolent in direct proportion to how well she thinks she can get away with it. 15[20:54] She's well trained - a mortal Legionnaire, likely - but, you know. It's guarding the rich perverts' scheme tent. Not a gig to be taken seriously. [20:54] 14Well, at least there's only the one of her. 15[20:54] Sadako snickers into her chopsticks. 15[20:55] "I'm alright! I'm alright!" Seiri is able to bring herself to a standing position after only a moment, and then she squares up in the most basic Earth Dragon stance. [20:57] 6Zhangyu: "If you're sure." 6People who are all right usually don't have to say that. [20:58] 6He's in Mantis form, practically beckoning her to attack. [20:58] 14Well, the sad conclusion is that a rational person would wait until they're out of the tent to snatch the thing. There's no style points in this life and she's never going to have granddaughters to tell stories to. 15[20:59] A lot harder to get a private meeting with To during the day... but it is much safer to actually get the thing. [21:01] 14There would be nothing worse than going through all of that, calling her, and no one picking up. [21:01] 14Well, okay. There are many things worse. [21:01] 14But again, annoying. [21:02] 14No, sneaking in and taking it is the way. Is there any place she could cut a hole in the tent big enough to sneak the thing out that wouldn't be noticed...? 15[21:03] Probably either at the back, where it's up against the basalt, or where the tent roof scrapes thee scaffolding. 15[21:04] Seiri stomps forward! Given how she was moving before, her agility once she's on the attack is impressive... [21:07] 14Let's check the back first (insert an entire secondary education of jokes about her ass here). If she has to walk this thing out, she'd like to do it while not also doing acrobatics. 15[21:09] The rear of the tent is pinned or propped directly against the basalt, which means she's actually looking at the rear side corners, which are very well-obscured from the outside, but it's trickier to gauge within. [21:10] 6Seiri sure is, and that's something to praise. Still, she telegraphs all her moves and absolutely bit on obvious bait... Zhangyu still isn't an expert in Earth Dragon Style, but he does know what an overeager novice looks like. [21:10] 14The instinct is always to put the bed against the far wall from the door, so unless they're true freaks and have it in the center of the room theater-in-the-round style (she's seen and participated in such a set up before) she actually prefers to enter on the corners. 15[21:13] Seiri goes in for a heavy double-handed blow, and Zhangyu counters it... how? [21:15] 6Grabs and then whips both arms over his head trivially, kneeling with not quite a choke. "Yield?" 15[21:17] Piu hangs back against the canvas and tries to get a sense for the contours of the space beyond. She's pretty sure that this flap opens directly on some junk, which means she'll be able to enter still in some cover at the very least. She can hear snoring deeper within, a sort of wood-sawing intake and a "14beebeebeebeebee" exhalation. Underneath that, she hears whispers. 15[21:17] "There must be a dozen of them. Five different Houses, at least. Too big by half for a kill team." 15[21:19] In reply, she hears another voice, this one in her sinuses and the back of her teeth. Her tutelage in Old Realm has been rudimentary so far, but from the splitting subaural pain she manages to draw out a single word. "9Patience." [21:19] 14Now that's interesting. It implies a couple of things, all of them weird. The most pertinent being: one of the ~lovers~ is secretly on the Mnemon Shower. [21:19] 14Ah, yes. [21:20] 14Who is the first speaker? The Nellens? 15[21:20] Yep. That's Nellens Suris. [21:20] 14What a surprise. 15[21:21] "Gaahh!!" Seiri collapses into the hold like it was a deliberate fall. Sadako snickers again... once she's assured herself Seiri is okay, so it's still funny. 15[21:21] "I... I yield." [21:21] 14Has she ever felt anything like that? [21:21] 14What is that? Deathlord? Demonlord? Something else? 15[21:22] No, that's quite outside Piu's experience. [21:23] 14Piu would say something snarky here about Nellens and making deals with corrupt outside patrons but, well, House V'neef is half-Iselsi at this point. [21:26] 14It was obvious from the jump that Suris was using Takoye as much as he was using her, but this is wildly impertinent behavior from her unless Takoye is in on it and she's just whispering not to wake him out of consideration, not underhandedness. [21:27] 14But then, they call it 'low cunning' for a reason. 15[21:27] Suris sounds chastised. "...my Lord." The pressure that was building in Piu's sinuses drains away in an instant. She hears the woman swear inside. 15[21:27] Then she hisses, "Wake up." [21:27] 6Zhangyu releases her. "Right. Talk to my cousin, he can train you further in Earth Dragon. I... have some thoughts on other things but launching all that at you after one spar is... not informed as it could be." 15[21:27] The snoring continues. "Wake up!!" 15[21:27] She tries a couple more times. "Fuck you too, then." [21:27] 14Ah, here we go. [21:27] 14Or I guess not. [21:28] 14Well, Takoye being difficult to instantly improves Piu's opinion of him. Or just of robbing him. [21:28] *14difficult to wake 15[21:28] The sound of movement, the scrape of clay on clay. The snoring stops abruptly. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" Takoye hissing now. It falls silent immediately. [21:29] 14...? 15[21:29] Suris: "Meet me outside the camp. Wait 15 minutes. Away from the docks, too. Change these sheets while you wait." 15[21:29] "Don't try to talk. Just nod." 15[21:29] "Good." [21:30] 14Well then. [21:30] 14...Piu now has a choice to make. [21:31] 14And the jar isn't going anywhere. 15[21:31] Seiri slumps onto the mess bench next to Sadako. It's Sadako who says, "No, go on, I want to hear it." [21:31] 14Is fifteen minutes enough to get changed into Silk Shadow and return in time to track Takoye? 15[21:32] Should be, unless Piu gets stopped on the way. [21:33] 14That's what the rooftops are--sigh. That's what...tentpoles...? Are for. 15[21:34] Where's Silk Shadow? If it's in her quarters her main issue is going to be running into the Commodore, or Zhangyu, or Caxi, or Garnet, or something. [21:37] 14Her quarters. She literally doesn't have time for any of those conversations. [21:38] 6Bluntly: "Exhausted and too aggressive. Both possible to fix, though the heavy armor is... Well. Mantis doesn't allow for it. And I don't know if either of these are problems regularly, but please take breaks in between practices." 15[21:39] Sadako: "See?!" 15[21:39] Seiri: "But Master Daizo said not to take it off." [21:39] 14So hopefully they'll understand when they have to walk if they want to talk. 15[21:40] Piu runs into the Commodore almost immediately. "Piu! What do you make of all this?" [21:40] 14Not pausing: "Walk and talk, boss! I gotta get my gear!" 15[21:41] Ratel follows. "What's going on?" [21:41] 14To Ratel: "Secret meeting between Idiot One and Idiot Two on the outskirts in fifteen minutes. I think they've got a secret patron, and he sounds nasty." 15[21:42] "Need backup?" [21:42] 14Piu: "All respect, boss, but how long's it been since you snuck around a place instead of revving up that big gun?" 15[21:43] "...point taken. Report as soon as you get back." [21:43] "Yes ma'am!" 15[21:43] In her cabin, Piu finds Rinca. "Hey." [21:44] "Hey! I'm actually changing and heading right back out." 14He does get the pleasure of watching her change, though. [21:44] "There's something going on between the two idiots in charge of this place, down at the beach, out in the dark. Secret meeting~" [21:45] 14Now Rinca she knows is fine to take on this. 15[21:45] Rinca watches her change. "You look like you're getting ready to kill somebody." [21:45] 6Zhangyu: "Did he also say to work on Earth Dragon for three days straight? Because that's what Grandmaster Mushi told me and I didn't even wear heavy armor while doing it." 15[21:45] Seiri: "I haven't been! Only an hour a day. I just have to keep the armor on all the time." [21:46] 14Piu: "Well, the snippet of conversation I overheard involved a 'kill team,' so it's best to be prepared. Though I think the kill team was supposed to be us." [21:46] "Wanna tag along?" 15[21:47] Seiri's voice still sounds tinny inside the helmet. "In stories when someone takes off their weighted training clothes, their strength increases tenfold." 15[21:47] Rinca: "Shit yeah." 15[21:47] "We going in quiet?" [21:48] "Cool. Yep! You can either ride with me in mouse or just track me. Heading back to the big honco tent to pick up Takoye as he heads out to the meet with his co-conspirator, Nellens Something. Suri? Seris? Suris." [21:48] 6Zhangyu: "I'll... talk with Daizo. We trained differently, maybe this is an Earth Dragon thing I just don't get." 15[21:49] Rinca tucks and rolls and shrinks almost to nothing before he hits the floor. That black-eyed little mouse is staring up at Piu for just a moment before it darts toward her to, presumably, run up her leg. 15[21:50] Sadako: "Maybe Daizo's just an asshole." 15[21:50] Seiri: "Sadako!!" [21:50]  [21:50] 14He can ride where he pleases so long as he isn't an active distraction. There will be time enough for that later. 15[21:51] He seems to find his level in one of the pouches around Piu's hips. What's she keep in there anyway? [21:52] 6There are so many people on the ship Zhangyu would place as assholes before Daizo, including himself. "I think there's more likely some miscommunication." [21:52] 14That particular one is probably sticky pine tar for grip on particularly gnarly climbs. It's wrapped up, of course, not just like, a huge mess of tar loose in a pouch, so he should be fine. 15[21:58] Sadako: "Can you at least, like, order her to take it off?" 15[21:58] Seiri: "I want to do this! No one is forcing me! I practically had to beg for it." 15[21:59] Sadako groans. [21:59] 6Zhangyu: "I can advise Seiri as a fellow martial artist that it isn't healthy." 6He looks pointedly at her. 15[22:00] Once Piu's kitted up she's free to go on the move. There's a couple different ways to go 'outside the camp' and a couple different routes to go each way. What's her approach? [22:01] 14First, see if she's in time to catch Takoye leaving his tent. If she is, she can just trail him. 15[22:04] She can see him crossing the central ground of the camp. Heading north-ish, looks like, around the scaffolding and the basalt. [22:05] 14And away we go. [22:05] 14This time without being seen. 15[22:07] Seiri: "It's not forever!" [22:09] 6Zhangyu: "You were tired in our spar before it even started." 15[22:15] Seiri: "Pasiap endures all challenges!" [22:18] "Enduring isn't winning. It's just. Surviving." [22:19] 14There's no rooftops here, so Piu has to move cover to cover until they're out of the tent-city. Then there's trees, thankfully. ...There are trees, right? 15[22:19] Piu gets up in the scaffolding, easily avoiding the sight of the guards, and narrowly avoiding the wandering eyes of Takoye. There are no trees, but there are these basalt pillars, which Piu can just about leap between without too much exertion once she's got the rhythm down. 15[22:21] She manages to leap directly into Suris's line of sight as she scans the sky, as if searching for omens. But her armor saves her. [22:23] 14Whew. [22:23] 14That was close. 15[22:23] Seiri: "That's-" 15[22:24] Deep breath. Her chest and shoulders clack. "I'm going to go meditate," she says. "Excuse me, Master Zhangyu." 15[22:24] Then she sort of waddles off. 15[22:26] Sadako: "I'm going insane." 15[22:28] Eventually, Takoye catches up with Suris at the meeting spot. They kiss briefly in the misty moonlight. Takoye says, "That wasn't even clean water, you know. That was for flushing the gutters." 15[22:28] Suris: "Whatever. We've got a problem." 15[22:28] Takoye: "How bad?" 15[22:29] Suris: "Manageable... if you don't fuck this up." 15[22:29] Takoye: "Uh huh." [22:30] 6He doesn't stop her as she goes. To Sadako: "Let me know if I can help. I really don't think I did today." 15[22:30] Suris: "I checked in with our Lord. He doesn't know who sent the jadeclad, but it wasn't V'neef." [22:31] 14Interesting. [22:31] 14Well, we've got a gender. [22:32] 14Weird headaches, unnatural voices, 'Lord'...all signs pointing to Soulstone. 15[22:32] Sadako: "I don't know! Kick her ass, maybe? Turn her upside down and shake her until all her prayer beads fall out and kick them into the water." [22:35] 6Wryly: "I did kick her ass. It didn't help." 15[22:36] Takoye: "Mnemon?" 15[22:37] Suris: "If Mnemon had a jadeclad like that you think she'd let some dipshits touch it?" 15[22:37] Takoye: "What do they want?" 15[22:37] Suris: "I don't know." 15[22:37] Takoye: "Where did they come from?" 15[22:37] Suris: "I don't know!" [22:37] 14Oh wow. Bringing out the strong language. Is Rinca staying put? 15[22:38] Once Piu stopped moving, Rinca wriggled out of her belt and scampered up to her shoulder. 15[22:38] Takoye: "Knowing this shit is half your fucking job." 15[22:39] Suris: "Looking like an idiot is all of yours, so obviously I can't compete." 15[22:41] Takoye: "We need someone on them when they go out hunting." 15[22:41] Suris: "I agree." [22:41] 14It is REALLY tempting to just walk out there and completely change the playing field right now. If it was just her running the show here, it's what she'd do, no question. 15[22:41] Takoye: "Someone with a facility for the technology. Someone who can guide them." 15[22:41] Suris: "I agree." 15[22:41] Takoye: "I'll do it." [22:41] 6Zhangyu, to Sadako: "You want to spar? I -- you're probably better than me now. I just want to make sure you're keeping up on things." 15[22:41] Suris: "You fucking dope." 15[22:42] Suris: "Send Sho! That's why Sho is out here!" 15[22:43] Sadako: "No! I don't-- I want Seiri back." 15[22:43] "I want her to--" That's a weird noise in Sadako's throat. 15[22:43] Takoye: "Sho's a mortal. He'd die on the trip." 15[22:44] Suris: "If they can't protect him then they'll just die themselves and there's no problem." 15[22:44] Takoye: "But I want to go...!" [22:46] 07Dryas, having surveyed the camp and found it wanting, goes looking for Commodore Ratel. Her Commodore? The Commodore? A Commodore? 15[22:47] Ratel's up in the bridge with sketches she's making of the ship's interiors and some hot rum. "Dryas!" [22:47] 14Well, it's obvious what the pressure point is here. They're going to offer Sho, Piu (or someone else) is going to suggest Takoye instead, and Takoye himself will help guide them through the opening into having a hostage on hand. [22:48] 07Dryas: "Commodore. What have we got? Have any of their ships made a run for it yet?" 15[22:49] Ratel: "No such luck. I'd love to run one of those blue-water caravels down in this behemoth. Like riding a yeddim to chase greasels." 15[22:50] She looks up. "Is Piu back yet?" 15[22:51] Suris: "You can't. We need you here. Caxi's going to get them into the core, she's going to unlock it... and then we just have to stand back as our Lord's work is done." 15[22:51] Takoye: "Oh, did he tell you all that?" 15[22:51] Suris: "No, idiot. I know her." [22:52] 07Dryas: "I haven't seen her... Where did she go?" 15[22:52] Ratel: "She came in on a quickstep saying she needed to gear up and sneak back out." 15[22:53] "Secret meeting between 'Idiot One' and 'Idiot Two'. It's not the Cathaks, so it must be Suris and Takoye." [22:54] 6A heavy sigh. To Sadako: "If I knew how to help, I would. I'm just no good at this shit." [22:57] 07Dryas: "Hm. I actually need to catch up with the Cathaks soon. But I think I know where she must have gone to. What are you sketching up, there?" 15[22:58] Sadako looks up at Zhangyu, or at least tilts her head towards him. Her hair's obscuring both her eyes. "She's--" Sniff. "Forget it. Don't worry about it." 15[23:01] Ratel: "You've noticed we can only physically access about a two-thirds of the ship by volume. And none of its inner workings. I'm mapping it out." 15[23:02] Takoye: "There's like ten of them. At least. What if she doesn't go? What if she just sets up an opium den or starts fucking the laborers?" 15[23:02] Suris: "Leave that to me." 15[23:03] "Get Sho on the raft tomorrow." [23:03] 07Dryas: "Good idea. Okay, let me go track down my sister." [23:03] 14This lady only seems familiar with the old model of Caxi. The one who doesn't have a winged monk on call. 15[23:03] "Let me know if we need to kill them," Ratel calls after the departing Dryas. [23:03] 07Dryas: "Without hesitation!" 15[23:04] "Attagirl." 15[23:05] Takoye: "You're sure it has to be Sho?" 15[23:05] Suris: "Don't send anyone you want coming back alive." 15[23:05] Takoye: "...right." [23:05] 07Dryas makes her way back out, up the ladder through the command manse and taking a deep breath of the misty air of the Pole. Being able to sense someone like this is a little uncanny. But she can. [23:06] 14Mmmm. Perhaps we should take both of them. [23:06] 14...No, Takoye will be easier to interrogate alone. [23:06] 14Now, annoyingly, she has to figure out a different time to get a minute alone with the Shower. 15[23:07] Suris: "Okay. Let's go back to bed." 15[23:07] Takoye: "Fuck no. The bed's not dry yet. Let's go for a night walk. Nothing better for imaginative thinking." [23:07] 14Piu will try to beat them back to the encampment so she can be wandering around back in her regular clothes when they arrive. 15[23:07] Suris: "Fuck you and your night walks." [23:08] 14Sigh. 15[23:08] Takoye: "The laborers' beds are dry. I bet Caxi's is too." [23:08] 6Zhangyu: "See, when people say 'don't worry about it,' that makes me worry more, not less." 15[23:09] Suris: "...fine. We can work out our stories for tomorrow. It won't be a total waste." 15[23:09] Takoye: "Vindicated again." 15[23:09] Suris scoffs. 15[23:10] Sadako clears her hair back and wipes her eyes in the same heel-handed motion. "Look... don't tell anyone I told you this." [23:10] 14...She's got what, half an hour? 15[23:10] Thereabout. [23:10] 14To Rinca: "I need to make a stop first. Private business. But mosey on back to my quarters and I'll be there in an hour, tops. Probably not with bells on. Unless you've got toys." [23:11] 6He makes a vaguely confirming grunt. 15[23:14] Rinca chitters, and a little bird takes off from Piu's shoulder in the direction of the ship. [23:14] 14Piu moves fast. And since she's in uniform, she's gonna go across the tops of the pillars and slide down that basalt back wall rather than cut through town. 15[23:15] Dryas can feel Piu cutting back towards the camp, sharply and swiftly. 15[23:15] Coming from the north and... above? 15[23:16] Sadako: "Seiri's convinced she's been prophesied to die. So she's training really hard to try and survive it, or, or, you know. Get right with the Dragons or whatever." [23:17] 6He blinks. "I don't think that's how prophecies work." 15[23:18] Sadako: "Yeah, well. She didn't listen to Caxi, she won't listen to me. She's cheered up a little since we left that dumb floating barbershop but now Daizo's got her locked in a hermit crab shell. She's been sleeping in it." [23:19] 07Dryas pauses for an instant, re-evaluating. Dryas changes direction to intercept Piu. 15[23:22] Piu can see her on the ground below, closing the distance... [23:22] 07She peers through the evening mists, trying to make her out among the pillars and shadows from the torches and braziers on the ground. [23:23] 14When she first saw Dryas she thought it was funny, but now that it's obvious that Dryas is tracking her, somehow -- right, yes, she knows how, she's her sister -- now she's irritated bordering on angry. [23:24] 14She will detour to lure Dryas to a dark alley and then literally drop down in front of her. [23:24] "Hey sis. On a clock here. What's up?" [23:25] 07Dryas: "We need to talk. About your tutor. The maudlin one." [23:27] 14Piu tilts her head sideways, curls a fist, and makes a noise that sounds like a hiss. [23:28] "...Distract the guard in front of Takoye's tent. Give me thirty minutes. Then you'll have your talk." [23:28] 07Dryas: "We just got here and you're already going to kill him?" [23:29] 14Piu visibly restrains herself from throwing that punch. "He is on a walk. On the beach." [23:29] 6Zhangyu: "I will be having words with him. She really won't listen to anyone else?" [23:30] "Do it or don't." [23:30] 14She'll head back up. 15[23:30] Sadako: "I don't know who else. Garnet, maybe. But Garnet's even crazier than Seiri now." [23:30] 07Dryas: "Alright," 07she peeks around to see who is guarding the thing. 15[23:31] Looks like a mortal legionnaire. Looks a little put out to have to actually be paying attention this late at night. These are prime goof-off hours. [23:31] 14Well. This will change the tenor of the conversation substantially. [23:32] 14...She turns on her hearthsense as well. If Dryas is going to keep tabs on her, well. 15[23:33] Dryas is in front of the tent. Zhangyu and Daizo are on the ship. [23:33] 14Assuming she can get in through the corner without issue, she'll head straight for Mnemon's Shower. [23:33] 07Dryas takes a breath, then rounds the corner in a huff. "You there! Legionary!" 15[23:34] The guard stands at attention. "Ma'am?" 15[23:34] Piu's in with no fuss. 15[23:34] Takes a moment to spot the Shower in the dark, but once she does she just has to touch it. [23:34] 14She activates the thing the same way Takoye did, still wearing her mask. To will recognize it. [23:36] 14This conversation is going to have to be purely in the Cant, in case Dryas manages to overhear it anyway. To will recognize that too. [23:36] 07Dryas puffs up: "Ma'am?! Have you been briefed?! You understand that I arrived here on a jadeclad? Do you understand you address a Lady? What Legion do you represent?!" 15[23:37] Piu has to wait what feels like an eternity, but is probably only about thirty seconds before liquid metal starts pouring to the floor in the shape of V'neef's head of household. "Takoye?" Her leaden eyes narrow. 15[23:37] [23:37] 6To Sadako: "...I'll start with Daizo. See how things go from there." 6The Garnet thing is a problem for later. [23:38] 14Piu: [23:38] 14Piu: [23:39] 14She doesn't offer a greeting. Greetings from To are mainly insults, and To doesn't take kindly to being insulted in return. 15[23:39] The Legionnaire: "Ma'am! Sorry, Lady, ma'am, sir, ma'am. I mean no disrespect. Evocatus Eagle Spear, my Lady. Seconded from the Vermillion Legion, under General Ejava." 15[23:40] To: [23:41] 14Piu: [23:41] *Skullstone 15[23:42] To: [23:44] 14Piu: [23:45] 15[23:47] [23:48] 15[23:48] [23:48] 07Dryas crosses her arms. "The Vermillion Legion, eh?"07 she pauses, as if in contemplation. "Well, in that case, I won't hold you to formalities. But don't think I'm just going easy on you, either!" 07Dryas fishes about for another of her small cigars and offers it to the legionary. "Let's try again?" [23:48] 14Immediately redirecting to what To wants: [23:49] 15[23:49] To: [23:50] 15[23:50] The guard plays along gamely; Dryas's effortless charm draws her in. She feigns magnaminity. "Yes, my Lady. Very kind of you." 15[23:50] <...> [23:50] 15[23:51] [23:51] [23:51] 07Dryas: "How long have you been out here, yourselves?" [23:52] 15[23:52] Eagle Spear puffs at the cigar. "Me? Three weeks. This outpost is about a season old, as I understand it. People just keep flooding in. This was my second tour so I was able to take the secondment for the pay." [23:52] [23:53] [23:53] 15[23:53] [23:54] 07Dryas: "And where was your first?" [23:54] 15[23:55] [23:55] 14Piu shrugs. 15[23:55] Eagle Spear: "We were in Jiara when the raksha rolled through from the south." 15[23:56] "Their great war machines, their zealous mobs. The fake-man called the Lion who looked like a florist." 15[23:57] To: 15[23:57] 15[23:57] [23:57] 14Piu's eyes narrow behind the mask. [23:58] 14She'll move to cut the connection here. 15[23:59] Right before she does, the flowing lead statue mimes a sigh. 15[23:59] Then To cuts the connection herself. [23:59] 14... [23:59] 14It wouldn't be so bad, would it, to actually just be House V'neef's top assassin? [23:59] 14Keep your head in the game, kid. [00:00] 14She ducks out the way she ducked in. If Dryas can feel her, then this should be enough for her to know to break off the distraction. [00:00] 14Time to go find some quiet spot on the docks to have this out. [00:12] 07Dryas thinks for a moment about what to say. There isn't much, about Jiara. "We'll have to continue this conversation soon, Evocatus Eagle Spear. Keep your head down, and stay fumigated." 07She'll pass on a packet of the stubby Southern cigars before dropping her own to the ground and stomping on it - like a peasant - and moving off towards the docks to speak with Piu. [00:12] 14Piu is pacing with her arms crossed when Dryas finally tracks her down. It's quite remote, since it would be bad if this was eavesdropped upon. [00:14] 07It's open enough to be observed, not open enough to be heard. Although if Piu ever turned on her it would be curtains anyway. [00:14] 14It's true that there's not much room here for shooting. [00:15] "Should I even ask how you know? Is it that fucking medallion you keep stroking all the time?" [00:15] "Nine Muses Audient. A gift from Cynis Cerise, back on the Blessed Isle." [00:16] 14Piu: "And you couldn't even wait until after I talked to her." [00:18] 07Dryas: "Neither of us is much renowned for patience." 15[00:18] Or 9patience. [00:19] 14Piu: "The polite fiction that you had no idea who or what I really am was the only thing keeping all of you safe. I don't know if you fully understand that, but we're all going to soon unless I work some magic on my handler and his boss." [00:21] 07Dryas: "I still don't know who or what you really are - although I thought maybe I did. That's what I wanted to talk about. I'm worried." [00:21] 14Piu: "Worried? You're 'worried?!'" [00:21] "Well you fucking should be!" [00:23] 07Dryas: "About you? Or of you? I saw the way you looked at her. I know that look." [00:24] 14Piu: "Fuck you." [00:25] "If I was going to kill you we wouldn't be having this conversation, we wouldn't have had three or four previous conversations, and you know it -- you just wanted to get the dig in." [00:28] 07Dryas pushes past it. "That look was fear. That's how I looked at Falen. That was the rock in my gut when Ratel brought it up to keep me in line." [00:29] 14Piu's face twists into actual rage now -- and something else. "That-- I-- how DARE you--" [00:30] "She is far away." [00:30] 14Piu collects herself. [00:32] "Her being far away means she can be contained." [00:33] "They can make me report you for knowing, but they can't make me participate, because if they tried, I'd lethally refuse. But more importantly to them, if I DID participate, you'd know, due to our bond." [00:35] Dryas"I know that. Piu, if you wanted to destroy me, you could write a single letter to Deled, or Mnemon, or V'neef herself. Just about anyone in this Direction. I am not coming to you because I am trying to cover my ass." [00:35] 07Dryas's tone softens: "I know that. Piu, if you wanted to destroy me, you could write a single letter to Deled, or Mnemon, or V'neef herself. Just about anyone in this Direction. I am not coming to you because I am trying to cover my ass." [00:36] Dryas"You freed me from something. I don't even know what, exactly. Or what we'll do about it. With Falen, and the rest. But: I would be... remiss... if I did not speak out, immediately, to free you from the same thing." [00:36] 07Dryas: "You freed me from something. I don't even know what, exactly. Or what we'll do about it. With Falen, and the rest. But: I would be... remiss... if I did not speak out, immediately, to free you from the same thing." [00:37] 14Piu gives her a big hug. [00:37] 07It is reciprocated! [00:38] 14Pulling away: "...we're going to have to do something about both our houses. And to that end...we've got to find out why House Iselsi was actually kicked out of the Realm." [00:38] "Because when the witch asked what vision I wanted, that was the moment I wanted to see." [00:38] "And there was some old star-fucker there." [00:40] "They really are your...?" 07Dryas asks, hesitantly. [00:41] 14Piu: "Yes." [00:41] "I am also a member of House V'neef." [00:41] "Should I still call you Piu?" [00:42] 14Piu gives her a look. "Use your little amulet on me." [00:45] Iselsi Piu, Scion of Her House -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8zp2VFnyg8 Take your silver spoon and dig your grave. [00:48] 07Dryas gasps - then embraces Piu again. 15[00:48] Is it over now? 15[00:48] Do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home? [00:49] 14She'll return it. "Things are gonna get harder now. But when hasn't that been true." [00:49] "You're at war with your House. Might as well make it formal with mine." [00:50] 07Dryas: "They're far away. They don't have to know until we're ready." 15[00:52] NEXT TIME: The Bad News