15[20:20] By this point the sun is fully up, and some legionnaires have formed up near the jadeclad, with the ostensible goal of keeping the superstitious laborers from freaking out. For by the time the sun's only just left the horizon's arms, they are back at work again, porting stone, raising structures, and attempting to drain vast, vast quantities of water from old Jiewei, a bit at a time. 15[20:22] One of them conveys a message inward, for the Commodore and her senior staff, which is that Lady Suris will be ready to see them off into the depths of the ruin when their preparations are complete. [20:22] 4Whoever's watching, then, also gets to watch Piu's daily warmups and exercises on the abbreviated jadeclad deck. Guard duty isn't always so bad. 15[20:23] So... what are their preparations? Who's going? Is it just the Fangs? Caxi might be useful, and so might Garnet... but how many people do you really want to pull into what Cynis Dryas and Iselsi Piu have informed the hearth is a setup? [20:25] 10Suris' whole plan revolves around the assumption that Caxi will be able to open the gate. But whatever catastrophe might befall them with only one occultist, perhaps two can prevent. [20:26] 14Caxi and Garnet will do. Garnet won't be asked to attend the meeting. We'll need Caxi for expertise on what we find, and Garnet for the same coming from a different direction. 15[20:28] By the time Caxi's ready, the now-familiar sound of someone clomping through the ship's corridors in plate armor echoes from the depths of the officers' quarters. "What's the plan?" asks the sorceress. It's an open question. [20:30] 10Now, if we're bringing Garnet with us, that means we're also bringing the jar—and aren't we going to press Takoye into accompanying us? Does that constitute an acceptable risk, or are we going to make sure he never comes out of that place. [20:30] 14Piu: "We're going to take this meeting, and it will begin from the understanding that we share the same goals. Of course, in some ways -- pertaining to the exploration of old Jiewei -- that's true. In others -- pertaining to our swift death at the hands of whatever's in that vault -- it is not." [20:31] 14Yes, we should find a jar handler. At some point that becomes up to Garnet, though. 15[20:31] Caxi, dryly: "Most agreeable." [20:32] 14Piu: "The main point of contention is who we get sent in with as a guide. Suris is going to try to send in some flunky -- Shen? Doesn't matter -- who she's fine dying with us. We will instead be taking Takoye. If we need to literally subdue this entire garrison by force of arms first, we will be taking him in instead of the patsy." [20:32] "I have asked the Commodore to prepare for such an eventuality." [20:33] 10Daizo: "Ha. She assumes we'll be rushing into the vaults with gimme hands, ready to scoop up anything with a lick of jade on it. Projecting a little, is my guess." [20:33] "But I don't think, when push comes to shove, the legion is prepared to fight to the death for a jumped-up Nellens priss who loves to throw her authority around, and also serves demons." 15[20:33] Caxi: "Just we're clear, looting is okay, right? In the if-and-when." [20:34] 14Piu: "To the extent that it's not dangerous and it doesn't impede the mission." [20:34] "If I know you, the stuff you want to steal won't be giant honking chests of treasure, so. Probably fine." 15[20:35] Caxi smiles. "Naturally. Well, splendid. Lead on." [20:35] 10Daizo: "Assuming we have the time, we'll carry out everything that isn't nailed down. Just… a little delayed gratification, is all." 15[20:35] "My second favorite kind of gratification." [20:36] 14Piu: "Personally, I don't give a shit that Suris serves demons. We all have our foibles. I would be content to co-exist. If she doesn't want that happy future for us and herself, I say we kill her before we go inside." [20:36] "Having her scheming at our back is far worse." 15[20:37] Caxi: "As long as you can convince the Legionnaires that's what we were here to do all along, or else kill them as well... a sound plan." [20:38] 14Piu: "Dryas's skillset is well-suited to getting the Legionnaires on our side." [20:39] 10Daizo: "And Zhangyu and I have the family connection, however tenuous that may be with the Roseblack's troops." 15[20:40] Caxi's eyebrows go up. "These are Tepet legionnaires?" 15[20:40] "...there still are Tepet legionnaires?" [20:44] 10Daizo: "Barely. The Vermillion Legion's usually not considered much better than a pack of brigands." 15[20:44] Caxi: "And yet everyone worships the ground Ejava walks on. Mysterious." [20:45] 10Daizo: "Not so mysterious, really. If she can whip the cast-offs and has-beens into something that looks like a legion, imagine what she could do with properly trained soldiers." 15[20:46] Caxi's face says 'I'd rather not'. [20:46] 14Piu: "Would be useful to have her out here with us, rather than wasted in a stupid civil war. But I'll settle for not making deadly enemies of her few remaining forces." [20:50] 07Dryas is a bit morose this morning, for some reason. "We should try to coax them all to our side. Takoye and Suris are so self-interested it should child's play. I'm sure they'll fall over themselves if they realize what we have here. But I wonder what's out there... do you suppose it might be a beast?" [20:51] 14Piu frowns. "I doubt Suris is interested in serving two masters." 15[20:52] Caxi: "It's possible. It wouldn't be my first guess. There's not a lot a sorceress can't kill if she knows where it is and it can't reach her." [20:56] 10Daizo: "More likely to be some kind of ancient spell or defense mechanism. If it's survived intact from before the Cleansing it could be far more dangerous than Mionzi's defenses." [20:57] 07Dryas: "Then we present an ultimatum. Fear can motivate as well as desire." [20:58] 14Piu: "I can do that quite well. If you want to try to appeal to their slightly more virtuous baser natures, it should probably go first." [20:58] 07Dryas: "To catch a thief... let's do it." [21:04] 07Dryas: "Have you considered divulging any of our own independent research to them?" [21:04] 14Piu: "Let's--what research?" [21:04] "I'll use what I know about Suris against her directly if I need to. Unless you mean like, actual research. Not spying." 15[21:06] Past the western periphery of the encampment, sturdy rafts are lashed to another dock, hanging into deep, still water marred by regular rows of columns. Black, basalt, all right angles — far too smooth, regular, and consistent to be anything but the remnants or outgrowths of a manse from some bygone age. [21:07] 10Daizo just gives Dryas a Look. "What, as a peace offering? I'm certainly not passing along my notes on Garnet's vessel to anyone." 15[21:09] Laborers and legionnaires look up from their work and their posts as the imposing and beautiful strangers make their way. Suris is in front of a tent by the dock, and beside her is a man in heavy padding, loaded down with travel gear and a leather helmet, whose face is mostly obscured behind glinting red-lensed goggles. 15[21:09] "You all look very sprightly," says Suris approvingly. "Ready for an adventure?" [21:10] 14Is Dryas taking the lead here? [21:12] 14Either way, pleasantly, with an undercurrent edge: "You have no idea. Let's talk inside." [21:12] 07Dryas: "We have a proposition." 15[21:13] Suris eyes them all. [21:15] 10Daizo folds his arms. He's in his armor, carrying his helm. No visible weapons. 15[21:16] Caxi is... hiding behind him. 15[21:17] Suris: "Oooh. I love a good scheme. Wait outside, would you, Sho? Thanks so much." [21:17] 10Honestly, not a bad tactic. 15[21:17] The guy in all the gear: "Yes, my lady." [21:18] 14To the guy in the gear: "How long have you worked here?" 15[21:19] He responds: "Since the beginning, my lady. A hundred and forty days now." [21:20] 07Dryas makes her way into the tent, smoothing her riding tunic - a bit of an odd choice for spelunking, but the best possible, given the luggage recovered from the Golden Saucer. 15[21:20] Suris, proudly: "Hisu is one of the best civilian engineers in the Realm." 15[21:20] As the Dynasts withdraw into the tent, they find it much smaller than the one they use as their quarters/command center in the encampment proper. The six of them barely all fit within. [21:22] 14Piu slips in and to the far right of the group, as far into the Nellens's blind spot as possible, hands clasped behind her back. So she can wind The Chain, of course. [21:24] 10Daizo continues to provide excellent mobile cover for all purposes. Even if he has to squat a little to keep from hitting the tent roof.  [21:25] 07Dryas: "As a token of goodwill, and out of our own sense of righteousness and concern for your workforce, we are going to solve your perilous problem for you. It will not be our first encounter with ancient relics. So..." 15[21:26] Caxi is in front of Daizo once they're both in the tent. Suris looks pleased to see her, a sharp contrast to the day before. Then she gives Dryas her full attention. [21:29] 07Dryas: "We have a pressing need of sages, to decipher our many ancient relics, and engineers, who can build useful devices and oversee great works. But..." 15[21:31] Suris nods along expectantly. Maybe just a trace of hurry-up. [21:31] 07Dryas: "If you were a dishonorably person - and I know that neither you nor Ragara Takoye are dishonorable people - but if one was the sort who thought circumstance and Fate might smile upon oneself and rid oneself of one's problems at a stroke -- such a person might find herself chagrined, if she were to underestimate the Four Fangs." 15[21:33] Suris: "Why, Lady Dryas, I'm wounded." [21:34] 14Piu's smile widens. 15[21:37] "Have I given given offense?" [21:38] 07Dryas: "I am so terribly sorry. As I said, I am absolutely confident that your integrity, that of Lord Takoye, and of course, your staff and Legionaries, is beyond reproach. Please, allow me to repair this offense I have caused, by discussing with you the many opportunities for mutual gain and satisfaction that exist between us, after we have assisted you." 15[21:39] Suris looks from Dryas, to the giant, to the grinning sneak, to the witch, to the giant who is also a witch. "Aheh." 15[21:39] "Well... if you're sure it can't wait..." [21:40] 14Piu: "If it could, we'd be having a different conversation right now." [21:40] 07Dryas: "Upon my honor." 07Hand on heart. [21:40] "Would you like to have a different conversation right now?" [21:43] 10Daizo cracks his neck, then his knuckles. You ever see someone crack their knuckles with gauntlets on?  [21:45] 14Piu somehow looms over her. "It'll be short. And one-sided. I'll do all the talking." 15[21:45] "Okay okay okay! Point taken. Like... okay." 15[21:46] She keeps glancing at Piu while talking to Dryas. "So what are you thinking?" [21:47] 14Piu keeps her hands behind her back, where they're more effective. [21:49] 14Carrot time, Dryas. Piu honestly isn't even sure what they could reasonably expect from this faildaughter as part of the Garden, but they can always come back and kill her later, one supposes. [21:55] 07Dryas: "It's just like I said. We get to the bottom of this, solve your problem. Then, we have a conversation about what you want - fame, fortune, glory - and what we want: someone who can explain these little jars, help us build a navy, and maybe put together a little demesne while we are working on our bigger projects." [21:56] 14Piu: "It'll be nice. You'll be protected by something a lot more local and well-resourced than these Legionnaires, and you'll never have to see me again. Or at least, not like this." 15[21:57] Suris: "Build a navy?" 15[21:57] "Just what in the world are you doing out here?" [21:58] 10Daizo: "Lady Dryas likes to think big." 15[21:58] Caxi: "She is a dreamer — as I think you are." [21:58] 14Piu: "Taking what we can and burning the rest. We killed the Deathknight who dreamed himself master of Brightwork and left it to the torch behind us." [21:58] "Dryas did it, actually." [21:58] "It only cost an arrow." [21:59] "With that context, then, you'll be happily agreeing to us taking Takoye down there instead of Sho. Because he wants to go, of course...and the other reason." [21:59] 07Dryas waves this off. "Flattery. Suris: we are quite simply saving the world." 15[22:01] "You're all insane," says Suris. "Absolutely insane." She sounds increasingly uncertain. "You're... why Takoye? He'll be completely useless to you in there." [22:02] 14Piu: "Because I can tell you care if Takoye lives or dies." [22:02] "And that will make you more reliable." 15[22:05] Suris: "Sho will be more useful to you. You've- you've got the only warship for a thousand malms, and what, half a dozen more Blooded? I've got me, Takoye, and the legionnaires. And you want to take a hostage into the pit?" [22:06] 14Piu: "Have I somehow been unclear." 15[22:07] "Fine. Fine! Take him. Whatever. You tell Sho." [22:07] 07Dryas: "I'm sure it will be fine," 07she says, gently. Play the good Magistrate. [22:07] 14Piu shrugs. "He can come if he wants. It's only Takoye who is mandatory." [22:07] 07Dryas: "He'll get in the way,"07 she suggests. 15[22:08] Suris: "Takoye will get in the way." 15[22:08] "Look, whatever. I already said fine. Go... go do it. Gather your party, venture forth." [22:09] 14Piu: "Mmmhmm. Thank you again, Lady Suris." [22:10] 10Daizo: "Very well. Don't worry—I'll protect him as though he were one of our own, for the duration." [22:11] 07Dryas: "If this goes to plan, he'll be one of our own soon, anyways." 15[22:11] Suris snorts. "Don't wish for things you'll regret." [22:12] 10That seems like as good a note as any to depart on. 15[22:12] As they emerge from the tent, Sho looks up and puts his helmet and goggles back on. "Right! What's the plan, my ladies and lords?" [22:14] 07Dryas: "In we go! Are those Chiaroscuro glass?" [22:14] 14Piu: "Good news and bad news, kid. Bad news is, you've lost your ticket it. We're taking Takoye instead, for reasons. Good news is, you can still talk yourself back onto the team if you really want it bad enough." [22:15] *ticket in [22:15] 14Speaking of, someone should go fetch Takoye. Surely there's a Legionnaire around. 15[22:15] There is, and they're dispatched. 15[22:16] Sho: "My lady has a most discerning eye. These are--" Piu speaks. "Oh. I, ah. Er. Well." [22:16] 14Her smile widens a bit. "Look, if you actually want to come, you can come." [22:17] 07Dryas: "Of course he wants to come! He's quite prepared!" 15[22:17] He sort of... cringes. "Well, Lord Takoye is a genius, if you've decided you want him then you don't need me, probably. I don't want to be a burden--" Dryas speaks. "If there's room, then of course, I'm enthusiastic and ready to serve!" [22:18] 14Ah, the ideal man of the Realm. [22:18] 07Dryas: "Excellent. Don't let my hearth-sister's ways confuse you. No, no injury to your courage or honor today. We're going in, and that will be that." [22:19] 14Has Garnet made a decision on whether she wants to attend? And if so, who's on jar duty? [22:19] 14That brings the crew to nine, which is about what they can reasonably manage. 15[22:20] "Fuck yes! I KNEW it!! Ahahaha~" That's not Sho. That's Takoye, who races past the approaching Garnet and Sadako to meet the Fangs at the dock. [22:20] 14Piu to the rest: "Give me a second with him, yeah?" 15[22:21] With Takoye? [22:21] 14To Takoye: "Lord Takoye! Over here."[ [22:21] 10Daizo: "By all means." [22:22] 14She'll step a sufficient distance away. Conveniently, one of the tents is blocking line of sight to the only Legionnaires -- he might not be able to tell, because the rest of the Fangs will still be able to see them. 15[22:22] Takoye had just passed her and turns around so fast his long jade buff jacket flies open, revealing a glittering array of implements, doodads, and whirlygigs. "Ladyyyyyyyyyy I want to sayyyyyyyy Ryu?" 15[22:23] Once they're a discreet distance away: "What is it?" [22:23] 14Piu, still smiling: "You'll be allowed to look at what you want, examine what you please, and learn what it's possible for you to learn, in there. But make no mistake: there is exactly one reason you're on this mission. Can you guess what is?" [22:23] 07Dryas: "Daizo. I have been thinking this morning. We need... some kind of ancient sage whose writings we can appeal to. To bolster our case, our argument, so we don't have to treat exclusively with such mercenaries like this lot." [22:24] *what it is 15[22:24] Takoye: "My insuperable intellect? My bottomless enthusiasm and will to succeed?" 15[22:25] Meanwhile, Sho nods politely to Garnet and Sadako. "My dear ladies. I'm Advising Engineer Sho. How do you do." [22:25] 14Piu's grin widens: "So your partner doesn't do any of the stupid shit she's intending to do while we're down there. And you know exactly what I'm talking about, Lord Long Walks on the Beach." 15[22:25] Sadako: "Hey. That's Garnet. She can't talk. I'm Sadako. I'd shake, but." She wiggles the jar in her arms. [22:25] "As of this precise moment, you are a hostage. But hey, you're a noble one." [22:26] "So you'll get your work in." 15[22:26] Takoye's grin is kind of frozen in place for a moment. Then: "...so much the better! I thrive under pressure." [22:27] 14She leans in close: "But you had better remember: we don't have to live with your bullshit. There's a real easy solution to it. And it doesn't bother me." [22:27] 4She steps back and straightens: "That's all! Better get your gear!" [22:30] 10Daizo: "Ah, well, Dryas. Are you looking for *actual* textual backing for your arguments, or are you asking me to fabricate some for you?" [22:31] 14After Takoye's run off, Piu returns. "Hey, Garnet. Hey, Sadako. Sho! Takoye is joining us, and you'll probably want to make nice with him for professional reasons once we're gone, but on this expedition he has no actual authority over you." [22:31] 07Dryas: "Would you be content with fabrications?" [22:31] "So keep that in mind." 15[22:32] Sho: "I... will try to keep that in mind, my lady, thank you." [22:32] "Especially if he starts ordering you to do dangerous shit to further his self-aggrandizement. You know, picking a random possible thing that might happen out of the air." 15[22:32] Sho: "To take a completely hypothetical example, yes." 15[22:33] Sadako: "Hey Piu! Why is Caxi hiding behind Daizo?" [22:33] 14Piu, to Sadako, mostly genuinely: "No idea. Probably high-level sorceress stuff." 15[22:33] Piu sees Sadako look behind Daizo and give whatever's back there a big wide-eyed shrug. 15[22:33] Sho: "...Lady Caxi?" [22:34] 14Ah, that's why. 15[22:34] Daizo can hear Caxi groan, and then she steps out from behind him. "Papa! I'm ever so excited to be working with you today. How long has it been?" 15[22:35] Sho: "Since the wedding, my lady. How is--" 15[22:35] Caxi: "I have been on this expedition for several weeks, I really can't... fine! He's doing fine. I understand he's Umara's finest pupil." 15[22:35] Sho beams beneath his goggles. "That's my boy!" [22:36] 07Dryas: "Daizo, you are our moral center. You had an idea, the abolition crusade. Maybe it was premature to--" 07Dryas's head nearly turns fully on her neck. Her eyes are owl-wide. [22:36] 14Piu doesn't visibly struggle to keep her composure and not dissolve into laughter, because she's a strained professional. [22:36] 14Trained. [22:36] 14Not strained at all. [22:36] 4lol 15[22:39] Caxi: "Yes indeed. Well, I'm ready to go. I'll be on the raft." She walks right for it. She looks like she'd walk off it if she could. [22:42] 14Incredible. [22:45] 10Daizo looks absolutely baffled. "Let's… table this conversation, Dryas?" 15[22:47] Takoye returns. "More strange women, every time I turn around? I feel like I should keep leaving and coming back." [22:48] 14Piu: "Maybe so." [22:48] 07Dryas nods at her hearth-brother. "Yes," 07although she seems uncertain if that would actually be best. Perhaps so. 15[22:53] And they're off! Sho works the barge pole, and demurs if other people volunteer. "Can't be too careful with what you're levering off," he says. "So, if I might ask, what's all your experience with ruin-diving?" [22:54] 14Does the prison-library where they found Garnet count as a 'ruin?' Does Old Mionzi? [22:54] "We've been in one or two in the area." 15[22:54] Most would say yes on both counts. 15[22:54] Unless they really didn't like you. [22:55] 10Daizo assembles several pieces in his head and comes up with something resembling a complete picture. He's sort of side-eyeing Sho. [22:56] 07Our moral center, gentlemen and ladies. [22:56] 10Daizo: "Two facilities, one damaged but still operational, and the other failing fast." [22:57] 10What moral center? Daizo's been kind of adrift here, you know. 15[22:57] Sometimes your moral center cannot hold. [22:57] 14How's Garnet doing? Obviously her whole thing right now is not speaking, but Piu can hopefully tell from body language. They haven't crossed paths much recently. 15[22:58] Sho: "Anything military? Or armed? There are some powerful weapons out here." [22:59] 14Piu: "We're the masters of Old Mionzi." [22:59] 10Daizo nods. "Luckily the automated defenses were part of the system which was failing at, yes, Mionzi." [22:59] "Still had a tussle, though." [23:00] 07Dryas: "I'm not sure it counts as a ruin, since one or two original inhabitants were still there." [23:01] 14Piu: "Anyway, we're hot shit." 15[23:02] Garnet doesn't seem distressed, particularly, aside from what you'd expect of having to stay silent under a headscarf for who knows how long. And her peripheral nervous system is appropriately tuned-in - she reacts how you'd want as people shuffle around the raft or it turns or sways in the water - it's clear her thoughts as somewhere else. [23:02] 10Daizo: "We also explored the Maw a bit. The Jadeborn servants were still present, although they'd been captured by a scorpion monster. Bent the manse-daimon to my will for a few minutes, although I had what felt like an all day hangover afterwards." [23:04] 10Daizo: "Yourself?" 15[23:05] Sho laughs and shakes his head. "No, sir. I'm a civil engineer by trade. I build reservoirs, aqueducts. Fluid mechanics. My job is to figure out how to drain all this water so we can have the run of the place, without drowning anyone or poisoning the sea from here to Abalone." 15[23:05] "This is all very new and exciting." 15[23:05] Takoye looks up from his own reverie: "Wait, holy shit, Toto-Rak?" [23:07] 07Dryas coughs politely. [23:07] 14Piu: "Like I said." 15[23:08] Caxi brushes some dust off her sleeve, which Daizo interprets as Your elemental could make his death look like an accident. 15[23:08] Takoye wags his finger. "Holy shit... V'neef didn't send you, did she?" 15[23:09] "That was just a cover story." 15[23:09] "Mnemon sent you." 15[23:09] "Niiiiiice. Very nice." [23:10] 14What? [23:10] 14This guy is so fucking stupid! [23:10] 10Daizo: "Sssh. Ask no questions and we'll tell you no lies." [23:10] 07Dryas: "What's really down here?" [23:12] 10Daizo scratches his nose and flips his visor up and down a couple times. Duly noted. But I still have some things to ask him before I drill a hole in him. 15[23:14] Takoye: "Right now, our best theory is that this was a key node in the Realm Defense Grid, before the fall of the Shogunate. It's supposedly *not* on any of the more recent configurations. But then, how would anyone but the Empress know for sure?" 15[23:14] Sho: "But the state of the place is consistent with a serious failure, a long time ago. Centuries, at least." [23:17] 10Daizo: "Are there any non-obvious symptoms? Surfeits or shortages of Essence, other effects we might notice as we get closer?" 15[23:17] Sho glances at Takoye, who says: "Ahh, you know I really don't want to speculate. All we have are theories." [23:17] 14Uh huh. [23:18] 14To Sho: "Would you like to speculate?" [23:19] 10Daizo: "I'm not asking for your theories, Takoye, just what you've observed so far." 10He clears his throat. Drilling a hole is looking more appealing by the second. 15[23:20] Sho: "Well... I'm not a theorist, you understand, but one thing we've observed is that, while many of our human explorers come back, none of our jade scouts do." [23:20] 14Piu: "Now that's something we can work with." [23:21] 14Or more precisely, Daizo can. Piu's the muscle here. 15[23:22] "When people go in with sorcerous equipment, it has a 100% failure rate. Not catastrophic. It just goes inert until they're close to camp again. So there's some stifling or suppressive effect on essence. This is the first time anyone of the Blood has come on an expedition! I'm... curious to see the interaction." 15[23:24] Takoye: "Took the words right out of my mouth, Sho." 15[23:24] Sho: "Of course, sir." [23:24] 07Dryas frowns and looks at Garnet. "Do we need to change our plans?" 07she asks the others. [23:25] 14Piu: "We'll need to be very careful on entrance, at the very least." 15[23:25] Takoye picks up on the glance. "Is Garnet an automaton? Is that why they're wrapped up?" 15[23:25] "You don't usually see automatons with hips like that..." [23:25] 10Daizo: "We carry on for now. If anyone feels strange: weak, dizzy, anything abnormal, shout out as soon as you feel it." [23:26] 10Daizo: "Alive as you or I. She just has a unique condition." [23:27] "But her expertise in ruin-diving far outweighs the potential dangers." 15[23:28] Sadako: "She's a specialist." 15[23:28] Takoye: "Where's she from?" 15[23:28] Sadako: "Fuck off." [23:29] 14Piu: "It's none of your business where she's from and you'll keep a respectful tongue in your mouth about her." [23:29] "Or you won't keep one at all." [23:29] 07Dryas: "Let's stay focused. We can discuss all of this afterwards." 15[23:30] Sadako mumbles, "He can fuck off afterwards too." 15[23:31] Sho: "Are any of you magicians?" [23:31] 10Daizo makes a silent appeal to Zhangyu for help, but his cousin's equally impassive. 15[23:31] Still waters run deep. [23:31] 07Dryas: "Tepet Daizo here is." 15[23:32] Sho: "Ah! I am eager to see what your rarefied senses can tell us." [23:32] 10Daizo: "I'm still new to the arts. But I'll do my level best." 15[23:33] Takoye seethes quietly. [23:36] 10As long as Sho's on the boat, Daizo won't presume to speak for Caxi.  [23:39] 10Any changes in the scenery as the raft sails on? Different shapes of pillars jutting up from the water?  15[23:40] With Current's help, the raft makes very good time forward. There's some trick of perspective at work, perhaps a bending of perception this close to the Pole, because the encampment has receded into the distance, while the forest of pillars now extends in every direction as far as the eye can see. Which, even with the mist spreading in the distance, is significantly larger than Jiewei 15[23:40] looked on the way in. [23:42] 14Interesting. [23:45] 07Dryas sings softly to keep spirits up and focused as the raft makes its way amid the eerie pillars. 15[23:45] Dryas finds her voice doesn't carry very far. There's no echo to speak of. [23:45] 10Wonder if Jiewei was always this close to the Pole, or if the fabric of Creation just pulled a little tighter in the wake of the Contagion. Daizo still remembers that map in Toto-Rak that was subtly wrong. 15[23:56] Dryas's singing keeps people's spirits high even as the mist draws in closer. It never actually envelops them, but eventually it thickens to the point where they can only see one pillar deep in any direction. They go a lot slower here, for obvious reasons. [23:57] 10Daizo: "The scouts report this too?" 15[23:57] Sho: "Yes, sir." 15[23:57] "Just a bit farther..." 15[00:03] Another quarter-hour passes, and the water starts to get shallower. Sho is holding a part of the barge-pole that was underwater an hour ago. Finally, a very rough dock emerges in the mist, lashed together with stuff that, well, could fit on rafts. It's attached by weights to a plane of basalt tiles, each the size and shape of the pillars in cross-section. The pillars themselves continue 15[00:03] at the same intervals on the solid plane. 15[00:05] Once Sho ties it off, they can disembark. [00:07] 07Dryas steps up and takes a deep breath. [00:07] 14Piu: "Alright, Zhangyu, Dryas, and Sho up front, Daizo middle with Garnet, Sadako, Caxi and Takoye, and I'll bring up the rear. If Takoye can't keep his mind on the mission, send him back to me and I'll use him as a shield." [00:07] 14Did she forget anyone? 15[00:09] That's everyone. [00:09] 10Daizo inclines a finger and Current's form rises up from the sea.  15[00:09] No it doesn't. [00:09] 10!! 15[00:10] He's still there. But he's not. [00:10] 10Well. That's unexpected. 15[00:12] Antithesis One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGN_3Am98zc - ♫♪♬♪♩ [00:12] 14To Daizo: "Check on Garnet." [00:12] "We'll watch out." [00:12] 10How's Garnet doing?  [00:12] 14Implicit in this is that she's going to beckon the rest (except Takoye, who she'll drag) to far enough away that they have privacy. 15[00:13] She's doing okay, until she steps onto the stone plane and vanishes. [00:13] 14I mean if the beckon works on him, that's fine. [00:13] 10Well, shit. [00:13] 14Well then. 15[00:13] Takoye: "What--" [00:13] 07Dryas: "Sadako. Back on the raft, please?" 15[00:14] She takes a step back, and Garnet reappears... in her red jade buff jacket, with that daiklave at her hip. She looks exactly like she did when you first saw her at the Maw. [00:15] 14Ah shit." 15[00:15] Which probably explains why Sho falls to his hands and knees immediately and Takoye bugs the fuck out. [00:15] 07Dryas: "Garnet? Do you remember us?" [00:15] 14Piu: "Fuck. Fuck fuck. Did we reset her?" [00:16] 10Daizo's going to sprint for the jar, lay a hand on it, and circulate a bit of his own Essence in it. They've shared the link before— 15[00:17] Garnet's hand flies to her sword as she looks around... but it isn't as if at strangers. "Dha-rìribh nach eil! Tha mi ceart gu leòr!" 15[00:18] Her emotions flood into Daizo's mind. Fear, surprise, anger, a little tickle of relief. [00:18] 14Piu: "Neo tur math." 14 [00:18] 14We might actually need to kill Takoye for real after this. What a pity. [00:19] 07Dryas barks a laugh as she remembers something. "Takoye! You idiot! Get back out here!" 15[00:20] Takoye, from behind a pillar: "What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck" [00:21] 10Daizo heaves a long, long sigh. "I could tell you, but we'd be here all day. Suffice it to say that despite her appearance, this is *not* Her Majesty." [00:22] 14Piu sort of waggles her hand on that. 15[00:22] Garnet: "That doesn't mean I can't push you face-first through that prospecting sieve if you mouth off to me again." [00:22] 14No need to give them the idea they can be disrespectful. 15[00:23] "Ilm by ilm." [00:23] 14There we go. [00:23] 10Yeah, get his ass! [00:23] 07Dryas: "Clearly a question for philosophers." 15[00:23] Takoye seems appropriately cowed. [00:24] 07Dryas: "Besides, you thrive under pressure, right?" 15[00:24] Caxi: "It takes an awful lot of pressure to put a man through a sieve." [00:24] 14Piu: "Either way, I don't think it's safe for you to proceed further." 15[00:25] Garnet: "You think it's safe to leave me behind?" [00:25] 10Daizo nods to Garnet. "My apologies. I should have foreseen this from Sho's description. Shall we try it again, now that I've invested a little essence into the vessel?" 15[00:25] Garnet speaks to Daizo: "Please." [00:25] "It's annoying, but we can head back, drop you off, then return." [00:25] "All it costs is time." [00:25] 07Dryas: "Master Sho, on your feet! We have a job to do." 15[00:25] Sadako also speaks to Daizo: "Do you wanna carry it, then?" [00:26] "Or I guess we could try again." 15[00:26] Garnet braces herself and steps back onto the plane.... and then follows with her other foot. 15[00:26] Relief washes over Daizo. [00:27] 10Phew. "Yeah. Stay close, though, Sadako, in case I need both hands for something." 15[00:27] Garnet speaks to Piu: "Safe enough?" 15[00:27] Sadako hands it off and then cracks... so many joints. [00:28] 10That is easily more than a human body should have. [00:28] 07Dryas unslings the Earned Nemesis from its position about her back, and twirls the soulsteel bow in her hands. How's the visibility in here? 15[00:29] Not great, not terrible. 15[00:29] You can see three, maaaaaybe four pillars deep, which is enough to spot the raised dais ahead. [00:29] 14Piu: "Safe enough. But I reserve the right to worry." [00:29] 14To the rest: "Same order as before." 15[00:30] Sho, who has regained his feet but not the straightness of his spine. "This is some sort of lock mechanism. Past here the water has stopped." [00:30] 07Dryas stacks up behind Zhangyu. 15[00:30] "Lock in the sense of canal lock, not key-lock. Sorry if that was unclear." [00:30] 14Are we talking canal locks or-- [00:30] 14Aha. 15[00:31] You work in civil engineering, you forget what other people's first association with given words is. [00:31] 14Piu: "It's clear now. Do you think it's worth the effort and lack of readiness to port the boat?" [00:31] 14The carrying-the-boat port, not the teleport. [00:32] 10Daizo: "Got it." 10He's got the jar under one arm and the greatclub on his back. It'll take a little juggling if they get surprised by one of Dryas' beasts. 15[00:32] Sho: "No, those rafts don't port well, and while it's not bone dry down there there's nothing we can't step over or wade through." 15[00:33] "We should be fine as we are." [00:33] 14Piu: "Then let's get started." [00:35] "Lead on, Sho." 15[00:35] The group of them forms up and approaches the far side of the (canal) lock, which drops off vertically into a huge, irregularly cut valley of black basalt, so large its far side is obscured by mist, here lit a shimmering green by the light of whatever's rising from the huge, jagged rift at the base of the quarry below. 15[00:36] There's no clear indication what the source of that light is from here. 15[00:36] "Fuck," breathes Caxi. [00:36] 14Piu: "This place is pissing me off already." 15[00:37] Sho: "Follow me, lords and ladies. Your Imperial Majesty. It gets very tricky from here." 15[00:37] NEXT TIME: Hell in a cell