15[20:24] Daizo hears it right away, the distant murmur of a voice indistinguishable from Garnet's. Linked to Garnet through the jar, he can also feel her confusion, uncertainty, and the sub-articulate sense of danger. Everyone else just sees Daizo and Garnet touching the jar in Zhangyu's arms and frowning. [20:26] 14Piu's still not sure if it was a good or a bad idea to bring Garnet down here, but it's turning out to be an interesting one-- 15[20:27] They've moved into a part of the mine complex that's not on the maps, past rough granite ruins into ruins locked in stasis by a flood of red crystal. Everything they pass, everything they see is suspended in glass. Ahead, the passage narrows, contracting as the walls swell with crystal to a single-file tunnel, rough-hewn and roundish — cut through the crystal after the fact. 15[20:27] Dryas has V'neef Rikai's scent; she can trace its footsteps down that passage. [20:28] 07Dryas ignores them for now. She's unslung the Earned Nemesis and moves forward with the sort of buoyant confidence the other Fangs might recognize from their safaris. 15[20:29] How far ahead of the others is she ranging? How hard do the others work to keep up? [20:29] 10Daizo takes a deep breath. The "it's you—it's your voice"10 may already have been conveyed across the link, but for everyone else…  "It's her voice. Garnet's. Or… hers." 10Saying "the original" doesn't quite feel right, and saying that name down here? Nope. 15[20:31] Shock. Nervousness. Anger. A little prickle of, that's what I sound like? [20:32] 14Piu: "It's not here here and now, though, is it?" 14Dammit Dryas! Piu moves to remain in a covering position. [20:34] 07It is not in the nature of Cynis Dryas to slow down when a quarry has been scented. [20:35] 07She moves at a brisk walk - not breaking into a run yet. [20:35] 10Daizo: "Not yet. It still sounds like we're far from the source. Assuming distance works the same way for this sort of thing." [20:36] 14Then hopefully Garnet and the boys can walk and flap gums. 15[20:37] Garnet releases the jar, and her senses return to her enough to see Dryas stalking off. She follows, hand drifting to settle on the hilt of her sword. [20:37] 10Mm. Yeah, let's get moving. [20:38] 6Well, all right. 15[20:42] It's awkward going from here, as the Fangs are forced into single-file, Daizo and Zhangyu having to duck and turn sideways to make it through at pace. The room opens up into an enormous atrium, full floor-to-ceiling with crystal. The tunnel cuts through what should be mid-air, steps they can't reach lead down to a wide tiled space filled with fountains frozen in time. Above, a great 15[20:42] domed ceiling supporting shadowed mosaics no light rises to illuminate. [20:43] 14Well. They're quite exposed out here like this. [20:45] 10Yep. Daizo brought a lantern but the entire place would light up with the reflections and refractions—just a real bad time.  [20:46] 10Given that we're in a red jade mine, how's the ambient temperature? Getting warmer, literally?  15[20:47] It's definitely warmed up, though the crystal is not especially hot to the touch. Maybe the air ahead is warm; maybe it's just all the people in a cramped space. Either way, the crystal seems to insulate, rather than conduct. [20:48] 14We're cutting through this atrium then to...where? Has Dryas even slowed down? 15[20:51] The tunnel opens up just a bit, enough for Zhangyu (though not Daizo) to stand up straight. There's a slightly larger, smoother sort of chamber here, overlooking the furthest third of the atrium. From here, the tunnel narrows again, but it curves and descends; Dryas on point follows a path around and down until the tunnel touches floor again and winds behind a granite staircase, leading 15[20:51] further down. [20:53] 14Can Piu get ahead of Dryas and at least look before she leaps? 15[20:53] Don't ask me. 15[20:53] The tunnel's narrow enough that Dryas'd have to let her pass, or Piu'd have to shove her. [20:53] 14Sigh. [20:54] 10Daizo: "For heaven's sake, Dryas, slow down a little—" [20:57] 10Even though he's taking care to keep it quiet, his own voice sounds terribly loud in this godsforsaken corridor. 15[21:17] Dryas is unreachable; the chase is on. She leads the hearth out of the atrium and into another tunnel, again cut narrower than the corridor it runs through. The light beyond illuminates chips and shears of the crystal floor like facets of a cut gem. It opens up ahead; she can't see how, but the tink and the crack of metal on stone echoes before reaching her ears. But all at once it 15[21:17] stops. There's a barely audible hiss, and the subaural throbbing of a heavy gong. [21:17] 14Very well done. [21:17] 14Really, this is on Piu. She should have insisted on taking point. [21:18] 07Now Dryas holds up, peering about as the others gather behind. [21:19] 14Now she's got the Chain out. 15[21:20] Finally Dryas reaches a point where the tunnel blows out into a huge, glittering spherical chamber. They must be a malm underground now, maybe more. She can see people scurrying through distant passages; tiny, yellow, begoggled people, jade tools balanced on their bare shoulders as they hup-hup-hup in relative silence. 15[21:21] The light is coming from the bottom of the chamber; it's hard to see past the dazzling, lurid red glow from up here, like staring directly innto a setting sun. [21:21] 10Daizo never expected he'd be this happy to see the little weirdos again.  [21:22] 07Dryas stares, agape. "The jade-born!" 07she whispers. [21:24] 10Daizo: "Seems so." 10He looks to Garnet. "I think we may have to call on their affinity for you again." [21:25] 14Piu, whispering, behind Daizo now: "Don't mind me..." 15[21:25] Garnet grimaces, but nods. [21:25] 10Having proceeded this far, is the voice through the jar any clearer? [21:25] 6Zhangyu will stick close, then. And hey, been a minute since we've seen these guys. 15[21:26] "What's the plan?" Garnet hisses to Dryas. [21:27] 10Daizo says not a word to Piu, just nods—as long as it's possible he'll try to provide a covering shadow for her.  [21:30] 07Dryas: "Act casual, let's figure this out without drawing too much attention." [21:31] 07Dryas glances at her hearth-brothers - "Daizo??" 07This kind of thing is his wheelhouse. [21:33] Silk Shadow ripples, then dissolves as Piu disappears into the darkness behind Daizo. She's still there -- you might be able to see her if you knew where to look, and she wanted you to see her. This is certainly some of the most perilous darkness she's ever adopted. [21:33] 14Silk Shadow ripples, then dissolves as Piu disappears into the darkness behind Daizo. She's still there -- you might be able to see her if you knew where to look, and she wanted you to see her. This is certainly some of the most perilous darkness she's ever adopted. [21:39] 10Daizo furrows his brow for a moment— "I've got it. Dryas, you, Garnet and Zhangyu head on down there. Tell the Jadeborn that this is a surprise inspection. Hopefully they'll be too over-awed by Garnet's presence not to ask any questions." [21:39] "Piu and I will watch the rear." [21:40] 6Zhangyu: "Sounds like a plan to me." [21:41] 07Dryas nods. "Garnet?" 15[21:43] Garnet pulls her veil off and shakes her hair free. "Let's go." [21:44] 07Even after all they have been through - it is a little terrifying to see. 15[21:51] They enter the chamber, taking smooth-cut steps of polished crystal. Garnet descends first, chin up at something like a regal angle, but she's not announcing herself or anything. There's no gong to ring or pedestal to stand at. She seems uncertain. 15[21:51] Perihelion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zADM_tyMkUs - ♫♪♬♪♩ [21:59] 07Dryas forms up just alongside. She clears her throat but does not put away her weapon. She glances around to see if they will be attended, or even if they have been particularly noticed. [22:01] 10Daizo rests a hand on the crystal wall, and tries to get a sense of how much further out the complex extends from this point. And if there's anyone coming towards them via the tunnel they just emerged from.  15[22:06] Daizo, in the back, has a better sense of the tensions at play than anyone on point, because he can see through walls. There are jadeborn cowering just outside the chamber, tools up as if they're preparing to fend off invaders. For every dozen or so of the jadeborn there's a much larger, sharper creature, all shoulders and angles like a suit of armor stacked neatly on itself rather 15[22:06] than a mannequin. [22:07] 14Hhhh. Sounds difficult to strangle. 15[22:07] There's clearly some disagreement; the little ones are keen to cower and fight, but the bigger ones, from all sides of the chamber, bid them stand back. Occasionally they point out into the chamber, roughly in Dryas, Garnet, and Zhangyu's direction, while the smaller ones respond by pointing down. 15[22:09] Daizo's eyes follow, and he blinks against the red glow at the base of the chamber, feeling as much as seeing. There's a person down there. A woman, judging by the silhouette. Her body is curved slightly - spine bent a touch, legs clearly not on the ground. Daizo's mind is immediately pulled back to Brightwork, after the meeting of souls, when he roused Garnet from sleep. [22:15] 10To Piu, in a voice that even he can barely hear: "There's some dissension in the ranks. I believe we may have found another simulacrum." 15[22:15] The silence is finally broken by a sharp, pinched-fingers whistle. Garnet calls out in Old Realm, with passable confidence, 15[22:17] Despite their uncertainty, Daizo feels every jadeborn, big and small, snap to attention and file out. [22:18] 14Whew. 15[22:20] The smaller jadeborn look how they remember, with their rough blue overalls and surely-insufficient personal protective equipment. Attending them are large, squat metallic beings with big arms, bigger shoulders, and tiny heads that can barely peek above bulging breastplates. Each one the hearth can see is balancing a grand daiklave in one hand. 15[22:21] It's hard to tell if their armor is a glowing, burnished red, or if the light from below just makes them look that way. [22:22] 07Dryas stares. What panoply! She is less certain if she can actually communicate them, however. She settles for conveying a sufficiently Venerable demeanor. [22:22] 14Piu doesn't reveal herself. Hopefully Daizo will manuever close enough that she can cover Garnet from the shadow. 15[22:24] Once they come out, all looking at her in unison, Garnet freezes up a little. [22:26] 10You've got this. Just play it cool. 15[22:26] But her jaw sets and the moment passes. She looks from jadeborn to jadeborn and suddenly the weight of the silence is on them, as if it was never her hesitation, and always their own. When Garnet says, it manages to sound a bit impatient. 15[22:28] Uncertainty ripples through the ranks again. Goggle meets goggle. Gloved hands scratch yellow scalps. 15[22:29] Abruptly Garnet points at the closest member of the closest huddle of jadeborn, one whose back was almost entirely turned. [22:30] 10Caught sleeping in class. That's a paddlin'. 15[22:31] The jadeborn is stunned by the designation, as if struck by lightning. [22:32] 14Appoint Dryas temporary foreman, maybe? 15[22:34] Garnet: 15[22:36] After another awkward silence, her voice rattles the chamber. <NOW!> 15[22:39] Daizo sees something twitch, down below, in the moment after 15[22:39] Garnet's shout. The barest, subtlest movement of the silhouette down below. [22:42] 10Daizo translates for Piu's benefit. Hope Zhangyu's been studying up on his Old Realm or Dryas is going to be left cold.  15[22:42] Zhangyu's arms and legs start to strain. For a moment it feels as if he's being enervated somehow, as if his strength is leaving him. But he knows his body better than that. He's doing fine. But the jar is getting heavier. 15[22:43] Garnet looks back at Dryas and Zhangyu, and notes their lack of comprehension. In a low voice, in High Realm, she repeats what they've told her, minus the stammering. [22:44] 14Well well well well well. [22:44] 07Dryas scans back and forth as the others speak. Her cheeks start blushing for some reason. [22:45] 6...That's new. The jar thing and also the other thing. He rolls his shoulders, adjusting the jar slightly, but keeps his face schooled in careful blankness. Or careless. It's hard to tell sometimes. [22:45] 10Editorializing: "It sounds almost as if they're growing a new body. But the lens, the lathe… tools to focus and shape…" 15[22:45] Garnet is plainly looking for guidance. [22:46] 14Tour! Someone suggest we have them give us a tour!! [22:47] 6Zhangyu: "Can't exactly just... take their word for it." 15[22:47] Garnet nods at Zhangyu, 15[22:48] A crossed-arm, wrist-bent salute. [22:48] 07Dryas: "Your majesty, request the location and identity of their foreman." 15[22:49] Garnet does so. The designated speaker responds, [22:54] 07Dryas attempts to address this... minion directly in High Realm: "Has anyone else interfered with the process?" [22:57] 10To Piu: "I need to be there for this. I'll try and keep you covered. Let me know when you're ready to move." 10His wings could use a bit of stretching if they're entering a wider space—it's a long shot, but it's the best we've got if we're gonna keep Piu in our back pocket. [22:58] 14She'll tap him on the back to signal she's ready. 15[22:58] Only the designated jadeborn leads the hearth, but many - most? - of the others are following behind, eager to see what'll happen next. "Interfere, my lady? Every worker has royal assent!" They seem faintly scandalized by the implication. [23:01] 10Daizo falls into line behind the gaggle of jadeborn, shadows casting every way as he flexes his wings.  [23:01] 14This is a very delicate, precise dance -- but Iselsi Piu is a very skilled dancer. 15[23:04] This room is full of drafting tables, each with a piece of parchment pinned to it depicting a diagram of a curve made of dozens, or hundreds, of gently angled flat panes. Dominating the center of the room is a scale model of the chamber they just left, cut away to reveal the intricate glasswork being done on the surrounding crystal. Entrances and exits to different parts of the complex 15[23:04] are drawn on. At the bottom of the diagram - where Daizo perceived the silhouette, is a perfectly smooth, fist-sized, egg-shaped ruby. [23:10] 07Dryas ogles the display. She glances at Zhangyu. 15[23:11] Garnet leans in close, inspecting the diorama. "How far along is it?" 15[23:11] The guide: "Nearly complete. Nearly! We're on track with the lathe's calculations." [23:13] 07Dryas examines the model: "Where does the sunlight come in?" [23:13] 14Piu bets she can guess when it's scheduled to wrap up. 15[23:13] The guide: "Sunlight?" 15[23:13] One of the workers in the back: "In?" 15[23:14] Garnet taps the egg. "What is this?" 15[23:15] The lead, uncertainly: "Ma'am?" 15[23:15] Garnet, coolly: "I won't repeat myself." 15[23:15] The lead: "That's... that's you." [23:16] 10Old Realm is a subtle language, with hundreds of different shades of formality and familiarity. Daizo adopts the tone of a confidant recently brought into a close citcle.  15[23:17] Garnet: "Walk me through the process, start to finish." [23:23] 10Daizo's making connections. Lots of them, and the Jadeborn hasn't even begun to speak.  15[23:26] The guide screws up their nerve and clears their throat. "The lathe predicts syzygy to the minute, allowing us to tune the lens for maximum exposure. When the signal is given, the chamber will be flooded, and essence will percolate upward naturally, channeled and focused by the lens. Success parameters are 94 to 99% throughput in 2.2 to 3.2 seconds." 15[23:28] Garnet nods along the way she does when Daizo is explaining something she doesn't really understand. "You're confident you can achieve this?" 15[23:28] The guide: "Failure is not an option. There is no alternative." [23:29] 10A number of possible explanations leap to mind, but all of them are speculative. A colossal-scale warding against the dead or the Wyld? Creating an indelible sympathetic link between the Empress and her Realm? Ascension to godhood, or immortality within the web of dragon lines? [23:30] 14Piu has been listening to this with mounting annoyance bordering on anger. She was so certain they'd found Garnet a body. Instead, just another fucking scheme! [23:31] 10Or maybe those are all small potatoes and the true scale and scope of the Empress' plan are beyond him entirely. 15[23:31] Garnet: "The energy comes from this?" 15[23:31] She's tapping the ruby. [23:31] 14Don't TOUCH it! 15[23:31] The guide: "It comes from your anima." The model, thankfully, seems not to react to the disturbance. 15[23:31] Garnet: "Then what's this?" 15[23:32] A murmur ripples through the jadeborn behind them. 15[23:32] The guide: "That's... you, Your Imperial Majesty. As I said." [23:33] 10Shit. Daizo should have studied up on the language that both Garnet and Piu seem to share. Steer her away from these kinds of questions. 15[23:34] Garnet: "Take me to it." [23:34] 14We should explore the side chambers, maybe they've got some kind of, she doesn't know, walking-around model-- 15[23:34] Into the pregnant pause: "Now." [23:34] 07Dryas gestures at the ruby. "Do you have more of these, by the way?" 15[23:35] The lead: "Are you hungry, ma'am? There are vending machines just outside." [23:37] 10Daizo: "I think you might find that one a bit crunchy, Dryas." [23:39] 10Switching back to Old Realm:  [23:39] 07Dryas: "Perhaps a very brief repas to collect ourselves?" 15[23:40] Garnet whips her head around. Her gaze bores through Daizo, and then Dryas. 15[23:40] "Very brief." 15[23:40] To the guide: "Give us a private room." [23:40] 10He's really going to have to apologize to Garnet for giving her the royal treatment. [23:41] 14Oh, Piu's sure it's fine. At least compared to what the Iselsi poisonmasters call 'the royal treatment.' [23:42] 6Zhangyu knows a hold called that, actually. Doesn't use it much, though. 15[23:42] True to word, there's a room with rough-hewn stone tables and stools, and a large crystal box full of gemstones cut and polished in the size and shape of fruit. Ruby apples, emerald pears, opal grapes on the vine... 15[23:42] The box seems to be operated by switches, each of which is etched with a faintly glowing stencil of one of the fruits inside. 15[23:43] "We'll be just outside, ma'am," says the jadeborn before closing the door behind him. [23:43] 14Piu quickly checks the room. Are there any...vents? Why would there be vents. Agh! So irritating. 15[23:44] Alas, no. [23:44] 07Dryas approaches the device and selects, for starters, one of the opal grapes, pressing the button expectantly. "Is there a division between Gu Len and our foreman, or is their treachery deeper than we thought?" [23:45] 07Dryas: "They all seemed quite concerned with the sunlight and the surface. Was that a ruse for this? I don't understand." [23:46] 14From somewhere in the shadows of Daizo's wingspan: "I'm not concerned about that yet. I'm deeply puzzled by the idea of the Empress's body being turned into a giant anima-battery ruby, and deeply annoyed that they don't seem to have any actual physical bodies hanging around here for us to try to give Garnet." 15[23:46] Clu-clonk. A metal spiral rotates, twisting a cluster of opal grapes forward until it falls into a tray at the base of the box. Dryas can take them out and inspect them. Real gem-quality opals, fixed to a delicate rack of petrified wood. [23:46] "We should check these siderooms. I would have done so during the meeting of the minds out front, but this place is built for little stone morons!" [23:49] 07Dryas sizes up the box. Perhaps they can haul this out later. For now, she lays out a kerchief to muffle the sound, and presses each of the other buttons. No need to eat the poor things out of house and home, but one must sample all the local delicacies, of course. 15[23:49] Dryas has a jeweller's picnic before long. 15[23:50] Garnet: "But where is the anima coming from? Why do they keep calling the ruby their Empress?" 15[23:50] "Has she turned to stone?" 15[23:51] "Daizo, do you understand this?" [23:51] 07When she was still little Shy Plum, Dryas had a system for taking extra sweets from the kitchens, one that fooled her governesses well enough. Same system here, equally appealing treats. [23:52] 10Daizo: "Well… the full scale ruby isn't just a ruby. Have you the knack of seeing with stone?" 15[23:52] Garnet: "..." 15[23:52] "I'm going down there." [23:53] 10Daizo: "I don't know if that's wise." [23:53] 07Dryas: "I still don't understand. I thought Furia already figured this out." 15[23:53] "Daizo is saying she's down there." 15[23:53] "Your Empress." 15[23:54] "I want to see for myself." [23:54] 10Daizo: "I've been keeping an eye on Zhangyu, too—that jar's gotten heavier, hasn't it?" 15[23:54] "What?" She looks at Zhangyu. "It has?" [23:54] 6Zhangyu: "A bit, yeah. Not sure if that'd happen more as we get farther down." [23:55] 07Dryas: "But she can't be in two places at once. If she's here, who do those necromancers think they are holding hostage on Onyx?" [23:55] 10Daizo: "Can you still hear the voices, Garnet?" [23:55] "Have they gotten any louder?" [23:56] 07Dryas becomes considerably more focused: "Voices?" 15[23:56] Garnet: "No. I can't." [23:56] 14Piu: "Scary-slash-even-more-annoying answer to that question, Dryas, is 'the Empress's corpse.'" [23:56] "That's still walking around and giving orders." [23:56] 07Dryas: "Then who's down there?" 15[23:57] Garnet: "I'm finding out." [23:57] 10Daizo: "What concerns me is the thought that if we approach too closely, you might be pulled in. This is just a theory, but I believe the jar might be getting heavier to keep you anchored here." [23:57] 07Dryas: "And what does she have to do with some ancient demon tyrant?" 15[23:57] Garnet's going to open the door and tell them they're done - or that she's done, at least. [23:58] 10Daizo: "As to Rikai's plan, I've also got another speculation." [23:58] 14Off we go, then. [23:58] 10Daizo: "He's the foreman. He's gotten a much closer look at all of this than any of us have. And he thinks he's smart enough to reverse the process." [23:59] "To use a lens and a focus to decant the soul on an Anathema into a body." [00:00] 07Dryas: "If that's the case, are we giving him the ingredient -" 07she looks painfully at Garnet -"he needs?" [00:01] 14Piu: "We didn't come here to dither in the antechamber and then leave without answers." [00:02] 10Daizo: "I doubt it. He knows about these soul jars but he certainly doesn't know we have one, and he'd be a fool to expect one to fall in his lap." [00:02] "If we're walking into his trap, we'll simply spring it, and then kill him." 15[00:02] "Piu's right." Garnet bangs on the door. "Take us down to the body." 15[00:02] The jadeborn salutes again. "As you command, my Empress." [00:03] "Let us know if it gets any heavier, Cousin. Or hotter. Or brighter. Anything." [00:03] 6Zhangyu: "Will do." 15[00:03] The path to the bottom is a long, gentle spiral around the spherical lens chamber. Piu can peek in side rooms as they go, and sees more work-rooms, break-rooms, a wing of little bunks carved into the walls. 15[00:04] As they descend, the jar does get heavier, though it's only as they near the bottom that it's anything like a challenge for Zhangyu to move. [00:05] 14She will peek as much as practical. [00:05] 6He'll keep them appraised as it changes, but... how challenging are we talking here? 15[00:06] The door they stop at is as the door to a furnace, red light oozing through the cracks like water. The jadeborn twists a dial at the edge of their goggle and the lens turns dark. "Mind the light!" they say, before throwing the wheel that keeps the door sealed open. 15[00:07] The gem they see is as a massive, glowing coal, burning so bright it hurts to look at it. Unless you can see through stone, it's entirely opaque. 15[00:08] Garnet steps forward, palm out, eyes held shut, until her palm grazes stone. 15[00:08] She gasps. 15[00:09] The jar in Zhangyu's arms is heavy enough now that it's an immense struggle to even keep his grip on it. It's vibrating as well as growing heavier by the second. [00:09] 14Piu doesn't have to step into the light. The light comes to her. [00:09] 6Zhangyu: "Uh, it's shaking. And it's getting very heavy." [00:09] 14To Daizo: "No prize for guessing what's in that giant fiery stone egg, huh." [00:10] 10Daizo: "None at all." 15[00:10] Garnet: "Open it." [00:11] "…" 15[00:11] The guide: "I can't. It doesn't open." 15[00:12] Garnet snaps. "You have one purpose and it's to do as I say. Open it!" "Fosgail e!" 15[00:13] The guide quails. "I can't! It's not possible! Only you can open it!" [00:13] 14Piu to Garnet, abruptly: "Mas e seo a’ chrìoch: bha e na urram." 14 [00:14] 07There it goes again, where the hell has Dryas heard that strange language? 15[00:15] Garnet responds by stepping back and drawing her sword. [00:15] 14Piu's gonna give clearance here. [00:15] 6He drops to one knee, but stands back up, jar still held and safe. [00:17] 07Dryas snarls. [00:17] 10Daizo quietly interposes himself betwen Garnet and the others. Maybe they'll have a few extra seconds to flee if the worst happens. 15[00:18] "Impire? Banrigh na luaithre. Iocaidh tu ann am fuil." 15[00:20] Garnet drives the sword into the giant gemstone. Her strength pushes past the resistance, and there's an awful grind of metal on stone as it goes in. Then the jade daiklave shatters like glass. 15[00:22] Garnet staggers backward. With the weapon gone, the crack it made looks so small. But it is there, a tiny scratch of pure white against the deep red, and it widens and spreads. [00:23] 10When they aren't incinerated instantly, Daizo prepares to grab Garnet, should it become necessary. 15[00:24] The crack becomes a fissure, tracing previously-unseen meridians, marking every angle from which a blade can cut. The ruby expands, shatters, dissolves. And then everyone feels the weight Zhangyu is carrying, on their back, their shoulders, their heads. 15[00:27] The light doesn't dim. The figure at its center remains visible only in silhouette, exigencies of flesh drowned out by an ignited soul. 15[00:32] Then the eyes open, wide and pupilless pools of pure scarlet. They fix directly on Dryas. 15[00:32] The Scarlet Empress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwSvOBawUmY - Stop grieving. Start leaving. 15[00:32] NEXT TIME: You will kneel