Session Start: Sun Aug 28 22:04:01 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[22:04] * Now talking in #inlandvampire [23:37] - [23:37] - [23:37] - [23:37] - [23:37] - [23:37] - [23:38] Another….beautiful…summer night. The sunsets are getting later. [23:38] It’s El Monte. It’s always the same. 00[23:39] 4Well, sometimes a dog gets loose and is just running wild up and down the street when he gets up. That's kinda fun. Dogs are weird around him now. [23:39] Not a lot of noise on the quiet tract house streets. You can hear people come and go in shifts, for jobs. Right about now people will be waking up around him, too, for jobs as security guards and night tellers and gas station attendants. [23:41] How does Sam keep in touch with the outside world? 00[23:42] 4The cable people made him buy TV with the internet, so he's still got one of those. He watches it sometimes? He used to be on social media a lot promoting matches and appearances, but that's just kinda...well, he doesn't talk to those people a lot anymore, and a couple of times when he's logged on, he's seen them being sad or mad about that. 00[23:42] 4So a lot of times he just goes out for a walk. [23:43] Got a phone? 00[23:45] 4Yep. One of those real old slide apart deals with the keypad. 00[23:45] 4Touchscreens are weird now. [23:47] Then he’ll get a text thirty minutes into his walk. Unknown contact, but it reads: “About to get a call. Not a scam, will be compensated for time. Pick up, thanks.” [23:48] A minute later, it rings. 00[23:49] 4Well then. He'll pick up. "Heyyy. It's Scrim." 00[23:50] 4A woman walking past gives him a look that's half a glare; he smiles back without showing fang. Jorts, a tank top and Keds, baby, his money-making look. [23:52] “Hi Scrim. This is Santiago Aguilar, secretary for the Marques of Modjeska. Are you available tonight for a formal introduction and an offer of work? Long-term, relocation necessary. Not far outside El Monte.” [23:52] Not a name he’s familiar with. How current is he on Invictus politics? Modjeska is…pretty far on the fringes of the Court’s territory. 00[23:53] 4He doesn't go to the fancy parties unless he's told he has to. So he probably doesn't know this guy. Which isn't new! Neither are the weird texts from unknown numbers. He can probably guess who's behind that one. 00[23:54] 4As for the offer. thinks about it for a second. He doesn't have any bookings. Amylie is in Japan. Things have gotten... 00[23:54] "Nice to meetcha, Santiago. Yeah. I'm available at least. And I'm open for work." 00[23:55] "You got my number from someone we both trust, I'm guessing." [23:59] “I don’t know if ‘trust’ is the right word on our end, but yeah. Do me a favor and take the metrolink down to the San Juan Capistrano stop in Orange County. Should be a 90 minute trip each way. Don’t worry - you’ll get four grand just to talk and hear the offer. We respect your time.” Session Time: Mon Aug 29 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] “Dress casual, if you want.” 00[00:00] 4Scrim: "Damn. Okay, yeah. When?" 00[00:00] "Tonight?" 00[00:00] "Now?" [00:01] “As soon as it’s convenient.” [00:02] Which is Invictus speak for…tonight, now. 00[00:02] 4Scrim: "Then I'll mosey on over. Address now, or you want me to call when I'm at San Juan Capistrano?" [00:03] “Somebody will meet you at the train stop.” 00[00:04] 4Scrim: "Then I'll talk to you when I talk to you, Santiago." [00:05] “Great. Seeya.” Click. 00[00:05] 4He'll head back to the house to lock up, and grab his sunglasses. 00[00:05] 4Yeah, yeah, cliches. Vampire eyes still weird people out some times. [00:06] Has he taken the train before? Or is he more of a car guy? 00[00:06] 4Public transport all the way. [00:07] Well, then he’ll appreciate the state’s recent expansion of the lines - now they run at night! 00[00:07] 4He's on and off with cars. Currently he's got a 2005 Honda something or other in the garage. It does what it's supposed to do most of the time. [00:08] It’s just a transfer at downtown’s Union Station, and soon he’s headed into Orange County. The Surfliner at night is pretty empty. The other passengers give him, and each other, a wide berth. 00[00:08] 4Scrim, in sunglasses, baseball cap, windbreaker and short jeans, will slouch his way through the system. 00[00:13] 4Presumably the guy waiting for him will find him when he steps off. Not many in the Brilliant Court dress like this. [00:14] The county passes in blurs of orange city lights and dark patches of fields and woods. Endless, endless sprawl. Streets shoot out to the horizon whenever they pull in to a station for a minute or two. Then it begins to thin out, into more fields and more foothills, and the suburbs are at least hidden by the topography. Ten minutes later, they pull into the station. 00[00:15] 4He was kinda hoping being a vampire meant no more humidity. 00[00:15] 4That didn't turn out to be the case. [00:15] There’s only one person waiting at the train station, which is quaintly tiny. It’s more of a stop, really - like one of those old-timey Western stops with the telegraph office. There’s a restaurant nearby, and a shaded street lined with old one-story wooden houses. [00:16] 00[00:17] 4Nice place. Cool...porticos. [00:20] The woman is small and dark, and dressed in a tan coat and jeans despite the evening’s warmth. [00:21] She raises a hand to her eyes to shield them from the train’s lights and raises her voice slightly to be heard over its hiss. “Hello, Mr. Shaw. Any trouble finding the place?” 00[00:22] 4Scrim will tromp up and present himself by standing before her some 15 feet away and smiling. "Nope. Right where the train tracks said it was gonna be." 00[00:22] "You've got me at a disadvantage, ma'am." [00:24] She inclines her head politely. “Teresa Aguilar, Marques Modjeska. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” [00:24] An elder. Or at least the rank suggests it. 00[00:24] 4Good thing he added the 'ma'am.' 00[00:25] 4Grin widens a bit. He smiles more around vampires, who don't find the big teeth weird. "All part of the life. The 'life.' You know." [00:26] “Let’s get some coffee. Or tea or kombucha, if you like.” As the train pulls away, she points to the other side of the tracks, where twenty feet away there’s a refurbished little wooden house that’s been turned into a cafe. There’s a light on inside. [00:27] “On me, of course.” 00[00:28] 4Slight wince. "I'm kinda night to night on the blood right now, so I've given up the Blush. But thanks for the offer." 00[00:29] "Just means you won't have to cover me. Lead on, ma'am." [00:32] The little street is like a garden, full of willows and towering oaks and a massive old pepper tree. Impressive gardens front the wooden houses as they walk. They pass a wooden signpost full of handpainted arrows, which read - ADOBE MUSEUM - BUTTERFLY GARDEN - TEA HOUSE - PETTING ZOO 00[00:33] 4He was kinda hoping this was a test and he'd get ambushed by some more of her dumbass enforcer brutes to prove a very important point about always being prepared. Been awhile since he had a good scrap, and gouged out some guy's eye. But not in a petting zoo! [00:33] Inside, it is indeed a little wooden house, with the furniture cleared away and counters installed. The Marques orders an iced chai latte and takes him into a back garden with wooden chairs and tables. 00[00:34] 4He'll wait for her to be seated before taking his own. 00[00:34] 4Scrim intentionally puts his back to the door. Please, put him in a hold from behind. [00:34] It is an impressively peaceful place. The only sound from nearby is the gentle wind shaking the leaves above their head, crickets, and some low, sleepy grunting from the petting zoo. [00:35] She sits before he does. “Please.” [00:35] “How is your life going, by the way?” [00:36] “I understand that you are a professional fighter.” [00:36] “Sorry if this is a bit quiet, compared to an arena.” 00[00:37] 4Scrim: "How is my--? How is my life going." 4He blinks. "Well, I'm hurting a lot of people, very well. And they're doing fine afterwards." 00[00:38] "So it's going pretty well." 00[00:38] "Can't do afternoon shows anymore, but I hated those anyway." [00:38] “Different venue every night?” 00[00:39] 4Scrim: "That's the idea. There's only so many to rotate through. And there are people who know me from, you know. Before." [00:40] “Do you have a regular circuit?” [00:41] “Been out to the IE much?” 00[00:42] 4Scrim: "Championship Wrestling out of Hollywood runs once every six weeks, I try to book there every other show. Work a few other pro wrestling indies that I can drive to in one night or, worst comes to worst, dirt nap on. Work Bellator dark matches and some other third-rate UFC wannabes, and then illegal underground fights whenever -- oh." 00[00:43] "Worked a couple shows out there once upon a time. During the day." [00:45] “There’s a lot of local shows out there. Lots of luchador influence.” [00:46] “I don’t know what rumors you might have heard about the place, but it’s perfectly safe for us to visit now.” [00:47] “You’re two years embraced? Before your time.” 00[00:47] 4Scrim grimaces. "You know the joke about lucha rules matches? Technically, there are rules. But the way it basically goes is that as soon as someone stops following them, all bets are off." 00[00:47] "Sounds like the Inland Empire to me." [00:48] “It’s an apt metaphor for the area.” [00:48] “Oh - yes, ha. Jinx.” 00[00:49] 4Scrim: "Usually when I have conversations like this, they end with me being handed a photograph. Or an oil painting. Or a photograph of a--look, I'm getting the sense this is a hit, but also that it's not precisely a hit." [00:51] She sips her latte. “It’s not a hit. I can do that myself.” [00:51] “Actually, it’s not really *for* me.” [00:52] “I’ve heard good things about your reliability. And your sire is the best there is. So all I need to know is how attached you are to your current life, and how adventurous you are.” 00[00:52] 4Scrim, bluntly: "I don't have a current life." 00[00:52] "I don't even have bookings." 00[00:53] "The only person I care about is in Japan, and I can call her from Inland Empire." [00:54] “Good! Less to miss. Are you interested in the paranormal and supernatural at all?” 00[00:54] "I'm interested in fighting big fuckers and weird fuckers. So, yeah." [00:56] The marques is positively beaming. “Wonderful!” [00:57] “I have an associate living out in Riverside, who could use some assistance in her work.” [00:57] “How much do you know about the spirit world?” 00[00:58] 4Scrim: "I saw the cartoon about it. Studio Ghib-lee or whatever." 00[00:58] "Lots of really great animated food in that movie." [00:59] “You don’t have any sort of grudge against werewolves, do you?” 00[00:59] 4Scrim: "I hope not." 00[00:59] "Would love to fight one, though. Just not to the death." 00[01:00] "I think I kinda know which way that might go." [01:01] “They don’t fight one-on-one.” [01:01] “Well, listen-“ [01:02] “No, there’s no way you would have met her. A little cloistered upbringing. Politics that we don’t need to get into.” 00[01:03] 4Scrim: "Am I gonna be working for a werewolf?" 00[01:03] "Don't have a problem with it, just need to know if they know our whole deal." [01:03] “No.” [01:03] “With werewolves, but not for them.” [01:03] “Here is the deal, Sam.” [01:04] “And if you decline this offer, don’t spread this information around.” [01:05] “A few years ago, when whatever was keeping us out of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties disappeared, the Prince began a very fruitful dialogue with the werewolf tribesmen.” [01:07] “I don’t want to bore you with technical details, but there is an astounding amount of things interesting to the Court in that area. Not just territory, but occult phenomena. And keeping San Diego out would be a bonus, if we ever did decide to expand in that direction. Anyway.” 00[01:08] 4Scrim's aware of the animus for San Diego, but counts himself lucky that he's never had to really learn about it. [01:09] “We have a field researcher already embedded with the Uratha. The werewolves. She has already seen things that we’ve only ever dreamt about accessing. It’s a real gold rush of information.” [01:10] “The basic arrangement - oh, right, the spirit world.” She seems genuinely enthused and excited. “Did you know it’s real? And you can visit!” [01:10] “Dangerous, and unmapped, but still!” 00[01:10] 4Scrim: "Can I hit things in it?" 00[01:10] "Not that like, I'm just gonna default to doing that." 00[01:11] "But if you're bringing me in..." [01:11] “And other dimensions, apparently. Full of little goblins.” [01:11] “Oh! Of course.” 00[01:11] 4He nods solemnly. "Then I'm your huckleberry." [01:14] “The basic arrangement is that our field researcher uses the werewolves to cross over to the spirit world, in exchange for a flat rate kicked back to them from whatever she finds. So far, extremely lucrative. And dangerous. She guided a retrieval team of ghouls and scientists into some kind of dungeon. I won’t tell you which lord sponsored the expedition, but apparently it went very well, thanks to her. But she needs muscle.” [01:15] “I literally can’t even tell you what you’d get to fight, if you join the expedition on a permanent basis. Who knows!” 00[01:16] 4Scrim strokes his chin. "Putting something with eight limbs in an Octopus Hold...hitting the Anklelock on a weird dog...many such things. Like I said, I'm in." [01:17] “And I’ve cleared it with the Prince, and the Archon, of course. No more worrying about L.A. turf.” [01:17] She pats the table. “Wonderful!” [01:17] “I knew you were the right choice.” [01:17] “How soon can you go?” 00[01:18] 4Scrim: "I locked up before I left and brought my cash with me. My bills are on autopay from someone else's account. Inland Empire sells jorts." 00[01:18] "I'm good right now." [01:22] “That’s the spirit. But, I am definitely not going to make you show up unannounced at a werewolf’s house and tell them that you’re living on their couch. Let’s say…in two nights? I can make the appropriate calls, tell our researcher, etcetera.” [01:22] “Where were you living now, again?” 00[01:23] "El Monte. Beautiful little shingle-shack. Has a garage." [01:24] “Mm. I know your landlord.” [01:24] “Riverside will be an upgrade.” 00[01:25] "I'm not gonna argue that one." 00[01:25] "...Do we still get the blood out there? Or are we back to hunting?" [01:26] She finishes her drink. “Keep it to yourself, but we’re all back to hunting.” 00[01:26] 4Mmmmm. 00[01:27] "Well, at least that's more honest. And has less debt." [01:27] “This thing with San Diego is not going away. Again. The Prince is stockpiling.” [01:27] “For a rainy day.” 00[01:28] 4He rolls his shoulder. "Honestly, was kinda expecting the call up to be into that particular skeleton war, not this one." 00[01:28] "Not that I stay up to date on the politics." 00[01:28] "Just not a lot of Padres fans in the nightlife these days." [01:29] “Feel free, by the way, to consider Riverside a free-fire zone for unfamiliar kindred. But use your discretion. It works both ways, so try not to get turned into paste by some roaming foreign elder.” [01:29] “Fuck the Padres.” [01:31] “Oh! The researcher. Her name is Marisol Salaheddine.” [01:31] “A neonate, like you.” 00[01:31] 4Scrim: "Marisol. Salaheddine." 4He slowly and clearly enunciates the words, eyes going a bit slack as he commits them to memory. Gangrel. 00[01:31] "Cool." [01:34] “Not that I expect it to come up, but consider her totally protected and off-limits from any sort of coercion. If you have any indiscretions or proclivities, take care of them outside of her sight. I want what she is producing, uninterrupted.” [01:34] The Marques checks her watch. “Questions?” 00[01:36] 4Scrim: "Think we covered everything. I'm back to hunting, I'm showering before I show up in two days, I'm the muscle for a bunch of fact-finding expeditions to cartoon ghost world. I don't have to fight werewolves unless things go real bad. Sounds good to me." [01:37] “And more! Who knows. How exciting.” She stands. “I’ll walk you back to the station. How do you feel about cats?” 00[01:38] 4Scrim: "Cats are great. Used to have a cat. Animals are weird around me now, so." [01:39] “Then you’ll love this job. Send me your venmo, and I’ll wire you your appearance fee for tonight.” 00[01:40] 4He will do so fairly immediately. As a per-appearance fighter, he's very familiar with Venmo. [01:42] As the train pulls in to take him back, she holds out her hand to shake his. “I hope to hear good things from you in the future, Mr. Shaw. You’re very lucky.” 00[01:43] 4He'll shake, smiling. "People keep telling me that. Have a good night, ma'am." [01:44] “Oh, and visit the Mission Inn when you get out there! It’s quite the sight. Goodnight, Shaw.” She steps across the tracks just as the boom lowers and the train comes to a stop, and vanishes. 00[01:44] 4He blinks. Well, he's seen a lot less normal things. Mission Inn, huh. 00[01:44] 4Scrim gets on the train and heads back the way he came, preparing for his new night life. 02[03:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:49] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-13q.tk9.238.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[13:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-f8r.rjg.134.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:28] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:48] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:50] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:21] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:39] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Aug 30 00:00:00 2022 02[00:00] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:00] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[00:43] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-f8r.rjg.134.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-fs9.4un.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[02:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:33] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[05:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-fs9.4un.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[05:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dsd.d7i.120.37.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client 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Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Wed Aug 31 00:00:00 2022 03[00:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[05:11] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dfo.9fv.119.92.IP) Quit (Connection closed) 03[05:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-u0b.p53.249.87.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:59] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-u0b.p53.249.87.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:00] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pcc.iat.37.89.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pcc.iat.37.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:54] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-msd.33i.10.85.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:01] * Votes78 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joined #inlandvampire 02[11:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:40] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:01] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:15] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:15] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:07] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-245.icn.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[20:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[20:34] * Disconnected Session Close: Thu Sep 01 20:34:56 2022 Session Start: Fri Sep 02 19:46:09 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[19:46] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 02[19:47] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:56] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:59] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:03] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:03] - [20:03] - [20:03] - [20:03] - [20:03] - [20:04] cmon dude [20:04] dont be a fuckin wimp [20:04] plus greg already said hes going to fly out, dont make us sit around with our dick in our hands [20:05] its the real deal. plus i checked and tickets are like $150. and you’ll stay at my mom’s place 02[20:06] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) [20:06] afterwards we can go out to the desert and do cool shit like ATVs and plinking. show you guys the lava tube (not a gross euphemism, google it) [20:07] 13 fuck sorry i was outside. 13Translation: smoking weed.  you said the last place was the real deal too [20:08] dude no I didn’t [20:08] that was fucking orchid [20:08] I banned him from the discord over it [20:09] 13 if the baggage handlers fuck up my camera equipment youre paying [20:09] its basically a free vacation while we get some cool footage [20:09] you’re gonna love it! [20:10] and once we get big we can start making content all over :) [20:10] just text me once you get all the ticket information and I’ll pick you up day of [20:11] Has she been outside of Ohio before? 03[20:11] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:12] 13Family vacations here and there with distant family in New England, a few scattered branches of the family in New Mexico. Nothing spectacular. [20:14] 13Uuuuuugh it's gonna suck so much to pack up the tripod. The camera's the easy bit, just gotta wrap that shit up tight with packing peanuts to cushion it. But there's no way to fold a camera tripod into a bag without some corner getting dangerously close to scuffing if the bag takes a rough landing. [20:14] Network Zero is more of a loose association of hobbyists than, like, a paramilitary organization. She’ll have to make all her arrangements. But here’s the deal. 02[20:15] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:17] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) [20:17] Ron (selzer40) and Greg (RoamHome) are good guys. Ron’s from a city called Riverside, California. Greg is from Boston. Between them, they’re pretty well-respected videographers and content creators, with their own modestly followed Youtube channels. [20:18] The average thumbnail is stuff like Ron making a shocked face with text that reads ‘GHOST IN SAN BERNARDINO?? — ABANDONED ASYLUM URBEX’ [20:20] Lately, Ron has claimed something pretty extraordinary. [20:20] 13She's been trying to break out of her rut, since the league streams aren't pulling like they used to. the username's a relic of those days gone by, when she was still known mostly her flaming meltdowns on Summoner's Rift. Trying to move into that new content space, yeah? The paranormal stuff gets hits. People like a good spookening. And a collab can't hurt- us little fish gotta stick [20:20] 13together. [20:20] 2Sat is like, a legend in Network Zero. Was a legend. [20:22] They (he? she?) were famous for running a vampire evidence blog for something like 15 years, all focusing on the west coast. Their blog hadn’t updated in almost five years at this point, though. Everyone kind of assumed they just got bored, and some people even said they heard a rumor that 2Sat got really sick and had to hang it up. [20:23] 13Vampires? Please. Everyone knows the real traffic is with mermaid conservation. [20:25] But they were legit. All killer no filler. The stuff 2Sat posted wasn’t like blurry vampire bigfoot photos, they had like all these crazy like LITERAL receipts from hospitals and city council minutes and developer press releases and court documents and coroner reports. [20:26] 13Kari's theory is that whoever they were, 2Sat probably was someone in the medical community. That'd explain how they got the autopsy reports... or knew how to fake them credibly. [20:27] You didn’t have to believe in vampires, but you had to admit that SOMETHING weird was going on out there. [20:28] And everyone liked to front that someone, somewhere, was being contacted by 2Sat privately, and given good leads on where to hunt. Pero like, for real. Capital H hunt. Kind of impossible to verify but damn dude! [20:29] So Ron says that actually…2Sat contacted him. [20:29] 13When? [20:30] After all this time offline. And says that there’s this weird space to check out in this big hotel in downtown Riverside. [20:30] Like a month ago. [20:30] 13If this is all some elaborate scheme to get her to go to California with him so he can try to pull smooth moves, that camera tripod is going right up Ron's ass. [20:30] And then totally ghosted him, no further contact or anything. [20:32] So Ron reached out to Kari and RoamHome, badgering them ever since. [20:32] Supposedly, 2Sat said it looked EXACTLY like all the shit on r/liminalspaces. [20:33] So…what would Kari actually bring on a little sightseeing trip like this? [20:35] 13So Ron's decided to stake the sum of his credibility on the word of a ghost and a picture of some yellow wallpaper? Alright, that's something. [20:37] 13Well, if she's gonna debunk this properly, she'll need her recording equipment. The digital camera kit, the cradle and tripod. Expensive stuff, but that's the cost of entry or you're doing it with a smartphone camera and nobody, nobody looks highly on blurry cellphone camera videos. [20:38] 13Other than that... shit, a swimsuit? Sunglasses? If nothing else, she'll make the most of the vacation. She can ditch the team if the whole thing's a bust and hit the beach- it's not that far, right? [20:40] Her maps app says its like 90 minutes away. [20:41] Ron is waiting for her at the Ontario Airport, by the baggage claim. He’s a heavyset young guy in a Deadmau5 t-shirt. [20:42] It’s fuckin ROASTING outside. Weather app says it’s 116 outside. [20:43] 13A plan is forming. She sits there in her room tapping her chin with her finger, putting the pieces together. We can go take some recordings, maybe get some content, usable or no, and that's day one. Days two through four? Nothing but open possibilities. She's visibly struggling up the concourse with her bags in tow. [20:44] 13Ron gets to pull one of her roller-bags whether he wants to or not. [20:44] Ron jogs over to her, smiling. “Hi, Kari! It’s so cool you’re here! Uh, I can help with some of that-“ [20:45] "Careful with the bumps, that one's got the camera in it." 13She shoulders the tripod carrier. The Deadmau5 shirt goes uncommented on- at least it's not Skrillex. Is that even still a thing? [20:46] 5We doing a direct flight or a layover in, what, Salt Lake City? Fuck me. [20:46] “Ok, sure. I was going - oh, nice, Greg’s here.” [20:46] 13We doing a direct flight or a layover in, what, Salt Lake City? Fuck me. [20:46] No, there’s a direct route available. [20:47] 13She doesn't have a lot of savings, but she has enough savings to get shithoused on the flight. [20:50] RoamHome is a tall, rail-thin guy in a plaid buttonup and khakis. He’s got a vaguely intense, professorial air, like a grad student who’s annoyed at you interrupting his work. He takes his content and research *very* seriously, not least because he actually believes in magic, and is into all the candles and crystals and stuff. He jokes that he’s the country’s only black wiccan. [20:50] "Mr. Casual Khakis." 13Erin throws up a hand. [20:51] Greg frowns. “Are you drunk?” [20:51] He’s got his own pair of big wheeled suitcases behind him. [20:52] "No," 13indignantly. "I pregamed for the fligth with an edible. We've got, fuck, hold on-" 13she checks her phone. "We've probably got about half an hour before it kicks, so plenty of time to get on the plane first." [20:52] 3She launches a pre-emptive defense: "I hate flying, okay!" [20:53] 13She launches a pre-emptive defense: "I hate flying, okay!" [20:54] 13It really is a mystery how these people put up with her. [20:54] Greg shakes his head. “Just sober up by tonight. We need at least four or five hours of footage to edit down.” [20:54] 13Her eyes widen: "Fuck, we're filming tonight? Jet-leg and all? Not gonna sleep first??" [20:54] lag* [20:55] Ron is all shy, earnest smiles. “Yeah, okay. Come on, we’ll go hang out at my mom’s place until it’s time. It’ll cool down like thirty degrees by tonight.” [20:56] “Okay so, 2Sat said that they were going to start remodeling that section of the hotel like *any* day. So if we wait any longer there’s a good chance it’ll be totally sealed off. Or at least guarded by security or something. We kind of have to hustle.” [20:58] “Hey, so…” [20:58] 13Girl, you are blowing this. Time to get your head in the game. "Ughh okaay." [20:59] “I just wanted to say real quick, I really appreciate you guys coming out.” He looks at his feet. “I know I’m kind of a lightweight at this. I’m like, totally not the guy anybody should give sensitive information. You guys are way more experienced than I am. So…yeah. I’m kind of way more at ease doing it with you two, together.” [21:00] Greg nods once. “Sure.” [21:01] 13She centers herself while he talks. "Don't worry Ron, I'm sure you'll do fine." 13She means that- after all, it's probably just some dusty abandoned section of an old hotel. Maybe they'll pick up some dust on the camera they can play off as a floater. [21:02] 13She hopes that doesn't come off as insincere as it sounds to her. [21:03] Ron’s mom’s place is actually really nice - who new Riverside had whole neighorhoods of beautiful restored Victorians? Turns out the mom is a UC Riverside professor - entomology or something. Lots of framed bug specimens all over the house. [21:03] who knew* [21:04] 13Ah, perfect. The edible she took midway through the flight still has her spacing, so she parks herself in front of some of those framed insect specimens and pretends to listen to the conversation while she stares at the pinned butterflies. Is it butterflies? Beetles? [21:04] They chill there for a few hours and go over the plan. Ron says security isn’t super tight or anything, but they do need to find a way upstairs, which is reserved for guests only. [21:05] There’s the front lobby staircase, but they’d just have to…hope somebody doesn’t see them go up past the velvet rope? [21:05] It’s both, and more. Butterflies, moths, beetles, even stick insects and other rare phasmids. [21:06] 13Kari is sucking on some boba tea while they talk about getting in past the first floor. "Pog." [21:07] "...You guys ever tried the ladder trick?" [21:08] They shake their heads no. [21:08] "Well, ninety percent of getting in somewhere is to look like you belong, right?" [21:09] Ron: “Uh-huh.” [21:09] "So we get a ladder and-" 13she makes a smooth motion with her hands. "Just look like we're on our way to fix something." [21:10] Ron: “…I think the staff wear uniforms.” [21:10] "We're not staff, we're contractors." [21:10] 13She taps the side of her head knowingly. "Ehh? Ehhh??" [21:12] Greg: “I suppose that, instead of a literal ladder, we could just carry toolbelts and wear boots. And look purposeful.” [21:12] "Sure, same deal." [21:12] “I think that will be enough, honestly. It’s not exactly Fort Knox.” [21:13] Ron: “Dude, I don’t want to get banned for life or something! They do weddings…” [21:13] He calls into the kitchen: “Hey mom? Do we have spare tools and toolbelts? Anything like that?” [21:13] A few hours later, they’re standing in front of the hotel itself. [21:19] It’s quite the sight: a six-story luxury hotel built in an eclectic neo-mission revival style, large enough to occupy an entire city block and with its own patios, gardens, and towers. This late, the air is finally starting to seriously cool. Tourists and the well-to-do are milling around the lobby. [21:20] Ron, looking roughly like a guy you’d hire to paint your house: “Okay, it’s supposed to be on the second floor on the southeast wing. Across from Room 80. It should be a maintenance door.” [21:21] Greg is just straight up holding his camera out: “Okay, I’m getting b-roll.” [21:22] 13Kari: "Perfect, mill around like you don't know what's going on. You're nailing it." 13She chuckles and dips the brush into the paint to mottle her shirt with a few more flecks for a final touch. [21:23] 13She slaps Ron on the shoulder and nods toward the door before heading in through the sliding glass doors. Now stonefaced, she heads right for the stairs. Any locked doors between her and the stairwell? [21:23] Ron: “You lead the way. It’s the first stairway past the front desk, then up the spiral staircase to the second floor, then it’s just a straight shot.” [21:24] 3Ron's carrying the camera equipment so Kari can look like she's in charge. Which she is, they just don't know it. [21:24] 13Ron's carrying the camera equipment so Kari can look like she's in charge. Which she is, they just don't know it. [21:24] No, just a hassled- looking receptionist in a red vest. He looks up at the trio, but loses interest immediately as a pair of tourists re-occupy him in conversation. [21:25] 13She motions the others up the stairs and heads on up. [21:26] Kari is the first into the spiral staircase: [21:26] Greg: “Wow. Nice place.” [21:27] 13Shit, fuck, she was thinking this was like a Motel 6. [21:28] "This is the opposite of Liminal space. This is superliminal." [21:29] The corridors are nice, and quiet. Far away from the noise and attention of the downtown streets. The walls are thick enough, the lighting is tastefully dim enough, and there’s enough stained glass on the windows to give the impression that they’re heading deeper into some kind of castle. [21:29] 13First stairwell past the desk, up the spiral, then it's just a straight shot... [21:30] 13Fuck, she better have remembered to bring an SSD for the digital camera. Can't afford a repeat of the Jersey Devil video. [21:32] Okay. They didn’t even run into any guests. The door opposite room 80 is unlabeled, metal instead of ornately carved wood, and right next to the elevators. [21:32] 13Fuck, a metal door? She's almost afraid to try the handle in case it's locked. [21:32] There’s a business-card sized piece of paper taped to the door right above the metal handle. [21:33] 13Kari's mind swims with anxiety- what do we do if it's locked? Do we try to force it? Do we end up just filming in front of a locked door?? Wait, what's this- [21:33] “’For guests’ safety, please do not enter this room unless authorized by staff.’ - The Management’” [21:34] "Shit, we probably should have included hardhats in the disguise, huh." [21:34] Greg, filming her: “We’re rolling. You want to narrate?” [21:35] Ron sounds nervous. “Maybe we shouldn’t go in.” [21:36] 13Kari immediately switches gears, bringing her fingers together to crack the joints. "Alright, we're here in scenic- fuck, what city is this again?" 13We can edit that shit out later. God, so unprofessional.. [21:37] Greg: “Riverside, California.” [21:38] Ron dutifully lifts the mic up for them. [21:39] 13She forces herself to be serious. "We're in Riverside California in the uh, Mission Inn, where our sources suggest some sussy things have been going down." [21:39] 13She tries the handle. [21:40] Greg interrupts. “No slang. We’re not influencers.” [21:40] It opens without any resistance. [21:40] 13Kari rolls her eyes. "We can fix it in post." [21:40] 13Is it dark? [21:41] No, it’s lit just fine. All they can see is a corridor that looks like a mundane…well, a backroom. The corridor turns to the left about twenty feet in. The wallpaper is beige. [21:42] 13Kari frowns. "Well, that's.." [21:43] 13She doesn't cross the threshold, and instead paces around the others back up the hallway a short distance. "There should be another room here, yeah." [21:44] "Maybe there's just a lot of wasted space? Room for heating ducts?" [21:45] Greg: “Storage and access.” [21:45] "Okay, hm." 13She heads in, making sure to give Greg enough room to film without her taking up the whole of the frame. [21:46] 13So the layout's weird, but... they better not have brought her out here just to film some storage rooms. [21:46] The others follow. Halfway down the corridor, she can hear a *click*. The door is closed behind them. [21:47] 13She snorts. "You forgot the prop the door open, dude?" [21:48] 13She motions for Ron to go back and check to make sure it hasn't, fuck, locked behind them. [21:48] Ron: “I put the stop down!” [21:48] Ron tries the handle. It’s locked. [21:49] Ron: “Fuck!” [21:49] Greg: “Calm down.” [21:49] 13Kari's sigh as she rubs her closed eyes is strained, to say the least. [21:49] 13What day is it? [21:50] It’s Thursday. [21:50] 13Then there's a chance the cleaning people will be by to unlock the door before we have to start making calculations like 'where we put the piss corner'. [21:50] 13In any case, let's be optimistic here: "There's probably at least a window somewhere up ahead." [21:51] "We're only on the second floor, so I bet we can shimmy if we have to." [21:52] 13She breathes in, exhales, resumes narration: "Certainly this section doesn't match the design of the rest of the building at least." [21:52] Greg: “Right. Let’s keep going.” [21:53] 13She walks on ahead of the camera, leading the others. She can't really get that good of a look ahead, turning back to narrate for the unseen audience. "If it's a storage area, there sure isn't a lot being stored back here." [21:55] The turn to the left definitely doesn’t match the design of the building. [21:55] 13What's around the corner? [21:55] It’s…the backrooms. [21:56] Not *like* the backrooms. [21:56] It is the actual place. [21:56] From the picture. [21:56] [21:57] Walls jut out at 90-degree angles , covered with a sickly yellow wallpaper, under harsh fluorescent lights. [21:57] The carpet is still beige. [21:57] It goes on, until another left turn at the end of this empty corridor. [21:58] 13Kari goes really quiet. [22:00] "Uh, maybe it's like... some sort of new escape room they're testing?" "Some kind of halloween thing?" [22:00] Ron: “Holy shit.” [22:01] "Uh another left turn should take us back out to the hallway, right?" [22:01] Greg: “So the nearby rooms are all just fake doors? Hm. Why would somebody rebuild this? The actual backrooms image is a real place, obviously. It’s in New York.” [22:01] 13Kari kneels down and runs her hand over the carpeting. [22:02] Ron: “Two more left turns. Three lefts make a right.” [22:02] The carpet feels unbelievably cheap and thin. Exactly what would go into some nameless low-rent office complex. [22:03] 13Kari controls her breathing and goes to her pocket to get a little wet wipe for her forehead. Is it getting hot in here? It feels hot. [22:03] "We need to keep going until we find another.. door or.. window or something." [22:04] "It just doesn't make a lot of sense why someone would remodel it to look like this. I mean the remodeling is done, right?" [22:04] "They even have the carpet down." [22:05] 13Is there anything in the corridor? Furniture? ...Light switches? [22:05] No. [22:05] No furniture, no switches. Absolutely nothing that can be interacted with. [22:05] Wallpaper, and carpet, and lights. [22:06] Ron: “So…so we just keep going.” [22:07] 13Kari swallows. Hard. "Uh, sure. I mean worst case scenario we trace out the shape of the rooms and head back for the door, yeah?" [22:07] "We can always force the lock with a handy screwdriver." 13She grips the tool in her hand and slots it back into the belt on her waist. [22:08] Ron: “Right. Okay.” [22:08] “Or just smash the shit out of it with a hammer.” [22:08] Greg: “Okay. Two more left turns.” [22:10] 13She doesn't dawdle this time. [22:10] When Kari takes the turn, she’s faced with an identical corridor as the one they just left. Exactly the same. The effect is disorienting. [22:11] Ron: “Let’s head to the door.” She can hear a tinge of panic starting to creep into his voice. [22:12] 13Yeah, fuck this. "Let's get the fuck out of here." [22:13] Another left turn should take them to their original corridor. [22:13] "Uhh, okay, so," 13her voice cracks as she tries to continue her narration. "This is... some really advanced optical illusion, I guess, or like an art project to..." [22:14] 13She rounds the next corner at almost a run. She's sweating bullets even though the room remains a stagnant 73 fahrenheit. [22:15] It looks like the original corridor they came in by. [22:15] The door they entered, which locked behind them, looks different. [22:16] 13Different how? [22:16] It looks like someone carved a pattern into the bare, unornamented metal. [22:16] Two overlapping hollow circles, one on top of another. [22:16] Like someone turned a venn diagram on its side. [22:16] This time, there are two notes tucked into the doorjamb. [22:17] 13What, like a sloppy number 8? Maybe they just missed it on the way in. [22:17] 13She ignores the letters to try the handle first. [22:17] It opens without resistance. [22:17] 13Fuck, finally, some good news. We're back out onto the hallway, right? [22:17] The notes flutter down to the carpet. [22:18] No. [22:18] 13Now tears are forming in the corners of Kari's eyes. [22:18] 13She reads the blurry note while the others catch up to find her standing there on the brink of crying. [22:20] The room beyond is large, with two hallways leading further beyond on the far side. The room itself is lushly decorated with red velvet wallpaper, and furnished with comfortable valises and leather armchairs. There’s a hearth burning on the right-hand side of the room, and on wall next to it there’s a full wet bar stocked with liquour. [22:21] The left-hand wall of the room is made up of one enormous bookshelf, carved out of deep red wood, full of illustrated hardcover volumes. [22:21] Kari can’t tell which note was supposed to be placed on top of which. [22:22] The first is a blank piece of cardstock, hastily scribbled on in block letters. [22:23] “’Do not open this door. Emergency rescue services will be alerted, for your safety and an attempt will be made for your retrieval.’ - The Management” [22:25] 13She turns back to the others and waves the note. "Okay I guess the Fire Department is coming??" [22:25] "Uhh... uhhh..." 13is about all she can manage when confronted with the fireplace and the full bar. [22:26] The second is written in flawless formal penmanship, on vellum. [22:27] The pretty new moon has gone to sea [22:27] Across the waves to rescue me [22:27] And if you want to see me too [22:27] 13Her lips feel real dry all the sudden. "...Are you still filming?" [22:27] Come on through, come on through [22:28] -2Sat [22:28] Greg: “Yes.” [22:28] "Nope! Nope, fuck this." 13She shows the notes to the camera, one after the other. "Fuck this, we're leaving." 13There's windows in here... right?? [22:28] Ron: “Oh my god…” [22:29] There aren’t any windows in here. There’s the corridor they came from, the lounge with the hearth, and the two hallways leading further in. [22:29] “Where the fuck are we??” [22:30] 13How big is the hearth? There's a fire going in it, right? Which means there has to be a chimney. [22:31] There’s a fire going in the hearth. If she looks at it closely, there’s a thick iron grate at the bottom of the chimney. [22:32] Greg: “We can keep going.” [22:33] "Okay, yeah.." [22:34] 13She just storms on ahead, then, to the point that Ron and Greg are left struggling to keep up unless they want to match her frenetic powerwalk across the room to the next set of doors. [22:37] The next room is another corridor, a hotel corridor with hotel rooms. Not a hotel she’s ever seen, though. The wallpaper here is starting to peel. There’s an unplaceable but slightly off smell coming from the carpet. The decor is turn of the century, late victorian, luxurious. The room numbers are in gilt lettering. On each door is a small crest shaped like a thin crescent moon, all on a brass mount. The letters ‘H.C.’ are on each [22:37] crest. [22:37] Greg: “It’s real.” [22:37] "Are you fucking.." [22:38] "Please be joking. I am not caught inside a fucking shitpost about that song." [22:38] Greg: “The real hotel from that song is in Beverly Hills.” [22:39] "Haha!" 13Bursts out from between her trembling lips. "Great, great fucking prank Greg. Really.. you really took out all the stops on this creepy fucking escape room." [22:39] Ron hasn’t followed them into the corridor. They realize that as soon as they hear a scream coming from the room they just left. [22:39] Greg runs back. [22:39] "Wait! Fuck! RON!" [22:39] 13Kari dashes after him. [22:41] It’s okay, he’s not hurt. Ron is by the bookshelf. There’s an opened book on the floor where he’s dropped it. Ron has his mouth covered with both of his hands, and he’s crying. [22:42] 13Kari looks from Ron to the book to Greg and back to Ron. [22:42] Greg picks up the book, glances at it, and hands it to Kari. [22:43] 13She chances a look. [22:46] It’s an old - very old, antique - photograph, covering the whole page. Figures in ornate costumes and blank moon masks are engaged in various pornographic poses and activities. The range of activities is obscene. There’s something wrong about the picture. In the foreground, unmasked and looking straight at the camera, is Ron’s mother, whom they’ve met just a few hours earlier. [22:49] 13Kari takes the book and closes it, nods to herself, and chucks it into the fire. [22:49] Ron: “Can we please leave. Can we please leave now.” [22:49] 13She kneels down to put her hands on Ron's shoulders. "We're gonna get out of here, okay Ron? We're gonna get out." [22:50] Ron: “Hotel rooms have to have windows, right. It’s the law.” [22:51] "The note said they would send someone if we tripped the door. So.." 13She looks back over to the bar and the gleaming bottles of liquor. [22:51] 13Kari nods. "...We should just sit tight and wait." [22:51] "The worst thing we can do is get even more lost." [22:51] Greg: “…Are you serious?” [22:52] “This place is magic.” [22:52] “Real magic.” [22:52] “We are Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, right this second.” [22:53] 13Kari nods. "I don't feel like fucking Neil, Greg, I feel like Laika." [22:53] "This is way fucking above our paygrade." [22:53] "We should just sit tight and take our licks when the Fire Department or whoever the fuck kicks in the door." [22:54] "Now help me now by checking the bar for some water while I talk to Ron, okay?" 13Her upbeat demeanor is suddenly very strained. [22:55] Without warning, the deep and clear tone of a chime sounds. It’s loud enough to hurt. [22:55] Ron cries out in terror. The sound fades. [22:56] Greg whispers to himself. “Magic is real.” [22:56] He goes to the bar and helps to look for water. [22:57] 13Were there any signs of a fire suppression system anywhere? Like the overhead sprinklers? [22:57] 13That might be an exit. [22:57] 13Or some way to get attention, at least. [22:59] Kari searches the room. There aren’t any sprinklers, or fire extinguishers, or fire alarms to pull. [23:00] "Greg, any luck with the water?" [23:00] She hears something at the very edge of her senses. It’s from the corridor to the north, leading them further in. It sounds like one of those old-time music boxes, with the crank that turned the little metal prongs over a cylinder to play songs like Peter Rabbit. [23:00] 13Shit, shit, fuck. [23:01] Greg comes back with two bottles of clear liquid. “All I could find.” [23:01] “Vodka.” [23:01] "That is like the opposite of water." 13She takes a swig anyway. [23:02] Greg pours some into a shotglass and makes Ron drink it. [23:02] “Listen.” [23:02] 13Kari goes back to help Ron up. [23:02] “I know this is going to sound insane.” [23:03] Greg looks at both of them. “We have to keep going. This place is like….magic is like a story. We can’t just stay here and wait for something. We have to make it happen.” [23:03] “Or something might find us.” [23:03] "You're right, that does sound fucking insane." [23:03] "How do you know that, Greg?" 13Kari's dark eyes narrow. [23:05] “It’s every story about magic out there,” he snaps. “The Seeker? The Acolyte? It’s…it’s a trial, okay? We’re being tested. You have to overcome.” [23:05] "The note said they were sending someone. How are they gonna find us if we keep moving, Greg?" [23:06] "Ugh. Fuck." 13She reaches for the clear bottle again. [23:06] Ron speaks, his voice choked with tears. “Why would we wait around for whoever made this place? They’re fucking crazy!” [23:06] 13She makes a popping sound with her mouth. "Well, that's two to one, I fucking guess." [23:07] Greg: “We should find a sign. Something leading us on. Like a guide.” [23:07] "I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but if our best bet is to follow the sound of a distant, fucking, creepy music box? Then we're fucked." [23:07] "Come on Greg, tell me I'm wrong. Tell me we're not fucked if that's our best lead." [23:07] Greg: “What? What music box?” [23:08] "Bullshit, you didn't hear it?" [23:08] Greg: “What are you talking about? Where?” 03[23:08] * banana|peels is now known as banana [23:08] 13Kari rubs her eyes and sighs. "If I tell you which way you're gonna insist on going to it." [23:09] 13So she just points with her free hand, not even bothering to look up from the wall she's leaning back against. [23:09] Greg: “Nothing comes to you unless you seek it out.” [23:09] He puts a hand on Ron’s shoulder and guides him towards the north corridor. [23:09] "I don't want a thing to com- I mean, fuck dude-" 13She helps Ron up. [23:10] Greg: “You go first. Same as we came in.” [23:11] 13She stops, one hand on the doorway, eyes narrowed as she looks back at Greg. [23:11] "Whatever." [23:11] 13Can she recall what direction the music seemed to be coming from? [23:12] It’s coming from the ‘north’ corridor, the one leading them further in. Opposite from the ‘south’ corridor, the backrooms. [23:14] 13Alons y. [23:15] 13NGL, Greg is getting kinda sus. [23:17] When she opens the door, it’s the same corridor she saw before, with the H.C. crests on everything. There are four rooms on the side of the corridor, numbered 1 through 4. Finally, at the end of the corridor, is a pair of double frosted glass doors. [23:17] In the middle of a corridor is a white mannequin, holding out a card for her. [23:18] 13She snatches the card out of its hand and folds it open. [23:18] In very fine lettering, on one side it reads: [23:18] Ian Frederick Decraig, Prisoner 125101 [23:19] On the other side is an invitation in type, flanked by two stylized greek columns. [23:19] ‘Join us at the Palace [23:19] A masquerade to celebrate [23:19] the new moon [23:19] Come to dine [23:19] Come to dance [23:19] Come [23:20] "Fuck you, Luigi's Mansion." [23:21] 13She's careful not to let Greg or Ron out of her sight, now. [23:21] "Celebrate the next full moon. Fuck, what day is that?" [23:22] "Okay, fuck this entirely. We're pulling out the big guns." [23:22] 13Kari whips out her phone and dials 9-1-1. [23:22] Ron: “N-next month. I think.” [23:22] 13Hello operator? I'm trapped in a fucking painting by King Koopa. Get the fuck outta here. [23:24] Kari hears more music. It’s coming from beyond the frosted double doors. And then - a low, loud blast. [23:25] Also from beyond the frosted doors. Sounded like a gun going off. She can still faintly hear the music. Sounds like slow dance music. [23:25] Her phone rings. [23:25] And rings. [23:25] It keeps ringing. It doesn’t stop ringing. It just goes and goes. [23:26] Ron croaks: “Find a window. The rooms. We can smash it and get out.” [23:26] 13Gunfire? Are you purporting to tell me that we have stumbled upon a mass shooting happening inside the Backrooms? America truly hits different. [23:27] "Yeah, yeah... yeah. Okay." 13Kari swallows and hits the hang up button on her phone. [23:27] "I guess this way..." [23:27] 13Kari heads toward the sound of... are we sure it was a gun? [23:29] It’s either a gun or someone setting off fireworks. [23:30] "...At least this looks different from before." 13She pushes open the double frosted doors like she's about to face the Asylum Demon. [23:30] "Ron, you okay buddy?" 13She calls over her shoulder. "You and Greg getting real quiet back there." [23:31] Ron: “Fine.” [23:31] Greg: “Keep narrating!” [23:31] "We are so past putting this video out, man." [23:31] The double frosted doors open onto a ballroom, dance floor cleared for action and full of dancers. [23:32] "Fffffffffff." [23:32] Dozens of white mannequins are dancing with each other, slowly, their limbs moving back and forth as strings descend from the ceiling and pull their arms and legs this way and that. [23:32] 13So she's left gawking at the front of a crowded ballroom in her flopsweat-stained T-shirt and the two stooges close behind her. [23:32] Somewhere in the room is something playing music. [23:33] 13Is there at least a hint of natural light coming from somewhere? A window? [23:34] Not in here. [23:34] Elegant lamps line the edges of the dancefloor, casting light on everything. [23:35] 13Kari is speechless. Is there a way past the dancing marionettes that'll let them get to another door? [23:36] She might recognize the song: [23:36] There is. Another doorway on the far side. [23:37] Except: [23:37] The doors on that side are open. As she spies it, two men in white run past. They hear another blast. [23:38] Three men in old gas masks and trenchcoats walk past the door, slowly shooting shotguns and reloading as they walk. [23:38] "FUCK!" 13Kari screams. [23:38] One pauses to look at the three of them amidst the mannequins, before he continues, and the masked men pass out of sight. [23:39] "What the fuck was that!?" [23:39] "Wait, come fucking back-" [23:39] Ron and Greg run to hide behind the ballroom’s stage. [23:39] 13In the space of a few seconds Kari dashes through the puppets toward the door, waving her arms. "We're here!" [23:41] The two “men” are there, on the floor, fully clothed. It’s a pair of mannequins, torn apart by buckshot at point-blank range. [23:41] Long ribbons of red tissue paper spill out all around them. [23:41] The masked men are nowhere to be seen. [23:42] 13Is the dance ball continuing amid the paper carnage? [23:42] It is. Uninterrupted. [23:42] The corridor the dead mannequins lie in is short and totally nondescript. There’s another door at the end. [23:43] As she’s staring at the mannequins, Kari realizes that at least one of them is carrying a wallet, since it looks like at least half a wallet’s contents have been torn open by gunfire. [23:46] 13She reaches down with a trembling hand to pick up the remains of the wallet from the shredded mannequin. [23:48] The blown apart paper looks like…money. And a bus pass? Remaining inside the wallet is a black-and-white driver’s license, belonging to one Eric K. Carter, issued 1953. [23:49] The second mannequin has a wallet, too, with an I.D. issued in 1955 and belonging to Ronald Burbach. [23:52] 13Kari closes her eyes and thinks. "We need to follow those other people. We need to get the fuck out of here, right now." [23:53] 13She scoops up the ID cards into her pockets and leans back to wave Greg and Ron onward. Ronward. [23:53] Where to? The only doors they haven’t opened are at the end of this corridor and the rooms marked 1-4. [23:54] 13Which way did the men in the masks go? [23:54] They were moving towards the door. [23:55] At the end of the corridor. [23:55] Greg and Ron are beside her. [23:56] Greg whispers. [23:56] “Further…inside. We have to.” [23:57] "Okay boys, huddle. Take a knee or whatever." 13Kari claps her hands onto each of their shoulders and leans in. "I fucking hate to say it but Greg's probably right. Ron, what do you think?" [23:57] "Ron stop looking at the puppets. Ron." [23:58] Ron is shaking, but looks at her. “I think…um…I think we should f-find a w-window. And break it.” Session Time: Sat Sep 03 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] "Yeah man as soon as we find one." [00:01] 13She steps back out of the huddle, swinging her arms and trying to drown out the music so she can think. "Anywhere but fucking here, man. Let's go." 13Kari makes for the door at the end of the corridor. [00:03] As she takes a step forward, she hears a burst of static that resolves into a shrill hiss that almost sounds like someone calling her name. [00:03] -Carrol Rain Maarten- [00:05] The door at the end of the corridor opens if she tries the handle. On the other side of the door is a lightless black pit. An elevator shaft, straight down. [00:06] Greg looks past her shoulder, into the darkness. [00:06] "Still think we should keep going, dude?" [00:06] “Look: [00:06] "I-I'm not really feeling the vibe here." [00:06] “Look.”* [00:07] He points down. [00:07] "I see the hole." [00:07] Two white eyes look up, from a very far way away. [00:08] 13Dumbfounded, she stares back down at them. [00:08] “It’s inviting us. In.” [00:09] "No, man. No fucking way." [00:09] "Greg." 13Kari puts her hands on his shoulders and tries to physically push the man back from the pit. "Greg, come the fuck on. You are not allowed to get all fucking Junji Ito on me here." [00:09] Ron: “Please. Please. Let’s just go back.” [00:10] "Yeah I'm with Ron on this, this is fucking insane. We should just go back-" [00:15] Greg puts his hands back on Kari, and pushes. He’s bigger than her. [00:15] He throws her to the ground, besides the door. [00:15] Greg puts his camera down on the ground. “You’ll see.” [00:16] “You just have to go through. You always have to keep going.” [00:16] “That’s how it works.” [00:17] Greg takes a step over the edge, and drops into the darkness. [00:17] 13Kari lets out a yelp as she stumbles to the ground, crying out and reaching for his ankle before he can jump- and then he's just fucking gone. [00:18] Ron sinks to his hands and knees. [00:20] 13Kari just sits there in stunned silence next to the blinking camera. It's been recording the whole time. [00:21] The hiss calling her name resolves with a pop. [00:21] It’s no longer a statement. [00:21] Carrol Rain Maarten? [00:22] Come in. [00:23] "No; fuck you." [00:23] Hello. Carrol Rain Maarten. [00:23] Come in. [00:24] "Ron," 13Karen shakes the big guy by the arm. "Ron, I'm gonna head back to the hearth and pour out all the liquor on the floor and burn this place to the fucking ground." [00:24] 13Kari [00:24] Ron can only nod, mutely. [00:25] 13She tries (ineffectually) to haul him to his feet. "Come on man." [00:25] Come in. Carrol Rain Maarten. [00:26] Come in. Ronald Burbach III. [00:26] Come in. Gregory Armstrong. [00:26] Ron gets up and follows her. [00:26] 13Can she make it back to the room with the liquor cabinet, at least? [00:27] She can. It’s as she left it. [00:27] She even notices a humidor underneath the bar, full of cigars. [00:27] Come in. Carrol Rain Maarten. Ronald Burbach III. Gregory Armstrong. Come in. [00:27] Ron gasps. “There’s…a voice in my head…Kari!” [00:28] 13Kari: "Yeah, Ron, I hear it too." [00:28] 13She takes the mostly-full bottle of vodka and begins ripping up some of the carpet from the floor with the awl from her toolbelt. [00:29] It’s not supernaturally durable or anything - it comes up easy. [00:29] Ron picks up a bottle of tequila and hurls it against the wall. [00:29] “Fuck you!” [00:30] 13She uncorks the bottle and drains some of it onto the fabric, thoroughly soaking it. "That's what I'm thinking." [00:30] No response. [00:31] Ron runs over to the bar and comes up with an armful of bottles. One by one, he throws them into the fire, each one sending licks of flame out of the hearth to scorch the room. [00:31] Please. Come in. [00:32] 13She takes the swirling bottle of vodka and its reeking necktie of fabric up into her hand, lighting it on the blazing inferno that swells out of the fireplace. She watches the molotov burn in her hand for a moment before ambling over to the cabinet and plucking out one of the cigars from the box. [00:33] 13Kari lights it on the burning fabric and puffs once, twice, before hurling the flaming bottle down the corridor toward the room full of paper puppets. [00:34] 13Shit, this really got out of hand fast, didn't it. [00:34] The glass bottle sails through the frosted double doors to burst among the dancing mannequins. She can see fire start to spread up the dancers’ bodies, and up the strings moving them. They dance on, as the fire spreads. [00:34] Come in. [00:34] No response. [00:34] Switching operator. [00:35] Pero like fucking pick up NOW stupid. [00:35] HELLO [00:36] Ron is throwing bottles against the walls, laughing as they shatter. “Fuck you! Fuck you!” [00:37] H O L A E S T U P I D O MAKE CONTACT [00:37] 13What the fuck does it want from us?? [00:38] "You killed Greg, asshole!" [00:38] Ballou what the fuck are you sure they speak english lol. Maybe they died. [00:39] 13Where is it coming from?? [00:39] Hello dumbasses. Pick up. Come in three people who are where they should not be. [00:39] The voice(s?) are in her head. [00:39] "PICK UP WHAT, ASSHOLE!?" [00:39] 13Wow the smoke's really starting to get bad, huh. [00:40] The flames are starting to spread to the corridor with the numbered rooms. [00:40] Oh my god finally. Hello. [00:40] Are you alive stupid??? [00:41] Confirm??? [00:41] "I'm going insane." [00:41] Ron is taking books from the huge bookshelf and stabbing their pages with a broken bottle. [00:42] "FUCKING HELP!" 13Is what the voice gets back while she tries to tug Ron away from the fire. [00:43] Taki get off the line. [00:43] Come in. Carrol Rain Maarten. Come in. Acknowledge. Think your responses. [00:43] Hurry. [00:44] 13help help help [00:45] The fire, once it reaches the luxurious decorations of the numbered room corridor, blazes up as it consumes a new source of fuel. [00:45] 13HELP [00:45] Got it. Two of them. See? Okay, take the location down. Nez, get the breach. [00:46] Taki, take over. [00:46] Hey Carrol Rain Maarten. Do you have a sledgehammer or something. [00:46] 13what the fuck kind of question is that!? [00:46] 13Are you coming or not!? [00:46] Black smoke is starting to pile up on the ceiling of the lounge. [00:47] Listen dummy. Do you have something that can break down a wall. [00:47] 13NO [00:47] You have to come to us. [00:47] Ron is unbuckling his toolbelt and getting close to the floor, sucking in air. [00:48] Okay. [00:48] Fuck okay Ballou I’m going to port something in and she can use that. [00:48] Hey Carrol picture something you really really hate. [00:49] 13She's thinking of the eyes at the bottom of the elevator shaft. She's thinking of her dad and Jimmy from 12th grade. She's thinking of the fucking voice. [00:49] Lol yeah okay you can use me. [00:49] Yeah you hate me!! [00:49] Think about punching me in the face!! [00:50] Wrap it around your fist as you picture it!! [00:51] 13It's too fucking hot in here. It's hard to breathe through the choking smoke, and if this doesn't work, all three of them are gonna die in here. [00:51] 13IS IT WORKING?? [00:51] The smoke is turning the air into a thick haze, impossible to see through. [00:52] Yes. Punch wall now. Do not stop until we tell you to. [00:52] Any wall. [00:52] And keep hold of whoever is with you. [00:54] 13Kari loops her arm around Ron's and lets out a choking warcry before driving her fist straight into the fucking wall. [00:57] 13She officially goes 'goblin mode'. [00:57] Her first blurs with a bright blue energy. [00:57] 13By the end of it she isn't even punching, but clawing, trying to burrow through the wall like she's clawing out of her own grave. [00:57] The wall gives way, like she’s tearing through a spider’s web. It’s stringy, and sticky. [00:58] “Keep going!” [00:58] The voice, for once, is not coming from inside her head. It’s coming from the other side of the wall she’s clawing through. [00:58] “Prep first aid.” [00:59] “Howdy, get the lights-“ [01:00] “Two coming in.” [01:00] 13She tunes it all out, piling the crumbling drywall at her feet in a mad scramble to tear open a hole big enough to fit through. [01:01] As she punches and tears holes in the collapsing wall, as the fire blazes behind her, as the H.C. twists and melts around her and a pair of white eyes looks out at her from the smoke, a half-dozen hands burst through the wall, grab Kari and Ron, and pull. [01:01] They come through the wall. [01:03] The air is stale, but clean. The harsh fluorescent lights are suddenly blinding. People are talking quickly around them as they lie on the floor. “Howdy, get the seal-“ “Vitals are okay, smoke inhalation-“ “Sleeper, Sleepwalker-“ “Where’s the third?” [01:04] 13Kari just collapses to the ground in complete shock and curls up into the fetal position with her arms around her knees. [01:04] Someone puts an oxygen mask on her, and a blanket. [01:04] They’re back, in the backrooms. [01:05] She’s heard some of the voices before, from inside her head. [01:06] “Yeah man, no idea where the third is. I’ve got juice for one wipe. Your pick.” [01:07] "He fell." 13Kari groans, rubbing her eyes. "Oh my god, Greg fell." [01:07] “Ballou, the sleeper is a wreck. We’re talking permanent psych trauma.” [01:07] 13She takes her hands off her eyes. Please say we're out of that place. [01:08] A voice next to her speaks: “It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re going to be okay.” [01:09] The voice she heard the very first time: “Listen. I’m taking your cameras. Nothing to be done about it.” [01:10] "Take it dude, fuck." 13She turns on her side and crumples up tight. "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit." [01:11] 13She reaches up to press the oxygen mask to her face. Deep breaths, deep breaths. [01:11] Yellow wallpaper all around. [01:12] “Stretchers are here.” “Okay, get under them. Lift.” Hands move her to a rolling platform. [01:13] She’s beeing wheeled out of the yellow wallpaper, into the real world. [01:13] “Ballou, window’s closing. Gotta wipe right now if we’re going to.” [01:14] 3What's that mean? Don't know, don't care. [01:14] 13What's that mean? Don't know, don't care. [01:15] A palm is very gently tapping Kari’s cheek to get her attention. “Hey. Listen again. I can take one of your memories of this away. Your friend is unconscious. I’m going to be honest. He’s way worse off than you are right now. Will you accept keeping this for now, so we can help him?” [01:17] 13Kari, still delirious: "Yeah sure man, whatever." [01:17] 13She is not in a position to be making that judgment call! [01:18] “Come on. That’s not her choice.” [01:18] “Fine. It’s mine. Wipe him.” [01:20] They’re being wheeled through the lobby of the Mission Inn, as people stare concernedly at them. The people wheeling her out are dressed as paramedics. [01:20] “No mames, guey. How’d you even fucking get in there?” [01:20] 13The ringing in her ears is starting to fade as she's wheeled out onto the street. Is it still daylight? [01:21] It’s night-time. [01:21] 13Fuck. [01:22] "We-we got a tip online." 13She sounds extremely hoarse. "You know.. urbex... house of leaves- that shit?" [01:22] “Alright homie, you’re all safe. Nez, get the siren.” [01:23] She and Ron are loaded side-by-side into the ambulance, which drives off. The paramedics are taking off their masks. [01:23] “Urbex? Fuckin…spelunking?? In there??” [01:24] The driver looks back. “That’s bad luck. Literally one day before it got warded off.” [01:27] The one next to Kari laughs. “Damn, dude. You moved in quicker than HQ did. Just don’t do it again. You go back to…” She holds up a hand - “Ohio??? God damn dude! Freaking okies, I swear to god! Yankee go home!” [01:27] 13Kari just stares back at the paramedic standing over her, then glances back over to Ron, and the empty stretcher for the third person. With perfect lucidity: "I need a barf bag." [01:27] "Now." [01:27] “Taki, shut up.” [01:27] The person actually monitoring her vitals puts something paper next to her mouth. [01:28] 13A mix of vodka and puke slush fills the bag and when Kari's through, she rolls onto her back on the stretcher and balls her fists over her eyes and just lies there. [01:28] "Are you cops?" [01:29] “Hahaha!” [01:29] “Fuck 12.” [01:30] 13Thusly answered: "Where are we going?" [01:30] “Taki, chill out. Just let her rest.” [01:30] “Damn, Howdy. Sticking up for tourists over your best pal? I see how it is.” [01:32] “We’re taking you to the hospital. Your vitals are good. You’ve sustained serious injury as the result of smoke inhalation. You may be experiencing hallucinations. You’re not in trouble. Don’t worry about medical bills or anything, okay?” [01:32] “Do you have an emergency contact?” [01:33] "Do not call my parents." [01:34] “Tell me who to call.” [01:35] “We’re here.” [01:36] Kari’s carer stays with her as the others get the stretchers out of the back of the ambulance. [01:37] "It's my contact in the Network. I don't know his first name. Just ask for 'Tassadar'. Fuck, I- I don't wanna talk to them." [01:37] 13She gives the number. [01:38] “Sleeper vigilante network. Give it to Ballou.” [01:38] 3What the fuck am I gonna say? [01:38] “Alright, cuh. You’re officially out of danger. You stay safe, now. Don’t go chasing waterfalls.” [01:39] 13Yeah whatever the hell that means. [01:40] One of the paramedics squeeze her hand, and then they climb into the ambulance and drive off, right as a half-dozen hospital personnel rush out and grab the stretchers. [01:40] They put her through her paces. [01:41] She and Ron are okay. Smoke inhalation and heat stroke, and exhaustion. That’s what the doctors say. [01:41] In the hospital room, they drew the privacy screen around her bed. [01:42] It’s quiet, and dark on the ward. [01:42] There’s some dim light coming through the window, some neon sign, that can be seen through the screen. [01:42] Like two overlapping circles. A venn diagram turned on its side. [01:44] And for a moment, before she falls all the way asleep, Kari can swear that she saw something white, wearing clothes, standing at the nurse’s station. Until she wakes up, and realizes that everything is fine. [01:44] 13At this point, she's too exhausted to care. She simply rolls on her side away from the figure and falls asleep. 02[02:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[05:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-okd.702.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[09:24] * Disconnected 02[09:24] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[09:24] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[09:28] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:47] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5t2.p8k.135.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:14] * Disconnected 02[10:14] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[10:14] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[11:02] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[12:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5t2.p8k.135.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:35] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:33] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-n7p.7eh.129.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[13:34] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[15:13] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-n7p.7eh.129.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-n7p.7eh.129.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:14] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[15:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-n7p.7eh.129.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-7kr.mak.136.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:09] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Sun Sep 04 00:00:01 2022 02[00:47] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-7kr.mak.136.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[00:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:24] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:25] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qag.t0j.150.124.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:47] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-78a.5c2.19.37.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[01:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:48] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[04:36] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[08:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:05] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-78a.5c2.19.37.IP) Quit (Connection closed) 03[09:18] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-oug.u11.180.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:49] * Quaker ( Quit (Client 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#inlandvampire 02[22:10] * Disconnected 02[22:10] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[22:10] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[22:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:37] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2al.a8k.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Mon Sep 05 00:00:00 2022 02[00:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:01] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[03:22] * banana ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[03:23] * banana ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[03:24] * banana is now known as Guest41450 03[04:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[06:07] * Guest41450 is now known as banana 03[10:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:42] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2al.a8k.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2al.a8k.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:43] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[13:45] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:52] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2al.a8k.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5gt.8v6.17.84.IP) has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Sep 06 00:00:00 2022 02[03:19] * Disconnected 02[03:22] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[03:22] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[03:22] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[03:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[06:48] * Disconnected 02[06:48] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[06:48] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[08:03] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ojj.613.148.193.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5gt.8v6.17.84.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:04] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[10:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ojj.613.148.193.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:09] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:57] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:05] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vn7.bd7.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vn7.bd7.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Wed Sep 07 00:00:00 2022 02[00:24] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[01:34] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:39] * Disconnected 02[05:41] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[05:41] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[05:41] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Sep 07 05:43:29 2022 Session Start: Wed Sep 07 05:47:08 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[05:47] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[10:01] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[15:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:21] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-uhe.bg5.249.104.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-uhe.bg5.249.104.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[18:49] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ujq.9fv.119.92.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:04] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:32] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[23:16] * banana|peels is now known as banana Session Time: Thu Sep 08 00:00:00 2022 02[00:04] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[09:08] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ujq.9fv.119.92.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[09:14] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:37] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8hs.svj.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:08] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ab5.e75.246.80.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8hs.svj.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:09] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[17:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ab5.e75.246.80.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-uc0.34i.19.81.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Fri Sep 09 00:00:00 2022 03[00:03] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:05] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:22] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[14:20] * Disconnected Session Start: Fri Sep 09 14:26:49 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[14:26] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[19:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:52] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:02] - [20:02] - [20:02] - [20:02] - [20:02] - [20:06] The Marques was blunt, but not unkind about it: [20:06] If you don’t even know where to start about getting a ghoul, you probably need some muscle to help you out with your work. [20:06] The wrestler is a permanent attachment. The human is…call this an audition. If you like her, keep her. 03[20:07] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4p2.dne.97.61.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-uc0.34i.19.81.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:08] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 [20:13] This job is from Rune. She said she can get you a permanent membership card to the goblin market, if you do her a favor. It’ll be dangerous, though. On the other hand, you keep what you find. [20:15] 13Where we droppin', boys? 00[20:18] 4Not my call. [20:18] Every one of Rune’s kind knows the name of the land of Wishery, the dreamland. It’s a grand, distant place out in the dimension they call the Hedge, a sea of mirrors and purple grass. Floating above it, a mote in the sky, is the ruined city of Zyan, the Great City, the Puppeteer City, the Dreaming City of arcades and porcelain abbatoirs, inquisitors and palaces and rivers of stinking filth - and the city’s twin, underneath, on the other [20:18] side of the great floating rock, a steaming white jungle with trees like mirrors of the spires above. [20:20] Anyway, something has recently been blocking access to one of the best ways into the further ruins. Something about a spider-demon, say the rangers. Find it, deal with it, clear the way. And the membership card, and whatever you can carry out, will be yours. [20:21] 6Marisol: “Okay, ya’ll, are you ready?” 00[20:21] 4Scrim finishes stretching. Pure placebo effect; dead muscles don't need lactic acid or iso tension. "Yup." 00[20:21] "So you're Mari. And she's Kari." [20:22] 13Kari is still fucking around with her camera. "One second one second okay let's check the audio. Pog? Poggy woggy? Okay we're good." 00[20:22] "Just making sure I got that straight." [20:22] Oh - the entrace is in a back door of a downtown used bookshop owned by one of Rune’s kind. He’s charging $200 per head as an entrance fee. She says that a trio of young apprentices paid the fee and went through the door - which just appeared one day in his shop, apparently - and haven’t been heard from since. Poor kids. [20:22] entrance* 00[20:22] 4Hey, that's three possible food sources they'll find mindlessly and violently wandering the...whatever this is. [20:22] 13How long ago was that? 00[20:23] 4Scrim's still not sure about this whole 'working with a living, breathing human girl' thing, and not in the weird Reddit freak way. [20:23] Let’s say a week. [20:24] Have the others seen a spirit up close? Grumma-Lumma is unmaterialized, but he still keeps close to Marisol like a preschooler hiding behind his mother’s legs. 00[20:24] 4Probably not. [20:25] 13The camera wheels from bookshelf to bookshelf and switches to a monochrome green as Kari flips to night vision. 00[20:25] 4Scrim probably can't even see them, so it's all good. [20:25] 13Do the eyes in the dark of the elevator shaft count? Anyway no. Definitely she's never seen anything like Grumma-Lumma before. [20:27] 6Marisol: “I got this.” 6She pulls her phone out. “So, do you take apple pay?” [20:27] The bell on the door will have alerted the owner to their presence. It’s pretty late at night - this place is a warren of almost mouldering romance novels and old self-help books. “Hey!” says a voice. “We’re closing!” An older man with a hooked nose and a sweater vest peers down the aisles. [20:28] “Apple pay…for books? No. Cards or cash.” [20:29] From his perspective, three strangers have walked into his store. 00[20:29] 4One of them is in jorts, short-top black boots, sunglasses, and a jean jacket. And that's it. 00[20:29] 4He looks at the books somewhat suspiciously. 00[20:30] "You got Boy George's autobiography?" [20:30] 6Marisol: “I have my debit card on me. We’re trying to get through to the back door.” 00[20:30] 4Take It Like a Man: The Autobiography of Boy George, August 2012 pub. This is not a sarcastic question. [20:31] “No. I hate Culture Club.” [20:31] “Oh! The backdoor. Ah…very special. For friends only.” 00[20:31] 4Scrim takes off the glasses, stares at him, then turns to Mari. "Pay the man his money and let's go." [20:32] 6Marisol: “I have the money, and I’m friends with Rune.” [20:32] “Very good. Three heads…we’ll call it six hundred. And you sign a waiver. Eh, you can call me Sammy.” 00[20:33] 4Scrim makes a face. [20:33] “I will warn you beforehand…my nephew Samir is a very accomplished lawyer. I bear no responsibility for what happens to you on the other side.” [20:33] 13Kari lowers her camera and rolls her shoulders. She's not about to interrupt while someone else is paying! [20:33] 6Marisol: “Sounds fine. We know the risk.” 6She hands her card to him. [20:34] He scans the card and puts the paperwork in front of them. Yadda yadda yadda, third party not responsible for loss of life or limb, entrants assume all risk, etc. [20:34] 13Stuff shuffles audibly inside Kari's backpack as she does a stretch and touches her shoetips. 00[20:35] 4Scrim signs it SAMMY. [20:35] 6Marisol signs it MARISOL S. [20:36] 13Kari! With an exclamation mark. [20:36] Then: “And then somebody needs to prime the pump, of course. For the Freehold!” He takes a dark glass bottle marked XXX from behind the counter and pours amber liquid into a dusty shot glass, and then rummages around behind the counter some more. Then, he drops a .22 bullet minus the casing into the shot glass. It smells like alcohol, at least. [20:36] “Ah, another Sammy! Good luck, my friend.” 00[20:37] 4Scrim: "Yeah. That's what I've been running on til now. Good luck." 00[20:37] 4What's he supposed to do with this? [20:38] One of them will have to drink it. 00[20:38] 4Scrim glances at Kari. [20:38] 13Kari ducks in between them and takes up the glass, pinkie out. [20:38] 6Marisol nudges Scrim: “Just take a sip and give it to Kari.” [20:38] 13Too late! Skoal. 00[20:38] 4Scrim: "I--oh." 00[20:39] 4Midwest girls. [20:39] 13It's on the house! Kari deposits the shotglass on the counter with a satisfying clunk and steps back, swinging her arms. [20:39] It tastes like molasses. At least it goes down smooth. Sammy beams. “Right this way. Follow me.” [20:39] "Let's gooooo." 00[20:39] 4Scrim will take the lead unless Mari insists. 00[20:40] 4It's been sort of very clearly explained what his role is here. 00[20:40] 4Guy who gets the sucker punch. [20:40] Sammy leads them through several winding aisles, ducking under wobbling towers of unsorted books, until he reaches a nondescript metal door. He waves them through. “Just on the other side.” [20:40] Once they go in: [20:40] 6Marisol: “Scrim…we can lead together. If that’s okay…” 00[20:41] 4Scrim puts up his hands. "Yeah. Just, you know, anything leaps out of the shadows, duck." [20:41] 13Kari flips the viewing pane on her camera out and scans the room in the dull night-vision half-light, a bright patch of light illuminating half her face in the dark. 00[20:41] 4He'll take up position at Mari's right elbow. [20:41] It’s a dusty, empty room about the size of a storage closet. Nothing here except concrete walls and floor. Except, on the opposite side of the room... [20:43] "So, ah, you guys been before..?" 13Kari whispers, the camera shot lingering on her team. [20:43] There’s a door three feet wide by six feet tall. It’s painted cerulean blue, with gold leaf in swirling patterns that glint dully in the darkness. There’s a door handle in the middle of the painted wood, in the shape of a swan’s head and neck. [20:44] 6Marisol opens the door. 00[20:44] 4Scrim: "Been what? Been to the Empire?" 00[20:45] 4He follows behind Marisol. "I been a lot of places." [20:45] 6Marisol: “To the spirit world? a few times.” [20:45] 13Kari: "Yeah something's definitely weird about this place- getting all sorta weird artifacting." 13She squints, tapping the viewport. 00[20:46] 4Scrim: "Kari, you gonna be able to have, like, situational awareness with that thing?" 00[20:47] 4Scrim: "Maybe just keep it on the harness while we're in here." [20:47] 6Marisol: “Kari, you’re very brave for doing this.” 00[20:48] 4Scrim: "That, or no one told her what it was she was doing." [20:48] 13The groan is long and belabored. "Guys, come on, I'm a professional." [20:49] 6Marisol: “Aren’t you like a…twitch person?” 00[20:49] 4Scrim: "Lady, you brought a damn frying pan." [20:49] "Everyone knows frying pan is meta." [20:49] 6Marisol holds her laugh in. [20:50] 13Kari is turning red. [20:50] 6Marisol: “Meta?” 00[20:50] "They're like Facebook, or something." [20:50] 13She turns to Mari: "I am a twitch person, yes." [20:51] 13Kari: "I'm... look, I'm trying to keep this seperate, okay? I don't want work work people on my stream, you know..?" 13She sounds kinda sad. 00[20:51] 4Scrim doesn't 'get it.' "Well, stay sharp, kid." [20:52] The door they enter is covered in faded blue tile, chipped and buckled. To their east (assume ‘up’ on the map is north) is a closed heavy wooden door. To the west there is an arched exist, leading to a larger space. If they glimpse back at the door they just came through, it’s made of rusted and pitted on this side. [20:52] 6Marisol: “Well, I think it’s good that you’re starting with us. We’ll do our best to protect you.” 6Marisol glances at Scrim. 00[20:52] 4Scrim kinda like shrugs at Marisol. Look, he's not a people person. [20:53] But, in the meantime, there’s a sudden whooshing sound and a loud BANG. Landing on its feet, with its arms outstretched like a gymnast, is a three-foot gray cat wearing a cowboy hat. “Finally!” [20:53] The totem spirit immediately goes to Marisol’s side and eyes the newcomers warily. 00[20:53] 4...Three legs... 00[20:53] 4Lotta different holds. [20:53] 13Kari puts down her camera onto the clip on her backpack strap and smiles sadly at her: "Do your best to protect you, hun." [20:54] That’s three feet tall, not three-footed. 00[20:54] 4...Three feet tall... 00[20:54] 4Lotta different holds. [20:54] 6Marisol smiles and pets Grumma-Lumma. “He’s our totem spirit. The best guide around!” 00[20:54] 4Scrim: "Yo." [20:54] 13Her eyes widen to saucers for a split second before narrowing to points. "Jesus! You didn't feel like letting me in on that before?" [20:55] 6Marisol: “You honestly would not have believed me if I told you.” 00[20:55] 4Scrim puts his palms up. He's not getting dinged for the Masquerade violation here. 00[20:55] "Which way we headed, chief?" [20:56] 6Marisol starts walking west into a large room, “I think this is a good place to start.” [20:56] 13Kari: "No, no, hold on a second here, give me like thirty seconds here." 13Kari lets out her held breath, turning to jog in place for a moment to work out her nerves before returning to the massive cat with her palm out. "Please let me pat your head." [20:57] Grumma-Lumma puffs his hair out. “Pay me the proper respect, human! I am a courtier of the Navel Queen!” [20:57] Marisol: 00[20:57] 4Scrim will stay on Marisol's elbow as cat antics occur. [20:58] "Ohmigosh." [20:58] 6Marisol: “Yeah, just like a cat, he needs to get to know you better.” [20:58] 13Kari holds off. "I'm ready to go then. Haha- that's- I don't need any coffee." [20:59] Grumma-Lumma: “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m doing this for the money.” 00[20:59] 4Scrim: "Yeah, he's a cat." [20:59] "Sure you are," 13She returns in a cutesy voice. [21:00] 6Marisol shakes her head at Kari, “Girl, he’s going to get really angry at you.” [21:00] 13Kari gives the spirit a wide berth, but she can hardly contain her giggling. Just look at it! [21:02] 13She'll stop to tighten the laces on her running shoes before jogging to catch up with the others. [21:04] Right as they move into the room to the west, the three of them can hear a faint noise. It sounds like…distant sounds of pipes, or flutes. 00[21:05] 4Scrim slips out of his jean jacket and tosses it away. [21:05] In the room to the west: 00[21:05] 4He's in very good shape, with very dumb-guy tattoos. [21:06] 13Kari steps past the discarded jacket and tries her best to look at everything but the shirtless man before her. "Whattaya think?" [21:07] They smell the stench of decay. The floor here is covered, ankle deep, in a layer of thick and filthy straw. Above their heads is a 40’ high domed ceiling. In the center of the room is a marble fountain run dry. The western wall is taken up by a pair of half-collapsed wooden doors. 00[21:08] 4Scrim: "Lotta straw. Hasn't been changed." 00[21:08] "Don't like it." 00[21:08] "You both hear those pipes?" [21:08] Two sets of stairs lead up to a balcony, with its balustrade about 15 feet up. Dangling from the balustrade, hanged by their necks, are three masked figures. [21:09] "Yeah, it's low but the cam's picking it up too, so it can't be in our heads." [21:09] 6Marisol nods, “yeah.” 00[21:09] 4Scrim: "Hey, if it isn't the trios champs." [21:09] 13Kari sucks air through her teeth. 00[21:10] "Or at least their effigy. What's this place's deal, anyway? Are they gonna attack us or give us a mission or just...hang there?" 00[21:10] 4He kicks his legs around. Gonna be his first time fighting in filthy straw. ...He can work with it. [21:10] 13Kari frowns: "We gotta make sure it's them, you know- we gotta unmask 'em to be sure." 00[21:11] 4Scrim: "...Do we know what they look like?" [21:11] "Human?" [21:11] 13She taps the lens of her camera. "We can cross-reference it later." 00[21:12] 4Scrim: "Lotta kinds of human. Marisol, I'm gonna cut them down." [21:12] 6Marisol gives a sad look to Kari, “I’m sorry. Scrim can you cut them down please?” 00[21:12] 4On the same page. This is a good working group already. [21:13] 13Kari gives Marisol an odd look before following the tattooed man up to the hanging bodies. [21:14] As they move towards the bodies through the straw, both Kari and Scrim’s feet bump into heavy objects. Somebody’s hidden and cocked bear traps under the straw. They’re lucky they didn’t put their feet on the plates. 00[21:15] 4Scrim: "Nobody move." [21:15] 13Kari feels around in the straw with her foot. "Oh fuuug." 00[21:15] 4He looks around. If he could jump to a wall, climb across it, then jump down to the bodies, could he do that without risking anymore traps? It sounds like he could with the geography. 00[21:16] 14Scrim: "We have any way to see where the fucking bear traps are down there? Either cutting the grass away or...other means?" [21:16] Scrim can do that, if he wants. He could also just move carefully through the straw, knowing to watch where he puts his feet. His call. 00[21:16] 4Scrim: "We have any way to see where the fucking bear traps are down there? Either cutting the grass away or...other means?" [21:18] Marisol: [21:19] 6Marisol: “Can you go up the wall?” Kari, I don’t think there’s a way for you to go up there. Let Scrim do it.” 00[21:19] 4Scrim closes his eyes, takes a deep breath -- this is odd maybe to Kari, since she might have noticed he hasn't actually been breathing -- and then claws spurt from his fingers and toes, out through holes in the toe of his boots, and he leaps to the wall of the room. 00[21:20] 4He crawls up and around the dome of the room like a certain Marvel man, stopping above the balustrade and dropping to it in a crouch, eyes yellow and fangs just behind teeth. From here he can cut the ropes with his lethal razor claws. [21:21] 13Kari: "Umm ummmm, ummm." 13Kari clamps up and turns the camera away to investigate the suddenly very interesting other corner of the room. 00[21:21] 4Scrim: "Gonna cut the cords." [21:21] "Yeah," 13her voice cracks. [21:22] 6Marisol nods. 00[21:22] 4He moves his hand to the first one, takes two fingers like a peace sign together, and slices their claws through the rope like a knife. [21:22] Now that he’s on the second floor, he can see the balcony leads to three small rooms, all of which have had their doors torn off their hinges or smashed in. There’s little brass plaques labeled A, B, and C above each door. [21:22] The bodies drop onto the straw below. [21:24] 13The camera is very shaky now, mostly focused on shots of her feet taking one careful step through the straw after another toward the crumpled figures on the floor ahead. 00[21:26] 4Scrim: "Wait, wait. I can see some of the traps. There, there, there...okay, try it." [21:27] 13Kari offers an unsteady thumbs up as she hops between the lumps of straw that Scrim points out from above. The lump in her throat is not going away. [21:28] 13She kneels over the bodies in the filthy hay and starts fucking around with the straps on the masks. [21:30] The masks end in pointed beaks, like a bird’s. They’re made of a fine, soft material, with small gems sewn into the fabric at intervals. The robes they wear are bloodied, but equally nice. [21:30] She doesn’t know any of the faces underneath. They look like ordinary humans. Just dead. Three young people. No visible injuries. 00[21:31] 4They dead recently enough to feed on? [21:31] They’ve been dead for about a week. 00[21:31] 4Sounds like a no. 00[21:31] 4Scrim: "Dead a week." 00[21:31] 4The nose knows. [21:31] 6Marisol: “Well....we can check their pockets.” 00[21:32] 4Scrim: "Yeah. See if they have stuff we can send back to their people." [21:32] Grumma-Lumma floats his cart, with himself on top, over the straw and up to the balcony. “Those masks are pretty nice. They’d fetch about $200 each.” 00[21:33] "Government ID, trinkets, whatever." [21:33] 13Kari gets shots of their faces for later confirmation and starts going through their pockets after setting aside the masks in a little pile. 00[21:33] 4Yeah sell the masks. [21:33] 6Marisol puts the masks in Grumma-Lumma’s cart. [21:33] 13This doesn't feel very good. [21:33] They don’t actually have pockets, unfortunately. Whoever put them in the masks and robes took their ordinary clothes away first. 00[21:34] 4Scrim grimaces. Then he glances at the three offset doors. [21:34] 13Kari gets up and retraces her steps between the traps. 00[21:34] 4How easy is it to check them? [21:34] 6Marisol: “We can’t do anything about it.” 6She eyes the doors leading to the next rooms. [21:34] Easy enough. The doors are off their hinges and barely upright. He doesn’t see any movement in the small rooms beyond. [21:35] 13Kari takes out a couple hygene wipes and rips off the plastic wrappers before wiping up and down her hands. [21:36] 13She looks slightly ill as she turns to offer Scrim and Mari some wet wipes for themselves. 00[21:36] 4Scrim: "I can check the rooms up here real quick." [21:36] 6Marisol: “Scrim, should I go up there and help you check?” 00[21:36] 4Scrim: "Yeah, Kari and I can get you through the traps. They're pretty easy to see when you know what you-- okay, head to the wall and..." [21:36] 6Marisol takes a wipe, “thanks.” 00[21:37] 4She should be able to get up to the balustrade. [21:37] 6Marisol carefully gets up to the balustrade following Scrim’s directions. 00[21:37] 4When they're up there outside the doors: "No offense, but this time I am going in first. I already popped the claws." [21:38] 6Marisol nods at him. [21:38] "Yeah no problem," 13Kari squeaks, not quite meeting Marisol's eyes. [21:38] 13The camera frame rises from the floor to take in the back half of the shirtless, clawed man stepping forward into the darkness. [21:39] Scrim can’t feel any heartbeats in the rooms. Nothing jumps up at him. [21:39] 13Well, aside from Kari's heartbeat, which is- yeah, very fast. 00[21:39] 4He'll give it another ten seconds, walking around a bit, before declaring-- "Clear." [21:39] Marisol: [21:40] 6Marisol: “See anything interesting?” 00[21:41] 4He takes a look. [21:41] Room A looks like a small bedroom. There’s a four-poster bed here, with a mattress that looks like somebody’s chainsawed it apart, and some tattered and filthy blankets on top. There’s a mirror attached to the wall, but somebody’s smashed it. The only other furniture in the room is an old armoire, once fine but now covered in deep scratches. 00[21:41] 4...Scratches coming from inside the armoire, or outside? [21:42] Inside the armoire, Scrim finds a very finely carved wooden casket — and inside that, a delicate web, made of thin gold strands. [21:42] On the outside. 00[21:42] 4Scrim: "Over here." 00[21:42] "I ain't touching this." [21:42] 6Marisol walks over, “I’m going to open it.” 00[21:43] 4Scrim: "I'm behind you. And slightly to your right." [21:43] 6Marisol grabs at the gold strands. [21:43] 13Kari follows after a moment's hesitation and sweeps the room in the camera's grainy nightvision, lingering especially on the scratches on the armoire. [21:44] Nothing happens as she palms the golden web. It’s incredibly light in her palm. [21:44] 6Marisol: “Well, let’s go to the next room.” [21:45] Grumma-Lumma peers in over Scrim’s shoulder. “Hmm. Based on the gold, it shouldn’t be worth that much. But somebody would pay a few grand for it, for some reason.” [21:45] Room B smells horrible. There’s another bed in here, but it’s been fouled with…anybody here ever worked on a farm? 00[21:45] 4Yeah, two summers in Texas. [21:46] Then he’ll know pigshit when he sees and smells it. [21:46] 6Marisol grimaces at the room. [21:46] Besides that, they see that the smashed mirror in this room has a nice gold frame. 00[21:46] 4Scrim: "Hooo-eee." [21:46] There are some tattered tapestries hanging on the walls, slashed into meaninglessness. [21:47] 13Kari is not going into that room. Her shoes are already caked in- well, let's just hope it's mud. 00[21:47] "The expression is happier than pigs in shit, but I've never seen it borne out." 00[21:47] "I'm gonna check the last room." [21:47] Room C is just empty. 00[21:47] "Well, we're good here." [21:48] 6Marisol carefully walks back downstairs to go into the next room.  [21:48] Grumma-Lumma bundles the mirror frame into the cart. [21:51] 13Kari just films the cat and his cart until she almost bumps into Marisol coming down the stairs. She laughs nervously and continues on. 00[21:52] 4Scrim will head down to the doors headed 'west' out of the room. The collapsed ones. [21:53] The room to the west is an antechamber, for one path leading further north and one path leading further west. Whatever frenzy of destruction ruined the last room continued in here. Smashed ceramic bowls and other detritus litter the floor. [21:54] 13Kari's giggle is sudden, nervous, and quickly stifled. She turns the camera away from Scrim to focus on the ruined walls. 00[21:54] 4Long halls both ways. [21:54] The smell of pig waste comes strongly from the western path. The path to the north is flanked by two still-smoldering censors hanging from the ceiling. 00[21:55]  00[21:55] 4Scrim: "So hear me out." 00[21:55] "We got pigshit everywhere." [21:55] Mari and Scrim can sense something through their Beasts. Further to the west is a…heartbeat. Steady. Huge. 00[21:55] "There's probably a big pig." 00[21:55] 4Scrim: "Really big pig." [21:56] 6Marisol: “Fuck.” 00[21:56] 4He frowns. "If he's that size...he just backed that ass up to Room B and let it rip." [21:56] 13Kari lowers her camera and side-eyes Mari: "You have claws too, huh?" 00[21:56] "That's messed up." [21:56] In the northwest corner of the room is a metal box with a padlock on it. There’s a design of a beaked mask on the box. Surrounding the box is a small pile of party favors and paper fans. [21:56] 13For her part, Kari unslings the frying pan from her back and wraps her palm into it the strap wound around its handle. [21:56] 6Marisol: “I don’t…I have guns.” [21:57] 6Marisol: “Scrim, did you pack any heat?” 00[21:57] 4Scrim laughs. "Did I. No." 00[21:58] "I got...these guns!" 4He flexes. To be fair, his entire chest and arm setup is extremely impressive. [21:59] 6Marisol grits her teeth, she’s so angry right now. “Okay…well, just be alert…” [22:00] Scrim and Kari hear something in the darkness to the west. [22:00] Something down that way is giggling. [22:00] 13Kari gulps and offers the most meager "haha," 13she can muster at Scrim's muscles. "Shit, fuck." 00[22:00] 4He pauses and lowers his arms. "Alright, we go west it's a fight." [22:01] 13Kari raps her knuckles on the back of the pan. 00[22:01] 4It's just the darkness through the arches, right? No doors? [22:02] Correct. [22:02] 6Marisol: “Okay.” 6She cocks her guns and flashes a light down the hall. 00[22:02] 4Scrim grins. 00[22:02] 4He'll skip and sprint up front, but stay out of Marisol's sight picture. 00[22:02] 4Sounds like we're going to go laugh it up. [22:02] The beam of the flashlight stops illuminating a few dozen feet in. It’s too long to see anything that way just by standing here. [22:03] 13Kari brings the camera to her eye and dials up the intensity on the light levels. Her other hand reminds wrapped firmly around the handle of the cast iron pan. Oh, wow, I really hope there isn't any teflon on this bad boy. [22:04] "We got a lock here," 13Kari hisses. 00[22:04] 4Scrim pauses in mid air, almost, and skips backwards. [22:06] 6Marisol: “Do you want to try to open it?” [22:07] 13Kari hands Marisol her camera. "Just for a second. Can you put the flashlight on the lock for me?" [22:08] 6Marisol grabs the camera and points the light on the lock. [22:08] 13She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a pair of matching metal spanners. Carefully hooking the two tools around the U-shaped lock, Kari levers them against each other until they start to bend. [22:09] 13There's a groan, a click, and a PLOK as the internal walls of the lock give out. "Pog! Let's goooooo." 00[22:10] 4Scrim leans against the arched mouth of the tunnel west, watching and listening, arms crossed, looking back over his shoulder constantly to check on Mari and Kari. [22:10] 13Kari flips open the lockbox and steps back to take back her camera from Mari. "Thanks!" [22:10] 6Marisol: “Wow!! You did great!” [22:11] "Gotta pay those bills!" [22:11] Inside the box are several sweet-smelling bricks of a dark brown substance. [22:12] 6Marisol: “…chocolate?” [22:12] Grumma-Lumma looks them over. “Incense.” [22:12] 6Marisol: “Don’t try it, just wondering. Let’s put this in Grumma-Lumma cart.” [22:12] 13Kari: "Ohh can I have some of that actually? I'm getting real into incenses and crystals these days." 00[22:13] 4When they're done with the church box: "If we're heading down this tunnel, I'm gonna do it on the ceiling. No one ever looks up." [22:13] 13He's right, you know. [22:14] 13The camera films the floor while Scrim talks. [22:16] 13Anyway Kari palms a brick of the incense into a little plastic baggie before shoveling the rest into the- is it literally like a wheeled shopping cart? Is Grumma-Lumma shoving a wheeled shopping cart through the hayfilth? [22:16] It’s like a food cart. [22:17] 6Marisol starts walking west with her gun and flashlight out, “I think we have a chance.” 00[22:17] 4As Marisol and Kari walk to the mouth of the arch 'west,' Scrim jump-climbs up the wall, and follows them along the ceiling. [22:21] Marisol can hear heartbeats further down the corridor. A half dozen of them. [22:22] 13The grainy green screen is filled with a whole lotta nothing as Kari paces forward. Oof- she's really starting to feel that shot of liquor. 00[22:22] 4The shirtless bejorted man disappears into the ceiling. [22:22] They get the jump on the things in the next room. [22:26] The dark corridor ends in a dimly lit room. Along the north wall is a tarnished marble bar, with ruined cabinets behind it. Iron lanterns are set into the south wall. Along the west room is a massive, complicated lock set into a metal door. A red tile path runs through the floor of this room, turning south halfway through and passing underneath an ornately curved arch. [22:26] 13A bar? ...Does this place look familiar at all to Kari? I mean, it can't be, right? [22:26] Among the refuse underneath the ruined cabinets are six figures who don’t notice the trio at first. [22:26] It does not. [22:27] 13Kari doesn't untense her grip on the handle of the iron frying pan, but she does let out her breath. [22:27] Their bodies are bone-white, with no pigmentation. White swine, who have human eyes and childrens’ hands. They are busy smearing their feces into the pile of trash under the cabinets behind the bar. They giggle unceasingly. [22:28] 13Kari nudges Marisol with her Elbow and makes an expression that the vampire can guess indicates something like 'can you believe this shit' 00[22:28] 4Scrim hangs out upstairs. [22:29] 6Marisol gives her a sympathetic look, poor girl has seen nothing yet. [22:30] One of the swine bumps the other as they smear shit onto things. With a giggle, the bumped one grabs a piece of wood and starts to bludgeon the other to death. The rest join in wordlessly - in an instant, they’re tearing the sixth one apart, limb from limb, and giggling as they work. [22:30] 13The camera's picking this up, yeah? [22:30] 6Marisol widens her eyes, that’s a first. [22:30] 13Kari's one visible eye in the little circle of illumination is widening. 00[22:31] 4Scrim looks down at the two of them. He can drop in whenever. [22:31] 13Kari takes up the frying pan and nods. 00[22:50] 4He drops out of the sky above the fifth among them, laughs, and dig his claws into the pig's chest before raking backwards and locking in a naked choke. [22:53] The pig’s stinking breath catches in its throat as Scrim throttles it. The rest bolt upright, giggling. [22:54] "Nope! Nope! Nopenopenopenope!" 13Kari drops the camera back onto the clip on her strap before heaving forward with the cast iron pan gripped white-knuckled in both hands. [22:55] 6Marisol cocks her gun and points it at the pig farthest from her. She points it at its digusting head and tries to be as still as possible. She pulls the triggers and completely misses. The bullet skims past its head. Marisol feels defeated and extreme fear now. [22:56] The pig Marisol shot at bounds towards Kari, opening its mouth. Its human eyes glitter in the darkness. [22:56] "FUUCK!" 6Kari squeals. [23:05] 13She backhands the oncoming pig creature with the metal pan, sending an echoing BOOOONG down the darkened hallway. The pig freaking comes apart on impact, sizzling with the distinctive scent of salted bacon. 00[23:05] 4Nice. [23:06] 6Marisol: “Fuck yeah!” [23:07] 13Kari lets out a bloodcurdling warcry and spins, smashing the iron pan into the next nearest porcine monstrosity. [23:07] 13Her heartrate's way, way, way up. Pure adrenaline, baby. [23:07] Pig’s blood splatters over the red tile as the white swine are messily struck apart. [23:08] Giggling, the two pigs still standing sprint on all fours into the darkness to the south, their human hands slapping against the stone floor. [23:08] What does Scrim want to do with the one still in his grasp? [23:08] 13Kari bangs the pan against the hollow walls with a hearty thump. "IT WORKED! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOooooo!!!" [23:09] The sound of the gunshot, and now the pan being struck against the walls, carries far, far into the dark... [23:10] 6Marisol literally jumps for joy, “AMAZING!” 00[23:10] 4Can he feed on the pig? [23:10] He can. His sire must have warned him at some point about the unpredictable consequences of feeding on nonhumans, though… [23:10] 6Marisol looks at Scrim, they’re both thinking the same thing. 00[23:10] 4Shouting: "Hey!" 00[23:10] "Can I eat this guy?" [23:10] "Get rotated!" 13Kari resists the urge to floss, instead taking up her camera to pan over the sizzling pig-remains splattered across the wall, dripping. 00[23:12] 4He's waiting on advice, but getting hungry. [23:12] Marisol remembers something Rune told her once: vampires who feed on the blood of Hedge creatures or changelings risk suffering from hallucinations, or worse. [23:12] Scrim draws a blank. [23:13] 6Marisol: “I don’t know if we should risk it…we can get hallucinations or something worse.” [23:13] 6Marisol: “I need you alert.” [23:13] "Risk what?" 13Kari: "Uh?" 00[23:13] 4Scrim: "Ah well." 4He near-decapitates the pig in his grip. [23:13] The pig dies without a sound. 00[23:14] 4He's a pro: the blood goes the other way, as he kicks the body from him. [23:14] 6Marisol: “There is more of a chance of us falling ill to its blood.” [23:14] "P-pog," 13Kari murmurs. [23:15] 6Marisol: “I don’t think we can feed on anything down here.” 00[23:15] 4Scrim's eyes briefly flick to Kari. "Well. Not anything." 00[23:15] "But I get you." [23:16] "Uhah, haha, uhaheh.. heh.." 13Kari wipes her brow and turns away, eyes wide. [23:16] 132Sat was convinced vampires were real, right. [23:16] Grumma-Lumma steps over the bodies and body parts. “Well, not raw, anyway.” [23:17] 13Kari loops the pan back into the strap of her backpack and, hands trembling, lifts up her camera. 00[23:19] 4Scrim: "You need me alert. We're heading south?" 00[23:19] "Or the door." [23:19] 6Marisol: “Yup, let’s go south.” 00[23:20] 4Big hall, then. How lit? 00[23:20] 4Can Scrim get back up on the ceiling? [23:20] 13Kari's voice wavers only a little: "If things go bad, take the pan. Elves can't handle iron." [23:21] 6Marisol: “I think you use it well. Keep it.” [23:21] The bloodied room’s contents are easy enough, since there’s not much to find. The pigs have despoiled most everything, but if they kick through the pile of trash under the ruined cabinets they can find a pair of fine pewter drinking goblets. Leering faces have been carved in the sides, with eyes made of agate. [23:21] "I'm just saying.." 13Kari trails off, glancing down the darkened corridor. [23:21] The corridor to the south is pitch-black. 00[23:22] 4Scrim: "Tell the cat to get the loot. I'm going up." [23:22] 6Marisol: “Thank you, though.” [23:23] 13Kari tosses the goblets into the cat's cart. "So, what, you gotta pay child support, or...?" 13It's unclear how Grumma-Lumma takes this. [23:23] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, can you grab the agate for us please?” [23:24] “Laugh it up. This is all destined to be sacrificed to me, to restore me to greater power.” [23:24] The small cat pries the gems out of the cups and moves the cart on, after them. [23:24] 6Marisol: “Kari, I don’t think it’s a good idea to tease him…” 6She’s doesn’t want Grumma-Lumma in a bad mood. [23:25] 13Kari snickers. One shot goes a long way on you when you're 5'6. 00[23:25] 4Scrim kicks off the rounded walls headed south twice and up to the ceiling, then crawls up into the shadows. [23:26] "I'm sorry he's so cuuuuute." [23:26] "You gotta let me have this. First time I've seen one'a'these things not try to eat me." [23:27] As they move south into the corridor, Marisol and Scrim can sense that beyond this length lies a larger room…and that the great heartbeat they sensed is there. And…*dozens* of smaller ones. [23:27] And…more giggling. [23:28] 13She tears open another crinkly wrapped wetwipe and rubs her forehead. 00[23:28] 4Scrim crawls back to the top of the room where the rest are. "We're walking into a bigger fight. It might be better to do it now while we're fresh." 00[23:29] "It might be even better than that to like. Avoid it." [23:29] "Hold on." 13Kari unzips the side-pocket on her backpack and produces a small piece of chalk, marking a big white X on the crumbling wall beside her before cracking the chalk into halves and offering the pieces to the others. [23:29] "Do not get lost in here, kids." [23:29] 6Marisol: “…Yeah, I’d rather avoid it. Let’s go back where we came from and try the other corridors.” [23:30] 6Marisol: “Oh, that’s a good idea Kari.” 00[23:30] 4Scrim: "Got it." 00[23:31] 4The shirtless bejorted man scuttles across the ceiling as they head back to the intersection. [23:31] 13Kari, quietly, to Mari: "Is he just like this?" [23:32] 6Marisol shrugs, “I don’t know, that’s just him I guess.” 00[23:32] 4From somewhere up ahead and above: "Yes!" [23:33] 6Marisol laughs a little and rolls her eyes. Guess I can’t keep any secrets from him. [23:33] 13Kari quails with her camera in hand, swallows, and follows the voice. 00[23:33] "Stay fresh! We got a tunnel here going north!" [23:33] Backtracking to the path leading north, they find themselves following a trail of red tile set in the floor. [23:35] 13Kari kneels to feel the cold smooth tile with her palm. The camera catches her nails glinting in the flashlight. [23:35] The corridor heading north from the antechamber doesn’t smell much better. It’s not pigshit, but it’s…still a bit sewer-y. They walk through a long hallway, decorated with alcoves at chest height. Inside the alcoves are unlit candles behind colorful glass screens, with a space to put your hand in to light it. [23:36] There’s a dead pig here, laying on the ground, a javelin sticking out of its back. 00[23:36] 5Scrim, from above: "Cut off the pig's, uh, hands. Hands? Hands." [23:36] They can hear the sound of running water from further on. 00[23:36] 4Scrim, from above: "Cut off the pig's, uh, hands. Hands? Hands." [23:36] 6Marisol: “Uh… why?” 00[23:37] "Stick the stick into the glass." 00[23:37] "You could put your hand behind that glass if you want to light it, but." [23:37] 6Marisol: “We don’t need to light it, we have flashlights.” 00[23:38] 4Scrim: "Is that how alcoves with candles work?" 00[23:38] "If we're gonna go north, okay." [23:38] 13Kari: "You're the one with the knife-hands, bro." [23:39] 6Marisol: “Yeah, we just need to keep moving forward.” [23:39] "I'm not gonna like... shit I got a pocket knife, dude! I'd be here all night." 00[23:39] 4Scrim shrugs. Claws don't mean flint. 00[23:39] 4He'll scuttle along ceiling north after Marisol and Kari. [23:39] 6Marisol keeps walking north to the room at the end of the corridor. [23:41] They reach a T-junction. The northern wall is set with small apertures they can see through - somewhere below, a fast-flowing river is rushing by, which must be the source of the sewer-y smell. [23:41] The west wall is empty except for a trio of empty torch sconces. 00[23:41] 4From above: "Well?" 00[23:42] "Should I uh. Come down." [23:43] The red tile path swings to the east here….right under a portcullis that looks rusted shut. The crank to lift it is behind the portcullis. Beyond the portcullis, they can see a rotting carpet leads down to steps that go down all the way to the river’s edge. [23:43] 13Kari scans the room with her camera, catching the blurry outlines of her team in the artifacted pane. The battery monitor blinks at a steady three bars out of five. 00[23:44] 4The shirtless bejorted man kicks off the wall back to the floor. 00[23:44] 4Scrim: "I can lift that cullis." [23:45] 6Marisol: “Are you sure? I have bolt cutters in Grumma-Lumma’s cart” 00[23:46] 4Scrim: "...I am sure that cutting the lock would make it even easier for me to raise that cullis." [23:46] 13Kari swings the camera from Scrim to Mari and then to the cart. [23:46] She can get them out of the cart, but it’s immediately clear that bolt cutters aren’t gonna work on this thing. She can barely get the teeth around a single bar on the grate. [23:47] 6Marisol chuckles, “Okay.”6 After trying, Marisol gives out a frustrated sigh and throws the cutters back into the cart, [23:48] 6Marisol: “Okay, any other ideas?” [23:48] 6Marisol: “Want to try lifting it, Scrim?” 00[23:48] 4Scrim: "Yeah, direct application." [23:55] 13Kari takes up the discarded boltcutters and stretches. "Here, let me try." 13She can't shear through the bolts, but maybe she can get some leverage... Kari fixes the cutters around the bar and leans back, grunting and trying to leverage the gate open. There's a groan from the metal structure, but no movement aside from a small amount of rust coming loose where the grate meets stone. 00[23:56] 4Scrim braces himself and lets Kari and Marisol do their thing. And when it's time, he lifts... [23:57] Marisol notices the west wall again. The three empty torch sconces are identical. The one on the far right is off-axis by a few degrees, like someone bumped into it. [23:59] "Fuck, was this place designed by CAPCOM?" [23:59] 6Marisol: “Someone has been here before…or is here…” She squints at the off center sconce Session Time: Sat Sep 10 00:00:00 2022 [00:01] "How can you tell?" 13The camera pans across the sconces. [00:02] 6Marisol: “The far right sconce is off by a little.” 00[00:03] 4And the gate lifts and locks in place. [00:03] Marisol goes to the crank on the other side and lifts the door completely 00[00:04] 4Scrim struts a little bit. Death Valley Driver on the portcullis. [00:05] 13Kari watches the shirtless man throw up the portcullus with wide eyes, scuttling in after. [00:06] 6Marisol: “1We have to tread carefully.” 6She takes her gun out and keeps it cocked. [00:07] 6She walks down the hall and sees an open door at the end of it. [00:07] The path continues to a rusted, locked door. Its surface has been covered in dozens of small bells on strings. Further below, there’s the carpeted path down the stairs to the river’s edge. 00[00:07] 4Scrim: "Another lock." [00:10] 6Marisol: “Mmm, let me try something.” 6Marisol goes jogs back to where she found the off center sconce and grabs it. [00:11] 13Kari watches Marisol jog off into the beam of the flashlight and leave her alone with the clawed, shirtless man. "Um..." 00[00:12] 4Scrim: "Well, get under the gate." 00[00:12] "I can't hold it forever!" [00:12] 6Marisol centers the sconce. [00:12] 13Kari looks at Scrim, then at the gate, then at Scrim again: "You aren't gonna drop it behind me, right?" [00:12] The crank can just lift it again… [00:12] Nothing happens when she puts the sconce back upright. [00:13] 13Kari hesitates for a second, then heads through the gate. 00[00:13] 4Scrim: "Of course I'm going to drop it behind us! Fuck!" [00:14] 6Marisol: “Just stay where the crank is. Give me sec.” 6Marisol turns the sconce upside down. [00:14] "Sorry!" 13Kari holds up the camera like a protective talisman. [00:14] When it passes the 90-degree mark, Marisol hears something *thunk* behind the door. A section of stone swings open. [00:15] 6Marisol: “Woah!” 00[00:16] 4Scrim: "...So what am I doin here?" [00:17] 6Marisol: “We’re going this way now.” 00[00:18] 4Scrim: "Alright." [00:20] 13Kari gulps and follows the others into the darkened hall. [00:21] The rattle of the cart follows them into the dark. 02[00:56] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4p2.dne.97.61.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:09] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:37] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:56] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:56] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:20] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:55] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-asd.vci.108.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:01] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:24] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:24] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:28] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:10] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Sun Sep 11 00:00:00 2022 02[02:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:29] * Disconnected 02[04:29] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[04:29] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[04:32] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[04:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:49] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:51] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:10] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:26] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:26] * Disconnected 02[14:26] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[14:26] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[15:09] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:13] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[15:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:20] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[15:22] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:27] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:29] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:29] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:36] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:36] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[16:39] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-asd.vci.108.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[16:39] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2jj.n0g.48.144.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:02] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-2jj.n0g.48.144.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:06] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:06] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[19:21] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:21] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:29] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:34] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:35] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:36] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[19:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:59] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:17] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:21] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:39] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:39] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1mu.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:40] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[21:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Mon Sep 12 00:00:00 2022 02[07:54] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p9f.r7k.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:14] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-e8j.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[08:15] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qsf.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:18] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-e8j.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:18] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[08:21] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3f3.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:23] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qsf.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:23] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[08:25] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jdi.36k.149.180.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3f3.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:27] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[08:31] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a8o.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jdi.36k.149.180.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:33] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[08:36] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dgv.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:37] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a8o.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:37] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[08:40] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4ba.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dgv.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:43] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[08:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4ba.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:51] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[08:56] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-e8j.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:58] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[09:00] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qsf.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-e8j.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:02] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[09:06] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3f3.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qsf.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:11] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jdi.36k.149.180.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:13] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3f3.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[09:18] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jdi.36k.149.180.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:32] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9lm.jr4.115.66.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[10:33] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p92.vl0.227.176.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:34] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9lm.jr4.115.66.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:34] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[12:07] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:45] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:49] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:51] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:51] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:00] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:37] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:18] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-h5l.7et.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:19] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p92.vl0.227.176.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[14:19] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[14:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:55] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-h5l.7et.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:48] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-6mo.hav.127.154.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:49] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[19:14] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-6mo.hav.127.154.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:17] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-09r.4d2.109.213.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:00] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:30] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:06] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:15] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:20] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-09r.4d2.109.213.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:21] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-09r.4d2.109.213.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:30] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:49] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Tue Sep 13 00:00:00 2022 02[00:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[00:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-09r.4d2.109.213.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[03:17] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-u6l.s2d.255.61.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[06:38] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-iio.7eh.129.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-u6l.s2d.255.61.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[06:39] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[11:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-iio.7eh.129.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[13:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:22] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ahe.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:49] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ahe.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:49] * Votes78 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03[16:42] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:35] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:39] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:39] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:06] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ahe.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ahe.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:49] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:38] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:43] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4o6.f8g.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ahe.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[19:43] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:44] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[19:56] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:08] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:21] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:29] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:36] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:11] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:29] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:40] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:41] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:57] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:59] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 03[22:03] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:23] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4o6.f8g.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:36] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-v7q.dl0.39.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[23:21] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:37] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Wed Sep 14 00:00:00 2022 03[00:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[06:11] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[06:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:22] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-v7q.dl0.39.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:00] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5eb.iat.37.89.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:20] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-5eb.iat.37.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:10] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p10.bkn.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:53] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qkt.jr4.115.66.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-p10.bkn.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:54] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[21:23] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-qkt.jr4.115.66.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:24] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-g2r.dl0.39.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-g2r.dl0.39.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:09] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-i5r.uj5.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:31] * Disconnected 02[22:31] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[22:31] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[22:35] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[23:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Sep 15 00:00:00 2022 02[00:18] * Disconnected 02[00:18] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[00:18] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[01:39] * RoughSituation ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:41] * RoughSituation ( Quit (Quit: Online IRC Client) 02[01:49] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 03[03:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[05:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-i5r.uj5.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[05:34] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-35n.hav.127.154.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-35n.hav.127.154.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[05:51] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9sb.4un.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[14:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9sb.4un.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-rd7.uhs.86.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-rd7.uhs.86.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:53] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Sep 16 00:00:00 2022 02[04:22] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:12] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:52] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[12:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8ld.fn7.150.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:37] * Disconnected 02[17:37] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[17:37] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[17:37] * Disconnected 02[17:40] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[17:40] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[17:41] * Crion{ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:01] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-170.6g5.0.42.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8ld.fn7.150.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:02] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[19:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-170.6g5.0.42.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-o0q.lc3.26.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-o0q.lc3.26.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:20] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-h82.k7d.239.178.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:42] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-h82.k7d.239.178.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:44] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-f4g.vci.108.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sat Sep 17 00:00:00 2022 03[00:10] * banana|peels is now known as banana 02[00:12] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-f4g.vci.108.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[00:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3nq.slv.174.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:37] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3nq.slv.174.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:23] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-041.hae.248.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[03:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[07:20] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pb8.svv.72.148.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[07:38] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r38.odr.97.83.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pb8.svv.72.148.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:39] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[07:52] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r38.odr.97.83.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:55] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a99.f9m.255.104.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[08:23] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-re2.joq.19.193.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:23] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a99.f9m.255.104.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:24] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[09:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-re2.joq.19.193.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:09] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[12:05] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vt9.451.115.93.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:12] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vt9.451.115.93.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[13:14] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-lja.e75.246.80.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:08] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-gl7.svj.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-lja.e75.246.80.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[14:09] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[15:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-gl7.svj.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:59] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-7ks.svj.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-7ks.svj.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pea.epl.244.143.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:48] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-0pg.5b1.58.2.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-pea.epl.244.143.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:49] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[19:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-0pg.5b1.58.2.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r4v.7eh.129.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[20:34] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r4v.7eh.129.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:25] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4u3.g4i.134.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4u3.g4i.134.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:56] * Votes78 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:28] * Votes78 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:30] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eb4.82d.244.143.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:52] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eb4.82d.244.143.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-0do.rh3.19.37.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Sep 18 00:00:00 2022 02[00:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:39] * banana|peels is now known as banana 03[02:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[07:02] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-61r.jsu.166.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-0do.rh3.19.37.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:03] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[07:18] * Disconnected 02[07:18] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[07:19] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[07:21] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[08:11] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Sep 18 08:11:03 2022 Session Start: Sun Sep 18 08:13:58 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[08:13] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[08:32] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r99.g4i.134.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-61r.jsu.166.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:34] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[08:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-r99.g4i.134.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[08:42] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9ft.uap.171.31.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[09:24] * banana is now known as banana|peels 02[09:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9ft.uap.171.31.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-751.5an.37.89.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-751.5an.37.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-141.6fg.34.149.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:08] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-141.6fg.34.149.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:10] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eeo.od0.19.37.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eeo.od0.19.37.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:44] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-s31.k08.244.143.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[10:45] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-s31.k08.244.143.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:35] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-mu4.a85.56.2.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-mu4.a85.56.2.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[12:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4ph.bd7.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:42] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4ph.bd7.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[20:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-t3m.dl0.39.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:19] * banana|peels is now known as banana 02[23:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Mon Sep 19 00:00:00 2022 03[00:09] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[04:32] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-t3m.dl0.39.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[04:34] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ann.i13.158.195.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[09:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:52] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[12:07] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:43] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vm2.9dc.219.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:44] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ann.i13.158.195.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:44] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[15:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[15:20] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-vm2.9dc.219.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:24] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a9l.887.33.89.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:34] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-a9l.887.33.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:35] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-26l.4d2.109.213.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-26l.4d2.109.213.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[16:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:40] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4up.g4i.134.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:22] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4up.g4i.134.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[18:32] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:57] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:37] * banana|peels is now known as banana 02[20:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Sep 20 00:00:00 2022 02[00:09] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:55] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:59] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[07:37] * tom ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[07:38] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:41] * tom2 ( Quit (*.net *.split) 02[07:41] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Connection closed) 03[07:41] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[07:42] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:45] * tom2 ( Quit (*.net *.split) 03[07:46] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:49] * tom2 ( Quit (*.net *.split) 03[07:49] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[09:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:37] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:46] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ctp.1lg.19.193.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:38] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ctp.1lg.19.193.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:15] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ojm.8sm.199.138.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[23:22] * tom2 is now known as tom Session Time: Wed Sep 21 00:00:00 2022 03[01:41] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:42] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:51] * tom2 is now known as tom 03[14:58] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-nvh.fmn.120.37.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:59] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ojm.8sm.199.138.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[14:59] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[15:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-nvh.fmn.120.37.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:37] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-68c.ef8.146.38.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:53] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-68c.ef8.146.38.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[15:56] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Sep 21 15:56:56 2022 Session Start: Wed Sep 21 16:00:45 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[16:00] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[17:46] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9t3.702.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Sep 22 00:00:00 2022 03[01:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[02:47] * Disconnected Session Close: Thu Sep 22 02:47:50 2022 Session Start: Thu Sep 22 02:49:43 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[02:49] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 02[03:14] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[07:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9t3.702.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-hsq.i13.158.195.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:09] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-hsq.i13.158.195.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:15] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4es.kuv.134.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:45] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:37] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Fri Sep 23 00:00:00 2022 02[04:21] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[04:23] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:12] * Disconnected 02[06:12] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[06:12] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[06:13] * Disconnected 02[09:53] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[09:53] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[11:48] * banana is now known as banana|peels 02[17:14] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4es.kuv.134.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:09] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:15] - [20:15] - [20:15] - [20:15] - [20:15] - [20:16] The three adventurers are still in the strange dungeon they’ve found on the other side of a door in a used bookstore. 00[20:17] 4Man, there are probably people who put 'adventurer' on their taxes. [20:17] Somewhere in here, there’s some kind of spider-demon lurking. Once they deal with it, a membership card to some kind of secret night market that only Marisol has visited is theirs. [20:18] In the meantime, their companion spirit is sulking at the meager haul of loot they’ve found so far. Really, they’ve only found a few hundred dollars’ worth of stuff so far. [20:19] 13Look, it's not my fault most of this stuff is trashed and covered in pig slop. [20:19] Now, there’s some choices to be made. The trio is at a T-junction (room 24 on our map). The passage to the east leads through a (now opened, thanks to Scrim) gateway, along two paths: one down to the edge of a vast subterranean river, and a higher one to a locked door covered in bells. [20:20] You’ve also found a secret passage in the western wall, where the stone has swung open to reveal another darkened room beyond. [20:20] Where next? 00[20:20] 4Marisol's the boss here, but it's usually secret rooms first, right? Gotta fill in that map. [20:21] 6Marisol: “Let’s try this room first.” 6She starts to walk into the secret room. [20:22] 13The cast iron pan goes back onto the loop on Kari's backpack while she takes a piece of chalk in her hand and marks another white X on the wall, this time followed by an arrow pointing back toward the way they came. [20:22] 13If you really think about it, this whole place is a secret room. 00[20:23] 4Scrim will saunter in after her. Hope she's searching for traps. [20:25] The room is very dark, and quiet. Anyone who can see in the dark will see this: [20:27] 6I should turn my flashlight on for Kari. [20:27] It’s another stone-walled chamber, with a lever that looks like an automatic transmission set in the floor, standing straight up. There are notches for three possible positions for the lever in the floor - it’s set in the middle notch. There’s a table in the middle, with an unlit lantern on top. [20:28] 13Kari fiddles with her camcorder for a moment and a meager beam of light fills the room from the device's aperture. [20:28] in a connected room just to the south, there’s several chests — and a few stands of…suits of armor? [20:28] 13What kind of armor? [20:29] Nobody seems to have come through this room in a long time. There’s a thick layer of dust on everything, and there’s no trace of the smell of pigs. [20:30] 6Marisol: “Let’s try looking at those chests in the room over there.” 00[20:31] 4How big's that gearshift? Gearshaft. Whatever. Like actual regulation car-sized or something he'd have to put his back into? [20:31] If they get closer to the display stands, they can see that there are three suits of black plate armor, covered in dust. The armor looks pretty solid, and finely made - black metal with silver highlights. Atop the breastplates and pauldrons are leather hoods that are connected to leather bird masks, all meant to be worn as an entire set. 00[20:31] 4Is everything in this room done in threes? [20:31] The lever is roughly five feet tall, made out of metal. 00[20:31] 4Three chests? There's three armors, three positions on the lever... [20:32] Grumma-Lumma runs over to the armor. “Yes! Finally! Something worth picking up!” [20:32] There are four chests, actually. 00[20:32] 4Scrim snaps both fingers. "I got it." 00[20:32] "This is a puzzle." [20:33] 6Marisol: “Really? What do you gather from all this?” [20:33] 6Marisol: “Because I’m tryna gather this loot and go.” [20:34] 6Marisol: “Badumtss…” 6A bad attempt at a joke, sad. 00[20:34] 4Scrim shrugs. "I mean I'm just saying, I wouldn't try to force those chests open. They're gonna Indiana Jones you or something." 00[20:34] "I don't wanna get crushed by a boulder. For Kari's sake. She can't be seeing me moving around looking like Flat Stanley." [20:35] 13Kari giggles from the corner where she's trying to get a multiple angle view of the sets of armor. "I already gotta haul out three bodies later, don't make me drag you out too." [20:35] 6Marisol: “Hmm…you think so? Because we can try the lever and see if it opens a secret door?” [20:35] 13Ha, that's so not funny when you stop to think about it. 00[20:37] 4Scrim will examine the gearshift. Are the positions labelled? Should be like P, R, D...? [20:38] 6Marisol grabs a crowbar from Grumma-Lumma’s cart, “We can try one chest first…it should be fine.” 6She picks at the chest until it opens. [20:39] The gearshift is marked with an arrow pointing to the east wall in the eastern notch, a circle in the middle notch, and an arrow pointing to the western wall in the western notch. [20:39] The chest doesn’t even need a crowbar to open - it just swings on its hinges with a creak. 00[20:39] 4Well, that clears some stuff up. [20:39] 13...And out come hundreds, no, thousands of flesh-eating spiders- [20:40] Inside there are…bows? Like, bows and arrows? There’s four. They look pretty nice, made out of black wood and covered in a still lustrous lacquer. [20:41] 6Marisol sighs in relief, “Nice.” 6She grabs the bows and puts them in Grumma-Lumma’s cart. [20:42] 13Kari makes an impressed-sounding 'Oooooh13'. [20:42] The other chests aren’t trapped, either. Inside the next one is a pair of wooden spears with extremely sharp metal heads. [20:42] "What do you suppose the armor's made out of? Bronze, maybe? Wouldn't be iron, right." [20:42] 6Marisol: “Okay, let’s try the next one.” [20:42] The third chest has four sharp scimitars. The fourth is empty. [20:43] 6Marisol: “Ask Grumma-Lumma, he knows it all.” [20:43] 13Kari takes up one of the Aladdin-looking swords and quirks a brow at the cat-creature. [20:44] 6Marisol puts all the goods in Grumma-Lumma’s cart. “Okay, now we can try the lever.” [20:45] The cat taps the metal. “I only know how much it might be worth. Ten grand each for the sets of armor? But steel, if I had to guess. You can sell a good sword for a couple hundred bucks to collectors. In your world, that is.” 00[20:45] 4Scrim: "So, it looks pretty simple. Right now it's in neutral. You push it west, something happens. You push it east, something happens." 00[20:45] 4Both those are like blank walls or something, right? The chests were to the south? [20:45] 13Kari: "I'm keeping this sword for now okay." [20:46] "Are you gonna be okay pushing your cute little cart if we load you down with a bunch of Scooby-Doo-looking suits of armor?" [20:47] 13Kari's already lifting the pieces of armor off their stands to load up into the cart alongside Marisol. [20:48] The arrow pointing east near the lever points to the wall they just entered through, which has swung open sideways on a hidden pivot. The arrow pointing to the west near the lever is pointing at a blank wall, to their west. [20:48] "Another door, maybe?" 00[20:48] 4Well, that makes it pretty obvious then. Scrim will help with the armor suits, if they're loading them in. [20:48] 6Marisol gives a warning look to Kari, “Dude, he’s going to get mad. Don’t patronize him like that.” [20:48] Grumma-Lumma: “Are you kidding? I’ll push until I can’t push anymore, if you keep finding sac- um, money.” [20:49] 13She covers her mouth with a rag to keep out the dust kicked up from their activity. 00[20:49] 4Scrim raises an eyebrow at that but hey, in the end, none of his business. [20:49] The dust gets over everything, but now the cart is full of captured loot. [20:49] There’s nothing else in this room except the lever. 00[20:52] 4Scrim rubs his hands together and shifts the room into gear. [20:53] 6Marisol: “We’re going west.” [20:53] The lever is pretty stiff at first, but there’s a *thunk* after he really starts to push, and the lever slots over to either notch easily enough. [20:53] "Is there even a 'west' here?" [20:55] Once they push it towards the arrow pointing west (towards the blank wall), they hear another deep *clunk*, and that wall swings open, again on a hidden pivot. [20:55] 6Marisol: “Woah!” [20:56] There’s another gallery beyond, with little windows that overlook the sewer-smelling river, and a passage heading south from that gallery. 00[20:56] 4Scrim: "Whew. What an incredible smell we've yadda yadda." [20:57] 13Kari drags her piece of chalk along the wall to form an arrow pointing back the way they came. [20:57] 6Marisol: “God, this smell. Okay, let’s go south now.” [20:57] 13Does it look like anyone's been down here in a while? 00[20:58] 4Passage south looks kinda thin. Is it single file? [20:58] It is. If they shine a light down the corridor, the far end seems to be kind of blocked by…leaves? Like, from a tree? Or at least partially obstructed. [20:59] Grumma-Lumma taps his cart and it shrinks to the size of a dolly. 00[20:59] 4Scrim: "Allllright. I'm gonna go first." [21:00] 13Kari doesn't outright say that she doesn't want anyone else behind her, but instead naturally falls behind to let the others pass ahead. [21:00] The three of you notice something out of place as Kari’s light goes over the little gallery. There’s some trash in the room - but this small pile is distinctly not fantastic. [21:01] 13Evidence of a previous effort to map the rooms? [21:01] There’s a paper sandwich wrapper, crumpled up, and a brown bag with a Jersey Mike’s logo on it. And a half-dozen cigarette butts next to that. [21:02] 6Maybe Rune’s people were here? [21:03] 6Marisol walks past the trash behind Scrim. 00[21:03] 4Scrim: "Jersey Mike's? Gotta be a better local chain around here for that stuff." 00[21:03] "Well." 00[21:03] "Not HERE here." [21:03] "Maybe this is far as those other guys made it?" 13Kari spends some time filming the trash from all angles. "But then, you know, who dragged 'em back and hung em up?" 00[21:03] "Kari, you see any sandwiches from Maryland Tom hanging out, don't eat it. It's a trick." [21:03] Grumma-Lumma: “Have you noticed that there’s no….people, here? Doesn’t that kind of make you worry?” [21:04] Anyway, heading single-file down the south passage. 00[21:04] 4Scrim: "There were pig-people." [21:04] 13A little beeper goes off on her phone. ”Hydration check!” 13Kari goes to take a bottle of water from her backpack. ”You guys want any?” 00[21:04] "Kinda." 00[21:04] 4Scrim: "Haha, nah, I'm good kid, thanks." [21:04] 6Marisol: “Well, I wouldn’t expect any people to be here.” [21:04] 13To Grumma Lumma: ”Everything about this place is already pretty sus.” [21:05] 6Marisol shakes her head, “No, thanks.” [21:05] Scrim is going to run into a thick layer of leaves and branches. It’s not stopping him from moving on completely, but it’s a pain in the ass to get through into the chamber beyond. [21:05] 6Marisol: “Everything we end up doing is sus. It’s the nature of the business.” [21:05] 13Kari knocks back the water bottle and replaces it in her bag. Another long chalk mark follows them down the corridor. 00[21:05] 4Scrim: "Aah! Aah. Aaaaaah. Ugh. Argh!" [21:06] There is a chamber beyond, however, and there is a source of light ahead, bright and silvery. 00[21:07] 4He'll try to create a path for those coming behind him. [21:09] The leaves that fall off as he shakes and pushes the branches apart smell…pretty good, actually. Very sweet. 00[21:09] 4That's weird. [21:09] 13Kari takes out a little plastic baggie and picks up a few representative samples of the leaves to take back. They just look like regular leaves, right? [21:10] In fact, the chamber they emerge into smells very sweet. The whole room has that good cantaloupe smell going on. [21:10] 13Ah cantaloupe, the Ohio of fruits. [21:12] This room is shaped like a triangle, and they’re entering from its northern point. Immediately, they can see where all the leaves and shit are coming from - there’s a massive tree bursting out of the stone walls on the northwest side of the room. Its thick limbs are sagging under the weight of dozens of glowing, silvery melons. The melons have silver rinds, and are covered in black markings. If they look closely, they kind of look [21:12] like…writing? Script? In an unknown language. [21:13] The middle of the room has a few slanted desks and tables - in pretty bad condition, scratched and covered in mold. 00[21:14] 4Half-tunelessly: "Melon tree...come, come to the melon tree..." [21:15] 13Kari places her hand over the scratch-marks on the mouldering furniture. Do the scratches correspond to human-sized hands? [21:15] There’s a passage continuing to go south. But on either of the walls to their west and east are doors, painted green and covered in a silvery pattern that kind of looks like a motherboard. The door to the west is absolutely covered in thick tree roots - you’d need to put serious work in clearing the way. [21:16] They look like the size of children’s hands. The pigs had child-sized hands. [21:16] 13Kari shudders unconsciously. [21:17] “So like you guys watched Pan’s Labyrinth right?? Don’t eat the fruit??” 00[21:17] 4Scrim: "I did not watch whatever that is. But it's like, a pretty common thing, not to eat the food in the fairy place." [21:17] In fact, there’s a few pieces of white pig stool scattered here and there, along with a bunch of eaten melon rinds. 00[21:17] "Basically the number one thing." [21:18] “Okay, cool, yeah, we’re on the same vibe.” [21:18] 6Marisol: “Yeah, no eating the weird fruit. Let’s just keep walking.” [21:21] Kari and Scrim both notice something unsettling. The melons are casting shadows on the walls, split up into random shapes. Except some of them…seem to be not very random? They kind of look like…human shadows? Waving? Smiling? [21:21] There are definitely shadow figures on the walls of this room. 00[21:22] 4Scrim: "AlRIGHT! I am not fucking with ANY shadow people!" [21:25] 13Kari slowly pans the camera pane across the shadows. Is the digital recorder picking up the, ah, ‘paranormal phenomena’? [21:25] They don’t show up on the camera feed. [21:25] 13The beam of light from the camcorder’s flashlight shudders slightly as its operator does. [21:26] 6God, this is so unsettling. [21:26] 13In a small voice: ”Let’s keep going?” [21:26] The camcorder’s flashlight is split up and fragmented by the branches covering the room’s ceiling. Empty eyes and wide smiles crowd around the light. [21:26] 6Marisol: “Yeah…just keep your head down.” [21:27] Grumma-Lumma: “And just ABANDON all this good fruit??” [21:27] 6Marisol: “Do you want to be eaten by these things?” 00[21:27] 4Scrim: "Where the fuck you getting a good price on spooky fruit?" [21:28] “I don’t like the spooky fruit.” [21:28] Grumma-Lumma: “I’m taking a half-dozen. Look, my boss is really into fruit.” [21:29] 6Marisol: “This fruit ain’t it, though. But do whatever you like.” [21:30] Gingerly, the spirit pulls some melons off the branches and puts them in the cart. Nothing bad happens. 00[21:30] 4That's because they're intimidated by Sam "Scrim" Shaw, three time world champion. 00[21:30] 4The shadows, that is. [21:31] The green doors on either side are still closed (the one on the left is blocked by tree roots), if anyone wanted to see what’s on the other side. Otherwise, where to next? 00[21:31] 4Marisol's call. We should probably check at least the unblocked one. 00[21:31] 4Dunno about chopping at roots. [21:32] 13Kari’s got the sword from earlier, she’ll hand it off to Scrim if he wants to try smacking the growths. [21:32] 6Marisol: “Let’s check unblocked room. Easier for us all.” [21:32] 13She doesn’t seem eager to linger here too long. 00[21:33] 4Ain't need a sword for that. [21:34] The green door on the right hand side is unblocked, and the room is mostly empty. There are rows and rows of empty bookshelves here…whatever they once held is on the ground, mostly rotting and covered in pig waste. A few minutes of rummaging reveals some preserved book covers. Again, they’re in the same unknown language as the writing on the melons, but the illustrations are at least very fine, done by a talented artist. The ones that [21:34] survive are of people in various masks, in unfamiliar settings. [21:35] Some people wear bird-masks, and sit above others in judgment while the judged bow their head, and shadow puppets loom above. [21:35] Some people wear featureless white porcelain masks, and wield swords to butcher animals in perfect displays of skill. 00[21:35] 4Scrim: "Kinda unsettling. I liked it better with the hanged people. Weren't they wearing masks?" [21:35] 13...Do the masks look like the ones on the armor we shoveled into G-L’s cart? [21:35] Grumma-Lumma: “Nice. Retro illustration is VERY in right now.” [21:36] The bird masks? Yes. [21:36] Also found on the hanged people. [21:36] 13Freaky. [21:36] 6Marisol: “Okay, I think we’ve seen enough. Let’s go.” 6She’s nervous and unsettled, she wants to finish this mission soon.  [21:36] Ok. The passage south will take you to another chamber, if they’re done here. [21:36] 13Kari daintily picks out a few well-preserved book covers from the pile of detritus and piles them in the little cart. 00[21:37] "Plague doctor shit's all so halloween. Doctor doctor, what do I do, I gotta...bad case, of being in Scooby-Doo." [21:37] “I did some Darkest Dungeon cosplay back in the day, the masks get real stuffy if you don’t ventilate them right.” [21:38] 13Kari chatters a little nervously; it’ll get worse the more her nerves fray. [21:38] 6Marisol picks up a few of the good book covers and puts it in GL’s cart, “1Let’s go to the other chamber.” 00[21:38] 4Scrim hums and sings when he's nervous, if that's not becoming obvious. [21:39] 13She’s busy getting some sanitation wipes from her bag and wipes the dust from her jeans. [21:40] The southern passage is featureless stone, until they run into a junction. [21:41] To the left is a small room with a large double door. There’s…some kind of light flickering on the door’s surface. It’s kind of indistinct from this far away. [21:42] To the south, the passage gets darker…much darker. The stonework is starting to turn into just stone, like the walls of a cavern, that way. [21:42] 6Marisol: “We can check this little room first, before we continue into this abyss.” 00[21:44] 4Scrim: "You want me to go first? Or uh, knock?" [21:45] The small room to the east is empty of any objects except for the big stone door. [21:45] 6Marisol: “I’ll go first.” [21:46] 6Marisol examines the big stone door. [21:46] There’s a source of light, coming from….somewhere, shining down on the stone, like a movie projector whose source is hidden. [21:46] The light on the door swims and swirls like it’s being refracted through water. [21:46] Once Marisol get’s close enough, it resolves into a figure. [21:46] A shadow, like the ones they saw earlier. [21:47] It’s about her height, and about her build. 00[21:47] 4Scrim will step forward, but not up to or past Marisol. Still, maybe two steps back. In case the shadow throws a punch. Then he' [21:47] It holds up its hands, in the universal gesture for a shrug. [21:48] There’s no handle on this door, even. It’s just like a big slab with a split in the middle. [21:49] 6Marisol steps back a little, startled. She feels the need to just push on the door to see what happens. [21:49] 13Kari stalks around the perimeter of the room toward the door, waiting to see if anything happens. [21:49] Nothing happens if she pushes on it. The shadow figure looks a little taken aback. It wags its finger at her. [21:50] The figure points at a spot on the wall above its head. A shadow picture of a fiddle being played, with notes hanging in the air above it, appears on the stone. [21:51] 6Marisol: “Do you want us to play music?” [21:51] Marisol: [21:52] The shadow puppet claps its hands. [21:52] 6Marisol: “Is there are a party behind this door?” [21:52] It points to the wall again. This time, three fiddles appear, and one pair of singing lips, all playing silently. [21:52] 13Kari: ”Did anyone bring like, a flute.” [21:53] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, do you have a fiddle or a flute?” 00[21:53] 4Scrim: "We need three instruments and a singer?" [21:54] Grumma-Lumma: “I have…a tambourine.” [21:54] “But I prefer to sing.” 00[21:55] 4Scrim: "We didn't find like three fiddles in one of those chests did we? Just swords and stuff?" [21:55] That’s right. [21:56] The shadow figure shakes its head. The fiddles on the wall shift rapidly to a variety of objects. A sword, a melon, rocks clacking together…then into a fiddle once more. [21:58] 6Marisol: “Okay…we have one singer, we have a tambourine…maybe we can use your cart as a drum, and clapping hands?” [22:00] 13Kari claps her hands together experimentally. 00[22:01] 4Scrim: "I played drums a bit. I can bingo bongo." [22:01] The shadow figure gives her its best ‘come on’ look. [22:01] Grumma-Lumma shakes his tambourine. One of the fiddles lights up on the wall. 00[22:02] 4Scrim begins laying down a beat. [22:02] 6Marisol looks for some rocks and starts clapping them together to make a beat with Scrim. [22:03] 13Kari claps along to the rhythm. [22:03] The fiddle doesn’t light up for Kari. Grumma-Lumma hands her the tambourine. [22:04] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, I think you need to start singing maybe.” [22:04] When Scrim hits the cart rhythmically, the shadow figure waves its hand in a “ehh….okay” gesture, and one of the fiddles lights up. [22:04] Another fiddle lights up for Marisol clacking together rocks. [22:05] 13Kari does a little jog in place to warm up, breathes in, and gets into it with the tambourine. [22:05] The third fiddle lights up. [22:05] Grumma-Lumma moves up to the shadow figure. [22:06] “TO THE CENTER OF THE CITY WHERE ALL ROADS MEET WAITING FOR YOU” [22:06] “TO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN WHERE ALL HOPES SANK SEARCHING FOR YOU” 00[22:06] 4Scrim quickly changes his beat to match the song. [22:06] “I WAS MOVING THROUGH THE SILENCE WITHOUT MOTION WAITING FOR YOU” [22:06] “IN A ROOM WITH A WINDOW IN THE CORNER I FOUND TRUTH” [22:07] “IN THE SHADOWPLAY ACTING OUT YOUR OWN DEATH KNOW-“ [22:07] The lips light up, and the shadow figure claps enthusiastically. [22:07] The door begins to slide open! [22:07] It stops a few inches in, though. The shadow figure holds up its hands pleadingly. [22:08] 6Marisol lets out a giant, “YEAH!!” 6Relief washes over her. [22:08] The shadows on the stone change again. It shows them, in front of the opening door. And past the door… [22:08] 6Marisol: “Stop for what?” [22:09] There’s a…theater? Stadium seating around a stage. And on the stage is some kind of…large shape. [22:09] And around the stage, in the seats, are pigs. Lots and lots of little pigs. 00[22:09] 4Scrim rolls his shoulders. "Oh hell yeah." [22:09] Your shadow figures walk into the theater, and the pigs jump off the seats, attacking them in a mob. 00[22:10] 4Scrim: "That's rude." 00[22:10] 4We shadowboxing? [22:10] 6Marisol: “Shit.” [22:10] The shadow figure holds out a hand. Unless… [22:11] On the stone… your shadow figures walk into the theater…wearing the masks. You can all sense the shadowpigs’ hate. But they stay in their seats. [22:12] The shadow figure shrugs. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW appears on the stone. The light from nowhere shuts off. The figure is gone. The doors slide open, all the way this time. [22:13] The chamber beyond looks familiar, at least. It’s the room where they fought, and killed, some pigs. 00[22:13] 4Scrim: "So: we need masks before we approach the Piggy Theater?" 00[22:14] "But every dead body we found in here is wearing masks." 00[22:14] "I'm kinda suspicious." [22:14] 6Marisol: “…I think we should leave.” 00[22:14] 4Scrim: "They paying us to leave?" [22:14] 13Kari reaches into Grumma Lumma’s cart and fishes out one of the masks she’d recovered from the suits of armor. [22:15] “Thanks, shadow. Thshadow.” [22:15] 6Marisol: “No, I mean like leave and go down the hall. I feel like i can’t trust that figure and those pigs.” 00[22:15] 4Scrim's blood doesn't pound anymore...but if it did, a melee with a bunch of pig-men would get it positively singing. [22:16] “If it was trying to trick us why’d it show us about the masks?” 00[22:16] 4Scrim: "Oh, yeah. Well it's just shadow nonsense anyway. Still, if we happen upon a theater, well, we know what to do." [22:17] 13She pulls out a little rubber band and loops it through the eye-holes of the mask before attaching it to one of the clips on her backpack for easy access. [22:17] 6Marisol: “Okay…let’s get our masks in hand and go in.” [22:17] 13Kari takes her by now quite eroded piece of chalk and just makes another mark, for safety’s sake. 00[22:20] 4Scrim: "You know, I'd be fine fighting them...but yeah, mask me bro." 00[22:20] 4That's to the little gobling. [22:20] Once you take a step into the room (chamber 5), the collective group can see that all the complicated locks blocking the way west that they saw earlier have fallen off onto the floor, shattered. [22:21] Grumma-Lumma carefully unsews the bird-mask/leather hood combination from one of the suits of armor and tosses it to Scrim. [22:22] Grumma-Lumma: “I’ve got…I’ve got my own mask.” He puts on a little paper mask that’s just a photorealistic picture of an orange with two holes cut out for eyes. 00[22:23] 4Scrim, considering it: "You know, I had a funny recurring dream once, back when I had dreams. One of the rosy-faced comedienne masks the SAW guy was based off of, doing a magic act. Not actually the SAW guy. Anyway his final act was taking the mask off and there was nothing beneath it. Not even a skull. A smooth white expanse. Like what Ken dolls have for dicks, he had for a face. 00[22:23] Creeped me the fuck out." 00[22:23] "Anyway. Let's rock." [22:23] 6Marisol: “I don’t think that’s going to help you…” [22:23] 13Kari tries very hard to contain her snickering, putting her hand over her mouth to feign a cough. 00[22:24] 4To Grumma-Lumma: "Sick mask. That'd get over." [22:24] Alright. Where to? [22:24] 13She checks the timer on her camcorder. How long have we been in here, total, anyhow? [22:24] Like three hours, at this point. [22:25] 13She scrawls a big loop on the wall next to the door to indicate the path, just in case someone else gets stuck in here. [22:25] “Let’s goooooo-ooooo.” 13She does a quiet little ‘woo’. [22:25] 6Marisol: “Let’s go down the hall where those pigs ran off into.” [22:26] The south passageway, then? Marisol and Scrim can sense an enormous heartbeat that way. 00[22:27] 4Alright. "Big boy up ahead." 00[22:28] "Follow the uh. Red tile road." [22:28] 6Marisol: “Down the hallway, I think that might be where the rest of the pigs are.” [22:31] Following the red tile path south… [22:31] 13Kari looks a little suspicious: ”How can you tell?” [22:32] 13The little beam of light from the camcorder plays off the slick stone walls. 00[22:32] 4Scrim: "Can you keep a secret, Kari?" [22:32] 6Marisol: “We can hear heartbeats.” 00[22:33] 4Scrim theatrically sighs. [22:33] 13She turns off the recorder on her camera and turns, sloowly to face Scrim. [22:33] The corridor is dark, and shaped differently from the ones they’ve been through before. 00[22:34] 4Putting on his mask. "I mean she kinda spoiled. But, I'm a vampire." 00[22:34] *spoiled it [22:34] There are small alcoves to each side as they keep walking south. From somewhere ahead, they can hear faint giggling. [22:34] Kari and Marisol catch what’s in the alcoves as they pass…very detailed tile mosaics. Illustrations. [22:35] There’s four alcoves in total. [22:35] You can stop and look, or just keep going. [22:36] 6Marisol: “Let’s take a moment to look at the illustrations, maybe it’ll give us a clue of whats coming?” [22:37] 13Kari just laughs lightly and looks away, but of course if he can sense heartbeats he can tell her heart’s suddenly racing. [22:38] 13Let’s take a closer look at those mosaics, yeah? haha. [22:40] In the first alcove, they can see a scene of an old man, naked and emaciated, pulling a length of thread from his mouth with one hand, and untangling it with the other. The thread goes on to spread down, onto a city, onto figures in domed towers and pleasure gardens, the string falling down to settle on all of them. [22:41] 13What, like puppets? [22:41] In the second alcove, they can see a procession of figures, walking down stairs from a city, into a chamber. At the beginning of the procession, the figures are unmasked and smiling. As they walk down, they are handed slices of fruit, and masks, and they eat the fruit and put on the masks and continue downwards. [22:43] In the third alcove, they can see two masked figures arguing and gesturing over an open book. Above them sits a great figure, robed in black and wearing a bird mask. Smaller figures peek out from its robes - also wearing bird masks. Beneath everything, wretched supplicants await their judgment. [22:44] In the fourth alcove, naked figures are led by ones in masks and robes to an altar and prepared for sacrifice. There’s a figure wearing some kind of crown emerging from shadows on the walls, riding a great spider-thing. The crowned figure’s mouth is open in an expression of ecstasy. [22:45] That’s all there is. [22:45] “What the fuuuck,” 13Is what Kari finally comes up with. [22:45] 6Marisol: “This is….awful.” [22:46] 6Marisol: “Okay, so being in those masks help us camoflauge somehow?” 00[22:46] 4Scrim: "Well as long as we don't get naked I think we'll be fine." [22:47] 13Is Scrim still shirtless? 00[22:47] 4He looks down at himself, wearing basically only jorts and boots. Hrm. [22:47] 13Yeah, that’s what I thought. 00[22:47] 4Scrim: "I'm wearing multiple jorts." [22:47] “What, like... under each other?” 00[22:47] 4Scrim: "Doesn't make sense any other way." [22:48] “Does it make sense then?” [22:48] 13Her nervous chattering fills the hallway. 00[22:48] 4Scrim: "Yeah. They rip off your jorts and...surprise. Second jorts." 00[22:48] "All about magic logic, Kari. Head in the game." 00[22:48] "We ready to proceed?" [22:48] 6Marisol gives Scrim a questionable look. “It’s fine, let’s just put on our masks and keep going.” [22:48] 13She squeezes her eyes shut and nods to herself. ”Okay, right, yeah.” [22:49] 13Kari plucks the mask off her pack and starts fiddling with the straps. [22:50] More giggling ahead. [22:50] They begin to emerge into the largest chamber so far... [22:52] Mari and Scrim can still sense the great heartbeat ahead, but soon even Kari can hear a labored wheezing…and unpleasant wet sounds. 00[22:52] 4Scrim: "That boy's laboring." [22:53] 13Kari works to control the shaking of her hands as she scans the chamber with the camera. [22:53] They are in a great, dark room. Rafters and catwalks cross the ceiling. Piles of wrecked furniture and mouldering costumes have been pushed to the walls and corners, forming little towers of trash. [22:54] The center of the room is dominated by a huge stage - a wooden platform with cloth draped over its sides. Surrounding the stage are three stone bleachers, crowded with white swine. They are focused on the stage. [22:55] On top of the stage is…something that may have once been a pig. It’s a great mass of white swineflesh, like a pig crossed with a queen bee. It’s wheezing, and its bulk moves up and down as it breathes. [22:55] It doesn’t seem particularly mobile, laying on its side. 00[22:56] 4Three bleachers of swine? 00[22:56] 4..........He can probably take them. 00[22:56] 4What's the play, Marisol? [22:57] Then, a trapdoor opens…in the pig, not the stage. A blast of confetti shoots out of the doors in the pig. Another white swine steps out, covered in fluid, blinking. Then the swine raises its eyes, and takes a bow. The pigs in the stands clap politely. And giggle. [22:57] 13Kari’s standing there shivering, camera in one hand, the other behind her head where the straps on her mask have immediately become painfully tangled in her messy hair, just trying to hold back her tears. 00[22:57] 4Scrim: "Oh." 00[22:57] "Well. That's" 00[22:57] "fucking normal." [23:00] From the catwalk, stagelights snap on, playing across the crowd. [23:00] Something begins to descend from the ceiling. [23:00] 13...Is there a free spot on the bleachers? [23:00] Sure, there are plenty. [23:01] There’s a huge, painted sign coming down on ropes from the catwalks. They can see pigs working pulleys to send it down. 00[23:01] 4He'll wander over and stand nearby, trying not to place his back to any of the pigs while still being close enough to Kari to smack someone if they go after her. [23:02] On the sign are…three painted bird masks, and an orange mask. [23:02] 13Kari shuffles over to one of the seats and glances apologetically at any of the nearby pigs through the slits in the mask before taking a biiig breath and taking a seat. [23:02] Beneath the four masks are a picture of an extremely muscular pig. 00[23:03] 4Scrim: "Hey. Hey. That's us." [23:03] 13Oh god, oh god, oh fuck, Kari pulls out her phone and mutes it. [23:03] The pigs are not welcoming. Kari can sense waves of hatred radiating from them. [23:03] 13She just kinda crunches up on the bleacher to take up as little space as possible. 00[23:04] 4To Kari: "You might wanna get down from there. Think that's the student section." [23:04] One of the pigs next to her licks the edge of a bone knife and stares at her. [23:05] A spotlight comes on the stage, making a circle of light, large enough for a person to stand on. The circle of light is opposite the great pig queen. [23:05] Then, from its flesh... [23:05] The whole pig queen begins to tremble. Second by second, it appears to be…losing mass? [23:06] It’s withering before their eyes. [23:06] As the huge bulk collapses in itself, a figure emerges from its ruins... [23:06] 6To Kari: “Get down from there.” [23:06] It’s the muscular pig. He’s wearing an executioner’s hood. 00[23:06] 4Oh hell yeah. 00[23:06] "It's fight night." [23:07] He steps into the circle of light on the stage, and raises his arms in challenge. 00[23:07] 4Scrim's already heading up. [23:07] 6Marisol: “Oh my god…” [23:07] Four more spotlights snap on, opposite the Pigxecutioner. [23:09] 6Marisol: “Get your weapons out.” 6She takes her guns out and cocks them both. [23:10] 6Marisol walks up to the spotlights with Scrim. [23:10] As he heads up, Scrim can see the shadow people, lurking in the dark of the room. They look like they’re having a good time, clapping each other on the back, pointing, clapping, eating popcorn, and waving foam fingers. Some play accordions. Some play giant drums strapped around their waists. [23:10] They can hear the drums. DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN [23:10] 13Kari hops off the bleacher with a mumbled apology at the knife-pig and reaches for the iron pan clanging off her backpack. [23:11] The four empty stagelights are waiting for them. 00[23:15] 4Scrim bounces up on stage. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! HOOOO HOOO HOOO HOOO." 4Almost a dog bark; not quite. Then he starts singing. Real loud. "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES. WE COME OUT ONLY AT NIGHT. WE'RE LIVING IN THE SHADOW; NO FEAR WHEN YOU'RE TURNING OUT THE LIGHT. THEY CALL US BOOGEYMEN: UNDER YOUR BED WHILE YOU'RE DREAMING. WHISPERS IN YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU WAKE UP SCREAMING. 00[23:15] WE'RE THE MONSTERS THAT KEEP YOU UP AT NIGHT." 4He steps into his spotlight. "WHY DON'T YOU LET GO?" 00[23:15] "AND I WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL." 00[23:15] 4 [23:15] They can hear, faintly, cheering. From the shadow people. [23:17] 6Marisol is just shocked this display by Scrim, impressed but also kind of embarrased. 00[23:18] 4Gotta get over. 00[23:18] 4He's got a very good voice. 00[23:18] 4Well, amend that: he's got a solidly okay voice. But he doesn't lose pitch or tempo when singing acapella. And that's much more important. [23:18] Grumma-Lumma is wearing a wrestler’s singlet, and climbs the stairs after Scrim. 00[23:19] 4To Grumma-Lumma: "It's tornado tag rules. You know what that means?" [23:19] 13Kari is clutching the cast iron pan in front of her like a drowning woman’s life buoy while she forces herself up onto the stage behind the bejorted, shirtless man with animal claws. 00[23:19] "It means there are no rules. Go for the eyes." [23:19] Grumma-Lumma: “No. I don’t really know what wrestling is, actually.” [23:20] The spirit spits into his paws and rubs them together. “I’ll rip him apart!” [23:20] 13Nobody said there would be like, performances in front of a crowd. That’s actually worse than being dragged off into the backrooms. 00[23:20] 4Scrim nods solemnly. "Your career in lucha is off to an appropriate start." [23:23] The vampire and the spirit face off against the muscled pig, and wait for the others. [23:24] 13Kari just stands there in the spotlight and does her best to try to hide behind the iron pan. How’s the crowd taking this so far? 00[23:25] 4Scrim is taking heat off Kari by gyrating and strutting around his spotlight. [23:25] Marisol: “COME ON FUCKER!!! 00[23:25] 4Scrim flexes and points at Marisol. "THIS! IS! A HOMEGIRL!" [23:26] The shadow people are rooting for the challengers. The home crowd is giggling, in an extremely hostile manner. [23:27] 6Marisol feels this incredible electricity running through her, this is the most alive she’s felt since the last time she was alive. Nothing can stop her in that spotlight. She feels invincible. [23:28] The Pigxecutioner is standing with its arms crossed. As they step into the spotlights, it makes a single gesture - sweeping a pointing finger across the four of them - and then pointing once, at the ground. [23:28] Music breaks out suddenly, at an enormous volume: [23:28] Someone rings a bell. Ding ding ding! [23:35] The pig surges forward at the sound, bullrushing the four of them! [23:35] And…it collapses to the floor, screaming. [23:35] “Wait we’re starti-AHH!” [23:35] Its midsection is splitting apart as it writhes on the floor. 00[23:36] 4... [23:36] It has enough momentum to launch its upper half at Scrim, arms extended! 00[23:36] 4He keeps his hands up. Is this an-- 00[23:36] 4Yeah, you always keep your hands up. [23:36] Its legs stand up and launch a savage roundhouse kick at Grumma-Lumma. [23:37] 13Kari immediately descends into panicked screaming as the thing comes at them in pieces. [23:40] The legs’ kick connects with Grumma-Lumma so hard he immediately goes flying off the stage, screaming before he crashes somewhere in the dark. [23:46] “NOPE! NOPE! NOWAYUHUH!” 13Kari’s hair whips around as she half-shouts half-shrieks and spins, smashing the now-dented iron pan into the thing’s horrible ass, then follows up with a vicious blow straight to the knee. [23:47] “GO AWAY!” 13BOOOONGGGG ”GO!” [23:52] The pan ignites with a flash when it impacts the piglegs, making a horrible sizzling sound. An entire leg goes sailing as the white-hot pan tears through hamhocks - the remaining leg is hopping, trying to gain its balance when Kari blows its kneecap apart in a shower of bloody bacon. [23:53] But - right as it connects, the ordinary iron of the pan fails, and the handle snaps off, leaving Kari holding a useless plug of metal. The pan’s disk goes sailing and skidding into the darkness, lost. [23:55] 6Marisol has both of her guns cocked and ready to go. “DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!” 6She takes two shots at the same time aiming for the disgusting pig torso dead center. She feels incredible confidence and power surging through her body. 00[23:56] 4Scrim feels the thud of the bullets hitting the thing grabbing him. Session Time: Sat Sep 24 00:00:00 2022 [00:01] 13Kari curses and throws away the handle. Fuck! FUCK! 00[00:06] 4The half-pig tries to take Scrim's back but he does a half headbutt-drop, half spinebuster to put the thing on its back on the stage. Then he relies on his uh. Upper body ground game. 03[00:07] * banana|peels is now known as banana [00:07] The pig screams as it’s outpigeuvered. All its arrogance from a moment is chilled. The home crowd is silent as it watches its champion taken to pieces. [00:08] from a moment before* 00[00:11] 4Scrim drops, rolls it onto its back, and locks in a crossface necklock...with claws, tearing apart the thing's face. 00[00:11] 4*onto its chest [00:12] Blood covers him and the stage as its skin is peeled back. 00[00:12] 4He licks his lips...then rolls onto his back, maintaining the hold. "Kari!" [00:12] 13Kari scrambles back and reaches for the curved sword stuck haphazardly into her open backpack. 00[00:12] "...Or Mari!" [00:16] 6Marisol fires both of her guns and misses her shots. She screams, “FUCK.” 6She’s angry, out of all fuckin’ times, she had to miss. 00[00:17] 4Scrim spins the torso around, flips it, punches it twice in the face, then locks in a kill hold with a front bridge, tearing at the face and neck while extending up against gravity, arching his back. This move is called the Cattle Mutilation. 00[00:17] 4Should work on swine. 00[00:20] 4The big pig gurgles, screams, bleeds, and then dies. 00[00:21] 4Scrim pops up. "WHO BETTA THAN GRIM SCRIM? WHAT BETTA THAN THE WRATH OF THE BAD MAN?" [00:22] The stage is absolutely awash with blood as the thing is torn apart before a live audience. 00[00:22] 4He lifts his bloody arms and revels in the audience reaction. [00:22] There is no audience reaction - from the white swine, at least. [00:22] 6Marisol screams, “YEAH SCRIM!!!” [00:23] The shadow people eat it up, and want more. The distant cheering and thunderous drums become less distant, and more thunderous. [00:23] As Scrim lifts his arms, he can hear the drums sounding, louder than ever. [00:23] DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN [00:23] The shadows descend into the audience of swine, and the pigs begin screaming. [00:23] Shadow knives and shadow spears rise and fall as the pigs are shredded in moments. 00[00:24] 4Scrim laughs. "Marks." [00:25] 6Marisol feels vindicated as she watches the awful swine get murdered in front of her. She hates how good it feels. [00:25] Some of the white swine try to hide under the stage, crawling under the tarp, but the shadow people follow them in, and they can hear wet butcher’s work underneath them. The cloth covering the stage’s undercroft detaches and falls. 00[00:26] 4Scrim: "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" 4Turning to Kari and Marisol: "Yeah, don't drink any of this shit. I don't trust it." [00:26] The spotlight burns a hole through the stage. They can see under it…there’s stairs headed down. 00[00:26] 4He's palming it off his face and wiping it on the floor. The parts of the floor not covered in blood. [00:27] 13Kari is panting, pushing her hair off the front of the mask and swiveling her head left, right, looking for threats, the sword held in a shaky grip in front of her like a protective talisman. [00:28] “What the fuck is going on?” 00[00:28] 4He stands once he's semi-clean. "Where'd Grumbo Lumbo go?" 00[00:28] 4To Kari: "I told you, I'm a vampire." 00[00:28] "And I'm a professional wrestler." 00[00:28] "And I'm very good at both of those things." [00:28] 6Marisol laughs, “I hope he’s okay.” [00:28] “Umm.” 13Kari swallows. 00[00:29] 4Scrim hops off the stage. "YO! GRUMBY!" [00:29] There’s a faint stirring from the ruined corners of the room, followed by a wooden tapping. [00:29] 6Marisol calls out, “Grumma-Lumma?” [00:29] Grumma-Lumma slowly limps into view, sporting a huge shiner, a head wrapped in a bandage, and a pair of crutches. “Did you see…agh…that…I totally…argh…kicked that guy’s ass…” [00:30] 6Marisol holds in her laugh, “Yeah, you really did a number on him.” 00[00:31] 4Scrim: "My man! You're in the business. You're one of us." 00[00:31] "Get on up here." 00[00:32] 4Scrim will assist to the degree that Grumma-Lumma actually needs assistance, rather than 'what a cool costume' support. [00:33] Once supported, Grumma-Lumma goes to the center stage and picks up his fallen orange mask. He holds up a crutch and screams out in victory. “For the Navel Queen!” 00[00:34] "FOR THE NAVEL QUEEN!" [00:34] “For the navel queen…?” 00[00:35] 4Stage whispering: "He's an Orangeman." [00:36] 13The adrenaline is slowly draining out of Kari’s system, and her breathing’s slowed enough that she no longer sounds like she’s about to start crying out of nowhere. 00[00:38] 4Scrim glances over. Eh, she'll be fine. [00:38] Now THAT’s the attitude that will win him his sire’s approval. 02[00:39] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[08:52] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-c26.2ff.187.89.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:04] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-c26.2ff.187.89.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:31] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8po.icn.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:57] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Sep 25 00:00:00 2022 02[02:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[02:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-8po.icn.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[03:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1ru.svv.72.148.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[04:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[07:42] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-1ru.svv.72.148.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[07:46] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3lp.5q2.192.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[10:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:32] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:16] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-t5h.g87.249.87.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:18] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3lp.5q2.192.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:18] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[16:09] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:31] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:28] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:29] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:47] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[22:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Mon Sep 26 00:00:00 2022 02[02:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[06:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:09] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:12] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-t5h.g87.249.87.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-kr3.5q2.192.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:27] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[12:33] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-kr3.5q2.192.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:45] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[12:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:00] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:22] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:41] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:13] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9fs.5q2.192.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:33] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:54] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:54] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Tue Sep 27 00:00:00 2022 03[01:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:49] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:51] * banana is now known as banana|peels 02[12:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-9fs.5q2.192.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:39] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Sep 27 23:39:53 2022 Session Start: Tue Sep 27 23:42:38 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[23:42] * Now talking in #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Sep 28 00:00:00 2022 02[00:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:26] * banana|peels is now known as banana 03[00:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[09:22] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:23] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:25] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-tok.s0j.150.169.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:14] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-tok.s0j.150.169.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[13:16] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-j8t.kkf.108.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[15:32] * tom2 is now known as tom 03[15:37] * Quaker (Quaker@sorcery-ppt.89u.56.172.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:07] * Quaker (Quaker@sorcery-ppt.89u.56.172.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[19:26] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:24] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-j8t.kkf.108.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[23:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Sep 29 00:00:00 2022 03[00:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:11] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:18] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:20] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:50] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:08] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:14] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:22] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:38] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:45] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:28] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:45] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:54] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:19] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:22] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:25] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:49] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:53] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:14] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:19] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:34] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:48] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[23:49] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 2022 02[01:08] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:09] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[02:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:38] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:45] - [20:45] - [20:45] - [20:45] - [20:45] - [20:45] - [20:46] The Pigxecutioner has been gruesomely dispatched. The great pig heartbeat that was in this room is no more, and the pack of white swine that was infesting this place has been wiped out by shadow figures falling from the ceiling. [20:47] 13So, ummmmmmmmmm , that just happened. 00[20:47] "FUCK yeah." [20:48] Now, the three adventures and their totem spirit ally are alone in the great stone theater, in the near total darkness. There’s really not much in here besides the collapsing ruins of the stage, the bloody bleachers around it, and piles of filthy trash lining the room. [20:48] 6God damn, I don’t know how much more I can take… 00[20:48] "Kari, the fuck was in that frying pan, kid?" 00[20:49] "Young man went splat!" 00[20:49] "Young...pig. S'legs. But they went splat." [20:50] 13Kari has her camcorder back out and is sweeping the room to take in as much of this as she can. "I made a guess." 13She coughs; the camera is politely pointed at Scrim's feet. "Cold iron. You can just find that out on wikipedia." [20:50] "It's uhh, it's why people used to nail horseshoes on their doors for luck." 00[20:50] 4He frowns. "Pretty warm in here." [20:51] "No, no, it's like-" 13She stops herself. "...Why do you think the shadow people uh.. went after them..?" 00[20:51] 4Scrim: "Good eating, I suspect." 00[20:51] "Hope they don't have a taste for long pig." [20:52] 6Marisol: “This whole world doesn’t make any sense.” [20:52] They can return the way they came, or investigate the two ways forward to them: there’s a small doorway heading east, or a set of steep stairs heading down, beneath the stage. 00[20:53] 4Scrim: "Well, I'm still feeling fresh." [20:54] 6Marisol: “Let’s keep going. Let’s go down the stairs.” [20:55] "I lost my pan so," 13Kari straightens her posture and shuffles between the two of them to make another long mark on the wall with her chalk. "I guess we're still golden." [20:55] "You two might have to carry in the next scrap." [20:56] 6Marisol: “You got a sword dude, you’ve upgraded.” [20:56] 13She shakes her head. "I doubt they'd keep anything made of iron here." [20:56] "But, yeah, better than nothing." [20:58] 13She turns to face the larger vampire and gives him an odd look: "You learn how to fight manbearpigs in the UFC or whatever?" [21:00] Grumma-Lumma is using a crutch to push around the exploded pig remnants still smoldering on the stage, tracking blood everywhere. “It wasn’t even carrying anything valuable…” [21:00] “Ugh!” [21:00] “Let’s keep going until we find something good.” 00[21:00] 4Scrim: "They're just like middleweights but prettier looking." [21:01] "You okay dude?" 13A look of concern flashes across the woman's face as she regards the biped cat. 00[21:01] 4Scrim, to their inventory goblin: "You need help getting the cart down those stairs or...?" [21:01] The stairs are steep, and long. It takes them down beneath the theater’s floor. Instantly, the temperature drops and the smell improves. [21:02] 13Man, that cart's gotta be clanging on every single step the whole way down. [21:02] 13Are we making too much noise? [21:02] Grumma-Lumma shrinks the cart to the size of a small box and carries it in his palm. “No, thank you.” [21:02] "Fuck can you do that again? I didn't get a shot of that." 13Kari whines as she fiddles with the camera. [21:02] "This is gold. Can you tell me how valuable the footage of a cat carrying a little cart is? Is that how it works?" [21:03] There’s nothing down here that reacts to their descent - at least as far as they can tell. 00[21:03] 4Scrim will take point. He can turn these into squats, and coming back up, into jump drills. Then he remembers he doesn't need to work out anymore. [21:03] Grumma-Lumma: “Just watch your step! It’s a cart, not an ambulance once you get a concussion after slipping.” 00[21:04] 4Honestly, that sent him into a depression for awhile. He still works out sometimes with the Blush just to feel like that again. [21:04] 6Marisol: “Yeah, Kari, please be careful!” [21:04] They find themselves in a room with very high ceilings - twenty feet higher or more, stretching into unlit darkness above their heads. The flashlight and the vampires’ darkvision shows them: the room here is absolutely covered in a thick layer of dust. It doesn’t look like the pigs have been down here recently, or possibly ever. [21:05] 13Kari follows, never quite letting the two of them flank her as they descend the stair. [21:05] The room is mostly empty except for the far south wall. [21:05] 13To Marisol: "How are you on ammo? You popped off a couple shots so far." [21:05] "Which by the way, ow, my ears." [21:06] 13I guess that isn't really a problem for you guys, huh. [21:06] On the south wall is a marble altar, flanked on either side by unlit brass braziers. Behind the altar is a tall, unmoving figure. 00[21:06] 4No heartbeat? [21:07] 6Marisol to Kari: “I have ammo in Grumma-Lumma’s cart….and sorry, I need to train more in my actual combat skills.” [21:07] 13Did you see it? 👉4⭕ [21:07] 13Kari just laughs. "You are doing so much better than my last team." [21:08] "So..." 13She falls silent at the sight of the figure. [21:08] It’s eight or nine feet tall, and perfectly still. The figure is in black robes…and wearing a black bird mask. Its chest is covered in a gloriously luxurious jeweled sash - even in the dim light, they can see gold and sapphires glittering. No heartbeat. Nothing to indicate that it’s alive. 00[21:08] 14Scrim: "Anyone home, big man?" 00[21:08] 4Scrim: "Anyone home, big man?" [21:08] In separate apses set into the south wall, above the beaked figure on either side, are two smaller figures, about six feet tall. [21:09] From this distance, they look roughly masculine and feminine. [21:09] 6Marisol: “What the fuck….” [21:09] "Yeah this feels like a trap." 13She's looking at the light glinting off the bejeweled sash. [21:10] The group is about twenty feet away from the altar - it’ll be your choice to approach, if you choose that. [21:10] Nothing answers Scrim’s challenge. 00[21:10] 4Scrim's gonna approach it unless he's stopped. [21:11] 6Marisol: “You can take the lead on this one Scrim.” [21:12] When Scrim gets within a step of the altar, the figures in the apses stand up. A spotlight comes from the ceiling, illuminating Scrim and the apses. He can see: In one apse, a rosy-cheeked woman wearing a fine dress; in the other, a man wearing a fine evening suit. The woman carries a parasol, the man stands on stilts. [21:13] The woman raises her parasol. Scrim can see in the light of the stage light that it’s bladed on the edges. The stilts are studded with sharp-looking miniature knives hammered into the wood. [21:13] 13Kari is doing her best to get a shot of this that captures all three of them in the frame. 00[21:13] 4Scrim: "Hey." [21:14] The woman shouts. “Hail Afatis, Many Headed Queen of Puppets!” 00[21:14] "Alright." [21:14] The man answers. “Whose Sacred Instruments Punish the Transgressors of The Law!” 00[21:14] "Don't like where this is going, but I hear you." [21:14] Grumma-Lumma shouts. “Scrim, wait! Freeze!” [21:14] “Don’t move!” [21:14] "Oh wow," 13Kari whispers from next to Marisol. "They really going into the bit here." 00[21:14] 4Scrim has not moved since the light snapped on. [21:16] Grumma-Lumma puts his paw under his chin, thinking. “This is…this is that friggin’ altar from the murals! The one with the big beaked person!” [21:17] 6Marisol: “You’re right!” [21:17] "Oh frick." 13Kari is tabbing back through the footage. Is it in there? [21:21] 6Should we offer one of the books we found to this…thing?” [21:21] 13Kari takes the bird mask she pilfered earlier off the rubber band she's got looped around the clip on her backpack and puts it on. "Anyone see any fruit?" [21:22] Grumma-Lumma takes a glowing melon out his cart and holds it up. [21:22] out of his* 00[21:22] 4Scrim: "Oh come on." 00[21:22] "Goddammit." [21:22] 6Oh my god [21:23] "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen." [21:23] 13Kari reflects that she is probably in the midst of some kind of schizoid breakdown. [21:25] 13The melon's too big to just like.. put in her mouth, right? 00[21:27] 4Scrim: "I'm not eating the melon unless you cut it up." 00[21:27] "I ain't a gotdamn snake." [21:28] Something occurs in the group’s shared brain: the shadow puppet who opened the door earlier said (gestured) that if they wore the bird masks, the swine would hold back. And the swine did hold back. The murals indicate some kind of society heavily invested in law and ritual, and it showed two people arguing over an open book in front of a judge-figure…like a legal argument? And these marionettes just mentioned the law… 00[21:28] 4...Fruit law. [21:28] The melon is about the size of a honeydew melon, and glowing. Its white rind is covered in markings that look like writing in an unknown language. 00[21:29] 4Is the melon cut up in the mural? If it's melon at all? [21:29] Is this a place for lawyers? Were the figures in the murals eating fruit and wearing masks lawyers? [21:29] Not rhetorical. [21:30] 6Marisol: “Okay, ya’ll, I think we need to put on our masks and give the melon to the woman.” [21:30] 13Kari grabs the hilt of the short sword hanging out of her partially unzipped backpack. [21:30] In the mural, the fruit is sliced up. [21:30] The lawyers eat it like a big old cartoon watermelon slice. [21:30] Well, theorized (?) fruit lawyers. [21:30] 6Marisol: “Kari, if you want you can cut the melon, but Grumma-Lumma can do it too.” 00[21:31] 4Scrim: "Mural says to eat it the long way." [21:31] 13Kari: "Does he have a little baby sword?" 13She wrinkles her nose. "I guess it's safer than getting weird goo on me." [21:32] "I do have a pair of washing gloves but, yeah, nah." 13She steps back to let Grumma handle it. [21:32] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma can do it all! Grumma-Lumma, can you please cut the melon for us?” [21:32] Grumma-Lumma extends an extremely sharp claw and rapidly slices the melon apart into four slices. It smells sweet and pleasant. [21:34] The spirit goes to place a slice in Scrim’s hand, so he doesn’t have to move out of the spotlight. [21:34] 13Kari picks up one of the pieces and flicks it with her finger suspiciously. [21:34] “Bottoms up on three?” [21:34] "I guess so." 00[21:34] "Yeah. 00[21:34] " [21:36] Grumma-Lumma sniffs the fruit. “Cheers. One, two, three.” 00[21:36] 4How's the melon? [21:36] 13God I'm gonna turn into a fucking creature aren't I? [21:36] 13I'm going to eat the fruit and turn into a horrible little freak. [21:36] 6Marisol grabs a piece of the weird fruit and blushes. [21:37] It’s delicious. [21:37] 13Ugh. 00[21:37] 4How're his ears? He turning into an elf? [21:37] It might literally be the best fruit you’ve all collectively had. Top 5, at least. [21:37] None of you feel like you’re changing physically. [21:37] Grumma-Lumma drops the fruit and clutches his head. “Ohhh…” [21:37] 6Marisol: “1I thought I would regret this…wow.”6 She’s taken aback by the taste. [21:38] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma?” [21:38] In all your minds, instantaneously, you acquire new knowledge. It just appears in your memory, settling in naturally besides memories of your childhood and favorite hobbies. 00[21:39] 4Acquiring new knowledge...suspicious about that. [21:40] This entire facility is the Theater of the Inquisitors, one of the Guilds of the Dream City of Zyan. This specific chamber is the actual Theater. It’s where masked Inquisitors - the masked figures you saw in the murals - debate over the fate of transgressors against Guild law and cite Zyan’s labrynthine legal code to support their argumetns. [21:40] arguments* 00[21:41] 4Ah shit. It really is fruit law. [21:41] 13Kari's camera is swaying back and forth, with presumptive viewers seeing only the remaining rind of the fruit in Kari's hand while she catches a ragged breath. "Okay so I think I just had a for real vision." [21:41] The beaked figure in front of you is a representation of the Archon of Puppets, Afatis, the Lawgiver, who punishes transgressors. Their fates range from being expelled from the Guilds and made to live as wretched Guildless, or sacrificed to a great being. 00[21:42] 4Scrim: "So can I move now or should I just hang out?" [21:42] The challenges stated by the figures in the apses issued the traditional phrases used to begin a trial. [21:43] You all know the traditional reply: May Their Blood Feed Your Many Mouths! [21:43] And about several lifetimes’ worth of criminal code, somehow. [21:43] 13She pats her chest and shudders. "I'm morbing." [21:43] 6Marisol: “May Their Blood Feed Your Many Mouths…” [21:43] 13Yeah, yeah, dead meme. We know. 00[21:44] "May Their Blood, uh, Feed Your Many Mouths." [21:44] The puppets slump down, back into inaction. The spotlights flick off. 00[21:44] 4All good? ...All good! [21:44] The room is dark once more. [21:44] "Okay," 13Kari speaks to an aspirational future audience that assumes she doesn't die in like five seconds. "So we're in the dream city of Zyan, and we have mastered bird law." 00[21:44] 4Impulsively, as a Philadelphian would: "Go birds." [21:44] 6Marisol: “So…we good?” 00[21:45] 4Scrim: "Yup. Tell the catboy to take everything that ain't nailed down that doesn't violate the law." [21:45] "Think so." 13Kari glances over at the jeweled sash. "Think it's safe?" [21:46] Grumma-Lumma: “By Afatis’s many beaks…” [21:46] “It should be good to loot…” [21:47] 6Marisol goes over to the sash and grabs it….waiting for something to happen. [21:47] Nothing happens. [21:48] 6Marisol: “Let’s loot.” [21:48] The sash is absolutely studded with jewels the size of fingernails. Grumma-Lumma runs his paws over it. “Oh my god…this is easily a quarter of a million right here…” [21:49] The two figures in the apses are marionettes, once they look up close. They’ve been so finely fashioned from wood that they look uncannily lifelike, even when slumped over. [21:50] 13Kari makes sure to get shots of all three on her camcorder, lingering for a long time on the woman and her parasol. "D'ya think they were human, once?" [21:50] Grumma-Lumma knocks the big brass braziers over and rolls them into the cart. “Should we take the mannequins?” [21:50] "Can we?" 00[21:51] 4Scrim: "That sounds like it would violate bird law, to take the judges." [21:51] There’s nothing securing them in place, and they’re pretty light [21:51] 13Kari: "I... have a hunch." [21:51] "Maybe it's nothing but.." [21:51] 6Marisol felt weird taking the things of this weirdly lifelike figures, too unsettling. She took the jewels and everything else that glittered without looking the figures in the eyes. [21:52] 13The figures are roughly human sized, yeah? Do they just disappear when they go into the cart? [21:53] They don’t disappear. They just lay on top of all the other stuff. [21:53] 13Creepy. Still... [21:53] Grumma-Lumma’s sized it up again, to put all the new stuff in. [21:54] The cat claps the dust off his hands. “Okay. Where next?” [21:54] The only exit from this room is back up the stairs, to the pig-stage room. [21:55] 6Marisol: “So, I think we can go back the way we came and check out where else the pig stage room leads too…” 00[21:57] 4Scrim: "Sounds good. Ugh. I'm breathing." 00[21:57] "I can taste this place now." [21:58] 13Kari makes another mark with the chalk. Actually, she's making a whole little figure drawing of a stick figure putting on a mask and eating a half-circle.No, she's dotting it with little melon seeds. [21:58] "If someone gets lost here that'll be good to have." 13If it even stays. [22:00] 13She's removed her mask and replaced it on the clip on her backpack. I guess Scrim didn't need it..? [22:11] 13The camera's flashlight shines weakly down the long hall, the only sound picked up by the microphone the dull footfalls on the stone. [22:11] After the group makes their way back up the stairs, into the quiet, smelly darkness of the bloody pig theater, they can see that birds are gathering on the catwalks below, fluttering their wings and staring. [22:11] 6Marisol: “Okay, let’s go back to the pig stage room.” [22:12] There’s the door heading east, and the corridor back north with the altars. [22:13] 6Marisol: “Let’s check out what the rooms east have for us.” [22:13] 13Kari, to the birds: "Hey guys." [22:13] 13Leaving: "Bye guys." [22:13] They stare down, with their…eye. The birds here have eyeballs for heads. 00[22:14] 4Scrim moseys onwards. [22:14] The vampires can detect a faint pair of heartbeats in the room ahead. One bigger than the other. [22:15] There’s a door at the entrance to the room to the east. It’s wooden, and badly scratched up by pig nails. 00[22:16] 4Scrim: "Should I?" [22:16] Unlocked, if they jiggle the handle. Something stirs on the other side. [22:16] 13Kari, who cannot sense heartbeats, is about to continue unless someone stops her. [22:16] 6Marisol: “Get ready yall.” [22:16] "Oh?" 00[22:16] 4Scrim will stop her, because he's going first. [22:16] 6Marisol: “I’ll go first.” 00[22:16] 4Scrim will stop her, because Marisol's going first. [22:17] Marisol enters the room… [22:17] It’s smashed up, like a few of the rooms they’ve seen ruined by the swine. And mostly full. [22:17] “Wow! Hi! Who are you?” [22:18] 6Marisol: “I’m Marisol. Who are you?” 00[22:18] 4Scrim sticks his hands in the pockets of his jorts. This mainly just makes his abs pop. [22:18] The first thing she sees is a huge caterpillar, lying on the ground. It’s the size of a horse, white and black with zebra stripes. It lackadasically raises its head to look at her. 00[22:18] 4And it means if he pops his claws, they won't see it. [22:20] The second thing (person) she sees is a middle-aged man with a pink, puffy face, dark sunglasses, short white hair, blue polo shirt, and chinos. He’s wearing a lion mask on his head, with his face visible through the lion’s jaws. His leg looks broken, with at least a compound fracture. [22:20] “Marisol! Wow. Now, is that a traditional name for people who live here?” [22:20] 13Does the giant caterpiller have a hookah? [22:21] 6Marisol: “…What’s up?” [22:21] “My name is Groaf! And I’m - wow - I’m just thrilled to meet you! What an exciting group of people we’re meeting. Look, Luis!” [22:21] 6Marisol: “I don’t live here. Do you?” [22:21] The caterpillar is smoking the same brand of cigarettes they found earlier littering the dungeon. [22:22] 13No Hookah? SCAMMED. [22:22] 6She’s pleasantly surprised… “It’s nice meeting you!” [22:22] 13Well, Kari knows better than to bum cigarettes off anyone she finds here. But she almost does anyway. [22:22] 13It's the novely of it, you know? [22:22] 13novelty [22:23] 13Kari waggles her fingers at the pair. "How's the bum leg?" [22:23] The room is smashed up - there’s only one non-shattered mirror on the wall. It looks like this place could have been a dressing room for the stage - it’s filled with smashed couches and wardrobe racks. [22:23] There’s a door on the far side. It looks like it’s covered in bells and string. [22:24] “You know, it’s not so hot. I think it’s broken! It made an absolutely terrible snap when that big pig fellow threw me in here!” [22:24] He’s carrying a spear, but he reaches into a bag and puts a kind of foam covering over it, so that when he points it back at them it looks like he’s carrying a giant microphone. “Now, who are you?” 00[22:25] 4Scrim: "Scrim." 00[22:26] "That broken leg real, or part of your gimmick?" [22:26] “Pleased to meet you, Scrim! Now, is that a nickname?” [22:26] 6Marisol: “We’re just passing through, trying to find a big spider. I think we might have medicine here, if you want.” [22:27] Groaf laughs in a friendly way. “Well, I wish I was pulling your leg! But mine feels pretty busted up.” [22:27] "I'm Kari." 13She grimaces down at the broken leg. "They're really running with the theater allegory huh." [22:27] “Now - LOOK AT THAT! It’s a little tiny cat, with a hat. A cat in the hat! Look at this, Luis!” [22:28] "What, you guys don't know each other? I woulda figured..." [22:28] 6Marisol: “That’s Grumma-Lumma.” [22:28] “Look at that!” Groaf points his microphone at Kari. “Wow! It’s a woman! Hello! Now, are you some kind of elf woman?” 00[22:29] 4Scrim: "It's a business name." [22:30] Groaf chuckles. “Well! What a couple of characters we’ve found here in beautiful Riverside, California!” [22:31] 13Kari immediately flusters up: "What? No, what?" [22:31] “Well, unfortunately, that door over there is locked.” [22:31] 13She slinks back a little ways behind Marisol, with her back to the wall. 00[22:32] 4Scrim: "And what would it take to unlock that door." [22:33] “Well…you would have to know how to pick a lock!” [22:33] “Now, are you all lock pickers?” [22:33] Marisol: “Oh, I’ve picked locks before!" [22:33] “And do you pick locks often?” 00[22:33] 4Scrim: "You make that sound like a weird old slur." [22:34] 6Marisol: “Sometimes.” [22:34] Groaf does, in fact, have a very faint southern accent. 00[22:34] 4That's probably what it is. [22:34] 13Kari: "Why'd they toss you in here, anyway?" [22:35] “Wow! Now, I do have to admit, I think that door has been strung with bells to alert someone on the other side if you mess with it.” [22:35] “Well, I’m a bit of an explorer - I’m always visting all the wonderful places in this beautiful state!” [22:35] “And, haha,” he laughs. “Me and Luis heard about this interesting place!” 00[22:36] 4Scrim: "Guy on the other side of this door's not gonna believe what I'll do to him. 00[22:36] " [22:37] 6Marisol: “We have to think about this….” [22:38] Grumma-Lumma: “That’s just like that locked door we found on the other side of the rusted gate near the river.” [22:38] 13Kari's eyes bug the fuck out: "Wait a second, you're not.. from here?" [22:38] "...Do you want help getting out?" [22:39] Groaf: “I would love to get out! Actually, I’m originally from Gallatin, in beautiful Sumner County, Tennessee!” [22:40] “Now, do you all know Rune?” [22:40] M6arisol: “I know Rune!” 00[22:40] 4Scrim: "What's that, an MMO?" [22:40] 13Kari shuts her eyes and stands stock still with her hands balled to fists at her sides. "O-okay," 13She stammers, turning to the others: "We have to help them out of here, okay?" [22:41] 13Scrim probably gets the sense she's trying to be assertive. [22:41] Groaf looks relieved. “Oh, great. Rune and I are old friends. She would probably appreciate you getting Luis and I out of here safely.” [22:42] "Umm, umm, I don't know how to splint your leg but, uhh, I could.. try?" [22:42] 6Marisol: “Can Luis run fast if there’s danger?” [22:43] Groaf: “No.” [22:43] 6Marisol: “Can you lift Luis?” [22:44] Luis is about three times the size of Groaf. “No. I’ve tried a few times! We both had a good laugh.” [22:45] “Now, he doesn’t usually like this…but I could probably ride him out of here, if you escort me out.” [22:46] "Yeah, yeah! I put chalk marks all along the tunnels so we can follow them back out.." [22:49] 6Marisol: “Okay, I’m going to fix your leg, and you can ride Luis out of here with us leading you.” [22:49] 13Kari, at least, has a roll of duct tape (Always useful!) that she tosses over to Marisol to give her something to tie off a splint. She goes around looking for something that could serve as a brace. 00[22:49] 4Scrim tries to be useful but, like, what do you expect? He's not actively harmful, at least. [22:50] Marisol: [22:50] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, do you have a splint?” [22:50] Groaf: “Wow!” [22:51] Grumma-Lumma rummages around some broken furniture and snaps off two pieces of wood for her. [22:51] Groaf: “Now, is Grumma-Lumma a family name? [22:51] 6Marisol: “Thanks.” [22:52] 6Marisol wraps his leg up with the wood and duct tape, “…Good as new…” [22:53] 13Kari: "Of the Los Angeles Grumma Lummas, I'd assume." 00[22:53] 4Scrim: "His color scheme white blue and yellow too?" [22:54] Grumma-Lumma: “It’s a title given to me by the Navel Queen of Riverside. Maybe you’ve heard of her…changeling.” [22:55] 13Kari pets the caterpiller. [22:55] "Soft." [22:55] Luis moves his massive head to regard her, but is otherwise docile. [22:55] He’s covered in stiff white fur. 00[22:56] 4The caterpillar CAN get through the door out of here moving east with Groaf on top, right? [22:56] It’s a tight squeeze, but it’ll fit. 00[22:59] 4Scrim gets in position on the opposite side of this door's hinges as they get ready to open it. [23:00] Kari is able to unlock the door… [23:00] 13Well, first, obviously, Kari starts unstringing the bells one by one after sticking her finger on the ringer to muffle them. [23:01] 13After that it's a simple matter of futzing with a hairpin and jiggling the lock. Here, she almost chokes, of course. [23:01] 13One of the bells falls to the floor and rings out, covering Kari's curse. [23:01] 13The door swings open. [23:01] The bell gives a gently tingling chime, like somebody walking into a store. The sound travels down the hallway in front of them. 00[23:02] 4When the door opens and the bells are tripped, Scrim will storm through first. He'll tap Kari on the shoulder gently first. It's fine. Not on her. Now it's on him. [23:03] Scrim sees…dead pigs. [23:03] He’s in a long, dark stone hallway. 00[23:03] "Lotta pork in here. And whatever butchered it knows we're coming." [23:03] 13Kari flinches, but has enough sense to follow with her camera's flashlight on. [23:03] It goes on for a few hundred feet, and then turns left. But whoever locked the door has also defended it. Pretty recently, from the state of the pigs’ bodies. They’ve been stabbed and stacked like cordwood. [23:05] 13Kari's got her hand over her mouth. "Jesus Christ." 00[23:05] 4Scrim: "Maybe they're nice." [23:10] Luis scoots along, carrying Groaf, who clings to his steed. [23:10] “Wow! They’re all dead!” 00[23:11] 4Scrim: "Lot of that happening around here." [23:13] 6Marisol needs to feel this room out on a greater scale. She lets her beast come out of her and sense the room. She feels the lives that have been in the room and the lives that have been lost in here.  [23:14] 6Beast, what was the person who killed these pigs feeling? [23:15] Marisol feels something uncoil from around her spine. Her skin tingles. Her brain tingles. Something that tastes blood and time drops off of her and slithers across the stone, seeking. It feels good. [23:16] What were they *feeling*? [23:16] The thing creeping across the stone stops. And flies back to her head in a snap. [23:17] There were more than one they. And they were feeling…an almost unbearable, almost untranslatable sense of shame. In general. And a fury and disgust at the pigs, specifically. She can feel the emotions in the back of her throat as her beast dumps them there, running down into her stomach. [23:19] The shame, unbelievable, all-encompassing, an echo of that moment in front of judgment made manifest, beginning in a criminal act, a breaking of masks, a shame that eats voices and blackens mouths. A shame that silences and makes loyal defenders of its victims. [23:19] Once belonging to something great, and no longer. [23:20] Now living here, in this abandoned, holy place, its last defender, who would have been less than trash in the place’s eyes when it was alive. [23:20] And rage against these FUCKING DISGUSTING pigs and their DISGUSTING ways. [23:20] For making this place even more DISGUSTING. [23:21] That’s all she can make out, for now. 00[23:22] 4Scrim: "I'm thinking I'll just go down there and knock." [23:22] 6Marisol: “No. Hold on.” [23:23] 6Marisol: “We need to put on our masks. This thing that lives here hates the pigs.” [23:24] 13Kari loops the hook-billed mask over her head. 00[23:24] 4Scrim puts on his mask. "I mean. I don't think I look that bad..." [23:24] To their eyes, Marisol has been standing there for a moment, trance-like. But as she is doing whatever she’s doing, Kari and Scrim hear something faintly, from the far end of this hallway. Quiet, melodic sounds. Flute music, or like a pan pipe. 00[23:24] "They're playing like, satyr grove music up ahead. How mad can they possibly be?" [23:25] 6Marisol puts on her mask, “This thing is angry, we need to tread lightly.” 00[23:26] 4Scrim sighs. "Fine. I'll be nice." [23:26] Faintly, the vampires can hear many heartbeats ahead. [23:26] 6Marisol: “Ill go first.” 6She knocks on the door.” [23:27] There’s no response. [23:28] 6Marisol knocks louder. [23:28] The pipe music abruptly stops, in the distance. No one answers the door. 00[23:29] 4Scrim steps up alongside the door, not in the path if it slams open abruptly but in position to grab whoever runs through. [23:29] 6Marisol grabs the handle to try and open the door herself. [23:29] It’s unlocked. [23:30] Is she going to go in? [23:30] 6Marisol walks in first. 00[23:30] 4If she is, Scrim is right behind her. [23:30] There’s a slight staircase that blocks an immediate view of the room from out here in the hallway. [23:30] 13Kari shares a nervous look with the others before following. [23:30] Grumma-Lumma follows Kari. [23:30] Luis and Groaf follow Grumma-Lumma. [23:31] The room here smells richly of blood. That’s the first thing the vampires notice. 00[23:31] 4Tasty. 00[23:31] 4Thankfully he's not hungry. 00[23:31] 4...Would be good to get out of here and feed, though. [23:31] It’s a large room, the size of an olympic swimming pool and its surrounding deck. [23:33] In the center of the room are two large tiled bathing tubs set in the floor. There’s no water in them, though. Just barrels and barrels, and bloody tools, and dried pools of blood staining the tile near the drains. They can smell an intense fermenting scent in here. [23:34] 13Kari is visibly ill. [23:34] If they peer down, they can look into the barrels at the bottom of the great tubs. They’re full of the white children’s hands of the swine, in some kind of clear fluid. [23:35] 6Marisol: “Ugh, gross.” 00[23:36] 4Scrim: "Yeah. Yeah, gross." [23:36] In the silence, they can hear footsteps approaching. Bare feet on stone, coming towards them. There’s two doors heading north in this room, and another heading south set in the same wall they just emerged from. [23:37] Need to make a choice: staying here? [23:37] 13Kari's breathing goes ragged and she fumbles with her backpack to produce a shitty linen mask to loop over her nose and mouth. It doesn't really help. [23:37] 13This is supremely sus. 00[23:37] 4Scrim is muttering something under his breath to himself. If the path is clear to the exit on the other side, he's gonna head for it. 00[23:38] 4He'll pause on the footsteps. [23:38] 13Kari practically goes off into a sprint after him. 00[23:40] 4Then he'll start circling the outside of this pool until he gets a mark on them. [23:42] The doors leading north swing open and a half-dozen starkly white figures emerge, instantly clocking the group. 00[23:43] 4Scrim: "What's up." [23:43] They seem momentarily taken aback by the sight of your masks - the look on their faces is one of surprise, then confusion. [23:43] But they recover enough to level bone spears at all of you. [23:44] 6Marisol: “We’re..a..just passing through….” 00[23:44] 4Scrim: "Ohhh, that ain't enough, young men." [23:44] The figures are humanoid, clothed in tattered rags and jewelry made out of stone and bones. 00[23:45] 4He's assessing the terrain. If he can drive them into the short part of the room on the far east, coming around the pool, then it's basically a hallway. 00[23:45] 4And he can drive them there by just walking towards the southeast corner. [23:46] 6Marisol is standing in front of Luis and has her hands up, “We can work something out, right?” [23:46] Their hair runs down their bodies in dirty clumps and strings - they don’t look particularly healthy. Their skin is a pale, sickly white. Their mouths are stained with some kind of blackish sooty stuff. [23:46] 6Marisol: “Do you want fruit?” [23:47] They seem a bit cowed by the sight of your masks, still. 00[23:47] 4Carrot and stick. If Marisol can come up with a carrot, he can be a hell of a stick. [23:48] Then a seventh figure steps out into the room. Much taller than the others. Holding a great club that’s made out of shining bone, capped with some horror’s huge toothed skull. He (?) is draped in torn crimson sheets. [23:48] 6Maybe taking off my mask will make them at ease… [23:48] The figure blows into a pan pipe it’s holding in a free hand, and at the sound of the tune the other six snap back into attention. They stand a little straighter, still leveling their spears. 00[23:48] 4No. I'm not sure about that. [23:48] 13Yeah, Kari drops her mask down to her chin after she sees their reaction. 00[23:49] "Big boy." [23:49] The leader hesitates when he sees Marisol take her mask off. [23:50] It seemed like he was about some decisive order, but Marisol and Kari taking off their inquisitor masks makes him pause. 00[23:50] 4Fine. 00[23:50] 4Scrim takes his off too. [23:51] The figures on the other end of the pools just…stand there. Then…slowly…the weapons dip a little. Still held, but not pointed at them. 00[23:52] 4Scrim puts his hands on his hips. [23:52] The leader puts a hand on his throat. And then shakes his head. [23:52] 6Marisol: “You can’t speak?” [23:52] The leader shakes his head. [23:53] 13Kari: "Are.. are you human?" [23:54] 6Marisol: “We just want to pass through. We come peacefully.” [23:54] Oh, their newfound knowledge reminds you all exactly who they are. They are scum. They are unspeakable. They are criminals, transgressors, exiles. They are Guildless. They have sinned against Zyan. [23:55] They are to be kept here in hell. And hunted, if they ever venture out. 00[23:56] 4Oh, they're cool. [23:56] At least, according to the Hermeneutica of the Crooked Law, written by the Archon’s Speaker, living in Zyan above. [23:57] Which they are all now very familiar with, thanks to the melon. [23:57] 6Marisol: “Would you like some fruit?” [23:57] Even speaking to them is a crime in itself. 00[23:57] 4Don't offer them the fruit. 00[23:57] 4The fruit seems biased. [23:57] The leader shakes his head. [23:58] He points at Marisol, then raises his hand palm up and shrugs. [23:59] "Should we just.. dip?" [23:59] 6Marisol: “Okay, well…we are just travelers. We’re looking for a big spider.” Session Time: Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] The leader points at two of his fellows and then motions at the door leading south (the door other than the one to the hallway they just came from.) The pair begins to move towards that door. 00[00:01] 4Scrim: "Well, we ain't need to find it right NOW." [00:01] Then he holds up a hand. Wait. He reaches into his robes and takes something out…chalk. 00[00:01] "Oh, that's a good idea." [00:01] 13Kari fumes. [00:01] Then, on the wall, he draws swiftly. [00:02] 13She's curious enough that it's overridden her fear to come close enough to watch. [00:02] It’s not the fine tile work from the alcove corridor, but they can see it instantly. A figure on top of a spider, wearing a pointed crown. [00:02] The leader tosses Kari the chalk and points on the wall. At the spider. 00[00:03] 4This art shit... [00:04] 6Marisol: “What about the spider…” [00:05] 13Kari takes up the chalk in her fingers and, trembling, draws an arrow toward the spider and then makes an effort of shrugging at the elder. 00[00:05] 4Scrim: "Let me try out the chalk when you're done." [00:06] 6Marisol: “We’re going to come back for the spider, we just want to leave right now.” [00:06] 13Kari actually takes out an almost complete set of chalk (in all sorts of colors!) from her bag and hands a spare stick to Scrim before offering the rest to the masked degenerate. 00[00:06] 4Scrim: "Oh. Damn." [00:09] The leader takes the chalk set and looks it over. [00:09] He sets down his club and walks to the wall. [00:10] In a few moments, he’s drawn something new. Lots and lots of dead bodies under the spider. [00:10] 13Kari sets aside a bit of blank wall and begins to scribble. Three figures go through a door. Three figures next to a bunch of comically dead porcine figures with X's for eyes. Three figures surrounded by shittily, but still legibly rendered representations of present company. [00:10] 13She taps the chalk on the image of the figures and shrugs. [00:10] 13Well, that makes sense. [00:11] The leader perks up at the sight of the dead pig caricatures. He takes a moment to scrawl on the wall. A white swine, circled. He points at you all, questioning. 00[00:12] 4Scrim is currently literally covered in big pig blood crud. 00[00:12] 4So he'll kind of show that off. [00:12] 6Marsol: “We hate the pigs.” [00:13] The leader carefully extends a hand to Scrim’s bloody arm and wipes a finger through the muck. Smells it. Listens to Marisol. Nods, nods. [00:13] He drops down into the bathing tubs, and goes through the barrels. [00:13] He cracks open a barrel’s top with a blow, and hands them all a…pickled swine hand. [00:13] He nods at them, and mimes eating. [00:14] "Aw dude... really?" 00[00:14] 4Scrim: "Oh for sure. I dunno about them, but if you want me to, yeah I'm down." [00:14] 6Marisol: “We will give this to the spider!” 00[00:14] 4Already ate that melon. [00:14] He draws a huge X through the figure of the white swine. [00:14] 13Kari's definitely gonna let Scrim take point on this one. [00:15] 6Marisol: “I’ll eat this.” 00[00:15] 4Scrim: "Alright. We find and kill the white swine." 00[00:15] "I can handle that." [00:16] 6Marisol: “You already took one for the team with the melon. I’ll do this.” [00:16] Grumma-Lumma: “I think…maybe it’s asking us if we killed it.” 00[00:16] 4Scrim: "Sounds good." [00:16] "We killed a lot of pigs?" 00[00:16] 4To Grumma-Lumma: "That makes sense but like...this bad boy seems like it can hold SO many white swine." [00:16] 6Marisol: “We killed a lot of pigs.” [00:17] "I don't know... maybe we killed it? There was a big pig." [00:18] "I mean we'd probably know if it was this.. specific fucker?" [00:18] The leader carefully adds an executioner’s hood to the X’d out swine. And then a question mark. [00:18] 13She looks uncertain. [00:18] "No I don't think we got him." [00:18] 6Marisol walks a little closer to the figure. She looks it in the eyes and takes a bite of the pickled pig’s hand. She has an iron stomach, she can handle it. 00[00:18] 4Scrim: "Ohhhh that guy!" 00[00:19] "Yeah we fucking killed him." [00:19] The pickled pig’s hand tastes really good, actually. Savory and vinegary. [00:19] "Oh we did?" [00:19] 13Kari looks relieved. This whole thing has just become a blur of trauma already. [00:19] 13Probably a good sign. 00[00:19] 4Scrim: "Yeah, you killed his legs with the damn frying pan." 00[00:19] "The Pigxcutioner!" [00:19] "Oh that was the guy?" [00:20] 13Kari takes her chalk and draws a big X ever of the image of the pig. [00:20] 13over. [00:20] The leader looks impressed. The others are looking at each other. Some of them are holding up pan flutes strung around their necks, blowing on them excitedly. [00:20] The leader walks over to Scrim and claps him on the back, nodding in approval. [00:20] 6Marisol is hiding her grimace, it tastes fine, but the way the hand looks still makes her feel a little queasy. 00[00:20] 4Scrim flexes. [00:21] He gestures to some other barrels by the wall, gesturing for Scrim to come over. Someone brings up a cup, and the leader fills it up through a tap, and hands it over. 00[00:21] 4To the big guy: "So the deal is, we gotta get our people outta here, since they don't belong here, and then we'll come right back and -- oh, thanks." 4Blood? [00:21] The others are playing music on the flutes, now. One of them is tapping out a beat on the barrels with a bone spear. [00:21] No, hooch. Incredibly strong, from the scent. 00[00:21] 4That's fine, he's still got the Blush. 00[00:22] 4Down the hatch. [00:22] The Guildless cheer wordlessly, and gesture for the others to come share. 00[00:22] 4Ahhhhhh. "THIS! IS! A HOMEBOY!" [00:22] They’re dancing, now. Seems like its changed from a standoff to an impromptu party. 00[00:23] 4Scrim begins dancing as well. [00:23] Yeah! The leader dances with Scrim. [00:23] Groaf: “Wow!” [00:24] 13Kari can't actually believe what she's seeing. Later, she will deeply regret that her camera is drooped toward everyone's feet in shock and fails to capture any of this. [00:24] 6Marisol thows the hand back in the hand barrel and cheers with the crowd. This is the best thing that could happen down here! [00:24] Some more Guildless have snuck in the room. Everyone is either dancing, playing on the flutes and barrels, or handing out hooch and pickled swine hands. 00[00:24] 4Strutting and rutting, styling and profiling, getting down and getting clown, last on the flat and back on the mat, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [00:25] 13Kari isn't going to partake. Something about the bloody pigskins and amputated hands is a real turn off about all this. [00:25] The Guildless ignore the hater and party on. 00[00:26] 4At some point during the revelry that follows, Scrim will, after being reminded of their actual goals here by his friends, head up to the spider and draw expressive cartoons of them killing the spider...BUT FIRST (with arrow)...they gotta get the caterpillar and his rider outta here. [00:27] The leader goes around shaking hands. He summons another over, and through some kind of rapid sign language gives instructions. The summoned one picks up the chalk set and gets to work on the wall. [00:27] Squares…rectangles…lines…then filling in details…it’s a map! [00:28] 13Kari's got the presence of mind to get this on the camcorder, at least. [00:28] 13We can print out copies for next... time? There's going to be a next time? 00[00:28] 4Scrim gives a BIG thumbs up to that. Two of them! [00:29] 6Marisol: “We gotta get the job done. We’ll be back in about five days.” [00:30] 6Marisol: “Okay guys, we gotta get going.” [00:30] It takes a little while, but the mapmaker gives them the broad idea. 00[00:30] 4Not sure what time means to these boys. Hope they're not offended. Getting anything done within a week is an insanely huge win on their side. [00:30] "We'll bring back... food? Clean water?" 13Kari is at a loss. [00:30] "More chalk, I guess?" [00:30] 6She looks at The Big Guy, “We need to get going, we’ll see you soon!” 00[00:31] 4Scrim: "Let's just start with our dancing shoes and smiles." [00:31] 13Kari finishes with a little scribble of her chalk depicting the three figures dancing with the host. 00[00:31] 4Don't need to be promising this fell land infrastructure. [00:31] They can walk through the Guildless territory for a quick route to the exit. Then, for when they return…the great spider lives in the circle drawn and labeled as room 29. [00:32] The Guildless give them a barrel of pickled swine hands as a parting gift, a guide leading them through a warren of cramped, filthy barracks and apartments. Guildless give them stares as they pass, but nobody harasses them. 00[00:32] 4Scrim will heft the barrel and keep it. [00:32] They unbar a door, and then: they’re back where they started, in room 1. [00:32] The door back to reality is right there. 00[00:33] 4Scrim: "Not bad. Not bad at all. I'm bringing the hands, by the way. Wanna see what happens. There are occultists who'll buy them." [00:34] "Freaky shit." [00:34] 13Kari has to almost restrain herself from just bolting out the door. [00:35] 13She doesn't breath easy until she sees sunlight again. Depending on how much time they've spent in here, that could be a while. [00:35] 6Marisol: “Mmm…well, you can do that. I’m going to go feed after we wrap up. I’m hungry.” [00:36] 13Kari's just walking behind, nodding, nodding, nodding. [00:36] Sammy is still in his store, when they emerge. He’s brewed a big pot of coffee. “Hey! The adventurers return. Find anything good?” 00[00:36] 4Scrim to Marisol, like he's giving out old wisdom: "Don't get rung up or hung up." 00[00:37] "Yeah, big man. Got a barrel full of parts unknown. You know a buyer?" [00:37] 6Marisol: “Yeah, but also alot of bad.” [00:37] 6“You too, bud.” [00:37] Grumma-Lumma fades as they cross the threshold, an indistinct fog to everyone except Marisol. [00:38] Groaf turns into…a man who looks exactly the same, minus the spear and lion mask. Luis is still a caterpillar, but normal-sized and riding on Groaf’s shoulder. [00:38] 13Kari looks exhausted as she steps up to the counter and sets down the scimitar with a soft clack. "We found the last guys. Didn't make it. Sorry." 00[00:39] 4Scrim: "Oh yeah, brought friends back. Maybe not yours, but they're ours." [00:39] "Do you want us to attempt a retrieval next time we're in there? ...It's pretty dangerous." [00:39] Sammy: “Eh, a buyer? Sure. Everybody knows the Night Market. Members only, though. Management, they’re very strict.” 00[00:39] 4Scrim: "I wear sunglasses at night. So I'm not gonna leave it to you on consignment." [00:39] “Eh…Groaf?!?” He seems to know the other changeling. “When did you even get in here - you didn’t pay the fee!” [00:40] 13She's already taking out the last of her wet wipes and brushing the muck off her arms. 00[00:41] 4Scrim: "Ain't no fee coming OUT the door. Just going in." [00:41] Sammy: “Sad, about those three kids. They knew the risks, though. It’s why I say: never do something if you can pay somebody else to do it for you!” [00:41] "And the bodies?" [00:41] 13Kari looks like she's going to insist on an answer on that, at least. [00:42] "Dunno if they've got families but, sheesh." [00:42] “Hey, no worry. You just pay it again when you come through again. And hey, on the house. You drink coffee? I brew it myself - Arab, very, very strong. Try it. Small glass, it’s stronger than what you’re probably used to.” [00:42] There’s free coffee, if anybody wants it. [00:42] 13Kari graciously accepts. [00:43] Sammy strokes his chin. “Yeah. Eh, bodies, bodies. You take those to Rune, I think. Not dump them at her feet or anything, but dress them up with some respect. Then deliver to her. She’ll see to them as they should be remembered.” 00[00:43] 4Blush still working? Then hell yeah, coffee. [00:44] "We'll get in there before they get too gross." [00:44] Sammy: “Hey, you going in there again? Or you clear the whole place out?” [00:44] 6Marisol takes a cup and thanks him. Oh, she’s really going to enjoy this. She misses her strong cardemom coffee. [00:44] "Not smart to get greedy.?" [00:44] "I played League," 13She offers as an explanation. [00:45] 6Marisol: “We still haven’t finished the job. We have to kill a big monster.” 00[00:45] 4Scrim: "Once more into the whatever." 00[00:45] "And I do mean once." [00:45] Sammy: “I understand greed. But listen, you give me two grand, I make sure nobody else uses this door til then. Nobody coming through this end, fucking all your shit up down there, you know. Don’t want amateurs coming through and getting all over your work.” 00[00:46] 4... [00:46] 6Marisol: “Do you take zelle?” 00[00:46] 4Scrim: "So how much would this barrel of valuable substance from the otherside defray this?" [00:46] “Or not. And you know, whoever pays, they go through. Hey, this is America.” 00[00:46] "You're the Night Market guy. You're the man with the contacts." [00:46] Sammy thinks about. “What’s in the barrel?” [00:47] “I take Venmo.” 00[00:50] "The severed hands of conquerers and lords. Pickled in brine for eating. You know some old societies, old and august, really loved to do this with cocks. To really seize the essence of the great killer. That was silly the same way that baseball players boiled cow testes and drinking the runoff to improve their power hitting was back in 1910. Like, I'm in pro fighting for a living. We 00[00:50] know that shit doesn't work. What does work is the narrative. And the hands of conquerers -- well, that's the hand that turns the key. They open the doors. They ruled that place, until they died badly. And dying badly gives them narrative power too, yeah?" [00:52] Sammy: “Heh. Pickled hands.” He cracks the lid and peers in. “Yeah, you’re right. Some real nightmare stuff. Bad juice. What are the hands from?” [00:54] "Pigs with human hands." [00:54] Sammy: “Astaghfirullah!” [00:55] 13In either case, Kari's job here is basically done. She goes steps outside and takes a long series of breaths, has a little cry, holds back the urge to vomit, and is just about presentable as the others walk out to join her. It's obviously still dark out, isn't it. [00:55] He drums his fingers on the top of the barrel. “Can you get me another one of these when you go back in?” [00:55] 13She held out a little hope it'd be day by now, but that was always a pipedream. 00[00:56] 4Scrim: "Can ask." [00:57] Sammy holds out his hand. “Alright. I keep this barrel, you get another one whenever you go back, and I keep the door closed for you nice and tight. And hey, you bring those kids back for burial, alright With respect. Deal?” 00[00:58] 4Scrim glances over. We good? [00:58] 6Marisol: “We good.” [00:58] 13Kari's leaning against the wall outside but has the presence of mind to throw up an enthusiastic thumbs up through the window, her other arm propping her up against her knees. [01:00] 13She waits until the others come out the door before she's worked up the courage to just ask it already: "So, uh, you know, you guys, uh.." [01:00] 13She gets reeeeal quiet: "You're not gonna eat me, right?" 00[01:00] 4Scrim: "Not unless you're into it." 00[01:01] "And honestly, especially not then." 00[01:01] "That gets weird." [01:01] 13Kari laughs a little too loudly. [01:01] "Okay well, um, when do I get my cut?" 00[01:01] 4Scrim: "You know, that is a good question, that isn't localized." 00[01:02] "We might need to kill the spider first, but. We collected a lot of junk." [01:02] "Cool," 13she whispers. "Well I've got a stream in 4 hours so I'm gonna go now okay nice meeting you all don't follow me." 13And just starts walking off. [01:02] 6Marisol: “You get a cut when the job is done, but we need to go through the junk with the people we’re working with.” [01:02] "Great!" [01:03] 6Marisol: “Bye, Kari. Sleep this mission off.” 00[01:03] 4To the departing Kari: "Seeya." 4To Marisol: "You've got my contact info?" [01:04] 6Marisol: “I was just going to ask for your number.” 00[01:04] 4He pulls out his phone and uh. Figures out what his number is. [01:04] 6Marisol: “Maybe you can help me with my fighting skills sometime…” [01:04] Down the street, there’s the rumble of an approaching motorcycle. 00[01:05] 4Scrim glances up. "Sure. If you wanna fight with your hands. I don't know from guns." 00[01:05] "I don't want to know from guns." [01:05] “Oy! Marisol!” 00[01:05] "Country should ban them." [01:05] 6Marisol: “Yeah, with my hands!” [01:05] 6Marisol: “Hey, I’m a girl. I deserve guns until they ban them haha.” 00[01:06] 4He'll hand off his number on a post-it so she can walk off with the motorcycle friend. [01:07] 6Marisol: “I’ll see you later!” 00[01:07] 4Scrim: "Hell yeah." [01:07] A huge man with a shaved head and a black leather jacket parks his bike outside the bookstore. Jake Chan nods at Scrim. “Cheers, mozzie. Marisol, how’s the arm? Gus told me the God carved you up like a ham.” [01:08] “That skinny thing walking down the street with you? Heard you were doing some shit with the fairy tale crowd.” [01:08] 6Marisol: “I just need some rest. I’m fine.” [01:09] 6Marisol: “I don’t know what that means, but yeah, we’re doing a mission together.” [01:11] “Good! Means more beer money for me!” Jake laughs. “Oy, Hulk Hogan! You moving in, too?” 00[01:20] 4Scrim: "Hollywood Hogan. I'm the black and white. And sure." 00[01:21] "You two ride on off and give me the address. I'll ramble on over without ruining your night." 02[01:25] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:46] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:58] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:58] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:49] * Disconnected Session Close: Sat Oct 01 09:49:51 2022 Session Start: Sat Oct 01 09:51:32 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[09:51] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[10:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire [12:14] - 02[12:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Oct 02 00:00:00 2022 02[00:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:44] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[10:45] * Quaker ( has joined 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03[18:42] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:47] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:10] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:13] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:38] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:44] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:48] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:52] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:54] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:55] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:57] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:58] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:01] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:50] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Mon Oct 03 00:00:00 2022 02[00:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[00:54] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[02:27] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:44] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:01] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[03:09] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:11] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:24] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:48] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Oct 04 00:00:00 2022 02[00:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:43] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[03:43] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-ci2.k3v.214.181.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:57] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-ci2.k3v.214.181.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[03:57] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:12] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:04] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:08] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:17] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:22] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:31] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:39] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:58] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:01] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:12] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:05] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:39] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:04] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Oct 05 00:00:00 2022 02[00:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:23] * Disconnected 02[09:24] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[09:24] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[09:24] * Disconnected 02[09:27] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[09:27] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[09:28] * Crion{ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:32] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:08] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[13:28] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:49] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:15] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:31] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:39] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:53] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:54] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:11] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:21] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:35] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:38] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[16:47] * tom2 is now known as tom 02[16:47] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:56] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:51] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:58] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:07] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:07] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:07] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:32] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Oct 06 00:00:00 2022 03[00:45] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:59] * Quaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:09] * Quaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:01] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:39] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:14] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[17:08] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:14] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:14] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:37] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:19] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:45] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:18] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:29] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:36] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:01] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:55] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) [22:16] - [22:16] - [22:16] - [22:16] - [22:16] - [22:16] - [22:17] When Kari gets back from the first night, there’s a message waiting for her. [22:17] how’d that thing go? yo okay? [22:17] you* [22:18] you didn’t really make much sense when you mentioned it [22:18] 13 it didnt make much sense doing it [22:18] 13 im ok tho [22:18] I told the rest of the network that you were checking something out, I got kind of worried…don’t bite my head off [22:18] oh okay [22:18] good [22:18] 13 oh speaking of biting 2sat was right [22:19] ???? [22:19] did you find them???? [22:19] 13 and so much more. i got the whole thing on cams. they straight up didnt care [22:19] 13There's a pause. 13 it is possible that i am going to die [22:20] 13 im worried im gonna start crying on stream lmao im so shook [22:20] what?? should I get help?? are you safe?? [22:20] 13 im fine. even better if the check clears cus then im set up for rent for the rest of the lease [22:21] 13 but i just saw a guy in jorts kill a pig and drink its blood [22:21] oh man…like you attended a ritual? [22:23] animal sacrifice is so gross [22:23] 13 no this guy just brought the whole circus with him 13Another pause. 13 they were very polite actually. they mostly cared about getting paid [22:23] 13 i can get you some bombshell clips by tomorrow if you can wait that long, and thats not even the stuff that could really get me killed [22:24] 13 i got a tlaking cat [22:24] 13 *talking [22:24] 13 haters will say its fake [22:24] 13 shit i need to get a gun lmao [22:24] 13 oh also this is actually a real big deal i confirmed that cold iron kills elfs [22:24] 13 so write that down [22:25] 13Whatever fears she's had have passed; she's back to being ADHD boosted. [22:25] whattttt [22:26] ok ill check back after stream. r u gonna talk about it??? [22:26] 13 lmao fuck no, ive been on hiatus for like week i cant lose any more followers thinking im fucking crazy [22:26] ok ok you do your thing and I’ll let everybody else know. make backups!!! [22:27] exciting!!! [22:30] 13 the ghost hunter channel put up some more bullshit videos of calling floating dust ghosts so ive got enough content for the night, maybe we do unban requests if i can get myself hyped enough 2 deal with the other Other guys who talk about drinking my blood [22:30] 13 keep it 💯. 13She closes the tab. [22:35] 13Okay. Okay, first thing's first. She gets out her shitty cracked phone and fits it into the little holder positioned on her desk, bathed in the comforting rainbow RGB glow coming off the rig's fans. Goes to the fridge for some water, checks the time, and jogs a little circuit in her cramped living room until her nerves are all worked out. She slides into the rolling chair at her desk [22:35] 13a cool three minutes before the scheduled start time and boots up OBS. The chat has already started spamming :throwgameghost:; wave after wave of a cute little cartoon casper bouncing back and forth patiently. [22:38] 13No need for hand tracking. She checks her other monitor for the feedback on her model, tests the rigging on the hair bob, making sure the wiggle animation on her adorable cartoon cat ears isn't bugging out again. The twitch channel goes live, and hundreds of people are immediately bombarded by title card: [22:40] 13The motion sensor on her phone plays a pleasant chime. Kari nods, and the pastel cat at the corner of the screen nods with her. [22:41] 13This is still, after everything, the weirdest part of her day. [22:43] 13It's 2AM, PST. The euros are starting to wake up, and the insomniacs of America rule the internet. The view count starts to climb as the cartoon cat springs to life in front of a background of a youtube playlist. "Am I muted? Hello? 1 in chat if you can hear me." [22:43] 13She tabs over to the moderator channel to make sure the hogs are being kept in line. [22:44] SUPERMMM has entered the chat. [22:44] HELLO [22:44] Other viewers are spamming 1s. [22:46] 13The cat-eared cartoon bobs its head and breaks into a glittering smile- her eyes turn into little diamonds. "Hello SuperMmmmmm,"13she chuckles. "Welcome to the chat! If you're new to throw-gaming, tonight's a spooky stream for the doomers who just can't get to sleep. Witching hour," 13Kari intones, gravely. [22:48] 13The usual barrage of bits from the viewership begins as expected, with a series of headpats gently ruffling the model's pink hair. [22:48] THANK YO [22:48] THANK YOU. [22:49] I AM [22:49] ALSO A STREAMER. [22:50] "After the scary ghost videos we'll get to something even spookier: I'm going to be solo queuing in League." 13The chat is spamming :ghostpog: [22:51] 13The newcomers message is quickly buried in the tide of nonsense spewed by chat. Kari spends maybe a half a moment considering it before utterly dono-walling his ass. [22:51] HOW DO I SEND [22:51] MONEY [22:52] AND DO THE LITTLE PICTURES [22:54] 13Kari switches over to the moderator chat and just makes a quick note while the playlist loads: 13hey t4ss4d4r can you pm this boomer on how to buy bits [22:55] 13 i got bills to pay i'll take grandpas money [22:55] 13actually make sure hes not paying for this with his social security check id feel bad ok back to streaming [22:56] 13The playlist loads, and the cartoon cat in the corner of the screen springs back to life with a characteristic wink and a smile: "Oh look, we've got a door moving on its own. What do you think chat, 1 if it's on a string or 2 if there's just a guy behind it to pull it open?" [22:56] 13The grainy nightvision footage proceeds with her scoffs. [22:57] ARE YOU TALKING TO ME [22:57] WHO IS CHAT [22:58] OH I SEE YOU HAVE TO PAY FIRST [22:58] WELL LET ME FIND MY CARD [22:59] 13t4ss4d4r opens up a chat with and pastes a short explanation on how to purchase bits and use them to buy chat functions, then realizes his mistake and tries again with a real username. Welcome to Throwgamegirl's stream! If this is your first time, please review the rules. You can purchase bits here. [23:01] , to t4ss4d4r: WHO ARE YOU [23:01] 13A couple people in the chat have noticed this joker and have started getting their kicks in. "Guys, c'mon, you were a new once! Would you want to be bullied like that?" 13She turns her attention back to the painfully fake clip playing onscreen, while her chat unanimously roars back in the affirmative. [23:01] PLEASED TO MEET YOU [23:01] This is to the mod. [23:02] 13 I'm one of TGG's mods. 13 uh likewise [23:02] 13 returns to moderator chat: 13  i think this guy is just like 900 years old its cool [23:03] WHAT IS THAT [23:03] BRITISH? [23:03] 13 , in the PM: TGG gets a cut of all the bits you spend on her channel, you can also spend them on TTS, or superchats. [23:03] 13 what [23:04] THE BOYS ON SCOOTERS [23:04] MODS? [23:05] 13 The bobbing cartoon cat is ringing a bell in displeasure at the overuse of red circles in the purported ghost footage. 13  no like a channel moderator. [23:05] THIS IS MY FIRST TIME [23:05] USING THIS KEYBOARD [23:06] BEAR WIT ME [23:06] WITH [23:07] WELL WILL ONE THOUSAND BE ACCEPTABLE FOR AN INTRODUCTION [23:07] I PLEAD IGNORNCE TO YOUR CUSTOM. I DO NOT WISH TO BE RUDE [23:07] 13  like a thousand bits? sure, that costs like 10 bucks. Twitch gets half. You can also buy a subscription for yourself or others. The costs are listed here. [23:08] 13The moderator helpfully links the chatter to the guide on gifting subs and returns to his duties as the bulwark of civilization against barbarism. [23:09] WHO ARE THESE OTHER PEOPLE [23:10] IS SHE TALKING TO THEM AS WELL [23:10] "Okay, that one was really bad chat, I'm not gonna lie." 13Kari taps the macro to make her cartoon avatar look pouty. The model's fanged mouth purses. [23:10] 13Not letting his annoyance show: 13  yeah you can see the viewcount below. don't remind the streamer of the view count it makes her nervous and I will be forced to time you out. [23:10] 13  its in the rules [23:11] OH [23:11] APOLOGIES [23:12] BUT I AM ALSO A STREAMER [23:12] 13The streamer proceeds to the next clip. This one has better production values, at least. "Oh my god, you can just see the fishing wire pulling the door. Hold on chat, hold on-" 13She's backing up the footage. [23:12] I THOUGHT THAT [23:12] WHEN TWO STREAMERS ARE TOGETHER [23:12] IT IS A COLLABORATION [23:12] HOW DO I DO THAT [23:14] 13t4ss4d4rs internal state is unknown to us, but we can assume: 13  you can put in a collab request here and TGG will get to it when she gets to it. im kinda busy sooo 13And leaves it at that. [23:15] THANK YOU [23:15] DO YOU KNOW WHEN HER PRESENTATION BEGINS [23:15] OR WHAT TOPIC SHE HAS PICKED [23:15] 13 , curtly: TGG's schedule is here. [23:17] About a minute later: YES BUT [23:17] 13This part is clearly copy-pasted: TGG's content is inspired by her personal idol, Art Bell. And like the famous call-in show, at the midpoint of her show she opens up TTS to viewers to share their experience with the supernatural. Only 400 bits! [23:17] IS THERE A LECTURE [23:18] 13 t4ss4d4r, back in the mod chat: sorry guys this dude is taking forever, do we have enough ppl patrolling chat [23:19] 13There's enough mods online tonight to handle the riff-raff, at least. [23:19] ART BELL? [23:19] BUT HE WAS VERY [23:19] WELL [23:19] 13 TGG likes to go over paranormal cases that catch her interest, it's part of the variety show. [23:20] I CAME AWAY WITH THE IMPRESSION THAT SOMEONE HAD RUNG HIM TOO HARD ONE TOO MANY TIMES [23:21] THAT WAS A LONG TIME AGO [23:21] 13Someone in chat has gifted 5 subscriptions: a big expenditure, almost fifty dollars, and as per the agreement Kari has enabled her 3d model to allow her to do a backflip. This makes sense if you watch enough of her streams. [23:21] HOW OLD ARE YOU [23:21] WHAT IS THAT NOISE [23:21] OH YES THE MONEY [23:21] UN MOMENTO [23:22] 13The pastel cat sticks the landing, barely. "Frick!" [23:22] ARE YOU RECEIVING THIS [23:22] 13Back to the clip. [23:22] There’s another alert. SUPERMMM has gifted 100 subscriptions. [23:22] 13Kari: "Holy fuc-I mean frick!" 13I'm a seiso streamer. [23:22] NOW PLEASE INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR MASTER [23:23] What’s Kari’s apartment look like, anyway? [23:23] "Holy crap SuperMMM! Thank you so much! That's so many subs, thank you!" 13Chat is spamming :ghostpog:. SuperMMM is the conductor on the hype train. It pops up on his screen even. [23:24] 13Dude, you don't want to know. The benefit of being a vtuber is that nobody has to ever see how you live. The bed is behind her computer, unmade. The trash is confined to the trashcan, at least, but it should've been taken out days ago. [23:24] Is it decorated, at least? Or is it one of those places that look like they belong to a particulary obsessed detective? [23:24] 13After the huge gift, SuperMMM receives a VIP badge in the automated Twitch integration and is automatically added to the VIP chat. [23:26] AH HELLO. I AWAIT YOUR LECTURE. WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO GIVE COMMENTS ON THIS EVENING [23:26] 13It's not that bad. She's just messy. She's got the usual wallscrolls, some posters; a set of shelves covered in dvds next to her television. [23:27] 13t4ss4d4r pings Kari: sorry hes a vip so hes your problem again [23:27] 13 i asked for it [23:29] In the general chat, out of the corner of her eye: One time, I disappeared down a hole. [23:29] 13The cartoon cat briefly looks very concerned as it browses the chat. "Uhhokay chat, we'll get on with the spooky clips you sent in in a minute, I just need to grab some w-water!" [23:30] 13, in the mod chat: pull up Roadhome's chat history. first message? [23:31] There is no user called RoamHome in the chat. [23:31] 13Kari breathes in through her teeth as she tabs over to open up a direct message to . you better not talk about that shit in general chat! [23:32] 13Kari takes a big gulp of her water while her moderators spam ????? at her request. [23:32] BUT [23:33] APOLOGIES. I THOUGHT YOUR MAN HAD MADE INTRODUCTIONS. I PAID HIS REQUESTED FEE [23:33] COULD YOU CLARIFY SOMETHING THOUGH [23:34] DO YOU JUST TALK ABOUT VIDEOS ON HERE [23:34] 13Kari re-reads the man's message. "Ah fuck." 13  oh i misread actually, wow, i thought you were messaging me about something else lmao [23:34] I AM BEGINNING TO SUSPECT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT STREAMERS IS AFTER ALL [23:34] 13 look man im gonna level with you, is this your first time using a computer [23:35] 13  yeah sorry i thought you were asking me about something else that happened this evening im just on edge [23:35] NO [23:35] BUT IT IS MY FIRST TIME USING A PERSONAL HOME COMPUTER [23:35] 13Pleasant music is playing over an animation of a pink cat peering down dusty stairs, into scary closets, etc, while a bunch of cute cartoon ghosts hide just out of sight, covering their eyes and trembling in fear. [23:36] ANYWAY LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF [23:36] 13  you bought a computer and figured out how to connect to the internet and the first thing you did was throw up [23:36] LIKE YOU, I LIVE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA [23:37] 13Oh Fuck no [23:37] There’s a very, very loud knock on the door. [23:38] 13Kari actually screams. Like actually bolts up out of her chair and hollers. [23:39] 13She checks the peephole on the door while she palms around for an umbrella to use as a weapon. Behind her, the model has gone limp on the screen; chat is spamming :tggdead: [23:43] 13Is there anyone out there? [23:43] There’s a big, older man waiting on the other side of the door. He’s dressed in a buttoned-up flannel, tucked into his jeans, and wearing dark sunglasses. [23:43] 13Are you seriously telling me that I survived this evening so far just to get murdered by a stalker? [23:44] 13That is what appears to be happening. [23:46] 13Kari dashes to the kitchen to grab the biggest honking knife in the slab and rushes back to press herself up against the peephole. He still there? [23:46] He is. [23:48] 13Kari cracks the door open precisely one micron, ready to slam it shut again: "Y-yhello?" [23:49] "Uhi'mkindabusy-" [23:49] His voice sounds like someone shaking a bag of gravel. “Are you Kari? The one who made it out of the bookstore tonight?” [23:50] 13Kari's gears turn for a half-second before the relief sets in. "Ohhhhh." 13She pulls back from the door; the stranger can hear her muffled laughter. "This is about that." [23:52] 13Kari turns the knife behind her back and drops it into the umbrella holder. "I'm streaming but I can talk for like, ten, fifteen minutes." [23:52] "Holy on just a sec." [23:53] “You’d better turn it off. And you can drop the knife. It’s not that kind of call.” [23:53] 13The cartoon cat jerks back upright on the screen. "Sorry guys, something just came up. Gotta end stream, I'll make up for it with an extra one tomorrow okay? We'll do you laugh you lose. Mods, can you outro us? Find someone to raid. Okay sorry guys buy!" [23:54] 13Bye, even. [23:55] 13Chat is pretty upbeat about it, considering the abrupt circumstances. A few people are saddened by her sudden departure, a few others wonder how they're gonna asleep without TGG's sultry tones in their headsets. Everyone disperses back into the primordial darkness of 3AM. [23:56] 13Kari, returning to open the door: "Considering the shit I've been seeing a knife probably wouldn't do much good, anyway." 13She's peering up at the man now that she's getting a good look; is this joker wearing his fangs openly? [23:56] He doesn’t have fangs, as far as she can see. [23:57] 13Yeah, well, neither did the others, until they did. [23:57] 13Kari ushers him in. "Yes, I live like this. No, I was not expecting you to see it." [23:57] 13She shoves some pizza boxes off her couch and sits. "Is this about payment?" [23:57] “Yeah, well. You answered the call. You going to let me in?” [23:58] "Wait that's a thing?" [23:58] The man sits on a chair, which creaks under his weight. Even in the dark of the apartment, he doesn’t take off his dark glasses. [23:59] “You got any water?” [23:59] “And no. Just take the quarter we’re owed out of the pool. Marisol will handle it for you.” Session Time: Fri Oct 07 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] 13Kari reaches into the minifridge strategically positioned under her desk and tosses the man a full plastic bottle. [00:02] 13Off to her side, her stream is playing the outro music. Chat is full of little emotes of ghosts bopping to the tunes as it goes dark. [00:02] “As for how you split it between you three…up to you.” [00:02] 13Does he drink the water? [00:03] 13Can vampires do that? [00:05] She…doesn’t know? [00:05] He does drink the water. [00:05] “How’d it go?” [00:05] "So uh, when do I get paid. Actually, how do I get paid?" [00:06] "Oh, fuck, sorry- uhh, what was your name again?" 13She kinda shrinks back into the couch. [00:08] “My name is Gus. Salinas.” [00:08] “Like I said…up to you three. I’m no paymaster.” [00:08] “I imagine you have questions.” [00:09] 13Her voice cracks: "Yeah a few." [00:09] “It’s been a while since I handled going through everything with a human, but…let her rip.” [00:10] 13Kari reaches back into her minifridge and this time comes back with a bottle of Jim Beam. "You good with the water or?" [00:10] “Yeah. I don’t drink.” [00:12] She’s getting a better look at him now that he’s settled. Dark skin, a goatee gone white, that rangy taut look old guys who kept in shape get. Somewhere in his late 60s. [00:14] 13She grabs up a shotglass off the coffee table and fills it. "Okay, so, first off," 13she downs it. "Guh. I need to know that as long as I'm working this job, you can guarantee nobody drinks my blood." [00:14] "Like, not telling me about the rest of my team there? Dick move, dude." [00:15] Gus laughs. “Kid, I can’t even guarantee nobody won’t try and drink *my* blood. Vampires are moving in to town. If you want to keep all your blood on the inside, you’ve gotta work on it yourself.” [00:16] 13Kari balls her hands up over her eyes and hyperventilates a little bit. [00:16] "Okay, okay. Well, that's honest at least." [00:16] “The other two were going to be something else either way. All things considered, vampires ain’t half bad.” [00:16] “Working in a team with them, I mean.” [00:17] "I got footage of the inside. Can I keep it? I'm guessing things go wrong for me fast if the footage of the feeding I got goes live." [00:17] "The money is very good," 13she adds. [00:18] “What’s their policy on spreading their shit around?” [00:19] “I didn’t check. But I’m not trying to make a career out of…” He looks over at the streaming setup. “Whatever this is.” [00:19] “I can get rid of it for you, if you want.” [00:19] "You don't get to ask  [00:20] "You don't get to ask me, bitch, I'm the one who just figured out vampires are real today." [00:20] "Noo I'm good, I just need to scrub the sussy parts before I throw up the highlights." [00:20] "There's plenty of good shit there that I don't need to step on any toes." [00:21] “I wouldn’t take any chances with them.” [00:21] “You get along okay with the others?” [00:21] "Okay so.." 13Kari steeples her fingers. "What? Yeah, they're fine. Real nice, considering." [00:22] "We came out with the same number we went in with so... any landing you can walk away from." [00:23] 13She narrows her eyes and gets into the meat of the matter: "How many doors like that are in this fucking place?" [00:23] "That's two so far." [00:23] "Are we in a Hellmouth?" [00:25] “More doors than you’ll ever be able to count. And the kind you just went through is all over. Not really a thing exclusive to our neighborhood.” [00:25] “That other door you went through, though.” [00:26] “Bit more unique.” [00:26] “But it’s not healthy to dwell on places like that.” [00:26] "On or in, I've learned." [00:27] "I need more kit for the next time. That place was big. I'm gonna need climbing gear like I'm Ted the fucking Caver." [00:28] “If you say so. Better beg, borrow, or steal it.” [00:29] "Shit, this is America. When that check clears I can just get a machine gun." [00:29] "It's a solvable problem." [00:30] "So," 13Kari just drinks straight from the bottle. "If you know where they are, and how to get in... why are you sending me in your place? Scared?" [00:31] Gus smiles. “Scared is just normal.” [00:32] 13Kari just smiles. "Big mood." [00:33] “We’re stretched pretty thin. All my capable hands are on the permanent circuit up and down the state. No time to babysit a researcher unless it’s way bigger than whatever you saw. My totem spirit is shot and recovering on milk runs with you and the others. And you’re self-funding.” [00:33] 13Kari narrows her eyes. "You're not one of, uh, them then." [00:34] “What, a vampire? No.” [00:34] He raises the water bottle. “Cheers to that.” [00:35] 13Up goes the whiskey in response. "Phew, okay." [00:36] "Yeah sorry," 13she wipes her mouth. "It's just, you know, with the sunglasses..." [00:36] 13She clears her throught. "Anyway I got a lot of good information. Do you have a name for the site we just surveyed?" [00:38] Gus takes off his sunglasses and hangs them on his shirt pocket. [00:38] His eyes are blank silver orbs, totally featureless. [00:39] 13Kari looks away. "Sorry." [00:39] “No. The survey details of those sites are usually handled by agents of the Great Freehold of the Western Desert. Your group got the tipoff from one of their friendly representatives, as I understand it. They’d know more.” [00:40] “Sorry for what? I traded them away willingly.” [00:43] "Cooool." 13Kari shifts a stack of junkmail from her coffee table to reveal a notebook covered in scrawled drawings that approximate a map. She titles the site "01: Zyan" at the top of the page. "Do you want a report on our findings?" [00:43] "Or are you just in it for the finders fee." [00:45] “I’m here to answer questions.” [00:45] “And ask a few.” 03[00:46] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [00:49] “What’s your plan? You ready to work as muscle for a vampire for a while?” [00:49] "Well, shoot," 13Kari exhales. "First off, do you have a number I can call so you don't have to show up at my door and make me shidd my pants?" [00:49] “Sure.” Gus takes a business card out of his wallet. It’s only got a phone number and address on it, a place on Victoria avenue in Riverside. [00:51] 13Kari takes the card between her fingers and sits with it in her lap: "That's all for now. Still gotta decompress. What's you want to know?" [00:52] “You got family out here?” [00:54] "No, thank god." [00:54] 13Kari has started vaping from a rainbow-colored pen. [00:55] “You’re just all alone?” [00:56] 13Now it's Kari's turn to seem cryptic: "Aren't we all?" [00:56] "I mean I was alone when I was living with them too." [00:57] Gus shakes his head. “What were you doing before all this? Just streaming to strangers?” [00:58] "I worked at a Wendy's." [00:58] "This is less stressful." [00:59] “Who roped you into all this shit? Some hunter? Feds?” [01:00] "What? No, I saw a video of a wizard killing a cop with a fireball on liveleak." [01:00] 13She puts up airquotes around "wizard". [01:01] 13Quietly: "Haters will say its fake." [01:02] Gus takes a long, unhappy look at her computer. [01:03] “I heard about your incident with the sorcerors.” [01:04] "I mean they just dropped my name without ever hearing it before and wiped my friend's memory off like it was nothing, N. B. D." [01:04] "So yeah we're learning a lot about do's and don't's these days." [01:05] “You’re lucky they found you.” [01:05] “No offense. But I can smell it on you.” [01:06] “You feeling okay lately?” [01:07] "Oh yeah I mean It's not like I'm not thankful I didn't end up like Greg but, yeesh." 13Yeesh. [01:07] "You know, thanks for asking, but I can cope." [01:07] "I mean for me 'lately' is as recent as learning vampires were real." [01:08] "So it's been lately for about for about six hours." [01:08] "Feeeeels greeeaat." [01:08] “Fucking vampires.” [01:08] “Vampires don’t change anything.” [01:08] “They’re just weeds.” [01:10] "So you just came all this way to ask if I'm doing okay?" 13Kari thumbs the vape accusingly at Gus. [01:13] “My Hall honors its guests and friends. I was the only one who could visit you tonight. The rest are out. Unless you wanted me to bring along our wounded and young people. They know how to talk about things more than I do. I’ve lost the taste of long conversations.” [01:14] “You’re welcome to stop at the Hall and shelter whenever you need to. Supplies are shared between us. I’ll try to find a date to have you marked as one of our associates.” [01:14] "Marked." 13Kari looks him dead in the eye: "Marked?" [01:15] “Introduced to a powerful protector spirit and claimed as someone who belongs in our territory.” [01:16] "I'm not really sure I like 'claimed' more than 'marked'." [01:16] "Nobody's gonna do anything sus, right?" [01:16] “It won’t be painful for you. It already carved what it had to say into Marisol.” [01:16] 13Kari squints and grits her teeth. "This is supposed to put me at ease?" [01:18] 13She adjusts her top. "You know what, it's fine. It can't be any worse than the pigs." [01:19] “You entered a strange and dangerous world long before the pigs.” [01:19] "Just, you know." 13She scrunches her nose. "Nobody's gonna eat my heart, right?" [01:20] “Everyone dies. Human.” [01:20] “Even us.” [01:20] “You have to make your peace with it.” [01:21] "Ok but specifically I kinda need- I need you to tell me you aren't going to rip out my heart at the Ritual of Claiming," 13she squeaks. [01:22] "Ids important to me." [01:23] “You’re in my territory. You’re my guest and friend. I won’t trick you or hurt you unless you go insane or betray me to my enemies.” [01:23] "Okay." 13Kari: "That's a good ass start. Thank you." [01:23] 13She visibly relaxes. [01:23] "Well as long as you're my guest, you want another bottle of water for the road?" [01:24] “No. Thank you.” [01:24] Gus gets up to leave. [01:26] “My brother’s grandson, at the Hall. He’s blooded. He likes this computer games stuff. I know all the technology spirits, but that’s different. He plays that game with the little red guy. Amogus.” [01:26] 13To her credit, Kari only wobbles a little as she gets up to see the man out. [01:27] “You would get along. It’s okay to make friends out here, now.” [01:27] "Oh yeah, I got a lot of good streams outta that when Covid hit. Saved my ass." [01:28] “The voices in the wires.” He shakes his head. “Useful. But not your friends. Not unless they swear oaths, and you meet them.” [01:28] "So noted." [01:28] “Take care. Mind your job. Marisol is a friend of the territory, too. You help the territory by helping her.” [01:29] “Like the god-botherers say. We’ll all have our reward in Paradise. Night.” [01:29] 13Kari supports herself on the door. "Don't worry, next time I'll come fully stocked. I've got plans. I'm getting power tools." [01:29] "Night dude." [01:29] 13She closes and locks the door and stumbles back over to the couch. Her moderators are pinging to ask if she's alright. She leaves them unread. 02[02:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[02:39] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:48] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:15] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:35] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:35] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:02] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:19] - [20:19] - [20:19] - [20:19] - [20:19] - [20:19] - [20:21] One week later, the four of them return to the used bookstore. True to his word, Sammy has stopped anyone else from going through. “Eh, and it cost me business, too. You think you are the only travelers who want to see the other side?” 00[20:22] 4Scrim: "I don't think much, bro." 00[20:22] "Not what they pay me for." [20:22] 6Marisol: “We’ve paid you handsomely.” [20:23] "Really?" 13Kari's doing squats with her backpack, but she pauses to give Sammy an odd look. "You make a lot of business just.. putting people back there?" [20:23] "Oh dude, are we gonna find more bodies back there?" [20:24] “Eh, that’s true. That barrel of pickled hands you bring back, it pays handsomely at the Night Market. Going to make new Hands of Glory out of them, I think. Don’t think I forgot our deal. You bring back another barrel. And those poor young people, of course. For a proper burial.” 00[20:24] 4Scrim: "Think of it like--he owns a tollbooth, Kari. He, uh, how'd Amy put it. He extracts rents." [20:24] "Shouldn't you put up like a warning sign? We didn't even sign a waiver." [20:25] 13She shrugs. "I'm not in a place to criticize, yeah." [20:25] 6Marisol: “I think everyone kind of knows the risks.” [20:25] 13Kari tilts her head and lets out a terse chuckle. [20:25] "Alright, so.." [20:26] “That’s right. God Bless America. And hey! You kids, you better remember that that place down there, the Hedge, it’s not like this place here. Things change. The whole place is alive.” [20:26] 13The pan jangles against the objects in her backpack as she resumes her squats. 00[20:26] 4Scrim, dryly: "What, Inland Empire ain't alive?" [20:26] “Anyway. You want some coffee before you go? Some cookies? My wife baked some knafeh…” [20:27] 13Kari: "No coffee, I'm jumpy enough as-is." [20:27] 6Marisol: “It’ll be our treat when we come back! We can take some cookies to go with us.” [20:28] “Mm. Come back first!” [20:28] 6Marisol: “We promise.” 00[20:28] 4Aaaaaalright. Let's get it on. [20:29] 13Kari finishes up her stretches and unzips her bag on the floor to pull out a trio of folded garbage bags to hand out to the others. "We should take care of the bodies first, since they're close." [20:29] 13Everyone gets a bag each. [20:29] 6Marisol: “If we find them first when get in, sure.” 00[20:30] 4Scrim: "...What're we gonna do with three bodies?" [20:30] 13She's back on her feet. "Yeah, and I'm worried about the chalk marks. We might not be able to trust them." [20:30] 6Marisol: “We’ll figure it out.” [20:30] "We can just drag 'em out and go back in, fingers crossed." 00[20:30] "I mean on THIS side." 00[20:31] "That guy with the coffee doesn't want 'em. Do we know who their people are?" [20:31] 13Kari deflates a bit. "Oh, oh, I thought- hm." [20:31] 6Marisol: “I’ll ask Rune for help, my friend should know.” [20:32] 13Kari's relief is instant: "Thanks, Mari." 00[20:32] 4Scrim shrugs: "Well, long as it's not on me to be comforting grieving mothers or whatever." [20:32] "Alright, soo." 13She glances down the hallway. [20:33] Sammy: “Go! Damn!” [20:33] 6Marisol: “Alright, let’s go.” 00[20:34] 4Scrim: "Yeah, yeah. Have some coffee." [20:34] "I'm going, I'm going!" 13Kari breaks into a little run until it's carried her away from the scornful clerk. [20:35] After crossing through the ornamented door, the three of you are in the chamber marked 1 on your map. [20:36] 13Kari rummages around in her backpack for her camcorder. Any obvious changes? Are her chalk marks still there? 00[20:36] 4Scrim: "Bodies are over here." 4He starts heading west. [20:37] 6Marisol: “Okay, so for now, things are the same. Let’s get the bodies and drop them off with Sammy.” [20:37] This, at least, hasn’t changed. It’s just an empty, dusty room with a cracked tile floor. There’s a door to chamber 2 on the west wall, and a door to chamber 10 to the east. [20:38] 6Marisol goes towards the bodies to put one in the bag she has. [20:39] 13Kari puts on a pair of yellow dishwashing gloves and a cloth mask with the visage of a cat's whiskered nose stamped into its pattern. [20:39] There’s a long sizzling sound, and then a *pop!* as Grumma-Lumma materializes behind them, his cart bouncing off the tile with a jangle. [20:40] On the threshold of the western domed chamber, they can see something new in this room. [20:40] Up in the high roof above, something large is slowly flapping its wings. 00[20:41] 4Scrim: "Company up." [20:41] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, we’re going to take these bodies and drop them off in our world. We’ll come right back after.” [20:41] "Hey Gee El," 13Kari waves. [20:41] 6Marisol looks up and gasps. [20:41] "Oh, shit, what?" 00[20:42] 4Scrim's claws pop and the muscles in his calves, forearms, and core tighten. [20:42] It’s a moth, the size of a big dog, perched up high on some scrap of rafters. It’s dully yellow and rust-colored, spotted all over with dark brown stains and trailing a long tail that looks like bloodied gauze. [20:42] It doesn’t seem to be doing anything. [20:42] 13Kari backs out of view as she hides behind a pillar. "Oh my god a moff." [20:42] 6Marisol takes her gun out ready to fire at any moment. [20:43] "No, wait, he's just... vibing?" 13Kari peeks out from behind her cover. 00[20:43] 4Scrim: "Are we still taking those bodies?" 00[20:43] "If so let's make it quick and let it get back to it." [20:43] The bodies they left are still on the floor, laid above the straw covering the stone. 00[20:44] 4That tail isn't swishing right over them or anything, is it? [20:44] 6Marisol: “Okay, Scrim, I’m going to go start putting a body in a bag, if it starts coming towards me, you gotta pounce on it.” [20:44] No, it’s not crouched on top of the bodies or anything. [20:45] 6Marisol opens her black body bag up and starts to slide the body in the fold of the bag. [20:46] The moth inclines its head towards them, watching. [20:46] 13Kari darts out into the open towards the nearest body. Okay, so, just for the record, it's been seven days since we were last here, and they'd been dead a week before that... how bad are we talking? 00[20:46] 4Scrim: "Pouncing is what I do." [20:46] They don’t look like they’ve changed at all, actually. [20:46] 6Marisol successfully puts the body in the bag and zips it up slowly. 00[20:46] 4He gets up on the balcony they were cut down from to give himself some height. [20:47] 6Marisol: “Kari, I’ll help you.” [20:47] The moth gently alights from the broken beam it was perched on and slowly flaps down to the balcony Scrim is on. It stays still on the railing, not coming any closer. [20:47] 13Small mercies. Kari fans out the trashbag to fill it with air and begins by lifting the corpse's feet to go into the bag. "Oh, thanks. This one's a bit heavy." [20:48] Grumma-Lumma: “Hold on. You’re going to put those stiffs in my cart?” [20:48] 6Marisol grabs the corpse’s upper body and slides it into the bag. [20:48] "That feels wrong. How much is a human corpse worth, anyway?" [20:49] 6Marisol: “Yeah, we need to use your cart Grumma-Lumma.” [20:49] 13Anyway, Kari helps Marisol handle the cadaver. "We can just drag 'em out a ways and come back in. No need to get... gross corpse juice on your cart." [20:49] “Up to a few grand, if you find the right buyer.” 00[20:49] 4Scrim will just kinda stand there, then. 00[20:50] 4He's not the kinda vampire that speaks to animals. Do moths speak? [20:50] "Yikes," 13is all Kari adds to that. [20:50] In a few minutes, the three bodies are bagged and ready to move. What next? [20:50] This one does not. [20:50] 6Marisol: “Hmm…okay, we each need to drag a body out.” [20:51] 13Kari: "You doing okay up there, Scrim?" 00[20:51] 4Scrim: "Yeah. Let me just..." [20:51] "Can you pet it?" "Try petting it." 00[20:51] 4He bows to the moth, then backflips down off of the balcony to the floor. [20:51] 6Marisol: “Scrim, you need to help drag the body. No time for petting.” 00[20:51] 4Scrim: "Yeah, yeah." [20:51] 13Aww. Kari takes one of the corpsebags by the legs and hauls. [20:51] Where are they going to leave the bodies? [20:52] 13They should be safe right by the doorway out? Right? [20:52] 6Marisol: “We’re leaving the bodies at the entrance of the door of our real world.” 00[20:52] 4Better place to leave them than actually with that Sammy guy. He might call the cops. 00[20:53] 4But hey, if he does, Scrim gets to fight the cops. We all win. [20:53] 6Marisol drops the body at the entrance, and Scrim and Kari follow. [20:53] 13Kari does a dainty little shuffle with her bodybag, her face pinched. You coulda just kept your dumb mouth shut, Kari, now you're dragging bodies. [20:54] The moth does not follow them back into chamber 1. Where to now? [20:55] 13She discards the dishwashing gloves and the mask with the trashbags as she turns to huddle with her team: "Okay, so, do we try to fan out and hit the alcoves we passed over last time, or do we go spider hunting?" 00[21:02] 4Scrim: "Check north a bit then gird up for spider-fight, is my logic." [21:03] 13Kari pats the iron pan hanging off her pack. "Are you planning on just..." 13She looks at his hands. Are his claws like... nails? Really big fingernails? [21:04] 6Marisol: “Okay, let’s go east. Find the guildless, they can hook us up with the pig hand barrel we need.” [21:05] Alright. The door to chamber 10 is closed. [21:06] 6Marisol: “Let’s knock.” 6She knocks on the door three times. 00[21:06] 4It looks like he's got broadhead steel arrows on his fingers, but slightly less metall-y. [21:07] A slot on the door gets yanked back, and white eyes set in pale skin peer back for a moment. Then, they grow wide in recognition. Swiftly, the door is unbarred. A Guildless door guard ushers them in and runs over to a string running along the wall, tugging at it urgently. [21:07] They can hear a bell ringing faintly in the distance. [21:08] The Guildless guard bows to them. 00[21:08] 4Scrim bows back. 00[21:08] 4Just respectful in the martial arts. [21:08] 6Marisol bows back. [21:09] 6Marisol: “We’re here for one more barrel of pig hands.” She signs the number one and bites at her hand.” [21:09] 13Kari makes a fist into a thumbs-up into a stiff bow as she apes the others. [21:10] In a few moments, the Guildless chief and a dozen followers jog into the room. The guard explains what happened through quick signing while the chief nods. [21:10] He turns to them and holds up what looks like a wooden slate, and the chalk set Kari gave them. [21:10] 13This is actually fucking amazing. This is like, a whole-ass society down here. They have a language! 00[21:11] 4Nice. [21:11] 13Now that she's not hyperventilating (per last time), can Kari get a decent look at these guys? Are they... human? Appear human? Under their rags, pigskins, etc? [21:11] 6Marisol grabs the slate and chalk to draw out what she needs. [21:11] The chief starts to draw. A few minutes later, they can roughly understand his meaning: Men in masks have come from the river since the adventurers were here last. They move through the rooms the pigs used to occupy. They hunt all they encounter. [21:12] They come from, as far as they can tell, upriver. [21:12] 13Men in masks? [21:12] 6Marisol draws a man in a mask and a question mark next to it and shows them [21:12] 13Their drawing of the masked men- what do the masks look like? [21:13] 13...It's not a snorkel-looking gas mask, is it? [21:13] 6Plague doctor mask. [21:14] The Guildless look like humans, for the most part. Kari can see a few differences, though. They’re much thinner, and they have slightly pointed ears. Their eyes have irises like a goat’s. 00[21:14] 4Scrim: "They want them taken out? I don't wanna promise bodies, but...if they're hunting EVERYONE..." 00[21:15] "Oh they're elves. Yeah let's kill some elves." [21:15] "Shit guys, frick." 13Kari has her hands on her temples. "I mighta seen this before." [21:15] The chief shakes his head at Marisol’s drawing and Xs it out with chalk. He begins to draw for them again. [21:15] 13Kari's eyes dart over to the chief's drawing. [21:16] When he’s finished: [21:16] "Oh wow, no, that's even worse." [21:16] He adds weapons to the drawings of the masked men - long polearms with circular blades, and serrated longswords. [21:17] They’re accompanied by…some kind of hunting animal. It’s not distinct enough to tell. [21:17] "Yeah the masked killers I saw had like.. gas masks and guns." "So keep an eye out for that too I guess." [21:17] 13Kari swallows hard. [21:18] 6Marisol: “Did they say anything to you?” 00[21:18] 4Scrim: "Oh. Yeah. I got no problem killing those guys. Those guys look like trouble." [21:18] The chief draws a locked door. One on side, the masked men passing by. On the other side, the Guildless hiding in safety. [21:19] 6Marisol nods, “How many do you think?” [21:19] "No, I only saw 'em for a second. I had other shit going on." 13Kari laughs nervously. [21:20] 13She turns her head. "Yo Scrim. What's the most people you've ever beaten up at once?" [21:20] The chief draws a hasty version of the map he drew for them earlier, and then an arrow going east and south. He can take them to where they were before, the border of their territory, without encountering the masked men, if they want. 00[21:21] 4Scrim sighs. "Alright. We do this favor for our buddies here. Maybe then they help us against the spider. But if we need to refuel or rearm after mask guys are dealt with, we don't spend a week, yeah? Strike while the iron is hot." [21:22] "Yeah." 13Kari gulps. [21:23] 6Marisol: “Take us to the border of their territory. We’ll do our best to kill each them. In return, we need one more barrel of white pig hands and help killing the big spider.” 00[21:23] 4To Kari: "For real or in kayfabe?" 00[21:23] "Six and two, respectively. It's never believable if you go more than one-on-two in a fake fight." [21:24] "I think we should strike while the iron's cold," 13Kari mumbles. "For real?" 00[21:25] 4Conversationally: "Most people aren't built for fights, and fundamentally don't think they're gonna happen. You take a guy's arm or a guy's leg, brutally, in one move, and guys figure out where their priorities are." 00[21:25] "That whole deal with guys running in to attack one at a time in movies? More realistic than you might think." 00[21:25] "But only if you establish space and dominance." 00[21:25] "Anyway." [21:25] "Huh. T.I. L." [21:26] 13Kari watches Marisol negotiate as she shoots the shit with Scrim: "Do you think these guys were like... people?" 00[21:26] 4Scrim: "They're still people." 00[21:27] "You mean like, humans with jobs?" 00[21:27] "Walmart greeters?" 00[21:27] "Nah." [21:27] "Shit," 13Kari whispers. [21:27] "If we get lost in here, don't let me get fucked up like that." [21:31] The chief is impressed with the adventurers, but he still requires something before he can commit to helping pursue your ultimate target. He circles the masked men on the wall and drags a finger across his blackened throat. [21:31] He marks a spot on your maps: near that rusted portcullis Scrim levered open. 00[21:32] 4Scrim grins. "I'm down for that." [21:32] 6Marisol nods, “We will kill them for you.” [21:32] 13Kari takes up the iron pan off her backpack and squeezes the grip. [21:35] The guard unlocks the door for you again. The moth still doesn’t bother any of the group as they pass through chamber 2…it’s still buzzing around the top of the dome. Once they pass into chamber 3, the three of you will notice something in the dark. [21:35] "...Do you think it wants out? Can we let it out?" [21:36] There’s dark red footprints, like someone’s boots got stuck in red clay, heading south from Hallway 4, turning west towards Chamber 5, where the pigs gathered... [21:36] 13As we're passing, Kari will crane her neck to glance up at the dome- are there any windows up there? [21:36] Only crumbling marble, as far as Kari can tell. 00[21:36] 4Scrim: "Let's, uh, put a fork in that." 00[21:36] "A pin." 00[21:37] 4Scrim: "Wait. It might be the crew we're tracking." 00[21:37] 4Any heartbeats nearby? [21:37] 6Marisol: “Let’s keep walking north ya’ll.” [21:38] Besides the footprints heading towards the Pig Theater, you can all hear a faint clamor from the north, and see faint lantern-light. Whoever is up there is not particularly concerned with hiding their presence. [21:38] 13Kari waves goodbye to the fluttering moth and follows Marisol's voice into the darkness. She clicks on the camcorder's flashlight. 00[21:38] 4Scrim kips up to the ceiling, then. [21:38] Lots of faint heartbeats to the north. The rooms to the west seem quiet for now. [21:40] 6Marisol walks towards the heartbeats, guns in hand. [21:43] 13Kari presses her back against the stone and slides along the wall in a low crouch. [21:44] As they creep further and further forward, they start to see the figures that the Guildless mentioned. 00[21:44] 4Scrim moves across the ceiling, sinking claws into soft loam and mortar instead of clicking them on stone or metal. He gets into position, surveying the monsters below. [21:46] 13Kari's head is on a swivel. And these guys have weapons, yeah? [21:47] 13The flashlight on the camcorder goes off with a click. Kari settles down onto her haunches and observes the situation. [21:47] There’s a pair of them in lamellar armor, faces hidden behind veils. They hold polearms topped by jagged circular blades, like giant pizza cutters. There’s another figure - huge, hulking, like a sumo wrestler, covered in scars, wearing a porcelain mask of a child’s face. The huge one holds an equally huge cleaver, serrated halfway down. There’s a pair of metal cages by them, too, on the far side of the portcullis. There’s…something [21:47] in the cages. They look, frankly, like disembodied tongues. [21:47] The two polearms are standing closest. The giant figure is standing right underneath the portcullis, directly under the hanging metal. The cages are past him. They’re all looking down at the river. 00[21:48] 4Big boy. [21:48] 13Fuuuuuuuck this. [21:48] Down at the rotting docks they saw earlier, there’s a procession of lanterns and robes, and more masked men. About a dozen of them, in armor, are boarding a galley that’s pointed upstream. They’re casting off ropes and the oars are beginning to pull the craft up the sewer river. [21:49] Also: all of them absolutely reek of blood. Not just blood. Meat. They smell like butchers. [21:49] 13Are they hauling any cargo on the boat, or just the masked? 00[21:49] 4Let them go. Can't do anything about them now, unless Scrim is gonna drop onto the ship from above and video game this shit. [21:49] 13Well, the heap of tongues explain why everyone down here uses sign language, at least. [21:50] The masked figures on the boat don’t seem to be holding anything besides weapons. [21:50] 13Kari crouches low against the wall and tries to pick Scrim out of the roots and rocks clinging to the ceiling. [21:50] The tongues are not actual tongues. They’re much too big. Tongues the size of mastiffs, laying down inside the cages. [21:50] 13Freak shit. [21:50] 13She nudges Marisol and gestures toward the cages with her head. [21:52] 13She crouches down and rests her palms on the handle of her frying pan, balanced on its metal disc against the floor like a Samurai's blade. [21:53] It doesn’t escape any of your notice that the big one is standing under the portcullis. Like…directly underneath. The lever to activate it is right besides the cages. [21:54] 13The real question is: Did Scrim ever play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? [22:08] A part of Marisol’s beast drops from the base of her spine and slithers across the rough stone floor, tasting the air as it goes. [22:08] It drinks in the shadows of the figures wearing polearms. [22:09] 6Marisol needs to find more information about these things. She let’s her beast unravel and cast itself in across the area, “What weaknesses do these figures possess?” [22:09] It only needs a moment to get the sense of the giant figure under the gate, and then it snaps back to Marisol’s throat and pours out its secrets. [22:09] 13Kari reaches into her backpack and retrieves a full glass bottle, tied off with a rag that reeks of gasoline. [22:10] 13Her free hand drops to her shorts, and she curses quietly as she fiddles with the lighter. [22:11] They yearn to join the Master Flensers, resplendent in their armor and ancient skill. They can only watch their betters as they take a Fleischguilder galley back to the Fleischguild’s Catacombs. You could walk past these three fucks and they’d barely notice you, they’re so wrapped up in their daydreams of ambition. [22:12] The pariah scum offer no challenge. They have grown lax in their ways, hunting the wretched down here in the ruins of the Inquisitor’s Theater. [22:17] 13The weak lighter's flame leaps onto the oil-soaked rag and crowns the bottle in hungry flames. Kari's wide eyes reflect the guttering light. 00[22:21] 4Scrim gets the party started by dropping on the big guy's head and neck, trying a rear naked choke with claws, attempting to sever some arteries. ...The arteries aren't quite where he thinks they are. Or anywhere nearby. "The fuck are you," 4he mutters as he locks it in. [22:24] 13A dark shape drops from the ceiling. That's her cue. Kari leaps to her feet, swinging the bright bottle in a wide overhand arc that sends it tumbling to the floor between the two masked figures. The bottle shatters into a beautiful blooming flower of leaping fire that splashes all over the hunters. [22:26] 13Kari leaps up and howls in triumph as they flail in the flames. [22:27] The quiet of the scene is interrupted by a crash of glass, and then a *whump* as the bottle’s contents ignite all over the pair of guards. [22:28] 13Skill issue. 00[22:29] 4She warned him about that, right. [22:29] 6Marisol is at a slight distance and shoots both of her guns at both of these weird gross guards that are flailing about. The shock of the sudden flames bursting makes her stumble back. The bullets go right through the chests of the evil entities. 00[22:29] 4Still, let's not go over there. [22:30] The taller of the pair drops his weapon and sprints for the river, grabbing at his chest as he runs. His hands clamp around a whistle slung around his neck, and a moment later they hear a high-pitched shriek. On top of the other shrieks. [22:30] The boat doesn’t turn around. But the doors of the cages do flop open. 00[22:31] 4Oh come on. They're fucking soldiers?!? 00[22:31] 4Only troops remember to blow the fucking whistle while on fire. [22:32] The other guard is still on fire. He lifts his polearm and grabs a lever on the end. The circular blade on the end of the polearm begins to spin as the weapon roars to life with a growl. He’s charging at the combined mess of Scrim and the huge guard, not caring enough to miss the latter as he swings at the former. [22:36] The huge blade comes down on nothing. The roaring polearm bites into dirt and stone, and then the weapon dies as the guard dies, slumped over and still flaming. 00[22:37] 14Scrim: "Whoa. Alright buddy--" 00[22:37] 4Scrim: "Whoa. Alright buddy--" 00[22:38] 4Scrim just sort of rips and tears down through the big guy's entire neck, back, and then out through the soft space under the ribcage through the belly with both hands. 00[22:39] "HRRH!!" 00[22:39] 4Then he pivots to the water, moving away from the other burning guy. What's coming off of that boat? [22:39] 13Kari dashes forward, her track shoes striking a path through the swirling flames to dip low and grab up the guard's discarded polearm, hefting it up on its balance and twirling to help Scrim- but he doesn't need it. [22:39] 13The cages...! [22:39] The boat isn’t even turning around. Armored figures watch your fight with detached interest. 00[22:40] 4Oh, then that's cool.. 00[22:40] 4Fuckin' nerds. [22:40] 13What happened to the guy who made for the river? [22:42] 6Marisol is at a slight distance and shoots both of her guns at the burning guards that is flailing about. The bullets go right through his chest. [22:43] 13Kari turns on the fleeing cenobite and watches as Marisol cooly drops him. She watches the corpse smoulder before turning to Mari with a smile. "Out-fucking-skilled." 00[22:44] 4Scrim: "I'm gonna be over here until that fire is out." 00[22:44] 4He kicks the big guy's now severed head down into the water on a couple bounces. [22:44] "Shit, Scrim, the doors-" 13Kari gestures toward the open cages. [22:44] The tongues are crawling out of the cages. 00[22:46] 4Scrim: "Whoa, let's--" 4He doesn't have time to move. [22:46] 6Marisol: “And that’s how you do it, son!” 6She blows at the ends of the guns and tucks them in the back of her pants. She turns around and sees the nasty tongues crawling and immediately regrets celebrating. [22:47] 13Kari throws herself in a lunge over the spreading fire dripping down the stone stair and throws herself bodily against the metal door with as much force as she can muster, driving the polearm into the gaps in the bars to wedge itself in place. [22:48] 13The horrible flesh thing slaps uselessly against the barred cage door. 00[22:49] 4Scrim: "Nice." [22:49] It brushes against her bare skin for a moment before retreating. She can feel the flesh in that spot go unpleasantly numb for a moment. 00[22:49] "You think that counts for fulfilling our pact, or do we need to follow those other footprints?" [22:49] 6Marisol: “That was great!” [22:50] "Let's Gooooooooo~!" 13Kari turns, breathing heavily and wiping the sweat from her brow as she turns to the others. "N-not bad for a normie, huh!?" [22:50] Grumma-Lumma: “That chief only circled one spot, didn’t he?” [22:50] 13Kari goes for a hi-five on everyone in sequence. 00[22:50] 4Scrim: "Well. I dunno if I'd call you a normie. But better than normal for a human." [22:50] 13Grumma gets one too. 00[22:50] 4Scrim returns it. [22:51] 6Marisol: “I think we should just keep going on our way. We killed two of them, that’s like enough, right?” [22:51] 6Marisol hi-fives her back. [22:52] "Three," 13Kari points toward the disembodied head that Scrim rolled down the slope. Marisol gets a warm smile. "I'm starting to think we're gonna make it." [22:53] 6Marisol returns the smile, “Yeah, we are.” [22:53] 13Kari's triumphant, but she's favoring one of her hands, where the creature briefly made contact. She's trying to play it off, but she flops her wrist where the joint's gone numb. [22:53] Where next? 00[22:53] 4Scrim: "Sounds good to me. Not getting paid to follow EVERY weird set of tracks around here." [22:54] "Ye-yeah." [22:54] The river bank is now deserted, except for you all. [22:55] "Just a moment." [22:56] 13Kari picks her way down to the shore of the sewer river, where lies the burning fucking corpse of the hunter that Marisol dropped with her sidearm. Kari squats down next to the body and pulls out her camcorder, flipping it over until its masked face is visible. She's taking pictures. [22:56] 13Can she pry off the mask? 00[22:56] 4Scrim will wander down to the shore. "Kari. Don't go into the water." 00[22:56] "Horror movie shit happens in water." [22:56] 6Marisol: “We can just keep heading east, we have to fight the spider.” [22:56] "Dude you don't need to tell me not to go into the nasty water, man." [22:57] "Scrim help me pry this mask off." [22:57] It looks like the Guildless, same goat irises and pointed ears. This one isn’t pale, filthy, and with a blackened mouth and throat, though. [22:57] 13Translation: Scrim you've got your hands covered in gross monsterblood already and I don't wanna get dirty. 00[22:57] 4Fine. [22:57] "Shit dude, fuck. They're also people." [22:57] "What kind of messed up place is this?" 00[22:57] 4Scrim: "Didn't need to take the mask off to tell you that." 00[22:58] "Gotta realize there's no like, easy siloing, right? Most things you kill that look like people are gonna be people." [22:59] Grumma-Lumma takes these things weapons and armor as trophies to show to the Guildless. [23:00] 13Kari: "You mean I just- oh." 13Kari glances over at the smoldering body up the slope. "Ohh." [23:00] 13Kari actually grabs Scrim's arm for support as she leans over the water and pukes. [23:01] "Ohfuck I didn't-" 00[23:01] 4Scrim: "Thing that comes with that knowledge is that people are gonna try to kill you all the time, and while it might be bad to kill people, you just gotta make sure it's not wrong." 00[23:01] "Anyway. I'm not here to like, give lectures." [23:02] 13Aand more puke. This is the last of it, promise. Kari calms her breathing and lets go. "Suh." "Sorry, yeah. I just, ahhah," 13She wipes the corners of her eyes and steps back. [23:02] "Oof." [23:03] "Let's get out of here." [23:03] 6Marisol: “Let’s go guys, the spider is waiting.” 6She starts walking east in hopes of finding a hallway that leads south. 00[23:03] "Yup." [23:04] There’s the locked doors with the bells on them past the portcullis. When they reach them, the Guildless are waiting. [23:04] 13Kari jogs off after her. The smoke hangs in the air of the hall, smelling of fuel oil and smoked meat. [23:05] They bow reverently, again. You’re rushed over to the Chief, who has been preparing. [23:06] 13Kari lifts up the polearm to show the residents of Zyan her trophy. [23:06] Four Guildless have been rigged with vest-harnesses that hold a long pole above them. At the end of the pole is a lit lantern. The Chief also has lanterns for anyone who wants to take one. [23:06] They cheer Kari’s trophy! Grumma-Lumma trades his for a few barrels. [23:07] 13She takes her weapon up at its midpoint and spins the heavy blade down to the ground before leaning nonchalantly into the haft as she watches the guildless work. "What do you think they're doing?" [23:07] 6Marisol takes a latern, “Thank you, Chief.” [23:09] 13Kari uses her free hand to take up the offered lantern. Her eyes narrow as she regards the thin flame within. "What's this for?" 00[23:09] 4Scrim will keep his hands free. Warrior mindset. 00[23:09] 4Plus, lanterns, eegh. [23:10] 13Kari takes up her stolen weapon and loops the lantern's handle over the axe blade to dangle it off the end of the polearm. [23:11] The Chief shows them a drawing of figures surrounded by dark puppets, hanging from strings. The puppets stay away from direct sources of light, it seems. 00[23:12] 4Yeah, so do vampires. [23:12] Are they ready to depart? The four guildless volunteers will accompany them as lantern-bearers in the chambers beyond. 00[23:12] 4I guess there's no technical sunlight over here though. [23:13] 6Marisol: “Let’s get going, ya’ll. We got a spider to destroy.” 6Marisol starts to walk south. [23:13] 13Kari takes out a little plastic bottle and drinks until the taste of vomit is gone. "Guh. Do you think," 13she turns to Scrim. "Do you think the pigs...?" [23:14] 13Kari replaces the bottle into her bag and rolls her shoulders before taking up her lantern-bearing polearm and following after her. [23:17] 13Kari: "Mari." [23:18] "Can I have one of those vials of gas?" [23:18] The apartments they’re taken through on their way south are decorated with tattered curtains of white pigskin. [23:18] 6Marisol: “Sure!” [23:18] These must have been fine miniature palaces, once. Now they’re half-covered in luminous fungous and dingy bedrolls. [23:18] 6Marisol hands Kari a vial. [23:19] "Clutch." 13Kari takes up the vial and begins wrapping it with duct tape from her pack. 00[23:19] 4Scrim: "Lot of bad shit happened down here." [23:20] The Guildless unbar a door at the end of the apartments, and it swings open... [23:21] You all stand on the north side of a huge cavern. This area remains unbuilt…no stone floor or tile decorations, but bare rock and dripping stalactites. [23:22] 13Is it dark? Sorry, it probably is, you know- I'm- I'm just asking because... not all of us are supernatural predators of the night and I can't.. see.. [23:22] It’s pitch black, except for the light of the lanterns. [23:22] 13Kari hoists her lantern high on the polearm. [23:23] 13The flickering lantern bobs up and down as she picks across the cavern floor. [23:23] In the gloom, Kari can see the roof stretch far, far above their heads. This cavern is divided in half by a chasm running west-to-east. It’s a long, long way down. There’s a wooden suspension bridge crossing the chasm a few hundred meters away…and the cavern continues far to the west. [23:24] Across the bridge, there seems to be some kind of huge stone arch set into the south wall of the cavern. [23:24] "A fucking Scooby Doo bridge?" [23:24] "The Hellraiser extras were already pushing it, dude." [23:25] 13Her voice echoes around the empty cavern. 00[23:25] 4Scrim makes a face. "I mean it's obviously a Johnny Quest bridge." [23:25] "Pff." [23:25] There’s something in the chasm, too…about forty feet down, there’s a small plateau that rises out of the shadows, like a minature volcano’s caldera. There’s some kind of hole in the plateau, leading down, and a faint purple light coming from the hole. [23:25] The Guildless point to the hole. [23:25] 13She turns to the guildless accompanying them. "You can understand me right? Right? Right." 13Kari puts her hands on her hips. "If things go bad, skeddadle, okay? Don't get yourself killed on my account." [23:26] 6Marisol: “The spider isn’t in the hole…seriously?” [23:26] 13Shit, do we have any rope? Kari literally told Gus she was going to get climbing gear. But that check hasn't cleared yet, so..." 00[23:27] 4Scrim can climb down the wall. Unless it's some kind of ridiculous obsidian. In which case he can climb down it loudly. [23:27] "Great. You guys and your freaky claws might deadass have to leave me behind if we can't find some rope." 00[23:27] 4Scrim: "Nah, I'll just have you piggyback. I'm gonna take a look." [23:27] 13Kari blushes and looks away. "Uhhh," [23:28] Grumma-Lumma: “Of course I have rope!” [23:28] 6Marisol: “I packed rope!” [23:28] Grumma-Lumma: “It’s the first thing you bring.” [23:28] 6Marisol: “Also, I don’t have claws. Vampires come in all different shapes and abilities.” [23:29] 13Kari watches Scrim disappear over the lip of the crater and goes over to Grumma's cart. "Saved my ass there." [23:29] "Oh, so what's your freaky thing, then?" [23:29] 13She takes up a length of rope and goes to tie it around something secure by the rim of the hole. [23:30] Scrim can get down to the plateau with ease. [23:30] 6Marisol: “Scrim is pretty lucky…My freaky thing is I can manipulate whoever I want to do whatever I want.” [23:30] 13Kari: "Ahehahjhurghehj?heh." 00[23:31] 4Then he does. He's kinda stealthy with it -- at least no great shrieking from his claws. [23:31] 13She turns away from Marisol so she can't see her eyes go incredibly wide as she works on securing the rope. [23:31] He sees the hole. This close, he can see that it’s the entrace to a wide, vertical tunnel. His darkvision shows that the vertical tunnel continues down for about another forty feet, where it turns into a regular horizontal tunnel. [23:31] 6Marisol in the slyest way possible, “I would never do that to you.”6 She pats Kari on the shoulder. [23:32] "eep." 13Is all Marisol gets back. Down below, a coil of rope flops down the wall next to Scrim. [23:32] But this vertical section is absolutely choked with black cables the size of power lines. They’re woven across the vertical tunnel at every angle and every height - an adult human could jump in and not hit the bottom before being tangled up in the lines. 00[23:33] 4Can they be passed through by climbers? If not, can he cut them with claws? [23:33] "Okaywelltherope'ssecureso," 13Kari mumbles, not making eye contact with the other woman- the vampire- and Kari's clipping the carabiner on her belt onto the rope. 00[23:34] 4Yelling up: "Get comfortable, there's some fucked up shit down here. Give me a sec." [23:34] He can try both. Has he touched a cable? 00[23:34] 4Not yet. [23:35] 13Kari fits the polearm's haft between her back and the pack to secure it for the descent. She hops down a few feet, balancing with her feet against the wall and her back hanging over the void below. She's left awkwardly staring up at Marisol as she holds tight for Scrim's instructions. [23:36] Grumma-Lumma taps the blade of one of the captured sabers against the rope holding Kari and smiles maliciously. [23:37] 13The carabiner on her belt goes taut against the rope as she begins to descend. "Please don't Mufasa me, dude." [23:38] "Scrim!? Scrim, how we doing?" [23:38] 6Marisol: “Kari, come on, why would Grumma Lumma do that to one of his favorite adventure buddies?” [23:38] The Guildless throw ropes down the cliff edges and prepare to descend. [23:40] "Yeah," 13She calls up in a hoarse voice. "Why would Gee Ell do that to.. one of his besties?" [23:41] The totem spirit calls down: “What’s down there?” 00[23:42] 4He'll scout around to see if there's a clear path through, and watch the descending Guildless. How are they playing this? 00[23:42] 4Lot to learn from the guys who live here. [23:43] 13Kari rappels down the slope with the Guildless, halting her descent as they approach the thicket of cables. "Scrim? You good buddy?" 00[23:43] 4Scrim: "Yep, just waiting on something. Wanna see what our buddies do. Don't touch any of these cables yet." [23:43] They make their way down the cliff face slowly, and gather around the hole. One points to the vertical tunnel and draws a finger across her throat. She points to the cables, and then holds her arm straight out. She touches the raised arm with her free hand, and then mimes something scuttling across the raised arm. [23:44] 6Marisol calls out, “Be careful, you too! Especially you, Kari.” 00[23:44] 4Scrim has the core and quad strength to basically just be standing sideways on the wall, arms crossed. 00[23:44] 4Sometimes he pushes back into a sitting position to give his quads a rest. [23:44] 13Kari unhooks the lantern from her hip and stretches out so the lantern's light dances across the wires. "Oh, it's a trap." [23:44] Even more up close, Scrim can see that the cables are bunched ridiculously close. An adult human couldn’t make it through without spending a good long while contorting themselves around and underneath them. 00[23:45] 4Scrim: "Yeah, but the question is, what kind." 00[23:45] 4Scrim: "I wanna see if we can climb through or, at minimum, find the best place to cut through." [23:46] Grumma-Lumma peers over the cliff wall and waits until Kari is about five feet off the ground. [23:47] 13She's about there already, give or take. [23:47] 6Marisol side eyes Grumma-Lumma, “Don’t.” [23:48] The rest of the guildless are careful to not actually touch the cables, no matter how close they get. [23:48] 13She unhooks her carabiner from the rope and gives it a taut pull. "You guys coming or nah?" 00[23:48] 4Scrim: "Well that's not a good sign. But it's a sign." 00[23:49] 4Scrim: "I'm going to go down and start cutting cables. Someone give me light." [23:49] 13Kari takes the polearm from under the straps of her pack and turns it over in her hands before hooking the lantern into the crook of the axe and raising it unsteadily over Scrim's head. [23:50] Grumma-Lumma: “Fine, I won’t.” He drives the cart off the cliff wall. A parachute deploys, and he and the cart float gently down onto the plateau. [23:50] 13Goofy Ahh cat spirit. [23:51] Scrim can tell where the cables are least thick, but its still a thicket down there. He’d need to spend several minutes slicing cables to clear a hole to the bottom. 00[23:52] 4Then we'd best start while we have the light. [23:52] 13Kari hangs onto the rope for support as she leeeeanns out over the thicket to cover Scrim in the lanternlight. [23:53] 6Marisol shimmies down her own line of rope and stops next to Kari. [23:55] 13Kari is looking intently down at Scrim to make sure he never strays from underneath the warm glow of the lantern. Still, she turns her head: "So, one question." [23:56] "If you can make anyone do whatever you want... why are you in this hole with us scrubs?" [23:56] Marisol’s arm burns. [23:58] 6Marisol: “Because there is a hierarchy in the vampire world, and I’m trying to climb up it. I am not powerful enough to persuade everybody I meet, just mortals and low level vampires too.” [23:58] "Oh so there's high level ones." "Great." [23:59] 13Kari watches Scrim's clawed hands sever the cables. "Yeeesh." Session Time: Sat Oct 08 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] When Scrim’s hands descend on a cable to cut it, the material parts like a piece of string, giving out only the warbling crack and wind of a high-tension line snapping. [00:00] The cables themselves aren’t sticky. They feel like metal, actually. [00:00] 13Kari turns to watch how the Guildless of Zyan react to this. [00:01] 13If nothing else, this is surely a novel way to navigate the passage. [00:01] As the line parts, a purple light bursts from the severed line and races in two directions, spreading out across the neighboring lines, spreading outwards. [00:01] The Guildless look distressed. [00:01] But they stay. [00:01] "Ah, jeez." [00:01] "Hey Scrim we might wanna hurry." [00:01] The purple light travels down to the bottom of the pit, pulsing, disappearing down to the floor of the vertical shaft and down out of sight, into the lower tunnel. 00[00:02] 4Scrim hurries. [00:03] A scream rushes out of the tunnel as he cuts. [00:05] 13Kari pulls back and almost leaves Scrim in the dark before she corrects and brings the swinging lantern back overhead. 00[00:06] 4Scrim does not stop for screams. [00:08] 13Kari speaks very quickly: "Mari, did you bring extra ammo?" [00:09] 6Marisol: “Yes, it’s in Gee Ell’s cart.” [00:09] "We're probably gonna need it." [00:10] 6Marisol grabs some ammo from Grumma-Lumma’s cart and puts it in her jacket pocket. [00:10] The shadows deepen around them. Each lantern feels like a pitiably small island of light in an ocean of total darkness. [00:11] They can see figures rise on the cliffs around them, looking down. 00[00:11] 4Scrim: "Keep the light on me." 00[00:11] "We know what these shadows do." [00:11] Spindly figures. Grinning. Holding weapons. The shadow puppets from the theater. Who slaughtered the pigs. [00:12] Eight of them, at least, are holding scimitars, and pacing back and forth. It seems the light is keeping them back. 00[00:12] 4Scrim, shouting up to Grumma: "Hey, cat! We still got those barrels?" [00:12] Two figures are aiming at them, though. One wears a feathered cap and holds a bow. Another is leveling a staff at them. 00[00:12] "The pig hand barrels." [00:12] Grumma-Lumma: “Yes!” [00:13] 6Marisol: “Throw them some hands, literally!” [00:13] 13Kari hangs onto the polearm and its swinging lantern for dear life. 00[00:13] "When these fuckers get real close and start like, cartoonishly licking their lips with drool-- Yeah." [00:18] 6Marisol aims for the puppet with the bow in his hand. She closes one eye, is standing straight and facing this thing, and shoots her shot. [00:18] The bow puppet explodes in a puff of black smoke, melting into the greater darkness. The other puppets barely give it a glance. [00:21] "Scrim, they're getting closer. Scrim-" 13Kari rattles out. 00[00:21] 4Scrim dives into the cables like a looney tunes character, arms together before he pushes them out, claws leading, like a breast stroke. He pretty much keeps himself aloft through the motion, cutting down through cables. 00[00:21] "LIGHT ON ME, KARI!" [00:22] 13Kari: "I'M TRYING!" [00:22] 13Kari staggers after him with the light. [00:22] 6Marisol takes out all the flashlights she has from GL’s cart as fast as she can and shines them on scrim. [00:22] The shadow puppet with the staff raises it above its head. The end of the wooden stave crackles…a black thundercloud is emerging from the wood! It pulses with purple lightning, once, twice…and then it lurches down among the people on the plateau and explodes, lightning lancing out in every direction. [00:28] In the aftermath, two of the Guildless lie motionless on the plateau, speared by bolts of purple light. One of the bolts connects with Marisol, shocking her. [00:30] The lights in the web are pulsing frantically, psychotically, flooding the plateau with sick purple light. [00:32] 6Marisol stumbles back and falls on her butt. She feels electricity coursing through her corpse, she feels alive in the worst way possible. [00:33] The crowd up on the cliffs continues to grow. A group of archers crowds to the front, pulling back bows and aiming at the lights. [00:34] 13Kari turns away from the sight of the smoking bodies and grips the lantern-pole with all her might, never letting Scrim fall out of its pale light. "Umm, umm-" "Scrim! You ever go into one of those groady Mcdonald's playplaces with the ballpits and the climbing straps!?" 00[00:34] 4Scrim: "Yeah! I was a child in 1988!" [00:34] "You ever catch your bully in the junction tube and kick her right in the nose!?" [00:35] "Okay, okay!" 13Kari's hyperventilating: "Pull and cut! Twang her right in the face as you slash!" 00[00:35] 4Scrim: "I feel that!!" [00:36] 13Kari lifts the lantern and shakes it, letting it bounce on the polearm. "Yeah! One, two! One, two!" 13She starts a chant to the rhthym of Scrim's cuts through the thicket. [00:37] "Mari you okay!?" 13Kari cries out. [00:41] Arrows are raining down onto the plateau. Grumma-Lumma screams and hides under the cart, which is soon peppered with black bolts. [00:41] 6Marisol shakes off the jitters the lightening left in, “Yeah, I’m okay. Fuck this guy.” 6Marisol stares into the face of the puppet with the staff, raises her hand, “Blow your archers up.” [00:45] The staff puppet sweeps the business end of the wooden rod to point at the crowded cliff edge. Another lightning cloud shoots out, detonating among the rest of the puppets in a flash. 00[00:46] 4Scrim tears through the cables -- it's going more slowly now. "FUCK!" [00:47] There’s an explosion up on the cliff. [00:47] The arrows stop. [00:48] When the smoke clears, there’s…more smoke. And a confused looking puppet holding a staff. [00:48] No more archers, though. [00:55] 13Kari sets the flickering lantern onto the floor and screams, twisting and hurling the polearm like a javelin toward the remaining puppet. [00:55] 13The weapon wobbles as it arcs through the air and explodes the puppet with a puff of smoke. 00[00:56] 4Scrim turns over on the last of the cables to watch it fly...and hit. "Haha, holy shit." 00[00:56] "Liking and subscribing." [00:56] The web is still pulsing a sickly purple light. Scrim is deep enough that the web is all around, in every part of his vision, purple strobes surrounding everything- 00[00:57] 4Then he turns around and cuts the rest of the way through. [00:57] 6Marisol: “Hell yeah, Kari!” [00:57] He’s at the bottom. It’s sandy down here, a real subterranean tunnel hewn out of solid rock by rushing water. [00:57] 13Kari is panting, coughing, doubled over and clutching her knees as she struggles to stay on her feet. She's only crying a little, she swears. [00:57] And up top, more figures emerge to chase the rest down below. 00[00:58] 4He stands. "Allllright. Get down here." 00[00:58] "Sand cushions the fall. And there's assholes up there." [00:58] 13She doesn't have time to comprehend their words before she snatches up the lantern and hurls herself down the tunnel after Scrim. [00:58] More figures with swords, bows, and staffs crowd around, aiming down.. 00[00:58] 4Scrim moves and will either catch her or take a bump for her to bounce her into the sand. [00:59] The Guildless jump in after, bouncing off the cables on their way down before landing mutely in the sand. [00:59] 6Marisol jumps down and lands on her feet in the sand. [00:59] 13Kari bounces off the wall and almost bowls Scrim over as she falls. "Watch the claws watchtheclawstheclaws!" [01:00] 13She springboards off his back and into the sand. 00[01:00] 4He catches with his back and then a controlled fall into the sand, involving none of his limbs. No claws. [01:00] The cart and cat are still topside. They can hear more arrows falling, more lightning discharching up there…. [01:00] 13Haha oh wow, did we just leave Grumma Lumma to get Hella Tazed? [01:01] 6Marisol: “Grumma-Lumma, jump down!” 00[01:01] 4Thought he had a parachute. Either way, wasn't his job. [01:02] He answers weakly from the top of the tunnel: “I’m trying…it’s too heavy all of a sudden! These things aren’t like the others!” [01:02] 13Kari has the wind knocked out of her, but she's gasping affirmatively as she clutches her whole body around the still-lit lantern. 00[01:02] 4Scrim: "Do I have to go back up there." [01:02] “Argh!” More thunks and bursts of purple lightning. [01:02] "H'm ghhd, hmm hhkhhy." [01:02] “They’re not elves!” [01:02] “NAVEL QUEEN! SAVE ME!” [01:03] “SHUT YOUR EYES!” 00[01:03] 4Scrim shrugs and shuts his eyes. [01:03] Then: a terrible orange light floods the vertical tunnel. [01:03] 6Marisol: “Scrim….can you please go back up there and drop him and his cart down…” 00[01:03] 4With his eyes closed: "Let's see how his hideous produce magic goes." [01:04] And the deafening sound of high-caliber automatic gunfire fills the cavern. Somebody is unloading hundreds of rounds up there, in a few seconds. [01:04] "Holy fucking shit." 00[01:04] 4Hahaha. 00[01:04] 4Orange you glad I have drum mags? [01:05] A voice from above says: [01:07] 7T H A T A L L S W E E T I E ? ~ B R I N G M E Y O U R S H A R E (7✿7◠7‿7◠7) [01:07] The light fades. 00[01:07] 4Eyes still closed: "Oh, I like her." [01:07] 13Kari is curled in a fetal position around her lantern, whimpering slightly. [01:07] They can hear the wheels of the cart start to move again, and then Grumma-Lumma pushes it over the edge down into the tunnel. “Look out!” 00[01:07] "Don't think we should get casual about her showing up though." 00[01:08] 4Without opening his eyes, Scrim casually walks ten paces away from the landing zone. [01:08] 6Marisol has her head in her hands, “What the hell…” [01:09] Even with the warning, another parachute opens up, and the cart lands gently on the sand. “Hup!” Grumma-Lumma joins the rest down in the tunnel. 00[01:09] 4Scrim opens a single eye. "Yo." 00[01:09] "How're you doing?" [01:09] “I’m fine.” [01:09] 13Kari gets up and takes her hands off her ears... are any of the Guildless still alive? [01:10] “You know how they say you owe somebody a hundred bucks, and it’s your problem? But if you owe them a million, it’s their problem?” [01:10] 6Marisol pats Grumma-Lumma’s head, “Sorry, this is a lot tonight.” [01:10] “I’m getting used to the idea of living the second part.” 00[01:10] 4Scrim: "The Million Dollar Man. I dig it." [01:11] The remaining pair of Guildless are sticking nearby. They look scared, but steady. [01:11] Grumma-Lumma: “That thing…in the tunnel. The web. It’s not of this world.” [01:11] 13Kari reaches into her backpack and offers the Guildless her water bottle- still mostly full. "Sorry about your buddies..." 00[01:11] 4Scrim waves them down if they're receptive. Gotta keep the lights up. [01:11] 13God, that's the weakest shit ever. 'Sorry about your buddies'? Girl you just watched them get lit the fuck up. [01:12] 13Anyway, the lantern. Kari hoists it up over her head. [01:12] The melon knowledge tells her: at least in death, guilt and shame end. [01:12] 13Not much comfort. I guess it's something. 00[01:13] 4Scrim: "Let's take five and head in. You good Kari?" 00[01:13] "You took a bump, that makes you a worker." [01:13] 13Anyway, if they don't don't any gulps from the water, she does. "Hah, it does?" 13The empty bottle goes on the ground. [01:13] 13Kari: "Hoooooooo." 13Only now does she take a look around the cavern. [01:14] 13She dusts the grit off her bare knees. [01:16] The tunnel they’re in has a deep, sandy channel running down its middle. The walls are covered in thin, delicate strands of…ice? But on closer inspection, it’s just built up mineral deposits. And all across the wet rock walls are the cables, heading south into darkness…pulsing with purple light. [01:17] Grumma-Lumma is insistent. “Not of this world!” 00[01:18] 4Scrim: "Well, can you sell it?" [01:19] “I mean…not of their world.” He looks over at the Guildless. 00[01:19] "If so, we'll start slicing it off on our way out. If not...the philosophy of this stuff doesn't really matter." [01:19] “I think it’s a spirit!” 02[01:30] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:42] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:26] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[03:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[05:49] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[06:22] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has left #inlandvampire 02[06:31] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[07:40] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire [07:40] for real 02[09:56] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving) 03[11:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:01] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Oct 09 00:00:00 2022 02[02:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:04] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:11] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:07] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has left #inlandvampire 03[23:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Mon Oct 10 00:00:00 2022 02[03:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:29] * Quaker (Quaker@sorcery-ce0.6i5.187.70.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[04:11] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:43] * Quaker (Quaker@sorcery-ce0.6i5.187.70.IP) Quit (Client exited) 03[05:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[06:17] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 02[07:05] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) Quit (Changing host) 03[07:05] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@ has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:14] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@ Quit (Changing host) 03[07:14] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire [07:32] - [07:34] - 02[07:49] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving) 03[07:51] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:43] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving) 03[10:05] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[13:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:22] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:24] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:39] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[16:40] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has left #inlandvampire 02[17:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:52] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:54] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:12] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:22] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[23:32] * banana|peels is now known as banana Session Time: Tue Oct 11 00:00:00 2022 02[00:05] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:09] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[08:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:32] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:19] * Disconnected 02[15:19] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[15:19] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 02[15:19] * Disconnected 02[20:45] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[20:45] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[22:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Oct 12 00:00:00 2022 02[00:45] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:29] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:32] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[02:15] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:17] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:39] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[08:10] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Oct 12 08:10:57 2022 Session Start: Wed Oct 12 08:14:07 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[08:14] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[09:32] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) has joined #inlandvampire [09:32] for real 03[11:51] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:02] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:21] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:24] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:27] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:06] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:09] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[13:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[13:43] * tom2 is now known as tom 02[14:19] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:20] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:41] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:29] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:41] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[16:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[17:22] * jeffrey (jeffwewiber@sorcery-9fr.r62.229.99.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving) 03[18:40] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:35] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:59] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Oct 13 00:00:00 2022 03[03:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:24] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 02[04:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[06:07] * banana|peels is now known as banana 03[10:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:37] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:45] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:51] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:11] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:13] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:17] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:18] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:22] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:25] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:33] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:34] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:36] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:38] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Oct 14 00:00:00 2022 Session Close: Fri Oct 14 02:18:16 2022 Session Start: Fri Oct 14 02:52:52 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[02:52] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[02:52] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[02:52] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[03:27] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:42] * @Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:02] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:21] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:30] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:37] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:52] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:55] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:46] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:33] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:49] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:30] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:35] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:54] * Disconnected 02[20:55] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[20:55] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[20:55] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[20:55] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[20:58] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[21:05] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[21:26] * Disconnected 02[21:26] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[21:26] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[21:26] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[21:26] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 [21:28] - [21:28] - [21:28] - [21:28] - [21:28] - 02[21:30] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) [21:32] Above your heads, cool air rushes down into this hidden place, concealed from and feared by the ruined people living in this ruined facility…whatever the Guildless were frightened of must be straight ahead, if your roughly drawn map is correct. The cavern above was cold and damp…and this sub-cavern beneath it is even colder. You can see your breath, if you’re breathing. 03[21:33] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [21:34] The tunnel has a sand bottom, and dripping black stone walls. The walls are thick in built up mineral deposits that could be mistaken for frost. It’s pitch black down here, except for the light of the lanterns. And except for the purple pulses of light racing every few seconds down the length of the tunnel, across the strange cables heading out in front of you. [21:34] The Guildless are terrified, but haven’t run yet. Grumma-Lumma is doing some quick figures on a small calculator. 00[21:35] 4Scrim: "Fuckin' weird." [21:36] The Spider demon/spirit/…thing awaits. Whatever they used to sacrifice the penitent to here, once. [21:36] 6Marisol: “Okay, you guys have your weapons ready. Just in case…” 00[21:36] "At least the ghosts are gone." [21:37] 13Kari rubs the goosebumps on her arms while she stands in the cold tunnel and assess her options. She reaches out with her arms to grab the two Guildless around the shoulders and pull them into a quick huddle. "No getting killed on my account, okay? Not really looking forward to explaining this to your boss." [21:37] 6Marisol: “Let’s go, ya’ll.” 6Marisol begins forward. 00[21:37] 4Scrim rolls his shoulders and strides forward. 00[21:37] "Cyberspider...wait, do you think this is like, a world wide web joke?" [21:39] 13Kari lets her arms fall to her sides and glances over at Marisol, then to Grumma-Lumma. "So, yeah, this is a problem." 13She hoists her lantern and follows, talking: "If it's not from here then... this pan is probably not going to work." 13She raps her knuckles on the flat base of the cookware. [21:40] 6Marisol to Kari: “Honestly, you never know.” [21:40] Grumma-Lumma: “I can taste the air here. It’s thick with…dominance. A dead shadow heart fattened on sacrifice and terror. It’s no elf.” 00[21:41] 4Scrim: "Makes no difference to me." [21:42] 6Marisol: “There’s always that sword we have, right?” [21:42] 13SMASH CAMERA CUT TO Kari's apartment, where the curved sword is speared through a pizzaz box. Kari, now: "Um." [21:43] 13She rummages through her pack and comes back with the glass phial full of churning oil. "Gotta improvise." [21:44] 6Marisol: “Well…you can use my dagger.” [21:44] "Honestly against something like this I'm not sure if that's any better than a pan." [21:44] "Like, can you even shoot a spirit? Is that a thing?" [21:45] 6Marisol: “Yeah, because it’s not like a ghost. It can still hurt and feel pain.” [21:46] Grumma-Lumma: “It will have to manifest to appear here. I did.” [21:47] 13Kari jiggles the lantern on its handle. "Yo Scrim this isn't a boost you don't need to lead that far." [21:47] "Stay in the light man." [21:47] 6Marisol: “I think we can call out to him. It’ll feel threatened and show itself.” 00[21:48] 4Scrim raises his clawed hands like, Who, me?, but stays in the light. [21:48] The tunnel continues forward, sloping down slightly. [21:48] After a time, they come to a split in the rock walls. [21:49] It goes on straight, even deeper into darkness. And there’s a smaller tunnel, leading to what looks like another cavern to their right. 00[21:49] "Which way is this dumbass?" [21:49] The purple light follows the cables into the cavern to the right. [21:51] 6Marisol: “We can check out the smaller tunnel into that smaller cavern, if that is alright with you all…” 00[21:52] "Yeah, sure." [21:52] 13Kari runs her free hand along the cabling on the walls as they walk. "Oh yeah for sure. Always always always check side-passages before the fog door," 13She ends that on a little nervous half-chuckle. [21:53] The cavern before them is shaped like an onion, spherical walls at the bottom rising steadily to a narrower roof. You can hear and feel the rush of air somewhere above, but once again the ceiling of this place is too far and too dark to make out. [21:53] 13She rubs the back of her neck. "Umm, yeah." 13The others have already moved on and she rushes to catch up. [21:53] 6Marisol leads the way with her latern into the small cavern. [21:54] There is an unpleasant, cold, smell here. Of overripe things, and rot. [21:54] 13Please don't be a pile of bodies, please don't be a pile of bodies, please- 00[21:54] 4Whew. 00[21:55] 4Nothing worse than what it smelled like after he ate a cheesesteak the first time after turning and not knowing how to Blush yet. [21:56] They see in front of them, in the center of the chamber, two massive rock pillars, rising up and disappearing in the darkness above. Between the pillars are dozens…hundreds of the spider’s cables. And between the pillars, underneath the web, is a rough altar that has been carved out of the dark stone of the cavern. Its surface gleams with what looks like pearls, even in the dark. [21:57] Behind the altar…a pile of sacrifices, and the remains of hunts. They can see limbs, faces, refuse, jumbled body parts shoved together, in a huge pile of waste and corpses. [21:58] They can see the bodies of the white swine, of Guildless, animals, and some other humanoid forms. [21:58] 13Kari turns her head and makes displeased sound. [21:58] In the web, above them, they can see a great, dark, unmoving shape. [21:58] It does not stir when they enter. 00[21:59] Scrim puts his hands on his hips. "Damn." 4He looks up. "We could just start hollering." 00[21:59] 4Scrim puts his hands on his hips. "Damn." 4He looks up. "We could just start hollering." [22:00] 6Marisol: “Oh Great Spider, show yourself to us!” [22:01] The great dark shape moves, down towards them. [22:01] 13Kari gives Marisol a startled look and steps back, away from the movement. [22:02] 6Marisol whispers, “We have to do this, we have to end this now.” [22:03] Its legs unfurl from underneath a bulbous body. Sharp spider legs, stepping delicately on the wires. From its thorax rises an armless torso, skin sagging in sails like drooping midnight blue robes, and atop that is a regal, eyeless face, its forehead so distended and high that it looks like a bishop’s mitre. It must be fifteen feet tall. 00[22:04] 4Scrim: "Hrrrh." [22:04] It indicates the altar with one sharp leg. [22:05] They hear its voice. In their heads. [22:05] Have you come…to offer me something? [22:05] Or…yourselves? 00[22:06] Scrim just starts advancing. He doesn't talk to spiders. 00[22:07] 4Scrim just starts advancing. He doesn't talk to spiders. 00[22:07] 4...Then stops. [22:07] 6Marisol: “Would you like…fruit?” [22:08] 13Kari seems to be genuinely shrinking in stature as the fat thing looms overhead. [22:10] In the time before the Inquisitor’s ruin, the Fleischguilders fed me the flesh of slaves fattened on terror. The worshippers of Afatis fed me the livers of princesses, hunted for a lifetime. The Inquisitors fed me on the consciences and bodies of those who had transgressed, who lived removed from all law. [22:10] I would like…one of you. [22:10] Or all of you. 00[22:11] 4Scrim: "You'll get all of us, buddy. Can I fuck him up now?" [22:11] 6Marisol: “I don’t want you to get hurt…give me a second to think.” [22:14] 13Kari turns to the remaining guildless cowering behind their lanterns and grips the glass vial of oil tightly in her hand. [22:20] The spider raises a leg and a blue-black orb forms like a drop of water. Its leg flicks out, almost faster than the eye can see, and the orb splashes against the wall next to them. [22:20] No. [22:20] There are no minds here besides my own. 00[22:20] 4! [22:21] 13Kari: "Scrim, don't think!" [22:21] "It's like Jurassic Park!" 00[22:21] "On it." [22:22] The blue-black fluid runs to the ground, pooling…and a hooded shadow puppet bearing a staff rises from the pool, levelling its weapon at the group. [22:26] Marisol’s gun has been burning a hole in her holster since walking into this cavern. She takes it out with her quick reflexes and cocks it. She pulls the trigger, aiming right for the spider’s head. [22:27] 6Marisol’s gun has been burning a hole in her holster since walking into this cavern. She takes it out with her quick reflexes and cocks it. She pulls the trigger, aiming right for the spider’s head. 00[22:32] 4Scrim, meanwhile, hits the puppet with a spinning backfist. It poofs or plops or otherwise grossly fades away. [22:32] The bullet seems to have to swim against the darkness itself. But Santiago gave her a pretty good gun. It takes a chunk - a small chunk - out of the thing’s ‘crown’. They can see bright golden blood spill out, flickering like fire in the black. [22:40] 13Kari leaps forward to hurl the glass vial at the arachnid freak and promptly spikes the hand-sized bottle right into the floor at the thing's spindly legs with a victorious warcry. [22:40] 13Her eyes widen in fear. [22:41] 13The hanging thing descends toward her to regard the woman with its eyeless torso. Kari lets out a shriek, hurls her pan at the thing's head, and turns to flee. [22:43] It hits the thing’s ‘head’ hard. If it was a person, they’d have at least a concussion. The pan drops into the dark pile of bodies after impacting the spider. [22:44] The spider’s midsection, where its torso meets its thorax, slowly splits open. Its mouth, lined with razor teeth and filled with an even deeper pitch black, speaks out loud for the first time. [22:44] "MARI WE NEED MORE GAS!" [22:44] 13Kari is full-on booking it past her. [22:44] “Pathetic. Where did you wander in here from? You don’t smell like the rest.” [22:45] “Die to my creations.” [22:47] It flings another bead of black liquid at the wall. Two puppets, each holding ten-foot long pikes, level their weapons at Kari. [22:59] The pikemen freeze in place. The lanternlight stiffens and weighs their limbs like a spell. [22:59] Until they lock eyes with one of the vampires. [22:59] 6Marisol commands her beast to slither out of her and wrap itself around the minds of the puppets. She commands every action of theirs by simply saying, “Attack each other.” 00[23:02] 4Scrim flies across the room -- not literally, but almost literally, taking five steps to get to full speed and leaping the rest of the way with his claws and legs splayed back behind him like a comic book character, all of them snapping forward at point of impact as he drove his hands and feet into the softest part of the spider's flesh he could find. That probably means punching 00[23:02] 4it in the mouth. [23:02] One of the puppets snaps to atttention. It raises its pike in a salute, and then plunges the sharp end into its comrade. The speared puppet crumples to the ground, and then the traitor puppet locks back into place, unable to move. [23:03] The gigantic spider demon screams in indignant agony at the attack. Scrim is quickly covered in its golden blood spurting from the deep wounds he leaves. [23:03] Even then…its attention is not fully on the thing tearing into its side. 00[23:03] 4No-selling. That's fine. [23:03] Scrim can hear it rage. “CEASE THAT LIGHT!” 00[23:04] "GIMME SOME LIGHT OVER HERE!" [23:04] 6Marisol runs over with her latern and gets as close to the flailing spider as possible. [23:06] 13Kari bounds over to Grumma-Lumma and his stupid cart and vomits out a string of nonsense that sounds like: "GimmeaswordgimmeaswordGIMMEASWORD!" [23:07] The pikeman struggles, and fails, to move in the harsh light of the Guildless lanterns. [23:09] Grumma-Lumma holds out a sabre’s hilt to her as he leans against the cart. “Look! It’s leaking essence!” [23:09] “Let me get a flask…” [23:09] 6Marisol quickly grabs another vial of gas from Grumma Lumma’s cart and gets ready to chuck the file into the mouth of the spider. [23:13] Scrim feels a rush of air as the screaming demon draws itself back into the web, like a self-loading slingshot, and fires itself into the group on the ground. [23:13] 13The sabre springs out of its hilt with a flash as Kari slashes at the shadowy figure in desperate fury. 00[23:14] "LOOK OUT BELOW!" [23:14] 6Marisol jumps out the way into a corner of the cavern to get away from the giant mass thundering to the ground. [23:15] The puppet falls, headless, already unraveling into dark smoke. [23:15] At the same instant, they realize that the shadow on the web is about to impact- [23:16] 13Kari's head jerks up just in time to catch the great dark shape of the falling ceiling. [23:16] There’s a crash as the thing lands, throwing up broken rock and dust, its limbs clumsily flailing around for purchase on the slippery stone. [23:17] When it raises up on uncertain legs, the Guildless lanternbearers have been crushed beneath it, their lights extinguished. [23:18] Their shame can never end. They depart this life into eternal judgment, eternal persecution, at the hands of Afatis, Lord of Puppets, the melon-knowledge insists in your heads. 00[23:19] 4Tired of getting preached at by a goddamn melon. [23:19] “I’ve eaten a hundred times a hundred of them,” rumbles the spider. “But I’m going to eat your kind for the first time, now.” [23:22] 6Marisol throws the vial of gas as hard as she can at the spider’s head. It shatters and douses the grotesque thing in gas.  [23:23] “WHAT-“ [23:24] The smell of rotting bodies is temporarily covered by the gagging stench of gasoline. 00[23:25] 4Scrim is already dropping from the ceiling when he sees the gas can strike. Too late now. He smells blood and goes for gold. [23:26] Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Grumma-Lumma sneaking toward the lumbering spider as he arcs down, holding up a flask almost in anticipation- [23:29] 13Kari twists her whole upper body to add force to the lantern as it slips from her fingers. The momentum carries her around, flinging the tears from her cheeks and glittering into the darkness. The lantern smashes apart into shards of glass and wire as the little flame within meets the oily-saturated flesh. [23:29] 13She grinds to a halt on her heel, hyperventilating: "SCRIM!" [23:32] It bursts into searing flame. Its roars shake the cavern around them. The light replaces the lost Guildless lanterns ten times over. 00[23:35] "WAA-HA-HEYYY!! AAAAHHHH!" [23:40] The thing is on fire, screaming, lashing out, leaking glowing golden blood, golden ichor and flaming, smoking skin pouring off it, and it whips out a razor-tipped leg faster than Marisol can see, slicing her - [23:42] 13Kari collapses behind a pile of refuse and grabs her knees to curl into a tight ball. [23:47] 6Marisol feels her inside burn and shake wth rage and anger and all the madness that takes hold of her brain. She wants to kick and scream and feed on Kari until there’s nothing left. She wants to destroy everything. But she can’t. She clenches her fist as hard as she can, and the only thing she can do now is kill this thing. [23:50] 6She shrieks as the leg slices into her stomach. She shrinks back and grabs her stomach in pain. “Fuck!” Marisol let’s her beast take a bit too much control, and she takes her gun out and shoots at the spider’s torso. [23:52] 6Marisol misses. All of her hurt and anger, she’s feels more damage to her pride than anything. She falls to her knees, exhausted.  00[23:55] "GAAAH!!! AAAAHHHH!! FUCK!!!" 4Scrim reaches down and begins pulling the flaming spider's jaws apart. "FUCK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 00[23:56] 4CRA-crunch. [23:56] The thing is reeling in circles, burning, shouting - “You disgusting ticks! You scabrous loathsome - DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT I AM? A THOUSAND THOUSAND SACRIFICES MADE TO ME - “ [23:56] “MADE TO M-GH-GH-“ [23:57] A split runs down its middle, right at the ends of its mouth, spreading across its whole round shape, golden liquid seeping through. [23:59] Its body collapses to the floor, the golden liquid dousing flames and throwing up clouds of stinking smoke as it runs across the thing’s body, pooling around its twitching legs and still mouth. [23:59] 13Kari sits there with her hand cupped over her nose and mouth and watches the thing burn. Session Time: Sat Oct 15 00:00:00 2022 [00:00] Grumma-Lumma bolts over past Scrim, even as the thing is falling down, dropping a half-full flask full of golden liquid onto the floor as the cat-spirit plunges its paws into the thing’s collapsing body. [00:01] “Yes! Yes! Nyahaha! Mmf! Smrmf-“ He’s eating the golden liquid by the handful, his fur drenched in it. 00[00:01] 4Scrim: "FUCK I hate fire." 00[00:01] 4Oblivious to how emotionally exhausted his companions are, he frowns and sniffs the blood. Gives it an experimental, hesitant flick of the tongue...? [00:02] 6Marisol gets up and looks disgusted at Grumma-Lumma. [00:02] 6She’s too tired to deal with his bullshit. [00:03] It doesn’t taste good. Or like blood. It’s not exactly painful, but it does vaguely feel like someone is holding a blowtorch to the tip of his tongue where it touches. 00[00:03] 4He makes a face. Well, what did he expect? 00[00:04] 4He begins looking around. Anything left of this fucker that'd make a good trophy for the cave elf boss man? Since we're not coming back with the guys he sent with us. [00:05] Grumma-Lumma stands on his paws, unsteadily, and goes to the cart, returning with a shovel and a bucket, scooping up whatever he can of the remaining golden liquid until the bucket is full of glowing golden…sap? [00:05] 6Marisol: “We can give this golden goo to the Guildless.” [00:06] 13Kari can barely make herself look at the pancaked Guildless without bursting into tears. So instead she sighs, wipes her cheeks, and gets up off her butt. [00:06] The cavern looks different in the light of the flaming demon’s corpse. Smaller, somehow. Already, the web of cables is dissolving into the same black substance the puppets were made out of. 00[00:07] 4Scrim makes a face. "That dude's a warrior. He's not gonna want sap. Lemme see if there's any thing left of this skull, or jaw..." [00:07] The only other things in here are the altar (bare, except for some cool-looking mineral formations that glow like lustrous pearls) and the corpse pile behind the web. [00:07] 13Kari feels sick enough as it is without going through the corpse pile for trinkets. [00:07] Grumma-Lumma: “That’s not sap. It’s Essence. What use would any of these elves have for it? It’s mine, all mine!” [00:08] “Go through those bodies and see what they’ve got!” 00[00:08] 4As he roots around with the skull. "Anyone, ah, told you you're fucked in the head recently, Grumma?" [00:08] 13Kari's lip quivers as she glances over at the pile of bodies. [00:09] 6Marisol: “There’s enough to go around, we’re taking some essence to them.” [00:11] “They can’t use it! It’s for spirits. And sometimes for the Wolves, but we’re really the ones who need it.” [00:11] To Scrim: “Yeah, well - we’ve all got debts to pay off.” 00[00:12] 4Scrim: "Wolves, huh. Yeah, we'll be keeping some. There's wolves in Inland." [00:13] 13Kari, grimly: "Wolves?" 00[00:13] 4Offhand: "Yeah. Uh. Don't go in the woods. Or what passes for woods around here. Don't go in the rocky hills." 00[00:14] 4After securing the spiderjaw for the chief of the Guildless, Scrim whistles and begins moving towards the corpse pile. [00:15] 6Marisol rolls her eyes and grabs an empty flask from Grumma-Lumma’s cart. She puts as much essence in it, and puts the flask in her jacket pocket.  [00:18] Whatever was eating these things wasn’t careful about stripping them of valuables first. It’s a grisly sight, but some of these remains are wearing fine clothing and strange treasures. [00:19] 13Kari points something shiny out to Scrim as she turns away from the saponifying mass of human and abhuman flesh, gagging and reaching into her backpack for a small paper bag to breathe into. [00:19] After digging through the pile, Scrim pries loose some interesting things: [00:22] First there’s a leather pouch bulging at its sides. When he opens it, it’s stuffed full of jasper discs, polished to a gleam, carved to look something like poker chips. Their deep, blood-red color catches the fire of the burning demon behind them. 00[00:22] 4Ooh. [00:23] Then he finds a peaked metal helmet with a chain veil covering the face and neck. It’s got a strange symbol on its crest, like some kind of fantastic blue clockwork nautilus. 00[00:24] 4Oh hell yeah. "Hey, Marisol. Any reason you can see with your spooky sense why I shouldn't put this on?" 00[00:24] "Other than it's been on a dead guy for like 20 years and hasn't been washed." [00:25] Kari finds an outstretched hand, still grasping a real-life morningstar, like from fantasy television. Its haft is steel with golden sun designs, and at the end of its steel chain is a yawning sun face, the spikes embedded in the steel ball serving as its golden rays. [00:25] "Hold on there, Aethel, that shit looks cursed." [00:25] 6Marisol: “Yeah, maybe just wait until Gee Ell can look at it. He can tell you more.” 00[00:25] 4Scrim: "Yeah, yeah. That's why I want her to give it the ol' spooky eye. You always gotta protect your neck." 00[00:26] "Grumma's just gonna lie and say whatever it takes to get me to put it in the cart! I know cats!" [00:27] 13Kari reaches into her pack and pulls out a little length of bandage to wrap around the morningstar's head and pry it free from the corpse's hand without having to touch it. [00:27] Kari can trace the arm back to a waist, and a rotting black leather belt. But the belt buckle itself is in fine condition, and much nicer than the belt ever was - when she looks closely, she can see it’s a small amber cage, with a little silver locust flittering around - casting a light at least as bright as those lanterns they were carrying. [00:28] "This feels fucked up." [00:28] 13Kari squats by the corpse and tries to make a guess at its features. Some sort of.. warrior? "So they must've died trying to kill it, huh." [00:28] Marisol: [00:28] "Think that happened before or after Zyan... fell?" [00:29] 6Marisol: “Scrim, my spidey senses are telling me it is not cursed.” 00[00:29] 4Scrim: "HELL yeah!" 4On it goes. [00:30] 6Marisol: “Kari, just take whatever you find. You deserve some spoils.” [00:30] 13She looks annoyed. "This isn't about that." [00:30] Marisol finds a necklace around a neck. It’s a platinum (real platinum!) chain, strung with finely cut bismuth stones. Each one is a miniature rainbow labyrinth, their walls curving inwards in regressions until they’re too small to be seen. [00:31] 13She plucks the gleaming buckle off the decayed cord belt and holds it over the corpse's face, illuminating its features. [00:32] Nobody she knows. [00:32] 6Marisol carefully takes off the necklace from the corpse and puts it in her satchel. She might keep this necklace. It’s so pretty. [00:32] Marisol’s hand finds one other thing. It’s a book. [00:32] 13Of course not, but still... 00[00:32] 4Hell yeah. "Would have preferred if it had the Dodgers logo on it instead of this shell thing. Maybe I can find an, I dunno, blacksmith." [00:33] 13Kari shoulders her pack. "We need to get going. I'm not going to count on the rest of the homeboys being happy that we lost four of their friends down here." [00:34] On the faded purple cover is an illustration that feels like it’s been carved into the hard cover with a knife or something. An outstretched palm from above…a skull on the top of the hand…except the fingers don’t end in fingernails but in bolts of lightning, and there are six fingers…and one severed knuckle where a finger would be. 00[00:34] 4Scrim: "He sent 'em knowing the risks. And that was likely a one-way trip for us, too." 00[00:34] "We gotta tell him they didn't die in vain." [00:35] 13Kari clips the glimmering buckle onto her carabiner so that the glowing insect dangles from her belt as she makes her way back out the hole on the climbing rope. [00:36] The pages have mostly been torn out of the book. There’s not much left beyond a table of contents. The sections all have titles like THE FINGER TRAILING THE LETTERS; THE FINGER GNAWED TO THE BONE; THE FINGER THAT IS NOT THERE; THE FINGER CATCHING A TEAR. [00:36] There’s one tattered page near the front intact, after the table of contents... [00:36] Popeltoe: [00:37] This spell destroys love in the heart of the victim. Put your sigil on a vermin, and feed it a piece or personal effect of the victim (hair, nail, piece of handkerchief, treasured doll, etc). Then release the vermin: it will seek out the victim, climb onto their body and, once there, it will feed on the victim’s love. To the victim, love and appreciation feel hollow, misplaced, and disingenuous. While leeched on by the vermin, the victim is [00:37] immune to seduction and charm, but also gains no benefit from loving acts of supportor from other positive encouragement. The victim can resist, but only to be aware that they are affected by some sinister outside force. When someone inspects the victim’s body they must save or they are unable to notice the hidden vermin. [00:38] Killing the vermin ends the spell. If the spell ends in any other way the vermin will: 1. fall off and die; 2. hatch into a murderous homunculus of the victim; 3) burrow into the victim and try to eat their heart; 4) explode into pus; 5) exhale a cloud of poisonous smoke and wither; 6) burst into a swarm of stinging flies. [00:39] This is followed by some strange information about ingredients and best practices. [00:40] But that’s it. [00:40] Grumma-Lumma clatters the shovel back into the cart. “Load ‘er up! We’ll tally it all when we’re out of this place.” 00[00:40] 4Scrim, glancing over her shoulder. "Wow, that's wild." [00:40] 6Marisol is intrigued by the spell. She tucks away the tattered book in her bag and hopes to learn more about it later. 00[00:40] 4The jaspar discs go in the cart. [00:41] 13Kari, from the tunnel ahead: "Guys it's cold down here." [00:42] The Guildless are waiting for them back at the door that led into the original great cavern. [00:42] 13She takes one last, lingering look at the corpse before ascending up the rope. 00[00:42] 4The shirtless man in tiny jorts: "I'm warm inside my badass new helmet." [00:43] "It is very badass." 13It sounds hollow, now. 00[00:44] 4In front the Guildless's leader, Scrim dropped the skull. In his best grim soldier voice: "Your men fought and died bravely. We could not have killed the creature without their sacrifice." 00[00:44] "In battle." 00[00:44] "We didn't sacrifice them to-- you get the idea." [00:45] 6Marisol to the Guildless’ leader: “Here is the creature’s essence as well.” 6She hands him a flask full of golden essence. [00:46] The Guildless chief takes the skull in silence, nodding. [00:46] 13Kari slides out from behind Scrim, a look of deep concern written into her face as she stares at the vampire. [00:46] 13...Well, they seemed to get it. [00:47] He gently pushes the flask away. A chalk explanation: The Guildless, living in Zyan, however ruined. The blood of gods, not native to Zyan. It would not be appropriate to keep this here, among them, as they remember Zyan. [00:47] Another chalk explanation: In death ends shame. Somewhere, they live in happiness. [00:48] 6Marisol nods. She hands the flask to Grumma-Lumma, slightly surprised that he was actually telling the truth this time. [00:50] This place dispensed the Justice of Afatis, Lord of Puppets. But even Afatis’s power ends in the dreamlands that souls escape to, beyond Zyan and Wishery. To think otherwise would make them like the Inquisitors, who in their bottomless cruelty and legalism consumed themselves and were transformed into low beasts, and left this place abandoned, inhabited only by ghosts and starving shades. [00:50] The Guildless bows to your group. If you return, they can at least tell you basic information about other locations in Zyan. [00:51] 13Kari manages a weak bow. That's about all she can muster, as exhausted as she is. [00:51] Though not much past certain points up the river. They do not know how Zyan itself fares, in their exile. [00:52] 13So this place is distinct from Zyan, then? [00:52] The chief draws one last thing, on the river. Three gigantic faces, blood running from their open and fanged mouths like red waterfalls, pouring into the river. In the direction they saw the galley go. [00:53] It is a part of Zyan. Was a part. But not a desirable part. And now a ruined part. [00:53] Grumma-Lumma: “See?” [00:54] They gift you another two barrels of pickled swine hands. [00:54] 6Marisol bows, “Thank you for this and sharing your story with us.” [00:54] 13Kari looks at the fanged relief, then at her teammates: "Yeah I'm gonna let you guys figure that one out." [00:54] 13She looks beat. [00:55] 13She drops the embossed morningstar into Grumma-Lumma's cart. "Next time I'm packing heat." 00[00:55] 4Scrim: "Allllright. Let's mosey on out of here, and figure out what to do with those dead bodies outside." [00:58] 13Nothing gives them any trouble on the way out, yeah? How's that giant moth doing? [00:58] At the other side of the door are the three bodies, as they left them, zipped into bodybags. [00:59] The giant moth is not on the side that they go through, but they can’t see any sign of it as they pass through the door next to the domed chamber. [01:00] Sammy is standing there, with his arms crossed. “Hey! So you come back! All good things down there?” [01:00] 6Marisol: “Well, it was okay. We’re all back intact, right?” [01:01] 6Marisol: “We brought you your barrel. Do you know what we could do with these bodies?” 00[01:01] 4Scrim, begrudgingly taking off his helmet: "Yeah." [01:02] Sammy: “Eh, I called Rune when you were inside. She’ll be by today or tomorrow to take them away. Poor souls.” [01:02] “So, what was down there?” [01:02] 13Kari: "Got any coffee?" [01:03] 13She unshoulders her backpack and sets it down on the floor. In her hand, the gleaming belt buckle, which she deposits on Sammy's counter. "What's this?" [01:03] "Do you know?" [01:03] He has cups of very strong coffee ready for them. [01:03] 13Kari graciously accepts the steaming mug. 00[01:03] 4Scrim will pass. Stop offering vampires hot beverages dude! [01:03] 6Marisol: “Great, thanks Sammy!” 00[01:03] 4Unless it's your vlud. [01:04] 6Marisol also passes on the coffee. She can’t use up anymore of her energy to do anything extra. [01:05] Sammy turns it over in his hands. “Heh. Looks like a little locust lamp. I knew someone who made things like this, once. Hands-free light, useful in your line of work. The little hob inside is harmless. Keep it fed with crickets.” [01:06] 13Kari: "Hob?" [01:07] “Eh, the things you’ve been fighting. The ones that live in the Hedge.” [01:08] "Oh, yeah, elves." [01:08] “Hey, thanks for the cask! My Night Market guy, he loved it.” [01:08] 13Kari takes the little trinket and peers into the crystal the creature within. Is it visibly trying to like, escape, or signal her attention in a 'help me' sorta way? [01:09] It just looks up at her, locust-like, placidly. [01:09] 13Cute. Kari pockets it. "Thanks, Sammy. Don't let any kids into that door, I guess?" [01:09] Grumma-Lumma strides up to the counter in their midst. He’s still only about the height of Scrim’s waist. [01:09] “Okay!” [01:09] “I’ve run the numbers!” [01:10] Sammy: “Is that…you brought back a hob??” [01:10] 13She wrinkles her nose. "Hey Gee El, I see you're like, manifesting in real life like a Pinkie Pie tulpa." [01:10] "So that's cool." [01:11] “That’s right.” The cat hands out itemized receipts to the other three. “I’m the real Mr. Worldwide.” [01:11] 13What, like the kind you'd get printed out at a cash register? [01:11] 13Kari takes it up and gives it a once over. [01:11] Or printed from one of those handheld devices, yeah. [01:12] Inquisitor's Theater Acquisitions (Unclaimed) [01:12] Two fine beaked masks ($500) [01:12] Beautiful carved wooden cask, holding a golden effigy of a spiderweb ($5000) [01:12] Bricks of sweet-smelling incese ($200) [01:12] Jeweled Sash found on Afatis statue ($250,000) [01:12] Intact mirror with golden frame ($1000) [01:12] Two casks of pickled white swine hands (???) [01:12] Three suits of plate armor with beaked masks (3x$5,000) [01:12] Eight shortbows ($1200) [01:12] Four spears ($800) [01:12] Five scimitars ($1500) [01:12] Jasper chips ($15,000) [01:12] Sun-design Morningstar ($17,000) [01:12] Bismuth & platinun necklace ($70,000) [01:13] “Anybody got any claims they want to make? Otherwise I add it up, take out the cuts, have it delivered to our sellers and appraisers, and you’ll get your three-way split later.” [01:14] "Nah, I'm good." [01:14] He makes a scribble. “Wait, forgot a line.” [01:14] 13Kari isn't about to quibble. 00[01:14] 4Scrim: "I got what I want." [01:14] 6Marisol: “We can split it.” [01:16] Two Fine, strange mannequins of uncertain make but certain value (Lady with Parasol, Gentleman with Stilts) ($50,000) [01:17] 13Kari: "Wait, so how much is my cut." 13She glances down at the cat and his calculator. [01:17] Total: $427,000 in value [01:18] Wolf Hall Cut: (427,000 x 0.25) $106,750 [01:18] Totem Spirit Cut (Voided) ( D:< ) $0 [01:19] 13That's what you get for invoking the queen, huh. [01:19] Three-way split, roughly figured after marginal fees: $142,297 each [01:20] 6Marisol: “Sounds good, Kari?” [01:20] Grumma-Lumma shakes his head. “For a place that big? We barely picked it clean. Next time, we’ve gotta be more thorough.” [01:22] 13Kari: "This is just to get off the ground. Yeah. Viability study." [01:22] "Next time we're really gonna hustle." [01:22] "We're doing fuck, what's it." 13She sighs. "Minimum viable product." 00[01:24] 4Scrim: "That's some paper." [01:24] 6Marisol: “Well, next time we got to be extra prepared to be able to “hustle”. [01:24] “Oh, right, the essence.” The cat looks at his cart. [01:25] 13Kari nods. "I'll have better than a frying pan next time." [01:25] 13She taps her hand on the countertop for a moment before turning to Scrim: "You didn't get burned, right?" 00[01:26] 4Scrim: "Nah, I'm good." [01:26] “You know I’m a spirit, correct? Specifically, a trade-spirit. I need money to burn.” [01:26] “Like, to sacrifice. It’s how I get more powerful.” [01:26] 13Kari smiles at the spirit and murmurs, simply: "Skill issue." [01:27] "I'll give you a cut of my cut if you let me scritch your little ears." [01:27] “I definitely harvested enough Essence off that big spider-spirit. But if you want me to provide more services while we’re down in places like that, in the Shadow or even the Hedge, you’ll need to invest some dough in me.” [01:29] 13Kari's fingers hover inches away from Grumma-Lumma's twitching ears. She holds herself back, with great restraint. [01:30] Grumma-Lumma: “Uh huh. Try $175,000.” [01:31] 13Kari pouts and withdraws her hand. [01:32] 13Kari glances from Scrim to Marisol and nods to herself. "Do you guys have like.. a discord server or something?" [01:34] 6Marisol: “Yeah, but I never use it. Just ping me, my username is MariPari.” [01:34] 13Kari nods. "Wild. See you around. I'm going to buy some drugs and get fucked up until my check comes through." [01:35] 13Marisol gets finger guns, and then Kari whips around and strides off as confidently as one can having just been denied pets by a cat. [01:35] 6Marisol: “Okay, get your rest! Bye!” [01:35] "Yeah, you too, freaky girl." 02[01:38] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[02:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:28] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:04] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:51] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:55] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:09] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:20] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:54] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:57] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:01] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:02] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:13] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[22:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 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00:00:00 2022 02[00:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:04] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:25] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:40] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[12:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eb4.82d.244.143.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:45] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eb4.82d.244.143.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:50] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[16:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:03] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-eb4.82d.244.143.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[19:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:22] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:33] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:38] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:12] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:36] * potionseller_ ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:37] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:37] * potionseller_ is now known as potionseller 02[21:44] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:45] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:07] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:08] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:09] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:11] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:11] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:54] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Thu Oct 20 00:00:00 2022 02[00:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:29] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:26] * banana|peels is now known as banana 02[05:57] * Disconnected Session Close: Thu Oct 20 05:57:21 2022 Session Start: Thu Oct 20 06:01:30 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[06:01] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[06:01] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[06:01] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[11:47] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[12:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:03] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[17:43] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jo0.6v5.153.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[17:46] * banana|peels is now known as banana 02[18:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:20] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:24] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:27] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:45] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:45] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:59] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-jo0.6v5.153.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:12] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-m0h.btg.138.217.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:16] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[22:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:20] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:24] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:28] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ic1.ma1.146.156.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-m0h.btg.138.217.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[22:29] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[22:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Oct 21 00:00:00 2022 02[00:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:27] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[02:28] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:58] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-ic1.ma1.146.156.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[04:37] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:25] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[12:29] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[15:42] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:41] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[16:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire [19:20] - [19:20] - [19:20] - [19:20] - [19:20] - [19:20] - [19:22] Whatever you might have thought about this job, it’s turned out to be very lucrative, very quickly. There’s nothing like a check for $142,000 clearing to make you feel like you’ve got to go out and spend some of your earnings. No problems with the bank, either - whoever is handling this for the Marques on her end sent you the bank account information and a new debit card for it. [19:23] Pretty good for a week’s work. 00[19:23] 4That's about $22,000 more than Scrim ever made on fights in a year. He could get used to this kinda gig. 00[19:23] 4And he was really working that year. Broke each of his hands, one in May, one in October. [19:24] When Scrim calls her up for another meeting, the Marques is cordial but apologetic. He’ll have to come out to San Juan Capistrano again. Her schedule is keeping her in her core territories lately. 00[19:24] 4What's train service like out there? He could just rent a car, but... 00[19:24] 4Actually. 00[19:24] 4He'll call up that kid. Kari. Maybe she drives. [19:24] Feel free to bring the associate that the werewolves provided, of course. A friend of Scrim’s is a friend of the Marques’s, now. [19:25] The Metrolink is a reliable way to get from Riverside to Orange County in about 90 minutes, and it runs all night. 00[19:25] 4Does Kari answer or does she have that, whaddya call it, zoomer phone anxiety? [19:25] But the toll road should be pretty much empty this time of night, too. [19:27] 13The phone's ringing. And still ringing. Right as it's about to go to voicemail (full; never checked once), there's a scuffed noise as someone fumbles with the receiver: "H-(guh)- ...'llo?" 00[19:27] "Kari. It's scrim." 00[19:27] *Scrim 00[19:28] "You wanna go meet a tough vampire chick?" [19:28] "Wh-" 13Sudden panic. "How did you get this n- right, okay," 13sharp exhale. "You need a wingman?" 00[19:29] 4Scrim: "Nah, she's married. I need a ride." [19:30] 13Kari: "Huh, yeah, okay, how far is it? I, uh, you know, wanna make sure it'll still be dark on the way back or.. awkward." 00[19:31] 4How far IS it? Like a thirty minute drive each way? [19:31] Forty-five minutes. There’s no way they’ll be stranded out there based on distance alone. 00[19:32] "Like forty-five minutes. We'll need something to listen to in the car." 03[19:34] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [19:35] "Oh I got that covered, I'll be right over." 13Click. Scrim's phone instantly starts ringing again. [19:36] "Uh uh where did you say you lived again?" 00[19:37] "I'm bumming around the Wolf Hall right now. It's uh. I think you've been there? Let me get the address." 4He does. 00[19:37] "Maybe we should call Marisol and make it a thing." [19:38] "Sure," 13Kari sounds uncertain. "Alright I'll be there in like ten." [19:41] 13About twenty minutes later, a beat up Ford Taurus is idling on the street outside the Wolf Hall, its lone occupant nervously chugging water behind the steering wheel. 02[19:44] * potionseller ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 00[19:46] 4Scrim hits the street in jorts, boots, sunglasses, and a letter jacket. When some lunchlady-looking type starts and stares at him, he grins (no fang) and gives the 'what's up' chin nod, then climbs into the truck driven by a girl half his age. This does not improve said lady's disposition towards him. Whatever, let's ride! 03[19:48] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 00[19:49] 4Scrim is riding shotgun. [19:49] 13There's long swipes of damage on either side of the car where Kari's accidentally pulled into a support pillar at her apartment's parking garage. Her smile's way too big as Scrim piles into the seat next to her. 03[19:49] * potionseller ( has left #inlandvampire [19:51] 13There's a little bluetooth dongle plugged into the audio input below the radio. "So uh," 13she gulps. "We all have mobile phones now, which are like... I guess exactly what they sound like. You were around for phones before, ah, right? Anyway there's like invisible radio thingies that let you just connect your phone to the car radio.. so you can pick whatever music you want." [19:51] The address the Marques gave is the same little coffee shop on the same quiet street next to the train depot Scrim met her at last time. [19:51] 13The car jerks unevenly out into traffic and they're off. 00[19:51] 4Scrim: "I was born in the eighties, kid. Only been like this a year or two." [19:51] "Oh, oh," 13she sounds relieved. [19:52] "Dang, I thought you were at this a while how you just like.. piledrived that spider." 00[19:52] "Oh, that's just being a professional fighter. And stupid." [19:52] 13Her hands grip the steering wheel at ten and two as they dive through the other drivers. 00[19:52] "Been doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu since 1997." [19:53] "What, like capoeira?" [19:53] 13There's already a song queued up on Kari's phone, but she doesn't object if Scrim puts on his own music: 00[19:54] 4Like this is the most normal thing in the world to be discussing: "More the Gracie family shit that came from its synthesis with judo. Capoeira is beautiful but there's a lot of dancy wasted motion, y'know?" [19:55] Once they get out of city traffic, the stretch of freeway from Riverside to Orange County is dark and empty. There’s only a few distant and infrequent lights on either side of the road, and even these disappear into pitch black as they make their way through the Santa Ana Mountains. [19:55] "Good workout, though," 13Kari follows the directions on her phone GPS. "So what's got you on your way to meet a, uh, 'tough vampire chick'." 00[19:56] "She's my boss. Or something." 00[19:56] 4He frowns. "You know, I forgot to tell her you're coming. Oh well. Either she'll be interested to meet you or you'll have to wait in the truck." [19:56] "Yeah mine just showed up and said I gotta go to a ritual to get marked, or something. Still unpacking what that means," 13Kari relaxes once the other cars thin out and there's nothing but rolling barren hills. 00[19:57] "Like a tattoo? That's kinda much for a gig job." [19:57] "Yeah I dunno, I'm not sure I wanna get like, chipped, or whatever." [20:01] 13There's a pause as the song ends and she stops the playlist: "Alright, your turn for music." 00[20:02] 4He picks up Kari's phone, briefly searches the app it's playing music from, then sets it down again. [20:03] "...So how'd you get into this?" 13Kari finally manages to stutter. 00[20:04] 4Scrim: "You mean running around Inland with you guys, or living the night life? I don't think we know each other well enough for that second one yet." [20:04] "Yeah, fair." [20:04] "I guess the first." [20:05] 13How cold does it get in the hills at night, anyway? [20:05] 13Damn how long is it just instrumental guitars? Where's the drop? 00[20:05] "Just hired muscle. They pulled me out of a hole in the wall just outside the city and told me to get my ass over here, or else. Well, the 'or else' was kinda implied. They pitched it like it was a job." 00[20:05] 4Patience, kid. Ben Harper is a god. [20:06] At this time of year? It won’t drop below 50. [20:06] 13Not bad. [20:06] 13The check engine light has been on for the last two thousand miles, it's the dead of night, and I'm riding with a corpse shotgun. "Phew." [20:07] "Money's good, at least." 00[20:07] 4Scrim: "Yeah. Tax free, too." [20:07] "Sorry about inting there at the last moment, with the spider. I'm loading up for the next one." 00[20:08] 4Scrim: "My turn for an intrusive question. You ever killed anyone?" [20:09] 13Kari swallows. "I mean, er, you saw it." [20:09] "Y-you?" 00[20:10] "Oh, like a couple dozen now. They all had it coming, don't worry about that. You ever eaten border patrol? They taste like shit." 00[20:11] "I mean I dunno if I count anything over on the other side of that portal into elfworld as 'killing somebody.'" [20:12] "Then then no." 00[20:12] "Basically, we're gonna get you a gun, but you're gonna have to get you the nerves to use the gun. So just get in the mindset for that. And get something with a safety." [20:13] "If I shoot myself in the foot you guys won't like, leave me in there, yeah?" 13She plays it off as a joke. 00[20:14] 4Scrim: "Oh, no. But you also don't want to be open-wound bleeding around us." [20:15] 'I've already got bandages and by the next time I'll have a full EMT kit." [20:15] "Not for me, uh, in case we meet people that need.. help?" [20:16] "I mean, you know, sometimes people just go into doors and get, like, lost." 13She laughs weakly. 00[20:16] 4Scrim: "I suppose that is the basis of a lot of scary stories." 00[20:17] 4He's fine to just spend the rest of the ride with his hair in the wind, trading off the aux cord and chatting about dumb bullshit. [20:18] It’s less than an hour later that they pull off the freeway, which dumps them off right next to the old mission - they pass the huge, crumbling ruin of the old church, as old as the declaration of independence, lit up by spotlights. Then it’s just a dirt parking lot next to the street they’re looking for. [20:20] 13The taurus swerves into the lot and jerks to a stop in a little puff of dust. Kari smacks her lips: "Should you go in first to check if it's okay for me to be here, or, you know," 13She wrings her hands. "I don't think my frying pan will help me here, will it." [20:20] As they get out, they can notice that the street is deserted, mostly. There’s a light on in the cafe. But there are pairs of pretty serious-looking people here and there, standing guard. None of them are carrying guns or anything, but the way they look right through you suggests they’re on the clock. [20:21] Past the guards and the plants, Scrim will recognize the figure of the Marques, sitting alone at a table in front of the cafe. 00[20:22] 4Scrim checks out the guards and the others. Vampires? Ghouls? Stick-in-the-ass humans? [20:23] Five ghouls and one vampire. Or at least that’s what he can tell from sensing their Beasts. 00[20:24] 4Scrim: "Hang out a sec." [20:24] 13Kari pops on another song as Scrim shuts the door behind him: 00[20:24] 4He'll walk up to the guard. "Coming in with a mortal. She's material to court work." [20:26] The guards aren’t there to hassle Scrim. “Okay. Go ahead.” 00[20:26] 4Scrim turns back to the truck and does the 'come on' big arm wave. [20:27] 13Kari's craning her neck out the window, nodding as she sees the big man. She pops out the door and makes her way across the dirt. [20:27] 13This is worse than a job interview. [20:30] The Marques is in her usual uniform of a long, tan coat and jeans. Very well-appointed and made up, as usual. She stands as they approach, and smiles. She’s barely as tall as Kari’s chest. [20:31] “Hello, Scrim. Who’s this?” [20:32] 13Is Scrim sure he didn't need a wingman? In any case: "Hi, I'm Kari," 13She smiles as convincingly as she can. "I'm uh, on the team?" 13She glances up to Scrim. 00[20:32] 4Scrim takes off the sunglasses but keeps the jacket on. "Evening, ma'am. This is Kari. Marisol brought her in as a freelancer. I think?" 4He looks over. "Where DID you come from?" [20:34] "Ohio," 13Kari sounds almost embarrassed. [20:35] “Not straight from there to here…?” [20:37] "Things...haaahppened?" 13Kari answers, nervous. "I wanted to change scenes. I mean, LA was too expensive." 00[20:39] 4Scrim: "So yeah, she's from circumstances. Was useful on the other side of that door, over in elfland." [20:39] “You’re no werewolf, I don’t think! In a good way.” She shakes Kari’s hand, if Kari will let her. “They’re unmistakeable.” [20:40] 13Kari's handshake is limp and sad: "Those are real too," 13she sounds resigned. [20:40] “Oh, good! I hoped that the werewolves would start to pull more of their weight in our arrangement. You look weighty enough for some tough work!” [20:41] 13How cold is the woman's hand? [20:41] “All too real. Have you eaten? They have some excellent hot chocolate inside, and blueberry muffins. I’m Teresa, by the way. Scrim’s friend.” [20:41] It’s not cold at all. She looks completely normal. [20:42] "Hi Teresa," 13Kari sounds relieved. [20:42] "...I'll have some choccy and muffins, yeah, pog." [20:42] “And we can sit in the butterfly garden, afterwards.” [20:42] 13She winces. 00[20:42] 4Scrim's eyebrows go up a bit at being described as her 'friend.' [20:42] "Soounds great." 00[20:42] Out loud: "Sounds good." [20:43] 13Kari takes a seat at the table and twiddles her thumbs. [20:45] The Marques ignores whatever ‘pog’ is, and soon enough the guy behind the counter hands her a steaming mug of hot coffee and a gigantic muffin. The butterfly garden is next door - they settle next to a small adobe building that’s got a plaque marking it as a historical site. There are, indeed, butterflies flocking around the bushes and shrubs all around - monarchs and small white and yellow ones. The air is full of the spiced scent of [20:45] sagebrush and flowers. [20:46] “So. Before I update Mr. Shaw on how things are going back home…how did your first operation go? Our contact, Gus — the tribal chieftan — was vague. But it sounded like no-one on our side is dead.” 00[20:47] 4Scrim: "We did the work to spec. Killed a bigass spider god of sacrifice that was imprisoning souls or something." 00[20:48] "Think there's something bigger going on there with the elves on that side, but that's none of my business." [20:48] The Marques manages to keep her face straight at the mention of elves. [20:48] 13Well, that explains Gus's deal, then. Kari sets to work on the big ass muffin with a little plastic knife to section it into pieces while the hot chocolate steams off next to her. "I'm, uh, writing up a report, if you'd like to see it? Kinda like a little guidebook, notable creatures, what we've been able to pull out of Zyan's history." [20:49] "Zyan is the name of the city, I guess it is like a whole city down there." [20:49] “I would like to see it. I see you two are acting like old China hands already. Elves and Zyan!” [20:49] “Down where?” [20:51] "Past the door in Sammy's shop. It's like a maze, old stone, like, I dunno, Arthurpunk architecture?" 13She glances over to Scrim for backup here. [20:51] "There's even people down there." [20:55] "I've got clips of some of the locals, even some wildlife." 13She spans out her arms in the impression of flapping wings. "Big moths." 00[20:56] 4Scrim frowns. "Maybe they're more like goblins...they're not Zelda elves, that's for sure." [20:56] "Um, most of this stuff, I'm guessing, you don't want this stuff hitting liveleak." [20:58] "Yeah," 13she adds after Scrim: "Definitely more like Dampe the gravedigger." [20:59] The Marques takes out a leather notebook and writes down ‘Zyan’, ‘Zelda’, ‘Dampe’, ‘Sammy’, and ‘Arthurpunk?’. [21:00] "All that behind a place called the, fucking, 'Downtowne' 13she emphasizes the E at the end there- "Book Store." [21:00] “You wouldn’t want it to hit anywhere, no,” she says. “You just…crossed over? No magical portal this time?” [21:00] “How?” 00[21:01] 4Scrim shrugs. "There was a door?" [21:01] "Fuck," 13Kari murmurs. "I dunno." [21:01] "I just take pictures." [21:03] “But the wolves still took their cut, I assume. Well, sometimes you just have to sign a deal and grin while they screw you. How was it? Considering you’re telling me you stepped into another dimension.” 00[21:04] 4Scrim: "I don't trust the blood over there." [21:04] “The Elf blood, you mean.” 00[21:05] "Not the elves, even. There were a lot of weird piggy-men that the Beast thought were legit that I didn't want to take any chances with. Could have weird magic blood diseases. Not bringing vampire swine flu back over here." [21:05] “Hm.” [21:06] “You were inside some kind of structure the whole time? On the other side, I mean. Or was it more open?” [21:06] 13Kari has quietly gone pale. "Yeah, I don't really wanna eat the food on that side after what happened, either. Maybe we could bring, like, r-rations?" [21:06] "It was all fairly enclosed. There were more open bits, but no real, like, 'outside'." [21:07] “You weren’t in a desert setting?” 03[21:07] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:08] * potionseller ( has left #inlandvampire [21:08] "It was like... shit, I dunno. It was pretty cold." 13Of course, it gets cold out here, too. Kari munches on her muffin and takes a sip of the hot chocolate. "This is really good." [21:08] "The pigmen weren't like, javalinas. Way too pale." 00[21:10] Scrim: "There were bottomless pits? It was kind of like an artsy sewer." 00[21:10] 4Scrim: "There were bottomless pits? It was kind of like an artsy sewer." [21:10] “Hrm.” [21:11] “I’m trying to triangulate what you’re telling me, what I could get from the werewolves, and what I could get our own Court occultists to tell me.” [21:11] "Like I said, 'Arthurpunk', like, alcoves and grottos and menacing statuary." 00[21:11] "Once we got to the spider there were cables. Like technology cables." [21:11] “Now, as far as I can tell, there’s supposed to be some kind of great desert in their spirit world.” [21:12] “Doesn’t sound like that, though.” [21:12] "I..." 13Kari ventures. "I think was different. There were some weird crosstabs though." [21:12] “How tough was it? Three of you enough for the job?” [21:13] "The iron didn't work on the spider. Our, uh, spirit said it wasn't from around there." [21:13] "So there's some fucky cross-connections going on, somewhere." [21:14] "Marisol got us out safe," 13Kari nods, watching one of the butterflies flutter around her steaming cocoa. [21:14] “I’ll remember that in case I come across a spider god of sacrifice. No iron. How much was the haul between the three of you?” 00[21:15] 4Scrim: "We gotta get Kari a gun and get Marisol a better gun and more time at the range, but we made do." 00[21:16] "I think Marisol's rolling with some kinda sixties revolver or something. Not ideal." [21:16] "I got a cool hundred and forty K," 13Kari grins. "This is easier than craigslisting stolen flatscreens." [21:17] "There was a lot more down there," 13she sighs. "But not bad for a trial run." [21:17] “Santiago said he gave her a gun, but she doesn’t really seem like the special forces type.” [21:17] The Marques does the math in her head. “Over four hundred thousand for two nights’ work? That’s not bad at all.” [21:18] 13Kari imagines the fluffy Grumma Lumma, bleary eyed at a cat-sized computer as he tracks the eBay sales. 00[21:18] Scrim shrugs. "It's fine for personal defense. It'll kill a man if you plug him with it. Giant spiders? Eh, maybe upgrade to something semi-automatic." 00[21:18] 4Scrim shrugs. "It's fine for personal defense. It'll kill a man if you plug him with it. Giant spiders? Eh, maybe upgrade to something semi-automatic." [21:20] She drums her fingers on the table, thinking. “And you haven’t seen any other Kindred out there, yet?” [21:20] 13Kari waves dismissively. "The welder is in the mail. I just need a space for a workshop." [21:21] 13She shuts up as the vampires make it clear that the Adults are Talking. 00[21:24] 4Scrim: "Nope. Nothing from the Beast on the other side." [21:25] The Marques, to Kari: “‘Kindred’, meaning vampires.” [21:25] 13In a small voice: "no i get it." [21:26] 13She swallows hard. "I guess I never thought about how even you guys still gotta pay bills. That's why you're doing this, right? The money?" [21:27] “Doing what?” [21:27] "We found a few goners down there too, so I guess you aren't the first to think to go down there." [21:27] "You know," 13Kari waves, "Going in." [21:28] 13The remnants of the muffin lie in little clumps around the wrinkled paper wrapper. [21:28] “Oh, into the spirit world? Not exactly.” [21:30] 13Kari sips her hot choccy. [21:30] “Stop looking so nervous,” she says, not unkindly. “Aren’t you with the werewolves? I don’t need to mind my tongue if you are. Allies for now, after all.” [21:31] "Being nervous is what keeps me alive," 13Kari answers politely, with a sad smile. [21:31] "I don't, like, have.. any powers." [21:32] "But! I will have a twelve gauge soon, and that's almost as good." [21:32] “Having the right friends is a power.” [21:33] "There's a guy in England that posts his mods on our FTP server and I think I can hack together some stuff to close the gap." [21:34] “I have no idea what that means. But, anyway, let me clue you in. I don’t know what Scrim has told you, but, yes, vampires are real” - she waves her hand in a disaffected way “-and we have our own politics and business and all that, etcetera. I’m from Los Angeles, as is our” - indicating her and Scrim - “mutual sovereign. So, you are dealing with the Los Angeles Court.” [21:35] “And, as people do, we have our differences with other cities and states and countries. So, really, at the moment that is really why we’re doing this.” [21:35] 13Kari, oblivious: "I understand." [21:36] “The money is like lubricant in an engine. You need it, but it’s not exactly the point.” [21:36] "...There isn't, like, a risk some shitkicker local vampire comes up and just-" 13she mimes a spine getting ripped out, mortal kombat style. 00[21:37] 4Scrim: "That's why I'm here." [21:37] “There were no local vampires in the Inland Empire. Until very recently.” [21:37] "Why?" 13Kari furrows her brow. 00[21:37] "Werewolves." [21:37] “Scrim and Marigold are some of the first. From our side, anyway. I’m sure there are some drifters and monsters out there in some dark corner.” [21:38] “Well, werewolves for the most part. But there was always something else, as long as anyone can remember.” [21:39] "Are there any other places without any vampires?" 13Smooth. "You know, just, curious." [21:39] “Kindred who went there did not return. Even if they survived the werewolves. I heard that there were a few survivors who left quickly enough to only report uncontrollable bleeding from every orifice.” [21:40] "Yikes." [21:40] 13Not pog. [21:41] “Not any that I know of, except the old Inland Empire. Where people are, so are we. Which made it an object of understandable interest for the few occultists who cared about it. Everyone else just gave it a wide berth. It’s not like it was hugely important territory.” [21:41] “Until lately, anyway.” [21:41] "So what changed?" [21:42] “Well, whatever was stopping us from going there vanished. I don’t know what it was, so I can’t exactly speculate about why it stopped.” [21:43] This part is more for Scrim’s benefit. “San Diego is officially zagging into Riverside and San Bernardino counties instead of zigging up into my territory and Count Bren’s. They’ve detailed some dedicated strength into Temecula. It will probably be very soon that you start seeing unfamiliar Kindred in numbers out there.” [21:45] For Kari’s benefit. “San Diego is the bad guys.” [21:45] "Shit, that's just down the 215 from me." [21:47] “The good news is that as far as I can tell, the werewolves didn’t sign any sort of agreement with San Diego, and San Diego would never be interested in any such agreement anyway, so…feel free to kill them, if you feel the need. It’s nobody’s feeding territory at the moment and the Prince would prefer it to stay that way.” 00[21:48] 4Scrim grins. "Sounds good to me." [21:48] "What if, uhm, they're.. friendly?" [21:48] 13Kari's voice is very small: "Can I get a fang pass?" 00[21:48] 4Scrim: "If they're friendly to you that means they want to eat you." [21:48] “Then they’re probably not from San Diego.” [21:49] "Cool," 13Kari murmurs. [21:51] “Actually, I’ve forgotten myself. There is the little band of Marisol’s sire out there, who are not sworn to anyone. No idea where they are now, exactly, and Marisol’s sire is still technically wanted by the Prince, but…well, not exactly a priority for you, and I don’t expect you to drop anything to bring them in.” [21:52] “What is a fang pass?” [21:52] "Is there like a little card you give to normies so they don't get et up?" [21:53] 13Kari looks utterly defeated. [21:53] “Like a Friend of the Police sticker?” [21:55] “Anyone who doesn’t recognize that I would prefer you remain alive for now, probably wouldn’t recognize any mark I could give you.” [21:55] “You could always drink my blood.” 00[21:55] 4Scrim: "There's always becoming a ghoul but, well. I don't think any of us know each other that well yet." [21:57] "I'm good," 13Kari flinches to stop herself from wincing. "Thanks, though." [21:57] "I always thought the blood drinking thing was one way." [21:57] “Of course.” [21:58] “Not at all. If you drink my blood, or any Kindred’s blood, you stop aging, become stronger, and gain a portion of my powers. Among other things.” [22:02] "That sounds like a pretty good deal." [22:02] “It is.” [22:02] 13Kari gulps and glances over at Scrim to see his take on all this. 00[22:02] 4Scrim: "You can probably imagine the strings attached." [22:03] The Marques smiles at Kari. “Yes, your terrible punishment would be spending more time with me. How nightmarish!” [22:03] She laughs. [22:04] 13Kari's mouth wobbles as she tries to form sentences. "Okay, so, uh," 13she tries to order her thoughts. "So do you have any other teams in the empire or just us?" [22:06] “Well, I’m not your boss or anything. Just a friend. I have my own people doing errands out there, and I’m incorporating Corona into my territory, but no one doing anything like you’re doing.” [22:06] “I understand the Archon’s work is taking her more and more frequently out into the desert, though. Not that I have any idea what she does on the Prince’s orders while she’s out there.” 00[22:07] 4Scrim: "I'm probably gonna move into a motel or something temporarily. Pay by the month. Real glad not to have to worry about territory bullshit out there." [22:08] “I would look into renting some kind of common workspace, as well, as your endeavor grows.” [22:09] "Yeah, I'm gonna need something better than a frying pan next time." [22:09] “Speaking of, I wanted to ask you. Is there anything you need from me? I’m interested in your success, so I’m prepared to assist.” [22:09] "What can you get us?" [22:09] “Not so much in the sense of weapons, but I can provide other services. Legal, real estate, taxes, information, staff.” 00[22:10] 4Scrim: "Then let's start on that common workspace. Probably should have warehouse zoning, and be some place Kari can make noise putting together stuff. Maybe a trained welder guy or whatever hanging around, too." [22:11] “Oh, Sandy Burnett asked after you. If you pay his licensing fee, he’ll officially bond you as bountymen. There’s a brisk business in bringing people in, finding people, that sort of thing.” [22:12] "Yeah," 13Kari nods, her fear seemingly gone. "It could be a different thing every time we go down there. I'm gonna need.. fuck, pitons? nylon ropes, and anchors. Specialized stuff, too." 00[22:13] 4Scrim: "I could do that on the side. To be honest, if I'm clearing this kind of cash from dungeon dumpster diving, I'm probably not gonna freelance as a bounty hunter. Shotguns don't scare me anymore but they can fuck up a good jacket." [22:16] “Ah. Well, there are bounties and there are bounties. The Prince has idiosyncratic requests. Not so much ‘bring me a re-offender who missed his probation meeting’ as ‘bring me this occult item no one has seen in seventy-five years.’ Or ‘bring me the head of a werewolf we *aren’t* friends with.” 00[22:18] 4Scrim: "Well, that's a bit more interesting...gonna have to bulk up a bit more before I fight a werewolf, though." [22:19] 13Kari: "Hey, at least everyone knows what, uhh, their hard counter is." [22:19] "Right?" 13she glances at Teresa. [22:19] “The fee’s fifty thousand, whenever you’re interested. Split between however many of you want to share the title. If you mail me the check I’ll take care of the paperwork.” [22:20] “Actually…” 00[22:20] 4Scrim: "I don't do...checks. I've got a bag with cash in the truck." [22:21] “Let me know when you have a ghoul. It would be prudent to have someone on your staff I can forward information to securely. And I can have my people tutor your person on all the administrative side, so you don’t get behind in Court paperwork.” [22:21] “Ah. Well, I suppose you can mail me a big bag of money just as well.” [22:22] 13Kari can't contain her chuckle: "Shit, even you guys have paperwork?" [22:23] “The alternative to paperwork is horror beyond description.” The Marquesa checks her watch. “Any pressing questions. I’ll always make time for you while you’re doing what you’re doing, but I do have a meeting after this.” [22:23] 13Somewhere, she's imagining, a furry little bat is flapping with all its little might to hold up one of those big rubber stamps to dip it in a little inkwell of blood. [22:24] "That's good." 13Meekly: "Thanks for the choccy milk." [22:24] “Oh, that’s right. You’re a Youtuber?” [22:24] “Or something?” [22:24] “Something on the internet.” 00[22:25] 4Scrim: "Yeah, what is the deal with that?" [22:25] "Twitch dot teevee slash throwgamegirl," 13Kari repeats with machine precision. "Uh, I usually do react content and uh, league streams. Less of that recently." [22:25] "I have enough cash to pay for a new model, so, yaay," 13She shakes her fists weakly. [22:27] The Marquesa plugs it into her phone. “Oh, the live feed thing. Right, I forgot. A mutual acquaintance tried to get in contact with you, I think? Over this thing? He was a bit unclear, but he said there was some kind of technical trouble?” [22:27] “Morton Moreno Munoz? The harpy?” [22:28] “Ex-harpy.” [22:28] 13MEANWHILE, BACK IN KARI'S APARTMENT: the private discord message counter slowly ticks up. KARI, NOW: "Oh, fuck, yeah, that.. that makes sense." [22:28] "I should get back to that." [22:29] “Right. Well, he’s not from San Diego, either. Has a hard time leaving his house. If you could keep an eye on his safety, I’d appreciate it.” [22:29] 13Ah, this is one of those 'pitch it like a job' things Scrim was talking about. "Sure, no problem." [22:30] “But, in the meantime…things are good! You’re doing a good job. You should feel proud of yourselves. A lot of proverbial betting money was going the other way on how you would do.” 00[22:30] 4Scrim: "Interesting to hear that." [22:30] 13She relaxes. "Oh yeah, for sure. Like I said, we found some bodies down there so, the risks are real." 00[22:32] 4Scrim stands. "Alright, I'll go get the money from the truck, then start looking into rooms, and then I'll be available on the phone or whatever for this warehouse thing we're setting up. I should probably get my wn car, too." [22:32] “I’ll take my leave then. Scrim. Very nice to meet you, Kari. Buenas noches.” She waves, and signals to her ghouls that it’s time to leave. [22:32] 13Kari nods and scoops up the remains of the muffin mess to deposit in a trashcan on the way out. 00[22:32] 4Scrim: "Good night, ma'am." [22:32] "Laters." [22:35] 13Kari takes Scrim back to the Wolf Hall in her beater. Ben Harper's guitars are still strumming in the muffled interior as she waves him off and the vehicle unsteadily lumbers off into the night. [22:35] 13She takes out Gus's card. Just a number and an address, yeah? [22:36] Gus lives at the Wolf Hall, same as the other werewolves. He’s just there infrequently. His truck is in the long driveway, though. [22:38] 13Huh. Kari curses and wheels the damn thing back around, hoping that Scrim isn't still outside as she sheepishly pulls back into the same drive. [22:39] 13She takes out mobile phone and rings him up. [22:39] “Yeah.” She can hear the sound of things being moved around in the background. [22:40] "Hey Gus," 13Kari checks her watch, what time is it? [22:41] "It's Kari." [22:41] It’s midnight. [22:41] “Uh huh.” [22:42] "Sorry to bother you in the AM, uh, I was just at the Wolf Hall," 13Jesus Gus, really? "-and I was wondering if you could get me some info about the things the team's gonna be up against, tips, you know?" [22:43] “You’re here? Then why are you calling me? Just come down.” He hangs up. [22:44] 13Because I'm scared to barge in on a werewolf! Kari fumes as she slaps the cardoor shut behind her. [22:44] The front door is open. [22:44] 13Kari just... walks right in. [22:45] 13She isn't immediately presented with Scrim like, shaking the empty juicebox body of a janitor, yeah? [22:46] Grumma-Lumma is sitting on the floor, watching a nature documentary on the television. He’s wearing a huge elizabethan ruff around his neck and brushing himself with a comb. His eyes narrow at the sight of Kari. “What.” [22:47] "Shit hey Gee El, I didn't know you lived here." [22:48] “I’m a totem spirit. Are you moving in?” [22:48] 13Her giggle is long and spirited: "What's with the ruffle, dude?" [22:48] "Nah I just wanted to get some pointers from your boss, who is a freaking werewolf by the way, thanks for telling me." [22:49] "...Where is Gus, anyway?" [22:49] He throws the comb on the ground. “I have an audience with the Navel Queen! Some of us have standards to live up to!” [22:49] "She single?" [22:49] He points a paw at the hallway. “Second door on the left. The basement.” [22:50] “She’s too tall for you.” [22:50] 13She doesn't stop as she strides past, offering up a palm as she passes. "Thanks bro." [22:50] 13Never gonna get used to that. [22:50] The cat calls after her: “Yeah, just get me that money!” [22:51] "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." 13She's already going down the stairs. [22:51] The second door on the left does indeed lead down some stairs. As soon as she starts walking down, she can hear music coming up towards her: [22:53] The stairs lead to a small stone archway. There are a bunch of wooden…people? Figures? Shapes? hung from nails hammered into the archway. Past that, she can see a large workshop, and Gus working on something on a waist-high bench. [22:54] "What's with the voodoo dolls?" [22:54] 13Kari steps into the light of the workshop with one hand over her eye against the harsh incandescent bulb. [22:55] 13It takes a second for her eyes to adjust. [22:58] The workshop is filled with…well, it looks like a cross between a mechanic’s shop and a hoarder’s mental breakdown. There are tool racks on the walls, and rows and rows of drawers and cans full of screws, nuts, bolts, and washers, and the benches are well-organized, but all around the workshop are piles of what looks like trash. Random piles of dead bushes, old books and newspapers stacked straight on the floor, piles of rags and…furs? [22:58] Lots and lots of drying peppers in here, hanging from the rafters. Hanging next to what looks like coral, except occasionally it twitches. Bottles everywhere, on the floor, on bookcases and racks, and hanging from twine. [22:58] “Just an alarm system for when I’m out.” [22:58] “I heard you did good. Good job. How’s still being alive feel?” [22:59] "Creepy." 13She keeps her eyes on the twitching coral-like growth hanging on the wire. [23:00] "Feels kinda pepega right now," 13Kari adds, like that explains anything. "I keep getting lapped, you know? Could have led off with letting me know you're a furry." [23:00] “A what?” [23:00] "It's okay, your secret's safe with me- otherwise I bet Teresa and the blood buddies would be after me." [23:01] 13Kari's expression is deadpan: "'Wolf Hall'?" [23:01] Gus is stripping wire with a knife. “Yeah? So? A Wolf Hall is where the wolves live.” [23:02] "Yeah I mean it makes sense, just, not super creative." [23:02] "So uh," 13she coughs. "Sorry to just run in, but I'm flush so I wanted to talk equipment, you know, essentials." [23:03] “It’s not a creativity contest. Every pack is supposed to have a Wolf Hall.” [23:03] “Yeah? What do you need?” [23:04] 13Kari lingers in the doorway to the workshop. "How do you kill a spirit?" [23:05] "I thought I was reeeeal clever with the iron trick, but it didn't do shit when we ran into one." [23:05] "You know," 13she continues: "Just like, the kinda stuff you... guys... bring with you when you go deep, you know?" [23:06] “How I kill a spirit is probably different than how you would kill it. I can rip it apart with my teeth and claws.” [23:06] “For you, you’ve gotta make sure it’s materialized in front of you.” [23:07] “Then you’ve gotta hit it in its weak spot. Every spirit’s got one. Doesn’t matter what you use, as long as you hit it hard.” [23:07] 13Shit, this is good stuff. "What, like... does it glow?" [23:08] “Usually you ask another spirit to help you kill it. I mean, usually I can.” Gus leans over and coughs. [23:08] “No, no…” he waves around his head. “I mean…do you know what spirits are?” [23:10] 13Kari just kinda smiles nervously. [23:10] "I learned werewolves were real tonight," 13she confesses. [23:11] “We’re not werewolves, first of all. That’s an exonym. We’re Uratha. The People. Don’t get it twisted.” [23:12] 13Kari puts her hand over her mouth. "Got any silver down here, dude?" [23:12] 13She's just teasing him. "Sorry." [23:12] “No.” [23:13] “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Just like Edgar up there with his dumbass videogames. Why don’t you go ask him what can kill a spirit?” [23:14] “Short answer is a gun will work. You got one?” [23:15] "Aw, c'mon," 13Kari suppresses her laughter. "I'm working on it. Do spirits take buckshot as well as everything else?" [23:15] "I'm thinking of cooking up some extra spicy stuff on the side, too." [23:15] “Sure. As long as it’s materialized.” [23:15] "Does silver do anything to a spirit?" [23:16] “Spirits won’t be damaged by the same thing they’re made out of. A molotov won’t work on a spirit that’s part fire-spirit.” [23:17] “Maybe. Depends on the spirit. Each one’s got a weakness. A ban. Depends on the spirit’s history - what it’s made out of, what oaths its made.” [23:18] "Okay, that's something," 13Kari is nodding. [23:18] "So, giant spider, what could its bans be, just curious." [23:18] "Cus we lit that fucker up the old fashion way, and I'm thinking we coulda had an easier time of it if we knew what was up." [23:18] “That spider. A spirit of judgment, sacrifice, consumption, darkness, terror. Fire would work on it well. Anything bright and loud.” [23:18] "Lucky us." [23:19] 13Kari looks for an empty seat or stool to sit in. [23:19] "I also, um," 13Kari rubs the back of her neck. [23:19] Gus clears away some stuff from a low bench for her to sit. [23:19] "Whaaat works against, uhm, vampires?" [23:19] "Not like, saying anything, just, you know," 13she squeaks. [23:19] Gus laughs. “Teeth and claws.” [23:19] 13Kari holds up her pink nails. [23:20] "Please Gus, this could save my life out here." [23:20] “But for you? Fire. High explosives. Enough damage with something serious, if you can outnumber them and take them by surprise. Stakes through the heart immobilizes them.” [23:20] “Sunlight is the best.” [23:20] "Okay, phew, cool." [23:20] "No, that's great. Explains a few things, actually." [23:21] “Why?” [23:21] "Teresa said some strangers are moving into the valley." [23:21] “Who?” [23:22] "I've got help but, you know, stuff happens." "People from San Diego?" [23:22] 13Kari slides into the cleared bench and watches the werewolf, curious. [23:23] Gus rummages around his workbench for a while until he comes up with some paper. “Aha.” He gives it to Kari. “Here.” [23:24] 13Kari quirks her brow as she skims the parchment. [23:26] It’s a paper roadmap of the Inland Empire. It’s got about a dozen circles in red drawn on random points, each encircling areas of a few square miles. They’re all over, from Riverside to San Bernardino, down to Temecula and out in the high desert. They have names scrawled next to the circles, too. Marisol S., Morton M., Clarabelle V., Nguyen D…. [23:27] “Got em all so far. Down to a couple blocks, at least.” [23:27] He takes the paper back. [23:29] “If you need equipment I can get you equipment. But for everything else, just let the pack take care of it. Just give me another week or so for the marking. I’ve gotta talk the lunar spirit down about something first. Then you can just let me know if something’s after you.” [23:29] "You mean like..." 13Kari draws her finger across her neck and makes a squelching sound. [23:30] “If we need to. Not half of them, they’re alright, but…you never know. It’s our damn territory! You don’t notice the moon hanging over you? You think it’s just up there with its eyes closed?” [23:31] “Anyway. I know you kids don’t give a shit about the spirits, even when it’d save your ass. What do you need?” [23:31] "I didn't know she had eyes," 13Kari quails. Still: "Do you guys have any maps of like, the places on the other side of the doors? We could use 'em, if you got any. You know, just doing.. due dilligence." [23:32] “The doors? The damn changelings…” [23:32] "No, no, I love spirits. I'm taking the ayahuasca, I'm talking to trees and shit, I love mother Earth," [23:32] "I'm buying crystals!" [23:33] “Why’d you even go through one of their doors, anyway? They’re all out in the Desert. Not even their place, they just started to move in. Far as I can tell, they’ve given up on the doors for the most part.” [23:34] "It was in the back of a book store." [23:35] "We weren't the first either. There were three dead people in there, strung up." [23:35] "So you guys should like, put up warning signs." [23:35] 13Also: "We went in because I got paid more than a hundred thousand dollars." [23:36] “Kid, changelings die like flies. Three of them going down in one of their own doors isn’t even above the fold stuff.” [23:36] “Ah, yeah. Right. Yeah, the bookstore. Marisol told me about that. Favor for Rune.” [23:37] "What's a changeling?" [23:37] “Kid, Rune doesn’t even use the doors if she - ah, shit, you think I know? Good luck getting a straight answer out of them.” [23:38] “Look, you remember that movie? With the cartoons? And the skeleton?” [23:38] “The sad skeleton man?” [23:38] “And…fairy tales? All that? Witches and Goldilocks and all that?” [23:40] 13Sad Skeleton Man? "..The Last Unicorn?" [23:40] "Aw, fuck, like elves." [23:41] “Right. But the bad kind. You know, La Llorona, snatching your kids in the night.” [23:42] "Changelings steal kids?" [23:43] "Sorry I know this is a lot," 13Kari rubs her arm. "This job has a steep learning curve." [23:44] “Well, there’s a whole…” he waves his hand. “Dimension, I guess, where all the La Lloronas live, stealing kids, people, and making them do all kinds of terrible shit. Slaves, basically. And then sometimes they come back. Escape, like. But they come back kind of wrong. All storybook-like. Oh, right, and when they get nabbed there’s a double that steals their place. Family never even knows. Made out of wood and worms and dead leaves, [23:44] stuff like that.” [23:44] "Jesus, that's so sad." [23:45] 13Kari: "You don't have a tragic past, though, right?" [23:46] “Tell you the truth, they’re not so bad. Pretty decent neighbors, if you deal with the ones who know how to talk. But you don’t see too many topside anymore. They all moved out to the Desert years ago. Practically run the place. Rune, she’s a damn VIP out in Violet City…” [23:46] “Me?” [23:46] "Yeah like, things are going well in Gus town, yeah?" [23:46] 13She glances back at the wooden mannequins. [23:49] “I’m Uratha. An Ithaeur of the Farsil Luhal, a child of Amahan Iduth and a follower of Sagrim-Ur. I lead my pack and I defend the human world from the real world. When I die my pack will remember me in song. I will live with the Goddess, forever. What’s tragic about that?” [23:50] He stands up. “Come with me.” [23:50] 13She nods. "Yeah, sorry to pry, I just.. you know, I saw some people die beyond that door and, it's just nice to hear..." [23:50] Gus heads up the stairs. [23:50] 13Kari follows. [23:52] The shaman leads her upstairs, out the front door, out to one of the low whitewashed adobe buildings in the back of the lot. He brushes some of the dirt and straw off the floor, uncovering a heavy metal loop, which he pulls up: a hatch! [23:52] “Down here.” [23:53] He leads her through a tunnel of smooth, stacked stones. [23:54] "Where are we going?" [23:54] 13Kari puts her hand over her mouth to avoid breathing in too much dust, but she can't help but let out a series of dainty sneezes. [23:54] The tunnel stops in a chamber that’s also made out of smooth stones, packed perfectly, without even mortar to hold them together. Tiny pieces of shattered rock, in blues and whites, have been glued to the walls, to give the whole room a slight glitter to the light. There’s a shaft of moonlight coming through the ceiling - it must lead up to the surface a few feet overhead. [23:55] There are moons hung everywhere. And flowers, of every color and size but mostly orange marigolds. At the far end of the room is a massive altar, covered in framed photographs and paintings. [23:56] "Oh my god." [23:56] Dozens of people. Kari can tell that the photographs go back in time, until the portraits are of people. [23:56] 13Kari is tearing up a little. "Why are you showing me this?" [23:58] 13She approaches the shrine and goes to touch the cold stone. Session Time: Sat Oct 22 00:00:00 2022 [00:01] “I’m proud of it! This is my pack’s Hall. A record of the People who lived here. I’m no tragedy! Neither are they. These are all the ones who came before you. You’ve got them to live up to. It’s not some cash for muscle thing.” [00:03] 13She exhales slowly. "That's a lot." [00:03] “Marisol will be here, if she wants it. Good girl. Doesn’t know half the shit she signed up for, but did it anyway. When she got marked, the Herald of the Moon went nuts and almost took her arm clean off. Didn’t complain once on the way back. All the ones that need to be here, end up here in the territory. The moon sees to it.” [00:03] "Even though she's, you know.." [00:05] “Even though nothing. You think the Moon has an equal? Nobody remembers the old world. Not even the oldest of us, the oldest face on this altar. But the Moon is a god. A real god! A goddess who can do as she likes…” [00:05] “Everyone forgets. Even the spirits. We remind them.” [00:06] Gus laughs. “Spirits. You know what they are? Demons. Devils. Formless forms. Entities. Djinn. Light and shadow and smoke. That’s what we are. Demon-hunters. Can you handle that?” [00:06] 13Kari: "Hey wait a second, you said- it almost took her arm off?" [00:06] “That’s right. Scored it deep with obsidian.” [00:07] “Won’t happen to you. Special circumstances.” [00:07] 13Kari: "The Spider in the lost city was like.. a god, I guess? Small g. It ate the living like some sort of fucked up sacrifice." [00:07] "Yeah I can handle it." [00:08] 13She takes her palm off the altar. "Thanks for showing me this." [00:08] "If I don't make it, will I..?" [00:09] Gus nods. “If you earn it.” [00:09] 13Kari nods. "It'll be nice to be remembered by my real face." [00:10] "When's the ritual?" [00:10] “You still need a gun? I can get you whatever, up to military spec. It’ll cost you three times whatever market rate is. Gotta get it scrubbed and shipped across the border twice.” [00:10] “Sometime soon. I’ll let you know.” [00:11] “Kari.” [00:11] “I’m showing you this because I feel guilty.” [00:11] “I owe you something.” [00:11] 13Kari: "Me too." "What?" [00:13] “That thing you saw. You know what I’m talking about. Years ago.” [00:14] 13Kari's lip trembles: "You know about that?" [00:14] "In the hotel?" [00:15] “I have my suspicions.” [00:15] He shakes his head. “Not in the hotel.” [00:15] “It’s all around. Like a shadow you can’t shake.” [00:17] "Y-yeah," 13Kari sighs. "Possibly behind every door, right. You never know if you just turn around.." [00:17] “Not just in the hotel, I mean. I think what you saw…it moves. It can pretend to be places.” [00:18] “I don’t know. I’m going off old stories.” [00:18] He claps her shoulder. “You’ll be fine. Just know you’re not crazy.” [00:18] “Let’s get you a gun. Who knows? Maybe you’ve got some Uratha blood in you.” [00:19] 13Kari snickers. "I've already had one group of weirdos try to recruit me tonight with some blood." [00:19] 13She puts her hand on Gus's arm: "I need a grenade launcher." 02[01:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[15:37] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:38] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Oct 23 00:00:00 2022 03[18:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:59] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[20:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Mon Oct 24 00:00:00 2022 03[03:06] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-32a.jsu.166.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:06] * trenchfoot_ ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:08] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[12:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:29] * trenchfoot_ is now known as trenchfoot 03[13:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:02] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-32a.jsu.166.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[15:27] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:39] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:07] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:02] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Oct 25 00:00:00 2022 02[00:05] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[07:39] * Disconnected 02[07:40] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[07:40] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[07:40] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[07:40] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[07:40] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Oct 25 07:41:39 2022 Session Start: Tue Oct 25 07:46:06 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[07:46] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[07:46] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[07:46] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[11:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:53] * trenchfoot_ ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:56] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:28] * trenchfoot_ is now known as trenchfoot 03[21:55] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:57] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Oct 26 00:00:00 2022 02[00:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:34] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[04:22] * Disconnected 02[04:27] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[04:27] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[04:27] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[04:27] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[10:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[10:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:46] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-546.9dc.219.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:14] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:28] * _Votes78 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-546.9dc.219.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[15:29] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 03[15:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:04] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[17:07] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[18:37] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:34] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 02[20:03] * Votes78 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:23] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:29] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[21:33] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Oct 27 00:00:00 2022 03[00:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[09:07] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[14:16] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3cg.t22.176.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:40] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:59] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Connection closed) 02[16:04] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-3cg.t22.176.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[16:05] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-82l.btg.138.217.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[21:01] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:22] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Oct 28 00:00:00 2022 02[03:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-82l.btg.138.217.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:05] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dqq.3sm.133.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dqq.3sm.133.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:13] * _Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-kr3.5q2.192.103.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[18:14] * _Votes78 is now known as Votes78 02[18:47] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-kr3.5q2.192.103.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[18:48] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-o0q.lc3.26.194.IP) has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sat Oct 29 00:00:00 2022 02[01:22] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-o0q.lc3.26.194.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[01:25] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-948.spe.70.146.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[05:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[08:23] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:23] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[08:23] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:26] * tom ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[10:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-948.spe.70.146.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[10:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4v9.odr.97.83.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-4v9.odr.97.83.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:28] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-fcc.nf5.43.45.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:33] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[14:05] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:42] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-fcc.nf5.43.45.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[18:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:49] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-grk.11l.216.209.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:20] * tom2 ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[20:21] * tom (tom@sorcery-ta3.o6k.247.76.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:47] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-grk.11l.216.209.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[21:50] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-tq6.fk7.102.185.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:31] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[23:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Sun Oct 30 00:00:00 2022 02[02:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:53] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[14:20] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:15] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[18:18] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:46] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:02] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:12] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:24] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:45] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Mon Oct 31 00:00:00 2022 02[01:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[02:38] * tom2 ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:40] * tom (tom@sorcery-ta3.o6k.247.76.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[04:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[06:30] * banana|peels is now known as banana 03[08:51] * tom2 is now known as tom 02[09:13] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-tq6.fk7.102.185.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:20] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-os6.sii.146.156.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[09:27] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-os6.sii.146.156.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[11:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:01] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:14] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:56] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Connection closed) Session Time: Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 2022 03[01:09] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:57] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dfo.9fv.119.92.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[12:16] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:52] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:33] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:36] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:15] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:59] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Nov 02 00:00:00 2022 02[00:35] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:05] * Disconnected 02[01:08] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[01:08] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[01:08] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[01:08] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[02:45] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[03:26] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[03:26] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:11] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:27] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[23:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Nov 03 00:00:00 2022 03[00:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:34] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:37] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:38] * Disconnected Session Close: Thu Nov 03 21:38:34 2022 Session Start: Fri Nov 04 02:09:00 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[02:09] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[02:09] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[02:09] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[03:14] * trenchfoot_ ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:15] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[04:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[04:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:45] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:00] * trenchfoot_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[09:08] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[10:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[11:01] * trenchfoot_ ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:03] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[11:07] * Votes78 (Votes@sorcery-dfo.9fv.119.92.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[11:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:18] * banana is now known as banana|peels 03[17:20] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has left #inlandvampire 03[20:09] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:10] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[20:13] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:31] - [20:31] - [20:31] - [20:31] - [20:31] - [20:31] - [20:33] The problem with feeding on cops is that, as a rule, the ones most often on the streets don’t like to get out of their cars. Foot patrols in Riverside and nearby cities aren’t really a thing. One part they genuinely have a lot of territory to cover, and one part simple laziness. 00[20:33] 4Yeah, but that just means you have to do the work up front, instead of in the back. See, if they've got a car, that means you've got a place to stash them. [20:34] There’s plenty of cop cars driving around, though. Big black and white SUVs and Dodge Chargers bearing Riverside PD and CHP lettering. 00[20:34] 4No one goes banging on a cop window asking why he's snoozing. 00[20:34] 4Basically, all he has to do is -- did you ever play Saint's Row 2? 00[20:35] 4Remember the insurance fraud minigame? 00[20:35] 4All you gotta do is step out in front of the car and... [20:36] Well, it is Riverside. Scrim just has to hope they actually stop after hitting him. 02[20:36] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 00[20:36] 4Oh, they'll stop. 00[20:38] 4First he's gotta find a place kind of out of the way, maybe with alley access, where a cop will likely be driving. An exurb onramp to the highway seems right. Find one near a bank branch. [20:38] Alright. Here’s an SUV. RPD. It’s coming around the corner, out of an alley - is he really going to step out in front? Now’s the time to decide. 00[20:38] 4And -- whoops, almost forgot -- put that luchador mask in his pocket before he walks out the door. 00[20:39] 4Mask on, grinning, he confidently leads with his hips and takes the bump. 03[20:39] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:42] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:43] * trenchfoot ( has joined #inlandvampire [20:44] The police vehicle strikes Scrim just as the driver has clocked that there’s no cars coming at him from the left side — so there’s actually a slight acceleration, followed by a thud as Scrim bounces off, then the screech of somebody slamming on brakes in a panic. 02[20:44] * trenchfoot_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 00[20:44] 4Scrim sells it good, then stumbles up -- and he's wearing a luchador mask, recall -- and gives the full bird, colonel. [20:45] This is all on Central Street - some nameless expanse of sprawl between a Jack In The Box and and a Washington Mutual branch, right by the onramp to the 90. 00[20:45] "Fuck you, lawman!" 00[20:45] 4Then he stumbles towards the dark beyond the streetlight. Will our hero follow? [20:46] Whoever is driving doesn’t cut the engine as they get out to see what’s going on. It’s two cops - one white guy and one latino, both with their heads shaved. The driver, the white guy, is rapidly cycling through emotions like suprise, guilt, and now anger. [20:47] Driver: “What the fuck?” 00[20:47] 4C'mon, man. [20:47] Partner: “Fucking junkie, man. Let’s go.” [20:48] Driver: “Dashcam’s on. I didn’t see him. He seems fine, right?” 00[20:48] 4Scrim rolls his eyes. Loudly: "Pigs can't fucking drive, man. They're always hoofin it!" [20:48] Partner: “I don’t know. He didn’t watch where he was going. Who cares?” 00[20:49] 4Do pigs have hoofs? 00[20:49] 4Whatever. [20:50] The driver puts his hand on his belt. “He sounds fine. Just get in the car. I’m gonna go check. If he’s hurt…I’ll call an ambulance. They’ve got them doing intake for crackheads, down at the clinic on Van Buren. Hold tight.” [20:51] The partner gets back in the car. “Alright. Don’t take too long.” 00[20:51] 4Wait. Is this a good cop? Is this man actually gonna try to make me feel bad about this? 00[20:51] 4Fucked up, man. 00[20:51] 4Anyway. [20:51] The driver walks forward, past the streetlight, hand still on his belt. “Hello? Sir? Are you injured? You’re not in trouble…” 00[20:51] 4The masked man becomes one with the dirt. 00[20:51] 4And waits. [20:52] The driver takes out his maglite and sweeps it over the parking lot. Half of the lot is disused enough that the asphalt has been ripped up and not replaced by anything, just showing some real dirty dirt. 00[20:53] 4C'mon buddy. [20:53] The cop waves it back and forth, looking for the man he just hit with a car. “What the fuck? Where are you…” , he mutters under his breath. [20:54] The flashlight focuses on what might be some…footprints? Scuff marks? leading into the dirt. The cop follows. He’s standing on the dirt now, just in front of a shuttered vape store in a dark parking lot. 00[21:03] 4When he turns to the vape, the black-masked villain appears behind him, takes him in a half-nelson with one arm, knocks the light away with the other, grapevines his leg and forces him down. The feeding is quick, efficient, and...well, it's not gentle. But it is non-lethal. [21:04] Less-lethal, even. 00[21:04] 4The villain flees! [21:04] Is his car nearby? What’s the plan afterwards? 00[21:04] 4Probably just gonna walk awhile. Motel's a couple miles away. He doesn't have a car yet. Enjoy the air. 00[21:05] 4No car, can't get pulled over. Big brain. 00[21:05] 4There's werewolves around here? [21:06] Not that Gus has mentioned in the limited time Scrim has gotten a chance to talk to him since hanging out at the Wolf Hall. You got the sense that the pack is so spread out at the moment, the territory so large, that most of the time they’re on the road, to parts unknown up north. 00[21:08] 4Well then some weird dude in jorts and a WCW Rey Mysterio mask won't attract any supernatural attention either, as long as he stays out of the lights. 00[21:08] 4He's headed to whatever part of town is even slightly "hopping" at this point. If Inland Empire is as sleepy as it's reputation, maybe that just means he spends two hours walking around and heads back to his motel. 00[21:09] 4He has a phone now, though. A smartphone. He could call an Uber! 00[21:09] 4...That might be an easier way to feed than ambushing cops. 00[21:09] 4But man, what a dick move. [21:10] Riverside out here is an empty, sprawling warren of strip malls and lot houses. Occasionally, he’ll hear noise from backyard parties on side streets, but the kinds of cars you see out here suggests that people’s free time is mostly spent sleeping between shifts. [21:10] It’s about a mile to Downtown on foot. They’ve got bars. Nightlife. Dancing. College students. Intoxicants of your choice. 00[21:10] 4He won't be bothered if someone invites him to the backyard hangout. The Blush ain't expensive. [21:11] Lots of construction, too. Downtown riverside is ever so slightly edging into the gentrification territory. Lots of lots that are unlit at night, housing only half-built luxury apartments. [21:16] Scrim has just turned onto a boulevard heading north when he hears an ever-increasing whine. They’re not cars. Motorcycles? Ah - 00[21:16] 4Oh hell yeah. [21:17] Two ATVs go roaring past on his left down the boulevard. Two riders in black, but it’s too dark to tell anything else. But. [21:18] They *were* hauling ass. But a few moments after they pass him, Scrim can see them slowing down. Stopping, even, a few lights down. Then they turn around, coming back. 00[21:18] 4Oh hell yeah. 00[21:18] 4He steps out into the street, under the lights. [21:18] Is he going to stay and stick around? [21:19] Well, then. [21:20] The pair speed up as they near, seeing if he flinches once they buzz past going more than sixty. He smells blood on the air. Hot blood. 00[21:21] 4He doesn't move. 00[21:21] 4If they try to hit him, he'll grab one off their ATV and snatch God from them. 00[21:22] 4It'll be fine. Vampires don't skip leg day. 00[21:22] 4Leg night? [21:23] Once he doesn’t run away, they start to circle slowly, before stopping. The ATV motors are quietly turning over while they look Scrim over, leaning on their handlebars. They’re both in black leather bodysuits, wearing mirrored helmets. One of them looks like they’ve hammered nails all into the bodysuit, the ends twisted in strange angles. [21:24] One of them takes a container out from a saddlebag and pops it like a beercan, holding it up to a grille in the helmet while the other speaks. 00[21:24] 4Hollering: "It's the mask, isn't it?" [21:25] “Need directions?” [21:25] Scrim’s Beast is standing on its hind legs. It *really* does not like being around these people. 00[21:25] 4Scrim points down the road. "Street goes that way, right?" 00[21:26] 4He manages to keep his composure. [21:27] The one with nails hammered in cocks their mask. “I didn’t know they let leeches use the streets.” 00[21:30] 4Scrim: "Ain't no law against it. It's just like fish riding bicycles. How you doin', merman?" [21:30] The one with the helmet polished to a fine sheen laughs. “There is a law against it.” 00[21:31] 4Scrim: "Let me lay out for you how this is gonna go." [21:32] Helmet: “One even the bitch in the sky sought to honor.” 00[21:32] "You're gonna attack me. You're gonna try to kill me. You're gonna have a real great chance of that. You could definitely do it." [21:32] The two ATV riders lean forward, listening. 00[21:32] "But I'm gonna run past you, and fuck up your ATVs, and run away, and hide in the ground." 00[21:32] "If you get off those things, you're gonna lose them." 00[21:33] "I'm just telling you how it's gonna be." [21:33] Nails laughs. It’s a woman under there. Helmet keeps looking. [21:34] Nails takes her container and pours it over herself. Scrim can taste the blood pouring out of the container, splattering over the ATV and her suit, diffusing into the air. 00[21:35] 4Scrim: "That's a delicious response." [21:35] Nails: “How much blood did you drink tonight?” 00[21:36] "Just a ha'-cop. That's an old imperial unit. It's 3/7ths of a cop." [21:36] Helmet: “That enough for you? Still hungry?” 00[21:38] 4Scrim narrows his eyes while smiling. "I feel like I'm being propositioned." 00[21:39] "Am I being propositioned?" [21:39] Nails laughs again. [21:39] Helmet: “Do you want to know what would actually happen if I got off this vehicle?” 00[21:39] 4Still smiling: "Because I know I'm not being moralized to." 00[21:40] 4Scrim: "I understand the broad outline." [21:41] “I would eat you.” 00[21:41] 4Scrim: "You would--" 00[21:41] 4Scrim: "That's fucked up. You understand what vampires taste like?" [21:41] “But it’s not even my territory, yet. Even I have better manners than that.” [21:41] “Of course. I’ve eaten plenty of vampires.” 00[21:42] 4Scrim: "You're a certified freak." 00[21:42] "And I respect that." [21:43] “You taste better when we prepare you like foie gras. Fattened on blood. The stuff that’s in your veins…vitae? Human blood filtered through you, until you’re begging us to stop.” Helmet laughs. “Isn’t that a funny image? A vampire begging you to stop feeding it blood?” 00[21:44] 4Scrim stares at Helmet for a second. Then, to Nails: "So you're the one that's in charge." 00[21:45] "We should figure out what we're doing here and do it." [21:46] Nails: “You’re right. Sorry, but I hate talking. You better run back to Los Angeles. Next time I see you, he won’t eat you. I will. But wait - don’t leave here empty-handed. Here, take what you like.” [21:47] Nails points at the streetlight, which explodes. Hot, steaming blood pours out like someone’s broken a fire hydrant. [21:47] She points at the sewer entrance, which vomits forth gallons of blood in a foaming geyser. [21:47] She points at the manhole, which all of a sudden floats up on a tide of blood. 00[21:47] 4Scrim: "I..." [21:48] She points at the asphalt, which is slick with blood and foam. [21:49] Every sense he has, every single space in his mind is overwhelmed by blood. More blood than he’s seen in his life, coating everything, instantly slicking every surface, washing across everything like a tidal wave. 00[21:49] 4Scrim: " compelled..." 00[21:51] 4Scrim: " ask you gimme the spicy streetlight before I go copshopping next time." 4He snaps his fingers as his feet sink into the asphalt, and the blood that's landed on the road sucks up into him. [21:54] They rev the ATVs and swing away, laughing, the heavy duty tires churning through the ankle-deep tide of blood. “Good! Good! The ones who don’t run taste sweeter. Tell Eye-Sees-God we’ll erase his disgrace soon! And if you’re still around, you can have all the blood you want. And maybe even more than that! A lot more! Hahaha! Stay safe! You know what happens to vampires in this place!” 00[21:54] 4Scrim: "Mmm mmm mmm." [21:54] The ATVs accelerate out of the red tide, leaving a bloody slick behind them as they barrel up the boulevard, the wind whipping red liquid off them in sheets. 00[21:55] "...Christ, what a mess." [21:57] The blood stops gushing out from…everything, as they leave. Most of it drains away down the sewers in a few minutes. A car passes, slows down: he can hear the driver swear in confusion and disgust, before they keep going. 00[21:58] 4Scrim: "No one stops for hitchhikers anymore." 03[23:09] * banana|peels is now known as banana Session Time: Sat Nov 05 00:00:00 2022 02[03:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:29] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[06:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:06] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:46] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:02] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Sun Nov 06 00:00:00 2022 03[04:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[05:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:40] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:45] * trenchfoot ( Quit (Connection closed) 02[18:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:21] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:29] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Nov 06 20:29:25 2022 Session Start: Sun Nov 06 20:29:43 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[20:29] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[20:29] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[20:29] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 Session Time: Mon Nov 07 00:00:00 2022 02[07:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:02] * Disconnected Session Close: Mon Nov 07 09:02:02 2022 Session Start: Mon Nov 07 09:55:37 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[09:55] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[09:55] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[09:55] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[15:23] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:03] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:26] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Nov 08 00:00:00 2022 02[00:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:44] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:41] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Nov 09 00:00:00 2022 02[00:20] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:19] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[01:23] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:24] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[09:25] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Nov 09 09:25:04 2022 Session Start: Wed Nov 09 09:42:54 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[09:42] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[09:42] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[09:42] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[11:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:18] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:58] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:49] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Thu Nov 10 00:00:00 2022 02[00:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:32] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:04] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:39] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:53] * Disconnected 02[15:53] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[15:53] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[15:53] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[15:53] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[15:55] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[17:27] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[17:44] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:47] * Disconnected 02[17:47] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[17:47] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[17:47] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[17:47] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[18:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:53] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:39] * tom ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Nov 11 00:00:00 2022 02[02:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[02:46] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:00] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[07:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[07:15] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[12:18] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:20] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:13] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:16] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 03[16:27] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:51] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:04] * tom ( Quit (Quit: ) 03[19:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:45] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [19:59] - [19:59] - [19:59] - [19:59] - [19:59] - [19:59] It’s the freaking weekend, baby. Time to have you some fun. 00[20:01] 4They've got these werewolves out here, but we're having a good time, baby, we're saying, "Where, wolves?" 00[20:01] 4Ha ha ha. [20:01] Or at least it’s Friday night, just after sunset. Time to stretch your legs, check your phone, catch up with - ok, actually, there is something definitely scratching insistently at your motel room door/apartment window, respectively. Man, it is just not giving up. Tap, tap, tap. Not threateningly, but persistently. 00[20:02] 4Yelling: "MotherFUCKER I am UP." 00[20:02] "KNOCK." [20:03] Tap, tap, tap. 00[20:03] 4Whatever's outside will see a bathroom light turn on and hear a really unpleasant Hork, then the light in the fridge turn on, then turn off as it closes. Then a pause in the darkness. Then a man in cutoff jorts who is otherwise naked throws the door open and steps out onto the motel concrete. [20:04] Whatever’s outside is - [20:05] There’s a black-furred wolf waiting for him outside his door. It clutches a manila folder in its mouth. Its eyes are blank, without pupils. It waits for him, patiently, not moving, holding out the envelope. [20:05] 6After some time recovering, Marisol feels like she’s ready to take on the night, whatever that might bring… 00[20:05] 4Oh, that makes sense. "Hey, what's up. You want milk or a beer? Feel like I should tip." [20:06] The wolf doesn’t move. 00[20:07] 4He takes the envelope. "Got a six pack of high life if you change your mind." [20:07] There’s a sharp tapping at a window in Marisol’s apartment. Tap, tap, tap. Coming from her bathroom. [20:08] When Scrim takes the envelope, the wolf shudders, and lays down on the ground. In a moment, its skin starts to seep off, sloughing off in sheets, until the whole thing is dissolving into a red and black pool on the ground. As he watches, the liquid shrinks off into the darkness, merging into the shadows. [20:08] 6Marisol isn’t expecting anyone. She keeps her gun close, just in case. She goes to the bathroom window. 00[20:08] 4Scrim sighs. "Well, fine." 00[20:09] 4Alright, what's in the manilla longboy? You can put a piece of paper in here lying down. That's fucked up. [20:10] There’s a black bird, pecking at the frosted glass window above her toilet. [20:10] The manila envelope has a single piece of thick cardstock inside, with a typed message: [20:12] 6Marisol: “Oh, cute.” 6Marisol relaxes and opens the window a crack to stick her hand through. The bird looks soft. [20:15] ‘Report of Hi-Priority Individuals, wanted for crimes against Court, at 598 Aztec Falls Park, west of Fawnskin, CA. Investigate matter immediately and report back. Do not attempt to detain or kill Hi-Priority Individual CLARABELLE VINCENT if spotted. This assignment is immediate and precedes all your personal business, by order of the Prince of Los Angeles, authorized by Archon.” [20:16] The bird drops the envelope into her hand and folds itself down on the ground. Its greasy feathers give a short shudder, and then it’s dissolving into a pool of smoky liquid that runs down the side of her building, splattering onto some bushes and a sedan. [20:16] Inside Marisol’s envelope is an identical message. [20:17] 6Marisol: “Ugh, gross. What the hell…” 00[20:17] 4Scrim sighs. "Well, fine." 00[20:17] 4He takes out his very old flip phone and calls Marisol. [20:18] Underneath Scrim’s typed message, someone has written in a neat hand with a pen: “Nights up in Big Bear get cold. Wear more than your usual. See you around…” [20:18] He definitely recognizes the handwriting. 00[20:18] 4He tries to figure out what that means. Probably an invocation to body armor...but maybe he's supposed to be wary of like, skin based contact? Napalm? [20:19] 6Marisol’s ringer goes off, she answers. [20:19] 6“Hello?” 00[20:19] 4Scrim: "Hey, it's Scrim. I just got a...summons? Some kinda spooky parchment." [20:21] 6Marisol: “Yeah…I got it too. Do you know much about different sires in Los Angeles?” 00[20:23] 4Scrim: "Absolutely not. Don't make that my business. If orders come with the City of Angels seal, I execute faithfully." 00[20:23] "Don't feel like it's healthy to know too much about politics." [20:25] 6Marisol: “…hmm…that’s the thing. Clarabelle Vincent is my sire….” [20:26] 6Marisol: “I can’t go through with this. And I hope you won’t either.” 00[20:26] 4Scrim's silent for almost two seconds. "Well, then it's good that we're not supposed to detain or kill her." [20:28] Marisol: “Yeah…but reporting back makes her as good as dead. So we’ll just pretend we’re looking for her and that’s it. We’ll keep on just as we have been.” 00[20:29] 4Scrim: "Sounds good to me." 00[20:29] "Wanna meet down the block?" 00[20:29] "Oh, I was told to wear real clothes. So I'll be in like. Combat khakis." [20:29] 6Marisol: “Great, thank you. Yeah, I’ll see you there in about 10 minutes!” 00[20:30] 4Well, okay, ten minutes might be ambitious. But he goes to change. 00[20:34] 4He turns up way down the street in his light brown 95 Ford Escort, wearing khakis in high boots and a sick motorcycle jacket over his chest. Ain't gotta worry about sweat anymore. He toyed with the idea of a cosmetic eyepatch but fluffed his hair out like snake plisken in Escape From New York instead. 00[20:35] 4Gloves are fingerless. 00[20:39] 4Also, he's wearing a matching leather eyepatch. [20:40] If Marisol wants to call out to the totem spirit, all she has to clasp her wolftooth pendant and say his name. [20:42] 6Marisol clasps her wolftooth pendant says, “Grumma-Lumma, go out with me tonight.” [20:43] The spirit surges into the room around her, not-materialized, a cloud of glowing dust in front of her. “Please don’t say it like that.” [20:43] “Go where?” [20:44] 6Marisol: “I don’t know, but we’re going to ask Scrim.” [20:44] “…then I’ll wait until we ask him to give you an answer.” [20:45] Is everyone ready to depart? 00[20:45] 4Two blocks from 598 Aztec Falls Park, west of etc etc, clearly. 00[20:45] 4Hell yeah. [20:45] 6Marisol shrugs, “Fine.” 6She leaves her apartment to meet Scrim. [20:46] If he plugs it into a GPS, Scrim can see that the location given is deep into the mountains near the alpine resort town of Big Bear. It’s about two hours away by car. Rain and mist expected all through the night. 00[20:46] 4Well, fine. 00[20:47] 4He'll pick Marisol up, then. [20:48] When they meet, Grumma-Lumma is with her, padding along. “I know Aztec Court Park. That’s up in the mountains.” 00[20:49] 4Scrim: "That's why I've got the cool guy jacket on." [20:49] “It’s next to…Pig Tower…” He shivers. [20:50] “On the other side of the Shadow.” [20:50] 6Marisol: “Well, that is a nice jacket, definitely got mountain guy written all over it.” [20:50] 6Marisol: “Ugh, not those pigs, right?” 00[20:51] 4Scrim: "I hope it is those pigs! They're easy." [20:51] “No, not those things. Real desert hog spirits. You know, the hog squadrons. Javelina battalions.” [20:52] 6Marisol: “No, I don’t want to end up eating a gross white child’s hand again.” 00[20:52] 4Scrim: "Well then I look forward to the scrum." 00[20:52] "Anyway we're not supposed to like, get into some kinda operatic fight." [20:52] 6Marisol: “Oh, that sounds fine then.” [20:52] Grumma-Lumma thinks. “Hm…they did get run out of Pig Tower a few years back. Been causing a huge stink about it at the Queen’s Court.” 00[20:52] "This is a sneaking mission." [20:53] “Okay. I’ll go with you on this one. If you go with me to the Navel Court later.” [20:53] “You can help me with something there.” [20:53] 6Marisol: “Yeah, we can go, I guess.” 00[20:54] 4Scrim: "I make no promises of like, pouring sweet nectars into your mouth. But fine." 00[20:54] "You're really too much into those nectars." [20:54] Grumma-Lumma shoves his awful little face against Scrim’s GPS display. “Not that close to Pig Tower. But not too far away. I hate the mountains, honestly. I’ll ride in the back.” 00[20:55] "Melon baby." [20:55] 6Marisol: “I think I still smell it on him.” [20:55] “I’ve got a melon for you right here!” The cat slaps his ass before crawling into the trunkspace. [20:56] 6Marisol rolls her eyes. “Can be so difficult sometimes.” 00[20:56] 4Seriously: "Melon baby. Let's ride." 4He throws the 95 Ford Escort into drive, because it's automatic and that's very easy to do. [20:57] Alright - the weather immediately worsens as they pull out. By the time they clear San Bernardino and take the road up into the mountains, it’s pouring rain and the car is going in and out of huge fogbanks that take up whole canyon-sides. [20:57] On either side of the car, all they can see is dark, endless pine forest, only broken up by distant points of light every few miles. 00[20:58] 4Annoying. He drives until it becomes ungovernable. [20:59] The road narrows from six lanes, to four, to two. Up here it’s all switchbacks and tight turns. Every now and then, a car will go by in the opposite direction, at speeds that always strike one as unsafe. [20:59] 6Marisol: “Do you want me to help driving?” 00[20:59] 4Scrim: "How do you propose to do that?" [21:00] 6Marisol: “There are no cars behind us. You stop, and we switch seats.” [21:00] The signal on their phones goes down to one bar, but never cuts out completely. Two hours later, they’re at their destination - two miles past the small town of Fawnskin, on an access road that leads to a faded sign. 00[21:00] 4Scrim: "Fine." 00[21:01] 4He steps out into the rain and gets tastefully wet. [21:01] Aztec Falls Park - Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Homes - Since 1999 00[21:01] 4Then he circles around and slips into the passenger's seat, and keeps the window rolled down. [21:02] 6Marisol: “Dude, why the window rolled down?” 00[21:02] "Be careful with it, I paid at least $500 for it." 00[21:02] 4Scrim: "So I can jump out and fuck someone up. 00[21:02] "Or if a monster wants to rip me out of the car, they can try that out for five minutes." [21:02] 6Marisol: “I’m a great driver. I’ve never been in an accident.” 6She knocks on the car dashboard.  [21:03] Right outside the trailer park and its unsecured gate is a small building that looks like a typical mountain general store - unlit and deserted, though it’s only 8PM. Inside the park are a half-dozen trailers. Only one is showing any light inside. [21:03] 6Marisol nods, convinced. [21:04] The fog here is terrible, though the park itself seems spared. A hundred feet up the mountainside, though, and it’s like the mountain is swallowed up in swirling, wet mist. [21:04] 6Marisol: “I would think most people would have their light on still. It’s not that late.” 00[21:06] 4Scrim: "It's late enough with the weather." 00[21:07] "Power might be out, too." 00[21:07] "But I don't think so." 00[21:07] "We're probably expected." [21:08] 6Marisol: “Yeah, I guess. Well, I think we’re here. Are you ready to go?” 00[21:08] 4He grins and slides out the open window using his whole upper body, to pop out and land on his feet. 00[21:08] 4In the driving rain. 00[21:09] 4He wore boots so the mud squelch doesn't matter. [21:11] As you get a little closer, you can see that three of the mobile homes are clearly deserted - broken windows, screen doors hanging open, surrounded in an air of ruin. [21:11] 6Marisol: “…nice.”6 She gets out of the car and grabs her bag from the back. “Let’s go Grumma-Lumma.” 6She taps the trunk. [21:11] Of the three units that look remotely inhabited, one is lit and two are dark - the lit one has a door painted red, and the two dark ones have blue and yellow doors, respectively. 00[21:11] 4Any blood? 00[21:11] 4Looking for heartbeats here. [21:12] He’d have to press right up to the sides to get an accurate count, but he can tell that there are people in all three of the occupied trailers. Not more than small groups in each. 00[21:13] 4Opening his mouth, spitting out water, then cupping his hand over his mouth in the rain: "People inside them all!" [21:13] 6Marisol whispers, “Maybe just squatters?” 00[21:15] 4Scrim gives her a look. 00[21:15] "You feel your sire here?" [21:18] 6Marisol: “…No, I don’t think so.” 6She shrinks a little, it’s been a while since she’s seen Clarabelle, and before that we would only see each other a handful of times before she had to run. Maybe her senses are starting to forget. [21:18] 6she had only* [21:19] Even in the dark and the rain, they can see two figures emerge from the mist and shuffle down the path to the park. It looks like a couple of young people, in muddy hoodies and jeans. The pair tries to stick to the shadows, as if they’re hiding from something behind them. Eventually, they get to the lit trailer and sprint in, slamming the door behind them. 00[21:19] "Oh for fuck's sake." [21:19] Grumma-Lumma: “How much do you think I could get for those abandoned trailers?” 00[21:20] "SEND US OUT SOMEONE FOR PARLAY," 4Scrim yells into the rain. "OR I'M GONNA WALK INSIDE, GRAB SOMEONE, AND WALK OUT. AND WE'LL CONTINUE LENGTHWISE UNTIL THE WHOLE THING IS OUT HERE IN THE MUD." [21:21] 6Marisol: “Well, someone is definitely going to come out now…” 00[21:21] "That is what I asked for. Keep that scattergun ready." [21:22] Lights come on in the yellow-door and blue-door trailers. The vampires can hear heartbeats rising, and voices raised inside. [21:22] 6Marisol: “It stays ready.” 00[21:22] "I GUARANTEE NOT TO FUCK YOU UP UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO FUCK UP." [21:23] Then the door to the blue-door trailer bangs open, and a man levels a gun at them. “Don’t come any closer! You try and come towards us and I’ll shoot! Fuck off, Satanists!” [21:23] 6Marisol: “I HAVE A GUN” 00[21:23] 4To Marisol: "You think these idiots are the ones wanted for crimes against the Court? It seems unlikely." [21:24] The man holding the shotgun has long black hair and a long, bushy beard, dressed in camo fatigues. [21:24] 6Marisol: “We’re just passing by!” 00[21:24] 4To the blue boy: "I DO NOT BELIEVE IN SATAN! HE'S A DUMBASS WHO CAN'T ADMIT HE WORKS FOR JESUS!" [21:25] 6Marisol shakes her head, “I think they’re just FLDS people or somethin.” [21:25] The other trailer doors have been eased open, and you can see eyes poking through gaps. “Don’t shoot, Mark! Just…what do you want? Are you here to bargain for something? We don’t have any money — we just want Justin back! Give him back, okay?” 00[21:26] 4Scrim: "NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO JUSTIN?" [21:26] 6Marisol walks a little closer to that voice, “Who’s Justin? What happened?” [21:27] 6To Scrim: “Calm down, dude. You’re yelling, and I think we’re done with being super defensive.” 00[21:27] 4It's a driving rainstrom. [21:28] The doors open a little more, and the second voice - a woman - yells back: “You aren’t with them? The old lady or the two robbers?” [21:28] 6Marisol: “Can we come inside? We just want to know more!” 00[21:28] 4Alright, this is progress. "WHICH WAY--" 4He splorches up to the door through the mud. "Which way did they go?" 00[21:28] "Also yeah, easier to hear things inside." [21:29] Mark shouts: “Don’t believe them!” [21:29] The red door swings open, people peering out. “Come in, quick! Get in here, Mark!” [21:29] 6Marisol yells back: “Scout’s honor! We just want to help!” [21:29] “You too, folks! Get in, now!” 00[21:29] 4Scrim turns. "MARK, WE AIN'T SAID SHIT TO YOU YET!" 00[21:30] 4To the red door, hollering over the rain: "WHY?" 00[21:30] "SOMETHING COMING?" [21:30] “Something’s been coming! From the mist! Hurry, now! We don’t know what’s outside anymore!” 00[21:30] 4Scrim grins. 00[21:31] "Now that's answers." 00[21:31] 4To Marisol: "You can stack up as you please, with the people." 00[21:31] "I'm gonna dirt nap." 00[21:32] 4*rewind noises* [21:32] 6Marisol: “Just come in, we’ll take care of whatever that thing is later.” 00[21:33] 4Scrim makes a face as rain pours down his stupid outfit. 00[21:33] "Fine." [21:33] Grumma-Lumma is hanging around as a cloud. 00[21:33] 4Which of these trailers did those sneaky teens enter? [21:34] A few people come out of the other trailers, everyone crowding into the one with the red door as the vampires pile in. It’s cramped in here with ten people trying to find a place in the small living room. [21:34] The red one. [21:34] The two teens are inside, among the ten other people. 00[21:35] 4Scrim keeps his decorative eyepatch on inside. "Alright. Cool. Hello. Is this place actually safe or are we just fucking around?" [21:35] They look pretty ordinary. No sense of the supernatural from them. Scared mountain people, trying to stay warm in damp clothes while a space heater runs in the corner. The guy with the shotgun and the camo even puts his gun down. They all seem to defer to a woman who must be around 60. [21:36] 6Marisol: “My name is Marisol, and that is Scrim. He can be a little crass sometimes, but he’s harmless.” [21:36] She says: “This place isn’t safe. Not lately. You cops? Feds?” 00[21:36] 4Scrim: "I am absolutely not harmless." [21:36] “I’m Marge.” 00[21:36] "That's in your favor right now." 00[21:36] "Hi Marge." [21:37] 6Marisol gives a look to Scrim. “We’re just looking for someone right now.” [21:38] “Yeah? Get in line.” [21:38] “Why are you here? How’d you get here?” 00[21:38] 4Scrim acknowledges the look with a: "And they're probably a violent, dangerous threat to all of you." [21:38] 6Marisol: “You said you were looking for Justin? I think we can probably help.” [21:39] 6“We got a tip that our friend came around to this mountain area.” [21:40] Marge gives them a long look. “Yeah? Your friend? Your friend like to dress up in black? Or like a pair of hikers, one of them black?” 00[21:42] 4Scrim grimaces. "Friend's a funny word. I don't know if it actually applies." 00[21:43] "But we might know them." [21:43] Mark is still on edge. “Look, you all talk all you want. I’m gonna stand guard.” 00[21:43] "And speaking of knowing things..." [21:43] 6Marisol: “Honestly, I’m not sure. But I saw couple teens run into the trailer, from the mist, when we walked up here. I just want to know if they saw anything outside or what’s just been going on in general.” 00[21:43] 4Scrim nods at Marisol. 00[21:44] 4Scrim: "I'm gonna walk out with Mark here. Holler if shit goes sideways." [21:44] 6Marisol nods back: “Mark. Scrim can help you stand guard outside.” [21:44] Marge: “They’re in the bedroom. Kylie and Josh. They just got back. I told them not to go, but…” [21:45] 6Marisol: “But, what…” [21:45] She thinks. “Look. I don’t know what’s going on anymore. We can’t leave. You people…just be straight with me. Are you here to help? Or are you with whatever’s been going on?” [21:45] 6Marisol: “We’re here to help.” [21:45] 6Marisol: “Can I talk to Kylie and Josh? Please?” 00[21:46] 4As he heads outside: "We're here from the big boss to stop the weird shit, and our only ban on violence is very specific. We're big on people getting to live their lives." [21:46] Marge nods decisively. “Come with me.” To the others: “Go back and lock the doors. Or stay here. Just relax. It’ll be over soon.” 00[21:46] "Marisol's better at this shit than me. I'm gonna go stand outside and break every arm and leg that tries to walk up on you all." [21:47] Mark rubs his hands together and stands on the screened porch. “Yeah, good luck. You know you’re stuck up here now, right? I don’t even fucking live here, man…” [21:47] Mark: “I’ll go with you. Protect the women and children.” 00[21:47] 4Scrim: "Stuck up here? How's that work?" 00[21:48] "You got some weird shithead eating people who come down off the mountain?" 00[21:48] 4Presumably they're outside now while the rain comes down. [21:49] Marge leads Marisol to one of the bedrooms and knocks on the door. It creaks open - two teens are sitting on a bed. “Josh, Maria. This woman is here to help us. You’re going to be honest with her. Okay? Just tell her what you saw.” [21:49] Josh and Kylie* [21:50] 6Marisol gives them a sympathetic smile. “My name is Marisol. I’m here to help. Tell me everything you saw and know.” [21:51] They are outside, but there’s a little overhang where Mark and Scrim can stay dry, under the porch light. “Yeah, man. We can’t drive back. You get in your car and try to take the road back to town, nothing doing. Fog is so thick you can’t drive forward, and when you swear you did it this time, the fog parts and you’re back here. Believe me, we’ve gone through like five tanks of gas between us trying the fog.” 00[21:51] 4Scrim laughs. "That rules. Excellent. I knew this weather sucked for a reason." 00[21:51] "That just means there's something I need to kill." [21:52] Mark: “Why are you dressed like Venom Snake?” 00[21:52] 4Scrim raises a finger. 00[21:52] "You are very discerning. And, this jacket has plate carriers." 00[21:53] "I got my normal clothes on underneath." [21:53] Kylie nods. “We just got back from the forest. We got lost. Again. I mean - um…Grandma, you start.” [21:55] Marge explains: “It’s been a week. I think. The fog has got us trapped here. We’re just a quiet place, minding our own business. A few weeks ago we kept seeing this woman - older, my age, dressed in black like a…like a witch - coming and going past us, up the mountain. Every few days. Never talked to us, never answered our questions. Every now and then she’d have a young person with her.” [21:56] “And that’s pretty strange. We’re pretty private out here. Whatever people want to do is their business. But something was off. We were going to call the cops, but before we could the fog rolled in. And stayed.” [21:56] “Tell them what you saw. “ [21:58] The teens: “The forest was just like….just like a normal forest, you know? Except a week ago we were up there just messing around - us and our brother Justin. And it’s like….we couldn’t find anything, the fog was so thick. And we started hearing voices and seeing…things. Like from horror movies. And we found this…hole in the ground -“ 00[21:58] 4Conversationally, to Mark: "I hope you're not in on it. But if you are, or if you just up and decide I'm your enemy for some reason -- a shotgun won't help you. You want to keep me pointed directly at your enemy." 00[21:58] "That's how it works best." [21:59] “And Justin fell in, and these - hands - grabbed him and pulled him down and we couldn’t see him anymore!” [21:59] “And we were just - running, we just ran until we couldn’t see anything, and we came back here…” [22:00] Mark laughs. “It’s fucking airsoft, man.” [22:01] The teens: “And we just kept trying to go back, but you get lost, and there’s things in there, and it’s…horrible…” [22:01] 6Marisol: “Oh my gosh, yeah, that is super scary. I’m so sorry about all this. I’m going to do my very best to get Justin back and to stop that thing on that mountain. I promise.” 00[22:02] 4Scrim: "Are you fuckin-- excuse me." 00[22:03] 4He splorps out to the tan Ford Escort, unlocks the trunk with the key, and pulls out a lacrosse stick bag. Then he stomps back up to the porch. [22:03] Mark: “I mean, of course I had an actual gun, I’m not a dumbass. But those fucking hikers must have…tricked me or something, or stolen it or something. After we meet them, I go back to my place and then realize they swapped it with a fucking airsoft gun. Not even an orange tip. And same weight as the real thing.” [22:04] Marge: “The hikers came a few days ago. Kind of like you folks. Promising to help. Seemed like…not like cops, but like they could handle themselves. Asked us what was going on and then went up into the mist. Haven’t seen them since.” 00[22:05] 4Unzipping it: "This is a Remington...something or other. A shotgun. You pump it, it fires. You're from the hills, you know how a shotgun works." 00[22:05] 4Scrim frowns. "Same weight as the real thing? That's fucked up." 00[22:05] "And without an orange--" 00[22:06] 4He narrows his eyes. "You take my Remington. Let me see your fake gun." [22:06] Mark trades him the fake gun for the real one. It does, indeed, look and feel like a real gun. [22:06] 6Marisol: “Oh…well, Scrim and I are different. Scrim is very strong, and I’ve got my gun and other weapons. I think we have a good shot at beating this.” 00[22:07] 4Scrim will load it with buckshot, which he assume it takes, and walk over to his car, and shoot the driver's side window. Is it a real gun? [22:07] Mark: “I’m not even from here, man. That’s the fucked up part. This is my vacation place. I come up here to train. Professional gamer. Esports, you know? Tournaments and stuff.” 00[22:07] "Absolutely. I'll be right back." [22:08] It does indeed take buckshot…but when he pulls the trigger, instead of a concussive blast he hears a sharp psst sound, followed by a muted thwip where an airsoft pellet smacks the window. 00[22:09] 4Scrim works the action and ejects the buckshot shell. What's its state? 00[22:09] 4Spent, normal, now weirdly airsoft? [22:09] It comes out empty and smoking. 00[22:09] 4Interesting. [22:09] Just an empty buckshot cartridge. 00[22:10] 4Scrim puts the gun in the back of the Escort. "Yeah that's your gun alright. Someone fucked it with magic. Would love to meet whatever did it." [22:10] Marge: “You have any food with you? We’re running out.” [22:11] Mark: “Yeah. Magic. That’s why I figured Satanists or something. I mean - yeah, I know it’s all bullshit, but I guess it’s real after all. People in black and magic spells and kids getting abducted. You should have heard what the kids said. Crazy shit.” [22:12] “Like, they said they found a man in a fucking glass…uh, what’s the mummy coffin thing. Sarcophagus. Just standing there.” [22:12] 6Marisol: “Shit…We don’t. Besides weapons, we didn’t prepare any food. I’ll make sure to find Justin quickly, so that maybe in a day or two everything can go back to normal.” [22:12] “Oh, and branches coming to life. And skeletons walking around. Halloween shit.” [22:13] 6Marisol: “Kylie and Josh, do you know in what direction you went when you came across that hole?” [22:13] Marge holds the door open for her, out of the bedroom. “Yeah. We don’t have much choice but to trust you, don’t we?” [22:14] 6Marisol: “I’m sorry. I’ll do everything in my power to make things right again for you folks. I promise.” [22:14] Kylie: “We went north first. Going up the mountain. I know how to read a compass. But we got turned around. You can’t see anything up there. But that pit was north of here. North of everything we saw. And we had to run south to get back here.” 00[22:15] 4Scrim: "Well, that probably happened." 00[22:15] "At least some of it." 00[22:15] "Like they fucked up your gun and now we're not allowed to leave the mountain. We can't discount the rest of it." [22:15] 6Marisol: “Thanks! Is there anything else that you remember about that area? A smell, a sound, anything else?” [22:16] “It’s cold. Wet.” The teens shrug. [22:18] Marge escorts Marisol out of the bedroom, into the living room. “That’s all they know. Now, who was the person you were looking for?” [22:19] 6Marisol: “Oh…okay. Well, that’s okay. Thank you.” 6Marisol looks at Marge, “She has a very distinct face, but also very private. She’s just a hiker who’s gone missing.” [22:20] 6Marisol: “We’ll get going now. Scrim and I will try to find Justin as soon as possible.” [22:20] Marge: “Okay. Good luck. I wish there was something else I could do.” [22:20] “Come back soon.” 00[22:21] 4Scrim: "Hold onto that gun. It'll work until whatever's going on here fucks with it." 4Has Marisol stepped back into the main room? [22:22] Yeah, she’s back. 00[22:22] 4If so, Scrim will wave her out onto the porch. [22:23] 6Marisol: “Just stay hunkered down here. Don’t let anyone leave, okay? Scrim and I are going now.” 00[22:24] 4Scrim, once they're on the porch: "We can't leave." [22:24] 6Marisol: “What do you mean? We’re able to walk through the fog.” 00[22:25] 4Scrim: "We were able to come UP through the fog. We're not going to be able to leave in any way that matters." 00[22:25] "Real fly trap shit." 00[22:25] "That's cool, though, because whatever is doing this is going to eventually going to have to deal with us." [22:26] 6Marisol: “But we aren’t leaving. We’re going to the mountain, right now. We have to go north.” 00[22:26] "Oh, that's fine." [22:27] 6Marisol: “We have to kill this thing, sooner than later. These people are running out of food.” 00[22:27] 4To Mark: "Keep the gun." 00[22:27] 4Scrim: "It's gonna hit us on the walk up. We should be ready for that." 00[22:28] "Get ammo out of the back of the Escort and let's roll." [22:30] 6Marisol grabs that ammo and puts it in her bag. She has backup ammo with Grumma-Lumma too, just in case. “Let’s go.” [22:35] The edge of the mist is like someone lowered a wall of swirling, opaque mist straight onto the forest path leading north. [22:35] Even sticking your head in for a moment, you realize that it’s going to be nearly impossible to navigate by sight in here. The fog is so thick that you can barely see in front of your face. [22:36] Grumma-Lumma hands Marisol a compass. “Hey, this thing is finally useful!” [22:37] Dare they enter…? 00[22:39] 4Scrim: "I'm going in." [22:39] 6Marisol: “Thanks Grumma-Lumma.” 6Marisol starts walking north with Scrim tailing her. The fog is a little disorienting, making her walk slowly and methodically. [22:41] Walking north through the freezing fog is a viscerally unpleasant experience. Even for beings not bothered by cold, the constant wet wind blowing in your face, and having to pick your way through uneven mountainside while barely being able to see, sucks. [22:41] Scrim’s foot bumps against something as they walk. If he looks down, he’ll see a dead bird on the ground, frozen solid. [22:41] 6Marisol whispers, “Ugh, this sucks.” [22:41] But they finally reach a clearing in the mist. 00[22:42] 4Scrim: "...Yeah. Watch your feet." [22:43] And they hear a voice. “Hello! Hey, is somebody there?? Hello?!” 00[22:44] 4Scrim looks over at Marisol. "They can find us if we holler back." 00[22:44] "If we respond, we respond hard and fast." 00[22:44] "Like I'm gonna run to the voice and hope it's Justin." [22:44] In front of them in a small meadow is a huge patch of briars and thorns. Somewhere in its middle, obscured by the branches, is the shape of a person. [22:44] “Get me out of here!!” [22:45] 6Marisol whispers, “We’re not going to respond. Let’s follow the voice.” 00[22:46] 4Scrim nods. 00[22:46] 4Time to creep up on the bait? [22:46] 6Marisol keeps walking towards the branches and the figure to get a better look at the situation. [22:48] The branches shake as they creep closer. Somebody is tangled up in it, writing. “Hey!! Get me out!!” [22:48] writhing* [22:48] 6Marisol: “Do you want to go for it, claws out and all just in case?” [22:49] 6To Scrim* 00[22:49] 4Scrim: "Yeah my deal is just walking in with violence. But I don't want to leave you hanging out to dry." 00[22:51] "So be ready with that scattergun." [22:51] 6Marisol nods, “I’m ready.” 00[22:57] 4Scrim: "Hey HEY HEY. What's up big boy. Big bramble. Large fog and large hog, I think you've got it all beat except for me. Justin, my guy! I hear you up there, hollering. And I respect that. And we'll get you down. Now -- what's going on with the rest of you?" 00[22:58] "That's a real question. I'm trying to ask real question. You can't just trap everyone up on the mountaintop forever." 00[22:59] "If you think you can...well, I'm right here, and you're fight fear. Loser. So get in the ring and let's square the circle." 02[22:59] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) [23:00] The bush shakes again. “Who is Justin??? Can you pull me out of this thing??” 00[23:01] 4Scrim raises his arms in digust. "Come on!!!" [23:01] “Who ARE you??” 00[23:01] "We can't even pretend we're--fuck you! Why should I save you!" 00[23:01] "Give me a reason idiot!" 00[23:01] "I was here for Justin!" [23:02] “Are you fucking kidding me?? Fuck you! Pull me out!! I got lost up here and now I’m stuck!!” 03[23:02] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire [23:02] [8:00pm] Quaker: The bush shakes again. “Who is Justin??? Can you pull me out of this thing??” [23:02] [8:01pm] Crion: Scrim raises his arms in digust. "Come on!!!" [23:02] [8:01pm] Quaker: “Who ARE you??” [23:02] [8:01pm] Crion: "We can't even pretend we're--fuck you! Why should I save you!" [23:02] [8:01pm] Crion: "Give me a reason idiot!" [23:02] [8:01pm] Crion: "I was here for Justin!" [23:02] [8:02pm] Quaker: “Are you fucking kidding me?? Fuck you! Pull me out!! I got lost up here and now I’m stuck!!” [23:02] “I’ve got some stuff on me, you can have it, just help me and pull me out!” 00[23:04] 4Scrim: "What's your name? Your name's not Justin, what's your name?" [23:04] “Carolyn!” [23:11] Marisol’s beast tumbles out of her, slapping against the ground and slithering towards the writhing bush. It throws itself on the spikes, sprays of blood misting the air, tasting the brambles, burrowing deep and drinking in the scent of the ground. The bloody mist returns to Marisol - My name is Carolyn Bush can you pull me out I got pulled in I need you to pull in me out I was pull in while i was hiking can you pull in who is Justin pull in [23:11] can you pull in me pull in I was pull in 4PULL IN 1I 4P U L L I N  00[23:12] 4Scrim looks over at Marisol. 00[23:12] 4His face says: This seems like a trap. And I'd love to meet it. [23:13] 6Marisol: “We have to leave, now. Like right now, this is a trap.” 00[23:13] 4Scrim: "We can't leave, yeah? What we want is here or past here." 00[23:13] "I gotta go meet Carolyn." 00[23:14] 4His fangs and claws are out. [23:15] 6Marisol starts walking away from the branches. “It’s just branches. They’ll tie you up, and you won’t be able to get out. We have to go around.” 00[23:16] 4Scrim: "Ugh." 00[23:16] "YOU'RE LUCKY!" [23:19] North again. Cold fog and wind again. [23:19] It’s a few minutes before you realize you’re actually tramping through light snow. 00[23:19] 4That's what the boots are for. [23:20] Another clearing, this time empty except for a large tunnel opening under a copse of trees. Almost like a driveway pointing down to a space among the gnarled roots. There’s light in there, and warmth. They can hear something on a radio - a…baseball game? [23:20] No heartbeats. 00[23:21] 4Scrim: "Nothing here. Which way are we headed?" [23:22] They hear laughter coming from the roots. Faintly: “Yeah! Yeah! Clobber ‘em!” [23:27] 6Marisol: “We’ll go through the tunnel, maybe we’ll find something of Justin in there?” 00[23:27] 4Scrim: "Yeah. I'll lead." 00[23:28] "Going down..." [23:28] 6Marisol starts walking into the warm tunnel. [23:28] They hear raucous laughter, and the air growing hotter. Nestled in the center of the root-tunnel is a large chamber, hollowed out and fenced off by extremely thick tree roots in a tangled fence. On the other side of the fence, you can see some kind of…goblin? 00[23:29] "LOOKING FOR JUSTIN." [23:29] It’s reclinging on a La-Z-Boy with its feet up, listening to a radio and eating from a bowl of potato chips perched on its stomach - you reached it just as it empties the bowl, and it tosses it aside irritably. This thing is out of your reach, for now, with the tree roots separating you and it. [23:31] “Well, well, well. Who in the BLUE HELL are you?” [23:31] “Justin?” The fat little goblin strokes its chin. “That kid that fell in the pit?” [23:31] 6Marisol: “Yeah!” [23:31] “Grandmother’s named Marge? Got two siblings? From the trailer park?” 00[23:32] 4Scrim was already looking for ways to climb up. "I'm the NEVER Openweight Champion of the world, with four successful title defenses." [23:32] 6Marisol: “Yeah!” 00[23:32] "You do-nothing no-account no-cardio no-work no-look no-talk no-sell jobber fuck." [23:32] “Funny, you look like Punished Snake - except looking at your ugly mug is the punishment!” 00[23:33] "I will fucking kill you." [23:33] The goblin laughs. “Good one! Good one!” [23:33] “Oh, you mean the PIT? The big hole in the ground? With all the dead grabby hands???” [23:33] 6Marisol puts her hand over her mouth in shock of the Goblin’s comeback. [23:33] 6Marisol nods, “Yeah…” [23:33] The goblin lifts up an ass cheek and farts. “Never heard of it! Or a Justin! Nyahaha!” 00[23:34] 4Scrim, to Marisol: "I told him what I'd do. I can't be held responsible." [23:34] “Responsible? Buddy, you look like the kind of guy they turn away from the driver’s test!” [23:34] 6Marisol points her gun at the disgusting creature, “Are you fucking serious?” 6She cocks it. [23:35] “Hey! Hey! Woah! Hold on!” [23:35] “You’ve got a fucking gun??” [23:35] “I could talk…” [23:35] “If I felt so inclined…” [23:36] “Maybe if I got a nice….gift….?" [23:36] 6Marisol: “Either me or my friend is going to kill you, so…shut the fuck up.” 00[23:37] 4Scrim is already climbing, hissing, and screeching. [23:37] “Jesus. Okay. Friggin’ broads these days. What the hell do you want, Morticia Addams and the Vanilla Gorilla?” [23:38] “Oh my god! Stop him!” [23:38] “I’ll talk.” [23:38] 6Marisol gives a confused look, but nevertheless, stands her ground. “Okay, then talk.” [23:39] 6My friend will tear you apart. [23:39] “Whaddya want? Dumbass kids wander in here while the pit’s shooting off, one falls in, I hear about it from the trees and the leaves. You gotta problem with that???” 00[23:39] 4He's making pretty good progress. [23:39] “Hey, those roots cost money!” [23:40] “What do you want to know?” 00[23:40] "TELL ME MORE" 00[23:40] "ABOUT" 00[23:40] "MY JACKET" [23:40] 6Marisol: “Do you know where those kids are? Who is taking them? Where is this thing that is taking them?” [23:40] “It looks good! Like you’d have to unlock it grinding the missions for S-rank!” [23:42] “Yeah, yeah. Look. Kid’s in the pit. The pit’s the pit. You know….souls go in, don’t go out, yadda yadda. I don’t know anybody’s *taking* anybody. That’s certainly not my business.” [23:43] 6Marisol: “Scrim, waste him.” [23:43] The goblin looks nervously at Scrim among the roots. “I mean…you wanna know where it is?” [23:44] “I am not involved with the pit! Totally unaffiliated!” [23:44] 6Marisol: “Where is the pit?” [23:44] “And I’ve got treasure! You’ll leave for a location, and some goodies?” [23:47] Even as this thing is babbling, Scrim picks up a new sound - outside, up. Chains clanking around out there. 00[23:48] 4Time to head up, then. 00[23:48] 4And ignore this guy, unless he attacks. [23:48] “Hey, wait! We got a deal?” 00[23:48] 4Without looking: "Not with me." [23:48] 6Marisol: “Where is the pit? You did not answer me.” [23:50] “It’s north of the old man playing the dice game! It always is! Things get mixed up around here, but it’s always north of him! Ok?” [23:50] When Scrim comes up out of the tunnel, he does indeed see the Halloween Shit Mark mentioned. [23:51] Three skeletons are slowly walking across the field. Their legs are bound together by a huge, rusting chain. [23:51] 6Marisol puts her gun down. “Thanks for your cooperation. Now, sit back down and eat your chips.” [23:51] 6Marisol: “Scrim, are you okay up there?” [23:52] Silently, the skeletons tack towards the tunnel entrance. 00[23:52] 4Scrim: "Oh, I'm fine." 02[23:56] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Sat Nov 12 00:00:00 2022 02[00:13] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:18] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[00:38] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[00:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[00:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:28] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:29] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:34] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:41] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:43] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:58] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[13:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) Session Time: Sun Nov 13 00:00:00 2022 03[14:59] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:14] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[17:48] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:46] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:23] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Nov 13 20:24:27 2022 Session Start: Sun Nov 13 20:26:29 2022 Session Ident: #inlandvampire 03[20:26] * Now talking in #inlandvampire 03[20:26] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[20:26] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[20:27] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 02[20:27] * Disconnected 02[20:27] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[20:27] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[20:27] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[20:27] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 Session Time: Mon Nov 14 00:00:00 2022 02[00:42] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[04:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:11] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[16:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[16:50] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:47] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:01] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:04] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:22] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:28] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:57] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:50] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:02] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:16] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:23] * banana is now known as banana|split 03[22:49] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:53] * Quaker ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[23:00] * banana|split is now known as banana 03[23:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Tue Nov 15 00:00:00 2022 02[00:08] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[00:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:03] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[01:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[01:30] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-52b.09q.216.162.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[01:31] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:33] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-52b.09q.216.162.IP) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by dammitwhoaaa)) 03[01:33] * dammitwho (joanofarcta@sorcery-dbt.b5c.126.50.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:23] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[12:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[15:40] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:42] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:07] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[21:25] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:27] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:00] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Wed Nov 16 00:00:00 2022 02[00:30] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[00:43] * banana ( Quit (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5+deb4 - 03[01:05] * banana (banana@sorcery-dp9.4gm.84.166.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[01:06] * banana is now known as Guest51004 02[01:14] * Guest51004 (banana@sorcery-dp9.4gm.84.166.IP) Quit (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5+deb4 - 03[01:14] * banana (banana@sorcery-dp9.4gm.84.166.IP) has joined #inlandvampire 03[01:15] * banana is now known as Guest1177 03[02:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:19] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[05:13] * Disconnected 02[05:14] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[05:14] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[05:14] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[05:14] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 02[05:16] * Crion ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[06:24] * Guest1177 is now known as banana 03[09:03] * banana is now known as banana|fixusername 03[09:03] * banana|fixusername is now known as banana 02[10:15] * Disconnected 02[10:15] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[10:15] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[10:15] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[10:15] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[10:25] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:34] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[14:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[14:46] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[15:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:47] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:09] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:24] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:32] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[19:48] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:51] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[19:51] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:50] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[20:52] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[20:52] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 02[21:25] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:05] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[22:13] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[22:40] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[23:26] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) Session Time: Thu Nov 17 00:00:00 2022 03[00:30] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:54] * Quaker ( Quit (Connection closed) 03[01:54] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:31] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[13:36] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 03[17:05] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:06] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:16] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:43] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:43] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[18:46] * potionseller ( Quit (Client exited) 02[18:56] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:06] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[21:43] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[22:01] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire Session Time: Fri Nov 18 00:00:00 2022 02[01:17] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:17] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[01:25] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[01:27] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[02:57] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[03:08] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[03:38] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[07:19] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[08:55] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[10:56] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[11:10] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[11:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[17:39] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[18:07] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:21] * Quaker ( Quit (Client exited) 03[19:35] * Quaker ( has joined #inlandvampire 02[19:38] * Disconnected 02[19:42] * Attempting to rejoin channel #inlandvampire 03[19:42] * Rejoined channel #inlandvampire 03[19:42] * Topic is 'Inland Vampire - Fridays 5PM PST - Through Sammy’s Door' 03[19:42] * Set by Quaker! on Fri Oct 14 02:40:19 2022 03[19:46] * potionseller ( has joined #inlandvampire